#mysterious apparitions
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Conchita Gonzalez with Harry Daley - Miracle at Garabandal - Knopf Doubleday - 1983
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 2 months
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nostalblue · 3 months
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⇨ 森の妖怪一覧へ
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sincerely-sofie · 5 months
Ark watching Twig go ballistic on Ruby's abusers from the sidelines is funny, but it also makes me wonder if that's moreso a hesitancy. Considering the things that almost took place the last time he allowed his anger to drive his actions.
(referencing these two posts)
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calabria-mediterranea · 8 months
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The Story Of Natuzza Evolo: Calabrian Mystic
Natuzza was a Calabrian mystic who acted as a medium and healer, showed evidence of stigmata, and could “bi-locate” — be in two different places at once. She is also connected with “hemography,” which is when blood stains miraculously transform into symbols, shapes, and even words, particularly Christian ones like crosses.
Natuzza was born in 1924 in Paravati, a tiny hamlet near Mileto in Calabria. Her given name is Fortunata, from which the diminutive “Natuzza” comes. Natuzza’s father had left for Argentina a few months before she was born, and he never returned, leaving Natuzza’s mother alone to care for her newborn as well as her other children.
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Natuzza never learned to read or write and helped support her mother and siblings by working for local families. She allegedly began having her first visions as a small child — Jesus, it is said, appeared to her as a boy who played with her and one of her brothers — but her brushes with the dead didn’t become popular knowledge around town until she began experiencing them as a young teen at work.
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And it wasn’t just apparitions with Natuzza, even as a child. At her First Holy Communion, her mouth reportedly filled with blood when the wafer symbolizing the body of Christ was placed inside. At her Confirmation, a large stain of blood in the form of a cross formed on the back of her shirt.
Because of Natuzza’s experiences with the paranormal, as a young woman she was closed in an asylum with a diagnosis of "hysterical syndrome" for a few months by the local priest and was not permitted to enter a convent to become a nun.
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Natuzza became known for the appearance on her body of blood-coloured images and words around the time of Easter and these caused her great psychological and physical pain. Some of the words were found to be Hebrew and Aramaic which was strange because she could not read or write, even in her native Italian. For decades devout Catholics from Calabria, then the rest of Italy and other parts of the world, began coming to her to ask for advice and prayers and to ask her for information about the souls of their relatives.
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In addition to seeing Jesus, Natuzza also claimed to have also seen and communicated with the Virgin Mary, angels, and the dead, particularly souls in purgatory, throughout her life.
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Natuzza was also considered a healer, credited with being able to look at a person and tell them what was ailing them, physically — using formal, medical terminology — as well as suggest treatments. She could also see the future and sometimes spoke in languages she didn’t know (remember, again, she was illiterate). In fact, some of her blood stains even transformed into phrases in foreign languages.
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However, Natuzza never accepted money for what she did or was accused of participating in anything fraudulent based on her abilities, which, in the eyes and hearts of many, lend credence to her and her followers’ claims.
"It's a question of removing the suggestive religious context from the event. It doesn't allow rational reading since it cloaks it in mythology and unprovable hypotheses," says the Italian Committee for the Checking of Pseudoscientific Claims, or CICAP.
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The group believes the so-called stigmata cases are really examples of Gardner-Diamond syndrome, "a skin condition that, although rare, is well documented in medical literature." The syndrome gives rise to a series of periodic, painful and bleeding bruises of unclear origin, combined with psychiatric disorders such as self-harm.
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Although she’s relatively unknown internationally, Italians have been fascinated by Natuzza for generations as she has been a popular subject of books and various Italian television programs.
After Natuzza passed away on All Saints’ Day in 2009, about 30,000 people traveled from all over Italy and beyond for her funeral in rural Calabria. One-hundred priests and six Italian bishops were also in attendance.
Follow us on Instagram, @calabria_mediterranea
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Paul Albert Besnard - The Mystery, 1900.
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the-green-buck · 10 months
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Woman in black cloak at Art Gallery Of Ontario. Photo by the green buck. December 2023.
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rooksmoor-manor · 1 year
The Deviless; or, A Visitation on All Hallows' Eve!
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This story happened long ago, when I was still young, and a Keeper's responsibilities were still not a burden upon my shoulders. Back then, Halloween was—and still is—one of the busiest nights in the year for Rooksmoor Manor. That old building, unlike today, still managed to keep a flickering glimmer of its grand past, like a faint reflection on the faded ormolu or in the faces of its many guests and residents. Those were happy times, indeed.
It all began around an hour after the banquet ended, that awkward time when guests still hold onto empty glasses as their conversations languish in agony. We were awoken from this tedious lull first by a gentle rapping, followed by the thunderous bell of the front door. It was a most welcome distraction, proven by the relieved whispering and murmurs that livened up the room. It was easy to ascertain the question in everyone's mind: Who could it be at this hour? All expected guests arrived punctually at sunset; there was no latecomer.
The air became heavier with curiosity and anticipation as the doors opened to welcome this unknown visitor. A figure stood right by the threshold wrapped in burgundy robes, their face obscured by a creaked, terrifying horned mask. Behind it, a pair of bright, honey-irised eyes darted around inquisitively, returning every one of the stares firmly fixed upon them. Only some brown locks of hair peering around the edges of the mask betrayed the seemingly hellish nature of this apparition as nothing more than a disguised individual. After lingering on the threshold for a long minute, she removed the mask, revealing herself as a young woman of barely twenty years.
