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Do either of the boys wear makeup to perform, or do they go out au natrel?
They both wear light makeup. Usually nothing more than a bit of foundation and highlighter to pamper their skin a bit.
I like to imagine Tide using a black marker to make the mask around his eyes more defined and shiny, which I guess is a bit like using makeup.
#ask shlubby#shlubb’s journal#to clarify: I'm referring to their default designs#they're not against using more makeup#they just don't need it for their default stage outfits
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Et comme promis, petit concentré des explications de Sombat sur la vie des "Hill Tribe People", les peuples des collines. (J'en profite pour vous caler quelques photos en plus !)
Le peuple Karen a fui la Birmanie il y a des centaines d’années, et s’est installée dans cette zone il y a à peu près 300 ans. Le souci, c’est que le gouverment thaïlandais n’avait pas connaissance de leur existence jusqu’à relativement récemment, ils ont donc au départ (du temps de sa grand mère) voulu les renvoyer en Birmanie (alors que cela faisait des générations qu’ils en étaient parti), puis ont accepté de les intégrer au peuple thailandais. Petit souci : pas de papier pour prouver qui était né ici, le gouvernement s’est donc basé sur la taille des arbres fruitiers dans les zones cultivées pour confirmer quels villages étaient réellement installés depuis longtemps. Avec le statut thaï, le peuple a été obligé de suivre beaucoup de lois, notamment de payer des taxes foncières sur les villages. A cause de ces mesures et des couts associés, la population a drastiquement diminué : les familles avaient souvent plus de 8 enfants, 4 enfants étant considéré comme une petite famille, alors que 30 ans plus tard, il est très rare d’atteindre ne serait-ce que ce nombre.
Pour le transport, ils utilisaient autrefois des paniers tressés en bambou, avec de la cire sur certains pour imperméabiliser au maximum. Maintenant, surtout avec l’accès à la route, ils ont tous des sacs à dos et des vêtements “modernes”. Bat se lamentait sur le fait que la nouvelle génération ne souhaite pas apprendre les méthodes traditionnelles de soin (avec les plantes locales) mais se rabatte directement sur l’hopital (loin et très cher). Il s’est lui même fait mordre 3 fois par un serpent venimeux, mais s’est fait soigner sur place sans séquelles.
Comme ils habitaient depuis longtemps ici, les Karen du village ont gardé certains droits specifiques suite à la création du statut de parc natrel de la région : ils ont par exemple toujours le droit d’utiliser le bois de la forêt, uniquement s’il ne sort pas du village (pour construire les maisons notamment), mais ils n’ont par contre pas de droit d’extension du territoire déjà acquis. Ce village a été connecté au réseau routier principal par une route en terre, ce qui facilite les échanges de fruits, légumes et riz produits localement (leur principale source de revenus jusque récemment), mais pousse aussi les policiers à faire des incursions répétées sur place (tous les mois), et rapproche les sources d’ennuis (notamment les braconneurs d’arbres). Ils ont été notamment fortement ennuyés par une troupe de 7 hommes en quad qui venaient braconner dans la région et contre laquelle la police locale ne faisait rien sans preuve, jusqu’à ce qu’ils les filment en train de les menacer et de parler de leur zone de chasse. La police est alors enfin intervenue …
Le gouvernement est assez raciste envers cette communauté : pendant les périodes de pollution forte à Bangkok (notamment période de brulis au Cambodge qui emplissent l’air de fumées), le gouvernement continue d’accuser les “hill tribes” de bruler leurs champs de riz (une coutume agricole qui n’est autorisée que certains mois de l’année), alors que c’est faux.
Notre guide est parti assez tot dans les grandes villes : il travaillait de jour dans un hotel et de nuit dans un bar (en faisant des nuits de max 5h pendant 3ans) pour payer le lycée à son frère … Ici l’école est payante, même le primaire, et coute déjà presque 10000B par an pour les petits, ce qui est une fortune pour les gens des villages.
Suite au covid, le prix de toutes les productions agricoles s’est écrasé (3-4B le kg de mangue vs 18-20B pré covid), la nouvelle génération est donc elle aussi partie en ville pour pouvoir subvenir à ses besoins. Bat a lui décidé de devenir guide, et nous a expliqué que c’est la première fois qu’il ne plantait ni tomate, ni riz, ni ail, ni avocat. Il laisse ses enfants au village (3 et 4 ans) et les retrouve dès qu’il fait un tour avec des touristes, au moins une fois par semaine. C’est compliqué, mais il gagne au moins sa vie.
