#my shitty poems
prettyskullkai · 1 month
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‎⠀ ◞ ྀི◟ ͜ ◞ ྀི◟ ͜ ◞ ྀི◟⠀ ◞ ྀི◟ ͜ ◞ ྀི◟ ͜ ◞ ྀི◟
Feeling the guilt, you fell on your knees.
You were oh, so little,
You were just a kid.
Feeling the sympathy, you locked your door.
You were so surprised,
You doubted: "what if I want more?"
Feeling the love, you stuttered real bad.
"W-what was that for?!"
You said after first kiss.
Feeling the doom, you fell on my chest.
I hugged you tightly and let you rest.
After that I said:
"I will love you my best."
‎⠀ ◞ ྀི◟ ͜ ◞ ྀི◟ ͜ ◞ ྀི◟⠀ ◞ ྀི◟ ͜ ◞ ྀི◟ ͜ ◞ ྀི◟
《 To the beautiest lord of darkness. 》
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One day I will One day I might Try to make it all turn right
The world is strange and all seems wrong but one day it will turn to song
When it does I hope you'll see That everyone is equal, both you and me
But until it does And we all are free We must work to gain equity
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fixing-bad-posts · 2 days
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guys want me. basically every single one agrees <3
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horreurscopes · 7 months
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i like my body when it is with your body.
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jellysshitpoems · 7 months
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No title - Poem by me (jellysshitpoems)
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loafofryebread · 7 months
there is something so terrifying about wanting to be held, a years deep ache in my bones, like a child sobbing pleading for someone to notice, to care.
come here darling, I swear I will not bite, come here please, smooth away the cracks in my skin, piece me back together with the gold of your love, like the japanese would repair their pottery.
there is something so vulnerable about wanting to be touched, undoing me with a mere brush of the fingers, peeling back my layers like the skin of an orange, and each golden segment of my soul, is an offering (i love you).
oh, do you think you could hold me? just this once? kiss the backs of my knees when they ache? trace the divots of my spine like exploring a foreign land? memorize the shape of my nose, my jaw, my eyes, turning the terrain of my body into something familiar.
Perhaps it is selfish of me to ask for such a thing, I have always been a rather demanding creature, a dog, scratching at the door, begging to be let in.
I will be gentle I swear, curl up in your chest, your ribcage can be a temple, your heart the god I bow before, praying you might hold me, if only for a little while.
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daggerhobbit · 1 month
So, it’s been a while but I had a poem idea and decided to do something a little different than I usually do. It’s not the best but here it is:
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sentientsky · 10 months
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Final Fifteen Idiots ft. my actual real-life diary entries from when I was a teenager.
yes i am running out of material, why do you ask?? (This is so embarrassing I’m so sorry in advance aksjakdjskd)
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 4)
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boycritter · 2 months
i have always wanted to be a rotting thing
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prettyskullkai · 1 month
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You think you don't deserve me,
I think like that about you.
You are the moon, the beauties one,
I'm just one of the myriads stars.
You think you don't deserve me,
I think like that about you.
The touch of yours is so soft,
Just like your lips, and body, and soul.
You think you don't deserve me,
I think like that about you.
Let me be near,
And kiss you too.
《 To: Beloved creature of the depths ♡ 》
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I’m doing the dishes again
Staring into the water
At that boy
How can I call myself a girl when the face that stares back
Is just another random boy
You’d see playing on a subrban corner
My name isn’t my name
People don’t call me by my name
I’ve been cut off
From everyone
If I died tonight
Nobody would notice
Just another kid
Just another teen suicide
It’s better than the alternative
To suffocate in this form
Would be preferable
To living in a world where nobody sees me
It’s better than the alternative
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diearchivarin · 10 months
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Maybe It’s a Sign, diearchivarin, 2023
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totheidiot · 2 months
children of the stars ~ a moodboard
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a mood-board based on a poem for pride poems, written by @poemsofanentomologist. this is for the poem of day#4 for the theme of transgender, called children of the stars. victoria, i tried to get the vibe right, i hope you like this poem. if you would like me to make mood-boards of you other poems, just let me know :)). these are so fun to make.
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jellysshitpoems · 6 months
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Lover, my Love. - Poem by me (jellysshitpoems)
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daggerhobbit · 2 months
For my entire life, I was expected to be perfect.
To follow the rules,
get good grades,
set a good example,
make my family proud.
You set those expectations for me,
to mold me
into what you wanted me to be.
Thats what you wanted me to be.
And for so long,
that's what I tried to be.
But to you, I was never perfect enough.
I've realized now,
I don't want to be perfect.
I want to be me.
I cut my own hair on a Friday night
with a pair of dull scissors in front of the bathroom mirror.
It was imperfect.
And it felt so good.
The scars on my arms are an imperfection.
The way I dress is another.
Every imperfection feels like a small act of rebellion.
And with these small acts of rebellion,
I am becoming so much more
than what you wanted me to be.
I'm breaking out of the mold
and growing so wild and free.
And although I am imperfect,
I am me.
That's what I am.
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somnirous · 2 years
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I bury myself in books,
to search for answers
to find comfort that I belong
to escape these thoughts of unexpected ends.
I bury myself,
with books, to run away from,
those cold hands of death.
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