#narnia narnia narnia awake
herbofgraceandpeace · 20 days
“you have lived on broken hearts all your life,” said Caspian, “and even if you are beggared, it is better to be a beggar than a slave.”
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rainintheevening · 18 days
fandom: narnia
word: refrain
Of all the songs sung at the coronation of King Caspian the Ninth, his favourite refrain was the simplest and smallest.
"Look, King Papa, look at my new clothes!"
"That crown looks heavy, King Papa."
"King Papa, lift me up there too!"
"King Papa," little Caspian kept saying, every time he saw his father, tugging away from his nursemaid, and running to his father's arms, not caring for the watching crowds, or stiff courtiers, knowing only that his Papa was now king, and he was very proud of him.
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digitaldavis · 10 months
Sometimes I wake up at 5 AM and I remember that the original Digimon Adventure is based on C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia
and that helps to bridge the chasm that exists between the overall themes of Digimon Adventure - which is very much that a bunch of children go to a magical land and meet strange and magical creatures that they bond with and who help them grow as people, have to save said world and their own world and then ultimately have to grow up and return home to said world and say goodbye to their magical childhood friends as a part of 'growing up' and preparing for adulthood once they've learned what that world had to teach them -
and the themes of Digimon Adventure 02 which is very much Lucy and Edmund returning to Narnia with new kids who are all still young and capable of learning from a magical land full of magical creatures in a way that the older kids aren't as receptive too anymore since they returned home and fully embraced living in their own world.
The narrative of 02 is very much that Tai and the others are no longer innocent and are kind of jaded from their real world problems and because of that they lack the belief/faith necessary to connect with the digital world in the same way as they once did (their digivices won't even open a gate for them at first) but Davis and the others can because they're young enough to believe in the power and magic of the digital world and their bonds with their digimon.
But then even when the new kids experience the same hardships and real world problems that Tai and the others have (Ken already has, of course, and is using the digital world to completely escape reality and T.K. obviously lost patamon when he was little and Kari struggles with depression during 02 several times especially when she has to accept that there is a senseless war they have to fight and people/digimon are going to die for no reason) they're able to adapt to it differently, accepting that the real world can be difficult and painful and unfair but instead of embracing having to grow up and leave behind the things and people they cared about as children in order to function in the real world, they forge stronger bonds with each other and their digimon, refusing to let go of the magic that existed when they were kids and essentially carry that magic and their beliefs in one another and their partner digimon into the future, creating an idyllic world where everyone is eventually able to access the same magical connection they have with that other world and forge the same lasting bonds they did.
I hated the epilogue of 02 as a kid but remembering that Adventure and 02 are secular Narnia helps when I think of the implications of what the end of 02 means and it's overall takeaway compared to the original Adventure. Also, I've not seen it but I'm told Kizuna continued the theme of the original Adventure in that the older kids grow up and lose connection with their digimon and the new movie goes hard at the overall message of 02 and I just think the continued divide in themes between Adventure and 02 is both really neat and also quite difficult to swallow sometimes.
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friendrat · 1 year
So, I was thinking today about the Land from which the Shadows Fall, and I suddenly realized how similar it was in concept to the "True Narnia." By which I mean that even in Fairy Land, we can only see the shadows of the Land from which the Shadows Fall, we only have hints of the wonders that exist there, and so too Narnia is only a shadow of the True Narnia. And to reach the Land from which the Shadows Fall the children have to search deeper into Fairy Land, and to find the True Narnia one must go "further up and further in".
And this all makes sense because both of these lands are the same... symbolically, at least. They are both metaphors for Heaven and how we should be seeking it actively... longing for it. I remember that Ted Dekker once wrote that the early church longed for Heaven and unity with God passionately, and he referred to our modern apathy towards it as "The Slumber of Christianity."
I don't know where I was going with any of this... other than just a reminder that this world is but a pale reflection of what Heaven is. We can only see the shadows of it from here. We tend to think of Heaven in somewhat boring terms, but this is a place made by the Creator. We artists and writers are creators because we are shadows of The Creator, and just look at how amazing our worlds are that we create! How much better must Heaven be, when it is made by the Creator of Creators, the Author of Authors, the one from whom all creativity is born? And not just made by him, because this world also has that boast, but made by him for those he loves and who love him!
Do you also feel it? Do you feel the tug to go further up and further in, to seek the Land from which the Shadows Fall?
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Thinking some fandom thoughts and then about ORV's portrayal of an author-character-reader relationship with the story and realising how....lacking at times the whole death of the author perspective on media can be.
(Turned out to be long and rambly so I put it under a cut. If you like death of the author, probably not for your worldview? Also, beware major ORV spoilers if you care about that)
Like, perhaps I'm misinterpreting something here, but in ORV, we had these three characters plus an entire system that gave us a look into the relationship between author/reader/character. And focusing on the Han Sooyoung, Kim Dokja, and Yoo Joonghyuk dynamic, I realise that none of them really died. Pushing asides Joonghyuk and Dokja for the moment (as I am talking about death of the author), we have Han Sooyoung whose consciousness faded after finishing Ways of Survival.
However, I don't know if we can really call that death of the author, really. Because Sooyoung's whole purpose in writing ORV, her authorial intention, was to save Kim Dokja's life...which she DID. And even after the story left her hands, her intentions were imprinted into the story itself. Yes, Dokja realised that the system was lenient to him because of (spoiler alert) his status as the OD. But at the same time, I think that Han Sooyoung's authorial intent to keep Dokja alive with WoS can also be taken as a factor in the system's leniency towards our reader.
And just jumping from that back to my original point, while death of the author IS fun and can be awesome for reinterpreting stories that the author may have intended as problematic (to our modern standards, at least), to separate the actual story itself from its creator seems just....a tad disrespectful to the author.
Or maybe disrespectful isn't the right word. Like, say, even if said author is objectively the worst of humans, there remains the fact that the story in essence has part of them embedded into it. It doesn't make sense, at least to me, to only give "morally okay" writers the allowance of people who put a part of themselves in their works. Any writer, even those who are writing for money imo, can't help but put part of their own selves into their story...and to separate the story from the author just because we hate the author or hate their beliefs seems a bit counter-productive. You can't just say, after all, that this author's vulnerability in their writing is okay because it's Correct but this other guy's vulnerability should be ignored because it's chalk full of Problematic Content.
But again, that's not to justify authors you dislike or the deeply wrong messages implied in their works. Especially those that could easily be shooed away by employing death of the author. But I think I'd consider fanfic or analyses that ignore authorial intent and their message to be something...new entirely? (Best way I can say it is something something death of an author employed to help the reader create their own narrative inspired by someone else's story rather than it being used to ignore author intent and claim our interpretation is what canon actually meant).
I think there's a saying in music as well as writing that you could play the same exact score or write the same story, it's just that things will come out different depending on the player or writer. (That's not a perfect comparison because the player/musician who WROTE the score could be considered a reader/author relationship...the point is more that the same thing will look different in the hands of different people. And that just as the reader will interpret something in their own way when reading/re-reading (another ORV reference), the author also has placed in their own interpretation and intent in that own work...which should at worst be respected because they DID make that content (and then we proceed to brutally revise it to make something we like better xD) or at best be taken as "word of god" for lack of a better term)
Not sure if any of this makes sense, and I definitely don't have any factual evidence to back up this opinion, but it was just something I was thinking of.
TL:dR? Death of the author is FUN and actually pretty cool but I think the things coming out of it are new(ish) things/works entirely, and og author's beliefs/intentions are important to consider for that text they wrote in of itself.
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trumpkinhotboy · 10 months
I'll keep an eye on you - II
pairing: jacob black x reader
type: not requested
genre: bit angsty and fluffy
warnings: none
word count: 3400
requests: open! for twilight wolfpack, narnia, heartstopper
a/n: hope you enjoy this lil part 2 !! also I really want to thank @tgarrett26 for helping me with this fic (you are awesome) + they are the reason there is even a pt.2 hehe
part I part III
*gif is not mine
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summary: After one night of respite, the reader confronts the day to realize the shadows haven't quite disappeared yet.
There's a timid sunbeam lighting up your cozy little room. Nothing scary or menacing in view. You look over to your nightstand with barely opened eyes to see your mushroom light still on. The clock on your desk shines the time. 7:00am. 
You sit straight up, immediately noticing the big dent on the left side of your bed. Yes, of course, Jacob came in last night. Your cheeks flush with the thought of having slept so soundly next to the heaping mountain of muscles that is your friend. You feel so confused and well-rested. For the first time in a few weeks, you awoke calmly. This might have been the best night of sleep of your whole damn life, and it's 7:00am! You managed to wake up before your alarm. You wouldn't have to be rushing to school for once. You were usually only able to fall asleep when the sun started shining and chased away the threatening shadows of the night. So, being late to school was a recurring occurrence for you. For once, your father wouldn't have to come in to try and wake you up. You were pushing away your blankets to get up when there was a knock on your door before it slowly cracked open.
"Sweetheart, time to wake up. Don't want to be late for sch-"
Your father's traits lifted up in surprise, and honestly, you couldn’t really blame the man. You didn't keep track of all the mornings he found you all tangled up in your blankets, hair sprawled everywhere like a bird's nest, saliva drooling down your chin.
"Did you sleep well?"
You nodded eagerly, a sincere smile spreading on your lips. Charlie seemed incredibly thrilled by that piece of news. He was no stranger to the nightmares haunting your nights and was brokenhearted to see you so tired and on edge all the time.
"Well, then. Better get down and eat breakfast before you head to school." He gave you a timid smile before softly closing your door.
You had your first breakfast with your dad in a long time. He was particularly chirpy, and you kept catching his relieved gaze. You left for school on time and had a really great day. You felt awake and energized. Participating in class and your little social circle once again felt like a rush. Your efforts were welcomed with gigantic smiles from your teachers and friends. For a second, you thought the weeks of anguish and terror might finally be behind you. Maybe a night with Jacob had been the only thing you needed to put this whole thing behind you. However, as the sun went down and shadows stretched on the ground, you got more flinchy and twitchy. Once more, you turned at every odd sound, looking over your shoulder as you left the school grounds. You almost ran to your car, locking all the doors, and left a trail of dust with how fast you headed back home on the powdery roads of Forks. 
Dinner with your father was much more somber than the breakfast you shared this morning. You felt like a dagger to your heart, his disappointment when he saw you jump as he caught you by surprise in the kitchen. You usually were always careful about hiding your internal conflict from Charlie. Yet the frustration you felt tonight weighed much more than the want to hide everything from him.
Once dinner was over, you climbed the stairs with heavy steps, feeling the dread in your body get worse the closer you got to your bedroom. You opened the door to find a space very different than the one you had left when you awoke this morning. Your still unmade bed didn't feel so inviting tonight. Long gone were the rays of sunshine that scared the shadows away. The room you faced was now dark and gloomy. Nothing about it felt safe or secure.
You rushed in to turn on your mushroom light and sat on your bed, trying to summon all your courage to breathe calmly. 
It's over now. Nightmares are just that. They aren't real. I'm safe now.
No matter how much you would repeat it, those words felt empty and fake. You got up, put your pajamas on, and as you were ready to get in bed, you noticed a piece of clothing jutting out from under one of the pillows. You lifted it up to find the T-shirt you lent to Jacob. He didn't keep it. He left your house shirtless so you could keep the stupid piece of clothing. You grabbed it and held it up to your nose. Immediately, your senses were overpowered by his woodsy scent. You fell to your bed, shirt still pressed on your face as you let a deep sigh leave your lungs.
Grabbing your phone on the night table, you hesitated. Your fingers hovered over the keyboard before you closed the device and threw it away.
The clock had just struck midnight when you heard something scratching outside. You almost had a heart attack when you saw Jacob hanging onto your window, motioning for you to open it.
"Jacob Black. What the hell are you doing? Do you want to kill me?!"
Your tall friend let out a deep chuckle as he swiftly stepped into your room without making a noise. His gaze fell onto the fort you had built yourself. There were pillows and blankets lined all around your bed, a very feeble attempt at a barrier. The tv screen was paused on one of your favorite movie. He gave you a worried look and took a second to really take in the state you were in. You didn't look like the relaxed girl he had, reluctantly, left in a peaceful slumber this morning.
"What?" you defensively crossed your arms on your chest, already sensing where this conversation would be going.
"What are you doing?" he quietly asked, his head slightly leaning on one side.  
"I was watching a movie." 
You immediately saw a shadow pass in his dark eyes and felt a familiar pain ring in your chest. You couldn't live with disappointing both your father and Jacob. Worse, you couldn't live with the pity in their eyes. If only the bad dreams could stay away. 
"What are you doing," you finally asked, a bit more roughly than you had intended.
He hesitated, sensing you had been offended in some way. "I just did a quick run around the perimeter, but then I saw the light open and just wanted to make sure you were okay."
Your expression softened at the concern painted on his handsome face. Fear did make you more on edge, but you knew Jacob had done nothing to deserve that anger. You sighed before plopping down on your bed.
"That's very nice of you, but I am okay. I just didn't feel tired yet." 
You felt adamant about telling him of the return of the paranoia. You were already so disappointed in yourself. You couldn't even muster the bravery to be in your room alone at night. What would it even do if you told him the truth? It felt so shameful to ask again for his help, to ask him to watch over you while you were sleeping. Just because, like a child, you were afraid of the dark and the beasts it hid. You were instantly relieved when he gave you a suspicious glance as if he might believe your lie. You gave him your best smile, trying to prove how relaxed you were. You only wanted to chase the worries away from his chocolate eyes. 
That could have worked if only the sound of your house creaking under a strong gust of wind and a branch scratching on your window hadn't made you flinch so damn hard. 
Jacob's gaze hardened over your tense figure. You expected him to make a comment, to confront you. As you waited anxiously for the ax to drop, he finally walked over to your bed, sat, and pointed to your television.
"May I join you then?"
You initiated him to one of your best comfort movies. It required absolutely no brain power and just helped you feel better. Always a good player, Jake obliged and even seemed to enjoy it. When you were done, you spent another hour just chatting about nothing and everything. You tried hiding your clock from his sight and hoped he wouldn't notice time flying away, but sadly, there wasn't much your figure could hide from his wolfish sight.
"It's getting late. I should probably go," He muttered after an hour of mindless chatting. His dark eyes fixed on your features, you faced each other, forearms tucked under your head while you lay on your side. You couldn't help your shoulders and jaw from tensing up at his words. The happiness and carelessness he had brought you vanished as if it never occurred. Fear crept up in your belly at the thought of being alone in the dark again. 
You gave him a tight smile as you nodded. He hesitantly got up, giving you another weird look. You barely registered it, too focused on avoiding falling into a panicked state. He walked to the window, and as you thought he was about to leave, he turned around on a whim.
"I really don't understand you. Even in this state, you won't ask for my help?" 