Sombat nous raconte aussi qu'une fois, un groupe de touristes est venu le prendre en photo en train de travailler dans les champs avec son père et un boeuf (pas de souci, les photos ne les dérangent pas), mais que le lendemain il y avait une trentaine de policiers au village pour faire une enquête pour maltraitance animale ! Il nosu raconte que c’est ridicule, ils ne peuvent as se permettre de les maltraiter, ils ont trop besoin d’eux, et qu’ils font partie de la famille.
Il y avait des éléphants dans beaucoup de villages pour les travaux nécessitant de la force (transport de bois, de bambou, …), mais qu’il est désormais rare qu’ils en aient plus d’un à cause de la difficulté d’entretien (ils peuvent s’enfuir et ruiner le champ des voisins, il faut qu’ils bougent tout le temps pour trouver assez à manger, etc ;..)
Pendant la période COVID, les villages s'en sont sorti avec quasiment aucune contamination pendant un an: ils ont arrêté d'aller en ville, ont vécu en autarcie, et pas de souci. Une équipe du gouvernement est venue au bout d'un an environ pour une grande campagne de vaccination : une quinzaine de médecins et infirmières ont fait le tour des villages... Sauf que deux d'entre eux étaient malades (sans le savoir), ils ont contaminé tous les villages de la région ! Ça a encore augmenté la défiance des gens envers le gouvernement, forcément, et certaines personnes ont totalement refusé d'aller à l'hôpital (le gouvernement a "gentiment" payé les frais d'essence pour y aller, mais aucun frais médical).
Dernière anecdote ! Quand Bat avait une vingtaine d'années, il a essayé d'obtenir un visa de visite en Angleterre, 3500Bahts (une somme conséquente ici). Il lui a fallu deux semaines pour avoir un retour négatif, il a du recommencer (en repayant bien sûr), et ils ont mis tellement longtemps à lui répondre que le voyage a été annulé... Apparemment c'est assez compliqué d'obtenir des visas de sortie en dehors de l'Asie pour les locaux !
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"Choosing Excellence: Navigating the Best Brands of Breast Implants"
When it comes to breast augmentation, choosing the right breast implants is crucial for achieving the desired aesthetic outcome and ensuring long-term satisfaction. Among the myriad of options available, identifying the best brand of breast implants depends on a variety of factors, including quality, safety, and the range of options they offer to cater to individual needs and preferences.
Breast implants come in different materials, shapes, and sizes, with the two primary types being silicone gel implants and saline implants. Silicone gel implants are renowned for their ability to mimic the feel of natural breast tissue closely, while saline implants are praised for their safety profile, as they can be filled after being inserted, allowing for smaller incisions and easier size adjustments.
Several leading brands have established themselves at the forefront of the breast implant industry, each with its own set of innovations and product lines designed to enhance patient outcomes and safety. Among these, a few stand out for their commitment to quality and excellence:
Allergan (Natrelle®): Allergan's Natrelle® line of breast implants is highly regarded for its extensive range of sizes, shapes, and textures, offering personalized options to meet diverse body types and cosmetic goals. Their silicone implants are particularly noted for their cohesive gel, which maintains shape while offering a natural look and feel.
Mentor: A Johnson & Johnson company, Mentor is another top contender in the market, known for its rigorous quality control processes and a broad selection of implant types, including both saline and silicone options. Mentor's MemoryGel® implants are celebrated for their durability and natural feel.
Sientra: Sientra offers a wide array of FDA-approved silicone breast implants, with a focus on safety and innovation. Their High-Strength Cohesive Silicone Gel implants are designed for a natural feel and are available in various shapes and textures to suit different preferences and body types.
Motiva®: The newest entrant to the market, Motiva® is quickly gaining popularity for its state-of-the-art Ergonomix® implants, designed to mimic the natural movement and feel of breast tissue. Their implants also feature unique safety technologies, such as the Q Inside Safety Technology™, which allows for the non-invasive identification of implant details post-surgery.
The best brand of breast implants for any individual depends on their specific needs, body type, and the advice of their plastic surgeon. It's essential for patients to discuss their options with a board-certified plastic surgeon who can provide personalized recommendations based on the latest research and their professional experience. Surgeons will consider factors such as the patient's body frame, current breast tissue, and aesthetic goals to suggest the most suitable brand and type of implant.
In conclusion, while there are several reputable brands in the breast implant market, the "best" brand is subjective and varies according to individual preferences and needs. The key to a successful breast augmentation lies in thorough research, understanding the pros and cons of each option, and a detailed consultation with a qualified surgeon. Safety, quality, and a track record of positive outcomes should be the top priorities when selecting the brand of breast implants for your augmentation procedure.
