#neil josten my favourite liar
atlalasassy · 2 days
The cousins finding out about Neil speaking German would’ve been funnier if they were just in the middle of having a conversation in German and Neil butted in because he couldn’t keep his mouth shut
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t4tstarvingdog · 3 months
writes a poem about lying and then my favourite liar besides neil josten posts a lie. i love to see it
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smol-midgets · 4 years
Professor!Andrew AU
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
So his students know how soft he is, but they are also kind of terrified of the short midget. The constant death threats don't help
"Get used to it, you're majoring in criminology"
One day "If you don't want a knife between your ribs I'd recommend being less of a nuisance"
"Professor, you don't have knives"
Andrew looks pointedly at his armbands
".....Do you have knives in your armbands!?"
"Don't ask stupid questions"
They still don't know if he has knives in his armbands
He's staying back after school often, teaching John, some of the strikers from the team also stay back to improve further
On morning of November 4th, Andrew wakes up to Neil gently calling his name
He opens his eyes to find bright blue eyes staring down at him, hair glowing auburn from the sunlight filtering through the windows, and a gorgeous smile
Neil bends down to whisper a soft happy birthday against his lips, before lightly kissing him. "Go brush, Drew, and come out for breakfast"
He comes out for breakfast and sees Neil standing by the counter, preparing pancakes
"You made pancakes?"
"Don't worry I didn't poison them"
"You're cooking is inedible enough, you don't need the poison"
Neil pouts and Andrew has to kiss it away. One kiss turns to two, then ten, and then Andrews setting Neil on the kitchen counter, they're lips not parting the entire time
Andrew gets late for his class
when he gets there, Kevin is sitting at his desk. Students are staring because Kevin Day is sitting in their classroom in front of them
Cue Andrew's "What the fuck are you doing here"
Kevin is out of Andrew's chair in an instant "You're late for your class. And I wanted to tell you to come to that La Guardia restraunt by 6 today"
Andrew narrows his eyes "Why"
"I wanna have dinner with you"
"What do you mean why! Can't I wanna have dinner with my best friend on his birthday??" Did he say best friend??? Professor Minyard is best friends with Kevin Day?? And it's his birthday??????
"You were never a good liar"
"I just wanna have dinner with you!"
"Try again"
Kevin's eyes dart around him, as if looking for help
"Spill day, or leave, but stop wasting my time"
*sighs* "Fine, we have a surprise planned for you"
"I hate surprises"
"We know but you'll love this one! I swear! Will you just come to the damned restaurant Andrew!?"
Kevin tries a little more, but eventually throws his hands in the air and leaves grumbling to himself (Andrew enjoys saying no to Kevin way too much)
"Is it your birthday today professor?"
"Why didn't you tell us?"
"I don't care about it" and that was that
When Andrew gets home Neil asks him if he enjoyed his birthday present. When Andrew only raises his eyebrows Neil says "It's been a long time since you really got to say no to Kevin. I know how much you enjoy it. That was your first birthday present. Well... second since this morning" And then smiles cheekily
Andrew rolls his eyes, but they're fond "So are you going to try to convince me to come now?"
"I definitely want you to. We know you don't like surprises but I really thought you'd enjoy this. If you say no nobody is going to force you"
"What will you give me for it?"
"Don't ask questions you already know the answer to"
And how could Andrew say no to his junkie now?
So they go to the restraunt, and all the foxes, plus a few other people from Andrew and Neil's old exy team are there (only the people they got close to). Some of Aaron's colleagues are there too. Everyone wishes Andrew and Aaron happy birthday. It's a good reunion, he gets the chance to catch up
Kevin and Aaron drink a lot and get up to weird shenanigans. Matt starts behaving like a puppy and cooing over Dan and Neil. Allison and Nicky start betting on everything and drag the rest of the foxes into it too
Andrew pretends to be annoyed by how he has to deal with the foxes' antics, but he's secretly happy to be around their weirdness again
A few hours later Neil and Andrew leave the party, and Neil takes Andrew to the roof of an abandoned building, where they share whiskey, cigarettes and kisses
They go home and cuddle and fall asleep
The next day his students have prepared an assortment of his favourite chocolates and ice creams (how he manages to maintain that body is a mystery), and a copy of a book he wanted
Andrew is just staring, and at first they think he doesn't like it but then they notice the reverent way he's holding the book (it's a book he's thought of buying for a long time)
"There's even a few cupcakes for your wife here"
"Husband" Andrew corrects automatically, finally able to unstick his tongue from his mouth, "and he doesn't like anything sweet"
Fortunately for them they quickly gather themselves and respond with smiles "Oh sorry. Well, more for you then"
They know better than to think that Andrew will thank them. But when he starts eating what they got him while teaching, they know he liked it
One day students slowly filter in the class to find a man in a large black hoodie sitting at the back of the class
Of course they are criminology students they're not going to just ignore a shady man in their class they've never seen before
So after bugging and threatening the man a little, he lifts his hoodie to reveal
Neil josten
Several students are mortified because they just threatened Neil fucking Josten
Others are still trying to get over their shock at seeing Neil fucking Josten in real life
Andrew enters the class and looks at Neil "Aren't you supposed to be at practice". As if Neil Josten sitting in their classroom is a perfectly normal thing. Right, the only thing weird in this scenario is that he's missing practice. That's it.
Neil responds "I wanted to see you teach"
Andrew narrows his eyes "Did they kick you out? What did you do"
Now Neil looks sheepish "Ah yeah, I kind of hurt myself and Coach forced me to take the day off, but I do want to see you teach."
Andrew is visibly irritated and is grumbling something to himself quietly
The students' eyes are wide because that's probably the most emotion they've seen on their professor's face
He turns to the class and is clearly unimpressed "I don't want to be here either, but that doesn't give you free pass to stare at my face and do nothing. And you," looks pointedly at Neil, "if you're going to sit there you better keep that mouth shut."
Neil considers making a comment about how they might be staring because he's so pretty, but let's it go. However he definitely smirks at Andrew in a way that clearly says "you know how to shut me up"
Andrew tries very hard not to blush, and turns to the board in case he was unsuccessful (he was)
Everyone forcibly look away from the celebrity sitting in their classroom and try to concentrate on the lesson
Andrew makes sure they pay attention (flying chalks make for surprisingly good projectiles)
He finishes his lesson 5-10 minutes early so his students can talk to Neil like they have been dying to the entire time
In his office, later after class, Andrew looks over Neil's injuries
"It's not that bad, Drew. Really I'm f—"
He's interrupted by Andrew's mouth on his. "Don't" is all Andrew says between kisses. Neil smiles
I am SO sorry this part has come this late. I've had a lot on my plate these days. On the bright side, you will be happy to know I've found the super old post that inspired this fic! You can find it here. Credits to @humongousvoidbear for that. (I'll admit this entire fic could be better, but again, this was completely self-indulgent.)
EDIT: I have made a small edition to this part, because someone wanted a meeting of Neil and the students. This is the best I could come up with, hope you like it!
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scribbleb-red · 5 years
The Scars - (Sculptor Neil x Muse Andrew AU)
Three years ago Neil (a reclusive but renown sculptor) met Andrew (a nobody going nowhere). 
Andrew had found Neil's cat, hiding under his car. Neil took a liking to Andrew. 
Andrew could see Neil was full of secrets, but the snark and the intrigue kept him coming back.
But a pestering journalist from Galatea magazine (ie. the plucky bitch that is Allison Reynolds) managed to track down Neil (known mostly as N) and from surveilling them, deduce that Andrew is N’s latest muse for his upcoming show. 
Andrew, who knew nothing of Neil's work, feels used.
He feels used and shattered and like the tentative *something* he thought he was forming with Neil was all a lie, all for some stupid rocks turned into stupider shapes. 
He packs up his life, as he has over a dozen times before, and disappears. 
No goodbyes. No explanations.
He doesn't need more lies from Neil Josten.
N's much anticipated show never happens. 
In a single, rare interview, he announces his retirement from the art world. 
 It's cost him too much, he says. 
 Andrew feels a thrill in his chest; it's all spite. 
Three years go by.
Andrew is living in New York, working in an auction house. 
He only took the job because of Renee, who needed someone to come in and help urgently. 
 He's on his second week when it's announced that they'll be auctioning off a private collection called "The Scars". 
It's by N.
As an artist N has always been recognised for his subject matter, for confronting the worst of the human condition by pushing the boundaries of material and media. "The Scars" is a selection of his earliest pieces - they're grotesque, alien - and Andrew recognises the subject matter, the inspiration behind them.
There's the puckering iron brand from Neil's shoulder. 
The pebble smooth bullet wound. 
