#nature Soap
markwestus · 2 years
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temeyes · 7 months
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to this day, they still don't believe him
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bluegiragi · 10 months
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early access + nsfw on patreon
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wombywoo · 1 year
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off duty
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lunarw0rks · 2 months
johnny is the guy that comments “😍❤️” under all your selfies
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brewed-pangolin · 5 months
MDNI 18+
Expert horseman John MacTavish, who has a very hands-on teaching style and makes you ride the saddle in front of him for post trotting exercises.
His thick frame pressed up against your back. Hands gentle yet firm on your waist as be guides your body to rise and fall with the rhythmic movement of the mares trotting gate.
"Tha's it, bonnie. Watch 'er. Feel 'er as she moves." His instruction's smooth, deliberate. Breath soft and warm along the edge of your neck.
"Ya got it, lass. Up on th'diagonal. Jus' like tha'."
"Eyes forward. Let 'er guide ya."
Your fingers wrapped tightly around the taut weathered reigns. Textured leather broken seamlessly at the seams sliding along your palms. And his expert hands directing the ebb and flow of your hips as the chestnut mare trotted effortlessly within the fields of wheat.
And as a reward for your continued equine education, your Scottish horse master gifted you with a private lesson in riding a more able-bodied and robust saddle.
Leather reigns replaced with thick clumps of hair that adorned the broad plateau of his chest. Rolling your hips in tandem with his upward thrust, mirroring the diagonal rhythm you perfected only hours ago.
"Tha's it, hen. Move wit me. Jus' like I taught ya."
The rumbling growl in his voice only accentuated the overwhelming sensation of him beneath you. Feeling him pulse within your silken walls, his hands on your hips as he guided you to bounce without restraint on his throbbing cock.
"Faster, John. I wanna go faster." You pleaded. Breathless and breathtaking while riding him.
"No-,not yet," he retorted. Jaw clenched, caging a moan within his throat, panting as he continued.
"Got'a master-, the trot before you move-, to the canter."
"Then teach me, John. Please."
"Aye. I will," he grunted. Lifting your hips as he vigorously bucked up into your cunt.
"Gonnae teach ya so good, hen. Make ya mine. Make ya me-, highland rodeo queen."
Drabbles Masterlist
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120daysofsodomm · 25 days
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shadow0-1 · 1 year
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If I push, will you pull?
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he is so fucking autistic
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markwestus · 2 years
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CHARCOAL + CLAY SOAP      $12.00
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cerise-on-top · 2 months
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Here are some sketches that I commissioned the wonderful @felrija to make for me! Her art is absolutely gorgeous and I love these so so much! As a resident turtle lover, this is the absolute best!! Thank you so much for accepting my silly ideas!!! As soon as I thought of it, I just knew I needed Turtle Force 141 in my life and I am so happy she brought my ideas to life like this! I am so happy right now!!!
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ghcstao3 · 10 months
the worst discovery of soap’s life has to be finding the bleach and boxes of blond hair dye in the bathroom adjoining ghost’s quarters
he’s been shot, stabbed, burned, and a million other things out in the field, in this line of work—but none of it compares to the absolute heartbreak of finding out ghost isn’t a natural blond
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bogleech · 2 years
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I’ve made three of these now and put them on etsy to see how they do. Wash your hands to slowly free rubber creatures one by one. Yes it’s a bit clumsy but it’s more of a novelty bioscience item than completely practical as normal soap. I print a fact sheet out for each one and stick it on the wrapping! Glycerin soap with slight oak moss scent and soap dye.
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clnclm · 9 months
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atopvisenyashill · 9 months
i was thinking more about characters Performing Gender, but not necessarily Transgressing Gender. I wound up focusing on Ned and Sansa bc I feel like I understand them the most but-
Sansa as a hostage is imo the most obvious (bc it’s so well done) moment of someone clearly Performing Gender but not being transgressive in that performance. Which isn’t to say it’s not a complicated performance; it’s a fine line Sansa walks between weaponizing her gender to protect herself without seeming too fake. She’s trying to placate the Lannisters by playing the perfect, dedicated, air headed betrothed because it’s the only defense she has - if she outwardly rebels, she will be punished in a likely violent and/or sexual way (which isn’t even conjecture - when she says “or maybe he’ll give me yours” Joffrey has her struck with an armored hand). She’s not quite successful in being convincing but that’s because it’s a rather extreme situation; despite no one believing her, she does make herself seem meek and stupid enough that no one suspects she’s plotting to escape with Dontos until she’s well away from KL. The fact that she even has Dontos to confide in is because of Sansa’s relationship with gender! When she saves him, she covers her rebellious slip by playing up Joffrey’s intelligence & his role as King; she reaches for “tools” of her gender AND of ~proper manhood~ to save a life and herself from another beating. Her retreats into the godswood and silence are very much Sansa attempting to recharge from these draining interactions, the same way a knight would need to stop and eat and rest after a fight. She is fighting, constantly, by forcing herself to stay within the narrow confines of a specific type of gender performance as a way of shielding herself from harm.
Ned yelling at Cat is another big one, and I’ve seen the scene referred to as Ned using his patriarchal power to scare Cat, which is a great description. It feels like a Performance because Ned is putting on this terrifying Lord Stark mask in an attempt to get Catelyn to stop asking about Jon (and Lyanna). This is not how he usually acts with those he loves! When Ned is with His People, he is welcoming of questions, curiosity, emotion, even transgressive thought (to a point! the idea that Ned is a feminist because he lets Arya learn to fight is Not accurate but you can’t deny he allows significantly more flexibility wrt gender expression than most of the fathers we meet in this series. the bar is in hell tho). Yet when Cat asks him about Jon’s mother, Ned scares her so well she stops asking & still remembers the moment bitterly over a decade later. And if that snippet we see through Bran’s eyes of Ned praying that Cat will forgive him does come after she asks (like it’s suspected), it’s clear not only that this is a performance he’s putting on & weaponizing against Cat, it’s one he does not like using as a weapon against someone he is close to. After using the power his gender gives him to cause harm, he retreats to the godswood and silence to pray and rest, much like Sansa. A spiritual cleanse, the way a soldier may pray after battle, to reset and reconnect Being A Proper Man to Being A Kind Man.
I think there’s something interesting in that two of the characters most widely defined by how well they adhere to Westerosi gender norms both dislike feeling like they had to weaponize their gender. They are exhausted by the performance, because it’s a performance. This isn’t Sansa getting excited over tourneys, or Ned teaching his sons to fight; it’s toxic masculinity, it’s structural misogyny. It’s something they’re good at, excel at, and connected to something they enjoy but when it’s paired with violence, whether done by Ned or done to Sansa, it crosses over in their minds from an innate part of themselves (The Gender) to a performance necessary due to survival (The Gender Role). And that after these performances, both retreat to nature & god as a way of resting and cleansing from the experience.
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