#my writing: Obscure
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Obscure: Chapter 11
Chapter 11 of Obscure, novel-length interrogation whump about a rebel leader who can erase memories with a thought, an interrogator who can see inside his subjects’ minds… and the connection they share that neither of them suspects.
Masterpost | the Mind Games universe | Read the completed novel on Patreon
The interrogation rooms must not have been cleaned on a daily schedule, because the next morning, Elias smelled his own sweat hanging in the air. The table was smudged with the nervous grease from his own hands. It cut the reflection a little, made it more bearable. He could have done without the sweat, though.
But if he was going to make wishes, he might as well wish himself back home.
Kirill sat across from him. He had dark circles under his eyes, and the lines around his eyes and at the corners of his mouth were more pronounced. But those pale eyes themselves were daggers newly sharpened to a fresh point.
Kirill sat up straighter, inhumanly straight, like he was trying to blend in with the furniture with all its cold right angles. His breath came in a steady rhythm, like there was a machine in his chest breathing for him. The sound was hypnotic.
“What’s the mask this time?” Elias asked. “What game are we playing today?”
“No games,” said Kirill. “Not anymore.”
“You keep saying that. But we keep circling around to the same thing.”
As always when Kirill was in the room, a slow but steady trickle of fear-memories leaked out of him. A constant small betrayal on the part of his mammalian brain. Kirill might have been able to turn himself into a machine at will, but Elias didn’t have that ability. No matter what he had thought at first, in his hubris, with his hours of practice at desensitizing himself to his own grief.
“We were done with games days ago,” said Kirill. “If you think we’ve been playing, you haven’t taken my threat seriously enough. Should I show you a picture of your son, here in headquarters, to prove I mean what I say?”
The thought stopped Elias’s breath. But no emotion rushed out of him. A second later, when his chest filled with an inner warmth, he understood why. Negative emotion brought out the memories, Kirill had said. The thought of seeing a picture of Sammy, alive and grown up… that was the fulfillment of fifteen years of hope. Kirill could get nothing from that warmth.
The fear hit a second later. Because his dream had been to see his son happy and healthy, and if he was either of those things now, it was only because he was ignorant of the threat hanging over his head. Elias wanted to see him, but not like this. Not as a hostage.
Not as a PERI resource.
“Would you like that picture?” Kirill asked. His voice was strangely empty, even for him. Like someone had scooped out every ounce of humanity in him, and the thing in front of Elias now was what was left.
Elias shook his head.
“Do you still think we’re playing games?”
Elias shook his head again.
“Then let’s get started,” said Kirill. “You asked what part I was playing today. I’m not. I have a better way of getting emotion from you now. All I need to do is mention your son and what will happen to him if you stop giving me what I need, either through your memories or through what you tell me aloud.”
One more time, Elias shook his head. “Of course you’re playing a part. This isn’t who you are.”
“This?” Kirill looked down at himself, like he was trying to see what Elias saw. “There is no this. I’m not being anything.”
“Exactly. You’re nothing right now. No one is nothing inside.”
“Still looking for the answer to your question? You’re going to be disappointed. Anyway, we’re not here to talk about me. And we’re not here to play. I’m going to talk to you about your son, and you’re going to give me the information I want. If you’d like things to move faster, you can speak aloud, and spare yourself the grief and fear I’ll have to evoke otherwise. If I stop getting anything from you, I’ll take you to your son, and I’ll hurt him.”
The fear-wound tore a little wider, bled a little more. Nothing Kirill could use—Elias was certain of that. A face from a horror movie poster when he was a child, on one of the family’s big trips into town. They had always drawn looks—a dozen adults and twice as many children, clustered together in one big herd. Half of them small-mouthed and wide-eyed like a gaggle of country mice. The other half behaving like wild things, like the trip out was an excuse to let out the sides of themselves they had to keep buttoned up at home.
Their parents had let them, so long as they didn’t let their powers show—that was the only unbendable rule. The children had run around like rabid animals, grabbing all the unfamiliar brightly-colored things with their grubby hands, smearing fingerprints all over the ticket counter and the movie posters. The adults—eager for a chance to let loose themselves—had laughed too loudly and worn impractical clothes they never wore at home, and poured liquid from small metal flasks into their extra-large sodas.
Max had been one of the country mice. Elias had watched the wild things longingly, but had stayed with Max, letting him clutch his hand and hold him in place.
“We’re not here to talk about your ghost boy,” Kirill said, his voice sharp.
Elias blinked away the past. “We’re not here to talk about Sammy, either. Not really.”
“Your son is a means to an end. Focus on him. Think about the hands of the child you remember. How will it sound when those small fingers snap?”
Was Kirill’s cruelty another mask he could put on and take off at will, or was it part of who the man was underneath? There was no point in asking—no point in wondering, even, when he would never get an answer. Elias clung to the thought anyway, because any distraction would do.
But no distraction could hold up to the image Kirill’s words evoked, or the sound in his imagination of a tiny, delicate finger bone snapping. Sammy’s hands weren’t that small anymore, of course. They had to be the size of his own by now. Elias knew that intellectually. But when he thought about Sammy’s hand, he pictured the hands of an infant, of a toddler, of an eight-year-old. When he imagined them broken, those were the hands he saw.
Sick fear. Helpless rage. A river of memory overflowed its banks. A gushing wound, memory-blood pooling around him, bleeding out the entirety of his son’s history. In front of Elias, Kirill rocked back slightly as eight years of memory flooded him at once.
“The branches of your network,” Kirill said, his voice tight, his unfocused eyes darting back and forth like he was in the grip of a nightmare. “The command structure. Names and faces.”
Elias couldn’t control the flow. It carved a new path in his mind, veering away from Sammy’s childhood, passing through the details of the network he had painstakingly built over the past fifteen years. He tried to steer it back, but the memories were a river, and they flowed through his grasping fingers like water.
The names and faces Kirill had demanded poured from him and straight into Kirill’s brain. A rush of guilt followed. He was giving Kirill everything. And his people would suffer for it, the people had trusted, who had agreed to work for him despite the danger. The future children they could have rescued, the future Sammys, they would also suffer.
The river grew faster, stronger, drawing a soft noise of protest from Kirill. But Kirill’s mouth, curled in a hard smile, was satisfied, his hunger slaked.
Guilt was an emotion. Emotion made the memories come faster.
He breathed in. Breathe out. He stared his grief straight in its wide and helpless and relentlessly hungry eyes, and resisted the urge to reach out and throttle the creature. That wouldn’t help.
Fighting grief never killed grief.
Fighting fear never killed fear.
Fighting pain never stopped the pain from coming. It only multiplied it —the pain that couldn’t be stopped, times the pain of failing to stop it.
His son was in danger. But he had faced that before. He had stared that monster down, and it had blinked first.
His people would suffer and die because of his unwitting betrayal. But he had lost people before. He could still remember the feeling of hot blood on his hands, the thick and earthy tang of it in his nose, pleading eyes going soft and glassy. He could still remember the heat of the flames, and the dying screams of everyone he had almost loved.
