#miracle at garabandal
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Conchita Gonzalez with Harry Daley - Miracle at Garabandal - Knopf Doubleday - 1983
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thewahookid · 4 months
Guy Murphy Testimony! Update on Medjugorje & Garabandal! Preparing for t...
Guy Murphy from ‎@totallyyourspilgrimages7253  talks about his conversion at Medjugorje and what the current situation in Medjugorje with seer Marija may mean. He discusses the secrets of Medjugorje, the permanent sign and preparedness for the Great Miracle!
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mnaasilveira · 8 months
Uutisia Garabandalista, Espanjasta
______________________________________________________________ Garabandal, Espanja ______________________________________________________________ Garabandal News sisältää kolme peräkkäistä tapahtumaa, jotka muokkaavat maailmaa vuonna 2024: Varoitus ja omantunnon valaistus, Pyhän Hengen vuodattaminen ja Garabandal Miracle. Olen kirjoittanut laajasti, monilla kielillä ja Pyhän Hengen…
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peter-shafton · 1 year
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ejalvapilot · 2 years
The Warning, Miracle, Chastisements Part 1
There are signs that the three events prophesied in Garabandal: the Warning, the Miracle and the Chastisements could happen in 2024.
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lawrenceop · 4 years
HOMILY for the Last Sunday after Pentecost
Col 1:9-14; Matt 24:15-35
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At the end of the liturgical year, the Liturgy gives us St Matthew’s vision of the final things: Christ foretells the desecration and the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, and the sacking of that Holy City by the Roman forces such that the disciples will have to flee to the mountains. To give you a sense of what this would have felt like for the apostles, imagine St Peter’s Basilica profaned and all the holy relics trampled underfoot, and then the whole of the city of Rome bombed, and all its inhabitants scattered and slaughtered. But although the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD might have seemed like a catastrophic end of all things for the first Christians, Christ reassures them, even as he reassures us in our time: “But for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.” (Mt 24:22b)
What this means is that, on account of the merits of the Saints, for the sake of the holy ones, God will put a limit to the destructive power of the Roman army in the first century, and indeed, of whatever force that threatens our world in every century. This statement, this assurance, is an important reminder that even as things seem to unravel in the world around us, even as the worst takes place, the truth is that God is always in control and in charge. Nothing happens which he doesn’t direct or at least permit, for his wise governance of time and of creation and of all things extends from beginning to end and at every moment in between. As such, all is held in his providence, and thus, particularly we Christians – we, who belong to him – are held in his Fatherly love. The Lord is not promising us that we will not suffer or will not have to endure much, but rather, he says that God will be merciful to us and save us. For, “if those days had not been shortened, no human being would be saved” says the Lord. (Mt 24:22a)
Therefore, the Liturgy urges us to remain steadfast in prayer, most especially when trials and tribulations befall us, as they surely will. Thus the Offertory repeats the cry of psalm 129: “Out of the depths have I cried to Thee, O Lord; Lord, hear my voice”, and this is also the verse at the ‘Alleluia’ today: Out of the depths have I cried to Thee, O Lord. For from the depths of our being, we cry to the One who is Being itself; from the depths of our dying and our mortality, we cry out for life and healing; from the depths of our sin, we cry out for forgiveness, and repentance, and conversion of life. So, in every age, and in every generation, the Gospel urges us today to remain steadfast in prayer and in faith, believing that God is in control, even if we human beings are losing it, and that Jesus Christ is our salvation, even as all our other safeguards fail.  
But when we arrive at crisis moments, and we feel that things are going out of control, either in our personal lives, or in the social-political sphere, or in the institution of the Church, there is this tendency to grasp at salvation, to find it in signs and revelations, wonders and miracles. But the Lord Jesus in this Gospel is very clear. So, let us be attentive:
“If any one says to you, `Lo, here is the Christ!' or `There he is!' do not believe it. For false Christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. Lo, I have told you beforehand. So, if they say to you, `Lo, he is in the wilderness,' do not go out; if they say, `Lo, he is in the inner rooms,' do not believe it.” (Mt 24:23-26)
My friends, there is, at this moment, and thanks to the internet and private messenger groups, no shortage of fake news that purport to be able to interpret these present times as the end times, and there are all sorts of visions and revelations from Our Lady and the Saints which are being published. Some feel called to go out to the wilderness of Medjugorje or Garabandal, for example, to find guidance from God for these times. Others, will say that God has spoken to him or her directly, and has told us to build bunkers to hide in with our families. I do not have the authority personally, nor time right now, to debunk all these. Nor am I personally calling into question the authenticity of ongoing Marian messages in Bosnia-Herzegovina. But I do want to draw our attention to the infallible word of Sacred Scripture. “Lo, I have told you beforehand”, says the Lord. In other words, Jesus is giving us a warning, and telling us in advance for our own good: Do not believe in false prophecies, or false Christs, that is to say, fake messages of salvation and unsound private revelations. And, moreover, there is no need to go chasing after wondrous messages from afar: “Do not go out”, says the Lord. Nor should we be so credulous as to believe every so-called mystic and private revelation: “Do not believe it”, Jesus says. Indeed, if anyone thinks they know when the definitive end of the world is, then they claim to know more than the Lord Jesus. For Jesus says: “Of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only.” (Mt 24:36)
For the recurrent danger, which we have seen time and again in the history of the Church, is that, when we are bewildered by the world and the disasters that are taking place, we will grasp at whatever straw we can find to save us. The Lord foresees this kind of desperation, a certain human need to know the future, and to find security and to take control. But this is false salvation, he warns us – resist it!
