#caspian ix
rainintheevening · 18 days
fandom: narnia
word: refrain
Of all the songs sung at the coronation of King Caspian the Ninth, his favourite refrain was the simplest and smallest.
"Look, King Papa, look at my new clothes!"
"That crown looks heavy, King Papa."
"King Papa, lift me up there too!"
"King Papa," little Caspian kept saying, every time he saw his father, tugging away from his nursemaid, and running to his father's arms, not caring for the watching crowds, or stiff courtiers, knowing only that his Papa was now king, and he was very proud of him.
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queenlucythevaliant · 4 months
clean your sword
i. Peter had thought many times about dying for his brother, killing for his sisters, as all oldest children do.
ii. He'd imagined it a hundred times: how if his mother and father were ever killed, he'd get some low-skill job and make sure Lucy's clothes still fit her as she grew. How he'd make fists and fight dirty if Susan was ever threatened. What he'd do if Edmund ever had to flee the country on a dark, windswept night.
iii. Yet when he heard Susan's horn that day, he still froze. Only for an instant, he thought, "this can't be my job, right?"
iv. The blood on his sword shone red when it was all over. When he wiped it on the grass, the stain it left was almost black.
v. They'd put Susan in his arms when he was two years old. Peter didn't remember it, but he knew he'd been waiting for her till then. He wasn't a real person until he was a brother.
vi. And when they walked back to the pavilion, Rhindon bumping Peter's hip, all he could say to his sisters was, "I'm sorry I didn't come faster."
vii. The High King was almost obsessive in the way he cared for Rhindon. When he grew older and required weapons larger than those made for a child, he obsessed over them too.
viii. He told the others, in no uncertain terms, that if it ever came to it in battle, they were to leave him and live. As their brother and high king, he commanded it.
ix. The first time Edmund risked himself for Peter's sake, Peter didn't speak to him for a week.
x. He was oiling his sword when Edmund found him. "See, the thing is, Peter, being brothers goes both ways. If you can love me enough to die for me, than I get to love you just the same."
xi. Peter agreed with him then, to avoid the argument. He was sick of not talking to his brother. Yet privately, he knew that Edmund was wrong. That sacrifice was Peter's special prerogative, as the first-born.
xii. Back in England, his mother noticed that Peter had become more fastidious. She didn't notice that his protective streak has grown - and maybe it hadn't, really.
xiii. It was uncanny, how Peter would always show up just when his siblings needed him. He'd round a corner, and there was Lucy stamping her feet and scowling at a bully. There was Susan, crying, and now his knuckles were bloody.
xiv. He cleaned the blood off in the sink so carefully. The water ran red for a second, and it almost seemed black.
xv. When Caspian asked for the High King's advice, looking so very young, Peter jerked his chin towards the sword a Caspian's hip. "Be ready to use that," he said. "Keep it clean, and close."
xvi. Susan forgot Narnia and she forgot Aslan. Yet selfishly, Peter still hoped that she would never forget how quickly he came when she called.
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pupsmailbox · 7 months
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NAMES ⌇ abir. agnes. ahriman. avira. axar. banshee. bella. blanc. blanche. blanchette. bliss. bones. boo. booelle. booette. boolita. buffy. caden. carrie. casper. caspian. cassie. cheery. claw. cynthia. damien. deathilia. deathphia. desdemona. drauaga. dusk. eidolon. eisa. emmett. esme. espi. esprit. espíritu. eulalia. evelina. evie. exo. exor. expiry. fantasma. fantôme. felis. frightenne. frispirit. geist. ghoest. ghost. ghostelle. ghostette. ghostie. ghostisma. ghosty. ghostyre. ghoul. ghoulesse. ghoulette. ghoulie. ghouline. ghoulita. ghoulity. ginny. grave. grim. grimric. hantu. haunt. hauntelle. haunterly. hauntide. hauntie. hauntoille. haunty. hellgeist. huntesse. huntette. huntus. idony. imp. ivy. jan. klara. knyftes. kotori. lili. lilith. lillith. lorena. lucille. lumia. luna. mary. merry. mon. mona. morrigan. mortimer. nyx. ophelia. ouija. oul. penny. phan. phantom. polter. poltergeist. priscilla. ramona. rascal. reaper. roho. ruin. ruth. ruyu. sable. salem. shen. shy. shyette. shyine. soul. soulesse. soulette. souline. soulphi. specter. spectra. spectral. spectre. spir. spirit. spirited. spite. spook. timid. timida. timido. tomb. trix. twilight. twyla. veil. weep. winona. wisp. wraith. wrath. wynnie. yurei.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ agony/agony. avoid/avoid. bone/bone. boo/boo. breeze/breeze. che/cheer. cleanse/cleanse. coffin/coffin. cold/cold. creep/creep. dea/death. dead/dead. dead/death. death/death. dis/embodied. dread/dread. eerie/eerie. entity/entity. ex/expire. fear/fear. fester/fester. flo/float. float/float. fog/fog. freeze/freeze. fri/fright. fright/fright. frolic/frolic. geist/geist. ghast/ghastly. gho/ghost. ghost/ghost. ghoul/ghoul. glee/glee. gra/grave. grae/grave. grave/grave. grave/graveyard. grave/yard. graveyard/graveyard. haunt/haunt. horror/horror. hun/hunt. hx/hxm. hy/hym. ir/ir. ix/ix. joy/joy. kill/kill. kni/knife. light/light. linger/linger. lone/lone. lost/lost. lurk/lurk. mer/merry. mist/mist. murmur/murmur. phan/phantom. psych/psyche. roam/roam. salt/salt. scare/scare. shadow/shadow. shx/hxr. shy/hyr. shy/shy. slash/slash. smoke/smoke. smol/smol. sorry/storie. soul/soul. spec/specter. spec/spectre. spi/spirit. spir/spirit. spire/spire. spirit/spirit. splint/splint. spook/spook. spooky/spooky. sun/sun. thxy/thxm. ti/timid. timid/timid. tomb/stone. tomb/tomb. tomb/tombstone. undead/undead. unknow/unknowing. unknow/unknown. unknown/unknowing. unknown/unknown. veil/veil. victim/victim. wander/wander. wander/wanderer. whi/whisp. whisp/whisp. whisp/whisper. whisper/whisper. wraith/wraith. ⚰️ . ⚱️ . 👻 . 🤍 .
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dimsilver · 2 years
reading through Prince Caspian again and I just realized how funny the whole part is where Peter is dictating the challenge letter to Miraz - I mean, Caspian likely has no idea that Trumpkin told Peter his whole life story already, and Peter is just dictating this letter that says “Miraz, you’re a usurper and you killed his dad my friend and fellow king Caspian IX” and Caspian has to be going ??? are these ancient kings omniscient???
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kemendin · 1 year
Update - Chapters VIII-IX
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Return // Rebirth
Jedi Knight Caspian Serapis is at last reunited with his missing crewmates, Kira Carsen and Lord Scourge, when the two make an unexpected appearance on Corellia to rescue him from the wreckage of the Meridian Complex. As Cas recovers and reconnects with his companions in the quiet aftermath of the battle, it isn’t just his own long-lost yearnings that are pushed to light. Now, after so many years apart, both Cas and Scourge must decide - does the path ahead lie again in their curious bond as allies, or as something more?