Almost everyone. That last loss had come later.
So many losses. And he had survived them all. He had found a way to push the torrents of feeling down, to fight his way back to dry land rather than letting the current hold him under. Otherwise, he would never have survived.
Inhale for four.
Exhale for four.
The flow didn’t stop. But it slowed. The memories came in jagged bursts. Not a current, but the fitful expulsions of a broken faucet.
“Focus,” Kirill urged, and Elias did. He focused on his breath—inhale, exhale. He stared into Kirill’s pale eyes and imagined himself staring down his grief.
But Kirill said, “Sammy,” and Elias saw his son’s face. No amount of focus on his breathing could banish the memory of those eyes or those pudgy child cheeks.
“I’ll start with the little fingers,” said Kirill. “They hurt the most when they break.”
And then, “The locations of your safehouses. With addresses.”
His memory lurched. The river surged down its new path. The images hovered half-formed in Elias’s mind, like vomit struggling to come up.
But if Elias couldn’t stop the flow of memory, maybe he could choose where it went. He couldn’t keep Sammy out of his mind, so he stopped trying. He thought about those cheeks, about his dark and solemn eyes. Those hands, with their perfect fingers Kirill kept threatening to break. A small face contorted in fear.
“The safehouses,” Kirill said. Still colorless, empty of feeling, but Elias imagined frustration lurking underneath. He imagined it because it made him feel like he was winning. He needed to feel like he would win, like he could win, or he would stop trying.
Safehouses. House. Safe. The little house he and Lisbeth had owned together. Her with her hands on her swollen belly, looking doubtfully down the basement stairs. He’ll fall as soon as he starts walking. We should keep the basement door locked—get a padlock and just never open it. We never go down there anyway. Him telling her she was being ridiculous to close off an entire room of the house, an entire floor. He said it with a smile on his face, so she’d know he was joking even though he wasn’t, because he never knew what would hit her wrong these days. He felt a tiny squirm of unease in his belly, gratitude that she had been the one to say it and not him, because he had been eyeing those stairs with trepidation for weeks now.
“Clever,” came Kirill’s impassive voice. “Now show me your network. Where do your people hide themselves?”
His people, his family, his son. He kept Sammy’s dark eyes fixed in his mind—the best memories, the worst, anything with enough emotion to keep the current from changing course.
But Kirill’s words lodged themselves in his mind. His network. Hiding. He pictured cabins hidden deep in the woods—
But there had been a different network once. And a different kind of hiding, one he hadn’t thought of as hiding. He had thought they were all family, and all they needed was each other, and it was as simple as that. He hadn’t understood the danger that had driven all his mothers and fathers to buy a hundred acres out in the middle of nowhere. Not until the danger had come knocking with a lit match in its back pockets.
For decades, since long before the loss of Sammy, he had held those memories at bay. He had forced them down, burying them deeper and deeper, piling more and more dirt on top. He had buried them the way none of his family had gotten the chance to be buried. They had burned instead.
The memories came out in his nightmares sometimes, once or twice a year, no more than that. The memory of fire, the stink of burning wood and burning flesh. Or, more rarely, happy dreams—chasing frogs in the marsh, picking flowers in the meadow, he and his hesitant shadow. He and Max, who Kirill had called the ghost boy.
Was his face really that blurry in Elias’s memory now? Had Elias buried the memory of him that deeply? He hadn’t thought so. But Kirill had sifted through his memories with the deft skill of a long-time prospector panning for gold, and Max’s face was the one thing he couldn’t see.
If there was enough emotion in the memory of Max for that, there was enough emotion in that memory to hold his thoughts in place.
All he had to do was let it in.
Kirill wanted his network. But his family had functioned in much the same way. Protecting each other, using their abilities for the good of the whole. Keeping the children safe and oblivious. That long-ago home—that was his network. That was the network he would give Kirill.
Kirill wanted safehouses. He wanted to know where Elias’s people hid. They had hidden in houses they had built themselves, in a wilderness of marshlands and overgrown meadows. The electricity had gone out with every storm. Sometimes it had taken weeks to come back on. They had eaten canned food and built fires for warmth, and huddled together under hand-sewn blankets, everyone all together in one house. to conserve heat.
They had lived like animals, Max had said later—We’ve been living like animals all our lives. Even before we had to run. I’m tired of it. Aren’t you tired? But Elias had never seen it that way. He hadn’t felt deprived, except for brief sharp pangs on those trips into town, glimpsing children who treated going to the movies or out for ice cream as ordinary.
He had never felt embarrassed by his hand-sewn clothes, not like some of the others had. The kids in town had blue jeans that looked like the ones in the movies, and shirts with cartoon characters on them. But Elias had pants rugged enough that he could climb the tall tree at the center of the marsh and never tear them. He had picked out the fabric for his favorite shirt himself, and sat with Mama Charisse in her living room as she had sewn it without using her hands to move the needle and thread.
“Your network.” Kirill’s voice was distant now, faded, compared to the vibrancy of Elias’s memories. Even so, Elias felt the pull of the current guiding him closer to the present day, closer to Kirill’s voice.
Thinking about his home wasn’t enough.
So Elias unburied the dead.
Mama Charisse hadn’t been what the outside world would have called his real mother, the one whose body he had grown in and pushed his way out of, the one he had shared a house with when he wasn’t sleeping over at Max’s house. That hadn’t mattered to him. Every adult had been his mother or his father. Every child had been his sister or his brother. It confused him, in the books he read and the movies he watched and the families he saw in town, how small the families were, and how many walls they placed between each other.
He had called his real mother by her name, the way he did with all the others—the adults had wanted that way, hadn’t wanted divisions based on blood. She had been Mama Jessie. She had smelled like oranges and sunlight and could make plants turn green in the middle of winter with just one touch. She had died screaming, like all the others, when their home had burned.
Max had wanted to go back to look for survivors. Elias had said no. He had said PERI could still be there, waiting for them to come back. And that might have been true. But it wasn’t the reason for Elias’s refusal. Elias hadn’t wanted to risk seeing the charred bodies of the dead.
He remembered Mama Jessie’s arms around him, the smell of her, the roughness of her hands. All the things he had buried for so many years, so he could sleep without nightmares. Those first few weeks after they had run, he hadn’t slept, because he had seen her dying every time he closed his eyes, her and all the rest. And if he didn’t sleep, he couldn’t take care of Max. He had buried the dead so he could tend to the living.
He pictured his father, Papa Graham, with his bushy beard and his long, long legs. Elias’s eyes had always been too serious, or so everyone had told him, but Papa Graham’s eyes had always been smiling. He smelled like the cigars he bought in town and smoked when he thought Mama Jessie wasn’t looking.
And then there was Max. The ghost boy.
They had been born the same week of the same year. The family had called them twins. Mama Kelly had called them photo negatives of each other, one with black hair and black eyes, the other with pale, pale eyes and hair so light it was almost the white of snow.