Rather, salvation comes from the Lord alone and we are to find security in his promises, in his Word. As Jesus says in the Gospel: “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” Therefore, in this time, and indeed, in every generation, we Catholics would do well to read and study and ponder and pray with the Scriptures. Let us be deeply rooted in Scripture as the Fathers of the Church and the Saints are, for the Word of God fills us with divine wisdom and knowledge of God’s ways. So, it is our defence against the fears and evils that would assail us. Thus St Paul says in the epistle: “be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding… lead a life worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.” (Col 1:9-10) Hence, as I’ve said, in today’s Gospel the Lord Jesus wants us to know this: that God is in control at all times, and that we are held in God’s all-wise and loving providence. So, we are called to trust God at all times, and to keep praying that we will hold fast in faith right to the very end.
Moreover, the Lord in today’s Gospel reminds us in striking ways that we should not think that salvation can come from human powers, nor from supernatural and celestial forces, as “the powers of the heavens will be shaken”. (Mt 24:29c) But, as we see even now, when people are afraid and feel powerless, they might turn to demagogues and politics and corporations for salvation, or they might rely on astrology, or occult practices to help guide them. But the Lord affirms in this Gospel, and the Church wants us to know in this final Sunday of the liturgical year: the Lord will come to save us, and his coming will not be hidden or in secret but will be visible and known to all peoples.
Hence the Gospel says: “as the lightning comes from the east and shines as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of man.” (Mt 24:27) In other words, it will be visible and seen by all. And “then will appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory”. (Mt 24:30) This means that Man’s salvation shall come from God alone, from heaven, and not from any earthly or created thing. Thus “all the tribes of the earth will mourn” because all who have put their faith in earthly things; all who have hoped that money, or politics, or science, or status, or material goods will buy them happiness and safety will be deeply disappointed.
For anybody who has turned from God, and placed their trust ultimately in false gods, in idols, and worldly illusions, therefore, the second coming of the Lord is indeed the “day of wrath and doom impending”, as one translation of the Dies Iræ calls it. But for us Christians, the day of the Lord’s return is something we long for. Because, as St Paul says in the epistle, “the Father… has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. He has delivered us from the dominion of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” This is the enduring promise of God’s word to us who have believed, and hoped, and trusted in Christ as our one and only Saviour. Therefore, with the first Christians we can cry out from the depths of our being: Marana-tha, an Aramaic phrase which means, “Come, Lord”! (cf 1 Cor 16:22, Apoc 22:20) These are the final words of the final book of the Bible: “Come, Lord Jesus!” So, in these final days, let these words, at the end, be our deepest prayer too.
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lily-yvonne · 4 years
Ermitage du Sacré-Cœur, le 4 septembre 2013
Bien Chers Amis, Frères et Sœur en Christ, 
« Un grand châtiment tombera sur tout le genre humain, pas aujourd’hui, ni demain, mais dans la seconde moitié du XXème siècle. Nulle part dans le monde il n’y a d’ordre, et Satan règne sur les plus hauts postes, déterminant le cours des choses. Il réussira effectivement à s’introduire jusqu’au sommet de l’Église. Pour l’Église aussi, viendra le temps de ses plus grandes épreuves. Des Cardinaux s’opposeront à des cardinaux, des évêques aux évêques. Satan marchera au milieu de leurs rangs, et à Rome, il y aura des changements. Ce qui est pourri tombera, et ce qui tombera, ne se relèvera plus. L’Église sera obscurcie et le monde bouleversé par la terreur. Une grande guerre se déchaînera dans la seconde moitié du XXème siècle. Feu et fumée tomberont du ciel, les eaux des océans se transformeront en vapeur, l’écume de la mer s’élèvera bouleversant et engloutissant tout. Des millions et des millions d’hommes mourront d’heure en heure, ceux qui resteront en vie, envieront les morts. Il y aura la mort partout à cause des erreurs commises par les insensés et par les partisans de Satan, qui alors, et seulement alors, régnera sur le monde. En dernier lieu, alors que ceux qui survivront à tous ces évènements, seront encore en vie, ils proclameront à nouveau Dieu et sa Gloire, et Le serviront comme autrefois, quand le monde n’était pas si perverti. »
Ce troisième volet des Révélations, par la Très Sainte Vierge, est tout à fait en correspondance avec les désastres politiques, religieux et climatiques que nous pouvons constater avec stupeur de nos jours ! Mais en même temps, les Révélations sont en parfaites cohérences avec ce que votre serviteur a reçu de la Très Sainte Trinité depuis fort longtemps et, notamment, par la vision phénoménale qu'il m'a été permis de recevoir en 1975. Les événements catastrophiques, avant l'arrivée du Saint Pontife et du Grand Monarque, doivent se dérouler en trois phases, que je vais rappeler ici brièvement :
