#namibian politics
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allthebrazilianpolitics · 5 months ago
Petrobras Eyes 40% Ownership in Namibia's Mopane Oil Block
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Petrobras PBR, a Brazil-based integrated energy company controlled by the government of Brazil, has its eyes set on acquiring the entire 40% stake in the Mopane oil and gas exploration block in Namibia, currently owned by Portugal’s Galp Energia, SGPS, S.A. GLPEY. This strategic move aligns with PBR’s expansion plans and its focus on establishing a stronger presence in international oil and gas markets, particularly in Africa.
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newsbites · 2 years ago
Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) leader McHenry Venaani on Tuesday called on other opposition parties to join a coalition to challenge Swapo’s political supremacy.
He believes that opposition parties stand a chance to win the 2024 national elections if they pool their resources and support together.
“All leaders of opposition political formations must participate in this vocation. If we analyse the ever-changing political dynamic, we will find that building a coalition is the only way to topple Swapo come the next elections,” he said during a press briefing in Windhoek.
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marxistlesbianist · 3 months ago
How do I stop getting more and more terrified of the upcoming Trump administration. I know on a material level Harris would not be much better but every new cabinet pick and headline makes the liberal in me scream and cry, I'm a trans woman just starting her transition and I'm scared I will never become the person I want to be. I'm scared it's too late for me. I need a Marxist perspective, what do I do?
Unfortunately marxism cannot provide you with any way to avoid fear as such, but this does not mean it is useless here. Marxism as an analytical method helps us to see the social/economic mechanisms affecting our lives as they really are, rather than as the quasi-divine forces which liberalism supposes them to be. I and many others have found that looking at the world in this more grounded manner has the effect of lessening our anxiety, but how you react to this vision of material reality is still up to you.
That being said, here is a rough outline of a marxist outlook on the US political economy to–day, which might help you to ground through the anxiety of the election results:
The US empire is an empire in decline. This is not the fault of any single politician, but of the inherently unstable ground on which capitalist economies are built. Capitalism necessitates constant market growth, and with nearly the whole world already captured by the US economic order, this is an increasingly impossible demand to meet. As climate change worsens the third world countries exploited by the US are pushed to either drown under ceaseless natural disasters, or revolt against the economic system distroying their ecology—in both cases the US hegemony is weakened and our great empire dies by a thousand cuts. The only way to avoid economic crisis is to move away from the capitalist mode of production all together, but bourgeois politicians will only ever offer us incomplete solutions to the problems they have created.
Fascism is the liberal response to economic crisis. Throughout the history of the 20th century, we have seen that even the most socially progressive liberal “democracies” have morphed into fascist monstrocities when the capitalist economy is threatened. Voting in ostensibly progressive candidates without seriously challenging the political economy won't save us--as the people of Germany learned when the liberal chancellor Hindenburg appointed Hitler as the head of state after beating him in the election. This happens because fascism is at its heart the imperialist system turned inwards; when the German bourgeoisie were no longer able to sustain their economy by exploiting colonized countries like Namibia, they revitalized their economy by building a more advanced version of the Namibian colonial state at home.
Because the system is already collapsing in on itself, the primary task for us to organize toward is not challenging the system as it is, but building something better in its place. Of course, the task of defending our movement will necessarily bring us into conflict with the current bourgeois state, but we must remember that the point is not to oppose our enemies but to defend our friends. Even if a socialist president were elected to the white house, their dictates would only mean anything if there existed an organized body of workers prepared to exicute the plan inspite of bourgeois sabatage. Conversely, a sufficiantly large and well organized body of workers would be capable of building socialism in the US no matter what Washington says.
For trans women, the state of affairs following Trump's election is fundamentally no different than it was before November 6th. For 250 years the US government has been hostile to our existence, and yet there are more of us living out of the closet now than there ever have been in this country's history. The liberties which the republican party now threatens to deprive us of were not given to us by liberal politicians, but won inspite of them by the masses of our trans elders fighting tirelessly for themselves and their children—and for so long as we continue the struggle we have inherited, the bourgeois state will never be able to defeat us. Of course, much of this history of struggle has been obscured by the liberal order trying to co-opt our movement, but it is still there to be discovered. (If you only know about Stonewall, I highly recommend you read about the history of STAR (Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries), an organization founded by some of the trans women who lead that riot.)
Of course, none of this is to say that the situation isn’t terrifying; just that it is also manageable. You may not be able to live the life you wanted, but that doesn't mean you can't still lead a life worth living! The liberal in you screams and cries because she sees that things are bad, but doesn't see how you as an individual can make it right. Adopting a marxist perspective to see not just that things are bad but also how and why, and organizing with your class allies instead of working on your own will silence your inner liberal’s tears as she becomes obsolete. Individual Trump staff picks don’t mean much for us in our project of building a socialist movement. Regardless of who sits in office, the work before us is the same. So let’s get to work—for the revolution of the world!