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Extremity Tissue Expander Market Giants Spending Is Going To Boom
Latest released the research study on Global Extremity Tissue Expander Market, offers a detailed overview of the factors influencing the global business scope. Extremity Tissue Expander Market research report shows the latest market insights, current situation analysis with upcoming trends and breakdown of the products and services. The report provides key statistics on the market status, size, share, growth factors of the Extremity Tissue Expander The study covers emerging player’s data, including: competitive landscape, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are Allergan (Natrelle) (United States), Mentor Worldwide LLC (United States), GC Aesthetics (Ireland), Polytech Health & Aesthetics (Germany), HansBiomed (South Korea), Sientra, Inc. (United States), Groupe Sebbin SAS (France), Laboratoires Arionm (France), Koken Co. Ltd. (Japan), PMT Corporation (United States),
Free Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/88560-global-extremity-tissue-expander-market
Extremity Tissue Expander Market Definition:
Extremity Tissue Expander stretches the skin for particular time so as to increase the skin in the area. The product is useful for variety of problems like treatment of congenital defects and extensive burn scars. Furthermore it is useful for the post traumatic cases. The shifting of reconstructive procedures conventional invasive procedures to minimally invasive. Due to their versatile nature some patients goes forward with the procedure which will affect the market positively
Market Trend:
Rising Concern over Aesthetic Appeal in People has Created the Demand
Development of Long Lasting and Improved Extremity Tissue Expanders
Market Drivers:
Increasing Accidents and Burn Cases is Driving the Market
Reduced Length of Stay in Hospitals
Market Opportunities:
Increase in Disposable Income in Developing Countries
Improvements in Reimbursement Scheme
The Global Extremity Tissue Expander Market segments and Market Data Break Down are illuminated below:
by Type (Upper extremities, Lower extremities), Application (Breast reconstruction, Scalp reconstruction, Oral and maxillofacial reconstruction, Paediatrics, Other), End Users (Hospitals, Ambulatory surgical centers, Cosmetics clinics), Shapes (Round, Rectangular, Crescent, Anatomical, Others)
Region Included are: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Oceania, South America, Middle East & Africa
Country Level Break-Up: United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, South Africa, Nigeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Germany, United Kingdom (UK), the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Turkey, Russia, France, Poland, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, India, Australia and New Zealand etc.
Enquire for customization in Report @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/enquiry-before-buy/88560-global-extremity-tissue-expander-market
Strategic Points Covered in Table of Content of Global Extremity Tissue Expander Market:
Chapter 1: Introduction, market driving force product Objective of Study and Research Scope the Extremity Tissue Expander market
Chapter 2: Exclusive Summary – the basic information of the Extremity Tissue Expander Market.
Chapter 3: Displayingthe Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges of the Extremity Tissue Expander
Chapter 4: Presenting the Extremity Tissue Expander Market Factor Analysis Porters Five Forces, Supply/Value Chain, PESTEL analysis, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis.
Chapter 5: Displaying market size by Type, End User and Region 2015-2020
Chapter 6: Evaluating the leading manufacturers of the Extremity Tissue Expander market which consists of its Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company Profile
Chapter 7: To evaluate the market by segments, by countries and by manufacturers with revenue share and sales by key countries (2021-2026).
Chapter 8 & 9: Displaying the Appendix, Methodology and Data Source
Finally, Extremity Tissue Expander Market is a valuable source of guidance for individuals and companies in decision framework.
Data Sources & Methodology The primary sources involves the industry experts from the Global Extremity Tissue Expander Market including the management organizations, processing organizations, analytics service providers of the industry’s value chain. All primary sources were interviewed to gather and authenticate qualitative & quantitative information and determine the future prospects.
In the extensive primary research process undertaken for this study, the primary sources – Postal Surveys, telephone, Online & Face-to-Face Survey were considered to obtain and verify both qualitative and quantitative aspects of this research study. When it comes to secondary sources Company's Annual reports, press Releases, Websites, Investor Presentation, Conference Call transcripts, Webinar, Journals, Regulators, National Customs and Industry Associations were given primary weight-age.
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Definitively, this report will give you an unmistakable perspective on every single reality of the market without a need to allude to some other research report or an information source. Our report will give all of you the realities about the past, present, and eventual fate of the concerned Market.
