#nano elite
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carladuquette · 9 months ago
I warned y’all abt the nostalgia 😂 @dhyanshiva said Bring it on, and here we are lol. Elite had many extremely shippable characters and whatever you can say abt the writing, they did GREAT w the chemistry casting. I mean, more than one of these couples ended up together irl for a while. But this is abt the characters, not the actors! Choose wisely
Every vote matters! Literally. I don’t have that many followers and the fandom is small, so yours might be the only vote for your fav ship 🤣
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nostalgicninjas · 5 months ago
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Marina Nunier in Every Episode: Season 1 Episode 1
↳ Give us a chance. We’re not all like my brother.
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highenough123 · 3 months ago
Hi guys. I will be making elite preferences and imagines.
Charaters I’m doing:
Samuel, Carla, Ivan, Patrick, Lu, cruz, Omar, Nadia, Guzman, nano, polo, ander, Isadora, rebeka, Ari, mencia and valerio
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nirvvnv · 2 years ago
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ejistryingtowrite · 6 months ago
since the revelations about nanowrimo's approach towards ai surfaced, everybody's been adamantly cutting themselves off from the organisation and looking for alternatives. like many of you, i took part in nano in the past (3 times in total, 2 wins, and did some smaller challenges during a camp or two), and have struggled with consistency and building a habit out of writing.
so if you are still looking for an alternative place to track your progress - be it in november, or throughout the year - let me introduce you to my favourite writing tool since last year:
novlr used to be a sponsor of nano's, but they distanced themselves after the grooming scandal of last year and they have also assured novlr's users that their opinion on ai is vastly different from nano's. no generative ai is going to be introduced to the software.
novlr is run and owned by writers, it provides a space for writing, planning, and note-taking, tracks your writing habit and is distraction-free. it is also free in the monetary sense, unless you want more stats and extra features - or if you want to become a co-owner. (i, personally, have yet to ascend into those elite circles, and use the basic free version - which is perfectly enough for me right now, though i don't exclude the possibility of upgrading in the future).
in addition to that, you can expect little banners encouraging you to keep writing, popping up as you reach a milestone, and a discord server with a community of friendly fellow writers.
here's more or less what you can expect to see:
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now, go and write! (yourself, of course)
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j-trow-95 · 4 months ago
Six Sentence Sunday
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Huge thanks to everyone who has been tagging me recently whilst I've just been a loitering phantom. I love seeing everything you're working on. Thanks to @artsyunderstudy for the tag today and @shrekgogurt and @wellbelesbian for the tags on Wednesday.
I'M BACK!! The muse is finally working again, and I am back writing! I swear, it's an understatement to say that I'm relieved the words are finally flowing again! I have been stuck in this word purgatory for MONTHS, but finally, FINALLY, something has clicked into place.
I'm not doing NaNo this year, but instead doing PaWriCo with the Pathfinders Writers Collective. This challenge is a lot less restrictive than NaNo can be, you can choose your timeframe, your project type, and your own goals, and my aim with this is to finish a full redraft of my original novel.
So, once more unto the breach! I'm going to be participating over the next three months, with the aim of writing 100K words and finishing a full redraft. Not only am I changing up the plot, I've also changed the tense I'm writing in. I think that change up in tense is what's lead to this flow of words again.
With that, I present a little more than six sentences from my opening chapter. I don't know exactly how many POV's there will be with this novel yet, but it will at least be dual. Here is one of those POV's, Vanessa Archer, Elite Faction Lead with MI6.
The paperwork I have clutched to my hip feels leaden in my hands, the harsh words stark against the pure white printer paper. Clarissa would suggest something of this gravity be printed on something appropriately coloured, black probably. The thought makes my eyes roll, and then the beginnings of a smile tug at my lips as I imagine what Ada would have to say about that. If I’m thanking higher powers for coffee, I should be kneeling before an altar in thanks for the pair of them; without them, this last mission would have resulted in far more casualties.
There are already far too many for me to be entirely at ease walking into this morning’s debriefing.
My head pounds again as I pass under a particularly bright light and I run my fingers over my eyes, careful not to smudge my reapplied makeup; what I wouldn’t give for a hot shower and a freshly made bed right about now. As it is my hair has been sprayed with enough dry shampoo to mostly hide the few grey hairs sneaking into my blonde waves, if only by making my entire crown look dusty and pale. To circumvent this, in my wisdom, I’d piled it up into a high bun and stabbed it with bobby pins. 
