#my students are gems truly
lexosaurus · 2 months
Lancer: Can you all please stop trying to provoke each other for the next five minutes so we can get through these notes? Dash: No Tucker: Nope Kwan: Literally impossible Danny: Not happening Lancer: I appreciate the honesty but you still aren't allowed to fight each other in my class Dash: You sure? Lancer: Yeah I'm pretty positive about this one
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hanafubukki · 8 months
Happy Birthday Nessy 💚🌺💝 (@masquerade-of-misery)
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To the people of Briar Valley, you were an anomaly. A mere human, and yet you had enthralled two of their strongest on the land.
Their Future King and the well known Right General of Briar Valley.
There were whispers of you using magic to lure them into your trap, but that was soon cast aside because how could a mere human beat one of their own?
To Malleus and Lilia such rumors were naught but idle chatter that would soon die down, but even so they made sure it would never reach your ears.
They wished for you to be happy and any who sought to destroy that smile? Would meet their end, such is the way of the fae court, especially when one’s mate was insulted.
During your time at NRC, all fae from all dorms knew who you are. To say you were treated with the highest respect would be putting it mildly, you had to step in and ask for them to treat you the same as fellow classmates. You reasoned that you were a human and a normal student at the end of the day, and despite being their lover, you just wanted to be treated the same.
Your wish was heeded, granted it took some time for the situation to become normal once again. It was difficult with Sebek initially, but even he did not stand a chance against you.
Majority of the of the people of Briar Valley accepted the idea of you, that is not to say there weren’t those who protested. All of whom, were quieted as swiftly as a blade.
But the thought was always there, in the recess of many of the fae’s minds. Who were you? They wondered.
You who spent your time at the side of the fearsome King and the Right General of Briar Valley.
You who did not hold yourself back, but freely gave. And them, who took without hesitation.
It was no secret how much they adored you. The hand at your waist. The kiss on your cheek. The earrings made of the finest emerald gems. The ring with the deepest crimson garnet.
Maybe you were more than what you seemed. More stronger than anyone gave you enough credit for.
For the looks you receive from them are yours only.
No other received these looks.
Any who dared to look your way would fear for their lives.
Truly, you are loved by them.
In terms of the fae, it would mean you would be loved by them for all eternally.
Your soul forever entwined with theirs and theirs with yours.
The fae of Briar Valley had no reason to not accept you.
To accept such fierce devotion without hesitation called for great respect and fealty.
For no other could do what you have done.
Bring happiness and warmth to their Future King and the Right General of Briar Valley.
You, the Future Queen of Briar Valley.
May the Night Bless You.
Wished all the night fae across the lands.
The one loved the most in Twisted Wonderland.
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Happy Birthday to one of my most cherished friends 💞🌺🩵💚
I hope you loved this Nessy and have a wonderful birthday ☺️💚🌷🌹
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theoldoor · 2 months
topaz day bc i love her sm dont u dare say a word about her shes my sister, girl, bestfriend, etc… aventurine likers who doesn’t appreciate her isnt a real aventurine liker bc if u truly liked him YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT SHE’S HIS FOIL. SHE FOILS HIS CHARACTER. AND SHE HERSELF IS ALSO A GOOD REP OF GROOMING VICTIM.
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shes the best friend, shes the gal who supports i love her so much and yet she’s seen as nothing within the fandom… its either “omg i hate avenpaz” or talking down on her bc she devotes herself to the IPC like damn ofc she would SHES BEING MANIPULATED TO SHUT YO BUMASS UP. if youre gonna be a gooner or a hater at least hate critically. understand before you hate. hate with knowledge.
I feel like she and aventurine being the younger people + under jade’s care is intentional for them to highlight each other’s characters. (even their primary colors are reversed broo… cuz like, aventurine is green and inverted color of green is red and that’s topaz).
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im going to go on an analysis ramble here, im not rereading anything ok PUTTING MY LIT STUDENT BRAIN TO WORK HERE
Topaz in a gem itself symbolizes strength, wisdom and calming influence and throughout the story we can see her as a character who was reliable and calculated considering her conservative approaches to the challenges she faced in the quest.
This is a juxtaposition well played by hoyoverse to highlight their decision-making processes - which is a foundation for their character. Aventurine is a gambler. His life philosophy is well known with his iconic quote of “high-stakes, high-rewards”. In contrast, Topaz represents a more calculated approach, even voice line during combat was “low-risk, high reward”.
Aventurine’s appearance and demeanor are misleading. Even his smiles serves as nothing more than a mask to fool others. And his Avgin eyes contributes more to this enigmatic nature - such colorful eyes, yet so dull and devoid of life. Much like hiding a complex hidden world under his “brazen bravado” attitude and flashy outfits. This creates an ironic contrast between how he appears and the “extraordinarily faint self beneath.”
Conversely, Topaz is straightforward and transparent. As seen with her attitude in her quest in Jarilo-IV. She wasn’t afraid to tell her tale of her planet, she was willing to talk it out and came to a calculated conclusion. Topaz’s character is also seen as affectionate and caring, as she was willing to take such a huge price for the people of Jarilo IV - of being demoted even and her care for her little pets in her splash art (+numby). Her strength lies in her compassion and clarity, providing a stark contrast to Aventurine’s deceptive nature - making her a trustworthy figure that emphasizes the irony of Aventurine’s masked intentions.
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Aventurine’s past as a slave and his resulting inferiority complex drove him to prove his worth through constant risk-taking. To be fate’s test dummy. To be thrown and tested around. To seek validation from risks. His need to control his fate, yet at the same time threaten it and challenge the blessing reveals a deep-seated desire to overcome his history - to let go yet he’s still stuck because his life is bound to his curse. Although one could argue that the IPC “saved his life”, he would still bite. His life is of no value anyways - he was just a pawn. Such as how Jade would still refer to him as “Aventurine” and not Kakavasha, even though knowing that it was his real name. He was nothing but a coin to the slots. A chance to see if they can reap the rewards.
Topaz, however, focused on building strength and validation from the efforts she puts out as seen with her and the IPC. Her project with Jarilo IV has caused her some distress, even during the Penacony quest as she was still bothered about it. But the moment Jade affirmed her, it soothed her almost immediately. She needed to prove herself to the people who “saved her planet”, to thank them as they gave her her life value. Jade, however, referred to Topaz with her real name, Jelena. Seemingly almost as if she valued her as Jelena, a person, and not a pawn on a board.
Topaz serves as a foil to Aventurine by embodying traits that contrast sharply with Aventurine’s risk-taking and enigmatic nature.
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Fenrir and Topaz would get along. I wrote him to be Aventurine’s foil after all, they have a lot in common. Even their designs are similar with the color red and bows and the waist belt lol. They’re so best friend coded.
Fenrir would hang around for Numby and Numby is awfully fond of the man. Sometimes Topaz would think that Fenrir is a secret warp trotter because how tf did you write a whole study on language of warp trotter. And also, they both like shiny things. So hell yeah.
I have nothing to say they’re just so best friends.
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Show Stopping.
This is the concluding story to the corresponding blog event, It’s Raining Crows and Dogs! I took inspo from Cruella (2021) while writing this piece.
Please note, I was not able to respond to all interaction requests, as many were sent after the submission period, disregarded rules, or simply did not catch my interest 💦 Apologies!
By My Hand.
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Drinks dulled the senses, distracting from the din of the charity ball. Alcohol was forbidden on campus—but the sugar and the carbonation was enough to be ride that high, to loosen from the binds of stiff suits, glittering gowns, and falsified formalities.
The orchestra’s song swayed and sloshed like liquid in her ears. The golden lights refracting off chandelier crystals, kaleidoscopic.
Was it the juice or the tiredness messing with her senses?
Knocking back her glass, Raven let the fizzy, fruity concoction tumble down her throat. Bright citrus washed away her worries, the bubbles tickling her nose as it went down. She set the glass, now empty, down and called out to the anxious mob student manning the bar.
“Another, please.”
“… D-Don’t you think you’ve had enough, Raven-san?” Octa A asked. “That’s your seventh drink.”
She stared at him with blank, lifeless eyes.
Octa A immediately set to preparing the eighth. Club soda, fruit syrup, crushed mint leaves, and cubed ice.
“Long night?” he wondered out loud, attempting at conversation.
“Yes.” Raven groaned, nursing her aching head with one hand. “I was up for all of yesterday assisting Crewel-sensei with the final touches on his ensemble for this evening. Didn’t get a lick of sleep.”
“Oh. I-I’m sorry to hear that…” Octa A muttered. He topped off the fresh drink with a twisted lime wedge and then slid it to her. “Did your efforts at least pay off?”
She accepted the beverage with a tired yet grateful smile. “I have no clue. He has yet to arrive.”
Even though he demanded that I be here to witness ‘the fruits of my labor’…
“I’m sure he’ll show up soon.”
Raven cast a glance at her phone. 11:59 pm. Late—far too late.
“I highly doubt—”
The instant the clock struck midnight, the doors to the venue swung open, as if on cue. In strutted two Dalmatians, each fitted in a diamond encrusted collar. Trailing them was a figure in a white cloak with a long train, hood pulled over their face.
Heads turned. Onlookers gasped.
“Who is that?”
Raven stilled.
They produced a wand from a billowing sleeve and waved it in an arc. There was a dog collar looped around the end of the wand, a square magical gem on it.
Fire sprouted at the end of the mysterious guest’s train. It formed a coil, snaking up their body and engulfing the white. The exterior fell away into crumbling ashes and cinders, revealing what was underneath: a handsome face in a black and white eye mask, his suit a sinisterly shimmering crimson.
Divus Crewel, fashionably late.
Raven exchanged looks with Octa A.
The venue bursted into sound like a balloon popped. People rushed at him, flocking like birds, swarming like bees.
“Sir! What a grand entrance! How did you do it?”
“What a show stopping performance.”
“I thought my heart was about to beat out of my chest!!”
“Where did you get this outfit? I would like to own one for myself. Oh, you must pass me along the name of the brand.”
Crewel, right at home among his throng of admirers, chuckled. “I appreciate the compliments, but I’m afraid you won’t be able to find a replica of this look in any store or boutique. This ensemble is an original designed by yours truly.”
“Oh my!” A woman clutched at the string of pearls around her neck. “Would you be willing to do an original for me then?”
“Now, now! I had every intention of asking him first!” a mustachioed man protested.
“Unfortunately, I’ll have to turn down those requests,” Crewel interjected smoothly. “I am presently focused on my role as an educator. Your presence here at this event helps Night Raven College and its efforts to better the future and the local community.”
A murmur of agreement passed through the crowd.
“And another thing,” he continued, “I’m afraid I cannot take all the credit for my outfit. I may be responsible for the design, but the color of the dye was made in collaboration with a student.” Crewel searched the room and found Raven, letting his gaze linger on hers. She felt her mouth drying up. “This is the direction of the future.”
He flashed a dazzling smile. His handsomeness, a cutlass slashing through their defenses. Raven felt the entire room melt in response to Crewel.
“If you wish to support us and Night Raven College’s endeavors, we you may donate tonight. All proceeds will be going to an animal shelter on Sage’s Island.”
Several voices cried out simultaneously.
“I-I’ll donate! Of course I will!”
“Honey, we’ve got to support this cause.”
“You heard the man.”
“Night Raven College is such an exemplary learning institution!”
