#my posts are thirsty lately oops
ofmd-ann · 10 months
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This is just how (GAY) pirates flirt
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oriato · 2 years
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Y'all remember that one scene? Yeah I do too :-)
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novankenn · 1 year
"Ozpin's Fault - AU"
A Morning Surprise (4/4) (529 Words)
(Tumblr exclusive "Remake" of Oops My Bad posted on AO3)
A thud behind him, told Ren, that at least one of RWBY had fainted, and he felt pretty close to doing that as well, considering Jaune's most recent disclosure.
"I'm going to class, and I'll take Weiss with me." Yang informed the group, as she reached down and pulled Weiss' unconscious form up over her shoulders in a fireman's carry.
"I think..." Blake took another looks around the room, and nodded her head. "Yeah, I'll see you guys in class."
With that, JNPR was once again alone. Ren looked at Nora, and then at Pyrrha, before returning his gaze to the closed and probably locked bathroom door.
"Jaune, we can't be late."
"Aunt Glynda will understand! Girl problems and all that! She used to be one!"
"Enough!" Nora snapped, and Ren stepped aside. "Pyr-Pyr the door."
"I'm sorry, Jaune. I really am!" Pyrrha called out before reaching out with her semblance and popping the simple lock.
"Let's go!" Nora growled as she effortlessly yanked open the door and stepped into the bathroom. Sounds of a scuffle, and several high-pitched squeaks, told Ren Jaune was attempting to resist, but it would all be in vain. Annoyed, Nora was a force of nature unto itself.
"Did you really?" Ren asked as he turned his gaze to the fidgeting champion.
"Pyr, how would you have liked it if Jaune did that ..." Ren paused, noticing Pyrrha's depressed look brightening substantially. "Wait, don't answer that."
"Ruby BETTER have gotten us something to eat." Nora grunted as she walked out of the bathroom, with a squirming Jaune over one shoulder. "If you keep doing that, someone will see your panties."
"Eep!" Jaune squeaked before slapping both her hands on her ass, locking her skirt down, to prevent such an occurrence, with her fluffy tail falling flat to act as a second barrier to unwanted panty shots.
"Ren call the infirmary while we head to class." Nora then pointed at Pyrrha with her free hand, as her left arm was currently locking Jaune's thigh-high clade legs again Nora's chest. "You in the front, I don't trust you..."
Pyrrha nodded and shuffled out through the door, as Ren followed her, his scroll against his ear.
"Now, Jaune-Jaune I'll keep you safe from the thirsty wenches, I promise." Nora patted Jaune on her plump behind. "Just stop being so jumpy. We're your team, we'll take care of you and get this all straightened out."
"Can you let me down then?" Jaune asked meekly.
"NoPe." Nora popped the P for extra emphasis, as she proceeded to walk out the door into the hall, "Grab the door, fearless leader... my hands are kind of full."
Jaune sighed, removing her right hand from her ample behind, she grabbed the door handle and pulled it closed.
"Please? I promise..."
"But I was going to promise... and you know..."
"Normally, you would... but with all those new hormones and emotions swirling about inside you... you'd bolt faster than I can eat a stack of pancakes. So sit tight." Nora chirped as she made her way down the hall towards JNPR's first class, with Ren and Pyrrha in the lead.
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starwarned · 4 years
thirsty thursday
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hello! some recs! i’ve been stocking these up for a while and haven’t read a ton recently, so some are a bit old :) but I love all of them. (it is... 3:36 am here... but I wanted to do this before I went to bed... oops! read these!)
thank you for the tag @caitybuglove23​ <3
some NSFW fics under the cut!
Mine to Borrow by @arca9​​ (T)
Complete, 7724 words
All Simon wanted was to get to Penny's for New Year's. He could honestly do without a broken car in a winter storm.
All Baz wanted was to spend a quiet New Year's Eve alone. And then a stranger with a flat tire and a warm smile arrives out of nowhere.
Lauren’s Thotsᵀᴹ: 
this is not what I thought I needed but GOD DID I NEED IT! I was like near tears reading this the whole time because I loved it so much. my lil gay heart can’t stand it <3 please read this!
15-across by @ninemagicks​​ (T)
Complete, 6885 words
Simon sits by the same man on the train to work most mornings, and watches him do his crossword puzzle. In many ways these fifteen minutes are the best part of his day, and if he could just get his act together, maybe he could introduce the concept of "conversation" into both their lives...but that's easier said than done. Perhaps a slight intervention, by way of a train delay, might help? If they can survive Thursday's commute without serious injury, it might turn out to be the best (awkward) train journey, yet.
Lauren’s Thotsᵀᴹ: 
this is a bit of an older one, but I love it so much! I read it a few weeks ago and have... reread it probably 4 times. I adore it. simon is such an idiot and it’s so relatable it makes me scream 
Under the Mistletoe by @seducing-a-vampire​ (T)
Incomplete, 6337 words (2/4 chapters)
Working as a Harrods Christmas elf, uni student Simon Snow is used to dealing with crying children, hot cocoa crises, and gift wrapping fiascoes.
He is, however, not at all prepared for a surprise encounter with a certain irritatingly posh prat from his Philosophy lecture. And especially not to learn that this prat has an adorable kid sister, even nicer hair than he remembered, and maybe— possibly— a heart?
Lauren’s Thotsᵀᴹ: 
listen. it is no secret that I am dana’s biggest fan. NO SECRET. i would die for her. and she is... so good? this story is... so WONDERFUL? it hurts me emotionally. I fucking giggled my way all through that first chapter because it was so delightful. 
under the lights (you glow) by @trenchcoat-moth​ (G)
Complete, 112 words
Carry On Sparks prompt: Soft
Simon and Baz have their first dance as a married couple.
Lauren’s Thotsᵀᴹ: 
DOES WHAT IT SAYS ON THE TIN. IT’S SO SOFT I WAS just this emoji 🥺 the whole time <3 so beautiful and simple and soft. obsessed.
All I Want For Christmas by @great-skies1​ (T)
Complete, 3298 words
It's Christmas morning at Pitch Manor, except the Humdrum hadn't attacked, and Simon and Baz get the chance to spend the holiday together as newly-declared boyfriends.
A fic about what could have happened if they were just given more time.
Lauren’s Thotsᵀᴹ:
I am being incredibly self-indulgent reccing this because it was specifically tailored to me but it is genuinely a lovely read. soft, sweet, and absolutely beautiful. such amazing work <3 this fic makes me YEARN
Fool’s Match by @krisrix​ (T)
Incomplete, 3872 words (1/? chapters)
The Crucible's purpose is to make good matches. In your first year at Watford, there's the Roommate Ceremony. And then, in your fifth year, there's the Magicmate Ceremony. Baz isn't sure why he has to suffer having Simon Snow as a roommate. That's an absolutely terrible match. Surely the Crucible will do better by him the second time. It certainly won't pair him with Snow again. Not that Baz wants that! ...until he does.
Lauren’s Thotsᵀᴹ: 
another self indulgent rec because it was written for me lol! kris posted this for the COE today and I... died reading it. it’s so good. as is everything kris has ever written. it is such an intriguing start and I will be rereading and refreshing the page every 4 hours from now on. dp yourself a favor and click that lil link and read it <3
NSFW recs under the cut! 
When the Bells Ring by @phoxphyre​​ (M)
Complete, 20590 words
In the aftermath of the confrontation in the White Chapel, Simon wishes he had never been born…and gets his wish. Transported to an alternate timeline, he must confront the impact of his life on those close to him and on the World of Mages as a whole.
Basically, It’s a Wonderful Life for Carry On.
Content warning: Suicidal ideation (because…It’s a Wonderful Life)
Lauren’s Thotsᵀᴹ:
god what do I even say about this? it is beautiful and intriguing and it hurt my heart. really lovely and well-written! I was hooked the entire 20k words. this is a treat to read
The Roommate’s Anathema by @im-gettingby​​ (E)
Complete, 1270 words
“The founders of Watford were quite heteronormative, unfortunately. The spells that created the Roommate’s Anathema were not designed to understand pain that is inflicted in...other contexts.”
In which Simon and Baz are a little too enthusiastic, and then a little bit expelled.
Lauren’s Thotsᵀᴹ:
yeah I’m obsessed with this. HILARIOUS. sexy. HILARIOUS. amazing. that’s all I have to say. please read this
A deux mains, jusqu'à demain by @gampyre​​ (E)
Angsty PWP. Seriously, the only plot is that Baz and Simon are having sex, the night before the big final battle. All told through French wordplay and Baz's dramatic point-of-view. He thinks he's poetic. Perhaps he is. (That's for you to decide.)
Lauren’s Thotsᵀᴹ:
the way that I feel about this fic is unmatched. absolutely wonderful. A) the way that this was formatted??? teach me your ways. please. B) the way that this was written???? also teach me your ways. it’s so angsty and beautiful and sexy and I cannot get over it. thank you for this. 
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nowoono · 5 years
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joansiefics · 3 years
Hey!! I just saw your prompt post and I was wondering if I could request prompts 2 and 4 from the angst section with Steve Rogers? Fluffy ending? I'm just really in the Steve mood rn. Thanks❤️😘
No Bed Of Roses
Prompt 2: "don't you hurt a single hair on her head"
Prompt 4: "I don't know where I am... please help"
SUMMARY: You get kidnapped on your way home from running errands and Steve comes to save you.
WARNINGS: Explicit  Descriptions of Torturing (Cutting, Dislocations...), Kidnapping, Chloroform, Blood, Mentions of Death, Guns
A/N: The expression "no bed of roses" means not pleasant at all. And seeing that this fic is about an anniversary I accentuated and incorporated flowers in the fic. I'm sorry it took so long to write your request, but I hope you like the final product.
Add yourself to my TAGLIST
~Flower #1: Peony - means Marriage~
You just finished decorating - roses strewn over the tablecloth accompanied by lit candles and fairy lights hanging by the entrance. It was your first marriage anniversary and you wanted it to be special. There were still three hours left before Steve would be home and you were almost done, you just needed to make your famous pumpkin pie. "Dang it!" you spoke aloud when you noticed your flour wasn't enough for the recipe. You rushed to the door and grabbed your keys on the way out.
You payed for the flour, thanked the cashier and rushed back to your car. A few meters away from your car, you searched your purse for your keys and unfortunately didn't notice the two men creeping up on you.
~Flower #2: Aconite - means Be Cautious~
A calloused hand enclosed around your mouth, muffling your cries for help, as the other arm snaked around your waist, preventing you from escaping. Another man's hand came into your peripheral vision, a torn rag in his hand. You struggled against the arm around your waist, screaming against his filthy, sour tasting hand and kicking your legs wildly. The rag was forced into your face, even though you twisted your head from left to right, holding your breath and doing everything in your power to escape the drowsiness. After about five minutes of useless struggling, black spots started to cloud your vision, the fight fully escaped from your body and you fell numb into your attacker's arms.
