#mysticism special interests
jane-d-ankh-veos · 2 months
"Let me fall if I must fall. The one I will become will catch me." — Rabbi Baal Shem Tov
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hitwiththetmnt · 2 months
When does Donnie get his Dragon and do Karai Splinter And April get/Have their own Ninpo Dragon
So the non spoiler answer is soon ^v−☆
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I talk about splinter here, and April here
Spoilers!!! (???)⬇️
So in terms of ninpo/ mystic magic, Donnie is a very “seeing is believing”. Mans is logical and a scientist at heart. Seeing your brothers nab some magical weapons and get draconic copies of themselves that literally break every rule in the book, on top of everything that happens in the first episode of the show??? That’s a lot going on in bros head
So Donnie is too frazzled wrapping his head around the whole thing to even think about the possibility that he would be in the same situation. And when he does, he doesn’t have the same confidence/ situation as his brothers
He’s hesitant, curious, a bit jealous of how easily his brothers jumped into the situation, and a tad scared. To Donnie this is more than a cool weapon or little buddy. This is a discovery ✨
When it comes to Donnie, he needs to first accept the idea he might also have a connection to this “ninpo” and then connect with this new mysterious extension of himself
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Kari is a bit of a question mark for me. Her character is so interesting and unique in the rise show but she’s kind of there then gone quickly
It’s kind of to early to tell what relationship she would have with the AU, If I ever incorporated her into the story that is
Thank you for the questions! Believe me guys, I’m cooking and figuring out the AU (-v-)
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rhinocio · 6 months
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rfaromance · 1 year
Locking Vyn, Jumin, and V in the penthouse for a night just to see what happens. What will they talk about?
the funny answer: their daddy issues
the funnier answer: nothing, because after a glass of wine, Vyn sees Elizabeth the 3rd and almost has a psychological episode thinking that Puff broke into the penthouse.
the genuine answer: I could easily see the three of them discussing the importance of hobbies. Jumin is someone who is primarily seen as a businessman; for those who are not familiar with him (and even those who are), he is someone who is difficult to imagine outside of a well-tailored suit. But Jumin Han is not a business robot-- he is a complex human being with his own desires, interests, and drives! He may not be bold enough to discuss his interests around Vyn, but he would vaguely allude to the fact that diversity of activities are beneficial for one's mental health and one's intellect. He would give V a meaningful glance, which would likely end in V sheepishly divulging a bit of his complicated history with art. He may be a famous photographer now, but he stifled his soul for many years and that made him miserable. He would be happier to go into obscure details of photography and how he surprisingly found a career through what once began as a hobby, and he may even confess his secret wish to pick up a paintbrush one day. Maybe in the privacy of his own home with a lover. Vyn, for his part, would agree that hobbies are important for one's overall health. Vyn being Vyn, he could go on a (condescending) tangent about how all things are only good in moderation, and not to let oneself become obsessed with anything, whether work or hobby. But he's guilty as charged for doting over his garden, and even if baking is a hobby that came to be from his troubled childhood, these days he can take pride and find contentment in it.
But it's all over when Vyn offers to show Jumin and V a card trick. Now Jumin wants to progress beyond sleight of hand to some real magic.
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unopenablebox · 1 year
what the fuck is happening in this post
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[description in alt text]
like to be clear the video itself is fine, it's neat to watch a life cycle, mushrooms are fun to look at, no objections
but the comment.... like, does this person think that the dust being used is just random Fungal Dust and fungi can regenerate from any random cell? that's a spore print!! it is made of reproductive spores. the entire point of spores is to grow new fungi, they are indistinguishable from plant seeds for the purpose we're discussing here. if you're going to write some stupid shit about immortality on this video you should also do it on literally every video of a growing plant, because it is the same fucking thing
jesus fucking christ
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fierysword · 2 years
Exodus 19, describing how Moses met God in a thick darkness or cloud, is a favourite symbol for conveying the experience of the incomprehensibility of the divine nature. The divine darkness signifies that God is essentially [unknown] to man. It also signifies the impossibility of describing God...
The limits of man’s rationality in relation to God is a fundamental aspect of the tradition. God cannot be named or described because all language is inadequate for expressing the divine... God’s negative, or apophatic, nature also implies that dogmas or doctrines are seen rather as ways of safeguarding the divine mystery than as definitive expressions of the contents of faith.
