#negative animus
haarute · 1 year
a friend of mine got a nice job and is moving to japan next month and it does get me thinking that Man, if i could, i would like to move to a different place like that if possible
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Finally finishing all these guys we’ve got charts and headcanons! (Long post)
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(Body length & basic shapes I used) (it might be odd but ignore any detail on the back, the shapes are for general body shape)
Seawings: - Colors range from red and purple to yellow - Aquatic is based off areas of bioluminescence rather than singular scales (because no one wants to draw all of those) - Although they average small compared to the other tribes, gigantism is more common - Wing bioluminescence gene is always present but for some doesn't show, thus aquatic doesn't utilize the wings
Rainwings: - Can change the texture of their scales alongside color - Weakest bite due to their fangs, probably why they're vegetarian - Mimic interesting behaviors - Have forked tongues
Mudwings: - Colors range from olive green to purple-ish red - Very resilient - Able to breathe fire regardless of body temperature, the heat of the flame depends on body temp - Their horns constantly grow and sometimes have to be cut due to dangerous growing patterns - Love gnawing on things, tough foods like jerky is popular - The horn covers of fallen siblings are harvested and turned into instruments to remember them by
Leafwings: - Colors range from gold to teal (and pink to olive green during cold seasons) - Can appear to have false eyes - Bug-like just like the other Pantalan residents (because they're just some weird outlier like what is going on here) - Leafspeak doesn't actually allow them to hear voices from plants but rather increase the sensitivity of their antennae which pick up on the changes in plants - In colder seasons, regions that have deciduous trees influence leafwings in that their scales change into warm tones similar to fallen leaves for camouflage but this also negatively impacts one's leafspeak ability; this doesn't apply to evergreen leafwings however
Hivewings: - Colors range from hot pink to olive green - Can appear to have false eyes - Have elbowed antennae just like their "cousins", Hymenoptera (wasps, bees, ants) - Tend to disregard personal space/get close out of habit, being close means better temp regulation and better communication - All hivewings have stingers, wrist stingers, and a venomous bite but it largely depends on preference of which they choose and like muscles, they can be exercised to become deadly weapons - They're not capable of "emitting a horrible stench"
Icewings: - Colors range from white to pale indigo - Melanism is still very rare but more likely in icewings - Can be iridescent in any color, especially visible in lighter scaled individuals - The scales on their face is very fine and is flushed with blood which darkens the area and allows them to see in the snow by absorbing light, otherwise the glare from the sun reflecting off would be a hinderance - Their wings are thin and thus have visible veins most of the time - Idk how to describe their scales other than its kinda like basalt formations - From the side they appear large but are actually thin and flexible - They can freeze to death if they've gone without cold for a long time and then reintroduced too quickly - In hybridization, they have dominant genes, partially because the animus gene - The extra mane of horns can appear randomly on the body in singular spikes, they also make a clink sound when they collide as if they're made of ice, making a pretty scary rattle when disturbed
Nightwings: - Colors range from orange to purple - Albinism is still very rare but more likely in nightwings - Dwarfism is more common - Teardrop scales are always present, highlighted when the dragon has powers regardless of type - Pitbull ready to bite kids - They CAN hang upside down as the books suggest but not for long - By taking dust baths, they dull their scales to reflect less light and blend in better in the dark - Have white fire but cant breathe for long due to how hot it is (this is mainly to add onto the mysterious factor of em and I always liked the idea) - Due to eye sensitivity, they hate sudden bright lights and will close their eyes as they breathe fire
Silkwings: - Can have black or dark accents but never as a whole body color unless they've hybridized - Wing shapes vary widely - Can appear to have false eyes - Flamesilk is rarer than one might think - Very flexible and have strong tails used as a sort of 5th limb in climbing - Albino or melanistic dragons still keep their iridescence - Silk is emitted through a spinneret on the chin rather than the wrists - Prefer to travel in pairs (instinct)
Sandwings: - Colors range from red to olive green - Dark patters often mimic a snake's - Horse-like in complexion - Alongside their snake-like appearance, they have pit organs - Tend to move like birds - Poor eyesight but good hearing - Their horns angle upwards sort of like a bull
Skywings: - Colors range from red to yellow (and green because skywings are meant to be your typical fire breathing dragon which is most often depicted to be red but can also be green) - Tend to move like birds - Weaker than they appear - Green skywings are incapable of being or having flamescales - Their horns constantly grow and have to be filed down - A flamescale cant melt rock or metal by touch alone, only via fire is it possible - It's not that they don't want flamescales that they kill them, it's more of a mercy killing because of how lonely their life can be
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foolsome-phantom · 1 month
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Celestia’s colors were a nightmare to get. She is a night/icewing!
Ethereal Skies is an ancient dragon. She was one of the very first animus dragons after being born under three full moons. Her sister was born with the same ability, however something went wrong one day. Ethereal was unaware of the negative effects of this magic and it drove her sister mad, until she could figure out how to help her sister, she locked her away in one of the moons and split her magic among several crowns and stones, all designed to only work for those who would use it for good. Ethereal, still enchanted with the spells of her youth, has far surpassed the age of the average dragon. Only allowing herself to rest once she sees her sister home and the crowns and stones given to those of righteous hearts.
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aspoonofsugar · 5 months
Have yo read Captive Prince? What do you think of Laurent's character? Does he foil any other characters (besides being mind to Damen's heart)?
Yes, I have and I love Laurent <3 He has the most complex arc and is at the centre of the major conflict, so he foils several characters, who are used to explore his personality and to progress his arc.
In general, I would say three major jungian archetypes are used in Laurent's story:
Inner Child = the childish and most vulnerable part of a person, which is influenced by one's younger years. Laurent's inner child is embodied primarily by Nicaise, but also by every boy abused and raped by the Regent.
Shadow = the repressed part, which the person doesn't want to aknowledge. Laurent has severals: the Regent himself, Aimeric and Jokaste. They all embody Laurent's most negative side.
Anima/Animus = the anima is the female side of a man and the animus is the male side of a woman. It is usually used in romantic subplots to show two characters growing closer. Here, it is embodied by the bond between Laurent and Damen.
Laurent's arc is one where he integrates with Damen, but to succeed he also needs to save his inner child and to face his shadow. Or to fail and try again.
Laurent and Damen foil each others' brothers:
Laurent foils Kastor: both are the unfavourite child, but Laurent adores Auguste, while Kastor resents Damen. At the same time, Damen perceives them in opposite ways. Damen initially doesn't aknowledge the good in Laurent, while he doesn't see the evil in Kastor. It is as Nikandros says. At the beginning of the story, Damen sees things in black and white. By getting to know Laurent he learns complexity and that the world is in shades of grey. He integrates his own heart with Laurent's mind. His own idealism with Laurent's wisdom.
Damen foils Auguste: both are strong fighters and beloved leaders, able to inspire others. The moment Auguste dies, Laurent loses his heart and it is only with Damen that he learns to trust and to open up again. It is also through Damen that he overcomes Auguste's death and his sense of inferiority, which is carefully nurtured by the Regent. Laurent is brilliant, but his arc is about showing vulnerability and find new faith in others. He integrates his mind with Damen's heart. His wisdom with Damen's idealism.
So, as you said, Laurent is the mind to Damen's heart and has to rediscover his own interiority. He needs to love himself again. Only by doing so he can truly escape the Regent and grow up. This process of growth is the main focus of the trilogy and it happens twice:
Laurent fails to grow in the second book
Laurent succeeds and completes his growth in the third book
Let's see how.
Laurent's darkest hour happens at the end of the second book. This is common for a trilogy. It is not rare for the second installement to end in a negative way. Now, The Prince's Gambit doesn't end badly. Laurent and Damen win and grow closer. Laurent even frees Damen and they have sex for the first time. Still, psychologically, Laurent risks a huge brakdown because of Nicaise and Aimeric's deaths.
Nicaise and Aimeric are two parts of Laurent:
-Nicaise is Laurent's child-self. He is petty and capricious, but he cares deeply. And yet, he can't show any vulnerability. The moment he does, he is killed. Moreover, Nicaise plaids for Laurent because he deep down thinks the Regent won't kill him. This is true for Laurent, as well:
"I didn't think he's really try to kill me" Laurent said "After everything... even after everything".
-Aimeric is Laurent's shadow. He is a young man, whose life is defined by the Regent's sexual abuse. Aimeric confuses the Regent's imitation of love with true care and fights to get it back, even if it means hurting people, who truly love him. Unconsciously, this is true for Laurent too:
"You play his games like you want to show him you can. Like you're trying to impress him. Is that it? You need to beat him at his own game? You want him to see you do it? At the expense of your positions and the lives of your men? Are you that desperate for his attention? Well, you have it. Congratulations. You must have loved it that he was obsessed enough with you that he killed his own boy to get at you. You win."
Damen's speech to Laurent is basically the same one Laurent gives Aimeric. Aimeric shines light on this specific aspect of Laurent. Laurent too still loves his uncle. He too wants his attention and on some level thinks of his uncle as his only family:
"When you lost your brother, was there someone to confort you?" "Yes," said Laurent. "In a way".
So, Nicaise and Aimeric embody Laurent's vulnerability. Nicaise is the child who still feels safe with the Regent. Aimeric is the young adult, who wants the Regent back. Both are Laurent. This is why Laurent wants to rescue them both. He grows close to Nicaise and tells him he will buy his contract and free him. He accepts Aimeric into his guard and refuses Damen's advice to send him away. And yet, the Regent uses them both against Laurent. He kills Nicaise and has Aimeric betray Laurent.
Laurent wants to help both Nicaise and Aimeric and the Regent tells him he can't. Just like he can't save himself.
According to the Regent's narrative:
Laurent is fond of Nicaise, but eventually leaves him alone out of selfishness
Laurent welcomes Aimeric in, but this is a blind spot that is used against him
By using vulnerable and abused kids, the Regent conveys to Laurent two messages. On the one hand Laurent isn't selfless enough to truly save anyone. He isn't good enough to be a protector like Auguste. On the other hand he is still foolish enough to trust others. He isn't smart enough to be a mastermind like the Regent. Too cruel and too foolish is how the Regent wants Laurent to see himself. So, that Laurent would feel trapped and cut others out.
And Laurent almost gives in, but is stopped by Damen:
"You tried to hurt me, and you have. I wish you would see that what you have just done to me is what your uncle is doing to you."
Damen goes through to Laurent and stops him from losing himself. He saves him from turning into a copy of the Regent.
The Regent is Laurent's negative foil. He is who Laurent could become if he gave in to his worst instincts. As a matter of fact Laurent shares many similarities with his uncle:
Both are very intelligent master manipulators
Both are able to seize people's weaknesses and to use them
Both can be cruel and ruthless
Both tend to complicate things
This isn't by chance because the Regent does his best to break Laurent's heart and to warp his mind into a frailer copy of his own. He needs Laurent to think like him and to follow his rules, so that he can beat his nephew. This is why the Regent spends the years after Marlas by abusing Laurent in different ways.
The Regent's abuse has a double nature:
It has a sexual component: the Regent rapes Laurent multiple times as a child and shows possessiveness of him as a young adult. For example, many of his assassin attempts come with a sexual element. The assassins instructed to rape Laurent by using a drogue the Regent clearly used on his nephew as a child. Having Laurent and Damen sleep together, so that Laurent would eventually kill himself. Twisting Laurent and Damen's love story, as if to frame Laurent as dirty and despicable. Spreading voices about Laurent's supposed romantic feelings for Auguste. And so on...
It has an emotional component: the Regent keeps mentioning Auguste, which hurts Laurent in two ways. On the one hand it doesn't let him move on from his brother's death. On the other hand it drills into Laurent he isn't as good as the previous prince
"I hate to see you grown up like this," said the Regent, "when you were such a lovely boy."
The Regent basically blames Laurent for both growing up (physically) and not growing up (psychologically). He manipulates him by treating him as a child, while implying he isn't pure as a child anymore. The result is that Laurent hates himself.