His outburst surprised you and unintentionally made you recoil at the swift motion. He sighed deeply, "Please don't look at me like this. I want to understand. Why don't you want my help?" he repeated, annoyance rippling in waves from his body.
"I- I'm not sure what you're talking about," you responded, determined to hang on to the shred of dignity you had left.
He let out a sarcastic laugh. It was dry and reeked of disdain towards this fluke you were trying to fool him with. "Stop playing Y/n. You reek of fear." 
His words were like a punch in the gut. You felt shame hitting you as you realized how stupid you had been. 
"See? Your reaction only confirms what I already knew. What I don't understand is why you insist on facing this alone. You can always call me, and I will always come through for you. Have I not proven that?" 
"You did, but it's not your responsibility to fix me. To fix this."
"Not my responsibility?" he scoffed. He turned around while dragging his hand through his hair. He was a mix of so many emotions you couldn't pinpoint what was brewing in his brain. He stayed silent for so long that you thought he would leave you like this. You were about to add something when he raised his voice. "I would give everything to go back to that night. To be there by your side. Maybe you wouldn't have to go through that, or at least I would have been the one to rip to shreds that bloodsucker." Flames of rage danced in his eyes while you stood speechless, gawking at him. 
You were at a loss for words. You had seen Jake in many different states in your friendship, but he never looked so conflicted. Anger and sadness seemed to be battling out the right to overpower him. For a rare moment, he looked incredibly vulnerable. He was back to being that innocent teenager you had always known. You approached, unsure whether that would make him lash out, but he stayed put, his eyes fixed on the ground. You knew Jacob felt responsible for what happened to you. What you didn't know is that he tortured himself with it. Your heart ached at the thought, and any frustration you had felt up to this point melted.
Softly, you grabbed his hand. "Jacob, look at me."
When he finally turned around and lifted his gaze, tears hung on to the line of his long lashes. The sight of it made your throat close up. 
"Why won't you let me care for you," he whispered, inches from you. 
His gaze was so deep and carried a tsunami of emotions. Without even thinking about it, you grabbed his face. Both of your hands cradled his soft and warm skin. You saw goosebumps creep up his muscled arms, mirroring the one on yours. Bringing his forehead to your own, you took a deep breath.
"I don't want to be a burden."
Saying the words that'd been ringing in your head for so long felt almost exhilarating while also being incredibly relieving. Contrary to the belief of your messed up head, the world didn't end or break in two once the thought left your lips. 
"I've always thought you were such an incredible person and couldn't help but always want to be better for you. Ever since you phased, that feeling only got more intense. You've evolved so much in the past few months, and I'm still old me. When I got attacked, it was the most horrible experience of my life, but it also reinforced that concept. I couldn't even walk from yours to Emily's cabin without being attacked. The boys had to risk their lives to save me. I didn't even get one scratch, and still, I'm afraid of the dark. I'm afraid to sleep alone. I'm afraid if I let my guard down for one second... it'll happen again. Which means that I'll either die or be a burden for you guys once more because I can't even defend myself against something like that. You're already so good to me. I don't want to add this to your list of things to worry about." 
Your eyes stayed closed even after you finished and controlled your breathing again. Saying it aloud was incredible, but to open your eyes to face his reaction felt nerve-racking. You were about to when a strong pair of arms wrapped around you. 
"You are not and will never be a burden to me." His tone was soft and felt a little strangled. In your dimly lit little room, while the rest of the world was in a peaceful slumber, Jacob's words felt like the only thing that mattered.
He pulled back after a moment but still held you close. "I don't know what gave you the impression that you were a burden. If it ever was something I did, I want to apologize."
"I remember so vividly the look on your face when the boys brought me back to the cabin. You had the same disappointed expression as you have just now. I promise I'm trying to heal as fast I can, but this... this is harder than I thought it would be."
Confusion was now the only emotion on his face, clear as day. "Disappointed? Y/n, I never was disappointed. It was the worst, terrifying, shit your pants kind of fear I've ever felt. It's agony to know you're so ridden with fear. I was disappointed to learn that tonight was still hard for you, not because I think you're not healing fast enough, but because I hoped I finally helped you feel better. I feel so bad you have to live with these memories for your whole life. I just wish I could make them disappear." 
That's when you understood the slim difference between disappointment and defeat. One was channeled towards you, and the other wasn't. For Jacob, it had always been directed at himself.
"Jacob, you're the only one who makes me breathe a little easier. You're the only reason I slept soundly last night." A new light illuminated his eyes. You steadied yourself before you continued, your tone slightly hushed. "You've always had that specific calming effect on me. You're the only person who makes things better for me. Ever since we were kids. I have always felt safe with you. You're like my personal haven." 
It felt like a big thing to say, but you wanted that sadness to leave his face. You wanted his eyes to be filled with light again, and somehow, it felt right to tell him about all this. He spent so much time worrying about everything and everyone. He deserved to know how appreciated he was. He deserved to know what he meant to you.
Emotion thickened the air. So much so that it felt like you couldn't breathe just right. Your hands slid from his cheeks delicately. You placed one at the nape of his neck while the other grabbed the top of his hair. "Jake, I don't think you even understand how much you mean to me."
Time stood still for a moment. Your eyes focused on each other, and the rest of the world ceased to exist.
 "Y/n, I-" his eyes held something heavier. He opened his mouth as if he was about to say something before deciding better of it. It almost looked like it cost him to try and get the words out. He gave up in a huff, and whatever was in his gaze, whatever he thought about, vanished. Some part of you wanted to push him, to ask, but tonight had been a rollercoaster enough. You could let it go for now. He pulled you in for another hug before releasing you a little.
"So, now that we've established that you are not a burden." he started softly.
"And that this is in no way your fault," you added with a grin. 
He rolled his eyes, "Uhm. Can you tell me what you actually need? I can stay here with you if you want."
You felt a pang of your old fears scratch at your heart, but you let them all go in one breath. "I would very much like that."
You tucked yourselves in bed for the second night in a row. You hesitated to turn off the light, but always so observant, Jacob assured you it didn't bother him to keep it open. You lay side by side in silence. You were focused on becoming familiar with the ordinary and hazardous sounds an old house made at night when Jacob started to whisper.
"I know you think you aren't as fearless as us, but I can assure you everyone in our tribe thinks you are the bravest person they've ever met. Not many people would feel comfortable hanging out with a bunch of new werewolves." 
"Brave or totally crazy," you added while making a wicked-looking face. His eyes disappeared in his bright smile, and you wished you could snap a picture of it. 
"No, but really, you're the only one who stayed by my side all throughout my phasing process. No matter how dangerous it was for you. If that's not the definition of bravery, I don't know what is." He turned pensive again while his gaze darkened.
You unwillingly recalled the phasing process of Jacob. All the terrible memories flashed before your eyes. His screams of pain still rang in your ears. You remember distinctly every time you wished to take his place. If you could have taken away some of his pain, you would have in an instant. The least you could do was stay by his side no matter what. You had to fight with Billy and the rest of the pack, but in the end, even they couldn't keep you away. No one could have.
You slid into his arms, and his body tensed under the new touch before quickly relaxing to envelop you in a tight embrace. 
"I would never leave you alone," you mumbled in his chest. "I know you like to have this strong and impressive appearance, but inside, you're still the same little Jacob I've always known. I know you need me."
You lightly pressed your lips onto his chest and nuzzled farther into him. Fireworks were exploding in the boy's chest as he returned the gesture with a kiss on your head.
"And Jake?"
"Don't think I didn't notice you wanted to tell me something important earlier. For tonight, it's okay, but we'll have to talk about that."
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edenesth · 5 months
Midnight Fiction
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Pairing: Wooyoung x fem!reader
AU: non-idol au
Word Count: 10.4k
Summary: One restless night, craving an escape from reality, you and Wooyoung lose yourselves to the captivating realms of your favourite fantasy worlds. Together, you traverse through the wonder of Narnia, the magic of Middle-earth, and the enchantment of Hogwarts.
A/N: Just a random little self-indulgent oneshot inspired by ILLIT's Midnight Fiction, song's been on repeat for me. These images have been flashing through my mind whenever I listen to it, so I'm taking this chance to experiment with writing The Chronicles of Narnia, Lord of the Rings, and Harry Potter AUs.
ATEEZ Masterlist
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Don't you just hate it when you're caught in that limbo of feeling too cold without a blanket and too hot with one? Don't you just hate it when you lie in bed for what feels like an eternity, teetering on the edge of slumber, only to snap awake again? Don't you just hate when your room begins to feel stifling from restlessness, leaving you searching for that elusive perfect spot on your bed?
Don't you just hate it when it feels like the whole world is asleep while you're wide awake? You do, don't you?
Fortunately for you, tonight, you weren't alone in this plight. The person lying beside you, your best friend, your soulmate, your better half—your everything—seemed to be stuck in the same predicament.
"Trouble sleeping, love?"
In an instant, the weight lifted as you turned to gaze at the love of your life, awake beside you. "Yes, Woo, but at least I'm not alone," you whispered, smiling. He smiled back, extending an arm towards you in invitation. You pouted, your heart brimming with affection for this man, and immediately shifted into his welcoming embrace, resting your head in the crook of his neck.
He sighed contentedly, tightening his hold around you, and peppering your face with tender kisses. "Perhaps sleep isn't on the agenda tonight. What do you say we find another way to pass the time?" His playful grin met your curious gaze.
You chuckled softly. "And what mischief do you have in store, my dearest Mr. Jung?"
With a playful boop to your nose, he grinned. "Would you care to embark on an adventure with me, my lady? Somewhere far from this suffocating room, perhaps?"
Bursting into a fit of giggles at his playful imitation of old-fashioned speech, you leaned in to plant a soft kiss on his lips. Pulling back, you played along, "Oh, you present such an irresistible offer. How could I possibly refuse, my lord?"
He bit his lip, feeling his heart melt at how swiftly you caught on. Wooyoung had always been an exuberant individual, often overwhelming others with his energy and antics, but never with you. You were the sole person in the world who truly understood him. You shared the same interests and personalities, the only disparity being that you were a slightly calmer version of him.
If soulmates existed, he was certain you were at the other end of the red strings of fate binding him to you. You had to be.
Pressing his lips to yours once more, relishing the closeness, he pulled back slightly to catch his breath. "Well, come on then, love. Let's not waste any time. Adventure awaits us."
You squealed in delight as he leapt out of bed, swiftly yanking the sheets off you and exposing you to the cool air. With a playful tug on your leg, he pulled you into his arms as you steadied yourself against his chest, adjusting to the sudden movement after hours of lying still.
"I hope you're ready, my lady."
"You bet your ass I am, sire. Let's do this!"
"Seriously, Woo? This is the adventure you were referring to? A place far from our suffocating bedroom?" you asked incredulously as he swung open the doors to his absurdly large wardrobe in the spare room of your shared apartment. It was where your boyfriend housed his prized collection of branded apparel, insisting on keeping them separate from his everyday wear.
He flashed you a cheeky grin, flicking on the torchlight he'd brought with him and shining it upwards towards his face in the classic fashion of someone about to tell ghost stories. "Oh, come on, this could be fun. It'll be like seven minutes in heaven."
You snorted at his suggestion, watching as he crawled into the space, carefully shifting aside his hanging clothes. Crossing your arms teasingly, you quipped, "With a whole apartment at our disposal, why do we need to squeeze into a tiny space for some fun?"
Once settled inside, he extended a hand to you. "Don't pretend you're not thrilled about this. I see right through you. Come on, love," he urged, and your façade melted away like chocolate. With a grin as childlike as his, you slipped your hand into his and allowed him to draw you into the cramped space.
Amidst endless giggles, you squeezed your way in beside him. When he finally managed to shut the doors, you turned to him eagerly. "Okay, so what now?"
"Now, let the magic begin," he whispered, leaning in for a soft kiss. You sighed contentedly, running a hand through his hair as you kissed him back. But before the romantic moment could fully unfold, true to his nature, Wooyoung reached around your waist and began to tickle you. You shrieked, pulling away to playfully slap him. "S-stop it, you menace! I sh-should've known!"
As you tried to push him away from you, you found yourself instinctively scooting back. But instead of feeling the familiar barrier of the wardrobe's end, you noticed an unusual expanse of space behind you. "W-wait, Woo! S-something's not right—" Before you could finish your sentence, a loud gasp escaped you as you felt a cold touch on your back.
What in the world.
Finally, your boyfriend ceased his actions, freezing in his spot with wide eyes. Following his gaze, you turned your head and felt your breath hitch at the unbelievable sight of a winter wonderland before your eyes.
Swiftly, he rolled off you and helped you up to your feet, clad in bedroom slippers, both of you taking tentative steps into the snow. Your gazes met in wide-eyed astonishment as the chill of this new world immediately embraced you. "Woo, could we be in...?" you began, while he hurriedly threw on an expensive coat before draping another snugly over your shoulders.
Ensuring you were sufficiently warm, he reached for your hand and led you forward. "Only one way to find out."
Your hearts raced as you ventured deeper into the breathtaking snow-covered forest. Glancing back, you felt relief upon seeing the back of Wooyoung's wardrobe still there. As he squeezed your hand, you followed his gaze, and your face lit up with recognition as you approached the lamppost before you.
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Locking eyes with each other, you whispered in unison, "Narnia."
Squealing with excitement, the two of you began to jump around. Your boyfriend started rambling, "Oh my god, do you think we'll get to meet Mr. Tumnus? Or maybe Mr. and Mrs. Beaver?"
You laughed and shook your head. "I don't know, but I really hope I get to see King Edmund, at least... or even Prince Caspian, if we're that far in the story already."
He scoffed. "Of course, you'd want to."
You playfully smacked his arm. "Hey! Don't pretend you're not also dying to meet the gorgeous High Queen Susan!"
Feeling a presence, you both turned to find a very unexpected character greeting you upon arrival. Standing before you in all his glory was Aslan, The Great Lion, the creator and one true king of the world of Narnia. Your boyfriend stilled, then pulled you down onto your knees beside him. "It's an honour to meet you, sir. I'm Wooyoung, son of Adam," he said, introducing himself, before introducing you as a daughter of Eve.
Aslan nodded in acknowledgement. "Welcome to Narnia; we have been expecting you," he began, catching you off guard.
"You have...?" you asked in disbelief.
The lion confirmed, "Yes, you are both here to fulfil the Golden Age prophecy."
Wooyoung sputtered, "W-we are...? Isn't the prophecy about two boys and two girls, with your help, ending the evil witch's rule?"
Aslan clarified, "That is correct, but you've left out one final thing; it includes two seers who can tell the future. With your help, we will defeat Jadis without a problem."
At that, you and your boyfriend exchanged a knowing smile. Of course, you were both the seers; you already knew how the story goes. Armed with this knowledge, you were equipped to guide them through their quest to defeat the White Witch even more seamlessly than before.