1)- Le grand Avertissement. Celui-ci, qui a commencé depuis 2008, est lui-même décomposé en deux parties. La première partie se situe dans une phase d'aveuglement général, avec la confusion du bien et du mal, de la vérité et du mensonge, ce qui engendre en liaison les bouleversements : climatiques, politiques, sociaux-économiques et religieux, notamment en ce qui concerne l'Église catholique. Mais pas seulement, parce que dans cette confusion générale et du fait que le discernement spirituel a été complètement faussé, nous constatons avec effroi la chute progressive de la Vraie Religion chrétienne catholique et, paradoxalement, nous assistons sans réagir à la croissance exponentielle de l'islam ! Ne nous y trompons pas, car l'amalgame de la religion musulmane est un leurre. En effet, la religion du coran est l'islam et ceux qui épousent ce dogme sont des islamistes. Je ne vais pas m'étendre en détail sur le sujet ici, parce que tout a été déjà écrit, et par la grâce de l'Esprit Saint, au sein de l'Ouvrage Sacré : "L'Appel de Dieu, la Mission et les Prophéties", mais la fourberie est bien présente ! Quant à la politique actuelle, il est inutile de s'y attarder davantage, car c'est l'horreur dans l'absolu ! Une horreur qui nous fera basculer dans le chaos à court terme ! Passons aussi sur les problèmes liés aux dérèglements climatiques, car nous en connaissons parfaitement les causes, ainsi que les effets, alors inutile de s'attarder sur ce drame écologique car, de toute façon, il n'est plus possible de faire marche arrière ! La seconde partie du grand Avertissement va se situer plus tard, c'est-à-dire, lorsque nous serons tous enfoncés dans la fange de l'abomination. La planète entière sera à ce moment-là complètement dans le noir, pendant 72 heures. C'est alors qu'arrivera un phénomène très étrange. A savoir : nous serons tous confrontés à notre conscience ! Ce sera un moment pénible à passer, car nous aurons la possibilité de voir l'état de notre âme ! A cette vue, certains en mourront, d'autres s'amenderont et comprendront amèrement leurs erreurs graves. Malheureusement, comme votre serviteur l'a écrit par la Volonté de Dieu, beaucoup croiront que c'est une stratégie diabolique et poursuivront dans leurs erreurs, notamment ceux qui auront une religion autre que chrétienne, tels que les islamistes par exemple... De même qu'il y en a qui croient que le grand Avertissement est exclusivement ce retour de conscience afin que nous puissions reprendre le Chemin droit de la Vérité. Et bien non, ce n'est pas que cela. Je répète que le grand Avertissement est un ensemble d'événements successifs, allant en s'accentuant, et qui va se poursuivre jusqu'à l'Hyper Tempête Solaire (H.T.S), où là nous serons tous plongés dans le noir le plus total, et c'est seulement dans ce noir tombal que nous vivrons le phénomène du retour de conscience...
2)- L'arrivée du faux prophète, du nom de Maitreya, qui aura reçu tous les pouvoirs de la part de Lucifer, fils de Satan. Il obligera tout le monde à s'implanter de la micro-puce : soit au sommet du front (à la base du cuir chevelu), soit à la main droite (entre l'index et le majeur). Ceux qui ne seront pas implantés de cette maudite micro-puce (portant "le chiffre de la Bête") ne pourront : ni s'alimenter, ni avoir de toit, ni se soigner, et ils ne pourront rien acheter ni vendre (Ap. : 13, 16-17). Ses pouvoirs seront si importants qu'il imitera les mêmes miracles que Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ, a accompli lors de Son passage sur Terre et même plus ! Ce monstre déguisé en agneau, mais qui abrite la carapace d'un loup dévoreur d'âmes, dira qu'il est le messie tant attendu et beaucoup de gens croiront cet imposteur, à cause des miracles et des prodiges qu'il accomplira. Il instaurera une nouvelle religion : le Noachisme. Cette religion diabolique sera le rassemblement de toutes les religions et philosophies du monde. Il dira que les religions divergentes n'ont plus lieu d'être, parce qu'elles apportent : la haine, la dissension et les guerres. Il se dira être un dieu de paix et d'amour, et il prônera l'unité mondiale par le biais du N.O.M., dont il en sera un fervent défenseur mais aussi le pion ! Hélas, de nombreuses âmes tomberont dans le piège, parce que cet individu sera : fausseté, fourberie, tromperie et mensonge ! Son objectif étant bien évidemment d'amener toutes les âmes à lui, afin de les entraîner dans le lieu de perdition ! Si son règne ne sera pas long (de 9 à 14 mois), il fera énormément de dégâts. Aussi, veuillez ne pas vous faire implanter de la micro-puce, ni suivre cet individu démoniaque, mais résistez de toutes vos forces, dans la Foi et par le Très Saint Nom de Dieu ! N'oubliez pas que si vous recevez la "marque de la Bête", qui est la micro-puce, vous mourez en cette vie dans d'atroces souffrances et vous ne pourrez pas entrer au Royaume de Dieu !