This self-hate manifests itself in recklessness, suicidal tendencies and self-destroying behaviors. Like Laurent lashing out at others, when he is actually furious at himself. This is why specifically Laurent breaks Aimeric by using their shared trauma as a weapon. He hurts both Aimeric and Jord (who hasn't done anything, but being loyal to Laurent) because to truly face Aimeric means to accept himself and he can't.
Symbolically, Laurent kills Aimeric like he is slowly killing himself. This is why Aimeric's death happens after the reveal of Nicaise's murder by the Regent. Laurent kills Aimeric, just like the Regent kills Nicaise. Both victims are abused kids with frail and unstable senses of self, who deep down seek love and vulnerability. The lesson Laurent needs to learn is that he can't save the Nicaise within himself, if he doesn't help the Aimeric too. This is why it is important that Laurent is able to express empathy for Aimeric and to recognize he is a wounded person, just like Nicaise:
"Nicaise knew that when he got too old, he would be replaced." "Like Aimeric," said Damen. Into the long silence that stretched out between them, Laurent said: "Like Aimeric."
It is the first step to aknowledge his own hurt too.
The second step is instead to face Auguste's ghost. Laurent's big brother is a double edged sword for the Prince. On the one hand Laurent deeply loves Auguste and is devastated by his dead. On the other hand his idealization of Auguste is unhealthy and leads to Laurent undervaluing himself.
These powerful contradictive feelings come to the surface in his "sparring" match with Damen. There, Laurent for once is able to show all his anger and grief. He lets it all out and is forced to accept he would have never been able to kill Damen in a fight. Still, another realization comes to the surface:
"I know," said Laurent, "that I was never good enough." Damen said, "Neither was your brother." "You're wrong. He was -" "What?" "Better than I am. He would have -" Laurent cut himself off. He pressed his eyes closed, with a breath of something like laughter. "Stopped you." He said it as though he could hear the ludicrousness of it.
Damen's words might seem cruel, but they are actually necessary because they break Laurent's internalised idolisation of Auguste. Laurent has been brought up with the convinction that Auguste is somehow better than him. This idea is present even before Auguste's death because of their father's favouritism. The early loss of his brother and subsequent abuse only makes this feeling stronger. Hence why Damen refusing this helps Laurent grow. Damen is the first one to see Laurent as his own person and to give him a choice:
Damen picked up the discarded knife, and when Laurent's eyes opened, he put it in Laurent's hand. Braced it. Drew it to his own abdomen, so that they stood in a familiar posture. Laurent's back was to the post. "Stop me," said Damen.
Laurent chooses to give up on his revenge. He chooses his present relationship with Damen over Auguste's ghost. He starts wishing for something positive for himself. He starts caring for himself. He starts looking toward a possible future.
To reach this future Laurent has to face Jokaste, who is really another version of Laurent:
"You're lucky we're alike," Jokaste said, stepping down. She and Laurent looked at one another like two reptiles.
Not only that, though, she is Aimeric and Nicaise combined in a single character:
Like Aimeric, she betrays a lover for selfish reasons (apparently)
Like Nicaise, she is caught up in a power struggle and has to choose the side, which ensures her survival, even if it means negate her heart to do so
"You mean, the only difference between us is that I chose the wrong brother?" As the stars began to drift across the sky, Laurent thought of Nicaise, standing in the courtyard with a handful of sapphires. "I don't think you chose," said Laurent.
This time Laurent is able to see this. He empathizes with Jokaste and gives her freedom. He opens her the door:
"We're alike. You said that. Would you have opened the door for me? I don't know. But you opened one for him."
In this way Laurent understands the Aimeric he could not understand and saves the Nicaise he could not save. By the end, Aimeric (Jokaste) is shown mercy and Nicaise (her baby) survives. Laurent gives Jokaste and her family a future. And in this way, he symbolically gives himself a future and a family. He opens his own door.
The climax of the trilogy is Laurent's trial in Ios. This choice is interesting on multiple levels:
It is an inversion of the ending of book 1, where Damen is blamed for the assassination attempt on Laurent's life and Laurent protects him. In fatc, it is not by chance that Damen mentions the episode in his initial defense of Laurent.
It shows Damen and Laurent's integration. As a matter of fact Damen is the one who realizes Paschal has the key to dethrone the Regent. He is able to do so because through Laurent he has learnt to observe others, to understand them and to empathize with them. Laurent instead selflessly gives everything up for the person he loves and bravely faces off the Regent with no plan, but simply with his heart. The Regent tries to turn it into a weakness and to force Laurent to give it up, but fails. Finally, he and not Damen is the one who fights Kastor and kills him. He uses the skills he has learnt for his revenge and uses them to protect Damen, instead. He chooses life and love over death and hate.
Most importanlty, though, the trial starts as a farce, but by the end it becomes a fair administration of justice, which punishes the criminal and recognizes the innocent. Let's see how this change happens.
Laurent wins not because of his mind, but because of his heart. Specifically, he wins because of the relationships he builds and of his ability to empathize with the humblest people, those nobody cares about.
First of all, Laurent obviously wins thanks to Damen. It is Damen choosing him over his kingdom that makes it possible to the tides to turn. So, it is because Laurent overcome his internalized hate for Damianos and slowly comes to accept and love him, that he is saved in the end. In a sense, the night where he has to choose if to let Damen die or to save him out of loyalty in volume 1 is when Laurent chooses who he wants to be. He can let a man he hates die without risking anything, like the Regent would. Or he can save that man our of a sense of fairness, like Auguste would. Laurent chooses the latter and makes the first true move towards his victory.
Secondly, Laurent is able to touch the councilors' sense of morality thanks to Loyse, Aimeric's mother. She reveals that her husband basically sold Aimeric to the Regent in exchange of power. She also explains how the Regent conspired with Kastor to kill Theodemes. This testimony isn't decisive because the assassination of Theodemes is a matter of Akielos. Nonetheless, Loyse re-opens the trial and gives importance to Aimeric's story and pain. It is also important that she is a woman because the Regent hates women. She is the character nobody considers, as everyone is focused on Guion's, the powerful councilor. And yet, Laurent does and convinces her to break free from her husband influence for the sake of her son.
Thirdly, Laurent is saved by Paschal's testimony. That said, Paschal is only able to reveal the truth about the Regent's murder of the King only because of Nicaise. In general, Nicaise is a character, who ends up being important in the finales of all three books:
In book one, Nicaise goes to Laurent's apartments after the attempted murder. He is clearly worried and can't decide if to openly switch sides and tell Laurent the truth or not. He also appears to tell Laurent goodbye and to give him his earrings. Symbolically, Laurent is saying goodbye to his younger and most innocent self, as he prepares to enter war with his uncle.
In book two, Nicaise's death is revealed in the climax and it leads to Laurent's decision to march on Charcy. It also kickstarts Laurent's deepest psychological crisis, as he struggles to keep a clean mind and shows how deep he is hurt and desperate.
In book three, Nicaise is the one who indirectly hands Laurent victory, as it is him who stole Govart's papers and gave him to Paschal.
In other words, Nicaise is the one who leads to victory, which fits his name. As a matter of fact Nicaise means "victorious", the person who brings victory and he delivers.
Thematically, this is very important, as Laurent initially regrets to have grown close to Nicaise:
"I killed Nicaise when I left it half done. I should have either stayed away from him, or broken his faith in my uncle. I didn't plan it out, I left it to chance. I wasn't thinking. I wasn't thinking about him like that. I just... I liked him."
He believes that because of their sibling-like bond Nicaise is now dead. He believes his influence isn't enough to break the Regent's control over Nicaise. And yet, it is precisely because of Laurent's love and care for Nicaise that the boy is able to rebel himself enough to steal key documents and to hand them to Laurent's side. Nicaise dies tragically, but his life and Laurent's kindness to him are not in vain. They change the destiny of two kingdoms. Laurent isn't able to save his child-self, but his child-self is strong enough to save him. Just like Laurent might not cancel what happened to him in the past, but can still move forward:
"Stop it, you're hurting him. You're hurting him. Let him go." A soldier was holding him back, and the boy was fighting him. Laurent looked at the boy, and in his eyes was the knowledge that some things couldn't be fixed. He said, "Get that boy out of here."
The new Regent pet once again mirrors a part of Laurent. The side of him that still sees the Regent at family. And yet, Laurent is finally able to accept this part of himself, but is strong enough to start healing. Just like as King he has now the chance to help as many children as the Regent hurt. Laurent ends is arc by growing up. He isn't a child anymore:
"You think you can defy me?" the Regent said to Laurent. "You think you can rule Vere? You?" Laurent said, "I'm not a boy anymore."
He isn't a boy anymore, he can't be controlled by the Regent anymore. He can now start a new life as his own person, free from the Regent and from Auguste's ghost. A life of love and new relationships.
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novlr · 8 months
Any tips on how to write a character that holds grudges?
From the icy walls they erect to their unquenchable thirst for revenge, characters who carry a grudge can push a narrative into unexpected territories. So let’s explore how to write characters who hold a grudge!
Isolate themselves
Obsessively focused
Delayed responses
Overly critical
Extreme reactions to the subject of their grudge
Avoid situations in which the grudge can surface
Deep-seated resentment
Struggle to let things go
Retaliatory actions
Cold or curt manner
Avoiding direct communication with the subject of their grudge
Use sarcasm, irony, or veiled hostility
Use others as proxies for communication
Use formal language
Harsh tone
Active avoidance
Behave counter to the wishes of the subject of their grudge
React negatively to attempts at reconciliation
Body language
Stiff posture
Avoid eye contact
Crossed armos
Expressions of distaste
Turning away and shunning
Maintain physical distance
Dismissive gestures
Tension and crossed arms or legs
Clenched teeth
Stubborn and unyielding
Unwilling to forgive and forget
A sense of entitlement
Bitter or cynical
A lack of empathy
Reluctance to let go of the past
Righteous anger
Unwilling to compromise
Feel wronged or victimised
A push to “get even”
Positive story outcomes
A grudge has the potential to foster forgiveness and reconciliation, serving as a powerful catalyst for personal growth. In time, the grudge-holder may come to realise their own mistakes and seek to make amends, leading to a profound understanding of the offender’s perspective. Ultimately, through this transformative journey, they may find the strength to let go of their grudge, providing a sense of relief and closure.
Negative story outcomes
Holding on to a grudge has the potential to inflict permanent damage on relationships, creating rifts that may never fully heal. The weight of the grudge can bring about unnecessary stress and mental anguish, consuming the grudge-holder’s thoughts and emotions. This can lead to a cycle of further conflicts and misunderstandings, pushing away valuable relationships that could have brought joy and fulfilment. In the grip of a grudge, a character may lose sight of what truly matters, becoming consumed by their resentment and losing the ability to appreciate the present.
Helpful synonyms
Ill will
Ill feeling
Bad blood
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Hot take. Everyone needs to stop pointing at one character in Jade Winglet and be like “AH! They're THE asshole of the group! That one! That one specifically!” Because everyone is an asshole.
Moonwatcher won't shut the fuck up which causes people to feel bad (Reference; Winter Turning, Pg. 75) because, hypocritically, she only has a censor if it “benefits” (hard quotation because it has always failed her. Reference; Luna and Moonwatchers interaction) her.
Qibli is an ass, like, a HUGE ass. He pressures Turtle and berates the very thing he's self-conscious about. He's got massive main-character syndrome; he wants power, he always wanted power, but he wants COMPLETE control of power without any repercussions. One of the reasons he refused Darkstalker's offer was because he wasn't entirely sure he would slip something in there.
Winter is an ass, he literally attacks other dragons without thinking about it (Reference; Peril), he's quick to strike and like Qibli, berates Turtle for being “a waste of potential” to his tribe.
Kinkajou goes off on everyone's backs and uses the remnants of the magic scroll to control and transform Darkstalkers against his consent or will. She has essentially killed him via poison. The whole book and DS character arc was trying to push through a narrative that you shouldn't control people, that you shouldn't take away their free will, and that you shouldn't transform their being into a form for your desire and comfort. Yet it's completely flipped on its head because Kinkajou wanted to be “a little silly” with her solution in ending the IceWing and NightWing conflict. She does exactly just this and that makes her part of the asshole list.