“Wow, Crewel-sensei strolled in and commanded the entire event,” Octa A mused. “Raven-san, the work you were doing yesterday… now it’s being seen by all of these people.”
“Well,” she said warily, absentmindedly swirling her half empty glass, “as long as he’s happy and NRC gets that money, I guess it’s fine.”
“That shade of red is nice,” Octa A commented. He was already assembling the ninth drink. “It suits Crewel-sensei very well.”
“I should hope so!” she huffed. “It took a lot of workshopping and several samples to find a shade that pleased him.“
“What did you name this one? Since you tend to label your homemade inks.”
“Ah, I call this one…”
Cruel Devil.
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thegreatwicked · 8 months
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Enjoy some of my favorite stories I've come across on Tumblr! Seriously, I LOVE these stories and I reread them A LOT!
Please note: Virtually ALL OF THESE STORIES ARE SMUT. That means 18+ content, and you are responsible for managing your internet consumption. Minors DNI.
DC Comics
Dance for Daddy by @matth1w LAWD. I love me some Roman Sionis fics and this one DELIVERS. Sexy, kinky, smutty I give it a solid Chefs Kiss.
Joy Ride and Let Me Make You Feel Good, The Intern by @littleredwing89 More delicious Roman Sionis one shots Joy ride is about teasing Roman as he drives and Let Me Make You Feel Good is about a sweet smutty cure for a hangover. And the Intern, a fuck buddies to lovers story, god yum. Reader inserts. Drool. Go forth read and enjoy.
Bait the Beast by @more-cardigan-than-womanLord help me, I found a new little gem. You cause a bit of a ruckus with Coblepot and Roman thinks you need a lesson.
Yours by @tarrenterror25set in the AO! Verse Roman is having some trouble during the holidays overcoming everything the Joker did to him, good thing he has you. Because he does. You're his now. Melt. Sorry about the mess.
Star Wars
Water and Rock by @split-spectrum I honestly cannot say enough good things about this story It follows Obi-wan/Fem Reader in the classic Master/Padawan troupe and it. is. SPICY. Up to twelve chapters which I have read MULTIPLE TIMES and it hits so hard. Go read this story it is sexy as HELL and gives you the feels. She's so damn good at writing Obi-Wan it hurts, but like in a kinky good way.
The Gift by @ladyinwriting18 I have already spoke at length about the fabulousness that is Lady in Writing and her amazing content. This one is a favorite! Its a Maul/Reader Insert and it is smutty sxy and kinky. Seriously if Maul is your fictional crush (Hi me too!), go read this.
The Three Princes Part One: The Oldest Profession by @thenightmarketofdathomir This writer is freaking legendary. I do not know the collection of words in my own language to describe the eloquence and sophistication this writer possesses. Just go. Go read this and you let me know if you're ever the same again. This gem stars our boy Feral and is a you/reader insert. Oh damn, this story makes me want things...
Birthday Wish, Romancing the Pages, The Write Seduction, To Create Life, by @jedianjakenobi Y'all, this author holds a special place in my writer's heart. She's a published author on Amazon and she's truly amazing. Her works are all Obi-Wan-centered and reader inserts. Birthday Wish is a birthday crush from your sexy neighbor, Romancing the Pages is a fake relationship/summer romance with a reclusive shy librarian (Ben) and a best-selling author, The Write Seduction is a professor Kenobi/writing student story and it is SPICY. And my favorite To Create Life is a Jedi Council green lights a baby-making program and who else is the reader paired with? Their good friend Padawan Kenobi. My darlings, my friends, if you like Obi-Wan smut then you are doing yourselves a disservice by NOT reading these.
Empty Me Out by @221bshrlocked reader insert/DOM Obi-Wan I'm tellin y'all this story NEARLY killed me. I've lost track of how many times I've readit. You're an entertainer and Master Kenobi needs information from you, so you give him what he wants and then he gives you what you want. Where it Wasn't massage therapy reader insert/Obi-Wan, do I need to say more? Pretty sure I melted into the floor with this one.
His Loving Satine by @waterlily707 I love reader insterT and OCs but these two Obi-Wan and Satine are a joy to read. Temporary paralyzed Obi-Wan at the "mercy" of a slightly dom Satine. Juicy, gorgeous, little bit of fluff. Love it.
Room 24 by @murdockussy Little angsty Obi-Wan/reader insert enemies to lovers in an undercover assignment-type situation. Spicy, dom Obi-Wan give. Me. More.
Tea with Lemon, Tea with Honey by @wickedscribbles an established relationship as a reader insert and Obi-Wan. If you want honey then you get to take care of a sick Obi-Wan and kind out you have a new kink, if you want Lemon then Obi-Wan takes advantage of said kink and whisks you away to another planet for some R&R under the guise of "work." Enjoy!
Ben Hardy
Hold Me Close, Don't Let Me Go by @stray-kaz God. This one shot is just sxy as hell, it's a Billy/Four fro, 6 Underground/Female Reader. Our boy comes home to one hell of an 'I missed you, I need you right now' welcome. GO read it. Right now.
Such an Experience by @rogermyreligionOk. Guys... FUCK, this is a hot little oneshot Roger Taylor of Queen/Female reader and OMG. Just go read it. I've officially stopped counting how many times I've read this. Smutty/Sexy. I'm dead.
Long Distance by @acciotwinzwinz. Y'ALL. Sit your asses down and read this Roger Taylor/Reader insert/You. It's fluffy, its sexy, its cute and the smut is -chefs kiss- Yes, I read this one a lot too.
For now, these are some of my favorites that I frequently reread because I love them. I'll probably be adding more, it's more than likely I've forgotten some...
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malnivia · 4 months
My contribution to the challenge! Enjoy
(Warning: some angst, a couple swears)
Cleaning the shelves. Dusting the books. Rereading the same story all over, again and again until you are finally determined worthy of another less repetitive task.
"Well, that was the last of me," he murmured and got up from his chair.
He could not handle anymore of this crap. Not today, at least not right now. The headache was getting worse and the more he read, the more letters seemed to be more like blurry lines with no pattern in sight.
It was time for him to run.
He laughed nervously when leaving the room. It was that easy. Because they never even were here to keep an eye out for their tasks getting completed. They never had to – he was a perfect student and apprentice and every other random rank he had been given in order to establish the givers as the good ones. Because he would never leave that dark dusty room to wander off to other endeavors. He was taught not to from a young age.
Worried, but determined, a boy with black hair and light-blue eyes hastened to the key chamber to outrun the reasonable thoughts in his head, telling him to go back.
The creaky door announced itself to all of the library halls. Behind it there were carefully placed artifacts in form of keys, hidden from the eyes of the gullible and common outlanders.
Not from the perfect apprentice they aren't, that's for sure
"Which one should I take?" the guy from before put his thumb on his chin and scratched it in a very asshole-y way, as if he was proving some kind of point to the non-existing audience. The point being "No, you cannot understand me, I am simply more intelligent and literate than all of you and your family combined."
Anyway, his gaze has fallen onto the easiest key there is – the Heroine Key. He was never given that one for reasons, obvious to Ex Libris, yet unknown to him. Well, he never really yearned for it since the experience it offers is truly horrendous. After all, what heroines do most of the time is fall in love and spend time with the fictional princes – who in their right mind would want to do that? But this time it was not about the story rather than the simple concept of walking around, doing nothing – something he could never afford.
Finally, he grabbed the key and turned his head to the closest shelf there. "Snow White" is the first one he saw and with no room for anxious thoughts and doubts, he puts the key in the book and vanishes.
Once upon a time... A dude falls from the sky.
He appears then in a castle, surrounded by beautiful and high walls, in a room that looks like princesses' chambers. But the boy doesn't spare a single glance – he is truly fed up with the fairytale settings and, having visited so many stories, has lost the ability to enjoy these fantasy surroundings.
Although something does catch his eye... A weird colorful outline coming from his clothes which were supposed to be dark and stylish.
"What the-" he uttered with a hint of hate and genuine disgust as he looked into the mirror nearby and realised what he was wearing – a beautiful dress with a skirt of a golden color, with navy blue puffy sleeves and some red gems around it. He also notices a red short bow in his hair.
Truly, a horror.
"What does it think it's doing?" he referred to the key which was the creator of this outfit. The keys were rarely talked to and if they were, it was not to ask them for a new fashion choice, that's why the guy was so weirded out.
And when you think the situation couldn't get worse – he wasn't even able to punish it (with words). Taking artifacts off of their keychains was strictly forbidden without supervision to ensure no slip-ups and runaways.
The bottom line being, all the boy could do was complain about this situation under his nose.
After 5 minutes of very inappropriate words, he finally let it go and went on on his endeavors, his voice now muttering the plot of the book like some sort of incastation that would make the real world problems vanish away from his brain:
"Once upon a time, there lived a princess named Snow White. Snow White was very beautiful" he rambled while passing through the corridors. "Her skin was as white as snow, her hair as black as the ebony wood and her lips were as red as a red, red rose."
Who even has the lips of a double red rose? Clearly, the princess applied some lipstick before starting the story. "Now now, that's just cheating" a boy thought while stepping out of the castle. "Really, this is supposed to be medieval with no make-up business in sight. Me, I would prefer if my lips were compared to the actual color they are" he considered while gracefully stepping through the garden.
"Excuse me, your Highness!" a voice echoed behind him and he turned to see a local huntsman getting closer. "Princess, would you like to go on a walk in the forest with me?"
"Ah, the part where I get left behind" princess pondered.
"I would love to accept your proposal, sir" he stated instead since he was taught better than to mess with the story's flow of events.
And so they went on a walk. It wasn't really a two-person walk since Snow White has long forgotten how to relax and talk to people his social status and could only reminisce on the plot carved into his mind. He put his hands behind him and didn't pay attention to the character near him until the man cried:
"Princess, I... I have to tell you something. I believe I forgot the... the task I was given by her Majesty. I am going to have leave you."
"What? Aren't you gonna do some work and show me a place to hide from my stepmother?" the princess was very confused as to why is the story different from what he has read.
"E-excuse me, miss. But, you should stay in the forest. It's not safe at the palace right now." the huntsman mumbled with clearly no idea of a good excuse to leave.
The princess couldn't believe his ears. To think that the least this measly character would do is follow the story exactly and yet he doesn't. Snow White felt pissed and very annoyed.
"Ugh, whatever. I am in no need of my mother's subject who can't even do a casual job of killing me..." he said, whispering the last words to escape the leaving man's attention. He watched him go and after he was left alone, he realised... how quiet it actually was.
Is anyone doing their job around here? The huntsman ain't unaliving little girls and now the birds are not singing and helping out the princess. Well, guess what? Today is the opposite day. So, our heroine is going to seat right here and not move for a single inch.
Why would it matter anyway... If he went looking for the dwarves' hut, he would have to clean it – basically, more work for the errand boy.
He sat down by the tree in search of some comfort. The headache could not be erased by the magic of Ex Libris, but at least it wasn't getting worse – more like frozen in time.
The boy now had time to dwell on.
He wanted so much to happen, but nothing did. He was still dusting the books and reorganizing the shelves and rereading the same fricking books over and over again. It felt like no life at all. Every meeting, every training session gave him no enjoyment at all – they all became just one single mess of chores that he had to deal with.
