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anstarwar · 5 months ago
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Sleepy Rex on his sleepy speeder taking a sleep break on Onderon
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knightotoc · 6 months ago
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tobyig · 5 months ago
genuinely love how people in Kotor 2 comment on your appearance so much during dark side runs.
especially Bahima who says "I hesitate to mention, but my people have marvelous ointments for your skin condition."
like if i saw someone who looked like me irl i would run, not tell them to moisturize 😭😭
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dingoat · 5 months ago
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Thanks swtor that is absolutely the worst time I've ever had.
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swtorlordcytharatfan · 2 years ago
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Here the wallpaper version
The year is 2024 - expansion 8.0 is out. Your first quest is to meet a Sith Lord on Onderon to help search for new energy sources.
This is who you meet 😘🔥
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beasanfi1997 · 1 year ago
I Hope that Luke, Leia and Chewie were speechless when they learn that Anakin creates the Rebellion on Onderon during the clone Wars that Lux, Ezra, Ahsoka and Mon Mothma explain very well talking about Saw Gerrera while they were waiting that Mando find Grogu for five years
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legends-expo · 2 years ago
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More freebies! Our friends at SWTOR sent us a big box of posters and pins for our attendees! Stop by the information booth at the convention both days to take your pick of posters and pins while supplies last!
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talesfrommedinastation · 1 year ago
My Neighbor Doug on different locations in 'The Bad Batch'
So I did as was requested by my poll, and asked Doug what he called (and thought of) the various different places in which 'The Bad Batch' took place.
Need refreshers? Doug's interpretations of The Bad Batch: Main Characters
Doug's interpretations of The Bad Batch: Side Characters
Here we go:
Tipoca City: The Mall on the Ocean. You know it either smells really nice, clean and like fresh perfume, or it smells like ass and balls. It’s duty free, of course. Daddy Warcrimes totally plows the liquor section when Ryan-from-Accounting won’t stop annoying him and Daddy Rambo sprays on the sample Sauvage cologne to get the ladies. 
("I thought he was married?"
"He need the reassurance. Y'all know guys like him.")
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Onderon: Damn-It-Jared’s Trailer Park. It’s where he and his goofy-assed hippie friends fire weapons and drop acid and scare the wildlife. It’s like Oregon, but stupid. Just like Damn-It-Jared. And Daddy Warcrimes comes down and murders civilians, because the man craves police brutality the way I crave a drink after watching the Saints lose. 
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Saleucami: Tremor-Land. Look at this place and tell me you ain’t expecting giant worms and Kevin Bacon to pop out of nowhere. Also, Not-Wolverine’s wife gives me Reba McEntire vibes, trust me. They seem like a fun couple, I’d love to drink beer and shoot guns with them on a Sunday. 
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(Cut and Suu = Not Wolverine and Not Wolverine's wife)
Pantora: Not-Quite-Austin. Its where young hot people go to get drunk, get into street fights and then leave. You know, where That Chick That’s in Everything gets into a motorcycle race with Daddy Rambo and then they look for the Gun Safety Muppet and Little Orphan Blondie is lost and I guess they sell Toaster Strudel at one point to the three eyed goat for cash?*
Meat Muffin, what in the hell did I just write? 
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Corellia: Where-Anakin-Lost-His-Legs and Jorge’s Unemployed Sisters are collecting scrap metal for cash.
(“This is not where Anakin lost his legs!” 
“How do you know?”
“ I watched Episode III?! Did you?”
“Eh, they’ll update it, just watch.”)
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(FYI, I wish Trace Martez and Tech had more scenes together. They would have been a cute nerdy couple)
Bracca: Planet Dump. Seriously, there’s a planet devoted to garbage. Is it New Jersey? It’s just creepy people floating around trash? Man, it’s like Thor Ragnorok, but sad. Think Valkyrie would show up at some point? Julio had a headache here and strangled someone, I get it, migraines ain’t fun. 
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Ord Mantell: Great Value Cyberpunk. Do humans even live here? Well, Houma BBQ bitch and her ugly clutch of mutant boyfriends do. Her bar totally looks like someone practices eye surgery in the back like in Minority Report. 
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Raxus: Space Country Club. Oh, this place nice and clean. I mean, dang, it looks like a gated community where everyone plays golf and is mean to their neighbors. I bet they have an amazing Christmas lights display but don’t allow ‘riff-raff’ to come in and bully anyone who doesn’t join their HOA. My sister’s in one outside of Miami, and it turned her into a bitch, trust me. 
