#nahhh they're fine
cleoselene · 1 month
look I get the impulse pundits have to make grand historical comparisons, I am not here to take that away from them,
but if they want to make the comparison of Joe Biden stepping down to George Washington not seeking a third term, just make that comparison?
please do not go about it by saying "it reminds me of that part in Hamilton when George Washington decided not to run again" because it does in fact make me want to bully you
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dgaftilwedie · 2 months
giomis weirds me out because my brother and i have the same age gap. why do peoppe ship then giorno is 15 LMFAOAOA
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etherealstar-writes · 8 months
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pairings: lionesses x reader
summary: in which you're accidentally added to a random group chat, not knowing they're all actually famous footballers, and obliviously end up having many of them competing for your love and attention.
part: four
part one here
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
how is everyone on this fine evening?
the REAL karate kid
great until you rudely woke me up
from my peaceful nap
the imposter
eh not too bad
but my friend keeps on spamming me
with these tiktok edits
tiktok edits you say 👀
what of?
the imposter
these girls she's kinda obsessed with
and finds them incredibly good-looking
and wants to know who my fav is or
who i find the most good-looking
ooh really?
i wanna know who
let us google em and say our opinions
the REAL karate kid
and which one did you find
the most good-looking?
the imposter
i don't really know who any of them are 😭
but they're playing football in some clips
so i'm guessing they're football players?
oh 😳
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this will be interesting
ah well describe them
so how many were there?
and who was the best looking?
i wanna keep an eye out if they
turn up on my fyp
the imposter
well there were quite a few
there was this one specific blonde
that she continuously spammed me
edits off the most
and i think she was the captain idk?
i feel like i've seen that blonde before!
i reckon she's everybody's favourite
since she's the most good-looking
what a big fat lie
as if
the imposter
eh, everyone's fav?
i mean i see where people are coming
from but that's kinda stretching it ...
there are so many more players
that seem to be just as great if not better
the REAL karate kid
thank you
you get it
just like everyone else
someone just needs to knock
some sense into leah
and i'll gladly do it rn
who is your favourite player tho, y/n?
i'd love to know too
come on, that's easy
it's gotta be stanway
the REAL karate kid
y/n, my love
it's russo isn't it
hey hey hey
we forgetting toone too
the REAL karate kid
the imposter
um i'm still uncultured okay 😭
i don't know any of their names yet
oh but i do know one of their names
i think she's pretty cool
ooh do tell who this lucky person is
that you find pretty cool
the imposter
it's lucy bronze
rusty metal
who you calling an old rusty grandma?
rusty metal
i'm very delighted that
she is your favourite y/n
she's mine too <33
just so you know y/n
you've broken a lot of hearts today
the REAL karate kid
lemme just go and find the nearest cliff
and fling myself off of it
i'm joining you
count me in too
the imposter
you've made your choice
the imposter
it's really not that big of a deal
you all are acting like i've
personally rejected you guys
this whole thing was so funny to read omg
top tier entertainment
made my day
thank you y/n
the imposter
you're welcome ...?
part five here
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
Usopp is soo Sanji's babygirl but he's like "What if a man was like a girl and I liked him very much and got really stressed if I did not have him close to me constantly and even kicked my captain to defend him and lost my mind if somebody ever hurt him like. Like what is THAT called hahahahaha. I am straight tho I like girls. Women. Boobs. He's like a girl but man, y'know. Because I like him but I cannot like a man but he's like a girl to me so it is fine" and Zoro is like "Just admit you wanna fuck him and stop giving us all a headache" and Luffy is like "NAHHH THAT IS SO NORMAL BEHAVIOR!!! ME TOO!!!" but turns out he's actually gay for Usopp too and they're all poly. That's One Piece to me.
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rima-niki · 6 months
Another Fable thought that could become fic, but nahhh
Just a silly what if Rae went into Icarus's mind to help them Characters: Icarus, Rae, Sherbert, Ashrill
Now imagine Rae going in their mind to try and save Ic, and it's either gold or a rainbow. There is no fully just Icarus, only the person that others made them.
