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posts00 · 2 months ago
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davidaugust · 12 days ago
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political-us · 8 days ago
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herpsandbirds · 26 days ago
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How the Trump and DOGE cuts could ruin National Parks this summer
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sitting-on-me-bum · 18 days ago
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Musk Ox (Ovibos moschatus) portrait. Dovrefjell National Park, Norway, September.
Photographer: Danny Green
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miradeniz · 9 days ago
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powerupcomicstonight · 1 month ago
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srisrisriddd · 8 days ago
Squeeze - Panda On Dining Table eating sleepily
The tighter you squeeze, the less you have
- Dr Devang H Dattani
- Infinite SriSriSri DDD
See Panda On Dining Table eating sleepily Video
Good Morning
Quote / Poem / Poetry / Quotes Of 
Bhagwan Sri Sri Sri
Doctor Devang H Dattani
Infinite Sri Sri Sri DDD
Posted By TheBlissCity DDD Team
See The Media Photo Video For
God Morning
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posts00 · 2 months ago
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political-us · 9 days ago
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herpsandbirds · 4 months ago
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Common Musk Turtle aka Stinkpot Turtle (Sternotherus odoratus), family Kinosternidae, GA, USA
The name comes from a nasty smelling musk, which musk turtles can expel out of their back end.
photograph by UGA Coastal Ecology Lab
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iconsumeheadcanons · 3 months ago
some turtle origin hcs
this is based on appearance for now. and very small list lol. i just needed to talk about tmnt and herps or i was gonna like explode or smth. PLEASE share ur own ideas if u have any!!!!
i think tumblr will auto-label images posted by another user that reused in-site, but if not i just grab baby tmnt turt pics from forgetful-nerd
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either yellow-bellied sliders Trachemys scripta scripta (left) or chinese box turtle Cuora flavomarginata(right)(im leaning more towards cuora here)
->yellow plastrons
->domed shells (espceially like the chinese box for this!)
->both sold as pets (yellow-bellied way more likely since its native-ish and common)
->i heard sliders are very personable (most sliders slip into water if i get within 100ft of them tho so i cannot confirm)
->the box turts are very squort
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diamondback terrapins malaclemys terrapin!! you cannot convince me otherwise tbh (but i love to hear more hcs too!!)
->look at the goofy shape of those legs. look at that. just like the 3d models
->spots, swirls, pale coloring(but there are ones that match the color of the brothers better, they arent all pale white)
->flat ovular shape shell that is bulky
->popular pets, typically ppl get more than one at a time, and somewhat native to the region as they live in brackish/coastal habitats (fitting for turts who regularly swim in flooded areas and eat algae and worm based meals for like....15ish years)
->(they would be carnivorous if they were purely turtle btw)(also eating algae isnt really too weird. prolly strange how they do it since they seem to eat it fresh? but ppl eat seaweed and algae based broths all the time; i.e. most stuff in japan actually!)
->pls look at pics of these, theyre so unique as a species, have fun personalities, and look so stinking silly
->oh and dee said one ep that they were either (eastern?) box turtles or diamondbacks. i think they have very little in common w terrapene carolina carolina
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STINKPOTS aka musk turtles!!!!!!!! i havent picked out a particular one (and there are many!) but LOOK AT IT ASDLFKJASDFKLJDSF
->ALL of them look exactly this goofy. they only get GOOFIER with age. spectacular
->so small. please understand. size of a pea kinda creature (only exaggerating a bit). they hatch the size of a coin and reach adult size of smaller than a human hand. i have held one before. this is not exaggerating. i have "medically small" hands as well. (if anyone could explain what my neuromusc doc meant by that btw that would be cool to know. i just know it means i cant reach the enter key on my laptop w/o moving my whole arm over too)
->stinky:teenage boys going to public school blah blah that joke i guess
->looks exactly like how i imagine donnies scream would look like if it manifested as a real turtle
->some ppl have them as pets, kinda rare tho. the turts are VERY common in my experience. usually in wetlands foresty environments. if there are some native to illinois i dont see why they wouldnt be fucking around some parking lot drainage pond in new york
->great mixture of looking fat and squishy and also looking like a child growing into their long limbs. good silly shapes
->look like little treats to snack on like gum <3
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^mikey giving his first stand up performance at comedy club
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sitting-on-me-bum · 18 days ago
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Two musk oxen face off in Dovrefjell–Sunndalsfjella National Park in Norway. The males go head to head to measure their strengths against one another
Photograph: Christain Surber/Solent News & Photo Agency/Solent News
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miradeniz · 9 days ago
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zeril-k · 29 days ago
This is absolutely absurd.
This leaves only 3 people in charge of a million of acres of land in Yellowstone and Bozeman.
Wildfires will get worse. Negative human/animal interactions will get worse. This will cause some towns that surround national parks to cease existing. I have no doubt that this will be used to justify getting rid of the national parks altogether on the grounds on being a danger to national security.
This isn't even a bipartisan issue.
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Most people see the national park service as a positive. These layoffs go against public opinions on both sides of the politial spectrum. These layoffs are done specifically because a national park open to anyone to visit (for free, mind you) does not generate a profit margin that the richest people in america can exploit.
This needs to be known.
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the-queer-oklahoman · 21 days ago
today DOGE fired hundreds of NOAA workers. NOAA, also known as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is in charge of the weather service. Just over 800 employees were fired, with more potentially being fired tomorrow, February 28. This is completely unacceptable. Nearly every American relies on these services in one way or another. These weather services legitimately save millions of lives per year.
Oklahoma is one of the more dangerous states in terms of natural disasters. Last year, we had 8 deaths because of tornadoes, the second highest in the country. Some of the NOAA employees in Norman were fired. We are going to start having tornadoes closer to summer, and our warnings, that we rely on, are going to be severely worse. THIS IS A BIPARTISAN ISSUE. This firing is DIRECTLY impacting one of the most red states in the country. So many people will die because of DOGE‘s carelessness. Email your representatives. They cannot continue with this if we don’t let them.
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