djaneschphoto · 11 days
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johanna 2023 oberschütt
anfang september '23 war ich wieder mal mit johanna unterwegs, diesmal in oberschütt.
inframe: johanna conrad position: oberschütt foto: daniel janesch photography
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visitando-webs · 2 years
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knightlyss · 4 months
"yes laughter, the coward's response to oblivion"
dfklskdj tal what
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kawaiidetectivesweets · 3 months
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I prefer Winter,In the summer,it's so humid,Can't even see this mountain peak.
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tincansamurai · 9 months
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was it a little depressing to look at the absolute nothing i made from like august 22 to may 23? yeah lol. but it's ok i picked it back up. sorry, avrist's ass was all i drew in may. at least my motivations are consistent
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the-ghoul-remains · 1 year
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“Be careful assuming yourself the devil, human. There’s always a bigger fish. ~” Kaneki sneers. “Besides, I bet you tell this to every girl you meet.”
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tyrantmade · 1 year
Reply Continued from this | @naturlich-geborener-morder
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SHIT FACED DRUNK, something he hadn't ever expected to see Redfield. He had always been the strong, heroic, thorn in His side. Something very unlike the male, and yet Wesker could say that this wasn't unheard of. There was something inside the German, something that he had worked very meticulously at. Building up this façade, and a false identity to throw everyone off his tracks. Albert had seen it, the action had taken the blonde back a little. Features tightened, as that Cheshire Cat like grin spread across his lips. Ah, the very male he had so long hated, had a impending darkness inside him. He wasn't this clean, goodie two shoes he had been mistakenly believed him to be.
A killer lived inside Christopher, one that wanted out. Those eyes flickered crimson, as he remembered seeing his old nemesis commit a act of absolute evil. Should he have been so blind to this, for so long. But it was of course a ' Dr Jekyll & Mr. Hyde ' type of a deal. There was some good, very little, but it was there. And it held on to control , fighting the ever present evil that churned deep within him. If Albert had known this from his S.T.A.R.S. days, he would have pushed until the male broke. And then persuaded the male to join him. Right now, this drunken stupor Christopher was in , was a act of denial. It was that good percentage trying to numb the anger, and emotions away.
The realization that He, Albert Wesker and Chris Redfield were just alike. Didn't sit well with the blonde, but he loved the idea of it. Eyes settled onto the crumpled form of the brunette, as words spewed past his lips. Defiance, and defeat mixed into a blurred line. He didn't know what he wanted. But one thing was for sure, he was vulnerable, and Wesker could take advantage of that. To be able to free the Monster within, and let everyone see him for what and who he really was. Shifting his footing, he walked closer to male, laying a hand on top of Chris's shoulder.
He didn't know how he would start, but getting the male a little sobered up. Just enough to get him coherent and lively was the first step. Leathered hands moved over black clad pants, fingers grabbing material as he raised a bit of it up, so he could lower down before the male on his haunches. He managed to move forward just enough , so lips hovered near the others earlobe. Mouth still held that dark grin, as he whispered against Redfield's ear.
" Ja, you're not Gammel venn. But don't worry about what want. Let us go, I think you need to get some Mat inn i deg, ja? "
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kringelorde · 8 months
gas mileage be damned, a 4speed bringing her down from 80 to a gentle 50 quickly but smoothly (within one exit ramp they're quite long on most outer city highways) without touching the brakes is so satisfying
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Group Thread Continued w/ @naturlich-geborener-morder , @traumamade
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SOME PEOPLE WERE JUST THAT , Dumb. Or that, suicidal, she didn't know which one. Piercing green eyes remained locked to Chris, as he remained to talk to her in a very soft, neutral voice. Causing the sensation to kill, ever rampant within her. She wasn't yet ready for human interaction. In fact, she was still feral as they came. And both of there scents were driving her wild. She only wanted to make them go away, or become her mid morning snack. She didn't care which one, to be honest. And the sass and arrogance that bled from the blonde, was making her even more , carnivorous. But she sunk those long red nails into the palm of her hands.