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Contact Us: Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager) AMA Research & Media LLP Unit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJ New Jersey USA – 08837
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Breast Implant Rupture with Breast Augment Revision
*This patient has a left saline breast implant rupture.
*She had a previous breast augment with a breast lift.
*Her right breast is also lower and more to the side than the left.
*She underwent a remove and replacement of the breast implants with revision and reconstruction of the right breast augment inframammary crease for better support of the implant.
*Breast augmentation revision is a surgical procedure that involves correcting or improving the results of a previous breast augmentation surgery. It is typically performed when a patient is dissatisfied with the appearance of their breasts after the initial surgery or when there are complications or issues with the implants.
There are several reasons why a patient may seek breast augmentation revision surgery, including:
Implant replacement: Breast implants are not meant to last forever, and they may need to be replaced over time due to rupture, leakage, or other issues.
Implant removal: Some patients may decide that they no longer want implants and may opt to have them removed.
Change in breast size or shape: Over time, a patient's breasts may change in size or shape, or the original implants may have been too small or too large.
Complications: Complications from the initial surgery, such as capsular contracture, implant malposition, or implant rupture, may require revision surgery to correct.
During a breast augmentation mastopexy revision surgery, the surgeon may remove or replace the existing implants, adjust the placement of the implants, revise the breast lift, perform other procedures to improve the appearance of the breasts. The specific procedure will depend on the individual needs and goals of the patient.
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A Simple Evening Meal #Linguine with Fresh #Tomato #Herb #Marinara #Sauce 🍝🍝#Homemade #Cooking Theme Today is #Pasta 🍝Let me know if you want the Recipe👋🏽 • • • • #foodpics #food #foodporn #foodie #instafood #foodphotography #yummy #fresh #foodstagram #delicious #instagood #foodlover #foodgasm #homecooking #healthyfood #tasty #eat #healthy #vegetarian #weekend Ingredients Sourced: @dundurnmarket Organic Garlic, Onion 🧅 Tomatoes 🍅 Celery @wholefoods = Peppercorns @mortonsalt = Coarse Sea Salt @primopasta_de = Linguine (Dry Pasta) @natrel = Butter + My Garden = Oregano, Parsley, Basil, Thyme 🌿 Paired With Cantine Leonardo DaVinci 2020 - #Chianti Red #Wine 🍷🍷 (at Naples, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnsojf4LEaz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Breast augmentation for moms @drjohnburns • If you're a mom considering breast augmentation, you aren’t alone. Women like you are making the choice to do what’s right for their bodies every day. Whether it’s because your body has changed after having children, or you’re just ready for something new, you have options and resources to help make your decision. If you want to hear from other moms like you, visit the Natrelle® YouTube channel today. #thepowerofyou #gogummy #askaplasticsurgeon #breastimplants #breastaugmentation #plasticsurgery #plasticsurgeon #gummybreastimplants #didyouknow #facts #natrelleinspira #natrelle #dallas #dfwtexas #texasplasticsurgeon #plasticsurgerytexas #dallasplasticsurgeon #dallasplasticsurgery #dfwplasticsurgeon #dfwplasticsurgery #plasticsurgerydallas #boardcertifiedplasticsurgeon #drjohnburns (at Dr. John Burns - Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTyWVG7Mrv9/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Store cut dag for New Orleans Saints
Store cut dag for New Orleans Saints
New Orleans Saints skal idag tilpasse den endelige 53-mands roster. Og allerede nu er holdet igang med at lave den store nedskæring. Herunder kan du se hvem Saints har cuttet. DL RJ McIntosh LB Shaq Smith S Eric Burrell OT Derrick Kelly CB Natrell Jamerson.