Far from being reassured at the complete normalcy of our visitor, this only raised even more questions. It was crystal clear that she was not from around: no person from Town in their right mind would dare to venture so close to the Manor on such an eventful night. Also, she seemed too calm and collected to have lost her way or become separated from a group. Her choice of attire was also a concerning question, for despite its uniqueness, it did not look that much out of place among the rest of us. Of course, she was not to be rejected entrance. No one was willing to betray one of the most ancient beliefs upon which the Manor was built—even less on All Hallow's Eve.
Our unexpected guest was a marvellous listener, for she seldom spoke. She easily ingratiated herself with the rest of the guests, who decided to name her the Deviless, which she seemed to find significantly amusing. When it was finally time to begin the procession to the Manor's Graveyard, she gladly joined. As we walked by each other, I was sure I could see a smile on her face, lighted by the flickering flame of candles. It was not just a simple, courteous smile. That was the unmistakable expression of pure joy and delight of someone who had found a place they belonged to—a place to call home. Since we were still too young to join the adults for the rest of the night inside the family crypt, we returned to the Manor with the rest of the children. It had been quite a long day, and the clock was already in the small hours, so it did not take us long to decide the best course of action was to go to bed. The Deviless settled in the only room in the Manor that was empty for the night, a small but comfortable bedroom on the second floor, right beside mine. I bid her goodnight just as she locked the door, to which she responded only with a shy smile as sweet as honey.
I refuse to bore you with details about my troubled sleep that night. I will not linger about the many dreams of a pair of amber-golden, shiny eyes. I will not tell you how I rose the following morning with an acrid taste in my throat and a faint scent of brimstone in my nostrils. I am only going to tell you about how, a few hours later, we found the door to her room locked from the inside. When we finally managed to get it open, we found the room exactly as it was the night before. The bed was perfectly tidy; the curtains closed shut. There was only one notorious difference: all the candles had burned out completely, and the Deviless was nowhere to be found. She vanished just as she appeared. Sometimes, I feel I was the only person who did anything to search for her, to know who she was. I can only can only hope that, wherever she is, she is alive and well.
And may she come to visit again on this All Hallow's Eve.
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ghostlytales · 1 year
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The mysterious picture with the "Marian Apparition" and (inset) Father Gobbi
The remarkable image appears to show the shape of the Virgin Mary appearing towards the front of a packed crowd, as if being beamed in from a source up above.
It was taken at a mass held by a high-ranking Catholic priest who claimed to receive messages from the Madonna herself.
Yet the shape of Mary is a striking white in contrast to the yellowish light behind her.
The person who handed the image to an organisation that investigates UFOs and the paranormal has not been named, however they sent in what appears to be a photograph of the original printed picture.
The source claims the original snap was taken in 1994 during a huge Catholic mass called a cenacle given by Italian priest Father Stefano Gobbi at the Paolo Soleri Amphitheater, in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.
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kennedyvietor1978blog · 5 months
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 7 months
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𝔙𝔦𝔠𝔱𝔬𝔯 𝔓𝔯𝔢𝔷𝔦𝔬
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bizarreauhavre · 2 years
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kestrelscribe · 11 months
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Mostly concept work for The Deft Blade- though a tiny bit of The Dead Isle.
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artinovo · 2 years
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Life in all forms is extremely diverse and abundant... Best just to accept it 🤷‍♂️ #art #artist #energy #light #movement #artprint #abundantlife #dark #electric #nonorganiclife #newart #digitalprint #graphicart #artphotos #abstractlandscape #mystery #alienlife #apparition #decor #homedecor #interiors #contemporaryart #darksideofthemoon #digitalart #original #awardedartist #interiordecor #unique #abstractartprints https://www.instagram.com/p/CqF6jk3PufQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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siena-sevenwits · 1 year
Lockwood thoughts - feel free to move on.
#I'm at the midpoint for Hollow Boy - they believe they've completed the staircase haunting (obviously there's unfinished business)#and have been kicked upstairs to the Chelsea Outbreak#and I am very very pleased with this setup and am hoping Jonathan Stroud can pay it off richly#What have Lockwood and Co missed? What was Lady Wintergarden's rush? Why is it so urgent to get them on the#Chelsea case - is she hoping they'll get killed/sufficiently distracted? We've had the apparition on the stairs described to us#once and shown twice - what are we misunderstanding about it?#What is the uniqueness of Cooke? What is Lady Wintergarden's aim and how is it presumably tied to the Orpheus Society (which#I have some theories on...)#I think what I really want is a proper Agatha Christie solution here - the kind that makes you smack your head and go 'OF COURSE!#How could I not see it? This changes everything!'#whereas book one was more of a Conan Doyle solution (ultimately more of an adventure with mystery trappings#lacking sufficient structure for the reader to solve the whole thing rather than just a few details)#and the second was really more of a thriller with a surprise villain.#I know - these books aren't mystery genre and I don't ask it of them - they're fine just being adventure thrillers#but this one would make me so happy if it borrowed a couple more elements from mystery - namely the 'You saw it and#understood it one way - but there's an important detail which you can logically locate based on what we've shown you which will#fundamentally transform your understand of what you saw.'#lockwood and co#save lockwood and co
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pluto123456978 · 1 year
what is this should i be worried............
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