There are different versions of ic in there, like how Rae had a different him, but at the same time, they're not Icarus. The first one Rae meets is a fully corrupted Sherb; it's how they, themselves, see them. They are corrupted, they are making the same mistakes no matter what, thats what they are. This corrupted version leads them to a patch of a rainbow, more specifically purple, where once Rae enters finds a version of ic that's an elf? They're kind, offering to help Rae with his journey, but Rae can tell the elf is lonely. There is no other building around outside if the sherb tm build style. The elf gives Rae a bead, then rae is back in the normal plain of gold and rainbow. The corrupted version of Icarus is there again, laughing at Rae, trying to actually help them; they're just like this, there's nothing you can help with. But Rae moves along, finding a new colour, one he hasn't seen before, a dark red; he goes in. The Icarus that Rae finds is another bird but very different, a roadrunner. She was admiralty put in alarm at the sudden appearance of Rae, someone who he thought they would never see again. Rae reassures her that he means no harm and is looking to help someone. The roadrunner says they'll help, and they look around the floating island that they've made a house on. Rae noticed something while they were talking this Icarus seemed to always be on edge, like they were ready to run or fly at any second. Was every version of their brother in some form of pain? They don't know. But after a moment of looking, the roadrunner found another bead and handed it to Rae with a goodbye. "Wowie, you're really trying this," The corrupted version spoke as Rae entered the field again. "Yes, I'm not giving up on you, Icarus." "You should, not like you'll find the last 2 that you need." "So there's two more."
"w-what no!" the corrupted one stuttered out as Rae continued to move forward, finding an almost fully broken part the gold on it was faded, but Rae entered. It's their childhood home, but it was a bit dirty it seemed like someone had just been baking. Rae walks around looking for Icarus. When they hear a thud coming from upstairs. He quickly makes his way over and finds a much younger Icarus on the floor, it seems they had fallen off. They quickly spot the much older Rae.
" Who are you! I'm real good with a sword" they say as they jump up to their feet. "I'm Rae. I don't mean you any harm. I just heard you fall and got worried." "Oh… you share the same name as my brother! That's cool. My brother is really small right now. Mom says I was that small once, too, but I don't believe her. Don't tell her I said that, tho." Icarus puts a finger to their mouth in a hushing motion. "I won't tell your mom, but are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine. I fall ALL the time, this new home, Mom allows me to go outside, and I can climb the trees, and Dad's not here to- To, I don't really know, but Dad wouldn't let me." "You fall a lot, you always do" Rae says a bit bittersweetly. "You're my brother, aren't you?" Rae just nods. " You're all big. You get such a cool horn? Do I get one? Is Mom still with us? Do we find Dad? Do I become real good at the alcemy?" Rae giggles softly." You don't get a horn, but you do get wings." "I GET WINGS!!!!!" "Yes, you do… um, Mom isn't with us right now, but I'm looking for her. You do become really good at making potions, and um, Fable is back, but he's done a lot of bad things, and he forced you to think some not-good things and a lot more." "Oh… Are we still brothers?" Icarus is saddened. "We are, and we always will be." "O-okay," Icarus nods. Icarus looks through their pocket and brings out another bead. " Then save me." "I will." Once Rae grabs it, they get brought to a different room, but one they are very familiar with, the cell that housed Icarus back in the endstone reset. "So, for some reason you still think I should be helped? Despite everything I had done to you, you really think that Icarus is worth saving?" "Despite everything you've done, you, Icarus, are still my brother. Even if you fall to Fable time and time again, I will still be there. I will still be your brother because I love you, Icarus and nothing you do will change that. You ARE my brother, that can sometimes be a bit rude and a bit harsh but you never failed to care for me. You could have left me there when you through that potion, but you didn't. You stayed and made sure I was okay. When I was turning into a beast, YOU were there. You were there when we had nothing but each other. I know Fable is promising you to bring them back, but Icarus, you'll lose so much more; please, I don't want to lose you too." When Rae looks up to Icarus, they aren't corrupted. Their ears and wings hugged close to them. "I-I don't want to lose you either, But Rae, I've gone too deep." "Then let me help you up." Icarus signs and walks over to Rae, and places the final bead in his head. "You win, Rae." -The end-
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tododeku-or-bust · 5 days
Scrolling through all those white people openly teehee-ing about how they love biting people, including random people (like, consenting is one thing, but ???), and even drawing blood, or saying they do it bc they are actually proudly an animal and not a human, is so frustrating bc they do that, but then have the gall to treat POC, especially if they are Black or brown, as animalistic brutes who are a danger to (white) people and going to spread diseases, and then the whole thing with white people being obsessed with cannibalism as a cool and cute thing for themselves while lying and demonizing POC for it to justify hate crimes.
