#nate wilson
krispyweiss · 4 months
Song Review: moe. - “Rocky Mountain Way” (Live, March 23, 2024)
Though it is known for stretching songs waaaaay out, moe. stayed close to home on “Rocky Mountain Way.”
As captured on professional video March 23 in Colorado (natch), moe.’s interpretation follows Joe Walsh’s instructions carefully. The band’s newest member, keyboardist Nate Wilson, handles the mic, proving himself the group’s most-tuneful lead singer in the process; guitarist Chuck Garvey provides the requisite talk box; and the rest of the band works hard to give Wilson a solid floor.
And they do.
It’s the kind of thing that might make hard-core moe.rons pine for a more-adventurous sonic exploration. And it’s also the kind of thing that might make softer-core fans think, finally.
Grade card: moe. - “Rocky Mountain Way” (Live - 3/23/24) - B+
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ageofthegeekdotcon · 2 months
It's so them-core
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leverage-ot3 · 6 months
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werewolfsmile · 4 months
Dammit Hardison - The Compilation
[watch it on youtube]
[watch the companion, Dammit Parker]
Here it is, every instance of dammit Hardison in Leverage and Redemption! I've given a bit of context with every scene, rather than just the two seconds it takes to yell dammit Hardison.
Eliot says this phrase 14 times in Leverage and 6 times in Redemption, plus it being said 3 times by other people, bringing us to a grand total of 23 dammit Hardisons! And now you can enjoy them all!
Here's to hoping there's more in S3 of Redemption!!!
(edit: LMAO WHOOPS i accidentally skipped one of the bonus dammit hardisons on my first render of this video! 🤦🏼‍♀️it's now edited and included in here but boy do i feel silly, can't believe i missed it the first time around. the numbers above have been updated as well. there's only one person i can blame this on: dammit hardison!)
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antrunner · 17 days
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see the trick to drawing butch cable is that nothing changes 🧠💯💪
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ghostlyarchaeologist · 11 months
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The Leverage team wearing glasses.
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angel-mira · 6 months
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oomf asked for the makeup meme except its nate putting chapstick on wade :3
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wormspoodle · 8 months
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watched the captain underpants movie and it made me wanna draw some beloved childhood comics characters
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mastersoftheair · 7 months
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new stills from episode 7!
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krispyweiss · 2 years
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On moe.day, moe.street is a Pearl in Albany, N.Y.
- “We are humbled and deeply honored,” Al Schnier says
On this moe.day, moe. is playing the Palace Theatre on Albany’s moe.street.
The New York city declared Feb. 24 moe.day and temporarily renamed North Pearl Street, where the venue is located, for the band, NYS Music reports.
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This is the city’s fifth moe.day and the holiday is “alive and well,” Mayor Kathy Sheehan said.
“We are overwhelmed with the love the city of Albany has given our band over the years,” guitarist Al Schnier said.
“From declaring Feb. 24 as ‘moe.day’ to this, the dedication of ‘moe.street’ … we are humbled and deeply honored.”
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geekynightowl1997 · 9 months
Thinking about how the Leverage Team dresses. (Again.)
How they dress describes them so perfectly and it makes me SO happy.
Nate- he wears black or dark colors most of the time. He's still mourning the loss of his son and probably his divorce. However he doesn't dress sloppy. He wants people to believe that he has it all together- even if he really doesn't. His hair his a mess of curls that looks like it was brushed with his hands. Well kept, but still devilish looking. (A good indicator that he doesn't have life put together.
Sophie- she never dresses sloppy. All high-end/ semi- high end clothes. She's all about shoes and shopping. Probably for the next grift. She looks flawless in whatever she is given. Most of the time it gives her confidence to look the mark in the eye and pull it all off. High heels are her best friend and her hair is always spot on.
Parker- she pulls of the grundgy look. It's a mix of dull and colors- that blend in. Like she's a rebellious teenager. Of course on the job (unless she's grifting,) she's in all black. But nobody would question a young women who looks rebellious. Most just blink and walk past- something she picked up on the street probably.
Hardison- he dresses like he's chill. Relaxed. T-shirts and pants. (Again, unless he's grifting.) He doesn't have to mask up most of the time- and his clothes are usually muted, but there's colors. He too looks like a teenager whose up to no good- just in a different way.
Eliot- (I've posted about him before,) but he's a weird mix of Parker and Hardison- with his own style. Maybe it's from his years of being a hit-man. But he blends in with any situation. Between his leather jacket or his button ups. Him and Sophie probably have the most color in the way they dress- constantly changing with what the con needs. Again, reds are a good shade for Eliot. And he really does pull off the country bumpkin when needed.
Harry- dresses like Sophie. (Of course he's a lawyer so that's probably a lot of it,) but it's almost like he needs to dress nice. He needs respect- and he dresses like it.
Breanna- she dresses like a modern teenager/almost adult. Casual and comfy.
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I think the difference between Nate Ford and Harry Wilson is that Nate has feral cat energy while Harry has golden retriever energy.
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leverage-ot3 · 6 months
I need this for science
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klaus-littlestwolf · 10 months
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Eliot Spencer Moodboard
Leverage Team Moodboard
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zero-buds · 2 years
Everytime someone says bring back Nate, I shiver with dread.
And for someone who's a really big fan of Nate, I really would hate having to see him come back to Redemption. I saw on a Facebook group I'm in where someone asked how Nate would react to the Jackal Job, and I remember thinking that Nate, the Catholic man, would either not be a supporter or simply not be able to empathize or participate in the con without prejudice.
Look, OG Leverage has a place in my heart for a reason, but I cannot justify bringing back Nate at all. Nate's story could never fit into Redemption for a variety of reasons.
OG Leverage took the experiences Nate had and made a point in every episode why the man does what he does.
OG Leverage was about revenge first and foremost, then doing the right thing after, then building something more.
You know the reason why the stories never mentioned the disabled, the LGBTQ+, or the plain old voiceless of immigrant communities (this one was touched on but not really)?
It's because it wasn't Nate's story to tell. The original message was, if you are in a position where you have been wronged, then you should have the power to make it right. You deserve a second chance. That's why he always dealt with the scammers, the rich white men, the corporate greed, etc. He always tried to give people a second chance from a dumb or honest mistake, or to right someone's wrong.
That's why the Black Book was so important by the end of OG Leverage. It closed Nate's story with the idea that what has been wronged will be righted even if it meant taking a less than legal approach by others who are willing to bring justice to light.
Redemption is not that story. I mean it is, but it isn't. Redemption is the story where those less fortunate, those who are inherently going to lose no matter what they do, get a voice. They deserve a say in how they are treated, and they, as much as the impoverish and the naive, can have the power given back to them.
It's shown with victims like the elderly, the disabled, the people of color, the young who don't quite fit the social norm, and the LGBTQ+ community.
Through Harry Wilson, Redemption also shows us that those with power, need to take responsibility for their actions.  It is not enough to fight those in power, but that people like Harry - who do have power, are vitally needed to change the system.
Redemption does not need to see Nate to accomplish this story, but the fact remains that the message Nate started is still here, if not more refined and nuanced than ever before.
Nate should not come back to Redemption because his story was told in OG, and now, a new story can begin where the crew can be expanded and fight for what's right as well as give every victim of an injustice, an opportunity to tell their story as well.
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Downsides to being the newbie.
Leverage S02E10/S02E15/Redemption S01E02/S02E01.
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