#my werewolf opinions
cry-ptidd · 3 months
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Bad case of the munchies
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mbat · 1 month
i love how werewolves are a metaphor for so many things. queerness. trauma. menstruation. chronic illness. like... its the best fictional creature for a reason
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personally i think that physical transformation should not leave the shapeshifter unmarked. i think werewolves should have stretch marks and arthritis from the cracking and reforming of bones. i think transformation should burn calories like a motherfucker, so they're just a little hungry constantly for like a week before and after the full moon. i think they should wake up the day after feeling sick because a giant wolf creature can eat a lot more than a human can and their digestive system can't handle the leftovers. i think they should have gnarly, difficult-to-explain scars on their joints from where the skin didn't compensate fast enough for the growth. and i think turning back should hurt, too. lots of media does werewolf transformation as horrifying and painful one way, but then they just sort of faint gracefully back into human form. weaksauce. the body doesn't want to change. crack bones both ways. make the claws fall out. let there be blood. if the wolf eyes look oddly human, let there be something a little unnerving about the human eyes. let them not quite see you. let there be something vacant and ferocious about them, always.
do not half-ass your werewolf body horror. just because you're technically a person again does not mean you get to stop being a werewolf. let it stick. let it hurt.
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oifaaa · 1 year
Bruce should kill the Joker because he created the Joker. Batman is the one that chased him into ace chemicals which resulted in him falling into the acid and the Joker is obsessed with Batman. We’ve seen (at least in one DC movie) that the Joker just stops being the Joker when Bruce dies. Could this all have happened without Batman? Yes and then it would be someone else’s problem but right now Joker is a monster of Batman’s creation and he should be the one to end him.
On your same logic should it also be on Joker's parents since they also created him, or maybe on the government / social systems since they were the ones that failed joker to begin with and made him turn to a life of crime ? If anyone has the legal right in America to kill the joker it would be the criminal justice system so why dont they sentence joker to death? Bruce hands joker off to the local authorities every other week shouldnt it be their responsibility at that point to keep joker incarcerated until he can be deemed no longer a threat to himself and others? And just bc one dc movie said joker would stop after Bruce dies doesn't mean that always happens especially with how dc keeps insisting there are multiple jokers- does Bruce have to kill all the jokers or just the one he personally spooked off the side of a platform by accident? I don't totally think you can blame Bruce for joker being as insane as he is since harley took the same dip and she still redeemable, and I don't think it should be on Bruce to compromise his morals just to kill a clown that literally several other people can kill - and I know " "ohh but Bruce gets in the way" then don't tell batman about it don't invite batman to your execution of the joker don't let him find out when Bruce's no kill rule is at its maximum (bc writers can't decide how extreme it should be) he can't let anyone die if he knows about it so just be sneaky and don't let him know
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pseudohades · 4 days
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Some anatomy practice with them both (separately) + headcanons about their shared sex life and preferences because my brain is full of filth.
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spikeface · 2 years
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scott mccall x guts julia armfield
#scott mccall#teen wolf#usermem#this essay covers so much that is relevant to teen wolf#the theme of possession obviously touches on not just scott but also lydia/jackson/stiles/kira/mason#and the gendered violence was really good for lydia especially in my opinion#but i had to go with my boy scott! because!#what i was trying to gesture at with these quotes#and these poorly edited images#(WHY is tw so bad at light and HOW do people make gifs and edits look so beautiful seriously you're all so talented)#ahem anyway#the point is that scott's journey begins with the nightmare of the breached body#and then there's this thing inside him#and i thought about adding peter and gerard and deucalion and kate and theo#all of the people who try to possess him very literally#but what i really liked about this essay was the way it explored the innate monstrosity of your body#which the show explores through the lens of being a werewolf#there is something dark inside scott's body that wants out#and not just the weird black goo of werewolf healing!#to be a werewolf is to know something bad is going to happen#because you have a body because this is a horror movie#and it ties in too with scott's self harm#scott does harbor something inside him which wants to hurt him#and it's not just his own mortality or the raging supernatural beast he keeps on a leash#scott's body is forced to accommodate the inhuman when theo stabs him#but scott keeps the wound afterwards#and whatever is making him do that is something he harbors inside himself
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motleybirdbones · 1 year
Hey tumblr, I know it’s been a Hot Minute since I last posted, but I Need Your Advice/any critiques you have to offer on these wips -
For context, I am putting together a Tutorial on Wolves/werewolves for a friend of mine (who is a fellow artist and is also probably viewing this 👋) and here are some of the wips I have put together thus far:
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I am planning to draw at least double this amount and do a tonne of Cleanup, but in the meantime is there anything obvious that needs to be fixed/do you believe any of this would be Tutorial worthy?
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tahthetrickster · 2 months
my controversial take as a werewolf-enjoyer is that i find werewolves that are just 1:1 replications of standard real-life canid behavior incredibly boring and unfun. werewolves need a certain level of horror or dread to them to hold my interest. like at a certain point its like this isnt even a werewolf to me this is a shapeshifter with a wolf fursona
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ssstarlighttt · 16 days
i think we need more fics of characters playing board games personally
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petricorah · 1 year
What's the story of your oc abt (I can't add question marks, idk why)
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ahh thanks for your interest! It's about a vampire who misses the taste of food, so she starts a job cooking at a diner famous for its garlic dishes... It's about friendship, love, and finding your place in the world!
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barbwritesstuff · 2 years
What's your personal favorite werewolf design? It can be from any media source (movies, games, comics, manga, anime, etc).
My knee jerk answer to this question is werewolf Van Helsing...
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...but I also really like the Twilight werewolves, the werewolves from Werewolf the Apocalypse, and Skyrim, as well as that one episode of Love Death and Robots...
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I also have a fondness for the werewolves in Underworld, Bigby in The Wolf Among Us (especially when he gets big), and I don't even mind the scrappy, happy wolfmen you see bouncing around from time to time.
I just really like werewolves.
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nobodyproblematic · 1 month
I think Jack and David should’ve kissed on the lips.
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the-alliance-maker · 11 months
I was having a conversation with my siblings, my brother and me doing most of the chatting while my younger sister used us as podcast of sorts while she she doodled away on her tablet, when she suddenly says-
"I hate this! I hate drawing necks- Why must you have a neck-"
Sensing a rant about my sister's crusade on anatomy coming on, my brother was quick to joke-
"Then don't draw it, just put a vampire biting it or something."
Queue gleeful scribbling before I'm suddenly handed this-
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We'd been debating which of the Links from Linked Universe would be what monster for days now and apparently that's what had been on the agenda for her low effort doodles.
So, have Vampire Wild biting Werewolf Twilight, lol.
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My sister doesn't have a tumblr, she's too shy about her art for that, but this made me laugh hard enough that I was allowed to share it on my account.
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mad-hunts · 4 months
thinking about adding a supernatural verse for barton to my list... i mean, i already have to update his reevesverse one, so why not — am i right? LOL barton getting turned into a werewolf ginger-snaps-style has kind of been on my mind lately
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xcarg0t-stuff · 11 months
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A beastly night (Werewolf Olimar x Vampire Louie)
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wolfislost · 6 months
Go ahead. Stare at me with those dissaproving eyes. Take a good look.
I Want To See You Squirm
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