MAIN POST | Read from the beginning
Read on AO3 (short excerpt below cut)
“Since returning to the galaxy at large, I have heard much about what you’ve done on your own. Your battles with the Eternal Empire, and this Alliance you built to oppose it… such things are no small feat.” Scourge clears his throat, then goes on, “I… am proud of you, Caspian. Destroying the Emperor for good, claiming his throne - you have accomplished even more than I’d hoped for.”
Another startled breath leaves Caspian as he sees a shadow of a smile cross Scourge’s lips. Not the sharp, sardonic pretence he remembers, turning the Sith’s expression almost predatory; but a true smile, one that transforms his face in a way Cas has never seen, except in the haunted yearnings of his heart.
Dazed, he stares up at Scourge. “Yeah, look at that,” he says faintly. “I finally got on that throne, just like you always wanted. Sorry I couldn’t stay there, though….”
But his head is spinning. This is not the Scourge he remembers, this oddly hesitant Sith who is standing there, complimenting him openly, speaking of things like sentiment and belonging. And he needs to understand why.
So Cas swallows, and carefully, cautiously, he does something he’d long ago trained himself not to do, simply because of the sheer, nauseating discomfort it always caused in him; he stretches out his senses, and touches the strange void that is Scourge’s presence in the Force.
But he cannot find it.
Instead he finds a wall, the same heavy shroud he had sensed on Mek-Sha. Only this time, there are cracks in it, cracks that splinter further even as he brushes at them, and from them he can feel a veritable blaze of emotion bleeding out into the Force.
Cas inhales sharply, unbalanced by the intensity of even these half-contained emotions. Without thought he grabs for Scourge’s hand, clutching it between his own, feeling again the unfamiliar warmth emanating from the Sith’s skin; and now he looks up at Scourge with confused wonder once more widening his gaze.
“What’s happened?” he asks again, his heart suddenly pounding in his chest, his brain dizzy with disbelief. “I can - feel you?”
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mask131 · 2 years
Cold winter: Prince Caspian
Category: Fantasy literature / The Chronicles of Narnia
After covering the White Witch, I had to talk about another of the important recurring titular characters of C. S. Lewis’s Narnia world: Prince Caspian.
Prince Caspian is the titular character (but not really the protagonist?) of the second book of the Chronicles of Narnia, “Prince Caspian”. Prince Caspian was born in the royal family of Narnia, roughly 1300 years after the end of the first book (in Narnia’s timeline, on Earth only one year passed) – however this Narnia is… quite wrong. Indeed the Narnia Caspian grows in is a Narnia without any kind of nature spirit, supernatural being or talking animals – they are treated as old legends, folktales and superstitious, and the actual ruling king of Narnia, Miraz, hates those “tales” so much he forbids them to ever be spoken in his castle – even casting away Caspian’s nurse when she dares tell him stories about a “mythical Narnia with talking beasts”. However despite Miraz’s hatred of these follies and fairytales, Caspian grew up loving and adoring them, dreaming to be in the magical Narnia he had heard about. Another thing very wrong with this Narnia, but that is only known to the reader, is the very fact that Narnia is now inhabited and ruled by humans. The protagonists of the first book, four human children, were the first humans in Narnia for a VERY long time, and never left any descendants, so to have a Narnia suddenly only inhabited by humans is very problematic.
All is revealed when a teenage Caspian is revealed by his tutor, Doctor Cornelius, that in truth all of the so-called “legends” are real, and just memories of Narnia a thousand years ago. The giants, dwarfs, fauns and talking animals still live in Narnia – but in lesser numbers than before, hiding from humans in small secretive communities. Doctor Cornelius himself turns out to be half-human half-dwarf. As it turns out, the humans that live in Narnia today, the Telmarines, were once greedy and corrupt pirates from our world, who found a portal to Narnia and invaded the country, battling and persecuting its magical inhabitants until they took full domination of the country. They don’t even rule from the thrones of Cair Paravel, intended for the rightful inheritors of Narnia – instead building their own castle far away from it and letting Cair Paravel fall into ruin. Prince Caspian is introduced to and becomes an ally of the small surviving community of supernatural beings and their rebellious faction who plans to overthrow Miraz and restore the native inhabitants of Narnia into power.
Why, you might ask? Of course, not just because Caspian is an absolute fan of magic and the supernatural and always dreamt of a Narnia of fairies, fauns and centaurs. Prince Caspian is a fundamentally good person and heroic figure – charming with his golden hair and fair skin (typical Telmarine traits), brave in the face of danger, all-loving and always seeking justice, kind and with good intentions, he truly understands the suffering of Narnia’s inhabitants and the wrong that was done to them by stealing their land, he seeks to make things right… But he is also more prone to break off with his old life when Miraz seeks to kill him. You see, Caspian isn’t Miraz son, but rather his nephew and the son of the previous king before Miraz, Caspian IX, Miraz’s own brother. But Miraz is a corrupt, greedy, heartless man who only was kind to Caspian because he had no heir of his own and tried to mold him as his son. The minute Miraz obtains his own son, he quickly starts regarding Caspian as a threat who could rob his own heir of the throne – and when Doctor Cornelius reveals that Miraz killed his own brother, Caspian’s father, to get the throne, Caspian and his tutor promptly flee from the castle to avoid Miraz’s murderous ambition. As such, Caspian lives in the woods and the wild of Narnia, leading the rebellious Narnia natives… until the actual protagonists of the book, the four children of the first book returning to Narnia, arrive. Which leads to one epic battle between the heroes of Narnia and Miraz’s forces, as the magic of the land slowly returns, leading to trees waking up, nature gods walking around, and Aslan himself making his roar heard…
Prince Caspian’s second appearance is in the third of the Narnia books, “The Voyage of the Dawn Treader”, but now as the new legitimate ruler of Narnia, Caspian X, Lord of Cair Paravel and Emperor of the Lone Islands. And this novel explores another aspect of his personality that will give him several additional titles, such as Caspian the Seafarer and Caspian the Navigator. Three years after the events of the second book, now a young man, king Caspian sets on a perilous journey on the sea, the titular “Voyage of the Dawn Treader”. For you see, in the second book we learned that Miraz got rid of the seven lords that stayed true and faithful to Caspian’s own father, by sending them on a dangerous journey through the Lone Islands (a set of islands spreading off from the coast of Narnia), all the way to the “end of the world”. The seven lords were never seen again and king Caspian decided to seek them back, see if they were still alive or dead, and if they were still alive restore them as noblemen of Narnia. On his way to the Lone Islands, he will rescue from the sea some of the protagonists from the previous novels (more kids coming from our world into Narnia), and together they will have lots of adventures as they seek the “lost lords of Narnia”. This journey will prove very eventful in many ways, from Caspian dismantling a slavery market and bureaucratic corruption in some of the Lone Islands, to him actually finding the love of his life in the person of the daughter of Ramandu, a wizard from the last island before the end of the world (and a star that left the heavens to live on Earth. Yes, Narnia wizards are stars, I’ll maybe explain that if I pick back up “Magical Summer”).
