#my sensory tolerance is really low
earthytzipi · 10 months
I think I'm approaching autistic burnout
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nothorses · 14 days
So I'm thinking of going on low dose T, and ofc I'll get more feedback from doctors when I see them, but I know one of the changes is that you run warmer and have lower heat tolerance, and I'm already kind of heat sensitive (sweating is a sensory ick). Do you or your followers have any kind of coping strategies that have helped with that?
I ran warm before, too, and I'm definitely warmer now! I also have Raynaud's which kind of makes the whole experience a clusterfuck, but that's besides the point. lmao.
I live in a pretty cool/temperate area, so it isn't normally an issue except in the (increasingly horrible) summers, but I've found that the hardest time to stay cool has been at night. I share a bed with my partner who runs even warmer, and it's been 2.5 years of struggling to figure out how to be a comfortable temperature together.
The best advice I can give you is to just stay as far away from synthetic fibers as you can; "sweat wicking" and "cooling" and "athletic" stuff included. It's a lie. They're all plastic, and while they might feel cool to the touch at first, plastic doesn't breathe. It'll trap heat and moisture against your skin after enough time, especially in the form of blankets. (Fuck the Rest Evercool. Worst recommendation I've ever gotten.)
Look for 100% linen, or 100% cotton. I've heard wool also works well, but I haven't had luck with that personally. Woven fabrics are going to be cooler and more breathable than sateen, and waffle weave is like, the single most breathable weave afaik (it's more common in blankets, but some clothes are waffle).
Some of these things can be pretty scratchy at first, and I recommend a couple of washes on a high heat & some fabric softener before you start using them. We were able to break in our waffle blanket super quickly this way! (I know some folks recommend against softener for breathability reasons, but it's the only thing that actually worked for us, and it hasn't impacted breathability). After you break them in, though, cotton and linen fabrics are SUPER soft!
I also recommend staying away from leather. It's natural, but trust me: it's not breathable. It's coveted in outdoor rec spaces BECAUSE it's somewhat waterproof.
Outside of that, I'd really encourage you to lean towards multiple light layers that you can change/remove throughout the day to suit your needs (ex: light tee + fleece + wind/rain layer, maybe throw in a flannel somewhere), instead of one or two heavy ones (ex: shirt + big puffy cold weather jacket). It's a strategy common in the PNW that works great for regulating your temperature when you're dealing with humidity and somewhat unpredictable weather, and imo, it also really translates if you're just generally sensitive to heat and sweat.
Outside of that... depending on where you live, I really recommend having an AC/dehumidifier. Don't bother with trying to rig up a swamp cooler if you're sensitive to sweat- the increased humidity will make things worse. The general advice I heard when researching a good AC was that window units will always be more efficient than portable units (and a mini split is better than either), but if you have to go with a portable unit, go with a dual-hose. They'll be more efficient just because they don't create a vacuum that pulls in warm air from outside. This is the model we settled on- it was really highly recommended and cost effective for what it is, and it's been absolutely fantastic this summer.
Idk how you are about pits, but I wash mine with a benzoyl body wash and then use a deodorant with antiperspirant every day, and I virtually never smell or sweat. 🤷‍♂️ ymmv though
I'm sure folks will have things to add, so check the notes on this post- and good luck!
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perplexingluciddreams · 4 months
post of some disability aids/equipment that i hope for in future. (or think could help me). with pictures.
some of this is specific for disability, some is more general.
inspired by @aleswell post!
my body is very weak and floppy (low muscle tone). also have joint hypermobility. i need a lot of support to hold my body in good posture.
i need to be very reclined/tilted majority of the time. i spend a lot of time in bed, semi-propped-up with pillows. i hate my current bed a lot. it doesn't support my body well at all. it is also way too high - hard to get in and out of bed.
even if i get good supportive seating, i will still probably need to spend majority of my time in bed.
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first picture is a montessori floor bed shaped like a house. i could put blankets or sheets over the top and make a safe den! i could make it really comfy for sleep. and low to ground is good. also wish for more "normal" bed like this one.
second picture is a safespace. basically same reason for why i like it. but also it is safer and maybe more comfy than the wood. it just looks nice to be in there.
third picture is a profiling bed. this is the best option for controlling my position and good support to sit in bed and keep everything aligned. but it is medical looking and i don't like it. it doesn't look as comfy or safe.
i wish there was a way to "merge" these into something perfect for me...
special chair:
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picture is the Hydroflex chair from Careflex company. it comes with different back options and support options. so not always look exactly like this. it tilts and reclines with a remote. i think this is the chair i will try soon!
i hope 🤞🏻 if i get this, i will be able to go downstairs and be somewhere else than bed all day. (but that comes with its own challenges of being around people and more sensory input).
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first picture is a Permobil powerchair (don't know which one).
second picture is an adult buggy. brand is Axiom i think.
a powerchair would be great for tilt/recline options. BUT i don't know if i could manage to drive it myself all the time. it takes so much focus and effort and energy. and so hard, especially outside. i have low awareness of surroundings, so i feel scared and unsafe in powerchair outside.
so maybe a buggy or manual wheelchair with high level of seating support would be better. but i might get frustrated about can't control where i go. 🤷🏻‍♂️
for both of these, i would need a lot more extra supports and straps.
things i already have:
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this exact bath lift, and this exact non-custom powerchair (bad👎🏻). i also have a stairlift (not this one).
the bath lift is good 👍🏻. but i can barely sit in this wheelchair. i hate it. it has no support and i can't tolerate this upright position for long at all. and struggle to manage drive it.
but it is the only reason i can go to appointments. so i am still grateful to have it. just hate the pain and fatigue and the difficult-ness.
sorry it got so long! i hope it is read-able.