Turtle is inactive, his inaction causes a lot of problems for the others in a negative way in order to preserve his own self. He uses animus magic on Anemone just to make sure that he doesn't get any attention but this backfires and his sister is left not only being used as a WMD by Queen Coral, additionally, she is also left feeling alone in her magic. Turtle just sat on the sidelines as he actively watched Anemone get used like a tool by her mother and groomed by a disgusting snotball of a power-hungry political obsessed eel bbq dragon. His “neutrality” was incredibly toxic towards the upbringing of his sister. Yet, despite being the one guy everyone likes to pounce on and beat down he's probably the LEAST asshole character out of everyone in Jade Winglet. You can point at Turtle's issue of “not doing anything” and dig deeper to realize he's a child for one (an even younger child when he enchanted Anemone) and for two it's an unhealthy trauma response from his family. He has helped and supported every single Jade Winglet member in their “fall/on their knees” development and all he ever got in return was those to treat him like garbage (with Peril being the only one who wanted to help him and realizing how shitty animus magic is for him and attempted to make a situation better by ripping up the scroll with good intentions in mind).
Peril is probably the most self-explanatory but she tries. I can't really say anything else about the flaming toaster oven w/ the pizza box inside it dragon that not everyone else has said negatively about Peril before. She's uncontrollable and she constantly talks about hurting others, yak yak yak… Brownie points is that she's attempting to become a better person and trying to find her own path in life.
Now that everyone has run away typing furiously in the comments reblogging tags about this and that I want to emphasize that everything I said above is about CANON CONTENT. You can LOVE YOUR ASSHOLES!!! I personally LOVE MY ASSHOLES!!! There is nothing wrong with acknowledging that the protagonists that you read aren't the greatest people in the whole wide world. I know I wouldn't want to be in the same room as Peril if she was an actual person; with that said that doesn't mean she ISN’T my favorite dragon in the whole gosh darn freaking series. Winter is a bastard, I love Winter. Qibli is a bastard, I love Qibli. Moonwatcher… Actually, no. Moonwatcher can not. (this last one is a joke and a personal opinion, if I was to look at her into it retrospectively and have a positive thing to say I would say she's very neurodivergent relatable, and her power is very autism-coded.).
Jade Winglet is full of bastards.
I love my Jade Winglet bastards.
Stop being in denial and using “well I don't like [Insert Jade Winglet Member] because of what they did with [Insert Plot Point Here]” and accept that your favorite is a bastard. Tired of hearing about this rank system on who's more fucked up than the other and debating if they deserve love and respect for that. Ofc they do. They're your favs, y'all don't need to push or morally justify trying to like your favs by putting another Jade Winglet member down. You aren't impressing anyone or going “GOTCHA!” for this thought process.
Now stop fighting you cursed dragon hyperfixated disaster fandom. (/j)
Drops Mic
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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The Animus and Animus Possession
A woman is compensated by the masculine animus, the personified spirit of a woman that corresponds to the paternal Logos, representative of rationality, discrimination and cognition. It is the union of Eros, the expression of her true nature – that is, relatedness, connection and the feminine feeling value – and Logos that creates the instinctual drive toward wholeness necessary for psychological development and individuation.
While the animus is an eternal, inherited archetype of the collective unconscious, it is also influenced the context of one’s life, culture and personal relationships with the opposite sex. Therefore, it is both an archetypal image that possesses a degree of autonomy, such that it cannot be wholly integrated into consciousness, and a personal complex. The animus is best thought of as a kind of psychopomp or guide to the unconscious, formulating the bridge between a woman’s ego and the Self, the psychological totality of her being. According to Jung, “If the encounter with the shadow is the ‘apprentice-piece’... then that with the anima [or animus] is the ‘master-piece.’” (Carl Jung, C.W. Vol 9. Part I. Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious)
A woman possessed by the animus will develop emotionally charged, ‘sacred’ convictions and critical judgements, inflicted either against herself, causing deep feelings of inferiority, or indiscriminately against others. She exhibits ‘. . . a priori assumptions that lay claim to absolute truth.’ (Jung, 1951, p.15) When challenged on her position, she becomes abrasive and dogmatic. Such convictions are never true to the reality of her personhood, and in fact threaten her feminine identity and her relationships, for the animus-possessed woman is gripped by an unconscious desire for power and control. This negative animus lures her away from life and encases her in fantasies of how things should be. It can also manifest as a destructive attitude. According to Marie Louise Von Franz, the animus shares the primitive propensity of man as hunter, capable of murdering life for a woman. If the animus robs her of all life and leaves her in a state of emotional paralysis, she may become a vampire who sucks the life from others. This is quite unlike the anima, which serves to enhance life. In fairytales, such a negative animus may appear as the personification of death itself.
“Just as the mother influence is formative with a man's anima, the father has a determining influence on the animus of a daughter. The father imbues his daughter's mind with the specific coloring conferred by those indisputable views mentioned above, which in reality are so often missing in the daughter. For this reason, the animus is also sometimes represented as a demon of death. A gypsy tale, for example, tells of a woman living alone who takes in an unknown handsome wanderer and lives with him in spite of the fact that a fearful dream has warned her that he is the king of the dead. Again and again she presses him to say who he is. At first he refuses to tell her, because he knows that she will then die, but she persists in her demand. Then suddenly he tells her he is death. The young woman is so frightened that she dies. Looked at from the point of view of mythology, the unknown wanderer here is clearly a pagan father and god figure, who manifests as the leader of the dead (like Hades, who carried off Persephone). He embodies a form of the animus that lures a woman away from all human relationships and especially holds her back from love with a real man. A dreamy web of thoughts, remote from life and full of wishes and judgments about how things "ought to be," prevents all contact with life. The animus appears in many myths, not only as death, but also as a bandit and murderer, for example, as the knight Bluebeard, who murdered all his wives.” Marie Louise von Franz, The Animus, a Woman's Inner Man.
The animus becomes a valuable inner companion for a woman only once she is able to differentiate between the thoughts and opinions of this autonomous complex, and what she herself really thinks. To become familiar with the nature of her animus, she must create distance between herself and her convictions and look upon them with a critical eye. Manifest positively, the animus provides her with qualities of initiative, creative action, objectivity and spiritual wisdom. In his highest form, he is the incarnation of meaning.
“Just as the anima becomes, through integration, the Eros of consciousness, so the animus becomes a Logos; and in the same way that the anima gives relationship and relatedness to a man’s consciousness, so the animus gives to a woman’s consciousness a capacity for reflection, deliberation and self-knowledge.” Carl Jung, C.W. Vol 9. Part II: Aion. The Syzygy: Anima and Animus
Anima and Animus The archetype of the Anima/Animus forms a bridge between our personal unconscious, our personal unconscious and what Jung refers to as the Collective Unconscious. The anima/animus is the image making capacity which we use to draw inspirational, creative and intuitive images from the inner world (strictly speaking transpersonal inner world).
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7th house in relationship astrology
7th house in astrology deals with one to one relationships , love partner , our mirror energy, our other self . And thus planets in this house direct us to integrate their energy more consciously in our lives so that we can enjoy true intimate happy fulfulling relationships with ourself and the beloved as well. 💕
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Liz Greene, a well-known Jungian analyst, writer and astrologer has this to say about projection and falling in love .
Animus/anima can only be realized through a relation to a partner of the opposite sex, because only in such a relation do their projections become operative. Relationships which contain any element of falling in love inevitably contain animus/anima projections; and the curious feeling of familiarity one has about the loved one is only too explicable by the fact that one has, in actuality, fallen in love with oneself. This does not necessarily mean that such projections are harmful or negative. On the contrary, they are a necessary catalyst for relationship, just as relationship is a necessary catalyst for self-awareness - the quest for the inner partner is responsible for our embrace of life.
We shall explore it in our next post ⭐
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clearsighting · 4 months
woah sixty notifications anyways,
to preface arctic is my favorite character but narratively not in a “wow he’s a good person” way so let that shape your opinion of my opinion
giant fucking essay under cut i’m sorry
can anyone hear me. why is arctic portrayed in the fandom as tragic and had a negative character arc after killing those icewings with his magic. when he’s been horrible the entire time, just more subtly. he found everything in his life to be utterly tragic and boring and it all to be a big drag. he was a prince and he was expected for the animus powers he held and the offspring he’d have. arctic saw himself as an extension of diamond— which all princes are to their queens, basically— and he hated it. he had no authority over his own life and this was also enforced by the ranking system and general icewing culture.
…except that he never had any ill thoughts about that. it was always about what power his mother held over him. interesting! he didn’t care for the system and the hierarchy enforced by it, because by being an animus prince he was naturally at the top all the time and he didn’t have to care about how he treated other dragons because he was his mother’s favorite little dragon.
he detested THAT. his MOTHER was the one deciding everything for him. and he was powerless to do anything about that! how could a prince stand up to his queen and mother, animus or not, and live past that conversation. so he lashed out outside of that. he hated and ignored snowflake because she was just an extension of his mother. he describes her as “sparkly and boring the way mother likes” because he never bothered to see past what role she served in his life. she’s actually deeply complex as we can tell by runaway winglet where she’s her own pov, with an intricate and dark mind and more motivations than arctic ever had in his life.
arctic does not care, because he considers her lower than him. his mother can exercise her power on him through other dragons all he wants, but he still knows that he is severely more powerful and more important than any other dragon except her in his life. …and also, i think he has a weird complex about female dragons. hear me out,
when arctic meets foeslayer, it’s the first time he meets a nightwing. he expects them all to be boring and not of any interest to him in the slightest, but foeslayer just happens to overhear his conversation with snowflake and finds it hilarious. she laughs in his face, makes fun of him for forgetting his betrothed’s name. this is interesting to arctic. nobody has dared to make fun of him in his entire life because of his status. instead of being upset, like most icewings would, his situation with diamond shaped him to respond with amusement. what does he have to gain from laughing at himself with a nightwing? well, he gets a bit of freedom. room to stretch his wings and see beyond his mother’s (and the icewing rankings, but mostly he thinks of it as his mother) suffocation on him and every opinion he dares to hold.
arctic barely sees foeslayer as a romantic interest because because she’s charming, funny, pretty. he sees her as a way to piss off his mom. look at this dragon who doesn’t follow rules, who is starkly not an icewing noble with pretty glittery scales, who is not at all someone diamond could ever see her precious animus son with. foeslayer is crass and doesn’t think before she speaks and clumsy and not at all caring of how other dragons think of her and arctic likes that. he even gives her one of his earrings and enchants it, dares to defend her in the meeting hall by saying that she hadn’t actually stolen it and that he had given it, because he knows it’d get to his mother. he’s spitting at the ground in front of her feet, saying, “i can do more than you want me to”, “i am my own dragon”, and “you don’t decide my life”.
to arctic, female dragons in his life are a tool more than they’d ever be individuals.
obviously arctic’s rash decision to fall in love with a random nightwing is not the narrative’s favorite choices. obviously.
let’s skip forward a lot and, almost at the end here i promise, look at how he treats his offspring.
by the very start he meets darkstalker with contempt. he doesn’t like his name (because it’s creepy, and because foeslayer chose it and not him) and he doesn’t like how much attention foeslayer gives him. let me restate. arctic, the grown, married, ADULT MAN. Is jealous of his newborn son for taking up more time in foeslayer’s life. how interesting.
he detests darkstalker because he also looks more like a nightwing than whiteout. we don’t see whiteout hatch (because darkstalker is off running around and being the most self absorbed guy ever, even if he pretends he’s not) but we know this about her and arctic. arctic named her, and arctic doesn’t think of her as much of a dragon and more of a pretty thing he can flaunt around until he’s done. darkstalker points this out, which is means to scrutiny because darkstalker himself is a very unreliable and rose tinted narrator, but i think it makes sense based on arctic’s track record, honestly.
female dragons are NOT anything he cares about as individuals. Loud and clear. this is not a trait that is recently developed after he finds out foeslayer ‘betrayed’ him. He has been like this the entire time.
he wants to bring whiteout to the icewing kingdom not because he cares about her, but because he wants to use her and make his mother like him again. arctic wants to go back and grovel to his mother using his daughter as a bargaining chip, because he doesn’t want to kill his offspring, that’s a bit too much for him. but he does want his mother’s attention back, because foeslayer has stopped serving the role of a surrogate caretaker to him. now that she knows better. arctic by this point has learned loud and clear that the nightwings (against foeslayer’s wishes and hidden from her but he doesn’t really care by this point) wanted to steal him for his animus powers.
that’s.. not what he wanted. in the unwilling prisoner sense AND in his fantasy of sticking it up to his mother and spitting in the face of her power over him. now he’s in the power of another queen that he doesn’t like. isn’t that great, it’s all looped back on itself and arctic realizes that he receives consequences for his actions of being a complete asshole and misogynist!
anyways yeah. he’s one of my favorites because he’s deeply complex, at least in my brain if the complexity i’ve outlined here was unintentional on tui’s part and was just a big fumble that ended up being GOLDEN. also this essay doesn’t exist to try and convert anyone into my way of thinking and as a big brainwashing scheme to make you like arctic, no, i just wanted to get my thoughts out clearly before i got cancelled for the thought crime of liking a fictional dragon misogynist.
anyways cheers if you’ve made it this far, thanks for listening to my insanity.