Suddenly the boy felt his eyes getting wet. He couldn't believe it. He quickly got up from sulking (which he apparently was doing) and tried to distract himself to avoid the tears coming. After all, what good of an apprentice who cries whenever he gives in a bit too much to ponder on casualties of the present?
He then started thinking about simpler things. He thought of what the Queen was doing at the moment and the words came up to him as if he had the page opened right in front of him.
"Famed as thy beauty, Majesty,
But behold, a lovely maid I see.
Alas, she is more fair than thee,
Lips as red as a rose,
Hair as black as ebony" he brushed his hair off of his face.
"Skin as white as snow."
He sat there for a silent moment before clapping his eyes twice in a rush of thought.
He swiftly returned his locks to the same spot.
"Hair as black as ebony huh," he realised only now when looking at his short hair. It was quite dark, a color of night.
"Skin as white as snow..." he then focused his eyes on the hand that was holding the hair, now leaving it behind. His hands were indeed pretty pale.
Instinctively, he touched his lips, but swiftly rolled his eyes after realising that they were clearly not as red as any red, red rose.
"I suppose we're not so different, now are we?" he said to himself. "And without the appearances, we are still both scullery maids, assigned by our predecessors. And in no power to express our opinion." he nervously laughed. "It's almost as if the only difference is that..."
He started, but didn't have the strength to finish.
What he wanted to say was, that in contrast to him... Snow White has a good ending. The evil Queen dies and even though the girl falls asleep, not only she gets kissed by her true love, but the random dwarves and forest animals make a damn good funeral for her.
He's definitely not asking for true love stuff... But a comfortable coffin does sound nice – as well as the people mourning him. Would someone actually do that for him? The Ex Libris probably don't have the patience and the generosity to arrange a little something of an event. Even if they would, it feels really difficult for the boy to believe in something like that.
Suddenly, he hears a sob. It's coming from him.
"Well... At least the old man can't hear me," he thinks before letting the tears free.
Once upon a time, there lived a princess named Snow White.
Snow White was very beautiful.
Her skin was as white as snow, her hair as black as the ebony wood and her life – as miserable as the most miserable life could be.
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Here we go: a selkie reader making a deal with Azul and using his seal coat as collateral. Bonus if Azul has to do research on selkies once homeboy leaves.
Azul: "Jade I need you to run to the library and get everything you can find on Selkies!"
Have full creative freedom! (I just love selkies and it makes me sad when people try to ignore the whole coat gimmick that's super important to them!) NSFW or SFW go nuts!
Yuu is Killed
Yuu has hair mentioned and is a selkie. They’re a ray of dumb sunshine like Kalim to make this hurt more The first year squad are all homies before ch 3
“You won't get away with this Azul! I swear to the seven!” Ace snarls at Azul as he is forcibly escorted out of the headmage's office by Deuce who is shaking in silent rage. “Watch yer back!” Epel shouts, face red and flustered as Crowley forcefully pushes him out of the room followed by an enraged Sebek.
“Curse you Azul! It's all your fault!” The fae shouts as he's escorted out by Jack, cradling a crying Ortho, in shock over the news. Jack shot the trio a wordless glare as he rushed out with Ortho in one arm and Sebek's hand in his own as the man shakes in pure hatred. Azul shook as well, but this time, in fear and grief.
“Azul. You are very lucky that that student had no home or family to speak of. Because of this, and also because it has nothing to do with the blackmail you have on me, I will allow all three of you to continue your education here. Under one condition.” Crowley paused, for once in his life being serious. “ You get rid of the anemones once and for all. That is what started this.” 
“Y-yes, sensei… I understand…” Azul trailed off in a daze. Nothing felt real at all. He… He didn’t mean it! He truly didn’t! Yuu had to be alive! he couldn't imagine it any other way! H-he was just talking to them yesterday! They couldn’t be dead! His little ‘gang’ was just that: A few young adults causing some mischief! Nothing more! It wasn’t ever supposed to go as far as it did. Never as far as this! 
The tear-stained and solemn look on the usually cheerful Floyd’s face cemented reality. Jade’s genuine frown and glossy eyes showed that even he was shaken up. Yuu was dead. And it was all. Their. Fault. Crowley dismissed them hastily, and the group took their leave.
Azul was going to rip up every single one of the contracts to get rid of the guilt as he mulls over what happened. He remembers their conversation just the other day as well. Such a bright, young student. Gone.
“Ah, evening there Yuu…”
“Hmm?” The prefect tilted their head as they turned around to face the trio where they stood in the hallway. Floyd to the left and Jade to right with Azul standing in the center. An obvious attempt at intimidation that went over the ‘magicless’ students head as they brush down the oversized fur coat they wear. 
“Oh, it’s you three!” Yuu says cheerfully, pulling out a thermos from their bag, before turning their full attention to Azul. And yet, at the time he only smirked at them, seeing them as nothing more than easy prey. What a fool he was to not recognize the gem of a person that stood in front of him. Jade and Floyd stole a few glances at each other.
“As you are aware, finals are tomorrow.” Yuu nodded. “Yup I’m quite nervous since I’m not from this realm, but I’m sure I’ll be fine. Oh! And you all as well!” Oh, what a bright smile they had…
“What if I can guarantee you a good score, Yuu? In fact—“ “Oh sorry! I can't study with you guys.” Floyd snorted. “Huh?” Yuu frowned slightly. “I'm much too busy with my study session with Deuce, and then there’s Grim, so yeah, sorry.” How hardworking they were…
Azul was taken aback for a moment before clearing his throat before the other two could interject. “No you misunderstand, I was going to make a deal with you and offer you a study guide.” “For the test?” Yuu asked just to be interrupted by Floyd with a ‘duh.’
Yuu just chuckles. “Seems the rumors are true. You’re a hard worker Azul.” Azuls expression turned to disbelief before he preened himself, “That I am.” “However, I am afraid I cannot accept this study guide. You have put a lot of work into it, I cannot imagine using it without having earned it. ‘Sides I do better studying on my own.” Yuu put their hands in their large, oversized coat pockets, messy hair adding to their charm of them. If it was real fur, Azul notes, it must have been really expensive.
“No, no, you will pay me back in time-“ “Sorry Azul, I don't have much money since this world has different currency.” Jade and Floyd were now snickering at Azul’s failed attempts to hook this student into a contract. “Plus I would forget to go over it. Anyways…” Yuu said, shaking their thermos in their hand before pulling something out from their bag., “Want some hot cocoa? I would have offered coffee, but the juniors were just lining up for it since it's the night before exams, I guess they’re gonna cram tonight.”
“Oh! Oh!” I want some!” Floyd shouted. “You’re… giving out hot cocoa?” Jade asked, amusedly. Yuu just nodded. “Made some cocoa and some coffee for my class but still have a lot of cocoa leftover. Want a cup?” “Sure.” Jade replied. “And you Azul?” 
Azul crossed his arms, “No thank you.” Yuu nodded and pulled out a few containers, looking closely, Azul can see that the cups were made of plants— leaves to be specfic. As Yuu poured out some cocoa into the strange containers, Azul interrogated them. “You’re giving out free drinks?” “Of course?” “Youre not charging for it all?” “Nope!” Yuus sincere smile made him sick, “I know not everyone can afford it and I made a lot anyways, so I'm giving it away.”
Yuu handed over the first cup to Floyd who squealed before taking a sip. “Those cups…” “I made them out of a type of non-toxic leaf that doesn't affect the flavor at all!” Yuu poured another glass for Jade who nodded and took it from them politely.”I’m so used to seeing plastic on the ocean floor, I was sick of it, so I made a few biodegradable alternatives… The ocean is my love after all, it hurts to see it polluted.” They frown.
Before Azul could even ask, Yuu cut him off for the final time that night. “In any case, get some rest tonight you three. Your mind needs to rest if you want to do your best, after all! Especially you Azul.” “Me?” Azul asked, as Yuu leaned in close to his face. “Yup! You work too hard sometimes, you know? We all see it…” 
They tucked a strand of hair behind his ear before letting go.“anyways… Bye guys!” Yuu waved, walking off into the hallway, leaving Azul confused as ever…
Then came the day. The day before it all went to shit. The last day he would see Yuus bright face. A bright, hopeful face so full of love and knowledge. A true sweetheart much like Kalim. 
As expected of Azul’s plan, Crowley sent Yuu after him with his most recent exploits. Now it was up to Yuu to stop his plan, unaware how they fell right into his trap. A simple deal was all it was supposed to be, Yet Yuu was determined as ever to barter. Azul always admired their fiery attitude.
“I agree to your terms on one condition!” He smirked so cruelly at them, who didn't deserve it. “Oh?” “I will give you my pelt instead, and you are only allowed to take my dorm after three days if I fail! Got it?” “And remind me, why would I want your pelt?” Yuu just tilted their head at him.
“Because it has all my magic in it…” Yuu stated. “I am a selkie. Our power is in our pelts! Without it, well, it's just important to us.” Yuu trailed off, taking off their fluffy coat, shaking the whole way, yet brave as ever they held it out to him. “Do we have a deal?” They ask.
Selkie pelts… selkie pelts… It only took a few quick searches on his phone to understand the significance of them. Without their pelt, a selkie is never allowed in the sea again. Oh this was rich. Utterly perfect. 
They would not be able to even go anywhere near the ocean to fill out their part of the deal! Azul wore a wicked smirk as he gave the order to the twins. He was winning this contract easily.
 “Jade, Floyd? Go keep an eye on Yuu. You know the drill…”
The two eels gave a slimy smile. “Yes boss…”
Azul was none the wiser of what was happening underwater. As far as he was concerned, it was an easy win. He wasn't aware of the fight Yuu had to put up the second they stepped into the coral sea. As they waded through the ocean depths with their friends. 
The sea was suffocating even with the potion, as the waves and riptides tried to tear Yuu to shreds for even entering the water they were now exiled from without their pelt. All they had to do was to hang on a bit longer… Push a little harder. WIth their friends by their side that would be no problem. Jack and Ace helped to support the, as Deuce made sure their breathing was normal.
All they had to do was hang in a little longer and grab that photo. From there all will be well and they can head back and get their pelt again! It was going well until a certain pair of eels came around.
With a blast of magic, the eels stopped the group where they stood, with the only way to continue being to fight. They ruined everything. As the battle dragged out, the ocean’s water became even more suffocating to Yuu as they fought to even stand without keeling over in pain, the water practically crushing them.
With a final blow from the wand, Floyd sent out a weak water spell… that ricocheted off of Jacks spell and aimed directly at Yuu. At most all the spell could do was knock them out, however Yuu was a selkie in forbidden territory. Water was deadly to them. The instant the spell made contact with their skin, they crumpled. 
For a minute they held their throat in pain, crying out. Air bubbles escaped their throat. Were they drowning? “Yuu!” Ace shrieked rushing to them, battle forgotten. The eels tensed up before diving down to check on Yuu. Despite their fight, they didn't want to truly hurt anyone.
Yuu’s tears merged with the ocean around them. As Jade went to grab them to take them up to the surface it was too late. The second Jade went to touch Yuu they dissolved right in his hands. All that remained was sea foam.
Yuu was gone. Forever. And it would haunt the trio for the rest of their lives. They killed someone. A genuine and kind someone. Someone who made the world a better place, now snuffed out, forever. And they would have to live with the guilt and the looks of absolute hatred from Jack and the rest of their friends, forever.