Aah, time to play my favourite game: is it a migraine, or is this blasted bun just too tight? Place your bets now!
Tagging:  @artsyunderstudy @aristocratic-otter @blackberrysummerblog @bookish-bogwitch
@chen-chen-chen-again-chen @cutestkilla @emeryhall @erzbethluna
@fatalfangirl @hushed-chorus @iamamythologicalcreature @ic3que3n @ileadacharmedlife
@letraspal @orange-peony @shrekgogurt @skeedelvee @stardustasincocaine
@subparselkie @that-disabled-princess @theearlgreymage @wellbelesbian @you-remind-me-of-the-babe 
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spencerthedeerhumanhybrid · 2 months ago
Chapter 8 of A Contract I Regret Signing
Written by SpencerTheDeerHumanHybrid
“..And that’s basically it,” Bumblebee told Cliffjumper about everything that happened during the other Solar cycle and the same information he told the team when they had asked him questions. Cliffjumper was silent for a few cycles before saying,
”J-just why are you doing this?” Bumblebee DID NOT want to tell anyone about what happened back at boot camp so he simply shrugged and said,
“I kinda have too, I.. owe a debt, lets just say it like that,” Cliffjumper just shook his helm and put his arm over Bumblebees’ shoulders. Cliffjumper knew when his spark-brother was lying, Bumblebee was a terrible liar back when they were younglings but he also knew that Bumblebee didn’t want to tell for some reason so instead he asked,
”Sooo, who’s the femme?”
“Oh, that’s Nova Storm! She’s my Amica Endura,” Bumblebee explained. As Cliffjumper was about to introduce himself to Nova, Nova pulled him straight into a tight hug.
”So this is your spark-brother? You two look so much alike!” Nova Storm exclaimed as she let go of Cliffjumper. Bumblebee laughed at Cliffjumpers’ dumbfounded expression especially when Cliffjumper gave him an annoyed glare.
”Alright, that’s enough talking, we got to get to work,” Optimus interrupted. Bumblebee and Nova Storm groaned at this. Optimus silently laughed to himself at his sparkling- Bumblebees’ face and said,
”Bumblebee you can watch the monitors, while Prowl and Bulkhead go on patrol and Sentinel can help me with the reports and the others can help look for Decepticon activity and- Yes, Blurr?” Optimus was explaining when he saw Blurrs’ raised servo.
”Can-I-watch-the-monitors-with-Bumblebee?” Blurr asked. Optimus looked slightly annoyed at this since everyone knew (except for Cliffjumper) that the blue speedster had a thing for the yellow bumbler and would do anything to spend some time with him.
”Yes, you can Blurr,” Optimus sternly said. Blurr looked extremely happy with this and sped off towards the monitors to wait for Bumblebee.
“Alright, as I was saying, Nova Storm and Cliffjumper can help scout out the area if that’s okay with you two?”
“Yeah, it's cool,” Nova said.
”Yes, Optimus Prime, sir!” Cliffjumper added.
”Alright then, let's get to work,” Optimus said which caused everyone to get into their roles quickly, Sentinel looked very annoyed at Optimus bossing him around as he said,
”Why do you, a space-bridge repair Prime, think that you have the right to command MY team around?”
“Well, your team seems to be listening to me and I need help with the reports since you are in MY base after all,” Optimus said this with a very smug smile. As the Primes were no doubt going to be fighting in a moment, Bumblebee just went towards the monitors while silently giggling at the Primes silly banter. As soon as Bumblebee sat down, Blurr started to excitedly talk to him like no tomorrow.
Bumblebee simply listened to Blurr as he talked about his adventures, unknowingly reminding Bumblebee of him when he was younger, he remembered when he told Cliffjumper about his dream of becoming part of the Elite Guard. When Blurr started to look nervous as he told Bumblebee of his less fortunate adventures, it also reminded him of when he told his spark-brother that he didn’t feel right in the frame he was born in.
‘Do you ever think that you were born in the wrong frame, Cliff?’ Junebug asked. Cliffjumper seemed to think for a nano-kilk before he replied,
’Not really, do you?’
‘…Nah I’m just asking,’ Junebug lied. Cliffjumper simply shrugged at his spark-sister before he wrapped an arm around her shoulder pads.