Lastly, because I always found it annoying when people would tell me to "join an org" without elaborating, here is a brief rundown of some organizations you could look into:
PSL (Party for Socialism and Liberation) has the widest reach of any nominally communist party in the US. Their top leadership are largely opportunists insofar as I can tell, but the local chapters vary enough that some of them are involved in genuinely productive work.
FRSO (Freedom Road Socialist Organization) is a lot smaller, but with more genuine leadership and a strong ideological line. They are growing, and tend to be much more active in the few areas where they are organized.
DSA and CPUSA (Democratic Socialists of America, and Communist Party of the USA) are both useless as organizations, but you might still find some people there you can organize with—especially of there aren’t any better orgs in your area.
SALT (Socialist ALTernative) basically encompass the worst of all worlds in my experience, but individual experience may vary.
Even if there are no active organizations in your area, joining one and sitting in on zoom meetings is still a worthwhile step forward!
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beardedmrbean · 3 months ago
Namibia elected its first woman president with Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah winning last week’s presidential elections disputed by technical and logistical issues in the country.
The 72-year-old, the current vice-president of the country, won with 57 per cent of the vote, extending the ruling South West Africa People’s Organisation (Swapo) party’s grip on power since independence from South Africa in 1990.
“The Namibian nation has voted for peace and stability,” Ms Nandi-Ndaitwah said after the final results were announced late on Tuesday.
Her victory defied predictions that she might be forced into a run-off after opposition parties rejected the results after polling had to be extended for three days in some parts of the country following technical and logistical problems.
Her closest rival Panduleni Itula, who got 26 per cent of the votes, had alleged electoral malpractice.
The polling was scheduled to conclude last Wednesday but had to be extended till Saturday in some parts after polling booths suffered shortages of ballot papers and other issues.
The opposition parties said the extension was illegal and boycotted the results announcement on Tuesday, saying that they will challenge the results in court.
Ms Nandi-Ndaitwah is known as a dedicated Swapo loyalist who joined the party at the age of 14 and was part of an underground independence movement against South African rule in Namibia in the 1970s which was responsible for the implementation of apartheid.
Her leadership in Swapo’s Youth League laid the foundation for her political rise, eventually earning her ministerial positions in foreign affairs, tourism, child welfare, and information.
She was promoted to vice president in February after president Hage Geingob died while in office and will become the fifth president of Namibia after independence.
Her victory as the first female president of Namibia adds her to the exclusive club with Tanzania’s president Samia Suluhu Hassan. She, however, took office through constitutional succession and not a popular vote.
"Swapo Wins. Netumbo Wins. Namibia Wins. Now Hard Work," the ruling party posted on its official account on social media site X.
Mr Itula, of the Independent Patriots for Change opposition party, won the second-largest number of seats in parliament behind Swapo.
The Independent Patriots for Change have led the criticism of the vote and pledged to lodge a challenge in court, calling the three-day extension for voting unconstitutional.
Swapo maintained a grip on power in Namibian politics for nearly three decades. However, its popularity came under question in the 2019 election when it lost its two-thirds majority, reducing its vote share to 56 per cent from 87 per cent.
It faced challenges of growing unemployment, allegations of corruption on high ranking officials of Swapo and high levels of inequality.
This year in May, South Africa’s African National Congress lost its majority in parliament for the first time since the end of apartheid. The Botswana Democratic Party was also booted out of power after ruling since independence from Britain in 1966.
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stele3 · 8 months ago
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vesku56 · 1 year ago
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Jaakko Viljanen
Nov 14, 2023 • 24 tweets • 6 min read •  Read on X
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Minulla on tapana lukea erilaisia kansainvälisiä tutkimuksia, joissa verrataan hyvinvointia ja edistystä eri maissa, ja selvittää, mille kaikille maille Yhdysvallat häviää näissä vertailussa.
Jaan tässä ketjussa hauskimpia löytöjäni.
Yhdysvalloissa elinajanodote on lyhyempi kuin Antiguassa, Arabiemiraateissa, Bahrainissa, Barbadoksella, Chilessä, Kiinassa, Kuwaitissa, Malediiveillä, Puerto Ricossa, Qatarissa tai Thaimaassa.
Life expectancyThe period life expectancy at birth, in a given year.https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/life-expectancy?tab=map
USA:ssa tapetaan suhteessa väkilukuun paljon enemmän ihmisiä kuin Algeriassa, Arabiemiraateissa, Azerbaidzanissa, Bahrainissa, Ghanassa, Jordaniassa, Marokossa, Omanissa, Palestiinassa, Qatarissa, Sierra Leonessa tai Uzbekistanissa.
Homicide rateAnnual number of deaths from homicide per 100,000 people.https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/homicide-rate-unodc
Amerikassa lapsikuolleisuus on suurempaa kuin Kuubassa, Montenegrossa, Pohjois-Makedoniassa, Qatarissa, Valko-Venäjällä tai Venäjällä.
Child mortality rateThe estimated share of newborns who die before reaching the age of five.https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/child-mortality-igme
Amerikkalaisen Freedom Housen mukaan USA on vähemmän vapaa maa kuin Argentiina, Bahama, Barbados, Belize, Chile, Costa Rica, Grenada, Kap Verde, Kiribati, Mauritius, Mongolia tai Uruguay.