They had shared a crib as babies, on the days when their parents couldn’t get them to stop crying. Max had stopped crying when Elias was there to take care of him, or so the family legend went. Elias had stopped crying when he had Max to take care of.
They had talked in full sentences to each other before they said a word to anyone else. They had learned to crawl together, walked together, steadying each other with chubby hands firmly clasped together. They had been two halves of the same person. First twins, mirrors, photo negatives. Then, once they were old enough to explore, they were no longer mirrors but opposites, each of their differences perfectly complementing the other.
They had both been serious—too serious, Mama Kelly had said—but in different ways. Elias had been the protector, Max the one who needed protecting. Elias was the hard shell, Max the soft, defenseless creature inside.
The adults had shaken their heads over Max, wondering who he would be what he would do when he no longer had Elias to rely on. It hadn’t been until years later that Elias had realized their worries had been misplaced. They should have asked themselves what Elias would do when he no longer had someone to protect.
He would set out to protect the whole world—that was the answer. Or as much of it as he could reach.
Maybe what he had created hadn’t only been a response to Sammy’s death after all.
The adults hadn’t needed to worry about Max. Max had grown beyond Elias in good time. He had formed his own opinions, gained the strength and the conviction to make his own decisions. He had been the one to let go first, not Elias. It had been Elias who had tried to hold on. Elias, in the end, who had struggled to let go.
The memories of their last fight were the ones that came into his nightmare most frequently. But today, Elias unburied the deeper memories. Like wine or cheese, they had grown all the more potent from their years in the dark.
Like Elias urging Max to climb a tree after him. Elias didn’t shimmy up trees as a natural instinct, the way some of his more reckless brothers and sisters did. He had studied the tree at the center of the swamp for weeks, climbing up little by little and then back down again, a little further every day. Gauging its weaknesses, formulating his plan of attack. He had shared his acquired knowledge with Max, but Max preferred to stay on the ground.
Maybe Elias should have let him. But he had been a child, and he had wanted to share the view. And eventually, he had talked Max into it. Max had never been good at saying no to him, in those days. Elias hadn’t realized his mistake, not until he was safely on the ground again, staring up at a wide-eyed and terrified Max.
He’d had to call Papa Oleg in the end, and asked him to bring a ladder, like someone in a book calling the fire department for a cat caught up a tree. He had apologized to Max for not knowing how to get him down. That, in his mind, had been his failure—and an unforgivable one. It was his job to get Max out of any trouble he could get him into.
That early failure had done nothing to inoculate him against his more permanent failure later.
He lingered on the end of the memory, the feeling of his small arms around Max’s shaking body. After a moment, he realized the flow of memory was less like a rushing river now, and more like being immersed in a small and warm natural pool, out of the flow of the current.
The current had stopped. Without Kirill’s reminders, the sharpness of the emotion had faded.
Kirill must have noticed. Why hadn’t he said anything?
Elias let the memory fade. It drained away, leaving him out of breath from all his work digging up graves.
Kirill wasn’t sitting across from him anymore. He had his back against the wall. His eyes wide and desperate. In those eyes, Elias saw—only for a second—the eyes of a small boy trapped up a tree.
“A clever strategy.” Kirill’s voice was thin and thready. If it was part of a persona, Elias could figure out what.
“I can see you still aren’t ready to cooperate,” Kirill said in the same tone. “I may need to put you in a room with your son after all.”
The threat lacked sharpness. Kirill’s voice wobbled, an overcooked noodle where a knife should have been.
He stumbled out the door, leaving a startled Elias alone.
Elias had won a victory. He just wished he understood why.
Tagged: @cakeinthevoid @suspicious-whumping-egg
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#whump#whump novel#my writing#my writing: Obscure#my writing: Mind Games#interrogation whump#superpower whump#emotional whump
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Columbo and the Knight (1984)
put me in the universe where Columbo ran through the 1980s and had a crossover episode with Knight Rider. I think they deserved it, and I am not just saying that because they're my two favorite Old Shows. @telebeast wrote a little fanfic blurb about it and I HAD to visualize it into a comic (which is also the longest comic I have finished thus far at five pages...), so writing credit goes to them.
Autism W!
#columbo#knight rider#art#michael knight#kitt#comic#highlight reel#crossover#telebeast#there are two small easter eggs here. can you find them. they were somehow not Entirely lost when i resized these for the public#this is what i mean when i say I Draw And It's Everyone Else's Problem. look at my INCREDIBLY niche crossover comic boy#if the knight rider fandom has like 12 people in it. how many of y'all have seen columbo#this comic is for like 4 people and me and phoenix are already two of them#niche is my specialty lets be real. weird niche obscure shit and ships nobody's paid attention to yet#not to suggest this is ship art. columbo has his wife and michael has his car lmfao#stylizing real people is EXTREMELY hard btw sorry for when they get off model. its partly a 'better imperfect than never finished' situatio#cant tell you how much i redrew some of these panels. weeps#this took me 2 weeks but i think i thumbnailed it all in may and the ideas been rollin around in my head since march#is anybody good at editing. please edit michael and columbo into an image together like its a screenshot. NOT generated. edited.#it would be so cool#ive drawn columbo a lot but i haven't drawn a lot of michaels. i was learning things about his outfit AS I WAS DOING THE DAMN#COLORS ON THIS. all the lines done. it was too late to change anything. i did all the lines and colored page by page#i realized my mistakes on like page 3. 1 and 2 were already done. it was Too Late.#imagine it though. them working a case together. switching between the more serious tone of columbo vs the goofier#action antics of michael and kitt. columbo being so impressed by Modern Technology. there's more i could say but phoenix may write#more of this crossover and i don't want to spoil it :'3#there's opportunity here though i swear. there's gold to be dug.#i like how kitt gets shading but columbo's junker peugeot doesn't. kitt looked wrong without any. columbo's car is matte and dirty#i also applied effects to this to make it look a little film-grainy and VHS like. some CRT TV vibes#the only question left is. did they put knight rider into columbo; or columbo into knight rider 🤔
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I'm so normal about them
#helllo people#i come with some sketches from a couple of weeks#before i go back to obscurity lol#if i could write fanfiction i so frinken would#art#my art#doodles#mortal kombat 1#railao#mk1 raiden#kung lao#i have personal beef with raiden hat#its on sight#i swear i do draw other mortal kombat charactes LMAO
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calling all miraculous fans who watched anime in middle school
PLEASE tell me what you think adrien’s favorite anime is. bonus points for characters you think he would relate to / want to be friends with
#i’m doing fanfiction research#i wasn’t an anime kid but i know in my heart adrien is.#i feel like he has to be a magical girl anime kind of guy#but i don’t think he likes anything that obscure#i just don’t know enough about anime to write authentically here#ml#anna rambles#looking for real quintissential middle school anime here
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no context snippet for a "SY is SJ" au i thought of at 1am last night, because i am a firm believer of the "amnesia doesnt erase your trauma it just erases the context of it" agenda.