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im-no-jedi · 1 year
TBB headcanons: Physical and Mental Traits
I was originally gonna break these posts up by character, but it’s more fun just categorizing everything (plus I get to make more posts this way hehe)
anyway! here are some traits I believe each of the boys have:
Oldest of the og four (CT 9901) 
All of his senses are heightened, which makes him more sensitive to things (smells, sounds, touch, etc) but he’s REALLY good at hiding it
Occasionally experiences sensory overload, but has several techniques to keep himself calm (stimming with his knife, meditation, isolation, listening to music, conversing with one of his bros or Omega) 
Is autistic, but is good at masking it most of the time 
Very, very rarely experiences panic attacks from overstimulation (happened mostly as a child, has only happened once during the war) 
Has a high level of tolerance for pain, despite his heightened senses (mostly is just good at hiding it though)
Has a scar over his left eyebrow that he got due to accidentally cutting himself with a knife when he was younger (he has perfectionist issues because of this); has other various scars all over his body (main ones being on his left pectoral from getting shot by Cad Bane, and slight burn marks on the palm of his right hand from the Zygerrian whip)
Fairly introverted; he likes his solitude but gets lonely at times and can NOT be away from the squad for too long or he’ll go crazy
Second oldest of the og four (CT 9902) 
Retains information the first time it’s told/explained to him (the recording thing is literally just a hobby, he doesn’t need it LOL)
Obsessively researches things in his free time 
Basically blind without his goggles; he’s semi colorblind, which is why the lens are tinted
Is very autistic 
Stims with his tools 
Has an average level of tolerance for pain, doesn’t like to make a big deal out of it and straight up ignores it most of the time (“I pretend I do not see it”)
Has a few scars on his hands from tinkering, but are mostly healed (lotion works wonders my dudes)
Completely introverted, please leave him alone thanks
Second youngest of the og four (CT 9903) 
Is constantly hungry because of his size and high metabolism 
Gets muscle aches if he goes too long without being active 
Has ADHD and autism 
Stims via working out or playing with Lula (or any of Omega’s other toys when she’s not playing with them)
Has a low level of tolerance for pain, but tries to act otherwise (and does a terrible job at it LOL)
Got his face scar on their first mission ever, doesn’t regret it and thinks it makes him look cooler 
Has various scars all over his body, as well as stretch marks from growing so big so quickly
Very extroverted, gets lonely easily
Youngest of the og four (CT 9904) 
Gets frequent headaches because of his superior vision (which is why getting the Order 66 headaches didn’t seem out of the ordinary to him) 
Gets sore limbs sometimes, especially his legs, from how long they are 
Is autistic 
Stims by chewing on his toothpicks 
Has an average level of tolerance for pain but is really good at hiding it
Has a few minor scars on his body but mostly stretch marks from growing so tall so quickly
Very introverted, but gets lonely at times (and will NEVER admit it)
Oldest of the entire group overall
Suffers from “ghost limbs” with his scomp arm and legs sometimes 
Will get eye twitches sometimes from his brain “short-circuiting” 
Makes jokes about his disabilities to cope (“you wouldn’t hurt a disabled man, would you?”) 
Has PTSD, mostly from what happened after the Citadel explosion 
Distracts himself from the Horrors™ by running ship diagnostics and rereading manuals (which he already liked doing, of course)
Has an average level of tolerance for pain and likes to hide it behind his jokes (“tis but a flesh wound!”)
Has some scars all over his body from the Citadel explosion and his implants
Big extrovert, HATES being alone, please don’t leave him alone OMG
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sebs-out-of-spoons · 4 hours
🌕 Introduction Post 🌕
Hi there, fellow spoonie! I’m Sebastian, and this is my blog for my diagnosis journey. Welcome! <3
Things To Be Diagnosed
hEDS (Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome) or HSD (Hypermobile Spectrum Disorder)
POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome)
Diabetes or Hyperglycemia or Hypoglycemia (We aren’t sure yet)
?Gastroparesis? (Still very unsure)
ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) (Combined Type)
C-PTSD (Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) or PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)
Pure O OCD (“Purely Obsessional” Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder)
SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder)
APD (Auditory Processing Disorder)
ARFID (Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder)
SAD (Social Anxiety Disorder) BDD (Body Dysmorphic Disorder)
PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder)
Already Diagnosed
MDD (Major Depressive Disorder)
GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder)
About This Blog
I’ll probably mainly be posting about the progress on my physical diagnoses. I will be posting about PT, my chronic pain, dislocations and subluxations, pre-syncope, and everything to do with my physical symptoms and struggles.
More Things
I still have to find a Physical Therapist, and I should be finding one soon. I will be working with them for my chronic joint pain caused by my hypermobility and my low exercise endurance/tolerance (likely caused by suspected POTS).
I am soon going to schedule appointments with a cardiologist to figure out and diagnose my POTS and with someone who works with diagnosing connective tissues disorders to diagnose my hEDS or HSD (if I just miss the criteria for hEDS, then it’s probably HSD, but I’m pretty sure it’s hEDS).
I am going for a bloodwork test on 9/20/2024 to figure out if I have diabetes/hypoglycemia/hyperglycemia, or whatever else that may be happening there (it’s caused by genetics if I do have it).
I have been showing symptoms of hEDS/HSD since I was 7-years-old (dislocations & subluxations, soreness & stiffness, severe “growing pains”, pain, mild skin hyperextensibility, chronic headaches, etc.), and symptoms of POTS alongside that since I was around 10-years-old.
I suffer from chronic pain, chronic dislocations & subluxations, chronic stomach issues, hypermobility (about an 8/9 on the Beighton Scale), (?chronic?) fatigue, and more stuff.
After being diagnosed, I am hoping to get mobility aids (cane, arm crutches, possibly a wheelchair one day if things get bad enough or for on the really bad days), joint braces, compression socks, and more to help with these things.
I am also celiac, have a dairy allergy, have environmental allergies, like dust, mold, and pollen.
I struggle with my eating due to my undiagnosed ARFID, POTS, and possible Gastroparesis. So, beware, I am always incredibly mood swingy due to that.
About Me
I’m a Queer, Nonhuman, Neurodivergent, and Disabled Transman.
I’m 16-years-old, and will be turning 17-years-old this year (2024).
I have a job as a busser that I go to once a week due to my low tolerance to sensory input and exercise.
I am taken by my amazing boyfriend, @insidedarcysdiary (He/Him).
My Special Interests are: Wings Of Fire, Harry Potter (fuck the author, I’m mainly here for the dead gay wizards), Dragons, and currently my most active special interest is Neurodivergency & Disabilities.
My Current Hyperfixation is: Neurodivergency & Disabilities, specifically my own.
I’m queer in many ways: Trans (FTM), Genderqueer, Enby (and under the umbrella), Xenogender, AroAce (+ Onealterous, Onequeerplatonic, Oneexteramo, Pansensual, Panaesthetic, Panplatonic), Ambiamorous, T4T-leaning, and Lesboy.
I’m nonhuman in many ways as well: Polytherian, Polykin, Otherfix, Otherhearted, Otherflicker/Fictionflicker, Transspecies (radqueer fuck off), Humanfluid, Pseudohuman, Physical Nonhuman, and Voidpunk.