3)- Le bouleversement planétaire par l'Hyper Tempête Solaire (H.T.S.). Ce bouleversement ne sera pas très long non plus, mais il sera d'une extrême violence et particulièrement destructeur !...
Puis, cette H.T.S. basculera directement sur LE GRAND MIRACLE à San Sébastian de Garabandal en Espagne et, quelques mois plus tard, le GRAND CHÂTIMENT, qui est bien sûr la troisième guerre mondiale. Guerre atroce qui, je le rappelle, sera stoppée au bout de 14 mois, d'abord par la Croix Glorieuse dans le ciel, et l'arrivée du GRAND MONARQUE qui exterminera les islamistes rebelles...
Je ne vais pas en dire plus avec ces quelques lignes, néanmoins je vous invite : non seulement à lire avec le cœur tout ce qui est écrit en détails dans le Site Sacré, mais également à vous préparer au pire, car c'est vraiment le pire, voire l'extrême, qui doit arriver, comme jamais cela ne s'est produit depuis le Déluge universel ! Mais surtout : n'ayez pas peur, car si ces événements horribles vont secouer notre planète toute entière, votre serviteur donne aussi GRATUITEMENT, par la grâce du Ciel, des conseils très importants et avisés, afin que chacun puisse s'en sortir le mieux possible...
Pour recevoir toutes ces Informations gratuites, il a été créé un Site unique, qui est : LA VÉRITÉ ET LA VOLONTÉ DE DIEU, POUR SA SEULE GLOIRE ET LE SALUT DES ÂMES...
Pour une fois dans l'histoire de l'humanité, ce Site a été conçu dans un but, un seul : l'AMOUR DU PROCHAIN ET LE DÉSINTÉRESSEMENT DES VALEURS DE CE MONDE DÉCADENT. Je suis un Religieux catholique, Envoyé et Porteur de la Lumière de Dieu, parce que Porteur de l'âme d'Elie ! Je ne suis pas un imposteur, mais j'agis par la Volonté de Dieu, avec un cœur pur et dans un esprit sain. Mon seul objectif est de sauver un maximum d'âmes de l'horreur qui vient. Je n'ai pas encore reçu de Dieu des "pouvoirs". C'est une sainte mesure de précaution, prévue par le Créateur, afin qu'il n'y ait pas de confusion entre le Mauvais, qui lui est déjà-là et prêt à bondir pour dévorer les âmes, et votre serviteur qui a été placé en ce bas monde aujourd'hui, afin d'avertir du danger qui vient et de vous donner les "clés" pour passer le mieux possible cette grande et horrible Tribulation. Mes seuls "pouvoirs", pour l'instant, sont ceux de LA Vérité par les Écritures, ainsi que ceux de ma sincérité par les preuves que j'apporte et ne pouvant en aucun cas être réfutées. Sauf pour des cerveaux embrumés, des esprits aveuglés par le poison délétère qu'a déversé Satan dans le filet de sa toile tissée au sein du monde, afin de mieux s'accaparer les âmes humaines ! De fait, les personnes qui osent me critiquer ou me juger ne sont pas dans la Vérité de Dieu, mais dans une léthargie confusionnelle engendrée par le Diable. Seules les quelques personnes qui sont animées par l'Esprit Saint ont encore la capacité de discernement et reconnaissent vraiment votre serviteur comme l'un des deux Témoins de l'Apocalypse de Saint Jean (Ap. 11, 3). Tout en étant ce premier Témoin, portant l'âme d'Elie, révélé au grand jour depuis l'an 2010, je rappelle n'être qu'un humble serviteur et aussi qu'un pauvre pécheur. C'est pourquoi, je ne me targue pas de cet état de fait d'Envoyé de Dieu, parce que c'est plus, pour votre serviteur, un lourd fardeau qu'une grâce proprement dite. Certes, c'est une grâce dans le sens où je suis ici-bas pour me racheter de mes fautes graves qui ont fait chuter l'humanité, d'où cette "écharde" (comme l'écrivait Saint Paul), m'empêchant ainsi d'avoir un sentiment d'orgueil. Mais en même temps, ma souffrance est permanente parce que, non seulement je ressens une vive douleur par ce constat effrayant de la dégradation incessante de la société, mais je crains ne pas être capable d'assumer cette tâche si lourde de survie des âmes... Alors je dis : à la grâce de Dieu ! Néanmoins, je vous prie de ne pas porter un quelconque jugement à mon encontre, car vous ignorez ce que je vis au quotidien et, avant d'avoir la moindre pensée négative, commencez déjà par tout lire attentivement et demandez à l'Esprit Saint de vous éclairer. N'oubliez pas que l'objectif de votre serviteur n'est pas de tromper l'humanité, car : "on ne se moque pas de Dieu. Ce qu'on sème, c'est aussi ce qu'on récolte." (Lettre de St Paul aux Galates : 6, 7.) Or étant au fait de cette évidence, mon seul objectif est de gagner le Ciel, mais pour cela je dois accomplir le mieux possible la Mission multiple qui m'a été confiée, afin qu'une multitude d'âmes puissent être sauvées...