The lacerations over his stomach where a road tried to shred his skin. 
A fractured monstrous child. 
 Andrew hates them. Hates their rawness. Hates their truth.
"Rumour is, he'll be here tonight," Renee tells him as they prep the room.
 Andrew raises an eyebrow. 
 "N," Renee explains. "No one knows who he is, of course, but apparently he's been trying to buy back his work. Allison's column speculated that he'd be here for the show."
"So a whole lot of fans are going to turn up?" 
"Sorry to make your life difficult." Andrew shrugs. She's thinking of the extra work he'll have on the door. He never told her about the months spent with Neil, the summer nights, the autumn walks, the winter his heart froze over.
The crowd arrives. 
Allison is amongst them: eyes sharp, heels sharper. 
Matt Boyd comes next with Dan Wilds, known for her strategy on bids. 
Kevin Day stalks through, ear piece in, determination setting his jaw. 
Andrew does not see N.
Andrew's not looking for him, by the way, of course not. 
Andrew wants nothing to do with N. Nothing to do with his scars or his smiles, his secrets or his promises. 
He's not scanning the crowd, looking for a shock of red hair. He's not hyperaware of every flash of blue.
And that's when the bidding starts. The first sculpture is "Mother's Ruin". On one-side it's bullet-smooth, a puckered dot; on the other a female shape pulls through, raging, screaming, mouth deadlier than the wound. 
Kevin starts the bid. Dan follows. Back and forth they go.
When Kevin taps out, eyes hard as the stone from which the sculpture is cut, Dan releases a vicious and victorious smile. 
Which is when a new bidder enters the arena. Dark hair. Dark scarf. Dark cane across his knees. A familiar set to his shoulders. 
But no. It isn't N. It can’t be.
But it isn't Neil either. 
Or if it is, it's like seeing someone else's e-fit of him. All wrong. Something real is missing. This man is brittle, lean as a clip-point. His wrists are all bone.
N doesn't flinch when the hammer falls and the final price is put on his own work. He is eerily still. Andrew thinks about a time when any loud noise would have made Neil startle with excitement, a new sensation, something to explore. When he was the most animated person in any room - all energy, all life.
The same thing happens on the next piece. And the next. Kevin and Dan are furious. Allison is watching Neil with the same deadly look in her expression that Andrew remembers from when she appeared at his front door all those years ago. 
Andrew doesn't understand.
(And he doesn't want to. He's not interested. He doesn't care.) 
But as the auction ends and Neil is in possession of all of his art once more, as Allison stalks towards the man they both know to be N, Andrew finally sees his face. Gaunt and blank, bruises under his eyes.
Neil looks like one of "The Scars" - a ruined version of himself, sunken and shrunken and beaten down. 
Andrew is moving before he can think about it. Moving to block Allison's path, to stop her from reaching a man that is so clearly sick and strange and unlike himself.
Seeing Andrew coming, Allison stops. She knows the warning set of his jaw, it's the same expression he wore when he threw her off his doorstep. She stops, but she grins. He can almost see the ideas spinning inside her skull. Muse and artist reunited once more? Was this a story?
When he turns, Neil is gone.
Fortunately, Andrew knows he has to be around. There's  paperwork to be done, after all. So he goes outside. There's a familiar black sports-car parked there. Andrew leans against it and waits. And waits.
"Are you really going to smoke that entire pack waiting for me?" 
 Andrew exhales smoke through his nose. 
Even Neil's voice is ragged, rough with disuse. He tells himself it doesn't matter. 
"What do you want, Andrew?" 
"You upset a lot of people here tonight," Andrew says.
"What do you want, Andrew?" 
 "Interesting move, buying up your own art. Are you trying to create a scarcity effect? Trying to inflate the price?"
 Neil asks a third time: "What do you want, Andrew?" 
 Andrew fixes a look on Neil, he really does look dreadful.
What's with the contact lenses? He wants to ask. What's with the hair? Why are you so thin? What happened? Are you sick? Are you dying? 
 "I'm not coming to your funeral," he says. 
 "Whatever's wrong with you, I won't be there." 
 Neil shakes his head. "I'm not dying."
Lie. Lie. Lie. 
 Andrew didn't realise he'd be able to hear dishonesty in Neil's voice as easily as he ever had. 
"Don't lie to a liar, Neil. Didn't you tell me that?" 
"Ha." Neil leans heavily on his cane, sees Andrew's scepticism. Insists: "I'm not."
"I'm taking a turn," Andrew says, sees the pain lancing over Neil's features when he hears it. It looks an awful lot like grief. 
Neil still nods. 
"Why are you buying back your art?" 
Neil's face twists: mouth tipping down, eyes squeezing shut. "I'm destroying it. All of it."
The cigarette nearly drops from Andrew's lips. He catches it in time, rolls it between the tips of his fingers. "Why?" 
"It's not your turn." 
"Then take yours." 
Neil looks at him. Andrew wishes his eyes weren't muddy brown, that he could see the man he knew, not this underworld shade.
"No," Neil says. "I've taken quite enough from you." 
It's cryptic. It's nonsense. It's infuriating. 
"Fuck you," Andrew says. "Why are you destroying The Scars?" 
"Get off my car, Andrew." 
But Andrew knows about self-destructiveness. He's not stupid. He knows that look.
And he might not care about art, or sculpture. He might hate Neil for the lies he omitted day after day. He might loathe Neil for giving him colours only to take them away. But Neil was on the right side of hope last time he saw him. He doesn’t like this grey-washed half-man.
"Tell me," Andrew says. It's almost a growl. "Tell me why you're doing this." 
Neil sighs. "Not here. Get in the car. My place is nearby." 
Andrew never wanted to be in close proximity to Neil again but he wants to know what's going on more than he can pretend he doesn't care.
So they get in the car and they drive and they come to Neil's apartment, a classic loft in a red brick block. It's huge, shabby and unloved, everything a little tatty at the edges. 
 Like Neil, Andrew's brain supplies. Never taking care of himself, heart so big it felt empty.
Neil makes coffee. It's just how Andrew likes it, from the sugar and cream right down to his favourite mug. 
He frowns. "You kept this." 
"I shouldn't have, I'm sorry." 
The apology makes Andrew bristle.
Andrew asks for the truth again. Why is Neil destroying "The Scars"? 
"Not just them. All of them. All of it." And Neil begins to talk.
It starts the day Andrew found his cat, when he turned up on Neil's door, soaked to the bone with King tucked into the front of his coat. 
 "I never told you why she was out there, did I? I threw her out. I was in way. Panicking. Freaking out. I thought nothing was safe."
Neil talked about meeting Andrew. How he felt immediately drawn to him, like to like. He talks about the mornings when he woke up and the brightest thing in the day was the promise of Andrew's presence. He describes how those bright moments translated into his work. 
He doesn't linger on the soft moments, though Andrew's brain supplies them: iced coffee on the park swings, warm smiles, red hair against his shoulder, lying his head in Neil's lap, sharing smoke, swapping truths.
"Hope," Neil says like the word is a fragile thing. "Crept into everything I made. It made the edges softer, made jagged pieces slide together, drew colours out of grey stone." 
And he started making new things too - mixing gold and marble, hard with soft.
"I thought I was inspired by kintsugi - the idea of repairing broken things in a way that revitalises them. New life." 
And then Allison came. And she spoke to Andrew. And then she spoke to Neil. 
"She told me what you said, Andrew. She told me how very sick I am."
Andrew frowns. "What did she say I said?" 
"That I hurt you. That I used you. That what I did was like rape." Neil's words are biting and blunted and all together mirthless. "I was taking from you without permission. That I'm just like him, like my father."
Andrew is silent. 
"I hadn't even thought about it. I know I should have. The work was just so separate to us - I didn't see how I was using you. How I was abusing you. But of course it wasn't kintsugi - it was you. Everything. The gold. The marble. The edges. The way they fit."
"And the way I felt." Neil's breath is a rattle. He really is too thin. "The way I felt about you was also everything." 
"Is," Neil corrects, reluctantly. "And I know that's wrong. That it makes you uncomfortable. And I get it. I do. It made me realise how my art is monstrous."
"I wasn't cutting anyone open. I wasn’t physically hurting anyone. But I was destroying people. Flaying them alive. Slicing them open. Revealing their secrets. Wasn't I? The Scars. The Butcher. White Bones, Black Sand. Every collection. Every act of brutalism. Exacted over and over with every witness."
The silence that falls is oppressive. It's the sky before a storm. The water closing over your head when you can't swim.
Andrew knows he has to say something.
Andrew knows what he has to say. 
"Allison got it wrong, Neil. She got it wrong for both of us." 