Clement of Alexandria and the Beginnings of Christian Apophaticism by Henny Fiska Hagg
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anyway I am having a category 5 autism moment about joan of arc gerard way I'm never recovering from this
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templeofshame · 2 years
#in my unpopular opinion#it's a little weird for the phandom to get protective when media outlets talk about their relationship or ask dan about it#obviously media outlets are different from fans but the phandom was talking about it loudly when he was actively closeted#and I don't think it's particularly reasonable to expect media to follow rules largely inferred by phandom to be Dan's preference#he's a grownass man and he can set boundaries if he wants#and he knows acknowledging his relationship and doing interviews means they might ask#he might not like it but#you're really gonna blame a gay magazine for trying to have something coherent to say about a gay celebrity relationship?#i guess tbh i think the interviewer is right that the ~mystical unique~ attitude is a kinda...#dismissive of other people's relationships? a sort of exceptionalism#like obviously their relationship is special but you don't have to 'not like the other girls' it#you're one of many unique gay relationships and distancing yourself from that could definitely come off borderline homophobic#like Jimmy used to not like the other gays at the beginning of being out#there's probably an interesting essay to be written about the way that d&p use the same tactics that have erased queer relationships#throughout history#to... veil themselves even while openly discussing their relationship#but it does also make sense that an interviewer might be kinda fed up with that after centuries of erasure and queerbaiting w that approach
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aro-ace-thetic · 2 years
gamers if i start posting cringe. please. spare me.
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quietgamelover · 2 years
Its been a bit, and my bf and I just finished rewatching mystic force so I’m gonna give my opinions on the megazords from the season.
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Titan Megazord 6/10
The hat is so friggin cool but like besides that and the wings this guy is really middle of the road. Like there isn’t really much else on this guy that stands out and it also sucks that in the show this megazord gets used like a handful of times.
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Centaurus Wolf Megazord 8/10
Alright, the villain megazord slaps, you can clearly see what elements are taken from Koragg and which are Catastros and they mess SO well together. The purple and the red accent is friggin dope and the gold to tie it all together is fire.
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Phoenix Unizord 6/10
The horse zords are just cool honestly. The people that designed those two zords were on top of their shit. I like this one a lot too but imo the phoenix titan is kinda bland? Idk why it just doesn’t have the same oomph for me 🤷🏻‍♂️
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Solar Streak 3/10
Ok this one honestly just confuses me? Like all the elements I love but like when they’re all mashed together it’s just like…odd. Like how is he so wide and yet from the wrong angles he’s not wide enough?
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Manticore Megazord 4/10
I CANNOT for the life me understand why I don’t like this megazord a lot. Like is it the face? The tiny wings? The kinda awkward lion face? Like what is it 🤣 I don’t hate it but I can’t say I like it either
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hellahezz · 2 years
Yes I have a packed schedule Yes I have barely any free time Yes I will spend at least half an hour a day crying over Ark Aberration DLC (2017)
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jane-d-ankh-veos · 5 months
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Re-reading Evolution, and it's even better as a whole with some things from the final chapter in hindsight.
These enigmatic metaphors go too well with the Calendar Council's inspiration from "The Man Who Was Thursday" and what its author said: "You ask me who Sunday is? Well, you may call him Nature, if you like. But you will note that I hold that when the mask of Nature is lifted you find God behind."
My mind is passionately gnawing on an AU (NOT meant to be a theory, just a purely self-indulgent fantasy): what if "Death's twin" is literally Life – which makes December the Creator – and the Judgements are merely usurpers (very befitting their usual role of a flawed and cruel Gnostic demiurge who only pretends to be the highest authority) who deposed December just like they banished the Black King of the Adulterine Castle?
Or, if December isn't a deity, simply a rebellious servant (because the Boatman says "we both served the same table once"), what if it was a forced reduction from the former to the latter as a first-warning punishment?
What if this original god of life-and-death truly cared about all creatures equally, but then the likes of the Sapphir'd King decided to devour souls for more power instead of guiding them through rebirth (which Devils reclaimed + which somehow-December-connected frost moths represent) and devised the Great Chain to justify the right of "greater" beings to prey on "lesser" ones?
What if the Liberation of Night isn't an overthrow of natural order but is a return to what it should always have been (before "then the light came") and it's no coincidence that the Anchoress managed to behold god's love and true design only in the darkness? (High-fiving this @gant-eyed-warden’s post.)
What if the Bishop of St Fiacre’s knows it all – and that’s where his hopeful religious devotion comes from despite being a Neathy creature that would never be forgiven and accepted by the Judgements?
...I definitely want to write something about it, but I already have two WIPs, ooooh...
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xxfillerxx · 6 months
OH dandelion is 30$ off Steam 😭😭 welp... anything for the lore, I'll hand over 30 bucks esp if I can wait for a potential steam sale
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capsule-novak · 8 months
look, i have not played mystic messenger in YEARS - but while looking for the classic screenshot (does jumin han is gay) i've been coming across some other screenshots that are making me think more and more that not only does jumin han gay, but also does jumin han autistic?
am i the only one seeing this... sir you speak SO specifically. i love you for it.