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teecupangel · 4 months
Hi this Jasmine Miles from AO3! I was wondering how you might interpret this following setting:
Its 2020 and Desmond Miles has awoken held captive by a really minor front of Templars, here he meets Leonardo Da vinci and they not only become friends but because of already seeing him in Ezio's memories, they become lovers. In time Desmond learns Leo was an assassin and they meet up with Altaïr and Ezio who are also here. They eventually escape and they form a new group of loyalists with Desmond as mentor, gaining confidence as he goes.
You say minor front of Templars and my brain immediately goes for the Templar team that kidnapped Noa Kim in the Black Flag webtoon but that happened around 2023 XD
2020 is the year Valhalla’s plot starts so we can set this up to be a case of “While Layla and team were checking the mysterious message that led to Eivor’s remains, Desmond wakes up in an unknown Abstergo facility”.
The plot would be less like the webtoon’s Templars but more like the movie’s Templars.
Hell, we can even put Sofia Rikkin as the leader of the Templars that have ‘taken’ Desmond.
This sounds like Leonardo Da Vinci is an Assassin in this one which he wasn’t in canon so this could be a case of the Leonardo Da Vinci Desmond is introduced to is said to be a descendant of Leonardo Da Vinci who came from an Assassin family.
He’s a fellow captive who is being forced to watch the past Leonardo Da Vinci’s memories.
To be more exact…
How Leonardo Da Vinci was forcibly made to use the Apple by Cesare Borgia.
Desmond was in the same boat. They’re not looking for certain POEs or anything.
They want to see the memories of Altaïr using the Apple.
It didn’t take long before Desmond realized that they were looking for those memories because they have an Apple in their possession (kept in a different location because Sofia Rikkin is not an idiot, Desmond Miles is the most dangerous Assassin to ever wield an Apple easily after Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad) and they’re using data they gathered from the Animus sessions to try and create a ‘device’ that would control the Apple while they control the device because…
The Apple has a corrupting influence on everyone that wields it. Sooner or later, the user starts changing mentally and emotionally.
The only exception they could find to this rule were…
Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad and…
Desmond Miles.
Leonardo was being used as a ‘control’ subject, to give a more accurate reading to compare to Desmond.
Because reliving the times Leonardo Da Vinci used the Apple aggravate Leonardo’s Bleeding Effect.
But Desmond hasn’t had any negative effect at all.
That’s when Sofia Rikkins orders from two other test subjects to be brought in and to be given the same setup.
To see if Desmond Miles is the exception or…
If it’s his bloodline.
Now, this is where the plot separates into two routes you can take:
Route 1: This is really a case of historical AC characters being reborn in modern day
This is the less sci-fi and untwist-y plot. Ezio and Altaïr are reborn into the modern day. If you want to hammer in the ‘history repeats itself’, they are both from Assassin families that got hit by the Great Purge and are related to Desmond in some way. Ezio actually calls Bill ‘Uncle Bill’ and the Great Purge killed his father and brothers and Ezio only learned about his Assassin heritage after their deaths. He had been on the run with his mother and sister and he got captured because he stood his ground to buy them some time. He doesn’t know if they’re safe or they’ve been captured. Altaïr, on the other hand, was raised to be an Assassin from the get go in a facility very similar to the Farm. He’s related to Desmond’s mother (his late father is Desmond’s mother’s distant thrice removed cousin or something) and perhaps is even the grandson of the previous mentor (or so it’s hinted because Daniel Cross describes him as looking like his grandfather). If you really want to hammer some kind of past that will create conflict between him and Desmond, they’re both from the Farm and Altaïr is actually the only one who survived the failed rescue attempt back in AC1 so Desmond feels guilty and Altaïr is too awkward to clear any misunderstanding Desmond might have.
Because, technically, Desmond has more experienced among them (as Altaïr’s experience is more akin to an elite foot soldier), Desmond takes on a leadership role and that’s the start of the ‘let’s plan how to escape this place’ arc.
Route 2: This is a cloning plot that gives a ‘reborn AC characters’ red herring
Leonardo would note early on that “they say I’m Leonardo Da Vinci’s descendant and an Assassin. I don’t feel like either of them” which Desmond (and the narration) would mistake as Leonardo saying he feels like a failure.
Leonardo has no memories of his life before waking up in the Abstergo facility.
That’s because he is one of the clones made from Leonardo Da Vinci’s remains using the technology left behind by the Phoenix Project.
Desmond has all his memories and believes he’s Desmond Miles but he actually isn’t and he finds this out when Altaïr and Ezio are placed in the same facility.
Altaïr only has memories up to that fateful night he spent with Maria.
Ezio only has memories of a night of passion with Sofia.
If they were reborn, why would they only have memories up to the ‘time’ of conception of Desmond Miles’ ‘next’ ancestor?
Sofia Rikkins didn’t bother to lie to Desmond when he confronts her and he learns the bitter truth.
Leonardo, Altaïr and Ezio are all clones.
As well as Desmond.
Altaïr, Ezio and Desmond were cloned after Sample 17 because Desmond Miles’ actual corpse went missing for some reason.
Cue existential crisis here, a callback to the whole ‘what makes us who we are but our memories?’ and hurt/comfort all over.
Because Altaïr and Ezio are pretty much ‘newborn’, Desmond takes on a leadership role and that’s the start of the ‘let’s plan how to escape this place’ arc.
Unorganized Notes:
I picked the movie’s type of Abstergo facility because (1 if this is reborn route) this gives you the choice of doing other possible reborn characters to include to the new group of loyalists Desmond’s gonna lead or (2 if this is cloning route) to keep the audience from fully guessing that this is actually a cloning facility by making them remember the movie’s setup
Altaïr calls Desmond ‘Al Mualim’ once and Desmond felt so disturbed everyone laughs. ‘Al Mualim’ now becomes their pet name for Desmond whenever they want to tease him or when they think he’s planning to do something stupid
Leonardo and Desmond’s relationship is slowly blooming when Ezio enters the fray and, well, with Ezio there, there’s now this awkward love triangle thing going on with Desmond believing that Leonardo would fall in love with Ezio again, Leonardo being torn by his feelings for Desmond and the Bleeding Effect’s feelings for Ezio and Ezio not actually realizing he’s part of a love triangle because he just sees Leonardo as his BFF.
Altaïr in the background, suffering through these three idiots’ drama and wishing he could just kill every last security personnel around… just to get away from all of these.
Sofia Rikkins is colder and more professional in this one. Cal killing her father after she and he got sorta close really fucked her up.
Up to you if you want Cal and his team to show up. I placed Sofia as the ‘main Templar’ because she’s one of the few Templars high enough in Abstergo to be able to do commandeer an entire facility, she has knowledge of the Animus, and is part of the Templar inner circle in some capacity.
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hamliet · 1 year
Syzygy, or Animus and Anima: Weiss and Jaune
Anima-Animus anon, here is your meta. I genuinely do think Weiss and Jaune are one of the best literary examples I've seen of animus and anima, respectively. This is not inherently a shipping meta, although you could read it that way.
Of note: I did talk about Jaune and anima before here in a larger meta about his arc, and about Weiss and animus here. But I want to talk about their arcs because they are complimentary, and really encapsulate how to write anima and animus pretty perfectly.
So let's go over it. What is anima? What is animus? How is Jaune one of Weiss's animuses? How is Weiss one of Jaune's anima? And what does this mean thematically for their arcs and the work of RWBY as a whole?
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Jungian Archetypes
I have a whole meta on Jungian archetypes in RWBY. But I just want to quickly go over some of them because I'll use these terms in the meta.
Persona: the part of ourself we present to the public. It's usually somewhat fake, or at least societally acceptable.
Shadow: the part ourselves we repress because we do not want to acknowledge the parts of us that are selfish, hurting, weak. End goal: integration with the shadow and accepting that these are parts of you. In literature, the shadow is often negative or antagonistic if embodied in a character, because facing it requires facing character flaws. However, only by integrating with the shadow do we start to heal. It's necessary to become a complete person. Associated with the Black stage in alchemy, and with Blake.
Anima/animus: the feminine/masculine within ourselves. This can overlap with the shadow in some ways (for example, men often don't want to admit that they're weak). Anima/animus can be positive and negative. Associated with the White stage in alchemy, and with Weiss and Jaune. You don't have to interpret it as romantic, but it often is.
Self: The Self is the end goal of Jungian psychology: achieving individuation, or the fullness of being who you are and knowing your role in the world. Associated with the Red stage in alchemy, and with Ruby.
Syzygy: the union of anima and animus.
Lastly, I want to disclaimer about the terms "masculine" and "feminine" here. Jung was writing at a time when gender binaries and roles were very much a thing. Of course they apply less today (and RWBY deliberately plays with some of these, as we'll see). But when I use the term "masculine" or "feminine" in this meta I mean in the traditional sense Jung is talking about. Masculine=bravery, physical power, fear of the weak. Feminine=beauty, emotions, kindness, etc. Please note this is clearly oversimplified and I am not endorsing this, just explaining a pattern that Jung pointed out in regards to literature.
Jaune and Anima
Between anima and animus, anima is more likely to be romantic in fiction. That's because Jung associated anima with something he called Eros (Greek for romantic/sexual love). A man's anima is also almost always one person at a time. This is not the case with animus, as we'll see.
Hence, the two women associated with Jaune's anima are Weiss and Pyrrha.
The previous meta I did on Jaune's arc makes a strong argument that Pyrrha firstly embodies his anima. She almost perfectly goes through the first three of four stages of anima in regards to how Jaune views her, which are:
Eve (mother)
Helen (romantic interest)
Mary (religious devotion)
Sophia (wisdom, guide to the inner life)
I would also argue that Pyrrha embodies Sophia too here, but the living Sophia is also Weiss. Sophia is Greek for "wisdom," and both the official RWBY Twitter account and the show itself make the connection explicit for us, with the Curious Cat calling Weiss "wise Huntress."
But it's also deeper than just stages here. Jaune's entire arc is about the rejection of toxic masculinity and the embrace of his own role as maiden. Only through becoming a Maiden (in other words, embracing the feminine within) can he become a Knight (the man he was meant to be).
Jaune As The Maid of Orleans
Jaune's allusion is, of course, Jeanne d'Arc. He has a feminine allusion, which tells us to expect his integration with the inner feminine. Joan of Arc was also know as three things:
A spiritual guide to France in wartime
A soldier/knight
A maiden
In real life, Joan of Arc was dismissed because she was just a girl... until she started actually winning battles and her predictions came true. God or not, there's something really powerful and intriguing and eerie about her story. Joan of Arc referred to herself as "Jeanne la Pucelle," or "Joan the Maiden."
