#my soul needs nourishment. i gotta FIND something
bloodbywinter · 6 days
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gettin excited about cutesy potential sticker designs lately heheheheh
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justsomesara · 2 years
I've seen your art and animations for a while and I think it's great and wonderful work, what advice can you give to someone who is starting out in the art world?
Thanks friend! This is honestly such a broad question, I don't know if I can give you a useful boilerplate answer. But I can sure try. Here's my best shot: "Art is a marathon, not a sprint." is a mantra I come back to over and over again. Understand and accept and try to get excited even, over the fact that the journey is long, and there's so much to learn, and you do it by placing one foot in front of the other, one step at a time. Don't skip out on fundamentals, but don't become a slave to academia either. If drawing cubes gets boring, switch it up and draw your favorite anime characters making out with each other. Art is supposed to be fun, life enriching, soul nourishing even! And you gotta hold on to that or you risk burning out.
Study and practice, and remember that you should be studying things in order to apply them immediately.  The enormous, glaring flaw in my approach starting out was my obsession with covering all of my bases before I even started trying to draw or animate anything, like I was gonna be able to keep all of these secret, hyper specific, super power art skills in my back pocket to whip out whenever I needed them. But learning everything at once with no direct application means no retention. I can't tell you how many boot camp sessions I put myself through, trying to learn every muscle and tendon in the human hand, only to find that none of it really stuck long term because I wasn't putting my money where my mouth was and actually practicing all that theory.
This approach effectively sets you free. You can draw anything, make anything! When you struggle, or need to use tutorials and references, those are your windows to learn, and apply what you learn directly and immediately. And that’s how you grow!
There are so many resources available online to follow and learn from, so get ready to experiment and try everything, and do so with the knowledge that there is no one size fits all approach to art. Take what you can/want to take from the people who inspire you, but unless you're deliberately challenging yourself, do listen to your gut and work in ways that feel natural to your artistic skill and thought process. Your brain is your brain! Stay flexible and plastic as you learn, keep the advice that works for you, write it down for future reference, and when you try something that doesn't really work for you, see if you can nail down why. Write that down too! Course correction is a normal part of the process.
And save all of your old drawings! Future you will be so proud of how far you've come a couple years down the line.
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astrologybyana · 3 years
part of fortune in signs
back with another post! now, we’re gonna look into the part of fortune ✨
part of fortune, also known as lot of fortune and pars fortunae, shows us how we can improve our life, how achieving success will be easier for us, our source of happiness and prosperity etc.
you can find out which sign and house your pars fortunae is by going to  astro.com, choosing “free horoscopes” and then “extended chart selection”
from house systems, choose “whole signs” and from additional objects, choose “pars fortunae” and there it is!
you can also access to my masterpost, here 🎈
it’s a long post so i cut it from here 🧚🏻‍♀️
pars fortunae in aries / 1st house
you need to stay active in order to find satisfaction
looking your best is important for you
you have a harmonious mentality that allows you to see which steps you need to take
without clear goals, you might be too passive for others to make you do whatever they want
expressing your personality will bring you happiness
you need to fight your fear of standing alone and take your own path
pars fortunae in taurus / 2nd house
you find satisfaction in stability, security, and finding self-worth
you can let go of your desires easily because you trust things will work themselves out
you might need to seperate yourself from the material world and seek spiritual growth
money comes to you easily here 💸
you might fear of failure, so you might think you need to be productive constantly
but taking things slow will help you gain your creativity
pars fortunae in gemini / 3rd house
communication and learning brings you joy!
the ideas of people around you is valuable for you
you’re able to see things through different perfectives, which makes you able to relate lots of kinds of people
you might be self-rightious and and you might fear of sounding dumb
you like changes, and you’re adaptive
embracing philosophical studies and complexity will help you achieve wisdom
pars fortunae in cancer / 4th house
nourishing and helping others bring you joy, you are very giving
connected to mother earth
you might look at life through the eyes of a child
you are very giving, and it’s a good thing, yes; but you forget about yourself, finding balance here will be good for you
you are willing to accept new opportunities and start new things
finding where your heart belongs to, will bring you emotional support
pars fortunae in leo / 5th house
you find joy in being the center of attention and expressing yourself
inspiring and guiding others is important for you
however, you might find it hard to understand that not everyone is going to like your methods
you should learn to do good things without expecting something in return
you may find your creativity through the help of your friends, but you gotta be careful choosing who your friends are
not worrying about what people think will help you attract what you want
pars fortunae in virgo / 6th house
you feel happy when you’re mentally active, and when you find what you specifically like to do for a living
feeling healthy, productive and busy is important for you
you’re sensitive to others’ feelings, so being useful to people through your work will make you happy
though, you might lack self confidence
you’re deeply empathetic and in touch with your consciousness
you should learn how to tolerate a little mess
pars fortunae in libra / 7th house
you achieve happiness and success with partnerships
you prefer to keep peaceful relations with people rather than arguing, so you keep most of your opinions to yourself
you are easy to talk to, and you tolerate a lot
you might compare yourself with others often
you probably know many stuff about people around you
harmony is the key to relationships, so you should keep your needs as a priority as much as you keep your partners’ too
pars fortunae in scorpio / 8th house
for the 8th housers, your happiness and success will be given to you by other people
you will transform yourself with trying the things they teach you
you should let your ego down so that you can let go of what no longer serves you
try letting yourself be open to intimacy and sharing
you might fear exploring intense emotional levels, helping people overcome their negativity, and digging deeper into the unknown
but these will help you achieve fulfillment
pars fortunae in sagittarius / 9th house
you enjoy discovering new things about the universe, spirituality and philosophy
expanding your consciousness is the key for you
curiosity about different cultures and people
however, while trying to understand everybody’s opinion you might lose yours
so, being direct with others is the best idea
listening to your intuition and connecting with nature will lead you to happiness
pars fortunae in capricorn / 10th house
ambitious and responsible, demanding and receiving respect gives you fulfillment
success-oriented, you’re gonna get there by working hard
you might have defined a specific structure for your life, and you wanna get there
fear of rejection and failure
embracing autonomy and taking the leadership will be the best for you
you might have a hard time letting your past habits go, overcoming this will help you achieve your goals
pars fortunae in aquarius / 11th house
you wanna help the world proceed, you wanna help others
freedom and independence is the key for you to achieve success and happiness
very unbiased and you probably bring fairness to your relations with others
you have great imagination and the energy to put this in practice
you attract people who think like you, and they inspire you
you gotta embrace your uniqueness and unconventional ideas
pars fortunae in pisces / 12th house
you’re very receptive to everything around you with a great intensity, so tuning in your inner being will bring you peace
you need some alone time for your own good, connecting with your soul will be good for you
very intuitive and imaginative, and these features are the key to your happiness
although, you could also be a victim to your imagination
you can try pouring this complexion into creativity
you are very compassionate and understanding, so you can be of service to others for like a job
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mattydemise · 2 years
Got some slow blues playing and a coffee beside me. Working on my novel. Today I’m writing about this intense sexual situation between the two primary characters. The boxer and the junkie. I had this beautiful, memorable moment of physicality last year and I’m pulling from that to write this situation better. When you can remember the exact shape of someone, the way their skin glowed in the dim bedroom light, the taste of their sex. The things that tattoo themselves into your brain and will never leave. Memories that persist long after we’ve left this place of mortals and sin. It’s just the way I’m drawing from this situation in particular that gives me hope for the book. For better or worse I’ve put an awful lot of myself in it whereas previously when writing I'd put too much distance from the piece and myself. I’ve discovered I can’t really write like that and I have to have some sort of basis in reality. Just something I’ve discovered over the last couple of years. It’s all gotta come from within.
After this I’m going to have some one-on-one time with my bike and the iron. I feel myself wilting like fresh flowers on the kitchen table and need to nourish myself again. Feed the body, feed the mind, feed the soul. My chest is still a little tight from my workout the other day but it’s of no consequence to me. Need to tighten myself up until near snapping point. Taut and vital. I think it’s a uniquely masculine thing to want to better yourself but to have shit like “Self-improvement is masturbation. Now self-destruction is the answer,” float around your head. The things we read have a way of sticking with us and as much as Fight Club was Chuck Palahniuk’s coming out manifesto, and a critique of masculinity, it’s also, over time, inspired a legion of men that view it as some sort of contemporary fascist dogma, and Palahniuk has had to wear that since the film popularised the source material. I understand the reality of the novel’s intentions but the churning, roiling testosterone fuelled, sex craving, violent cave dweller inside of me, wants to rip parts of that text out and use it as a blueprint moving forward in life. There is an allure to that sort of disciplined austerity; the warrior monk. There’s an undeniable appeal to that sort of lifestyle and mindset, at least for me. Having nothing, being ready for anything and everything, no attachments, no feelings, just rigid self-discipline, and using that to push forwards. It’s had an appeal to me since I first saw the movie in primary school and first read (and probably misunderstood) the book soon after. Every subsequent reading the writer’s struggle with his own sexuality comes forwards and I relate to it in new, different ways. The true legacy of a good book is finding something new with every reading. Fight Club has that in spades.
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robininthelabyrinth · 4 years
My fav MDZS stories are ones where Mo Xuanyu lives and WWX takes him under his wing when the Sacrifice Summons goes slightly wrong. I would love to see your version of this au bc your writing is very very good and I've fallen in love. However you want to character MXY is fine, but I know you'll make him compelling.
also on ao3 because long
“It’s not wrong if you write it down,” Mo Xuanyu muttered to himself like a mantra as he scribbled down a rough explanation of what he was going to do. “If you write it down, it’s just an experiment, and that makes it okay.”
That’s what they used to say back at Koi Tower. Not all of them, no – most people didn’t talk to him, stupid shy useless stuttering bastard that he was.
But Jin Guangyao had smiled at him, smiled the way he smiled at everyone no matter how lowly, and Mo Xuanyu, flattered at the unfamiliar feeling of positive familial attention, had tentatively smiled back. That had been a mistake, of course, but he hadn’t realized it at the time – he was still young, then.
He hadn’t been crazy, then.
(Had he? He didn’t remember. The screaming nightmares weren’t until later, after he’d swallowed down that medicine that Jin Guangyao gave to him, that he’d forced down his throat with Xue Yang holding his shoulders down – they’d been regretful about it, he remembered that. That’d been nice. No one’d ever been sorry about what they’d done to him before. Or after, for that matter.)
That came later, though. Towards the end. The experiments – that was earlier, wasn’t it?
Yes. Back when Jin Guangyao still thought he might be useful, and he let him follow him around; back before Xue Yang had disappeared – wait, if Xue Yang had disappeared, who’d held him down? – back when he still called him Xue-gege because Xue Yang thought it was funny, and if he did that he could sit around in a place where no one would find him and watch while Xue Yang did…stuff.
Usually bad stuff.
Still, it was better than being anywhere else in Koi Tower. With Madame Jin, who hated him and threw things at him, just like Auntie Mo did, and his father who wanted him to talk about girls (Mo Xuanyu didn’t know anything about girls), and all the people who giggled at him and talked about him behind their sleeves as if he couldn’t still hear them.
If you write it down, it’s just an experiment, Jin Guangyao told him, smiling, because he always smiled. That’s why what Xue Yang does is okay.
Xue Yang taught him the basics of drawing arrays, how to hold the brush in your hand and push spiritual energy into it. Mo Xuanyu didn’t have very much, so it made him very tired and then he dropped the brush; that made Xue Yang laugh at him, push him down until his face was on the ground so he could get a better look at what he was drawing, and then he got bored and pulled him back up to try again.
It was still better than being taught by the Jin sect cultivators who sneered at him and ordered him to get hit with boards any time he made a mistake, and Mo Xuanyu made a lot of mistakes.
Mo Xuanyu didn’t like to talk to people much, wasn’t very good at it. Wasn’t much good for anything, really.
Except this, he supposed. This was something he could do.
Xue Yang taught him the basics of drawing arrays, but it was only ever the basics – as soon as he figured out how to do it, Jin Guangyao took over the teaching, and he only ever wanted Mo Xuanyu to learn one array in specific.
It didn’t have a name. It was an ancient, forbidden technique; those didn’t get names. Jin Guangyao’d found it in a book, hidden on an abandoned old mountain – a place where lots of people died in a battle a long time ago, and then again not so long ago – and he’d thought it was just right for Mo Xuanyu.
The array required blood, blood of the caster, incisions all over – painful ones – and the point of it was to offer up your body to some extremely villainous ghoul so that it could take revenge for you.
“But I don’t want revenge,” he’d told Jin Guangyao, plaintive and naïve. “And I don’t know any villainous ghouls.”
“You don’t have to ask for revenge,” Jin Guangyao had told him, patient. He was always patient when he wanted something. “You can ask for something else, if you want. Revenge is just the usual reason.”
“Not many things besides revenge are worth sacrificing your soul for,” Xue Yang had opined, and Jin Guangyao had glared at him like he’d said something stupid. “What? It’s true.”
“We’ll discuss the Chang clan later, Chengmei. I was talking to Xuanyu.”
Mo Xuanyu had been poking at the manuscripts, feeling doubtful, and Xue Yang’d huffed and grabbed them. “Don’t touch the papers! Wei Wuxian didn’t leave much behind; I’m not losing the bit we got.”
“Wei Wuxian,” Mo Xuanyu had said, feeling the weight of it on his tongue. He didn’t know much, but even he’d heard about the Yiling Patriarch. “Is he the villainous ghoul you want me to summon?”
“No,” Xue Yang’d giggled. “He wants you to bring back Nie Mingjue.”
Mo Xuanyu hadn’t known that name – he really didn’t know anything – but the weeks that Jin Guangyao thought that he could one day become him were probably the best in his life. He’d never been petted or coaxed before, never been treated so well; he ate nice food every day, wore nice clothing, slept as late as he liked, took lots of baths…Jin Guangyao wanted his body to be in good condition before he did the ritual. He gave him lotions to make his skin feel soft, used medicine to nourish his organs, spent hours and hours teaching him to braid his hair the way the Nies did, all complicated and pretty yet practical.
(“He’ll hate it so much,” Jin Guangyao whispered in his ear on the nights he let Mo Xuanyu share his pillow. “Soft and decadent and weak – you’ve got the weakest golden core I’ve ever seen, Xuanyu, weaker even than me, and you’re too useless to even have any ambition to make it stronger. I could push you down with one hand, overpower you, make you crawl…no one will ever be scared of you. Let’s see how much you like being the weak one, da-ge.”)
It’d only been when the ritual failed – not just once, but many times, no matter how many cuts Mo Xuanyu made on his arms or how well he painted the array – that Jin Guangyao had given up on Mo Xuanyu.
They hadn’t been able to figure out why it wasn’t working, back then, but now Mo Xuanyu thought that maybe he just hadn’t wanted it enough back then. He’d wanted to make Jin Guangyao happy, yes, and he hadn’t really cared what it cost to do it – Jin Guangyao’s arguments that he was useless and pointless, his life worthless, and so he might as well do something useful with his death were pretty convincing – but he hadn’t wanted it.
He wanted it now, though.
Something worth sacrificing your soul – it really could only be revenge, couldn’t it? Xue-gege knew what he was talking about. Revenge was something you needed, something that ate away at your soul until sacrificing it was the only thing left to be done with it, and that, that, was what was going to make the ritual work this time.
Mo Xuanyu was going to get revenge. Revenge on Auntie Mo, on Master Mo, on Mo Ziyuan, on A-Tong…they deserved it. He hated them. He hated what they did to him and how often they did it, he hated that this was his life and that nothing would ever get better, he hated hated hated…!
(“You don’t have to do this,” the young sect leader surnamed Nie had told him when they’d had tea for the last time. He’d bought Mo Xuanyu the cosmetics he liked – he’d offered to buy him something nicer, but Mo Xuanyu had his preferences; the expensive stuff didn’t feel heavy and greasy on his face, didn’t make him feel like he’d painted himself into being somebody else, someone braver. “Just so you know.”
“I know,” Mo Xuanyu’d said. Sect Leader Nie had come to ask him for any information he had about Jin Guangyao. He didn’t say why, but – Nie, Mo Xuanyu’d thought to himself, Nie like Nie Mingjue – he hadn’t been at all expecting to hear the story Mo Xuanyu’d had to tell him. He hadn’t been the one to suggest the ritual, that’d been Mo Xuanyu – he hated, hated, hated – but Mo Xuanyu never did learn the name of any of those extremely villainous ghouls so he’d asked him for a suggestion.
He’d suggested Wei Wuxian, and that’d made Mo Xuanyu giggle to the point of hysterics. Don’t touch the papers, Wei Wuxian didn’t leave much behind – oh, Xue-gege, you’d think this was so funny!)
“Gotta write it down,” he said to himself as he made the cuts and drew the array: it was already starting to glow in a way it hadn’t any of the other times he’d done it, and it wasn’t that he’d gotten any stronger. “Writing it down makes it okay…”
He went to get some paper, and that’s when the cat came in. A big old fisher cat, vicious and mean.
And, well, Jin Guangyao and Xue Yang were always talking about how you’re supposed to try stuff out before you do the real thing – practice makes perfect, that’s what they always said, until the day Jin Guangyao got tired of Xue Yang’s practice and made him disappear, and after that it wasn’t all that long until the day that he got tired of Mo Xuanyu, too, and made the sect kick him out.
(They said he was a cutsleeve, which was true, and they said he’d attacked Jin Guangyao, which was laughable – wasn’t Jin Guangyao the one who was always commenting on how weak Mo Xuanyu was? But that was after he drank the medicine that came with the nightmares and the weird spasms and the rest of it, and it wasn’t as if anyone in Koi Tower had ever listened to anything he said even before that.)
He wasn’t actually going to do anything bad to the cat. He just wanted to use it to make sure he got the markings all done right; it wasn’t as if the array would actually work, not without him in the middle – this array ran on resentment, on revenge, and how much resentment could a cat have?
Apparently Mo Xuanyu’d underestimated cats, or possibly his array-drawing skills, or maybe even it was only that he’d poured so much hatred into the array that when he put the cat down in the middle to see if the positioning was right the whole thing exploded right in Mo Xuanyu’s face.
He woke up to Mo Ziyuan kicking him and yelling about how dare he report him to his parents (he hadn’t reported anything, just asked for his stuff back, he hadn’t even meant to do that because he knew it was pointless but they’d asked what he was thinking about and it had just slipped out) while A-Tong broke all his stuff, but that was pretty normal so he didn’t think too much about it.
The cat leaping for Mo Ziyuan’s face, howling something that sounded an awful lot like the words fuck you except sort of halfway into being a cat’s meow, was new.
Kind of funny, too.
Mo Xuanyu giggled and lay back down on the floor while Mo Ziyuan ran out, crying for his mother, with A-Tong right on his heels as always.
The cat made its way back over to him and jumped up on his chest, looking down at him. It was a pretty handsome cat, now that Mo Xuanyu was looking at it: long and black, with white on its chest and like little socks on its forepaws, a noble appearance that had been concealed by the messy state of its fur.
“I’m sorry I accidentally nearly sacrificed you to a villainous ghoul,” Mo Xuanyu said to it.
“Who told you that I’m a villainous ghoul?” the cat said back. “You couldn’t find another wandering ghost as harmless as me!”
Mo Xuanyu was crazy, yes, but it wasn’t – it wasn’t that type of crazy. He had fits that sent him down to the floor, limbs thrashing crazily; he had days in which he wanted to do nothing but die; screaming nightmares at night and sometimes during the day, hearing and seeing things that weren’t there…
This was still new.
“Did you just talk?” he checked.
“You bet I talked,” the cat said. “Now tell me, how in the world did you manage to offer up the body of a cat? That’s not how that ritual’s supposed to work!”
“It was supposed to be my body, Master Cat,” Mo Xuanyu explained. “But they said that you should always try something out first –”
“First off, you shouldn’t be sacrificing yourself either,” the cat said. “That’s your soul you’re talking about – the ritual just says the soul goes back to the earth, but what if it destroys it entirely? You could’ve been doomed never to reincarnate!”
“That sounds restful,” Mo Xuanyu said wistfully.
“…you have serious issues. You know that, right?”
“Yes, Master Cat.”
“Stop calling me ‘Master Cat’. You know my name, you can use it.”
Mo Xuanyu blinked, long and slow. “But I don’t know your name? You were just the stray that lived out back behind the grocer…”
“I’m Wei Wuxian! You summoned me here and offered me a body!”
Mo Xuanyu hadn’t realized it’d worked. “Does that mean you won’t help me get revenge?” he asked, disappointed.
“I don’t exactly have much of a choice, do I?” The cat – Wei Wuxian – huffed. “That stupid ritual…how many cuts do you have?”
“Four,” Mo Xuanyu said automatically, except when he checked they were about half-there, half-gone, and after a little bit of investigating it looked like the other half of them were echoed in appropriately parallel locations on Wei Wuxian’s fuzzy feline body. “Oops.”
“Oops, he says,” Wei Wuxian said, but he already sounded cheerful again. “Seems like you bound our souls together when you brought me back – probably because there were too many souls in the center of the array, once you added in the cat. Anyway, don’t count me out – two legs or four, I can still help you get revenge. Who on, by the way?”
Mo Xuanyu tried to explain. He wasn’t very good at it, tongue tripping over his words as he tried to put into words why he hated them so much that the idea of killing them had possessed him in every one of his three souls and seven spirits, and it all sounded really stupid when he said it so he went off on a tangent and explained how his father had wanted to use him but he was too useless for that, and his half-brother wanted to kill him but he was too useless for that, and his family just wanted him to die, but –
“Too useless for that,” Wei Wuxian said, and his ears were pinned back against his head with his hackles raised and fur all puffed up all over. “Yeah, I got the gist. Okay. I’m sold. Let’s kill ‘em.”
“…I’m actually pretty bad at cold-blooded murder, even if the people you want me to kill do sound like scum. Hmm. Maybe we could just cause them a lot of trouble? A lot of trouble?”
“That seems like a bad idea,” Mo Xuanyu said doubtfully.
It was, if only because Mo Xuanyu was about as terrible at causing a disaster as he was at anything else.
Wei Wuxian ran off into the main greeting hall and started knocking things around, bellowing unconvincing meows as if he’d never met a cat in his life, and Mo Xuanyu wanted to die of embarrassment, stuttering apologies at the visiting Lan sect disciples that looked about as awkward about the whole thing as he was.
(They’d tried to get him to deal with the fierce corpses first, sending him out to the hills and yelling at him to do something, but he’d never been invited to night-hunts back at the Jin sect so he just stood around uselessly until they’d given up and invited some real cultivators.)
Auntie Mo was furious – even more so when Mo Ziyuan showed up and started trying to hit Mo Xuanyu for being a liar, except he wasn’t lying (Wei Wuxian had shouted something about theft and robbery, about cutting off someone’s hand if they stole from him again, and everyone thought it was Mo Xuanyu doing the yelling and then he’d had to explain, hadn’t he?) and eventually the entire thing got to be so stressful that it brought on one of his fits.
He woke up not long afterward, with his head in a Lan sect disciple’s lap – he was transferring spiritual energy, which was nice of him but unnecessary – and Wei Wuxian on his chest, frantically licking his cheek and trying to whisper questions of “Are you okay? Mo Xuanyu? Can you hear me?” into his ear.
“I’m okay,” he said, blinking away the daze. There were broken teacups and wine jars tossed all around – it must have been one of the screaming fits, where he threw himself down on the floor and tossed and turned and screamed and sometimes frothed at the mouth. He broke a lot of things during those fits, almost always his own. “Sorry for disturbing you.”
“I told you he was a lunatic,” Auntie Mo said, her voice shrill as always. “Always breaking our things, and then he still complains when A-Yuan borrows a little, as if he wouldn’t just break it himself anyway…! Wretched thing! Useless thing! Honored cultivators, please pardon us this embarrassment, forgive me. We’ll take him away at once –”
Mo Xuanyu flinched, and the Lan sect cultivator who still had his fingers on his pulse frowned. He was very young, and Lan sect; he’d probably never encountered a lunatic before. “No need,” he said. “We need to go and get started with setting up the array in the Western Courtyard. Senior Mo here can show us where it is…can’t you?”