With a graceful motion, the lion lowered himself to the ground. "Now, if you'll both get on my back, we'll head back to the camp where everyone is preparing for battle." Excitement surged through you both, and without hesitation, you climbed aboard. As the journey commenced, you marvelled at the breathtaking scenery around you. With each passing moment, you noticed the snow melting away, a clear sign of Jadis' spell fading and the return of goodness, heralding Aslan's triumphant return.
As you and your boyfriend rode on the lion's back, a whirlwind of emotions swept over you both. It was surreal to realise that you were actually in the magical land you had both fantasised about since childhood. The realisation dawned on you that this wasn't just a dream—it was happening, right now.
Feelings of excitement, wonder, and disbelief mingled within you, threatening to overwhelm your senses. But typical Wooyoung being Wooyoung, he couldn't resist his mischievous nature. Sitting behind you, he tightened his hold on your waist and whispered in your ear, "How do you think he'd react if we told him he's fictional?" Your jaws dropped, and you shot him a glare, elbowing him in the gut and causing him to groan. "Now, why would you do that?"
But it didn't take long before you both burst into giggles. Despite his knack for mischief, you couldn't help but be grateful for his presence. You couldn't envision exploring the magical world of Narnia with anyone else but Jung Wooyoung by your side.
As you reached the camp, embarrassment flooded you as all the creatures—centaurs, fauns, and more—stared at you and Wooyoung in your mismatched attire. You couldn't help but feel awkward in your pyjamas paired with your boyfriend's branded coat and bedroom slippers. Before you could dwell on it, everyone began kneeling in greeting as you passed by.
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"Welcome, seers of Narnia," greeted the voices in unison as you arrived at the main tent where the four Pevensie siblings stood waiting, your hearts pounded with excitement and nerves. Here you were, finally meeting your childhood crushes. Clumsily, you introduced yourselves before watching the crowd disperse.
Blushing under Peter and Edmund's curious gazes, you were relieved when Susan stepped forward with a chuckle. "Come on, both of you. Let's get you into some proper clothes. We know how it feels; we've been in your shoes on our first day here," she reassured. Wooyoung chuckled in agreement, "Yeah, we know that."
Lucy's eyes widened in awe. "Of course, you're the seers. You must know everything. Tell us, how does it all work?"
Blinking rapidly with pursed lips, you and your boyfriend struggled to find a suitable response. After all, revealing that your knowledge came from books or movies wouldn't be appropriate. Breaking the fourth wall so easily could spoil the adventure and make you both seem uncool. It was best to keep the magic alive, even if it meant inventing some details on the spot.
"Uh, well... it's, uh, complicated," your boyfriend stammered, his mind scrambling for a creative explanation.
Peter cleared his throat, exchanging a glance with his youngest sister. "Not now, Lucy. They must be overwhelmed. We should let them get changed and settle down first."
Nodding in agreement, Edmund gestured to a smaller tent beside Aslan's. "Right this way, please. We've prepared your outfits."
You had to suppress a squeal; the brothers were even more attractive in person. Though this version of King Edmund was still a child and not the king you admired in the later movies, it was still him, and you couldn't help feeling bashful. As if to remind you of who you truly belonged to, Wooyoung slid his arm around your waist. "Come on, love. Let's get changed." It was then that all four siblings realised that unlike them, you were lovers.
Emerging from the tent with Susan and Lucy's help, you felt slightly awkward in the medieval-styled gown, uncertain how to manage its intricate design. Meanwhile, your boyfriend had finished much sooner, dressed in a simple outfit of pants and a tunic. His lively voice echoed from inside the tent as you dressed, likely engaging poor Peter and Edmund with his talkative nature.
As you stepped out, his voice trailed off as he took in the sight of you in the purple gown with your hair braided halfway and the rest left down. Though not extravagant, you knew he found it beautiful; his stunned expression told you that much.
Susan giggled at his reaction, while you blushed slightly. "Shall we have something to eat, and break the ice before we begin our training?" she suggested.
You raised a brow. "Training?"
Peter nodded. "Yes, preparations for the battle against the White Witch's army. I know you're both here as our seers, but it's wise to be ready to defend yourselves too."
Wooyoung nodded in understanding. "Right, well, we'll accept the food then. We'll need our strength for training."
Gathered around a small table on the field, you shared a simple meal, just enough to provide energy for training. Keeping a straight face was a challenge as your boyfriend animatedly spun a tale for the Pevensie siblings about how you both received visions of the future.
"Yeah, it's not something we control. Sometimes it comes in dreams, other times as random visions. It's tricky... a gift and a curse, really," he elaborated.
Struggling to suppress your amusement, you watched as the siblings listened in awe. Concealing your laughter behind a cough, you nudged Wooyoung in the side, giving him a glare and mouthing, "Enough!"
The mood turned serious as Lucy nervously inquired, "Have you seen how this will all end? Will we triumph over the evil witch?" You were aware of the obstacles lying ahead, including Aslan's sacrifice to save Edmund for his earlier betrayal, and the battle feeling like a lost cause. Despite these daunting prospects, you knew you had to offer reassurance to keep their spirits up.
Taking this as your cue to speak, you smiled and nodded at the youngest Pevensie sibling. "Yes, little one. You—no, we—will emerge victorious. The path to victory may be fraught with challenges, but we'll be here to help you every step of the way."
After the meal, the guys geared up to train their sword skills, while the girls prepared for archery practice. Just before joining the guys, Wooyoung pulled you close.
"Have I told you how much I adore the way you talk to children, love?" he whispered.
You rolled your eyes, a smile playing on your lips. "Now's not the time for this, Woo; they're waiting for us."
He grinned at the pink blush on your cheeks. "Fine, I'll go if you want me to so badly. By the way, you look beautiful," he whispered, planting a kiss on your cheek before darting off to join Peter and Edmund.
Turning around, you noticed Susan and Lucy snickering after witnessing the exchange, and you couldn't help but bite your lip bashfully. "Come. Off to training, we go."
After hours of practice, you discovered a potential talent in archery. Susan raised an impressed brow. "Huh, you seem quite skilled at this. We were worried for nothing; you'll do just fine on the battlefield."
You beamed. "I sure hope so."
As the girls continued their drills, your gaze kept drifting to the guys training across the river. Despite the presence of the handsome High King Peter and King Edmund, your attention remained fixed on your silly boyfriend who was earnestly attempting to wield his sword. He looked comical, but that was part of his charm.
"You're in love," Lucy's voice snapped you out of your reverie. Flustered, you nodded. "Why yes, little one. I am in love."
Susan smiled, joining the conversation. "So is he. You two look perfect together. Say, how did you meet?"
Your mind flashed back to your first encounter with Wooyoung. He had been at the next table when you were stood up by a blind date, rambling away loudly with a friend. Annoyed, you turned to him, asking, "Will you please lower your voice?! Not everyone is interested in your opinion on love at first sight!" Ironically, that was how he claimed to have fallen in love with you.
Chuckling at the memory, you decided not to share the full story with the girls. Given the temporal gap between your world and theirs, you reckoned they might not grasp the nuances of your relationship with Wooyoung. Instead, you offered a simplified version of how you met, emphasising the humour in the situation. They laughed with you, and soon the conversation shifted back to practice.
As the story progressed, you and your boyfriend grew closer to the Pevensie siblings, guiding them through every challenge just like rewatching the movie. Together, you avoided certain pitfalls and reassured them that everything would turn out well in the end.
On the night before the decisive battle, you would leave to stay with the girls to witness Aslan's sacrifice for Edmund. Wooyoung held you close, knowing that the next time you saw each other would be on the battlefield the following day. "Be careful, love," he whispered, concern evident in his voice.
You nodded, returning the sentiment. "You too, Woo. You remember how the battle goes, right? Stick by Edmund's side and ensure Jadis doesn't harm him. Or better yet, get him out of that area. Just don't let her get the chance to stab him."
He grinned confidently. "You worry too much. I'll protect your precious King Edmund, don't you worry about a thing."
You scoffed, slapping him lightly. "I have to go now. I'll see you."
He couldn't resist capturing your lips in a loving kiss before letting you go. "Go, the girls need you," he urged softly.
As Susan and Lucy wept on your shoulders after witnessing Aslan's sacrifice, you held them tightly, offering whatever comfort you could. With tears clouding her voice, the younger sibling questioned, "How can things still be okay after this? He's gone... How can we possibly win the war without him?"
Gently stroking her tear-stained cheeks, you reassured her, "Trust me, he knows what he's doing. This will all work out in our favour. Just you wait and see, little one."
Susan regarded you with her typical scepticism. "Are you sure?"
Your nod was firm. "Absolutely."
Quietly, you watched as they clung to the lion after the enemies dispersed to prepare for battle. As dawn approached, you motioned for them to join you. "It's almost time. Come."
With furrowed brows, they approached cautiously. "Time for what...?"
Your smile was knowing as the ground trembled and the Stone Table shattered, leaving behind only a vacant space where Aslan had been. "For this," you declared, pointing to the now-empty surface.
Their eyes widened in disbelief as Aslan reappeared before them, alive and well. You watched with a sense of satisfaction as he explained his strategy, how he had fooled the White Witch.
Eager to reunite with your lover, you interjected, "Well, let's not waste any more time. We still have one final task: freeing our friends still trapped in Jadis' Castle."
Aslan nodded in agreement. "You're right, seer. We must act swiftly."
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After rescuing Mr. Tumnus and the others, you hurried to the battlefield. Upon arrival, Aslan let out a loud roar as if to announce his presence. Spotting Peter engaged in a sword fight with the White Witch, you frantically scanned the area for the second youngest Pevensie and Wooyoung.
Time seemed to slow as the lion leapt down to save the high king from Jadis before ultimately defeating her. Alongside the girls, you raced down the hill to join them. Sharing Susan's concerned expression, you asked, "Where's Edmund and my—"
Peter noticed your worry, eyes rounding in realisation as he dashed off in a direction, with the rest of you following. Arriving just in time, you witnessed Ginarrbrik, the witch's manservant, poised to strike what appeared to be Edmund kneeling beside a fallen figure. Susan swiftly shot the dwarf down with an arrow, prompting you to rush forward.
To your horror, instead of finding the injured king as in the story, it was Wooyoung lying there, clutching his abdomen. Edmund explained, "I'm sorry. I should've listened to him when he told me to run. He shielded me when the witch attacked."
Turning to the youngest, you urgently requested, "Lucy! The cordial from Father Christmas, please!" She handed it over, and you watched anxiously as Wooyoung swallowed a drop. Slowly, colour returned to his face, and he opened his eyes. "Hey, love."
Tears of relief and anger filled your eyes as you hugged him tightly. "Don't 'hey' me! You scared me half to death, you idiot!"
He chuckled and hugged you back. "I thought you were more worried about him. But I saved him, didn't I?"
You tightened your grip on him. "Yes, but not like this, Jung Wooyoung."
"Must you really leave?" Queen Lucy's voice carried a hint of sadness as you and your boyfriend prepared to depart after the royal coronation. You struggled with how to explain to her that your departure signalled the end of this chapter of the story, though you dared not utter those words outright.
Seeing her crestfallen expression, clearly still reeling from Aslan's departure, made it even harder to say goodbye. You offered her a comforting smile and gently patted her head. "I'm sorry, Lu. But we really must go. Our journey isn't over yet."
"But where will you go?" the child's voice quivered with uncertainty.
Your boyfriend's grin was reassuring. "Ah, that's our secret. But rest assured, we won't forget you or the adventures we've shared."
After bidding farewell to all the characters from the first instalment of The Chronicles of Narnia, you and Wooyoung returned to the exact spot where you had entered the world. Hand in hand, your steps slowed as you approached the familiar lamppost that had greeted you upon your arrival.
"So, how was that for an adventure?" Wooyoung asked, breaking the silence as he pulled you close to him.
You melted into his embrace, a smile spreading across your face. "It was amazing."
He smirked, nuzzling into the crook of your neck. "Really? But you didn't even get to steal King Edmund's heart."
You couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Oh, stop it, you!"
He chuckled, his tone turning slightly more serious. "I guess it was fun being new characters in a story. But wouldn't it be nice to live the main characters' lives instead?"
You gently pulled away, taking his hand and leading him back towards his wardrobe. "I suppose it would be, Woo. Let's go."
Be careful what you wish for; that adage couldn't have been more accurate. As you ventured through the wardrobe with your boyfriend trailing behind, your eyes widened in astonishment when you emerged into a scene completely unlike your shared apartment. Taking in the surroundings, you recognised the breathtaking interior of Rivendell, or Imladris in Elven-Tongue, a place you had always dreamed of from the Lord of the Rings.
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"Woo?" you called out, but he wasn't there.
Instead, you found yourself face to face with a mirror, and you gasped at your reflection. You recognised the Elvish features, reaching up to touch your pointed ears and the long hair cascading below your waist. The elegant gown confirmed your suspicions: you were Arwen Undómiel, the Evenstar. But if you were Arwen, then that would mean your boyfriend was the Ranger of the North.
That fool... he jinxed it.
Unlike in Narnia, you weren't a new character here. Suddenly, you were hit with a surge of sorrow, as if you were experiencing Arwen's emotions firsthand. Her father's disapproval of her love for Aragorn, a mortal, echoed within you, reminding you of the struggles you faced with your own parents. The memories flooded in, replacing those of Arwen and Aragorn with moments between you and Wooyoung, making the situation feel eerily real. It brought back the times when your parents had opposed your relationship, insisting you deserved someone better.
You immediately realised the part of the story you were in. The War of the Ring raged on, and evil spread throughout Middle-earth. Your father, Lord Elrond, had been urging you to depart for the Undying Lands, a place of safety far from the conflict. However, the thought of leaving your lover, who was on a quest to fight evil and protect Frodo, the Ring-bearer, filled you with reluctance.
Just like in the story, you faced the dilemma of choosing between your immortal heritage and your love for a mortal. The parallels between your situation and that of Arwen and Aragorn were striking, and it sent shivers down your spine. You knew how it went in the tale; she eventually gave up her immortality to be with him. It was almost uncanny how similar it was to your reality, where you had fought fiercely to be with Wooyoung despite your parents' objections, which left you currently with a strained relationship with them.
Standing in the familiar area filled you with a sense of dread. This was the moment where Aragorn would soon depart for battle, and where he would tell Arwen to leave for the Undying Lands for her own good. But now, with Wooyoung by your side, you knew things would be different.
Despite the eerie familiarity of the scene, you felt a newfound determination. As if guided by some unseen force, you approached the spot where Aragorn and Arwen would have their fateful conversation. This time, though, you were ready to make a different choice.
As you approached Wooyoung, your heart raced with fear and urgency. "Woo! Why didn't you come to find me? Were you really going to leave like he did?" The dread you felt wasn't just Arwen's; it was yours too. You realised this when he let out a deep breath and met your gaze with a seriousness that sent chills down your spine.