~Flower #3: White Rose - means Silence~
When you opened your eyes, the dark was exchanged for more darkness. You relied on your hearing to inform you of your surroundings - a dripping faucet, the roof's thermal expansion and contraction and silence. The sudden presence of a fluorescent light directed directly into your eyes had you squinting. "Sleeping Beauty finally awakes" a loud voice booms from somewhere in front of you. You try opening your eyes against the bright light to find the source of the goosebump-eliciting voice. "Who are you and what do you what from me?" you strenuously ask. A dry cough threatens to escape your parched throat and makes you gag, before you collect the most possible saliva to swallow. "We'll leave our identity a riddle for you to figure out while we wait for your Captain to show up"
'No, no, no, no...HYDRA...Steve fought so hard against them, he'll be devastated' you think "Well, then I'll have all the time in the world, he's not coming to save me" you say, hoping that it came across more convincing than it felt "We both know you're lying princess" "Don't call me princess" you seethe. "We need to do something about your snarky remarks, princess." he tuts as he walks to the corner of the room and for the first time you see the trolley decorated with tools. "With what do you want to start?" he asks fake politely. "You choose" you say with fake bravery masking your utter terror. "Let's see if we can shut your pretty mouth up first." He picks up a knife and slowly stalks towards you.
~Flower #4: Marigold - means Pain~
When he gets to you, he forces your mouth open - his long fingernails digging into your soft, rosy cheeks. He musters up all his saliva, stores it at the tip of his tongue and spits the ball of slime into the back of your throat. You choke on the warm liquid, traveling down your throat as he shakes your head to ensure that you swallowed all the given saliva. Once you swallowed everything you look your kidnapper in the eyes "thank you so much, I was so thirsty" "Let's see if you'll be so outspoken when I cut your tongue" he digs his nails deeper, drawing blood as you try to close your mouth. He forces the knife's blade into your mouth.
The cut is made at the tip of your tongue - not deep enough to cut the tip off, but just deep enough to let it bleed profusely. A scream escapes your lungs and the tears sting behind your eyes. "Not so brave now sweetheart, huh?" he mocks. He takes a phone out of his pocket and clicks on a number. The phone rings once and then the other person picks up "Hello?" the person, you recognize as Steve, unsurely greets. "Captain, we have your pretty little wife over here" "Don't you hurt a single hair on her head!!" Steve yells fumingly. "Oops, too late" "let me talk to her" Steve urgently orders, hands clenched into fists. "No, no, no captain...why don't I show you" your kidnapper switches the call over to video call and focuses the camera on you. He grabs your cheeks again, forcing your mouth open. Then he grabs a pair of pliers and pull at the tip of your tongue, to show Steve the damage that has been done.
You don't know when your tears started falling - maybe when you saw Steve or maybe when your tongue was cut into, but they were now flowing down your cheeks, stinging in the crescent shaped cuts of your kidnapper's nails. "Just hold on sweetheart, I'm going to get you out of there okay?" 'He is probably still at work... how long have I been here? Less than three hours?' You attempted to speak but you rather hissed at the pain when your tongue touched your upper palate. Steve's heart clenched at the sight of your fear stricken face, contorting in pain. "Here's the deal, we let your pretty princess go free when you hand yourself in" the kidnapper speaks up. "Deal, but I swear if you hurt her even more I won't hesitate to kill you" and with that Steve hangs up.
~Flower #5: Balsamine - means Impatient~
"I think he forgot about you princess" the kidnapper says, impatiently looking at his watch and walking the room up and down. When nearly twenty minutes have passed since the phone call, your kidnapper lost patience. He harshly yanked you up, by your hair, from the chair and pulled you after him - your feet sweeping the floor clean. At the other side of the room he let go of your hair and kicked you over onto your stomach. He gripped your tied up wrists and cut the rope loose, only to secure your wrists with a much stronger and longer rope. You could feel the sisal rubbing over your already lacerated wrists and feel the blood trickling down your fingers.
When your kidnapper was sure that you could not escape the bonds, he hauled you up by holding the other side of the rope. He lead you to a contraption where he made you climb the three stairs upwards. He positioned you that your back was to the pole-like-contraption and then tied the longer end of the rope (behind your back) to it. He quickly got off and pulled the handle which made the platform disappear from your under your feet and you fell with a big force to the ground, being pulled back by the rope just before your feet could touch the ground. You screamed as you felt your shoulder pop out of its socket - the pain electrifying every cell in your body.
~Flower #6: Iris - means Faith & Hope~
You have no idea how long you've been hanging from a rope - a shoulder dislocated, probably a broken rib, lacerated wrists and a slit tongue. The distant sound of gunshots alert your kidnapper, but you hang numbly and exhausted. 'Where's Steve? I know he'll come for me, it's just a matter of time' you try to talk some sense into yourself, before you completely think that Steve has abandoned you. "Don't let them get the girl, she's our only leverage!!" your kidnapper yells through his comms to the soldiers, but he is met with static. "Your captain has come to rescue you... and now we have him right where we want him. He'll pay for all the destruction he caused." he has a disgusting smirk on his face, eyes glowing with evilness. "Sir, we need you on the field, all our backup is dead!" a panicked voice makes its way through the static and over the comms. "Stay right here you filthy female and don't make a sound or I won't hesitate to cut out your entire tongue out when I get back" he snarls before running out to the battlefield.
'If I yell someone might hear me and save me, or that freak will come back and cut out my tongue. Maybe I'll die when he does that, then I won't have to suffer anymore... it's worth a try' and then you start yelling with every ounce of energy and air left in your lungs. "Heeeeelp!!!" you cry out. The sound of your cries echoes through the room and into the hallway just outside the room. "Y/N?!" it takes a moment before you realize that it's not your echo boomeranging but someone calling out to you. "I don't know where I am...please help me!!!" you yell.
Steve follows your voice as the other Avengers fight of more HYDRA agents. When he enters the room and sees your hanging figure his heart breaks into pieces, shattering on the floor. "Y/N?" he carefully asks, to make his presence known. He slowly walks closer to you, purposely making his steps louder for you to hear and not to startle you. You lift your head up a bit, seeing Steve, before your head falls back down, your chin touching your collar bone. Steve assesses the entire contraption as he takes a few more steps closer to you.
~Flower #7: Gladiolus - means Heroism~
When Steve is standing in front of you, he carefully lifts your chin to make you look him in the eyes. "Steve" you whisper, throat dry, lips sticking together and tongue aching. "I'm here sweetheart" he comforts you, because he knows you'll need it to pull the next part off. "Sweetheart, I need you to listen to me" "hmn" you acknowledge him. "I'm going to cut the rope from this contraption and I'm going to hold you so you don't fall, I just need you to trust me and work with me" "okay" your small voice, make tears burn at the back of Steve's eyes and he has to fight hard to suppress them. He snakes an arm around your waist and cuts the rope, making you fall over his broad shoulders (fireman style carrying). A disgruntled sound leaves your throat when your shoulder flops around limply. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Steve apologizes.
He carries you to the middle of the room and lays you down. He takes of his jacket, folds it and put it under your head as a pillow. "Sweetheart?" he lightly shakes your uninjured shoulder to get your attention. "Can you tell me where it hurts?" you nod your head 'no' before closing your eyes again. "I know you're tired, but you gotta stay awake just a little while longer okay?" You open your eyes again and Steve asks the same question "can you tell me where it hurts, sweetheart?" "my tongue" Steve knows about your tongue, but he lets you finish. "my shoulder" he saw your shoulder was out out of place when he cut the rope loose. "my ribs and my wrists" "Is that all?" Steve asks, and you just give him a simple nod, too tired and sore to talk.
"I'm going to first take a look at your shoulder" Steve says. He quickly informs the team of your whereabouts and then focuses all his attention back to you. He lifts your arm up, supports your shoulder with his one hand and pulls as hard as he can towards him. A high pitched scream leaves you, once again. "It's done, it's done" Steve cooes as he rubs his hands over your arms.
Just them Bucky and Natasha arrives at the scene. "It's all clear" Bucky relays to Steve. "Thanks guys" Steve thanks, gently picking you up bridal style and carrying you to the Quinjet.
At the compound you were professionally taken care of. And later that night, you woke up to the soft 40's music playing in the background, Steve holding your hand and flowers next to your bed, with a note attached to it - "I love you so much Y/N, and nothing will ever take you away from me" You lightly tugged at Steve's hands and he woke up, but before he could speak you put your finger over his lips. "Just lie with me, please"
TAGLIST: (if your name is crossed out, I couldn't tag you)
@buckyzzrogers @buckyandstevesbitch @ooopsthiswasnotsupposedtohappen @marvelouslyriddikulus
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hufflautia · 3 years
Fluff " you made this for me?" And "they cant hurt u anymore"
Slytherin woke up in a start, gasping as he jerked away from something. Forehead beaded with sweat, he looked around wildly as if he were expecting someone.
He swallowed the lump in his throat when he realized he was alone, heart still racing. He needed some water.
Slytherin got out of bed and made his way out of the common room. He walked through the silent corridors, finding some peace in the quietness. He nearly had a heart attack when he saw a figure appear at the other end of the hall.
"Slytherin, is that you?"
Recognizing the voice, he let out a breath of relief.
"Hufflepuff," he ventured closer. "Why are you up so late?"
"I should ask you the same thing," they replied coolly, giving him a small smile.
"I was on my way to the kitchen to get some water."
"What for?"
"Because I'm thirsty?"
"I feel like you're not telling me something," they questioned, looking at him inquiringly.
"I..." He hesitated, the dread creeping back as he recalled what had made him get out of bed. "I had a nightmare again."
Hufflepuff nodded, sullen. "What happened this time?"
Slytherin didn't respond for a long time, and he looked up when he felt a hand on his shoulder.
"They can't hurt you anymore," Hufflepuff murmured, their touch comforting.
He gave a small nod, but he wasn't very convinced. The dreams felt so real. Could he ever really escape the past?
"I guess I should tell you why I'm out here, walking around at an ungodly hour," they joked.
"Looking for your next victim?" Slytherin teased, feeling a bit like himself again.
"Not this time," they smiled, revealing something they had been hiding behind their back.
"What is this," Slytherin asked, taking the object they handed him.
"It's a small book I made for you. It's a compilation of meditation and relaxation exercises." He looked at them in surprise, and they shrugged. "I searched up ways on how to stop recurring nightmares. Hopefully, this will help."
He didn't say anything for a while, but when he did, his voice was quiet.
"You made this for me?"
Hufflepuff smiled a little. "'Course I did. Stuff like this can't be bought off the market!...Well, yes, actually, it can. But this is handmade, so it's special."
Slytherin flipped through the book. "You didn't have to do this for me..."
"Yes," Hufflepuff sighed dramatically, "I did. It's your birthday, after all."
His brows furrowed. Oh. Was it?
