#nd wilson
ofliterarynature · 4 months
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physical tbr of doom • read May 2024
Derring-Do for Beginners by Victoria Goddard
Factfulness by Hans Rosling
Song of Blood & Stone by L Penelope DNF
100 Cupboards by ND Wilson
Got a bit distracted this month and had to cram everything into a week and half, but I still hit my goal! So so happy to have finally read Derring-Do.
> vote in my tbr poll! <
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dragoneyes618 · 1 year
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Rupert had an older brother. This brother is never named nor mentioned again, not even in The Silent Bells.
Harriet and Circe aren't mentioned in any other book either, except of course for The Door Before.
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lightthewaybackhome · 2 years
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"There are some of thy graces that would never be discovered if it were not for thy trials. Dost thou not know that thy faith never looks so grand in summer weather, as it does in winter? …And dost thou not know that hope itself is like a star—not to be seen in the sunshine of prosperity, and only to be discovered in the night of adversity? Dost thou not understand that afflictions are often the black foils in which God doth set the jewels of his children's graces, to make them shine the better." - Charles Spurgeon
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ghostboyhood · 3 months
"because if you die, im alone"
i hate people who genuinely hate house and think hes just an asshole with no feelings, like you didnt watch the show..
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nothinmuch6 · 6 months
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Cast of Dimension 20 + Stims (9/?)
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angel-mira · 10 months
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cutest spotter ever <3
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jimmywilsonschutzpah · 11 months
Oooh at the end of S5E17 where House asks Wilson if it bothers him that they don’t have a social contract and Wilson says no, basically explaining that he can unmask with House and be himself instead of an anxious mess who is constantly trying to read a situation or overthinking about what’s the appropriate answer for a given situation, is SO relatable. Uuuurgh many thoughts about this but it’s currently difficult to articulate them, I’m just here feeling the feels.
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meep--tm · 2 years
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Let it be known that I, NJ, finished all episodes of House MD on 16th of this June,2024 at 3:09.
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iightbringer · 10 months
hilson is not just my roman empire. they r my destiel.
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shield-o-futuro · 2 years
Vocês ja tentaram levantar o Mjolnir?
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Abby: Aqui da equipe, somente eu, o Sam e a Hazel nunca tentamos, por falta de oportunidade. Os outros praticamente cresceram juntos, então tiveram experiências que nós não tivemos.
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Connor: Pois é, e nós tentamos duas vezes. Na primeira éramos crianças ainda. A Scarlly e o Logan, que são os mais novos entre nós, tinham só sete anos quando meu pai deixou a gente tentar pela primeira vez, numa festinha.
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Logan: Na segunda vez, também em uma confraternização dos Vingadores, éramos um pouquinho mais velhos. Tínhamos uns 13 anos, e obviamente, nessas duas ocasiões ninguém conseguiu levantar o martelo. Só passamos vergonha.
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Scarlett: Quem lembra do Tommy atravessando uma parede depois que tentou usar os poderes dele pra ver ajudava na vez dele tentar? Porque eu me lembro. Ri muito!
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Mason: Aquilo foi mesmo bem engraçado. Não deve ter sido engraçado pra Wanda, mas enfim. Tirando essas duas vezes, nunca tentamos mais.
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Anya: E como é que isso funciona, exatamente? Digamos que eu tente e consiga levantar esse martelo mágico, e o que acontece depois? Fico com ele ou tenho que devolver pro Thor?
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ofliterarynature · 22 days
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Overall this was a very good month, so rather than italicizing everything I decided to note my favorites :)
[loved liked ok nope bookclub* (reread)]
Come Tumbling Down • Fly Trap • In an Absent Dream • The Orchard • (Beneath the Sugar Sky) • Vanishing Monuments* • Fly by Night • What Feasts at Night • The Woman in White • (Down Among the Sticks and Bones) • A Grave Robbery • (Every Heart a Doorway) • Dandelion Fire
* * * * *
Dandelion Fire (4 stars) - book 2 of the 100 Cupboards series. Not much to say, honestly - it's an interesting story, but the writing doesn't always give it the life it needs and drags sometimes. A solidly serviceable mid-tier middle grade fantasy that hasn't aged too poorly.
Every Heart A Doorway/Down Among the Sticks and Bones/Beneath the Sugar Sky/In an Absent Dream (4 stars) - I've been meaning to catch up on this series forever (I only read the first 3 books? really?), and luckily I can count at least 5 of them towards my physical tbr goals, so here we go! I don't think they shine quite as bright as they did in my memory, but honestly I don't think I've tried any Seanan McGuire that I didn't enjoy reading. In An Absent Dream is the earliest one I hadn't yet read, and it was ok - seeing individual character's stories is proving interesting, but there's something about the ensemble novellas that I think just hook me more.
A Grave Robbery (4.5 stars) - what can I say, it was fun! I'm coming to realize that this series is pulling plots from a very specific type of sensational classic novel that I don't know enough about to name, but I very much want to read some of them.
The Woman In White (4 stars) - my second Wilkie Collins! If I could rate this based ONLY on the portion narrated by Marion this would be my new favorite book, 5 stars, no notes. Unfortunately we do have Walter, blandly nice and polite and heroic Walter, narrating most of the book, and he is SO boring, and I hate that his role as a love interest is supposed to be this great moving thing? I'm glad the book skipped most of the "romance" actually, but ultimately I was extremely uncomfortable with the circumstances under which he and Laura eventually marry (did I also kind of want him and Marion to get married instead? Maybe). Also extremely disappointed in how Laura and Anne were both completely sidelined in a story that is ultimately theirs (if anyone knows of a retelling that improves on things let me know!!). The highs were high and the lows were low, but overall I did enjoy reading this. Now to figure out what Wilkie Collins to read next now that I've read the two I'd heard of.
