#(of a sort)
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wantonlywindswept · 10 months ago
another trope inversion of GAR/Guard interactions:
the GAR is entirely aware that Coruscant is a shit posting.
they're not blind; they can see all the anti-clone sentiment when they're on leave. even when they're deployed, it's not like they're cut off from all news - they know how many times bills for clone rights have gone to the Senate floor and been ruthlessly voted down. they can see how even their Jedi are restrained by the Senate dragging its feet and making bad choices and handling the war like it's a game of dejarik since it will never affect them personally.
very few politicians have the respect of the clones.
but the Guard still have to work with the spoiled, self-centered bastards, and the GAR knows that they're not being treated well. but what can they do? they have no rights, the Jedi are as trapped under the Senate's thumb as they are, and it's not like they can get regular citizens to do anything.
so they offer their support as much as they can. any Guard, any Corrie who needs help, all they have to do is find one of their brothers and it will be offered without any questions.
you'd think that crime rate would go up when battle-traumatized soldiers are given leave on a city-planet like Coruscant, but it actually goes down.
way down.
the thing criminals come to realize is that if you are being chased by one of the Guard, if ANY other clone catches sight of you, it is ON SIGHT. clones in casual clothes carrying food and drinks have dropped everything to immediately join a Guard's hunt, throwing themselves into the pursuit with glee and an energy that the usually-exhausted Guards often lack. (some of them howl. those, the criminal underground agrees, are the worst.) 
and with hundreds or thousands of clones wandering around during battalions' leave, it's possible to run into one of them anywhere. and they usually travel in packs.
best just to lay low for a while.
when it leaks that the Guard regularly run low on supplies, all sorts of things start to go missing on the venators. just a box or a crate here or there, ration packs or bacta patches or cold-weather gear. there are millions of clones and thousands of ships; it's not like every little thing can be tracked by the quartermasters. 
(rex realizes that, for whatever reason, his battalion is always prioritized for resupply, and rarely any questions are asked about their requisitions. rex takes immediate and shameless advantage of this. rex manages, somehow, to lose two entire bacta tanks, along with the bacta to fill them.)
and ofc the idea that started this whole ramble - when a shiny Corrie stumbles somewhere where some of the 501st are shooting the shit, causing everything to immediately come to a halt. the kid is clutching his helmet and one of his pauldrons to his chest; his hair is mussed up and there are tears on his cheeks and bruises on his face and unadulterated panic in his eyes. 
there's an angry call in the corridor.
the shiny flinches.
fives grabs him, hears him squeak, snaps out orders. echo yanks off his bucket and his upper armor; jesse lunges for a blanket. they hustle the kid into a chair, drape the blanket over his lower body, hastily swap his upper armor and helmet for echo's. fives shoves the armor somewhere, doesn't matter, it's out of sight with the telltale red, and they all barely have enough time to drop themselves back into the chairs arranged around the table and pick up their cards before some natborn stomps into the room.
anything we can do for you, sir? sorry, no, the Guard didn't stop in here. we saw him head back down toward the rotunda, though. yes, sir. have a nice day, sir.
they close and lock the door. fives goes back to the shiny. fives was instantly prepared to help a fellow clone in need.
fives was not prepared for tears.
the kid gets snot all over the inside of echo's helmet. they take him back to Guard HQ. fox is painfully, desperately relieved to see him. fox looks too-thin and too-tired but there is a fresh GAR-issued bacta patch covering a slash across the side of his cheek. he thanks them for saving the shiny, like that's something that ever needs gratitude, but is swept away before any of them can say that. 
fives doesn't think that misplaced bacta and pilfered rations are enough support for the Guard anymore.
thankfully, rex and the rest of the GAR agree.
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piosplayhouse · 2 months ago
Merry Yaoimas everyone! I hope Fujo Claus was nice to you this year!
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neonjawbone · 8 months ago
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little fanart for @grimewart of her girls candy and roz ive been meaning to do forrrrrrever
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professorfcknmoriarty · 9 months ago
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Inspired by:
Conversations with Augbert, & Everything, Everywhere All at Once
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laurasimonsdaughter · 1 month ago
'That cannot work,' the young queen signed, frowning at her brothers. They were still human, but their quarter hour was almost up. Their movements were already beginning to become more bird-like and the colour of their hair getting closer and closer to raven feathers.