"I decided to swing by your dorm at midnight so I could be the first person to wish you happy birthday. I'm extra like that."
Slytherin couldn't help but smile. He didn't expect his birthday to start off with a 1am conversation. But he wasn't complaining.
OOPS i didnt expect this to be so angsty. had to delete a sentence or two so it would be less depressing lmao
Taking requests because I hit ✨1,000✨ Click HERE to find the post containing directions on what to include in your ask(s) along with links to the prompts themselves!
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sunshinepunches · 4 years
Tomura gets a kiss at the kissing booth
Warning: Major character death i’m serious
Shigaraki/reader Words: 1.7k
Also posted on ao3 😳😏
His first kiss.
He was gonna get a kiss today at the University open day and that was gonna be it. Then those whore bastards, Dabi and Takami, couldn’t say anything ever again. Well, they could still make fun of his virginity, but not his kiss virginity. How was he gonna do it, you ask? The cheerleading club had opened up kissing booths to raise funds for charity. That’s how he was gonna do it.
There were several booths, all with cute girls in them, they were the cheerleading squad after all, in their cheerleading outfits too, tight tops and tiny skirts. He nearly chickened out, but stood in line at the nearest one before he could. He quivered excitedly on the spot. The girl at the counter was cute. That being said they were all cute.
When he reached the counter the girl took one look at him, “Oh ew,” she said.
Tomura panicked. Ah. He didn’t think it was that bad? Was it his face? He showered yesterday?
“Look, I’ve already gone overtime, and I really don’t wanna touch anymore compsci nerds like you.” She looked harried and Tomura had no idea how she knew he did compsci, “where the fuck is Y/N?” She pulled a University branded sweatshirt over her tiny top, “God, I can’t believe they’re whoring us out like this,” and flounced off, clearly very over it.
Thus leaving Tomura, horrified, stuck to the spot. Had that really happened? Had a kissing booth girl denied him a kiss? He felt far too ashamed to join the other line. Some of the students were eyeing him with mixed amusement and pity. God, he just wanted to disappear. He started to stiffly walk away, scratching his neck anxiously, when he heard you.
“Wait! Oh my god. Wait, just wait! Please don’t leave.” You dove heroically behind the stand, dragging your sweatshirt over your head, messing up your bouncy hair.
Tomura goggled. It was you. Cheer squad captain. 3rd Year Bachelor of Physiotherapy. One heck of a Big Deal on campus and an Absolute Bombshell of a woman. Saved a cat from being run over once, rumours said you stopped the car with your bare hands, other rumours said you picked the car up off the cat’s broken body and set the bones yourself.
“Y/N” Tomura whispered.
“Yeah, Oh dear god you know me. I am so, so sorry.” You bowed your head deeply at him. “I am,” you looked at your arm which didn’t have a watch on it, “like, really late.”
“That’s ok,” said Tomura tightly. He had an erection seeing you take the sweatshirt off and he hated himself for it. Your hair looked so soft, he wanted to die in it.
“And oh gosh, I- have seen you around campus haven’t I?” You sure had. He knew exactly where the cheer club did their weekly training, next to the swimming pool, on the oval and he’d always sit himself on the bench looking very hard at the flipping skirts while tapping away at his code. Once, you sat down next to him, sweaty after yelling out instructions at your team and bent down to retie your shoelaces. You smiled at him mindlessly and flung your messy hair back up into a ponytail, sweat dripping down your neck. It was the best moment of his life, and he figured that was the closest he’d ever get to a girl. He didn’t even make it home, he had to limp off into the pool bathrooms and jerk one out right there.
“And, sorry, your name was?”
Tomura wasn’t jerking off in the pool bathrooms, he was standing there, staring at your tits. He cleared his throat awkwardly. “Um, Tomura?”
You smiled. It was as beautiful as that time on the oval. Tomura melted a little bit. He wasn’t sure how much more he could take. He already felt himself getting stiff.
“Well, Tomura, would you like a kiss?”
Would he like a kiss? He could die happy just being offered one. He would get run over in place of that cat for a whole kiss!
“It’s for charity,” you continued brightly as if you read his shellshocked arousal for hesitation, “We’re raising funds for kids with cancer at the local hospital. We’re even gonna have our mascot go to the hospital for the sick kids! I think that’s really nice, it’s something fun for them to get their mind off things!”
Tomura was glad those kids were dying from cancer because it meant this opportunity. He shakily took out his wallet and dropped a fifty into the donation jar.
Your perfect mouth o’d at the donation. “Oh, how generous Tomura! Thankyou so so much, hopefully we can reach our target sooner.”
You were so sweet, he would pay a thousand if it meant you never kissed anyone else ever again. But his heart was beating very fast and it was seemingly getting unbearably hot.
He swallowed, mouth dry, “yeah, uh, goodluck. Hope you guys get it.”
You smiled again, it was brighter somehow than the damn sun. It was blisteringly hot actually. Wasn’t there a cool breeze before? He was sure of it because he was looking at skirts all day. And what was up with his heart slamming against his chest? Well he was kinda about to kiss a Big Deal so that was normal.
You looked concerned at him. Noo he didn’t like seeing you frown. Your lips seemed to be moving slower than your words, “Are you okay? Tomura?” Oh, you were worried about him, that was super cute actually. You could frown a bit more if it was over him.
He found he couldn’t reply, but actually he couldn’t breath either. It really was so hot and blurry, and it wasn’t just because you were hot. Everything was hot and blurry.
Tomura passed out.
Tomura came to pillowed on a soft lap and a tender hand stroking his sweaty forehead with a cool handkerchief. Cheerleaders tittered above him and hovered about, curious. He could see up their skirts...
“Everyone! If we could give him some space please!”
No he didn’t need space, he needed a face full of hot cheerleader ass. Your spandex bound tits came into view, actually he decided he didn’t need other girls. “Tomura? Are you alright?” You gently stroked his hair, and he pushed into it weakly. It felt really nice. And he was right next to pussy. It was going straight to his cock.
“I had the nurse check up on you and it seems like you had a panic attack. Oh you poor thing,” you murmured at him, eyes glistening with pity. You had such nice manicured hands and they were just scratching his scalp in a delicious way. He needed to cum.
“Oh, the nurse said to hydrate you.” You proffered a pink bottle, “Oh sorry, it’s mine, I hope you don’t mind.” He shot up and snatched it from you and took several greedy gulps.
You giggled. Tomura thought it was a nice sound.
“Seems like you’re feeling better.”
Tomura sunk back down onto your lap and meekly handed the bottle back. “Just thirsty, still don’t feel good,” he half lidded his eyes, and breathed in your flowery perfume. He hoped you bought his excuse. He’d like to stay forever.
“Aw, ok,” you sounded genuinely disappointed. “I just thought I could give you your kiss if you were up to it.”
Tomura’s ear twitched.
You continued playfully, “but if you’re not feeling up to it then...”
Tomura opened his eyes with a snap and narrowed them at you, “I feel well enough for a kiss-,” he said snappishly, then caught himself and coughed as if ill, “I think,” he corrected, pretending to struggle to get up. You pushed him down again, getting on top of him, pushing your plush tits to his chest.
“You really think so?” You said, licking your lips. “I don’t wanna hurt you again.”
“No, no, this is good, this is fine.” He nodded eagerly, hoping you weren’t feeling his rock hard stiffie. Oh, you were, you were grinding on it, that was hot.
“Okay then” you breathed. You touched your lips to his tenderly, belying the fact that you were grinding your hot core against his zippered erection. Tomura grunted, opening his mouth, enjoying the wet hot slide and the perfect way your mouths slotted together. And oh, you had his lower lip between your teeth. Tomura was sure he would faint again. You only nipped him gently before returning to your passionate makeout session. The hotness of it was giving Tomura enough courage to run his hand up your sides. You whimpered and grasped his hand, shoving it under your skirt. Tomura’s head combusted. He could feel the swell of your thigh and the slick slide of your tongues against each other, he didn’t know what to focus on at all. You ended the kiss with a gross pop and Tomura could see there was still a drip of saliva connecting your mouths. “Oops,” you giggle, diving in for a naughty peck which broke the saliva string. You twirled a finger through your long gorgeous hair, “Got a little carried away.”
Tomura nodded in agreement. “Yeah same.” And at that point he decided he could die happy.
You couldn’t believe it. Tomura fainted. He gave you fifty bucks and passed the heck out, twitching disturbingly on the ground and frothing at the mouth.
You’d called an ambulance immediately of course. A man just went down! How could you not?
They’d been fussing around inside for almost an hour now. And it wasn’t looking good.
A tired looking nurse emerged from the back of the ambulance, “Sorry, are you family? Anyway, uh the kid’s dead, sorry,” he told you, “He had a heart attack.” Your team tittered behind you, gasps and other noises of horror.
Some guy yelled unhelpfully “Y/N just killed a guy!!”
Dear God, you supposed you had. That wasn’t a rumour you’d live down so easy. Not after the cat incident. And the poor guy didn’t even get his kiss.
But you were keeping the fifty.
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Squeeze that bunny tail!
Part 3
Description: The RAD student council as well as the exchange students help out at a bar where, oops, the staff´s dress codes are those sweet bunny outfits that we all know and thirst for. The MCs, Violet and Clover, play a game of who can touch the most bunny tails over the evening without getting caught. Prepare for fluff, funny innuendos as well as my thirst over hot boys in bunny outfits.
Find the first parts on my masterlist.
Story continues under the cut. Enjoy the thirst!
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[The amazing artwork belongs to @tokamiart, permission to post was granted, don´t repost!]
Clover and Simeon were giving out drinks at the bar.
The girl was handing over all sorts of bottles, glasses and ice cubes if needed. Simeon then put it all together with such grace and beauty that Clover often found herself gazing at him, until the brunet would turn to her with a smile and ask her to let go of whatever she had been wanting to hand him.
At one point, without any customers walking up to the bar, Clover sat down for a quick break.
"Tired?" Simeon asked, having decided to clean the counter in the meantime.
Clover chuckled at the sight. "Oh, is this going to be the classic 'I tell the bartender of my problems' scenario?"
The angel blinked in confusion. "I am afraid I don't know what you are talking about... But I'm always there to lend you an ear, if that's what you're aiming at."
"I'm fine", she laughed. "I was only joking... I must admit, though, you really suit this job. I'm sorry if I'm misjudging you, but how come an angel is looking so perfectly fit for serving drinks?"
Simeon blessed her with a chuckle. "Thank you for the compliment. As for your question... You might be surprised, but angels do know how to have some fun, too."
"Oooh" Clover grinned. "So the whole turning-water-into-wine thing wasn't just a myth?!"
At that, Simeon only put his finger close to his lips in a "shhh" sound, giving her a secretive little wink before both broke out in soft giggles.
A little while later, their attention got caught up by a situation at the tables.
Luke was cleaning dirty dishes off of an emptied table, when a demon approached him.