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"You know, maybe your parents had a point," he began, his words cutting through the air. "You are their daughter after all, and that will never change. I'm just another guy you're dating, and guys come and go. Perhaps it's not so rational for you to ruin your relationship with your parents just for an outsider like me. Besides, maybe you do deserve someone much better."
Your heart sank as his words washed over you, and you frowned in disbelief. "What the hell are you talking about?! We both know what Elrond said to Aragorn right before this scene. Don't tell me that silly little talk really had you doubting our reality?"
He sighed heavily, his expression pained. "But is he wrong, though? Maybe Arwen was a fool for staying... In the end, Aragorn dies of old age anyway, and she continues to live on in sorrow. What if our reality isn't that far off? Maybe it'll only end in pain?"
His words pierced your heart like a dagger, and for a moment, you were at a loss for words. The weight of his doubts and uncertainties pressed down on you, threatening to suffocate you. But deep down, you knew that despite the risks and the potential for pain, your love for him was worth fighting for.
Gathering yourself, you took a deep breath to steady your thoughts before speaking. "I understand you might be influenced by Aragorn's feelings, just as I am by Arwen's. But deep down, I know you don't truly mean what you're saying. Regardless, we both know how this story unfolds in the end. If you must go, then go. I'll see you soon. Have fun beating up the bad guys, Woo."
A hush fell between you both as he absorbed your words, his tough exterior crumbling. Regret clouded his features as he stepped closer, reaching for your hands. "Wait, you're right. I... I must have been too swept up in Aragorn's emotions. I'm so sorry, love."
You smiled, gently cupping his face. "You said it yourself, how nice it would be to live the lives of the main characters. Look at how it turned out, huh?" you teased, and he flushed with embarrassment. "God, I'm such an idiot."
You smirked. "You always have been."
He grinned. "Well, now that we're the main characters, perhaps we can reshape the story and make it our own. You've always dreamed of being in Rivendell. Let's use this opportunity to explore the place."
You scoffed, though a spark of excitement ignited within you at his suggestion. "But don't you have to leave for battle?"
He rolled his eyes. "Gurl, Sauron and his army of clowns can wait. Now, come on."
Hand intertwined with his, you dashed through the exquisite halls of Elrond's house. Your heart soared as you absorbed the surreal surroundings, the sight of Wooyoung's reassuring presence ahead of you filling you with joy. This was the very scenario you had dreamt of for so long – being in this fantastical place with the one you loved.
Your steps faltered as you reached what seemed to be the area where the Council of Elrond took place, where the Fellowship of the Ring was first formed.
"We're actually here, holy crap," Wooyoung muttered in amazement.
You couldn't help but giggle. "Is that cooler than the fact that you're Aragorn? Speaking of which, I'm so envious of you."
He raised a brow. "For what? You get to hang around here and look so beautiful all the time while I go out and fight evil."
You nodded. "Yeah, but you get to be with Legolas all the time."
He snorted in disbelief. "Unbelievable... I'm never letting you near him. First, King Edmund, and now the blonde elf."
You pouted. "Pfft, it's not like there's ever been anything between Arwen and Legolas. You have nothing to worry about. Plus, you'll have Éowyn falling at your feet later on. Let's hope you still remember me by then."
He sputtered at that. "In case you forgot, she got rejected anyway."
You scoffed. "Yes, but that was Aragorn. The same can't be said for you."
His jaw dropped. "What—hey! You're the only one for me, no matter the universe!" he insisted as you continued walking, grinning in satisfaction for catching him off guard as you moved on to the next location.
"Ah, this is where that iconic scene took place," your boyfriend remarked as you stepped onto the moonlit bridge, reminiscent of the moment when Arwen handed her necklace, the Evenstar, to Aragorn. It symbolises her love and defiance against her father, signifying her choice to give up her immortality to be with him.
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Standing in the same spot as the characters in the movie, you watched as he retrieved the jewellery from his pocket. "Come, my lady. Would you like to recreate that scene?" he asked playfully, holding out the pendant.
Meeting his gaze, you took a deep breath before reciting your favourite line, "I would rather share one lifetime with you... than face all the ages of the world alone."
At that moment, the playfulness faded from his expression, and he sensed a deeper meaning behind your words, a reflection of your genuine emotions toward each other. Recalling a past conversation where you admitted that without him, you might have chosen not to love at all, he was deeply moved. Leaning in, he pressed his lips to yours, conveying his affection. Pulling back slightly, he grinned, "That has to be the most romantic thing you've ever said to me. Can you say that to me every once in a while?"
You chuckled, giving him a playful smack on the chest. "If that's what it takes to stop you from annoying me, then yes."
"Hey!" he protested, chasing after you as you ran off to explore other areas of Rivendell.
As you wandered, you recognised the next destination instantly—it was where Aragorn dreamed of his time with Arwen. With a grin, Wooyoung sauntered over and lay down on the futon, attempting to recreate the scene once again. You stood where the she-elf had stood, watching him pretend to wake up.
"I am asleep. This is a dream," he recited Aragorn's words, and you burst into a small giggle. Settling down beside him, you recited Arwen's line, "Then it is a good dream. Sleep," before leaning down to kiss him as she had.
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Deep down, you both wished to stay in this fantasy forever, but you knew you had to part for the story to progress. He sighed as you pulled away. "As much as I'd love to keep staying here with you, the war isn't going to win itself. I'll see you at the end of the story."
You nodded, kissing him again. "See you, Woo." He winked as he got up from his spot. "Don't worry, I won't spare Éowyn a glance."
Laughing, you waved as you watched him go.
You anticipated what was to come next, knowing that it was the day when most of the elves in Rivendell would depart for Valinor, the Undying Lands. It was the moment when Elrond would once again attempt to persuade Arwen to go with them.
As you lay on the futon in your room, watching the white curtains flutter gently in the breeze, you prepared yourself for the inevitable. Just as your thoughts turned to your boyfriend, your father entered, speaking in Sindarin, the Elven language. Remarkably, you comprehended every word.
"It is time. The ships are departing for Valinor. Go now... before it is too late."
Oh boy, here we go.
You immediately sat up from your position to respond, "I have already made my choice." Elrond took a step closer to you. "He is not coming back. Why do you linger here when there is no hope?" You gazed up at him, overwhelmed by the emotions flowing through your being that were Arwen's, as you answered, "There is still hope."
Because you knew there was.
As he continued his monologue, which you had already heard more than once and knew was coming, it still hurt. His words reminded you that no matter what, choosing to be with Aragorn—or in your case, Wooyoung—would only lead to pain. Tears streamed down your cheeks, his words echoing the sentiments you had heard from your parents when they desperately tried to separate you and your boyfriend, telling you he could not offer you much and that you would only end up regretting your decision.
"There is nothing for you here. Only death," he uttered, and your heart broke despite expecting those words. The words sounded eerily familiar to what you had heard in a different context, where Wooyoung would not be able to bring you everlasting happiness and his perceived incompetence would eventually disappoint you.
No, that's not true...
But you felt a new emotion when Elrond sat down beside you, looking down at you with so much pain in his eyes. You could see he was not ready to lose his daughter. It must have been cruel for him that his daughter was choosing to die and leave his side.
He wiped your tears away gently. "Do I not also have your love?"
For once, you empathised with his feelings and wondered if this was how your parents felt. You used to view Elrond as the bad guy for constantly trying to separate his daughter from the man she loved. Were your parents also like him? Were they afraid of losing you? Maybe they just didn't know your boyfriend well enough and didn't trust him yet to take care of you. You felt yourself crumbling under the weight of these thoughts.
"You have my love, father," you cried as he enveloped you in his arms. Perhaps you were a bad daughter, not for choosing to be with Wooyoung, but for failing to help your parents understand why you chose him.
If you couldn't ease your parents' worries in reality, perhaps you could do it here for your fictional father. You were certain Wooyoung would understand; none of this was real anyway. He was still yours, and you would always be his. Maybe, just maybe here, you could be a good daughter to Elrond.
Joining the rest of the elves and making your way towards the ship to Valinor, you couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty gnawing at you. Despite your initial determination to stand firm in your decision to pick your boyfriend, you found yourself swept along with the crowd. Just like Arwen, you were heading towards the Undying Lands.
However, unlike her, you didn't have the vision of her child with Aragorn to sway your decision. You already knew how her story ended. Perhaps it was up to you to create a different ending.
Forgive me, Woo.
As the story reached its climax and the victory over Sauron marked the beginning of a new era for Middle-earth, everything seemed to pass in a blur. Finally, it was Aragorn's coronation in Minas Tirith, and Wooyoung turned around excitedly after Gandalf placed the crown on his head. Throughout the events, he had fun experiencing what the ranger did, but his thoughts were consumed by you. Maybe living the lives of the main characters was more burdensome than enjoyable.
After exchanging words with Legolas and anticipating your arrival, Wooyoung turned expectantly, only to find you missing. You did not appear the way Arwen did for Aragorn. The realisation dawned on him with dread—if you weren't there, it could only mean you must have left for Valinor. He approached Lord Elrond, whose expression remained unreadable, and asked, "Did she...?"
As your father bowed his head slightly and offered a pat on the shoulder, Wooyoung's heart sank like a stone. The weight of the realisation pressed down on him: you had chosen to leave. But why?
What had prompted you to go, despite your promise to reunite with him here? Had Elrond's words swayed you? Did they somehow make you see that perhaps your parents had been right all along? You had warned him not to let the emotions of his character overwhelm him, but had you succumbed to them yourself? These questions swirled in his mind, leaving him grasping for answers.
"She hoped you'd understand," Elrond said.
Your boyfriend offered a humourless smirk. "That I'd understand...? I suppose I do."
"Do you really? Tell me what you understand then," your voice chimed in from behind him, causing him to whirl around with wide eyes. There you stood, a mischievous grin lighting up your face. "Surprise, Jung Wooyoung. Did you think I wasn't going to come back to you?" you whispered, prompting him to cup your face tenderly. "You little minx," he muttered before capturing your lips in a loving kiss, eliciting cheers from the crowd.
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As you pulled away and embraced him, you caught sight of your father's gaze. The expression on Lord Elrond’s face as he let his daughter go was a mix of love, fear, and vulnerability. It was the look of a father releasing his child to pursue something he didn’t entirely approve of but knew would bring her happiness. He struggled to maintain his composure, torn between his paternal instincts and the desire to see you happy. That night, you eventually broke away from the group bound for Valinor and returned to Rivendell, much like Arwen did. Your mind was filled with thoughts of Wooyoung, and you knew you could never let him go—neither in your world nor in this one.
"You know, I was just thinking... being the main character really isn't all it's cracked up to be," your boyfriend mused as you both lay in the King's chambers.
With your head nestled on his chest, you nodded, "I agree. It made me feel way too much emotion. But... I do think it's time I talk to my parents about us. They're my parents, and you're the love of my life. I can't imagine life without either of you. Hopefully, they'll be as understanding as Elrond was."
He smiled, pulling you closer, "Yeah, maybe we should have made more effort before."
Cuddling closer to him, you continued, "Yes, maybe... but yeah, we've already played the roles of both new and main characters. Perhaps it'd be nice to simply exist in a story without importance just like extras."
He sighed, kissing your head, "That does sound nice... We'll just be spectators, enjoying our place in the universe."
Closing your eyes, you sensed a peculiar shift in your surroundings, almost like you were on a train. When you opened your eyes again, you furrowed your brows in confusion. You were still in Wooyoung's arms, but Middle-earth was nowhere to be seen.
Shaking your boyfriend awake, you felt his body tense beside you as he tightened his grip on you. With a gasp, he absorbed the new setting. Indeed, you were on a train, but not just any train...
The Hogwarts Express.
Locking eyes, you whispered in unison, "We're going to Hogwarts."
As if on cue, the lady pushing the trolley of sweets appeared, her voice chirping, "Anything from the trolley, dears?"
Before you could decline, Wooyoung swiftly released you and darted forward. "Ooh, yes! Two pumpkin pasties, please! I've always wanted to try them," he exclaimed, rubbing his palms together eagerly.
You tugged at his shirt, glaring, and silently mouthed, "Do we even have any money?" He froze, realisation dawning, and reached into his pockets. With a sigh of relief, he produced some coins. Winking at you, he grinned, "Don't worry, love. I've got this."
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As he finished the purchase, he lingered by the door, watching with wide eyes as the lady rolled her trolley to the next compartment. With his jaw dropped in awe, he turned to you, whispering excitedly, "Oh my god, it's Harry Potter! Holy crap, the Golden Trio is in the next compartment."
Rushing back to settle beside you, he handed you a pumpkin pasty and began talking animatedly while stuffing his face, his words muffled, "I recognised that look on him. We're in the fourth year."
You raised a brow, "Goblet of Fire."
He nodded eagerly, "Exactly. The Triwizard Tournament and, most importantly," you both said in unison, "the Yule Ball."
You pondered, "Hold on a second. If we're in the fourth year, then that would mean we've already been sorted. Which houses do you think we're in, Woo?"
He grinned, "Only one way to find out," as he reached for your suitcases from the rack above your seats.
With bated breath, you watched him work on opening them. "Let's hope we're in the same house. It would be funny if you ended up in Slytherin somehow," you remarked.
He scoffed, "No way, I'm a Gryffindor through and through. Wanna bet?"
You shook your head, "No, thank you."
He pouted, "I was going to ask for a kiss if I won the bet, darn it."
You chuckled, "Hurry up, you rascal."
As he opened the first suitcase, he grinned at you, revealing the red Gryffindor scarf along with his uniform. "I told you," he chuckled before moving on to the next one. "Keep your fingers crossed, love," he urged. And you did. When he finally opened them, you couldn't contain your joy at seeing the same scarf along with your robes.
Moments later, the two of you stood in awe at the unbelievable sight of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry before your eyes. Your eyes welled with tears as you squeezed Wooyoung's hand. "We're here, Woo. We're really here," you whispered.
He nodded, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. "We are."
Before you could continue revelling in the moment, a nearby prefect rolled his eyes. "Move along, you two. You act like it's your first time here," he said with a shake of his head. Your boyfriend tugged you along as you blew a raspberry, muttering under your breath, "Because it is."
Entering the castle, you noticed a crowd gathering by the bridge, evidently anticipating something exciting. Gasping in excitement, you quickly pulled Wooyoung along. "We have to see this! It's the arrival of the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students."
As the Beauxbatons arrived in their majestic flying carriage and the Durmstrang in their impressive underwater ship, your boyfriend's attention remained solely on you. Sensing his gaze, you turned to share a smile. "That's right, keep your eyes on me just like that. I better not catch you gawking at the Beauxbatons girls when they make their grand entrance later," you teased.