’If this is about how you wish you weren't born in a mini-bot frame, it's okay, after all you are one of the fastest femmes around,’ Cliffjumper said in an attempt to comfort his sister. Junebug smiled at him before saying,
’You are so corny, you slag-helm!’ Cliffjumper laughed at his spark-sisters’ insult before hitting her on the shoulder as Junebug did the same.
This continued for a few cycles before their carrier yelled for them to come down for dinner.
’Coming!’ They both said at the same time.
’Last one there is a rotten Decepticon!’ Junebug yelled at Cliffjumper before running towards the kitchen.
’Hey! No fair,’ Cliffjumper pouted before laughing and running after Junebug.
Junebug was walking around the neighborhood when she thought back to the conversion with her spark-brother. Junebug felt really, really uncomfortable in the frame she was in. It wasn’t because she was a mini-bot, in fact she was proud to be a mini-bot, she just felt uncomfortable being a femme, it just… didn’t feel right. She always felt more comfortable doing mech stuff, like helping carrying stuff around her home, or fighting with the mechlings at school.
Junebug continued to walk around the neighborhood when she saw an advertisement in an alleyway out of the corner of her optics. She went to the alleyway and read the advertisement closely.
’Unhappy with your frame? We can change that for you! We can change your frame for only a few credits! Try our comm link of XXX-XXX-XXX to change your frame!’ Junebug read quietly. Junebug thought about the offer for a bit before taking the data-pad and storing it in her sub-space.
Junebug went back home as quickly as you can imagine, since no one else was home at the time besides Cliffjumper, she quickly got some of the hundreds of credits she saved up and also stored them in her sub-space before calling the comm-link.
::Hello, I saw your advertisement and was wondering how much is it to change a frame from a femme to a mech?::
::Oh, well for that big of a change you would need only like 200-300 credits::
::Alright, thank you, so when can I come by the place::
::You can come right now if that’s okay with you!::
::Alright, thank you! I’ll be there in a few kilks, bye::
::Okay! See you there! I’ve send the coordinates right now!::
Junebug quickly read the coordinates before going out of her room and was about to exit the house when Cliffjumper suddenly asked,
’Where are you going?’ Junebug ex-vented before saying,
’Oh, I’m just gonna practice my speed for a bit, is that a problem?’ Junebug tried to sound annoyed.
‘Nah, just asking ‘cause you seem nervous,’ Cliffjumper said.
’Alright, Bye,’
’Be careful out there! Try not to get kidnapped or something!’ Cliffjumper yelled while Junebug was walking out the door.
’I’ll be careful! Primus!’ Junebug yelled.
’Primus, she must be on a phase or something,’ Cliffjumper muttered. Junebug transformed into her alt-mode when a data-pad fell out of her sub-space. Confused, Cliffjumper went out, grabbed it, and read it slowly. When he finished he quickly transformed into his alt-mode to trail his spark-sister closely, hoping that he could stop his sister from making a mistake with her frame.
Junebug arrived at the coordinates as quickly as she could. She was greeted by a surprisingly nice-looking mech that held out his servo to guide her to the room where he could change her frame.
‘So, you want to change that frame of yours into a mech?’ He asked.
’Yeah, I…I don’t really feel right in this frame,’
’Heh, I understand you kid, I didn’t feel right in my frame either,’ Junebug was surprised to hear that another bot felt the same as her. She smiled at him and took his servo. They both were in a clean room filled with objects that could change a bots frame in a nano-kilk.
‘To change a frame such as yours into another it would take a few Mega-cycles,’ He said.
’It’s alright, I want this. Oh, I almost forgot, here,’ She gave him the credits needed. He stored them in his sub-space and motioned for her to get on the surgery berth. She quickly got on and the mech said,
’I won't try anything with you kid, I put you under stasis lock for a bit so I can do this, alright?’ Junebug nodded her helm and quickly prepared her systems for stasis lock.
’Alright, you’ll be online before you know it, kid,’ The mech said before putting her in stasis lock and got to work.
‘Junebug! Junebug!’ Cliffjumper yelled. He had been searching for his spark-sister in her favorite places but couldn’t find her anywhere. As he was about to give up his search, he noticed a mech with a similar color scheme to Junebug coming towards him.
’Hey, Cliff! What are you doing?’ The mech asked him. The mech looked a bit taller then Junebug but was still a helm shorter than Cliffjumper.