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Daro: Not-Quite-Fort-Bliss. I don’t get this place. It’s where Manny’s hanging out with other army guys but they don’t like him, even though he’s a good soldier? What the hell, the Empire is run by mid-level corporate dumbasses who think their online MBA makes them a god. 
::proceeds to go on a rant about MBA Rob, his nephew, and the clowns like them::
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Safa Toma: Tank Girl’s Home. It’s like Tatooine but fun and crazy. It’s where the Rhino that Sells Used Buicks and his pet iguana live and force people to race in used car parts.**. 
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Pabu: Space Daytona. It’s nice, it’s pretty, but I kept thinking the Empire was going to nuke it at some point. Hey, Church Lady says it’s her home away from home…where’s her other home? New Orleans? Shit, that’s a thought.
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Eriadu: Space New Hampshire. It’s foggy, got mountains, and filled with angry old white people who can’t seem to retire. You know Tarkin totally screams at waiters and lives to make the poor check out girls at Publix cry. Just like his bitchy daughter, Stepsister Beth. 
(Doug now headcanons that Tarkin is Emerie’s dad…which makes zero sense, but whatever.)
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Ryloth: Space Arizona. Everything seems rich and nice and the women are vaguely hot, cool canyons and mountains and whatnot. But then dig a little bit and everyone’s rat-in-a-shithouse insane and there’s guns everywhere. I like Hera and her daddy, he’s cool. Like him riding his space motorcycle and flinging that spear at folks, more of him please. 
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Weyland: Spooky Lab Land. It’s where Stepsister Beth and Ryan-from-Accounting have family reunions with her asshole dad, his bitch wife Laura, and the gang. They’re into science and not making eye contact with anyone because there’s shit in the lava lamps that might be humans. 
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Serrano: Space Coeur d’Alene. It’s got pine trees and mountains, real pretty, but it’s easy to fling trash and bodies everywhere and every other person is Doomsday prepping. You ever been to Idaho? Real pretty, but real off, ya know? 
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*= I was struggling to breath after this. What in 'The Witch' was he thinking?!
**= Millegi and his racer. I had to stop texting Doug for a bit at this point, I was cry-laughing so hard I couldn’t see. 
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spacelesbiandisaster · 7 months ago
Remember that Onderon Rebel who tried that flirt with Ahsoka but she was way too distracted by Steela Gerrera?
No not Lux Bonteri, I'm talking about
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There's one scene were Ahsoka is teaching the rebels how to neutralize Droidekas (that's ball droid that comes with plasma shields) with bomb's, and Lux is the first one to do it. He then proceeds to "teach" Steela how to do it by grabbing her arm and having this little romance moments.
Not sure if I'm explaining right, but the scene had this vibe:
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Meanwhile Ahsoka is staring like her soul depends on it and Saw gets to her and its like
"Hey Commander Tano, how about you teach me how to do it?" Wink wink.
And Ahsoka does help him, but doesn't get close to touch Saw and instead just gave verbal instructions.
After that Steela actually got away from Lux and instead of go talk to her male love interest Ahsoka actually go after Steela to console her for not being able to destroy the droid in her first try and then they got a little moment was well.
I actually believe that this was the moment Ahsoka realized she liked girls by how quickly she lost interest in Lux and the way she doesn't even acknowledge Saw's attempt to flirt with her.
I didn't find any gifs or prints for the scene were Saw flirt with her, but I swear it happened! Go check on the episode if you want to, it's going to be there.
So we have Saw Looking at Commander Tano, who is look at his sister, who's looking at Lux Bonteri, who's looking at every single one of them because he just can't keep his hands to himself.
I thought that arc gave us a love triangle, but it actually gave us a love square! And that makes Anakin and Rex reactions to this teen love drama so much funny (the boys of the 501s are going to love hearing all about this).
Luckily for Saw, he seem to get over that very fast and by the end of the arc he isn't even looking at Ahsoka anymore. I guess he just got over the fact that his sister is the popular one of the family... (At least until she died)
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valenteal · 26 days ago
Val’s History of the Jedi Part 3!
With the true Sith Empire hidden deep within the unknown regions (and not coming out for a while) we return our attention to the Jedi and their own internal struggles. For this part I’ll cover everything until the Mandalorian Wars.
