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highlycaffeinatedmudi · 8 months ago
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Sleepy weasel had a good weekend on the dock! Jumps ranging from 15ft-18ft with most being in the 16ft-18ft range. It was pouring off and on both days and we had lightning delays yesterday so it made for a long day, but I’m super proud of how he handled it all!
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ginnyw-potter-archive · 11 months ago
Chapter two up!
Not a done deal
Ginny hangs up flyers for a bet on the announcement board in the university's dorm. A tall, handsome guy inquires about it and asks her out for coffee. She likes teasing, he likes retorting. She's armed with a stapler and the metal end of a bra. Harry needs to be up for the challenge that is Ginny Weasley.
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It was meant to be a joke. A bet, really. So here she was, stapling the ridiculous flyer to the announcement board of the university’s dorms.
“How many kids do you have?” a voice asked.
She turned around. She immediately locked eyes with him; the startling green with the dark rim around it was difficult to look away from. He was quite a bit taller than her and had an athletic build. His dark hair was untidy, he clearly had just run his hand through it and thought that was enough—surprisingly it was. His finger pointed patiently to her flyer which read ‘Searching for a dad for my kids. Interested? Call Ginny Weasley’. Under it was a list of what her friends had deemed her best attributes.
She watched as he dropped his hand and looked expectantly at her.
“None yet.” She cocked her head to the side. “Are you offering?”
His cheeks turned red and he stammered through a reply. “I, uhm, well.” He cleared his throat, nodding towards the flyer. “I thought it was a done deal.”
She shook her head and turned to him, crossing her arms with the stapler still in her hand. “What do you bring to the table?”
He blew air out of his mouth as he thought. “I’ve got long legs?”
Full oneshot on AO3
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dailynation · 2 years ago
…but some NGO have applauded government for considering Vedanta to come back and take ownership of KCM with 80 percent shareholding By NATION REPORTER THE imminent return of Vedanta has sparked mixed feelings.
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kindleaf · 7 months ago
it is really genuinely delightful to me when non-naddpod friends are like "how's your frog doing" because it's like oh dude if you think i'm into the frog, i REALLY have some people you should meet
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valenteal · 2 months ago
Val’s History of the Jedi Part 3!
With the true Sith Empire hidden deep within the unknown regions (and not coming out for a while) we return our attention to the Jedi and their own internal struggles. For this part I’ll cover everything until the Mandalorian Wars.
Now this gets kinda complicated so get ready for a wild ride.
Six hundred years after the Great Hyperspace War in 4400 BBY Freedon Nadd, a former Jedi Padawan trained on Ossus who had renounced the Order and killed his master, before going to the heart of the Old Sith Empire seeking power, met Naga Sadow while exploring Yavin 4, where the man had spent his life after the Great Hyperspace War building massive temple complexes (the buildings the rebel alliance would call home five thousand years later in the original trilogy) and practicing his Sith Alchemy before eventually placing himself in suspended animation. After Nadd awoke the Dark Lord, Sadow took Nadd on as an apprentice and taught him the ways of the dark side, believing that together they would lead the Sith into a new golden age. Unfortunately for Sadow, Nadd did the same thing he’d done before, killed his master before going off on his own to attain more power, though this time he sought political power rather than Force power.
Deciding that he wanted a planet to call his own, Nadd used his considerable power in Sith Sorcery to conquer the planet Onderon, which he ruled over as king for over a hundred years. Once word of his rule over Onderon reached the Jedi they sent a team to kill Nadd, thinking this would end the threat. It did not.
The thing about Sith Lords is this: unlike Jedi who need to find complete harmony with the Force and understanding of themselves to retain their consciousness after death, Sith can do it much more easily using only spite and ego. It’s why their tomb world, Korriban, is so holy and also incredibly haunted. There’s one class storyline in SWTOR where you go around absorbing a ton of force ghosts of powerful Sith Lords from around the galaxy to get more powerful and it’s a wild ride. Also my favorite class to play.
Anyway, Freedon Nadd is dead. But his spirit lives on and his tomb is a focal point for dark side energy and his descendants are constantly going to him to learn Sith Sorcery and basically Onderon is still ruled by the Sith and the Jedi have no fuckin clue.
Leaving Onderon to stew in the dark side for a while, we go check in on the Jedi once again, only to find that, oh no! The Third Great Schism (never coulda seen that coming) has erupted in the 4250 BBY, only a century and a half after Nadd’s fall. Admittedly this Great Schism has less lasting consequences as the Dark Jedi were forced to flee and later annihilated themselves and the entire star system they were in, the Vultar System, trying to harness the power of an ancient device known as the Cosmic Turbine that was left behind by the Celestials after they retreated to Mortis.