’How do you know my name?’ Cliffjumper asked, confused.
‘It’s me! Junebug, but please call me B for the time being,’ The mech said. Cliffjumper obviously did not believe this mech for a nano-kilk, so he said.
’Look, man, I don’t know who you are, but what makes you think I’ll just believe you?’
‘Ask me something only your spark-sister would know,’ The mech called B simply said.
’Okay, what did I do that my spark-sister took the blame for?’ Cliffjumper asked.
’You broke our carrier's favorite vase and I got in trouble ‘cause you couldn’t ruin your image of being the perfect youngling,’ Junebug- B said, annoyed at the recounting of the memory. Cliffjumper was silent for a moment before exclaiming,
’What in Primus’s name did you do to our frame?’ Cliffjumper realized how that sounded and quickly added,
’Not that I don’t approve of what you did, I’m just asking!” B smiled at his spark-brothers panic and said,
’It’s alright, remember how I said if you ever felt wrong in your own frame?’ Cliffjumper stood for a moment trying to find the memory in his processor, when he found it he looked at B and realized what his spark-brother was trying to say.
’…Ah, that makes sense now,’ B chuckled at Cliffjumper.
’Wait, how are we going to explain to our Carrier and Sire?’
’…I don’t know let's just go home now, we’ll make something up on the way,’
’Alright, but I’m not gonna stand up for you,’ The both of them stood there before laughing and transforming into their alt-modes and driving towards their home.
’Do you feel more comfortable in that frame now?’ Cliffjumper asked B, his spark-brother.
’Pits, Yes, I never felt more alive!’ The two spark-brothers joked and laughed their way home and awkwardly explained everything to their Creators, nevertheless they stood at each other's sides for Stellar cycles, always ready to protect each other.
When the others came back from patrols and scouting out areas, Bumblebee exclaimed,
”I kinda have to get ready since my shift is starting soon, I’ll see you all later,” Everyone (except Sentinel, of course) looked at him with pity, he was doing this because he had to. Bumblebee knew that the others wouldn’t understand that what he was doing was for them, especially since his spark-brother had to work under the mech that he was bound to.
Bumblebee was ready for his shift and said goodbye to the others (except Sentinel cuz they hate each other) and did what he had to do and went to Shockwaves’ office to get it over with.
”I heard that the Elite Guard and your spark-brother are here,” Shockwave said when he entered his office after Bumblebee.
”Really? How’d you find out?” Bumblebee asked sarcastically, already knowing that Shockwaves' disguise allowed this kind of information.
”Honestly, I’m surprised that you never told me that you had your frame changed, Junebug,” Bumblebee froze when he heard his deadname.
”H-how do you know that?!” Bumblebee wrapped his arms around his chassis protectively and closed his legs tightly. Shockwave came closer to Bumblebee and calmly explained,
”Give Cliffjumper enough high-grade and he’ll just tell me anything, Junebug,”
”Stop calling me that!” Bumblebee yelled while optic-fluid was coming down.
”Oh, my sweet Bee, I’m sorry, I didn’t know that you were so sensitive about that,” Shockwave calmly said before wrapping Bumblebee in a tight hug. Bumblebee could only sob as he knew that this was just another thing Shockwave could trap him in. He couldn’t blame Cliffjumper, he just couldn’t, he could only blame himself.
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darkmaga-returns · 2 months ago
By S.D. Wells January 15, 2024
Globalists and Illuminati elites allegedly predicted the pandemic and its effects, making them seem like prophetic figures after the event.
Bill Gates' 2010 prediction of population reduction through new vaccines and healthcare services is interpreted as a sinister plan to lower the global population by 10-15 percent.
Barack Obama and Anthony Fauci's public statements from 2015 and 2018, respectively, are seen as forewarning of the impending pandemic and the need for prepared structures to handle it.
Multiple figures, including Michael Spector and Rick Bright, made statements in 2019 about a potential pandemic and rapid vaccine deployment, which are viewed as part of a coordinated plan to implement a global vaccination program.
The globalists and illuminati elitists like to share their insidious plans ahead of time, so that they seem like geniuses after it all goes down, somehow having the insight and wherewithal to predict the future in some uncanny way. However, hindsight is 20/20, and now we can see that not only was the pandemic predicted, but it was planned out by the most nefarious “players” of the New World Order they wanted so badly. That’s why Covid-19 Wuhan virus, with all its mandates and the ultra-toxic nano-particle jabs, will go down in history as the “Plandemic.”
