justjudethoughts · 24 seconds
Me: *reads any scholarship by Tolkien or Lewis, any mythology, any fairytale, any defense of fairytales, anything hinting at the One True Myth*
Me: I want to make something beautiful So Bad that I will keel over and die if I don't.
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justjudethoughts · 3 hours
today we start reading part two of lockwood and co’s the screaming staircase!!!
to celebrate here are some noteworthy moments from part one! [beware of spoilers!!]
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there is a lot of incredible world building in this first part, but one of the bits i keep thinking of is how much these kids not only think about death, but are quite literally surrounded by it. they are constantly being informed by death around them. this is heavy emotionally intense labor that we’re expecting out of these kids
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lockwood is a Silly, and he loves teasing lucy this is incredibly important information to me thank you for sharing this jonathan stroud
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again with the world building, kind of crazy how pervasive the problem is that you see preventative measures in everything. we had a fun discussion about this in the discord too
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okay lucy tell me how you really feel - but also the way his warmth for her is described (even when she is incredibly clueless) is so sweet to see. like talk about a crazy quote
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this is an incredible closing scene like HELLOOOOO??? i’m obsessed with the dramatics like this would’ve had me HOOKED as a kid!!
these are just some of the moments that really stood out to me while reading (i had several more too but just to not make this post a million years long ya know) - i’d love to hear other ppls top moments from part one. but also YAY PART TWO HERE WE COMEEEE!!
i’m reading Lockwood and Co as part of a book club. this week we read part two of The Screaming Staircase! you can join the discord here, or post on tumblr w/ the hashtag lockwood library to join in!
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justjudethoughts · 15 hours
In Defense of Peter Pevensie. Originally written in response to accusations of Peter being "less complex" than other Narnia characters
If King Lune is the embodiment of masculinity as father, then Peter is the embodiment of masculinity brother. As High King, he becomes the brother of his people, but those seeds were sown in his own family. 
From the very beginning of the story Peter is the leader of the Pevensie children, a job he evidently takes very seriously. But, unlike a lot of eldest siblings, he doesn’t use his status and power as a means to swagger around and lord it over the others. Quite the opposite, actually. It is immediately clear that one of Peter’s main functions in the Pevensie family is cheerleader of his siblings. This is shown not only in his open praise of their talents (for example, he hypes up Susan’s talent of archery in PC and cheers on Lucy for having been right after none of them believed her), but also generally tries to keep them in high spirits. 
Take the context of LWW. The Pevensies are sent to the countryside because of air raids. They are going into a strange house with a strange man because the Germans are obliterating everything the children have ever known or called home. All of them are scared, Edmund’s bullying Lucy, and Lucy may or may not be going insane. But Peter can’t show any of them that fear, because he’s the oldest. They can’t know he’s scared, so he puts a bold face on it. One of the first things he says in LWW is “We’ve landed on our feet and no mistake” when he looks at the big house. He argues they are going to have a delightful summer after all. The next day, when the others are disheartened by the rain, he suggests they explore the house.
As the years go on, Peter earns the title “Magnificent.” In this, Peter truly embodies the  JPII quote, “the ultimate test of your greatness is the way you treat every human being.” He has a bleeding heart for the least of these, but in an unassuming, humble way. Peter is not a man of pomp and circumstance. He has a servant’s heart, perhaps most evident in PC. 
Upon returning to Narnia and learning of Caspian’s plight, he immediately makes it known that he has no intention of replacing Caspian. “I haven’t come to take your place, but to put you in it” is among the first things he says to his new friend. This isn’t about winning fame or glory or reliving the old days. This is about making right what was wrong. 
He is generous with the Narnia creatures, even when they are a bit silly. When trying to pick a Marshall, he suggests the Giant Wimbleweather. Caspian warns him that the giant isn’t very smart, to which Peter responds, “Of course not. But any giant looks impressive if only he will keep quiet. And it will cheer him up.” Part of his reasoning is simply the injured feelings of poor Wimbleweather who earlier entirely messed up an important battle.  The following conversation also takes place while they are searching for a Marshall. Reepicheep offers his assistance:
"I am afraid it would not do," said Peter very gravely. "Some humans are afraid of mice——"
"I had observed it, Sire," said Reepicheep.
"And it would not be quite fair to Miraz," Peter continued, "to have in sight anything that might abate the edge of his courage."