As seafoam washed against the island shore. They hoped that could see Yuu once more.
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allisonbaelfire · 3 months
Amethyst. - PART 7
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After the Cavalry Battle, there was a short lunch break. While all the students from the various UA classes tried to find something to eat or rest before the next test, I noticed Shoto grabbing Midoriya to talk to him. Before I could intervene and save Midoriya from my hot-headed brother again, I saw a red feather pass by me – Hawks?
“Sorry, Midoriya,” I muttered to myself as I followed the feather.
The feather moved swiftly through the crowd, weaving between students and teachers alike. I kept my distance, not wanting to draw attention, but made sure not to lose sight of it. The feather seemed to know exactly where it was going, leading me through the bustling hallways of UA.
We turned a corner, away from the busy foodstands and towards a quieter part of the school. The noise of the students faded, replaced by the distant hum of ventilation and the soft echoes of our footsteps. The feather continued its journey, leading me down a narrow corridor that was rarely used.
Finally, it guided me to a secluded courtyard, a small hidden gem within the vast school grounds. The area was quiet and empty, the perfect spot for a private conversation. As soon as I stepped into the courtyard, the feather stopped and hovered in the air before gently falling to the ground.
I looked around, my eyes scanning the area for any sign of Hawks. “Where are you?” I whispered, feeling a mix of anticipation and curiosity.
Suddenly, he flew down towards me, grabbing me in his dive. He spun me playfully around, and even though I hated flying, I couldn’t help but grin. I was happy to see him. Hawks then put me down gently, his playful grin never leaving his face.
“Right here, Dove.” Hawks bowed down – proud of his entrance, his usual playful grin on his face as he got up.
I looked at him, still smiling. “Why did you bring me here?” I asked, curiosity evident in my voice
He sighed, running a hand through his hair. “You’ve been distracted, Y/N. I’ve seen you miss attacks from your classmates, not to mention how you didn’t even notice me until now. That’s not like you at all.”
His words hit me hard. I knew I had been struggling with the pressure from my family and adjusting to life at UA, but I hadn’t realized it was affecting me this much. “I… I guess I’ve been preoccupied,” I admitted softly.
Hawks stepped closer, his gaze filled with concern. “Listen, Dove, I get it. You’ve got a lot on your plate, but you can’t let it get to you like this, ya know? You’ve always been sharp, observant. I need you to stay focused, especially now.”
I was somehow relieved that Hawks admitted it was him, I had sensed following me the past few weeks when Katsuki and I walked home. On the other hand, I was confused about why Hawks would follow me at all… even when we patrolled together almost every evening, he never followed or brought me home, he always said “You can handle yourself and the poor guy who would dare to pick a fight with you”.
“What do you mean? Especially now?” I asked him.
Hawks’ expression turned serious, and he glanced around to ensure we were truly alone. “There’s something going on, something big. I can’t go into details, but I need you to be at your best. If you’re distracted, it could put you and everyone else in danger.”
I frowned, unsure of what he meant. “Hawks?”
He sighed, his usual playful demeanor replaced by a rare look of concern. “There are things happening in the hero world that you need to be aware of. I can’t give you all the details right now, but trust me, it’s serious. I need you to be sharp and ready for anything.”
Of course, I was confused by Hawks’ hints, but I nodded. I knew that further questioning would lead nowhere. He probably had another secret mission and was risking his neck just to warn me. If I trusted anyone, it was him.
“Are the students in my class the ones I need to watch out for?” I asked Hawks, trying not to show any emotion.
At first, I didn’t want to ask the question. I liked the students of 1-A, but I would never again find myself in a situation where I couldn’t protect my family just because I hadn’t paid better attention.
Hawks said nothing, probably afraid that someone might find us here or even eavesdrop. He merely shook his head slightly, denying my question, and I felt a weight lift off my shoulders.
However, Hawks’ playful demeanor didn’t return. “I can’t keep watching you,” he began. “I know you don’t want to play Endeavor’s game, probably out of love for your little brother, but you have no choice now. I need you to show everyone in the next test why you were the youngest Pro-Hero ever. This is important.”
I nodded, taking a deep breath to steady myself. “I understand,” I replied, my voice steady. “I’ll do my best.”
He gave me a reassuring nod, his eyes filled with a mixture of pride and concern. “I know you will.”
Hawks came closer and gave me a hug – which was unusual for him and especially for me, but I gave in.
“Try to find allies you can really trust,” he whispered in my ear. “I’ll try to place a feather near you to guide or help you, whenever I can but I’ll be gone for a while.”
He pulled back slightly, his playful grin returning as he ruffled my hair. “Don’t worry, Dove. I’ve always got your back.”
I felt a warmth spread through me as he held me, a reminder that despite everything, I wasn’t alone. After a moment, he pulled back fully, his usual laid-back stance returning. He crossed his arms casually, one wing extending slightly as if ready to take off at a moment’s notice.
“Now go out there and show them what I taught you, don’t put shame on my name, will ya?” He winked, giving me a gentle push with his wing.
I nodded again, feeling a renewed sense of determination, but not just for myself. I didn’t want to disappoint Hawks, and I needed to protect my classmates. I had a feeling Hawks wasn’t just here to warn me, but also so I could protect my brother and Class 1-A finally this time.
Katsuki Bakugo P.O.V:
Bakugo noticed, just as I did, that Shoto grabbed Midoriya to talk to him. But unlike me, he was more curious and followed them unnoticed.
Keeping a safe distance, Bakugo moved stealthily, his sharp eyes trained on Shoto and Midoriya. He could feel the tension between the two, and it piqued his interest. What could Todoroki possibly want with Deku?
As they reached a more secluded area, Bakugo slipped into the shadows, close enough to hear their conversation but far enough to remain unseen. His curiosity was burning, but he kept his cool, his breath steady and quiet.
Shoto’s voice was calm but firm as he spoke. “Midoriya, I need to understand something. Your connection to All Might… it makes you different. Stronger, somehow. I want to know why.”
Midoriya looked taken aback, his eyes wide with surprise. “Todoroki, I… it’s not what you think. All Might believes in me, and he sees potential in all of us. That’s all.”
Bakugo’s eyes narrowed as he listened. He knew there was more to Midoriya’s relationship with All Might, something deeper that neither of them was saying outright. He clenched his fists, frustration building. He hated being left in the dark and he hated useless Deku.
Shoto continued, his gaze intense. “I don’t want to rely on my father’s power. I need to find my own way.” He paused, his expression hardening.
Bakugo’s mind raced. This wasn’t just about quirks or training; it was about something more profound.
“I want to beat Y/N and show her that our father is a monster we never needed, even if I have to break my own sister to make her see it.”
Midoriya looked shocked, his eyes wide with disbelief. “Sh-Shoto, Y/N’s your sister. You don’t have to—”
Shoto cut him off, his gaze cold and unwavering. “I know what I’m doing, Midoriya. This is the only way.”
Bakugo stayed silent, but he felt a surge of anger at Shoto’s words. He clenched his fists, his nails digging into his palms, the tension making his knuckles turn white. Bakugo knew all too well the pressure of living up to others’ expectations, but this was something different, something darker.
The thought of Y/N being hurt made Bakugo’s blood boil. He had seen her strength, her determination, and somehow her kindness. Bakugo couldn’t explain why he felt anything at all after hearing Todoroki’s words. He barely knew Y/N, and the sibling rivalry shouldn’t be his fucking concern, but he felt a protective instinct kicking in.
“Have you ever heard of quirk marriages?” Shoto asked Midoriya, his voice tinged with bitterness. “There were those who sought out potential mates solely with the intention of creating powerful children. Many people were forced into relationships.”
Midoriya listened intently, his body tense, not daring to interrupt.
“My father has plenty of money. He bought my mother’s relatives to get his hands on her Quirk,” Shoto admitted, his eyes dark with memories of his family’s past. “And now he’s raising Y/N and me to usurp All Might. Y/N has always been training under him, no matter what happened in our family. She’s determined to become number one, so she listens to him no matter what.”
Shotos his fists clenched as he recounted his story to Midoriya. Bakugo, too, was shocked by what he heard, his own fists tightening in response.
“I refuse to be a tool for that scumbag. In every memory of my mother, I only see her crying. I remember her saying my left side is unbearable before she poured boiling water on my face.” Shoto hid his scar with his hand, his voice trembling slightly with anger and pain. “Y/N was there immediately when she heard our screams. She froze my mother, her ice flames so cold they nearly killed her. Y/N didn’t back away until I hugged her and begged her to stop.”
As Shoto spoke, memories flooded his mind. He remembered the day vividly. Y/N froze their mother with her ice flames, her expression one of fierce determination. She wasn’t afraid at all—in fact, she looked almost resolute. Shoto asked himself what Y/N would’ve done if he didn’t have the courage to approach her.
Shoto’s voice grew softer, tinged with sorrow. “Y/N hasn’t talked to our mother since that day.”
Katsuki was conflicted within himself. He believed Todoroki’s story, yet he couldn’t believe that Y/N would be capable of killing her own mother. As he had come to know her through their training over the past few weeks, Y/N didn’t have a malicious bone in her body. Sure, she drove him crazy with her grinning, sarcasm, and constant challenges, only to fucking smile at him afterward. Y/N was no murderer. Yet, her own brother seemed to harbor at least a small amount of fear towards her while trying to save her – just as she tried to save him.
Bakugo’s thoughts were a mess. He understood the gravity of the situation but couldn’t reconcile the image of the smiling, sarcastic girl who trained with him with the one Todoroki described.
He took a deep breath, trying to process everything he had just heard. Bakugo’s face twisted into a scowl as he backed away, deciding it was time to return to the others. But one thing was clear: he wouldn’t let Todoroki out of his sight. Not for a second. It seemed like Todoroki just became Bakugo’s personal opponent.
___________ Let me know what you think of the Story so far! <3 Amethyst - Masterlist: Klick here!
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itsukismoon · 3 months
Yumekuro Artbook - Q&A (Yume Tsumugi)
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>>> tsukiwatari ver. - magia seminar ver.
Introductions: Canaan, the ring-maker. What I like are sweet sweet foods. …Ah. I’m silently sneaking out of the workshop right now, so please be quiet so they don’t catch me 🎶
MC first impressions: “Such soft cheeks”. Squishing them would calm me and give me motivation… I like them. However, I underestimated her tracking abilities… no matter where I go to slack off, she finds me pretty quickly. Hehe.
Bezer first impressions: Professor Bezel is super passionate. It’s amazing. I guess I’m surprised he’s that attached to me. I think it’d be good if he slacked off sometimes… wouldn’t that make him a better teacher, that understands his students’ feelings?
Meister you’re close with: Hmm, I don’t know. I don’t know if we really get along, but Volks always makes me behave. It’s like he’s always keeping an eye on me. It’s annoying, so I think I’ll seriously try to run away next time.
Introductions: I’m Adel, tailor for the royal warrant guild, Yume Tsumugi. I’ll tell you immediately: I only makes clothes for people I approve of. No matter how important their position or status. There are no exceptions.
MC first impressions: I was exasperated at the arrival of such a rookie. When she chose to speak, the content of her questions, everything was unpromising. Or so I thought— the speed at which she grows and her competitive spirit are not bad at all.
