#isadora artinan
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smuganya · 7 months ago
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ecnmatic · 7 months ago
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ELITE (2024) Combustión - 8.03 dir. Jota Linares.
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iconsrequestsworld · 7 months ago
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neverscreens · 2 months ago
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— ELITE S08.
Alumni, Part One, Part Two.
Al extremo, Part One, Part Two.
Combustión, Part One, Part Two.
No soy de nadie, Part One, Part Two.
La última noche, Part One, Part Two.
Culpable, Part One, Part Two.
Como hermanos, 500 Screencaps.
Fin de curso, Part One, Part Two.
Like or reblog if it was useful, every interaction shows us that we should keep making screencaps for y'all ♡
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shujubeelamoglia · 8 months ago
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Season 8 Promo Photos
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bumblesimagines · 1 year ago
i thought you liked keeping things at arm's length.
i wish you would just kiss me.
how long have you been staring at me?
- Isadora
i thought you liked keeping things at arm's length.
i wish you would just kiss me.
how long have you been staring at me?
Pronouns: he/him/his
CW/TW: Mention/Implied SA
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Filled to the brim with Madrid's richest, the line to get into the Isadora's House club spilled out onto the street and down a lengthy sidewalk. Isadora's hips swayed along to the beat of the song, one hand cupping her headphones and the other drifting over her turntable. It'd been the first time in many weeks that she'd felt comfortable in her own club, in her own home. Even if they hadn't been arrested for what they'd done to her, she'd been able to prevent them from hurting another unsuspecting girl. With cameras, witnesses, and evidence, they'd finally be locked away and out of her sight. She could finally breathe again. 
Her crystal eyes lifted from the turntable to take a look at the clubgoers partying around her. She spotted Didac slithering around the club, handing off drinks and expertly avoiding the more clumsy dancers. Bilal remained at the bar, tending to guests and pretending not to notice Rocío ogling him from the other side of the bar. Ivan and Nico sat beside the yearning girl, looking equally solemn without their respective Blanco siblings. Isadora detested seeing either of them so saddened. Patrick's abrupt departure had left Ivan wandering like a lost soul, and it only made her heart ache for her dear friend. 
But her attention broke away from the puppy-eyed teen when a hand clapped over his shoulder and a smile finally appeared on his face. The new face beside him made Isadora's stomach twist and her posture straightened. (Y/N) smiled back at Ivan and shook his shoulder lightly, making Ivan chuckle and finally loosen up. His sister, a sweet curly-haired girl named Sonia, appeared at his side and mustered a smile for Nico, a gesture (Y/N) couldn't extend to the boy. Instead, his eyes narrowed and without having to utter a word, Nico took Rocío and dragged the girl off to the dancefloor. Sonia slapped her hand over her brother's arm scoldingly and Isadora's lips curled up in amusement. 
Almost as if feeling her stare, (Y/N)'s head turned in her direction and their eyes locked immediately. Isadora had little shame, that was well known by most who knew her, and yet she'd almost felt inclined to look away as her cheeks warmed. Nobody had ever made her feel like a little kid with a crush. Not Ivan, not Phillipe, not even the hottest guys in all of Ibiza and Madrid. And yet, there she stood, suddenly wishing she had a mirror to check on her appearance. (Y/N)'s head tilted and he leaned forward on the bar with a teasing grin. An invitation. She took it, only having to glance over her shoulder for her assistant to take her spot. 
Isadora straightened her shoulders and tilted her chin up, striding across the club toward him and putting on her signature smirk. Part of it felt good to flirt, to pretend as if butterflies never erupted in her stomach each time (Y/N) crossed her line of sight. But another part of her dreaded what would follow after the flirting and teasing. Javier, Hugo, and Alex had scarred her. Made her self-conscious and hyperaware of everyone else's movements. They'd even made her doubt her best friend at the lowest point in his life and made her face ridicule by many in the school. Even with Javier's many apologies and his two former friends sitting in cells, they still haunted every dream with their sick, twisted grins. 