The last and final appearance of King Caspian is in the fourth Narnia novel, “The Silver Chair”, taking place fifty years after “The Voyage of the Dawn Treader”. Now Caspian is an old man, who has a son named Rilian – unfortunately, a vicious snake bit his wife and killed her with its venom, and as Rilian went on a journey to find back the large beast and kill it, he in turn disappeared. Caspian searched everywhere for his missing son, to no avail, and when the protagonists of the novel arrive to Narnia, they find Caspian preparing a sea-voyage. Officially, he tells everyone that he just grew nostalgic and wishes to revisit the places of his past by recreating his odyssey of the previous book – but many people think and believe that in truth he seeks to go beyond the end of the world, to seek Aslan in his “country” (a strange, heavenly place beyond the end of the world) to have his son returned to him. It is rather the protagonists of the novel who will undergo a quest to rescue the lost Rilian (who as it turns out is a prisoner of another witch akin to the White Witch, the Lady of the Green Kirtle). Rilian returns just in time in Narnia to see his father dying of broken heart and old age, and as the two embrace a final time Caspian dies and Rilian becomes the next Narnian ruler.
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Actually, Caspian appears a fourth and final time in the “Chronicles of Narnia”, in the final book, “The Last Battle” – as a part of the story takes place in Aslan’s Country, the Narnian equivalent of heaven, and there Caspian can be found, since he went there after his death, with the youth of his first glorious adventures restored.
As with how The White Witch took inspiration from numerous literary and mythical figures, Prince Caspian (then King) is also an amalgam of various legends. He is a bit of king Arthur, and he is a bit of Robin Hood during his youth, and his sea voyage through magical islands makes him the equal of Odysseus as much as of Saint Brendan… Interestingly, the second book of the Narnia chronicles, "Prince Caspian", actually plays a deliberate parallel with the first book - as in, the story of Miraz's rule and his downfall being a reflection of the White Witch's rule. Miraz's rule isn't an endless winter without Christmas, but it is an oppression that robs the land of all its magic while forbidding any kind of "tales" about the Old Narnia to be spoken - an oppression and persecution that works so well that many of the talking animals are reduced to "non-sentient beasts" and the very trees of Narnia, normally "alive", all fall asleep and become just wood. Both rules rely on a lie (the Witch's that she is the rightful ruler of Narnia, Miraz that humans are the rightful inheritors of Narnia and its only true habitants) ; and both rules start to decline in parallel to a series of signs showing that Narnia finds back its life and that the true, rightful magic comes back. For the White Witch, it was the melting of her snow coupled with the arrival of Father Christmas in Narnia ; for Miraz, it was the return of powerful nature spirits/small Narnia gods, such as Bacchus and the "river god of Beruna". And of course, no need to point out the obvious: both rules' demise were also heralded by the return of Aslan to Narnia, even though in Miraz case Aslan stayed mostly in the background as a motivational and inspirational force, unlike with the White Witch were Aslan had to take the matters into his own hands - well, paws.
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Showers do not perpetually pour down upon the rough fields, nor do varying hurricanes forever harass the Caspian Sea; nor, my friend Valgius, does the motionless ice remain fixed throughout all the months, in the regions of Armenia; nor do the Garganian oaks [always] labor under the northerly winds, nor are the ash-trees widowed of their leaves. But thou art continually pursuing Mystes, who is…
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thedawntreaders · 2 years
pc movie miraz is adept at handling his heir. can i have a headcanon as to why he's so confident with babies pls
when miraz picks up his son from the cradle, he's reminded of a newborn he once held, many years ago.
it nearly cost him everything.
you see, miraz was someone who took the matter of becoming king very seriously, and he knew he was going to be in it for the long haul. he was observant to the king's mannerisms and habits. he noted down the schedules he had, the people he would be around that could make for potential spies. for several months, miraz worked on his scheme; he made sure to adjust his arrangements and organize safety nets to combat just about any possible outcome.
but his calculations never included a nephew.
"miraz! would you like to hold him?" his sister-in-law asks, interrupting his thoughts. he jolts before smiling and raising his hands in surrender.
"i couldn't. i don't know how."
he felt guilty enough for plotting the death of someone's husband. now someone's father?
"i'll show you," she smiles gently, reaching out and pulling him forward. the bundle in her other arm squirms. miraz looks to his older brother for permission (a bad habit), and his heart twists ugly at the pride painted on the father's face. i'm losing time.
miraz sets aside the anger, however, for the sake of the mother and child, and follows his directions dutifully once the king nods back in approval.
a grave, grave mistake. miraz, with the help of the queen's supportive affirmations, finally gathers the courage to pick up prince caspian. he wishes he had the same amount of courage to drop him. instead, his heart disarms his mind from the intrusive thought and succumbs to the heir's divine innocence at a speed that leaves him largely ashamed. he doesn't realize what he's doing with the coo that falls from his lips or the finger that raises itself to wiggle in front of the child prince until he hears his brother and sister-in-law fail to stifle their laughter. in that moment, miraz realizes he could do the most foolish things for this child's happiness.
but what about his own that was so painfully denied for all these years? the question sobers him.
well, miraz was merciful in the ways he knew best. after consulting with professor cornelius (under the guise of intellectual banter) regarding when one's memory begins, he gave his brother and sister-in-law a generous one year with the baby. many telmarines and narnians alike would hardly call it that, but no one understands the agony of overlooking every perfect chance to kill the king the way miraz does. he places their happiness over his as he's done before, and bides his time.
it's the best he could do, he reminded himself, when the servant tried to shake the king awake one morning, the king who, with closed eyes, still held his baby close to him. it's the best he could do, he reminded himself, when he paid the royal apothecary to lie on the autopsy and not mention the poison found on the king's lips. it's the best he could do, he reminded himself, when the queen drove herself mad with grief and disappeared into the woods after the funeral, leaving the castle with only a prince and his uncle as the last markers of royalty.
the plan would have gone a lot better had there been no child involved, miraz acknowledges, but overall it was executed perfectly given the circumstances. the king is gone and his wife has relinquished her claim on the throne, just like that. so why does he feel no satisfaction? he's closer to his goal than ever before.
... ah. that's it, isn't it? he hasn't reached his goal yet.
the child remains.
prunaprismia sings caspian to sleep on the night miraz calls the last search party off. we've looked everywhere. she's gone, sir. with tired eyes, miraz returns to the castle and walks in on her cradling caspian. their eyes meet. he hangs his head solemnly. she looks at him for a moment before turning away. she continues to sing, albeit shakily now.
she's always wanted a child of her own, miraz muses. he does too. wouldn't it be wonderful, if they had a strong and brilliant son who could inherit the kingdom from him? and for a moment, with success a few steps away, he considers taking the current prince from his wife and putting him to sleep the same way as his father, silently and painlessly. he's right there. no one would know.
lightning blinds miraz through the clear window and a roar of thunder startles him. caspian awakes, and his cries ring loud through the castle.
something changes then and there.
miraz doesn't kill him that night nor any of the following nights. slowly years begin to pass by and caspian grows. they go on walks in the garden together. professor cornelius becomes his tutor. prunaprismia teaches him how to braid flower crowns. caspian the tenth is alive for a reason miraz can't quite place.
that's a lie. he knows. he knows the reason why, just can't come face to face with it. the reality is that miraz doesn't have it in him to take caspian's life, even when the opportunity is served to him on a silver platter. and so he waits like he waited before, but for two decades' worth, so that when the time comes, he can tell himself this was the best he could do.
i need air, miraz thinks as he makes his way to the balcony with the bundle in his arms. the ghosts of his past weigh down on his lungs like anchors, and they pull stronger when prunaprismia asks where caspian is. he doesn't look at his heir anymore; shameful as it is, he fears looking down and finding prince caspian the infant in his arms instead, the child orphaned by his uncle for no fault of his own, who, against all odds, grew into something of a son to him over the years.
as the soldiers come back through the gates, miraz gives the heir back to his wife and wonders who he's seizing this throne for.