🤣🤣🤣 I just... That's so gross. Biting in a fight is one thing. Biting consensually in bed, I personally never want someone to bite me so hard they draw blood, but people are into that. Okay. If they're consenting, fine. Not my business.
If white folk wanna see a savage so bad, let one of them randomly bite me and watch me revert human evolution 🤣 I will go ape shit. I cannot fathom the disrespect required to put your body close enough to my body to then BITE me. Nahhh. My brain will turn off.
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minnielvr · 1 year
DIE FOR YOU - chapter 2 : "right guy"
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while y/n and her 5 other friends were hanging out and drinking in their dorm, just a few miles away was the party hyunjin and his friends were throwing. y/n looked out the window and wondered why so many people were walking towards the frathouse, so she asked her friends.
"h-hey guys..why are there so many people walking that way" she said in slurred words while pointing out the window
"oh chris told me that they're throwing a party" intak responded, "i was gonna go but you guys invited me first"
"we should go so y/n can get some dick" yunjin said and took another sip of her drink while leaning on her boyfriend
"i-im down" when y/n said that everyone was surprised, but then again she was drunk and had no idea what she was saying.
"since when does y/n agree to stuff like that?" hanni asked
"aye a-all i know is that...a drunk mans words are a s-sober mans thoughts" haerin said with slurred words and put her hands up
"well shit then we should go, i mean rarely any of us go to parties anyway right?" keeho said
"well yea but maybe y/n should sober up a little before we go, just so she doesn't do anything she'll regret" yunjin suggested
"oh cmon let her live a little" intak countered
"n-no guys i'll drink sone water then we can leave 'kay?" y/n said and got up to go sober up
meanwhile at the frat party, the boys were playing and intense game of truth or dare. christoper spinned the bottle and it landed on hyunjin, he smirked.
"hyunjin, truth or dare?"
"hmmm..dare" everyone was now very engaged in watching the game.
"okay...i dare you to make a girl fall in love with you. and then break up with her on halloween." his smirked stayed on his face the whole time.
"WHATTT, NAHHH, NO WAY, THATS CRAZZY" everyone started cheering
hyunjin just leaned back and crossed his arms, "pffft, lightwork. who should i do?" he asked
the boys started talking amongst themselves to pick a girl.
"ooh i think you should do y/n, i heard she hates people like you, but wait until she sees your charm" jeongin suggested
"hmm okay but you guys have to give me some money if i pull her." he countered
everyone said yes and hyunjin started telling everyone as soon as he sees her he would make a move.
after y/n and her friends sobered up they walked accross campus to the party. they walked in and were met with the smell of alcohol and sweat, and heard very loud music.
"uhh guys just to let you know im not actually gonna get dicked down, i was drunk and didn't know what i was doing." y/n warned everyone, she was feeling a bit uncomfortable.
"boooo boringgg" haerin gave a thumbs down
"okay that doesn't matter guys lets just go have fun" intak said and pulled keeho with him
they all split up in pairs and promised to meet up at that spot in 2 hours.
yunjin pulled y/n with her and said "cmon lets go find you a boy toy"
"bro i really don't want one like chill" she was was now getting pissed off when someone said that. can't they take a hint?
"oh..sorry. i didn't think it was that big of a deal i won't say that again." yunjin apologized.
while the two girls were walking around the house they spotted the 8 boys, yunjin suggested they should just go and say hi to be polite.
"yunjin no one comes to a frat party to be polite to the hosts..."
"ugh cmon!!! just to socialize you know?" she argued back
"fine.." y/n agreed
the two girls walked up to the boys and yunjin tapped on felixs shoulder, both y/n and yunjin knew felix a little bit so they were comfortable with him
"hey felix!!" yunjin said with a big smile and waved
"oh hey you two!!" felix looked a bit surprised, he had never seen them at any party except for a few.
changbin looked at felix to see who he was talking to and immediately told hyunjin that y/n was there. hyunjin looked at her and smirked, forming a plan in his head.
he walked up to felix and put his elbow on felixs shoulder.
"hello ladies, fancy seeing you here" he looked y/n up and down
"hi.." both girls said with an uneven tone
"say, y/n. would you like to grab a drink with me?" he tried to make a move
"uhh no i wasn't planning to drink tonight" she responded
yunjin then nudged her and reminded her of what intak said, 'live a little'. so, reluctantly, y/n said yes and walked next to hyunjin to the drink table. hyunjin thought to himself 'this is easy money, shes so easy'
they made it to the drinks and hyunjin grabbed a bottle and two red cups. he poured them a drink and gave one to y/n
"cheers" he tipped his cup
"yea...cheers." she tipped hers and drank it
when they both finished hyunjin realized y/n looked uncomfortable, obviously he didn't care but for the sake of the dare, he acted like he did.