A little flustered, they exchanged a few words before Luke gestured towards the public toilets.
"He's doing so well" Simeon hummed, leaning on the counter as he watched his angel friend with a proud smile. "It had been very difficult for him to adjust to life in the Devildom... But I'm glad to see he is finally finding his own pace of things."
Clover's head jumped back and forth between the two celestial creatures.
"It's because he has a great friend who's watching over him" she smiled.
"Huh? Oh, no, I don't want to take any credit for that. It's all thanks to Luke's own strength that he's able to go through this so well."
Suddenly, Luke hurried over to them, a full tray of dishes in his hands.
He looked SO disgusted.
"Waaah... What's wrong with those demons...!" He let the tray slip onto the counter. "Has nobody here learned how to properly behave in a restaurant?! The tables are sticky, the food is all over the cutlery, or even worse...!"
He held up a fork.
... Or better, what was left of it. Which was only the handle. The upper spikes got bitten off almost completely.
"Who eats a fork?!?!", Luke cried out. "That's... That's... Ridiculous!"
Clover gave an awkward laugh, she got over the point of wondering long ago.
"I am pretty sure I know who would..." she mumbled.
And truly, stepping out of the kitchen, the culprit looked at the fork with a guilty expression.
"... Don't tell Lucifer" Beelzebub mumbled as he came closer. "He'll get mad if he sees that parts of the cutlery are missing..."
"... 'parts'?!" Luke repeated in disbelief. "You mean this isn't the only one?!"
"... Those were accidents..." Beel whined, holding his grumbling belly.
He let himself plonk down on a chair next to Clover, then huddled over the counter in a pout.
"Ugh... And what am I supposed to do with that now...?" Luke said.
"Hm..." Simeon thought. "Clover, Beel, could you watch the bar for a moment? Luke, let's go bring the dishes to the kitchen... And that thing into the trash."
They excused themselves after Clover gave her okay and Beel gave some kind of grumble.
The girl´s head drifted over to look at the demon...
And her heart skipped a beat.
She checked the situation.
His tail? Exposed.
His thoughts? In some far away land about food.
The others? Gone.
The perfect chance for a squeeze? Right fucking NOW.
Clover swallowed the raising anxiety in her stomach.
She had lurked around the angels in hope of squeezing one of their tails, but now that they were gone, she had missed that chance...
The more she thought about it, the more did Clover feel like hyperventilating. It was such a stupid thing to fuss over, but sadly, her habit of over-contemplating would always stress her out in unnecessary situations.
After what felt like eternity of convincing herself, she moved her arm.
Beel almost immediately turned his head.
"... You look like you want to eat me." He said.
His grumpy face mustered her.
"But I will eat you before you could possibly eat me, so don't even try."
Clover's already red face curled in confusion.
"I didn't want to..." she mumbled.
"Why were you staring at me, then?"
"I-I... Was thinking about how to help you with your hunger..." she lied.
"... Oh. Sorry for accusing you of something else, then."
"N-no, it's fine..."
Before Clover could talk herself into more bullshit, Simeon came back, and the holy boy was there to save her from her own misery.
"Beel" he called out. "Luke and I will soon return home for a bit. I can bring you some sandwiches, so stay strong, okay?"
"Simeon...!" Beel cheered as his euphoria made him stand up and engulf Simeon in a hug. "You're a true angel...!"
Clover felt quite shitty afterwards.
Beel hugging Simeon was an adorable sight, but she hated herself for being such a coward.
After dodging another encounter with Solomon, she had pulled back to help Belphie at the casino area, trying to get her mind off of the competition for a little...
Alright. I hope you´re not bored yet, because the chaos hasn´t even properly started yet.
Also, nearing ourselves to half-time, now is a good opportunity to sum up a few events as well as the overall squish-score so far.
Violet was leading with a total of 12 points. Besides the mentioned scenarios, she had also encountered Mammon a second time, and she was lucky enough to find Luke having a life crisis over another eaten fork.
Heck, Violet even managed to squeeze Clover's tail once, and her friend hasn't noticed!
Clover, on the other side, has had a great start, but did rather poorly the later it got.
With five points, she only had another chance with Asmo, who, tbh, had been begging for someone to pay attention to his booty. (But to be clear, he did not notice the squish.)
Over time, she got desperate, but that only fueled Clover's fears of getting caught.
It nearly let her to internally quitting, if not for Violet to pull her back into the game once more...
Most of the crew was busy working when the clock struck midnight.
A nearby bell tower announced the change of day -- and with that, also the change of clothes.
The customers as well as the staff looked up when a certain voice echoed through the speakers.
"Good evening, my sweethearts~!" Asmodeus cheered, sitting on the bar counter and waving at the crowd. "Or should I say good night? Good morning? I hope you are having a good one, to say the least!"
He gained a small round of laughter.
"Yes, yes, a cheery mood is what we want! And now that we passed midnight... It's time for a special surprise!"
He stood up onto the counter, striking a nice pose while smirking widely.
"Those with weak minds -- and weak ovaries -- should brace themselves, cause things are about to get hot~!"
The crowd applauded and cheered. A group of thirsty (asmodeHoes) fans threw in some... naughty exclamations, but Asmo had already jumped onto the floor again, gathering the staff members around him.
Barbatos at his side, he was handing out another set of clothing. "Please get dressed quickly", the butler said.
And so they went off...
"I CAN'T go out like his."
"But... But Clover... You know what must be awaiting us outside..."
"ARGH... I'm not ready for that either..."
Clover was sitting on the floor again.
This time, their outfit consisted of a classic black playbunny suit, ears and tail still included of course, arm sleeves as well as a shirt's collar that was held together by a bow tie.
"Come onnn, I don't wanna go without you..." Violet protested.
"But HOW am I supposed to face those frickin´ snacks” Clover cried out. “I'm a fucking potato compared to them, also Violeeet, the moment I see any of them my mind will SIN and I won't ever be able to look into Simeon's eyes ever agai-"
They heard voices on the other side of the door.
"Woohooo, is that Lucifer?! Shirtless?!" They heard Asmo go. "And and, kyaaaa, Beel, those ABS!!"
The girls exchanged a glance.
Then dashed out of the womens' toilet once again.
Stumbling out of the room, however, there was no one to be spotted at all.
A little confused, the girls noticed too late how a cheeky Asmodeus had been hiding behind the door, pushing the latter shut to have a perfect view on his girls.
"Got you~!" he hummed, leading the girls to turn around.
He had a camera in his hands and seemed to be already filming.
"What a view~", he continued. "Could you do me a favour and turn around as well?"
"Asmo!!" Violet hissed, her cheeks gaining a pink blush out of angered embarrassment.
Not as much as Clover's face was heating up, though, as she prompted the demon to put his phone down.
"Not going to happen, sweetie~" he chuckled. "Devilgram will love those bashful expressions...!"
"WhAt?!" Violet covered her body immediately. "You WON'T upload this anywhere!"
"Uhmmm... That's kind of not possible, you know? This is a live broadcast."
Then, another person stepped out of the males' bathroom.
"What's all the noise about?"
Lucifer's annoyed voice echoed through the corridor.
When he stepped closer, however, his attention got caught up by the girls' appearance.
"Oh~?" he purred, inspecting the girls (but Violet in particular hehe) with a pleased smirk on his lips.
"L... Lu..." Violet's voice broke off.
She just... Died. Nothing more to say about this, really.
Because only now both, Violet and Clover, realised that not everything of Asmo's bait had been a lie...
The demons were actually shirtless, their chests bare as they were wearing only arm sleeves and, in Lucifer's case, a bow tie around his neck, while Asmo's neck was decorated with a ribbon. Rather tight-fitting black trousers and the bunny accessories completed the look that had left the girls speechless.
Lucifer's smirk grew wider.
"No, that's no good... I think I will have to speak to the manager. Those outfits are way too distracting... Isn't that so, Violet?"
"H-huh?!" The girl did a little hop.
Thankfully, Asmo jumped in to her aid.
"Fufu~! Lucifer, do you mean the girls are getting distracted by us, or is it that YOU are getting distracted, hm~?"
Lucifer crossed his arms in a contemplative manner.
"Well... I admit to a pleasant view when I see one, so..." He pinned Violet down with his eyes. "I guess I will have to be extra careful from now on... Then again, I might need a more detailed view, just to be sure..."
Asmo gave an excited giggle.
"Lucifer, you beast~!"
Then Asmo turned to Violet again.
"But judging from her red cheeks, I feel Violet might think the same... Isn't that so, darling~?"
"U-uhm...", Violet stammered, trying really hard to make her brain function again. "Well I... Think there's no point in denying that... Uhm..."
She glanced over at Lucifer, but every time she did, her head got dizzy all over again.
"Go on, please" Lucifer suddenly said. "There is no need to deny what, exactly?"
And her brain got stuck in an endless loop of not being able to cope.
Lucifer seemed to have plenty of fun with that, so he kept teasing her for the time being.
We do remember, however, that there was another still girl left to completely destroy.
And Asmo took it upon himself to achieve exactly that.
"Don't worry, Clover!" He said as he tackled the girl into a hug, simultaneously dragging her away from the two lovebirds. "You're just as charming, of course."
"Th-thanks..." Clover mumbled.
"Hm? You don't seem to believe me."
Clover pulled away, now only holding hands with him, giving a shrug. "You know what I think of my looks, Asmo..."
The avatar of Lust gave a sigh.
"There we go again... If you're so self-conscious… why don't we go ask for some opinions?"
And if the god of fateful anime encounters had planned it, the remaining demon brothers happened to have finished changing as well. The door to the men´s bathroom swung open…
"Oh!" Asmo smelled his chance. "Look, there comes our audien-"
He got cut off by the weird sound Clover made.
In a single movement, she had let out a squeal that a human throat should not be able to do, had completely destroyed Asmo's pretty hand by squeezing it in excitement, while in the end she was hiding behind Asmo, only peeking over his shoulder to glance at the mass of hotness coming out of the bathroom.
"Clover…?" Asmo sounded confused.
"Too much hotness", she mumbled into his shoulder. “I can´t-“
"Huh?" Asmo sounded genuinely confused for a second.
Then a smirk curled his face.
"What?!" he spoke extra loud, extra dramatically, so everyone could hear. "What did you say, Clover?! You think they're all sooo hot?!"
"A-asmo, be quiet...!" Clover mumbled.
But he continued.
"What? You love how much skin we are showing?!" he yelled.
"Whaaat?! You'd even pay them to strip down even more?! Clover, you wild animal!"
She punched the demon in embarrassment.
The next second, a certain scumbag stood beside them.
"DiD I hEaR 'P-p-p-PAy'?!" Mammon stuttered, literal cash-symbols in his eyes.
Asmo grinned at him, covering Clover's mouth so she couldn't protest.
"Our dear Clover here wants you to strip for her~"
Clover shook her blushy head.