But what is a Maiden? In Joan's time, it literally meant "virginity," because there was a prophecy that France would be restored by a virgin. In other words, her virginity was a strength--spiritually, at the time period, her going to war with men yet maintaining her virginity was seen as a sign of righteousness (yes, it was very anti-sex).
In RWBY, a maiden is also hardly a weakness. No, a Maiden is a specific type of power.
It's also associated with martyrdom.
Jaune has had special relationships with several of the Maidens in the series: firstly, Pyrrha, who chooses to kiss him (a nice pro-sex commentary honestly) before dying as a Maiden even though the power had not been transferred to her. Pyrrha ends up a martyr like Joan of Arc, but her legacy, like Joan's lives on. Pyrrha embodies what Jaune should become.
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Penny, of course, dies as a martyr too. She is stabbed by Cinder and there isn't time to save her. Jaune, who defines himself as a healer thanks to his semblance, has no choice but to kill her so that Penny stays in control of her destiny. It's tragic, but like Pyrrha, it isn't empty.
Of course, Cinder has now killed Jaune's first love interest, tried to kill another (Weiss), and then made Jaune into a killer via stabbing Penny. Hence, Jaune and Cinder are also linked, and the message of what a maiden should be, and what destiny is--the message Pyrrha carried, the message of choice embodying destiny that Penny carried--is something I suspect Jaune will give to Cinder before the end.
Still, all of these incidents, the three big alchemical deaths of the series--Black Death, White Death, and Yellow Death (Crocea Mors)--involve Jaune and specifically switch the gender of what you would expect from a hero.
The Knight is supposed to protect the Maiden. Instead, the Maiden kisses Jaune and locks him away to save him while she fights Cinder. Jaune is supposed to protect the Maiden, but she (Weiss) gets impaled precisely because he couldn't get over his previous failure to save Pyrrha. This time, though, he saves Weiss.
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The thing is, though, that healing is traditionally a feminine attribute. Hence, Weiss lives and Jaune heals because, symbolically, of his ability to embrace the inner feminine.
Lastly, the Knight is supposed to save the Maiden. But instead, saving the Maiden looks like becoming the monster himself, like becoming his shadow (which Cinder is). It shatters his sense of self, as we've been seeing throughout Volume 9.
If a Knight is also a dragon killing a maiden, who is he?
Jaune As The Rusted Knight
Jaune's sword is broken, and he intensely clings to this persona of "knight who saves" the entire volume. But by intensively insisting on saving the Paper Pleasers, he doesn't realize he's repeating what Ironwood et al did to Penny: refusing to allow them their own right to choose their destiny. He also fails to save Alyx.
Jaune's "knight who saves" persona has been a key part of his character since the first season. He cheats to get into Beacon because he wants to be a hero and carry on his family's legacy. He's embarrassed to be so weak, but the only way to become strong is to rely on women. Team RWBY, Pyrrha, even Nora and Ren (who don't fit gender stereotypes themselves).
Pyrrha literally trains Jaune. Notably, whenever Jaune relies on male advice, he fails. In fact, his knight persona is precisely why Weiss doesn't like him at first (not just romantically; like, at all.)
Weiss: (separating the two) Jaune, is it? Do you have any idea who you're talking to?
Jaune: Not in the slightest, snow angel.
Jaune: I don't understand. My dad said all women look for is confidence! Where did I go wrong? (accepts Ruby's offered hand and uses her to lift himself back up)
Yang: "Snow Angel" probably wasn't the best start.
Jaune's confidence and understanding of women coming from his dad instead of like, actual women, means he's going to make an arse of himself. And he does. At first.
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But, Jaune starts to integrate with the feminine through not just Pyrrha training him physically, but also through doing things like dressing up as a princess and going to the dance like that to honor his word to Pyrrha. He gets closer to Weiss by talking to Neptune about feelings rather than by impressing her through feats of strength. He then saves her life via delving into a traditionally feminine power. And in the end of Volume 9, he is restored to his young self via Alyx, the girl he thought he couldn't save.
Weiss and Animus
Oh boy, animus.
Okay, so... Jung did not write nearly as much about animus as he did about anima. Supposedly that's because he's a dude and recognized that he could not actually experience animus. Fortunately, his wife Emma wrote a lot about it, as did some direct colleagues (like Marie-Louise von Franz) who specifically applied animus to its portrayal in fairy tales.
Animus differs from anima in a few key ways. The centrality of the concept--that it's the masculine within a woman--remains the same. However, animus:
is not usually limited to just one person at a time like anima;
doesn't follow stages nearly so neatly (they exist but are a bit... debatable)
is not inherently based on Eros, or a romantic understanding. No, instead animus is based on Logos.
What is Logos? Logos is literally "word" in Greek, but the actual usage is more akin to "mind" or "spirit." Weiss, of course, is a mind character. It can also refer to the principle of the matter. In other words, a woman looks for her masculine traits in a principle she holds dear.
Jung himself said:
The male personification of the unconscious in the woman — the animus — exhibits both good and bad aspects, as does the anima in man. But the animus does not so often appear in the form of an erotic fantasy or mood [as the anima often does to men]…even in a woman who is outwardly very feminine the animus can be an equally hard and inexorable power. One may suddenly find oneself up against something in a woman that is obstinate, cold and completely inaccessible.
Weiss as Princess Snow White
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Weiss starts off possessed by her negative animus, the Logos or principle.
What is animus/anima possession? It's specifically a negative manifestation of the animus (or anima) wherein someone behaves overwhelmingly like their masculine side--but in a negative sense. In other words, for Weiss, this looks like a persona of toxic masculinity.
Possession caused by the anima or animus presents a different picture... The animus is obstinate, harping on principles, laying down the law, dogmatic, world-reforming, theoretic, word-mongering, argumentative, and domineering.
I kinda do think this sounds like early-volume Weiss. But it also sounds like... Jacques Schnee.
See, the animus is also often a reflection of a woman's father. Even though Weiss is determined to prove herself without her father's influence by the start of the series, we also see that she is in some ways behaving like him. Of course she's not nearly so ruthless or bigoted, but she does maintain some prejudice about faunus, maintains entitlement (demanding to be leader of RWBY), tells off Ruby for accidents, etc. She's denying her femininity.
But then her development starts, and with this, her animus changes. Who are her animus?
Well, as I said above, animus has multiple presentations, and for Weiss they're specifically unique... because some of them are women. Make of that what you will, shippers and headcanoners. I'm not just going off of nowhere in saying that I think some of Weiss's masculine animuses are women, either; I'm specifically talking about it in regards to Weiss's allusion of Snow White.
You can find numerous fairy tale analyses with animus/anima interpretations. Snow White is one of the most obvious ones. But Weiss's Snow White is genderbent... mostly. Except for her.
See, in the Grimm version of the fairy tale, Snow White's father is alive. He just does absolutely nothing to stop his wife from abusing Snow White. In this story, Willow, Weiss's mother, is the absent one, doing absolutely nothing to stop Jacques from abusing her children. As a result, we have the Shadow develop--in the fairy tale, the Shadow is the Evil Queen. In Weiss's story, it's Jacques. He is who she doesn't want to be, but does have similarities to especially in her persona.
Snow White then meets nine other men. Yes, there are a total of ten male characters, and they are all aspects of animus. In the original Snow White fairy tale (reference this analysis), we can break it down as such:
Absentee dad
Seven Dwarves
In this, we can see slow progression of Snow White's integration with her masculine side.
Firstly, it's denied to her (she's completely out of balance) because her father refuses to take any action and is never mentioned again.
Secondly, the Huntsman takes action and spares Snow White from the queen, but also doesn't exactly help her. He sends her off into a dangerous forest to fend for herself.
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Thirdly, we see reciprocity finally appear. Snow White helps the dwarves, but they also help her. It becomes a mutual relationship in which she learns from all seven of them.
Lastly, Snow White is revived thanks to the prince, who marries her as an equal.
When we compare this to Weiss's arc, we see similarities. Willow is absent, denying her what she needs. Then, Winter play the role of the Huntsman, helping Weiss forge her own way to a degree but still leaving her to rely on herself when she could maybe use a bit more help.
Thirdly, Weiss meets RBYJNPR: her seven dwarves. She learns how to be herself, learns who she is, in great part because of them.
Lastly, this volume we have her developing an attraction to Jaune, whom she knows and who has revived her. She gets to be fully Prince and Princess.
What About Stages?
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The stages of animus, when they exist, are loosely defined (as in Jung himself didn't actually say this, but is often attributed as having said it) as:
Tarzan: physical power
Byron: man of action or romance
Lloyd George: man as a professor or orator
Hermes/Mercury: man as a spiritual guide
If we look at this through the lens of Weiss's arc, we do see traces of these. The physical power Weiss is attracted to is embodied in Winter and Pyrrha. I mean Weiss specifically calls out Pyrrha's physical strength when she meets her:
Weiss: So, Pyrrha, have you given any thought to whose team you'd like to be on? I'm sure everyone must be eager to unite with such a strong, well-known individual such as yourself! Weiss: This will be perfect! The smartest girl in class combined with the strongest girl in class! Together we will be unstoppable! I can see it now! We'll be popular! We'll be celebrities! We'll get perfect grades! Nothing can come between us now!
The man of action/romance is embodied in the Rusted Knight persona, and in Neptune, who is notably a giant flirt.
As a professor or orator, I would actually say there are many here. Klein, of course, reminding her who she is. Then there is Robyn, who is probably the most obvious orator in the story. Also Ironwood. Basically, thanks to Robyn having the election stolen from her, Weiss helps take down her dad. As a result, her mother returns to her (the feminine returning) and she is able to get Whitley to help save them all (integrating the masculine).
We also see a little bit of this later on with Jaune, in that Weiss expressly says she admires his maturity.
The technique of coming to terms with the animus is the same in principle as in the case of the anima; only here the woman must learn to criticize and hold her opinions at a distance; not in order to repress them, but, by investigating their origins, to penetrate more deeply into the background, where she will then discover the primordial images, just as the man does in his dealings with the anima.
We're not quite there with Hermes/Mercury, and I would bet that Jaune won't fully become gold or a spiritual guide unless he, well, has something to do with saving Mercury Black. The allusion is too literal not to be used.
Weiss as Knight
Weiss has always been a knight in addition to being Snow White, a maiden princess. Weiss defeats a knight-like creature (Arma Gigas) in the White trailer, and then goes on to be able to summon Arma Gigas as part of her semblance thereafter.
She's exceptionally talented in combat. In fact, the person Jaune calls to save Pyrrha when she's gone to fight Cinder is Weiss. He begs her to save Pyrrha, and Weiss promises him she will.
Sadly, just like Jaune in his attempts to be a knight, she can't, but not for lack of trying.
Later, in Volume 5, we see Weiss receive a power up that comes from her soul (another word for anima). The knight imagery becomes even more part of her semblance, as @aspoonofsugar has written. Notably, she summons Queen Lancer (literally referring to both the maiden-princess and knight archetype) after Jaune heals her in Volume 5. In other words, it's part of her integration with Jaune.
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Then, Volume 8 happens, and Jaune again tries to rely on Weiss. He insists to Penny that "Weiss will buy us time" to heal Penny. And she would have tried (and probably died). But Penny tells Jaune that he's the one she needs to do something brave. It's his time to be a knight.
Weiss similarly expresses confidence that Jaune would have done the best he could after she arrives at the Ever After, unaware that he's fallen, too. Even as they go through the Ever After, Weiss affirms her Logos: herself, which is defined by her heroism and her failures.
Weiss: I don't know who you think you are, but let me tell you who I am. I am the granddaughter of a hero and the child of a villain. I am a citizen of a fallen kingdom and an heir to nothing. I will not be defined by my name because I will b e the one to define it. I am Weiss Schnee, and I am a Huntress.
And then we have the finale of Volume 9. Here, Weiss is the one to give Jaune words of wisdom, to encourage him after the Paper Pleasers return as jewels and Jaune realizes that he was not only holding them back, but holding himself back (literally, Jaune, despite being older, has not grown at all emotionally; he's stagnated. He's not a 40 year old in a teen's body; he was a teen in a 40 year old's body). Weiss tells Jaune what she told her younger self:
Jaune: I wanted the rush of rescuing someone, and I got that here.