"you look a little uncomfortable, would you like to come outside with me?" he put on his best caring face
y/n was shocked to say the least, how could he pick up on something like that? still, she was skeptical. she acted like she was giving it some thought and said yes.
they walked outside and sat on the curb, the wind was breezing and the moon was full.
for some reason, which he did not know, hyunjin felt comfortable with her, hell even a little vulnerable. so he decided to just relax and make conversation.
"so uh, whats someone like you doing here?" he turned his face to y/n
"someone like me?" y/n raised a brow "whats that supposed to mean?"
"well, i didn't mean it in a bad way, it's just..you know....you don't come to parties very often." he tried explaining
"wellll... yeah but my friends told me to 'live a little' so i decided to give it a try" she looked back infront of her
hyunjin nodded his head and hummed. then the two just sat in silence for a while.
and for some reason, which she did not know why, y/n felt a little comfortable with him, maybe it was because she had alcohol in her, but whatever the reason was, she felt safe.
hyunjin started thinking more and more about y/n. why was she never at parties? why was she always hanging out with the same people all the time? why didn't she have a boyfriend? she was pretty, nice, and he heard she was smart too.
so he decided to ask her.
"hey y/n?" he turned to her and asked
"yea whats up?" she turned to him, their faces were inches apart.
"do you believe in love? i mean, i've never seen you with a guy you know? except those two friends of yours."
she was kind of surprised he was asking that, why would he? but she still decided to answer.
"of course i do, it's just that, i don't feel like anyone is right for me. either that or i don't deserve them..." she realized she was saying too much about herself. "but you know, i think i'll find the right person one day"
hyunjin started thinking about how he could use this as an advantage and act sympathetic. in the inside he was smirking, she is SO easy.
"well....maybe i can be the right guy." he looked into her eyes.
before she knew it he started leaning in and he put a hand on her chin. but she instantly stood up.
"yea. no. DEFINITELY not you." she dusted her pants off and looked around. "im actually supposed to leave now, bye." she didn't even look back, she just started walking back to her dorm. not bothering to go tell her friends.
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a/n : goodbye why did the written part look so much longer in my notes app😢😢
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dunmesh · 3 months
whats your opinion on namari x kiki and laios x kabru? 👀
i love namari and kiki❤️ i don't think abt them much but i enjoy them a lot. they're so funny like kiki is clearly having the most fun bringing namari closer and closer to the worst crisis ever and i just think their personalities go really well together, they'd be both sexy and wholesome as a couple. and i'm sure the flokes would approve of namari after everything they went through like you just know namari would be terrified of them finding out abt her relationship with kiki while yarn already knows and supports it... her husband is incredibly oblivious though but he will get over it.
labru... okay... it's like. i like some content ppl make for this ship bc i love laios i love kabru and i love whatever the fuck is going on between them in canon but i also despise this ship sometimes, i see ppl rambling abt them and i go all ughh ughhhh nahhh😩😩 and i was fine with it at first i'm just in my anti labru era. i'll 100% get over it, maybe it's seeing way too much of it since the anime came out? also the fact it's the token yaoi ship the fanbase need to latch onto to keep interest in a series doesn't help either lol. it's somewhat like kabumisu to me but in a i can barely tolerate it way that is sometimes just me hating. but i also don't hate this ship. i know they will stay by each other's side until death and there will be many times when they can only depend on one another and they'll become so close over the years it would be a disservice to simply call it a friendship. like kabru and laios are not the problem you get me?
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beckiboos · 1 year
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Taliesin- You did it! You read a elder scroll! And with all your marbles intact
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*sees an opportunity to be a little shit*
Calliope- Gribble! Crashed froop the fribble dog. Fire grine and freesh!
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Taliesin- What? Oh no... we need to get you to a healer. Now
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Calliope- Take me to the docks to sell my fruits. Mother I don't like these clothes they're itchy
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Taliesin- I'm so sorry my little breton... you have gone completely mad. Now I'm going to spend my life spoon feeding you apple cabbage soup
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Calliope- Nahhh I'm fine I'm just shitting ya. Although I do appreciate you dedicating your life to caring for me
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Taleisin- Dammit you scared me! Ughh...You cheeky little minx. I'm going to make you pay for that later.