Transmettre et partager le Site Sacré partout est un Acte crucial de Charité chrétienne. Ce travail important vaut toutes les prières, car en agissant ainsi, vous obéissez à la Volonté de Dieu et vous serez récompensés par votre Action sainte. Voyez-vous, on peut faire beaucoup, tout en restant chez soi. Merci de votre compréhension...
Que l'Esprit Saint vous éclaire et que Dieu ne vous laisse pas sombrer dans cette léthargie confusionnelle. En union de prière, Amitié et Fraternité dans le Sacré-Cœur de Jésus et le Cœur Immaculé de Marie.
Frère ELYÔN 
Lien : http://www.prophete-du-sacre-coeur.com/page6-les-livres-d_elie.html
Catalogue : http://www.prophete-du-sacre-coeur.com/catalogue-2020_-les-7-livres-d_elie-et-divers.pdf
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Chaîne Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYX3DMJ6JMaEb1vQgJM2jUg
Chaîne Odysee : https://odysee.com/@Fr%C3%A8re-Ely%C3%B4n:0?
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mgsrt081221 · 3 years
URGENT! A Location which the Garabandal Miracle will Occur has been Reve...
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pamphletstoinspire · 7 years
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Padre Pio and the Message of Garabandal, Spain
Story with images:
We must make many sacrifices, perform much penance, visit the Blessed Sacrament frequently, lead good lives and always seek the truth! (Message of the Blessed Mother in image depicted for story)
In JOHN (18-37) Pilate asked him, “Are you a king, Jesus answered: “You say that I am a King. I was born and came into the world for this ONE PURPOSE, to speak about the TRUTH. Whoever belongs to the TRUTH listens to me.” “And what is TRUTH?” Pilate asked.
Today, how many of us would ask this very same question—WHAT IS TRUTH?
The good GOD blessed PADRE PIO with the gift of the SPIRIT. He marked his body with the (5) wounds of CHRIST CRUCIFIED, as a powerful witness to CHRIST’s Passion and Death. And from the blood of those wounds came a perfumed fragrance, a special sign of PADRE PIO’s HOLY presence.
On March 3, 1962, PADRE PIO wrote a letter, in Italian, and sent it to the (4) visionaries of San Sebastian de GARABANDAL, (Conchita, Mari Cruz, Mari Loli and Jacinta Gonzales), in which he states, “At nine o’clock this morning the HOLY VIRGIN told me to say to you: “O Blessed young girls of San Sebastian de GARABANDAL, I promise you that I will be with you until the end of the centuries, and you will be with me during the end of the world and later united with me in the glory of paradise”.
PADRE PIO goes on to say to the visionaries, “I give you only one counsel: Pray and make others pray, because the world is at the beginning of perdition where Cardinals, Bishops and Priest are on the road to perdition and are taking many Catholics with them. People do not BELIEVE in you or in your conversations with the LADY IN WHITE, but they will BELIEVE when it is too late”.
Conchita is given the translated letter from Italian to Spanish by her high school language teacher, and she shows the letter to the LADY OF GARABANDAL. The HOLY VIRGIN tells Conchita that PADRE PIO sent the letter. Conchita never knew who PADRE PIO was, but a seminarian explained that PADRE PIO was a Capuchin Friar from San Giovanni Rotondo, in Italy.
Conchita, “eventually” meets with PADRE PIO and finally realizes what a HOLY PERSON PADRE PIO was. Padre Pio’s involvement in the GARABANDAL events, culminated in his being granted a privilege that only one other person had been granted, at this time,—to see THE GREAT MIRACLE before he died.
The other person was Luis Andreu, a priest who while observing the (4) visionaries in ecstasy at the pines in GARABANDAL cried our “MIRACLE” (4) times. On the drive home with friends that night, he said: “I feel myself truly full of joy and happiness. “What a gift the VIRGIN has given me. How fortunate to have a Mother like her in heaven! I can’t have the least doubt about the truth of their visions,.” (the (4) visionaries) After saying this, he made a slight coughing sound, lowered his head to his chest and died. — (testimony of Rafael Fontaneda).
