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cancerian · 8 hours ago
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The mis-education of the negro
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cancerian · 22 days ago
I am saddened to say I am not surprised she ended up dead, maybe it’s because of the content I consume regarding how the world interacts with black women and girls, but this is sadly not surprising at all. If we are thinking of the same child (even though this is a reality for many young black girls and women), I would be more surprised if there was not one ignorant person in the world who did not utter the words “well, she was fast.” I do not need to have siblings or even be a girl or a woman to understand the diabolical and disgusting actions taken against this girl even before he killed her (allegedly). The studies highlighting the disproportionate SA and other forms of abuse black girls experience even before the age of 14 is profoundly alarming. I am more afraid that the “male loneliness epidemic” will be the next best excuse to shielding these predators from harsh consequences. Bring back the death penalty for sex crimes, especially those against children. Regardless of the situation, children as we understand can never give consent, and let’s make it common to correct young girls that say they are “grown for my age.” No baby girl you are not grown for your age, we all have different life experiences and interests that expose us to different things. I’ve always been interested in politics and would have discussions with my dad’s friends about politics, if they even uttered “grown for your age” my dad would shut it down (positive example). You are never too grown for your age, no matter how much knowledge or wisdom you think you have acquired. The community is unfortunately rotten, and black girls and women are the victims of it. Whether the child (l will refer to her as a child) was killed or not, a crime was still being perpetrated against her. I would even go as far as saying, the crime would have continued being perpetrated against her had she not died. We hear about teenage and childhood pregnancy, but we fail to point at who is impregnating these children. The black community has a weird male worship culture, and it’s at the detriment of our children and future. Stop coddling and cuddling men in 2025, it’s disgusting, low tier, and self hating behavior.
Justice for all black women and girls who have been groomed for abuse.
tw: CSA, child murder, Black femicide
Wish I could say that I'm surprised that a young disenfranchised Black girl with one or two absent parents was being sexually abused by a man in a relationship with an adult woman within that family dynamic and other people within that family dynamic knew and covered it up, but I'm really not. I'm not fucking surprised. Sky is blue.
What's surprising to me is that she ended up dead.
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cancerian · 22 days ago
Blake Lively admitting to allegedly doing black face is not that surprising. The reason why black women must withhold their support from other women when they make allegations against others is because those women do not see you as their equal. Even during the women’s fight for freedom and equality, historically these women did not see you as their equal. This is adjacent to MAGA hating black people, but needing numbers to win, so they use the black body to attain a goal that is not helpful to black people. In this case black women, and I mean specifically black women. The unfortunate reality is that black women globally do not have allies, even the men in their community hate them and see them as a sign of struggle. “Get rich and get a white girl.” Does the white woman in the relationship with such a man benefit? financially yes, but realistically no. But, she still benefits more than any black woman. For black women, always be cautious of anyone telling you to not separate the suffering you have endured to the suffering that other women have endured. History shows even oppressed native Americans, owned slaves, and a deeper reading into it shows the inhumane ways black women were treated. It is not oppression Olympics to call out the inconsiderate and inconsistent ways other women treat black women, it is oppression reality. Is what she alleges happened to her awful? Yes, but black women should be allowed to separate themselves from someone who mocks their existence. Black women, respectfully sit this out. These are the years of worrying about your struggles, because you are in greater proximity to danger than other women. Hopefully Blake gets the justice she deserves, but black women do not need to pour their support. Sit this one and many cases alike out, focus on self and fellow black women (non male worshipping).
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cancerian · 1 month ago
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Black Women + Nature
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cancerian · 1 month ago
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The Great Outdoors
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cancerian · 2 months ago
The weird posts that seem to dislike white men while praising black men are a disgusting portrayal of the lack of knowledge or understanding of what happens in the black community. Black men are just as violent as white men. Their violence may not be broadly experienced, but I believe that’s what makes it worse, because it is black women that must then carry the burden and brunt of all their violence. You can’t be pro woman and then try to justify black men’s violence against black women. Or even try to degrade white men by using black men (fetishization). Which for some reason only retorts to claims about black men’s supposed sexual superiority or physical superiority (which if you’re an idiot and didn’t know is a form of dehumanization). If you want to suck black dick at the expense of black women’s suffering just say that.
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cancerian · 2 months ago
As a healthcare worker, for some reason when I have to deal with a non complaint patient it is often people within a certain demographic. As a member of that demographic (racially not ethnically) it can be extremely frustrating, and can lead to bad patient/family and healthcare rapport. This is something that must be addressed if good healthcare is what people want to experience. A hospital is not your hotel or a place for you to order people around. Our main concern is addressing the issue that brought you here. The state of healthcare is already bad, why contribute to it by being a shitty patient.
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cancerian · 2 months ago
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cancerian · 2 months ago
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cancerian · 2 months ago
When we look at the stats on marriage and dating, what we find is that most of the stats go against what these red pill and hypergamy (specifically those advocating against the attainment of higher education) say. People tend to marry within their circles. So, the idea that women should give up their educational goals to find a high earning man is dumb and only a fool would fall for that. Do some women who are not as highly educated marry highly educated men? Yes. Is it rare? Yes. These women have to actively place themselves in these circles (often times are escorts or sugar daddy seeking women). However, when you are educated and already roam these circles you are already a respected woman and don’t have to work extra hard to be seen in these circles. In general, highly educated men want a highly educated woman who will instill whatever knowledge they have in their next generation.
I’m honestly against women advertising themselves to men in general, but if you are woman seeking a certain type of man then you have to have similar levels of achievements as said man. Any woman that tells another woman to give up a security (financial, educational, or even moving further away from her family) to please a man is a woman hater. That’s a venomous snake you want to stay far away from.