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morbid-mary · 4 years
Author’s Note: This is short story I put together a long time ago. Probably one of the best ones I’ve ever written. I hope you enjoy it...
Based On: Narnia
Warnings: None, just sad.
The soft scent of sweet olives dances through the ocean breeze carried by the high waves separating Aslan’s Country from the land of the living. Walking along the perimeter, the tall man closes his eyes, enjoying the comfort of the faint aroma. It reminds him of the palace he once called home. A sad smile pulls at his lips, followed by a sigh as he thinks of his son, reopening his eyes. His dark, long hair blows in the ocean breeze, tickling his thick beard. He continues walking along the perimeter of the ocean wall, turning over many memories in his head. 
A green flash echoes through the lush paradise, pulling him from his memories. “A new death,” he breathes out. He stops in his tracks, watching the ocean wall open before him, depositing a wailing baby girl. A jarring chill runs through him as the baby shrieks and cries. He curses under his breath and quickly picks the baby up off the ground. He swaddles the little thing in his arms, gently wrapping her in his cloak. His stomach twists up in knots at the horrible realization that this poor child may never have even met the beautiful world on the other side of these waves. He lets out a heavy sigh, tears forming in his eyes as he rocks the newborn in his arms. “Hush, little one. It’s alright. Everything is going to be alright.”
“What is it? What’s happened?”
The man looks over his shoulder, finding his wife approaching. Her long brown hair pulled over her shoulder in an elaborate braid, her amber eyes full of worry and concern, not even caring in the slightest about soiling the purple satin skirt of her gown. He gives his wife a sad smile, turning to reveal the wailing bundle in his arms.
She gasps, pulling her hands to her face. “No… no, no.”
He watches the tears fill her eyes as his own slip down his cheeks.
“A stillborn…”
He nods, sadly, looking back down at the baby. He continues rocking the little girl in his arms as she begins to calm.
“Is she the only one to pass over?”
The husband nods again, watching the baby’s fingers land on the flat of his signet ring. A tear drops onto her little hand as her fingers brush over the ‘IX’ engraved in the gold. He listens to his wife let out a sigh of relief.
“Good, the mother survived.”
“What good is it that she has?” he asks, turning his attention to his wife.
“Her mother and father have to go on without their child, the love of their lives, sound familiar?” He asks, letting out a sad, heavy sigh. “It’s the exact reverse of what happened to us…”
“We did not abandon him-”
“But we did,” Caspian interrupts. He clenches his jaw, trying to maintain his composure with the newborn in his arms. He takes a deep breath, watching the silent tears slip down his wife’s cheeks. “I was ripped away from my son and you-” The late king pauses, swallowing the tears threatening to escape. “And you… fell ill.”
“It wasn’t something either of us could’ve been able to control and you know it.” She says, wiping her eyes. She sniffles, stepping closer to her beloved husband. “It’s not something we can change either.”
“Araminta…” Caspian’s voice betrays him, and he presses his lips into a thin line. The guilt weighing in his heart is almost unbearable. He hates that he can’t be there for his boy, his Caspian. He doesn’t get to hold him, guide him, or protect him. He can only watch from afar and it burns him. Caspian feels his wife’s hand run across his shoulders and he tightens his gentle hold on the newborn in his arms. “He was only a few years old when I was taken from him.”
“I know, my love.” Araminta leans in, kissing his bearded cheek. “I know.”
The late queen wipes the tears from her husband's cheeks, letting out an empathetic sigh as his head drops into her hands. She leans her forehead against his, rubbing her thumbs back and forth against his beard. She could feel his heart breaking and it pains her deeply. She wants more than anything to hold and love her precious little boy, just as Caspian does, but they have been robbed of that luxury. 
“I want her.”
Araminta snaps out of her melancholy thoughts, pulling away from her husband. She blinks at him for a moment, trying to recall the words he said just a moment ago. “Pardon?”
“I want her,” Caspian repeats.
Araminta quirks an eyebrow, staring into his tearful, blood-shot, dark eyes as he shrugs his shoulders.
“There are not many humans here in Aslan’s Country. Not that the Narnians aren’t perfectly capable of caring for a child, but…” 
Her eyes widen as her husband trails off from his thought. She casts her gaze down to the newborn in Caspian’s arms, realizing what he’s saying. A bundle of nerves flutter around in her stomach as she stares at the sweet, baby girl. She could be their chance. She could give them the life they were robbed of in the land of the living.
“I am not trying to replace Caspian, not by any means, but-”
“Yes,” Araminta interrupts, catching her husband off guard. 
“Yes?” he repeats back, a smile tugging at his lips. 
“Yes, let’s keep her.”
Caspian grins at his wife. He watches her reach over, running her hand over the baby’s inky, black hair. He looks down at her as well, staring into those deep blue eyes. He can finally be the father he never got the chance to be. Though she is not his own, that won't stop him from loving her as if she was. She may not be Caspian, but she’s something. A special something, he never thought he needed. 
“What shall we call you?” He asks, softly, smiling as the baby coos at his wife.
“Navina?” Araminta ventures.
“Navina…” The late king savors the feel of the name on his tongue and smiles. “Yes, Navina is perfect.”
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depressedbagpipe · 2 years
Silver Masterlist
Prince Caspian x female!reader
[The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian]
Part II: Golden
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Plot overview: As the Pevensies' best friend and most loyal companion during their first stay in Narnia, reader is pulled back to that world again to aid a handsome foreign prince in need. With the Kings and Queens of Old and a legendary warrior by his side, will Prince Caspian the Tenth finally claim vengeance, or will he discover a whole new world?
Series warnings: female!reader, although no specific physical descriptions are mentioned. This fic contains descriptions of grief, war battles and consequent injuries, and a lot of cringy scenes because I'm still learning how to write fanfiction. Please, if you find any content hereby written triggering, let me know so I can warn future (and past) readers!
A/N: As I said, I'm new to fanfic writing, and English isn't my first language, so bear with me for a second. I do not authorize any plagiarism, and if you like the story, don't be afraid to like/reblog/comment, I'd love to know your opinions!
Read this story on ao3 and wattpad!