He laughed and drew you close, whispering in your ear, "Don't worry, you're prettier than all of them combined."
Blushing, you looked away. "Pssh, sweet talker," you responded with a playful roll of your eyes, unable to suppress your grin.
But as the girls from the foreign school made their entrance, dancing into the Great Hall later that evening, you couldn't stifle a snort at Wooyoung's reaction. Like Ron, he was clapping enthusiastically, clearly impressed by the display.
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Pfft, all men do is lie.
Beside you, Hermione and Ginny exchanged judgemental stares, mirroring your own sentiments. It was hard to contain your amusement as you watched the boys.
When the guys from Durmstrang made their grand entrance, you found yourself staring dreamily ahead, just like Wooyoung had done with the Beauxbatons girls. Thankfully, your boyfriend didn't discriminate; he seemed just as entranced by the dashing and charismatic Viktor Krum as you were.
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You burst into giggles when he finally met your gaze with wide eyes. It was his fanboying moment, and you couldn't blame him because you felt exactly the same. You still couldn't believe you were really here with him. Sure, you had already been to Narnia and Middle-earth, but the Wizarding World held a special place in both your hearts.
The next day, seated beside your boyfriend in Defense Against the Dark Arts class, you both observed with amusement as Mad-Eye Moody began his lesson. The students appeared bewildered by his aggressive demeanour and uncomfortable lecture on the three Unforgivable Curses.
Wooyoung leaned in to whisper in your ear, "What do you think would happen if we exposed him as Barty Crouch Jr right here?"
You turned to shush him with a glare. "We're just extras here, so please act like it and avoid drawing any attention to ourselves."
The rest of the class unfolded exactly as you had anticipated, with Harry growing increasingly suspicious of Moody as the professor continued to gulp down his Polyjuice potion. You and Wooyoung exchanged knowing grins, rooting for him.
After class, you both hurried excitedly to the Great Hall, where students interested in participating in the Triwizard Tournament were submitting their names. Settling on a bench, you watched in fascination as the blue flame flickered brightly, students from all three schools stepping forward to cast their papers into the fire.
Your hearts sank when you saw Cedric Diggory eagerly submitting his name. If only he knew the tragic fate that awaited him.
"I suppose there's nothing we can do about it, huh?" Wooyoung asked, his tone heavy with resignation.
You shook your head sadly. "I'm afraid not."
The sombre mood only lasted so long as the Weasley twins, Fred and George, appeared with their usual antics, brandishing their ageing potion in hopes of submitting their names to the Triwizard Tournament despite Hermione's reminder that only seventh-years could participate, you and your boyfriend couldn't contain your laughter. True to your expectations, the twins were ejected back from the goblet, sprouting white beards and sparking a playful fight that drew a crowd of onlookers egging them on.
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However, the atmosphere shifted when Viktor Krum marched in with his headmaster trailing behind him. You and Wooyoung shared a giggle as the Durmstrang heartthrob locked eyes with Hermione.
Leaning in, you whispered in a hushed tone, "If not Harry, I still prefer Hermione with Viktor over Ron, to be honest."
Your boyfriend feigned offence, pressing a hand to his chest. "How could you? Hermione and Ron are the one true pair."
As the two of you engaged in your heated debate, time flew by and the next thing you knew, Dumbledore entered the hall with most of the students, announcing, "Now, the moment you've all been waiting for: the champion selection." Exchanging a knowing glance with your boyfriend, you both sighed in anticipation. "Oh dear, here we go."
As Dumbledore announced Viktor, Fleur, and Cedric as the champions of their respective schools, you held your breath, feeling a twinge of sympathy for Harry Potter, the boy who lived. "Excellent! We now have our three champions!" boomed Dumbledore, his voice reverberating through the hall before unveiling the Triwizard Cup.
You winced, murmuring under your breath, "Only one more to go."
Beside you, your boyfriend shook his head with a hint of amusement. "Man, if only they knew the Cup was turned into a Portkey, none of that drama would happen."
You pursed your lips thoughtfully. "Yes, and then there would be no more story to tell now, would there?"
He snorted softly. "True."
As Harry's name was called out, disbelief swept through the Great Hall. You watched with a sinking feeling as even his friends began to stare at him accusatorily, wondering how he managed to enter his name into the Goblet of Fire when he was only a fourth year.
Your eyes landed on Mad-Eye Moody, or rather Barty Crouch Jr in disguise, knowing he was behind this sinister plot. Exchanging hopeless gazes with Wooyoung, you both understood that, at this moment, you were nothing more than spectators. There was no action you could take; you were simply here to witness events unfold.
Perhaps, as much as you wish otherwise, some things were simply meant to be. Your boyfriend covered your hand with his, offering comfort. "Since we can't change anything here, let's not stress about it and just enjoy the moment, hm?"
A smile graced your lips, and you nodded. "You're right, Woo."
"There he is—the poor thing."
You both were hanging out in the courtyard, enjoying the calm before the storm of the Triwizard Tournament's first task, when you spotted Harry passing through, looking visibly distressed. Your sympathy for him grew as you remembered the strained dynamics between him and his friends. Ron and the others firmly believed that Harry had somehow entered his name into the tournament and deliberately kept it from them. It was disheartening to see no one on his side, and you felt frustrated on his behalf.
As expected, Draco Malfoy, with his trademark smugness, decided to provoke him. "My father and I had a bet, you see," he said, dropping down from his perch on the tree. "I don't think you're going to last ten minutes in the tournament." His cronies followed suit as he continued, "He disagrees; he thinks you won't last five."
You and Wooyoung watched as Harry retaliated, standing up to the blonde Slytherin with fiery determination. "I don't care what your father thinks, Malfoy! He's vile and cruel, and you're pathetic."
Just as expected, Draco attempted to strike back, only to be swiftly turned into a ferret by Mad-Eye Moody, eliciting laughter from the crowd. It was perhaps the only time you agreed with Barty Crouch Jr's actions, the only moment he seemed remotely likeable.
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However, the amusement was short-lived as Professor McGonagall appeared to play the role of the good cop, firmly instructing Moody to release the bully from his transfiguration punishment.
"My father will hear about this!" Draco's famous words echoed across the courtyard as he hurried away from the scene he caused. Though Wooyoung knew he shouldn't interfere, his irritated state got the best of him, prompting him to slyly stick out his foot and trip the Slytherin as he passed by the two of you.
"How dare you!" Draco hissed, glaring up at your boyfriend.
Gasping, you dragged Wooyoung away with you, shouting, "Sorry, he didn't mean it!"
From across the courtyard, you caught Harry's eye and saw him nod appreciatively at both of you. Wooyoung beamed, waving enthusiastically before watching him go.
Turning back to your boyfriend, you smacked him lightly on the arm. "You! I can't believe you did that," you chided.
Wooyoung stuck his tongue out playfully. "Well, it sure feels satisfying, doesn't it? Besides, Harry acknowledged us."
You sighed, a small smile tugging at your lips. "I suppose so."
The next day, you found yourselves seated among the crowd at the stands, eagerly awaiting the commencement of the first task: retrieving a golden egg guarded by a dragon. "Bets, place your bets!" Fred's voice rang out, followed closely by George's enthusiastic calls for wagers. "Bets taken, bets taken here!"
As the twins walked around, collecting bets on who would win first place, you sensed your boyfriend about to place a bet himself. With a disapproving click of your tongue, you shook your head. "It wouldn't be fair when you already know who wins!"
He shushed you with a grin. "All the more reason to place my bet! When else will I ever be this lucky, love?"
Resigned, you gave up and shook your head in mock exasperation.
As you watched the first three champions' attempts with bated breath, your nerves were on edge despite knowing they would emerge unscathed. Sensing your anxiety, Wooyoung took your hand and pressed his lips to the back of it. "Hey, it's going to be okay. You already know how it ends."
With a sigh of defeat, you leaned into his side, seeking comfort in his warmth as he wrapped an arm around you. "You're right, I do know," you murmured softly.
Your thoughts drifted to Cedric, and a pang of sadness washed over you as you remembered his tragic fate. It was difficult to watch him knowing what awaited him, but you found solace in your boyfriend's reassuring presence.
When it was finally Harry's turn, you couldn't tear your eyes away from the task, despite knowing the outcome. Every moment felt tense and fraught with danger, and you held your breath until he emerged victorious, tied with Viktor for first place.
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Reflecting on the experience, you realised that being part of the scene was far more stressful than reading about it or watching it in a movie, especially when you cared deeply for the people involved.
As the Gryffindor common room buzzed with excitement and everyone crowded around Harry that evening, who proudly displayed his golden egg containing a clue for the second task, you and Wooyoung hung back, observing from a distance. Amidst the cheering and clamour, you both knew what was coming next.
When Seamus tossed the egg back to Harry, urging him to reveal the clue, you exchanged knowing glances. As he held the egg aloft and asked the crowd if they wanted him to open it, the room erupted in enthusiastic agreement. But you and your boyfriend were prepared. With a shared understanding, you plugged your ears, bracing yourselves for the inevitable shrieking noise.
Oh, you're all going to regret that.
As expected, the piercing screech from the golden egg sent everyone in the common room to their knees, hands clamped over their ears in a futile attempt to block out the noise. Amidst the chaos, Harry quickly shut the egg, bringing a momentary relief from the ear-splitting sound.
"What the bloody hell was that?"
Ron's abrupt entrance, punctuated by his exclamation, broke the tension in the room, casting a palpable awkwardness between him and Harry. The silence stretched, thick with the weight of unspoken tension, until one of the twins intervened.
"Alright, everyone, go back to your... knitting," Fred declared, breaking the spell of discomfort. "This is going to be uncomfortable enough without all you nosey sods listening in."
The crowd dispersed, giving the two friends the privacy they needed to reconcile. As Ron and Harry finally made amends, you and Wooyoung shared a smile, feeling genuinely happy for Harry. For now, at least, things were looking up. And the best part of it all was yet to come—the Yule Ball.
You and Wooyoung exchanged eager glances as McGonagall began the dance lesson to prepare everyone in Gryffindor for the ball. Dancing had always been a fun pastime for the two of you, but now, being able to do it alongside your favourite characters and in your favourite fantasy world filled you with excitement.
As the professor made poor Ron demonstrate a dance with her, eliciting stifled laughter from the onlookers, she finally called out, "Everyone, come together! Boys, on your feet!" The girls eagerly stood up, ready to dance, while the boys groaned, leaving Neville and your boyfriend as the only ones rising from their seats.
"Wow, you're really lucky," Hermione remarked from beside you as Wooyoung made his way towards you. Unlike the others who struggled to find partners, you didn't have to worry. "He's hardly ever far from your side. You both seem genuinely in love."
You nodded, offering a shy smile, "Thank you, I believe so too."
As he pulled you into his arms and started dancing alongside Neville and Ginny, Wooyoung couldn't resist asking, "So, what did Hermione say to you?" You playfully stuck your tongue out at him, teasing, "Wouldn't you like to know?" He pouted, drawing his forehead close to yours. "Please, I really would like to know," he pleaded.
You chuckled, giving in to his curiosity. "She said I was lucky to have you, and that we seemed really in love." His playful grin shifted into a sincere one. "Well, she's right about that," he admitted warmly.
You smirked, teasing him further. "To be fair, when is Hermione Granger ever wrong?"
He shrugged, conceding the point. "Hmm, I guess you're right."
The following days were filled with hilarity as you witnessed Harry and Ron's struggles to find dates for the ball. The ginger's dramatic theatrics, particularly after embarrassing himself while trying to ask Fleur Delacour, provided endless entertainment. Meanwhile, poor Harry faced rejection from Cho Chang, who had already accepted Cedric's invitation.
From your corner of the couch, you and Wooyoung snickered at their misfortunes. Eventually, they settled on asking Padma and Parvati Patil. Before you knew it, you were also preparing for the ball. Like magic, you and your boyfriend found your dream outfits in your dorm wardrobe, ready to make a grand entrance at the event.
While your boyfriend had shown you his outfit for the event, you opted to surprise him later in the evening. Inspired by Hermione's iconic entrance, you planned to arrive early and make your own grand appearance without overshadowing her.
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Wooyoung waited patiently outside the Great Hall, his heart quickening at the sight of the beautifully decorated winter-themed hall. "Hey, isn't that your girl?" Cedric nudged him, directing his attention to the staircase. Following the Hufflepuff's gesture, his breath caught as he watched you descend, momentarily capturing the crowd's attention with your shy smile.
With graceful steps, you made your way down in an off-shoulder black floor-length dress, adorned with delicate gold patterns that exuded elegance and regality. Unlike others, you chose to leave your hair down, adding a touch of effortless charm to your appearance. Despite having seen you in numerous stunning gowns from Narnia and Middle-earth, you never failed to leave him awestruck with your beauty. Perhaps he was biased, but to him, you were the most captivating presence in the room. And being his favourite colour, black only enhanced your allure in his eyes.
He whispered, "I'm the luckiest man alive, I swear," and you giggled. "Stop it, you," you playfully chided as you fixed his slightly crooked bow. As you did, he gently tucked a loose strand of your hair behind your ear and continued, "I mean it. You're the most beautiful girl here."
You nodded, leaning in to peck his lips before replying, "And you're the most handsome boy here." His cheeky grin widened, and he responded smugly, "I know."
Pulling you gently towards the hall, he said, "Let's go eat before all the dancing starts."
The night passed in a whirlwind of dancing, with Wooyoung holding you close throughout, growing protective whenever he sensed other guys eyeing you. As the event gradually wound down, you found yourselves still on the dance floor, swaying together.
Slowly, a sense of drowsiness began to wash over you. Maybe it was time to return to reality. You knew what would come next in the story, and with the impending challenges and heartaches, you weren't sure you wanted to witness it firsthand. Perhaps it was best to leave the Wizarding World on a high note, with fond memories.
You exchanged smiles with Neville and Ginny, who were also enjoying the moment nearby. Then, you sighed and rested your head on your boyfriend's shoulder, feeling his reassuring embrace. "Woo?" you murmured.
He kissed your cheek softly. "Yes, love?"
Tightening your hold around his shoulders, you snuggled into the crook of his neck. "I'm tired... I think I'm ready to go home."
He smiled, his heart growing warm at the thought of home as he leaned his head against yours. "Me too. I guess that's enough adventure for now."
Living out his fantasies had been incredible, but perhaps he, too, was starting to feel a bit homesick and ready to return home.
He gently stroked your hair as his eyelids grew heavy. Sometimes, the allure of escaping into fantasy worlds was irresistible, offering a temporary reprieve from the challenges of reality. But as the quiet settled around, Wooyoung knew that no matter how enchanting these worlds might be, they were only temporary escapes.
The surroundings gradually quieted, and when he opened his eyes again, he found himself back in the comforting familiarity of your shared bedroom. You were nestled in his arms, peacefully asleep, and he had never felt more relieved. Drawing the covers snugly around you, he felt a deep sense of contentment settle within him.