Weiss: I think you're asking too much of yourself. We've been telling ourselves that failing means we're no good. But I can guarantee even the best Huntsmen in history? They've all lost. But they were still incredibly brave. And good.
In response to this, Jaune starts to cry (a traditionally feminine trait!), and Weiss asserts again what her Logos is: being a knight and a maiden, being brave and good, even when that means you can't save everyone.
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So then they fight together, again.
But it's another reversal. The princess, instead of being saved by the knight, almost kills the knight with fire in a scene that comments on what happened with Pyrrha, Jaune saving Weiss, and Penny.
Integration of Knight and Maiden
What's interesting about the Pyrrha-anima-animus connection is that it is Weiss who introduces Jaune to Pyrrha in the first place. Weiss wants to be Pyrrha's partner, actually. She deeply admires Pyrrha, as shown as she says about her and Pyrrha in that first meeting:
Nothing can come between us now!
What immediately comes between them is Jaune. Literally.
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But it's not Jaune coming between them in an icky two girls can't get along because of a boy love triangle way. No, instead it's the three of them united because of their relationships with each other.
In that same scene, the very first, we have Weiss literally asking Pyrrha to intervene and get Jaune away from her by throwing her spear... which she does. The symbolism of Weiss asking Pyrrha to throw her spear into Jaune is uh. It's Freudian. Let's leave it there.
In fact, Jaune's feelings for Pyrrha start to develop as a result of her training him physically and encouraging him about his crush on Weiss. Hence, Weiss has been a part of Jaune and Pyrrha's relationship since the start of it; all three of them have an inextricably intertwined relationship.
Then, when Pyrrha says goodbye to Jaune and kisses him, it's right before shoving Jaune into a locker, the same as the ones she met him in front of. This time, when Jaune's in trouble, he calls Weiss--understanding that he needs someone else to save Pyrrha, and trusting that Weiss can do it. Jaune calls Weiss, because she's a knight. Unfortunately, she can't save her.
In Volume 5, Jaune saves Weiss precisely because his grief over Pyrrha contributes to Cinder impaling Weiss. Pyrrha is central to Weiss and Jaune's bond. Pyrrha and Weiss have always been intertwined as Jaune's anima, and if they do end up going with romantic White Knight, they would never have happened if it weren't for Arkos.
While I often see early-volume!Jaune's feelings for Weiss dismissed as shallow, I don't think they actually are. I think they're immature, sure, but look at what he tells Ren about Weiss:
It's Weiss... I'm completely head over heels for her, and she won't even give me a chance. She's cold, but she's also incredible. She's smart, and graceful, and talented-- I mean have you heard her sing? I just wish she take me seriously, y'know? I wish I could tell her how I feel without messing it all up.
Jaune clearly always did see the actual Weiss, not just her beauty, physical strength, or name. Yes, he was initially attracted to her persona, but the undercurrent was always real. Even Snow Angel.
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The problem is that Jaune could never be with Weiss if he remained in his Knight persona, expecting her to take the princess role. No, instead, they both have to be knight and princess.
Knight and maiden have never been more clearly integrated than in Volume 9's portrayal of Weiss and Jaune. Jaune is the legendary "Rusted Knight." But, he turns out to still be a Maiden literally waiting around a tower/house for rescue in the form of Team RWBY.
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When the Jabberwalker comes, Jaune and Weiss fight together just like Bumbleby fight together; this is explicitly paralleled. (Also, Weiss kind of ignores her fighting partner, Ruby, which contributes to Ruby's feeling lonely; this isn't inherently wrong because they like, needed to stop the Jabberwalker, but it still, well, is, and is also emblematic of Ruby feeling left behind).
During this fight, Jaune tosses his sword to Weiss, who expertly wields it despite it being broken and then gives it back, therefore symbolizing that Weiss can be the knight, that she can be the masculine one, and letting her do so is actually not emasculating for Jaune. Instead, it's realization of his potential in being both knight and maiden.
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(And, let's not get into the very very basic Freudian symbolism 101 of a woman using a man's sword.)
The Maiden, instead of being saved by the knight, almost kills the knight with a baptism of fire.
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In fact, in Jung's own writing on the philosophical tree (yes, really), he notes this:
The lapis signifies the inner man... the natura abscondita which the alchemists sought to set free. In this sense the Aurora consurgens says that through baptism by fire "man, who before was dead, is made a living soul." ... The genuineness or in-corruptibility of the stone is proved by the torment of fire and cannot be attained without it. This leitmotiv runs all through alchemy.
What is funny here is that Jung uses "lapis" here to mean the philosophical stone, which is most commonly called a ruby. But it can be a sapphire, or apparently a lapis lazuli. Go google the color lapis and tell me that that is not exactly Weiss's dress color.
Like Joan of Arc, Jaune is consumed by the fire. He is coagulated after the dissolution of the Paper Pleasers. But instead of coming forth as ashes, he comes forth as gold... with some growth still ahead and with some white streaks in his hair, symbolizing integration with the feminine (white=feminine in alchemy and Jung).
So where do Weiss and Jaune go from here? Jung provides a clue:
“Just as the anima becomes, through integration, the Eros of consciousness, so the animus becomes a Logos; and in the same way that the anima gives relationship and relatedness to a man’s consciousness, so the animus gives to a woman’s consciousness a capacity for reflection, deliberation and self-knowledge.”
C.W. Vol 9. Part II: Aion. The Syzygy: Anima and Animus
Both Jaune and Weiss have done this for one another thus far, and will continue doing so. Neither Weiss's nor Jaune's arcs are entirely over, either: Jaune still needs to fully embody the spiritual guide, and Weiss needs to embody wisdom and they are both so close but still have a bit more to grow.
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rurikredwolf · 1 year
Book 10 completely destroyed the point of arc 2
More specifically, the strawberry scene. This isn’t a defense of Darkstalker before anyone thinks it, but more of a ‘bruh’ moment and rendered a central theme null
Ever since book 7, using animus to change people was presented as a very bad thing. Being Pyrite completely fucked up Hailstorm. When Winter put on the necklace briefly, he described it as one of the worst things to ever happen to him. He lost his sense of self and that one minute experience messed him up to.
And then there’s Peril. she didn’t have a Pyrite experience, but her identity was screwed with. She was made to be someone she isnt, and forgot Clay’s very existance as a result. 
Kinkajou was forced under a love spell. Her emotions were completely fabricated and she still has no idea what to do with them after the spell ended.
Even Qibli reacted super negatively when Darkstalker did it to Vulture.
The whole moral is not changing someone, no matter how evil they are. That it’s a bad thing.
and then they did it to Darkstalker. Nobody discusses it or has a problem with it despite Qibli just saying it was bad the previous chapter. The only one who would have an issue was conveniently sent away.
Four books and 95% of the tenth, animus changing people to be someone they are not is bad. Nobody should do it.
Until it’s convenient. It’s like they knew Winter would have a problem, too, because people refuse to tell him what happened.
Tui wrote herself into a hole with this and it showed.
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shortcakeart · 10 months
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Wings of fire tarot (part 1). Explanations below the cut! Part 2!
The Lovers (Sundew and Willow): this one is pretty self explanatory. Best canon couple in the series (next to Fathom and Indigo maybe). The trees in the background loosely represent the creator in the original card.
The Magician (Turtle): this one is mostly based of the joke of Turtle being a magician, but animus magic plays a big role in his story so I think it fits. I also think the duality of action vs inaction and skill vs latent talent works really well for his character arc. I added his enchanted objects since the magician on the card has some of his own.
The Sun (Sunny): despite the obvious, Sunny really embodies the cards traits of fun, warmth, positivity, and success. Shes holding the eye of onyx to symbolize how she used her positivity to take her destiny into her own hands. She is literal sunshine.
The Moon (Moonwatcher): the moon card stands for psychic messages, illusions, and insecurity, which embodies Moons character arc especially concerning her powers. Also, c’mon, I had to.
The Tower (Peril): this card has a lot of negative interpretations with chaos, upheaval, and destruction. While all these things can fit with Peril, I also like the positive readings of it for her. It can stand for revelations and personal growth coming from said chaos and destruction, which is very true of Peril’s arc. She grows so much from her childhood trauma and the horrific things she was forced to do, and turned her destructive powers against Scarlet, who initially manipulated her into causing said destruction.
The Fool (Blaze): Blaze has the characteristics of childlike innocence, naivety, and being a free spirit. She’s often seen as a fool by the cast as well. She does however have a new beginning (another meaning of this card) at the end of arc one. The traits that made everyone think she was foolish are likely the reason for her survival, because she is too cowardly and not ambitious enough to be involved in the final conflict with her sisters. Her innocence make her the “nicest” of the sandwing sisters, which is her saving grace.
Strength (Clay): Clay is physically strong and big, but he also fulfills the cards traits of courage, compassion, and inner strength. He is the group’s big wings, and he is always putting others needs first and looking out for his friends. The original card displays a woman holding the mouth of a lion open. I drew Clay holding the dragon bite viper because, though he doesn’t actually kill it, he sacrifices himself to protect Sunny, Starflight, and Fatespeaker from it, showing his bravery and self sacrificial nature.
The Hierophant (Starflight): Starflight fits this role because of his academic nature and his role as a founder at jade mountain academy. While not all of the meanings of this card fit his character, he does represent education and morality. Much of his book consists of him realizing the moral failings of his tribes and attempting to fight back against it. And of course he had to be holding a scroll.
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aspoonofsugar · 1 year
Blake's Animus Journey
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The animus/anima is one of the 4 archetypes that describe the development and function of the human mind (according to Carl Jung, at least).
They are:
The Persona - What a person shows to others, the part of the self they wear as a mask
The Shadow - What a person hides from others and themselves, the repressed part of the self
The Anima/Animus - The feminine side of a man and the masculine side of a woman, the complementary part of the self
The Self - What the person is, as a whole, the sum and combination of all other archetypes
RWBY uses these ideas in many different ways. For example, each girl embodies 1 specific archetype:
Yang is the Persona - She is "more than meets the eye", which is the whole point of this archetype. The persona is what's worn on the sleeve and shown outside. Yang's whole character is built on her projecting multiple personas (eye-candy girl, badass fighter, pun loving himbo) to hide her vulnerability. This is also why she is linked to light, which is symbolic of this archetype.
Blake is the Shadow - She is "the beast that descends from shadows" and her own semblance is called Shadow. The shadow is what isn't shown, both negative and positive. Blake initially runs away from her mistakes and hides herself. Her story is about facing Adam (negative part of the shadow) and growing confident enough to reveal her true self (positive part of the shadow). Her "beast" symbolism ties into this because "inner beast" is another way to call this archetype.
Weiss is the Animus/Anima - She is queen and knight, Snowhite and Prince. The animus/anima is about reconciling opposites, which is the heart of Weiss's story. She is "the grandaughther of a hero and the child of a villain", she is a Huntress and the Schnee Heiress. She can hold her own in a fight and wears frilly clothes. This archetype is conveyed also by her avatars: the Arma Gigas symbolizes her masculine part and the Queen Lancer is the integration between the feminine and the masculine.
Ruby is the Self - She is both the microchosm and the macrochosm. The self encompasses all the other archetypes, so Ruby has her own story, but her story ties with that of the world. She is her own person, but she also deals with everyone's burden. This is why Red Like Roses is a song about her team. This is why every trailer quote can be applied to Ruby herself. The Ruby/RWBY duplicity symbolizes exactly this archetype.
That said, the RWBY girls deal with all these archetypes. This is because by integrating them one reaches self-actualization, which is the main objective of the characters and of the series, as a whole.
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Blacksmith: True balance finds its own equilibrium. It only requires love and the patience to see things through in the end.
So, Blake represents the shadow, but her arc also deals with the persona and the animus. In particular, she needs to let go of her dark and anti-social persona (the ribbon), so she can show everybody how good the shadow can be (her Faunus heritage). In order to do so, though, she also needs to grow more active and this happens thanks to her integrating the animus.