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ask-the-command-post-war · 3 months ago
Rules + Introduction to all the Characters (under the cut)
1. No harassment, no spam, no hate speech, and no slurs at all.
2. No graphic gore. Suggestive is alright, but not graphic.
3. NSFW is alright! However these CANNOT be directed at Astro or Silver, as they are sparklings. With Hot Rod they can be a little more than suggestive, but not straight explicit or overly graphic. The rest are all fine, if a bit easy to fluster, with some.
4. Please no politics. I don't like to talk about that stuff often, let alone in a form of escapism. (ldk if LBGTQ+ counts, but that's completely fine, it's just most of the other irl current happenings-stuff.)
A Muse Headcanon Game I am also using. Please send both the full written prompt and the emoji when sending the ask, for convenience sake.
Current Setting/Time of taking place:
Mainly G1 based Continuity Soup
On Cybertron, a good while post-war. Before Nyon is destroyed, and the Lost Light. Also before the events of Earthspark.
Time Units
(*all in {[cybertronian equivalent] - [human standard]} format)
Nano-Klik - Second
Klik - Minute
Breem - Hour
SC / LC - AM / PM
Solar/Lunar Cycle - Day/Night
Full Cycle - 24hrs
Joor - Week
Orn - Month
Vorn - Year
Optimus Prime
The Leader of the Autobots, and current Prime of Cybertron. Has moved away from his leadership position to focus on his new domestic life with his Conjux and sparkling, and lets his top general, SIC, and TIC handle all of those things now. Very vastly prefers life this way, being very similar to how life was for him before he was Prime.
A kindled mech raised by a pair of loving creators, who went off planet long before the war happened, and are still alive to date. Very doting, loving, and caring of his loved ones. He’s well known for being quite empathetic, and understanding, thus leading to a large amount of leniency. A massive bookworm, and loved to recommend them to his loved ones. Was very good at Archiving, whereas he was pretty average as a Dockworker. In general a pretty sweet mech.
The top general of the Autobots, and probably the second ‘right hand man’ of Optimus’s. She’s an elite warrior, and been an Autobot longer than Optimus. She handles most of the faction nowadays, alongside Jazz and Prowl.
A Nyonian foundling raised by three Nyonian Femmes, and moved to Iacon in adulthood. Elita is definitely compassionate, and warm, but usually in she’s very cold and professional with people, just not being a big ‘people person’. She reserves her soft side for her loved ones only, but can still be warm with coworkers now and then. She tends to prefer sitting and watching a TV show, or keeping herself busy. Occasionally does some art. Very reliable and determined; always available for her loved ones to fall back on when they need some help getting steady, and a bomb couldn’t set her off a task once she’s made a decision. She’s very protective of her Conjux and sparkling, and loves them both very much. Just like Optimus, she is very content, and in fact preferable to the circumstances they’re living. All in all, intimidating, but likely won’t hurt anyone (so long as you don’t start it-).
Hot Rod
Optimus and Elita’s 15 vorn old son, created in the middle-end of the war (middle of G1 show’s running); a Foundling, just like Elita herself was. Has not been involved in the fighting, because he was too young and Optimus and Elita both refused to allow him on a battlefield.
Hot Rod is a very bright, and sweet youngling. He’s usually pretty happy to be at one of the two’s sides, and helping them out. He loves helping his loved ones, and trying to solve their problems. Unfortunately however, he has grown up to be deeply insecure, and usually feeling inadequate, and almost entirely without friends (beyond his family, that is) within the Autobot faction. But he does still try his hardest. He is a very loving mechling, perhaps caring a little too much.
Third in Command of the Autobots, and the Spec.Ops Commander. Immensely loyal and protective with his loved ones, and utterly terrifying at all times, unless he goes out of his way to not be. Handles the faction with Elita and Prowl. Lives with Prowl and Bluestreak in a proper house now, compared to sharing a large habsuite on base.