Because Andrew was never angry about being a muse. 
No, when Andrew found out who Neil was, he felt cold. 
And when Allison asked him for comment on what it was like to be 'the latest', he felt numb. Like none of it was real.
Whatever they had was meant to be nothing. But finding out that it really was nothing -  the coffee and the conversation, the confidences and shared quiet - all of it meaningless... That bottomed him out, sent him plunging straight down into the cold, dark places in his brain. That was why he was mad. That was why he left. 
Was it all real after all?
"You hurt me." Andrew can't deny that. He'd been prepared to never let anyone or anything else in ever again. Because Neil isn’t something he could ever take back or recover from. Neil was a chance he shouldn't have taken. "But I'd do it all again."
There is a moment when Neil's brain hasn't quite caught up - where he looks like he might be torn between running & crying & breaking apart. There is so much damage to undo here. Years they need to discuss. Issues Neil probably hasn't spoken to anyone about, recluse that he is.
Andrew makes the first move - placing his mug on the table, moving to stand in front of Neil. He places two fingers under Neil's chin, tilting his face upwards.
 "You are Neil Josten, and right now you are sick, but not because you're your father. You haven't abused anyone. You never abused me."
 "Don't. Argue. About. This." Andrew says. "I know you like to run your mouth and catastrophise - but tonight you're just Neil, and I'm just the man who found your fucking cat. And you're going to take out those hideous lenses and get some sleep."
When Neil doesn't move, Andrew lifts him out of his seat. 
When Neil stumbles without his cane, Andrew helps take his weight. 
When Neil asks Andrew to stay, Andrew borrows a t-shirt that's just a tiny bit too snug and curls up on the other side of the bed.
When Andrew takes Neil's hand, they're missing the callouses he remembers.
When Andrew brushes Neil's knuckles with his lips, they both almost stop breathing. 
Before Andrew falls asleep, he thinks maybe, just maybe, that if he asked for a kiss -a real one- Neil would say yes.
The end. 
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lazy-queen · 6 years
Andreil Ficlist
So, I’ve been away from Tumblr for a while but my love for the fandom is still strong. I’ve read some awesome fics from this pairing, and if you are looking for something too, you’re welcome to use this as guide.
Pairing: Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard
Fandom: All For The Game (Nora Sakavic)
All of them are taken from AO3, and all of them are marked as completed. Enjoy!
Tumblr media
Hold Each Other by exactly13percent (superagentwolf)
He came along and showed me how to let go. - A series of stories about Andrew and Neil, with occasional Fox Family-centric feels. Current lineup: SMUT / Neil bringing up his torture / Neil protecting the Foxes / Neil using Nathaniel for good / AU: Riko, Canon divergence / Fixing Nicky's Kiss / Post-Canon AU / 5+1 bonding / Andrew & Nathaniel / Neil & Nicky bond / Magic!AU with tattoos / Post-Canon Piercing & Aaron bonding / Neil & minor PTSD / Neil & PTSD, Andreil / SMUT / Andrew and jealousy (kinda) / Baltimore AU & Kevin, Matt bonding / Neil trauma & Andreil / normal!AU Andreil in 3 parts / Raven!Neil AU in 8 parts / Andreil tea shop!AU / Andreil flower shop!AU / Andreil no Exy&college AU / Andreil no exy & college AU again lmao - UPDATE: This has turned into a series where each fic is a different AU! 
Hic Sunt Draconis by exactly13percent (superagentwolf) 
Andrew is just trying to keep Kevin alive when an elf jumps into the fray, flashing daggers and blue eyes. He hires the Foxes to help him catch a demon from his past, but it starts to feel less like he's the client and more like he's the protection. Andrew hates how entranced he is by the scarred rogue, with magic on his skin and a tongue as silvered as the city's statues.
It's a good thing Andrew needs something to hold his interest. Neil is doing his best to meet the expectation, whether anyone asked for it or not.
It's Way Beyond Ice Cream by nekojita for Blurredminds
(part 1 of the Ice Cream AU)
Fic for the AFTG Summer Exchange - Neil's doing his best as a new freshman at PSU, helped by Renee as he navigates life as a normal 'person'. That includes classes and studying, and dealing with a certain stubborn employee at the local ice cream shop who seems to delight in messing up his order each time he goes there for some unknown reason....
Of course Allison and Renee will eventually explain what's going on to him (and help poor Andrew out).
Life Never Tasted So Good by nekojita
(part 2 of the Ice Cream AU)
It's time for Andrew's date with the cute freshman he's been tormenting for the past couple of weeks by messing with his ice cream order. Still not convinced that Neil really wants to go out with him (in part because of how Neil is cagey about anything to do with his past), Andrew prepares for the night out.
In other words, continuation of 'It's Way Beyond Ice Cream'.
Feels Like Wasted Youth by conniptionns, exybee
Neil’s current living situation is … complicated.
Between his roommates’ badass rager parties and his neighbors’ constant barging into his apartment, Neil’s sure he can handle anything junior year throws at him
That is, until someone leaves a passive-aggressive noise complaint on his door. Unfortunately for the second floor, Neil has skipped the passive and gone full aggressive.
Or the Neighbors AU featuring post-finals parties, ill-timed fire alarms, and helpful campus squirrels.
Forever Home by moonix for lolainslackss
Neil works at a movie theatre. Andrew is his favourite (and only) customer.
The Kids Are Alright (Now) by Marmeladeskies for BakaDoll
When they're two years old, Aaron and Andrew are adopted together- and it changes the course of their fate drastically. A story about scars, healing, dogs, and the little boy with the auburn curls who just moved in next door.
Foxglove Fridays by moonix
(Part 1 of Foxglove Court)
Every Friday, Neil comes into Andrew's shop to buy flowers.
Wishbone Wednesdays by moonix
(Part 2 of Foxglove Court)
Attraction is a slow creature for Neil. It sneaks up on him over time and winds him tighter and tighter in its coils until he’s smothered in it.
In which Andrew is a florist with magic hands, Neil is a tattoo artist with a tragic past, and everyone else is busy wooing Renee at the coffee shop.
If You Must by Tourmaline147
Neil's whole world went up in flames the minute he burned his mother's dead body. Mary prepared him for almost every possible scenario, except this one. Now he's stuck in the middle of California trying to restart his life.
Andrew's world had been dark long before Neil Josten came into town. He's been barely living the past few years but he was working on that.
Together these two strangers who only knew how to survive take on a new challenge: learning to live.
*** Featuring the other foxes, the bad guys, copious amounts of music, and, hopefully, happiness.
*** Basically a high school au with music. Enjoy.
TFC High School AU by Moonix
1.  Take Shelter by moonix
After his mother's death Neil Josten just needs to keep his head down until graduation, then he's going to leave this town and identity behind like all the others and start over somewhere new. There's a small hitch in his plans though: his deal to protect Andrew from bullies in exchange for some quiet company.
2.  Guns And Horses by moonix
A year after they run away together, Andrew and Neil finally find themselves in Columbia where they make a temporary home, get jobs, and meet Aaron.
3.  Stop The World by moonix
Neil’s mother is dead. His father is in prison. If he’s lucky, things might just be working out. Except Neil isn’t usually lucky…
4.  Up In Flames by moonix
Neil keeps his promise.
The Proposal by PalmettoFoxDen
Andrew said he was engaged to Neil to get Nicky to stop telling him he would die alone. Now, Nicky is expecting Andrew to bring Neil to Columbia to meet them all. Meanwhile, Neil just found out he's going to be deported. Even though they can't stand each other, Andrew makes Neil a deal. If Neil visits Andrew's family and convinces them that they're really engaged, Andrew will marry him and convince the investigator on Neil's case that they're in love. But if they're going to convince anyone, they'll need to learn a lot about each other. 
A Thief and a Liar by ClockworkDragon, gluupor
After two years in prison for a crime he absolutely did commit, Andrew has his next heist all planned out. All he needs is a team of thieves as talented as he is.
An Ocean’s Eleven AU where the Foxes like to steal things, Riko owns several casinos, and Andrew has a score to settle.
Shake My Tomb by exactly13percent (superagentwolf)
Nathaniel Wesninski takes his father's life and his father's title at the age of twelve. He kills a man at thirteen.
At eighteen, Kevin Day comes to him for help.
The Butcher of Baltimore is a name that used to mean something. Under Nathaniel's direction, the Wesninski Family has become an entirely different beast. They are the shadow thrown by the fire of the Moriyamas. Nathaniel isn't one to interfere with something bigger and more dangerous than him, but Kevin's position means something to him. Kevin, and the strange family he brings with him.
