#my weblog
candiedlavender · 2 years
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spectrumspace · 10 months
the most annoying thing about the bots lately is that they aren't really even doing anything. maybe if they at least sent some spam we could have a laugh about it but no they're just clogging up the notification feed.
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twotriickhoofbea2t · 5 months
also while im in an opinions mood here's a reminder to anyone who thinks that any of the internet bills they try to pass to "ban icky porn and keep the internet safe for children uwu" is a good thing ever.
reminder that those same people putting these bills forward are the ones who think being homosexual is an obscenity and that that is not a coincidence and is in fact the driving force of said bills in the first place.
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mirnsey · 3 months
Me after reblogging every thing my mutual reblogs like the mindless zombie i am
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tequilaqueen · 4 months
I’m trying to cut down on my screen time el I probably won’t be that active on here. We’ll see how long my resolve lasts.
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badgraph1csghost · 7 months
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I didnt want to add this to the original post because it's just too darn long.
You want to know how Black Friday used to be? I mean, it's always been psychological trauma for retail workers, but I'm talking like OUTSIDE the building.
People would queue up. Right? When there was a new game console or something coming out, they'd queue up, sometimes for 16 hours. They'd sleep on the queue. They'd have dinner on the queue. They'd have to limit their fluid intake because there were no toilets on the queue.
Because there were doorbusters. There were door prizes. There were savings unfathomable to the 2023 mind. People would form groups to rush the doors, people would get trampled, there was an incident at Kohl's where the manager got trampled to death by a herd of frantic soccer moms who hadn't taken a piss in 16 hours and absolutely HAD to get the best deals on cookware before anyone else.
Just 10 years ago, it was like this.
You didn't understand the phrase "every man for himself" until you saw a group of American suburbanites, half-frozen from the late November cold-snap fighting-- literally FIGHTING like fucking Mortal-ass Kombat-- to get their hands on what? A god damn toaster oven. At Best Buy one year about 10-12 years ago, a soccer mom went to jail because she cut a guy's hand off to get the last big-screen TV.
Why? Why do that? You don't know, do you? The sales were BIG. I tell you, this TV was as big as the wall in my sitting room and it was normally $995; it was on sale for $350. That's a savings of almost $700 fucking dollars, can you imagine it? No, of course you can't, because we live in the 2020s, where the prices of everything have been going up and up and up for the past 5 years.
TVs like the one I mentioned are now $1500 and go "on sale" for $1490. Yeah, save 10 bucks on a fuckin almost $2000 TV that only cost probably $200 to build in the first place. Black Friday doesn't fucking exist anymore.
And I've been saying this like it's a bad thing. It's not. I want to live long enough to stop seeing Black Friday and Cyber Monday ads in the post. But the fact that people STILL behave like they're gonna walk away with a deal just points to how thoroughly the corporate feudal state has convinced us that 700% inflation is just a fact of life.
Oh, yeah, and those stores I mentioned? The Kohl's where so many people burst into the place that the manager got trampled to death? The Best Buy where the guy got his hand cut off? They closed 2 and 3 years ago. No more business. They cut their stock back, still not enough business, and they closed. Yep, nothin' wrong with THIS economy.
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devynsshitposts · 1 year
imma be straight with y’all, if one of my faves (including but not limited to @abadtakehonestly @hotdapologist @valeskafics ) gets shadow banned i straight up just do not know only because i go straight to their blog, cause i am not scrolling through the tags to see if they posted (unless they ask to just make sure they have been released from the shadowlands) i just go straight to their page cause even if they didn’t post new chapters they still answers asks and everything and that brightens up my day
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icychill · 2 years
It’s happening…. I’m going yugioh mode
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mourntheantagonist · 1 year
I have blocked over 200 bots in the last 24 hours. Help.
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bs-el · 1 year
On Second Person Pronouns
So for a long time I've had my pronouns pinned on my blog with a few other bits of information that I like people to know before interacting with me. Included with them are my Second Person Pronouns (henceforth "SPPs") that I use for myself (and for others when they don't specify). I'm well aware that having SPPs in English that differ from "you/your/you're/yours/yourself" is either seen as archaic (in the "thou/thee/thy/thine/thyself" sort of way) or is just... completely unheard of in general. So I'm gonna explain why I do it in spite of all that!
