#my stress is through the roof
leviscolwill · 1 year
ben chilwell and dominik szboszlai on the same screen should be criminal
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bunnions · 4 months
you ever have such a bad day at work you throw up?
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djarinslover · 1 year
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creations-by-chaosfay · 2 months
Telling me to make and list larger quilts will improve my sales is rude. Especially after I explain why I currently can't do that (my wrists and hands are a wreck).
If you're so determined I make these, you need to purchase a machine for me to be able to do that.
Until probably next Spring, I won't be able to do any handquilting. It will need to be done by machine. Neither of my two machines is large enough enough to quilt more than 30x30 inches without injuring myself. I received a quilting frame that will allow me to use a regular machine for the machine quilting and no strain on my body. Except neither of my machines is large enough. I have three on that linked list, all large enough, and the biggest has a 19 inch workspace and was made for the frame I have. I could finish a dozen or more quilts from 40x40 inches up to queen size (I have zero desire to deal with a king size quilt). The prices would drop like rocks because it wouldn't take over 300 hours to finish these. Nope. Closer to 50 hours.
If you would like to teach me to fish, you need to give me a fishing rod for the lessons to be of any use.
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gaysolangelo · 9 months
the whiplash the last chapter of dark heir gave me is enough to warrant years of therapy
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pigswithwings · 10 months
stone butch blues save me
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pybun · 10 months
"already got extra scrap over the quota but ill just look for more just in case"
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guess who's stuck in a group project where no one is even really doing SHIT and now i have to probably do the whole thing by myself (◉‿◉) so the reason why i'm barely even writing anymore is bc of my two 8 week courses, sorry about that <33
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Imagine the shenanigans ranger commanders must go through with their pets
Like, a pet's a pet regardless of whether or not it's saved your life in battle against primordial forces, regardless of the ability to meld minds or wills.
Imagine hearing the Commander, fabled hero, losing their gods damn shit with their pet, a beloved hero in their own right. You're walking by and suddenly some juvenile dragon goes skittering across your path, happy as a clam, while the most vile insults are hurled from the Commanders home, as they detail how they spent the whole afternoon deep cleaning their pets room/area, buying new toys, setting up enrichment pieces, only to see their pet about to throw up on the nice rug, try to chase them outside before they did that, only for the animal to throw up all over some furniture they just cleaned in the animals room
meanwhile a dragon most asura can use as a mount is just off to go find more trash to eat, happy there's nothing to fight and their stomachs not sore anymore
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dabidagoose · 7 months
I love love how Brennan chose to characterize porter where like. He's such an asshole. Such a fucking asshole of a guy and it really sucks to talk to him. And fig hates him so much just as she should. But despite that you can't discount him as some dope know-nothing cause he's got some INCREDIBLE wisdom and (for fig, not really for gorgug) is just a really good teacher. That really horrible experience of showing up to class with a burning hatred for the teacher for being here at all and then leaving knowing that you have just learned some incredibly valuable skills.
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runawaycarouselhorse · 3 months
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happi-dreams · 7 months
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These will probs just be doodled but teehee more silly oc stuff i cannot be stopped
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madame-mongoose · 8 months
i need to start smoking weed right fucking now
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shisou · 3 months
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LIKE  FOR  A  ONE  LINER  STARTER.  this  will  be  from  either  zouin  or  inei,  dependent  on  which  one  wants  to  appear.  you  can  like  it  even  if  we  already  have  ongoing  interactions.  if  you're  a  multimuse,  specify  your  muse,  or  else  i'll  give  you  something  that  you  can  reply  as  whoever.  i  encourage  you  to  expand  in  your  reply  if  possible.  <3
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veradune · 4 months
So that was a really weird mood whiplash last week between the very bad anniversary depression-fest multiplied by a sleep-deprived long furby frenzy.
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nanaminokanojo · 5 months
I dreamt of Sukuna very vividly with a whole goddamn plot with the present situation going agonizingly slow and being interrupted by flashbacks on loop but revealing something more and more until it got to the point of the revelation where I lost him in the past, and I was about to attack a post-apocalyptic government because of it. I woke up as these people in navy blue armored uniforms were about to clobber me to the ground while I watched everything around me burn. And I stared at the ceiling, terribly exhausted, and feeling like a piece of me was missing, like I just went through heartbreak and I go, WTF??? I feel the need to write about it and I probably will cause I'm afraid I am becoming delusional even in my sleep and guess what, it had to happen while I was going through a polysomnography so how fucked up will the results be? Haha idfk.
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