"Why not!" the boys cried in unison and their sister sternly put a finger to her lips.
They shut their mouths and she glanced into the cradle beside her. Her baby was still sleeping soundly, nothing amiss but the already fading mark on his little cheek where her mother-in-law had scratched him with her ring when she tried to steal him from the cradle. Not nearly as scratched as that dreaded woman had been herself after the ravens were done with her, though.
"Why not?" her youngest brother tried again, in a lower voice.k
'It is a curse,' she signed emphatically before resuming her work.
"Well, the curse didn't think you could learn to speak without making a sound," he argued. "So why couldn't it be tricked by detachable sleeves?"
His sister paused with her needle hovering above the many-petaled flower she was trying to stitch to the others. She bit her lip and shook her head.
"Why wouldn't it work!" her brothers urged her. "If you make the shirts so the sleeves can be taken off and put back on whenever we want, then surely we can decide to have wings whenever we want!"
They shifted restlessly from foot to foot, almost like the hopping of a bird and their sister glanced worriedly at the nearly night-dark sky outside the window.
"We want to be human again! But it would be so good to still be able to fly."
She looked at their eager, expectant faces and gave a doubtful nod. 'I will think about it.'
All three of them rushed her at once, hugging her or kissing her cheek, and then bowing quietly over the baby for a moment before rushing to the window. As the last, dim light of evening faded into night, so did their shapes shrink into three black ravens. They cawed their goodbyes and flew out of the window, leaving their sister to frown at her tiresome sewing.
It was not long before the door to the chamber opened and her husband appeared. His face was still pale, not yet recovered from the grief he felt over his mother's betrayal, but his eyes were as full of affection as ever.
"Had a good visit?" he asked quietly, looking fondly at his little son.
The young queen held out her hand and squeezed his for a moment before letting go to sign, with a great frown furrowing her brow:
'Do we have a royal wizard?'
The young king looked doubtful. "Yes, but he's never much use. I don't think he can actually do any magic. He just read a lot and goes on about the terms and conditions of blessings."
But to his surprise his wife's face lit up with approval and her pollen-stained fingers waved at him with renewed energy:
Shout out to @fishingforcrows who commented "Solution: detachable sleeves!!" on my Seven Swans inspired microfic.
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hypogryffin · 1 year ago
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au where chidori joins sees and goes to gekkoukan and absolutely nothing goes wrong and everything is ok 🙂
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egophiliac · 1 year ago
I love your unhinged energy of your comics it's just *chef's kiss"
I wanna ask how you rig your chibi characters if you use a program or an app ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ
thanks! 💚💜💚
I use Spine (professional version)! I'm pretty sure it's the same program the Twst devs use for the chibis; I decided to try reverse-engineering 'em basically because my license was just sitting around gathering dust, and I thought it'd be fun practice (this was before I tried to rig Meleanor's cape). it is an industry-standard program and, unfortunately, is priced accordingly, so it's a bit expensive if you're not planning on using it professionally -- there is a free trial, though I think you can't save/export anything in it? BUT it is truly excellent and can do a ton of super cool stuff, plus is genuinely just fun to mess around in, so I 10000% recommend it to anyone who is serious about getting into 2D rigging!
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behold...the BONES...Najma and her billion discrete tassels...don't pay attention to all the extra bones from my desperate attempts to control Meleanor's meshes
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coins-that-never-land · 3 months ago
The irony that Blitz has been so goddamn mad that Stolas doesn’t seem to understand that he, just like every other royal in Hell, has been unknowingly (or knowingly, in the others’ cases) demeaning and patronizing to Blitz…
And the one time he finally seems to understand is when he’s willingly playing into that stereotype to “be the Mastermind” and set Blitz free, even though Blitz hates being referred to in that manner - only for Blitz to protest because he IS just an imp, and doesn’t feel he deserves it?
Mastermind continues to ruin me with every replay of that titular song.
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piosyne · 3 months ago
Spirit Hunter: NG Bad End audio drama
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redstainedsocks · 1 year ago
I know there's a well loved niche for royal whump, but lately I've been thinking a lot about royal *guard* whump.