Now this gets kinda complicated so get ready for a wild ride.
Six hundred years after the Great Hyperspace War in 4400 BBY Freedon Nadd, a former Jedi Padawan trained on Ossus who had renounced the Order and killed his master, before going to the heart of the Old Sith Empire seeking power, met Naga Sadow while exploring Yavin 4, where the man had spent his life after the Great Hyperspace War building massive temple complexes (the buildings the rebel alliance would call home five thousand years later in the original trilogy) and practicing his Sith Alchemy before eventually placing himself in suspended animation. After Nadd awoke the Dark Lord, Sadow took Nadd on as an apprentice and taught him the ways of the dark side, believing that together they would lead the Sith into a new golden age. Unfortunately for Sadow, Nadd did the same thing he’d done before, killed his master before going off on his own to attain more power, though this time he sought political power rather than Force power.
Deciding that he wanted a planet to call his own, Nadd used his considerable power in Sith Sorcery to conquer the planet Onderon, which he ruled over as king for over a hundred years. Once word of his rule over Onderon reached the Jedi they sent a team to kill Nadd, thinking this would end the threat. It did not.
The thing about Sith Lords is this: unlike Jedi who need to find complete harmony with the Force and understanding of themselves to retain their consciousness after death, Sith can do it much more easily using only spite and ego. It’s why their tomb world, Korriban, is so holy and also incredibly haunted. There’s one class storyline in SWTOR where you go around absorbing a ton of force ghosts of powerful Sith Lords from around the galaxy to get more powerful and it’s a wild ride. Also my favorite class to play.
Anyway, Freedon Nadd is dead. But his spirit lives on and his tomb is a focal point for dark side energy and his descendants are constantly going to him to learn Sith Sorcery and basically Onderon is still ruled by the Sith and the Jedi have no fuckin clue.
Leaving Onderon to stew in the dark side for a while, we go check in on the Jedi once again, only to find that, oh no! The Third Great Schism (never coulda seen that coming) has erupted in the 4250 BBY, only a century and a half after Nadd’s fall. Admittedly this Great Schism has less lasting consequences as the Dark Jedi were forced to flee and later annihilated themselves and the entire star system they were in, the Vultar System, trying to harness the power of an ancient device known as the Cosmic Turbine that was left behind by the Celestials after they retreated to Mortis.
Fast forward to 4000 BBY, and yet another team of Jedi are sent to Onderon, this time to settle the ongoing conflict known as the Beast Wars, which Nadd began during his reign. It’s this nearly never ending war between the Beast-Riders of the Jungle and the People of the Capital City of Iziz. Nomads vs civilized society basically. The Onderon arc in Clone Wars nods to it. Anyway. This time the Jedi sent are all Padawans, Ulic Qel-Droma, Cay Qel-Droma, and Tott Doneeta, apprenticed to Jedi Master Arca Jeth. The Padawans discover that the Onderon royal family are practitioners of the dark side and the Princess Galia was staring in “Romeo and Juliet but make it Star Wars” with the Beast-Rider leader, Oron Kira.
There’s drama, the Jedi Master who sent his Padawans into the mess, Arca Jeth, swooped in and saved the day, Galia and Oron ascended to the throne, the evil Queen Amanoa was defeated, the end!
Except it wasn’t over, because the Queen’s husband and Nadd’s decent and former pupil, Ommin was still alive, though retired. He managed to rally an NEW Naddist army, steal his wife’s remains and Nadd’s sarcophagus AND capture Master Jeth. Of course this only prompts the Republic and the Jedi to send more reinforcements who eventually overthrew Ommin, but not before Nadd gave two visiting nobles the spell books, artifacts, and Sith swords that they could use to learn the secrets of the Dark Side. Those nobles, Aleema Keto and Satal Keto, escaped back to their home system of Empress Teta.
Now, the Jedi learned their lesson this time, and sealed Nadd, Amanoa, and Ommin in a heavily fortified tomb on Onderon’s fourth moon, Dxun. Unfortunately for them, Nadd was still able to manifest outside the tomb wherever his former belongings ended up. So he left to teach the Keto cousins much about Sith Sorcery and leading them to create the Krath Cult. The Jedi had also, foolishly, brought some of the artifacts back to Ossus, allowing Nadd to appear before Padawan Ulic Qel-Droma to sow seeds of self doubt by prophesying his fall. When Ulic Qel-Droma, his master, and the other two Padawans are sent to Empress Teta to stop the growing Krath Cult Nadd’s prediction comes true after the death of Arca Jeth pushes Ulic to pursue vengeance by infiltrating the Krath Cult, is seduced by Aleema Keto, and eventually kills Lord Satal Keto and taking his place at Aleema Keto’s side.