Maybe even Andrew, the one that challenges Nathaniel the most—and the one that Nathaniel finds himself drawn to. There's a lot at stake, though, and Nathaniel has nothing left to lose. Nothing but himself.
Pressure Points by puddlejumper99
(Part 1 of Out of the Ashes)
Neil enrolls at Columbia High School and remarkably fails at remaining invisible
False Equivalence by sunrise_and_death
Some part of her had known it would come back to Neil. He was the one who had cracked the twins the first time. Of anyone, he was the most likely to have a solution for this as well.
Although the events of the previous year resolved a lot of issues, Katelyn quickly discovers that not every problem has been addressed. As she attempts to map a future in which Aaron has both her and his family, she finds herself once again working with Neil Josten—to unexpected results.
Only You by wematch
In their second year a deal is made. Andrew wants to explore his boundaries and there’s really just one person he trusts around himself.
Set in a universe where everything is the same except that Andrew never kissed Neil on the rooftop that night. Instead, they just got closer and more comfortable around each other.
stars may collide by broship_addict, llheji
Moonlighting as Abram, member of the city's crime-fighting Foxes, Neil is doing a very bad job at staying under the radar. He's busy enough between his friends, patrol, and bickering with Andrew at work, but with the Ravens gang finally within reach and the reappearance of the Monster, he might have bitten more than he can chew.
(Or, how both Neil and Andrew accidentally fall in love with the same person twice. Lame.)
finger on the trigger/pedal to the floor by badacts, lightning_struck
Neil and Kevin, operatives for the highly secretive US body known only as ‘the Agency’, are very good at their jobs. Maybe Neil isn’t the patriot that Kevin is, but he can recognise the need for people like him, and, if nothing else, he is loyal. However, in the wake of an assassination attempt on the president foiled with the help of talented-but-civilian sniper Andrew Minyard, of the chipped shoulder and the uncanny knack for seeing right through people, Neil begins to question who it is giving him orders.
However, asking questions is a dangerous game. If Neil isn’t careful, he’ll end up dead - or worse than.
falling. by Idnis
The sun was bearing down on the park, on Andrew, on Neil Josten’s sketch, his auburn hair and blue, blue, blue eyes.
After a dozen tries, Andrew clicked through his photos. All the way to the first one. The one where Neil was staring straight at the camera.
Andrew’s breath caught.
flour petals, sugar stitches by ephemeralsky
“Thanks for coming with me,” she says, keeping her eyes trained in front of her.
“It is not like I had a choice in the matter,” Andrew says, blowing out a stream of smoke through his mouth.
Renee’s lips curl into a smile. “Maybe you’ll win our next sparring match and I’ll finally have to buy you ten cartons of Haagen-Dazs.”
“It cannot be worse than tagging along to a bridal boutique.”
“Maybe,” Renee allows, humor in her voice. “But what kind of man of honor would you be if you didn’t come with me to choose a dress?”
(or: Andrew is a baker, Renee is a bride-to-be, and Neil is a dressmaker)
Neil Josten the Sex God by manya
“Okay, look. My friends were kinda getting on my back about me being single, and I said that it was by choice and if I wanted to I could get anyone I wanted. And obviously that’s an extremely presumptuous thing to say, so they told me to prove it. So, uh, here I am. And here you are. And if you’d like to maybe help me out with this, that would be awesome.”
Andrew stares at Neil for a moment that seems to stretch on forever. “You want me to play along with you and pretend that you’re some kind of sex god?”
Crystal Clear by exactly13percent (superagentwolf)
Your crystal is your heart and soul, manifested. You must keep it safe. Neil and Andrew don't have typical crystals. For one, they aren't whole. They're little pieces, broken by years of wrong. But Kevin's magic shop brings them together, and they figure maybe broken doesn't mean destroyed.
Paint Me The Color of You by exactly13percent (superagentwolf)
Sound is supposed to be the language of love. Neil has never heard his soulmate. Never. Except he sees blue all the time, and then he meets Andrew and the entire world turns to color.
The Glass Mountain by exactly13percent (superagentwolf)
The apples from the glass mountain are all anyone cares about. Anyone but Andrew, that is. Andrew is just trying to keep Kevin alive, despite Kevin's attempts to reach those apples again. The apples, and the captive prince at the top of the mountain.
Minyards' Magical Mischief by moonix for alexjosten
“No,” Aaron said. “Andrew, no.”
They locked eyes, and for a moment it was like they were eleven again, catching sight of each other for the first time across a crowded train platform.
“I confess,” Andrew said tonelessly, “to the murder of Drake Spear.”
(Or: an Auror and a murderer walk into an ice-cream parlour.)
If I Tried by exactly13percent (superagentwolf)
Neil is getting used to high school. He ends up getting used to a group of mismatched students, and he gets a little too used to one of them in particular. Maybe enough to go to prom.
library hours by lolainslackss for exybee
Andrew always sits across from the same guy in the library. The set-up suits him: they're both night owls, they're both relatively neat, and they both like the quiet. There's absolutely no need for them to get to know each other. This delicate balance shifts, however, when the guy sprains his ankle and Andrew finds himself breaking all his own rules and driving him to the emergency room.
A wintry college AU featuring all-nighters, homemade sushi, copious amounts of coffee, and many mixed-up feelings.
winter, formal by moonix for lolainslackss
Neil tries to get away from a boring conversation and accidentally ends up asking the most popular guy in school to dance with him at the winter formal.
faking it by flybbfly
After being photographed together, Neil and Andrew decide to roll with the rumors that they're dating.
Hot Thoughts by conniptionns
99: “Calm down. I look a lot worse than I am.”
Neil is hit by a car on the way to Dunkin Donuts, but he's totally okay
The Manny by mishaschmidt
Problem #1: Neil accidentally becomes the nanny of two adorable kids.
Problem #2: Neil somehow manages to fall in love with their father.
The Life of a Star by gluupor
Stars did not get sick and they did not age. If Neil's smart mouth didn't get him murdered (something which had a non-zero probability of occurring, according to Andrew) then he would continue on, immortal and unchanging.
It hadn't occurred to him that the same wasn't true for Andrew.
An epilogue for my Stardust AU.
None But You by gluupor
When Neil was eighteen he met and fell for Andrew Minyard. Their relationship seemed solid and unbreakable until Neil's mother found out about it and made him end it.
Six years later Neil still has a few regrets about breaking up with Andrew but he's completely over it. Really, he is. Although he does have to admit that it was easier to be over it before Andrew walked back into his life and started dating someone else.
A modern day adaptation of Jane Austen's Persuasion.
Tale as Old as Time by gluupor
In order to protect Aaron, Andrew ends up cursed into the form of a beast. The curse can only be broken if someone is able to see past his fearsome exterior and fall in love with the man he is inside.
Believing this to be impossible, he isolates himself in a run-down castle knowing he will be alone forever. After all, who could possibly be desperate enough to seek shelter with a beast?
Where You Lead by gluupor
When Neil promised Kayleigh that he'd look out for Kevin if anything ever happened to her he'd never expected to be a single teenage father hiding out in a small town. Luckily the town's residents seem keen to adopt them.
A Gilmore Girls AU where Kevin's a kid, Neil's his caffeine-addict father, and Andrew's a grumpy diner owner who loves them both.
Fake It 'Til You Make It by gluupor
Neil works three low paying, dead-end jobs and makes just enough money to afford a room to sleep in and to keep himself from starving. He has no prospects, no hope, no future. That all changes when a chance encounter results in a job offer that he can't ignore.
The job? Pretending to be professional exy player Andrew Minyard's boyfriend.
Andrew Versus the Truth by gluupor
Andrew has an unexceptional life working at an IT help desk in Southern California and living with his cousin. Then he gets an unexpected message on his birthday from his estranged twin brother and very strange things start happening. His computer catches fire, two attractive guys seem interested in him, and he keeps imagining that he knows classified CIA intelligence.
These things couldn't possibly be connected... could they?
Everything is Fine! by gluupor
"Hello," Dan said. "I'm sorry to tell you that you're all dead. This is the Afterlife; your placement here is dependent on your actions during your lifetime. Now, I have some exciting news for you-"
Nathaniel snorted loudly. "You don't expect any of us to actually believe that we made it into the Good Place, do you?"
"Why not?" asked Dan.
He jerked his thumb in Andrew's direction. "Well, before you came in, Exhibit A over here had just finished telling us that he died when he crashed a car on purpose in order to kill someone. What's the cutoff for how many murders committed before someone doesn't qualify for the Good Place anymore? Is it more than zero?"
"Speak for yourselves," cut in Kevin. "I think I deserve to be in the Good Place. I have a large number of devoted fans and am very talented."