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Calliope- Oh? Promise?
Taliesin- I am glad you're ok though... mmm...
Kaidan- Do you guys mind? You're not alone ya know
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svnflowermoon · 6 months
tell us about ur fictional lesbians <3
they're from my fantasy enemies to lovers book btw they're at each other's throats for half of the book. for context their world is recovering from a war and a bunch of natural disasters that had horrific effects on the economy so the world is in post tragedy recovery mode
there's florence (aka adelaide, she goes by that for most of the book) who is basically paid to lie to people. she'll do almost whatever she can to get by and help her family survive. she's mainly paid to pretend to be other people, specifically rich people who don't want to go to events. and she has her best offer yet as pretending to be a rich girl at a week-long cruise. she gets kinda shady vibes abt the whole thing but nahhh it'll be fine.
then we have talia. talia is the daughter of the hostess of this party and also the ex of the girl flo is pretending to be. she sees through the act instantly and assumes that her ex has sent florence with malicious intentions so she automatically hates her. there's a few stabbing attempts. but like homoerotic stabbing. (yes they're ACTUAL enemies to lovers they actually try to kill each other at some points)
soooo then a disaster strikes (not telling what it is gotta keep SOME secrets) and everyone is stuck on the cruise for an unknown amount of time. as the people on the cruise grow more and more stressed, tensions rise. florence and talia are stuck down the hall from each other and they slowlyyyy end up spending more and more time together and it's super slow burn but eventually they do make out in the middle of an argument.
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ask-the-badman · 15 days
You look like one of them fuckers that like to be called Daddy in the bedroom and that’s hot and all, but do you like it? And if not what do you prefer or what would make you tick even if it surprised you a little?👀
"Hmmm, I don' mind Daddy." Johnny chuckled deeply before running his tongue over his teeth, "Honestly can call me whatever the hell ya want in bed, long as they're screamin' my name by the end~"
. . .
"Although.. I do kind'a like Tiger, considerin' all my 'stripes' or... Hell, Sir would probably throw me off. Heh, I sure ain' one," he mused, rubbing his chin, "Don' fancy Mister much, unless.. Mister Slaughter? Nahhh, too much of a mouthful. Hmm, Master or King might also do it fer me, might work if they're beggin', but yeah. Daddy works jus' fine~"
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ragnarssons · 1 year
you know what, last episode really was the one where i started to feel like din djarin had taken the role of side-kick on his own show, being replaced as a main by bo-katan. up until then i was fine because din working as a team with his family isn't din being sidelined, he was still making his own decisions and his bond with grogu was still somewhat explored.
but then last episode happened: we don't even know why din came with bo, like no scene at the beginning to explain din's motivation to accompany bo in some kind of exile to find the other mandalorians?? when all he supposedly wanted during the whole season was just raise his kid to become a mandalorian?? when a storyline on nevarro for him was just there?? his ship isn't even there anymore?? the main interactions with grogu are bo's?? din just sighs at his son jumping in lizzo's arms and that's their only interaction through the whole episode?? because din djarin... DIN DJARIN paranoid!papa "where i go he goes" papa... leaves his son with two complete strangers?? one being ex imperial on top of that?!! ("reformed" but oh we know how well that program is going huh?). it's one thing that he leaves grogu with his family, the armorer, heck even paz fcking vizsla because they're his family. but rich entitled capitalist-royalties, one of them being - a g a i n - EX-IMP? like were they secretly holding grogu hostage or something? because there is no justification to me as to why din would just leave grogu in THAT place of all places. (i guess there was that time with peli too, but it's peli sooo i'll just say that it was natural to trust her lol). and at the end of the episode, he's like "nahhh the only plot element that could tie me in significantly to the final episodes, imma give it to bo because like 4 episodes ago she did some stuff but yknow actually never explain my actual motivation in all of that". the only scene showing him as the character we've followed was the one with the ugnaugths, a good callback to kuill...
it's like... i wouldn't say he's ooc for the sake of the plot or bo katan's story, because he's not but it's not delved into or explored. the story doesn't take the time to shine a light only on din on this episode, and tbh even tho i sure have accepted din's covert as part of his story, i sure hadn't expected bo katan kryze to become the main focus of, again, what is supposed to be din's story.
also before anyone comes and say "well actually the show is called the mandalorian so it could be about any mandaloriaaan-" well maybe they should correct their marketing techniques then because i'm pretty sure DIN AND GROGU are still front and center of all the promo materials we had before s3. and i'd be fine with some bo katan storyline, yknow if it were like the covert's storyline, to enrich din's storyline and grogu's storyline and journey, not the other way around. (for example one of my favorite scene this season is grogu getting is armor piece: din isn't even there with him but it was such an important moment of acceptance, of belonging and hope for the future between grogu and the armorer that i looooved it!)