The animus/anima is linked to 3 ideas:
activity/passivity - the animus (masculine) is linked to proactivity and energy, while the anima (feminine) is associated to passivity and self-reflection
mind/heart or logos/eros- the animus symbolizes mind (logos) and ideals, while the anima represents heart (eros) and emotions
romance - a mature animus/anima leads to healthy and deep romantic bonds
So, the integration of this archetype is basically a person obtaining the traits they lack (active/passive and heart/mind) by growing mature enough for a long-lasting love story. Because of it, narratives often convey this psychological process through (usually) romantic relationships, which bring out the desired attributes.
This is the case for Blake, as well. Our cat girl needs to develop her animus (activity + logos/mind) and goes through a journey, which follows 4 stages. All are linked to different archetypal figures:
Tarzan: man as physical power
Byron: man of action and romance
Lloyd George: man as a professor or orator
Hermes: man as a spiritual guide
By going through all the stages, Blake becomes a full fledged individual and grows mature enough to be in a healthy and balanced relationship:
Blake: When you've been at someone's side for so long, after a while they become a part of you. But that's just it, they're only a part of you. Don't forget about the rest.
But how do these stages fit Blake's story? Actually, they are pretty easy to find because 2 factors make them obvious.
Each stage is linked to a specific character
Blake shares a song with all these characters
Bonus - the songs actually follow the right order :P
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From shadows, We'll descend upon the world, Take back what you stole. From shadows, We'll reclaim our destiny, Set our future free, And we'll rise. And we'll rise.
Tarzan is the "stud", who protects the woman and is linked to physical strength. Adam embodies exactly this:
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In the Black Trailer he is introduced as an incredibly effective fighter, who takes the lead in his and Blake's fight against the robots and even saves Blake physically. This fits his ideology rooted in violence:
You'll see I'm their hero I'll be lionized I have the strength to do what's needed Unify our people with no compromise Champion the truth until they recognize Lead them to salvation and regain our lives
Blake starts the story by Adam's side and this means 2 things, when it comes to her animus:
She depends on Adam's perceived prowess
She believes the faunus/human conflict can only be solved with strength
In other words, she is passive and her ideology is simplistic and radicalized. This last point fits very well a person who still has to integrate with her animus:
The animus is like an unconscious mind. It manifests negatively in fixed ideas, unconscious assumptions and conventional opinions. A person unconscious of her masculine side tends to be highly opinionated—animus-possessed.
Blake is initially animus-possessed, which is narratively conveyed by her relationship with Adam being abusive. Adam manipulates and enslaves her to the point Blake can't leave and is caught in her partner's dangerous mindset. Her growth lies in separating herself from Adam and finding her own path.
Your hopes have become my burden. I will find my own liberation…
This quote has a double meaning.
It is about Blake finding her personal freedom and growing into her own person (active)
A person’s animus becomes helpful only when she can tell the difference between her inner man and herself.
It is about Blake finding her own ideals when it comes to the faunus/human conflict (logos)
A person must constantly question her ideas and opinions, measuring these against what she really thinks. If she does, the animus becomes an inner companion who gives her enterprise, courage, objectivity and spiritual wisdom.
These two sides are interconnected in Blake's arc, which really starts with her saying goodbye to Adam:
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And it keeps going with her meeting Sun, her Byron.
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Go where you need to Know I won't leave you I'll follow you like morning follows night You can run 'till your pain's through One thing I won't do Is let you go alone to face the fight
Byron is the wanderer who accompanies the woman into new excting adventures. This description is perfect for Sun, who is introduced as a stowaway who loves exploring the world:
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Moreover, the literal definition of the second stage is man of romance and action:
“I’m more a man of action,” Sun said. “Actions speak louder than words.” (RWBY: Before the Dawn)
Thanks to Sun, Blake grows more assertive:
In the second stage, analogous to the anima as Helen, the animus possesses initiative and the capacity for planned action. He is behind a woman’s desire for independence.
This is conveyed in their 2 major fights:
Blake and Sun vs Torchwick in volume 1
Blake and Sun vs Dragon in volume 4
In the first fight, Blake takes action to confront the White Feng. She investigates the robberies and discovers how much the organization has degenerated. In the second fight, Blake faces a giant Grimm to protect a ship. In order to succeed, she is forced to work with others, despite her stubborness on being alone.
What is more, the 2 battles are the result of Sun following Blake, when she runs away from a teammate. Both times, Blake is fleeing a conflict:
She runs from Weiss, who is linked to the human/faunus divide
She runs from Yang, who is linked to the consequences of Adam's abusive relationship
And yet, Blake is only superficially running away. On a deeper level, she is facing parts of her past, so that she can come back stronger. On the one hand she confronts the White Feng in volume 1. On the other hand she goes back to her family in volume 4. Sun stands beside her in both situations and encourages her to open up and lean on others:
Sun: So… have you told your friends any of this?
Sun: You can make your own choices, sure. But you don't get to make ours. When your friends fight for you, it's because we want to. So stop pushing us out. That hurts more than anything the bad guys could ever do to us.
At the same time, Sun helps Blake develop her ideas in regards to the faunus:
Blake: Sun… Are you familiar with the White Fang? Sun: Of course! I don't think there's a Faunus on the planet who hasn't heard of them. Stupid, holier-than-thou creeps that use force to get whatever they want. Bunch of freaks, if you ask me! Blake: I was once a member of the White Fang.
Blake: That's not the point, Sun! We asked to be equal, to be treated just like everyone else! Instead, we were given an island and told to make do. So we did the best we could. We came together and we made a home where any Faunus could feel welcome. But this island, this town, will always be a reminder that we're still not equal. That we're still second-class citizens.
Sun is a faunus like Blake, but he is also different in the sense he is mostly ignorant on the history of faunus rights and movements. This means he has somehow of a simplistic vision, but also that he challenges Blake to explain herself. In other words, he helps her nurture her logos and ideals. This may be why they share a conversation about words:
Blake: No, it's okay. Have you ever met someone and thought to yourself, "They are the personification of this word"?
After all, logos literally means word other than thought, so this scene symbolically ties with Blake's inner animus growth. Specifically, it marks a shift in Blake's mentality. Initially, she links others to fixed words. Still, with time she realizes people are not so simple:
Blake: At first I thought Adam was "justice", then I thought he was "passion". But over time, I realized I was wrong. He wasn't any of those things. He was "spite". Not "hatred", not "rage", "spite". He won't accept equality, only suffering for what he feels the world did to him, and his way of thinking is dangerously contagious. That's what worries me about Ilia. She's not like Adam, not yet at least, but I don't know how long that will last.
Blake leaves her black and white vision behind and embraces complexity. This is why Sun remains indefinite:
Sun: What am I? Blake: Jury's still out on that one, but I'm leaning towards "earnest".
Blake and Sun's relationship is a transformative bond, which keeps challenging our cat girl and helps her change. In this way, she finds a new inner determination to move forward:
Blake: I'm going to try and help her the way you helped me. You showed me that sometimes you need to be there for a friend even when they don't want you to be. I was drowning in guilt and fear, I tried to push you away, but you didn't give up on me. And I can't give up on Ilia. It's about time I saved my friends for once.
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This time The ways of the past we'll get over We'll climb Enlighten a new state of mind And now I'll stand with you shoulder to shoulder Out of the ashes a new flame ignite Rise up from shadows and into the light We'll stand undivided Our futures aligned A new brotherhood This time
Ghira is the only one of Blake's 4 animus, who isn't a romantic interest (obviously). Still, he fits because Lloyd George is the professor or orator:
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In the LLoyd George stage, the animus is the Word personified, appearing as a professor, clergyman, scholar or some other authoritarian figure.
Ghira is Blake's father and mentor. Not only that, but he is also an inspiration Blake repudiates when she follows Adam. So, our cat girl's healing journey naturally brings her back to him:
Blake: I should have left the White Fang with you and Mom. I should've listened to you, and I'm sorry. (turning away) I'm so, so sorry. Ghira: Blake, it's fine. We never held anything against you, and I never feared you would fail. The only thing I ever feared was that you would fall down the wrong path, and I am so proud to see you haven't
Ghira's immediate forgiveness is key for Blake reforging herself. She has hurt and left him, but Ghira doesn't hold it against her. He even highlights Blake's bravery in coming back and facing her mistakes. He answers Blake's shame with pride and shows people can forgive a loved one's mistake. This helps Blake with her twisted self-perception.
Moreover, Ghira is extremely important when it comes to Blake's ideals. After all, he is the founder and previous leader of the White Feng and the one who brings Blake up to be passionate about faunus right and political activism. By reconciling with him, Blake also reconciles with his ideals:
Blake: We're not going to destroy the White Fang. We're going to take it back.
She vows not to destroy the White Feng, but to make it as it used to be, better even. In other words, she vows to follow in Ghira's footsteps and to surpass him. And she delivers:
Blake: Humans didn't do this. We did this: Faunus. We did this to ourselves. We are just as capable of hate and violence as the humans, but I don't think any of us would jump at the chance to point that out. So why are we letting Adam do it for us?! By doing nothing and staying silent, we let others speak and act in our place. And if we're not proud of the choices they make, then we have no one to blame but ourselves. This is the message that Adam Taurus will bring to the world if no one stops him. But we can stop him!
Volume 5 opens with Ghira failing to make a speech and it ends with Blake succeeding. She inspires her people and finally finds her personal answer and belief-system:
Blake: You have to understand that all of you are looking for simple answers to a very complicated problem. And I can't give that to you. I don't know how to make hate go away, I don't. But I know that this kind of violence is not the solution. I understand that to ask you to leave your homes and protect Haven Academy is asking you to put your lives at risk. But that's what's at stake. So I'm going, and I'll stand by myself if I have to.
This is true also on a personal level:
Saber: Huh? You're just going to forgive her? After everything she did?! Blake: I am.
Ghira: She's learned a lesson that evaded me until I was much older: That there is strength in forgiveness.
Blake forgives Ilia, just like Ghira forgives her. In this way, she also fully forgives her past self and moves forward. And her new found passion, hope and determination spread all around. To both Ghira, who starts a new movement and obviously to Ilia, who is saved in two ways:
Ilia: I still don't feel like I deserve the freedom you and your family granted me. Blake: Well, you're going to have to get over it, Ilia. Saving Haven had a huge impact on how Faunus are seen in Mistral. Now it's up to you all to take the progress and keep running with it. Ilia: Right. The White Fang may have been a failure, but with your father starting up a new movement, I've got more faith than ever before. Thank you, Blake, for everything. I wish you didn't have to go.
She is given freedom and she finds a new motivation in Ghira's new group. Her finale mirrors Blake's state of mind after Haven. She is a new person, ready to enter her finale stage of animus development.
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Nevermore Nevermore You'll torture my heart and my head Nevermore Nevermore Will I be afraid Nor will I run away It's behind me Freedom is finally here You may have taken the lead but I'll even the score You won the battle you won't win the war Not now and Nevermore
Hermes is the highest stage of the animus and the incarnation of spiritual meaning:
The animus mediates between the conscious mind and the unconscious. He is a messanger and a helpful guide.
Blake: I'm not sure there are many good options left for any of us anymore. Keeping secrets, taking lives? It makes you wonder how far we're gonna have to go to keep doing the right thing. Yang: Blake. Yang: We did… what we had to do. Blake: I know. But next time, I wanna make sure we don't have to, and I can tell you, ambushing a Huntress who's just trying to help isn't an option I'm thrilled about choosing. Blake crosses her arms, and her cat ears completely fold over. Yang: Then, maybe we shouldn't.
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Sexuality for a person with such an animus is imbued with spiritual significance.
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As shown above, Yang fits this archetype. As a matter of fact, she and Blake are opposite, so they balance each other out, both when it comes to macro issues and in their personal relationship.