According to the LADY OF GARABANDAL, not only will Joey Lomangino (the blind messenger of GARABANDAL) receive his eyesight when the GREAT MIRACLE happens, but Father Luis Andreu will be taken out of his tomb and his body will be found incorrupt.
Another prophecy to come from OUR LADY OF GARABANDAL regarding the GREAT MIRACLE was that the HOLY FATHER would see it from wherever he was, and that PADRE PIO would see it too. So when the famous STIGMAST died on September 23, 1968, Conchita was perplexed as to why the prophecy had not come true.
A month later, Conchita was given a letter by Padre Bernardino Cennamo, the Superior of the Capuchin Order, in which he said that PADRE PIO told him that he had seen THE GREAT MIRACLE. He also sent her the white veil that covered his face while he lay in state in the morning of his death.
Conchita recounts: “I had the veil in front of me, as I was writing later that evening. When suddenly the whole room became filled with fragrance, the perfume so strong I started to cry.” It is not without significance that PADRE PIO should be IRREVOCABLY LINKED to the apparitions in GARABANDAL.
Believe in the impossible and you will do the incredible. Below are four (4) apparitions (visions) of some incredible prophecies that the IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY (she becomes the central figure in all these apparitions), reveals what people must do to attain eternal life.
We must make many sacrifices, perform much penance, visit the Blessed Sacrament frequently, lead good lives and always seek the TRUTH. In addition, spend time reading the messages the LADY conveyed in GUADALUPE, LOURDES, FATIMA, AND GARABANDAL.
In THE LADY OF GUADALUPE, our Blessed Mother imprinted her “image” on the Tilma of Jaun Diego and because of her “image” that still exists on the Tilma, many Mexicans were converted to Catholicism. Even today, people go to GUADALUPE just to witness this phenomena.
In THE LADY OF LOURDES, ST BERNADETTE said she saw a beautiful LADY in the grotto, who appeared to her 18 times. ST. BERNADETTE was instrumental in finding the spring that gave miraculous cures to people who believe in the message of THE LADY OF LOURDES, even to this day. The civil authorities in Lourdes, opposed her in every way they could. All asked for the name of this person that she saw in the grotto and on her last apparition the LADY said, “I am THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION”. ST. BERNADETTE was found incorrupt 30 years later.
In THE LADY OF FATIMA, Lucia, Francisco, and Jacinta were given three (3) secrets involving, HELL, the 2ndWorld War, and the third secret that was never made known. They along with 70,000 others, witnessed the MIRACLE OF THE SUN, when the SUN danced in the sky, which today is the greatest MIRACLE ever seen by anyone. The LADY told the (3) seers, in advance, that she would perform this MIRACLE so that all would BELIEVE in the events of FATIMA , which occurred, on the 13th of October, 1917.
In THE LADY OF GARABANDAL, Conchita, Mari Cruz, Mari Loli, and Jacinta Gonzales were involved in many ecstasies with OUR LADY and were given events which so startled these (4) visionaries, with dreadfully loud screams affecting the people of GARABANDAL to such an extent , that everyone in the village went to confession that very day. They were also given the three (3) time bombs of GARABANDAL —THE WARNING, THE GREAT MIRACLE AND THE CHASTISEMENT, that are explained in reading about the MESSAGES of GARABANDAL.
This photo of an ecstasy taken at "El Cuadro" in 1961.  From left to right: Mari Loli, Conchita, Jacinta, and Mari Cruz.  (Caption for linked image)
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randomnotesnet · 4 years
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“Careful What You Wish For”
The Miracle will be visible in the village of Garabandal and in the surrounding mountains. It can be photographed, filmed, and probably televised;
The Pope will see the miracle "wherever he may be";
— The future Miracle :: Apostolado-de-garabandal
James Francis Durante was an American singer, pianist, comedian, and actor.
Durante's radio show was bracketed with two trademarks: "Inka Dinka Doo" as his opening theme, and the invariable signoff that became another familiar national catchphrase: “Good night, Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are.” For years no one knew who Mrs. Calabash referred to and Durante preferred to keep the mystery alive.
— Jimmy Durante – Wikipedia
The old Eleanor Roosevelt joke was reactivated:
”Good night, Mrs. Kennedy, wherever you are.”
America's Political Dynasties: From Adams to Clinton By Stephen Hess Brookings Institution Press, 24 Nov 2015 Page 531
— Google Books
The comedian Jimmy Durante even adapted his old joke to say “Goodnight Mrs. Kennedy, wherever you are.”
— Myths – Pinkpillbox
During the early part of June 1963, the bells of Garabandal started to ring. The following conversation then occurred between Garabandal visionary, Conchita, and her mother, Aniceta:
Conchita: “The bells are tolling for the dead! It must be for the pope (Bl. John XXIII, 1958-1963). Now only three remain.”
Aniceta: “What nonsense are you talking about?”