Countries and TerritoriesFreedom House rates people’s access to political rights and civil liberties in 210 countries and territories through its annual Freedom in the World report. Individual freedoms—ranging from the right …https://freedomhouse.org/countries/freedom-world/scores
Algeriassa, Chilessä, Costa Ricassa, Ecuadorissa, Iranissa, Jamaikalla, Jordaniassa, Kiinassa, Kolumbiassa, Kuubassa, Panamassa, Perussa, Sri Lankassa, Thaimaassa, Tunisiassa ja Turkissa ihmiset pysyvät terveinä pidempään kuin USA:ssa.
Healthy life expectancyThe estimated average number of years lived free from disability or disease burden. This is based on period life expectancy, after adjusting for the number of years lived in less than "full health" du…https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/healthy-life-expectancy-at-birth
USA:ssa lehdistö on vähemmän vapaa kuin Argentiinassa, Costa Ricassa, Dominikaanisessa tasavallassa, Etelä-Afrikassa, Itä-Timorissa, Jamaikalla, Kap Verdessä, Moldovassa, Namibiassa, Pohjois-Makedoniassa, Samoassa tai Trinidadissa.
IndexRSF's World Press Freedom Index aims to compare the level of press freedom enjoyed by journalists and media in 180 countries and territories.https://rsf.org/en/index
Amerikassa tehdään suhteessa väkilukuun enemmän itsemurhia kuin useimmissa Aasian, Latinalaisen Amerikan tai Lähi-idän maissa.
Suicide rateAnnual number of suicides per 100,000 people. Suicide deaths are underreported in many countries due to social stigma and cultural or legal concerns. This data is adjusted for this underreporting to e…https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/death-rate-from-suicides-gho
Economist Intelligence Unit arvioi, että Yhdysvallat on vähemmän demokraattinen valtio kuin Chile, Costa Rica, Mauritius tai Uruguay.
Democracy indexBased on the expert assessments and index by the Economist Intelligence Unit (2023). It combines information on the extent to which citizens can choose their political leaders in free and fair electio…https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/democracy-index-eiu
Yhdysvaltain kongressissa istuu vähemmän naisia kuin Arabiemiraattien, Bolivian, Etelä-Afrikan, Etiopian, Kuuban, Meksikon, Mosambikin, Namibian, Ruandan tai Senegalin parlamenteissa.
Share of women in parliamentPercentage of seats in lower or single chamber of the legislature held by women.https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/share-of-women-in-parliament-ipu
Amerikkalaisen Fund for Peacen mukaan Yhdysvallat on epävakaampi valtio kuin Arabiemiraatit, Chile, Costa Rica, Mauritius, Qatar tai Uruguay.
Yhdysvallat teloittaa yhä ihmisiä, kun taas lukuisat Aasian, Afrikan ja Latinalaisen Amerikan valtiot ovat kieltäneet kuolemanrangaistuksen.
Abolitionist and Retentionist CountriesThe Death Penalty Information Center is a non-profit organization serving the media and the public with analysis and information about capital punishment.…https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/policy-issues/international/abolitionist-and-retentionist-countries
Amerikassa terroristit tappavat joka vuosi kymmeniä ihmisiä, kun taas Arabiemiraateissa, Botswanassa, Liberiassa, Marokossa, Mauritaniassa, Namibiassa, Qatarissa, Sambiassa ja Sierra Leonessa terrorismikuolemat ovat harvinaisia.
Terrorism deathsConfirmed deaths, including all victims and attackers who died because of a terrorist attack.https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/terrorism-deaths
USA:ssa ei ole ollut naispresidenttiä, toisin kuin Argentiinassa, Brasiliassa, Etiopiassa, Filippiineillä, Indonesiassa, Intiassa, Kirgisiassa, Kosovossa, Liberiassa, Malawissa, Nepalissa, Perussa, Sri Lankassa ja Tansaniassa.
List of elected and appointed female heads of state and government - Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_elected_and_appointed_female_heads_of_state_and_government
Amerikassa on vähemmän matkapuhelinliittymiä per capita kuin Botswanassa, Burkina Fasossa, Gabonissa, Ghanassa, Iranissa, Kambodzassa, Keniassa, Marokossa, Mauritaniassa, Namibiassa, Norsunluurannikolla, Senegalissa tai Tunisiassa.
Mobile phone subscriptions per 100 peopleThis number can get over 100 when the average person has more than one subscription to a mobile service.https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/mobile-cellular-subscriptions-per-100-people
Kansainvälisen kyselytutkimuksen mukaan egyptiläiset, etiopialaiset, jordanialaiset, kiinalaiset, kirgisialaiset, libyalaiset, malediiviläiset ja tunisialaiset suhtautuvat terrorismiin kielteisemmin kuin amerikkalaiset.