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sillygoofyqueer · 5 months
The Untamed review: Episode Five!!!!!
long intro les gooo
Why do father and father have to fight??
Hahaha, he smiles so cheekily whenever he sees Wangji
He dusted off his sleeve for him, 100% boyfriend material
"let me tell you something, I heard something-" *gets fucking snatched by his boyfriend*
off to the library pavilion I guess
So peaceful, just wait
Haha, look at how Wei Wuxian is sat
(Three minutes in and I'm distracted by ice cream)
Wei Wuxian just looks tired and bored hahs
What is this man doing, his back must be in so much pain
The little sigh and the head in his handdddd, he's just as in love, neither of them even realise
Wei Wuxian, what are you planning
You're just complimenting him now
"you can call me the same!!!" Oh, Lan Wangji wants to
He doesn't hate you, he's just gay and can't admit it
You're so pathetic, Wuxian, I love it
You sneaky little bastard
Don't place the blame on him, you gremlin
He's so sincere leave him slone
He'd love to see you kneel WHO SAID THAT. WHO THE HELL SAID THAT?!?
His silly little giggle, and then the crying of not being able to speak
They're such good siblings
Wen Ning, you little guy 😔 WHAT'S WRONG WITH HIM?!?!!
Let them just be happy, they deserve it
Bro's reading while Wuxian is giggling and having the time of his life. Don't think I'd didn't see that little glance, Wangji, hehehe
He drew something for you, LOOK AT IT
The little glance in his direction!!!
Sobbing, they're in love, they're in love.
Lan Wangji looks ready to pop a blood vessel
"outside, then we'll duel" "Haha! No."
He's so fucking dramatic, I love him so
He is literally just about to go feral. Boutta cry.
Nie Huaisang and Wei Wuxian are such besties.
Jiang Cheng is such a brother
Hahahaha, "did you say my name" "I ain't no snitch"
Jiang Cheng does not want to be involved
Nie Huaisang is sooo knowledgeable
Bro's flicking his nose to get thoughts
Nahhh, Wangji is so ready to pop a vessel. And Xichen's grin at his name hahaha.
Just you wait buddy boy. Just you wait.
SU SHE CAN SUCK MY DIIIICK. He's fine for now though.
Oooooh, Caiyi town!!!
You ain't ready for that level of responsibility, Su She
They're soooo serious
You're not my jiejie????
Jiang Cheng grinning when Wen Qing notices him hehehe
"I'm here too 🥺"
That's right, they're a family too
Wen Qing is getting both the Jiangs my god
Hehehehehe, you're sneaks
Lan Wangji, you want him there
Lan Xichen is literally setting them up
Lan Xichen, you sweetheart
"why'd you let him come? 😔" "You looked like you wanted him to come" XICHEN YOU ARE IN CHARGE OF OUR SHIP, GUARD IT WELL
"don't you want them to come?" Literal silence from Wangji
Wuxian and Wangji hahaha
Don't be mean to hiiimmmmm, he's giving you lore
"Eating humans??? Not my water spirits"
The ships sinking??? BLACK WATER SINKING SHIPS??? False alarm, wrong show 😔
The way he rushes over to chat to Lan Wangji
"you're so boring 😔😔😔😔" he's like a stroppy child. I'd sleep
IT'S BEHIND YOU, oh, he's gone
Bro is literally drinking on a case, he has no chill
Wen Qing, you're so suspicious right now
Jiang Cheng, in kind terms, is telling Wuxian to shut up
Bro, stop offering him alcohol
Now Lan Xichen is acting suspicious and even Lan Wangji picked up on it
I'd be so pissed if someone did that with my alcohol.
Bit misty, innit?
Y'all are the scariest things in the mist
Wei Wuxian, you mustn't look so eager around Wangji, it's not a good look on you
The Wens just chilling in a boat together
Wuxian, my lord!!! You saved him!!