"That's not trrngh..." she tried to press out between Asmo's fingers.
Mammon stared at her for a moment.
"… 10.000 Grimm."
Clover had freed herself again.
"... What?"
"15.000 and I'll do pole dance too."
The second born looked almost disappointed when Clover declined his offer.
But Asmo was already moving on with his mischiefs.
"What? Clover?? You want to do WHAT with Beel's abs?!?!"
"No you won't~" Asmo grinned, turning to give his brothers a view on Clover. "Guuuys, I need your help! I dare you to give this little lady a rating in this sweet costume of hers."
Most of them looked confused at first,
but, seeing one, her outfit, and two, how much she was unable to cope, a few were ready to assist in Asmo's tease.
"I'd need a full view to judge" Satan grinned.
"Yeah" Belphie agreed. "Could you turn around slowly, Clover? Maybe do some poses as well?"
Clover shot them some angry glares.
"... You could do that pose were you form ears with your hands…" Levi dared to add in a mumble.
"Hrrrgh...!" Clover was fighting her embarrassment. "All of you are awful... Beel over here is the only nice guy, honestly...!"
She glanced at him in a pout, hoping he'd defend her... Or at least say something as well...
"... So you're not going to pose for us?" Beel said in a pout.
Clover.exe stopped working.
"Fufu..." Asmo grinned. "See, my dear? Even Beel demands a show... Now come on, we're waiting~!"
You can probably guess that Clover wasn't going to get out of this situation anytime soon.
While this part of the group enjoyed this mess of a person, let's switch back to the other girl whose brain was doing about as poorly.
Lucifer had kept Violet by his side, making sure she wasn't going to help Clover in her dilemma… Or going elsewhere in general.
However, one certain jealous bean soon couldn't bear that Lucifer was hogging Violet all for himself.
"Oi, Lucifer, back off of Violet already!"
And Mammon pressed himself in between them. "She's one of my humans after all!"
Visible displease grew on Lucifer's face as he got cockblocked yet again.
"And what would give you the right to claim her for yourself?" The eldest grumbled.
Mammon crossed his arms.
"... Because I just said so."
Lucifer pressed out a sigh, to then simply push Mammon's body away again.
"LUCIF-", Mammon hissed. "STOOP...!"
"You are distracting us, Mammon."
"B-but... That´s not fair…” he shouted. “M-maybe I want Violet to notice me as well!!"
Lucifer stopped, while most of the surrounding people went silent.
Then Levi gave a laugh.
"Oh my god MAMMON, that was so desperate lolol, SO uncool!"
Belphie spared him a pityful laugh. "Are you really that desperate for some attention, you idiot?"
The avatar of Greed was gritting his teeth.
"Hnngh... Shut up, all of you...!"
The situation around them escalated a little, even more so as Diavolo and Barbatos joined in on the chaos, having changed clothes as well.
But Violet felt bad, especially since she wouldn´t have expected Mammon to act like this. So, in a silent second where everyone seemed busy in their personal chaos, she sneaked over to Mammon.
After -- of course, what did you expect -- quickly poking his bunny tail, Violet also gave his shoulder a tap.
"Are you okay?" she asked.
Mammon looked a little surprised, responding with a huff.
"...'s a wolf..."
"Lucifer's a wolf!" Mammon repeated, awfully loud and both feared that the eldest brother had heard him.
A bit more timid, Mammon continued as Violet could only look at him in confusion.
"... Ya can't just go hop around in such an alluring outfit when there're guys like Lucifer around. He could go full beast mode and, dunno, do some weird stuff to ya."
Violet suppressed the nasty thoughts approaching her brain, her heart beating drastically as she mumbled a faint "I see".
"Ya human should better stick to the great Mammon! I'd treat you nicely, y'know."
Violet raised her eyebrows in surprise.
"... 'Treat me' how, exactly?" She asked in an almost teasing manner. "What were you planning to do, Mammon?"
And it landed a critical hit.
"I-I-I-I mean tr-treat as i-in... I'd protect you from all those beasts around you!" he stammered, his cheeks a blushing mess. "Nothin´ weird, I swear!! Its just… There's plenty of those beasts! Actually, maybe you should go home. If all the customers see you like this... Argh... I have to tell Clover, too...!”
He turned his head to search for the other girl, only to realise the group was about to return to their work. "Ahh... Oh no, she´s already been caught..." Mammon pressed out.
"Mammon" Violet called out again and treated him with a smile. "I assume you´re saying this because you´re worried about us, right? Thank you for that, you´re really a good friend. We're having a shift together later, right? So, until later, okay?"
He seemed confused again, but nodded in the end.
"Ugh... Fine... Just stay safe, ´kay? Promise!"
"I promise" she laughed, then Mammon finally seemed to have calmed down.
At least he was fine enough to turn around and go bother Levi with something.
Violet was watching them in amusement, then felt a presence behind her.
"Turning your eyes off of me already?" A deep voice purred almost right into her ear.
Ah, yes, there it was again, the drastic heart rate.
"Lucifer..." Violet turned around at the mellow voice. "I just wanted to tease Mammon a little. He seemed a little down."
"Sure, suit yourself..." Lucifer mumbled casually. "But I seem to be a little down as well... To think you'd end our conversation so quickly..."
Violet exploded into a puzzled blush.
"N-no... That's not... I ... You..."
Lucifer was pinning her down with his gaze, waiting for a coherent reaction. “Then how abou we pick up where we left? I think there´s something you wanted to tell me…”
"Y-you look... A-... Amazing..." she stammered.
"Hm? Could you say that again? Your voice appears to be awfully thin."
She breathed a heavily stressed breath. So Lucifer continued.
"Pardon me? Violet, you appear to be overheating. How come? I would assume your clothing is revealing enough skin to make that impossible..."
Aaand Violet's brain shut down as well.
"Should I help you?" he hummed, stepping even closer. "In comparison to you, I seem to maintain a way cooler head than you do..."
And, being the most flustered he has ever been, Lucifer continued to tease the shit out of Violet for as long as he felt the need to...
The group was about to dissolve and (finally) head back to work.
The girls, however, had stayed back for a strategy meeting.
"This is bad", Clover blabbered as she was trying to calm down. "I couldn't get up to them with shirts on, how am I supposed to even TALK to any of them when they're in maximum sexy mode?! And it's not only maximum hotness, but did all of them collectively agree to unlock their secret teasing-modes, too?!"
Violet gave a blushing shrug. "... Are you complaining, though?"
"Hnngh... No... But I'm so short on points... If I don't start playing risky, I'll loose..."
Violet smirked at that.
"Yeah" she agreed. "That's a good idea. Look, Solomon's over there all alone, why don't y-"
"Nope” lover interrupted her immediately. “Not going to happen. Nope. I'd rather go up to the demon prince himself. I'd rather get killed by Barbatos TBH."
"Oh, you would get killed..." Violet shivered, thinking back of what happened in the store room earlier.
"Don't care" Clover persisted. "Like, come, demon lord, if I was to touch Solomon's tail today, you may kill me right this instant...!"
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I've been so upset and disappointed with the spn fandom as of late with how rude and downright hateful some of them are acting and it's just so...disheartening. idk why but i typed in wincest for the hopes of finding spn positive content and was blown away by the change in atmosphere. You guys are just minding your own business and enjoying the show while being considerate humans. who knew that was possible? thanks for not trolling the actors who spent half their adult lives making a show for us
hey, lovely anon ❣️❣️❣️
i’m sorry that it took me so long to answer this very sweet ask but i want you to know that the day you sent it to me, i shared it on my twitter (i hope that’s okay). it made a lot of people happy and resonated with wincest shippers and non-shippers alike. 
i want to begin by saying how sorry i am that your experience in the fandom has been so negative. you’re not alone in this, especially since the show ended. we shouldn’t have to see hateful stuff everywhere, especially when people are mistagging their posts to make sure that everyone gets some taste of their bitterness. 
you have no idea how happy it made me to know that you found some solace and positivity in the wincest side of the fandom even though some other shippers have been doing their worst to poison our tags. non-shippers will always be welcome here (although you might have to cover your eyes when we get thirsty, oops). 
we are minding our own business and celebrating sam and dean winchester, j2 and the hard work they did during fifteen years. it shouldn’t be a hot take to just respect what they did, sacrificed and carried but i guess now it is. i’m mad that you non-shippers are struggling to find a peaceful place in the fandom when the general tags should be your very own solace. 
i’d like to share some responses i received after posting this on twitter:
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thank you for this kind message once again and i hope that you’re still around having a good time and keeping all the hate and negativity in the rearview mirror. on this blog, you’ll only find a neverending road in heaven with two brothers and their baby driving to their happily ever after.
take care. ❣️
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danadeservesadrink · 4 years
Wine and Whiskey Chapter 2
Read on AO3 here 
Chapter 2: Scully’s POV
We’re just going to pretend that I didn’t wait an entire year to post the second chapter for this fic. Oops?
Scully had never been the deviant one. She made her bed with military precision, she only dated nice and respectable boys, she was a straight A student all on her own good merit. Her mother insisted that she was the golden child, the one you brag about to family friends at bridge parties. Truthfully, Scully was just as rebellious as her siblings. She just happened to be better at getting away with it. She was convinced her mother simply ignored her misdoings as she already had her hands full with Melissa, and as long as she kept her grades up she could do whatever she wanted in her own bedroom. If that wasn’t true then her mother must have been blind not to notice the extra tee shirts that kept popping up in the wash, or the times she arrived home late from the library with tousled hair smelling like new car leather and cigarettes.
Either way, Scully adopted the persona of the reliable daughter. The responsible one. The golden child. So when her brother had the audacity to call her on a Friday evening and scream her ear off about responsibility and safety and all his other god damn concerns about her choices in career, she was simply pissed.
Pissed that the golden child could become the fallen angle overnight for making her own decisions for once.
She ignored his little comments about her partner on the phone call, choosing to keep the conversation focused on her, but his voice rang in the back of her mind all the same.
He’s crazy, Dana. He has you going out on these cases putting yourself in danger for some insane crusade that already took one of my sisters. I’m not letting it take another one.
Bill would never understand. He could never comprehend how responsible little Dana could choose to follow one man to the ends of the Earth on her own free will.
But she would.
She was feeling deviant. It was dangerous. Dangerous enough to make her toss on a knit sweater top over her bare chest, foregoing the bra as it poked her bandages. Or at least, that's what she told herself. Dangerous enough to grab the bottle of white she was keeping in her fridge and her car keys.
She knew he would be home, and she was even more certain he would let her in. What she didn’t expect was him flirting back at her. It went against every dynamic they had. Until now, one of them would flirt and the other would silently admonish them, playing coy and superior until the joking ceased and work began, and they could fall back on the safe partnership that they'd created.
But she was given three days leave due to the stitches in her side, and he couldn’t come up with a conspiracy more interesting than why she had shown up on his doorstep at 9:04 on a Friday night. There was no safety net to fall back on. It was just them, in his apartment, splitting a bottle of wine.