Is terrorism justifiable as a political, ideological, or religious mean? 2022Respondents' average score on the scale from 1 (terrorism is never justifiable) to 10 (terrorism is always justifiable).https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/perceived-justifiability-of-terrorism-as-a-political-ideological-or-religious-means
Etelä-Afrikka, Argentiina, Brasilia ja Uruguay säätivät kaikki tasa-arvoisen avioliittolain ennen Yhdysvaltoja (ja Suomea).
Same-Sex Marriage Around the WorldSort through the more than 30 jurisdictions that have enacted laws allowing gays and lesbians to marry.https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/fact-sheet/gay-marriage-around-the-world/
Amerikkalaiset kokevat omat asuinalueensa vähemmän turvallisiksi kuin bolivialaiset, jamaikalaiset, kiinalaiset, malesialaiset, myanmarilaiset, nigerialaiset, palestiinalaiset, thaimaalaiset ja venäläiset kokevat omat asuinalueensa.
Share that feel safe walking alone around the area they live at nightAn interactive visualization from Our World in Data.https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/safety-walking-alone
Sosiaalista ja ekologista hyvinvointia mittaavassa Happy Planet Index -tutkimuksessa Yhdysvallat häviää… no, suurimmalle osalle muusta maailmasta.
Yhdysvalloissa päihteiden aiheuttamat kuolemat ovat yleisempiä kuin melkein missään muualla maailmassa.
Alcohol and drug use disorders death rateEstimated annual number of deaths from alcohol and drug use disorders per 100,000 people. These include only direct deaths from these disorders, meaning they do not include suicide deaths which can in…https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/death-rates-substance-disorders-who
Kuten varmaan jo tiesitkin, amerikkalaiset tuottavat per capita enemmän kasvihuonekaasupäästöjä kuin melkein mikään muu kansa.
Per capita greenhouse gas emissionsGreenhouse gas emissions include carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide from all sources, including land-use change. They are measured in tonnes of carbon dioxide-equivalents over a 100-year timesc…https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/per-capita-ghg-emissions
Yhdysvalloissa vankien osuus koko väestöstä on suurempi kuin melkein missään muualla maailmassa.
P.S. Lopuksi lienee syytä kertoa, että tämän ketjun pointtina ei ollut niinkään nauraa Amerikalle, vaan enemmänkin sille harhaluulolle, että maailma jakautuisi selkeästi “rikkaisiin maihin” ja “kehitysmaihin”. Yhdysvaltoja pidetään…
kehittyneen ja modernin maan perikuvana, mutta todellisuudessa se ei olekaan aina täysin ylivertainen suhteessa ns. kehitysmaihin. Nykyajan maailma on paljon monimutkaisempi paikka kuin monet ylimieliset länsimaalaiset kuvittelevat.
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Jaakko Viljanen
Dec 14, 2023
Monet suomalaiset muistelevat taas, kuinka Suomi oli aiemmin niin turvallinen ja lainkuuliainen paikka. Kokosinpa siis Helsingin Sanomien arkiston avulla ketjun aiheesta "pommi-iskut 1990-luvun Suomessa". Surullista kyllä, niitä tosiaan riittää ketjuksi asti.
HS 8.1.1991: “Varauloskäytävän oveen kiinnitetty pommi rikkoi pakolaisten vastaanottoasemana toimivan hotelli Walkealan oven ja tuulikaapin lasit maanantaiyönä.”
12.10.1991: “Helsingin veroviraston takaovella Merihaassa räjähti perjantain vastaisena yönä pommi. Se särki ikkunoita ja parioven, mutta ei vaurioittanut viraston tietokoneita tai arkistoja.”
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Jaakko Viljanen
Dec 7, 2023
Vanhoista sanomalehdistä voi löytää kaikenlaista: Esimerkiksi viktoriaanisen murhajutun, jossa ruotsalainen merimies tappoi kirveellä suomalaiseksi luulemansa miehen, koska hän pelkäsi suunnattomasti suomalaisten noitavoimia. 1/13
Tämä ruotsalainen merimies oli Karl "Charles" Anderson, kun taas hänen uhrinsa oli intialainen merimies John Marnchien (tai James Marnchien; 1800-luvun toimittajat eivät olleet kovin tarkkoja nimien suhteen). 2/13
Vuonna 1866 Anderson ja Marnchien työskentelivät kumpikin brittiläisellä kauppalaivalla nimeltä Raby Castle. Jostain syystä Anderson vakuuttui, että Marnchien oli suomalainen (lehdessä sanotaan "Russian Finn", mikä tarkoittanee vain, että Suomi oli osa Venäjän imperiumia). 3/13
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Jaakko Viljanen
Nov 29, 2023
Itärajan tilanteen vuoksi päätin tehdä ketjun siitä, miten Suomessa autonomian aikana puhuttiin juutalaisten maahanmuutosta Venäjältä Suomeen. Maahanmuuton vastustajien kieli oli tuolloin ihan samaa kuin nykyäänkin, vaikka tulijat olivatkin juutalaisia eivätkä muslimeja.