Don’t let the sprinkle sprinkle and tradwife demagogues fool you, the girl bosses are the ones getting married, not the unemployed chronically online women looking to find a husband at Target.
Hypergamy is a myth and successful women marry successful men because they frequent the same spaces and have more in common with each other. By focusing your energy on yourself and your own self betterment, not only do you assure your independence becoming less vulnerable to abuse, but your chances of marrying the wealthy, high-value men also increases exponentially:
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cancerian · 2 months ago
I may not be a feminist, but I’ll be first to say any man that uses feminist as an insult is a red flag 🚩. Feminism is the most basic form of wanting equality, so why would you view someone who wants to be your equal as a bad thing? Is it because you actually think women are less than human?
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cancerian · 2 months ago
💖 Subaru Supremacy ✨ ✨
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cancerian · 2 months ago
The only nation to get away with two back to back genocides in a single century, and still find itself on the wrong side of history because the nazi idea’s that helped it were never taken out of the public sphere. Support for Israel is not of genuine good, especially when the political power in Germany has a long history of familial ties with the nazi party. Kind of like the KKK working with the Black Muslims in America to promote segregation (while simultaneously bombing and killing young black children). Like the KKK, support of Israel is so that the Jews can finally leave and go to Israel (think about it as a form of self cleansing of the land).
For as much shit as the Americans get (justifiably), Germany will always be a special case. The fact that they got away and can still get away with never mentioning the most atrocious genocide (yes, even worse than the holocaust), the genocide of the Herero and Nama people in Namibia. German women’s treatment of the Namibian women, while purporting to want women’s rights is the reason why black women (retire the word P/WOC) should be weary of any “solidarity.” The idea that you need allies to succeed only works if your allies have the same values as you. Black women globally face different challenges from other women. Black women face disproportionately more violence globally compared to other women, if there is a group of women viewed less than human by all groups, it would be Black women. So don’t let anyone guilt you into believing that just because they are a woman, their fight is the same as yours. As insane as this may sound, even Herero and Nama women were treated worse than the women in the other genocide (this doesn’t take away from the atrocious acts against the Jewish people, genocide in all its forms should be condemned). It is even more disheartening to know that people are now only bringing up the Namibian genocide to create a case against Germany’s alliance with Israel. The alleged “awareness” is not genuine. The coverage of Palestine when compared to other genocides currently happening and that have been happening for longer (with greater deaths in both long and short time periods) is very interesting. The weird forcing and demonization of Black people’s reluctance to support groups that when they arrive in the US choose to align themselves with the white power structure (Asian/Arab relations with the Black community). Black face still being a prominent form of comedy in various non- black nations (including the Arab world, Asia, South- America, and Eastern Europe) should be a testament that this is not simply a racism issue, this is purely anti- blackness. The alleged violence against Asians and Arabs (stop Asian hate) was easily adopted globally, because they are seen as a docile group of people (an image they adopted to hide their terror acts against others, think Japan and hello kitty). What the rest of the world doesn’t see is the long history of these groups coming into Black communities and treating Blacks so poorly that some Blacks would even go on to say they prefer Whites come in the community instead. You cannot terrorize a people and expect them to just take it, when they do react the world looks at them as savages (yet the world steals and mimicks their culture).
In conclusion, choose and fight your battles correctly. Or else, you will end up being subjugated by the people you are fighting for. When that happens do not be surprised, they have shown you time and time again you are not one of them. They don’t and will never see you as an equal (if the shoe fits, wear it. If it doesn’t keep it moving).
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cancerian · 3 months ago
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Still, aim for financial freedom, for financial problems are what create hostility and a lack of understanding in any relationship.
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cancerian · 3 months ago
Regardless of gender, the world is selfish, the least you can do is contribute to the selfishness. If you choose to do the opposite, don’t be “pikachu face” surprised when others act accordingly. This does not mean actively seeking to harm others, it simply means not walking around with rose coloured glasses.
This is also why I believe socialism would be hard to implement in nations such as the USA. These people have known individualism, faux capitalism, and many other forms of selfish living that the idea of helping others is completely foreign to them.
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cancerian · 3 months ago
Aside from his many awful takes and genuine superiority complex, F.D. Signifier’s ability to excuse the abuse that black men put black women through in the name of “slavery,” “trauma,” “poverty,” and any other excuse you can come up with makes his judgment of abusive men such Depp and others seem disingenuous. He does not seem anti violence against women, he seems more vocal against a certain type of abuser (phenotype). Every time I watch him by accident, I feel some sort of disgust. Just a take.
How did we let Johnny Depp get away with this?
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cancerian · 3 months ago
As more and more photos and videos surface of the atrocities being done to the Palestinian people, Sudanese people, Congolese people, and the war in Ukraine; how we as a global population regardless of borders are able to share the same planet as these poor people seems so dystopian. Global wars have always been a thing, but in the past, they had the excuse of not being able to see how atrocious acts of war and genocide can be (not that it should be an excuse), but now with the power and influence of technology, what is our excuse? I do understand that even as groups on a global stage we are powerless to the corporations, military, and political powers/industries with interests in these wars. I still feel sick to my stomach how vicious we are against people we view as being different and in some cases lower than us. This is beyond global politics, even in our respective nations, the treatment of fellow humans is what allows us to turn a blind eye to global suffering. Peace does not mean alliance, it is not a declaration of friendship, it is simply allowing for the existence of a fellow human. I pray that during my lifetime the world will know at least one decade of peace.
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