"Home. We're home," he whispered, finally allowing himself to drift off into a restful sleep, grateful to be back where he truly belonged with you by his side.
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This is as good as a compilation of some of my favourite parts from these film series. I know this might not be for everyone, but I wrote this mainly just to fulfil my own fantasies hehe.🙈
If you've made it this far, thank you for reading! Are you also a fan of these AUs? Let me know in the comments! <3
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@aurasblue @marievllr-abg @itsvxlentine @minghaoslatina @huachengsbestie01 |
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prowlingz · 1 year
ღ Atta' Girl ღ
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⚜ Captain John Price x AFAB Reader ⚜ - No use of y/n | Second Person Perspective | ღ - wc - 1.3k | ღ - ✪ WARNINGS: porn slight plot, established relationship, degration kink, praise kink, spitting, smut 18+ ✪
You reclined on your stomach, engrossed in the pages of "Narnia." The clock had long struck past 11 pm, and drowsiness began to wash over you. Switching off your bedside lamp, you welcomed the gentle moonlight that bathed your room. Remaining in your prone position, you turned your head toward the window, fixing your gaze on the luminous orb in the night sky.
As slumber gradually enveloped you, an unexpected sound—a clearing of the throat—jolted you awake. Your eyes widened, yet your body seemed immobilized by fear. Darting your eyes around the room, you found no one in sight.
As you lay there, the notion that it might have all been a product of your imagination began to creep into your mind. However, that perception vanished in an instant when a familiar voice, with a distinct raspiness to it, reverberated through the room, asking, "Miss me?" Your heart skipped a beat as you turned, and there, standing before you, was none other than your boyfriend, John Price.
Your face erupted into a radiant smile, so wide it could rival the moon itself. Without a second thought, you hurled yourself into his strong embrace, the comforter tangled up with your excited leap. He held you tightly and guided you both back onto the bed, your legs still firmly entwined around him.
Playfully, you nibbled at his neck and exclaimed, "I missed you so fucking much," the excitement in your voice palpable.
In response, he let out his signature hearty chuckle, his beard gently tickling your neck as he reciprocated with a flurry of affectionate kisses. "Not a day went by," he declared, the kisses never ceasing.
"Guess what? I just finished writing you a heartfelt letter, bummer" you giggled sarcastically, disappointment feigning in your tone as he finally pulled back, his gaze locked onto you as though you were the most beautiful sight in the world.
His eyes remained fixated on yours, unwavering and full of adoration. Soon your legs lazily descended, he deftly raised them over his broad shoulders, pulling you closer to him, the subtle firmness beneath his clothing pressing against you.
Your gaze descended along the path of his neck, lingering on the tender love bites you had planted just moments ago. Your eyes continued their journey, tracing down to his chest, which was already rising and falling with intense desire, and further down to his clearly aroused member. It was evident from the way his pants seemed to constrict around that particular area.
With a wordless understanding, he drew you even closer, his eyes widening with desire and a sly smirk playing on his lips. You cautiously shifted your hips, a subtle movement that drew a low, almost primal groan from deep within him. Your mouth fell slightly agape as you continued to roll your hips, doing your best to maintain control despite the overwhelming sensations, and he willingly yielded to your advances.
"So fucking pretty," he whispered huskily under his breath, his words laden with longing. "How long has it been, my love? Four long months?" his voice raspy with want-no-need.
As his words hung in the air, a rush of emotions surged through you, mixing desire with the depth of your connection. You nodded, your eyes locked onto his with an intensity that needed no words to convey. Four months had felt like an eternity, and the desire that had built during that time was now igniting with an irresistible force.
He lowered his head, capturing your lips in a searing kiss that left no doubt about his longing. Your mouths moved together with a passionate urgency, tongues entwined as if trying to make up for every second lost. His hands roamed over your body, fingers tracing patterns of desire along your skin, igniting a fiery longing within you.
The room seemed to vanish, leaving only the two of you, entangled in a dance of yearning and affection. Clothes became discarded remnants of anticipation, revealing the contours of your bodies, which had become so achingly familiar yet tantalizingly new in this moment of reunion.
His hands cupped your face as he pulled back from the kiss, his eyes locked onto yours. "I've missed you more than words can say," he confessed, his voice a husky whisper, before guiding you into an embrace that promised to erase the months of separation with every touch and kiss.
He deftly flips you onto your stomach, prompting a surprised gasp to escape your lips as you bury your face into the pillow, cheeks flushed with embarrassment. His strong hands explore your curves, gently spreading them apart, and you can sense his intense focus on your most intimate area, accompanied by a low, appreciative whistle.
"All mine," he declares in a husky tone, and you lift your head from the pillow, turning your neck to catch a glimpse of his self-assured smirk. He guides his throbbing desire towards your eager entrance, teasingly circling it as he studies your reactions intently. You bite your lip, your eyes half-lidded as you whimper, "Johnnn... please."
Normally, he might savor your pleas a bit longer, but the pent-up desire from four long months of separation overwhelms him, and he immediately obliges. With a swift, possessive thrust, he enters you deeply, causing you to arch your back and release a muffled scream of ecstasy into the pillow before you.
Your eyes feel like they cross as he continues ravaging your seeping hole.
"So fucking tight, played with yourself while I was gone, hmm, princess?" he hums to you. You close your eyes and continuing to arch your back, almost helping him fuck you as you buck your hips back into him.
"Answer me, slut. Tell me you played with yourself while I was away" he restates in between huffed breaths.
You lift your head from the soaked pillow, "Fuck..Ah- I..I.." the lewd noises filling the room, you begin to not be able to think straight.
He hums at your lack of response, and pushes a hand onto the small of your back before he slams into you faster and harder, "Be a good girl and answer me".
You take a moment before responding. You open your mouth to tell him you did indeed touch yourself, so, so, so, so much while he was gone, but before you can..
"AH!" you scream as he slaps your ass with so much force, almost guarunteeing a bruise and a swollen ass in the morning.
"I said tell me", he speaks primally.
"I touched myself..ah..f-fuck..So much, John.. So fuck-FUCKING much!" your voice crackling with pleasure as his fucking becomes almost unbearable.
A pause of vocal silence, other than your moans and lewd noises filling the room.
"How much?" he finally speaks, his pace becoming irregular and off rythm.
Not wanting another smack on your ass, you swiftly reply with honesty, "Every fucKIng day!" you scream as he begins to twitch inside of you, feeling his balls hitting your bundle of nerves with each pound.
You begin to see white as your orgasm soon takes over. You feel him groan as your walls pulse around him, milking him of his seed.
"Fuck.." he groans as he pulls out from you, watching his seed dribble down your coated thighs. You lay, out of breath with your head hanging onto the pillow in front of you.
You soon find hands gripping onto your hips lightly, and rolling you over to face him. You stare into him, eyes drooping from depravity and mouth still slightly agape to help you catch your breath.
Not even realising he has a polaroid film in his hand, he lifts your left leg up for a better view of your abused cunt, and snaps a photo; capturing both you and his seed leaking from you.
"Taking that with me on my next mission" he mumbles, bending over to kiss you. "You did so good baby, so fucking good" his beard scratching your face.
"Let's run you a bath, hm?" he hums, causing a smile to grow onto your face.
"Only if you join me" you snarkly reply.
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softguarnere · 9 months
Memories Feel Like Weapons
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Edmund Pevensie x gn!reader
Summary: “People can be different. They can change. You’ve changed.” Gently, you use your pointer finger to hook his chin and turn his face towards you, making him look you in the eye. “You’re a good king, Edmund, and an even better man. A good brother. A good boyfriend. Everyone has forgiven you for what you did as a child.” A/N: What's up, y'all?! It's been freezing these past few days and I hate it! 🥴 So this is for all you other lovelies who are currently being plagued by SAD 🫶🏽 Also, in case it's not clear in the fic, for the purposes of the story, we're just gonna assume that reader's parents also sent them off to the country during the war to stay with the professor, that they met the Pevensie's there, and went to Narnia with them. Anyway, I hope you enjoy! ❤️ Warnings: Edmund has SAD but it's Narnia so it's never actually called that, the author is (once again) overusing commas
As interesting and as magical a place as Narnia is, you’re willing to admit that diplomatic negotiations are something that usually bore you to tears.
You try to take an interest, you really do, for Edmund’s sake. Political wheeling and dealing is his bread and butter. You’re not particularly adept at it yourself. Edmund has tried to explain the finer points to you many times, but it’s not something that you can wrap your head around. But maybe that’s just because you get too distracted thinking about how good looking your tutor is. Sometimes you raise a question or a particular point that you know he’ll jump to answer just to see how passionately he talks about his favorite subject. As far as you know, he hasn’t caught on yet.
Today proves to be different, though.
A chill in the air greets you when you awake. A crackling sound from the corner tells you that a servant has crept in at some point and started a fire in the hearth to stave off the cold. Blinking to adjust your eyes to the light, you’re greeted by the type of cold, white sunlight that announces a wintery morning and the season’s signature magical touch that often appears overnight – snow.
You leap out of bed, gasping when your feet kiss the cold floor. Hurrying to put on slippers, you wrap yourself in a fluffy robe and hurry to the door.
Edmund hates the winter. He hates the snow even more. No one can blame him for that. But you’re the only person he’s confessed this to.
Sure, his siblings might suspect as much. Those first few years in Narnia, no one dared suggest that they play in the snow whenever it arrived, for fear of what it might imply, and for fear of inadvertently upsetting the youngest Pevensie brother. After a few more years, he would find excuses to be tucked away in his library on snowy days, and no one would breathe a word of the fun they had without him while he was around. A delicate subject and a fine dance around it, to say the least.
It was only last winter that Edmund confided in you, and only because you had recently become a couple. He said the winter was hard enough on its own, but the snow brought back too many bad memories, ushered in nightmares so vivid that he sometimes woke up questioning what was real and what wasn’t.
This is going to be a rough day for him, to say the least. Which puts a damper on the mood, since ambassadors from a nearby kingdom are arriving to negotiate trade – something he was so looking forward to.
“Edmund?” Your voice seems too loud for the quiet library, and the echo makes you flinch slightly at the loudness of your own voice, at the desperate quality it holds.
Stepping further inside the room, you listen, and tune into the crackling of the fireplace along the far wall. You follow it until you can see the chairs in front of it, and in one of them, Edmund, slumped over a large tome, asleep.
He’ll have a crick in his neck from sleeping that way, you think. If you hadn’t known why he was here, finding him in his favorite place like this would be sweet. It still tugs on your heartstrings, yes, but in a different, heavier way.
“Edmund?” You gently shake his shoulder before stepping back.
The Just King startles awake, his book slipping out of his lap. His eyes are wide and wild as they flick across the room, struggling to make sense of his surroundings. Finally, they land on you and soften. “(Y/N)?”
“Good morning, sleepy head,” you reply, trying to keep your tone light, casual. “If you say that your neck doesn't hurt after sleeping like that, then you’re a liar.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” The painful popping noises that echo from his spine say otherwise, but you let it go. Slowly, he rises, stretches, and then takes a step closer to you and plants a kiss on your forehead. He sighs through his nose. “Today is the day.”
You slip your hand into his, intwine your fingers. “How are you feeling?”
Edmund shrugs. His relationship with his siblings has improved leaps and bounds in all the years that they’ve spent in Narnia, but sometimes he still hesitates to show certain emotions around them, to express himself the way he should. Sometimes it’s easier when it’s just the two of you in a space like this where he’s comfortable.
“I’ll manage.”
“If you’re not feeling up to it – “
He squeezes your hand. “I’ll be fine. It’s just a day that I have to get through.”
“Spring will come again,” you assure him, using the mantra that you often whispered to comfort him through last year’s winter season.
“And we will greet it with open arms and grateful hearts,” he finishes. He attempts a smile, but it looks more strained than usual. “Don’t worry, darling. Everything will be fine.”
. . .
It is almost immediately not fine.
The ambassadors arrive in all their splendor. Fine fabrics and shimmering jewels assure that no one can take their eyes off them as they enter the hall and approach the five thrones. They bow to Peter in the center, to Susan and Lucy on his left, then to you and Edmund on his right. Servants carry golden trunks behind them. They have come to these diplomatic negotiations bearing gifts in the most literal sense.
Though you will all retire to a separate chamber for the actual negotiations, the gift giving is a public affair for the whole court to witness. And because it’s so formal, it’s rather slow.
Strong weapons forged of foreign metals are gifted, followed by clothes of their country’s latest fashions, and small samplings of food for each of you, a different dish for you each to try based on what the ambassadors have heard about you.
Thank goodness you’re a good actress, because the ambassadors seem to think that you really do seem excited to try the food in the bejeweled silver container that they gift to you. In reality, you’re trying your hardest not to grimace at the unfamiliar looking treats inside of it, and trying hard not to become preoccupied wondering if the taste will be as . . . unique as the smell that emits from them.
“And finally, for King Edmund,” one of the ambassadors says with a bow before presenting a silver container to Edmund with a flourish. “I have heard a rumor that you are quite fond of these.”
Thankful for a distraction from the gift in your own hands, you turn your attention to Edmund. Sitting beside him, you are in full view of the show that his siblings are not. You can see the rosy color, the powdered sugar. The Just King’s smile immediately falters. Strong hands clamp the container shut before anyone else has the chance to see what’s inside – Turkish Delight.
For a moment there is nothing but silence, the labored sound of Edmund drawing a breath. It goes on just long enough that his siblings glance at him. Only then does Edmund seem capable of forcing himself to smile, to nod, to thank the ambassador for such a thoughtful gift. If his siblings sense that something might be wrong, they don’t even know the half of it.
Because what has just happened, really? Is this a slight on behalf of the other country’s rulers? Or do they genuinely have no clue the implications of their actions?
As the exchanging of the gifts comes to a close, Edmund coughs into his fist, clears his throat. Does it again. He thumps the flat of his palm against his chest.
Peter turns to him. “Are you alright?”
“I think I just require a bit of fresh air, if you’ll excuse me for a moment,” Edmund replies. He says it far too quickly, and he uses the excuse to dismiss himself from the hall. The silver container that holds the Turkish Delight has been abandoned, left behind on his throne.
It takes everything in you not to race after him, to follow him, to make sure that he’s okay. Instead, you’re stuck helplessly glancing between the doorway that he’s disappeared through and the ambassadors who won’t seem to shut up.
Finally, the niceties end. The other king and queens of Narnia begin to migrate into a separate chamber with the ambassadors to begin the negotiations.
Quickly, quietly, you catch Lucy by the sleeve of her dress and lean in close to her ear. “I’ve got to go find Edmund,” you whisper. “I’m worried about him.”
Lucy’s eyes go wide, but she holds her composure under the watchful eyes of the court and the visiting representatives. “I’ll cover for you,” she whispers back.