Nathaniel was quiet for a beat, before pointing at Kevin. "Exhibit B."
Don't Break the Seal by gluupor
Living with the Spears and feeling desperate and alone, Andrew meets and befriends a seal who can turn into a boy.
In later years he comes to believe that the magical boy he met was just a hallucination. It is therefore very surprising when he meets him again after hitting him in the stomach with an exy racquet in a tiny town in Nowhere, Arizona.
Better Late than Never by gluupor
Andrew should have known not to ally himself with a lying runaway, he really should have known not to trust him, and he definitely should have known not to fall for him.
It's the Thought that Counts by gluupor
Andrew and Neil's relationship has many facets that are confusing to outsiders. The strangest may be their habit of giving each other the contents of their pockets and calling it a gift.
Too Gay to Function by gluupor
After school, Neil started to make the trek back to his uncle’s house when a shiny, black beast of a car screeched to a halt in front of him. The driver’s side window rolled down. “Get in, loser,” said Andrew. “We’re going shopping.”
Fast Boys and Hot Cars by gluupor
Minyard had gotten out of his car and was stalking towards Neil like a predator - a panther, maybe, or some other big cat. “Double or nothing,” he said, sounding unaffected and bored by the proceedings despite the fact that he’d just lost a race for the first time in years.
An Overdeveloped Sense of Vengeance by gluupor
“No one could be following us yet?” Kevin asked suddenly. “No one,” Riko said impatiently. “That would be absolutely inconceivable.” There was a pause. “Out of curiosity, why are you bothering me with such a stupid question?” “Oh, no reason,” answered Kevin. “It’s just that I looked back and someone is there.”
It's a Cruel World, Mr. J by gluupor
“And you? You think I’m a monster?” asked Andrew. “Maybe,” said Neil. “But I don’t think that monsters are born. They’re made.”
A Truth Universally Acknowledged by gluupor
“Palmetto Court has been let at last!” said Mr. Hemmick in raptures. “Mrs. Wymack reports that a single man of good fortune has taken Palmetto for a twelvemonth at least! What marvellous news for my dear cousins!”
It's Called a Hustle, Sweetheart by gluupor
“We need to find out who owns this license plate, but I don't have access to the police database yet," said Kevin. "Relax," said Neil. "I know a guy at the DMV."
bloom (just for you) by godotco
For lack of any better explanation for what was happening, Neil was in uncontrollable full bloom.
- A little slice of witch au turned flower shop au
152 notes · View notes
jemej3m · 6 years
To the Good Place We Go (p.2)
part two! (sorry about errors totally didn’t read over this)
credit goes to @gluupor​ for the idea! link to their the good place au here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16782301
warning: aftg typical violence
part one here: http://jemejem.tumblr.com/post/182518320202/to-the-good-place-we-go
“I don’t belong here.” His voice shook. He imagined his father was looking up from the Bad Place, grinning like the mad-man he was. Neil was delivering himself into hell, because it was the right thing to do. His morals had been warped and distorted on Earth. If he was going to spend eternity suffering, he might as well make himself feel better by doing it honourably.
Also, he wanted to prove Andrew wrong. But that was besides the point.
Three-hundred and twenty-one residents, an omnipotent ethereal being and a walking Wikipedia stared at him in shock.
“Well.” Wymack clapped his hands together. “Dismissed, everyone!” He crooked a finger at Neil, and he felt his heart clambering to get out of his chest as he shuffled forward. He tried not to flinch as Wymack’s fingers brushed over his shoulder, and in less than a blink, they were standing in his office. Wymack rounded the desk and grabbed a stress ball off the desk and propping his feet up on the oaken edge, throwing it up and catching it repeatedly.
“Well?” Wymack offered him the chair. Neil sat. “What do you have to say for yourself?”
“I didn’t try to get in or hack the system somehow.” Neil murmured. “I’m not a mole. It’s a complete mistake.”
“Ha. A human, hacking into the universe? Very interesting. Very impossible. You humans are so strange.” He caught the ball, took his feet off the desk and leaned forward. “Neil Josten, you’ve been chosen as a candidate for MPP. The Middle Place Project. Nicky!”
“Yes?” Nicky had blooped into existence next to him.
“Strike Neil Josten off the Test One list.” Wymack’s smile was small but warm.
“That was a test?” Neil said testily. Wymack held out his hands.
“Honesty is an integral part of being a good person. You, out of everyone, are the most practised liar. Eight years on the run, twenty-two identities—I’m surprised you aren’t having an identity crisis.”
“Same.” Neil muttered. In all honesty, he was glad to have died as Neil Josten. Neil Abram Josten. Out of everyone he’d been, Neil was his favourite.
“If you can come forward, in front of the entire neighbourhood nonetheless, then I’m sure the rest will follow.” He cleared his throat. “The Middle Place Project is proving that humans are capable of  change, whether it be improving, or failing. There’s a few in the midst of the neighbourhood that we’re watching to see whether or not you can improve from your characteristic behaviours on earth.”
“Will we get into the Good Place if you do?”
“Maybe in five-thousand years.” Wymack promised. “If I can manage to convince my superiors of  your genuine progress.”
“Right.” Neil drawled. “Five-thousand years. No biggie.”
He glared at Neil with intense scrutiny, but somehow, Neil was unafraid of this ethereal being. He was giving Neil a chance, wasn’t he?
“Well?” Wymack grouched. “What are you still doing here?”
“What am I supposed to—“
“Figure it out, Josten. Just don’t tell anyone it’s a test. Got it?”
He pursed his lips. “Cool. Yeah. Got it.”
Wymack watched him, unimpressed, as he shuffled towards the door. Neil shot Wymack a quick grimace as he slipped out.
He blew his bangs out of his face with relief. Andrew stood in the waiting room, arms crossed and eyes barely slits. “So?”
“I’m alive.” He twinkled his fingers. “See?”
“Actually,” Nicky piped up.
“Shut up, Nicky.” They both ground out.
“Test forty-seven!” Wymack clapped his hands. “We’re finally getting into the good stuff. Ethical responsibility!”
Neil threw a troubled glance at Andrew, who, of course, stared impassively back. Ethics?
“What’s sitting in a classroom gonna do about our ethics.” Seth grunted.
Neil had decided he disliked Seth intensely. It was something about the constant fits of anger, irrational judgements and toxic intolerance to everything that wasn’t Allison’s tits or Adderall.
“Well, actually,” Kevin chided. Wymack snapped his fingers, effectively muting Kevin. The young man tried to scream in horror, but slumped in his chair with defeat.
“We’re going to be learning about some of your moral philosophisers and interpret what they had to say about what’s right and wrong. How about some basic questions, hm? Just to gage where each of you at.”
This wasn’t going to go well.
It was fine, wasn’t it? They had, what, five-thousand years?
“These first few should be simple.” Wymack picked a clipboard off his desk. “Let’s see. Neil?”
He looked up at the towering, omnipotent being. “What?”
“Is murder good or bad?”
Neil shrugged. “Depends.”
Wymack looked a little dismayed. “Andrew?”
Andrew jerked his thumb at Neil. “What he said. For example, Seth is a perfect example of why murder isn’t always bad.”
Neil grinned at him, and liked the way a spark of amusement glinted in his eye. Seth was probably clambering out of his chair to haul himself at Andrew in a fit of rage, but Neil wasn’t watching. He simply appreciated the sunlit hair that shone like spun gold, and the perfect understanding shared between them.
Their benevolent guardian simply dragged a hand over his face as his classroom dissolved into chaos.
“Good morning, son.”
Neil opened his eyes slowly. He was sleeping in a double bed, his double bed, in his cottage. In the afterlife. He was in the Middle Place. His name was Neil Josten. He had died at the age of 19. He played striker. His soulmate was Andrew Minyard.
Sitting upright, he saw Andrew standing at the opposite end of his bed. There was a young man standing behind him with a vicious glean to his eye; He had his chin hooked over Andrew’s shoulder.
Andrew was gagged, hands cuffed behind him. His feet were bare: His skin shone with sweat as his muscles convulsed. There were bruises blossoming under his skin: He’d put up a serious fight. How was he bruising? Could you be hurt in the afterlife?
“I said, good morning.”
Slowly, Neil craned his neck around. All six-feet of his father were craned over the edge of his bed, one fist denting the mattress and the other wrapped around Neil’s neck. He was looking at a mirror image, the eyes and the hair and the sadistic smile. Thick fingers tightened around Neil’s windpipe.
“Young Drake Spear was promoted to help me. It’s time to collect our rewards for such excellent work down in the Bad Place.” His grin was that of a wolfs.