Hurt for being loyal to the old king, punished for doing the thing they were trained to do. Grief-struck at the loss of their fellow guards in combat. Guilt at failing at their most important task: protecting the heart of kingdom.
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kawaoneechan · 4 months ago
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mx-legend-of-faye · 3 months ago
The chain as (some paraphrased) stuff I’ve sent my friends
Wild: Okay. No context
Twilight: A scary opening coming from you of all people, but continue
Sky without his fireshield earrings: I am frail in the face of high temperatures
Legend: Use your brain. You have one of those, right?
Time, talking about Malon: I miss her so much, I am so in love with her
Warriors: Ugh, sickening (/vpos)
Wind: Buddy how do you not believe in magic after watching like five people use it right in front of you
Four: These people are going to be the reason why I start drinking.
Hyrule: Hey at least I’ll die looking cute!
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neonjawbone · 3 months ago
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i make... too many edh decks... so im thinking about making a bunch of alter/proxies of staple cards, here's a little test run with everyone's favorite commander all-star
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bodhrancomedy · 2 months ago
Happy new year! My voice got deep.
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autisticrosewilson · 6 months ago
Hello to the one blog I've been loving to read for the past few days :) <3
Just wanted to add a little something that I started thinking abt after reading a few of your really cool posts, I think we should also discuss abt how Bruce's argument abt killing (with Jay) are often framed with "you're not the judge, jury & the executioner" which is really telling of who he thinks can exersise this legitimately? ? ?
I think it'd be constructive to actually properly discuss this aspect of Bruce's philosophy too. Plus, we get more nuanced Bruce characterisation. (Also keeping in mind uh... comic book propaganda of the writers and DC themselves)
YES ABSOLUTELY! Like what if someone is given a death sentence by a court of law? Does Bruce still care? I'm sure most writers would tell you no because Bruce has become a cop allegory. He's a violent enforcer of the law, and he seeks to uphold the law. Which is a recent switch! Batman comics used to be more radical, but now they're being written by old white men. So it's another one of those things where you can ignore it for your PERSONAL INTERPRETATION but you can't say that it's not A Thing because it's been like this for at least a decade.
His argument would likely be that everyone deserves a fair trial, that everyone has the right to be seen in court. Something which I do think Jason would agree with because when he's being written well he's not just shooting petty criminals! Jason's stance comes in with the big players, the disgustingly rich or well connected upper class who get away with murder. This has been true since the Garzonas case, the whole point was that Felipe was virtually immune to the law, and Jason couldn't allow that.
I think what it comes down to is whether they believe in reformative justice or punitive Justice, and I can most assuredly say that Batman believes in the latter. You can argue that Bruce is an advocate of prison reform but we don't really have evidence of that. He considers himself a punishment for criminals, he considers himself an equalizer but that's not true because he just delivers criminals into a system that is fundamentally corrupt and unfair. Do you actually think a trial in GOTHAM of all places is going to look at a rich man vs a petty crook the same way? That rarely happens even in real life.
And I don't think that Bruce does what he does out of inherent malice. Bruce is a deeply empathetic person, the core of Bruce Wayne is that he cares. But that's not enough, Bruce was allowed to grow up sheltered and it gave him an intrinsic idealism. He only has a Birdseye view of what the common people go through, that is not enough to stand there and say that he understands . Because he doesn't. He literally can't. And I think this bias, certainly one projected by the writers but that's another issue, comes through the most with Jason and Steph.
As far back as Jason's Robin era - widely regarded as Bruce's peak of being a good dad - he still makes some pretty big mistakes. Because he finds this homeless kid whose family has been ripped apart by the corrupted systems, who has actively experienced the worst Gotham has to offer, and he comes to the conclusion that if he doesn't take Jason home Jason will inevitably become a criminal even after Jason explicitly says he doesn't like stealing. So he takes Jason in but he makes that position as his son synonymous with Robin. And this is where we have to talk about meta because Jason is intrinsically tied to meta narratives. I'm not sure if you saw my other posts about Robin, as a concept, but I'll summarize here.
