qhiq · 2 years
things i thought were evrywhere
kefir, its like milk but if it was salty and more creamy, plus it gives you a nice moustache, but it moves slower
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next up, dill, idk if its not that popular but it is a staple and god in my country, its like if pine was healthy to eat
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next up, and this is spread across europe to my knowledge, name days!!! they are like birthdays but for your name, for every day of the year there are about 3 names for each day, and also they are hard to remember like your birthday, but if you celebrate them then your oma has got your back probably, (how do they remember every name day), also idk but if you have a name that doesnt have a name day you could probably get a second name for a name day, and if you have 2 names you could maybe get 2 name days, but idk
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(the only high quality name day board was in german but you get it)
i could reblog this and add more things if i remember, but
TLDR: kefir, dilles, and namedays are cool
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alicentofficial · 2 months
so the thing about greysnow which is so deeply appealing to me and that i rarely see discussed is that forced cohabitation with people you don't like creates the weirdest dynamic. like. their shared relationship with robb + being boys of similar age means that despite the fact that they really didn’t like one another, they likely spent basically every single day together. and they probably knew each other really well. like jon is absolutely not reminiscing about fond memories of theon when he's at the wall he just remembers he exists every few days and is like man i hate that guy. but you know what? he probably notices every year when it's theon's birthday.
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justiceisoverr · 2 months
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zylphiacrowley · 4 months
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Happy Nameday Catman! || 15th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon (6/14)
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Part 2
Eorzean handwriting font made by arty-ffxiv
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coolnonsenseworld · 1 year
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I wanted to say that outside of semantics and divisions - I am simply happy to find communities that welcome with kindness - that welcome you by a good heart and not the ability to conform. I am happy for the opportunity to be surrounded by people who care. It's a funny world we live in - making the same mistakes over and over, multiplying the same suffering by billions. I don't think I hope for an utopia anymore, I don't think such a thing exists - but you can't call me hopeless either. And that's what matters.
As a side note - this piece is set in DanceAU, which might be better known to Patrons so far, but still it was the best and most fitting option for this occasion..... also there are 12 DanceAU pieces incoming, because I might be making another calendar so. get familiar with these mutts
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thevelaryons · 6 months
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Fire & Blood, George R. R. Martin // unknown // The Raven and the Mouse, Susan Pace-Koch (illustrated by Emily Stepp) // @slugspoon (Alivia Horsley) // Contradictions: Tracking Poems, Adrienne Rich // Happiness, Raymond Carver // Addam & Ben at Raventree Hall by OrionHakuryu // @wormbus-art // They Both Die at the End, Adam Silvera // The Issa Valley, Czesław Miłosz // unknown // Poem, Langston Hughes // Addam & Ben at Tumbleton by OrionHakuryu // gentle.earth by Mia // Burial at Raventree Hall by asoiafattherite // The Bad Beginning, Lemony Snicket
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lilyshear · 9 months
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after the tide
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absolem0 · 6 months
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. B A S I C S ∙ ✦
Name: Sol Adventus Nicknames: none Age: 26 Nameday: 7th Sun of the 3d Umbral Moon Race: Raen Au ra Gender: Male Orientation: tbd Profession: Warrior of Light
. P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C T S ∙ ✦
Hair: off white since the end of Shb (dark purple/blue, almost black before) Eyes: Odd eyes due to light corruption- left eye dark teal, right eye light teal. White limbal rings, white pupils. Skin: brown Tattoos/scars: light corruption marks all over, one scar down the chest on the left side Addition: Unusually long tail from birth, only got longer in Shb
. F A M I L Y ∙ ✦
Parents: Raen father from Thavnair (dead), Raen mother from Kugane (alive) Siblings: Older sister (dead), younger brother (missing) Grandparents: grandmother on mother's side, both grandparents on father's side In-laws and Other: None Pets: only his chocobo Eshu Addition: almost always accompanied by Midgarsormr (not the big one, the little one). Since EW - by blue starbird and "mount" Arion.