I love drawing, creating things, reading, and writing. Mainly, my hyperfixations and special interests take over my life, so I don’t have the energy or time for anything else (and then sometimes, my possible chronic illnesses take over my hyperfixations and special interests, and I’m not even able to muster energy to do them).
Tone tags/indicators are incredibly helpful for me, PLEASE USE THEM!
If you have any questions about anything, please ask me and I will not be bothered.
I don’t have the energy to make a DNI list, but just know that I will block you loads if you do fall under my mental DNI list.
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eneiryu · 3 months
I rewatched a scene from my favourite show The Gifted recently (it's a shame that they cancelled it at 2 seasons) and the scene was where the character with mutant heightened scenes is chained up, filled with buckshot and has sound-cancelling earphones over his ears pumping ear-drum shattering screamo/metal/heavy rock into his ears until they bled. It got me thinking about how badly the werewolf senses can be used against them if they ever get tortured. Not just the music in their ears, but can you imagine smelling salts on their werewolf noses? Things like that just really make me stop and think. You already use electrocution of touch pretty often in your fics but what about taste? What's the worst, most tortuous thing you can taste? If you ever choose to write that fic where Parrish, Lydia, Corey, Mason and Theo get kidnapped by the scientist, I can imagine those sorts of things giving Theo a really hard time because like?? They're not actually hurting him. he can deal with pain. That sort of stuff is probably pretty far out of his wheelhouse and not the kinds of tests the Dread Doctors would have run on him
Interesting. The main challenge would be me running up against my tolerance for writing torture, which weirdly I feel like is pretty low (even though my fics might seem to suggest otherwise 😬), but the concept is definitely sound. And I usually use the electricity bit as one to keep them from shifting, not necessarily one to cause them harm (though I think for a lot of the hunters that use it, the fact that is causes pain is a much appreciated bonus). But yes, I would agree: for Theo in particular, I think it’d be a lot harder for him to deal with sensory torture than pain, giving his past. Something I’ll keep as a potential element/idea, if I do end up writing something along these lines. 🤔
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annedrags · 3 months
I think being neurodivergent has largely saved me from becoming dependent on beauty culture. My sensory issues have always meant that shaving, wearing makeup, wearing heels, wearing bras, having long hair, etc etc were only things I would do if I REALLY REALLY wanted to. I also accepted that I was socially "different" at a young age, so I think that made it easier for me to reject femininity. To me, femininity was just another fake social rule, kind of like no elbows on tables and no hats during the pledge of allegiance.
Growing up my mom tried to get me to wear bras and I just wouldn't because they were so horribly uncomfortable. People have given me shit for having short hair but long hair isn't worth the 24/7 discomfort. Makeup isn't worth making my face feel bad. I tried all these things for different lengths of time.
I know that these things aren't comfortable for any woman, but most of the women I know treat femininity as a necessary evil. Or a mild inconvenience. I was told that I would "get used to" bras and makeup and such, but I physically can't tolerate it no matter how hard or long I try.
Because my tolerance for these things has always been low, I never integrated femininity into my identity. This has made it way easier for me to leave it behind.
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tartagliatum · 1 year
thoughts on wanderer? ik he’s technically a puppet but I don’t really care he still is great for tummy stuff.
in my delusions, he has a bulky build and a sensitive tummy (particularly sensitive to sweets)
omg sturdy built wanderer...... ive never thought about that before thank u so much for bringing this to my attention 🙏🙏🙏 when they naturally have a wide waist and narrow hips so when they've been eating a lil extra, their tummy is the first to show it~~
having a low sugar tolerance wouldn't be great when you have venti as a partner though? not only does he dislike the taste and have a sensory aversion to it, but it would cause a tight, gnawing pain centred in his poor tummy, and cause him to cramp up. but venti's big sad eyes when wanderer tells him to fuck off with that disgusting rubbish makes him feel so guilty that he eats up the sickeningly over-sugared apple pie, and drinks the stomach-turning sweet cider lakes, and maybe it's worth it to see venti light up again over sharing a meal. he often spends evenings in mondstadt subtly rubbing his tummy under the table at angel's share or good hunter, digging his fingers into the sharp pain and swallowing back nauseated hiccups as his tummy struggles to settle down and digest so much sugar </3
i imagine he's too proud and stubborn to ask for help with anything, let alone something as undignified as a bellyache. maybe overtime his friends/partners learn his tells, and pick up when he needs a soothing hand on his stomach, neither acknowledging it with words bc that would count as asking for help - and he doesn't do that
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caddyheron · 7 months
You know how in your last post you said you could go on about your Cady headcanons? This is me asking you to go on.
My performing arts teacher thinks i’m typing up coursework right now (this is not me doing coursework)
> So last night I was thinking about Cady and masking. At the beginning and all of pre-canon, she cant mask. Her mom is autistic too and the behaviours Cady displayed were just… normal to her and her mom, it was just Cady. When she comes to Northshore, she has to learn how to seem like everyone else in ways shes never had to before. It’s easier to directly copy people, so she copies Regina, because Regina is the It girl, shes everything Cady wants to be at the beginning. At first, before the downfall of Regina, she just acts like the rest of them, copies and copies and repeats but. there comes the time where the mask is too strong. It’s so built up and shes in just as much control of the social ranking as Regina was and Cady has. no idea who she is beneath it anymore. This is basically repeating my past post, but this is when her mom just has no idea what to do with this Cady she just doesnt know.
> Naturally, she’s a very bouncy and excitable person - she never had to grow up too quickly or be too much too quickly until she moved. She expresses her joy by jumping and spinning so much, and she’ll wiggle in her seat and bounce if she’s sitting in class. This happens a lot in calc and I dont think Ms Norberry really minds because shes just Cady.
> Hates coffee so much, even the sweetest coffees. The taste it just Wrong to her and she doesnt really like hot drinks anyway, unless it’s hot chocolate. Her hot drink exception is hot chocolate and she would genuinely drink it with every single meal if she could. (Realised I already talked about her coffee hatred but I’m clearly passionate about this one?? Even as a coffee drinker)
> Has a really really low alcohol tolerance, hates the taste and the way it makes her feel. But during her plastics era, she’ll still drink socially with everyone at parties even though she hates it. It makes her feel like a normal person and a normal teen and she Has to do it. She Has to be Queen Bee. It’s like self peer pressure.
> STEM girl!! Loves physics and biology so much, as well as maths, but is just sort of indifferent in chemistry. She doesnt mind english but struggles with the analysis of them because what do you mean THATS what that means?? Just can’t really grasp the deeper meaning.