Jazz is a kindled mech, former career criminal/thief turned Elite Autobot, usually very cheerful, laid back, and charismatic, and wearing a smile around most of the time. He’s a very proud adoptive sire to Bluestreak, and loving conjux to Prowl, doting on both of them. He’s also Optimus Prime’s Amica Endurae, and loves to spend time with him. Never without a weapon even after you’ve had him drop a comically large pile of them from his subspace three times, always be careful to never particularly piss him off or hurt his loved ones. And don’t think he’ll forget, because he still hasn’t showed up to the winter solstice party for 18 vorns straight. But usually he’s a pretty chill, laid back mech, who doesn’t minding hanging out with people.
Second in Command of the Autobots, and Head of the Tactical Division. Very stern and uptight most of the time, and not an ideal mech to make cross with you. Handles the faction with Jazz and Elita, and usually the one doing all the paperwork, not that he minds. Has a well renowned tendency to abuse tables, and occasionally desks.
Prowl is a kindled mech, formerly once upon a time living in the upper caste of Praxus, with his creator’s and older co-creation. However, he has only been back to Praxus once since leaving at 17, and keeps his former status hidden. As an adult he joined the Autobots, and has been quite content with life since. As an Autobot, most see his stern, hard, and prickly outward personality. However, despite being true to his reputation of being a workaholic, he’s not quite what people think, once he lets his walls down, and with his loved ones; in such situations he’s actually rather warm and soft, underneath the mask of coldness he wears. He’s very much an introvert, and quiet most of the time, but he’s not quite as scary as most of the rumors make him out to be. He is very happily conjuxed to Jazz, and very proud of their adoptive son, Bluestreak.
Legendary sniper of the Autobots, with unmatched marksmanship from a young age. Jazz and Prowl’s 21 vorn old adoptive son, who they took in after Praxus fell.
Bluestreak is very sweet, and bright, smiling a lot of the time, and has no problem holding conversation with other people. He’s a well known chatterbox, but has gotten better than when he was younger. Unfortunately, however, his eyesight has gotten dramatically worse, leading to him needing optical assistants. He still lives with Jazz and Prowl, and they’re happy to have him around. For the most part, he’s doing well.
Leader of the Decepticons, and former Gladiator of the Kaonian Pits. Still well followed by most of the Decepticons, and happy to lead them. Conjuxed to Skywarp, and sire to their daughter, Silverclaw.
Megatron is a cold-constructed mech, and a former gladiator. He is very charismatic, especially when he puts the effort to be. He led the revolution, and is very pleased with his success in abolishing Functionism and the Caste System of Cybertron. He tends to be absolutely terrifying to 90% of people, but once you get past the upfront things, he’s actually not that bad to be around. He’s very much a bookworm, and occasionally writes poetry, when the inspiration hits him. Even if he doesn’t say very much, or show it very obviously, he does very much love his conjux and sparkling, and is quite happy living with them out on the outskirts of Kaon’s main city.
One of the Elite Trine of the Decepticons, and Royals of Vos; the middle child. Well known for his warping outlier ability, pranks, ADHD symptoms, and lack of similar intelligence to his trinemates/siblings. Diagnosed with Dyslexia and ADHD. Conjuxed to Megatron, and carrier of Silverclaw.
Skywarp is a kindled seeker, and one of the Royals of Vos, raised by his carrier and their trinemates in the palace. He’s always been the one who fell behind academically, but is leaps and bounds ahead of his trinemates in other matters, such as navigation, observation, and improvisation. He tends towards being a fun goofball, trying to lighten the mood and boost morale, to make up for it. He is also sort of the middle between Starscream and Thundercracker, despite being on the opposite end of the spectrum in behavior to Starscream. Him and Starscream are working at mending their relationship, but it’s still going to take a long way yet for them, and Skywarp has accepted that. He’s very proud of his sparkling, quite happy in his relationship with Megatron, and surprisingly content living outside of the city.
Usually referred to as “Silver” as a nickname, or simply how Megatron prefers to refer to her.
5 vorn old daughter of Megatron and Skywarp, born Postwar. Heir to the Decepticon Throne.
She is five, her favorite color is purple, and she loves her parents very much. She also likes her cousin, Uncle Soundwave’s cassettes, and Uncle Starscream’s cat.
She has a flight frame, looking very similar to Megatron but with little wing appendages on her limbs. She also has a few traits of Skywarp’s mixed in.
Third In Command and Communications Officer of the Decepticons. Amica Endurae to Megatron, and conjuxed to Starscream. Creator of his six cassettes, and sire to Astralwave.
