perseverancefarmco · 3 years
Take Two
1) Germination. That in the first picture is a green bean plant 🌱 breaking ground. Isn’t it fantastic?! Super grateful for it! 2) Concrete. We’ve been here two years. We are looooong overdue for downspouts. Kwikrete is SUPER cheap. The last two pics are the BEGINNING of our downspouts. Ask me how easy THAT was!!! Seriously. So easy. Like making mud pies 😁
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perseverancefarmco · 3 years
Take Two
1) Spring in Bloom. I freaking love it. Period. Dot. The End. 😁 2) Cheap Projects. We have been doing cheap projects that make fairly good impacts. I’m going to be making some blog posts about them soon but ugh, they make me feel so accomplished!
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perseverancefarmco · 3 years
Take Two
1. Spring – Everything is blooming, even perspectives. 2. T-Shirts – Dress ‘em up, or wear ‘em casual. You can’t go wrong with a T-Shirt. 💗 ~ PF.co
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perseverancefarmco · 3 years
Take Two
1. Movement. I am grateful for the ability to have movement. It’s something we take for granted, something our bodies are inherently capable of and are “supposed” to do. But, what if your body didn’t come with that inherent capability. There are so many bodies that lack it. I’m so grateful for the moving parts I have. 2. Porch Swings. Aren’t they heaven sent? Many of the world’s problems can be…
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perseverancefarmco · 4 years
Take Two - May 6, 2020
Take Two – May 6, 2020
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Take Two
1. Texas. I’m grateful to be a small town Texas girl. Moreover, I’m grateful to have the opportunity to experience cultural food flavors like Tex-Mex. I realize that a person is shaped by their experiences and I also realize that a great misnomer says that small minds come from small places. Sometimes some of the biggest, most creative ideas have come from small town folk “making their…
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perseverancefarmco · 4 years
Take Two - May 4, 2020
Take Two – May 4, 2020
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Take Two
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1. Peppermint Oil. I realize there are a million and one uses for peppermint oil, but I am grateful for peppermint oil because of the nasty, pesky, flying insects, horseflies. If you have ever been bitten by one, you know that the bite itches for days. Thanks to the aforementioned peppermint oil, it takes the itch completely away. Unfortunately, I didn’t realize this until my legs…
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perseverancefarmco · 4 years
Take Two - May 1, 2020
Take Two – May 1, 2020
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Take Two
1. My kids. They are both in their 20’s. They are as different as day and night. I have grown up with them. I haven’t always been the best mom, or made the best choices; and the’ ending made mistakes too. But, we keep trying. We keep evaluating. We keep working on ourselves and our hearts. And that’s really all anyone can ask, isn’t it? They have helped me build the bestparts of myself…
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perseverancefarmco · 4 years
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Take Two – April 29, 2020 Take Two 1. A clean house. The last few days have taken me out. Because of that, and our German Shepherd (Bandit), our house was FAR less than stellar.
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perseverancefarmco · 4 years
When Life Gives You Lemons...
When Life Gives You Lemons…
In the spirit of low waste living, (we say low waste, because let’s be real – there is gonna be some waste somewhere) we bring you a post about lemons 🍋.
Due to the whole kidney / kidney stone issue, it has been recommended for me to consume a lot more lemon water. This means I’m going to be juicing a lot of lemons and then what? Throwing them away? It seemed like such a waste! So here is what we…
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perseverancefarmco · 4 years
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Take Two- April 27, 2020 Take Two 1. I am grateful for the ability to work remotely. I don't want to do it forever and it's not an ideal situation because I cannot do my work as effectively as I would in our office, however, when people still need things our Center is still able to help them while working safely from our homes.
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perseverancefarmco · 4 years
Take Two - April 26,2020
Take Two – April 26,2020
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Take Two
1. Kidneys – Yeah. You read that right. I am grateful for kidneys. I have been one sick puppy. I hate it, but that’s why I missed yesterday’s Take Two. What we thought was a kidney infection, we are now thinking is a kidney stone or something more serious. Since this has begun, I have had pain in my back and abdomen, an inability to pee (I know, I know ✋ TMI), headaches, bloating, loss…
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perseverancefarmco · 4 years
Fresh Blueberry Scones
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Fresh Blueberry Scones
2 3/4 c all-purpose flour
1Tbsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/3 c sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 c butter
1 c buttermilk
1 c fresh, washed and dried blueberries
1/2 c cream cheese, softened
1/2 c butter, softened
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp cream or half and half
2 c powdered sugar
Mix all icing ingredients with either a hand mixer or stand mixer. Use accordingly.
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perseverancefarmco · 4 years
May Book Choice
I’m an avid reader. AVID. In fact, when I was in high school, I got caught a few times with a book of choice behind a book of labor. Pretty sure it was a form of escapism at its finest! Ha!
In choosing books for the PF.Co book club, I don’t really use any scientific measures. Nope. I’m not really that way. I’m more of a willy nilly, fly by the seat of my pants, thinker. 😜
The first PF.Co book was…
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perseverancefarmco · 4 years
Take Two - April 24, 2020
Take Two – April 24, 2020
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It’s a new day, guys!
Take Two:
1. My family – There’s so much I can say here. SO MUCH. The long and short of it is though, I am so grateful for my family. My mom called me, and she has a raging kidney infection too. She was just checking in. My daughter called me and she had her first ultrasound for our first grandbaby. She is 10 weeks and 1 day. The excitement is ebullient. My sister-in-law…
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perseverancefarmco · 4 years
Take Two - April 23, 2020
Take Two – April 23, 2020
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Today’s Take Two:
1. Telehealth Options – you don’t really realize how thankful you are for doctor appointments until you need one and cannot physically go. I have been “coming down” with a kidney infection for about a week but put it off because my doctor’s office had closed. One of the doctors had contracted coronavirus and the practice has been very cautious with patients. I called in hopes…
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perseverancefarmco · 4 years
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Take Two – April 23, 2020 Today's Take Two: 1. Telehealth Options 2. Sunshine ☀️
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perseverancefarmco · 4 years
Take Two
I am a journaler. I have been since I can remember. My room stayed a mess, and I had spiral notebooks in various spots in my bedrooms throughout the years. As years would come and go, I would destroy them for fear that they would be read by “the parentals”.
I wasn’t a bad kid. Really, the opposite. I was well managed mostly. I had a mouth on me. I could sass my mama unprovoked as my hormones…
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