. S K I L L S∙ ✦
Abilities: Archer, naturally evolved into Bard. Is proficient White Mage. Over expansions gets experience (willingly or not) with other classes and can be reluctantly considered an "all rounder". Bard and White Mage being his only main jobs. Has a high affinity to wind aspected aether. Hobbies: Fishing, hunting, carpentry, poisons, aetherology.
. T R A I T S ∙ ✦
Most Positive Trait: Reliable, protective Most Negative Trait: Avoids emotional conflict (sometimes even physically)
. L I K E S ∙ ✦
Colors: Black, white, light blue, green Smells: ripe fruits, "forest" smells, the smell of "cold snowy weather in the morning", warm wood that has been on sun. Textures: cool touch of the blade of his dagger, feathers, thick but soft fabric, paper. Drinks: Tea, juice, likes trying out new (non alcoholic) drinks wherever he goes.
. O T H E R    D E T A I L S ∙ ✦
Smokes: Never tried Drinks: Prefers heavy drinks, but in measured amount. Doesn't get drunk easy, and rarely feels relaxed enough to. Drugs: Had some hand in hallucinogenic poisons, but was quickly dissuaded from venturing deeper into that territory. Mount Issuance: Eshu, grey colored chocobo. Has enough experience to help out in any battle, enjoys chasing small critters. Been Arrested: By all laws of Gridania he should have been arrested for illegal hunting, but somehow never was. And afterwards who would be arresting a Warrior of Light.
Tagged by @nights-at-crystarium :D Tagging @shirtlesslizard @ksilberne @shavothehusky if you're feeling up to it :3. And also I am tagging my every ffxiv follower who sees this post, feel free to do it!
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starrysnowdrop · 5 months
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I was given this amazingly beautiful birthday gift from my dear friend @otherworldseekers!!! Once again, thank you so so much for this!! Hali looks absolutely GORGEOUS and I’m just staring in awe of your talent. This was a wonderful surprise!! 😍🥰💖
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hazelkjt · 9 days
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"I snuck out often as a child and teenager, covering my forehead in a worn, old headband. Never got along with the other Garlean kids, too stiff and uptight for me to make friends with. So I tried my luck in the lower side of the city, hiding who I really was from the Ala Mhigan kids. Didn't matter though, they figured me out pretty quickly. Most of them kept their distance...except two that didn't seem to care at all. Ashe and Denrick Harker were their names, brother and sister from an Ala Mhigan mining family. They were my only real friends here, made everything worth it for me for years. And yet at every turn I was told not to."
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"But why? What makes them so different from us? They can laugh, they can cry, they have dreams, can get happy, be sad, everything. What made us different, what made us 'better' than them? No one would ever tell me why. Why were they the ones called 'savages' when we were the ones who thought of them as less than nothing? We were the ones who beat them on the streets, in broad daylight...and the people cheered for it. People were dying right in front of them, and no one cared. Even my own mother and father, my family, just told me to look the other way. To let the guards 'clean up the trash' and ignore them...that they didn't matter."
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"Sometimes I get the urge to rip this damn eye out of my head, but what would that accomplish? It wouldn't bring them back, it wouldn't change what I am. So it stays, as a reminder. I don't like to remember, but I can't ever let myself forget. I can't bring them back, I can at least help set their home free...it's the least I can do. I don't care what happens to me after that, at least I'll know I did right by Ashe and Denrick one last time."
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iron-sparrow · 6 months
「 生日快樂 年年三十 」
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Happy birthday to me, and may every year feel like I'm 30. The actual saying is "18" but who the hell wants that!
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goldfishu · 8 months
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Happy nameday to wolchan
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zylphiacrowley · 4 months
Part 1
Later that evening...
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some spicy sweet warning vvv
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placesyoucallhome · 2 months
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Catalina Mecavsch, former Blade of Gunnhildr, currently wandering merc
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aethernoise · 2 months
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sometimes when Alyx wears currant purple I think of the line from Kiki's Delivery Service: "You can tell she's a witch 'cause she always wears a dark dress!"
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sealrock · 8 months
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sweet sixteen.
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