> Owns glow in the dark stars and a star projector because it’s really calming and it reminds her of Home (Kenya). Also claims to not miss it too much to Fit In but it makes her sick with how much she misses home sometimes. Everything was fine and good and okay there and now., she doesnt know what shes doing.
> Sometimes I think about what the car ride home must have been like after Regina was hit by the bus. Cadys hands and knees covered in her blood, curled up on the seat beside her mom who’s driving and thinking. just ohgodohgodohgodwhatdoido.
> Major sensory issues with having a sore throat, however it means she gets strepsils (enjoys them) and hot chocolate so.
Will go on later!!
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doin-just-fine · 1 year
What the brain doin?? PT. 2 of a questioning median system's journey
TW: This post may be triggering for systems who are prone to denial spirals.
"Plural vs Neurodivergent"
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Am I a system or just neurodivergent
As I continue my potential system journey I want to make sure that I am open to other non-options as being answers to my situation. I don't wanna jump blindly into "I'm a system". I need to keep in mind that I am neurodivergent and just so happen to have a hyper-fixation on plurality. I need to remember that some symptoms may be confused with symptoms of my ADHD. I also need to make sure that I'm not just running into this because its one of my hyper-fixations. So...
Comparing masking and code switching to my experiences
I was never really told about my ADHD beyond it makes it harder for you to control impulses, sit still, and focus. When I was diagnosed at age 8 there wasn't really enough information out there anyway. I started medication immediately and have been taking in every single day of my life since. I am now 22.
What handling my ADHD like this means:
Developing a tolerance to a dosages happened faster because I never took a break so I was on a really strong dosages really fast.
I grew up really distant from my ADHD symptoms (and other things) beyond the ones that broke through the medicated barrier.
When I take breaks from my meds now, I have the coping skills of a 2nd grader.
I am almost 100% certain that all my system questioning started when I ran out of meds and couldn't get more for several weeks back in April. The other things I grew up distant from were my emotions. I can feel the highs and lows but I can't feel the in-betweens. If you ask how I'm doing at any given moment I'll usually answer "idk" cus I genuinely don't know. I don't know how to answer that question.
My working theory as to why we might be a system is that we are a Neurogenic system. That our neurodivergency and how we coped with it is why we split off but in a "not-really" way.
Since I grew up with little information about what ADHD was and how distant I grew up from my own symptoms means that I am less familiar with the definitions of masking and code-switching than your average ADHD haver. I understand what they are and when I do them but I am fuzzy on how far those coping techniques go for me.
Comparing masking/code-switching to a plural experience.
Masking is typically defined as a technique used by neurodivergent people to hide their symptoms in an attempt to blend in with neurotypicals. Examples of this that I know I do are forcing eye contact, adding fill words when listening to someone to show you are actively listening ("right", "uh-huh", "totally", etc) usually paired with non-stop head nodding, not stimming or relying of little subtle stims, putting up with sensory nightmare environments, etc. When I find that when I'm adding things to my mask I have to actively remind myself while masking to do the thing but overtime it becomes habit.
Code-switching is typically associated with linguistics but is also used to describe the neurodivergent technique of context masking. From what I can tell, code-switching is what happens if you have two different friend groups with two very different vibes. When you hang out with one group you're going to mask and present yourself differently to fit in better than you would with the other group. Another popular example is theres you when you're with your friends and you're when you work in costumer service. Typically, those are two different ways of behaving. Code-switching and masking tend to over lap. Code-switching is like being able to pick the mask you put on.
I've read that typically, masking is unconsciously executed and code-switching is consciously executed.
Switching/Fronting can definitely fall into a similar pattern. If an alter is fronting and need to interact with someone they may mask to appear like the host OR if the host is co-con they may take control for a moment when interacting with someone. Similarly, some systems may have a member who's role is to go to work and so they may appear as the "work persona". I'm also sure there are systems who have members that are drawn out while around certain friends or friend groups, or even other system's alters!
You can start to see why this can get really confusing!!
Comparing my experience
It's so hard to draw the line on what is or isn't a "typical" experience anymore.
I disagree with the idea that masking is typically unconsciously utilized for me at least. I feel like my mask is always evolving and being improved upon, as a result I am constantly thinking about it and how well it's working. Yes, a lot of the mask becomes habit but on days where masking is hard I have to actively think about keeping up the mask.
As for code switching I feel like that can also become more unconscious over time. I worked in customer service for 4 years, I only had to actively think about code-switching for the first month really then it just became habit. In my first post, when describing what it's like to exist in my brain, one way I described it was:
"The way people describe masking but for me it feel like a more extreme level, where I’m not TRYING to change my behavior, it just sorta happens and I’m 'someone else'. What I called masking felt more like skipping songs in a playlist to get to the right one instead of putting on a mask."
I think this is actually me describing code switching. The other descriptions I listed in that post still stand.
I have never experienced someone else fronting (to my knowledge). As far as I'm aware I'm always in the front. I have no amnesia except for emotional amnesia where I am emotionally detached from certain memories. I'm going to make a separate post about dissociation because that's another confusing one. To really simplify, The closest I get to evidence of others in my mind are thoughts that don't feel like mine, and feelings that don't feel like mine.
I don't want to reflect on past times where I think someone may have been co-con and compare that to how I experience masking/code-switching because I can easily insert things that never happened into that reflection. Mayhaps I will wait until a moment like that happens after I post this and I'll make an edit to the post and reblog it.
Until then don't know what to conclude from all of this. Hopefully it helps someone else compare their experiences. If I am wrong about thing stated here please let me know. As always if you want me to expand upon something mentioned or have any questions, comments, or comparisons my asks are open please feel free to put it all there!!!
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furrygalactaknightpaws · 11 months
*deep inhale* 5, 7, 8, 11 (I know you have many things so maybe one of your favorites or one you're fixated on right now!), 16, 17, 19, 20, 22 (I think I know the answer to this), 23, 24 (I also know some of the answer to this), 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30: least favorite Animal Crossing villager and least favorite Pokemon!
YAY lots of questions!!! This will prolly post a while after the other ask you sent me cause it’s gonna take a bit XD
5. favorite form of potato?
I have never been the biggest potato person, I thought I hated them as a kid but I have realized in the last years I do like potatoes just not a ton. Anyways I enjoy baked chips, crispy shoestring fries (If fries ain’t crispy I don’t want them), my partner makes yummy homemade fries too >w< but my fave is prolly sweet potato, including sweet potato fries and also sweet potatoes baked with brown sugar, that shit is heavenly -w-
7. what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium?