Jin first impressions: Jin, huh…. That one is so impatient there’s nothing to do about it. He quickly succumbs to his desires and indulges in as much pleasure as he can. At first, I thought he was knowledgable and with a good eye— though at least he has the good sense to be ashamed of himself. I’ll just have to wait and see how long he can keep up his self-control/abstinence.
Meister you’re close with: …unfortunately, there is no one up to such title. By the way, just to be on the safe side, if I you ever find me excessively praising the Meister named Merryrose, it’d be because of his powers, not because I truly mean it, alright? You better remember it.
Introductions: I'm Volks, a gems appraiser belonging to the royal warrant guild Yume Tsumugi. In addition to appraising gemstones, I’m also the guild leader and coordinate the royal family's activities. I look forward to working with you.
MC first impressions: I felt that she had the skills to be a winged guild keeper (TN: guild keepers have a wings shaped badge and Emma has it, idk if all guild keepers or only some of the best ones have it), and I was also drawn to that hidden charm of hers. I felt the need to make that brilliance shine even more beautifully by polishing it with my own hands. I got a little carried away.
Mel first impressions: I do not believe the time spent talking to Mel to be an unpleasant one. His knowledge and insight are remarkable, and above all, he is a diamond in the rough that is worth polishing. I plan to continue enjoying interacting with him in the future.
Meister you’re close with: I often eat meals together with Gastronomy’s Oscar, and we have a good relationship. I empathise with his greed in pursuit of fine cuisine. Whenever I entertain him, deciding on the menu is quite stressful.
Introductions: Dream perfumer, Merryrose. I belong to the royal warrant guild Yumetsumugi. The flowers on my arm? Don’t worry, don’t worry- Oh, that’s right. You shouldn’t get too close to me. Unless you want to be utterly charmed by me, mh?
MC first impressions: An interesting one. Her emotions are always showing on her face; she’ll react to everything. She’ll get mad if I play around too much with Adele, so I thought I’d found a new good person to tease, buuut… you never really know what’s going to happen in life.
Jester first impressions: Jester, huh… he’s so seriously out of his mind, it’s annoying. And what the hell do you mean by partner? (TN: The question asked is to talk about their “partner”, obv not in the romantic sense, aka the black fairies). He’s the one who decided to get attached to me on his own. He says there’s no shortage of unfortunate stories whenever he’s with me… tell a super happy story for once (?), dammit.
Meister you’re close with: It’s a guild thing, but Adel? It might not be mutual, since I’m only playing around with him one-sidedly… well, I like my guild mates. They’re strong-willed, so it’s easy being around them. Though I sometimes get really pissed at Volks’ unreasonable requests.
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ghostofthemost141 · 9 months
Chapter 3
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Gif credit to @eurodynamic
Ch.1. Ch.2. Ch.3. Ch.4. Ch.5. Ch.6. Ch.7.
Pairing: Johnny 'Soap' MacTavish xF!Reader
Word Count: 2,615
About: You were on vacation to the beach and you think you're about to die when you're caught in a riptide until an unlikely hero comes to your rescue. Precisely a Scottish man that bores a tail.
!Warnings!: Sexual Harrassment
Italics means Third Person POV
Notes: This chapter is mostly about your home life and backstory but the targeted enemy in this story is a popular character in the series but just cause I make him an enemy doesn't mean I hate the actor who portrays him. He plays the character well and is a great guy. Also, your uncle is another character that is a favorite character of mine in this series, guess who 👀, regardless of what nationality you are. Anyways, hope y'all enjoy it!!
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“I'll see you den, Dove.” His words echoed into your mind over and over again. The second you left that beach two days ago, you were craving to see him again even though you just got done seeing him at that moment. And now tonight, you would meet him again at the time he said. You were just praying he would be there. Praying that he kept his promise. Praying that he- 
“Dove!” A booming voice woke me from my daydream. 
I looked up to find my professor peering his eyes at me. 
“Yes, sir?” I sheepishly said, knowing I was busted for daydreaming. 
“Were you paying attention at all?” He asked with disappointment in his tone. 
“No, sir I wasn't.” 
You knew it was best to tell the truth with your professor versus lying to him cause he knew you would be lying just by your body language. Your professor tsked at you, showing his disappointment in you. 
“See me after class.” He demanded. 
“Yes sir.” I answer, feeling my guts drop to my stomach. 
Anything but that. I am not sure what it is about my professor but he has this weird tick to him. He's not necessarily giving ‘pedophile vibes’ but there is definitely something off about him. And no, him being a near red head blonde has nothing to do with it. Guess I'll find out later. 
You wanted to find some kind of excuse to not meet with your professor after class. That nerve grew more and more in you the closer the clock ticked to the end of class. Gem and Pixie were not in this class with you so you were basically screwed. You're supposed to meet them after class but you had to race to the shore for only one person. As the final bell rang, you started to rush pack your belongings so you could disappear in the crowd of students. Just as you stood up to leave, your professor was already at the front door, saying goodbye to the students that passed by. You froze in your spot, feeling your heart race. You just did not have a good feeling about all of this. Once the last student left, your professor shut the classroom door, letting it slam loudly. 
“Professor, I need to be going.” 
“Just, just wait a second, Dove.” He said with a chill tone, but for some reason that unnerved me the most. 
Your professor approached you, standing a little too close for comfort. 
“Why weren't you paying attention in my class?” He asked. 
“Just..have a lot going on, sir.” I half lied, trying to maintain eye contact but it was hard when he unnerved me so much. 
“So much that you can't pay attention in my class?” 
“I'm sorry, sir, it won't happen again.” 
You snared your tone to hopefully get your point across but he just chuckled at you, letting you know that he wasn't intimidated by you at all. 
“Professor Graves, I need to be going now.” I snared once again, hoping he'd move out the way. 
“You've certainly matured a lot.” 
“Excuse me?” 
You nearly shouted at him as his eyes were starting to wander in places it shouldn't. You felt gross and disgusted with not only him but yourself. Is this truly how men saw you as a person? For your body? 
“Out of my way.” I growled, shoving my professor to the side with my shoulder and hustling outside. 
You didn't stop running until you made it to your car. You wanted to throw up, knowing that your damn professor saw you in that way. You managed to keep yourself from throwing up by doing deep breathes in and out, while trying to keep yourself from shaking too much. 
“Shit.” I mumbled, trying to pull myself together. 
Besides Johnny, there was only one other man in your life that you could trust. Your uncle that you live with. He was your greatest support system and you loved him deeply. You needed him, his support. You immediately texted Gem and Pixie and told them you were sick and couldn't meet up with them and you were going straight home. You were still going to go see Johnny later but that wasn't until dark had befallen. You had two hours until then. You saw your professor walking out of the campus so you immediately started your car and peeled out of that parking lot immediately, rushing home. The further you were from campus, the calmer your nerves got, even though the event still lingered in your head, making yourself sicker and sicker, both mentally and physically. The lingering nerves even remained when you parked in the driveway of yalls house. 
“Oh Remi ain’t home..” I said, taking notice of the absent car in the driveway. 
She must be doing a class. I took a deep breath in and then out, with my hand resting on my door handle. Before I could even step out, my uncle beat me to it. 
“‘Ello?? Anyone there?!” He called out, flashing his phone flashlight at me. 
I laughed as I stepped out of my car, shutting the door behind me. 
“I’m here!” I announce my presence. 
Once I got closer to the house, my uncle stopped flashing his phone at me, opening the front door for me. I stepped through, as he shut the door behind me. 
“You doing okay today, kiddo?” He asked me. 
“Yeah, Uncle Alejandro.” 
“You sure? I think you’re lying to me, estrella.” Alejandro, or Ale as I like to call him, said, peering his eyes at me. 
“I mean..” 
You paused, not sure how your uncle was going to take this. You knew he was going to be supportive and believe you no matter what but you were worried at how angry he would get about it. 
“Talk to me, estimada.” Uncle Ale reassured me. 
I sighed deeply as I went and sat down on the couch with Ale following me. 
Ale sat down next to me, staring at me with lots of concern. He could read me like a book and know that something was wrong. Very wrong. 
“Um, so, you know my professor? Uh, Graves?” 
Ale’s face immediately churned. Yeah, this is not gonna blow over well. 
“Hmhm.” Ale said, wanting me to go on. 
“Well, he caught me daydreaming in class.” 
“Cariña, we’ve talked about that.” Ale jumped in with. 
“I know, Ale. I’m sorry.” I apologize, feeling guilt that I disappointed him even though I know I didn’t. 
He just wants the best for me. I am his niece after all. 
“Continue.” He said. 
“Well he made me stay after class-” 
“Made you?” 
I felt chills go down my spine, hearing that near growl come from my Uncle’s throat as he said that. Shit. 
“Yeah, he did. And well he was just sorta getting onto me for daydreaming in his class. And then he made a comment.” 
“What kind of comment?” 
I almost don’t want to tell him just by the reaction of saying he made a comment at me. 
“He said: You’ve certainly matured a lot, while looking at my breasts.” I mumbled that last part, hoping he didn’t hear me but he did. 
Your uncle went silent, but he was fighting the urge to find out where this man lived and beat the daylights out of him. Yes it was just a comment, but it was still harassment. Especially since this wasn’t the first time this has happened. Finally, your uncle spoke. 
“I want you to go to the Dean tomorrow and report him.” Ale told me. 
“I-I will.” I said. 
Ale immediately brought me into a hug. You know like those kissing booths they have in movies? Instead of a kissing booth, Ale needs to open up a hugging booth because he gives out the best damn hugs. I hugged back, trying to hold the tears back. 
“You know I say that because I love you right, Dove?” 
“I know.” I croak through my tears, completely overwhelmed with what happened. 
Ale rubbed my back in comfort, letting me cry on his shoulder as I have many times before. 
“You’re going to be alright, Dove. Uncle Ale’s got you. And Remi too.” Ale mentioned his lady. 
I chuckled in response. 
“I know.” I said, pulling away from the hug. 
I wiped the tears away, hearing a car pull up into the driveway. 
“Speak of the Devil.” Ale said, wiggling his eyebrows at me. 
“Stop! You’re so weird.” I exclaimed, playfully hitting him. 
Remi and my uncle have been dating for about two years now and I love her. I consider her to be my Aunt even though they aren’t married. Yet. Remi entered the house and Ale immediately ran up to her, embracing her in his arms. 
“Bienvenido a casa mi amar[Welcome home, my love]” I heard Ale greet her, followed by many kisses. 
It warmed my heart to see my uncle in love and be with someone he loves so much. 
You could only hope that it will be you one day. 
“Where are you off to, Dove?” Ale asked me as I grabbed my coat. 
Your heart raced as your Uncle stopped you, with concern filling his eyes. Night has befallen and you knew Johnny would be waiting for you. Your uncle doesn’t even know what happened on your vacation due to Gem and Pixie pushing you to keep it a secret, for you knew your uncle would want to wrap you up in bubble wrap after hearing about it. 
“Just going to the shore, for a walk.” I told him. 
“It’s dark out.” He said. 
“I know, I’ll be okay Ale I promise.” I reassured him. 
I could tell Ale was a bit unsure but he trusts me. 
“Okay, well be back by ten pm okay, estrella?” Ale told me. 
Two hours was plenty for me. 
“Yes, sir. See ya.” I said, walking out the door. 
“See ya.” He said back as I shut the door behind me. 