Fast forward to 4000 BBY, and yet another team of Jedi are sent to Onderon, this time to settle the ongoing conflict known as the Beast Wars, which Nadd began during his reign. It’s this nearly never ending war between the Beast-Riders of the Jungle and the People of the Capital City of Iziz. Nomads vs civilized society basically. The Onderon arc in Clone Wars nods to it. Anyway. This time the Jedi sent are all Padawans, Ulic Qel-Droma, Cay Qel-Droma, and Tott Doneeta, apprenticed to Jedi Master Arca Jeth. The Padawans discover that the Onderon royal family are practitioners of the dark side and the Princess Galia was staring in “Romeo and Juliet but make it Star Wars” with the Beast-Rider leader, Oron Kira.
There’s drama, the Jedi Master who sent his Padawans into the mess, Arca Jeth, swooped in and saved the day, Galia and Oron ascended to the throne, the evil Queen Amanoa was defeated, the end!
Except it wasn’t over, because the Queen’s husband and Nadd’s decent and former pupil, Ommin was still alive, though retired. He managed to rally an NEW Naddist army, steal his wife’s remains and Nadd’s sarcophagus AND capture Master Jeth. Of course this only prompts the Republic and the Jedi to send more reinforcements who eventually overthrew Ommin, but not before Nadd gave two visiting nobles the spell books, artifacts, and Sith swords that they could use to learn the secrets of the Dark Side. Those nobles, Aleema Keto and Satal Keto, escaped back to their home system of Empress Teta.
Now, the Jedi learned their lesson this time, and sealed Nadd, Amanoa, and Ommin in a heavily fortified tomb on Onderon’s fourth moon, Dxun. Unfortunately for them, Nadd was still able to manifest outside the tomb wherever his former belongings ended up. So he left to teach the Keto cousins much about Sith Sorcery and leading them to create the Krath Cult. The Jedi had also, foolishly, brought some of the artifacts back to Ossus, allowing Nadd to appear before Padawan Ulic Qel-Droma to sow seeds of self doubt by prophesying his fall. When Ulic Qel-Droma, his master, and the other two Padawans are sent to Empress Teta to stop the growing Krath Cult Nadd’s prediction comes true after the death of Arca Jeth pushes Ulic to pursue vengeance by infiltrating the Krath Cult, is seduced by Aleema Keto, and eventually kills Lord Satal Keto and taking his place at Aleema Keto’s side.
During this, another young Jedi named Exar Kun grows curious and abandons his training in search of Nadd’s teachings. Proving Nadd’s tomb on Dxun not nearly as impenetrable as it was supposed to be, Kun meets Nadd’s spirit and learns from him, before finally, finally, killing the guy for good. Course then he heads to Yavin 4 to acquire more power just as Nadd had, before going to Empress Teta to defeat his potential rival, Ulic Qel-Droma. When the two duel they are stopped by the spirit of Marka Ragnos, just as Sadow was when first facing Ludo Kressh. Ragnos anoints both Kun and Qel-Droma Dark Lords of the Sith and bids them work together to restore the glory of the Sith. Thus the Great Sith War begins, lead by Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma, calling themselves the Brotherhood of the Sith.
I’m not going to go into every battle, it’s called the Great Sith War for a reason and all the details exist as the story was told in its entirety in comics. But suffice it to say that the war was devastating, the Sith and the Mandalorians ally after Qel-Droma defeated Mandalore the Indomitable, they conquered many planets, Qel-Droma was captured and returned to the light after he and his forces made it all the way to Coruscant before being routed. Mandalore the Indomitable was defeated on Dxun, and Exar Kun performed a ritual to sever his spirit from his body so the Republic and the Jedi would think him dead, intending to continue wreaking havoc across the galaxy, but only succeeded in trapping himself on Yavin 4.
In the end the Jedi and the republic won, but not without heavy losses. The Brotherhood of the Sith had succeeded in turning a fair few Jedi AND had caused a Supernova that devastated Ossus and forced the Jedi to relocate their main stronghold to Coruscant, as well as destroying all the records that had been kept there. (Kun did manage to snag some treasure before the energy blast got to Ossus and while the Jedi were panicking and evacuating.)
Anyway, moral of the story is: make sure your Sith are fully dead. Their ghosts can be more trouble than they were in life. Also… Marka Ragnos really likes interfering in duel from beyond the grave. Also also, there’s gotta be something wrong with the Jedi teachings if their best students keep falling so easily. I didn’t mention this earlier, but Freedon Nadd was actually a model Jedi and an absolute prodigy before the Jedi gave him a stupid hidden test that like basically shattered his confidence and trust in them. Seriously, the Jedi make all their own worst enemies. Really the Sith Empire would have 0 beef with the Jedi or the republic if the Jedi from the Second Great Schism didn’t come in and take over. And like, if they knew anything about mental health or did psychological testing before training people then a psychopath like Exar Kun never would’ve gotten so much power! Anyway, I digress. Next time I’ll be going over the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War and do a brief overview of the Sith Civil War as well, so basically KOTOR 1 and 2. I already answered an ask about the Mandalorian Wars but I focused on the Mandalorian side so this time I’ll focus on the Jedi side.