ALL OF THEM!! I adore water dwelling creatures so much and have always had a special interest in marine biology! But I, especially at our zoo, love seeing the penguins (they’re so interactive and love to play with you by the glass) n also sharks n stuff, but yeah I love them all <3
8. do you change into specific clothes for the house when you get home?
I always change into pajamas right away if we have no other plans to go out! Lounging around in normal clothes feels uncomfortable to me, pajamas feel so free and safe -w-
11. anything from your childhood you’ve held on to?
Lots of things as you said!! x3 I’m a very nostalgic person!! My fave plushie I own is a bunny named Mocha and I also have lots of games I’ve owned since I was a kid and a childhood ps2 I cherish, the old copy of KH1 I have for it, I dunno I have so much XD I also have a collection of pony figures from mlp g4 that I love, and I still have and wear this shirt I got in hot topic when I was 12 ⬇️
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16. thoughts on mint chocolate chip?
Hate it! Ew! Disgusting! I’m sorry for me personally it’s the equivalent of eating toothpaste on chocolate and I’m just not into it x3
17. an anxious compulsion you do everyday?
I feel I bite my nails, also I anxiously stretch x3
19. the veggie you dislike the most?
I fucking hate beans like maybe all types of them, I dunno. It’s a sensory thing I hate the bean skins or whatever it is -w-‘ I also don’t like celery it’s boring and gets stuck in my teeth which is another sensory thing XD
20. favorite disney princess movie?
Beauty and the Beast!!! I also love Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, The Little Mermaid, and Mulan for many reasons hehe. I love Disney history, art and such so the older movies are my cup of tea x3
22. do you have an emotional support water bottle?
I do!! You know this hehe but it’s an animal crossing one with Mabel, Sabel and Label all over it :3 water bottles I tend to get attached to and this one my mom gave me after my other one broke earlier this year. I try my best to take care of my bottle cause they’re important to me 💖
23. do you wear jewelry?
Not really a lot, I do occasionally wear this sunflower bracelet that matches with Luma’s 🌻 and I have a necklace also from them that is a rose one and I love both of those! Otherwise I don’t really wear jewelry!
24. which do you find yourself using, american or british english?
It depends XD I mostly use USA English cause I am from the usa, but on the other hand I type lots of words with spelling that is not typical usa spelling such as colour and defence. Some terminology I use out loud too but not a lot :3
26. how’s your spice tolerance?
Preeeetty low XD I think higher than others who have like NO spice tolerance but I can mostly handle some spice in like, sushi, spicy mayo, that kind of thing? But I can’t really handle a lot of it or very slowly cause not only do I get sick from spicy food but my mouth burns so fast -w-‘
27. what’s your favorite or go-to outfit?
I’m not sure if I have one! :0 going vague tho I like wearing loose t-shirts with my interests on it especially like games or whatever, I love baggy pants but I mostly only have pajama baggy pants. I guess anything comfy and casual is my go to :3
28. last meal on earth?
Gimme an all you can eat sushi platter with my favourite rolls covered in eel sauce and spicy mayo and I’ll be happy :3
29. preferred pasta noodle?
Hmm I love tortellini and ravioli a ton :3c for non filled pastas I love shells, mini shells, rotini (especially garden rotini), gnocchi, and angel hair!
30. Least favourite animal crossing villager and least favourite Pokemon!
AC villager easy!! I hate Barold and Yuka. Barold cause he’s ugly and his design just feels racist and I hate that :/ for Yuka it’s cause of personal reasons, she’s a bitch in my ACPG town and I can’t stand her XD
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Least fave Pokémon.. it’s hard I don’t like saying I hate any Pokémon but I like really don’t like these Pokémon..
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captaincolossal · 1 year
Uuuuugghhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm so fucking tired and sore.
The event today was really good, I had better sales than I expected, it was a gorgeous day, people were nice, I skipped out on paying for parking, etc. But Jesus Fuck, the load-in/load-out situation was a goddamn nightmare. It took 45 minutes longer than I expected, just because the parking lot was so far from my booth, and I didn't sign the permission slip to drive on the path because it seemed unnecessary given the maps I was provided with.
And the thing is, I always feel like these things are, physically, a fair amount of sitting around, aside from set up and take down. But also usually you can get within a quarter mile of your booth location. I figured it out when I got home. I walked roughly 5 miles today. And I'm still here like "why are all of my leg muscles sore, I sat in my moderately comfortable folding chair all day".
I also, like...had kind of a rough sensory time, I guess. There was just so much fucking ambient noise, including: the river, wind, tents rustling, people noises, dog noises, the generators powering the food trucks, traffic, the occasional helicopter, and live music. Sometimes two live musics at once, to either side of me. Also the first live music was mediocre and repetitive smooth jazz and I have very low tolerance for jazz, no offense it is just Not My Thing. Anyway, the end result is that my auditory processing was Bad for most of the event, but also I felt like people were just speaking very softly from the opposite corner of my 10' booth, so I spent most of the day asking people to repeat themselves.
And now, like, everything else is sensitive too, everything is too bright and too loud and my skin is sensitive from sitting in a moderate breeze all day. Ugh. I can't even listen to music right now, I have, uhh...church ambience, at low volume.
Also, okay, I feel like an asshole complaining about this. But I am Tired and sore and complainy, despite the money, so fuck it. They come around and give each vendor a little bag, which includes: custom sticker for this event (1), flyers for future event (10), bottled water (1), granola bar (1), packet of crisps/snack (1). Which is extremely nice of them! The stickers are cool! The water...I always bring my own, but I appreciate it! The granola bar is pretty good! But the fucking packet of crisps or whatever is always something I dislike. Like, not to be a bitch, but can I trade the fucking hot cheetos for a couple more granola bars? They're 0/3 so far.
So overall the show was really good, but it also kind of sucked and now I'm going to sleep and hopefully not get terrible leg cramps from waling 4 fucking miles. No wonder my knee feels fucked up.
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hxzelwallflower · 10 months
⋆˙⟡ Knowing your partner well can
potentially make writing together a lot easier
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Name: - Bravo.
Pronouns: - she/her.
Name of muse: - Eileen R. Roosevelt.
Preference of communication: - Dms are good as long as we're following each other. I do have a Discord, but I'm very selective of who I give it to since I'm easily overwhelmed and have days where my social battery is low. Don't get me wrong I love talking and writing random scenarios, but during the work week my brain is extra smooth.