Chapter I - Back to Narnia
Chapter II - Meeting Trumpkin
Chapter III - Prince Caspian
Chapter IV - Peter's Mistake
Chapter V - The Raid of Miraz's Castle
Chapter VI - The Return of the Witch
Chapter VII - The Plan
Chapter VIII - The Fall of Miraz
Chapter IX - Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen
Chapter X - The Call
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deliahscrush2003 · 3 years
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Fandom: The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
Face Claim: Bruna Marquezine (Deus Salve O Rei, 2018)
Fic Series: Ao3
Fic Playlist: a more savage narnia (than the one you left behind)
Story Board: once a king or queen of narnia
Pinterest Board: Lady Sylvia
Headcannons: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
Concept Art: 1 | 2 | 3 |
Moodboard: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
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Full Name: Her Ladyship, Sylvia of Narnia.
Nickname: Sylvie (Lucy), Dear (Trufflehunter), Lady (Trumpkin), Your Ladyship (Reepicheep), Lady Telmarine (the Old Narnians), Milady (the common folk).
Her Ladyship, Sylvia of House Caspian (pre-Prince Caspian)
Gender: Female.
DOB: Spring *March.
Star sign: Pisces.
Age: 14 (PC) 14-16 (post-PC) 16 (VotDT) 17 (post-VotDT)
Affiliation: Lord Protector Miraz (formerly) Prince Caspian X (currently).
Occupation: Noblewoman of House Caspian.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Kingdom: Narnia.
Race: Human Telmarine.
Location: Aslan's How, off the Fords of Beruna. Narnia.
Moral Alignment: Neutral Good.
MBTI: INFP - Mediator.
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Sylvia was born during the first month of Spring to House Caspian, sired by the brother of the late king Caspian IX, the now Lord Protector Miraz and his wife, Lady Prunaprismia.
It was no secret amongst court that her birth was of a great disappointment to Miraz, whose desire of a son had only strengthened in the wake of his brother's untimely death,
Growing up in the shadow of her father's indifferences, Sylvia sought comfort in the company of her older cousin, the heir to the throne, Prince Caspian X.
Though he was older, he sheltered Sylvia as much as he could with his affection, indulging her with games around the castle and mischievous pranks in the kitchens where they would snatch the lone snack that had been left unoccupied on the benches.
When they began their lessons with their respective tutors (Sylvia with her governess, Caspian with Doctor Cornelius), Sylvia missed her cousin dearly and would often sneak out of her lessons to watch the soldiers practice in the courtyard, always excited to see her cousin with a sword in hand.
When Doctor Cornelius noticed her interest, he invited her along to his and Caspian's nightly tutoring on top of the tower and would regale them with stories of the stars, bringing them to life as if they could walk among them.
It was on one night when Sylvia was ten-and-three years old that Doctor Cornelius diverged from their regular story of the stars to reveal to them the history of Narnia: the true history.
So it was he told them, of Aslan, and of Jadis and her Long Winter reign and how it all came to the end with the arrival of the prophesised kings and queens of Old who brought peace and prosperity to the land during the Golden Age before their mysterious disappearance chasing the legendary White Stag.
It was on that night that Sylvia and Caspian learnt of how their ancestors invaded Narnia, conquering the land and its people, hunting them almost to extinction.
Sylvia was horrified of the truth, brought to tears for the suffering her ancestors had caused. Doctor Cornelius brought their lesson to a close and led them to their quarters, bidding them goodnight.
Nine months later, Lady Prunaprismia would give birth to the son her husband had always desired, unwittingly changing the lives of Sylvia and Caspian forever.
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Lord Scythley (maternal grandfather, he always sneaks her sweets)
King Caspian IX (paternal uncle) †
Prince Caspian X (counsin, would literally die for him & vice versa)
Lord Protector Miraz (father, his name summons dark clouds)
Lady Prunaprismia (mother, her hugs are few but best)
Doctor Cornelius (tutor, confidante, friend.)
Frenemy: N/A.
Lord Protector Miraz (currently)
Sopespian (currently)
Gregorie (currently)
Glozelle (currently)
Love Interest: Edmund Pevensie (ally)
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• the voice of a dryad • diplomat • swift on her feet • has a prominent accent • falls asleep by her window • bows with a flourish • exceedingly polite to those that she meets • a very earnest person • can't stitch for the life of her • politicking • protective • has a strong bow arm • startles easily • loves listening to stories • estranged from her father • very close with her mother • only wants to do the right thing by those she loves • Lady Telmarine™ • buries her fingers into her skirts when she's nervous •
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[ [ If you have any questions about Lady Sylvia, don't be afraid to drop an asks in the inbox ] ]
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rainintheevening · 2 months
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Caspian IX & Caspian X
There was a time / I used to look into my father's eyes / In a happy home / I was a king, I had a golden throne / Those days are gone ... I remember how it all changed / My father said / Don't you worry, don't you worry child / See Heaven's got a plan for you /Don't you worry / Don't you worry now
- 'Don't You Worry Child' cover by Kurt Schneider & Sam Tsui
For @an-angels-fury because this song has been making me feel things.
#you are king of a hard people#you are one of the few to take your throne in peace from your father before you#for kinslaying runs in your bloodline#and your son is born#at the cost of your beloved's life#but you love him all the more for the part of her that lives on in his eyes#and you name him after yourself you give him your name so he will be the tenth and there is something special about that you think#he is destined for much good you think#and you will raise him different you tell yourself#he too will take the crown in peace when you die honorably#you dream of stars and a lion and you hear the nursemaid's tales sitting with your boy and you begin to wonder#your brother dismisses the nursemaid without your permission#'the boy is too old he does not need her anymore' miraz says#'i will teach him to be a strong warrior as a telmarine should be'#your little brother has his good moments. he is a powerful soldier. he has more time to teach the boy than you.#you allow it#you regret this later when your son's arm is broken and your brother is the reason why#but your son begs to continue his training#so you allow it#he has a way of looking at you with his big brown eyes#your heart beats unsteady in your chest like it hasn't since you were a boy#you don't want to die with your child only 10 years old#you want to see him for so much longer#you are not ready#the boy knows you are ill and insists on sleeping with you most nights#death comes quiet in the night and leaves the boy alone#you are caspian#you are named after your father and your father will not wake#caspian x#narnia
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queenlucythevaliant · 2 months
the stories are true
i. Caspian’s nurse told him a story about a dwarf and a talking badger who were best friends.
ii. As Dwarf and Badger returned from a long walk through the wood, Dwarf noticed that a button has fallen from his jacket. Dwarf and Badger retraced their steps in search of the missing button, and together they found five buttons, none of which were Dwarf’s. Dwarf grew angry (as Red Dwarves are wont to do), and eventually returned home in a rage, only to discover the missing button sitting on his threshold. In apology to Badger for the afternoon wasted (and for his temper), Dwarf sewed all six buttons they had found that day onto his jacket and gave it to Badger for a gift.
iii. Caspian did not understand what a talking badger would do with a dwarf’s jacket, but such mysteries of life were best left to grown-ups, like his nurse.
iv. She told him other stories too: centaurs that had conversations with the stars. Giants that built and guarded bridges. A naiad who made a basket of reeds so perfect that it could hold the wind. They were light, almost frivolous sorts of stories: the kind that make good sense to a child.