She noticed him watching her. How could she not, with his gaze practically burning marks in her skin? It made her take bigger sips.
His eyes were hot on hers, trailing fire into her cheek, her lips, her neck. She watched him too, watched as he turned the bottle ever so slightly so the edge of her imaginary mouth barely overlapped his on the rim where he drank from. She found it oddly respectful.
Her mother called just to tell her off. Of course she apologized for Bill's words, but “why did you have to call him a bastard , Dana?”
Mulder laughed at her answer and she couldn’t help but smile at him. He teased her with alcohol and disappointing her mother and she had never been one to deny a challenge. It was so easy just to joke with him. She saw his eyes widen as she drank with her mother listening, and even though she was well passed the legal age, she felt a rush of deviance.
Her mother told her to really think about what he meant to her. Ask herself if he was really worth risking her life for. If it was, she needed to tell him.
She was scared by how quickly she knew the answer.
She knew he knew that “hi” wasn’t what her mother wanted her to tell him, and she silently thanked him when he didn’t press the issue.
If she was going to do this she needed more alcohol. She already felt it dulling her senses, making her lips tingle and her filter weaken. She knew she was tipsy when she actually giggled in front of him. She was almost embarrassed.
Her mouth went dry as she felt him staring, and the sudden memory of whiskey on a high shelf in his kitchen flashed through her brain. He had offered it to her before, usually with a waggle of his eyebrows and a look not unlike the one he was giving her now, after any particularly troubling case or really any time they had to do a lot of paperwork. Of course she had always denied, but then again she had always been wearing all of her undergarments at the time.
Alcohol was fuzzing her brain and her balance but the physical effort of maintaining her responsible appearance was making her desperate for any excuse to let go.
With the last remaining brain cells not tinged by white wine, she made her choice.
She heard him call after her as she sauntered into the kitchen with the energy of a free woman but she didn’t quite care. She had the obstinance of a child as she stood on her tiptoes to try to reach the bottle. She was about 5 seconds from climbing on top of the counter when she felt him behind her, and she leaned back into his presence.
She giggled as he fumbled and made a swipe at the whiskey, which was easily blocked by him. She liked how strong he looked, framing her tiny body against the counter with his big arms.
“And why should I give you some of my emergency whiskey” and the look he gave her made her melt. He was playing along now, both of them knowing how the night would end, but Scully didn’t mind speeding the process along.
“Because I’ve had a terrible day, and now I’m out of wine”, and she pushed her lip out further to emphasize the point. He stared at her, eyes twinkling.
“What's the magic word?”
Her brain tried to think of flirty comeback, maybe even just a smart one, but moscato wasn’t doing her any favors so she opted for tilting her head back and sticking out her tongue. She saw his pupils dilate with a hunger before she shut her eyes tight, waiting.
The whiskey hit her tongue with a burn and she tried her very hardest to remain cool and collected as the fire hit the back of her throat. She swallowed and coughed before smiling up at him, her look probably reflecting the one she was receiving from him. Hot. Thirsty. Desperate .
“Your turn.”
She pulls him down to his knees, and he lets her. She’s not kidding herself, she barely matched in strength with him on a good day when she’s sober. He let her.
She poured into his mouth the best she could, more focused on his lips then she was on the actual task at hand. His mouth shut quickly and he sputtered, forcing her to rapidly pull up on the bottle.
The whiskey dripped over his lips and chin and she simply couldn’t resist. She pressed her tongue to his cheek, lapping up the extra droplets, feeling the scratch of his stubble against her soft taste buds. She felt him shake.
Her face stayed close to his, their breath intermingling, and she found herself intoxicated on more than just alcohol. Mulder, tonight, was her drug of choice. She allowed herself a fleeting thought about how her brother admonishing her choice in partner just made her want to run to him more, like when her father banned her from smoking so she shoved cigarettes in every purse, pocket, or wallet of hers she could find. It was, of course, a rebellion. But it was a rebellion she very much wanted to lead.
He was questioning her with his eyes and she felt obligated to answer him.
“It’s your emergency whiskey, I didn’t want to waste it.” And to accentuate the point, she trailed her tongue across his chin. It didn’t matter that the alcohol had already melded with his skin, leaving only a bitter and sticky substance for her to lick up. He gasped and the sound of her making him squirm made her laugh. It felt good to be in control. He whispered her name, but she silenced him with a finger, moving it over his lips to rest on his cheek.
She held his face in the palm of her hands and realized she was holding her world. This man, this frustrating, incorrigible, beautiful man was her everything. How could she have ever thought otherwise.
So she kissed him.
She kissed him and the dam broke, and years of tension and trust came pouring out in a clashing of lips, hot and heavy. He stood to his full height, wrapping his hands around her waist, a tantalizing mix of desperate and delicate. She could kiss him for years, losing herself in the taste of his lips, his tongue, as he opened his mouth to her in what she could only describe as worship. He was worshiping her and she loved every second of it.
His mouth leaves her lips and she almost whimpers until it finds the underside of her jaw, her neck, and she feels what is what like to be marked by him. A curse escapes her lips in a strangled moan and she feels him growl against her throat.
“Mine” he whispers into her neck, and she might as well be putty in his hands because she is his, his, all his. She feels herself growing wetter by the second, knowing she’ll have to wear turtlenecks for the next week but not really caring. Or maybe she’ll wear a nice scoop neck, just to let the world know that Fox Mulder had finally claimed his territory.
“Yours” she whispers back, and he stares into her eyes with so much need it makes her choke. His hands drag up her sides, lingering on the bandage and she sees him hesitate. Leave it to Mulder to feel guilty as she’s about to take her clothes off in his kitchen. She pushes his hands higher, leading him to the underside of her breasts, and his eyes widen before he dives back into her collar bone.
“Were you planning…” he starts, interrupting himself by sucking on her clavicle. “On telling me… that you weren’t wearing a bra?” His assault on her chest made her struggle to think of an answer, but if he was allowed to tease then so was she.
“I was more hoping that-” he tickled a particular spot on her neck with his tongue and another string of curses leapt from her lips, “you would find out for yourself”.
It was true, of course, though she hadn’t admitted that to herself until just now. But he seemed satisfied with the answer as he moaned and pushed the sweater over her head. She aided him by lifting her arms, not wanting to hurt herself any further in the process, and when she dropped her arms he was just staring at her. He was slack-jawed, eyes wide, looking at her like a little kid looks at the biggest prize in the claw machine, nose pressed to the glass, full of ambition. The silence rang defining off the empty walls of the kitchen and she could feel every neuron firing in her body at once. She swayed back and forth, the dizzying feeling of Mulder’s eyes on her distracting her from everything else.
“Well?” she asked, tentatively breaking the silence. If the world continued on without his lips on her for one more second she felt as if she might break.
Thank God he knew how to read her mind. He was back on her in an instant, mouth and hand moving in synchronicity over her whole body, pushing and pulling her in exactly the right way, so wonderful she threw her head back in ecstasy. He touched her then, suckling on her nipples and her body seized. Words tumbled out of her lips, curses, moans, his name, those were about the only sounds she could produce at the moment. She fights off the numb feeling of intoxication and forces her desires out into the open. She needs him to know, needs him to hear her.
“Mulder I want you.” He looks up at her to meet her gaze, breathless and hungry.
He always has had a flair for the dramatics, as well as a propensity for overachieving. He lifts her off the counter with her legs wrapped around his torso, with the ease that you pluck a petal off a flower, and carries her towards his room like you would see in a romance movie. She wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him deeply, throwing him off his balance, and he kisses her back while he stumbles in the direction of the nearest bed. He nearly trips, he'll blame the whisky later, sending the pair crashing into a wall instead. She lets out a grunt of pain, her side protesting the harsh contact, and he instantly returns her feet to the floor. He’s so reckless with himself, her Mulder, he’ll run headfirst into the lair of a madman in pursuit of the truth, but when most men would pass off a grunt as a sign to continue, he puts her down and starts checking on her.
She smirks as his eyebrow furrows in concern.
“Scully I’m so sorry…”
“Mulder it's fine”, and she's smiling now, placing her hands on his shoulders to steady him from his worrying. She feels the cold wall pressed against her bare back and remembers she is topless.
It is an absurd situation. The two of them in the hallway outside his bedroom, intoxicated, breathing heavy, her side in a bandage, all of it. Maybe it was just the fact that it took them so many years to find themselves like this.
She laughed, and he joined her, letting the sound fill the hallway and banish any awkwardness that was still stuck between them. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to her forehead. Her eyes fluttered shut as he pressed another one to her cheek, and then a final kiss to her lips that made them tingle.
“Why’d you come here tonight, Scully?” She opened her eyes to see him smiling down on her, trying to conceal all the thoughts that must be running through his head. She smoothed his hair as if that would soothe them.
“I knew you would be here”, she said simply. He laughed and brought her hand to his lips, kissing her fingers.
“So all the seduction was impromptu?”
She shook her head, suddenly shy again. Silence fell like a veil over them again.
“I just… I just like being with you.” She stared down at the ground after her answer, head hanging until a strong hand on her cheek turned it up again. He was beaming at her, and she couldn’t help but smile back at him.
“I like being with you too, Scully” he whispered, and he pressed his lips to hers once more. She felt her body release all tension, melting into his grip, falling fast. She knew he would catch her.
The kiss turned hungry as she opened her mouth into him, and he pulled her lower lip into his mouth, releasing it with a pop. How they could go from giggling in each other's arms to devouring each other so quickly was testament to their bond.  
She paused, and he pulled back from her. She took the moment to look at him, remember his face the way it was right now, fresh and breathless, lips raw from contact, even more luscious than they typically were. It was a face she certainly wanted to become well acquainted with.
“Take me to bed.”
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fyx-ation · 5 years
So, I just got around to beating Kingdom Hearts 3
Yeah, I’m late to the party, but it took them 13 years to make this... thing... And my urgency to play it came and went over a decade ago. The following dump may contain spoilers and corn. I’ve barely digested this game, so I’ll just let whatever pops into my head splatter out on the keyboard where it may.
Who is this game for exactly? You might say, oh, people who played the other games. They’re in their 30s or 40s now but age doesn’t hinder interest in video games. Case in point, I’m 40. I played the first two games and Birth by Sleep. I tried Chain of Memories but it was... not good. I bought the DS game, 358 2 Days, but never played it. It’s actually still in the wrapper. Oops. I never played Dream Drop Distance. I own the collections that came out for the PS3 a few years back.
This game isn’t for that audience, really. The dumpster fire that is the Kingdom Hearts plot gets pretty dark and tragic and so convoluted that you need to open a wiki or youtube dissection video to understand it. And at the same time, all of the levity is sucked out of it by Donald Duck and Goofy being Donald Duck and Goofy. The big bad Xehanort wants to erase everything and start the world over, hyuk. 