As one of the five Narnian monarchs, you don’t technically need anyone’s permission to leave – except maybe Peter’s, since he’s the High King. Still, you’re the only one who’s not a Pevensie sibling, which can sometimes be a little isolating. Knowing that Lucy has your back boosts your confidence as you slip away, heading for the nearest place that you think Edmund might have disappeared to.
A quick search reveals that he’s not in the library. Or the armory, or any of his usual haunts. As a last resort, you duck into his bedroom, and it’s there that you find him, standing before the hearth, staring into the flames. His hand holds the place on his side where the White Witch stabbed him on the battlefield, though the gesture seems absentminded.
“Ed?” You make your voice soft so as not to startle him.
He looks up, eyes wide, surprised anyway – and hurt.
You don’t waste time asking if he’s okay. Instead, you cross the room to meet him in front of the fire. “Oh, Edmund.”
He doesn’t bother lying and saying that he’s fine. That’s how you know it’s bad. When Edmund Pevensie goes quiet, retreats within himself, it means that he’s truly wounded. This is something deep inside of him that aches, that rots.
Not knowing what to do, you take a seat on the rug in front of the hearth. You’re careful not to touch him, trying to offer him the space if he needs it. But he follows your lead and takes a seat, too, which seems like a good sign.
For a while, neither of you speaks. You just sit near each other, staring into the fire. Edmund looks very numb when he finally says, “I didn’t mean to leave like that. I just . . . panicked.”
“No one blames you.”
“Seeing that stupid Turkish Delight – “ He shudders. “I can’t figure out if it was a poor choice given with good intentions, or if it was a slight on my honor, a reminder of what I did.” He frowns. “I suppose to some people I’ll never be Edmund the Just – I’ll only ever be just Edmund, The Traitor.”
“No,” you protest. Space be damned; you grab his hand in yours and squeeze it, like that gesture can also grab his attention, infuse the meaning of what you’re about to say to him so that he cannot ignore it. “Edmund, you’ve changed. You’re not a traitor.”
“People forget that I was there, too,” you remind him. “I tried to follow you to Jadis’ castle.”
“That was different. You were trying to stop me from betraying my family.” His brow furrows at the memory. “So I shoved you into a snowbank and ran off without you. And then you went back to Beaver’s the help the others. (Y/N) the Loyal,” he employs the epithet that Aslan gave you, but you can’t be sure why. Because of what you did then? Because you’re here with him now?
“People can be different. They can change. You’ve changed.” Gently, you use your pointer finger to hook his chin and turn his face towards you, making him look you in the eye. “You’re a good king, Edmund, and an even better man. A good brother. A good boyfriend. Everyone has forgiven you for what you did as a child.”
Edmund shakes his head. “But they haven’t forgotten. And I can’t, either, if I’m being honest.” He doesn’t meet your eye when he confesses, “It haunts me, the memories. Every winter.”
“No. But you can do something else.” You pause to make sure that you have his full attention when you make your suggestion. “You can forgive yourself.”
Edmund blinks. As smart as he is, it seems like the thought has never occurred to him before now.
“It doesn’t have to be now,” you assure him. “It’s not an instantaneous thing. Just . . . something to work on. A project. An ongoing one.”
Silence falls between you again as he turns back to the fire. It takes a few moments before he nods, the light shining off his dark hair and his crown.
“I’ll work on it,” he says, resolved. He turns back to you, and when he speaks again, his voice is so unsure, so timid, that you have the sudden urge to hold onto him with one arm and use your other to draw your sword and fend off anything or anyone in the world who might come near and cause him harm. “Can you help me do it?”
You nod. “Of course.”
“Thank you,” he clears his throat, shakes his head. “I’m going to need more than my own forgiveness for being late to these negotiations.” He makes no move to get up. His gaze wanders across the room, as if seeing it for the first time, before landing on the window and studying the portal to the frozen, white world beyond it.
“You don’t have to go if you don’t feel up to it.” Then, trying to lighten the mood, you bump your shoulder against his. “I’m sure Susan and Lucy ganging up on the ambassadors will give them a run for their money.”
Edmund chuckles, settles back on the rug. “Good, because I honestly don’t think I can look into the eye of a person who tried to give me Turkish Delight without hitting him over the head with my sword.”
Even though you’re in a relationship, it’s maybe the most vulnerable that Edmund has ever been with you. He places his head in your lap and stares into the hearth as you card your hands through his dark locks.
“Spring is coming soon,” he mutters, his voice heavy with the sleep that’s trying to catch up with him. “Maybe then I can start over . . . Would be nice to not have to worry about freaking out over a bad gift and embarrassing myself in front of the whole court.”
“Spring will come again,” you remind him, voice soft in case he’s already dropped off to sleep. “And we will greet it with open arms and grateful hearts.” Then, for good measure, you add a new line to aid you through your latest challenge. “And it will allow us to start over.”
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[flickr :: spalluzza :: Annunciazione - Zilda Napoli]
* * * *
“Awake. Love. Think. Speak. Be walking trees. Be talking beasts. Be divine waters.”
— C.S. Lewis, The Magician’s Nephew (Chronicles of Narnia)
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criesinliess · 1 year
━MARCH 2023; susan's recs
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knock knock. who's there? @klineinie
a taste of normalcy @websterss
the stray from arif's @↑
everything @frogserotonin
marker mayhem @oblivious-idiot
no one else @vi-trying-to-survive
public displays @↑
the language of longing. looks and stolen glances @fleetingvow
at times like these @teaandransacking
out the window @givemea-dam-break
patch you up @↑
you left me @↑
anthony @↑
i know it hurts @warrenposts
love me, forever, always @klineinie
dancing with our hands tied @bloodcanbehot
i wish you would @↑
you talk too much @helloooofandoms
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tiktok trouble @ultralightpoe
do you want me to lie, sir? @simpforrooster
the princess and the hangman @↑
howdy, darlin'; part2 @↑
daddy would say yes @roosterforme
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six months @grimbanes
the king @magpiencrow
bejeweled @honeyfict
i want you to want me; part2 @sophierequests
the one you think about as you lie awake; part2 @↑
young royals @clairecrive
stars in the night @↑
currents @lantsovsupremacist
august @↑
sick & stubborn @fleurspun
healer’s duties @↑
the art of pretension @↑
speak up @prince-septimus
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you're not peter parker; part2 @curseofaphrodite
coffee run @↑
caviar and cigarettes @↑
unrequired; part2 @givemea-dam-break
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getaway car @curseofaphrodite
mortal enemies @↑
collide @curseofaphrodite
drunk nights; part2 @curseofaphrodite
the door @↑
words unsaid @↑
the break-in; part2 @↑
wishes and a gift @↑
of monsters and men @↑
the best man @↑
tricks and charms @↑
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my prince @heliads
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assigned seat @quin-ns
fiending for something, might just be a meaning @idcntlikedarkness
a visceral feeling, that i can never leave behind @↑
throw another stone at a glass house @↑
went out searching for an angel, then you came to me my darling @↑
whipped @mrsstarkey1
said you’re smoking less, and then you ashed it on your chest @idcntlikedarkness
this too shall pass @probably-writing-x
another? @↑
country club @a-aexotic
rafe defending pogue!reader @↑
no for one night stand @↑
i'd choose you over anyone @↑
cuddle buddies; part2 @fantasylandloser
tear-stained cheeks @sunraies
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safe house @quin-ns-moved
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out of love; part2; part3; part4 @probably-writing-x
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the way to his heart; part2 @adore-laur
little by little @↑
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inej-ruination-ghafa · 6 months
snow on the beach - c.x
anti-hero | you're on your own kid | midnights
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summary: the one where you realise that there will be a change in your whole life and you have to leave to behind with someone you don't like
wordcount: 2.1k
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Professor Cornelius was one of Miraz’s most trusted advisors. He had trusted him to raise his nephew, Cassian the tenth after the death of his brother, Caspians father. What Mirza was unaware of that was during Caspians joint lessons with the Professor and one of the ladies of the Telmarine court, that he was being taught all about Narnia history.
Caspian couldn't stand the girl who he worked alongside in his lessons with Professor Cornelius. She was stuck up, arrogant and downright annoying. He didn't care if she was the daughter of Lord Sopespian, he did not enjoy her company.
What he liked least about her was that his uncle was trying to propose for there to be a marriage alliance between the two teenagers. Caspian knew that his uncle needed alliances but there was no way he would ever want to marry you.
You felt the same way. There was no way you would marry someone as naive and ignorant as Caspian. You could see all the other ladies in the court fawning over him and even though you felt a little sick picturing him in love with these other women, you knew they would be better fit for the role; there was no way you could tolerate the Telmarine heir. Your whole life was to be unglued, all thanks to him.
He was insufferable but you would never wish harm on him. As you drifted in and out of sleep, you were unaware of the plot against his life. It was one night that would change your life, the moon high above your heads.
The professor that you shared with Caspian did though. As soon as he heard news of Prunaprismia and the child that she had given birth to earlier in the evening, he raced to Caspians bedchambers.
In the cover of night, he crept into the room and drew back the curtains on his bed to reveal the sleeping prince. He looked so peaceful and Cornelius knew that it was all going to change in a few minutes.
He shook Caspian awake and the young boy stirred for a second before squinting up at him in confusion, “Five more minutes,” he mumbled out, reaching a hand out to push his Professor away.
“We must hurry,” he said and when Caspian heard the urgency in his voice, he sat up and looked at the man he trusted most. He would not be making this up if it wasn’t urgent. “The baby is a son,” His eyes went wide at the realisation of what Cornelius meant, “Come, you must grab the duchess and leave,”
Caspian stood up, wrapping a jacket around himself before he followed Professor Cornelius down the steps. They split off for a second and he rushed into your bedroom.
He’d never seen you so peaceful. You were just lying there asleep, no furrowed brow, no condescending look on your face. He could feel his breath hitch in his throat as he looked at you. You were beautiful.
he shook off that weird feeling in his chest as he reached forward and shook you awake.
You were a light sleeper and when you opened your eyes to see him standing above you, you instantly pulled the covers over yourself.
“What's wrong with you Caspian?” you exclaimed as you reached for the dagger on your bedside table.
He grabbed your wrist, stopping you from brandishing a weapon at him. He looked down at you and he knew that you wouldn't believe him, “Shh, they're coming for me,”
He was right. You didn't believe him, not even for a second. Who was coming for him? You sat up in your bed, looking at him like he was a crazy man.
“You're insane,” you shook your head at him and he gave you that look hee used to give you when you were kids, the one that begged for you to trust him. You were teenagers now, not some starry eyes kids - he had finally gone insane, “Get away,”
Caspian knew that this must have felt like some scene from a book to you and he began to curse Cornelius for not taking this job, “Now that my cousin has been born, my uncle has sent people to kill me,”
That got your attention, “Your uncle is a good leader, he would never-”
You stopped talking when you heard the sounds of yelling outside and a lice that you recognised as General Glozelles voice. He was telling the truth.
Your eyes went wide at the thought and you pushed the blankets off of yourself. His eyes grew wider as well at the sight of you in your nightgown, the slightly sheer fabric flowing off of your body.
“What have you gotten yourself into?” You asked him, turning your head over your shoulder to look at him as you grabbed a bag, stuffing your dagger inside.
“Come with me. If you challenge him he will surely catch you too,” he suggested and you scoffed, slinging your satchel over your shoulder.
“What does it look like I’m doing, of course I’m coming with you,”
Without any hesitation, you followed Caspian down the steps to the stables where your professor was waiting.
He handed you your sword and then Caspian his. You suddenly realised how real this all was and that she was going to have to leave all of this behind for a life that she didn't know.
You hated your father. You hated him more than anyone else in the world and even though he was physically and emotionally abusive to you, his only child, you felt weird at the idea of leaving all you’ve ever known behind.
You took a deep breath before putting the sword into a holster that you strapped round your waist. You pulled a jacket on and looked at Caspian as he sat up on his horse.
He reached a hand out for you and you grasped it tightly, allowing him to pull you up so that you were sitting behind him.
When you saw Professor Cornelius standing there, you realised that he wouldn't be able to come with you. It would look too suspicious.
“You must make for the woods, they won't follow you there,” he said and you both nodded in response.
There was a chill that ran down your spine at the thought. You weren’t superstitious but you knew that there were stories of Narnians who lived in that forest, of trees that came to life and of centaurs and fauns.
The professor dug into his satchel before passing her a conch horn. She looked at it for a second, unsure what this was.
“Do not use this unless at your greatest need,” he stated and though she didn't understand why, she put it into her satchel and nodded her head.
Caspian sat there for a second, silent, “Will I ever see you again?” You had never felt sorry for him until this moment. He sounded like a little boy who was being separated from a parent and your heart broke a little.
“I hope so my prince, I still have so much to tell you both. Be careful. Look after one another,” he said.
Professor Cornelius placed a hand on your shoulder, shooting you both a sad smile before opening the gates
Without any hesitation, Caspian whipped the reins and the two of you started to travel out. You turned around when you got to the gates, a sad expression on your face as you looked at the castle.
This was all you had ever known. You had never travelled outside of the palace walls without a chaperone and now you were starting to wonder if you would ever get to come home.
The ride was bumpy but as you turned around, hands secure on Caspians shoulders, you knew that the two of you would be okay.
You could hear the fireworks and then you turned your head around again, watching the colours explode over the castle as they celebrated the birth of Miraz’s son. It was ironic that the happiest day of his life would be the worst of yours.
What was more important was that you could see the soldiers on their horses chasing after you and Caspian.
”They’re coming, and quickly,” you exclaimed.
You could feel a slight tug of hesitation in Caspian when you reached the border of the forests but he sped through the woods.
There was a chill that ran down your spine as you entered the woods. Everyone claimed they were haunted by the ghosts of the Narnians and even though your professor would always guarantee there was nothing dangerous about it, you couldn't help but feel fear of the Telmarine folk tales.
They crossed a river and you could feel the water resistance, “Hold on,” Caspian said as you reached a particularly deep section of the crossing.
Begrudgingly, you reached an arm around Caspians waist and held on tight, the side of your face pressed into his back.
There was an intimacy about the whole thing and you could feel a weird emotion in the pit of your stomach as you held onto him close. He would be lying if he didnt feel the same thing as you wrapped your arms around him.
Even when you crossed the river, you didn't let go of him and neither of you mentioned it. Him wanting you felt impossible, like some sort of dream. This can’t be the real thing. Can it?
“Are you okay?” He asked after a second, turning back to check on you. The question vanished from your head as you looked at him. There was no sound, only him.
You looked up at him, your heart pounding in your chest. Before you could answer him, the horse ran into a branch and you watched as he was knocked off of the horse.
Within a second, he was knocked off, his foot caught in the stirrups. You leaned down, trying to untangle him from the straps but as you did so, you fell off, hitting your head on a boulder.