“I can,” Mo Xuanyu said, eager to avoid being locked away again. He scrambled to his feet, not forgetting to scoop up Wei Wuxian the troublemaker. “Follow me.”
They said a few more words, reminders not to go outside once the array was set up, and then they followed him, talking quietly behind him –
“Why’d you call him Senior, Sizhui?” one of the Lan sect disciples was asking the other in an undertone. “He’s a lunatic!”
“He’s a cultivator,” the one that had helped him earlier said. “He has a golden core, and he’s older than we are; that means he’s a senior.”
“He’s got a golden core? No way! He paints his face like he’s a hanged ghost!”
“Jingyi! What does it matter what he does with his face? It’s true, I felt it when I transferred him spiritual energy. Anyway, I didn’t want him to get punished just for having a fit…hey!”
That last exclamation had been because Wei Wuxian had twisted out of Mo Xuanyu’s arms and leaped towards the flags they were carrying, snatching one to the ground and rolling around with it.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Mo Xuanyu said, wanting to cry. He didn’t have any grudge against these Lan sect disciples; why was Wei Wuxian making trouble for them? “I didn’t mean to mess up your flag formation, or the…”
“Spirit Summon Flag,” Wei Wuxian muttered from his feet and Mo Xuanyu quickly used a foot to slide him back behind him and pretended he’d been the one to speak, smiling earnestly at them. “Weak, with a range of no more than five li, but serviceable enough; they can go ahead and use it.”
“You know about Spirit Summon Flags?” the taller Lan sect disciple – the one who’d been called Jingyi – asked, looking surprised, and Lan Sizhui elbowed him in the ribs.
Mo Xuanyu shrugged helplessly. “They used them sometimes at the Jin sect,” he said, which was true, even though he’d never gotten involved in that sort of thing. Saying that just made them all look even more surprised, though; probably at the idea that a lunatic like him had been part of the Jin sect in any way shape or form. “That was back before I went crazy. And you don’t have to call me senior – I got kicked out before I learned anything useful.”
“You’re still a fellow cultivator,” Lan Sizhui said, and smiled at him. Mo Xuanyu felt his face go red and he looked away, regretting how easily he showed his emotions; it would probably embarrass Lan Sizhui later on, when he heard the rumors about Mo Xuanyu’s sexual preference. That wasn’t the reason he’d blushed, he’d never had any interest in children – it was only that he liked it when people smiled at him.
“I’ll be going,” he said, and grabbed at Wei Wuxian again, only to miss and nearly trip before finally managing to pick him up. “Good luck with your hunt. I hope it goes well.”
It did not go well. Mo Ziyuan got himself killed by stealing a Spirit Summon Flag – Mo Xuanyu and Wei Wuxian both checked their left arm or forepaw at the same time, seeing the cut there heal up before their eyes; apparently the curse considered it to be close enough, maybe because Wei Wuxian had invented the thing – and somehow Mo Xuanyu ended up being accused of his murderer.
And that was before things got really bad.
“Set up a blocking array at the corner,” Wei Wuxian hissed in his ear.
“I can’t!” Mo Xuanyu said, hiding behind a tree. “I don’t know any arrays!”
“What?! Impossible. You did the body offering array – that’s extremely difficult, especially for someone of your cultivation level.”
“It’s the only one I was ever taught,” Mo Xuanyu explained, and Wei Wuxian’s fur suddenly puffed up all over again.
“Someone is going to die, and not necessarily the Mo family,” he said darkly; it might have been more intimidating if Mo Xuanyu hadn’t tied a red ribbon around his throat earlier to try to make the idea of him being someone’s pet a little more believable. “Whoever did that really only wanted you for one thing, didn’t they? I wonder why they wanted me back so badly.”
Mo Xuanyu was about to explain that actually Wei Wuxian hadn’t been the original target, but then there was more yelling – the Lan sect juniors were very competent but the ghost hand was terrifying – and Wei Wuxian got distracted, hissing at Mo Xuanyu to kick Lan Jingyi.
He obeyed on instinct, which saved Lan Sizhui’s life, and then Wei Wuxian was out of his hands again, streaking towards the corpses like a bolt of feline lightning, and suddenly there were three more corpses standing up and fighting against the possessed remains of Auntie Mo.
“Looks like I can still cultivate,” Wei Wuxian said happily, strolling back over and using the tree to leap back up to Mo Xuanyu’s shoulder. “I thought I should be able to use your golden core, given the way the curse bound us together…how are we doing on the curse, anyway?”
Mo Xuanyu checked. “I think that’s everyone, actually? I should thank whoever sent the ghost hand.”
Wei Wuxian was silent for a moment. “Huh, you’re right,” he said. “I wasn’t thinking about it at first, but those Spirit Summon Flags definitely didn’t have enough of a range to summon a ghost hand like that from far away – and we would have heard of a lot more deaths if it’d been that close. Someone must have released it near here.”
Mo Xuanyu hadn’t been thinking along those lines at all. It was only that no matter where he lived, Mo Manor or Koi Tower, there was almost always someone causing bad things to happen.
“Should we do something to help?” he asked hesitantly, watching the battle unfold and then flinching when there was an unexpected sound – two strums on a guqin, full of spiritual power.
“Nope!” Wei Wuxian said. “In fact, we should leave. Right now.”
“You can’t be planning on staying at Mo Manor now that everyone’s dead? Come on! Let’s go! Hanguang-jun’s here; he’ll take care of the ghost hand.”
“I wasn’t planning anything,” Mo Xuanyu argued even as he headed towards the exit obediently. “I was going to be dead, and the body would be yours, and you could do whatever you liked with it when you were done.”
“Well, we’re done,” Wei Wuxian said. “And you’re not dead. You’re just going to have to live with that.”
“Live with…not being dead?”
“Just accept the glorious wisdom of your elders already,” Wei Wuxian said cheerfully. “Either way: we go. As quickly as possible. Before anyone notices. Is there anything you need to pack? We should take the donkey in that courtyard.”
“And money,” Mo Xuanyu said practically, heading for Auntie Mo’s room first. After all, she was dead and wouldn’t need it, and he was the last living heir of the Mo family – it was only reasonable that he take the first pick before everyone else got it. “You can always use money, even if you’re dead. Or a cat.”
Travelling was a bizarre experience.
Mo Xuanyu hadn’t been allowed to go outside of Mo Manor in a few years – Wei Wuxian hissed and spat some very impressive curses on the Mo family name, present company excluded – and even at his time in the Jin sect, he’d always been taken places by other people. Now, for the first time, he was alone…well, alone but for Wei Wuxian, who insisted that they had to stay together, curse or no curse, because of how they’d been bound. Mo Xuanyu suspected the real reason was because he didn’t think Mo Xuanyu could make it by himself, and he was probably right.
At any rate, he didn’t have anywhere to go, so instead he followed Wei Wuxian’s instructions to head towards Dafan Mountain to see if they could find some tombs that Wei Wuxian would be able to use. He still had fits, still wanted to die rather a lot, but he ended up spending so much of his time trying to coax the donkey (dubbed Little Apple by Wei Wuxian after they figured out that apples were the best and possibly only incentive to get it moving) that he didn’t have time to think about it too much.
Not being around either Auntie Mo or anyone from the Jin sect helped. Wei Wuxian wasn’t too bad – he may have been a villainous ghoul once, but now he was a cat.
“Didn’t you used to cultivate with a flute?” he asked as they walked along the mountain paths late at night. Well, the donkey walked, Mo Xuanyu rode the donkey, and Wei Wuxian rode in Mo Xuanyu’s arms. “What are you going to do about that? You can’t play a flute anymore; you’re a cat.”
“Cats are innately musical creatures,” Wei Wuxian said. His voice had become a lot more human in the past few days, rich and compelling and increasingly lacking the rough meows that had initially interrupted his speech. It was no surprise that someone as talented as him could pick up being a cat faster than Mo Xuanyu had ever learned to pick up being human.
Mo Xuanyu narrowed his eyes. “That’s a lie, right?” Wei Wuxian had been trying to teach him how to distinguish those, but they weren’t having very much success with it. “I don’t think I’ve heard a single decent sound out of –”
“Why don’t we see who’s making that noise?” Wei Wuxian said loudly, so they dismounted and went to go look.
There were people yelling, caught in a golden net.
“Can you get them down?” he asked Wei Wuxian, who reached out with his claws to grab a leaf, muttering something that was probably uncomplimentary.
And then –
Oh, no.
“Why are you hiding behind a tree again?” Wei Wuxian asked him, not keeping especially quiet. “Don’t tell me you’re hiding from that little Jin sect boy who clearly didn’t have a mother to teach him?”
Mo Xuanyu dropped him like he was a boiling hot skillet.
Like everything he’d ever done on instinct, the move immediately backfired: Wei Wuxian landed on Little Apple’s foreleg claws first and suddenly Little Apple was braying loud enough to wake the dead, which set Wei Wuxian off yowling and hissing right back at him.
“Who is that?!” Jin Ling demanded, striding over with an extremely cross expression that suggested he’d heard the bit about mothers. “Who is – oh. It’s you.”
Mo Xuanyu weakly lifted up a hand. “Uh…it’s nice to see you, Jin Ling.”
Wei Wuxian’s yowls cut off as if he’d been suddenly smothered.
Jin Ling glared at him. “Stupid cutsleeve, you think I didn’t hear what you said earlier?”
“I didn’t!” Mo Xuanyu said immediately, starting to shake at once. He couldn’t bear it when people in bright yellow were angry at him, not since those last few days at the Jin sect; it was a sure-fire way to bring on a fit. “I swear I didn’t! I – I –”
Jin Ling lifted his sword and Mo Xuanyu squatted down to cover his head at once, feeling his eyes overflow with blubbering tears as he began to panic. “I didn’t, I didn’t, I didn’t,” he wailed. “Don’t hit me! I don’t want to drink any medicine! I don’t want to get hit! I didn’t do it!”
“You…!” Jin Ling didn’t seem to know what to do now. “You’re such a coward! You – damnit!”
Mo Xuanyu had his face hidden away, so he didn’t see what Jin Ling did next, braced as he was for a blow. He could vaguely hear the sword being put away, but that didn’t diminish his fear in the slightest: the majority of the Jin sect had never been willing to use swords on each other, thinking it disgraceful. Even Jin Guangyao didn’t use his sword very much – he preferred other methods.
Mo Xuanyu was most afraid of those other methods.
He flinched violently when someone lightly touched his shoulder.
“Stop crying, you’re making a fool of yourself!” Jin Ling said, his harsh voice at odds with the gentle touch of his fingers. “Have some thought to your face, okay?! You can’t embarrass yourself like this! Aren’t you my uncle, after all?”
“He’s your what?!” Wei Wuxian’s muffled voice came from under a bush.
“It’s true no matter how you look at it, even if I don’t want it to be,” Jin Ling said with a sniff, clearly assuming the exclamation had come from Mo Xuanyu. “Listen here, what are you doing on Dafan Mountain anyway?”
Mo Xuanyu snuffled, wiping his nose with his sleeve. “Well, my cat –”
“Night hunting!” Wei Wuxian hissed.
“I mean, I was night hunting,” Mo Xuanyu repeated obediently, then frowned. “That’s not really believable, is it?”
Jin Ling looked pityingly at him. “Not really. Do you need – is there something…?”
“Those words from earlier were really rude,” Wei Wuxian said from the bushes, and Mo Xuanyu covered his face with his hands. “They shouldn’t have been said.”
“Yeah, well, whatever. It’s not like I haven’t heard it all before –”
“Jin Ling, get away from him,” a low, cold voice said from behind him.
Mo Xuanyu’s shoulders slumped. It wasn’t relief so much as it was resignation: if there was one thing he knew, that everyone knew, it was that you didn’t cross Jiang Cheng. They said he could smell the stink of demonic cultivation on you, and once he did, that was that, and Mo Xuanyu was pretty sure, though no one had ever said for sure, that the body offering array was some form of demonic cultivation.
They said Jiang Cheng would take demonic cultivators back to the Lotus Pier to be tortured to death.
Mo Xuanyu was almost looking forward to it. Other than the horrible sword flights back and forth to Koi Tower in Lanling, Dafan Mountain was the furthest from home he’d been, and Wei Wuxian had been waxing poetic about the beauties of the Lotus Pier for days now; it would be nice to see it, however briefly, before he died.
He’d probably get to see lots of Jiang Cheng, too – he’d only ever caught glimpses of him before, when he was visiting Koi Tower, so he’d never had a chance to look his fill. And whatever could be said about the man’s temper, it couldn’t be denied that he had a first-rate face.
“Why?” Jin Ling asked, not moving. “It’s only Mo Xuanyu. Did you ever meet him? He’s –”
“Not him,” Jiang Cheng said, and he looked – bemused? That wasn’t the expression Mo Xuanyu would have been expecting. “It was – Wei Wuxian…wait, the cat?!”
Mo Xuanyu’s mouth dropped open in shock. How did he know?
“Definitely not!” Wei Wuxian blurted out, which didn’t seem smart, and suddenly Jiang Cheng looked extremely confused and abruptly sat down.
“Uncle, what are you talking about?” Jin Ling said. “Are you okay?”
“No,” Jiang Cheng said, a hand to his temple as if he had a headache, or possibly questioning his sanity. “It’s – it’s the cat. I heard – that voice – Wei Wuxian wouldn’t be sniveling on the ground like a newborn infant, and the only other thing around is – so it must be –”
“Is lunacy contagious or something?” Jin Ling demanded. “Uncle, I know you’ve been looking for him for years, but you can’t seriously think Wei Wuxian resurrected himself as a cat!”
“Meow!” Wei Wuxian said desperately, except it was as awful a meow as it’d ever been – entirely human. “Meow, meow –”
“That voice –!”
“Shut up!” Mo Xuanyu abruptly yelled, pushed entirely beyond his limits. “All of you! Just shut up! Stop yelling and stop harassing my cat!”
With that, he grabbed Wei Wuxian and ran blindly into the woods.
He kept running until the air wouldn’t enter his lungs anymore, and then he fell down under a tree and burst into tears again, the fear and panic and exercise all escalating uncontrollably until he fell into another fit, no matter how much Wei Wuxian tried to talk him down.
When Mo Xuanyu woke up, he felt as though he really had gotten beaten up by Jin Ling, even though he knew he hadn’t been. He groaned.
“You’re awake again, good,” Wei Wuxian said. He was standing on his two hind legs, forepaws behind his back as he slowly paced a circle. “Those fits of yours – they only started after you went crazy, you said?”
Mo Xuanyu nodded and sat up, rubbing his face – he didn’t have a mirror to check, but all those tears must have messed up his make-up. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the case of cosmetics he’d insisted on taking the time to remove from Mo Manor, no matter how much Wei Wuxian had urged him to leave quickly before they were found.
“Based on the things you’ve said, it seems like there was a particular point in time where you went crazy – enough that you can accurately pin-point things as being before and after.”
Mo Xuanyu nodded again, using his fingers to apply more red paint around his eyes, which were still a little swollen and tender from all the crying.
“And you said something when Jin Ling was holding his sword – damnit, that was Suihua, I should have recognized it at once – anyway, you said something about…about not wanting to drink medicine?”
Wei Wuxian certainly fixated on the strangest things, Mo Xuanyu reflected. Maybe lunacy really was contagious.
“Someone poisoned you,” Wei Wuxian concluded. He still had the red ribbon around his neck – in combination with the way he was just barely maintaining his upright balance and the way his tail was lashing around, it was rather cute. “If it took place in the Jin sect, it was probably something with quicksilver, since they use it to make vermillion. It damages the brain and liver if consumed in high quantities, and it’s associated with epilepsy, hallucinations, and terrible nightmares; it’s been used since ancient times to make men into fools.”
Mo Xuanyu nodded politely, mostly disinterested. It wasn’t as if he didn’t know who was behind it, and it didn’t really matter what exactly was involved – if anything, the medicine could almost be seen as Jin Guangyao’s way of being nice. He could have had Mo Xuanyu disappeared the way he did for Xue Yang, or he could have fed him to Xue Yang’s fierce corpses, or even just slit his throat...at least by going mad, Mo Xuanyu would still be useful to Jin Guangyao, a vivid demonstration that any madness in their bloodline must have come from their shared father’s side, not the mother.
He wasn’t sure why Jin Guangyao cared about that, but at least he wasn’t dead. No, wait, didn’t he want to be dead? His half-brother was so confusing sometimes.
Maybe sending Mo Xuanyu back to Mo Manor, back to Auntie Mo and all the others that Jin Guangyao knew Mo Xuanyu feared, maybe it was supposed to teach him how to hate enough, so that he could make the ritual work – if so, Mo Xuanyu’d probably disappointed Jin Guangyao all over again.
“…some ways to at least ease the symptoms, maybe more if we can find a good enough doctor.” Wei Wuxian was still talking, for some reason. “At least you have your golden core; if you were a regular person, there wouldn’t be any hope at all.”
“Hope is overrated,” Mo Xuanyu said. “It just makes it worse when you’re inevitably disappointed, and then you die, if you’re lucky.”
Xue-gege had taught him that one, and he was even pretty sure he’d quoted it correctly, but Wei Wuxian didn’t look particularly impressed.
“I’ve heard that quicksilver poisoning can cause qi deviation, which is associated with suicidal urges,” Wei Wuxian said, dropping to all four legs and then hopping onto his shoulder. “Let me try to stabilize your qi – maybe it’ll keep you from saying things like that all the time. Go on, get up and stretch your legs a bit; they’re probably sore from all the running and thrashing you were doing.”
Mo Xuanyu walked all right, walked right into a confrontation with a stone goddess, which was honestly just how this day was going. Wei Wuxian really needed to stop being so surprised when bad things happened.
“Can you play the flute?” Wei Wuxian hissed into his ear, all thoughts of qi stabilization forgotten. “I need to summon something powerful, and yowling, while surprisingly effective, isn’t going to cut it.”
“I can play the dizi,” Mo Xuanyu offered. “But I’m not good at it, and anyway we don’t have –”
“Good enough! Grab that piece of bamboo and give it to me, I can use my claws to make the holes, and you can follow the tune that I show you –”
Wei Wuxian meowed, Mo Xuanyu played, and Wei Wuxian’s ears went flat backwards in apparent agony.
“Whoever taught you should be tortured to death,” he said briefly before resuming his guidance, focusing in on whatever demonic cultivation technique he was doing – it made the Ghost General appear, so Mo Xuanyu assumed it was successful, although Wei Wuxian’s shocked muttering suggested something had gone wrong regardless. Again, not much of a surprise.
One thing led to another, and then a tall man in Lan sect white showed up along with the juniors from Mo Manor, along with Jiang Cheng and Jin Ling, and at that point Mo Xuanyu decided that some of this bad luck had to be Wei Wuxian’s, because even the worst of his bad days weren’t usually this bad.
Wei Wuxian panicked when they bumped into the tall man – Hanguang-jun, apparently? Mo Xuanyu vaguely recalled hearing about him, but he’d never come to Koi Tower while Mo Xuanyu had been there – and it was very uncomfortable to have a panicking cat on his shoulder, especially when he was still trying to remember enough flute-playing to follow along with the tune Wei Wuxian was meowing, something more relaxing to try to calm down the Ghost General.
“…Wei Ying?” Hanguang-jun said, staring at the cat.
Mo Xuanyu stopped playing and turned his head to stare at Wei Wuxian. “How are you this obvious?” he asked.
“This is not my fault,” Wei Wuxian exclaimed, aggravated. “I’m a cat! Nobody should be blaming me!”
“I think I’m losing my mind,” Jiang Cheng, located somewhere further away on the field, said, his voice sounding strangled. “I really do swear I just heard….”
“That was me!” Mo Xuanyu said quickly. “Totally me! I picked up ventriloquism to better process the auditory hallucinations! I’m very sick, and also a lunatic – you can just ignore me!”
Nobody seemed especially convinced.
“…Sect Leader Jiang,” Hanguang-jun said after a while. “There are very good healers dedicated to the calming of the mind at the Cloud Recesses. I can take Young Master Mo – and his cat – with me to see them, which I think will be beneficial to everyone involved.”
“Fine,” Jiang Cheng said. “But I’m coming too. I think I need it.”
Hanguang-jun frowned for a moment and the two of them stared at each other for a long time, unspoken emotions crackling in the air between them. Finally, he nodded. “Very well.”
“You know, I don’t think we’ve ever agreed to go to -” Wei Wuxian started to say, but Mo Xuanyu stuffed his fingers over his little snout. Hanguang-jun was the second master of the Lan sect, which meant Zewu-jun was his brother, and Zewu-jun was Jin Guangyao’s friend – and you didn’t go against what Jin Guangyao wanted, not if you knew what was good for you.
Mo Xuanyu might be stupid, but even he could figure something out after it hurt enough.
“It’s fine,” he said. “We’ll go with you for a little, but you have to promise to let us go afterwards. You have to promise, you hear me? I don’t want to be locked away again!”
Hanguang-jun had a strange expression on his face, which was about the same as the expression on Jiang Cheng’s face, and Jin Ling’s, and all the Lan juniors – had Mo Xuanyu said something wrong?
“Your freedom and safety will be assured,” Hanguang-jun said.
“And my cat’s!”
Jiang Cheng put his hand on his head, looking pained.
“And your cat,” Hanguang-jun agreed peaceably, and turned and started to lead the way.
Mo Xuanyu and all the others followed behind.
“Fine,” Wei Wuxian muttered in Mo Xuanyu’s ear once the others were far enough ahead to not immediately overhear. “We can go with Lan Zhan back to Gusu one time. They really do have good healers there, anyway – but I want to talk to him about that ghost hand. Someone released it right next to Mo Manor, probably the same person who wanted me back so badly that he taught you how to do the body offering array, and I want to have words with that person.”
Mo Xuanyu was a little confused: was it Sect Leader Nie he wanted to talk to or Jin Guangyao? And why was Wei Wuxian so angry at them? They were both so nice, at least some of the time…better not to ask.
“You should get some Emperor’s Smile when you get to Gusu,” Wei Wuxian added.
“I don’t drink,” Mo Xuanyu objected.
“For me.”
“Cats don’t drink.”
“I’m not planning on being a cat forever,” Wei Wuxian said. “And won’t that be a surprise to everyone?”
Mo Xuanyu thought about it. “No,” he said after a moment. “I really don’t think it will be, actually.”
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darkestfable · 3 years
Safe Haven
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Raetos groaned as he found his way back to the waking world. He knew he was alive by how much his body ached. His head, most of all, felt like someone was hammering multiple nails in place. Only one luminous eye opened, the other still swollen shut under bandages wrapped around his head. His abdomen was also strapped tightly. He could feel the pressure of the wrappings limiting his movement, as to not aggravate what he assumed was broken ribs. The wound on his arm had been well cleaned and bandaged. Someone had been talking very good care of him.
He smiled, not having to wonder who, feeling the body curled up against his own. Tilting his head down, he caught a glimpse of the top of Fable’s head… there was no mistaking those lovely indigo locks. 
“How long have I been out?” He asked.
For just a moment, Fable grumbled and curled more tightly against Raetos. If this was a dream, he didn’t want to wake up. The hellscape that had been The Maw was no longer ringing in his ears, and his lover was by his side again. This had to be a dream. It was never this good.
Or was it?
The blood hunter finally peeled open his eyes, sitting up after a moment to look over the large lightforged next to him. His heart fluttered at the sight of his lover’s smile, and he reached over to lay a gentle hand onto his bandaged chest. This had been no small feat, what Raetos and the others had pulled off.
“Days, love. Take as long as you need, yeah? I ain’t goin’ nowhere,” Fable’s expression softened as he curled his fingers against the bandages on Raetos. Yep, still there. Still real.
The Draenei’s smile only grew wider as he reached up with his good hand to cup the side of his lover’s face. Raetos didn’t understand much of anything about death and spirits. But Fable looked well. Looked healthy. Better than he had in the Maw, for certain. 
“Careful what you say, Babe. I might ask to stay here forever,” he said, flashing his signature grin, “...wherever here is.” 