“Fitting.” Neil wheezed out. Honestly, he was terrified. The thought of eternity trapped with the unending methods of his father was enough to wish that there was a way for Neil to die and end up in a further layer of the afterlife.
His father only laughed. The last thing he remembered noticing was Andrew closing his eyes. For a moment, it looked as though an angel was praying.
Dan crouched down, back to the wall. In her hand was a magnetic clamp, ready for Bad Nicky. It’d render him useless, and they couldn’t let Nathan Wesninski, Drake Spear or Riko Moriyama have access to him. They were powerful enough as it was.
Kevin was bone-white beside her. It had to have been years since he saw Riko Moriyama. Neil and Andrew weren’t the only ones facing their old demons today.
The man who’d stabbed Dan in the back had been boiling in a pit of acid. The demon in charge of the tank flashed a grin at her. “Want to join him?”
Aaron’s mother had leapt out at him from a shuffling line of prisoners, grabbing for fists of his hair and screaming. She hadn’t been able to tell which twin it was, mixing up the names as she spasmed with hysteria. Aaron had clutched his arms to his stomach and hurried away.
With Dan and Aaron’s close calls, Renee knew it was every possibility that her old gang leader had heard the commotion the group had caused and would want to connect with the girl who ended his life in a knife fight. Renee was clutching her rosary, praying as every demon brushed by her.
God, was Dan exhausted. Matt, Aaron and Seth had all been lured with narcotics. Then Matt got into a fight with a security guard, and Seth backed him up. Then someone insulted Allison as she was trying to flirt her way through a checkpoint, and she’d clawed their eyes out with her nails, but gotten bust up at a result.
So yeah. Not a great time for any of them.
“This is it, kid.” Wymack warned. “We’ve got a window of thirty seconds to get them out of there.”
Dan nodded.
A young man left the room, meaning Bad Nicky was watching over Andrew and Neil. Dan rolled out from her hiding position and bolted at the black-clad man standing in front of her. She whacked the cuffs on, stunning the look of contempt right out of those big brown eyes. He stumbled, turning around to look at her.
“Oh my god,” Allison cackled. “Bad Nicky is a straight, fuck-boy version of Nicky?”
It was true. He was wearing a flat-cap, backwards, and a big grey hoodie underneath a leather jacket. His jeans were torn and he wore stupid, stereotypical boots. He had a tattoo of a girl with her tongue between her fingers on his neck, and a gold-capped tooth.
“Hell.” He slurred. “You got me. Ha-aahh.”
Nicky was staring at himself with horror. “Disgusting.”
“Andrew,” Kevin faltered. “Where’s Neil?”
Andrew was sitting up, both hands chained to the bedposts behind him. He was blindfolded, his clothes in tatters and bloodied. Aaron rushed forward, dragging Nicky with him. The chains were cut and Dan watched Aaron murmur something to Andrew as he tore his blindfold off.
“We have to go.” Andrew said, fierce. Dan had never seen him so angered. “I know where Neil is.”
Matt grabbed bad Nicky and hauled him over his shoulder. The group filed out, lead by Andrew, Aaron surprisingly right on his heels. Despite the obvious abuse, he was legging it down the hallway. With the chaos of the Bad Place, the rag-tag team and their badges had looked like nothing more that a bunch of demons. With a Bad Nicky incapacitated and over Matt’s shoulder, they were running out of time. Andrew somehow had perfectly memorised the route to Neil’s cell.
They were almost there, when Andrew staggered to a holt. The young man they’d seen leaving the room earlier was standing in front of them. Aaron acted too quickly, brandishing a knife and jumping the guy. The knife buried itself into the man’s chest. Dan gasped.
“I won’t let him touch you again.” Aaron promised his twin. “Go.”
Andrew said nothing, instead shoving his way through a metal door on the left just metres past.
The demons present whirled upon their entrance. Dan felt her blood boil as she saw Neil in a chair, head hung. He couldn’t even lift his head to see who’d appeared.
“Wesninski, these humans are mine.” Wymack growled. “Give them back. They’re official property of the Middle Place.”
“Oh, oops.” The man—who did look scarily similar to Neil—grinned at the younger boy. Riko Moriyama. “It’s almost as though demons have to follow rules. Incredible.”
Riko had no eyes for anyone but Kevin. Kevin, who stood with his chin up and broad shoulders as he stared the other boy down.
“I’ll oversee your retirement myself, you rotten sack of sadistic fuckery.” Wymack snarled, stepping forward with Nicky at one side and Andrew at the other. “Back down. Now.”
“Kevin, Kevin, Kevin.” Riko clucked his tongue. “It’s so nice to see you. Such a shame that we’re opposed like this, brother.”
“I’m nothing like you.” Kevin rasped. “I’m going to go to the Good Place.”
“Why bother?” Riko leered. “When you can have so much more power, down here? They recruit the worst, you know. I was just human too. Now look at me.” He lifted his hand, and Neil spasmed, head flung back and mouth open in an aborted scream.
That was the precise moment that everything went to shit — as if everything hadn’t already gone to shit. Wymack launched at Wesninski: Andrew was hurling towards Riko, and the rest were attempting to shut the door on the copious amounts of demonic spawn trying to get a better look.
Dan was desperately trying to get someone’s attention but the only one who listened to her was Renee. That was ultimately futile, because Allison was thrown aside and Renee, obviously lost her shit. Even the faithful had their breaking points.
Kevin was desperately clawing for Neil to break him free: Andrew was brawling with Riko with a desperation that had Riko shaken, Wesninski was waving a knife in Wymack’s general direction, Matt was thrown over a demon’s shoulder and causing a ruckus, Seth was yelling and Allison was wiping furious tears off her face, snatching a knife off Renee.
Wesninski threw the knife. Riko threw himself at Neil. The door was thrown open.
“ENOUGH.” Nicky screamed, standing in the middle of the room.
Everyone froze.
“I’ve been through a lot, today!” Nicky’s voice was so shrill that Dan would have winced if she weren’t completely stiff. “I’ve hauled almost a dozen of you shits through portals, this way and that way. I’ve been running faster than I’ve ever had to run in my life, because I don’t run, I teleport! My husband’s disappeared because he wasn’t compatible with the Bad Place, I’m not meant to be this emotionally distraught because I’m just a machine, and now this?” He gasped. “I. Am. Flabbergasted. It’s my favourite human word, and that’s what I am right now. Not only have you—“ He pointed to Wesninski. “Defied basic laws by having a child with a human, you’ve been recruiting humans! Gracious, do you know the worst part of this entire shit-fuckery?” His voice raised into a scream once more. “I have to live out the rest of my eternal existence knowing that Bad Nicky is a straight fuck-boy!”
“That’s the worst part?” Neil said, weakly, his voice raw with screaming. “Well, gee, Nicky. I missed you too.”
“So,” Nicky continued. “I’m going to unfreeze my friends. Friends. F-R-I-E-N-D-S. And we’re going to leave. And am going to report your demonic asses to the new Lord Ichirou of the underworld, and I hope you live in agony for eternity. Now, if you’ll excuse me,” He snapped his fingers and Dan almost collapsed, if it weren’t for Matt holding her up. “We’re leaving.”
Andrew hauled Neil to his feet, clutching the taller boy to his side in a fit of possessiveness.
Dan stood by the door as she counted her crew out of Neil’s cell, watching Nicky carve an angry path through the mob of frozen demons. She glanced over her shoulder to see Kevin glaring at Riko.
“Kevin,” Dan started.
The man slapped Riko so hard that Riko’s head shifted, even with Nicky’s freeze power. Or whatever the fuck that was.
“You deserve so much worse than hell.” He said, calmly, before marching out the door. Dan followed him, squeezed his shoulder. His look was not as confident as he’d been momentarily ago, but he offered her a shaky smile.
“Let’s go home.” Wymack said, tiredly slinging an arm around Nicky’s shoulders.
They all smiled faintly, and with a nod, they were on their way home.
“How’d you do in the Trolley exam?”
Andrew glared at the sun. It was still peering over the horizon, the endless rolling hills, trying in vain to grasp a few more minutes of illumination. It turned the sky into a brilliant palette of purples and blues.
He wanted to shove Neil off the roof of this stupid house, but he probably wouldn’t even break a bone. He had been sleeping in Neil’s grossly cramped cottage for a few months, where there was only one room and Andrew had been donated the couch. They’d razed Andrew’s old house to the ground a few weeks back. That had been great fun.
The reason he wanted to shove Neil off was murky, but he knew part of it was because Neil provided him a tether: To stay in the Middle Place, to try and achieve Good Place status with everyone else, to stop himself from marching down and delivering himself into greedy hands. It didn’t matter if Drake and Wesninski and Riko were gone. Hell would still suck.