Instead of embarrass and insult Reepicheep by explaining that he is far too small and unassuming for such a job, he appeals rather to humans' fear of mice. Even while battle prepping, his is concerned about the hearts of his people. Bulgy Bear, too, he allows to be a Marshall, as it is the right of bears, no matter how silly they are. 
Peter understands that duty means doing what is right, regardless of how it makes you feel. His first battle happens because Susan and Lucy are being chased by the wolves. When he hears Susan’s horn, he runs to help her. The book says, “Peter did not feel very brave; indeed, he felt he was going to be sick. But that made no difference to what he had to do.” His sisters needed him. And so he showed up. The same is true in PC, when he engages Miraz in single combat. Edmund asks if he can beat Miraz. Peter responds that he is fighting to find out. He goes in completely unsure that he is ever going to see his family again, but he does it anyway. Because Narnia needs him. Caspian needs him. His people need him. And his feelings aren’t the deciding factor. 
When he makes mistakes, he owns up to them. In LWW, when the children plead before Aslan on Edmund’s behalf, Peter blames himself for being too hard on Edmund. In PC, when they finally see Aslan, he apologizes for having led them wrong the whole time. He is always trying to do his very best and falling short like the rest of us. But he accepts his fault with humility, gets back up and tries again. 
By the Last Battle, we get to see Peter in his truest form. Even though he has been in England for years, when the seven friends see what looks like a ghost, he is the one who stands up and orders it to speak. Clad in his suspenders and button-down shirt, Peter is once more High King. “Shadow or spirit or whatever you are," he says, "If you are from Narnia, I charge you in the name of Aslan, speak to me. I am Peter the High King." And when night falls on Narnia for the last time it is Peter, once so scared to speak to Aslan (and even attempted to make Susan do it for him) that shuts the door. It is Peter that jests with Lucy when she weeps for Narnia, trying to lighten the mood. It is Peter that she turns to, time and time again, with her questions. It is Peter that Lucy, and all of the other friends of Narnia, trust to lead them. 
It is also Peter, who, “shortly and gravely” tells Tirian about the fall of Susan. Because he has to. Because here he is, once again, the eldest, the leader. Here he is once again faced with the unpleasant task of shouldering the burden for others. But he won’t make Edmund or Lucy explain (in fact, they don’t say anything about Susan). Peter takes that pain for them, forces himself to form words. Perhaps, deep down, he blames himself. He always was a bleeding heart. 
There are so many other things I didn’t include. I could talk about how Peter immediately offers to help Tumnus, simply because he did the decent thing and didn’t kidnap Lucy. Or his beautiful, redeemed relationship with Edmund. I could talk about all the times he is a rock for Susan, or his steady leadership despite his own hesitation. But really and truly, my point amounts to this: Peter is a brother. He is steady and humble and down to earth. He is brave. He is chivalrous and courteous and overflowing with affirmation for those he loves. He is a servant heart. 
When I think of Peter, I think of carpentry and the honesty of working with your hands. I think of campfires and a night sky full of stars, and the feeling of warm flannel. I think of laughter and 19th century books for boys, and tomes upon tomes of Latin. I think of warm drinks, hot cocoa or coffee or tea, and the safety of home. It is home I think of most of all. 
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justjudethoughts · 1 day
The choice to change lines in the US edition is so weird to me. Like. The characters are British. We all know the characters are British. Why...why wouldn't they just use British English??? Do publishers really think Americans are so stupid that we won't understand British English?? Or like, idk, look up a phrase we have never heard before????
When I remember this scene actually exists in the book, I am only capable of doing inhuman noises. The way he cares for her? Kneeling and checking her arm?? The angry "who-"??? I enjoy this hurt/comfort thing a little too much I fear...
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justjudethoughts · 2 days
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A portrait of the Madonna as an Irishwoman ironing
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justjudethoughts · 2 days
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(from Jonathan Stroud’s foreword in the 2023 edition of The Screaming Staircase.)
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justjudethoughts · 3 days
im a fucking sucker for the “character gets so badly injured that they can’t think clearly and start calling for help in a distressingly vulnerable way.” characters who start using nicknames for their friends they haven’t used since they were kids. characters who start begging for their brother they haven’t seen in years to be there. characters who would usually use their parents’ names or call them mother/father/etc crying out mama when they go down. u understand.