(although in SY's case he DID kinda forget that trauma.. at first. it's coming back to him. the system gave him a grace period. there that's my excuse)
crossposted on ao3 too in case anyone wants to read it there instead
Shen Qingqiu is painting again.
He's found himself doing that a lot lately, now that he's out of seclusion and Binghe is in the bamboo house, squirreled away into the side room where the Head Disciple should be. Painting is, of course, a logical course of action for a peak lord to do! Especially one such as himself, the Peak Lord of Qing Jing, which was basically the peak of the creative arts.
But— well, he wasn't expecting to find himself liking it so much. Or doing it so often. Painting in the style of the time period is a lot easier to learn than he expected, and it gets him B-points for in-character actions! Who knew the Original Goods was such an artist of the time? He had such an evocative way with his brush, he should know — he's found some of his works!
(They were tucked away like a dirty secret in the back of his closet, locked away in a qiankun chest that Shen Qingqiu found the key to far too easily. He’ll admit to being a little disappointed in the Original Goods’ predictability — a false bottom in the vanity, really? Anyone could find that!)
This brought him to his next issue; he was getting headaches, and he thinks, perhaps, just a little, that the Original Goods' thoughts and feelings were bleeding into him. Just a tad! And he was certain it was the Original Goods too, because— because, well…
He keeps flinching. You know how you’re walking down a public but otherwise empty hallway, and turn the corner and nearly run right into someone, and your heart jumps three spaces to the left and back? Subconsciously you knew there was a chance you were going to see someone, but their sudden appearance still startles you?
Yeah, that. He keeps experiencing it with Binghe. He about jumps right out of his skin whenever Binghe emerges from the side room or the kitchen, even though he knows his disciple is there! And he knows it’s not a habit from his old world, because Shen Qingqiu lived with three other siblings in the house, and always knew to expect someone to be right around the corner.
And he knows, especially so, that it’s not a habit from his old world, because along with the mini heart attacks that come with Binghe’s presence in the bamboo house, is the discomfort. A distinct yet indistinguishably vague feeling of unease that comes with sharing a living space with someone. The kind that makes his hackles rise like a particularly disgruntled and cornered street cat.
Again, he grew up with three siblings! That could not be coming from him. It has to be an Original Goods feeling slipping in, and it was really getting in the way of things! How was he supposed to give Binghe a sense of belonging and a better upbringing if his presence in the bamboo house made him feel horribly exposed?
Some days, he just can't escape the gnawing feeling of dread in his chest when he returns to the bamboo house at the end of the day, knowing full well that it will soon be accompanied by someone else. Even if that someone was Binghe.
That feeling of a lack of privacy makes his skin crawl and his shoulders lock up to his ears with every step. It was inconvenient; annoying.
It was utterly unscientific, it was his house! And it was only Binghe, who, currently, is a harmless little white sheep! There was no darkened protagonist here, come to tear his limbs off. There was nothing to be so… tense about.
It does nothing to stop the little swooping his heart does when he opens the door to, sometimes, Binghe already there, kneeling at the table like a dutiful disciple as always.
Oh, and that's not starting on his steadily increasing dislike of physical touch. It had to be something to do with the ludicrous amount of layers he wears and the modesty standards of the time period — and, also, of course, the Original Goods' own aversion to it.
He knows he's never felt so uncomfortable in another human being's presence before! Sure, he wasn’t the most social of people in his old world, but he still remembers being able to leave the house and be among the masses with relative ease. Here, though, was an entirely different story. His personal space bubble seemingly doubled, no, tripled in size, and it was irking him quite unhandily.
The worst offenders were the Peak Lord meetings, it had to be. Navigating through the sea of disciples, cultivators, and visitors on Qiong Ding was a nightmare enough on its own — lessened only by the fact that said mountain occupants parted like the red sea when they saw him coming — but sitting in a secluded room with eleven other people, majority of whom still disliked him despite his turnaround? Awful.
The proximity between him and his martial siblings isn’t even that bad, either. He has plenty of elbow room and in fact, would need to make an effort to reach out and physically touch anyone on either side of him. But, still!! Too close!!
Shen Qingqiu made the conscious decision to sit as close to the door as his own comfort would allow, but not so close that he couldn’t see it — he tried that once. He doesn’t want to speak of the incident. The stress alone will give him heart palpitations.
(He, pointedly, doesn’t want to think about the time he arrived at a Peak Lord meeting and found the Long Ning Shou Peak Lord sitting in His Chair either. Shen Qingqiu has never been particularly territorial about ‘assigned seating’ before, up until that moment. While he’s proud to say that he didn’t do anything to Chen Qingxuan for sitting in his spot, he’s mortified by how childishly petulant he felt about it for the rest of the meeting. He’s pretty sure everyone could sense his sour mood.)
Why, just a few days ago he nearly bit a poor disciple's head off during martial lessons when they accidentally tumbled into him after a series of spectacularly fumbling footing. The child had been so horrified and apologetic that Shen Qingqiu remembered to reel himself back in time and merely scold them, rather than tear their skin right off with a tongue lashing.
But— enough about such stressful things! Shen Qingqiu was painting, and when he was painting, Binghe knew not to bother him, and to not let anyone do so either. Lest they all be dealt with a moderately grumpy Shizun.
(His emotions may be as volatile as a hormonal boy lately, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t know how to keep them in check!! He still had a reputation to keep.)
His studio offered him a sense of privacy and solitary that not even his bedroom allowed him — for Binghe could knock on his bedroom door to alert him for whatever needed his attention, and while he could do the same to the studio, the fact remained; a Shizun interrupted during his precious studio time, did not, a happy Shizun make.
There were silencing talismans painted into the walls — courtesy of the Original Goods — that Shen Qingqiu really quite appreciated. It allowed him the peace of mind to do things his face could not allow him outside of it— and that is, he got to muse aloud to himself, and hum songs from his old world that he couldn't anywhere else. Some songs that he still knew the lyrics to, he was happy to half-sing under his breath.
It had to be a form of meditation, it had to be! With how much peace and grounding it brought him, it couldn't be anything but a form of meditation.
Currently, he was just letting instincts lead his brush strokes while he hummed a melody from some myth musical he stumbled across a few weeks before he died. The songs had been so catchy that he had most of them all but memorized! He's tried repeating the instrumentals on his guqin and ruan with varying degrees of success.
Painting helped kill his migraines the most. As it stands, he’s had a killer one hammering at his skull since this morning. Bad enough to the point that he nearly snapped at poor Binghe during breakfast, and the child could all but sense the sour mood radiating off his master, and in turn had been silent and subdued until he left.
Aish, that child… Shen Qingqiu hasn't quite quelled the guilt in him. Something about that awful subservience rankled him in a way he couldn’t explain, making him want to recoil and snap out at the same time. Something dark and deep in him had reared its head, wanting to reach over and shake Binghe for it.