v. When Nurse left, there were no more stories. Caspian invented his own sometimes, and whispered them to himself while he played with his toys. When his aunt caught him at it, she struck him.
vi. Doctor Cornelius's stories were not like the ones Nurse had told. They were solemn, grand tales that sounded almost like they might have really happened. In his stories, there were two kings and two queens who ruled Narnia together.
vii. Caspian imagined King Peter like a high tower, all straight lines and immovable might. He knew better now than to tell the stories where he might be overheard, but at night he whispered them to himself as he sank into sleep. King Peter, who was like a tower, went off to fight the Giants in the north. Queen Lucy and King Edmund sailed over the sea on a ship to another country. The water was blue like the sky, and it glittered. Queen Susan kept a light burning at home.
viii. Part of Caspian was afraid of not telling the stories. They were like strangers’ hands reaching out to him in darkness. He was afraid of not reaching back, of letting those strangers fall away into the pitch black night.
ix. On the castle’s highest tower, Doctor Cornelius threw back his hood and declared himself the blood of Old Narnia. The stories are true, he said.
x. All of them? Caspian wanted to ask. What about the naiad's magic basket? If dwarves were real, then why shouldn't the old Kings and Queens be real too? And if King Peter was real—if his stone-heavy feet had really trod on Narnian earth— then why shouldn't every fanciful thing he'd ever heard be just as true too? It made Caspian giddy to think.
xi. The night Caspian’s cousin was born, he fled the court with Queen Susan’s horn hanging from his saddle. It made him think of lights in windows as he rode away from the only home he’d ever known.
xii. When he woke, he found himself gazing into the faces of Dwarf and Badger from his nurse’s stories. They were arguing over what to do with him, but Caspian thought, absurdly, are you missing any buttons today?
xiii. They went about the next day, issuing invitations to the Great Council on Dancing Lawn, and Caspian put out his hand to greet centaurs and fauns, talking Mice and talking Bears. Each one of them reached back. No wonder Caspian woke the next morning half-convinced he'd been dreaming.
xiv. King Peter was real too, and there was King Edmund at his elbow. Caspian greeted them, inclining his head and saying in a voice that only trembled a very little, "Your Majesty is very welcome," and it felt like carving his name on the bones of time.
xv. And soon he knew that King Peter really was a tower, facing Miraz with the kind of stalwart might that Caspian had been imagining for years. Queen Susan was a light in the window: her horn had called them all home.
xvi. And Aslan. Aslan. Wonder of all wonders, he was real too.
xvii. Caspian said farewell to Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy, and it felt like reaching out across the planes to a world he would never see, except for a few minutes— but that wouldn't be for many years yet.
xviii. In the end, Queen Lucy and King Edmund sailed over the sea on a ship to another country. King Caspian was with them.
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calliopesstories · 3 years
The Heart Of A King - Chapter 1
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Relationship: Caspian X Susan, Caspian X Reader, Platonic!Susan and Platonic!Reader
Warnings: 18+, smut (I’ll try the best I can), historical inaccuracy, misogyny and belief of 16th century, mention of death and sex, arranged marriage, /!\ Not proof read and non-english speaker writter /!\
Summary: There are opportunities in life that you have to take but you were different tough. Since you were born you always had things given to you on a silver plate. Yet you decided to create your own opportunities the day you chose to follow your father in all of his travels. It was no surprise for your parent when you left them no choice but to take you with them to the court of Cair Paravel, heart of your homeland. Even in your wildest dream you would have never thought of what destiny had in store for you when you took that opportunity and stepped in the castle of King Caspian and Queen Susan.
Words: 3,027
Author’s Note: Narnia (and the islands as well as the surrounding countries) is located in the Atlantic sea next to the strait of Gibraltar. It’s a mix between Southern Spain in terms of architecture and temperature, UK/France in terms of landscape and of course what you can see in the movies and be described in the books.
Two days of sea then just as much by carriage to reach the most magnificent palace of Narnia. No need to say it was all worth it. Nothing could compare to the beauty of Cair Paravel, its garden viewing the ocean, its impeccable white walls made of marble and the stained glasses that was colouring the inside of the castle in various colours. Last time you had been within the walls of this palace you were a child no older than five and yet it felt like yesterday. Nothing was as breath-taking as the home of the kings of Narnia, not even your father’s castle at Narrowhaven which was praised for its uniqueness and atypic beauty. Anyone who would be away from their home would feel homesick quickly but not you, you had left Narrowhaven when you were nine and only came back last year.
 Your father was the Grand Ambassador of King Caspian; he had started his duty under the rule of the king’s father and had sworn loyalty to his son. Thanks to his duty to the crown he had met your mother, he had married her and sired you, their one and only child. They had never needed more; you were everything they wanted and one day you would inherit the land and titles hold by your father. You were already marchioness of Narrowhaven however one day you would become the Duchess of the Lone Islands, courtesy of King Caspian IX. Not a lot of noble houses could brag about the fact that the king himself had gave them the right of female peerage. Just a few of you – daughters of high-ranking nobles – could take on the titles even with a male heir in the line of succession at the condition of the girl being born first. Not even the royal family had that right. Not that it made you feel particularly lucky, it was nice to think the castle you had grew up in would stay in your family forever even after marriage.
 The carriage stops right in front of the palace entrance. A flight of stairs leads to wooden graved doors decorated with gold and silver. You remembered well the tree with two trunks engraved on the doors after an old legend of Narnia but your child mind must have deceived you as you thought the doors were so big that giants must have lived here before. Turns out the door were huge, but not that much. They were twice the size of a grow man. Behind you servants were taking your personal items in order to put them where you’ll be leaving from now on.
 “You have the right to breath you know,” your father took your arm and patted gently your hand. “It’s not the first king you meet.”
 “There is a huge difference between a foreign king and the one for whom your father is working.”
 “Don’t worry Y/N, King Caspian is gentle and patient man. He knows you had never done this before that’s why Lady Prunaprismia will stay with you for a month then you will need no one’s help,” encouraged your mother.
 She knew you by heart. Every look, every breath and every head tilting had a significance your mother had no difficulties to understand. So when she saw you biting your lower lip, she understood how unsure of her statement you were. She had no doubt you would do well on your job. There were a few prized places at court that a woman of your status could hope to have: lady-in-waiting to the women of the royal family or governess to the king’s children. Those were official jobs but there was one every noble woman craved to have: mistress to the king. You had seen how this works and from one country to another, things weren’t that different. all hoped to dethrone the queen, thinking the king who loved them enough to put an alliance forged for years into the dirt for the beauty of their smile or whatever prowess they were doing in the royal bed. Foolish girls with foolish dreams.
 You were content with the place your mother had found you. What better way to learn the way of life than to help one grow? Prince Rilian wasn’t the son of Queen Susan yet she was the one who appointed you governess of the sole heir of the kingdom. This was thanks to your mother, the former governess of the queen. She had raised the Queen before she became your mother and by the way she was speaking of the queen you knew she was like a daughter to her although no one could take your place in her heart.