"How long have you been staring at me, Isa?" He crooned and Sonia's questioning gaze made her face flush further. The girl pushed her glasses further up her nose and muttered a quick excuse, slipping away before she would be forced to listen to them. Ivan shot her a knowing wink and hopped out of his stool, disappearing into the crowd and meeting up with Nico and Rocío. 
"I don't know what you're talking about, sweetheart," Isadora replied cooly, taking a moment to smile sweetly at Bilal when he set a cool glass of champagne in front of her. She scooped it up in her hand and took a sip, eyes never leaving his. "It seems like you're the one staring."
"Really? I could've sworn I caught you staring at me."
"You should get your vision checked then, babe." Her grin widened when he rolled his eyes and she set her glass back on the table, the champagne mixing with the buzz of the other drinks she'd indulged in throughout the night. They made her skin tingle and deliciously lit every cell in her being on fire. Her lips parted before she could think. "I wish you would just kiss me."
The teasing, playful look disappeared from his face, replaced by a curiosity and hesitance that made her wish she'd stayed at the turntable. She'd received enough pitying looks, and dealt with many keeping their distance; mainly because they either believed she'd made up her accusations or they simply didn't wish to break her further. He'd been there for the impromptu underwear party Rocío had encouraged to get her reacquainted with feeling confident in her body, he'd listened to her word vomit her feelings, and even answered the late-night calls when a nightmare woke her up and she knew her parents would only brush her off. The comfort was greatly admired, but the pity never was.
"I thought you liked keeping things at arm's length."
Ah, so he'd heard about her rejection of Didac's confession. She sighed heavily and picked up her cup again, downing the rest of the contents in one fluid move. Just as swiftly, Bilal refilled her cup and she made a mental note to give him a raise. "Didac's a good guy. I appreciate everything he's done to help me but... I see him the same way I see Ivan. I... I have a lot of baggage. I don't know if I'll ever be the same again. I get if that's something you don't want to deal wi-" Her words halted when lips pressed against hers, and her whole body lit ablaze. Finally.
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bonobochick · 1 year ago
Thoughts on #Elite7
I finished up Elite S7 and I have some thoughts with some gifs. 🥹
Rocio got story and screentime. 🎉 I hated seeing her chase after Bilal's worthless ass in S6 cause he didn't even like her & constantly disrespected her yet as soon as he found out her fam is rich, he started singing a different tune. Rocio didn't get as much as I wanted in terms of screentime but enough that she got famliy drama with her mom's illicit activities + romantic drama with Eric. Nico's cousin Eric showed up this season and he's got issues. Rocio & Eric had good chem (much more chem IMO that he has with Chloe) in their attraction to each other.
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Eric messes up more than a few times with her yet how he treats her shows care and actual feelings, not just sexual desire. What Elite was building up with Rocio & Eric was love as opposed to what he had with Chloe, which was vices + sex. Sadly, I think this romance with Eric & Rocio will only exist in S7, which is unfortunate with all that good chem and decent build up. 😮‍💨
2) The surprise appearance of Fiks from Blood and Water! I didn't know about the crossover so it was good to see her. I know Ivan will be in S4 of Blood and Water.
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3) I like the crew of Nico, Eric, & Rocio. They have a nice vibe together, good times and bad times, I would say more of this in S8 but I've read that Rocio won't be in S8 so I'll have to enjoy the beginnings of a solid crew that I got in S7 since I'm about to get nothing in S8. I thought the scenes with Nico & his cousin re: Eric's mental health issues were absorbing too. Eric wanted to do better but hated how he felt being on meds. As his uncle said, it's about figuring out the right cocktail to help him with the highs and lows but Eric struggled with patience in that because of the side effects.
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4) I adore Ivan so I was glad to see him on the mend from the accident. He's still heartbroken over Patrick's exit and the death of Cruz so much of S7 is him trying to move past his grief. He does that in the form of Joel which is in the next section.