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garden-of-islam · 8 months
Islam and Daoism
Daoism is not a religion in the strictest sense of the word, but it can be practiced as one. There is no dogma and for this reason, it can be difficult to describe what Daoism is or what Daoists believe. Some practice magic like fulu or Yi Jing and others do not. Some use ritual and others are more free form in their approach. Some practice meditation while others have barely tried it. The common theme is that most Daoists are familiar with the Dao De Jing in some way. The link provided is in PDF form and happens to be my personal favorite translation. The editor is quite brilliant to have used Laotse's premier scholar, Chuangtse, as direct commentary on the work. The differences arise in that there were many students, and students of students, and differences in practices arose and branched off, etc. Additionally, we don't know the real name of the person who wrote the Dao De Jing. Laotse is an honorific but some people think his given name might have been Li Er. Some people think it may have been authored by a committee. My favorite myth about it is that it was written upon request as the Old Master left the country. The lack of good history on the subject can be chalked up to the fact that it was fundamentally different from the Confucian societal values, even going as far as to critique Confucianism, and therefore, they did not do it the justice of keeping good records of Daoist historical development. The Daoists did a fairly good job of preserving their own manuscripts though, so there is a good body of literature out there, even today.
Now, the idea of a god in Chinese history was that of an idol. For Daoists to claim that the Dao was older than any god would in fact make it closer to the concept of God in His pure form, as described in Surat al-Ikhlas. But it does fall short, because the Dao De Jing also describes the Dao as impersonal in that it doesn't directly care about or pay attention to the creation that it gives rise to. The original Daoists were certainly observant, but they probably lacked the knowledge of the unseen that would've allowed them to understand God's deep love for us. Still, their perception of the natural world did give rise to a deep respect for it. Stewardship is a value in Islam that predates Ibrahim AS and is being revived today within the faith through some groups.
At this point, you might be saying, "Okay great. That's a lot of facts but you haven't really tied anything together yet." And to you I say, "Hold up, I haven't had any coffee yet and I'm tired." *** *** I have now had coffee and nothing has changed. You will perhaps enjoy doing some of your own rumination on this one.
While I do not claim to know the unseen, I am a fairly intuition dominant person and I have many suspicions about many things. I mentioned in a previous essay that Islam teaches that before Muhammad ﷺ was sent as the final messenger of God, a messenger was sent to every nation, as many as 124,000 in total, all around the world. My thinking is that Daoism represents a remnant of the work of a prophet or, perhaps, multiple prophets who were sent to the people of China. You may or may not know that China as we know it today contains AT LEAST 56 ethnic groups so if one prophet was sent for each linguistic group, well, that's a lot of prophets.
For all you mystic types out there, you may want to compare it to Sufism, but I have to caution you in that no Daoist was reflecting on the infinite love of the Dao. And if you think self cultivation and spiritual maturity is ONLY practiced within the Sufi sect, then think again. But this misconception arises due to differences among cultures and cultural interpretations of Islam, not the religion itself. If you live in a corner of the world where Islam has become flattened or is grossly misunderstood, then I get it. Is this the part where I complain about people who claim to be the most enlightened are often the most spoiled, entitled a******s who can't engage in healthy conflict resolution to save their own lives? You know, people who claim to be allies of marginalized people but still need to be SEEN at Coachella? Those kinds of people. <It was at this moment she realized that the practice of Haya was a form of love for others, and even a path toward environmentalism>
As for me, I am neither a warrior in a garden nor a gardener in a war. I am merely a bull in a china shop, breaking everything and apologizing profusely and I am forever in debt to the people around me. I give thanks to God who I pray will forgive me.
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kathaynesart · 18 days
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It is done! *falls down*
I have... so much to say on so many different things but it is 2:30 in the morning so I will keep this as brief as possible. First off, thank you to all my mom friends and mutuals who helped me with accurately portraying and normalizing the experience of giving birth. It is wonderful, and painful, and gross, and beautiful. I apologize if it made any readers squeamish (and I know there were a few gross jokes in there) but considering how gross the tv show got, I think it remained true to the overall vibe!
Second, I wanted to talk about the concept of "hope" in this story. When I first watched the movie, I felt like the idea of hope being their greatest weapon seemed sort of heavy handed and cheesy. However, after watching the ending of the show again I realized that hope is actually a huge reoccurring element in the story and a big part of what it means to be of the Hamato clan. Doubly so, I wanted Casey Junior in a way to symbolize that hope for Leo specifically, so when Leo talks about hope in the beginning of the movie, he's not just talking about some vague concept, but Casey Junior himself. He is their greatest weapon and he doesn't even realize it.
Thirdly, so uh... Casey Junior. I apologize if it had seemed out of left field, but do know that the decision of his origins was not made lightly. The shear similarity in his facial structure to Lou Jitsu as well as several other factors that I will refrain from stating due to future spoilers was too numerous to ignore! It is an integral part of his story for reasons that will go unsaid for now, and no, he does not know he's distantly related to them. Also, Big Mama! Been holding onto her concept for some time now! I loved the idea of her mystic broach becoming damaged so she can only be cloaked to a certain degree, making for an interesting blend of both her forms. She was really fun to figure out!
Finally thank you everyone for your patience. This special turned into quite the endeavor with most of the updates exceeding 20 pages each, but I'm so happy I was able to finish it... even if it did take so much longer than my projected hope. I can't wait to get back to the main storyline, though I shall miss these silly, overpowered boys. We got a lot of ground to cover and I'll likely be posting a summarized reminder before continuing. ...and after I finish work on some Zines and the holiday special winning commission!
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