Child sidekicks are fine, in early comics. When things were campy light hearted whodunnit mysteries with a few action sequences, when you always knew that the child hero would come out unscathed, would always live till the next issue. And so when Bruce makes Jason Robin you have this veil of suspension of disbelief. But Jason's era is where you start seeing these kids' storylines get worse. More gruesome, more violent, more cruel. They start really testing the limit of Bruce's morality.
Batman: The Cult - Robin Jason has to crawl through a pile of dead bodies and while Bruce is having a mental break this MAYBE 14 year old is trying to get them out. The Diplomats Son - Jason watches a rapist be let go, because he's powerful and his dad has money. He sees exactly the kind of damage it does to the victims, he's the one who finds Gloria Stanson. A Death in the Family - Jason is murdered. Tortured and murdered and betrayed. He's dead and he was always intended to STAY dead. And all throughout Tim's run and then into Steph's the writers retroactively change everything about who Jason was because it has to be HIS fault, because if it's not Jason's fault then it might be Bruce's. Because how can audiences see Bruce as just and good for taking in new kids after what happened to the last one?
The suspension of disbelief shatters. Because now Jason is back and he's angry. Because maybe we as readers know that Tim, and Steph, and Damian need to be Robin because Robin makes money with young readers. But you know who doesn't know that? Jason, who no doubt assumed that his survival depended on being Robin. Who was sold out because he was Robin. Who was badmouthed and disgraced the entire time he was gone by people he loved and trusted. Jason doesn't know that he's in a comic book, but I argue he knows he's in a Batman story.
If not from his first appearance then definitely in recent ones. What can you do besides lay down and forgive and keep coming back when you know that the universe revolves around one man? How do you get rid of the terror and anger at realizing that you can never leave, that no matter how much he hurts you the universe will bend itself in half so that he is still just and right? When you realize that the love that has defined you is a disease rooted so deeply that to rip it out would be to kill yourself, that you can't even stay dead because Bruce does not want you to be.
And they couldn't even stick to Jason being the problem! Because then Steph dies. And all I could think was "Of course she did. She's an East End girl whose been compared to Jason constantly. Or a version of him. Of course she would be tortured to death trying to get Bruce's approval." Here we are, history has literally repeated itself, and...Tim is Robin again. Why? Because this is a comic book, and Batman needs Robin.
But what do you think everyone in-universe thinks? What do you think that looks like? How can you possibly still call Bruce a good parent under these circumstances? Bruce calls Robin a blessing, a gift, a necessity. He relies on Robin, physically to watch his back and emotionally to keep him in line. He trains them, he molds them, he loves them.
But sometimes love just isn't enough and the good Robin does shouldn't negate the harm they get in the process. Robin then becomes this horrible force of change, you get it and you know that this has doomed you, one way or another. Because Bruce believes that suffering is noble, that pain can reform people. It's baked into his character. Even if he doesn't intend to hurt his kids, it's not like we haven't seen him justify it to himself and others. "I love you, I did this for your own good, I thought I could help you, it was your fault I did that, it won't happen again, I lost control of myself but only this once, we can be a family again if you just come home." It reads an awful lot like an abuser trying to convince you or himself that he's not in the wrong.
This was longer than I intended it to be, but I guess my main point is that Bruce and Batman can't ever be fully separated. Something that I think his relationship with Cass shows us he's aware of but chooses to ignore. We know that Batman is dangerous, that he wouldn't hesitate to hurt his kids, we saw that with Zurr-Batman (WHO BRUCE ADMITTED WAS A FACET OF HIMSELF YOU CAN'T SAY IT WASN'T HIM BECAUSE HE HIMSELF SAID THAT IT WAS). So why try and act like it's this impossible out of character thing for Bruce to be harmful? For his kids to feel angry and hurt about his actions or for their feelings to be as or more valid than Bruce's. Batman has and will hurt his kids and Bruce will try to rationalize it all away because he loves them, he would never want to hurt them. And the narrative will tell us that Bruce is right, that this is good and fair and just, that Bruce's perspective is the correct one, that his kids deserve this, because this is a comic book and outrage sells. Or they'll retcon it and pretend it never happened. Or they'll just never bring it up again. Or Bruce will be forgiven regardless just to hammer home how good and right he is.
Because this is a comic book about Batman, and Batman is a hero, he is our protagonist, and so he is reliable and we should never doubt him, or call him out, or be mad at him. Naturally.
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