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Neutral / Indifferent:
1) Omar / Joel / Ivan... I've already admitted I adore Ivan but for full disclosure, I'm BIG on Patrivan so anything else for them with anyone else was always going to be an uphill battle. I also do not like Omar ever since he cheated with Malik and didn't even apologize to Nadia about it. All this said... I didn't hate this story. I thought it was interesting to show Omar's depression from what happened to Samu but the show spent a little bit too much time with all the back and forth in this story. Joel is alright and his chem with both guys is fine. I just wasn't invested in this triangle and all the angst but it's not a bad story. Dalmar is MVP in it.
2) Chloe and Carmen: I wanted Ivan's mother to show up and Carmen did. She also brought along Ivan's half-sister (to which I need to do some age checking cause pregnancies take time!) named Chloe. Carmen is a golddigger and it made sense why Cruz paid her to stay away from Ivan. That doesn't mean that Ivan didn't have a moment where he got to know his mother a little TOO well. ahem. The drama here with Ivan's new family had potential and was messy but I... didn't care for Chloe's everything is sbout sex story, especially with Eric but also with Raul. All it did was make me roll my eyes a lot in annoyance. The strong-arming that Chloe was irresistible / sexy got tired quickly, especially when she was walking around in her school uniform with her bra out as sign of that "sexiness." Come on!
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3) All things Didac, Isadora, and their families: a lot going on and a lot of it didn't move me. Didac & Isadora are fine together so that wasn't the issue for me. The Romeo + Juliet story with the warring families didn't quite work for me. Took up lots of screentime too.
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What did work? The hottie undercover cop. That was some nice eye candy.
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4) Sonia & Nico... I wanted to see more of them after the S6 drama with Ari and they got shafted in terms of story + screentime toghether, particularly after Nico schtupped Chloe.
1) All things Sara and Raul.
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I've hated these two characters since they both showed up in S6 but someone has a hard-on for them in the writers room, particularly Sara. I skipped over many of their scenes with each other and with others. Raul won't be in S8. I wish Sara wasn't as well but she'll be their stinking up things. 🗑️
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sorryjade · 4 months ago
The best girl from Elite
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highenough123 · 3 months ago
Samuel:Ari, Patrick and mencias sister
Carla:Lu and valerios sister
Patrick:Isadoras sister
Ivan:rebekas sister
Lu:Carla’s sister
Polo:Samuel and nanos sister
Ander:polos sister
Nano:Lu and valerios sister
Guzman:anders sister
Nadia:Samuel and nanos sister
Omar:cayetanas sister
Rebeka:Guzman and marinas sister
Isadora:Ivan’s sister
Ari:guzman and marinas sister
Mencia:Sara’s sister
Cruz:Isadoras sister
Valerio:Carla’s sister
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gt-icons · 2 years ago
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Isadora Artiñán “Elite″ Icons
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smuganya · 7 months ago
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happycolorbarbarian · 1 year ago
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philippe y isadora
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iconsrequestsworld · 7 months ago
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neverscreens · 10 months ago
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— ELITE S07.
Las Encinas, 547. Part One and Part Two.
Protocolo, 521. Part One and Part Two.
Bling-Bling, 523. Part One and Part Two.
Punto y coma, 493 Screencaps.
La Familia, 522. Part One and Part Two.
Tocar fondo, 537. Part One and Part Two.
Solo abrázame, 550. Part One and Part Two.
Voy a acabar con esto para siempre, 759. Part One and Part Two.
Like or reblog if it was useful, every interaction shows us that we should keep making screencaps for y'all ♡
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shujubeelamoglia · 1 year ago
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Season 7
Character Posters
Premieres October 20th
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eine-wie-wir · 1 year ago
Ich glaube der schlimmste Betrug, auf den wir im Leben reinfallen, ist die Sehnsucht nach dem erwachsen sein.
Denn wenn man erstmal erwachsen ist, macht einen das Leben fertig und man endet als Versager.
Und dann will man nur wieder jung und unreif sein.
- Isadora // Élite (2018-)
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