Even if she was forever stuck, being a LIVING DEAD GIRL. Didn't mean she liked chowing on humans. But she wasn't going anywhere with them. The empty words that had came from Redfields mouth, were not recieved the way She was sure, he had been hoping for. He obviously was lying, to gain her trust. Because they once worked together, something that she barely remembered. Those icy blues snapped to Leon. Shifting her weight to the other foot, he was certainly bold. She'd give him that, lips curved into a chestire grin. As she kept her guard up.
" I am not your prisoner, or your whore to order around. I am a human being, who has been forced into Umbrellas fucking control. Do you know what they did to me? "
She hissed, her eyes were flaming with a fire so intense it could definitely burn the entire house down. She was sure these two had no idea what transpired with her and her career for Umbrella. Eyes cut back to Chris, as she took a few steps closer to him.
" And don't treat me like i', dumb, Chriiis. I know damn well you aren't bring Albert on this trip. As much as I know, you both won't ever let me go. I will be damned if I go from being a Test Subject from one Bio Terrorist Company. Straight into the custody of another curropted organazation. Your not taking me anywhere. "
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what-even-is-thiss · 3 months
Some free or inexpensive comprehensible input, audio and video lessons, and listening practice stuff for popular languages because idk I felt like googling some stuff today
Arabic: Yale k-16 interactive reading, Arabic Comprehensible, Egyptic
Bengali: Bangla Shekho, Bengali Fairy Tales
Chinese (Mandarin): Comprehensible Chinese, hackingchinese.com, Acquire Mandarin, Comprehensible Mandarin, Blabla Chinese, Easy Mandarin, Mandarin Click
English: English Comprehensible input for ESL beginners, Dreaming English, EnglishClass101, British Council LearnEnglish, News in Slow English
French: French Comprehensible Input, alice ayel, Easy French, innerfrench.com, Little Talk in Slow French, Francais Authentique
German: DW Learn German, Naturlich German, Comprehensible German, Easy German, Löwenzahn, Deutsch Direkt, Learn German With Falk
Greek (modern): Natural Languages TRPS Greek, Helinka, Hellinic American Union, Easy Greek, Greekpod101
Greek (ancient): Easy Latin (Greek Course), Alpha With Angela (biblical [Kione] Greek), Chihon Teaches, Ancient Greek in Action, Athenaze
Hebrew: The Hebrew Adventure, Free Hebrew (Biblical Hebrew), Hebrew Time, thehebrewcafe.com
Hindi: Comprehensible Hindi, HindiPod101, Hindi TV, Easy Hindi
Hungarian: FluentBox, Magyar Hungarian, Speak Hungarian With Angie, Easy Hungarian,
Icelandic: Icelandic For Foreigners, icelandiconline.com, Ylhyra, Viltu laera islensku,
Italian: Italian For Americans, Easy Italian, Learn Italian With Lucrezia, teacherstefano.com
Japanese: Comprehensible Japanese, DailyJapanese, Akane Japanese Class, iroironanihongo, Japanese Immersion With Asami, Speak Japanese Naturally, Learn Japanese with Tanaka san,
Korean: Comprehensible Input Korean, Korean Patch, Immersion in Korean, Intuit Korean, Learn Korean in Korean, Hello Jadoo, MAVOCA, Storytime in Korean, Talk to Me in 100% Korean
Latin: Easy Latin, ScorpioMartianus, Quomodo Dicitur?, Found In Antiquity, The London Latin Course
Portuguese: Teach Yourself Portuguese, The Sounds of Portuguese, Portuguese With Leo, Easy Portuguese
Russian: Comprehensible Russian, Easy Russian, About Russian in Russian, Russian With Max, Russian from Russia, Real Russian Club
Spanish: Dreaming Spanish, Teacher Catalina. Hola Spanish, Easy Spanish,
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Richard Gere is a “star reporter” at the “Washington Post.”  He and his wife, Debra Messing, go to buy a house, but on the way back to their present, crappy, house, Debra Messing sees something strange in the window.  She is spooked!  The car spins out of control and she bonks her head on the window.  Now, you might think that would kill her, but it doesn’t.  Instead, at the hospital doctors discover that she has a glioblastoma (a brain cancer), and then she dies a few days later.  (It seems like a few days.)