This design has not aged well. I was in my early 20s when I played the first game, and I took the game for what it was--a weird mashup of DIsney and Square. The subject matter wasn’t very heavy. Awkward, spikey-haired protag joins forces with (sigh) Donald Duck and Goofy to save different kingdoms from the Heartless.
But then the story just got out of control. Over the course of several console and -ugh- phone games, about 20-30 or more characters are introduced, and that’s not including the Disney characters. For every game, about 5 new plot threads are introduced. The gravity of the situation, the main plot of stopping Xehanort, is strangled by the mounting unresolved plot threads. They just keep weaving together until you’re left apathetic yet still somehow thirsty for a conclusion.
You won’t get one. The end of KH3 is one giant slap in the balls, and I don’t have balls. My phantom testicles cried out like baked potatoes in the microwave when I watched the final cutscenes and post credits sequence. Just... wtf is this shit? Are you seriously not going to resolve more than half the shit presented to us over two decades? You’re seriously going to end it like that? A teaser for some new saga? You think I give a shit now, after you did this to my phantom nuts?
So, who is this game for? Well, considering they sucked about 95% of the Final Fantasy element out of the game but pumped it full of Disney commercials, you might say, Oh, it’s for kids. You’d be half right.
Let’s say the target audience is kids 15 and younger. They’re not going to have a clue what’s going on with the story. They might have played the collections which had some summaries of the story. They might have resorted to youtube and wiki for some explanations. If your game needs that much effort, I’m just going to assume that the audience is still going to be lost as hell on the story.
The Disney kingdoms are just there for fan service. In previous games, you had a purpose and a mission on each one. In 3, it feels like you’re steered toward them to watch a commercial. Sora’s only mission is to learn the “power of waking” (that’s KH babble for deus ex machina) and Organization XIII members show up to fart out some vague story bits. Other than that, he doesn’t really have a purpose being on any of those worlds. He never learns the power of waking, and it’s half-heartedly implied that his experience has made him stronger. It’s never implicitly explained or shown that he’s regained his memories or found new powers.
In a lot of the worlds, Sora is bearing witness to the actual plots of the Disney movies. The wildest part of this is that if you haven’t watched the movies, you would be lost on what is actually going on. The Kingdom of Corona was the first big offender. A lot of stuff happens off screen, and if you have not seen Tangled, it’s not going to make a lot of sense, regardless of how old you are.
You pretty much have to watch the Toy Story franchise, Tangled, Frozen, Big Hero Six, the first three Pirates of the Caribbean, etc. to be able to process what is going on because the story depends on it. It doesn’t stand up on its own.
That’s a lot of homework for a kid, if kids are the target audience.
That’s probably my biggest beef with the game--it’s tone deaf. If you peel apart the story and expose the potential outline underneath, it could be appropriate for all ages. But it’s layered with far too many characters, good and bad. It’s smothered with over five games worth of unresolved plot. And it’s coated in sugary Disney sweetness to appeal to kids (I guess???).
As for combat, it’s marginally improved, though I still felt like I spent more time flailing at enemies far away from me than was necessary. I think KH2 and Birth by Sleep were better, satisfaction-wise. The carnival rides were a bit much. They were overpowered and didn’t feel earned. I think I used links maybe six times in my entire playthrough (which means I only saw some of them once).
There are tons of mini games. Some are fun. Some are tedious. Flying the Gummi ship is super counter-intuitive, and I only became relatively good at it when I just started flying around destroying rocks for keyblade upgrade materials.I never bothered making my own custom ship, which is something I really enjoyed in previous games.
The game is beautiful. It’s never looked so good. But shiny, pretty graphics do not a good game make. Same goes for the music.
I’m sure I could continue ranting, but I think I made my point. I’m not sure who this game’s for, but if you have any inclination to play it or to introduce the series to someone, maybe don’t. It doesn’t leave me with any satisfaction for having played it. It introduces even more bullshit just to tease a new series (like, legit, you’ll see a couple old Disney villains talking about something THROUGHOUT the game and it goes no where). 
I... just want resolutions. Is that so difficult?
Instead, I have to imagine an ice pack for my imaginary balls.
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captaindrautos · 6 years
“I’m here- I’m here, now” (um...oops?)
My muse had been kidnapped and tortured for the past week send “I’m here- I’m here, now” for your muse to save them.
    He shouldn’t have gone to Lestallum.
    The thought was the only clear thing that echoed in his mind.  It had been a mistake, but with so many missing from Meldacio, so much pain and loss already coursing through the little town, how could Titus turn his back and refuse something as simple as a supply run?  He’d thrown on the drabbest coat he had and had trusted that the darkness had weathered his appearance enough that he wouldn’t be noticed in a crowd.
     He’d been wrong.
     Running into Libertus had been a known risk, though Titus had hoped to avoid the man.  In a city of thousands, what were the chances two people would cross paths?  High enough, it had seemed, for he’d turned to find his ex-soldier glaring at him, demanding answers.  While the experience hadn’t been pleasant, it certainly could have gone much worse.  Libertus could have pulled a blade on him immediately, but he hadn’t. They might never be able to live on the same streets, but at the very least Titus hadn’t left feeling like he had a target on his back.
     Maybe he’d read Libertus wrong, maybe Libertus had vented about Titus being very much alive, or maybe someone else entirely had recognized him in that crowded city.  Titus didn’t know which, but he’d been locking up the back of the truck while the two other hunters he was with grabbed a quick bite in the local pub when something hard had hit his head and his vision had gone white.  He felt the armor rise up in defense, too little too late, and then... that was where his memory ended.
    Titus had woken up some time later-- always so impossible to tell time without the sun --in a concrete room, seemingly a part of some type of warehouse.  Perhaps one of the abandoned Niflheim bases, or part of the old electric grid.  His hands were chained above him, wrapped tight by rusted metal that chaffed at his skin, already feeling raw and tender.  His arms ached from the suspension, but not so badly enough that he could have been left like this for more than a few hours.  He’d been stripped of his coat, and of his shirt, shoes, and socks, and he’d been left hanging just high enough that he had to use his toes to relieve the pressure on his limbs.
     Bright floodlights shined upon him from every angle, and when Titus forced his eyes open he could only manage a squint before having to turn his face back down.  By doing so he could see his body, and the big black patch across his left shoulder and arm.  It had nearly faded away in the weeks since the daemon attack at the dump, but now was back in full force thanks to the instinctual use of the armor when he’d been attacked.  The floodlights made that portion of his skin feel like a burn, and no matter how he twisted he couldn’t find relief.
     The movements drew attention from someone in the corner, and Titus heard muffled voices before steps, two-- no, three sets, approached him.  “Yeah, he’s awake,” said a voice.  “Hey, traitor, you hear me?” came another.  Titus tried to look up, but in the bright shine of the lights all he could make out were vaguely human shapes.  That was clearly enough for his captors, who branched out and surrounded him.  
    “Can’t believe this fucker survived.”
    “Skinnier than I remember.”
    “Everyone’s skinnier.  Heard he’d holed himself up with the hunters.  Probably lied about who he is.  Hey, traitor, what did you tell them to make them let you in?”
     Titus didn’t answer.  He didn’t know who these people were, didn’t recognize their voices, and certainly wasn’t about to put Meldacio at any more risk.  Heavy footfalls rapidly approached and someone grabbed his face, their nails digging roughly into his cheeks.
    “Hey, asshole,” they growled, “I asked you a question.”  Still Titus didn’t respond.  It earned him a smack across the face that sent him swinging, grimacing as the chains scraped across his skin and fresh blood trickled down his arms.  The armor whispered in his ears, begging to be used, but every time it tried to escape the floodlights pressed it back down.  These people, whoever they were, knew what they were dealing with.
     “Whatever,” one of the ones behind him said, “It doesn’t matter now, right?  Not like anyone’s gonna come looking.  Probably figure he’s run off with their gil.”
     “Yeah,” the one in front of him said, spitting in his face, “Hear that, no one’s coming to save you, so we’re going to take our time.  You got a lot to pay for, traitor.  You have no idea how much I’m looking forward to this.”
      When the footsteps had retreated, Titus thought he might have time to figure out how to get out of these binds.   They’d returned before he’d been able to do much more than open up the sores on his wrists, and Titus had barely looked up when something hard had collided into his chest, knocking the air from his lungs and leaving him wheezing.  Another hit him in the back, and then a third on the shoulder, accompanied with a cracking sound and a yell that Titus only distantly recognized as his own.  He counted five more before his body went slack, trying to blot out the pain.  
    They must have gotten bored at some point, perhaps beating an unconscious man wasn’t as fun, because Titus came too to total silence.  Everything ached, and he bit his cheek when he tried to move his hands and found them cramped and stiff beyond imagining.  It took minutes before he could move his forefinger without pain jolting down his arm, and even then he could feel how the limb shook now matter how steady he tried to hold it.  He was thirsty, but dehydration was common after torture-- a fact known from experience.  He could feel the blood caked to his skin, not as bad as it could have been, not life-threatening.  A small blessing.  Each breath hurt to take, which suggested a broken rib- or worse.
    This time his movements didn’t draw any attention, not that it did much good.  He couldn’t loosen the restraints, and the more he tried the worse he hurt himself.
     Someone will come for me, he thought to himself.  They’ll come looking when I don’t show up.  They’ll know something happened.
      Would they, though?  There were already so many lost, people missed far more than he would ever be.  Dave might be concerned, sure, but when push came to shove how much manpower would he be willing to exhaust on Titus Drautos, the man who had tried to kill his lover?
     Haven’t finished the schoolhouse, came the next distant thought, and he almost laughed at how ridiculous it was to be worrying about that now.  The project was almost complete, the first level of it anyways, but still needed final touches.  Sorry Celene, guess you’ll have to learn to use a hammer after all.
     That had been day one.
     They’d beaten him again the next day, then let enough slack on his chains that he’d been able to collapse to the ground, shaking and trying to work the blood back into his purple hands.  “Don’t want you dying right away,” had been the explanation he’d been offered, as water had been forced down his throat-- not that he wasn’t eager for it --and stale bread had been tossed onto the ground beside his head.  He’d eaten it all without complaint.  This wasn’t the first time he’d had to live a prisoner, but even Niflheim’s beatings hadn’t been quite this bad.  
    Niflheim hadn’t been trying to kill him, the armor whispered into his ear, these people were.  The only chance he had was if he killed them first.  A great idea, not so easy in execution.  He had no weapon, and couldn’t use the armor under the lights.  Need to get rid of the light first, growled the voice.  No hands, fine, use something else.  You’re a soldier, you’re trained to think on your feet.  Prove all those years weren’t useless.
    Eventually he was pulled back to his feet, the chains returning to their previous slack.  The steps approached again, and when Titus heard the whizz of a bat through the air he acted on instinct, lifting both feet and kicking out towards the place he thought their source was.  His aim was true, his feet hitting something heavy and earning a satisfying shout of surprise as the attacker stumbled back-- into one of the floodlights.  They took it down with them, and for just that moment, Titus could see again.