Uusi Suometar 4.2.1882: Meurman, kuvaillen juutalaisten halua saada maailman valtaa käsiinsä ja niitä vaaroja, jotka sen kautta uhkaavat kristityitä valtioita, ehdottaa että voimassa olevia asetuksia juutalaisten asumista vastaan maassamme ankarasti noudatettaisiin.
Hämäläinen 25.10.1884: Katsomme tarpeelliseksi, että ennenkuin juutalaiskysymys lopullisesti ratkaistaan, ymmärtäväisiä miehiä lähetettäisiin ulkomaille, tutkimaan näitä oloja. Ja erittäin olisi heitä lähetettävä Venäjälle, josta juutalaistulvaa tänne enimmin peljätään.
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Jaakko Viljanen
Oct 8, 2023
Moni luulee, että väkivaltaiset nuorten katujengit ovat Suomessa aivan uusi ilmiö. Siksi minä kokosin Helsingin Sanomien arkiston avulla oppitunnin suomalaisten nuorisojengien historiasta 60-luvulta 90-luvulle. (Ketju sisältää kirjallisia kuvauksia väkivallasta.)
HS 12.10.1961: “Myöhään illalla suoritti täällä 9-henkinen nuorisojoukko, jossa oli mukana myös kolme tyttöä, yhteistuumin Naisvuorella pahoinpitelyn ja ryöstön.”
11.12.1968: “Poikajengi raiskasi kaksi tyttöä Kuopiossa.”
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cfwinchester · 1 year ago
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❛❛   maisie rae winchester .  ❜❜   ― 💫 ― everything in your life has been perfectly planned out for you, no thought ever needed towards what your future might hold (are you sure this is what you want)... teenage rebellion came years too late, a driving need to explore pushing you towards adventure (away from your parents control)... escape in the form of academic transfer, your gateway to the wide world disguised as further educational pursuit (they would never suspect a thing)...
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full name : maisie rae winchester
name meaning :
maisie : scottish | “pearl”
rae : hebrew | “ewe, female sheep”
winchester : olde english | “roman fort or walled city”
nickname / alias : mae, mais, mae rae, win, winnie
title : miss
gender / pronouns : cis woman / she/her
sexuality : pansexual
date of birth : june 19
age : 25
zodiac : gemini
place of birth : memphis, tennessee
accent : tennessee
languages : english, spanish, latin, elvish (bc lotr nerd)
species : witch
faceclaim : dove cameron
height : 5′2″
eye color : green
hair color : blonde
glasses : n/a
mental : anxiety, adhd
physical : n/a
positive traits : adventurous
negative traits : impulsive
hobbies : horseback riding, traveling, researching creatures, field work, hiking, camping, collecting chocolate frog cards, quidditch
parents :
oliver winchester; father
delilah winchester, née dawson; mother
siblings :
colton wyatt winchester, older brother
sadie mae winchester, younger sister
children : n/a
pets :
dolly [barn owl]
moonshine [thoroughbred bay stallion]
so many magical creatures you guys
blood status : muggleborn
former ilvermorny house : thunderbird
hogwarts house : ravenclaw
wand : maple wood with a jackalope antler core 11 ¼" and surprisingly swishy flexibility
patronus : black mare
boggart : herself chained to a desk
amortentia : tba
quick facts :
she is currently unaware of her veela heritage she knows now
can perform a wandless version of lumos and lumos maxima
is currently working on becoming an animagus
parents want her to follow in their political footsteps, but with the macusa. she wants no part in a desk job and has instead found her passion lies in magizoology
early history :
first year :
second year :
third year :
fourth year :
fifth year :
started at hogwarts this year.
sixth year :
summer before seventh year :
maisie had an internship this past summer working with a magizoologist (to be named). this internship involved an expedition that resulted in the discovery of a new breed of dragon (the namibian variegated vesper), helping raise funds towards researching a cure for lycanthropy, and helping to bring the erumpet back from the brink of extinction.
tba : tba ➢ 𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍
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citizensun · 1 year ago
Okay listen listen
I can respect Lula's attempt at putting Brazil on the diplomatic leadership of the global south countries.
My guy is known for talking out of his head at occasion, but I 100% believe this speech was planned beforehand. It's a rhetorical strategy. It's good for what it is: very impactful.
The post above contains a small mistranslation, though. Lula's original speech said something closer to "what is happening to Gaza and the Palestinians hasn't happened in any other historical moment. Except that it did - when Hitler decided to kill the Jews."
He's not only comparing the Gazan Genocide directly to the Holocaust. He's saying that what's happening in Gaza is literally only comparable to it.
But I'm really not comfortable at him comparing human suffering. Human suffering is not quantifiable.
Let's not talk about the historical veracity of this affirmation: what makes the Gazan Genocide (and isn't that important, a global leader calling it a genocide) and the Holocaust so similar to each other and so different from literally any other genocide that's happened in the past 100 years? Like I said, it's a rhetorical strategy. And I'm no historian.
