Reply Con from xx || REDFIELD
SHE COULD HEAR HER BOSS, His boots made that heavy thudded noise when he walked. He was going to want answers on why she up and bolted from the stage. But Eddie wasn't a shit manager, he cared for them all. And he went above and beyond to keep her and all the other girls safe, Not to mention, she knew he was coming after her cause he was worried. But, over the sound of heave bootsteps, Madison could make out the sound of another set of footsteps.
Her blood felt like ice, piercing her skin and turning her into a complete frozen mess. Dark blue eyes glanced back over her shoulder, catching sight of her Captain coming in her direction. She was mortified at the thought of him seeing her topless. She knew she had to face him, he was probably coming along to make sure she was ok. That, and to see why she didn't just tell him!
That was easy, cause He was her Captain and, BECAUSE she was attracted to him, to be frankly honest. She froze, feeling his hand grab ahold of her arm. Goosebumps covered her entire body, those lids softly closing as she turned to face him. God, why was he so damn gorgeous, it was really distracting. That voice, brushed over her ears like butter, so inviting and baritone. Causing her to gasp, slightly. He really had no idea what he did to her. And she was never going to say, he was a married man.
The independence danced across her features, as she let her arms cross over her chest. Feeling the rise and fall of her arms, with every breath she took. She may be mortified, but she wasn't going to show shame. Not for this, anyhow, she had settled on making it out of her debt on her own. And she could see it in his eyes, he wanted to help her. But how would she look, if she let him do that. Just write her a check, for any amount of money.
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" I didn't say anything to you, Captain. Because, it is my own burden to bare. And, cause I didn't know how you would react to me. I admire you, and your opinion of me, matters. "
And it did matter to her, she looked up to Chris. He may be harsh and some have even said, an asshole. But he was only doing his job, keeping them safe. And, fighting against things like B.O.W;s was alot more dangerous then, human enemies with guns. So, yeah he was a little bit harsh. Like he should be, She gave a small smile, as she saw her boss come to a stop behind Chris. She gave a thumbs up toward Eddie. And he nodded, the thumbs up meant she was ok and Chris was someone she knew. She would explain everything else later. Turning her gaze back toward Chris, she kept the small grin in tact.
" The guys are my life, they make dirty jokes and cat call me. But it is in good fun, and I am sorry. I took off, but I didn't want to have you see me, topless. I am not like that. "
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Group Thread Continued w/ @naturlich-geborener-morder , @traumamade
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SOME PEOPLE WERE JUST THAT , Dumb. Or that, suicidal, she didn't know which one. Piercing green eyes remained locked to Chris, as he remained to talk to her in a very soft, neutral voice. Causing the sensation to kill, ever rampant within her. She wasn't yet ready for human interaction. In fact, she was still feral as they came. And both of there scents were driving her wild. She only wanted to make them go away, or become her mid morning snack. She didn't care which one, to be honest. And the sass and arrogance that bled from the blonde, was making her even more , carnivorous. But she sunk those long red nails into the palm of her hands.
Even if she was forever stuck, being a LIVING DEAD GIRL. Didn't mean she liked chowing on humans. But she wasn't going anywhere with them. The empty words that had came from Redfields mouth, were not recieved the way She was sure, he had been hoping for. He obviously was lying, to gain her trust. Because they once worked together, something that she barely remembered. Those icy blues snapped to Leon. Shifting her weight to the other foot, he was certainly bold. She'd give him that, lips curved into a chestire grin. As she kept her guard up.
" I am not your prisoner, or your whore to order around. I am a human being, who has been forced into Umbrellas fucking control. Do you know what they did to me? "
She hissed, her eyes were flaming with a fire so intense it could definitely burn the entire house down. She was sure these two had no idea what transpired with her and her career for Umbrella. Eyes cut back to Chris, as she took a few steps closer to him.
" And don't treat me like i', dumb, Chriiis. I know damn well you aren't bring Albert on this trip. As much as I know, you both won't ever let me go. I will be damned if I go from being a Test Subject from one Bio Terrorist Company. Straight into the custody of another curropted organazation. Your not taking me anywhere. "
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