It suddenly dawned on him that they couldn’t be on Azeroth. They still had to find the soul dagger to get Fable his body back… and they obviously weren’t in the Maw anymore. Last thing he remembered was a very pissed off Avehi.
“Uh… where are we?”
“Oribos. Think that’s what they call it, anyway. Kinda a hub for uh...all sorts ‘a people,” Fable glanced at the door, as if the answer would be there. Truthfully, he’d been more worried about Raetos than asking about the name of the establishment.
He leaned over Raetos carefully to kiss him. Tender, sweet, and like he’d been afraid he’d never see him again. Everything had culminated to this point, and truthfully Fable wasn’t sure what he was doing. Getting out of The Maw had been his first task, but the blood hunter wasn’t sure if he could retrieve the dagger by himself. Wasn’t sure he’d want to do it alone. Doubt weighed heavily on him, tied down by the guilt of what he’d done to get here in the first place.
“Hey, love… You got my body, yeah? I’m gonna have somethin’ t’ go back home t’ when this shit is figured out? ‘n th’ animals are taken care of?” his voice was quiet, almost unsure. Fable loved their little life that they’d built, and still worried that he’d ruined it all.
“Mhm,” the Draenei managed a nod, thumb stroking his lover’s cheek, “The tree elf dude you got to take care of the animals while we were away agreed to stay as long as needed. I think we owe him a really REALLY big tip. Obligation and Responsibility really seems to like him, though, so don’t have to worry about them. Did you know he lived in that big ass tree that the Horde burned down? That’s where he got all the scars. Poor guy… Anyway, I was able to find your body at the dig site after going through your maps and stuff. Brought it to the healer chick that was deployed to Darkshire with me. You’re in a coma-like state back on Azeroth, and she’s keeping you nourished and stable until we manage to destroy that dagger.”
He paused in his rambling for a moment, knowing the next part was a bit touchy.
“Hey… uh… on that subject. Bad memories, I know. But like… anything you can tell me about the lady that stabbed you… physical description or name… if she gave you one…”
Another pause before adding.
“Was she hot? She must be hot.”
“Well, yeah… I mean it ain’t like I got bad taste,” Fable smirked, then paused a moment. “Wait, tree… They’re called Kal’dorei.”
The news of his body being taken care of was something of a relief, though the blood hunter still didn’t like the situation at all. Cebina had royally screwed him, and now he had to go find that dagger too? This was just getting more and more complicated…
“She uh… I’d know her if I saw her, yeah? While you were restin’ tho, I asked ‘round ‘bout the dagger ‘n souls ‘n shit ‘n this creepy lookin’ dude called a Venthyr told me ‘bout this place called Revandreth. Said a lady was there ‘n might have a dagger kinda like it?” Fable scratched at his chin in thought.
“Sounds like our next destination,” Raetos nodded, a cheerful smile on his face, “I know it’s not the best of situations, but we get to explore this whole new place together, and I’m sure we can get supplies so that you can map it all out.”
Obviously it would have been much more ideal to have Fable whole for the adventure, but there was no harm in seeing the bright side of the situation.
“Soon as moving doesn’t hurt anymore…” he winced as he shifted, “So... what’s a Venty. Not another type of elf, is it?—Not that there’s anything wrong with elves! There’s just so many different kinds and I can barely keep up with the ones I know.”
“Venthyr, luv. They’re like uh...anima vampires? Ain’t too clear on ‘em yet but I was watchin’ ‘em wander through Oribos while you were restin’,” Fable pulled out a notebook he’d obviously obtained here in the Shadowlands. A keen eye would notice that its leather bindings were a bit unlike any leather on Azeroth.
The first few pages were sloppy, slightly disproportionate sketches of the various different types of people he’d seen wandering through, along with notes of things he’d either overheard or asked them flat out. The page with the Venthyr man had no notes, however. Clearly, the hunter hadn’t approached him.
“They got fangs ‘n glowin’ eyes kinda, most of ‘em are real skinny. Nice clothes though, ‘n some of ‘em wear thigh high boots. Thinkin’ maybe I should get a pair?” the elf chuckled, leaning to stretch his leg out as far as he could, toes pointed.
“Babe, you would look hella amazing in those boots,” the Lightforged agreed, “Are there any with heels? If so, you should avoid them, because then, your already sexy ass will just look too good for me to resist. Afraid you won’t get anything done in that case.”
 His hand slipped down to give his partner’s behind a little squeeze, before he attempted to sit up. It was a more daunting task than anticipated with his injuries, but he managed. 
“Fashion sense aside, are these Venthyr people safe? The one you drew has like… an evil look to him. Or are they all that withered looking and ugly? Also, what’s anima? And what are the lampshades with legs that you drew in there?”
A smirk spread on his lips at the squeeze, but his attentions to the affections were pulled away when Raetos was trying to sit up. Fable assisted, but his brow furrowed in worry. Had his lover been hurt worse than initially thought? Damn it all, now he was fretting like a mother hen. The lampshades comment pulled the hunter out of his head though, and he just blinked for a moment before tilting the book towards him.
“The lampshades with legs? Oh, those?” Fable pointed at one of the doodles of a Broker. “They call themselves Brokers. They help facilitate trade of goods and services. Information too, ‘m sure. Ain’t got a chance to really chat jus’ yet.”
The concern crept up onto the elf’s face again, and he leaned over to kiss Raetos’ cheek.
“You doin’ okay? If you gotta rest…”
Raetos shook his head.
“Nah, just sore is all. The headache is the worst part, probably. Dude, Avehi hits -hard-! Did you see how pissed she was? Ha! Good times!” 
He smiled brightly to his lover, bringing his hand up to cup the side of his face again.
“Honestly, I’ve rested plenty. I just want to look at you,” he admitted, “I missed you so much, Bae… so don’t mind if all I want to do is cuddle and make out for a while.”
He paused, before adding with a wink.
“Wouldn’t hate a blow job either.”
The elf just smiled. That sappy, sweet, completely enraptured smile as he nuzzled into Raetos’ hand. It had felt like an eternity, fighting for his life. Being reunited had been on his mind the whole time, but even now Fable’s heart ached for the life they’d had before. Though, in the middle of his thoughts, a smirk broke through. That was the Raetos he knew.
“Oh, I’m sure you wouldn’t…” Fable turned his head to place a kiss in the palm of Raetos’ hand. “If it won’t hurt you, I’m gonna swallow you whole…”
“I mean… not like I can move much in these bandages,” he grinned, running his thumb along Fable’s bottom lip, “Doubt I’d be able to find a way to hurt myself.”
He paused as he  thought about that a moment.
“—Okay, so I would -probably-  find a way to hurt myself. But it would be hella worth it, though.”
Fable caught Raetos’ thumb between his lips, cerulean eyes closing as he pressed the barbell through his tongue against the calloused pad. A promise. As his lover spoke, the elf savored the taste of his flesh, finally opening his eyes to look up at him with a smirk. He released the thumb after a moment only to place a kiss into Raetos’ palm.
“Jus’ sit back ‘n enjoy then. You deserve t’ be worshipped,” he mumbled against the blue skin, continuing to kiss down from his hand to his wrist. Of course, he’d wait for permission.
It felt like lifetimes since he’d been away from Raetos, and only minutes that they’d been back together again. Fable felt that familiar skin hunger, but it had only gotten stronger after they were in safety, and he could touch and smell his lover again. The blood hunter had to remember to pace himself; Raetos was still recovering, and they were still in a strange place. But tomorrow could wait. Tonight belonged to them.
(Raetos is @raetos / @kidcatgemini )
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gotmilk5101520 · 4 years
Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia Watch Episode 4 Gnome Your Enemy
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And gnome yourself.so you never forget rehearsal.
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“For centuries, the troll and human worlds stood separate and at peace, divided by bridges that acted as doorways between our two realms”
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“But the Gumm-Gumms wanted to devour all of mankind”
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“They were led by Gunmar the Black”
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“The rest of trollkind fought against him, culminating the great Battle of Killahead Bridge, the portal to Gunmar’s Darklands”
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“After many moons, good triumphed over evil”
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“And our great Trollhunter, Deya the Deliverer, locked Gunmar away, exiling him to the Darklands”
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“And sealed the Killahead Bridge with the sacred amulet. After we tore it apart, stone by stone”
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“We left the old world in search of peace. We stowed away on a ship called the Mayflower”
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“Just a handful of us and gnomes we’d brought along for companionship and nourishment”
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“Finally, we arrived in a strange and exotic realm” “New Jersey”
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“We kept walking”
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“Eventually, we came across a new Heartstone”
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“And we realized we had found a new home... Under Arcadia” Random backstory. Also Wizards might want to have a few words about this.
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There are two types of people.
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"¡Lo siento, Sr. Draal! ¡No me mates!" I suck at Spanish, but thanks to ToA wiki this translates to “I’m sorry, Mr. Draal! Don’t kill me!”
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“For these precious early steps will decide whether a young Trollhunter will become”
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“a Deya the Deliverer”
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“Or Unkar the Unfortunate” Translation: “Will Jim be remembered was great or bad”
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Also they fixed Unkar’s arm from last episode.
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“I recommend A Brief Recapitulation of Troll Lore by the venerable Bedehilde. Volume 1 of 47″ Can we get the manga versions? I can read them if they were mangas.
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“Oh, no. Is it the Heartstone?”
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“No! No!”
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“Is Bular in Trollmarket?”
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“No! Gnome!”
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“Rogue gnome!” Bular? No. Gunmar? no. Gnomes are the real problem.
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This is still a kids show. Right?
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“Why? He can’t be that bad”
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“Oh, no! My belt!”
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“At least he didn’t take my Nougat Nummy”
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“We need to catch that gnome” Belt gone? Oh well. Nougat Nummy gone? Get him.
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“Over there!”
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“Oh! Over there!”
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“No! Over here!”
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“Right here”
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Sonic the Gnome.
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“Oh, no. Where’s the amulet?
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“Oh, no!” And now to rename this series to Gnomehunters.
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I’m Jim when moving things, and my sister is Aaarrrgghh.
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“Come back, come back”
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“Shouldn’t the amulet be coming back to me right about now?”
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“Dolefully, that rule only applies if you’ve rejected it”
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“When thieved, it’s another story” But, why? That makes no sense. Look at the Miraculous. They can be used anyone. If stolen, then they can’t go back to their holders, they have a new holder. But the Amulet of Daylight, which chooses it’s owner, can get stolen in the blink of an eye and it won’t go back to the owner? What the fuck?
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“What else can i do? I can’t fit in that hole” That’s what she said.
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“You broke my tooth. I’m going to break your life”
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“When i’m through with you, you’re going to-” “Is that Diary of a Wimpy Kid?” “Wait what? No. This is you!” “No that’s Diary of a Wimpy Kid”
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“And, by the way, i know Steve is a jerk, like a really big jerk. Okay, what does Aja see in him?” “He’s a himbo. She likes himbos” “Oh, that makes sense”
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“But there are better ways to finish a fight than punching someone in the face. You should’ve fought him in a alley, alone, and if he dies you need to get rid of the body. But don’t worry i know a few places to get rid of a body so no one can ever find it” “Uh... What are we talking about again?” “Uh... See you at rehearsal!”
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“So, what was that all about?” “I don’t know. I think Claire said something about a body?”
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“Whoa. Did you hear what Claire said?. But who’s body was she talking about?” “What do Aja and i see in you?” “Said something?”
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We interrupt Trollhunters to bring you Night at the Museum.
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“Full disclosure, i’m a little worried how i let you talk me into this” Ain’t that a mood.
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“So, how does me going into this thing help me get a gnome out of a hole”
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“If a gnome won’t come out, the Trollhunter must go in” That’s what she said.
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Honey, i shrunk the Trollhunter.
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“I can’t be shrunk! I have exams to take!”
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“I have sinks to reach!” Shit i have sinks to reach too. Oh well.
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“Nothing in this world makes sense” Our world never made any sense.
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This is not creepy at all. Okay yeah, it is. Remind me, how is this a kids show again?
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Gnome pencil sharpeners.
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New meme template.
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“You touched my hat, prepare to die!”
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It was at this moment he knew; he fucked up.
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“And what about this shrinking stuff? When does it wear off?”
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“Don’t worry. Sleep it off. By morning, you’ll be as good as new” They always say that, and it never happens.
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“All that is left is for you to take care of it”
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“Wait, what? Take care of it?”
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“Rule number 2″
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“Always finish the fight”
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“And by “Finish””
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“Deaden. End. Le Coup de grace”
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Finish him!
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“Neither of us are killers”
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“I am”
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“You are?”
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“Detective Snuggles. Nana warned me not to leave my chocolate lying around”
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“But it was just after Easter, and i had pulled in a big haul”
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“I never thought that cat would find my stash”
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“But he did. And by the time i found him, it was too late”
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“Death by chocolate”
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“There are worse ways to go”
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“That wasn’t the worst of it”
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“I never had the heart to tell Nana, so to cover up the murder”
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“I used to eat his cat food just to make it look like he was still around”
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“And i liked it” What a sad, yet funny, but also scary story.
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“By morning rise, the dark deed will be done and my soul will be damned” Wait did he just say damned?
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Well, Jim slept with a girl. Only downside it’s not Claire.
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“Oh, no! School!”
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“We have to call you in sick”
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“Tell them you ate too much chocolate. That always works”
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“No, Senor Uhl can sniff out a lie a mile away” So is he related to Tanjiro?
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“¡Hola! Sorry i couldn’t be en escuela, Senor Uhl, but i just tested on Covid and waiting for the results”
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“No, no... no need to fight at home”
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“Ponce de Leon joined Columbus in the New... New-”
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“What in the world?” That’s my reaction to world events.
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Sonic the Gnome 2
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“It’s happening!”
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“What’s happening?”
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“It’s happen” “High five!”
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“Internet connections, am i right? Gotta go. Bye!”
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“Is this the part where Jim becomes Half Troll?” “No, no it can’t be. Claire doesn’t know yet” “Steve, did you just say something smart?”
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“We can keep him? Jim, i already have a name”
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“Gnome Chompsky” “Not going for Sonic the Gnome?” “Nah, we’ll get sued”
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“Two crises averted it’s not like you get to rehearse these things” I feel like we’re forgetting something.
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“Oh, no! Rehearsal!” Oh yeah. Fuck.
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“Oh, Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou, Romeo?”
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“Shall i hear”
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“Shall i hear more”
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“Or shall i speak at this”
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“Oh, Mr. Lake!”
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“Your repeated tardiness has forced me to take precautions. Mr. Palchuk will now serve as your understudy”
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“I told you i was going to break your life!” “Okay first off, your drawing looked like something out of Diary of a Wimpy Kid, and second i thought you meant my Trollhunting life!” “Why would i want your Trollhunting life? I could die” “You do realize Romeo and Juliet dies at the end, right?” “Wait what?” “Yes, they do., Everyone knows this” “I don’t want to be here anymore” “Too late!”
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“Hey! What are you doing in here?”
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“You were followed?
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“Of course not. I brought you a midnight snack”
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And with that, Night at the Museum comes to an end.
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Well, let’s not go to the museum at night.
Wait we’re going there tomorrow? Crap.
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austinpanda · 3 years
Dad Letter 080521
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5 September, 2021
Dear Dad--
Another week full of joy at being alive has passed! That may sound sarcastic, and it mostly is, but things are actually improving. I’ve been quite depressed of late, and I appreciate your offers of help. I’m going to be quite alright, I’ve decided. A few things are getting better on their own, and a few things are getting better because I’m working at getting them better. Examples: It helps when it’s not 90 degrees outside--an increasingly frequent occurrence here in Maine--since that makes it 90 degrees inside. A window AC unit can only create a cone of tolerability directly in front of it, while the rest of the trailer feels like a sauna. Once September began, however, it was like a door slamming shut. Now we’re getting cold fronts and lows in the upper 40s in the mornings and highs in the 70s, and it’s the kind of weather that makes you happy just to be alive and outside.
Another thing getting better, if only with agonizing slowness, is my job. The main problem with my job right now is this: There are seven audits. I’ve learned about 6.8 of them, but there’s one part of one audit that I’ve mentioned in the past, it’s just an order of magnitude more complicated. After a few more months it won’t seem that way at all, but for now, it’s still Chinese algebra--I might as well be looking at Sanskrit; it just makes no sense to me most of the time. And the boss is, I think, tired of me not knowing it. The boss can, I think, go fornicate himself, because, the way I look at it, if I’m trying my best to learn, and I haven’t learned it yet, it’s not because I’m failing, it’s because the shit’s complicated, and he’s failed to teach it to me yet. Ha ha, take that, boss man!
Anyway, I’m attempting to let it go. And now that my retirement savings from Progressive is completely gone, I’m also attempting to live within my means again, which is proving a challenge. And it’s not a challenge because of my extravagant lifestyle, it’s a challenge because everyone wants money in exchange for shit, and I’m only getting $14.00 per hour so far. Also, the casino is taking $30 off each paycheck, a total of 10 times, to pay for my $300 state gaming license, which I’m required to have. Also, the casino is taking $47 out of each paycheck, a total of 4 times, because of something they fucked up with my benefits that somehow put me in arrears. I am forced to wonder if Consumer Reports ever made a top 10 list of inexpensive brands of cat foot that, in a pinch, might be fit for human consumption.
So some of my concerns are financial. Some others are related to making new friends. Zach and I have both been attempting to make new friends lately, and to our horror, the number of friends we have here in Maine is actually going down. We made one friend when we moved here, Josh, the one who is addicted to Christmas decorations, and for various reasons, we don’t hang out with him any more. I made a new friend who promptly disappeared on me. Zach made a couple of new friends that have decided not to return his texts. We are forced to wonder what unpleasant odors we might be emitting. My goal was to have a New Year’s Eve party here that I could invite 5 people to, and at this point, I’m not going to reach the number 5 unless 3 of them arrive at gunpoint. So I’m going to attempt to make some new friends. Working in a casino should help; got lots of interesting coworkers. And if we can ever get past this Covid bullshit, I might be able to attend a social gathering every now and again.
I have begun my two month scary movie marathon! I began with Night of the Demon, as I always do, and I’ve been watching a few of my other favorites too, like The Legend of Hell House, and the Haunting, and The House on Haunted Hill, and The Haunting of Hill House, and House of Usher, and House (Japan, 1979).
I think some of the news is going to have to take the form of a bullet list.
I thought “The quality of mercy is not strained,” was from the Bible. Nope, it’s from The Merchant of Venice.
The casino, for all the money they’re taking from me, is going to give me a $50 WalMart gift card, as a reward for emailing H.R. a copy of my vaccination card.
As of today, I have put away that AC unit. We needed it last week to avoid dying of heatstroke, but we’re not going to need it again until probably next June or July.
I’m about to attempt to quit smoking, because I can no longer afford it. Next few days, I should think. I’ll keep you posted. I must buy gum. I need so much sugar-free gum. Perhaps the WalMart gift card will be used for gum. That’s some bullshit; I wanted to use it for something fun, and nourishing to the soul, like...Diet Pepsi. But noooo.
I continue to love the mild weather here, and the frigid winter in particular. At some point, I’m going to experience the ecstasy of having to wake up early in order to dig my car out of the snow, so I can get to work on time. I assume, every once in a while, there’s a snowstorm that’s bad enough, no one is able to get to work for hours and hours. I am looking forward to all of this! I think it draws one closer to one’s neighbors when you live under such shared duress, and the shoveling is good exercise. Also, we only have a few feet of driveway to shovel; it’s going to have to be a pretty apocalyptic snowstorm to push us into heart attack territory. Then, when I make it to work on time, I can be the one person whom everyone else resents, because he proved that it’s possible to make it to work, and now everyone has to show up and do their jobs, when their true desire was to stay home and not do their jobs for a change. Well, tough titty, coworkers. Ricky’s gotta get PAID.
One thing I’m trying to keep my eyes on is the prospect of getting a new car. It may not be new, and it may not be a car--I’m considering a modest SUV--but it would be a new vehicle for me. The reason I’m considering purchasing a modest SUV, which normally I’d find abhorrent because of their poor fuel economy, is because I now live in the land of potholes. In Austin, if a pothole got bad, I knew it wouldn’t be long before a crew came out and fixed it. Here, with all the freezing and thawing, some roads just develop too many of them too quickly, so those roads just spend a lot of time sucking, and being full of potholes. My car, Beige Lightning, had a somewhat creaky suspension before we moved here, and now has a very creaky suspension. I’ve decided, therefore, that I’d like something a bit more impervious to potholes. Also, as a rapidly aging white guy, I claim my right to want something with a bigger, faster engine. Perhaps the money I save from quitting smoking will make this easier to grasp. Will advise!
More next week. All my love to you both!
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noladyme · 4 years
Skip To My Lou, My Darling - Chapter 6, Beware My Frozen Heart I
The road so far…
Finding out that their connection is real, and not forced upon them by celestial powers, Dean and Lulu have embraced their feelings – and years of pining can now end. Now Dean must find a way to deal with Lulu’s decision to be a hunter, with the dangers that entails.
Our story continues in season 8
Tag list (Let me know if you want to be added) @edonaspanca​ @wonderlandfandomkingdom​
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63 years ago.
It’s so cold out here, but her feet are too sore to wear her shoes. Not that it matters anyway; they’re soaked from the snow. The crown is digging into her scalp, and she dropped her sash a mile back. She just needs her coat; and then she can go home. And maybe she misunderstood what the others told her. Maybe he’s alone, and just waiting for her.
There’s his car! She walks up to it, removes the crown from her head, and looks through the window. There he is… with her. Why her? And why are they…? No… The night is like a lovely tune. Beware my foolish heart. How white the ever-constant moon. Take care my foolish heart…
She drops the crown in the snow, and walks back towards the bridge. The dance is over.
I was splayed over Deans chest – my breath still ragged from my last climax. “Say it again”, Dean demanded. “I’ve already said it a hundred times”, I chuckled. “Just one more time… Please…”. “Led Zeppelin rules…”, I sighed. Dean squeezed me tight, and kissed the top of my head. “God, I love you”, he smiled.
There was a knock at the door. “Dean!”, Sam called. “Don’t come in, I’m busy!”, Dean answered. There was a pause. “Dude, just… have you seen Lulu? I can’t find her…”. “He said, he’s busy!”, I yelled. Dean snickered. There was another pause. “Ok… I’m just gonna… go now”, Sam replied. I heard him move down the hallway.
“We should get dressed…”, I said. “That’s the worst idea you’ve had all day”, Dean grunted, and locked his arms around me, so I couldn’t move. “Counting the one where I was about to sell my soul into eternal damnation?”, I smiled. He raised a brow at me. “That one’s a close second”, he muttered; his eyes slightly harder than they had been a second ago. “I’m still pissed about that”. I kissed his chest, and wriggled my body out of his grasp. “I’m sure I can find about a thousand other things to piss you off, that I’ve done, and will do”, I smiled, and crawled out of the bed, in search of my underwear.
Having put back on my panties, I found my bra draped over a shotgun on the wall. Dean handed me my jeans with an unhappy expression. “You know, I’m not happy about that whole vampire situation either”, he muttered, and pulled his boxers over his still very firm behind. “That wasn’t very smart”. “Tammy was there. She’s a good hunter”, I said. “She was also a demon”, Dean grunted; putting on his t-shirt. It was my turn to frown from the lack of skin he was showing. “I didn’t know that at the time”, I retorted. “And it turned out ok in the end”. He raised a brow at me. “That bandage on your neck says otherwise”, he sneered. “Can we just… not do this, for five minutes? Please?”, I sighed. Dean nodded, and the corner of his lips twitched into a smile.
As I stood up from having put on my boots, Dean’s arm snaked around my belly from behind, and he kissed the back of my head. “You wanna keep room 13? Or just settle in here...”. I frowned, and didn’t know how to answer in a way that he’d like. “Lou?”, he muttered. I sighed, and turned around; looking into his worried eyes. “I… can’t”, I said. Dean’s jaw dropped. “You said you wouldn’t leave”, he breathed. “And I’m not… not really”, I said. “But I still have to go do my job”. Dean shook his head in confusion. “Alone? No. You can work from here. Do research for us. It’d still be hunting”, he tried. I raised my brows. “Barefoot and hopefully not pregnant in the library? That’s where you see me?”, I asked. He shrugged. “You can use the switchboard room if you like it better”, he said. I stroked his cheek. “You know that’s not happening”, I smiled. “Dean, I’m…”. “Not ready. That’s what you are”. I sighed deeply. “Is this how it’s always going to be? Either we have sex, or we fight?”. “As long as you keep making crappy decisions, yeah!”, Dean grumbled.