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Two years later, Richard Gere is still sad, naturlich.  He drives to Richmond to interview the governor of Virginia, but he enters a fugue state!  His car dies on the side of the road, and he walks to a nearby house, where a guy holds him at gunpoint because, the guy says, Richard Gere has been knocking on his door at 0230 for the past two days.  Local sheriff Laura Linney deescalates the situation (which was weird, because in real life she would have just shot someone) and drops Richerd Gere off at a motel.  Richard Gere discovers that he is in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, which is way off his intended destination of Richmond.  He decides to stay in town to investigate all the weirdness occurring.  The rest of the movie isn’t so much a plot as a bunch of interrelated things just happening:
Richard Gere and Laura Linney drive around and talk to people describing their experiences with the Mothman, an alien or cryptid with red eyes and moth-like characteristics.
Richard Gere hangs out with the guy who held him at gunpoint, named Gordon.  Gordon begins to have dreams predicting upcoming disasters.  He meets a dude named Indrid Cold.  He eventually sits in the cold and dies of exposure, but while he’s supposed to be dead he calls Richard Gere!
In one of the better sequences, Gordon calls Richard Gere .  Gordo says that he has Indrid Cold with him, and he wants to talk to Richard Gere.  A weird voice tells Richard Gere what he’s doing, what he’s holding, the lines from a book he cannot see.  “I want to meet you,” Richard Gere says.  Indrid Cold says, “You already have, [Richard Gere].  I have seen you afraid.  You’re frightened right now, aren’t you?”  Meanwhile, Laura Linney is racing over there, but when she arrives Gordon is fine and Indrid Cold is not there.
Richard Gere goes to visit a paranormal investigator (some dude who wrote a book), twice.  The man lore-dumps about moth-people, but this is mostly extraneous.  He does deliver a decent metaphor, that the Mothman (or moth-people) aren’t necessarily more advanced or smarter than us; they’re maybe like people in a tall building, who can see just a bit farther down the road.
Richard Gere was told to expect a disaster on the Ohio River.  He thinks that this will involve the chemical plant, and he freaks out on the governor of Virginia, who is coming to visit the plant!  Nothing happens.
Things escalate for Richard Gere as his dead wife, Debra Messing, appears.  He gets a letter to await her call at noon on Friday at his house in DC.  He does so, but Laura Linney calls him instead!  She tells him that his wife is dead.  She invites him to Christmas dinner.  Their conversation ends, and the phone rings again!  Richard Gere does not answer and heads back to West Virginia to spend Christmas with Laura Linney.
Finally, in a good set piece, Richard Gere arrives at the Silver Bridge outside Point Pleasant.  There is a traffic jam.  Richard Gere realizes that this is the disaster on the Ohio River, and we have a cool scene where our view shifts from the factory to the bridge.  It collapses and a bunch of cars fall into the river, including Laura Linney’s sheriff truck.  Richard Gere jumps into the water to save her.  They muse over a vision she talked about earlier.
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This was…middling to fine.  There are some nice atmospheric moments, such as the phone call and a few other scenes where people encounter the Mothman or Indrid Cold.  We also have lots of red lights like eyes and moth-related shapes as transitions, but this is long, a full two hours, and there’s not enough interesting material to justify the length.  The plot is meandering and lacks focus.  Recommended for fans of Richard Gere or the Mothman. 
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kasja93 · 1 year
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Dziś było wesoło.
Zacznijmy od tego, że obudziłam się i auto nie odpala. Wychodzę na zewnątrz a tam ktoś zajebał mi cały bak. Podkreślam CAŁY BAK!
Dzwonię do szefa i mówię jak wygląda sytuacja.
Szefie. Zajebali mi cały bak
Zdarza się, jedź zatankuj gdzieś gdzie jest najbliżej
Ale szefie. Serio. Zajebali mi cały bak. W sensie zdemontowali mi lewy ten duży a prawy zostawili, ale on jest tylko wyrównawczy i on nie ma smoka przecież
O kurwa! No dobra. Przywieziemy ci nowy nie przejmuj się
Po chwili przyjeżdża busiarz i mówi, że zabierze mój towar na rozładunek. Patrze na niego i mówię „Stary, ale przecież ty masz 8 paletowego busa a ja mam 33 na pace”. Ten z uśmiechem powiedział, że luzik zrobi 5 kursów.