During this, another young Jedi named Exar Kun grows curious and abandons his training in search of Nadd’s teachings. Proving Nadd’s tomb on Dxun not nearly as impenetrable as it was supposed to be, Kun meets Nadd’s spirit and learns from him, before finally, finally, killing the guy for good. Course then he heads to Yavin 4 to acquire more power just as Nadd had, before going to Empress Teta to defeat his potential rival, Ulic Qel-Droma. When the two duel they are stopped by the spirit of Marka Ragnos, just as Sadow was when first facing Ludo Kressh. Ragnos anoints both Kun and Qel-Droma Dark Lords of the Sith and bids them work together to restore the glory of the Sith. Thus the Great Sith War begins, lead by Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma, calling themselves the Brotherhood of the Sith.
I’m not going to go into every battle, it’s called the Great Sith War for a reason and all the details exist as the story was told in its entirety in comics. But suffice it to say that the war was devastating, the Sith and the Mandalorians ally after Qel-Droma defeated Mandalore the Indomitable, they conquered many planets, Qel-Droma was captured and returned to the light after he and his forces made it all the way to Coruscant before being routed. Mandalore the Indomitable was defeated on Dxun, and Exar Kun performed a ritual to sever his spirit from his body so the Republic and the Jedi would think him dead, intending to continue wreaking havoc across the galaxy, but only succeeded in trapping himself on Yavin 4.
In the end the Jedi and the republic won, but not without heavy losses. The Brotherhood of the Sith had succeeded in turning a fair few Jedi AND had caused a Supernova that devastated Ossus and forced the Jedi to relocate their main stronghold to Coruscant, as well as destroying all the records that had been kept there. (Kun did manage to snag some treasure before the energy blast got to Ossus and while the Jedi were panicking and evacuating.)
Anyway, moral of the story is: make sure your Sith are fully dead. Their ghosts can be more trouble than they were in life. Also… Marka Ragnos really likes interfering in duel from beyond the grave. Also also, there’s gotta be something wrong with the Jedi teachings if their best students keep falling so easily. I didn’t mention this earlier, but Freedon Nadd was actually a model Jedi and an absolute prodigy before the Jedi gave him a stupid hidden test that like basically shattered his confidence and trust in them. Seriously, the Jedi make all their own worst enemies. Really the Sith Empire would have 0 beef with the Jedi or the republic if the Jedi from the Second Great Schism didn’t come in and take over. And like, if they knew anything about mental health or did psychological testing before training people then a psychopath like Exar Kun never would’ve gotten so much power! Anyway, I digress. Next time I’ll be going over the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War and do a brief overview of the Sith Civil War as well, so basically KOTOR 1 and 2. I already answered an ask about the Mandalorian Wars but I focused on the Mandalorian side so this time I’ll focus on the Jedi side.
⬅️Last part | Next part➡️
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daybreaksys · 1 year ago
I can't believe Star Wars sneaked this pathetic name onto us
first, why isn't it Alderaan? Narratively what's the purpose of being a new planet that never appears again?
And now, they're called Onderon because they're ON THEIR ON
The plot, they're On Der On 🤦‍♂️
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taylorswiftscar · 1 year ago
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onderon rex, you will always be famous
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the-tomato-patch · 1 year ago
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tobyig · 7 months ago
playing KOTOR and landing on Dxun
"are you sure this is the party you want?"
no, its NOT. but you wont LET ME select ATTON cause Kreia HATES him so now im stuck with BAO-DUR (i love Bao too but he's no Atton) and now you're RUBBING IT in my FACE
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dingoat · 2 years ago
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Illustration commission for a pal over on Discord! I had an absolute blast putting this one together, Zrask, an Old Republic era Bothan Republic Trooper, scouting out the terrain on Onderon.
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dairine-bonnet · 1 year ago
Onderon playthrough seems endless... even though there are interesting plot twists, this part of the story is still too looong. If it had been shorter, Onderon could've become my favourite planet. I'm also a bit fed up with Kreia's intrigues and manipulations...
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