Soundwave is a cold-constructed mech, former gladiator in the Kaonian gladiation pits. He’s a very quiet mech, most of the time, but does interject into conversations a lot more than at the beginning of the war. He is admittedly a rather proud mech, despite the subtlety it’s hidden behind, especially in the beginning and middle days, but he did eventually get his comeuppance and isn’t nearly as so as before, and it’s done him some serious good. When he wants to be he can be just as charming as Megatron, even if at times it is a bit different. He occasionally composes some music when he’s feeling up to it, and has began to pick up trying to play instruments. He’s happy to live outside of the city, given how much less assaulting it is on his senses, and it doesn’t feel claustrophobic.
The Second in Command and Air Commander of the Decepticons. Graduated from the Iacon Science Academy in just two vorns, with a degree in both Chemistry and Engineering, on honors. Also the Crown Prince of Vos, and youngest of the Elite Trine/Royals. Conjuxed to Soundwave, carrier of Astralwave. Also owns a cir-cat post-war.
Starscream is a kindled seeker, born to the King/Winglord of Vos, making him the Crown Prince. It can usually be quite a gamble on how involved in conversation he is: sometimes he’s a wallflower/focused on something else entirely, or he’s very avidly involved, and invested in it. Unfortunately, due to trauma, unless it’s with people he feels he can trust enough, it’s usually the former. Starscream has been a prodigy his whole life, and holds a lot of pride in his intelligence and skills, so insulting them is not a great idea, especially not when doing so usually drives him into going nuclear in his response/retaliation. But for the most part, if you just leave him alone to tinker with his tools and chemicals, and perhaps even provide now and then, he’s a happy camper and not too difficult to get along with. He enjoys living out of the city far better than in, he’s discovered. He finds it far more relaxing, and it’s nowhere near as stuffy or draining socially as living in the city or in the palace. In regards to his Conjux and sparkling, you can tell from his behavior and optics alone how much he loves and adores them: he may not say it with words, but it’s very obvious. He’s always rather puffy with pride in Astro, and his optics give away how vomit inducing sickeningly in love he is with Soundwave. All around, he’s quite pleased with his life.
Usually referred to as simply “Astro”.
7 vorn old son of Soundwave and Starscream. A seeker, just like his carrier, and quite quiet and calm, usually. Other times he is absurdly dramatic.
His favorite color is red, he loves his creators, and family. He thinks Uncle Megatron and Skywarp are pretty chill, and doesn’t mind having his little cousin around, even if she does babble a bit too much for his liking.
Thank you for reading! Please follow the rules, and have fun!
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carladuquette · 1 year ago
Lynn Fainchtein, the og Elite’s music supervisor, passed away this month at only 61. She was great at what she did, so let’s remember some of Elite’s best music moments.
List your favorite or top three, top five, whatever, Elite music moments and if you know anyone who still remembers this show fondly (anyone…?), tag them so they can do it too. Thank you for the music, Lynn ❤️
3. I hear the day has come – Matt Maltese. It first plays over Marina‘s death scene in the season one finale when Nano comes to find her in the pool, and she collapses in his arms. As if that wasn’t sad enough, it’s repeated in season two, when Nano feels he has lost everything and is crumbling the picture of him and his family before he leaves town in the pouring rain. The parallels!
2. Hey Moon - John Maus. Lu and Val and their 🔥🔥🔥 chemistry coming back from the party in the season two premiere, ending the night on the pool table. Need I say more (I need not). Both Danna and Jorge said that this was their favorite scene filmed before season three. 
1. Los dias raros - Vetusta Morla. The montage at the end of 2x07. My favorite Elite musical moment, no contest, and potentially my favorite moment in the show period. Yes, it has Lu finally giving in to Val after she has basically burned everything to the ground with her speech at the fake charity gala. But there is so much more in this scene, too, so many emotions. If nothing in this montage touched you, are you even alive? 
I tag @carlotocotta @dhyanshiva @snappy-bambi @narcobarbies @sizzy-ling @myladyofmercy @ivanpellicer Anyone who’s watched Elite! Doesn’t have to be songs from the first 3 seasons.
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nostalgicninjas · 6 months ago
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Marina Nunier - In The End, Linkin Park
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saintly-shenanigans · 3 months ago
If there is an elite scavenger, is there an ultra scavenger? A giga scavenger? An ultimate scavenger? Rolling back, perhaps a mini scavenger? A micro scavenger? A nano scavenger?