He hated it.
But he also couldn’t cut the rope.
“I ran you over. It was very satisfying.”
They corner of Neil’s mouth quirked. Andrew hated that too. He hated Neil’s stupid red curls and brilliantly blue eyes. They were sparkling in the sunset, each freckle and scar glossed with a decadent shade of gold. “What was it between?”
“You and nothing. I think I’m a bit behind in class.”
Again, the quirk of the mouth.
Truthfully, the choice had been between Neil and Aaron. Because they were all already dead and this was just a theory, Andrew knew it didn’t matter. But still, he’d found himself torn. Usually apathetic and uninterested, he was placed in the simulation and felt a strange thrumming in his. ear. His heartbeat. Quickening.
Aaron was his brother. He had promised Aaron protection. Aaron had gotten them both killed. Aaron ignored his conditions and went out with Katelyn, and lied about it. Aaron was his brother. Andrew died protecting Aaron from their mother. Aaron had stabbed Drake for him. Aaron was his brother.
But Neil was his other. Neil listened. Neil smiled. Neil was honest with Andrew. Neil was relaxed with Andrew. Neil looked at Andrew in a way that made Andrew felt as though he was coming undone, unravelling at the seams. Neil could see Andrew. Neil understood Andrew.
He’d only had a split second left to decide.
He’d chosen Neil over Aaron.
“Yes or no?”
Neil narrowed his eyes. “To what?”
“A kiss.”
The word sounded so delicate out of Andrew’s mouth. He felt delicate, exposed and raw to Neil’s understanding gaze. All this studying of ethics and morality and those stupid philosophers was getting to Andrew’s head. The question yes or no was balanced on a scale, the decision between forever and never ultimately resting on Neil’s final answer. Andrew fucking hoped it was a yes.
Death made one’s apathetic resolve melt like ice sometimes.
Gosh, he was a miserable forking sap. It was disgusting.
Neil smiled, so hesitant that it was almost unnoticeable. But Andrew saw it. Maybe Andrew understood Neil, too. “Yes.”
Fork the Good Place. Andrew was already there.
once again, credit goes to @gluupor /// link to their the good place au here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16782301
hope u enjoyed!
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allforthecourtt · 6 years
rereading aftg with my dumbass opinions pt. 2 (tfc chapters 6-10)
pt. 1 | pt. 2 | pt. 3
look guys! its the highly unanticipated continuation of my reread of aftg!
chapter 6 (aka. meet this MESS of a team)
“My mother's family is French." It was a lie that probably had his British mother rolling over in her sandy grave.”
neil really never misses an opportunity to remind readers that he fucking buried his mom on the beach huh?
“A liar who practices occasional honesty. Clever. Keeps people guessing. Very effective. I would know. I do it myself, you see. Come on, then. After you.”
have i mentioned how entertaining high andrew is? because he’s funny as hell
also rereading these are fun because Nora is incredible at foreshadowing just sayin
“Neil automatically reached for his seatbelt, but one of the brothers was sitting on it.”
how neil would be in the back of the cousins’ car if they let him:
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“You?" Neil said. "You can't." Andrew's smile curved wider. "Ohhh, that sounds like a challenge. Mother may I?" "Your mother's dead. I don't think she cares what you do.”
“Starting a fight was too out of character for who he portrayed "Neil” to be, though.”
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“Consider this your official invite, you suicidal wretch. I'm bringing you to Columbia with us this Friday.”
awe suicidal wretch... glad they’re starting those pet names early
“I don't drink or dance," Neil said.
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andrew: i kno u can
“Kevin doesn't dance anymore”
anymore? ANYMORE??? release the cursed events that led to him not dancing anymore Nora im begging you
“Are you bleeding anywhere?" Matt asked. "Nowhere vital," Neil said.
gskjgnsak god i stan this little asshole so much
“She said it gently, with the hint of a smile on her face, but Neil still felt the rebuke. It was subtler but somehow deadlier”
have i mentioned how gay i am for renee? because im very gay for renee
“Allison looked ready for a photo shoot with perfect platinum curls, spiked heels, and a skintight dress.”
im also gay for allison ngl
“I can move if you want to sit here," Neil said. "No, this is fine." She smiled, but it had a smug edge to it, probably because Seth was glaring at them like he could kill them with willpower alone. ”
lol remember how neil doesn’t think he’s attractive and yet in 0.1 seconds after meeting him allison is like “yes this idiot is hot enough to piss off the other idiot im dating”
“Personal favorite was when someone told the police we were running a meth lab out of the dorm," Dan said sourly. "Police raids are awesome.”
no offence dan but that’s fucking hilarious omg
that’s kind of like the time my residence floor had to get evacuated bc some kids hotboxed their dorm room
god i love uni
“The death threats were creative, though," Nicky said. "Maybe this time they'll follow through and actually kill one of us. Let's vote. I nominate Seth.”
pfffffttttt i love Nicky omg
also hahahahahah foreshadowing!
“It'll be fine," Andrew said. "I promised, didn't I? Don't you believe me?" It took a while, but at last Kevin visibly relaxed. ”
again this is why i thought they were fucking for like the better part of the first two books
“The dead look Kevin turned on Andrew today was the same look Neil saw in his reflection. When Neil stopped acting, when he stopped worrying about who was watching, when he let go of the lies that kept him alive, that was the only expression he could make.”
it’s fine i didnt need a heart anyways
this kid is 18 hes A BABY
the first time i read this i was 18 too and like jfc i was a BABY at 18 and so i neil
“One of us has to make it, Mom." It wasn't going to be Neil. It was obvious he was too stupid to survive without his mother if he let himself get into messes like this. But maybe Kevin could do it.”
sorry let me just wipe my TEARS off my fucking laptop neil honey what the fuck
“He felt distant as he watched them walk in. Maybe he was already dying, his stupid soul fading from his short body in preparation for a brutal end.”
neil we get it you have depression (me too bitch u aint special)
“Fuck running," Seth said.
now that’s a whole ass mood
“he didn't know how Renee could smile so warmly when she was speaking to Andrew.”
haha bitch just wait
“when he slept, he dreamed of his father waiting for him on the Foxhole Court.”
remember how at the end of the series his father is waiting on the court but neil wins??? god we love good storytelling
this is such a fucking wild chapter
could you imagine? coming back from the summer and your first introduction to this amateur from arizona is this neil josten level of sass? because i’d probably kill him
first years are bad enough but first years who dont care about other people’s opinions? the fucking worst
chapter 7 (aka. neil does NOT have a fun night out)
“It seemed Allison and Seth didn't believe in middle ground: either they were slinging vile insults at each other or they were making out in the locker room regardless of whoever might be around.”
that’s just how the straights are
“It reminded Neil a little of Allison and Seth, except without the desperate sexual undertones.”
i’ll just leave this gem of a line here
“His teammates held so little regard for him he didn't even have the dubious honor of being dead last.”
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neil shading himself is actually hilarious how relatable
“Neil watched him do it, trying to remember the last time someone gave him a gift and coming up blank. That his first one should be from Andrew was unsettling.”
i actually love the fact that andrew bought him clothes so early on like andrew your gay is showing
“Neil debated how much damage the thick heels of his new boots would do against Andrew's face and liked what his mind came up with.”
i thank god everyday that these books are neil’s pov
“Andrew gave Neil another slow once-over and let go. "We're going.”
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^andrew seeing neil w/o contacts (aka. the ‘i can’t think straight’ vine)
“Most of the men wore leather, half the women had corsets, and a good number of both genders were covered in buckles and chains.”
this... is a... gay bar
“Andrew saluted the bouncers on his way by and led the way into the club, bypassing the line entirely.”
i always forget the drinking age in the us is 21 but like this bar really dont care about their liquor license AT ALL lmao
“You think Kevin would risk his future over a night out at the club?" "What future?" Neil asked.”
“Neil hadn't seen Aaron get up, but he was waiting behind Neil when Andrew let go. Neil reached for Andrew with lethal intent, but Aaron grabbed the back of his chair and pulled hard enough to topple it over.”
why are the twins literally this gif:
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real talk nicky kissing neil like that is horrible and really reflects poorly on nicky as a character
andrew for this entire chapter:
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chapter 8 (aka. a hitchhiker’s guide to lying about your identity)
“I don't know how your conversation with Andrew went, but it didn't end well. Rumor has it you paid a busboy a hundred bucks to knock you out. Way to cut our night short.”
this is probably my favourite thing neil does in the entire series ngl
“Wymack grabbed his elbow and hauled him inside. He slowed just long enough to slam the door behind Neil. "Are you stupid or just crazy? Do you have any idea what could have happened to you between here and there? What were you thinking?”