Conchita: “It is not nonsense. The Virgin told me: After this pope there will only be three more.”
Aniceta: “Then what? Will it be the end of the world?”
Conchita: “The Virgin did not say the end of the world but the end of time.”
“From the Holy Virgin. ‘Actually,'” she said,”‘there will be four more,’ but one she (Our Lady) doesn’t count.”
Aniceta: “Why doesn’t she count one?”
Conchita: “That she did not say; she only said that she doesn’t count one.
She did say, however, that one will reign only a short time.”
Aniceta: “And what comes then?”
Conchita: “That she did not say.” After a shorter pause Conchita added: “The Holy Virgin told us several times that Jesus, her Son, will come back (in the Second Coming), but whether He comes then, I don’t know.”
(from “Garabandal: Der Zeigefinger Gottes” by Albrecht Weber; see excerpt at http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message96209/pg1)
At first, Conchita says there will be 3 more Popes after Pope John XXIII. Then, in response to one of her mother’s questions, Conchita responds that Our Lady had actually said that there would be four more Popes (before the end time prophecies of Garabandal occurred – including the Warning, Miracle, and Chastisement), but that Our Lady was not counting one of them. During that conversation with her mother, Conchita also said that Our Lady had told her that one of the future Popes would have a very short reign. So, this prophecy discusses 5 Popes.
— Garabandal Prophecies Being Fulfilled TODAY? | Two Hearts Press
0 – John F. Kennedy – The pope with the short reign.
1 – Lyndon B. Johnson – The first pope after.
2 – Richard Nixon – The second pope after.
– – Gerald Ford – The pope she didn’t count.
3 – Jimmy Carter – The last pope “Our Lady” took account of.
Two of the most popular American 1980s TV series started during the reign of Jimmy Carter, “Dallas” and “Magnum, P.I.”, the latter at the very end of Carter’s presidency.
After Carter came Reagan. and after “Magnum” came again “Reagan”: After a hiatus Tom Selleck was relocated to Bayridge, NY as police commissioner “Frank Reagan“. Bayridge happens to be the place the later Garabandal apostle for the U.S., Joey Lomangino was born and lost his eyesight. Conchita from Garabandal also ended up on Long Island, NY. The connections are apparent.
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thewahookid · 9 months
Dear Friends of Our Lady,
On this great Feast of the Holy Innocents, we remember the massacre of young children in Bethlehem by King Herod the Great in his attempt to kill the infant Jesus. As we solemnly remember the first martyrs of the Church, we sadly see a parallel in our world today.
The value and dignity of human life, especially children, has been lost.
“Who is going to save our church? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to the people. You have the minds, the eyes, the ears to save the church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops like bishops and your religious act like religious.”
- Archbishop Fulton Sheen, June 1972
What was said by the Blessed Mother when she appeared from 1961-1965
to four young visionaries in a small village by the name of Garabandal, in northern Spain.
What are the supernatural elements of the Warning, the Great Miracle, and the Permanent Sign? How close are we to these events now?
During the WARNING, or judgment in miniature, illumination of conscience, or a life review, we will see our life as a slow-motion picture in the light of Divine Truth as God would judge us at death.
Within one year of the Warning, will be the Great Miracle. These events have never been witnessed in the history of the world. What details has Heaven revealed about the Great Miracle?
It has been said the Miracle will be much greater than the miracle at Fatima.
All who journey to Garabandal for the Great Miracle, have been promised to be healed: Russia will convert after the Miracle, and Our Lady said, "All will love Our Hearts."
What is the prophecy of, "It begins with an "A?" What were the Nights of Screams? What did Saint Padre Pio, and Saint Mother Teresa say about Garabandal?
The enemies Heaven is fighting are identified. The reasons for WHY the Miracle at Garabandal, and why is it NOW at this point in history?
What was said about schism in the Church? A pope going to Moscow, and then hostilities breaking out in Europe, and priests in hiding. The prophecy of the number of popes, and then the “end of times.
Is Communism coming back to the world on a broader scale? Why Russia again is central as it was at Fatima. What has the Church said over the last 60 years? What many notable people have said about Garabandal. What exactly did Conchita say about a Third World War?
In a stealthy, bucolic hamlet called Bijakovici, located in the Alps of the former Yugoslavia, the Virgin Mary is appearing since 1981 to six children. Known throughout the world today as "Medjugorje," a prophetic appeal to mankind is heard, with the visionaries claiming the Madonna had come to help the world find peace before it was "too late."
Known as the "TEN SECRETS of MEDJUGORJE" the hidden revelations are said to hold both wondrous sights and trying calamities that will together transform the world forever. After the fulfillment of the Ten Secrets, humanity will have reportedly undergone a metamorphosis, moving from an era of conflict and rebellion to an age of peace and spirituality.