I took his hand. “Look… I get that you worry about me. And I love that you do… But I’m not yours. I can make my own decisions”. “Thinking that I had the perfect woman specially built for me was kind of bigheaded”, Dean muttered. “Yeah, I know”, I smirked. “Like I’m not my own person with my own independent thoughts and choices”. Dean nodded a shrug. “You’re right”. “Like the choice to…”. “You’re not hunting alone”.
I let go of his hand, and went over to the door; sick of the conversation. “I just don’t think it’s a good idea”, he tried; as he followed me down the hallway, pulling on the flannel shirt he was carrying. “You’re never going to think it’s a good idea”, I chuckled, and took the shirt from him. “That’s mine, by the way”. “You’re right about that”, he muttered. “I won’t”.
We stepped into the library. Sam looked up from Bobby’s journal. “Already fighting again?”, he muttered. “She wants to go hunting alone”, Dean grunted. “Tell her it’s a bad idea!”. Sam looked between us. “I’m not getting involved”, he muttered.
“You finished with my book?”, I asked; trying to change the subject. “Yeah, I think I got all we could from it, while you two were… uhm… whatever”, Sam muttered. “I know it wasn’t any of my business, but I couldn’t help but look into the box you brought. What are you working on?”. I had almost forgot about my case. “Oh, uhm… some sort of white lady, I think. Maybe a weird phantom hitchhiker. I’m not sure”. “What have you got?”, Dean muttered.
I pulled up some old death records and articles. “Every year since 1950, like clockwork, young women disappear from lover’s lane, near Sioux Falls. People report to have seen a woman on the bridge nearby, on the day of the disappearings”. I pulled out a picture of teenaged girl. “She matches the description of this young woman, Annie Jones, who died that year, to a T. A few days later the women are found dead under the bridge, near where the first girl was found”. “Sure it’s not a serial killer?”, Sam asked. “A geriatric murderer? Bobby didn’t think so…”, I said. “This is his old case?”, Dean frowned. I nodded.
“Besides, freezing someone to death seems like a lot of work for a really old killer”. I handed Sam the pile of death records. He looked them over. “Hypothermia… Hypothermia again… All during springtime. Yeah, this seems like our kind of weird”, Sam muttered; letting Dean take a look over his shoulder. “Jodi had the box in her basement. Bobby had been trying to help her solve the case, but didn’t have a chance to finish it up”. “Great!”, Dean smiled. “You finish your research on this then. Stay here. We have wifi and coffee. You’ll be all set up! Me and Sam can go take this thing down”.
I shook my head. “It should be another 2 weeks or so before whatever this is happens again. I was just getting a head start”, I said. I looked at Sam. “Sam, come on… You packed that bag for me. You know I’m ready!”, I pleaded. “He what?”, Dean snarled. “Sam!”. He looked at his brother with angry eyes. “She’s gonna hunt either way. Been doing it for a year”, Sam said. “I just made sure she had the right equipment”.
Cass came in to the room, carrying a tray of steaming mugs, and some fruit. “I prepared some nourishment for you all. Sam has been working hard; and you two have been spending your energy on…”. “Yeah… thanks, Cass”, I muttered. “Did you hear what she’s planning to do?”, Dean said. Castiel nodded. “I have excellent hearing. Lulu is going to hunt. And she thinks Led Zeppelin rules”. Dean frowned. “And you think that’s a perfectly awesome idea?”, he grunted. “You spent months – years even – watching over her. And now you’re gonna just let her hunt alone?”. “He wouldn’t have done that if you hadn’t asked him”, I sneered.
Castiel smiled softly. “Yes I would have, Lulu. You’re my friend. I want you safe”. Dean smiled. “Cass agrees. You’re not going”, he said. “Oh, I think she should go”, the angel said. “But not alone”. My jaw dropped. “What?”, I asked. “If Sam and Dean goes with you, you’ll be safer”, Castiel smiled. “But they have work here…”. Sam ran a hand over his tired face. “Actually, there’s not a lot we can do right now”, he said. “Kevin’s still working on the translation of the tablet. We might as well keep busy with something else”.
Dean seemed to think it over. “All right”, he exclaimed. “Guess we’re going to Sioux Falls”. I chewed my lip. “You weren’t exactly invited to the party…”, I muttered. “Suck it up. You’re not going without us”, Dean said. I rolled my eyes. “Lou, I will tie you up in our dungeon. Don’t test me”. His eyes were sending me a warning, that was half serious, half mischievous. “Maybe some other time”, I grunted; the corner of my lip twitching. “Fine”.
Dean’s face lit up. “Awesome! Whip out the Karate Kid soundtrack. Time for a training montage…”. “What?”, I frowned. “Lou, you wanna hunt? You gotta train first”. “What do you call the three demon-vampires I took out last night? And the ghosts I’ve been taking down all year…”. “Dumb luck”, he grunted. “And sloppy as hell”. I laughed sarcastically. “You want to fight me? Hand to hand combat?”, I asked. “Hell yeah. Test your skills”, Dean said smugly. “I’m gonna enjoy this”, I smirked.
About an hour later, Dean had me in the gym; testing my skills – and my patience.
“Again!”, he growled; after he’d nailed me to the wall, with his hands around my neck for the fifth time. I pushed him off me. “This isn’t fair”, I sneered. “Monsters don’t play fair”, Dean smirked. “Again!”. I took a stance in front of him; the baton he’d let me use as a stand in for a knife, in my hand. “That’s not what I mean”, I said; and jumped at him. He moved out of the way with a chuckle. “Too slow”, he smiled.
I let my shoulders drop, and threw the baton on the floor. “I’ve seen you fight; you know. And that’s what you’re doing now”. He began circling me. “You’re fighting as Dean Winchester – the great hunter. Not as a monster”. “Huh”, Dean grunted. “I like the sound of that…”. He sprang for me, and before I knew it, I was on the floor; and Dean was straddling me. “I’m sure you do”, I panted. “But this case isn’t even a monster. It’s a ghost”.
I was about to push him off me, when he grabbed my wrists, and pressed them down on either side of my head. “As much as I hate to admit it, ghosts are usually stronger than me – and as long as you can’t fight me of, you shouldn’t be hunting them”. “You’re still trying to turn me off this case…”, I sighed; struggling against his hold. His weight on me was sending very distracting thoughts through my head. He leant down to whisper in my ear. “Oh, sweetheart… I’ll be forever trying to turn you on…”. He sat back up. “But yeah. In this particular case, I still think you should stay here”. I pulled my arms upwards, making Dean lean over me again; his face close to mine. “You’re enjoying this too much”, I whispered. “And just for the record, my knee is dangerously close to your groin; I could just…”. I made to lift my knee; but Dean rolled of me. “Watch the jewels, Lou. We both want them safe”, he warned. With a swift move, I straddled him, as he had me. “On that, we agree”, I smirked.
Dean suddenly sat up, and his lips where on mine – kissing me with an almost insatiable hunger. I tried to push him off me; but he was too strong – and in all honesty, I was enjoying it. His arms where around me; holding me in place, and my own arms pinned down. “You’re gonna have to learn how to wrestle out of a move like this, if you want to hunt”, Dean growled. I began moving my hips, grinding against him. “I could always distract you…”, I breathed. “Not working”, Dean grunted. I bit my lip, and grinded again – this time letting out a soft moan. “Ok, it’s working a little bit”, he admitted with a grunt. “So how do I get out of it?”, I asked.
Suddenly, we were standing; Dean having lifted me off his lap, but still keeping me locked in his grasp. “With a vampire or a werewolf – or even a ghost – you wouldn’t. You’d be dead. At least with the moves you have now”, he said. He flipped me around, so my back was to him – and I felt his beginning erection pressing against my back. “With me…  Let’s just say, you might be able to persuade me without using violence”, he breathed into my hair.
I pushed out my bottom, to get him to take a small step back, leaving place for me to slide my hands behind my back, and take a hold of his hardness over his pants. Dean groaned slightly. I began gently squeezing it, and felt Dean loosen his hold on me. Just as I thought I was about to have the upper hand, he pushed me against the wall; making me brace myself with my hands in front of me. He grabbed my wrists, and held them over my head in one hand. He pressed himself against me again, and snaked his other hand in front of me; down my belly, to the waistband of my jeans – pausing there. I looked over my shoulder at him, and saw him search my eyes for consent. I gave him a slight nod; and with a mischievous smile, his fingertips slid behind the fabric, and ran through my curls.
I tried to pull my hands from his grasp, wanting desperately to touch him. “Nuh uh…”, Dean chuckled behind me. His knee went between my legs, so I was locked in place. “I’ve got you. You’re not going anywhere”. His fingers travelled down over my clit, ghosting the sensitive nub; and making me gasp. “You know, we should probably talk safe-words”, he smiled. “You think you’ll need them?”, I croaked; moving my hips to get him to touch me for real. Dean laughed gravelly. “Sweetheart, you are in for it”.
Suddenly, two of his fingers where inside me. He began pushing hard at my front wall, and rubbed at my nub with his palm. I pulled at my wrists; tried to get out of his hold on me – but he simply pushed me harder against the wall. His hand was thrusting and rubbing hard at me. “Push me off you”, he growled. I moaned a snarl, and gyrated to get free. “You’re stronger than this, Lou. Come on!”. “I… I don’t want to”, I whimpered. “You want me to have the upper hand? To win the fight?”, he chuckled. “No…”, I breathed; my insides beginning to clench around his fingers. “Then why aren’t you fighting me off?”, he teased. “I want… Oh, god!”, I pleaded.
Dean slowed down his movements inside me. “What are you doing?”, I whimpered. “Don’t stop”. He pulled out his fingers, and simply let them ghost my folds. “You’re giving up. Fight me!”, Dean demanded. “Dean! Please!”. “Earn it, baby”. With a roar, I used Dean’s hold on my wrists, to lift myself up; and press my feet against the wall. I kicked myself backwards, and we fell to the floor. Dean let go of my wrists, and I rolled away from him; getting on my feet.
“Good girl”, Dean smiled. “You won”. “Where’s my prize?”, I panted. “Your prize is; you won’t have to wait in the motel, while we take out the ghost”, he said; and stood up. “You can wait in the car. I’ll even crack a window”. I sighed. “You know, for a guy who haven’t even taken me on a proper date yet, you sure as hell feel entitled to tell me what to do”. “Lou, what do you want me to say?”, Dean shrugged. “We haven’t even been at this for an hour, and you’re already worn out”. “Am not…”, I lied. “I’m just… you know…”, I pouted. “What?”, he frowned.
I walked slowly towards him, biting my lip. “You just started something you didn’t finish… And I want you to finish it”. I put my hand on his chest; and he watched me intently, as I got on my toes, and tilted my head – brushing my lips against his. “You want…”. Dean swallowed hard. “I mean, we could take a break, and uhm…”. I caught his lower lip between my teeth, making him gasp.
I grabbed Deans hand, and turned around, so my back was to him again – as if I was trying to get back into the position we’d been in before. Felling his warm breath against my neck, I placed his hand over the top of my jeans; and ran my fingers up his arm. Grabbing a firm hold of his arm, with both my hands, I used my full bodyweight, to pull him forward – taking him by surprise – and making him land on the floor, on his back; with me on top of him. I rolled away from him, and got back on my feet.
“I think that just earned me a gold star!”, I smirked. Dean looked flabbergasted. “Where’d you learn that?”, he gasped. “WWE… Never tried it before though. Thanks for being my crash test dummy”, I smiled. Dean stood back up, and stretched. “Ow!”, he said. “Sorry”, I playfully pouted. “Want me to kiss it better?”. “You can’t flirt your way out of every situation!”, Dean growled. “And… yes”. I raised a brow at him. “Make me”, I smirked.
Dean chuckled sarcastically. “You’re going down!”. He sprang at me, and within seconds, I was on the floor; and Dean had his forearm against my neck. “I’d be happy to”, I croaked. “But Cass or Sam might walk in any second”. I grinded my hips against his. “Lou…”, Dean said warningly. “What?”, I whispered. “Am I doing something wrong?”. I slid my leg around his hip; and pulled him closer. The bulge on the front of Dean’s jeans gave away that I was doing everything right. “Is this how you plan on killing monsters?”, he asked; his voice breaking. “Grinding them to death?”. “Well, it seems to be taking your breath away”, I said; biting my lip. Dean shook his head, seemingly trying to focus on anything other than my mouth.
“Lulu!”, Sam called from down the hall. “Oh, thank God”, Dean croaked, and rolled of me. His brother joined us in the gym. “Thanks, Sam. I almost had him”, I frowned; and got to my feet. “Did not…”, Dean rasped, his back to us – discretely adjusting himself.
“It’s Jody. She wants to talk to you”, Sam said; and handed me my burner. “Jody?”, I said into the phone; smirking over my shoulder at Dean. “Lulu! You promised to call me!”, the sheriff said. “Sorry, ma’”, I smiled. “Please stop calling me that. I can feel my hair graying every time you do”. “Grey hair is hot. What’s up?”, I asked. “You’re with the guys?”, she said. “Yeah. I’m uhm… apparently in hunter boot-camp here”, I smirked. I heard Jody sigh. “Dean?” “Yup…”, I grunted. “Put me on speaker… now”.
I pressed the speaker button, and held up the phone. “Dean Winchester!”. “Hi, Jody”, Dean said warily. “Would you pull your head out of your ass, boy? Do you have any idea what this young woman has been doing for the last year?”, Jody snarled. “Jody, I’m just…”, Dean began. “Being a dick, that’s what you are… Get over yourself!”. I grinned at the frowning man who was currently getting his ass handed to him over the phone. “You hearing me? Dean?”. “Yes ma’am”, Dean muttered. “But did Sam happen to tell you what she did yesterday?”. “No, what?”. Dean smirked at me. “She ran straight at a nest of vampires with nothing but a machete and a minidress to protect her”. There was a pause. “How many did you take out, Lulu?”, Jody asked. “Three”, I muttered. “Good job… And don’t ever do that again! Are you crazy? You’re not ready for that!”. Thanks, I mouthed at Dean. He sent me the widest grin I’d seen on his face to date. “Sorry, Jody”, I said. “But why’d you call? Other than to yell at us?”.
She paused before continuing. “There’s been another one. Young woman, found under the bridge”. “That’s too soon!”, I gasped. “I know… How far are you with that research?”, Jody said. “I’m still working on it…”, I admitted. Sam clenched his jaw. “We’re on our way, Jody. Be there as soon as possible”. “Sounds good. See you then”, the sheriff said, and hung up.
I shook my head. “This is too soon. What the hell? Ghosts don’t usually change their MO…”, I muttered. “And this had been going on for more than 50 years”. “We’ll figure it out”, Sam smiled.
After packing up, we left the bunker – and Castiel – behind, to drive to South Dakota. Dean was still grumbling over the fact that I insisted on coming along. “This is my case. You’re the tag-along here”, I pointed out, as I dropped my bag in the trunk. Sam put the box of papers and records in there as well. “She’s not wrong, Dean”, he smiled. “And from what I’ve seen, Lulu’s done a damn good job on the research so far”. Dean frowned and dropped his own bag next to mine and Sam’s. “What about interviews? Have you done any of those yet?”, he grunted. “Didn’t have time to get to those, before Cass showed up for my book”, I said.
Sam had given me back Bobby’s journal, which was now safely stored in my backpack. The iron knife Sam had given me was stored in the pocket in my jacket I’d sown in for my angel blade; and I had a bag of salt in my pocket. I was more than ready to get this show on the road.
I went to get in the back seat, when Sam halted me. “Do you mind? I haven’t slept in two days”, he said, his face almost grey with exhaustion. “Sure”, I smiled, and went to sit in the front passenger seat, next to a smiling Dean. “Sammy!”, he chuckled. “You got short… and hot!”. “Shut up”, his brother responded from behind us.
After a few hours of driving, Dean put his arm on the backrest, and invited me in to cuddle up against him. It didn’t take much coaxing to accept – and soon I was leaning against his shoulder; sighing contently. A small snore came from the back seat; and I looked over my shoulder – smiling at the sight of the 6’4 man sleeping like a baby behind us. Dean glanced down at me, and licked his lower lip. “You know, he’s out cold…”, he muttered quietly. I looked questioningly at him, as he raised a brow at me. Only then did I realize what he was implying. “No! Not happening”, I said pointedly. Dean pouted playfully. “We could be really quiet…”, he whispered. I pulled back from his grasp, and chuckled. “Forget it”, I grunted. “Lou…”. “The lady said no!”, Sam snarled from the back seat.
Dean cleared his throat embarrassedly, and I squeezed his thigh gently, before winking at him. He smiled crookedly, and stroked his index finger down my jaw.
“How far are we from Sioux Falls?”, Sam yawned. “About two hours out. You can still get some shuteye”, I said; looking back at him. He raised a brow at the back of his brothers head. “Not taking that chance”, he muttered. He grabbed the thermos of coffee, and poured himself a cup, downing it in one go. “Cold”, he frowned. “Want me to make a stop?”, Dean said. “No, just turn on some music”, Sam groaned; and tried to stretch his long legs out.
I searched the glove compartment for a good tape, and smiled brightly when I stumbled across one labeled Lou. I looked Dean with a warm pouting smile. “Not that one!”, he said, and tried to snatch it from me. I smacked his hand away, and slid it into the radio.
“Lying in your arms, so close together…”.
Sam chuckled from the back seat. “Shut it”, Dean growled. I smiled at him, and caught him looking at me from the corner of his eye; a warm smirk ghosting his face. “Made a mistake, when I let you go, baby. I drive myself crazy, wanting you the way that I do”, I whispered along to the song. The next song was Landslide, by Fleetwood Mac. “How much time did you spend on this?”, I muttered. Dean didn’t answer, but I saw his cheeks redden. “He was on lockdown for three days”, Sam smirked. “I will turn this car around!”, Dean growled. I shook my head. “Behave… both of you”, I said. Sam cleared his throat, and looked out the window; stifling a grin.
When we finally arrived outside Sioux Falls PD, we’d gone through the tape three times – listening to the greatest hits of Lou and Dean. It included Ramones’ version of Spiderman; Ozzy Osbourne’s Crazy Train; Bon Jovi’s Bad Medicine; AC/DC’s It’s a Long Way to the Top – during which Dean muttered something about a girl he once knew, who’d flashed Angus Young at a concert – and finally, for some reason, Cherry Pie by Warrant.
Jody looked up from some papers on her desk, when we entered the station. “Miss Timberlake…”, she muttered with a half-smile. “You owe me 100 bucks for that motel bill you skipped out on”. I gave my friend a warm hug. Dean sent me a look. “Timberlake?”, he grunted. “Save it, John Bonham”, she grunted, before pulling him in for a hug. She patted Sam’s cheek after hugging him. “You look like death run over. What’s wrong?”. “Been working… Not getting much sleep”. Jody raised her brows. “You need to take better care of yourselves”, she said; before putting her fingertips against the bandage on my neck. “All of you!”, she grunted.
“The girl”, I said, cutting to the chase. “She was found under the bridge”. “Yeah”, the sheriff frowned. “Icy cold. Three days after being crowned prom queen”. “Poor girl”, I muttered. “She’s not the first prom queen to go out the same way, though, is she?”. “Well, you have the records. Weren’t they all?”, she asked. “No… Only some of them”, I said.
An officer looked in our direction; frowning. “You three should go… somewhere else”, Jody said. “Ghosty stuff isn’t a good topic here”. “We’ll set up at a motel. Let you know where we’re at”, Dean said. “You’re welcome to use my house…”, Jody offered. “That nosy neighbor of yours gonna be good with that?”, I smirked; remembering Mrs. Boone, who’d shown up at all hours of the day, when she found out Jody had me crashing on her couch. “Good point”, she smiled. “But pick a different motel. The 6 is pissed at you”, she said, cocking a brow at me. “Right…”, I winced. “See you later?”. Jody nodded, and waved us away; suddenly looking angry. “I told you!”, she said loudly. “We have no comments for the media as of now!”. “Sorry, sheriff”, Dean smiled. “We’ll be on our way”.
We got back in the Impala, and made our way to a motel just outside town. Dean was pouting when he came back from the front desk. “They only have one room”, he grunted; and handed Sam the key. His brother just shook his head, and went to unlock the door. “So much for privacy”, Dean muttered to me. “We’re here to work”, I retorted. He looked at me in almost anguish. “Lou…”, he groaned. I intertwined my fingers with his, and kissed his stubbly cheek. “Dead girl. Ghosts. Work”, I said. “Move the car”. “You move the car”, he frowned. “Ok!”, I smiled; longing to get my hands on the Impala. Deans eyes widened. “Wait, no. Scratch that. You just… go to the room”. I rolled my eyes, and walked over to our temporary accommodations.
A few minutes later, Sam was draped across one of the beds in our shared room. Dean came in with his and my bag. “Dude, you look like crap. We can go check out that bridge later”, he said. “Get some sleep”. “Actually, I was gonna go that”, I said. “You’re welcome to join”. I smirked at the frowning older brother. “You were going to go… alone?”, he said. “Not if you’re coming with”, I shrugged. He muttered something below his breath. “Fine, let’s go. You good with this, Sam?”. Sam wasn’t answering. He was out cold.
About an hour later, Dean and I were scouting the area around where the last girl had been found. Dean was just hanging up on Jody, when he came over to join me, where I was crouching over a patch of grass that seemed to have suffered from frost bite. “Jody’s meeting up with Sam at the motel in a few”. “Huh…”, I muttered. “EMF? I don’t have one”. Dean handed me his own. “Of course you don’t…”, he grunted. “Dean…”, I warned. He sighed, and watched as I turned on the meter. It instantly reacted slightly, though not as it would, had there been a spirit present at the moment. This was residue. “Good. You found out it’s a ghost. Now what?”. “You tell me, Mr. Hunter Man…”, I jeered. “You’re the expert”. “No, please. Be my guest. You seem to have this thing down”.
I stood up. “I’m going up to the bridge. No one’s reported seeing the ghost this time around. It’s all out of wack”. “Ok, let’s go”, Dean said, and reached for my hand. I walked ahead of him before he could grab it. “What?”, he asked. “You’re being a jerk, Dean”, I sneered. “I’m trying to do my job here, but it’s really hard, when you keep riding my ass on everything I say and do”. His gaze softened. “I’m sorry”, he muttered. “You’re right. Let’s try to figure this thing out”. “Yeah?”, I asked. He nodded. “Yeah. Do your job. Tell me how I can help”, he tried with a crooked smile. It was almost endearing. “I want to scan the bridge. See if there are any spirits around”, I sighed. “After that, I want to check out the lover’s lane”. Dean’s face lit up. “For ghosts, you horn-dog!”, I chuckled. “Oh”, he grumbled. “Fine”.
The bridge didn’t give away any readings for spirits; confusing me even further. Dean took off his jacket, and threw it into the car. “Kind of hot for April”, he grunted. “Yeah”, I agreed. “That girl still died from hypothermia, though. It has to be connected to that spirit. But she died in early May. So why freeze to death? And why are the dates suddenly different?”. Dean shrugged. “You’re the brains in this operation. I’m just the brawns”, he smiled. I walked over to him, and patted his chest. “You do a great job of that”, I smirked. “Come on. Take me to lover’s lane, stud”.
The sun was beginning to set as Dean parked the Impala a few miles away from the bridge. Markings on the ground showed that this was a place many cars parked; when the people in them were searching for some privacy. There were trees around, making it possible for a couple to go about their business, without being spotted. I got out of the car, and scanned the area. Nothing. I frowned. “This brings me back”, Dean smirked. “To what?”, I asked, searching the ground for any trace of something that shouldn’t be there. He swallowed hard. “Uhm… Susan…”, he muttered; leaning against the Impala. “Farrow?”, I chuckled. He cleared his throat. “You remembered”, he said. “Yeah… Took her to another lover’s lane after prom”. I nodded and laughed.