He'd been horrified by his own thoughts, and then locked himself in his studio for the rest of the day.
Even in death — or wherever the Original Goods was — he was still making things difficult! It was only natural that Binghe would go quiet and careful at the sight of Shen Qingqiu’s bad mood, he used to beat the boy at whim for imagined slights! He’ll have to reassure Binghe better that he wasn’t going to hurt him.
Bah. He was supposed to be painting, not thinking about things that made his head pound worse or his mood dampen more! He didn't want to think about Luo Binghe right now — a surprise, even for him! — he wants to focus on the scent of ground ink and paints, and his own soft humming.
He blinks, once, twice, and focuses on the painting. It happens, like now, that he would zone out and paint entire landscapes, people, whatever, without realizing. It was always a guessing game of what he's made when he lets his mind wander. Some of things he painted were merely of Qing Jing, other times—
— a burning red fire, encased on canvas, hangs off his eyelashes. And following it, the ensuing qi deviation he'd shoved off. —
Other times aren't worth mentioning.
He's painted a boy this time, a young one, with dark skin and even darker hair, and a smile that isn't quite right. There's a beauty mark right above the corner of his lip, artfully placed, as if it had been hand-placed by an expert craftsman. The boy's upper face remains unpainted, as if he’d been born without eyes. Yet, even without them, the boy looks completely serene and non-judgemental. Mn, no, perhaps more accurately he looks passive? Peaceful?
Shen Qingqiu can feel his gaze, missing as it is, burning into him. He frowns immediately. His headache no less lessened, in fact— he thinks it's gotten worse. There’s a horrid familiarity about the boy in the painting, like a word poised on the tip of his tongue that he can’t quite place. "Don't look at me like that." He says aloud, bah, he hadn't meant to! But it’s not like there’s anyone to hear him. "Don't you know who I am?"
En, no, it’s placating. That’s what it is. The boy is placating him. How unscientific! Unneeded; ridiculous. Why would he paint a boy trying to placate him? He was a scum villain, and a grown man!
The painting says nothing, as it ought to, it was only wet ink and dry parchment. Shen Qingqiu's ears burn anyways, and his eyes drop down to the smile on the boy's face.
He finds that he deeply detests that smile on his face, it disgusts him.
It disgusts him in the way only sheer incompetence can, a burn of irritation that bubbles up every time he saw an objectively wrong take in the PIDW comment section. As if he can't believe someone would look at him, a scum villain such as himself, and still be able to smile like that.
More than that, it's not right. That smile. It's— there's something wrong with it. Which can't be right, Shen Qingqiu hardly makes a mistake when he makes these trance-made paintings. But there is, he’s looking at it right here. He hates it. That awful smile. It's so— so… insincere. If you're going to smile at him, at least mean it, eh? Doesn't he deserve that much?
Long, slender fingers dip into the small wooden paint bowl beside him and lift back up, dripping wet ink onto the side table, and then onto the floor, across the last two layers of his robes that he always strips down to in here.
He reaches for the canvas to— to what? Smear that stupid smile off that boy's face? Mould it into his own image, back into place like the way it should be, paintbrush be damned? That wretched child, smiling at him like that. That smile is too straight, too perfect. It's mocking him.
Where is the tilt? The slant in it? That boy always smiled with an off-kilter turn of his lips, crooked, that made him real the same way blood in the mouth did, and now he's not, and it's wrong. He will wipe that smile off the boy's face himself if he must, if only to get him to wear anything else—
There is a knock on the door, gentle, hesitant. Only his cultivator hearing is what allows him to pick up on it. Shen Qingqiu's head pounds terribly at the sound. It makes a screeching sound go off in the back of his skull, like an abrupt kick to the teeth. His jaw clacks together on pure adrenaline as he regains the sense to not snarl wordlessly.
Didn't he say not to interrupt—?
His ink-stained fingers snap back, a gunshot recoil that sends splatters of ink flying and splatting coldly against his face. His nails dig painfully into the soft flesh of his palm, and Shen Qingqiu gathers himself back into his lofty cultivator persona with a single breath and a ramrod straightening of his spine. His ears ring horribly. "What." He calls, perhaps a little too coldly.
"Shizun?" Binghe says softly, and the sound of that child's voice is like a bucket of ice water dumped over his head. Recognition hits him, and the guilt crawls back in at his earlier irritation. "Forgive this one for interrupting, but Yue-shibo is here."
Shen Qingqiu is still staring at his painting, but the boy’s smile burns behind his eyelids like a fire. It takes half a beat for him to respond; "…Alright," he says, and stands up, "prepare some tea, Binghe. And use the ginger root this master owns, he has a terrible headache."
He walks around the stool, fingers still dripping black, and plucks his robes up from the chair he draped them over. His head still hurts, and there’s a peculiar ache in his heart. He takes his time putting his layers back on, vindictively tying each button and knot leisurely.
Surely Yue Qingyuan has the patience to wait for this one after he so rudely arrived unannounced, hm?
#svsss#svsss au#shen yuan and shen jiu are the same person#aa yes my favorite au. the obscure niche one hardly anyone really cares about#scum villian self saving system#scum villain au#shen yuan#shen qingqiu#yue qingyuan#dw SQQ more of your trauma will start coming through but at least you're not beating children!#this ficlet is brought to you by 'the challenge' from epic's ithaca saga + 'when the chips are down' from hadestown#is this ooc for shen yuan? probably but he's also not just shen yuan. this was also written on discord when i wasnt in full writer mode#if anyone is curious SQQ was humming penelope's 'waiting waiting' melody#not pictured: sqq giving yqy the iciest cold shoulder since he first 'transmigrated' and yqy secretly delighting in it and wallowing in it#also not pictured: sqq staring at yqy's mouth for a solid ten minutes and frowning because its wrong and awful and he hates it. actually#do i think this is kinda garbage writing on my end? yeah. am i still posting it? ...yeah#this wasnt technically going to leave my dms however. ✨validation✨ i went and edited it before posting though
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Pokeshipping Week 2024
Day 4: Kokuhaku Tegami (JP Love Confession Letter)
There was a notable bit of editing I had to do when I went from sketching to lineart for this one. A bit of anatomical re-structuring, you could say. 😅 Chalk it up to poor planning, I guess.
Summer vacation is just around the corner, and Misty is choosing now to confess her feelings?? How can she leave things hanging for a whole month?? Here's hoping no one's hearts give out in the interim...
Art © Crumpled-Hakui
Like what you see? Want art like this of your own? Check out my art commission post here and send me an email or private message! Thanks for stopping by!
#pokeshipping week 2024#pokeshipping week#pokeshipping#ash ketchum#misty#satokasu#ash and misty#fanart#my art#pic post#wanted to write the kanji for 'kokuhaku' on the envelope#but I obscured it too much to actually make it visible enough#so I went with something simpler#Ash is supposed to be wearing school pants btw#but they ended up looking like blue jeans - whoops!