Let’s keep on praying the Holy Rosary
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mnaasilveira · 8 months
Nieuws uit Garabandal, Spanje
______________________________________________________________ Garabandal, Spanje ______________________________________________________________ Garabandal News omvat drie opeenvolgende gebeurtenissen die de wereld in 2024 een nieuwe vorm zullen geven: Waarschuwing en verlichting van het geweten, Uitstorting van de Heilige Geest en Garabandal Miracle. Ik heb uitgebreid geschreven, in vele…
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When was the last time you watched a movie played by nataural actors? @garabandalmovie #sundayreads #blog #review #faith #miracle #garabandal (at San Sebastian De Garabandal) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqVW7fzBJk1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=rinjchms6f90
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tradcathsermons · 5 years
This article has changed my view on Garabandal from "likely demonic" to "definitely demonic". Casts serious doubt on Garabandal's "Warning/Miracle/Chastisement" message.@IAltare https://t.co/WUOIDIya59
— 🗝Dan (@DD_amdg) November 18, 2019
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Het wonder van Garabandal / The miracle of Garabandal
Het wonder van Garabandal / The miracle of Garabandal
categorie : religie
  Het kleine dorpje San Sebastian de Garabandal, Spanje, werd gekenmerkt door de aanwezigheid van de Allerheiligste Maagd Maria. In bijna 3.000 openbare verschijningen in de jaren 1961 tot en met 1965, verscheen zij aan vier meisjes tussen 11 en 12 jaar: Conchita González, Mari Cruz González, Jacinta González en Mari Loli Mazon.
         De eerste…
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Prophetizo Rosarii
Evangelium Secundum Joannem
11 Ascendit Simon Petrus et traxit rete in terram, plenum magnis piscibus centum quinquaginta tribus. Et cum tanti essent, non est scissum rete. 12 Dicit eis Jesus: Venite, prandete. Et nemo audebat discumbentium interrogare eum: Tu quis es? scientes, quia Dominus est.
(11 Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land, full of great fishes, one hundred and fifty-three. And although there were so many, the net was not broken. 12 Jesus saith to them: Come, and dine. And none of them who were at meat, durst ask him: Who art thou? knowing that it was the Lord.)
Our Lord, Iesu Christi, had promised Peter to make him a fisher of men and in fulfilling this, Our Lord led the apostles to draw in 153 fishes. It is no coincidence that the Holy Spirit inspired St. John to write this account foreshadowing the weapon that Our Lady was to give to us through St. Dominic, a weapon initially summoned to conquer the Albigensian heresy.
What was the Apostle St. John thinking when he wrote this chapter under the divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit? The rosary had not been instituted by this time, and perhaps St. John was illumined and instructed of the future institution of the rosary, or perhaps this writing is more an act of obedience on St. John’s behalf guided by the Holy Spirit. And without a doubt, St. John could have chosen to write about another miracle, just as he states at the end of his book in chapter 21. Why does St. John stress that there were 153 fishes caught by means of a net? Our Lord didn't instruct the apostles to count the fishes, yet, St. John does state right after giving the total number of fishes that the net did not break. We could then safely and faithfully conclude that St. John’s main motivation for giving us the total number of fishes was to stress the miraculous strength of this net. This net withstood the weight, push, and drag of 153 fishes, and it did not break. Ultimately, these fishes were dragged to the shore where Our Lord, Iesu Christi, was waiting for the apostles. Surely, St. John could have not known the scope and prefigurement that this miracle signifies unless it was mystically revealed to him, for the rosary was given at a much later time to St. Dominic. 
A fishing net is a tool made up of rope tied and in a specific pattern, labor and skill are required to make a net. Similarly, the rosary is a tool made up of some type of rope or string and tied in a specific pattern. Both tools are made out of rope or some type of string. The net is used for a purely material purpose, and the rosary is used for a more transcendent and religious purpose. It would be pointless for the apostle St. John to specify that there were exactly 153 fishes caught, other than it was the intended purpose of the Holy Spirit and His holy will to foreshadow the rosary by this miraculous account. The rosary consists of a total of 153 Ave Marias which consists of the 10 Ave Marias for every one of the 15 decades,  you also have to count the first three Ave Marias done in the beginning prayed for the receiving and growing of the three theological virtues: Faith, Hope, and Charity. 
In more recent times Our Lady has stressed the importance of praying the rosary and wearing the brown scapular in her apparitions in Fatima, Our Lady also reiterated in her apparitions in Garabandal-Spain and in her apparitions in Akita-Japan.
Let us do as Our Lady is instructing us: do penance, to pray the rosary daily, wear our brown scapular and kiss it daily, and spread these powerful devotions. The rosary is the weapon for these times of chastisement, we may then, as the apostle St. John, be part of a miracle which scope we could not conceive or foreshadow unless revealed to us. The rosary comparable to this miraculous net is a seemingly unattractive tool with a power and force that is incomprehensible to us. 
Our Lady is now at the shore with Our Lord instructing us to cast the net, let us pray the holy rosary devoutly.
Ad maiore Dei gloria
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