W tym momencie zadzwonił budzik. Kurwa. Muszę przystopować albo brać połowę tego co biorę bo jest ciekawie. Ja pierdziele ależ ten sen był realny! Bo wiecie zdarza się, że komuś totalnie odkręcą zbiorniki, ale to w UK takie akcje a nie na kontynencie. Ogarnęłam się i pojechałam na rozładunek.
Jedno biuro: to nie tutaj. Drugie biuro: tak to tutaj, ale jest problem. Ha! Problem! Problem to moje drugie imię. Pół godziny stania jak debil przed magazynem wyszedł do mnie Niemiec i z petem w ustach oddał mi papiery. Werdykt: nie ma zrobionej awizacji na dziś a bez tego nie rozładują.
Pamiętacie jak mnie szef pospieszał? XDDDD
Cztery godziny później dostałam info, że awizacja jest na jutro na 6 rano xDD prośba od szefa by iść zapytać czy może nie zdejmą dziś.
Magazynier: idź do biura. Biuro: nie ma takiej opcji. I nie wolno parkować na terenie firmy, więc jedz gdzieś indziej i wróć jutro. Szef: dobra! Jedź na jakiś parking strzeżony, zostaw tam naczepę z ketchupem i jedz samym koniem do Amazona po ich naczepę. Zrobimy dziś przerzut 70 km w jedną i drugą. Okej?
No okej. Why kurwa not?
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Naczepa: pojawiam się i znikam i znikam!
Gdzieś w kwaterze władców szlabanów na Amazonie:
Ale pada co nie Hans?
Ja naturlich… Szkoda psa wypędzać w taką pogodę na zewnątrz. Co nie Ahmed?
Nooom… *Pani Katarzyna co czeka od 2 godzin by zostawić pustą naczepę i jechać na parking proszona o stawienie się na cieć budę”
I tak oto w deszczu… Ba! Pieprzonym tajfunie rozpinałam ciągnik od naczepy. Dwa razy szłam na cieć budę. Za pierwszym razem by powiedzieli mi, abym tak jak stoję zostawiła im naczepę. Za drugim aby mi podbili papiery.
Następnie dwadzieścia pare kilometrów na parking, w deszczu zaprzęgłam swoją naczepę pod konia bo nie będę tego robić o 5 rano do cholery. Zwłaszcza, że w cenie parkingu mam prysznic i voucher na zakupy za 7,5 €. Niby dużo, ale na stacji paliw kawa kosztuje 3€ 💀 No, ale za darmo to i ocet słodki.
Za hajs szefa baluj! Aaauuuuu!
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Jedzeniowo dziś dużo. Dwa antybatony oraz pierogi z mięsem. Jak zrobiło mi się czarno przed oczami podczas wspinaczki po schodach by odwiedzić biuro stwierdziłam, że muszę coś zjeść. A na jednym antybatonie się nie skończyło 💀
Później, gdy czekałam na ostatnim Amazonie zjadłam pierogi bo mega mnie męczyło fizyczne szarpanie z naczepą (o psychicznym męczeniu nie wspomnę)
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Ogólnie dzień był spoko, gdyby nie ten deszcz. No, ale cóż… taki mamy klimat. Chociaż będzie mi się przyjemnie spało.
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drdemonprince · 6 months
now that I think about it, my """ironic""" interest in taylor swift and her fanbase is the moon that rose for me while gaga's sun set. the devil that you know is completely and fully actually a devil, i guess. plus taylor has some of that messy BPD girlie juice that so appeals to me, even in a horrible person.
i do want to get like deliriously zooted, like fully couch locked and watch the era's tour video one day soon. (pirated, naturlich).
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rachelcommitscrimes · 10 months
why is german the funniest language alive. mineralwasser. super. naturlich. what the hell
no hate to germans i love you guys my little germy wermies
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kawaiidetectivesweets · 3 months
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American Black bear.Frightened my horses.
Wildlife of Tennessee.
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thecrazyneographist · 3 months
Das Psikotika
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Online "advice" just tell me to stop being neurodivergent, like yeah sure homie I will suddenly start meditating everyday, do productive things all the time, all without a single problem, ja ja naturlich.
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