Politically, though, what made this speech so controversial is that it put the Brazilian government at odds with the Israeli government's, and particularly Netanyahu's, characterization of the Holocaust as an unique and incomparable phenomenon - If Israel is a special State created due to special, unprecedented conditions, then it is more difficult to criticize. Like I said, I can respect the intention.
However. The Holocaust is unique because every genocide is unique in it's own way; which in this case can be characterized by some factors such as 1. the German bureaucratical-industrial machine, 2. the fact that it happened in Europe, as opposed to the Congo, Namibian, and other colonial genocides (even if not to whom would be necessarily considered white people at the time) (see also the public sympathy towards Ukrainians vs. Palestinians), 3. the fact that it was directly what caused the typification of Genocide under the UN Genocide Convention.
Similarly, what's happening in Gaza right now is also unique in it's own way. It's happening in a post-UN and UNHRC ethnic, colonial, western State. It might be getting unprecedented first-hand evidence in the form of social. media. posts. Who knows what kind of historical impact it will have.
There is a fact: Palestinians in Gaza are being wiped out of the map.
The fact that the same thing happened to the Jewish population 70 years ago is absolutely no excuse to the instrumentalization of the Holocaust by Netanyahu's government, but it's also absolutely no reason for it to be reduced to Lula's foreign policy discourse strategy.
You know what? What's happening in Gaza right now never happened before. It also happened many times over. (see what I'm doing here? It's rhetoric).
Every genocide in history has been unique. Congo was literally Leopold II's private property when the genocide happened. Rwanda was so bloody because it mostly happened at knife-point. The Irish and Indian famines. The Khmer Rouge and the Armenian Genocide.
Every genocide in history has been the same. People suffered. People died. People had the culture, their history, erased and for no other reason than being who they were.
We will not compare human suffering. We will not quantify human tragedy. Please.
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allthebrazilianpolitics · 10 months ago
Rigs report: deepwater discoveries explored in Namibia and Brazil
Off Africa, Galp and partners National Petroleum Corp of Namibia and Custos Energy are in the process of commercial evaluation of oil discoveries, while Brazil’s state-owned oil major Petrobras reported another oil discovery at a well in the Equatorial Margin
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Last October, Brazilian federal agency IBAMA issued Petrobras an operating licence to drill two oil and gas exploration wells in deep waters in the Potiguar Basin on the Brazilian Equatorial Margin. Under the same environmental licence, Petrobras intends to drill Well 1-BRSA-1390-RNS (Anhangá) in the POT-M-762 concession, located 79 km off the coast of Rio Grande do Norte, next to the Pitu Oeste well.  
The Anhangá well was drilled with Ocyan Drilling’s NS-42 drillship. The resulting oil discovery is located near the border between Ceará and Rio Grande do Norte, about 190 km from Fortaleza and 250 km from Natal, at a water depth of 2,196 m on the Brazilian Equatorial Margin. 
This is the second discovery in the Potiguar Basin in 2024, but Petrobras cautioned both discoveries require further assessment. The company said it will continue exploratory activities in the POT-M-762_R15 concession, aiming to assess the reservoirs’ quality, the oil’s characteristics, and the technical-commercial viability of the accumulation. 
In the North Sea, Vår Energi made an oil discovery in the Ringhorne Nord (wells 25/8-23 S and 25/8-23 A & B), north of the Ringhorne Øst field, in the Balder area off Norway. The wells are located in the Vår Energi-operated North Sea licence 956 and were drilled with Odfjell’s Deepsea Yantai semi-submersible rig. 
Continue reading.
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wyrmsweven · 3 months ago
didn't study for exams at all BUT I learned so much about Namibian politics so all is well
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warningsine · 3 months ago
Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah of the ruling SWAPO party won Namibia's presidential elections outright in the first round with 57% of the vote, results published by the electoral commission on Tuesday showed. 
Clearing half the total votes cast meant no second-round runoff was necessary. 
"The Namibian nation has voted for peace and stability," Nandi-Ndaitwah said after being declared president-elect. 
The commission put the second-placed finisher, Panduleni Itula from the Independent Patriots for Change (IPC) party, on 26%. He and the IPC have said they will contest the "deeply flawed" results.
It put turnout among almost 1.5 million registered voters at 77%.
SWAPO in charge in Namibia since independence
The 72-year-old current vice president Nandi-Ndaitwah was considered the favorite before the vote, representing the party that has dominated Namibian politics since the former German colony's independence from South Africa in 1990.
After years in various leadership roles, including that of foreign minister, she's already well-known both at home and abroad.
However, SWAPO's levels of support had fallen in recent years — particularly amid frustrations at high levels of unemployment, inequality, and government corruption — leading to a more competitive campaign than usual.
The results published on Tuesday represent the weakest performance from SWAPO since gaining independence. 
Voting delays, opposition threatens to challenge results
Namibians also voted in a new parliament during the November 27 elections. 
SWAPO, the South West Africa People's Organization, won 51 of the 96 elected seats and will return to government, while the IPC won 20 seats and will become the official opposition. 