Caspian watched as the horse sped off without either of you and when he turned to see you lying there in the middle of the clearing, he felt his heart speed up.
Although he hated you, he never imagined a life without you in it to annoy him. He instantly crawled over despite the pain in his head from having been dragged along the forest floor and he knelt by your side.
He could hear the Telmarine soldiers getting nearer and he knew that he had to make a decision. Run away and leave you there or stay and fight for you both.
He couldn't leave you.
“Wake up, wake up,” he muttered to himself as he tried to shake you awake.
He reached one hand out to grab his sword but it was too far. Before he could get up and grab it to make his final stand, he looked up to see two dwarves emerging from a hut.
He looked at them with wide eyes and instantly pushed you behind him. He wasn't going to let these creatures get you both.
One of the dwarves ran right past him and into the fight. He was confused as to why this dwarf would be so willing to fight against the Telmarines but did not question it.
When Caspian saw the other dwarf heading towards him, he knew what he had to do. He grabbed the conch from your satchel and blew it. The entire woods shook at the sound and he wondered what strange powers this conch had.
He looked down at you, a hand on your face as he realised that this dwarf would probably kill you both at the first chance. As he looked at you, he realised all of his feelings. They bubbled up in his chest and he realised that he wasn't going to be able to leave you.
Caspian reached over for his sword but before he could, the dwarf hit him over the head, knocking him unconscious.
The badger emerged from the hut and looked at the two of you lying there, Caspians hand still on your cheek, your faces turned to look at one another. He knew then that he couldn't let either of you die and that there was something special about the two Telmarine teenagers.
“Help me get them Nikabrik, we must help them,” he said and begrudgingly the dwarf helped to drag the two of you inside.
Little did they know what they had gotten themselves involved in
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luxthestrange · 1 year
WTDSIK Incorrect Quotes#41 Morning madness
*at 5am*
Narnia*Going unto Kalego’s room and turns on the light* Wake up sleepyhead
Kalego*waking up groggy, messy bed hair with closed eyes* Brother?
Narnia*Smiles and chuckles*
Y/n*sits up from where they were sleeping behind Kalego* What the fuck, Narnia?
Narnia*jaw drops* Wait WHAT-
Balam*In passing past narnia is also sleep deprived like you two, holding a very awake Baby Iruma who is being fed with a bottle* Mornin'~
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388 notes · View notes
If you ever forget that you love me (Caspian x reader)
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To read my other works, check my MASTERLIST !
Paring: Prince Caspian x fem!reader
Universe: The Chronicles of Narnia
Word Count: 861
Requested: Yes, by @i-amtitania
Warnings: I think none? If I forgot about anything feel free to write to me. Your well-being is important to me!
Summary: Where Caspian reads letters from her.
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Caspian woke up feeling warm sun rays on his skin and hearing the birds singing. It took him a few moments to realise that he was no longer on the sea, he was home, and his betrothed was just a few rooms down the hall. A smile came onto his face, and a warm feeling blossomed in his chest at the thought that he would see you today without the need to dream about it anymore. He sat up, stretching his muscles, when his eyes fell on the pile of paper on his nightstand. He reached for it, noticing a ribbon wrapped around it and his name written by you on top of it. He touched it carefully and leaned against the headboard. He took the first one and unfolded it, holding it like the most sacred thing in the whole world. His smile grew wider when he noticed the date on the bottom of the sheet - the day his journey started. He read attentively every word you wrote, and everyone went directly to his heart. He loved how you described your days and even wrote about small gossip around the court. He was grateful for the possibility of catching up with everything that way. He was sure that you made some situations more light and fun than they would be. What shocked him the most was how easily he could notice your emotions through those letters. Even if you didn’t name it, he could say that in better days, you wrote more jokingly, with more anecdotes and jumping between different topics. On bad days they were more thoughtful and shorter. On these days, you clearly express your worries and how you miss him. It made him want to run to you and hug you tightly, but the knowledge that Trumpkin, Doctor Cornelius and Glenstorm were there for you and took care of you. 
In one of the latest letters, written just after the wedding of one of your friends, he found a part that made him blush, and he needed to read it twice to believe that it was there.
My love, I can’t stop thinking about you and our wedding. I want it to be perfect for us - for this celebration to be cherished by us similarly. But what kept me awake tonight was the thought about everything after it. About how it will be to wake up next to you, to be able to keep you close at night. How our life will look in the cosiness of our bedroom because I must say I really hope that we will choose to have a shared bedchamber. I dreamed about your lips on mine, your hands on my body, being able to learn your body and being the reason you will achieve pleasure…
Caspian made himself read the last letter before he rushed to get dressed. He still felt heat on his cheeks. His mind wholly was consummated by you. He couldn’t stop thinking about everything waiting for both of you after you’d exchanged your vows. He looked through the window and smiled, seeing you walking through the yard. He quickly walked out of his room and started searching for you. Luck was on his side when he spotted you in the corridor he just ran in. He screamed your name at what you smiled, and he started running to you. In mere seconds Caspian took you in his arms and immediately kissed you. You gasped in surprise but quickly relaxed in his arms. Your hand slowly reached his nape, and you melted against him. After a moment, they departed breathless, and Caspian rested his forehead against yours. He watched your flashed face and smiled, seeing your closed eyes. 
“Caspian..” She whispered. “Not that I am complaining, but what was that for?” You looked up at him, resting your palm on his chest. 
“I just love you.” He peaked her lips and smiled. “I think that lilies will be perfect for our wedding. The book you were reading indeed is so boring - I tried to read it last year, but it didn’t work out. I will take you to the Lone Islands and wherever you will want to go, and I will gladly show you the most beautiful places there, even if none of it can compare to your beauty. And I also want us to have one bedchamber because I think that when I finally will have a taste of you - I won’t be able to stay away even for a few hours.” 
“You read my letters.” You moved your hand to gently cup his cheek. Caspian kissed your wrist, squeezing your waist gently. 
“Each of them.” She smiled and brought him into another kiss. Caspian pulled you closer to him, making her laugh into his lips. This one kiss wasn’t a heated make-out - it was a clumsy kiss intermittently by giggles and declarations of love. And then, when the Duchess came into the corridor and cleared her throat, both blushed, trying to stop their giggles. She only shook her head with a smile, mumbling about young love, happy for people that she treated like her own children. 
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Author’s note: Thank you so much for reading! If it’s not too much trouble, I would love to hear your thoughts about it. Any feedback is greatly appreciated and motivates me to work.
I am sorry about every grammar mistake and misspelling. English is not my first language.
Klaudia  💜
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celestiamour · 3 months
‧₊˚✧ ❛[ where were you, before we met? ]❜
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ft. mr tumnus x f! reader — the chronicles of narnia
╰₊✧ tumnus encounters an unconscious stranger in the snow, a flower nymph┊1.7k words
setting: the age of winter (the lion, the witch, & the wardrobe) contains: love at first sight for tumnus, talks of species extinction, flowers are the reader’s choice, probably inaccurate lore, mentions/implications of death (?), rushed ending
➤ author's note: why are there so few tumnus fics when he’s so cute?
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the faun wasn’t quite sure what to make of it, finding a young woman lying asleep in the freezing with nothing but a thin, tattered coat and surrounding snow to protect you. white flakes stuck to your hair and eyelashes, completely unmoving and making him fear that he came across a corpse while exploring the woods too deeply. he had to examine you more closely to check if you were still alive and jumped back when he found that you were indeed still breathing, feverish to the touch even instead of being as cold as stone. he certainly couldn’t just leave you here to die when you were clearly not built to endure the cold like he was, so he was quick to drop everything he was doing to carry you in his arms and bring you back to his humble abode.
he almost assumed that you were another daughter of eve at first glance, but now that he was looking more closely, he could see that you weren’t. besides, the chances of meeting another human just like the day before were even lower than impossible than meeting miss lucy pevensie before. you had pointed, leaf-like ears and barely noticeable green vine patterns swirling all over your skin. there was something enchanting about you that he couldn’t quite explain, an ancient and whimsical charm that sparkled in you with the beauty of a siren. despite not knowing your name, voice, or even eye color, he felt a strange connection to you as if he once met you in a dream. he didn’t understand why he felt this way, why his heart was beating do quickly for a stranger he was saving, but perhaps it was fated for the two of you to cross paths.
he was concerned about the fact that you didn’t come to at all while he was transporting you, not even so much as a twitch of the nose. he half-expected you to start squirming or maybe even attack him out of panic, but you were as still as sleeping beauty until he set you down in his armchair and started the fire before tossing a woolen blanket over you. he watched you anxiously while making something hot to drink, not sure how you would react to waking up in a strange place with a strange narnian.
the heat of the flames melted away the rigidness of your body and the remnants of snow that clung to you, returning the sensitivity of your nerves and allowing you to feel the softness of the fabrics you were enveloped in. you stirred in place before finally opening your eyes, looking confused on how you woke up in someone’s home when you collapsed in the forest. movement in the far corner caught your attention, slowly turning your head to find a handsome, shy-looking faun bringing you a cup of tea with a few cookies on the same tray.
“oh, you’re awake! here, have some tea, you’ll need your strength,” he hastily placed everything on the table next to you and went to tend to the fire, almost as if he was scared to speak to you face-to-face. “i’m sorry for dragging you all this way, you seemed awfully cold in this weather— well, it’s been this weather since forever and you actually seemed awfully lifeless— my name is tumnus, by the way,” he promptly smacked his face, realizing that he had started rambling and said something inappropriate for the situation by saying you looked ‘lifeless’. why does he always lose composure so easily?
you opened your mouth to thank him for saving you, but you were unable to speak, your voice being hoarse and your throat drier than a dessert. embarrassed, you simply picked up the cup and drank the entire thing without sparing a single drop, the piping hot liquid providing a soothing remedy for all of your ailments and the floral aroma healing you. all the tension in your body was released and any previous anxieties you might have had about the faun vanished, quickly replaced with gratitude to him for saving your life. besides, such an adorably kind fellow who lives in such a quaint space and gives such wonderful handmade treats couldn’t possibly have bad intentions or have done anything punishable by the law like treason!
with renewed vitality, the dull green marking your skin began to glow a viridescent emerald and flowers began to bloom, entangling with your locks as well as sprouting in small groups all over the ground of the hallowed cave. tumnus could only look in amazement, both at how beautiful you were and at the sudden appearance of plants in his home. he carefully touched the delicate petals of the new growth and felt a strong sense of nostalgia, remembering a memory that he thought was long lost of his father wrestling in the grass with him in a grassy field littered with the same blossoms that were currently flourishing. it brought so much color to the place and it felt so nice to have more living things in his place, but he paused and looked up at you in wonder, “i thought… i thought all of the flower nymphs died out a year after the age of winter started.”
“i don’t know how either, i simply woke up from a deep sleep and started running until i passed out from exhaustion when i realized that there wasn’t anyone around for miles,” you explained, moving the blanket off of you now that you were at a much more comfortable temperature. “it was like i was hibernating until i woke up in an empty cave, but the last thing i remember was…” your eyes suddenly flashed with fear, “that woman… jadis… is she the reason it’s still snowing when it should be spring right now? i… sort of recall…”
“well. she’s actually known as the ‘white witch’ now,” he scoffed, unsure of when he grew the balls to talk poorly of her when just the thought of her terrified him, “and depending on who you ask, she’s the queen of narnia… for the past hundred years…”
“a hundred years… i’ve been asleep for a hundred years?” you gasped and stood up so quickly that you felt lightheaded, nearly falling over in the process and making the faun run over to catch you before settling you back into the chair. “i need to go! i need to look for my family and friends!”
“but you don’t even know if they are still alive! as far as everyone else knows— as far as i knew until a few minutes ago, flower nymphs have been extinct! the tree nymphs have picked their sides in the war while water nymphs have been frozen under the ice! besides, i shudder to think of what she’ll do if she finds you when rumors have it that she kills anyone or anything that reminds her of other seasons when they’ve been banned.”
the mere concept of an entire season being banned used to be laughable as all four seasons were harmonized and perfectly balanced, but now it was a very real nightmare in naria now that there is a new ruler… or at least she’s new to you. you began to tear up at the thought that everyone you once knew could be dead unless a miracle had occurred like it did with you, a miracle that you couldn’t even explain since you knew nothing about it. all of the creatures that live under the water could survive the winter season as they always have, but that was only for a handful of months… could any of them withstand an entire century or were their corpses simply frozen in time under the sheets of ice?
he placed his hand over yours, calming your racing thoughts and recapturing your attention. something about him was so warm and comforting, immediately putting you at ease when you looked into his eyes that told you that everything would be fine. you took a deep breath and just savored the feeling of being safe, unsure why someone you’ve known for not even a fraction of the day made you feel secure, but it was completely welcome in this time of stress and turmoil.
“look, things are going to change soon,” he hasn’t told this to anyone yet, and he really shouldn’t be spilling at all, but he trusted you and was within the walls of his own home. “yesterday, i befriended a daughter of eve— a human named lucy pevensie,” he continued whispering as your eyes widened at the information. “she and her family may be the ones from the prophecy, the ones who will end the reign of the white witch and bring spring back to narina— but you mustn’t tell a soul.”
he made you pinky swear on it before you giggled, “i don’t have a soul to tell it to! i don’t even have a place to stay for the night!”
“you can stay with me! i-it’s not much, but it would be great to have company!” he blushed when he realized what he was offering you, but he doesn’t think he would have proposed this to anyone else. he barely knows a thing about you, but it didn’t really matter to him since it felt so natural. “o-only if you want to… of course…”
“that would be lovely,” you beamed a smile before it exploded into full-blown laughter that was so contagious that he laughed along with you. “prehaps i can even meet this ‘lucy pevensie’ soon!”
“oh, i know she would absolutely adore you!”
his cold, dark residence illuminated by nothing but the fireplace and candles suddenly seemed so bright, and you made him feel so much warmer than he has ever felt in a hundred years— he didn’t think it was possible yesterday, yet he had been proven wrong. he didn’t know if he was even allowed to feel such happiness when he once considered handing a young girl over to the secret police, but it wasn’t something that he was thinking about right now. all he was thinking about was how wonderful the past two days have been.
if only this warmth could have lasted forever… he could only hope that the young humans will keep you safe while he’s rotting in prison and that the two of you will be reunited soon…
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rainintheevening · 2 months
word: hope. fandom: narnia ☺️
He rolled over in the dark, reaching without thinking, finding cool hands that squeezed his fingers, a wrist that settled obligingly under his hot thumb, a steady beat of blood through veins under skin.
"Do you think he'll make it?"
"While I breathe, I hope," Peter said softly, "and Oreius still breathes."
Edmund was silent, but he did not let go of Peter's hand as he fell slowly to sleep, leaving Peter to lie awake, listening, aching, praying.
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