I continued scanning the area around the car. Suddenly, Deans arms snaked around my waist; and he pressed himself against me. “It brings me back somewhere else as well”, he breathed, and kissed the top of my head. “Where’s that?”, I croaked, trying to focus on my task. “You… me… backseat”. He brushed my hair away from the back of my neck, and nibbled at my neck – sending waves of warmth to my core. “I’m trying to work”, I squeaked quietly. “There’s nothing here. Just us”, Dean whispered into my ear. “Come on… We have to share a room with my brother. Can’t we take a break, and just…”. He ran his finger across my jaw. “I guess…”, I breathed.
I turned around, and Dean pressed his lips to mine. As I parted my lips, and he gained entry to my mouth -brushing his tongue against mine – I was a whimpering mess. Dean scanned the area for company – and happy that we were, indeed, alone – he suddenly bent down, and threw me over his shoulder; and carried me back to the Impala. “Dean!”, I yelped. “Put me down”. He smacked my butt, and put me down; grabbing the EMF-meter from my hand, and throwing it through the open window, on the front seat. He opened the door to the back seat for me, and I got inside. Suddenly, I was flipped on my back, and Dean slammed the door behind him – crawling up to place himself between my legs.
I tugged at his t-shirt, and he pulled it off; letting me run my nails down his chest. “Lou”, he rasped. “Careful. I’ve been thinking about this all day. Don’t finish it before its even started”. “I knew I had you back in that gym”, I smirked. Dean’s pupils blew in remembrance. “Yeah”, he admitted; before pressing his lips against mine again.
Our tongues battled for dominance, and we made out like two teenagers. Pushing myself into a seated position, I quickly shed the layers on my torso, until I was left in my bra. Dean pulled down the cup from my right breast, and sucked my nipple into his mouth, making me gasp loudly. Frantically, I went for his belt; unbuckling it with shaking hands. “Foreplay?”, Dean grunted. “Skip it!”, I growled, and opened my own jeans, and pulling them down over my bottom. I kicked off one boot, and got my leg free, so I could pull down my panties as well; and my already glistening folds met the evening air. Dean ran a finger between my labia, and entered me slightly.
My eyes widened. “Wait!”, I cried out. “What?”, Dean asked in a startled voice. I pushed him off me, and leant over the back rest, reaching for the ignition, turning the key so the radio began playing. “She was a fast machine, she kept her motor clean. She was the best damn woman I had ever seen…”, Brian Johnson began singing. “Oh, baby”, Dean grinned. With a firm grab of my hips, he pulled me back onto the backseat; and pulled down his jeans – freeing himself. I grabbed his erection, and guided it towards my entrance. Dean pushed into me with a strangled groan; and instantly began moving on top of me. I locked my leg around his hip, and rolled my hips to meet his movements.
The Impala’s mufflers got a run for their money, as the entire car was moving with us. We simultaneously kissed and laughed from the rocking of the vehicle. It wasn’t long before I noticed Deans face change into a more strained expression. “It’s ok”, I panted. “You can…”. “No”, he shook his head. “Not yet. You… oh, wow… you first”. I grabbed the back of his head, and kissed him deeply; before tilting my hips, making him stroke against the sensitive spot inside me. The strain on my back was uncomfortable, and when Dean saw my facial expression, he put his hand behind me, and pulled me up to straddle him. He leaned against the backrest, and I moved up and down on him; feeling him fill every inch of me. He put his thumb against my nub, and stroked it; while simultaneously massaging my left breast.
The fire in my belly was building, and before long, I saw white; and my walls clenched around his hardness. I came with a raspy moan, and Dean followed me soon after. I collapsed against his chest, and chuckled. “Wow…”, I grinned. “Uh huh”, Dean agreed. He put his hands on either side of my face, and kissed me gently.
Suddenly I heard a buzzing. Dean pulled back – his lips still puckered. “What’s that?”, I whispered. Dean patted my thighs to get off him, and I moved, letting him lean over to the front seat, and pick up the EMF. All the lights where blaring, and we looked at each other in wonder.
We quickly got cleaned up and dressed, and both got out of the car. The EMF-meter quieted down gradually, before going black again. “What the hell was that?”, I said. “I don’t know”, Dean frowned. “But we should get back to the motel”. I nodded, and we got back in the car.
As we neared the bridge, a thought struck me. “Prom…”, I muttered. “What?”, Dean asked. “The girl who died this time. She was prom queen. Three others were crowned queen as well”. Dean pondered my words. “You think the ghost has it out for prom queens?”. “No”, I said. “Not all of the victims were crowned. But they disappeared around prom night”. I slammed my palm against my forehead. “I can’t believe I didn’t think of that!”. Dean smiled. “You’re thinking of it now. It’s good work”. I chuckled. “Are you saying atta girl?”, I asked. “Something like that”, he shrugged, and squeezed my knee.
As we drove over the bridge, I picked up the EMP-meter, and turned it on. The sun was all the way down, and the bridge wasn’t lit up by anything, but the headlights of the Impala. Suddenly, a jolt went through my body, as the radio turned itself on; not playing the tape inserted – but instead letting a soft female voice begin a melancholic tune. “The night is like a lovely tune. Beware my foolish heart. How white the ever-constant moon. Take care my foolish heart”. The EMP-meter’s lights blared, and it began buzzing fiercely. “What’s happening?”, I muttered. “What kind of ghost messes with a man’s tunes?”, Dean growled. “Your lips are much too close to mine. Beware my foolish heart. But should our eager lips combine. Then let the fire start”.
“Dean!”, I yelled. He slammed the brakes, just as a young woman in a pink dress appeared in front of us. She was walking in the same direction as we were driving; barefoot, carrying her shoes, and her hair was tussled. Her whole body was shaking, as if she was freezing. “That’s her”, I croaked.
The young woman didn’t seem to notice us. Dean sprang out of the car. “Hey!”, he yelled after her. She didn’t respond. “Miss?”. “She can’t hear you… she’s just a reflection”, I breathed, and got out to join him. “No, stay in the car!”, Dean growled.
I walked towards the reflection, when suddenly she turned around, and looked straight at me. Her makeup was smudged, and her mascara had been running. The radio continued playing the soft melody. “For this time it isn't fascination. Or a dream that will fade and fall apart. It's love, this time it's love. My foolish heart”. The girl mouthed along to the music.
An intense chill went through me, and I blinked. She was gone. The radio turned itself off. I was as frozen in place. “She was crying”, I whispered. Dean grabbed my arm. “Come on, Lou”, he muttered. “We need to get out of here”. I nodded, and rubbed my arms, entering the car again.
Back at the motel, Sam had been joined by Jody, and they were bent over the papers from my box. “You find anything at the bridge?”, Sam asked. He was finally looking well rested; and apparently, he was well fed as well – I could tell from the open containers of Tupperware, I recognized as Jody’s. “Yeah, a friggin’ ghost”, Dean said. “We saw her. And she messed with my radio!”. I stumbled over to sit down. “Whiskey”, I croaked. I felt an intense chill throughout my body. I’d never been that close to a ghost before; having mostly seen them at a distance.
Dean poured me a drink, and I downed it. “You saw her?”, Sam asked. “The white lady?”. “No, I think she’s just a reflection… I don’t know, I’m… That was insane!”. Dean furrowed his brow at me. “I’d say you look like you’ve seen a ghost, but that would be redundant”, he muttered. “What was her name again?”. Jodie pulled out an old death record. “Annie Jones. 18 years old at the time of death”, she said. I looked at the picture of the young woman; Dean leaning in to look over my shoulder. “That was her”, he said. He read the record Jodie handed him. “But she was cremated…”. “There must be something out there of hers left”, Sam said.
I got up, and went over to my bag, grabbing a cardigan to put over my tank-top and flannel. “You ok, Lulu?”, Jody frowned. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just a bit shook up”, I smiled, and sat back down. “Did you make any connection to high school proms, from the papers?”. Sam smiled. “Now you mention it; yeah”, he said. “All the victims disappeared on prom night, or just after”. Jody narrowed her eyes. “The shift in dates make sense now”, she muttered. “Sioux Falls High has had the prom around the same date every year forever… Until this year”. “What happened?”, Dean asked, as he was heading for the deliciously smelling Tupperware. “Chicken!”, he grinned, and grabbed a leg. “I’m not sure”, Jody said. “Something about the gymnasium being rented out for some event or other, on the usual date. They decided to advance the date of the prom. Local rich guy, Mason, is celebrating his wife’s 80’th, by recreating their prom night”. “Confusing the hell out of the ghost in the process, so she wasn’t seen until after the victim was found”, Dean said, his mouth full. I handed him a napkin.
Sam ran a hand over his face. “About that…”, he began, before Jody interrupted him. “The girl who was found the other day didn’t die from hypothermia. She had a diabetic seizure”, she said. “Coroner confirmed it about an hour ago”. “So no victim this year?”, I asked. I rubbed my hands together. “Could you close the window?”, I asked Dean. “It’s not open”, he muttered. “I am thoroughly confused”, I said. “And tired. Do you mind if I take a nap?”. “Go ahead”, Sam smiled.
I got up and passed Dean. “We can take the other bed”, he muttered. I patted his chest. “You’re on the couch, Fabio”, I smiled. “We’re working”. “Come on!”, he complained. “You had yours”, I whispered; and went over to lay down on the bed furthest from the door.
I heard the other three muttering quietly, before I dozed off. It must have been a few hours later, when I felt the bed dip, and Dean putting his arms around me. I was about to croak at him to go to the couch, but the room felt chilly; and his warmth was welcome.
10 notes · View notes
confettipizza · 4 years
Lunar Recap
How it started. How it’s going. How it ended for the last lunar cycle of 2020.
This lunar cycle began with the New Moon on Jan. 12, 2021 @ 11:01 PM CT (Jan. 13 @ 05:01 UTC). It was the 13th Moon of 2020 according to the lunar calendar. And it ended Feb. 11, 2021, just before the 1st Moon of 2021! Happy Lunar New Year 2021, Year of the Ox!
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South Korean Court Orders Japan to Compensate Women Forced into Sex Slavery
Colorado AG Opens Grand Jury Probe of Police Killing of Elijah McClain
Guantánamo Bay Prison Starts 20th Year of Indefinite Detentions
Pfizer to Boost COVID-19 Vaccine Output as WHO Warns of Vaccination Inequality
Lawmakers Catch COVID-19 After Sheltering in Room Where GOP Reps Refused Masks
FBI Warns of “Armed Protests” in All 50 States and at Biden’s Inauguration
Tomorrow is Sun conjunct Pluto. Something that’s been lurking in the shadows bout to jump out. Might be pretty big, but there’s also the individual personal experience of this event and might feel more like an early Full Moon for you.
House to Impeach Trump as GOP Shows Signs of Backing Removal
Well this is dumb. Sun conjunct Pluto?
The $3,000-a-month toilet for the Ivanka Trump/Jared Kushner Secret Service detail
I also remembered/realized how much I really love Anna Sui designs since I was a kid which is pretty random to pop up on my radar, but this woman gets that all I want is sparkly heart shaped objects in lacquered black and flowy hippie dresses
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Trump Tells Aides Not to Pay Giuliani’s Legal Fees as Bid to Overturn Election Fails
All I know is talking about dreams and discussing them with others makes you feel better. The tarot angle is there to shed some light on what the dream is actually telling you.
Joe Biden Unveils $1.9 Trillion Coronavirus and Economic Relief Package
ICE’s Acting Director Resigns After Two Weeks on Job
Found out today the woman at the car mechanic I've been faithfully taking my car to for the past two years can speak to the dead and had some messages for me from my dad who passed in October-
Intuitive guided tarot card pull.
Waxing crescent into Aries Monday, January 18, 2021 at 1:06 AM CT Today’s Astro x Tarot forecast valid for the next 24 hours: Feelings are flaring up for you to make a statement, a very zippy move or a quick decision about someone or something.
So long as you remain flexible and agile, whatever you choose to do with them will work to your advantage. If you decide not to impose hyper-agility into your decision making rn, then kudos to you! You’ve gained practice points in self-control experience.
More Than 760,000 Pounds of Hot Pockets Recalled
‘I Answered the Call of My President’: Rioters Say Trump Urged Them On
Raphael Warnock and the Legacy of Racial Tyranny
The Extraordinary Courage of Aleksei Navalny
Whoa, I was like a cycle early on celebrating the lunar new year! I’ve been a month into the future for a week now. My bad! I apologize for any confusion.
I was thinking that the soul's law of attraction is probably pretty unstoppable even concerning partners, so like, if someone didn't love you back then it's not some mistake or human misunderstanding that you or they need to fix.
To find one's soulmate looks something like 2 souls flying towards each other from opposite ends of the galaxy to join their physical selves together in a collision force so brutal you're stuck like that and if that's not what yours looks like then maybe that ain't your soulmate?
All the men going to jail for their poop smearing Capitol rioting have online dating profiles and that’s reason no. 2 I do not date online! Reason no. 1 is ain’t nobody cute on there.
The Witch’s Myth: The true story of the crane husband
Where are your witch stars, Circe and Hekate, located? Their location can explain your relationship to witchcraft. Circe is in my 1st house influencing my outer appearances and Hekate is conjunct Jupiter influencing my domestic style and home to be distinctively witchy.
Sun into Aquarius Tuesday, January 19, 2021 at 2:33 PM CT Here is your Sun into Aquarius forecast effective for the next several weeks of Aquarius season. 
Down to earth and grounded is our most qualified position to receive everything we need and use everything we receive. This is the reality of ourselves, the human condition.
We love reality based reality.
Get ready for reality-grounded White House press briefings
Why do people believe the lies they’re fed? Because those lies are designed to be more palatable than reality. Lies offer a quick easy patch, but what you’ve gotta ask yourself is are those lies actually designed to support the flow of all things into your life?
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~* First Quarter Jan. 20 3:02 PM CT (21:02 UTC) *~
Biden and Harris Attend Memorial to Honor 400,000+ COVID-19 Victims in U.S. on Eve of Inauguration
Steve Bannon Among Final Trump Pardons and Commutations
Trump Admin Declares Multiculturalism Is “Not Who America Is” as WH Releases Racist, Revisionist Report
4,000+ Columbia Students Back Largest-Ever Tuition Strike
Today, whatever you’re doing or are wishing to become will be to the benefit of this unifying, love-aligned uprising.
Joe Biden Sworn In as 46th President of the United States, Ending Trump Era
Good inauguration Astro climate this morning feels like. #BidenHarrisInauguration
“What has shaken the U.S. population so badly, this assault on the Capitol yesterday, is really nothing by comparison to what U.S. operations have done in Latin America, in Asia, in Africa, in the Middle East, to other democratic movements and elected governments over the years.”
Progress towards wholeness can’t be made until we own up to the roles we’ve played in the past.
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Read the full text of Amanda Gorman’s inaugural poem ‘The Hill We Climb’
When did politics get so vibrant and fashionably uplifting? Please and thank you! #Inauguration2021
The two of wands says to review your options, do your research, crunch the numbers, imagine the outcomes, but there’s no need to force making a choice if you don’t have to. Buy yourself some time and let the plans for a resolution find you, not the other way around.
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Donald Trump Leaves Office and Washington, D.C., Threatens “We Will Be Back”
Watchdogs Demand Transparency as Corporations Pour Millions into Biden-Harris Inauguration
Senate Dems File Ethics Complaint Against Sens. Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley over Jan. 6 Insurrection
Federal Forces Arrest Ex-Marine for Beating Officer with a Hockey Stick During Capitol Riots
It’s Friday and it just feels good to be alive, a socialist and calling Bernie Sanders cute on Inauguration Day week! What a difference a pandemic makes.
Instacart Lays Off 2,000 Workers, Including Group Who Started Company’s First Union
Mars square Jupiter January 23, 2021 @ 1:49 AM CT (7:49 GMT) Someone wants you to know that you are ready to conquer your perceived limits to arrive at expansion in your thoughts, feelings, emotions and understanding today.
Waxing gibbous into Cancer January 25, 2021 @ 12:51 PM CT (18:51 GMT) It’s a supportive Moon for dreaming for mental health and well being. Begin a dream journal or review your latest dreams, reflecting on them for a few minutes today.
You are opening yourself up to an emotional practice that includes care for yourself in ways no one else (besides you and your connection to the Moon) can provide.
And too my Tarot Dream Readings are open if you would like guidance or support on a particular dream. See my pinned tweet for how it works.
When one’s soul is allowed to lead one’s life, working in the dark shadows, the invisible silence, the soul’s manifesting results are way more lasting and way more powerful than egocentric anything.
Good morning, self! A reminder my ego has never done a thing for me my soul can’t do better.
National Guard Deployment at U.S. Capitol Becomes COVID-19 Superspreader Event
Russia Violently Cracks Down on Protesters Calling for Release of Alexei Navalny
Trump Plotted to Oust Acting AG, Use DOJ to Force Georgia to Overturn Election Results
Hunts Point Market Workers in the Bronx Win Wage Increase After Week-Long Strike
This mourning brooch is a mindful way to mark the death of a loved one while paying tribute to the impact it has had on you. Bring back this Victorian trend!
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Veteran Talk Show Host Larry King Dies After Hospitalization for COVID-19
Hank Aaron, Who Overcame Racist Barriers to Become Home Run Record-Holder, Dies at 86
We don’t give our bodies or our intuition enough attention and nourishment a lot of the time, so today’s the day we practice finding and sitting quietly with our inner voice.
~* Full Moon Jan. 28 1:17 PM CT (19:17 UTC) *~
House Delivers Article of Impeachment to Senate, Triggering Trump’s Second Trial
Dominion Voting Systems Sues Rudy Giuliani for Lying About 2020 Election
President Biden Increases U.S. Vaccination Goal to 150 Million Shots in 100 Days
President Biden Reverses Trump’s Transgender Military Service Ban
Biden Restores Plan to Feature Abolitionist Harriet Tubman on $20 Bill
Value is further added the more you mint your words with a most whole and complete love. Love is the greatest asset we can let appreciate in our lifetimes.
This Full Moon tomorrow sends a flash point that reminds you to circulate this wealth because it’s the greatest emotional gift we can bestow upon our loved ones, family, friends, neighbors, elders, members of our community, etc.
Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn January 28, 2021 @ 10:18 AM CT (16:18 GMT) Going through your day today uncovers a forgotten desire or creative goal. You find yourself asking something like: Remember when I wanted to become a pastry chef?
Although you decided to pursue a different course, take a moment to focus on and honor this memory when it arrives and then release it. What did you become instead and why?
45 Senate Republicans Back Dismissal of Trump Impeachment Trial
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Supported Violence Against Pelosi and Others in 2018 Facebook Posts
Taking the time to recognize and honor your past desires gives the respect these memories deserve and it integrates them into the whole wider scene of the individual, both shadow and light on your path builds confidence in your steps, confidence in yourself.
You are who you are for a reason.
Had no idea how literal this grassroots King of Pentacles card was gonna materialize today, but here it is folks! When a subreddit takes down a hedge fund!
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Leader of Proud Boys, Enrique Tarrio, Was a Government Informer
U.S. Freezes Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia, Reviews Deal with UAE Made Under Trump Admin
Poland Enacts Near-Total Ban on Abortions, Triggering More Protests
Honduras Locks In Total Ban on Abortions, Attacks Marriage Equality
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Confronts Parkland Survivor David Hogg in Newly Resurfaced Video
The stock market this morning: Sh*t! Normal working class people read the market and figured out the game! Time to change the rules again. Let’s write it in ancient Babylonian hieroglyphs this time. They’ll never figure that sh*t out.
A message crucial to promote the awareness of your personal role in the collective will become evident over the next three weeks. You will come to ask yourself, What am I doing with my life?
If you aren’t familiar or comfortable with seeking your inner journey, then the greatest clue I can offer you at the start is to become open to the invisible world within you. How you learn to relate to it is completely personal and uniquely your own
Speaking in more concrete terms the next few weeks may manifest a life event for you where you must apply both logic and feeling in order to arrive at a satisfactory conclusion concerning an interpersonal relationship or the question what am I doing with my life?
This Mercury retrograde should be a cinch, but during it don’t buy tech if you don’t have to. And remember to triple check communication before hitting send. If you arrive at conflict be quick to apologize and say no more until tomorrow 
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President Biden Expands Affordable Care Act Enrollment Amid COVID-19 Pandemic
House Speaker Blasts GOP for Assigning Racist Conspiracy Theorist to House Education Committee
Lawmakers Demand Probe into Trading App Robinhood After It Blocked Stock Sales That Hurt Hedge Funds
Pioneering African American Actor Cicely Tyson, Winner of Two Emmys, Dies at 96
Sun in Aquarius square Mars in Taurus February 1, 2021 @ 4:33 AM CT (10:33 GMT) The warrior’s edge has melted away and now you can take the scenic route through a field of wildflowers and mushrooms instead of blasting your way through a hillside of obstacles.
This energy catalyzes a scene that supports growth through varied experiences and it encourages everyone to seek their own way to resolutions, conclusions and understandings that are uniquely their own. Searching out your own way illuminates a strategic aspect of your purpose.
Happy Venus in Aquarius! The idea to refresh your wardrobe, hairstyle or redecorating by public opinion can be too hard to ignore under this influence. Your personal style will be influenced by the collective for the duration.
Burmese Military Stage Coup, Detain Aung San Suu Kyi
FBI Uncovers Evidence Jan. 6 Attack Was Premeditated as More Far-Right Rioters Face Charges
Trump Faces More Businesses-Related Woes as His Legal Team Departs a Week Before Impeachment Trial
It’s only the 21st day of the lunar cycle and already we’ve gone from the end of a rotten presidential era to the people’s revolution of the stock market, ok? And this moon ain’t even finished yet!
~* Last Quarter Feb. 4 11:38 AM CT (17:38 UTC) *~
U.S. Tops 26 Million COVID-19 Vaccine Shots, Surpassing Confirmed Coronavirus Cases
Moon Last Quarter in Scorpio February 4, 2021 @ 11:38 AM CT (17:38 UTC) A time for Descending, settling, closure, receiving compliments for doing a good job. Prime time for tying of loose ends and wrapping up unfinished business.
Democrats Say Trump “Singularly Responsible” for Jan. 6 Insurrection in Impeachment Brief
With consciousness humans are able to transcend the unconscious and reconfigure our relationship to it.
Though we can transcend the unconscious through viewing ourselves objectively, we are still apart of the the unconscious. Those rules still apply to us even as we contemplate their logic.
Jeff Bezos Steps Down as Amazon CEO After Amassing Huge Personal Fortune
Amazon to Pay Contract Drivers $61.7 Million After FTC Probe Finds It Stole Tips to Pay Wages
Republican Leader Won’t Punish Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene over Racist and Violent Rhetoric
Prosecutors Seek Rearrest of Kyle Rittenhouse, Wisconsin Teen Charged with Killing 2 Protesters
Sometimes the right thing to do is protect your one actual valuable thing not by defending it, but closing up all the channels the valuable thing is being attacked from the outside. Sometimes you just gotta block, delete or remove your account and move on with/to what's good.
What if we wake up one day and COVID has disappeared, like poof! It vanished into thin air? Maybe it’s the moon opposed to Uranus that’s got me wishing wild problem solvers would pop up overnight.
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Poll Reveals 25% of U.S. Adults Plan to Gather at Super Bowl Watch Parties
VP Harris Casts Tie-Breaking Vote to Move Ahead with Democratic COVID Relief Bill
House Removes Marjorie Taylor Greene from Committees over Violent, Bigoted Rhetoric
Smartmatic Sues Fox News, Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell for Election-Related Lies
I unfollowed some lawmakers this morning after feeling second hand anxiety over the handling of their interpersonal conflicts. Realized they were me on IG two years ago and I’ve moved on since. Can relate, but don’t wanna relive, thanks!