Show offffff
He looks so proud of himself, and he immediately doesn't want to upset Wangji
Stop it with your lack of gayness, it's not fooling anyone
Ewwwww, what the fuck is that seaweed
Kill it with fire
"what's the name of the sword?" "Whatever" I love that you're trying, Wangji
The fog thickens
Wen Ning you're so pretty
Fucking seaweed AGAIN
Wen Qing so willing to help. Awwwwwwhhh.
I understand why people ship them now, it made no sense from the book perspective
Wen Qing you're so pretty
I love how Wen Ning immediately pulled his sword out
"what's good, y'all?"
Shit, the seaweed is smart
They're all on high alert now
I didn't even know that water ghosts did that
Someone help Su She, he's hopeless
Woah, Wangji so smart and strong ☺️🤭
"just hold my hand" "nuh uh" they're gay
Xichen, you're the baddest bitch around
What's wrong with my son??? Is Wen Ning okay???
He's just checking up on him
Awwwww, Wuxian, you're sooo sweet
He's such a lil guy, he's so helpful
What's wrong with my baby???
Awwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhh, I'm sobbing, bonding moment
Jiang Cheng aw, what you looking for...ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT QING??? YOU SLY DOG
Wei Wuxian snacking hehehe
Wen Ning is such a little guy, look at him pointing
Wangji said that Wuxian had a point to Xichen, he's such a little simp
Nice catch, such a waste though
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hyunsvngs · 9 months
If I'm alright with someone else doing things with my feet is that a foot fetish? Like honestly go nuts with them but I don't really find feet attractive, I'm very just... neutral about them? They're just feet?? If someone wants me to touch their feet then alright I guess, if it does it for them
-🐾 anon (maybe about to discover more things about themself)
NAHHH I GET THAT!! my bestie irl is like that he's not bothered abt it but if his partner likes feet that's fine by him! it makes perfect sense and doesn't mean you have a foot fetish :3
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A Clash of Kings - 34 JON IV (pages 459-468)
Jon's team makes it to the Fist of the First Men, and Ghost leads Jon to treasure.
The Reader almost reports a new follower as a Bot. (Follower remains on Thin Ice.)
The Old Bear was particular about his hot spiced wine. So much cinnamon and so much nutmeg and so much honey, not a drop more. Raisins and nuts and dried berries, but no lemon, that was the rankest of southron heresy - which was queer, since he always took lemon in his morning beer.
🍋=🥛 "but no lemon, that was the rankest of southron heresy" yeah? enjoy your scurvy... oh, I see, lemon is a breakfast food, nvm.
A torch had been thrust down into a crevice, its flames flying pale orange banners when the gusts came. He snatched it up as he squeezed through the gap between stones. Ghost went racing down the hill. Jon followed more slowly, the torch thrust out before him as he made his descent.
They need lanterns, torches don't actually last all that long and the naked flame can get blown out in the wind. They need those sturdy 'storm lanterns' I believe they're called with the oil soaked wick and the hard to break glass covers that have their own little crash cage, but with the back shield to catch the light on one side to bounce it back and so you don't blind yourself with it.
The Reader: *is a huge fan of lanterns in general* what? a light source bias? me? pssshhhh, nahhh.
"What have you found?" Jon lowered the torch, revealing a rounded mound of earth. A grave, he thought. But whose? ... The bundle turned, and its contents spilled out on the ground, glittering dark and bright. He saw a dozen knives, leaf-shaped spear heads, numerous arrowheads. Jon picked up a dagger blade, feather light and shiny black, hiltless. Torchlight ran along its edge, a thin orange line that spoke of razor sharpness. Dragonglass. What the maesters call obsidian. ... Beneath the dragonglass was an old warhorn, made from an aurochs horn and banded in bronze.
The Cache!!!! Dragonglass = 🥛
He let them fall, and pulled up a corner of the cloth the weapons had been wrapped in, rubbing it between his fingers. Good wool, thick, a double weave, damp but not rotted. It could not have been long in the ground. And it was dark. He seized a handful and pulled it close to the torch. Not dark. Black. Even before Jon stood and shook it out, he knew what he had: the black cloak of a Sworn Brother of the Night's Watch.
Gimme a sec I need to look up 'double weave' cause my brain is saying 'does he mean twill?' which, hilarious if yes. Nope, not twill, double-cloth. The thing where they double the threads and shuttles involved, very thick and warm.