Why does Wymack literally sound like my father?
foxes: daddy?
wymack: DO I LOOK LIKE
follow up:
kevin: daddy?
wymack: uh yeah
“I don't know what the beef is between you two, but it ends here and now.”
Wymack @ neil: tell your boyfriend, if he says he’s got beef that your a vegetarian and your not fucking scared of him
“Then correct me." "Give me a reason." "Besides the obvious?" Andrew said. "If I can't get an answer from you, I'll get it wherever I can.”
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“I'm—" Neil didn't want to say it, but the word was already there, broken and pathetic between them, "—nothing. I'll always have and be nothing.”
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“He wondered for a moment if Andrew could handle the entire truth so calmly, but that was too dangerous and stupid to consider.”
“Hope was a dangerous, disquieting thing, but he thought perhaps he liked it.”
this is such a good fucking line like i am shooketh
chapter 9 (aka. neil is, like, really horny for exy)
“Are you stupid?" Seth asked. "Yeah," Neil said.”
what a fuckin MOOD
“Neil had almost forgotten why he liked Exy so much. He did his best at practices but these days he worked mostly to keep his teammates off his back. As Neil surveyed Kevin's damage, he finally felt inspired again. On its heels was a hungry, desperate rush.”
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“Seth made as if to throw his beer at Neil. "His life is not more important than mine just because he's more talented.”
sometimes i really wish seth was actually given a chance to have some character development
“ "Maybe you're not as stupid as I thought." "Maybe I am," Neil said”
another big fucking MOOD
chapter 10 (aka. shocking: university is hard :/ )
“It's fun telling Kevin no," Andrew said with a wicked grin.”
why is andrew like this omg
betsy probably was like just looking for a chill job and was like “oh cool uni students? ill have to deal with like a lot of anxiety, sexual tension, depression and like confusion about the future, not to bad” but NOPE welcome to the fucking MAFIA WARS
“That wasn't so bad, was it? Andrew was convinced it would be a disaster. He put money on you hating Betsy." "Did you bet against him?" "Yes," Renee said. "It was a private bet between the two of us.”
“I hope you didn't lose much," Neil said.”
god why is he such an asshole at every opportunity i love him
“I can take care of myself," Neil said. "Watch me beam with pride.”
wymack is the best father in the world and you cant convince me otherwise
“There was one for every fall team with schedules printed on each. Neil kept the Exy one, tossed the rest into the trash, and buried his magnet deep in his pocket where he didn't have to look at the dates.”
neil “i only care about exy” josten strikes again with his great school spirit
“Palmetto State was facing Edgar Allan on Friday, October 13th”
that’s such a cliche and i love it
“He detoured around students toward one of Palmetto State's three dining halls. Two were for the general student body. The third was for athletes only”
lmao my school literally has one dining hall and it couldnt give less of a fuck what type of student they’re selling food too as long as they’ll pay $15 for chicken fingers
what kind of money does palmetto state fuckin have
like i get us tuition is a lot but jesus so’s mine and my school couldn’t be less fucked
“It was only the first day of school and he already had three assignments: a short paper, a fifty-page chapter to read, and a page of questions about said chapter. Neil debated for a minute as to which one sounded least painful. Five minutes later he was still uninspired, so he put his head down on his desk.”
2. first years are so cute thinking that’s a lot of assignments i remember in first year being like “i have to read 40 pages thats so unfair :(” and now i’m like “ah sick only 200 pgs of readings this week? im gonna have so much free time!”
upper year history sucks ngl
“I'm fine," Neil said.”
neil knows exactly two (2) words and those are it
“You say that an awful lot," Matt said. "I'm starting to think you don't know what it means.”
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overall thoughts:
the plot is pickinnnng upppp
i kind of forget how much world building happens in the first book but like its good
also i love neil literally hating everyone its so funny bc like bby these going to be your best friends just wait
anyways that’s all for now
part 3 will be the rest of tfc and then we’ll move onto trk if you guys still want more of this? let me know
love u all bye
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#its her world. i’m just living in it - 2 posts
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#why? why is life like this? can’t a girl just have unlimited fics that match exactly what i already have in my head?!?
My Top Posts in 2021
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I’m SCREAMING guys okay 1989 is next and normally I don’t post Easter Eggs BUT LOOK!!!!!! There is 1 gold gift (Fearless TV) because it’s the first re-recording, 2 red presents (Red TV) - second re-recording, and 3 BLUE PRESENTS. 1989 is next, I’m calling it now!!! 
4 notes • Posted 2021-11-13 22:17:25 GMT
Neil Josten can say he’s an expert at blending in all he wants, but there is no way that any 5”3 man can just disappear. He’s 5”3. That’s tiny. Like really freaking tiny. I think people would notice a small little man running around simply because they would think he was a child and then realise he’s a teenager and be concerned about his size. Unless people are just short in the US.
19 notes • Posted 2021-09-30 03:18:49 GMT
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Finished Sex Education Season 3 and all I have to say is that Aimee and Adam are the loves of my life and I would actually die for them.
49 notes • Posted 2021-09-19 19:53:02 GMT
The audacity of fanfic writers to not post, I say, as a fanfic writer who has not posted.
112 notes • Posted 2021-10-29 06:08:11 GMT
Guys this isn’t an aftg account BUT I can perfectly sum up Andrew and Neil in two quotes from my kids at work
Andrew: “Congratulations, you’re a liar. “
Neil: “My favourite colour is none of your business.”
387 notes • Posted 2021-08-28 05:41:30 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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Hey! I’m super interested in the book you have been blogging about (I wasn’t able to catch the title but it sounds amazing. Maybe Foxhole Court?) do you mind telling me what it’s about?
Hey!!! Ahhh this ask made my day!!! I’ve been waiting for someone to ask me about this books for ages!! 
So, I will try to keep the capslock in this post to a minimum. I would say I’ll try to keep it short, but… I know I won’t.
First thing you need to know is that these books are my favourite of all time, along with TSC possibly.
It’s a trilogy called All For The Game, and the first book is called The Foxhole Court. It’s written by Nora Sakavic, and it’s self published. The first book is available for free online, and the next two only cost a dollar each as ebook. They are also available as physical books, but those need to be ordered online, as bookstores do not stock them as far as I know (as they are self published).
Now onto the story… It’s quite complicated and I can’t say too much because of spoilers but I’ll do my best. With which I mean I have had this ready for two years waiting for someone to ask me but I’ll probably get over excited and make a mess of what I’m trying to say so I need an excuse.
Okay so, the story follows Neil Josten, the runaway son of a crime lord. He was on the run with his mother, but when she died he decided to pick up exy again, which she had always forbidden. Exy is a sport made up by Nora Sakavic, and it’s kind of a weird combination of lacrosse and rugby. The rules are really clear though, and trust me, you don’t need to care about sports to read these books. By the end of the first book you’ll wish exy was real though so you could show off your knowledge. Anyway, Neil gets recruited to a college exy team. He knows he shouldn’t go, that he should run, but he loves exy to much to let go. So he goes to university and joins this exy team. 
 But this team is infamous for being dead last every season, and the coach is believed to be a misguided idealist who only recruits players he believes need a second chance. As a result the team is a fractured mess and half of the players hate each other.
Now this is where I lose my cool because I’ll give you a run through of the characters…. And I love them all so much… Get ready for this rant. 
I should probably to Andrews group first and then the upperclassmen (that’s the main two groups the team is divided into) but I’ll just kinda rant about whoever comes to mind first.
Okay so i didn’t describe all there pasts, but like I said, all of them need a second chance for some reason or another. Some of their pasts are revealed immediately, some throughout the books. All I’m gonna say is that AFTG has the best characterisation I have ever read, and that’s a HUGE compliment.
Now, like I’ve mentioned in a lot of posts there are quite a few trigger warnings. These books are really intense and deal with a lot of issues, so I’ll list a few warnings below.
first of all, there’s a crazy amount of (casual) violence
physical abuse
substance abuse (alcohol and drugs) including by minors
domestic violence (not actually detailed in the books but past events mentioned)
sexual abuse and harassment 
medical drugs
Here’s a very extensive list, if you’re unsure whether you are okay with these.
Also one last thing, if you do read them, please, please don’t spoil yourself. I know it’s like that for every book, but especially this one. So many things, especially character backstories, are revealed bit by bit, but it’s for a reason. 
*fangirls for the next few hours*
I hope this has convinced you these books are totally worth it. Any more questions, let me know.
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congrats on 1.4k lovely!! i voted for reneewalkerz :) could i get 💝 and 🎶for kayleighsday please?
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