I just want to let y’all know that I’m coping w insufficient candle syndrome & will be studying the art & science of candle making to save myself potentially hundreds of thousands of $$ by making my own delicious smelling coconut wax babies in diy terra cotta flower pots.
Wyoming GOP Censures Rep. Liz Cheney for Backing Trump’s Impeachment
Mass Protests Continue in Burma Opposing Military Coup, Removal of Aung San Suu Kyi
You may tell others like it is today, but hopefully this inspires you to check in with yourself and be honest/come clean about something you've been overlooking.
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Indian Farmworkers Blockade Roads as Mass Protests Show No Sign of Slowing Down
Black Sheriff’s Deputy in Louisiana Dies by Suicide After Condemning Police Violence and Racism
Amazon Workers in Alabama Begin Historic Vote on Unionization
Second Impeachment Trial of Donald J. Trump Opens in the Senate
Georgia’s Secretary of State to Probe Trump’s Efforts to Overturn 2020 Election
Mercury square Mars February 10, 2021 @ 6:14 AM CT (12:14 UTC) Still talking about talking, it’s also Dark Moon time to shape or let a habit form. This practice can come from breaking free of outdated relationships with yourself or with others in order to spur growth.
Dreamed Jungkook was correcting my pronunciation of Korean last night. I’m sorry! I’ll try harder to take this lesson seriously
Senate Votes to Proceed with Impeachment as Managers Present Harrowing Video of Jan. 6 Insurrection
Gov’t to Send Vaccines to Community Health Centers as U.S. Continues Ramping Up Vaccinations
WHO Team Confirms COVID-19 of Animal Origin; Ghana Shuts Parliament After Outbreak Infects Lawmakers
Journalists Decry Raid on Progressive Indian News Site NewsClick
U.S. to Pursue Extradition of Julian Assange as Press Freedom Groups Warn of Dangerous Precede
Fossil Fuel Pollution Causes One in Five Global Deaths
Four Louisiana Officers Arrested over Police Brutality Cases and Other Misconduct
Two NYT Journalists Exit Paper Following Revelations of Improper Conduct
Venus conjunct Jupiter February 11, 2021 @ 8:59 AM CT (14:59 UTC) Receive the overflow of creativity into your life. Welcome it even if you aren’t sure what to do with it. Write down project ideas if you don’t have the energy to start on them now. You can work on them later.
I'm cool with double masking, but a lot of folks still aren't even doing the one :|
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“The Inciter-in-Chief”: Democrats Accuse Trump of Being “Singularly Responsible” for Insurrection
U.S. COVID Death Toll Tops 471,000; Half of All Deaths Occurred Since Nov. 1
Saudi Women’s Rights Activist Loujain al-Hathloul Released After 1,001 Days in Prison
Biden Administration to Continue Trump-Era Policy of Turning Away Asylum Seekers at Southern Border
Sen. Bernie Sanders Grills Neera Tanden, Biden’s Pick to Head OMB
Sen. Bernie Sanders: “According to The Washington Post, since 2014, the Center for American Progress has received roughly $5.5 million from Walmart, a company that pays its workers starvation wages; $900,000 from the Bank of America; $550,000 from JPMorgan Chase; $550,000 from Amazon; $200,000 from Wells Fargo; $800,000 from Facebook; and up to $1.4 million from Google. In other words, CAP has received money from some of the most powerful special interests in our country. How will your relationship with those very powerful special interests impact your decision-making if you are appointed to be the head of OMB?”
Neera Tanden: “Senator, I thank you for that question. It will have zero impact on my — on my decision-making.”
2 notes · View notes
bazzybelle · 5 years
Carry On Countdown - Day 20
Notes: While looking at some Greek Myths/Ovid, I read the stories of Perseus and Medusa. I decided to change it up a little. Bear in mind, I’ve taken A LOT of liberties with this story. I also want to turn this into a long-form fic, but we’ll see (I have many ideas… it’s a problem). Title and lyrics are adapted (had to add words because Greek is funny like that) /translated from the song “Den Eho Matia Gi’Alli” by Thanos Petrelis. 
Final note, happy birthday to my husband, who’s been encouraging me to write again and who helped me with the song’s translation. 
I gotta go now and do my annual Christmas cookie baking (10 different kinds of cookies, Morgana help me).
Thank you to @carryonsimoncarryonbaz for the continued writing support and beta-reads and for listening to my wild plots and ideas. I value your input and friendship immensely. 
TW: Involuntary movement, depictions of pain.
Day 20 Prompt: FairyTale/Myth Retelling
Title: Den Eho Matia Gi’Allo - I have Eyes for No Other Boy
I have eyes for no other [boy], I’ve told you. The beginning, the middle, the end: You are [my] all. [My] ocean; [My] earth and [my] heaven to. 
It is a long walk to get to the Holy Temple of Athena. It is on the outskirts of the city. I do not mind the walk, for it is an honour to serve the goddess, as my mother had, and as many of my ancestors had before her.
It is said that the Pitch family had been blessed by Athena generations ago. One of my ancestors once offered the goddess shelter during a great storm, while the goddess was disguised. The story was that she had been turned away at every corner, except at the home of Vasilios Pitch (whom I was named for). Because of his wisdom and generosity, Athena decreed that every first born from his line would be blessed with wisdom. A sure sign of this gift lay in our famous grey eyes; Athena’s grey eyes of wisdom. Vasilios had been given these eyes as a token of the goddess’ favor, and all of his descendants possessed them as well, including my mother, and myself.
I slowly make my way down the paved road, satchel in hand. The satchel is full of offerings, as well as texts that I wish to read while in the temple. I had been chosen, almost a year ago, to resume the duties of caring for the Temple as well as maintaining the cultural festivities associated with the goddess of wisdom. Today’s duties include sweeping the floors, cleaning the altar of any offerings, and lighting the lanterns that grace the corridors of the Temple. 
I adjust my heavy chiton (I am always freezing, despite the warm climate of my island) and hurry closer to the Temple. I am eager to begin my duties. I am ashamed to admit that I had not been inside the Temple for a few days. This was on an account of my drive to pursue philosophical knowledge. My family is blessed with wisdom, so why shouldn’t I try to obtain as much as I can? I do feel guilty about neglecting my duties, but I will make it up to the goddess. I shall remain within the Temple for the following week. My dear friend, Simon, is planning on visiting me in order to bring me some light nourishment to last the week. He is always concerned for me, and whether I ate enough. I had convinced him to spend some time with me during his visits. I always cherish the time we spend together. Almost as much as I cherish Simon, himself. 
I know something terrible has happened as I arrive at the Temple’s entrance. The lanterns are shattered on the ground, the offerings to Athena are strewn all over the floor. Mud has been thrown upon her sacred altar. Worse of all, the sacred statue of Athena is completely desecrated. It is imperative that the Holy goddess remain clothed at all times, but this statue is completely naked. 
I drop my satchel in shock and fall to my knees. Who could have done such a thing!? Why would anyone risk the goddess’ wrath? 
I run my fingers through my hair in despair. I should have been here! I should have prevented this from happening! I had one duty that stood above all others. Protect the Temple. Protect the goddess’ dignity. I had failed. I failed and I know exactly what is about to happen. The stormy-eyed goddess does not take personal insults lightly. 
As if on cue, I hear the distinct “hoot-hoot” of an owl behind me. I take a deep breath and stand up gracefully. With a bowed head, I turn to face the owl; to face my punishment. The owl screeches at me and dives towards me, talons outstretched. I throw myself to the floor, to avoid being hurt, as the owl lands on the goddess’ statue. I watch in wonder and horror as the owl begins to glow and melt onto the marble. A white-hot blaze envelopes the statue, so hot that I have to shield my eyes. From the flames steps Athena herself, fully clothed, with the owl perched on her shoulder. She has a sword in her hand, and a shield on her back. I stare at her in admiration and awe. Athena shoots out a hand towards me, her voice, while calm, sends a boom throughout the Temple. 
“You will stand and show respect to Pallas Athena!”  
Compelled by the supernatural force of the furious deity, my body shoots straight up. My head involuntarily strains to match my grey eyes with those of the goddess. I can feel the force tugging at my heart, coercing me towards Athena. She grips my face in her celestial hand. I can feel the heat radiating off of her. I feel tears beginning to well in my eyes.
“You betrayed me.” She speaks in such a calm voice. I feel my stomach freezing over. Athena keeps an iron-hard grip on my face. Even if I could move away from her, I do not want to for I am at fault for this. 
Instead, I whisper, “I am sorry.”
“You have destroyed my Temple.” Her eyes start to peer down at me. They bear into my own eyes, and I can swear she is staring right into my soul. 
“No… no I-”
“SILENCE! By giving into your hubris, Basil, you’ve neglected your duties! My Temple is destroyed! My image defiled!” Athena gives me a look of disgust. It is enough for me to fall further into remorse. I can no longer prevent the soft tears from falling down my face. 
“Forgive me, goddess.” I beg her. Athena simply shakes her head. She releases me from her grip and I crumple onto the floor. Athena kneels down in front of me and places her hand on top of my head. 
“You will have to be punished. I have given your family the great gift of my wisdom and you have spat on it.” A bright light erupts from the palm of her hand. It completely engulfs me. As the light surrounds me, I begin to feel an icy-cold sensation spreading over my body. I begin to convulse, pain shooting across all my limbs. I start gasping for air, squeezing my hands shut. 
Athena holds still and proceeds.
“You are hereby banished from this island. Your new form will live amongst others like your kind.” I start to scream as I feel my body beginning its metamorphosis. My hair, once long, soft, and raven-black becomes a tangled mess of hissing, slithering snakes. They begin to bite and nab at each other, tugging painfully at my skull. My skin, normally a beautiful, shimmering reddish-copper tone, loses all its colour and lustre. I become pallid and grey, patches of tiny charcoal-coloured scales spread over my body. My teeth begin to sharpen and elongate, filling my mouth. The pain is agonizing, and I pray for it to stop, but the ill-tempered goddess is not yet finished.
“You will no longer be able to cast your eyes upon another human. To gaze at you will be their undoing.” Athena places her hand over my eyes and my vision began to cloud. All colours escape me, replaced by greys and blacks. My eyes, once a mesmerizing sea-grey colour, now turn a sickly yellow, mimicking those of a basilisk. With the energy of my transformation still vibrating over my body, I start to heave, clutching at my chest. Athena moves her hand to my chin and holds it tight, forcing me to look at her. She finishes off the remainder of her curse. 
”Many will try to kill you, they shall not succeed, until the very last one. The one you love the most. He shall kill you or he shall save you. This is my punishment for you, Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch.” A searing white-hot pain consumes me and I feel myself slipping into darkness. Athena’s livid grey eyes are the last thing I see before I let go.
“I have accomplished every task you have asked of me. You owe me your sacred sword!” I point an accusing finger at the aging king before me. I feel my curly hair shake with every movement. 
I have been endlessly travelling across practically every Hellenic island. My travels have brought me to the island of Seriphos and to the court of King Polydectes. I’ve come here in order to obtain a sacred sword crafted by father Zeus himself. It is unlike any other sword in existence. It is crafted out of unbreakable material, adamantine. If I have the sword, it will be the final piece to my armour. I need that sword if I want to find my friend, the friend I’ve dreamt about every night.
I’ve been on this quest for almost five years. Ever since I arrived to the Temple of Athena on the outskirts of my village to find the Temple destroyed and Basil missing. The only clue that indicated that Basil had even been to the Temple was his disturbed satchel on the ground. It’s the very same satchel that I now carry with me wherever I go. It’s my only connection to Basil, until I find him and bring him home. 
The king rubs his long snowy-white beard and furrows his eyebrows. He snaps his fingers at one of his attendants. “Bring me my sacred harpe sword”. He then looks directly at me. 
“You may be a mighty fine warrior and hero Mister Snow, but your arrogance will be the death of you. You may have my sword, but after completing one final task.”
I growl. I’m tired of being constantly tested! Have I not proven myself time and time again that I am a worthy warrior? I’m tired of wasting time. I may know that Basil is still alive, but the more time I waste completing these ridiculous tasks, the more time Basil is left on his own. I take a deep breath and pull my shoulders back. 
“Fine. what task would you have me complete this time?” I demand. The old king gives me a sly smile. It sends a shiver down my spine. Whatever task Polydectes has for me, it won’t be an easy one. The king places his hands together and explains his problem.
“As you know, Mister Snow, my city has been engaged in a small war with the neighbouring island for quite some time. My people are tired of the blood and the loss of life. They want this war over, and they want it over quickly.”
“What does this have to do with me?” I ask, arms crossed over my chest.
“Legend has it, that a creature exists in one of the caves at the far end of the island. The sailors who frequent the island call it the Cave of the Gorgons.”
My mouth gapes open. The old man was finally starting to go batty. The Gorgons were legendary monsters. They were nearly impossible to kill, being that they were demi-gods. The king was about to send me on a suicide mission. 
“Gorgons? You want me to kill a Gorgon? That’s impossible!”
I decide, at that moment, that I am through with Polydectes and his nonsense. I would find some other way to find Basil. I turn on my heels and am about to walk out of the throne room when I hear the calm, arrogant voice of the king behind me.
“Not if one is mortal.” 
I stop dead in my tracks. I slowly turn back to the king. I stare at him in confusion. I have never heard of a mortal Gorgon before. I wonder what unfortunate turn of events caused that anomaly to occur. Now, this is interesting. 
The king raises an eyebrow at me, and I hate it. It reminds me too much of Basil. Polydectes rises from his throne and steps towards me. 
“Legends say that one of the Gorgons is mortal. This one in particular supposedly has the power to turn whole armies into stone with a glance. I have sent warrior after warrior to fetch me the head of the beast, but none have returned.”
And there it is. So it is a suicide mission after all. 
“And you expect me to be able to accomplish what others more skilled than myself have been unable to do?”
Polydectes shakes his head and laughs. I shudder as the king speaks. “You do have an edge over the others before you, Mister Snow.”
A long crooked finger points at the items on my person. Aside from Basil’s satchel, I have also obtained other divine items. Items that have aided me throughout my many trials and tribulations. 
The first is the shield I carry on my back. It’s the only other item I found within the Temple. I don’t know where it came from, nor who it belonged to, but it was made of a perfectly polished steel. To look upon it was akin to looking at your reflection in a mirror. 
When I began my quest, I first needed to know if Basil was still alive, or if he had crossed over into the Underworld. In order to do this, I needed to find the Underworld’s entrance. To do that, I required the help of Hermes, messenger to the gods of Olympus. He was the only one who could travel freely between Mount Olympus, Earth, and the Underworld. 
It was not easy to get the lively god to pay attention to me. I had spent two years chasing the trickster god. Hermes would not help me at first, stating that to help me would be go against one much more powerful and vengeful. As Hermes took flight, I had grabbed onto one of his winged shoes. As much as Hermes tried to shake me off, I was relentless. Eventually, the winged-god surrendered. He told me that he’d admired my tenacity. So he offered me his Winged Sandals, as well as directions on how to enter the land of the dead. I would have to ask Hades himself if Basil was there. 
It took me almost another full year to reach the River Styx, even with the aid of the Winged Sandals. From there, I made my way to the court of Lord Hades and Lady Persephone. It had not been easy, and I still have the scars I obtained from my fight with Cerberus. But I made it. Frustratingly, Hades had no time for me and refused to even listen to my story. Persephone, on the other hand, had been more gentle. She told me that she would help me find my lost love. 
I had tried to argue with the Queen of the Underworld. Basil was my best friend. He was like a brother to me. We had grown up together, we protected each other, and we would always be there for one another, through anything and everything. But I didn’t love him. And besides, even if I did, Basil was far above in status to me. He would never be interested in me. 
Persephone was not convinced, but she still offered her help. She had confirmed that Basil was indeed still alive, but that he was balancing on a dangerous thread between his humanity and the demons that plagued him. When I asked her what she meant, Persephone refused to clarify, saying that I needed to figure that out for myself. Before I left, Persephone offered her husband’s Helm of Invisibility, as well as the recommendation that I seek out King Polydectes on the island of Seriphos. There, I could find a blade that would help me rescue Basil. She also left me a warning: “Everything is not what it seems Simon. Remember to look before you strike.” 
I didn’t think much of it as I left the Realm of the Dead. While I am typically the type of warrior to dive into a fight without a second thought, I always make sure my swings are powerful and sure. Besides, I had to focus on my next destination; The island of Seriphos. 
It was on this island where I remained for the next two years, fulfilling task after task in order to obtain this blasted sword. It was the final piece I was missing. If all it took was to kill one mortal Gorgon, I would do it. Deep down I know that even if I have to kill a million Gorgons, I would do it for Basil. No questions or reservations about it. 
I look back to the wrinkled king before me. I stick out my chin, determination apparent over my face. I hold out my hand to the king, ready to shake on the deal. Polydectes smiles at me and grabs my hand. 
“Excellent.” The servant arrives right on time. They are carrying what looks like a sword, but it has a small hook-like protrusion at around the midpoint of the blade. The material was unlike any other that I have seen. Polydectes takes the sword from the servant and offers it to me. 
The sword feels so light in my hands. It’s perfectly balanced and fits perfectly in my grasp. It’s as if the hilt of the sword shifts to match its yielder. The blade gleams in the light of the palace. It’s mesmerizing to say the least. 
“This sword, as you know, was crafted by Hephaestus himself for Zeus. Father Zeus bequeathed this sword to my grandfather, and it has remained in my family since then. Bring me the head of the Gorgon, and the sword shall be yours.”
I remove my own sword from its sheath. It has served me well over the last five years, but I need to offer it up as some sort of collateral. I offer it to Polydectes. He nods as the servant takes the sword. I sheath my brand new weapon and back away from the king. 
The Gorgons’ cave lay on the Southwestern part of the island. I do not feel the need to pack many provisions, considering the short distance to the caves. I pack enough food for a few days and set off on yet another journey.
The entrance to the cave is wide and intimidating. I peer inside, but there isn’t much to behold, save for a rows of torches on either side. Before stepping inside, I remember to take off my shield. If the Gorgon’s eyes could turn a man into stone, I would have to be extra prudent while exploring. I strap the shield to my forearm, and proceed forward, eyes glued to the reflection. 
As I wander deeper, I find myself completely surrounded by perfect stone statues. Each statue created with a look or horror and agony. My heart nearly stops as I think about the final moments of these unfortunate men. I think about the fear and possible agony these heroes must have felt. That is enough to convince that I may be in way over my head.  
I carry on. Grey eyes, and a sparkling smile fill my thoughts. For Basil. I have to do this for Basil. 
Before proceeding further, I extract the Helm of Invisibility from the satchel. A cold shiver travels down my spine as I place it on my head and disappear. I don’t want this monster sneaking up on me. 
Closer and closer, I know the beast is near-at-hand. I can feel it. There is a light thrum in the air, as if I was meant to be here. I write it off as the work of whatever supernatural deity was responsible for creating the Gorgon. 
Finally, I see it. In the corner of the reflection of my shield, I notice a pair of long sickly grey legs. They are covered in dark scaly patches. 
Finally, this was it. 
I creep closer and closer. The legs lead up to a torso, slowly rising and falling. He’s asleep. Good. This should be easy.
Closer and closer. The torso transitions to a long graceful neck. 
The creature’s face is more grotesque than I could ever imagine. While his mouth was closed, I can see a few sharp, long teeth sticking out. The grey scales nearly cover his face in patches, but it was the Gorgon’s hair that causes me to tightly grip the hilt of my sword. Dozens of sleeping snakes cover the beast’s head. 
I pull out my sword and raise it high above my head. One strike and I’ll be that much closer to Basil. Before bringing the blade down, I hear a loud voice in my head:
Look before you strike, Simon! Everything is not what it seems!
I stop just as the blade is about to behead the sleeping monster. I pull my sword back and take another closer look at the peaceful figure.
This isn’t a monster. 
It certainly looks like a monster, but something about the way he sleeps, soft eyelashes cascading past his gentle lids, tells me that this beast is more than what he seems. The shape of his face; the sharp edges that I never thought I’d see again. This was the same face that I could not stop dreaming about, and wishing I could feel again. I think back to those beautiful grey eyes, and the wide sparkling smile.
Can it… can it be? It… it can’t be... No...  
The realization hits me with a force of thousand bricks. Finally, I’ve found him! I drop the sword and gasp out. 
I hear something clattering that rouses me from my sleep. My eyes burst open and I leap to my feet. Another warrior sent to kill me? Honestly, I cannot find it in myself to care anymore. At this point I am about to offer up my head willingly. 
I am tired. Five years of colourless, hopeless existence, is enough to drive me to near madness. I have begun to wish that someone would take me out of my misery. I have even stopped trying to fight the warriors that came to defeat me. But bloody hell, were they ever so useless and thick! I have been able to petrify them without even trying or meaning to. The more innocent men I killed, the more I felt like a monster. 
I started to sleep more. If I was sleeping, and my eyes were closed, I couldn’t kill anyone. But not even that worked! These warriors were so brutish and clumsy, that I often woke just before they killed me. So I’ve hidden myself deeper and deeper in my cave, hoping that someone would relieve me of my miserable life.
 The goddess’ curse has been a cruel one, but one that I felt I deserved. I have had five years to think about the mistakes I made in my short life, and the regrets that I still carried with me. Only one thought gave me a tiny morsel of hope. A tiny morsel of hope that I clung onto when the days grew darker and colder. 
The one you love the most. He shall kill you or he shall save you.
Amidst my world of grey and black, I held onto the image of blue eyes and bronze curls. The blue eyes and bronze curls of my childhood friend. My companion during my life. The person that I am convinced I love dearly. The one I love the most. 
Simon will be the one to kill me and I will love him from beyond this mortal coil, from wherever my soul should end up; Whether it be Tartarus or The Underworld. All I hoped for, was to be able to see him one more time before I meet my doom. Hopefully from a distance, so that I could not harm him. Then, after seeing Simon one last time, I will shut my eyes and approach him, with a bowed head. 
For now, I have to deal with yet another idiot who could not even kill a sleeping monster. I look around, but see no man in my midst. I sigh heavily and slowly carry myself towards my hall of fallen heroes (it’s what I call the petrified statues inside my cave). I call out in a bored, lethargic voice.
“If I were you, I would leave while you are still alive. As you can see, no one has managed to kill me yet. Save yourself. Whatever prize is being offered to you is simply not worth it.” 
I hear the sound of someone clearing their throat to my right. I close my eyes and turn my head. The person who had cleared their throat begins to talk.
“I have blindfolded myself. My sword is on the ground. I wish to talk to you. I’m stepping out.”
I cautiously open my eyes to see a young man stepping out from behind one of the frozen soldiers. As promised, he was blindfolded and unarmed. I furrow my brows and cross my arms. “I do not wish to talk. I wish for you to leave me be.”
“Just answer me one question. One question and I’ll leave you alone.” I choke out a half-laugh and a half sigh. But, I relent. I have nothing else better to do today.  
“One question.”
“Do you remember me, Basil?” I feel the blood in my veins stop cold. No one has referred to me by my real name in years. The sudden change in my emotions causes the snakes to become unsettled. A few already have begun to pull at my skull. 
“What?” I ask, I am unsure if I truly want the answer. 
“Do you remember how we played as children? How you would relentlessly insult me?” The young man starts to step closer to me. The snakes in my hair continue to hiss and thrash wildly. I try to calm them down, but they sometimes have a mind of their own, and my feelings are linked to theirs. I want to back away, but I am frozen in place. The young man reaches blindly for my hand, I tentatively move my hand  out and gently touch his. It’s warm. So very warm. And rough, he’s done a lot of fighting it seems. He asks another question.
“Do you remember how I would bring you food whenever you spent too much time in the library?” I start to lose my breath as the man gently cups my cheek in his hand. A shiver runs down my spine and I feel goosebumps on my scaled arms. It’s been too long since I felt another gentle touch. Too long since I have felt him. 
Is it really him? 
The snakes have started to calm down. They know he is supposed to be here. I lean into his touch, tears brimming my eyes. I nod slightly. He continues. He speaks softly, almost whispering.