Before I continue, I will state that I'm defaulting to "you" as the neutral SPP for this entire blog post! Furthermore, if this somehow spreads too far off of my blog, it'd do better with some context: I use "mew" SPPs. Some examples would be "what are mew up to?" "Is that mewr item?" "mew're really cool!" "I dunno if mew can do that by mewrself..." Firstly, the idea for coming up with changing the SPPs I use came from a past of extreme escapism into my own imagination and the life and identity I had in that decade long fantasy merging with my actual self once I escaped my awful home life. Being something nonhuman entirely for a decade and then being brought back to humanity has caused me to thank about a lot of the things in day to day life in another light, and that's the sort of life I've been living. English only has one set of SPPs, the "you" set, and why is that? Why are we so limited when we have things liiiike Third Person Pronouns (henceforth "TPPs") in English are very tied to identity as they're used to refer to someone in particular (when not plural). There's dozens and dozens of sets you can find and see in use and help people distinguish you when speaking vaguely to make the flow of conversation easier. For example: if you're talking about two people who aren't participating in your conversation and one uses it/its TPPs and the other uses they/them TPPs, you can talk about both of them without using their names and keep the conversation flowing. "I heard it's doing that activity today" "oh it's gonna have a great time, i bet!" Only one person is being spoken about here but you know which of the two based on TPP usage. When it comes to SPP use, English really only has the one set for everyone. If you walk into a room with more than one person and say "can you help me out with something for a moment?" you're likely to get asked who you're talking to. So, why not pick out different SPPs? Another example: I ("mew" SPPs) and one other person ("you" SPPs) are in a room together and someone comes in and asks "oh hey can mew help me out really quick?", there's only one person that's being spoken to here, it's determined quickly without issue! Admittedly, this is only a small benefit, but a useful one nonetheless! This grammatical benefit on top of just generally owning your identity and being able to express it in another way was enough to push me to giving it a shot, and I have no complaints so far. Having your own SPPs is roughly equivalent to picking out your own name, you'll be able to tell nearly right away if someone is actually using them, since they'll have to do it right to your face! So, why be "you" when you could be "mew"? Mew could hear sentences like this one spoken to mew whenever mew're being spoken to, and mew could easily be distinguished from mewr peers with a single short word rather than mewr name! And you don't have to use "mew", you can use anything you come up with that sounds right to you! I use "mew" since it sounds similar to "you" and it's easy for people to pick up and get used to, you just add an "m" sound before saying "you" and it always works! Obviously I'm not trying to force anyone to try this, I want this to be something that people can use to understand why I use "mew" SPPs, and maybe just maybe might try out something other than "you" for a change.
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candiedlavender · 1 year
im so sorry i dropped your boyfriend and he fell in the glue trap. no he didnt make it. he’s dying in the glue trap now
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spectrumspace · 15 days
you on team seafoam? im on team stardust. here is my obligatory art fight link. kill me dead.
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readymades2002 · 2 years
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Aaa . . . Anuzzer Beautiful Day Een Bikini Bottom . . .
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vimbry · 2 years
this morning I randomly remembered barry scott, a character they used to advertise cillit bang here from a time when the hottest marketing technique was YELL ABOUT IT REAL LOUD. (you know billy mays, that guy with the windows, many others)
one of their other campaigns was making an in-character blog for barry, who would also comment on other websites to drive attention to his. it got canned when barry commented on the blog of a man talking about his estranged father, and the guy, reasonably offended by being used for advertising, tracked the IP and complained.
there's a write-up on the incident that concludes with "The lesson? Don't create fake weblogs for fictional characters advertising commercial products unless you know the world of weblogs inside out". 2005 sure was different.
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arsontoashen · 10 months
oouughhh im hit with a temptiation
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It sucks to overthink things all the time bc it feels like everything and everyone is against me laughing but idk what hurts worse everyone staring and laughing and excluding me or the thought that I'm not important enough for everyone to even laugh at can I handle the embarrassment if the former is true can I handle the loneliness if the latter is true?
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