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highenough123 · 3 months ago
Samuel:Ari, Patrick and mencias sister
Carla:Lu and valerios sister
Patrick:Isadoras sister
Ivan:rebekas sister
Lu:Carla’s sister
Polo:Samuel and nanos sister
Ander:polos sister
Nano:Lu and valerios sister
Guzman:anders sister
Nadia:Samuel and nanos sister
Omar:cayetanas sister
Rebeka:Guzman and marinas sister
Isadora:Ivan’s sister
Ari:guzman and marinas sister
Mencia:Sara’s sister
Cruz:Isadoras sister
Valerio:Carla’s sister
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pugzman3 · 1 year ago
Timothy Alberino is talking about the degeneration of the human race. These are the kinds of things that everyone is being distracted from. These are the things that are layers deep beneath the multitude of distractions we are fed every day, as well as what you find when you start pulling apart the deceptions; because those too, while they have real effects on our lives, are layers deep.
If you are still stuck in the political theater, the socialistic agendas, basically.....if you think any man on this earth is going to stop this, you are delusional.
He goes on to comment that it is no coincidence what so ever that this is happening, at the same time they are talking about finding ways to live forever, transhumanism, gene manipulation and insertion of things like nano technology into the body. They know what is really going on and aren't telling us.
But why?
I told you. Everything goes back to God vs Satan.
These luciferian elites know this. And they know that when faced with death, many many people will alter their human dna to live. So why does that matter? Because Jesus died for man, not a genetically modified man. Not a transhuman man. Just like Genesis 6, the powerful are corrupting the genome, and those corruptions are the reason for the flood. Those who choose to corrupt themselves to live, will forfeit their chance for any salvation. And this isn't even the full deal. There was a lot of moving parts in the end times prophesies.
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elitememories · 5 months ago
elite cast
elite aesthetic
elite moodboard
marina nunier
samuel garcia
carla roson
guzman nunier
nadia shanaa
omar shanaa
ander munoz
lucrecia montesinos
rebeka parrilla
polo benavent
cayetana grajera
valerio montesinos
christian varela
nano garcia
- - -
marina & samuel
marina & nano
carla & marina
marina & guzman
marina & nadia
marina & lucrecia
marina & christian
marina & polo
carla & samuel
samuel & rebeka
samuel & nadia
samuel & guzman
samuel & ander
samuel & christian
samuel & omar
carla & lucrecia
carla & rebeka
carla & ander
carla & guzman
carla & polo
carla & christian
nano & christian
polo & christian
carla x polo x christian
polo x cayetana x valerio
polo & valerio
polo & cayetana
valerio & cayetana
guzman & nadia
guzman & lucrecia
guzman & rebeka
guzman x ander x polo
guzman & ander
guzman & polo
ander & polo
ander & christian
nadia & lucrecia
nadia & omar
nadia & rebeka
lucrecia & rebeka
lucrecia & cayetana
lucrecia & valerio
lucrecia & polo
lucrecia & christian
lucrecia & omar
omar & ander
ander & rebeka
rebeka & omar
rebeka & valerio
rebeka & cayetana
rebeka & mencia
- - -
itzan escamilla
danna paola
claudia salas
alvaro rico
aron piper
omar ayuso
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gayguybln · 1 year ago
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Marvin (20, left) and Beau (19, right) are approaching an elite unit of the army of the Federal Republic of Dystopia. Soldiers of this unit abandon their families and their right to reproduce. So these soldiers are undergoing a bloodless but painful method of sterilization. These guys will inject each other with a nano serum. This nano serum will do some work in the bodies. This serum attacks the vas deferens and dissolve it. In addition this serum is remodelling their balls to produce sperm that can't fertilize an egg cell as the haploid chromosomes are missing. This double procedure is a safety net if one procedure fails.
Under supervision of a doctor they'll inject each other and then they'll go into a padded cell. 10 mins after the injection a burning sensation is starting in the balls. They'll suffer heavy pain for approximately five hours with the pains climax at the start of the fifth hour. This procedure is always done in pairs as they should suffer with a comrade and help each other in the pain. After the heavy pain there's again a slight burning. If that disappears they go in the milking area where they'll be milked until dry orgasms two times daily for one week to get every working sperm out of the system.
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