“Do you remember how I promised I would never abandon you? How you promised you would never abandon me either, even when you were chosen to serve Athena? Do you remember me, Basil?” His voice cracks a little at the end. But I breathe a sigh of relief. He’s here. After so long. I nod at him. He reaches with his other hand and gently holds my face in his hands. He presses his forehead to my own. I place my hands over his.
“Simon…” I breathe out. 
I want to say more, but I feel soft lips on my own. I close my eyes and lean into his kiss. It feels so good, so right. I feel his warmth spreading all over my body and I sigh into him. I pray to the gods above that my teeth do not hurt him. I can feel the tears spilling down my face. I have missed him. His face, his hands, his smile, his eyes. Gods, have I missed him. 
Simon keeps kissing me and caressing my face. My heart breaks for I know he has to kill me soon. For a few seconds more, I want to enjoy this. I want to remain here with Simon forever. I never want to let him go. 
I love him. I’ve always loved him. 
Simon breaks the kiss and gently rubs his thumbs over my eyelids. I am so scared to open my eyes. I don’t want to risk his blindfold falling, or for Simon to tempt fate and look at me. I reach up and run my fingers through his hair. It’s gotten so much longer, but it still feels so soft and bounces softly through my fingers. He takes my hands in his and plants a soft kiss on my knuckles. He rests his forehead on mine. 
“I have you, Basil. I am never letting you go again.” He is holding so tightly to me, I almost believe him.
I am so entranced, that I do not notice that my snakes have stopped tugging wildly at my head. I do not notice that the teeth in my mouth have started to change. I still refuse to open my eyes. It can’t be real. It isn’t real. Simon reaches up and tempts fate. I feel the fabric of his blindfold fall away. I keep my eyes shut. I hear him gasp. 
“I know… I know… Look away from me.” I violently bow my head down and try to turn away from him. I am so ashamed, I cannot bear to have him look at me like this. Like a monster. But Simon, bless the idiot, pulls me back and lifts my chin towards him. 
“No… no Basil! Your skin. It’s not grey or scaly anymore! The snakes are gone! You look like yourself again. Basil, love, open your eyes. You’re alright.” I shake my head wildly. Simon is running his hand down my face, wiping the tears that will not stop falling. 
“I’ll kill you. Simon, I’ll kill you if I open them. I’d rather die.” I croak out. I can handle years of solitude and loneliness. I can handle being responsible for the ruination of my city’s temple. I can even handle the shame I’ve brought upon my family. I can handle all of it, because I know that Simon is alive. Simon is alive. If he were to die... If he were to die, I would soon follow him. 
Simon pulls my head closer to him. I feel kisses on both of my eyelids. His fingers are softly combing my hair back. His other hand has travelled to my hand and has gripped it. His thumb is running across my knuckles. He whispers to me. 
“Basil… open your eyes. I’ve dreamt of seeing your stormy greys again for five years. Please, let me see them.”
“And if I kill you?”
“You won’t. I promise, you won’t”
I bow my head down and slowly open my eyes. I can see the dark ground. I think I see specks of browns and greens, but I must be imagining it. Simon is still holding my hand, still running his fingers through my hair. 
“Keep going, love.” He murmurs. I take a deep breath and start to raise my head, I let out a small whimper, because I can see the browns and golds of Simon’s sandals. They also have tiny silver wings at the back. I refuse to believe that this is happening. It was not supposed to happen like this. He was supposed to kill me, not save me. 
I take the risk and raise my head a little further. His tawny skin is shining among the many lit torches. Tiny brown freckles crowd his arms, and a constellation of moles dot his body. I place my hand on his chest. 
My hand! It’s back to the copper colour it used to be! Simon starts to laugh with joy. He places his hand beneath my chin. 
“Basil, may I?” I nod.
He lifts my face to meet his. After five long years, I see his blue eyes. Blue eyes that, to anyone else, would seem absolutely normal. But to me, to me, they’re the most beautiful shade of blue I have ever seen. I see them beginning to become cloudy. I start to panic, but see that they’re cloudy because tears started to fall. He starts to laugh. He looks at me adoringly. 
“You’re beautiful”. He says as he kisses me again. 
Aphrodite in heaven, I’m living a charmed life. 
[You brought] Sound and picture, music and colour, in my black and white silence. It was my good luck that I found you [love]. That I met you in this life.
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jowritesthingss · 4 years
A (Demi)Boy and His Demon: Two
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Pairing(s): LoSleep (Logic | Logan + Sleep | Remy)
Rating: Teen
Content Warning(s): lots of swearing, food/drink, death mention (nobody’s dead they just talk about death briefly), suicide mention (again, just alluded to in passing)
Length: 2,858 words
Brief Summary: Sleep-deprived writer Remy accidentally summons a serious-and-seriously-fed-up demon named Logan. Two. In Which Remy Kind of Regrets the Stupid Things He’s Done
Fic Masterlist!
The morning dawned bright and cold, the sun shining its annoyingly cheerful face through the window and directly onto Remy’s face.
“Goddammit” was the first word out of Remy’s mouth as they winced at the bright light. They stretched, scrunching up their nose, stretching out their arms, and arching their back slightly.
Body pleasantly loose and relaxed, Remy rolled over onto his back. Judging from how bright the sun was, they had no doubt slept through their alarm, which most probably meant they were missing class time, but exhausted as they were, they couldn’t seem to find a reason to care in the given moment.
See, Remy with no coffee in his system was a Remy who gave exactly zero shits about anything. Granted, Remy at any given time was a Remy who gave exactly zero shits about anything—it’s just, without their morning coffee, there was no filter to prevent him from releasing this information.
Remy sat up in bed. In glancing across the room at the alarm clock on his dresser, they were made aware of a lump lying under the sheets on the other half of the bed.
“Goddammit,” Remy said again, more vehemently this time.
So the day before hadn’t been a dream, then. Either that, or Remy had gotten absolutely smashed, and his alcohol-ridden brain had concocted the wildest dream about him and a one-night stand. But a cursory glance under the sheets proved them both to be much too clothed for that, and besides, things like that only happened in really bad fanfiction.
Then again, demons actually existing in real life just sounded like a really bad fanfiction trope, too, Remy grumped as they forced themself to swing their legs over the side of their bed. And yet.
Standing, Remy stared down at the body of the person—well, demon—huddled underneath his bedsheets.
“And yet,” they sighed aloud heavily, “here we are.”
“Where are we?”
The covers rolled down to the demon’s—to Logan’s—admittedly attractive slim waist, and xyr eyes flicked open to reveal slightly slitted, surprisingly coherent pupils. “Are we not in your bedroom, in your apartment, in the human realm?”
Remy yelped, jumping slightly. “Wh—you’re awake already?”
“Naturally,” Logan answered, turning away from Remy as xe got out of bed. “As a demon, I do not sleep. My body does not require rest—it merely require the souls of the damned for nourishment.”
Remy gaped. “Then—why did you watch me flounder around trying to find somewhere for you to sleep last night?” His cheeks colored slightly. “And if you don’t sleep, then why the hell’d you think it necessary to, to lie in my bed with me all night? That’s highkey creepy AF.”
Amusement flickered briefly across Logan’s expression before a look of cool indifference once more reappeared. “Again, I am a demon.” Logan stepped over to Remy’s dresser and began investigating the jumble of objects haphazardly shoved onto it. “As such, I do not feel emotions; however, the amusement I find in humans’ dismay is the closest I will get to feeling love.” Xe paused. “What is ‘ay eff’?”
Remy was pretty sure ‘amusement’ technically was an emotion, but he wasn’t about to contradict and potentially anger a demon before they had even had their morning coffee. Nor were they particularly in a mood to explain modern slang to a probably centuries-old demon, so he ignored xyr question and shelved that discussion topic away for another time.
After all, apparently they had an entire lifetime to talk about it now.
But he wasn’t particularly in the mood to think about that, either, so. Moving rapidly on.
“Babe,” Remy said instead, scandalized, as they realized what Logan was—still—wearing. “You’re telling me you slept in that getup?” They looked Logan up and down derisively, taking in the somehow non-rumpled collared shirt and—the hell, was xe still wearing that lameass tie?
Logan raised an eyebrow at Remy before turning to examine xyr surroundings once more. “Why would I not?”
“Don’t tell me demons don’t have pajamas.” Remy walked over to his dresser and lightly pushed Logan aside, opening a drawer and scrabbling around for some dayclothes for him to wear (and for some that might fit Logan, just to make xem look slightly less like a nerd).
“We do not,” Logan confirmed, nodding, “although the concept is not unfamiliar. We simply have no need for sleeping clothes when we do not do any sleeping.”
“Whatever.” Remy rolled their eyes and tossed Logan a wad of clothing. “Just go into the bathroom and put those on already, gurl. I gotta get to class, and I’m assuming you’re coming with since you’re, like, stuck with me or bound or whatever this is.”
“But I am already dressed,” came Logan’s befuddled reply.
“Oh, please. You’re not wearing that on my watch, gurl.” Remy shamelessly unbuttoned and stripped off his pajama shirt, sliding on a soft, casual gray tee. They untied their drawstring pajama pants and began to slide them down their legs.
Logan whirled away, xyr cheeks turning surprisingly red for a demon. Weren’t they supposed to be all over stuff like that?
“Shy, huh?” Remy teased, slipping on jeans and grabbing for their faux-leather jacket from the back of their desk chair. “Whatever happened to the whole sexy demon stereotype thing, hmm? Not that you aren’t sexy in your own dorky nerd way,” he added, enjoying watching the flush gather around the back of Logan’s neck.
“I, ahm,” Logan stammered, hugging Remy’s clothes tightly to xyr chest. “I am afraid that...I am not one of those types of demons.” Xe peeked behind xem at Remy and, seeing them fully dressed once more, turned around, shoulders stiff. “So if that is what you are expecting—”
“Nah, not really.” Remy shrugged, slipping on their shoes, not missing how Logan’s stiff posture relaxed somewhat upon hearing those words. “Although remind me to ask you about, like, demon types and shit like that once I’ve had my coffee,” he said. There was another topic to be noted for later discussion. “I’m not ready to have important convos or existential crises till I’m on my third cup.”
“Duly noted,” Logan honest-to-god (or was it honest-to-satan?) pulled a notebook and a pen out of nowhere and began scrawling something down. “I shall keep this in mind in regard to our future conversations. Additionally, I will endeavor to remember to bring up that particular subject later on.”
“Oh my god,” Remy groaned. They really got stuck with what had to be the only nerd demon in existence, didn’t they. “C’mon, babe. I’m late to class, and I want coffee. Get dressed.” They looked Logan up and down once more. “At least lose the tie, please. I’m a college kid. You’re not one of my professors.”
“What?” Logan said, affronted. Xe grasped xyr midnight blue tie loosely in one hand. “I do not wish to ‘lose’ it. It is a necktie. It is for serious demons. I am a serious demon.”
Remy snickered as they picked up the backpack lying by the bedroom door.. “You’re, like, a total invalid, that’s what you are.”
“I am not!” Logan shrilled behind them, offended. “Serious! Necktie!”
But Remy was already out the door, grinning triumphantly and thoroughly ignoring xem.
Naturally, they had to make a stop at the coffee shop on their way to campus. Remy was already late enough, so it wasn’t like he was going to make it to his first lecture even if they tried. Might as well face the rest of the day with coffee by their side. Caffeine was their only true friend.
Remy had already ordered and paid for his own coffee before it occurred to them that Logan might want some, too.
“Shit, do demons drink coffee?” Remy asked, turning to Logan, who thankfully had lost the necktie after they argued nonstop over it on the walk to the shop. Xe was standing behind Remy, observing as Emile worked the espresso machine. “So, do you? Drink coffee? And d’you want any?”
“Yes, if you do not mind,” Logan answered. “Some coffee would be most welcome.”
“Lit.” Remy turned back to the front counter, ignoring the questioning noise Logan made at his use of slang. “Sorry, Em, but could we get a medium coffee too?” He looked at Logan, appraising. “You look like a dark roast kinda guy.”
“You most certainly may!” Emile smiled cheerfully at the two and popped a lid on Remy’s drink. “It’ll be on the house, Mixter Demon, sir.” He winked over-exaggeratedly in that way that only he could pull off without looking like a total fool. “Do you want any room for cream and sugar?”
“No, thank you. I take my coffee black,” Logan deadpanned. “Like my soul.”
Emile nearly dropped the cup he was trying to hand off to Remy.
“W-wait, really?” Remy asked, wondering if he needed to get worried. Was he going to end up with a black soul or whatever because of this unintentional deal gone wrong? If he was, did he even care?
Logan rolled xyr eyes, and hey! Eyeroll buddies. So the two did have one thing in common after all. “No, of course not. The concept is ridiculous.”
Relaxing slightly, Remy nodded. “Yeah. Kinda is, gurl.” They sipped at their coffee—today he had gone for a mocha, figuring the extra caffeine in the espresso would be very much needed to survive the day with any amount of sanity still remaining.
The two fell silent for a moment, watching quietly as Emile bustled around and poured coffee into a to-go cup for Logan, then:
“Besides, I don’t have a soul,” Logan added.
Remy spit out their iced mocha.
“Okay,” Remy said, voice muffled as he used his teeth to fidget with his reusable straw. They looked both ways before grabbing at Logan’s arm and dragging xem across the street in front of the coffee shop. “So. Tell me about demon-y things.”
Logan paused mid-step, and Remy swore. “Oh my—gurl, wait till we’re done crossing the street. Maybe you can’t die, but I still can.” He hurried the demon across the street. “Walk ’n talk, babe, walk ’n talk. I do technically have someplace to be.”
“Actually.” Out of the corner of their eye, Remy saw Logan push xyr glasses up further on the bridge of xyr nose. Nervous tic, maybe? “About that.”
“About what,” Remy said flatly.
Logan seemed to get smaller, folding in on xemself somewhat as the two of them walked down the sidewalk. Xe fully took xyr glasses off, rubbing firmly at the lenses with the hem of xyr shirt, seeming reluctant to speak. Eventually, though, xe finally opened xyr mouth, and the words that tumbled out baffled Remy and shook him beyond belief.
“You cannot die.”
Remy nearly dropped their coffee.
After a moment of madly scrambling to keep his grip on the slippery, condensated surface of his coffee cup, Remy turned to fully face Logan. “I’m sorry, what?”
“You, erm.” Logan peered through the lenses of xyr glasses, deemed them still dirty, fervently wiped at them with the bottom of xyr shirt again. “Technically you can still die, and you will. Just...you can only perish of natural causes—that is, of old age, or perhaps a particularly nasty illness.”
Remy blinked. Wh...what.
Apparently satisfied with xyr cleaning of xyr glasses, Logan carefully fitted them back onto xyr face. Xe abruptly continued walking, forcing Remy to keep in motion as well to keep Logan from straying off-track on the way to campus.
“Due to the...unfortunate extenuating circumstances of our deal, we did not have the chance to configure the details of it,” Logan elaborated. “As such, our contract with each other has resulted in the...shall we say, the default?” Xe pondered xyr words for a moment. “Yes, ‘default’ suffices, given our context.”
“I—how?” Remy managed to push a word and a half out of his choked throat, his fumbly mouth. Honestly, that was a pretty good number, considering the situation. “What’s the—so what’s the default, then?”
“If you happen to be fatally injured or similarly, our deal mandates that I heal you or, at the very least, provide you with the means of survival,” Logan explained. Xe smiled for the first time—but it was a grim, knowing smile that Remy didn’t find themself liking in the slightest. “Of course, ensuring that you survive does not require anything beyond a bare minimum.”
Logan’s face was weirdly shadowed for someone standing in the middle of the street on a sunny day. “Should I choose to, I could make your life quite miserable.”
Remy swallowed.
“However.” Logan fixed xyr unwavering gaze on Remy. “As you have not given me reason to do as such, we shall hope that it does not come to such measures.”
Unable to do anything other than nod, Remy rapidly shook his head up and down, not unlike a bobblehead. Logan had seemed fairly harmless at first, even for an apparent demon, but now...oh, boy. They were very much not keen to get on xyr bad side.
“The only fatal injuries that I am not required to heal are self-inflicted ones,” Logan said, albeit more quietly than xyr previous words had been. “If it is a human’s wish to take themself out of this world, it is...not my duty to interfere.”
“Oh. Uh.” Remy licked his dry lips nervously. “You won’t have to worry about that here. I don’t think.” Their throat was dry—any lingering wetness from the coffee had disappeared quite quickly when Logan had first begun speaking. But—oh, wait, they were an idiot. There was still more coffee left.
The two of them walked past the front sign of Remy’s university, officially on campus. Remy jerkily lifted his iced coffee to his lips, taking the tiniest of tiny sips. “Is there...any way to, like, break a deal or something?” Remy asked nervously as he guided the two of them towards the art building.
Logan sighed. “If I were an angel, perhaps I would be kind enough to look for a loophole,”—and, what the fuck, angels existed too? which, like, made sense, considering demons were a thing, but still, what the fuck—“however, deals are permanent contracts, and in return for ensuring your survival, our deal promises me your soul upon your death.” Logan sighed again, more heavily this time. “So as...irritating as you may be, and as much of an inconvenience as you no doubt will become, I am not particularly inclined to break a deal that benefits me in such a way.”
“Wh....” Remy didn’t exactly want to know the answer to what he was about to ask; all the same, they felt like they had to ask. “What are you going to do with my soul when I...when you finally get it?”
Logan stared wordlessly at Remy, and Remy did not like the expression on xyr face, no siree, they did not. “Are you sure that you would like to know?” xe asked lowly, and Remy had never been more aware of the fact that his new (unwilling) companion was, in fact, a dangerous, all-powerful demon.
“Nope!” Remy all but shrieked, turning on their gay speed-walking powers and moving ahead of Logan, now all the more anxious to get to class. “No, I do not want to know! I do not want to even think about it! I don’t want to think about any of this, actually, so you know what, we are officially closing this discussion topic for, like, ever! I just want to live my life, holy shit!”
Logan frowned. “How is shit holy?” xe questioned, and this time, Remy really did drop his iced mocha—or, well, the little that was left of it.
“Oh my—actually, no, never mind,” Remy muttered sullenly, picking the cup up from the ground. They extracted their straw from the cup, wiping it off on their jeans before they shoved it into the side pocket on his backpack. “Babe, you are, like, literally hopeless.”
“Naturally,” Logan responded evenly. “I am a demon. We have no need for hopes and other ridiculous goings-on.”
“I—ugh!” Remy threw his used coffee cup into the trash can with more force than was strictly necessary. They all but stomped over to the door of the art building, yanking the door open. “Nope. I am totally not dealing with this right now. I’m going to class for the next ninety or however many minutes, and you”—they jabbed a finger in Logan’s direction—“are being put in time-out. You can sit out in the hallway like a lost puppy or like, like a kid at the principal’s office or...or something!”
Logan blinked owlishly behind his glasses. (Which, why would a demon even need glasses if they have magic? Xe really was trying too hard for a nerd aesthetic, if you asked Remy.) “But I am not—”
“NO!” Remy all but shrieked, practically running into his animation classroom and slamming the door behind him.
Logan stared after them, flummoxed.
Prologue || One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Six
lol this sat finished and edited on my hard drive for a week before I remembered that oh, yeah, I do kinda have to actually post it to share it with y’all, don’t I.
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wheremytwinwatches · 4 years
[Where My Twin Watches]: Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 9
Hey, no narrator explaining the Alchemy basics this time, just straight into the intro song? Last time, the Elrics broke into the Fifth Lab, encountered two Soul Armors, and Pudgy the Jerk made Al wonder about his free will. Here’s hoping that we fix these worries this episode.
Episode 09 - “Created Feelings” Annoyed Ed is Annoyed, scowling in his hospital bed. Ross and Brosh try to stay positive, but have to admit to Ed that the Lab’s kinda gone the same way as the library. And Ed can’t even get properly mad about that, he’s so beat up. So close to finding out the truth… Wait, what are you two apologizing for? If anything Ed’s the one who should be apologizing for running- OH! Ed done just got slapped by Ross, who’s calling him a selfish child, who doesn’t have to do everything by himself. Thanks for knocking some sense into the boy, Ross! Ross and Brosh maintain their professional demeanor (did they rehearse this earlier, their performance is spot on), right up until Ed admits he had it coming and they collapse in relief. Oh hey, explanation that SA’s are equivalent to major, like you guys said. Ed lets them know they don’t have to act so professional around him. Um, but maybe a bit more professional than that? Where’s Al in all this? He got his lecture earlier (and Brosh was the attempted slapper). And speaking of lectures… Uh oh. Ed’s gotta call Winry, tell her that his arm’s busted already. Immediately she remembers that loose screw. Whoops! Still ticked off that Ed got in another fight, but she recovers quickly and makes plans to head for Central. [Brosh]: “Aw, was that your girlfriend?” [Ed]: “My girlfriend? No way!” Yeah, just keep telling yourself that, buddy. Brosh wheels Ed back to the room since Ed’s busted up his stomach injury again, idly trying to talk girls with Annoyed Ed. Oh hey, there’s Al! Whatcha doing in the dark, buddy? Ugh, Al’s still brooding over what Pudgy said. And in a moment of cosmic irony, some kid’s robot toy walks right into him. Seeing an example of what we know he used to be, and what Pudgy said that he is… Damn it. I don’t wanna consider it. But do we know for sure that Pudgy’s wrong? I mean, we saw kid-Alphonse up until he was consumed in the Human Transmutation. And we’ve seen other examples of Soul Armor with Pompous and Pudgy. But do we know for sure that there was continuation of consciousness? You have to admit, it’s possible that Soul Armors create an impression of a person, formulate an identity based on the thoughts of the binder. Al’s thinking of his little brother when he does the binding, and the resulting suit of armor acts like his brother used to. The executioners think about the murderers that they are hanging, and that carries over to the new guards. We haven’t even had a non-Armor perspective of Al, even. I just can’t discount the possibility. At the train station, Winry’s complaining about the seats, wondering how Ed and Al can take so many trips. Looking around the West Exit, she should see someone she recogni- oh hey Armstrong! That was easy enough. But she’s still looking around? Uh oh. She doesn’t understand why the Elric Brothers aren’t there as well. Now Winry’s freaking out at the hospital, staring at the heavily-bandaged Ed even as he snarks that she’ll probably charge him an express service fee. To which she says she won’t charge anything, she didn’t do a good enough job last time? Woof. While she mopes, the others look pointedly at Ed, who starts frantically insisting it’s not her fault. Winry realizes that Ed never noticed the missing screw, really thinks that it’s all his fault. So she’s off the hook! What a relief, now she can treat him like normal! Cue her setting out express fee, chiding him for not drinking his milk, Ed whining that he doesn’t wanna, The Mighty Armstrong being VERY DISPLEASED with Ed’s attitude - yay, we’re back to happy times! But Al was looking through the door, just closed it and walked away. Boo, give me back my happy times! As Winry works on the arm, Ed talks about how Al’s been acting odd lately (Winry takes the opportunity to sneak the missing screw into the repairs). Al’s back in the Shadowed Hallway, looking into a mirror, shattering a mirror with barely any effort.
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Repairs are done, Ed’s thanking Winry for the work- Sudden Civilian-dress!Hughes! [Hughes]: “Yo, Ed, my boy! Is it true that you brought a pretty blonde girl into your room to service you?” [Ed]: “*faceplant* She’s my automail mechanic that’s all! Nothing more!” [Hughes]: “Oh… I see. You’ve seduced your mechanic, have you?” Oh jeez. Hope you’re good at dodging, Hughes. I’m pretty sure Winry has a wrench with your name on it. Or rather he’ll just enthusiastically shake her hand. And Ed can’t just tell him to go do his work, he pushed it all off to poor Sheska. But good news, Ed and Al shouldn’t have to be under guard too much longer!... Winry is not to pleased to hear about this “bodyguard” business. Did you seriously not explain how your arm got obliterated before? Nope, he didn’t tell her then, and his stubborn attitude means all he’ll say now is that it “doesn’t concern her”. Jeez, Ed. You don’t make it easy to be your friend. Winry packs up and says that she’ll see him tomorrow, she’s got to find someplace to stay for the night. Oh hey, a new houseguest for Hughes! Brace yourself for photo-albums, Winry. Actually, forget photo albums! How about a whole birthday party for Elicia! (Dang, should have seen this episode yesterday). Congrats on three years! Oh my Leto, the whole “I’m two….. No, I’m three!” is stupidly adorable. NO WAIT even the Narrator just chuckled when doing the halfway “Fullmetal Alchemist” cards! Hurk!