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New Orleans Saints Draft Grade
Here is my grade and analysis of the New Orleans Saints 2018 draft
The Saints begin the 2018 NFL draft by trading up to the 14th overall selection to take UTSA defensive end Marcus Davenport. Davenport has seen his draft stock skyrocket after the Senior Bowl game showing impressive athleticism to go along with tremendous s length and effort during his college career with great ability as a pass rusher. Davenport has a high ceiling as a pass rusher but is raw as a run defender and has issues playing with great strength when taking on blockers. Davenport has the ability to become a top notch defensive end at the pro level but will need to have a lot of work done to become a consistent and complete defensive end. The next pick is UCF receiver Tre’quan Smith. Smith was the big play receiver for the UCF team with the length and enough speed to create big plays downfield along with showing very good blocking ability on the outsde. However he doesn’t consistently show the elite speed at the NFL level and needs to create separation and doesn’t always show great hands. Smith has good size and athleticism and has shown good overall ability to make plays at the pro level and could become a part of the Saints receiver rotation early in 2018. The next pick is Florida State offensive tackle Rick Leonard. Leonard has good height and strength to be an effective right tackle and could play at both guards at the pro level, he has good overall athleticism and power with good ability to mirror defenders in pass protection. However he lacks equal length for his size and will show slow feet and will need to improve his balance and hand fighting. Leonard should become the swing tackle for the Saints during the first season and could be moved to the inside if injuries happen again in 2018. The next pick is Wisconsin safety Natrell Jamerson. Jamerson had a tremendous showing with a 4.4 at the combine and was among the best with the vertical and broad jump while showing good ability in run support. However he has issues with his polish and has limited playing experience as a safety and has some issues with longer receivers along with being average at best when in coverage. Jamerson should be a limited player at safety but should be very impressive as a special teamer. The next pick is Kamrin Moore, cornerback from Boston College. Moore lacks great athleticism and polish in man coverage despite extended experience in the defensive backfield and will likely need to be moved to safety at the pro level and show great production in special teams to make the Saints roster. Boston Scott, runningback from Louisiana Tech is the next Saints pick. Scott was impressive when he took over as the top runner at Louisiana Tech and his impressive agility speed and acceleration he has many similarities to former Saints back Darren Sproles. Scott lacks elite power and size and will likely need to have limited snaps at least early in his career. Scott could see significant snaps as the Darren Sproles receiving back as a rookie though will need to make the team as punt returner and 4th back for the Saints. The last pick is LSU offensive lineman Will Clapp. Clapp has good size for an interior lineman and usually shows good agility, though he lacks the strength and consistency as a blocker that could hurt his ability to play early in his career. Clapp is a good lottery pick and could be the backup swing interior lineman as a rookie with hopes that he can add power and improve with his technique. The Saints draft will hinge on the success on Marcus Davenport after an incredible trade up in the 1st round and he is likely going to be the only starter in this draft class as a rookie but is a massive risk or reward. Overall the Saints draft is average and the grade should be a C though I have learned that the Saints have great success on picking up impressive pass catchers and solid situational players.
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Felt like a #Dessert 🍮 but nothing too heavy. #Homemade #Poached #Pear poached in #Chai #Tea #Ginger #Honey topped with a #Rhubarb #Compote + Whipped Cream - Originally made with Wine and called “Poire à la Beaujolaise” 👩🏽🍳#HomeCooking #Food #Pic Today is #Desserts 😋 Let me know if you want the Recipe👋🏽 • • • • #foodforfoodies #foodporn #foodie #instafood #foodphotography #yummy #foodstagram #delicious #instagood #foodlover #foodgasm #tasty #eat • Ingredients Sourced: @WholeFoods = Anjou Pears, Rhubarb @StashTea = ChaiTea @sugarintheraw = Turbinado Cane Sugar @capilanohoney = #ManukaHoney @simplyorganicfoods = Cinnamon @Natrel = Whipping Cream (at Lyon, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm9qXeEJs_n/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Featured Mommy Makeover Results By @drjosephku ・・・ Mommy Makeover by Dr. Joseph Ku. This patient had abdominoplasty, liposuction of the waist and breast augmentation with Silicone implants. #drjosephku #doubleboardcertifiedplasticsurgeon #abdominoplasty #tummytuck #tummy #breasťaugmentation #siliconeimplants #natrelle #inspiraimplants #liposuction #inlandempire #riverside #topdoc
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ReEvaluering af draftklassen 2018
ReEvaluering af draftklassen 2018. #NOSdk #NFLdk
NFL afholder årets draft I Cleveland den 29. april 2021 og Saints vælger som nummer 28 i første runde. Saints har nu haft tre fulde sæsoner med 2018 draftklassen. Og det er blevet tid til den årlige reevaluering af draftklassen. Saints satsede stort på en quarte… Nej, alle eksperter blev forundrede, da Saints ikke valgte quarterback Lamar Jackson med den 14. valg, efter holdet havde handlet sig…
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#2018#Boston Scott#Draft#Kamrin Moore#Marcus Davenport#Natrell Jamerson#Rick Leonard#Tre&039;Quan Smith#Will Clapp
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Happy 24th Birthday Natrell Jamerson (Houston Texans) from @rotodb #HappyBirthday #HBD #Birthday #CakeDay #Sports #Fantasy #FantasySports #NFL #NationalFootballLeague #Football #FantasyFootball #Texans #Houston #HoustonTexans
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