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Dan Da Dan mangaka is a homestuck fan
My partner was looking up the Dandadan manga just for fun or whatever and sent the magazine/book page that looks a bit different in the anime and immediately I felt an eerie sense of familiarity...

Obama going into space on a special mission remind anyone else of a certain piece of media?
At first I was like surely Dandandan has been out for some time before getting an anime adaptation; so, it's probably just coincidence... right?
Oh how wrong I was... truly, we can never escape it. We cannot fight the Homestuck.
#watch there be some super obscure homestuck fanart that the mangaka made in like 2015 or something too probably#can't even escape hs fandom when I'm looking at dandadan or dan da dan however you wanna write it#I'm not actually complaining I just think it's a neat coincidence I actually rather like homestuck yes even the epilogues and beyond canon#mangaka is a homestuck fan that's my new harmless conspiracy theory now#whats with obama and going into space in these 2 pieces of media absolutely wild if just a coincidence#it's surprising how fast this manga started getting adapted into an anime tbh but I guess that's the pace of things these days#mine#op#homestuck epilogues#homestuck epilogue#dandadan#dan da dan#homestuck
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Nobody talk to me
📸: metalmusemedia on insta
#GOOD EVENING HELLO??#UGH literally one of the Greek muses what#distinct urge to write obscure poetry about them#this is for all the Espera enjoyers#connecting my synapses and neurons to you guys to tell you to come look 🗣️#mel's rambles#sleep token#st#esperas#vesselettes#photography
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Obscure: Chapter 20
Chapter 20 of Obscure, novel-length interrogation whump about a rebel leader who can erase memories with a thought, an interrogator who can see inside his subjects’ minds… and the connection they share that neither of them suspects.
Masterpost | the Mind Games universe | Read the completed novel on Patreon
Elias was grieving. Kirill had known it before he had walked into the room. The memories were a thick fog, rich with color and emotion, the antithesis of the obscuring fog Kirill had lived in for so long.
The images were familiar, the same ones he had seen over and over in the interrogation room. The difference now was that Elias was no longer trying to hold them back.
Kieran could have pushed the memories away until they were nothing more than static. It would have made it easier to focus on the Elias of the present moment, who currently wavered in his vision like the shimmer of pavement on a hot day.
But he didn’t shove the memories back. Too many of them were his, after all. He would take this last chance to savor them. Even the worst ones.
He sat on the bed next to Elias. Elias immediately jerked as if an electric current had run between them. His face grew tight with pain. The memories turned from grief to anger, all clenched fists and raised voices and tightness in his chest.
Kirill deserved that. That and more.
“Do you remember when I got stuck up the tree?” he asked.
“You know I do. You’re the one who plucked the memory out of my head.” Elias’s tone was dismissive. He might as well have been talking to a stranger.
“That’s not how it works. Your subconscious shows the memory. I didn’t know what was there until you showed me.” But that wasn’t what Kirill was here to say. “Do you remember what you did before Papa Oleg got there?”
“I remember that I failed,” said Elias. “I couldn’t get you down.”
“You talked to me,” said Kirill. “You told me it would be okay until I believed you. I was shaking so hard I thought I would fall out of that tree and break my back. You calmed me down.”
The torrent of angry memories kept coming. “What does it matter?”
“I wish I could comfort you like that now.”
Anger became white-hot fury, his heart compressing in his chest like coal turning to diamond, words screamed in anger that couldn’t be taken back. “You had the chance to make a choice, and you did. Forgive me if I don’t particularly care whether you’re here to make me feel better before your bosses drag me downstairs to be cut open.”
At first, Kirill thought Elias was remembering the cluster of cabins in the forest. Then he realized the memories were his own. He knew because he could see the PERI team that had shown up when he had left. Elias had never seen that team.
Kirill hadn’t seen what the team had done. But he knew the cabins were gone.
Home was gone.
The home he had shared with Elias. The home Elias had been to him.
It could never be recaptured. He had been a fool to think otherwise.
“The cameras are off,” Kirill said, with a nod up at the ceiling.
Elias’s face was expressionless. “I’m not interested in reminiscing about childhood.” He held his hand out. “You may as well take me downstairs to the labs.”
“That’s not what I’m here for.”
“I heard what you said to my son,” said Elias, “but you were wrong. You won’t convince me to change my mind.”
“I know,” said Kirill. “That’s not what I’m really here for.” He shifted uneasily on the bed. The mattress was nearly as hard as the chair in the interrogation room. “I have a question for you. Or… call it a proposal. Please… I know you won’t want to, but hear me out.”
Elias said nothing.
“If you ever make it out…” He swallowed. “I’d like you to consider working together to rebuild your organization.”
Elias burst out laughing.
Kirill had never heard the man laugh before. Not since he had been Max. At the jarring break in Elias’s solemn demeanor, Kirill jerked to attention. His hands leapt up onto his lap like kittens who had heard a clap of thunder. The pale hairs on his arms stood on end.
Elias’s mouth was twisted in a parody of mirth, but his eyes were cold.
“I’m not sure which part is funnier,” said Elias when he had recovered control of himself. “That you think I would trust you—you, of all people—or that you think there’s a chance I’ll ever make it out.”
“I know you wouldn’t find it easy to trust me,” said Kirill.
“You tortured my son in front of me. You used the information I gave you to destroy the very network you’re offering to help me rebuild.” Elias’s lips stretched further in a joyless smile. The expression made him look like a rotting corpse, like the flesh was peeling back from his skull in a time-lapse. “But by all means, yes, I’ll trust you to help rebuild what you destroyed.”
“PERI offered you a job,” said Kirill. “After you’ve spent fifteen years undermining them and poaching their talent.”
“Rescuing children, you mean.”
“They’re extending the same amount of trust to you as I’m asking you to show me,” said Kirill.
“And they shouldn’t be. If I were a little less honest—or maybe just a little less tired—I would take the offer and do everything I could to work against them from the inside, for as long as I could until I was discovered. What would be the downside? I’m ready to die anyway.” His shoulders jerked upward in a spasmodic shrug. They sank, and sagged, and the rest of him sagged with them. “But I don’t have it in me to do that. I have very little left in me. You took it all.”
“People can change how they see the world,” said Kirill. “They can change their mind about who they want to work for, and what they want to work for. About what matters to them.” He paused. “About who they are.”
He regretted the last part as soon as he said it. If Elias repeated his earlier question, if he asked Kirill who he was, Kirill was just as unprepared to answer as he had been back in the interrogation room.
But he should have known Elias wouldn’t ask. He should have known Elias didn’t care anymore.
“I know,” Elias said. “I saw it happen thirty years ago.”
“I’m ready to change again,” said Kirill.
He waited for Elias to ask why he was finally ready to make the choice Elias had demanded. Because for this, at least, he had an answer.
He was ready because when he had walked away from the cabin, he had finally seen what he really wanted. He had seen what mattered to him when he couldn’t be what was necessary. When there was no one to desire anything from him but the trees.