The vote was marred by technical problems and ballot paper shortages, leading to delayed results as voting was extended in some places.
The IPC alleged this was a deliberate attempt to frustrate voters and had already said it would not accept the results, whatever they showed, with Itula saying last week there was a "multitude of irregularities." 
The election was being closely watched in Berlin as Germany and Namibia work on the new Hyphen Project that foresees Germany importing large quantites of hydrogen from 2028, and on a contentious colonial-era reconciliation accord.
msh/kb (AFP, dpa, Reuters)
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nghubs1 · 3 months ago
Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah Biography, Education, Career, Controversies, And Net Worth
Ndemupelila Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah, born on 29 October 1952, is a prominent Namibian politician set to become the country’s fifth president and the first woman to hold this office. Her victory in the 2024 presidential election, announced on 3 December, marked a historic milestone in Namibian politics. Currently serving as the third Vice President of Namibia since February 2024, Nandi-Ndaitwah was…
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globalnews1 · 3 months ago
Nicknamed NNN, Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah has made history by being elected as Namibia's first female president.The 72-year-old won more than 57% of the vote, with her closest rival, Panduleni Itula, getting 26%, according to the electoral commission.It is just the latest episode in a life packed with striking events - Nandi-Ndaitwah has fought against occupying powers, fled into exile and established herself as one of the most prominent women in Namibian politics.However, Itula has rejected her victory. He said the election was "deeply flawed", following logistical problems and a three-day extension to polling in some parts of the country.His Independent Patriots for Change (IPC) party said it would challenge the result in court.Nandi-Ndaitwah has been a loyal member of the governing party, Swapo, since she was a teenager and pledges to lead Namibia's economic transformation.Nandi-Ndaitwah was born in 1952, in the northern village of Onamutai. She was the ninth of 13 children and her father was an Anglican clergyman.At the time, Namibia was known as South West Africa and its people were under occupation from South Africa.Nandi-Ndaitwah joined Swapo, then a liberation movement resisting South Africa's white-minority rule, when she was only 14.A passionate activist, Nandi-Ndaitwah became a leader of Swapo's Youth League.The role set her up for a successful political career, but at the time Nandi-Ndaitwah was simply interested in freeing South West Africa.“Politics came in just because of the circumstances. I should have become maybe a scientist,” she said in an interview this year.While still a high school student, Nandi-Ndaitwah was arrested and detained during a crackdown on Swapo activists.As a result of this persecution, she decided she could not stay in the country and joined several other Swapo members in exile.She continued to organise with the movement while in Zambia and Tanzania, before moving to the UK to undertake an International Relations degree.Then in 1988 - 14 years after Nandi-Ndaitwah fled her country - South Africa finally agreed to Namibian independence.Nandi-Ndaitwah returned home and subsequently joined the post-independence, Swapo-run government.In the years since, she has held a variety of posts, including ministerial roles in foreign affairs, tourism, child welfare and information.Nandi-Ndaitwah became known as an advocate for women's rights. In one of her key achievements, she pushed the Combating of Domestic Violence Act through the National Assembly in 2002.According to Namibian media, Nandi-Ndaitwah criticised her male colleagues for trying to ridicule the draft law, sternly reminding them that the Swapo constitution condemns sexism.She continued to rise despite Namibia's traditional and male-dominated political culture, and in February this year she became vice-president.She suceeded Nangolo Mbumba, who stepped up after the death of then-President Hage Geingob.In her personal life, Nandi-Ndaitwah is married to Epaphras Denga Ndaitwah, the former chief of Namibia's defence forces. The couple has three sons.Throughout her career, Nandi-Ndaitwah has displayed a hands-on, pragmatic style of leadership.She once declared in a speech: "I am an implementer, not a storyteller."
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cancerian · 3 months ago
The only nation to get away with two back to back genocides in a single century, and still find itself on the wrong side of history because the nazi idea’s that helped it were never taken out of the public sphere. Support for Israel is not of genuine good, especially when the political power in Germany has a long history of familial ties with the nazi party. Kind of like the KKK working with the Black Muslims in America to promote segregation (while simultaneously bombing and killing young black children). Like the KKK, support of Israel is so that the Jews can finally leave and go to Israel (think about it as a form of self cleansing of the land).