You hurriedly jogged to your car, jumped into it, started it and pulled out of the driveway within two seconds. You were so excited to see Johnny again. He had you possessed in a weird way. He was always on your mind, especially those dreamy bright blue eyes of his. Little did you know, he felt the same about you. Even when he was with his best buddy Simon in the deep, deep sea, you were on his mind. The way your hair flowed in the wind, and how sparkly your eyes were, had him possessed as well. They are cheesy thoughts sure, but it was truly how he felt about you. Quick as a flash, you were at the New Orleans beach, relieved there was no one else here. You figured there wouldn’t be but you just had to be sure. You wanted Johnny to be your secret. You left your car and started walking along the shore until you got some miles between you and your vehicle. 
“Johnny? Are you there?” I call out to him. 
A big splash from the shore confirmed your answer. You turned to see a beaming smile and bright blue eyes appear on the sand. 
“Hello, Dove.” 
“Hey, Johnny.” I greet him, feeling a deep blush creep onto my face. 
Johnny pulled himself out of the shore and propped himself up against a big sand dune that would block your vision of Johnny. That’s smart, you thought. Johnny patted a spot next to him beckoning for you to sit next to him. You nod as you came and sat next to him, feeling the wet sand hit your pants, causing you to cringe. 
“You alright, lass?” Johnny asked. 
“Yeah, just wet sand.” I said. 
Johnny just beamed his eyes at you, watching every little movement or expression you were making. He was completely infatuated with you, he just wished he could find the right words to say to you. But he could tell you were acting off. Something happened. 
“What’s wrong, Dove?” 
“Oh uh nothing.” I lied. 
I didn’t want to put my bullshit onto Johnny. I am sure he has a lot going on already. 
“I can tell something is amiss. So what’s up?” He asked me again. 
I sighed deeply, seriously debating whether or not to tell him. 
“I just..have been having issues with my professor at school.” 
“How so?” 
“He has been advancing onto me so to speak.” 
Johnny immediately furrowed his eyes, understanding what you said. 
“Bloody wanker..” Johnny mumbled and I had to suppress my giggles from hearing that insult. 
“What class does he teach? And what campus?” Johnny asked. 
“Oh, it’s no big deal Johnny. I’m handling it, I promise.” I reassured him, but I could tell he was pretty angry. 
“He didn’t ‘ouch you did ‘e?” He asked. 
You shook your head in response, seeing Johnny’s face relax a little but still angry. 
“You know I can still turn into a human righ’?” 
“I know Johnny and I appreciate it but I don’t want you to get hurt.” I said, leaning on his shoulder. 
Just from that comment alone, Johnny knew how you truly felt about him. And he was happy. 
“You feel somethin’ for meh, bonnie?” Johnny asked smugly. 
“Maybe.” I returned the same tone. 
Your hand ended up grazing over his tail, feeling the bumpy yet smooth scales. Johnny watched as you did that, knowing you were doing that with good intentions. 
“Your tail is so pretty, Johnny.” I said, seeing the scales shimmer within the moonlight. 
“Not as pretty as you, Dove.” 
You giggled hearing Johnny’s comment, feeling absolutely flustered. 
“Oh stop.” You joke. 
“I mean it though.” 
“Do you though?” You question. 
Johnny gently grabbed your chin and moved your face to were you were looking deep into his blue eyes. 
“I do.” Johnny sincerely said. 
You felt your heart race quicker and quicker the longer you stared into Johnny’s eyes. It was as if he was hypnotizing you with those dreamy eyes of his. You wanted to do something, so badly, but didn’t want to spook Johnny, even though he was worried about spooking you. 
“Can I kiss you?” I ask, immediately cursing at myself  for even asking, but he just smirked in response. 
Without saying anything, Johnny leaned in and connected y’alls lips together, immediately feeling your heart flutter at the action. You shut your eyes and placed your hands on Johnny’s chest, while Johnny wrapped his arms around you, bringing you even closer to him. He pulled away for a second to get some air but immediately connected them back together. You didn’t want this to end, you wanted it to go on for forever. Despite him being underwater 24/7, Johnny’s lips were soft and nowhere near being chapped like you expected them to be. Johnny rubbed your back passionately as you could feel the tension in the air get hotter. You wanted to keep going, go even further knowing he can turn into a human, but you held yourself together. Not yet, soon, but not yet. You pulled away from the kiss first, but remained up close. 
“You enjoy that, Dove?” Johnny asked. 
“No, not at all.” You sarcastically reply back with. 
Johnny chuckled back, loving your style of humor. The two of you embraced in another long kiss and even though the tension was in the air, the two of you held your composure for each other and just kept y’alls lips together, not knowing there was a pair of eyes watching the two of y’all from the far distance. 
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o-hora-o · 3 months
i just remembered that ae became really morally gray; they supported experiments on children to some extent with cocolia's orphanage and lieserl didn't hesitate to drug cecilia, tesla brainwashed a student too ? like they drug people now it's hilarious to me- lieserl not caring about 90% of people around her despite everything is not so far-stretched (i really think it's just tesla and welt, with the addition of coralie and joey in the circle) i wonder if ae was already so morally grau when emma was still around or if it's a consequence of her loss
Omg, another great topic, thank you!!! <3
In the beginning of hi3, they are presented as a villain organization. However, you're right, that is not far from the truth.  
Lieserl drugging Cecilia scene lives rent free in my brain. She was so unbothered as if drugging people actually is her side hobby. Apparently, her another hobby is to tell people about their loss- she told Himeko about her father's death and then just stood there and watched while Himeko cried on the floor in front of her as in “sorrows sorrows prayers”. Or when she told Mei about Kiana’s condition and that she would not last long as in “it is what it is”. 
And yes, she and Tesla have brainwashed, threatened and manipulated people. I especially love this part: 
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And let’s not forget that they saw K423 as a threat and wanted to...get rid of her? 
Not to mention the Project Signa aftermath...well, it's not 100% their decision but this was the price they were ready to pay:
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As for Emma... in the vn she didn't want them to ever be a part of some conflicts so probably they really did went nuts after her death and took a different approach.
55's aftermath really did destroy Emma to the point where she went "ok, look, meine lieben, we have Edison's money for now but the day will come when we're no longer rich, so, what do you think about... free child labour and experiments on them?"
And Cocolia...truly is an interesting case. Remember how in the Eye of the Deep arc they had to vote whether or not they lose the Gem and let Cocolia die or split forces? And then Ein voted for plan 1 with no hesitation? :D
And, ironically, she was the one who had to go and meet Cocolia because between Ein and Tesla - Ein most likely wouldn't punch Cocolia in the face during their negotiation even if she wanted to. Instead of being punched in the face by Ein, Cocolia's fate was to go to a prison and be completely forgotten by the writers ever since.
Anyway, we're all aware of how much Ein despises and hates Cocolia (that's almost the only emotion she failed to hide) and we all know why. The clones.
This clones story is also known as the "one of the biggest plot holes writers can't fix". So if you never played APHO then that 5 years time skip in the main story literally feels like:
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How, when, where- these are all the questions that go hand in hand with the clone story. And it starts with Cocolia.
She was in prison ever since the Eye of the Deep arc, theoretically. Did she create Joey all those years ago and kept him hidden? And then he somehow escaped? Or was he hanging out in the orphanage? And if she did, how? Just how she managed to create Welt's clone. And not one, not two but more than three clones. When. Because let's suppose you need the core to make his clone. The core was with Joachim then it was in the Sea of Quanta and then Cocolia got to prison. In this case, you don't need the core.
Alright, but you certainly need his DNA, right? In this case, AE has some secret Welt Joyce DNA bank. Maybe them trying to locate his soul in the core wasn't enough and they were very much inspired by Otto's clones. But. How they got his DNA then? Dig up his grave? When I said that they went nuts after Emma's death I didn't mean THIS nuts.
Their level of being nuts ends where Ein and Joachim started to share the hobby of killing Welt's clones with their own hands, thanks to Cocolia. And then they met Joffrey-
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bishie-haven · 4 months
After-party, Day 1, Part 2!
Alright, so part 2 of that list, HERE WE GO!
#7: The Avatar of Lust (Initial UR)
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This blasted card…another NB-exclusive, they’re really able to lean into the “we’re in the past” element of the story and bring it out into the open. Being brought to Lamentation on account of hearing ghost-like noises, it turns out to be Asmo literally wailing like a banshee because of Satan’s remarks on him putting on airs. This leads to a point of backstory that I absolutely adore. We all know about how Asmo was nicknamed “the jewel of the heavens” by Luci himself and how the two were effectively a pair, but we never knew his true intentions behind it. Well, thanks to a flashback, we find out it’s because Luci saw all the effort Asmo put into things, whether successful or not, and that’s what truly made him shine like a gem to him. It really puts into perspective his abundance of drive and self-confidence and how it shines in every other situation he’s in. I hate that it takes over two sections of the story just to even start TALKING to him, but you take what you can get. 
And the ART…I have merch of this card art, and whatever side you look at, you can TELL the artists went all out for the release, whether demon OR angel form. (And also, WHY has no one said anything about how the demon form’s pose is the gold-standard yandere pose?!)
#6: Treat for a Job Well Done (Water Panic UR)
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Oh, the equivalent of my birthday present last year~ While the event that was attached was…a bit less than desired (it felt like I was ACTUALLY working that temp job pushing through it…and you couldn’t even kiss him ON THE FERRIS WHEEL!), the story we got for that grind was SUCH a treat. Even with a concept as simple as “beach episode”, so many cute elements were added in, like the floater keychains and the drink customization. And overall the tone was just so playful, like it truly was a reward for the work you did to get this card. And you ACTUALLY get that kiss (if you want it!)!
While the card art doesn’t have many bells and whistles, the composition is what sold it for me. Both the initial and DF unlock are framed like you’re both under the warm rays of the sun (a rarity in this world), and each show Asmo with the biggest smile on his face…it warms my heart just as much!
#5: Gifts for My Valentine (Valentine’s ‘24 UR+)
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Now THIS is a direction I haven't seen the Valentine's Day surprise take before. Casually dropping that he and other students have been cursed, we get full access to Asmo's thoughts for the day, and instead of stuff you shouldn't really be posting on the internet, the thoughts are actually pretty wholesome. However, it seems to wreck every surprise he tries to give you. Between a secret that romantic feeding makes a chocolate ten times sweeter (attacking me with my favorite romantic trope, no less) to wanting to share a gift so that they could be connected, you end up knowing it all. And what does he do to combat this? Pulls the “I'm your present, unwrap me” card to shroud his brain in mystery and have a decorated demon as your gift. Absolutely. Freaking. Adorable.
And the art? Oh COME ON, not only attacking me AGAIN with the initial art, but the suit in the DF unlock? The freaking RIBBON?! We're getting spoiled here!