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Later that night, Winry’s talking about how she’s known the Elric Brothers for a long time, they’re like her brothers (well, maybe Al. NO I WILL NOT LET THIS SHIP GO). But they don’t talk to her, even when it’s clear things are bothering them. Hughes talks about how guys try to talk through actions rather than words, try not to burden others with their pain. But when a time comes that they do ask for help, Hughes knows that Winry will be there for them. As they finish talking, we get a sweet scene of some little boys asking to play with Elicia… and then arguing about who she wants to play with. Aw, quite the heartbreaker alre- Hughes put the gun down! Quieter actions Hughes, quieter actions! Next morning, Winry’s saying her goodbyes even as the family extend their hospitality. Elicia even huuuuuuurk nope nope too cute, clutching Winry’s sleeve. Hughes remarks that they could be sisters- [Elicia]: “Sissy! Be safe, ok? And come back and visit me real soon!”
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At the hospital, Ed is shocked... to encounter milk with his food again. Al tries getting him to drink it, saying that he has “a living body that needs nourishment” (still thinking about Pudgy). Ed just offhandedly remarks that he won’t do it if he doesn’t want to, that he has grown some even if others, like Hughes and Winry who are arriving, keep calling him pipsqueak. [Ed]: “I wish I was like you, Al. You’ve got such a big body now.” [Al]: ”It’s not like I asked for this body, brother!” Oh jeez. It’s coming to a head. Ed starts apologizing, saying that he’ll get Al back in his real body soon. But Al’s not having any of it, yelling that Ed always says that, that he can’t believe anything when he’s stuck in this body, that memories are just scraps of information that can be made up as easily as anything else. Al thinks he knows now what Ed was afraid to tell him. That Al’s soul and memories are artificial constructions that Ed created. Ed slams his hands on the table. Then asks if Al’s finished talking. Then quietly gets up and walks out of the room. Al… Ed… WINRY! Hoo boy, Winry is pissed, smacking Al around with her wrench. I mean, Al did just accuse her, Granny, and Ed of lying to him. Oh. But she’s not upset about that. She’s upset because she knows what Ed was going to say: That he wanted to ask Al if he blames him for what happened to his body. Flashback to injured Ed at the Rockbell’s crying that Al lost his body, it’s all his fault. Al can’t eat, sleep, feel… how could he forgive the one who was supposed to protect him? Granny insists that Al doesn’t feel that way, that if Ed just asks he’ll know the truth. But Ed’s too afraid. Winry keeps striking Al, crying that even as Ed harbored those doubts, Al came and accused him of creating a fake brother just to control. And Winry ask who could do something like that, risk their life to create a fake brother. … That depends, Winry. To create a puppet? No one. To try and bring back what was lost, even if was ‘fake’? … moving on. For now, Winry orders Al to go after his brother. Up on the roof, Ed’s leaning on the railing, Al standing in the doorway. He goes to speak, but Ed cuts him off. [Ed]: “You know somethin', Al… We haven’t had a good fight in a while. I’m starting to get flabby.” The slippers come off. Ed charges, kicking and punching even as Al tells him to stop, that his wounds aren’t healed enough for a spar. Then, sheet to the face! While Al’s blinded, Ed knocks him down, declaring that he’s won. Hey, this would be the first match he’s ever beaten Al in, right? Even though Al argues that it wasn’t a fair fight. Heh. Ed reminisces on how they’ve fought since they were little, over some very stupid things. Like who got the top and bottom bunks? Um excuse you, who gets the top bunk is not stupid thank you very much. And don’t get me started on candy or toys. I’ve had to defend my stuff against a twin and a little brother, that is srus bizness!
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[Al]: “We even fought over which one of us would marry Winry someday.” [Ed, panicked]: “What?! I don’t remember that one!” [Al]: “I won the fight… but she shot me down.” [Ed, nonchalant]: “Oh… did she?” Ed challenges Al to discount all those memories as lies, or his determination to regain his body. They’re in this together, remember? They’ll make themselves stronger, faster and better until they get their bodies back. Even if it means they have to drink the dreaded milk. *shudder* As the brothers fist-bump, Hughes and Winry look on from the doorway. (Please, please tell me she heard about their previous fights). Winry remarks that one doesn’t have to always hear something out loud, but it is helpful sometimes. Now, to put Ed back to bed and get some proper rest! [Strong Winds]? Heat-wave desert with a white flag? Oh hey, it’s Scar! [Scar]: “My brother…” Wait. What? Scar has a brother? Oh good grief. First we get the Slicer brothers, now we learn that Scar has/had a brother too?! I swear, and I thought RWBY was bad with sisters. Well anyways, not just his brother, Scar mentions his Master too, saying they’re all gone. Aftermath of the genocide? Sudden intruder! Hey, it’s Smiley/Kimblee, that guy who’s in jail now. He identifies himself as a State Alchemist send to exterminate the sector. He Transmutes from circles drawn on his hands- Scar wakes up, bandaged and under a blanket. A small red-eyed boy cheerfully notes he’s awake, and an older white-haired man tells Scar that he’s in a slum outside East City. Guessing they’re all Ishvalan? Little Kid says that Scar shouldn’t move, they found him floating in the sewers badly injured. Remembering his fight with the Goths, Scar asks if he still has his right arm and oh my gosh are you serious? We’ve already got the brother parallels, you really gonna make him lose an arm to be a more blatant counterpart to Ed? Oh, nevermind, he’s still got it. Lots of tattoos… gift from his family? Post-credits! [Narrator]: “A good friend became a comrade in arms, and over time his presence was taken for granted.” ...wait, what? “Although the future they once dreamed of became bleaker than they had ever imagined, this good friend was always there by his side, where he belonged.” Show. Show, no. NO. Stop implying what I think you’re implying! “Next time, on Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood-” OH SWEET LETO NO NO NO THAT WAS LUST’S SILHOUETTE NO NO NO Episode 10 - “Separate Destinations” “A friend whose presence comes as naturally as breathing can never be replaced.” NNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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caithelps · 5 years
Trip by Jhene Aiko RP Sentence Starters Part 3: (feel free to change name(s), pronouns, etc as needed) Find part 1 here, part 2 here
Triggers: Drugs/pills, alcohol
Never Call Me ft Kurupt:
“Oh, boy, I'ma have to call them boys on you”
“Awe damn, I'ma have to call that man on you”
“Something, something, something must be really wrong with you”
“Why can't you just tell the fuckin' truth now?”
“Yes your mama did, she raised a fool, wow”
“What the fuck did you learn in that schoolhouse?”
“To chase them thrills"
“Takin' pills in the hills, Slauson Hills, Overhills might get you killed”
“Not welcome 'round them parts no more”
“Do not run your mouth no more”
“I can't protect you no more”
“It's out of my hands for sure”
“You should've called me”
“Why you never call me?”
“Okay, now you wanna say all that I’ve done to ya”
“You knew all along that I wasn't the one for you”
“So let's stop pretending like we were in love”
“We never shared anything but the drugs”
“We were both numb, never had anything real between us”
“We really must be smoking that crazy shit, in my city talkin' crazy shit”
“But you ain't know I'm a crazy bitch”
“And tell your lawyer that I ain't paying shit”
“Maybe you should chill, really in your feels”
“My bros really in the field”
“Neighborhood is really real and they don't play that here”
“You shouldn't say that here”
“You should've made it clear, my dear”
“Now hey sis, I'ma let you know like this”
“Hit me right back, this Kurupt, okay?”
“The 60's, we ain't worried bout none of these muthafuckin' bustas”
“Ya understand me?”
“From the Overhill to the fronts to the back mayne”
“We pushin' this line to d'nine”
“So don't worry 'bout none of this shit"
“Don't worry 'bout him callin' you and all the rest of that shit”
“You know what? It's his lost, ya know what I'm sayin'?”
“I heard the homie, the homie called me and was like”
“I'm like "No, not Jhené"
“Né-né, you hit me I got you, you understand me?”
“You're the one, I love you, make sure you hit me back”
“This is your big brother, you hear me?”
“Aye, call me as soon as you get this, you hear me?”
“Don't make me call your mama now, I'll track you down”
“Attention is expensive to pay”
“I can't get by on minimum wage”
“Been dealing with this venomous rage”
“Since I was under the age I've been under the influence of pain”
“And I never needed nobody”
“Never needed no one”
“No, I don't need nobody"
“I don't need no one, shit, I don't need no one”
“Fucking up my chakras again”
“My father is a doctor, I've been talking to him”
“All the shit I'm taking could've got it from him”
“I don't have no patience, prolly got it from him”
“Just a product of him”
“Pop one, pop two, pop three, four pills”
“These things tell me how life should feel”
“Fuck you, it's my free will”
“Please don't tell me to chill” 
“'Cause I don't need nobody”
“No one ever listened, no one called me pretty”
“Grampy called me ‘Penny’, I think I am worthless”
“I don't have a purpose”
“Who am I enough for?”
“Why we always lose what we work for?”
“Why we hurt more?”
“Why we never see my mother cry?”
“She's so tough for us, poor her”
“Grab my purse with my prescriptions in it”
“Tiny bursts of optimism in them”
“I'm reversing my decision to win”
“Take this take this, take this, take”
“Back to '88 when everything was great”
“Then life had just begun”
“It is '89 now, everything is fine now”
“I am only one”
“Wait for the 2008 summer”
“I'ma be a mother, wow”
"2012 summer, it just got tougher”
“I don't have my brother now”
“Take this, take six, take pics, faces, famous”
“Face it, fake shit, pain is faithless”
“Yes, I am aware I am tripping”
“I'm here in this hell that I don't wanna live in”
“I smoke on my own, I drink on my own”
“I know it's wrong”
“To people I know, they just wanna know what's going on”
“I can't tell a soul, no, I can't tell no one”
“Don't need nothing from no one”
“But you're not alone, you got me”
“Look, I know what'll make you feel better”
“Here, try this 
“Is this thing on?”
“Reverse effect”
“Don't get it wrong, don't get it twisted”
“Don't mix it up, gotta get lifted”
“You know I'm young, you know I'm gifted”
“I'm on a roll, I'm on a mission”
“I need your light, I need your guidance”
“Already high, I'll be alright, I wanna try it”
“Crushing the line, cutting the line, crossing the line”
“Bumps in the night got me over here overstimulated”
“Crushing the line, cutting the line, crossing the line”
“Bumps in the night got me, got me over here overstimulated”
“Why you never stay for long? You always go so fast”
“Who's gonna hold my hand when I'm crashing”
“Took it without looking now I'm looking up the side effects”
“Pill identifier says that I should be dying next”
“My regrets, oh my regrets”
“Over here overstimulated”
“Let's get one thing clear bitch, I am the greatest”
“You are not my peer, you are overrated”
“Know you mad I made it, know you hate it”
“But I'm in this bitch like”
“And if my heart goes out right now this goes out to you”
“This goes out to you”
“What the fuck did you give me?”
“Oh, no no Chill chill”
“Are you okay?”
“Did you see that?”
“I don't know what you're talking about”
“Relax, relax”
“Get me out of here
“Why would you do this to me?!”
“Someone give her some water”
Bad Trip:
“I'm having an awful time
“You said you would get me high
“But you took me out my mind way down to the other side”
“On a bad trip”
“Like a child in a womb, with no room to grow”
“In a world I didn't know, I'm confused and cold”
“Now you show me all the things I could never see”
“In a new reality, I cannot believe”
“Bad trip”
“I thought you loved me”
“Someone get me some help”
“You told me you loved me”
“You're a liar, I hate you”
“Where am I?”
“Just calm down”
“Don't touch me”
Oblivion (Creation):
“The world's a fucking mess”
“It's gone to shit”
“I am every bit a part of it”
“I may have started it”
“I try to find a brighter sight”
“An elevated, higher sight”
“It's out of sight”
“Wish I would go back”
“I could go back to no one”
“Oblivion, wish I would go back”
“I could go back to nothing”
“My life's a fucking trip”
“It makes me sick”
“I am so jaded and I hate it”
“I'm faking it”
“I try to find a greater shade”
“To be the way”
“To lead the way”
“I need to wait”
“I could go back to nothing”
“There's no lovin' without losin'”
“There's no livin' without bruisin'”
“There's no limit, no delusion”
“Sweet oblivion”
“It's out of sight, out of mind”
“Dear brother”
“Am I still asleep?”
“Last night I saw you”
“And you told me there was coin laundry on the moon”
“I met a boy, he wasn't right for me”
“But now that I'm alone I can hear the spirits talking”
“From the metaphysical to the physical”
“From the inside out”
“Let there be no doubt”
“Sage, means sagacity and intelligence that’s why the indigenous people burned it”
“To bring out the wisdom”
“If you talk to your plants, they will talk to you and they will nourish you”
“Nourish you to a greater creation“
Psilocybin (Love in Full Effect):
“Get it poppin' on this Psilocybin”
“Getting rid of inhibition”
“In a sane asylum”
“I can feel it hit the ceiling”
“When it’s in my body”
“An out of body experience”
“A spirit party”
“Won’t let the day get in the way”
“We’re on a plane to inner space”
“Don’t be afraid, give it away”
“We gotta make a great escape”
“I can do all things”
“By the sunlight”
“What a wonderful life”
“We should do mushrooms by the moonlight”
“What a wonderful ride”
“Right mind, right now”
“Right direction”
“By your side”
“You and I, do or die”
“Who am I?”
“Your reflection”
“Got this Psilocybin in my pocket”
“I am a healing prophet”
“Seeds of promise in my garden”
“I need to harvest often”
“Such a lush experience”
“So mysterious”
“In a sweet delirium”
“No need to rush it”
“I am helping you grow”
“Psychedelics, yes”
“A supreme bright other”
“Can't you see my color?”
“I'm the divine mother”
“Please don't blow my cover”
“Take a ride into paradise”
“Let's go on a journey hidden in the sky”
“Come and take a ride into paradise”
“Open up your heart and let me in”
“I will not let you down”
“Don’t trip, I gotcha”
“Open up your mind and you’ll feel it, the healing”
“Go slowly, go slower”
“No need to rush it”
“Love-lovely feel”
“Now, breathe”
“Breathe through it”
“Be still, be here”
“No fear”
“You are here”
“Breathe, love”
“I'm from Sirius”
“8 light-years away”
“15 trillion miles”
“Without the smiles”
“Let me see you smile”
“Give me 5,200 feet of happiness”
“Now let me see you smile”
“Give me 5,080 feet of happiness”
“Are you living?”
“Or are you just surviving?”
“Are you giving?”
“Let me see love”
“Living on valued energy”
“I got life”
“Love is for happiness”
“Love in full effect”
“I'm from the Universe soul”
“We're all from the Universe soul”
“We're all one”
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mswyrr · 6 years
okay, i’m sorry, i gotta say one more thing about the DW finale
Please block my “dw negativity” tag if this kind of content will harsh your squee!
Okay, so the bullying theme in The Witchfinders was really well handled IMO. In particular, Willa’s journey and Yaz and Becka were great. Willa actually becomes complicit with this horrible bullying, because not everyone is strong all the time, but she’s able to come through it and be stronger. And Yaz - brave, amazing Yaz once just had to endure utter torment at school because sometimes you’re helpless for a while, and it hurts. It will always hurt. But you can also move forward. And Becka is that thing Tumblr hates which is a villain who’s about the human psychology of the worst sort of behavior - the way she torments and kills in a desperate and repulsive attempt to project her own self-hatred and fear. The way she’s been trained her whole life to hate and fear women. It’s both understandable and not acceptable. And understanding isn’t acceptance, it’s feeling out the darkest places humans can go to as a way of understanding yourself and others that actually empowers you rather than misleading you.
It doesn’t shy away from failure and struggle and sin even for people who are doing less awful things, so the positivity that the episode is able to find feels real. It says: Yaz got through her year of torment, she has friends now, she has a purpose, you can too. It says: Willa was weak and complicit but she’s not a worthless person, she can come back from that. The Doctor struggles with her own darkness but she faces it bravely, without fear, and is able to be kind and do good within it. James I is cruel because he, like Becka, lets his fear control him and is constantly hurting others to escape his own feelings of inner darkness.
They want so desperately to be pure and run from their own darkness that instead of handling it responsibility they just inflict it on others, turn others into scapegoats.
And, again, understanding doesn’t mean approval, re: Becka... though the biggest bully, the one who led the charge and had the most power, James I, actually gets away. And ofc he did. But that doesn’t cancel out the positive that people were able to find.
That’s a story with a core of human honesty. The good things it said are said honestly, in recognition of how hard and painful life can be.
It Takes You Away does that really well too. It goes to a dark place! Using surrealism and a fairy tale tone, it doesn’t shy away from how deeply grief and mental illness can hurt us. It isn’t dishonest about the fact that sometimes parents, even parents who are otherwise loving, utterly fail their children. Sometimes people are in a desperate state emotionally and do terribly cruel things (the Solitract, Erik) and that’s not okay, but that also doesn’t mean they’re permanently evil.
And it’s also only about such darkness and sadness because it’s about *love*. You don’t hurt that much if you don’t also *love* so much. And in the end the Solitract, and Graham, and Erik choose to love enough to confront pain in order to treat the people they love right. Erik accepts reality, the place he doesn’t want to be without his wife, because Hanne is there. She needs him.
For this part, Graham chooses to be the one who wouldn’t abandon Ryan, not even for a perfect dream. And the Solitract learns to be a real, loving friend to the Doctor by letting her go.
That has *truth* to it. About how much love overwhelms and destroys us and how hard it is to deal with sometimes. But also the choices that we all have to strive to make--and fail at sometimes--in order to be loving to each other in good rather than possessive or cruel ways.
Those are both episodes that I think could help child viewers... because they helped me too! As an adult. And good writing for children/families is able to do that, to speak deeper truths through Fantasy and Sci Fi in such a way that a viewer can go as deep as they need to in thinking about it.
“It Takes you Away” is not a depressing realistic drama about, like, a parent with clinical depression. That would be something for adults only. Also... not something even I would be interested in, because I think fantasy and fairy tales are a more cathartic way to talk about pain--just for my tastes--than straight drama. But anyway. 
Good “morals” aren’t simple “morals” at all, they’re recognition of struggle. That there is darkness and finding/making light is hard, but it is possible. Even after you’ve failed or sinned. Even as the broken person you are.
What “The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos” had to say about religion and kindness and faith was utterly empty and facile compared to that. The Doctor’s final words made me wince, they were so dishonest. Because the religious peoples’ deeper logic wasn’t explored, the seriousness of their crimes wasn’t handled with any weight. And so those final words just felt like a total lie to me.
Pretending the world is morally simplistic and facile doesn’t nourish anyone’s soul, child or adult.
I felt the same way about the weirdly anti-adoption moral re: Yoss in “The Tsuranga Conundrum.” There was no recognition of complexity or failure. No acknowledgment that sometimes a parent has to give a child up and that is the kindest, most loving thing they can do, because they know in their heart they are not ready or capable to be a parent.
I just, honestly, feel like someone needs to sit Chibnall down and give him some actually *good* child/family aimed stories and films and tv shows. Because he seems to think that something more basic and insulting than Sunday school lessons I remember having drilled into my head is what’s called for and it’s so... completely not how you do that.
It doesn’t even require that extensive a level of research, though. Honestly, all he’d have to do is really pay attention to what the better writers than him in the season are doing.
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sweetcatastrophex · 3 years
happy to report that i have spent more time with people who nourish my soul lol i spontaneously hit up my bestie last week since i was actually in/around the city for once and we met up and hung out and my soul felt fed. and today i was talking to my sister and we actually had a nice, adult-like conversation (instead of how it usually goes since i moved out a year ago which is like 1. i initiate a conversation or we just won’t talk bc she doesn’t reach out 2. i mention something that triggers her and she gets angry and starts raising her voice 3. she says something mean to me and writes me off). there’s been a lot on my mind recently. and i gotta do what i usually do to deal with it: write it out. jake and i share our place with our housemates, liv and bastian. bastian has been going thru something lately, like depression, anxiety, etc. there’s an obvious rift between us but also between him and his wife, liv. i’m not getting into specifics rn and at first i didn’t want to get involved bc it’s their marriage, it’s not my place. but it came to a point where it would have been weird if jake and i, as their roommates and friends who care about them, didn’t acknowledge it. so we did. it seems like the issue is bastian going upstairs, away from everyone and everything, very frequently. he hides away in the dark upstairs den to play video games and, lately, to trip on or micro-dose shrooms. he’s been justifying the drug use by talking about all the benefits of eating shrooms which, yes, there are, maybe when you’re diagnosed with something and treated in a clinical environment? not when you take shrooms five days in a row as an avoidance coping mechanism and ignore your wife.  so that’s one thing. it seems liv is upset that he’s been distant lately. my issue with him is the way he treats me at times. his behavior towards me. like these weird power plays he does with his dog. first of all, i know emmy is his dog. (altho i’ve gotten to know her very well over the past year. i’m v observant of dogs in general bc, it turns out, when you stfu and observe something you can learn a lot about it. that, and research. i read a lot about dog behavior etc.) but i’ll say something like can i walk her at the park and he’ll say no even tho she needs exercise and stimulation bc she’s not a tiny lap dog, she was bred for hunting, she literally, physically needs to run. regularly. it’s hard to articulate in words but his behavior is weird like this sometimes, like i’ll hug emmy like i usually do and maybe she’ll do a little growl bc i’m too close to her face. so he says can you back away from my dog. which of course i have to respect bc it’s his dog (even tho i also live with her, love her, and spend many days alone with her as i work from home often). i’ll say to jake, watch emmy closely bc morty (jake’s dad’s dog) is eating food close to emmy’s food bowl area. emmy is territorial and gets violent easily; she has lunged at morty and bailey (jake’s dad’s other dog) more than once. but then bastian chimes in to say well emmy is just territorial over her food bowl. okay, or she might attack morty while he’s eating in her general food bowl area. i don’t wanna find out, bc i want morty to be safe!!! or when jake says something about emmy and bastian chimes in to say “actually XYZ... I know my dog.” like wow! thank you for that comment bc it confirms what i thought: he feels the need to assert dominance / reinforce the ownership of his dog. it’s a power play!  it’s things like this that happen frequently — little things that add up. and it is apparent to me that he is coming from a place of spite, which i don’t like. it’s things like this and maybe some other comments he makes. and if i feel like i need to defend myself to someone??? i will stop talking to you. you’re not my friend. i’ve reached a point in my life where i know that; i learned that. so i will not be defending myself to people, but sometimes i feel the need to with him. i even said this to bastian one time and he said so don’t defend yourself. karen said the same thing, don’t show that it affects me, basically. and karen was like, why do you care so much? and i’ve been thinking about that question. i think bc my ego is getting in the way a little bit, too. i know his ego is getting in the way here. and maybe it’s a matter of clashing egos. i knew from the beginning that he and i would butt heads. i knew it. he is an argumentative person, and so am i. i am self aware enough (i’m v introspective and analytical) to know that. but i’ve taken steps to address this quality about myself. and now that i meditate every day or almost every day, i am much less reactive in certain situations. things that triggered me in the past don’t affect me as much now. when i was talking to karen, we were talking about how each person has to heal on their own. everyone is going thru their own growth, their own journey, their own healing process on their own time. i see it with karen, too. and i mentioned it to her! i said i used to talk to kristy about things that bothered me about karen and i remember kristy saying, bridget, she’s young, she will learn on her own. and she did! and i’m so happy about that. i mentioned our anger issues and karen said that dad mentioned it the other day lol (karen really needs to deal with her anger issues. personally i’ve been working on my anger issues since i was 14.) my point is it seems like she’s finally taking responsibility for her own attitude. and i see one of my old friends growing up too! finally lol. we love emotional maturity!!! so in the end, i think, we’re all working on ourselves. and it helps if your loved ones are there to support you. i can only offer my support and love. 
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