What Feasts at Night (4 stars) - I didn't reread the first book so I can't really compare them, but I liked it! A good spooky time that I did partially listen to while walking through the woods, which was maybe not my brightest idea haha.
Fly by Night/Fly Trap (4.5/5 stars) - FANTASTIC. I've discovered that there's a specific blend of things that I look for in middle-grade books these days (as an adult), and these completely nailed it - characters (not just kids!) who are flawed and selfish and petty but capable of kindness or doing the right thing, and writing that is not only smart and intelligent but funny! There are (maybe) too many layers going on in Fly by Night, but I still really enjoyed it (and Mosca's attack goose), and I think where Fly Trap really pulls ahead is that it has all of the introductory spiel out of the way and the story is allowed to be much more focused. Did we really need a second book? No, but I'm glad we have it and would be happy to read more!
Vanishing Monuments (4 stars) - This month's read for book club, by the author of previous favorite, My Volcano! It felt deeply personal, intimate, dark, and harder to process all the intense emotions, but still showed as much depth of craftsmanship and artistry in its writing. I didn’t love it as much, but I hope someday I’ll feel smart enough to understand it more. cw for unreality, mental illness, and all kinds of gender stuff.
The Orchard (4 stars) - this the (unfinished!) memoir of a young woman who tried to single-handedly run her family's orchard during the Great Depression, and the events that lead to the manuscript's publishing are nearly as interesting! I didn't leave myself notes, so I'd say positive feelings, but I'm learning I don't really like memoirs the hard way (I'm always a sucker for tough women doing the hard things though).
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dragoneyes618 · 1 year
"We decided to come here for a reason, Tigs. Because we came here, Rupert Greeves is trying to find Dan. He will find Dan. And after Dan comes back, we're going to stay here until we learn how to do all those things you just read, and then we get Skelton's estate, and then we're going to buy a big house in California right on the cliffs, and we're going to move back to the ocean and not worry about money and never eat waffles again. Plus, you have to admit it would be pretty cool if we could actually do all those things. Flying planes? We'd be like, I don't know...."
"Journeymen in the Order of Brendan?"
"I was going to say ninjas."
— The Dragon's Tooth, N. D. Wilson, pages 263-264
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secret-strawberry · 2 years
why don't you have some house being enthralled by a turtle race then maybe you'll feel better
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dobbsie81 · 2 years
Split Boulder
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ivesambrose · 4 months
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1. 2. 3.
Kept it short and sweet
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Picture 1
A substantial focus is on yourself, your physical body and your health. You'll be wanting to take life slowly. It is likely you've been feeling energetically depleted and feeling sleepy more than usual or being around or engaging with certain people or activities isn't making you feel as good. On a positive note, this will allow you to bring your attention and energy back to yourself which in turn will make you realize certain aspects of your health you may have overlooked. Y ou might be switching up or prioritising a skincare and wellness routine, opt for slower workouts or dancing, anything that makes you feel beautiful and good from within instead of amping up your stress or cortisol levels. Some of you might be quitting smoking or drinking this month too. You might also be focusing on holistic healthcare or healing yourself via the food you eat. You will be moving more, just you won't be in a hurry. Infact, there's no need to rush anything. let the money and love come to you as you stay open to receive. Your worldview might also change or you might end up influencing others via your perspectives. You might engage in creating something artsy, whatever that may be. The more you do things for yourself instead of catering to what's trending or what others keep demanding of you, the more you'll bloom.
Stay loyal to your goals, remain stubborn about them, no matter what. Also, try getting a haircut or new color sometime this month.
Picture 2
Just let it happen. You've been wanting that drastic change but you couldn't do that for yourself or you've tried to do it for yourself but you didn't know how so you just gave up. The emotions piled up regardless. So simply let this happen, it will, inevitably. It might be the most unexpected thing ever, it may not even be as smooth at first, you might as well be that gif of Rebel Wilson screaming, 'Enough!" Any form of upheaval you face this month even if it's a mental or emotional one, know that it's necessary to bring back order into your life. Chaos and order do go hand in hand, right?
By the end of this month you'l be feeling more powerful if anything. You're no one's charity case and you're certainly not meant to remain frozen in this particular mindset you've been carrying. It's keeping you stuck in ways that's doing you more harm than good. You'l also be able to weed out people who are a part of your life as pretense and only want to take from you. You'll also be able to see the ones who look over you rather silently. There's a gift of discernment and intuition you're being blessed with here. write down every idea or thought or dream as strange it might seem this month It doesn't matter how you're going to make it come true or how it connects to anything else, it will make sense later, perhaps by Virgo or Libra season?
Again, time isn't important. But your dominant thoughts, certainly are. Befriend your mind and don't look back.
Picture 3
You're loved and desired extensively and you don't even realize that. For most of you I'm seeing you romanticize your life in whatever way you see it, maybe even switching up things in your room or beautifying your surroundings nd yourself. You'll feel closer to your loved ones this month or just have a lot of gratitude towards them. Yes, even if you prefer being alone. The focus is on relationships and partnerships and being extremely choosy with the ones you associate yourself with. There are quite a few people who want to know you and get closer to you even pursue you romantically. A good month for your personal business and finances or even manifesting a creative or desired opportunity through the right people and the right time. Don't shy away from your own potential. Some of you might also be engaging in proper manifestion rituals or even praying for something big. A lot of you have truly, sincerely decided to lock in and that determination in itself ill get you what you seek. By the end of this month I see movement. Physical travel as well.
For some of you, there's this manifestion you consider 'big' again, it's something personal to you, it might be something small to someone else, but what matters is how important it is to you, it'll come through in Leo season mostly or for some during Sagittarius season. Either way, just know what you want, is already yours.
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