#4: Lovable Me (Initial SSR)
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The last of the NB-exclusive cards I can rank, this one I feel gets the most right when it comes to what they're trying to do. They show the start of a character's personality trait (in this case, the fifth deciding he's going to pursue being famous on social media), showing how it can be in a negative sense (bringing his twin younger brothers along primarily as pack mules on a shopping spree), and how it can be turned on its head. Within this story, Asmo gets a huge break when a scouting agent asks him to be an in-house model, but only if he immediately signs a contract at their HQ. He could have done this, nothing was stopping him…but he promised his brothers lunch and rest, and he knew that while he would have plenty more opportunities, he only had these brothers. It really reveals that under the glitz and glamor he likes to portray, he is loyal and dedicated to those he cares about. I've said it before and I'll say it again: to those of you thinking Asmo only cares about himself READ THIS NOW. Also, the fact that Mammon ends up getting the spot in his place and the lusty boy ends up going ballistic on him is hilarious. XD
AND the art also portrays multiple sides of him too. A big reason I love this character is because he is very much GNC and is ready and willing to wear things that aren't necessarily coded as masculine, whether that be lipstick (initial) or even a gorgeous ball gown (DF unlock). And this was one of the INITIAL cards??
#3: A Taste of Stan Culture (Hobby UR+)
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While I adore our demon of desire, he is not the only one in this game I like. For example, my 2nd favorite amongst the brothers is our lovable little nerd, Leviathan. And if there’s one thing I and the envy demon have in common, it’s the passion we share for our faves. And my #1 gets to understand the mindset of the #2 in this story, where a spat between the two leads him to try and apologize by trying to get into his head about anime, idols and overall stan culture as a whole. Although from Asmo’s perspective, the faves he has in mind? Himself and you. On his end, wearing homemade merch of your love (in this case personalizing shirts with his face on it which, fun fact, show the art from his Return My Glow card from the OG game!). On your end, a fashion show with him laying on the praise as thick as he can: penlights, fans, hearts in his eyes and all! It highlights a lot of little things about him, too: he and Levi share a skill of sewing, and because Asmo has a hoard of fans himself, this little experiment allows him to understand them just a bit more. Development just for going the way of the otaku for a couple of days!
While I’ll admit the initial art for this card is just okay (unless you’re a huge fan of embroidering), the DF unlock is where it really shines. This is where we get him waving the fan and the penlight, but also where he’s wearing this GORGEOUS outfit that I will pay SO much money for in order for it to be a model in-game, PLEASE SOLMARE!!
#2: Li’l Asmo’s Big Journey (Fairytale UR+)
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This. This freaking story. How many ways can I say I love this story?? Since I was a kid, I loved movies like “Honey I Shrunk the Kids” and many an episode of a TV show where characters either grew or shrank and had to get used to the new perspective of the world around them. In this case, thanks to context from another unlockable chat, nibbling on a few cookies off-screen caused Asmo to go down to mere inches in height, leading to a slew of shenanigans as he wants to do multiple things just trying to get back home. From playing around and fighting dolls in a cursed dollhouse to ordering a sweet dish that’s quadruple his size (and another attack on my fave romantic trope depending on the dialogue choice) to getting KIDNAPPED BY A BIRD, it has all the trappings for a stupidly fun time with one of my favorite subjects. And the irony is, he asks you multiple times near the end if you would like to shrink as well sometime for a cute photoshoot amongst the flowers…and I currently have an OC dating him whose magic specialty is altering size, whether of objects or herself…
When it comes to the art, they really leaned on the Thumbelina inspiration for each image, and whether you want him resting pretty with a wand or relaxing with a pair of butterfly wings, if you like fairies, this is the card for you!
#1: Every Version of You (Learning UR+)
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So this card from the Learning-themed Nightmare is my favorite. And while I will admit right now the art isn’t my favorite (I don’t hate it, but it’s more on the plain side with the collapsing books or the Demonus pong) and that some aspects feel a bit forced (specifically with the ending in the club), it’s honestly easy to ignore for me. I say this because the story that occurs is absolute perfection if you want character development for someone as perfection-obsessed as Asmodeus. The whole story revolves around a video of him studying going viral online, and because it doesn’t fit what he usually portrays as his image, he starts to worry that no one likes his personality anymore, and tries multiple avenues to try and give a new image to himself (and not like a CERTAIN #14). He tries, fails, and it’s only when a photo is snapped of him collapsing over a pile of tea reference books that he starts to realize that not only does he not need to change any aspect about himself, but that he needs to start showing the realm that he’s NOT always perfect. No matter whether he succeeds or fails at something, the fact that he’s doing his best is what’s most important at the end of the day. It revolves back around to the first UR he receives in this game. He isn’t a jewel of the heavens or even of all three realms just because he’s seen as perfect. It is because he’s determined, he’s passionate, he puts in the time to get the results he wants.
And that? That is one of the countless reasons why so many, including myself, see him as more dazzling than any gem a jeweler could offer. 
Alright, Day 3's contents are on the way! And this time? We'll be going into a bit into my head for our next wave~
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amethiosspouse · 3 months
「 ✦ Love Language ✦ 」
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Synopsis: Amethio learning Tagalog just so that he can sing Filo love songs to Mari <3
Tags/Warnings: For plot reasons, please pretend a Tagalog course is available on Doduolingo, Amethio and Mari’s relationship in this fic is at an awkward point (transitioning from just puppy crushes to a full on committed relationship), Mari goes by he/him pronouns in this fic
A/N: There's translations at the end of the fic. Any sentence with an asterik* on it will have translations!
Word Count: 1203
Amethio was ready to snap his Rotom Phone in half. Yet another question wrong and another heart lost. The young man was learning Tagalog for the past three months and yet the only word he was able to remember was “Mabuhay!” and it wasn’t even from the stupid Doduolingo app itself. He had never put this much effort into someone he loved before, mainly because the concept of love itself was foreign to his nature, but it wasn’t until he finally succumbed to his feelings for his lifelong sweetheart that Amethio truly knew what it meant to love someone from the depths of his heart.
And this was how he was going to show that form of love, by learning Mari’s native language and singing a song in said language. All was fine until it dawned on him that he couldn’t utter a single coherent sentence in Tagalog. He had been blinded by the thought of impressing Mari so much that he wasn't even able to understand the basics of the language he was learning. At first, he was considering to approach Kisma to learn the basics of the language. It was a solid idea because it meant that during his study session with the older guy, he would be able to see his darling. So why didn’t he take the offer? Because poor little Amethio was and always will be a stubborn and prideful man. Plus reaching out to a man he barely knew would be quite the suspicious move, especially if you considered the fact that said man was Mari’s older brother. So in his defense, Amethio never had another option other than to learn the language by himself…
After losing his last heart to another basic question, Amethio threw his head back in exasperation and groaned as if a million Copperajah’s just trampled over him, causing bystanders in the hall to eye him with telltale looks. He shot them bitter glares to which they all looked away, before getting back to the task at hand.
He could easily spend another 350 gems to replenish his hearts…or he could just spend $10 for unlimited hearts to keep on learning. With that, he made up his mind. Just as Amethio was about to fork away his credit card details to a viridian vireo, he felt a hand on his shoulder.
“Can I help you?” Amethio craned his neck to look up at the figure behind him, blinking.
It was Kisma. The man who Amethio could only describe as his savior at that very moment in his life. The older man stared Amethio down, his taller frame towered over the shorter male. He leaned down a bit just so that he was able to reach Amethio’s ear height and began to speak in a low and teasing tone. “So you’re the one who’s turned my sibling into a lovestruck schoolboy.” He quickly took a glance at Amethio’s Rotom Phone, a devilish smirk spreaded on his face. “Oh ho ho! What do we have here, Mr Loverman?” Kisma teases. He gave Amethio a teasing smirk before he turned to walk away but just as he was about to leave, he stopped in his tracks and spoke again, this time in a more friendly and inviting manner. “I’ll swing by the student council meeting room after you guys are finished and I’ll pick you up. Mari doesn’t get home until around dinner time during Tuesdays.” And so, that’s how it began. Every Tuesday afternoon after his student council meetings, Amethio would spend his afternoons being tutored by Kisma in secret. He didn’t expect him to be both an excellent teacher and listener, but all things were in the fate of Arceus. During that time, Amethio also learned how to play the guitar just for Mari. He was finally getting somewhere in terms of his progress in learning how to court his lover the traditional way and it only took him less than a month to learn the song and how to pronounce the lyrics properly all while being able to keep it a secret from his beloved.
Then came the day of judgment. Amethio took Mari out to a safe and secluded area where the two were able to have some time alone without a certain purple, dual typed prankster getting in the way of these rare moments they shared. As the sun began to set behind the mountain range, the last of its rays shone on the two lovers, leaving a golden, sun kissed hue to the scenery unfolding. Amethio took the wooden instrument out of his case and began to serenade his lover to his heart’s content, his voice laced with nothing but pure love and dedication. All those long, tiresome and sleepless nights clearly paid off for Mari was left in complete awe. Never in a million years did he think that someone loved him that much to not only learn his native language but to also sing a song as well. As he finished singing, he gently cupped Mari’s cheeks. His long, slender fingers gently caressed their tanned skin.
“Ano na ngayon? Hinde mo ba ako bibigyan ng halik?* He spoke in a teasing manner. Mari gave him a light shove before he crossed his arms and huffed and pouted like a little kid.
“Umayos ka! Kung hinde kita mahal, sinampal ko na ikaw!”* The flustered male responded. Amethio chuckled, he knew that judging by the light blushing tint to Mari’s face that he was just a flustered mess. Once he was able to calm down, Mari spoke up again. This time in a quieter, more timid tone it was almost as if he was about to cry. “Nobody has ever gone this far in hopes of impressing me…Thank you for doing all this. A.. and…thank you for being able to love me in a way I could never be able to love myself.” There was a lump in his throat. It was as if someone grabbed him by the throat and started to choke him, and that someone was Cupid. Mari was overwhelmed by such a small but meaningful love language so much that he started to cry just from sheer happiness that someone had finally accepted who he was as a person.
“I love you, Amethio.” Mari managed to speak through small squeaky sobs. Amethio wraps his slender arms around his boyfriend, in hopes of comforting him in this moment for he knew how much this all probably took a toll on Mari. He kissed him on the forehead and then on the lips, a quick but deep kiss that left him wanting more. He managed to get Mari to calm down before uttering the words that would surely send Mari into overdrive.
“I love you too, Mari.”
Translations!! :
“Ano na ngayon? Hinde mo ba ako bibigyan ng halik? Translation: "What now? Aren't you gonna give me a kiss?"
“Umayos ka! Kung hinde kita mahal, sinampal ko na ikaw!” Translation: "Settle down! If I didn't love you then I would've slapped you by now!"
©2024 amethiosspouse do not repost on other platforms or claim as your own work !!~
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Crowley not so subtly begging Papa Asim for donations :3c
Ah, yes 😌 A tale as old as time… Nobody let Jamil overhear this—
Family means Nobody is Left Behind or Forgotten.
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“Night Raven College is greatly honored by your presence, Mr. Asim!!” Crowley warbled as he flitted around his desk, wine bottle in hand, and right up to his guest. "Please, allow me to pour you a drink!"
Mr. Asim and Kalim were seated in luxurious chairs (something Crowley had specially procured for this occasion), cushions silken and stuffed with the down of baby birds. The businessman was draped in the finest fabrics with expect stitching, brilliant peacock greens, blues, and golds bright against his white hair and rich skin.
He beamed—his smile so much like that of his son—and held up his glass in a hand heavy with sparkling gems. "Most hospitable of you, headmaster. I'll have just a nip, thank you."
"My pleasure!!" Crowley purred, tipping the bottle over. A stream of deep garnet liquid filled Mr. Asim’s glass halfway. The aroma of finely aged grapes and mulled spices filled the headmaster’s office.