Their confrontation on how to deal with Robyn in volume 7 is a perfect example of this:
Yang: Do you… Do you think we should've told Ironwood about Salem, before he put so much on the line for Amity? Blake: Sounds like you do. Yang: I trust Ruby, but I think he deserves to know what he's stepping into. We all did. Blake remains quiet, her cat ears folding over a little. Yang turns and looks at her. Yang: You don't agree. Blake: Look around. The embargo, the military presence, the restrictions on assembly. He's a bit prone to overreacting. Yang: Yeah, hard to argue with that. Still, he didn't have a lot of good options.
The girls disagree on what is better to do. Blake thinks they should prioritize the stability of Atlas and Mantle, at the cost of lying to Ironwood. Yang instead believes Ironwood as a person has the right to know what he is really fighting against. In other words, Blake thinks about the macrochosm and Yang about the microchosm. This is important because it is just another way the bees are complementary. In order they are:
dark (Blake)/ light (Yang) > shadow/persona archetypes
feminine (Blake)/ masculine (Yang) > anima/animus archetype
macrochosm (Blake)/ microchosm (Yang) > self archetype
In other words, they complete each other when it comes to all the major archetypes. It is from these differences that an enriching balance is found. And the compromise they come up with in Atlas ties into it. They trust an individual (Robyn) hoping it will lead to a more stable situation in the whole Kingdom.
At the same time, this equilibrium between opposites can't be found without a proper inner balance, which is the result of the girls' individual development. When it comes to Blake especially, she has to:
Find her own personal answer to the faunus/human rift
See and accept others in all their complexity (light + shadows)
This last point especially ties with the animus journey, which is about seeing a partner as an individual with both flaws and strengths. This fits Yang in particular:
Blake: And I'll protect you. At this, Yang's eyes widen and her expression turns into a frown.
Adam: Heh, do you really believe that? Or are you just trying to scare me away so you won't have to die trying to protect her?
The major conflict upon Blake and Yang's reunion in volume 6 is that they struggle to symbolically reconcile the feminine and the masculine, the damsel and the knight. The answer is that there are not such specific roles in their relationship:
Blake: She's not protecting me, Adam. And I'm not protecting her. We're protecting each other.
They are both damsels and knights, beauties and beasts. Yang is the embodyment of strength in Blake's eyes. Still, she is also a person with her own vulnerabilities. And Blake is ready to accept all about her.
The same goes for Yang too, who is able to defeat Adam specifically because she never loses sight of Blake. She knows who Blake really is and is ready to embrace her as a whole:
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Bumbleby's fight against Adam is the moment they affirm their own complementarity and willingness to see each other as wholes. The bridge scene in volume 9 is a top off and confirmation of this wish.
Blake: I… think, you're an extraordinary person.You're… always the first to lighten a situation. You act bravely, when you're afraid. You do what you say.
Yang: Even when they (people) hurt you. You never give up. You know what matters to you.
They can see the beauty in each other and also accept the other's beast:
Yang: I like that you've never been intimidated by me. Even when you didn't like me all that much. Blake: I was a little wary of people in general. Yang: But you never gave up on them.
At the same time, they reach the platform and so symbolically unity because once again they are complementary. Blake is mind (the result of her animus integration). She's got "a really good brain" and eventually figures out what they have to do to move forward on the bridge:
Blake: Maybe it's… saying things we never said. To each other.
Yang is heart (the result of her anima integration). She is the one who starts complimenting Blake first and opens up a path for them. Eventually, she is the one who starts the confession and shows vulnerability, leading them both on the platform:
Blake: (in thought) I think we're already falling. (turns to Yang) Just, say it, Yang. Yang: I think I love you.
There they unite, which marks Blake's final step of integration with her animus.
This was a short summary of Blake's arc through the anima/animus lens. One final thing to add is that this specific way to interpret her story also fits with her fairy tale: The Beauty and the Beast.
This story can, in fact, be read in 2 different and complementary ways:
It is the story of how an individual can combine light (beauty) and shadow (beast) into one harmonic unit > persona and shadow
It is the story of 2 individuals, one encarnating the masculine (beast) and the other the feminine (beauty), who forge a strong relationship and find balance > anima/animus
This is really Blake's arc in a nutshell, so it is really fitting she is the RWBY embodyment of Beauty&Beast!
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libbee · 2 years
PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT SERIES: 8th house and psychosis. Trigger: mental health
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This is my understanding of "psychosis" that happens to 8th house natives. I have venus in 8th house & I experienced psychosis. Carl Jung had sun in 8th house, his psychosis is well known. Friedrich Nietzsche was scorpio rising with rahu and moon in 1st house & sun in 12th house in libra. More on this later but today let us discuss psychosis. From my understanding, it is triggered by two things: planet and time period of the house ruler. Venus in 8th psychosis is triggered by romantic relationship. Sun in 8th house by father? Moon in 8th house by mother? My understanding on this is not clear but I have definitely experienced the relationship and mom connection (venus + moon in 8th house). Next comes, time period of 8th house ruler. My 8th house is ruled by Gemini and my psychosis was triggered in mercury antardasha because it probably activated the 8th house. Someone with pisces ruling 8th house will be activated in Jupiter mahadasha or antardasha etc.
What exactly happens during psychosis? Since 8th house is to do with intense emotions, these natives go back and forth highs and lows to the extreme levels throughout the day. Psychosis occurs when they are overwhelmed by the unconscious content and have a weak & insecure ego. It happens either in early youth years or when they have not dealt with a challenge before in life or unprecedented misfortune. For eg, if venus in 8th house is in relationship, she will be her usual rollercoaster emotional ride. 8th house will bring a not suitable person to life. Native is her usual intense self but the romantic lover causes many emotional and mental issues by lying, manipulation, inconsistent behavior etc. This gradually drives the native to emotional distress. There comes a flood of negative emotions in them like extreme anxiety, fear and panic. They start obsessing about the whole thing to the point of mental breakdown. Since they are young, naive, early age or inexperienced, this emotional distress is too mentally and physically draining to live in. It gets harder and harder to live life in a hyper emotional state every day. This is when native starts to isolate herself.
Then occurs psychotic break. It is when the native starts to perceive reality differently and lives in delusions. For eg, delusion like I am pregnant or I am being stalked or somebody is trying to hurt me, seeing mental images of people hurting them and ridiculing them. The last one happened to me. This is very frightening and confusing to native. She does not know how to explain the strange things happening to her.
Then happens spiritual awakening. Something in her pulls her to occult and related things or psychology or therapy or hospital or anything else as per life path. Next step is the reordering of her psychic world which blends delusion and reality. Which means she has to face the trauma from her past and heal herself. Synchronicities begin to happen. Unlearn the trauma and relearn new things. 8th housers are called BRAVE SURVIVORS for this reason.
Depression and psychosis wipe her memory clean. Time to integrate the parts of herself now coming to consciousness. What parts? Shadow, animus, parts of herself she did not know she was, changing the old habits, changing the hobbies, career etc. These things are very crucial to mental development. We often hear "eh school sucks, I hate democracy, why do we have to do job.." but try living in jungle doing nothing & you will realize how system, rituals, patterns, routine, order are very important psychological needs. They are not just manmade institutions but strong psychological impulses.
Time to fix what is broken. Make peace with your childhood trauma. Acknowledge everything you hate in yourself and give it time (months, years) to integrate and heal. Read more about it in books because I cannot go into detail here.
Also, strengthen your ego. Intense women lack strong ego. Ego means self identity. Assertiveness. Stand up for yourself and your rights. Ego means to achieve or try to achieve your highest potential. There is no other way to live a fulfilling life. Ego means to putting yourself first, not being doormat and clingy.
This psychosis is life changing, catastrophic, sudden, unpredictable, similar to death and rebirth. It is the shedding of previous reality and creation of a new reality. It is why 8th housers say "I have lived so many lives in one lifetime."
Once they have overcome this psychosis, their ego is better able to handle next bouts of intense negative emotions and handle them positively with physical, intellectual, mental efforts. They also attract better quality of people in their lives because people can sense their maturity and character. 8th house still brings sudden twists and turns but they are able to handle that.
I personally went from browsing nonsense porn to turning pages of philosophy books. It is total life changing self development work. Painful but very rewarding.
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I honestly interpret ORCA-
As a flawed - and morally gray? - character, who is a daughter that grew up with a AWFUL - and probably and/or possibly abusive - mother
A mother who:
Neglected and didn’t care about Orca’s brothers because “They can’t inherit the throne.”
Who threatened to put a literal MUZZLE on Anemone when she complained ONCE about being attached to Coral on a harness 24/7.
Who would’ve used ORCA and her animus magic (that’s stated to thought literally deteriorate a dragon’s SOUL when used) as a tool and a weapon of war for Blister.
Who probably would’ve even make Orca Marry WHIRLPOOL, since Anemone - who was ONE years old and Whirlpool’s STUDENT - literally mentioned that she thought she HAD to marry Whirlpool until Tsunami arrived at the SeaWing Kingdom.
A dragon who Orca saw how AWFUL of a ruler that Coral is
A Queen who:
Literally YAWNED when she heard that one of her subjects died.
Worried about blood staining her floor from her scouts that she did NOT even CARE about that were literally DYING in front of her.
Cared more about her subjects reading her literature than ACTUALLY LEARNING HOW TO FIGHT AND SURVIVE ON THE BATTLEFIELD.
Probably produced GLORIFIED PROPAGANDA about herself for her subjects to read.
Who made a scroll about Oysters and Clams that literally promotes CLASSISM and “GENETIC SUPERIORITY”.
Made her subjects fight within a war for Blister - which will RISK and CAUSE the SeaWing’s deaths and give them IMMENSE amounts of physical and/or mental TRAUMA - INSTEAD of them hiding and living within the the Deep Sea Kingdom until AFTER the SandWing Succession War has ENDED.
With Orca wanting to kill Coral to NOT JUST to end Coral’s awful rule and negative impact on HER LIFE, but also on her SUBJECT’ LIVES as well, (possibly also in order for them to live in peace within the deep palace without suffering from the pain, trauma, and death of the war no longer.)
With Orca possibly wanting to win the loyal challenge for the throne in a “fair fight” in order to possibly prove to her subjects that she’s NOT doing it because she’s corrupted with power-hungry yearning for the power of the throne - but instead win fair and just in order to prove that she wants the throne in order to possibly have a better life and be a much fair and better ruler than Coral has been.
And Orca deciding kill any future heirs to the throne possibly due to fear and paranoia that the future heirs would possibly become like Coral - due to the propaganda spread by Orca’s mother and the rest of the tribe being internalized and/or believed by the heirs themselves - and kill Orca and become awful Queen to the Sea Kingdom, and also in order to live fixing the damage and/or awfulness of what Coral has done to the Sea Kingdom under HER rule as long as possible.
Because that’s honestly how I interpret her. And by remembering the how awful and a mother and queen that Coral really is AND remembering the final words that Orca said to her mother…makes this interpretation of mine honestly make sense.
“I did this all wrong. You’re going to rule forever, aren’t you, Mother? You should thank me. No one can stop you now.” - Orca, the SeaWing heir.
❗️You’re going to rule forever, aren’t you, Mother? (…) No one can stop you now. ❗️
To me, that quote did NOT come a power-hungry villain who wanted the power of the throne-
But INSTEAD from a young teenage daughter who wanted to put an end on her mother’s rule that is awful and tyrant in Orca’s eyes, to the point that Orca wanted and was literally planning to take over the throne AS SOON AS she became a literal legal YOUNG ADULT within her kingdom.
And to me, the reason why people probably DON’T view Orca in this way that I do, is because of the fact that CORAL - THE awful mother and awful queen of the Sea Kingdom - was the one who describe Orca’s motives. Orca’s planning and wanting to take the throne. The very SeaWing Queen who probably has flawed and biased interpretations towards literally everyone that she lays her eyes upon, including her own daughter, Orca, who wanted to kill Coral herself in order to take over Coral’s place on throne.
I’m SO sorry if I unintentionally glorified ANY of Orca’s bad and/or negative behaviors within this confession, I’ve been thinking about her character like this for a while.
I’m also sorry if I spelled anything incorrectly and improperly within this confession, I’ve been typing this for quite a while now.
Thank you for anymore for reading this analysis of this character who’s barely been mentioned within the books. I hope you have a good day/night :).
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