⬅️Last part | Next part➡️
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stone-stars · 2 months ago
I came here from spreadsheet post (while procrastinating on my spreadsheet at work bc paid spreadsheets are boring after spending 4 days doing the same one) and was pleasantly surprised to find out ur a naddpod blog?!?!?? so obvs I've GOT to follow but I'm not quite caught up on C3 so I'll just have to spoilerise your url for now and undo that later :3 in any case hello!
i am! lol the spreadsheet from the spreadsheet post was naddpod adjacent even— hello!! if it helps, i tag all c3 stuff with ba2mia and all liveblogs with ‘naddplog’, so you can pretty handily avoid spoilers by muting those! welcome welcome :3
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dragonscalesofold · 1 year ago
I need to put this thank you to dimension 20 and it’s cast out into the world.
TLDR: A crown of candy got me through my first ever Easter Sunday without attending mass and I will be forever grateful.
Tw: Catholic guilt
I have been re watching a crown of candy because it brings me an odd amount of comfort.
And today was also the first ever Easter I didn’t attend mass. I grew up incredibly Catholic but also surrounded by people who believed in the universe and in karma and tarot cards and nature. I was the a catholic school girl who read the bible as an act of rebellion. And to no ones surprise I grew up and left the church in favor of the belief in people and nature and energy.
That doesn’t mean not attending mass today wasn’t incredibly hard the amount of catholic guilt that incurred was horrible. And watching a DnD campaign where the main antagonist was a thinly veiled metaphor for the Catholic Church was the only thing that got me through today.
Because today when I had to look the little girl inside of me with a giant smile and a cute little Easter dress who believed so fiercely in the church and what it taught us in the eyes and tell her i wasn’t going because the church itself had destroyed my faith. And a silly little show where fate chooses so much held my hand and reminded me that I am not my guilt and I do not owe my life to an organization that would have seen me dead 100s of times throughout history.
I know it’s just a show but it is a show I will be forever grateful to because today it is absolutely the only reason I chose me over my guilt.
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succulent-pott · 8 months ago
Thinking abt how I said “how will this round affect the world tour 💥🚗” when justin timberlake showed up on roblox Better Music and people didn’t get the joke 😢
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highlycaffeinatedmudi · 1 year ago
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The boy rocked it this weekend! Got a personal best of 16ft off the dock and got his FCAT title. So, so proud of him, and the underwater treadmill and overall fitness training paid off!
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poaterre1 · 3 days ago
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Coverted Means. Means??
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pagesofkenna · 2 years ago
oh also, i finished watching D20: The Seven tonight, which means I've officially finished watching every D20 season! (except the one I skipped bc of technical issues)
I'm going to go back and rewatch Starstruck Odyssey (the first main season i ever watched), but like. I've been binging to catch up with this show, in bursts, for the last year and a half
I can watch other stuff now
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nqkoi-te-obicha · 2 years ago
guys, we gotta make him famous
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kindleaf · 3 months ago
remember when jrwi twt said it was morally bankrupt to pirate jrwi stuff. that was crazy. what's wrong with you.
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groenendaze · 2 years ago
apparently when signing up for confo shows it just? automatically signs you up? without giving you the option to look at your total first? 
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stone-stars · 10 months ago
re self indulgent AUs "#also god i have so many of them", do u have any d20/fh ones you can share? 👀
to be honest, most of them are naddpod! i did have a class-swap i was rotating a little bit (though to call it a class swap isn't exactly accurate, most people just got multi-classed with different subclasses. celestial warlock/phantom rogue riz and swarmkeeper ranger/creation bard fig you are real to me), and there is a howl's moving castle figayda au rotating in my brain at immense speeds especially after junior year
(for the class-swap, it was born from messing with their backstories. riz discovered his dad was an angel early because he became obsessed with trying to figure out how he died and how to bring him back. and celestial warlock and the ghostly flavor of phantom rogue is basically just pok. helping his son out from beyond the grave. able to help through a proper celestial contract because riz found out about the celestial task force stuff. swarmkeeper/creation bard fig was a weird one. her swarm was music/sound waves. her backstory wasn't that changed, except that instead of leaning into deception mechanically she turned her music into a weapon/destructive force. she starts out more swarmkeeper with only 2 bard levels and becomes creation after meeting the bad kids and realizing she does want her music to create things, not just destroy. i had Some thoughts for the other bad kids but it was mostly fig and riz bc they're my favorites. i think... god i never wrote these down. i think fabian was a sorcerer, kristen was a zealot barbarian (later reclassed into paladin), gorgug was a fighter who multiclassed into valor bard when he joined the sig figs, and adaine was... order cleric/war wizard i think? i did weird things to adaine in this. iirc once her parents realized she wasn't going to be like them they tried to turn her into a soldier.)
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mom-friend-socko · 1 year ago
Gunther and Red are the old gay representation we all deserve
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