“Smells good! Can I have some fruit juice too?” Kalim asked.
“Errr, when you’re older, Asim-kun! For now, you may have sparkling water.”
“Gahahah! Listen to your teacher, Kalim. The man’s job is to keep you safe while you’re at school.”
“Awww… Alright, dad!”
Crowley tended to the boy, then poured himself his own drink. He made himself comfortable back behind his desk. Swirling the wine in his glass, Crowley eyed the (very wealthy) man across the way.
How much cash was stuffed in the inner lining of his suit? How many credit cards could fit in a single wallet? Was one wallet enough to contain all of his financial assets? Surely not.
Family Day was a means of cultivating good will with students’ relatives and netting donations. If he played his cards just right… Crowley licked his chops—he could practically taste the thaumarks now.
Mr. Asim took a healthy swig. “So! Tell me, my good man. How’s my boy been doing this year?”
The headmaster practically jumped to answer the question. He had prepped himself for this, taking care to prune his feedback of any mention of subpar, just-barely-passing grades.
“Ah, yes! Asim-kun is very cheerful and friendly. He’s one of the few in the student body willing to lend an ear and a helping hand to his peers! Truly, a ray of sunshine in the dark, a cool sip of water in the scorching desert!”
“Hmm, that certainly sounds like him.” Mr. Asim thoughtfully stroked his bushy white beard. “Never has been the type to keep to yourself. Gregarious one, he is. At home, Kalim chats up everyone: the locals, the servants, the animals we keep, his siblings. The ability to communicate across different groups is a valuable thing.”
“I wholeheartedly agree!! And Asim-kun is so good at it,” Crowley gushed. “He reaches out to others regardless of their dormitory—why, I’ve seen him inviting staff members and reclusive Ignihyde and Diasomnia students to his get-togethers!” (The headmaster fondly recalled the delicious foods he had stuffed himself with at a recent Scarabian banquet.)
“He’s beloved by members of his dorm. They couldn’t ask for a better person to lead them. His enrollment alone has done so much good for our school!” Crowley paused dramatically, then slyly added, “And, of course, Night Raven College is most gracious for the generous donation received upon your son's transfer. The newly renovated Scarabia dorm is greatly enjoyed by all.
“Alas!! Our school seems to have fallen on hard times as of late. We experienced big commotions on campus between winter break and the cultural festival…” Crowley lamented, holding his head in his hands. Sorrowful sobs punctuated his sentences.
“If only a kind benefactor would spare us a few million thaumarks for repairing and expanding our facilities! F-For the benefit of the children, of course!”
"Mm?" Kalim cocked his head for a moment—then his face lit up with realization. "Oooh, you’re talking about when Jamil—”
“N-Not now, Asim-kun!!” Crowley hastily silenced him. Sweat beaded on his brow. “The adults are talking!”
Mr. Asim set his wine down and leaned forward. His expression became serious as he laced his bejeweled fingers together, eyes narrowing into ruby slivers. At once, his presence was less like that of a jolly neighbor and more like a powerful sultan, ready to command with the wave of his hand.
Crowley gulped. This man was no pushover.
"How is Jamil doing?"
"Viper-kun? " Crowley scrambled for composure. "Th-This meeting is about your son, so I don't see why... I don't know if I can divulge information on other students...!!"
"He is my son's attendant and closest confidant. I should like to know how he fares.” Mr. Asim turned to his son. “Kalim? Your thoughts?”
If he spills the beans, it’s over for me!! Not just no donation, but my reputation—Night Raven College’s reputation—forever tarnished in the eyes of the public!
“N-No,” Crowley said quickly, “I-I can provide a report if that’s what you want!!”
“I want to hear what Kalim has to say first. Go on, my boy.”
The headmaster’s face fell. One testimony from Kalim, and all of his efforts to flatter Mr. Asim would have all been for naught.
“Dad…” Kalim’s face was uncharacteristically flat. “About Jamil, he…”
It’s over.
“Jamil’s been having a hard time at school! But I didn’t know that until really recently. It turns out, he was really upset and hurting, and he couldn’t tell me about it.” Kalim’s eyes drifted shut. “I feel like… I’ve failed him as his friend.
“I want to be the person he can come to if he wants to be heard. I want to support him. Then I thought, ‘maybe the problem is me’. Maybe I’m not that kind of person in Jamil’s eyes. Maybe I’m not good enough yet.
“So… I made a promise to myself, dad! ‘I’ll get better, so one day Jamil can feel good about coming to me’.” Kalim beamed, the sunshine taking up his entire face. “That’s my goal!”
Crowley had entirely deflated into his chair. A prayer to the Great Seven was on his lips, begging for mercifulness.
Mr. Asim suddenly smiled, cutting the tension. "That's good to hear."
Crowley bolted up, talons digging into his seat's arms. "I-It is?!"
“There are some things money can’t buy. I could hire the best tutors in Twisted Wonderland—in fact, I did at one point!!—but there are lessons you can only learn through first-hand experience. I wanted Kalim to have those kinds of opportunities, so I sent him to this institution.
“Birds kept in cages never learn to fly on their own." Mr. Asim nodded firmly, placing a hand over his son's. A belly laugh bubbled out. "The world will open up to you if you open your eyes to it and are willing to change with it.
“I'm happy that you were able to come to understand that during your time here. You’ve matured so much, Kalim. You're well on your way to becoming a dignified successor."
"Wow, you really think so, dad?"
"Yes, I see that the future is in good hands."
Mr. Asim stood and reached into his suit. Crowley's heart stood still when he produced a gold-plated fountain pen topped by enormous diamond and… a rectangular pad of papers.
Jackpot: his checkbook.
“I'd like to invest in that future,” Mr. Asim continued with a laugh, “and in this fine, reputable establishment. Name your number, Crowley, and you shall have it.”
“R-Really?! ANY number?!” There were practically thaumarks dancing in the headmaster’s beady little eyes.
Crowley seized Mr. Asim’s free hand and gave it a vigorous shake. “Thank you so very much, sir!! I can guarantee you that these funds will be put to good use!”
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kazuza-art · 1 year
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I love Grindledore! But I'm very VERY specific in my Grindledore love XD In this rec list, you won't find fluffy idyllic Grindledore summer fic or nice Grindelwald turning good by the power of love so be prepared!
so here is some of my favorite fic on the fandom! I hope you will give it all a try <3
One of my very fav characterisation of Albus but also of their couple; It insert itself perfectly into canon and feel so real. They never met in person during the fic and yet it's all about their shared love and messy divorce and poor Graves is the chest piece caught in between. Albus in particular is amazing there, charismatic, manipulative yet benevolent and playful, his arrogance, his grief, his desire to be forgiven, to do GOOD... It's beautiful
This fic really doesn't have the popularity it deserve so please guy give it a try!
A very good old Grindledore in love, reconnecting with each other in Numengard prison. They are old, hurt and traumatized and recovering. But it's beautifully written and full of little moment that feels so real. I love the idea of unrequited love taking away magic, it would be very interesting explore further.
Another one of the best long fic that doesn't have enough recognition. Albus freed Gellert from Numengard to fight a revolution against the corrupt ministry in the second war. Albus is slipping into the dark side while Gellert is trying so hard to refrain from falling back into his old travers. Old Grindeldore in love is always such a treat.
it is such a great GREAT AU, I have no words to describe how good it is.
Please give it a try guys!
A very long serie of AU fic that basically reconcile Grindledore from the fb3 following. It's very political, very well crafted and believable! Gellert doesn't turn magically a nice guy and THERE IS ANTON!! I'm dying for some anton/gellert/albus love triangle XD
this one is an ovni in the Grindledore sphere and I can tell I read every damn fic on this tag, even the Chinese one XD
It's good! I'm not a fan of her Dumbledore but somehow she sold me on it! It's an Au, modern AU type but within the HP world of magic. There is no war so ALbus pursue his career in the ministry and Gellert is an exchange student in politics. This fic is VERY VERY good. Very compelling. Another gem not very well known please take a look guys!
it's a wip that will never be finished I think but it was promising. It's basically what I want from grindledore, not that eternal summer of them but the greedy love-hate relationship in the middle of the war, enemi lover! oh I mourn this fic ç_ç
a super compelling AU where Ariana lives and Grindledore are left to navigate their complicated relationship and to reunite the hollow and conquered the world! Every side character is a gem, Ariana, Vinda, Abe! I just LOVE IT
(author has other very very good grindledore fic by the way)
I love Kierkegarden grindledore fic the best in general but this one is so dark and sad and terrible! Ah such a masterpiece! I wish canon Albus had truly seemed mind healer help and live an happy life, but would gellert let him
IM A HUGE FAN of Grindlewald trying to seduce ALbus as Graves! I wish more people would write that trop! This one is the best I ever read so far! so creepy XD
a twist of the Gellert win and attic wife albus trope! Gellert is the one being attic wife and it's DELICIOUS, I like all Kyrilu fics on Grindledore but this one was really fresh!
Please let me know if you have any good Grindledore recs and why you like them guys <3
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miyakuli · 9 months
A Space for the Unbound
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Stand by Me
After the emotional When the Past was Around, a game I was particularly fond of, Mojiken and Toge Productions are back with another hard-hitting title. A Space for the Unbound plunges us into Indonesia in the 90s, where we follow young high-school students Raya and Atma as they confront the end of their world (I won't reveal any more than that, as the story is well worth the candle). What can I say, I can only recommend it, because once again, it's a game that left a deep mark on me:
❤ A truly moving story that touches on singularly human and mature themes. The script skilfully juggles between sweet moments and much more psychologically harsh scenes, and easily draws us in with the way it gradually distils clues about our characters and the world around us. And I'm not even going to mention the masterful ending - I still think about it with great emotion. A little gem of writing! ❤ Endearing characters, both human and animal ;) (ps: you can pet and name all the animals in the game, I'm screaming!) ❤ I'm a big fan of pixel art, and I can say that in terms of design, it's superb. From the detailed and nostalgic backgrounds, to the distinctive and memorable chara-designs, to the beautiful gameplay animations and cinematic sequences… it's a real treat! ❤ Not to mention the excellent soundtrack that accompanies the game. The music is pleasant, comforting at times, but also emotionally charged in the strong moments. And yes, the song at the end totally helped to make me cry :') ❤ Gameplay-wise, it's partly a fairly basic point & click, with little puzzles here and there that aren't too hard, but the game also offers different gameplay phases (such as QTEs and even an Ace Attorney-style court phase :p), so there's never any real sense of redundancy.
+/- I found all the quests relevant, even the more secondary ones; each one allows us to really learn about the protagonists' neighbourhood and its residents, and therefore to really feel at home there, which reinforces the nostalgic aspect of the game. On the other hand, some of them perhaps take up a little too much time for what they add to the story.
✖ Some actions require you to go back and forth quite a bit at times (and long!) ✖ Atma walks so slowly that you end up running all the time. So what's the point of the walking option x)
This is the second game from this studio that has brought tears to my eyes. They have a real talent for gently conveying emotion, through both storytelling and gameplay. I regret not having played it sooner, as it would definitely have got my vote at the Game Awards 2023, where it was nominated in the 'Game for Impact' category. Because yes, I'm not likely to forget it, and as the game wanted to teach me, cherishing your fondest memories is important for living and moving forward <3
➡ My Steam page
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