(Twill, by the way, is a fabric that goes over two under one in a stagger, (which is probably why my brain skipped there) and was made "popular" after being produced in a little place called Nîmes, in France back in the late 1800s. as an export it was called serge de nim or twill de nim (lit. twill of Nîmes), and yes, if that sounds familiar it is because today twills are sometimes called denim. the jeans fabric. My brain thought "black jean cloaks for the Night's Watch." basically. XD)
Realistically, twill aren't an out of place thing in fantasy worlds, because the strength of the fabric came from the cotton and stitch, neither of which are revolutionary young technologies, but if we did that... oh dragons and scandalous amounts of skin are fine, but women's rights and denim, where's the historical accuracy?
I like the imagery in this chapter, with Jon and the torch, the overall vibe of "you need to look, but things will be hard to see or find, the answers you need do not lie in safe places but out beyond them."
I also like that Mormont is asking Jon for his opinion and making him think about things, reason it out, because he did know the answer when he stopped to think. Subtle growth still counts!
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diamondsandlemons · 2 years
Hi sorry for being the least normal person on the planet about this but I saw you rbing some The Locked Tomb stuff and it's only been like a week or two since I got extremely into the series and it's nice to see someone I follow also show interest in it around the same-ish time as me! Can I ask abt your take on the books so far n fav character/s?
well I've only read the first book (I'm definitely interested in continuing with the series but I probably won't get to it for a while, esp. since I wanna get back into playing Ace Attorney games, as playing a visual novel kinda takes up the same time slot in my day as reading a novel, yk?) so there's def stuff I don't know abt yet.
but anyway yeah! I did really enjoy it. I appreciate the comedy in it, which I wasn't really expecting since like the cover art is so grim and it opens with some really dense politics stuff and a bunch of long names (that I just know should be pronounced with a british accent but I can't really make my head voice do that) and like the actual plot is very serious with deaths and stuff but nonetheless This Book Has Jokes
and its best when they're the dumbest, simplest jokes you could think of and Gideon says them out loud because thats the kind character she is. love her
Palamedes is great too because he entertains Gideon's antics while also being the one most focused on solving the mystery castle puzzles. (this girl who's been here for like a month and has never spoken a word to anyone is talking to me now? and she's rude? thats fine I'll just roll with it). he's also like the most normal dude in the whole cast. you feel comfortable when he's around
(btw what the hell was up with the thing he discovered about the rooms in Canaan House being from different time periods? like the different rooms are literally different ages? I don't think that was ever explained or brought up again???)
Also, for "lesbian fiction" being basically the one thing everyone says about this series, I was kinda surprised at the lack of a romantic plot in this one? I mean maybe there will be more of that in the other books idk, but like. ok so from the beginning it's very clear that Gideon and Harrow are gonna be the main pair here. and I was a little skeptical they were gonna be able to sell me on that because of where their relationship started, but nahhh I had nothing to worry about. they were meant for each other and enemies to lovers works great it turns out. but like. their relationship definitely improves a lot over the course of the story, but most of the time they don't talk to each other about anything but their jobs. its all bones and skeletons and locked doors with them.
don't get me wrong it has strong gay vibes all the way through (and Gideon is constantly commenting on how hot other women are, which is great) but at no point are Harrow and Gideon actually like. dating. closest they got was when I think it was implied they fucked once, after the pool scene. which like, good for them, I'm glad they got the opportunity to do that before, ah, y'know.
speaking of which I have NO clue what'll happen next based on how it ended. and the brief glimpse of the emperor at the very end was not at all what I expected, so that's curious as well...
OH yeah and speaking of the empire. uh at least the copy of the book that I have has a bunch of bonus material at the end, like in-universe essays and reports (and a pronunciation guide where I frustratingly learned I'd been reading half the characters' names wrong). and ONLY in that bonus material was it ever acknowledged that other inhabited planets exist outside of the empire. like for the whole book it kinda seems like there are nine planets that comprise the empire, and that's it. no humans anywhere else in the universe. no life outside the empire.
sure, the Cohort supposedly fights "enemies of the empire" but that's all that's ever said about that. could be like evil skeletons or some other kind of space monster for all we know. but no there ARE other civilizations, which I guess might be at war with the necromancers? it's cool to know that, that this story's universe is bigger than we've seen, and if I had to guess I'd say bigger than we probably ever will see, since there's still so many ghost/death mysteries and House history stuff our beloved necros have yet to solve.
ok thats probably everything I have to say about Gideon the Ninth for now. thanks for giving me an opportunity to put it all into words, lol
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