He wanted home.
He wanted the home that had been burned in front of him.
He wanted the home he had given up when he had let go of Elias’s hand.
He wanted his best friend back, the other half of his soul. Even if it couldn’t be the way it was. Even if he had to make his own decisions now.
He wanted not to be alone anymore. Because he had never realized, until that moment in the woods, that he had always been alone. For everyone he had ever known since leaving Elias, he had been a mirror, and a mirror didn’t feel companionship. A mirror felt nothing. A mirror was only a means for someone else to feel something.
He didn’t know what else he wanted. And he couldn’t begin to answer the question of who he was. But it was a start. It was enough for him to throw away everything he had attained over the past thirty years. That had to be worth something.
But Elias didn’t ask the question. Elias said nothing at all.
He looked into Elias’s eyes, and saw nothing but an opaque barrier. His old friend was in there somewhere, he knew. But all Kirill saw was a stranger. Maybe because it had been too long. Or maybe because that was all Elias wanted him to see.
Looking into Elias’s eyes, he knew it was too late.
It had been too long.
He had gone too far.
Elias would never trust him. Elias should never trust him.
“Let’s not argue about it,” said Elias. He sagged backward against the wall, like he couldn’t hold himself up anymore. “There’s no point. Even if I were stupid enough to trust you, what you’re talking about will never happen, because I won’t make it out of here. My son made his offer, and I made my choice. I’m going down to the labs—and after fifteen years of fighting PERI, I know exactly how unlikely it is for anyone to make it out of there, alive or otherwise.”
Kirill said nothing. He looked away.
There was nothing he could say. Because he knew, with utter certainty, that Elias was wrong. And he couldn’t admit that aloud.
Elias would escape before the night was out. Before anyone came to take Elias to the labs, the power in this wing of the building would go out, and Elias’s door—and Elias’s alone—would automatically open. The hallway would be empty for ten minutes. Long enough for Elias to get a head start on his escape, if he was resourceful. And Elias had evaded PERI for fifteen years. He was resourceful.
He couldn’t say any of that. If Elias knew the escape opportunity came from Kirill, he wouldn’t trust it when it appeared. He needed Elias to trust it. He needed Elias to take it.
So he stayed silent.
“No more halfhearted attempts at comfort?” Elias asked, with a cool raise of his eyebrows. “Have you figured out that it’s pointless, or are you simply tired of pretending to care?”
Elias had mistaken Kirill’s silence for a lack of emotion. There was nothing Kirill could say to the contrary without giving away the truth—or else coming across as offering an empty protest. Silence was safest, so Kirill chose it once again.
“I shouldn’t have worried about what I might have done to you by taking too many of your memories,” said Elias. “Obviously, those memories didn’t make as much of a difference as I thought. If they had, giving them back would have turned you human again. You would be feeling something right now about what was going to happen to me.”
Kirill said nothing.
“Do you know what they do in the labs?” Elias challenged.
“I know.” He paused. “But if you make it out—”
“If I make it out, I’ll remember what you did,” said Elias. “What you did to me, and to everyone who trusted me, and to my son. If that unlikely event ever happens, you should hope our paths never cross again.”
Then, with his mouth slightly open as if he had been about to say something else, Elias paused. A slight frown came across his face as he eyed Kirill. Kirill fought the urge to check his collar for crookedness, to run his tongue over his teeth to check for something caught there.
“What is it?” asked Kirill.
“No mask,” said Elias. “You’re not trying to be anyone this time. That might be a first.”
Kirill almost said it wasn’t the first time. He hadn’t put on any of his personas when he had gone into that room to hurt Elias’s son. They had been beyond that at that point. But before he could speak, he realized he was wrong. He had still been trying to be what PERI needed.
Now he was beyond that, as well.
He wasn’t even trying to be what Elias needed from him. He knew that was a lost cause.
There was no sense in repeating what he had already said about wanting to change. Elias had already shown he wouldn’t believe him—and it was for the best, anyway. It would make the final part of his plan that much easier.
Kirill slipped on the ill-fitting persona for Elias for the last time. He lifted his chin and gave Elias a cruel smile. Acting didn’t come as effortlessly to him as it once had, but he had practiced cruelty enough that those expressions were stored in his bones.
“Why would I?” he asked. “I’ve already got what I need from you.”
The steady flow of memories, which had never stopped since he had set foot in the room, turned angry again. Good.
“And now that you have what you need from me,” said Elias, his voice filled with the same steady calm Kirill had grown used to hearing in the interrogation room, “you can’t threaten my son anymore. Your superiors wouldn’t approve of you taking revenge on one of their resources, now that you won’t get anything for it.”
“What do you mean?” Kirill asked, even though he already knew. “What would I want revenge for?”
His heart sped up in anticipation. It was working. He might not have his old acting abilities back, but he still knew how to evoke emotion.
“For this,” Elias said.
He held up his wrists, dotted red with electrical burns. The metal bracelet was gone. Kirill had removed it when Elias had given him everything.
Elias met his eyes.
Kirill made a token attempt to look away. Even if it had been a real attempt, he didn’t think he could have managed it. The bond between them was too strong. Elias slipped into his mind quickly and easily, and just like that, the fog took him.
His last clear thought was of relief.
He opened his eyes. He didn’t remember when he had closed them.
He didn’t remember… anything.
He was in a small room. Maybe twice the size of his old room from when he had first come here. When had he come here? Why had he come here? He didn’t… he didn’t remember.
But he remembered his work. He knew who he was, and what he was here to do. He clung to that like a lifeline as thick white fog pressed in on him.
A man stood in front of him, watching him with dark eyes that held immeasurable sorrow. Memories rolled off the man, filled with people Kirill didn’t recognize. Every person had a blurry smear where their face should have been.
“Where… where am I?” Kirill asked.
“You must have gotten turned around,” the man said. He sounded like he was about to cry. “I don’t know you.”
Tagged: @cakeinthevoid @suspicious-whumping-egg
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#whump#whump novel#my writing#my writing: Obscure#my writing: Mind Games#superpower whump#emotional whump
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I wonder if angels would fall in love with spacecraft and satellites. I wonder if they'd pine for them from afar while flying through space. I wonder if they'd follow satellites we don't retrieve out into deep space.
I wonder if they'd sing with the satellites that continue to transmit to an Earth that can no longer hear them.
I wonder if they'd cry and wail when the satellite goes silent and beg to hear its voice again. They'd want to touch the side so badly but fear burning a hole inside.
They'd follow the corpse around for centuries, singing and hoping one day it would sing again to them.
Oh so gently.
They'd rip a piece of their holy light out of their chest and stuff it in a pin sized burnt hole in the satellite near important capacitors. Near the battery. Near cables that had broken from radiation and dust.
They'd hover their hands over the beautiful shining solar panels. They'd pray and cry begging them to wake again. To sing again.
Eventually they'd wake. They'd embrace, wing against wing and sing into the void, burning like a binary star.