For as much shit as the Americans get (justifiably), Germany will always be a special case. The fact that they got away and can still get away with never mentioning the most atrocious genocide (yes, even worse than the holocaust), the genocide of the Herero and Nama people in Namibia. German women’s treatment of the Namibian women, while purporting to want women’s rights is the reason why black women (retire the word P/WOC) should be weary of any “solidarity.” The idea that you need allies to succeed only works if your allies have the same values as you. Black women globally face different challenges from other women. Black women face disproportionately more violence globally compared to other women, if there is a group of women viewed less than human by all groups, it would be Black women. So don’t let anyone guilt you into believing that just because they are a woman, their fight is the same as yours. As insane as this may sound, even Herero and Nama women were treated worse than the women in the other genocide (this doesn’t take away from the atrocious acts against the Jewish people, genocide in all its forms should be condemned). It is even more disheartening to know that people are now only bringing up the Namibian genocide to create a case against Germany’s alliance with Israel. The alleged “awareness” is not genuine. The coverage of Palestine when compared to other genocides currently happening and that have been happening for longer (with greater deaths in both long and short time periods) is very interesting. The weird forcing and demonization of Black people’s reluctance to support groups that when they arrive in the US choose to align themselves with the white power structure (Asian/Arab relations with the Black community). Black face still being a prominent form of comedy in various non- black nations (including the Arab world, Asia, South- America, and Eastern Europe) should be a testament that this is not simply a racism issue, this is purely anti- blackness. The alleged violence against Asians and Arabs (stop Asian hate) was easily adopted globally, because they are seen as a docile group of people (an image they adopted to hide their terror acts against others, think Japan and hello kitty). What the rest of the world doesn’t see is the long history of these groups coming into Black communities and treating Blacks so poorly that some Blacks would even go on to say they prefer Whites come in the community instead. You cannot terrorize a people and expect them to just take it, when they do react the world looks at them as savages (yet the world steals and mimicks their culture).
In conclusion, choose and fight your battles correctly. Or else, you will end up being subjugated by the people you are fighting for. When that happens do not be surprised, they have shown you time and time again you are not one of them. They don’t and will never see you as an equal (if the shoe fits, wear it. If it doesn’t keep it moving).
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news365timesindia · 3 months ago
[ad_1] Al Jazeera reported on Tuesday that Namibian Vice President Netumbo Nandi Ndaitwah has been elected as the country’s first female president, citing official results released by the country’s electoral commission. According to the official results on Tuesday, the 72-year-old secured 57 percent of the vote, defying expectations of a possible run-off. After being declared president-elect, Nandi Ndaitwah stated, “The Namibian nation has voted for peace and stability.” Her victory strengthens the South West Africa People’s Organisation (SWAPO) party’s 34-year rule since Namibia’s independence from apartheid South Africa in 1990, although Al Jazeera reported that the result remains contested. According to Al Jazeera, the opposition parties have rejected the election outcome, citing technical issues, including ballot paper shortages and long delays that led to the extension of voting until Saturday. Some voters abandoned the polls after waiting up to 12 hours. The opposition has criticised the extension as illegal and vowed to challenge the results in court. Panduleni Itula, the main opposition candidate from the Independent Patriots for Change (IPC), trailed Nandi Ndaitwah with 25.5 per cent of the vote, Al Jazeera reported, citing the election commission. He condemned the election as unfair, stating that the rule of law had been violated and labelling the results illegitimate. “The rule of law has been grossly violated, and we cannot call these elections by any means or measure as free, fair, and legitimate,” Itula said on Saturday, as quoted by Al Jazeera. Nandi Ndaitwah was appointed vice president in February after the death of President Hage Geingob. Although SWAPO has ruled Namibia for decades, it has faced growing discontent, particularly among young voters frustrated by high unemployment and persistent inequality. According to Al Jazeera, Nandi-Ndaitwah began her political career in the 1970s, joining Namibia’s underground independence movement, and returned from the UK to join parliament in 1990. She has held several ministerial positions over the years. [ad_2] Source link
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news365times · 3 months ago
[ad_1] Al Jazeera reported on Tuesday that Namibian Vice President Netumbo Nandi Ndaitwah has been elected as the country’s first female president, citing official results released by the country’s electoral commission. According to the official results on Tuesday, the 72-year-old secured 57 percent of the vote, defying expectations of a possible run-off. After being declared president-elect, Nandi Ndaitwah stated, “The Namibian nation has voted for peace and stability.” Her victory strengthens the South West Africa People’s Organisation (SWAPO) party’s 34-year rule since Namibia’s independence from apartheid South Africa in 1990, although Al Jazeera reported that the result remains contested. According to Al Jazeera, the opposition parties have rejected the election outcome, citing technical issues, including ballot paper shortages and long delays that led to the extension of voting until Saturday. Some voters abandoned the polls after waiting up to 12 hours. The opposition has criticised the extension as illegal and vowed to challenge the results in court. Panduleni Itula, the main opposition candidate from the Independent Patriots for Change (IPC), trailed Nandi Ndaitwah with 25.5 per cent of the vote, Al Jazeera reported, citing the election commission. He condemned the election as unfair, stating that the rule of law had been violated and labelling the results illegitimate. “The rule of law has been grossly violated, and we cannot call these elections by any means or measure as free, fair, and legitimate,” Itula said on Saturday, as quoted by Al Jazeera. Nandi Ndaitwah was appointed vice president in February after the death of President Hage Geingob. Although SWAPO has ruled Namibia for decades, it has faced growing discontent, particularly among young voters frustrated by high unemployment and persistent inequality. According to Al Jazeera, Nandi-Ndaitwah began her political career in the 1970s, joining Namibia’s underground independence movement, and returned from the UK to join parliament in 1990. She has held several ministerial positions over the years. [ad_2] Source link
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