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justjudethoughts · 4 days
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers (except me because obvs I have done it). Spread the self-love ❤
In no particular order:
Lockwood and Co
1) You Never Gave a Warning Sign (I gave so many signs)
2) You're Alive in My Head
3) 'Cause I know you
4) House of Ghosts (Jill Pole Oneshot collection)
5) Dance of Sorrow and Starlight (Caspian × Ramandu's Daughter Oneshot Collection) [available on wattpad]
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justjudethoughts · 5 days
Hide me in Your Heart
Your most Sacred, Precious Heart
Pierced with love for me
Bleeding — drop after drop after drop
Hide me in Your wound
The deep on in Your side
So I may repose behind the shelter of Your aching ribs
Oh, hide me in Your Heart
So when the weight of life's burden is too heavy to carry
I may close my eyes and listen to the music of the steady beating
The beating, the pulsing of love that gushes forth new floods of blood and water
New well-springs of mercy and life
May the steady beat of Your most Sacred Heart
Be my lullaby
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justjudethoughts · 5 days
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Autumnal Iron Trio! Watercolor pencil and white gel pen 🍁🍂🧡💙🖤
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justjudethoughts · 6 days
What does the "J" in "Anthony J Lockwood" stand for?
(wrong answers only)
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justjudethoughts · 6 days
Do you ever think about the contrast in King Lune's parenting and the Tisroc's parenting and go a little insane? Cause here's the thing, Rabbadash and Corin are actually quite similar in some ways (eagerness to fight, quick tempers, and both crown princes, to name a few) but they are so different because they were raised by very different men. The Tisroc tells Rabbadash not to go to war unless there is a certainty of winning. King Lune tells Corin not to pick fights with anyone weaker. The Tisroc is aware he may be sending his son to die in war, and does not care. King Lune sees his son was in the battle and scolds him for it because he could have been hurt, but is also proud of his courage in defending his home. Like just the way you can see the differences in these two rulers and in the family is so artful to me. You can see a similar comparison with Aravis and Susan in Aravis' father vs Edmund. We see Edmund say that if Rabbadash wants Susan against her will it will be over his dead body, but no amount of pleading can pursuade Aravis' father not to marry her off, so she is forced to escape alone in her brother’s armor. A brother who went away to war, like Peter. And while Peter is alive and Aravis' brother is dead, neither of them come into the story except by mention. There are so many little foils and parallels throughout the book (especially with the general theme of twins) and it makes my little writer's heart so happy. I swear I could write a full essay on each one.
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justjudethoughts · 6 days
no they don't kiss, but she comes and sits on the arm of his chair when he's stayed up late reading his dead parents' last lecture and she switches off his reading light i don't know what a kiss could possibly tell us that that doesn't
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justjudethoughts · 6 days
You know what line is spoken so casually but breaks my heart every. single. freaking. time?
Lucy: She's in pain...
Lockwood: Of course she is, she's dead.
Lockwood believes that any afterlife ghosts (and possibly all people) experience is agony. From this simple line, we see into his mind and find that he thinks his parents, his sister, any agents or friend or anyone else he's lost- he thinks they're suffering.
...as someone who's lost a close relative recently, I can't imagine how hard it would be to grieve properly and healthily if I believed that they were hurting. My grandpa was in a lot of pain before he passed away, but now that he's on the other side (the true other side, not the limbo we see ghosts trapped in), I know he's at peace. I personally believe he's in heaven, the literal best place anyone could ever be, and that thought, that knowledge, brings me so much comfort.
No wonder Lockwood has such a hard time letting go, he must think that holding onto his family's memory is the only way he can make their supposed suffering somehow worth it.
To anyone who's in the same boat as him, I just want you to know it's okay to let them go. They're okay now. Holding onto what they went through in life or right before their life ended is not going to help them, it's only hurting you. It's hard to let yourself grieve and harder to let yourself heal but I promise it's worth it. We saw Lockwood do it with the help of his new friends and family and I know you and I can do it too.
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justjudethoughts · 7 days
the problem that writers face in me is that they will try to make a ghost hunting story or a monster hunting story and make it spooky and horror etc but they CANNOT overcome my fundametal conviction that monster hunting has inherently cozy vibes because you can't do it alone and it's about trusting someone else with your life, it's about finding a light in the dark, it's about a world full of terrible things and finding ways to drive them back with someone else by your side.
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justjudethoughts · 8 days
King Lune told Corin not to pick fights with people weaker than him cause that makes him a bully but if he wants to pick fights with someone bigger and get beat up that's his perogative and Corin really said "okay" then went off to pick a fight with a bear, huh.
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justjudethoughts · 8 days
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