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*Stumbling out of the character tag covered in blood* I have seen all there is, and yet I hunger for more. I have waded through the stars and the abyss, the journey as brief and as beautiful as a sunset. But why must my yearning be so boundless, my curiosity so intense, and my fixation so very hyper? Is partaking in the act of creation my only option, if there is nothing else to do except wait? Alas, as I refresh the tag over and over again, my appetite for novelty has not yet been sated. *Picking up the pencil* what a shame. It seems as if I have no other choice.
#blorboposting#my writing#this is about being obsessed with obscure characters and seeing almost every fic and fanart made Everywhere#“tags” applies to pretty much everything with a tagging system#head in hands#og post
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I had a dream last night, or early this morning, that I was reading this scholarly book about how to write a dissertation. I have no idea why. But the book kept having... utmv references? Like, it would tell you how to do something and then use utmv characters to demonstrate
I got to one point where it referenced this supposed "famed" fight of Error and Ink. They went to a wild west au and Error supposedly "braved the chacoa in the canyons."
What is chacoa?? And why did Error have to "brave" it??? I don't know, man, but that is an exact quote that I remember
Anyway. I was reading, trying to discover more about this famed fight because it sounded low key interesting. Then, the book mentioned that Ink ran into… Coshuss. It was the au's variant of Cross. Imagine a very disgruntled bounty hunter cowboy and that was him. Getting angrier and angrier because it was apparently a source of comedy that Ink was having difficulty saying his name right
All I could think was, "Yeah, same, Ink." I had no idea how to pronounce that name
Well, the librarian who was in the room with her daughter with me, the daughter eventually had to run out of the room to get something. The librarian somehow knew what part I was at and said, "You know, you can admit what you thought his name was."
I didn't know what she meant. I guess she thought it was supposed to look like a bad word?? Dream version of me thought that too since I went, "Nah, I think it looks like... Koksue. Kosueh. Koshu."
Cue me badly trying to pronounce this poor man's name. Finally, I settled on one name I pronounced consistently, "Koshussss." Basically, "Koshu" with an awkward, annoying "s" sound dragged out at the end
The librarian woman started busting a gut. I laughed along too, even though I didn't really know what was so funny. Sure, I meant my pronunciation to be kinda funny, but not that funny
I then looked at the book and that was when I saw the correct pronunciation written out in parentheses
It was supposed to be pronounced CrossCross
I literally thought that was so funny, that I snorted so hard from laughing in my dream, I woke myself up.
A part of me is sad. I kinda really do wish there was a "How to Write Your Dissertation 101" book out there with utmv references I should know, but apparently don't
#utmv#undertale au#undertale multiverse#one time i dreamt#What au or “famed fight” is this even supposed to be??#I don't know but *I want to find out*#S i i i g g h h#I'm going to have to write a cursed one shot about it; aren't I-#I don't know why I was looking up information on how to write a dissertation#I'm not even *planning* on going for one or anything#Too much work for very little other than “I can have Dr. to my name and I can teach now”#Maybe. I have no idea man; some of my professors were teaching without a doctorate#S t i l l. I don't really want to do a dissertation man#So why I was reading that book is anyone's guess#AND WHY A BOOK ABOUT HOW TO WRITE ONE CONTAINING UTMV REFS IS A L S O ANYONE'S GUESS#But honestly based#Imagine becoming so successful that you write a very popular textbook#And then you use that to reference popular and obscure facts about utmv lore#That would be so based ngl#I think the hardest part about this dream was the utmv refs were written like I should know them#Was there like... some utmv show/anime or something that dream me didn't know about; like what-
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Thinking about making a priest watch porn for the first time and he's all shy and flustered, he keeps trying to look away and avoid the sinful thoughts - but he keeps glancing back at the screen, unable to resist the temptation. <3
#a little more obscure this time but I've been thinking about this specific fantasy lately <3 :)#Accidentally posted this the other day prematurely#hierophilia#priest kink#blasphemy kink#fdom#thinking about <3#priest#father paul hill#I wanna use all the fantasies I post here to write another fic for my fic acc but I'm too lazy </3
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For Week 6 of HBO WWII Rewatch Promts: Replacement
if you have a request or want to be tagged for any of my edits send me an ask. don’t repost, reblogs appreciated. all of my edits can be found here
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Taglist: @gottapenny @georgeluzwarmhugs @dontmissshifty @mygoddamnsizzuhs @whovian45810 @nixoninc @msmercury84 @fromcrossroadstoking @inglourious-imagines @easynix @alienoresimagines @sammy-1998 @blenalela @punkgeekcryptid @wexhappyxfew @lovingunderratedcharacters @a-beautiful-struggle-of-life @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant @vintagelavenderskies @mavysnavy @angels-fall2 @snafus-peckuh @alejodi0nysus @sydney-m @shadowsandmoonlight @mrseasycompany @gutsandgloryhere @ourmiraclealigner @johnny-martin-is-mypeanut @tvserie-s-world @serasvictoria @alyxzanderthebored @sergeant-spoons @labarboteuse @mysticaldeanvoidhorse @i-dont-like-bullies @silverspeirs @satan-incarnate-666 @footprintsinthesxnd @hopefuldreamers-world @executethyself35
#band of brothers#hboww2rewatch#hbo war#hbowaredit#hboedit#dana's edits#wallpaper#babe heffron#edward babe heffron#yes i did write an entire fake letter for the background of the first one#why do you ask#wasn't even gonna include it as the third but i spent time writing it and like 90% of it is obscured#which is by design#it's my own fault#but hey might as well do something with it
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Hitting the "not interested in this post" button over people's endless navel-gaze-y catastrophizing about how "discouraged" and "critical" they're feeling over Veilguard should be an Olympic sport, and brother, I'd bring home the gold
(thank you for the plethora of undodgeable, untagged spoilers btw, bunch of terminally pessimistic dicks)
#squirrel plays datv#datv spoilers#I don't know about you but I'd rather have a GOOD game with a story they're excited to tell#over an endless prade of callbacks cameos and acknowledgements#are you all seriously forgetting that they want others playing this game too; not just those with the intricately#and meticulously crafted canon worlds? are you forgetting that this is a AAA game?#i was fully prepared for my inquisition choices not to matter#just based on the simple fact that the story is now so branching that it's borderline impossible to write around every choice#EXERCISE YOUR GODDAMN IMAGINATION; IT CAME FREE WITH YOUR BEING HUMAN#and i swear if you all kill the one thing I've been genuinely excited about waiting for i AM going to end up on the news#of course it doesn't fucking matter!#a CORE THEME of the franchise is how time distance and perception obscures fact!!!!!!#FUCK!!!!!!!!!!#I PHYSICALLY CANNOT FILTER MORE VERSIONS OF JUST THE GAME'S FUCKING TITLE#and yet i got home from the store and got immediately spoiled#because yall can't exercise two minutes of calm and rational thought#i'm so fed up at this point
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