Experience/how long (months/years?): - My very first roleplay was with my best friend back in 2009, when "P.ictochat" was still available for the N.intendo Lite. I didn't start engaging with the public until mid 2012-2013, where I was introduced to platforms like Y.ahoo M.essenger and D.eviantART. While I originally joined T.umblr back in 2017, I never got involved with the rpc until December of 2021. I've been just about everywhere from old Y.outube comments, S.kype, T.witter, and even MSN. In total, I have fourteen years under my belt.
Best experience: - A T.witter thread between my current muse, (Eileen) and a Mafia!Fell Sans that wound up becoming one of the biggest slow burns to date. For two years me and my friend dragged out their relationship, deconstructing and piecing them back together to create a long-term ship that finally set sail two years down the road. They were one out of a handful of people from the Undertale community that really gave me a confidence boost, helped me improving areas of my writing as well as becoming some of my closest friends.
RP pet peeves/dealbreakers: - I'm chill when it comes to this community, very few things annoy me and I tend to blacklist whatever characters or fandoms I won't engage with. However, jealousy towards roleplay partners or vague posting is something I do not tolerate. Same goes for people who actively display passive aggressive behavior, or drag others into drama they have no involvement with. This community is a safe space for folks to come after a long day, whether to let off steam or just kick back and relax, nobody wants that negative shit.
Muse preference (fluff, angst or smut?): - Casual conversation is my go-to for days I don't feel like writing more than a couple paragraphs, it's always fun to see where things lead and get a feel for the others literature. 'Course fluff and angst are loved all the same, though recently I've focused more on domestic scenes of just day to day habits with a little of both sprinkled into the mix. I'll be honest though it's been, several years since I last wrote smut. Nothing against it I just, don't really think about it much since I prefer to explore character dynamics with something softer. My muse in general is soft, and it's extremely rare she gets put into a situation like that.
Plots or memes: - I'm a hoe for plots, but the easiest way to kick things off is to meme your way. I tend to approach people with questions about their muse if they're from a verse I'm not familiar with, and you're more than welcome to do the same! Eileen is multiverse for a reason, and while some of the more primary ones are listed on her carrd she does have a few that aren't on display.
Long or short replies: - Somewhere in between. I tend to mirror my partner's writing to make it easier, long as there's one paragraph for me to work with I'm not picky.
Best time to write: - There's never really a "good" time, but your best bet is on my days off. (Sun-Tue), I try to dedicate a few hours among my schedule to drafts or social media so they don't pile up. My activity is spotty enough, so don't take it to heart if I don't respond to you right away. I always draft things.
Are you like your muse: - In many ways, yes. While I'm more educated in sign language than French that's one thing that separates me from her. We do share alot of sensory/neurological challenges on a day to day basis, the need to keep our hands busy whether it be with a toy, with work, or other things as well as becoming short with people when we're overstimulated.
tagged by: yoinkus from @/lultimagoccia , now you do it weenie!
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stealth-worther · 1 year
my introduction post!
so excited to start my new blog on Tumblr!!!! I have been lurking around this place for quite some time, and I truly admire this platform's penchant for inclusivity of absolutely EVERYONE, regardless of race, age, sexual orientation, gender, ability, et cetera et cetera... not like the real world when discrimination is everywhere. like absolutely. as a way to give back to those around here, I figured, it might be worth sharing my slice of the world with this blog!
am neurodivergent in a fuck ton of ways - diagnosed with (low-medium support needs) ASD, likely ADHD, dyspraxia, probably dyslexia asw
suspecting C-PTSD because ABA is a bitch
suspecting fibromyalgia because i feel pain ALL THE TIME
gender: non-binary (they/them)
sexuality: pansexual
Minor. can tolerate NSFW content but if possible do it sparingly :)
East Asian. i am literally playing on impossible mode because that's how life is.
special interests:
taylor swift. her music covers every topic under the sun, and she's quite the expressive lyricist - her bridges are so good you could call her an engineer. feel free to ask me anything about her 1 2 3 LET'S GO BITCH
anime, esp spy x family, the storyline of this particular one is so very relatable, esp Loid Forger because of how he came back from his background and enjoyed the process of getting to his final mission
and the most important thing, that probably inspired me to make the blog in the first place:
mainly because of my dyspraxia weaving into my sensory overwhelm from autism, I would honestly really make do with a stroller / wheelchair in the future. I really hate having to bang and trip on things all the time, as well as general anxiety that comes from walking around. therefore, even if i'm mostly able bodied and can commit to large physical demands, i still think i could benefit from these mobility aids. however, i will still consider the needs of ACTUALLY disabled people as they've had enough shit thrown at them
as for how often and what i'll post, I don't really plan on posting / replying much as this is just something I'm doing on the side, but I'll log on somewhat often to post / respond etc. also, i'll occasionally share my opinion on anything really, especially stuff i mentioned here
I'm gonna dump most things in one blog because personally I feel my life is just one thing, one lifetime, one continuum; all my interests are related to each other
(DNI: general DNI criteria, your ableism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. special mention MUST be noted for BDSM-related blogs. this blog can easily be confused as one given my occasional mentions to human restraint, but such mentions are typically in reference to sensory needs, and has little to do with sexual kinks. BDSM blogs can fuck right off)
(Image ID: Loid Forger, the main lead in Spy x Family. The character is looking to the left of the image. He seems to be racially White in appearance, has a pointy nose, long black eyes, and has short golden hair, alongside a sharp face. In this picture, a shadow is seen across the left portion of his face with the eyes, nose, and mouth, whereas the right side with his ears appears to be brighter. / End ID)
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Edils instant ramen adventure #2: Nongshim Gourmet spicy
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Because linking these together makes for better future reference.
So I've had this ramen before, and yeah, it is spicy. When I was previously desensitized to it I stopped crying every time I ate it but I can't say I expect that same mercy today. Out of the eight remaining flavors, I chose this one because @powerwordcum recommended a specific way to prepare it that I'd like to try and write about later but first I need to have a recent control taste (very official food blogged business, you understand).
Today I am deadass too lazy to fry any eggs.
Anyway, the preparation for this is simple, it just takes and extraordinary 7 minutes I'm the microwave (really nothing from someone who occasionally likes my maruchan cooked for 12. Usually I don't admit this without being waterboarded, because people react with horror. But for sciences sake)
Upon leaving the microwave, my ramen was dry as fuck because I am a filthy American who has no close what the 700 ml reccomend on the label estimates so and I want about to look it up. Science
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I put some more water in
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Stirred and ate!
I noticed that the noodles are semi translucent, making me think they've absorbed some of the soup broth, but I find myself underwhelmed by the flavor when I taste it. While not at all tasing bad, I wouldn't say this tasted strongly in its own right. The noodles are still nicely sheet, however, and pretty thick without being too much so.