 You finally arrived in the throne room. The glass roof and the stained glasses gave the place an ethereal look worth of kings and queens. At the end of the room was standing four thrones of marble in front of a golden stained glass. You knew only three of them were occupied because the two were for the king and his queen, one was for the crown prince and the last throne was for the royal advisor – who had been executed last year for treason. The royal couple was waiting, stoically in their throne. You had no chance to look at them as you kneeled in front of your king and your queen before your father did, he had the privilege to stand in front of the king he had seen grow up.
 “His Grace Y/F/N, Duke of the Lone Islands, his wife Y/M/N, Duchess of the Lone Islands and their daughter the Lady Y/N,” announced a man on your right. “Welcome to the court of His Majesty King Caspian X and Her Majesty Queen Susan.”
 “Thank you Trumpkin but I know Lord Y/F/N for long enough to need no introduction. Please stand up my ladies there is no need for that between us.”
 You stood up and saw for the first time the king with your own eyes. You had heard stories about how handsome of a man he was and he truly was but more than that he had this glimmer in his eyes, something close to melancholia although well hidden behind a dazzling smile. You could lose yourself in his eyes. It was the voice of your mother that made you realised you were staring at the king for far too long. The queen had walk to your mother and the both of them exchanged some words before they turned to you. You bowed before the queen who wasn’t older than you.
 “I heard so much about you,” said Susan taking your hands in hers. Her smile was infectious and bright, contrary to her husband she was glowing with joy. “I’m sure will become good friends you and I.”
 “I hope so Your Majesty,” you really hoped to be in the queen’s good grace.
 “Last time I saw you, you were unable to keep yourself still.”
 “You remember Your Majesty?” asked your father. You had been told that the King and you had met when you were younger but you had no memories of such event. “Well, I must say Y/N has changed since.”
 “I can only agree with you.”
 You smiled at your father; you knew what he meant by this statement. You had become less impatient, more careful of your words and most importantly you were smart, street smart. You had helped him many times and he liked to think he was the reason why you were doing so good around people. But you were lacking the subtility to leave at court for a long time, which was a good thing when you were traveling around the globe with your father, staying at court for short periods but now you were to live at Cair Paravel for as long as the king would want you around, and unbeknown to you the king was thinking about the length of your stay.
 A door opened at your right and a small child ran pass you to be catch by the king. The prince you were supposed to take care of and who look exactly like his father if it wasn’t for his light baby blue eyes that was surely from his mother’s side. The young prince laughed in his father’s arms; he tried to push away from his face from the beard his father bore and that was probably irritating his soft and sensitive skin. The prince was five years old – for what you’ve been told – but he was taller the average five years-old, something he must have got from his father. The woman with him was his great-aunt, the Lady Prunaprismia, wife of King Caspian’s former advisor and his aunt by marriage. Although he holds no grudge against the woman for her husband’s betrayal, she had been asked to leave court forever. The King was a kind man but he wasn’t a very forgiving one. Not when it concerned his father and by extension his mother.
 “Rilian, this is Lady Y/N, she’s going to take care of you once aunt Prunaprismia will be gone,” informed Caspian. He put the child back on his feet and Rilian bowed before you. You imitated the prince, a huge smile on your face, won over by the child sweetness. The King kneeled next to his son and looked at him in the eyes. “I want you to behave with Lady Y/N like you’ll do with your aunt. Be nice, can you do that for me?”
 The prince energetically nodded widening your smile even more. King Caspian planted a kiss on his forehead. You saw him saying something to his son but couldn’t quite hear what it was. The queen had reached a hand for the prince to take but he preferred to stay with his current governess. The hurt in Queen Susan’s eyes was left unnoticed by you. it was common knowledge that, after five years of marriage, the queen hadn’t been pregnant once. Some rumours said she was barren, others that she had been made queen for very political reasons – which was the case for most queens though – and others that the king was never sharing her bed, still mourning his first wife, the one that gave him his heir, the one he had been in love with. And, after all, with an heir alive did he truly needs another child if he doesn’t love his current queen?
 Rilian and Prunaprismia left the group alone after the lady gave you a meeting point for the next day. Right after your mother and you were taken to your quarters while your father staid with the King to discuss important matter. It took you fifteen to arrive there. There were four separate rooms: two bedrooms, one for your parents and one for you, both at the opposite from one another and with separate entrance. A common room with a fire place, chairs, shelves filled with books and it was the room you entered first. Next to it there was a dining room big enough to fit ten people around the table and was only furnished with a sideboard to contain plates, forks, knives and the usual.
 Your room had a view of the garden and the sea, although you had been assured it would be temporary – you were supposed to get the one next to the prince’s – it was provided with all the luxuries you could think of. The decoration was elegant and refined, suiting a woman of your age and status. You had everything you could need, even your ladies-in-waiting you were sure had stayed at Narrowhaven. Those ladies were from smaller houses, ranks below your high-birth but they were your closest friends. Your only friends for that matter. Marwen, Cora and Lyria had been in your life since you were four, they had been your friends before being at your family’s service. They had travelled the world with you and your father, not once had they complained. They were the most loyal people you knew. After your father that is. Just seeing them made you happy and ready to face whatever the future had in store for you.
 Later that day Lady Prunaprismia’s servant had come to your door to take you to her quarters – which was supposed to become yours in a month. Lady Prunaprismia was in the middle of the room, waiting for you, the king by her side. On the table behind them was a book, both of them assumed you knew how to read and write, you were part of one of the great houses of Narnia, it would have been improper for you and your family to be illiterate. The king was the first to sit down, quickly followed by his aunt; again there were side by side while you were asked to sit across the table. You never liked being outnumbered and it was even more intimidating with the King right in front of you.
 “You have the right to breath you know,” King Caspian had leaned on the table to comfort you. you let out a stressed laughed but it made you realised you had been holding your breath. You took a deep breath and felt better. “That’s more like it.”
 “Lady Y/N, this book is the most important book in this castle. It holds all of the prince’s needs, medical events and so on. Until the day you’ll be left alone with him I am going to ask you to study this book to the point where you’ll know it by heart, words for words.”
 You opened the book carefully and the first sentence you read spoke about the prince’s books preferences, one of them you knew well as your father used to read it to you when you were younger. That memory brought a smile on your face. The book was quite big, there was a lot of information about Rilian and one month seemed like a too short amount of time to memories it all.
 “My aunt is a bit extreme; some information is dated and don’t suit Rilian anymore,” you continued to flip through the book as the king continued to speak. “Besides you are to be is governess, not his nurse, you are tasked to educate my son, to teach him basic knowledge until he’ll be old enough for a tutor.”
 “I’m allowed to enter the prince’s chamber at any given time?” you were sure you just had thought that but your mouth had decided to actually put sound on it. “Without permission or schedule!” Wow, that’s what you call trust!
 “You won’t be the only one taking care of Rilian. As I told you he has nurses who are supposed to bath, to feed and to generally take care of his physical health. Make sure he’s in good shape, if you prefer. You are in charge of making sure they do their job.”
 The close the book. You had never realised it was that much trouble taking care of a child. well, you guessed it wasn’t all day long a joyful stroll through the garden but God! Did the child really needed someone dedicated to wipe his butt? You remembered your childhood quite well and, in your memory, your parent partook a huge part of raising you into the woman you were today. But you kept that for yourself, not all parents have the same parenting technics, maybe it was how the king had been raised and he was a fine man. Besides, who were you to tell him how to raise a child? You had no child!