I noticed many of the rehydrated flakes (which look to be seaweed and mushroom pieces) stick stubbornly to the edges of the bowl, and the more I eat, it seems, the less broth I have. While I am not eager to enter a chugging competition with some thirsty noodles, I will not back down from a challenge.
Spice level for the noodles is a solid medium-low burn around the tongue, my lips feel pretty normal despite my horse-like slurping. I did get a random throat punch of spice, but that doesn't seem consistent. It's also worth noting that the spice does build if as you continue to eat, and is exacerbated by the warmth of the noodles themselves. Not for the faint of tolerance.
Sipping the broth does not immediately warrant a cough, and it DOES make me want to go back for a second sip, even a third. It's got a richness to it that might be a meat/bone broth I'm the base that I appreciate, and I would go back to drink it.
While craveable for it's spice and broth, I find myself frustrated with the flakes, who's only purpose seem to be adding something to get dried on in the dishwasher if you aren't careful. I'd even go as far as saying the mushroom tastes actively bad. And I like mushroom!
The sodium level is high, but not as high as the Jongga kimchi. However, the Shin ramen doesn't have the variety of flavor offered by the acidic kimchi, that make the Jongga ramen superior for the sensory variety. Also, I feel decently full after eating these noodles! It's not a particularly large portion, but it wasn't meager either.
I would call the Shin and Jongga ramen equals, with strengths and weaknesses in different areas, placing the Shin ramen at a 7/10. I'm not really eating for cooking time, but its worth knowing that although the Jongga ramen has a deceptive 3 minute wait, one should factor in the time it takes to bring the water to a boil, so both ramens cook at approximately the same speed.
Now for that other people are saying:
We asked expert witness @powerwordcum for his opinion on these noodles. Here's what he had to say
Ive only had the spicy kind, but its p good, a little high on my spice tolerance but still tolerable. Noodles soft but not *crumbly* like maurachen. What I like to do is give it two fried eggs, stir some mayo into the water * PRE POWDER * and put some green onions
We'll follow up on his recipe, the next time we get green onions from the store (they spoil like a bitch, though!)
Amazon reviews show Shin ramen to be a very popular brand. Many recommenders offer only praises, especially highlighting the texture of the ramen. One recommends draining the broth to get a spicier noodle (heresy) and another recommend adding a bone broth to make up for the Gourmet Spicy's lack of flavor in comparison to some of Shin's other flavors, which does make me curious about comparing some of those. (Another uses half the spice packet and half chicken bullion for a less spicy, similar effect)
The abundance of complimentary recipes does give this ramen an advantage, and being able to find an abundance of ways to mix it up is something people on the fence might like to know. However, we don't give Popularity points in my house.
Notable reviews include those titled "might be poisonous"!
While no one seems willing to SELL a child for this ramen, it does seem incredibly popular among spicy tolerant kids and teens. The price fluctuates, though mine were roughly 2 bucks per bowl, which i'd day is reasonable.
Without much new information in the mix, I'd say this one continues to sit at a solid 7/10.
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singswan-springswan · 2 years
HCs for Falcon Torres, since he’s still living in my brain rent-free
First of all him baby
he is precious and soft and must be protected at all costs
I prefer him to be six-limbed rather than have his arms double as his wings because structurally that just makes more sense to me, + aesthetically it looks a lot better. Also like, how is he supposed to dramatically swoop and catch people midair if he’s using his arms to fly like,,, is he supposed to use his legs…? To hold stuff…? this post for visual reference/my personal take
he do got that third eyelid
poor boy can’t find a comfortable position to sleep in for the first few days; the wings are big and bulky and awkward when he’s horizontal. eventually some of the gang got together and made him a lil perch in his room that’s kind of like a bench with a padded cushion mounted in front of it so his legs can just free hang but his butt and chest are supported and there’s plenty of room for the wings
sensory overloads. like, this kid had enhanced eyesight, hearing, and accelerated healing dumped on him all at once. it’s a lot to get used to, and sometimes he needs to take a min sitting in a dark quiet room before the migraine starts to fade. Sam always tries to be there helping him through it because that’s his sidekick gosh darn and tbh who DOESN’T want to give the baby angel gentle hugs and pats on the head and talk to him in a low, soothing voice?
I’m sure the wings are really sensitive too. it’s not that they have a greater capacity for pain; he’s got a great pain tolerance all around, but if you breathe on the wings he’ll feel it. It’s a useful trait when flying comes into play because it’ll allow him to be very keyed in on air currents and how best to maneuver in flight for maximum efficiency so that he’s not spending a ton of energy fighting the wind. bUT it also makes touching the wings sort of a big deal. like poor kid they’re so large and at first these muscles he’s never had before are aching just to hold the wings shut so that they’re not in the way all the time, but there must be moments when in spite of his efforts someone brushes against him or touches without asking and it’s just—it feels like a lot. He probably wouldn’t go out of his way to avoid contact, but he’s not a super cuddly person in the show so I guess his reactions are up to circumstantial interpretation. Like there are probably some people who could touch his wings without him batting an eye: his mom and grandma, or Sam, for starters. but if it’s a stranger that’s got to make him a little uncomfortable.
since it’s a given that everyone loves Torres, I’d like to think he also got a custom birdbath as a gift from someone rich like Pepper. Keeping his feathers clean is a very important part of staying hygienic—which would be difficult enough if he wasn’t following Sam around doing superhero stuff for goofs and giggles. If his wings aren’t carefully preened on a regular basis, it can cause irritation and discomfort, and because he has so many feathers, he needed an efficient way to cleanse the grime in one swoop so he’s not spending hours every day picking through them. He gets the hang of using the giant bath after a few tries (it’s just a fancy swimming pool with stupidly strong jets built in). Luckily, the bath also comes with velocity dryers that blast the wings and catch anything else all his splashing around might have missed. This system works well enough that it doesn’t carve out huge chunks of his time, but he still does need a routine preening every couple of weeks or so. Usually he has to ask someone for help because (shocker) he isn’t as flexible as an actual bird and can’t reach some of the spots on the outsides of his wings. It’s kind of an intimate bonding moment but it needs to be done and baby was a little embarrassed to ask at first but everyone in his immediate vicinity is always ready to help at the drop of a hat (yes, even Bucky) so eventually he just finds someone who he knows won’t be busy for a bit and plops down in front of them with his wings in their lap. There are a handful of combs and brushes that get the job done but it’s always better by hand. I really like the image of Bucky and Sam sitting on the couch watching TV some lazy afternoon each with one wing to work on and Torres is chilling on the floor going through his email or somethin. He let AJ and Cass do it when they visited and they were very very excited and gentle.
after the initial shock of oh no! I’m a bird! and oh no! it’s permanent! Torres gets used to it and just accepts that this is his crazy life now. He’s not particularly vain but he did spend a while staring at himself in the mirror just to watch the light hit his feathers, turning in a circle a few times and generally trying to wrap his brain around having a new set of limbs yay.
of course, one of his first thoughts was “wonder if I can fly” because his bones didn’t totally hollow out from the transformation but his wings are massive and at the very least he could probably glide if he jumped from a high enough place. Bucky catches him experimentally testing different forms and lil flappy flaps in the gym and throws him off a building like the dad that he is. Sam was not happy to hear about that. But as it turns out, Torres CAN fly! so no harm done :)
The feathers are actually very durable. They’re flexible and glossy and don’t get damaged easily from just any rough and tumble. Sam let Torres wear the EXO when he first started to practice flying, and the thruster did singe his long ornamental tail feathers but the damage was surprisingly minimal. Sometimes he shields himself or others from stuff like projectiles or wind or blasts and other potentially harmful forces
He uses his wings for random practical things like shading himself from the sun or being an umbrella or even like a fluffy blanket if he’s cold. It’s super effective!
Torres couldn’t swim super well before he turned into a bird, but the wings just make it that much harder. the only silver lining is that they’re semi-waterproof and shed water considerably well but generally figuring out how to maneuver with them is a pain and usually ends up as a mild drowning scare. as long as he can stand up, he’s good, but any free-stroke or other such coordinated motorized activity is a lost cause. he tries to avoid bodies of water as a general rule when on missions because if he gets stuck then someone has to haul him out and that’s a whole ordeal because of the wings being awkwardly big and also he’s just kinda dead weight.
He had to relearn how to walk pretty much because the wings kept throwing him off balance and every time he stood up or took a step he kept falling on his butt
But like, once he gets the hang of it, he’s OFF he’s got the zoomies and sliding down halls in his fuzzy socks, bouncing off the walls because he can and generally acting like an excited young man with too much energy because of his fast metabolism. And it’s unclear whether the increased speed and agility is also a side-effect of the transformation, but he’s definitely scoring off the charts on those. He learns how to maneuver with the wings to stay aerodynamic or when to flag and redirect his momentum, and it’s not long before he’s flying circles around Sam because he’s fast enough and strong enough to keep pace with the EXO. Obviously he doesn’t have quite as good endurance and can’t stay airborne as long as Sam can, depending on how acrobatic he’s being, but they’re still a very closely even match in that field. Him go nyoom
little kids stare at him and ask if he’s an angel
oh boy when he MOLTS tho. His wings are huge, so he’s got a lot of feathers. and when he molts they go everywhere. He doesn’t have a lot of down because most of his feathers are on his wings but he does have some on his back and shoulders that drift around in the air like pollen spores when he be going thru it LOL he has to keep a shop vac in his room and tries to use it daily because even when he’s not molting he does shed a bit. The gang finds feathers in inconvenient places like coffee mugs in the cabinets or in the bathroom sink. Natasha yells at him every time she plops down on the couch and finds herself stabbed in the butt with one of his pretty lil flight feathers. like darn he’s so cute and his feathers are gorgeous but he’s leaving them EVERYWHERE dear lord. They all give him the side eye when he ruffles his wings and does the lil poof thing that birds do and like five feathers pop out and silently flutter to the ground and he’s SO CUTE KRIFF it’s really hard to be annoyed for long
He became exponentially more carnivorous after turning into Bird Man and is absolutely vicious for steak night/also he just has a dizzyingly fast metabolism almost as fast as Steve and Bucky’s and just shovels food down like a man starved at every meal. He eats most of his meat rare now which might be a side-effect from being mildly vampiric idk. Bruce is completely baffled by these developments because nothing about Torres anatomically or physiologically makes sense it’s almost as if his condition was engineered by some crazy fangirl who put way more emphasis on what looks cool and sounds fun rather than what scientifically tracks but then again this is marvel so when has actual science ever applied haha
The enhanced eyesight and hearing I mentioned earlier and I think is worth detailing a bit more. Because he is literally a Falcon hybrid thing, his eyes are better than yours. About eight times better, according to google. I would also like to give him infrared to small degree despite that being impossible since he’s still warm-blooded but oH WELL we ride, brothers. He likes to be annoying sometimes and read things from very far away just to show off. sometimes it’s helpful on a mission but sometimes he’s only goofing around for the sake of being like twenty years old. And the hearing isn’t really specific to falcon but I think it’s a good addition to his new ability set so make him hear things that no one else can hear except for other enhanced individuals, like heartbeats, and relaxed breathing, and voices in the apartment three floors up, and the family of mice in the walls that he wants to eat, and Alpine sneaking around in the cabinets probably looking for the poptart stash that Thor painstakingly hid last time he was here (which isn’t in the cabinets at all, you fool. it’s sequestered away behind a ceiling panel that Torres found while playing hide ‘n seek with Bucky—which he knows will be the death of him if he keeps dipping into but life is just one big yeehaw until you kick the bucket so tbh go for it man. besides, he can always replenish before Thor comes back). He and Bucky have aggressive hide ‘n seek competitions because both of them can hear each other with their enhanced senses so it’s more like a cat-mouse game than stay put and hunker down, which is just fine with Torres because he’s bulky and doesn’t like cramming himself into small spaces anyway if he can help it. Bucky doesn’t like hiding either. he’s too much of a unit.
If you can’t tell, everyone is still alive living happily ever after and ideally The Tower is still chilling under Tony’s name so all the newest acquisitions to the Found Avengers Family have their own space to be quirky and weird because fight me they deserve to get domestic. Ideally Torres makes quick friends with all the other youngins like Peter and Wanda who also be going thru the wack new powers phase and just want to get up to shenanigans and cause chaos already which annoys all of the veteran Avengers because it makes them feel way more parental and old than they are comfortable with. Clint and Sam get into arguments about who has custody of Torres because they’re both trying to claim him as their bird baby; Sam argues that he is the actual falcon/captain america whatever and Torres is his sidekick but Clint is also a bird and has far more experience being a dad not only to regular gremlins (Cooper and Lila and Nat) but also magic feral gremlins aka the Maximoff twins (Pietro is alive because he can dodge bullets shut up). Bucky thinks this is hilarious.
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