 “I know it’s a lot to take in one day. Don’t worry, you have time,” Prunaprismia took your hands, a kind smile provoking another on your face. “And from what I heard from your mother; you are more than capable.”
 “But if it’s really too much for you, I…we will understand, the Queen and I know taking care of a child, especially one who isn’t yours, can be demanding and challenging. If you think you won’t be up to the task, say it now or never, I’d rather know now and don’t worry it doesn’t mean you are not allowed in court anymore. That would be too cruel.”
 “You can count on me, Your Majesty. I won’t let you down.”
 You rose from your chair, taking the book in your arms and confidently walk away. That was the plan and, in your head, it was the perfect plan to show both of them how serious you were. Of course the cat didn’t agree with your plan and you tripped over him, falling on the ground. You heard Prunaprismia and King Caspian gasped before joining you, asking how you were doing. You felt humiliated. You just had fall on your ass in front of the king! God must have serious grudges over you! As you got back on your feet you swear you could see your pride and dignity staying on the floor by the devilish Shame. Hello you, you’re back again? You thought, sure to have left shame on the continent, somewhere in England or France.
 You assured the King and Lady Prunaprismia that you were fine and – carefully – get out of the chamber. You had a month to learn everything about the prince and to create a bound with him strong enough to hold against the child losing one of the few people he had entire trust and love to. One single month for something that took five years for the Lady Prunaprismia to achieve. That was so you, accepting a challenge when you perfectly knew it would difficult and completely impossible. But ever since you had dared yourself to do things no one would have thought a girl of your birth would do, it had always opened a door to something interesting and bigger than you thought. If you think about it, what would have happened if you had stayed with your mother at Narrowhaven all your damn life? For sure you would have never met the Royal Couple and have a full conversation with the king.
@aleksanderwh0r3​ @learisa​ @hxrgreeves​ @blackst0nes7077​
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It Was Enchanting To Meet You (Edmund Pevensie x Mutant!FemReader) Masterlist *on hiatus*
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It was 1975, Y/N is a student at Xavier’s School For Gifted Youngsters. She keeps seeing visions of an alternate reality, and is determined to find out the cause of these visions. Eventually she learns how to jump into different alternate universes and she accidentally ends up in a world full of magical beings, ruled by two kings and two queens. Believed to be part of a prophecy, Y/N must use her powers and save the magical world of Narnia alongside the Pevensies.
A/N: This was sort of an experiment where I basically mash the worlds of X-Men and Narnia together. The idea sparked when I was watching Days of Future Past and then Prince Caspian, and the fact that James McAvoy was a part of both franchises lol.
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I: Nightmare
II: The Arrival of The Young Witch
III: Prophecy
IV: Bows and Chess
V: The Lake
VI: Winter Strikes
VII: Mr. Tumnus
VIII: The White Witch
IX: The Wisp Sings
X: When Wolves Howl at Night
XI: Attack at Cair Paravel
XII: Woodland
XIII: Battle of the Witches
XIV: Evermore
XV: Visions of Gideon
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kemendin · 1 year
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Realisation // Ruin
Jedi Knight Caspian Serapis is at last reunited with his missing crewmates, Kira Carsen and Lord Scourge, when the two make an unexpected appearance on Corellia to rescue him from the wreckage of the Meridian Complex. As Cas recovers and reconnects with his companions in the quiet aftermath of the battle, it isn’t just his own long-lost yearnings that are pushed to light. Now, after so many years apart, both Cas and Scourge must decide - does the path ahead lie again in their curious bond as allies, or as something more?
JEDI KNIGHT X LORD SCOURGE Words: 19800 (complete) A/N: Well, here we are - my version of Scourge and Kira's return, combined with Scourge's romance scene. This started as simple indignation that following Objective Meridian, the story overlooks the incredible potential dramangst of having the player - particular the JK - being rescued from the wreckage of the Meridian Complex, instead of offscreen Tau and Arn. So - I'm fixing that. Sorry Cas! As I've done before, I've taken the basics of in game conversations and reworked/expanded them to better suit my headcanons. I love Scourge's romance scene, but it's always felt a little rushed/choppy to me considering how long he's been gone. I'll be posting two chapters at a time since they're mostly on the shorter side, likely every couple of weeks, but we shall see how it goes. I’ll keep this masterpost updated as I go.
| i | ii | iii | iv | v | vi | vii | viii | ix | x | xi |
Read on AO3 (short excerpt below cut)
Outside, battle still flurries and flares through the Corellian shipyards, as Republic and Alliance forces work to drive back the breaking Imperial assault.
But here, inside the central spire of the Meridian Complex, it’s oddly quiet; the cries of combat reduced to distorted echoes that flit unsettlingly through the massive, hollow core.
On a central platform high, high above the smoke that wafts from the bombed and burning foundries, a rogue Sith Lord thuds to his knees, his muscles straining against the cybernetics embedded in his sickened flesh, as three battered Jedi close in around him.
“I should have known it wasn’t just a story,” rasps Malgus, his voice a shudder of static within the mask that seems to nearly consume the lower half of his face. “If anyone could destroy him… it was you.”
Caspian Serapis only glares at him, his own lungs heaving as he struggles not to sway beneath the wounds cut into him by Malgus’ lightsaber. He doesn’t need the Sith’s bizarre praise - not here, where he can still feel the dying gasps of CorSec militia and Green Jedi below. Not now, when his clothes are singed by Imperial blasterfire and his face is smeared with the ashes of his home.
His soot-stained hand curls more tightly around the hilt of his lightsaber, the green-gold blade humming readily at his side, should Malgus try to attack again. On the other side of the Sith, Tau Idair and Arn Peralun advance a few steps, menacing their enemy openly with their lightsabers of bright green and azure blue.
“No matter,” continues Malgus, a growl vibrating through his voice. He slides his gaze back over one shoulder, then the other; Cas can see every vein in his eyes, pulsing a sickly scarlet around the manic yellow of his irises. “I will not fail.”
Faster than Caspian’s exhausted reflexes can react, Malgus summons a last gasp of energy and slams at him through the Force. The Jedi is hurled away, tumbling towards the edge of the platform. He manages to catch himself a metre or so from the perilous drop, and though his body is begging him to stay down, to rest, he forces it onward, gritting his teeth as he scrambles up again.
Alarm stabs through him as he whips his attention around. Tau and Arn have been thrown back as well, both Jedi dazed and struggling to pick themselves up under the strain of their own injuries. And now Malgus is on his feet, towering, his eyes blazing like fevered brimstone within the dark hollows of their sockets.
“Your shipyard will crumble,” he vows, and his gaze turns to scorch Cas with terrible, maddened intent. “Your Republic will burn.” 
He lifts his tortured arms, organic and cybernetic hands stretching in unison, as though grasping in beseechment of a god who will not answer. Overhead, the massive generator that hangs beneath the dome of the spire begins to tremble.
As Malgus’ eyes bulge with the effort, Caspian’s own gaze flies wide with realisation.
“RUN!” he cries, as the Force shudders above him, and the weight of the generator groans under the Sith’s unrelenting pull.
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