    His captor was dressed in dark clothes and wore eye-wear to protect them from the bright light.  They had shaggy black hair and dusty skin.
    Titus didn’t recognize them.
    Instead of focusing on that, he focused on the reduced light, willing the armor to seep from his skin.  It writhed inside him, displeased, but eventually obeyed, leaking from the pores along his spine and moving around to the front where the light no longer shone as brightly, making its way up his body towards the chains.  If he could just get it to his hands he could break through the chains and--
    He heard the crack of the whip, but didn’t feel its sting.  He didn’t have to feel it, his body tensed, arching with the lash that quickly opened along his back, the armor retreating inside himself immediately as vivid memories flashed through Titus’ head on fast-forward.  
    Tied to the post in the work camp, they made him count the lashings as they came down.  If he missed a number they’d start over.
    1, 2, 3, 4, 6-- no, again, 1, 2, 3, 4, nomoreplease-- again, 1,2-- reduced to mumbled whimpers, Titus could only look at the other prisoners of war-- his countrymen, civilians young and old --for help.  None of them came to his aid, they would not risk the whip themselves.  Titus didn’t begrudge them-- he wouldn’t have come for them either.
    The overseer had liked the way Titus look when he cried out in pain.  It hadn’t been the only way he’d liked how Titus looked.  Sometimes swallowing your pride and pretending interest was better than facing the beatings.  That had been where he’d first learned how to really lie.  It was a skill he’d honed into his greatest weapon.
    An old woman had broken one of the gun parts they were tasked with putting together for the army.  Such an offense was punished with ten lashes.
    She wouldn’t have survived ten lashings.  
    Titus had switched his work for hers.  The torturer had been feeling generous that day-- Titus only got nine.  He hated himself for being grateful to them.  The other prisoners had called him a hero.  He didn’t feel like a hero, he felt like a slave.
    He awoke again on the ground, his back aflame with pain.
    That had been day two.
     After his little stunt, his captors didn’t dare come close to him again.  They stuck to the whip until he was too exhausted to move, then beat him with the clubs.  After three days, they didn’t even need the whip, though it didn’t stop them from using it.  When five days had passed Titus no longer could move his hands, and he was pretty sure his shoulders were both dislocated.  On the sixth day, he considered asking them to just end it, but determined they’d only drag it out longer out of spite.
    On the seventh,  he was rescued.
    He didn’t know how.  He didn’t even hear the hunters enter.  He felt himself lowered to the ground but was too weak to move or open his eyes.  Someone was shouting, he caught the word ‘potion’ and ‘doctor,’ but nothing else.
    He looked more like a corpse than a man.  Riddled with wounds, his skin was black, blue, yellow, and red. His hands and forearms were nearly purple, the wounds around his wrists deeply infected.  His wrists were broken, one shoulder was dislocated, the other broken, ribs cracked.  He was covered in open wounds along his back and chest from the whip.  The scourge was clear along his shoulder-- and it had grown another half inch.
    Soft hands caressed his face and Titus managed to open his eyes just enough to catch a flash of golden hair.  “--lene...?” he croaked out.
     He must have imagined it, but he could have sword he heard her speak.  “I’m here- I’m here, now.”  What a nice thought.
    Then everything went black. 
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ffchocohoe · 7 years
Ravus’s S/O
Just some general headcanons/thoughts on what/who I think Ravus’s S/O would be. I cannot get this image of them out of my head. I think this is kinda like a soulmate thing but not really? Idk enjoy this shit I think about in my free time. 
~More under the cut cuz WOW this got real long real fast oops
Ravus would know his S/O for years. He is not a love at first sight man. It must start off as a friendship/partnership before evolving into a relationship.
I think that Ravus would meet his S/O at a younger age, maybe like 18. They would be a similar age. 
Ravus’s S/O would be given to him as an assistant/advisor/bodyguard by Niflheim (maybe by Ardyn? idk) with their purpose to serve Ravus. They would be a prodigy of some kind taken in by Niflheim after their region was conquered by Niflheim. It was decided that this prodigy would be of use to the empire and was given to Ravus to help develop both of them because of their young age (maybe they’re 16 or 17?) (idk i kind of think Ravus was forced to join the army/rise the ranks and while he definitely would have used his position to his advantage to get what he wanted i think he was forced into it by the empire)
At first Ravus would definitely push them away but would soon develop empathy for them. Similar to him, they had everything taken away from them by the Empire and were being exploited by them. He also felt pity for them, seeing how frightened and meek they were of not only him, but everyone. 
He starts to soften up towards them. Just a small amount, but enough to notice a subtle difference.
He eventually wins their trust and they win his as time goes on. They work well together and train often together. They understand Ravus is deeper way and learn what makes him tick. They work so well together because they learn to read him in ways others can’t. 
Other than his sister, this is the only person he feels at ease with. While originally they were meant to serve Ravus, they develop more of a partnership with him.
This does not go unnoticed by Luna. She makes thinly veiled comments about their relationship and Ravus pretends to have no idea what she is talking about.
At first his dismissal is genuine. Eventually he has to admit he cares for them, but it’s a familial way. Yeah, like a sibling. That’s why he wants to protect them. Same way he wants to protect Luna.
But eventually his desire to protect them gets more desperate. He starts having possessive thoughts. He notices the way others look at them and it bothers him but he doesn’t understand why. Has the Chancellor always been so handsy with them? Have the trainees under him always had such wandering eyes? It bothers him immensely and distracts him. 
One night out of sheer frustration he spills an inkling of this to Luna. She immediately understands. A small smile graces her lips while her brother tells her what’s going on. She tells Ravus he’s in love. Ravus immediately denies it; there’s no way. They’re like a sibling to him. 
Luna’s words are always in the back of Ravus’s mind though. He tries to keep them there, but occasionally they slip forward to the front. He notices new things about them that he never had before. The way their face lights up at a bouquet of their favorite flowers. The way their hands tremble during a thunderstorm. The smile they get when their favorite dessert is served. He didn’t understand why his heart beats so hard when he accidentally brushes their hand when they’re handing over documents to him. Or why his eyes lingered on their nape when they were tying up their hair. 
A realization hit Ravus like a train the first time they got seriously injured. They had been serving him for years now and had received a minor injury here and there, but nothing this serious. Ravus was a mess. His collected demeanor was shattered and not even Luna could calm him down. His rage was rampant and he did not know how to process what was happening. 
After they were declared stable, Ravus took a seat at their bedside and found his hand involuntarily caressing theirs. All the color from Ravus’s face drains. He understands now why his emotions were so unrestrained and he was inconsolable. He is in love. He can’t bare to lose them.
This realization shakes Ravus to the core. He couldn’t be in love. It wasn’t safe. He didn’t deserve it. They didn’t deserve this. He stays by their bedside while they recover but he definitely appears frazzled. Everyone notices a change in Ravus.
While he tries his hardest to keep his feelings hidden, they slip through the cracks from time to time. When escorting them somewhere or showing them out, he’ll rest his hand on their lower back. He’ll have their favorite tea and snacks sent to their office when things have been particularly tough. He’ll purchase small gifts that remind him of them and leave them on their desk or in their room. He invites them on walks through the garden. Discussion topics continue to stray farther from work and become more personal. The two had always spent a lot of time together out of necessity, but now it was becoming out of choice.
His possessive thoughts have long been there, but now they threaten to boil over. And one day they finally do. A high ranking figure in Niflheim had been visiting Tenebrae and was being flirtatious with them. Ravus was crawling in his skin at their flirtatious behavior and offers of late night rendezvous’ to his partner. His patience had snapped after a hand had been inappropriately positioned and he had the noble thrown out of the manor. 
Ravus receives a heated earful from his partner immediately after. He heard bits and pieces of the mistake he had made and the problems it would cause but his mind was still raging about the treatment they had received from the noble. 
His partner starts to lose their cool when it becomes apparent Ravus isn’t listening to them. They get in his face, demanding to know why he’s so furious. Ravus glares at them, never breaking eye contact as he walks toward them like an animal to their prey. 
His partner begins to back up as he invades their space. When their back finally hits the wall, Ravus encloses on them, ready to pounce. He looks them dead in the eye and growls that they are his and he is the only one who can treat them in such a carnal manner.
After the incriminating words fall from his lips, Ravus snaps his mouth shut as he realizes what he just said. Shock sweeps over his partner’s face as well as it dawns on them what he just said.
Ravus begins to back up but his retreat is thwarted as his partner throws their arms around his neck and pulls him down into a kiss.
This was all it took for Ravus’s self-control to completely snap. He kissed them with everything he had until he felt a wetness on his face. He pulled back to see his partner crying. 
He was worried he hurt them or had crossed a line until his partner choked out three words: I love you.
Ravus took a moment to process what they had just said before pulling them into his arms. He whispered that he loved them as well into their ear and he held them. 
From that moment on the pair had become lovers but kept their relationship a secret from everyone except Luna because she had figured it out on her own.
WOW THIS GOT LONG REAL OOPS this is all pre-Kingsglaive btw. Maybe I should do more headcanons for how their relationship would change post Kingsglaive? It’d be HELLA angsty. Yikes I'm so thirsty for Ravus send help guys 
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littlecafe · 7 years
Tumblr media
this is late again because i didn’t realize that april only had 30 days and i was studying for finals so i couldn’t post it yesterday either ;;; last month was a bit of a mess for me i don’t really know what my number 1 song was tbh (oops) but here is my attempt at a list! also if you’re curious you can check out the other months as well (/tagged/monthly-music)
favorite artist(s): owol
owol; formerly K in the boy group wonder boyz, i found out about him this month and have been listening to him a lot especially while studying so i thought i’d put him here! all his songs give off very chill vibes, you can also check out his cover of sistar’s i like that with sam
favorite songs + their official links:
1. never ever - got7 (youtube) 2. i’m serious - day6 (youtube) 3. say wow - day6 (unofficial: youtube) 4. nuna - owol ft. microdot (youtube, spotify) 5. i’m your man - john park (youtube) 6. it’s me - produce 101 (youtube, spotify) 7. problem - owol ft. feeldog (youtube) 8. aquaman - jay park (youtube,spotify) 9. fool - winner (youtube, spotify) 10. i’ll be yours - girls day (youtube, spotify) 11. yonce+partition - beyonce (unofficial: youtube, spotify) 12. love is - teen top (youtube, spotify) 13. i got you - bebe rexha (youtube, spotify) 14. really really - winner (youtube, spotify) 15. beautiful - monsta x (youtube, spotify)  16. you were beautiful - day6 (youtube) 17. don’t recall - k.a.r.d (youtube, spotify) 18. knock knock - twice (youtube) 19. don’t recall (hidden ver) - k.a.r.d  (youtube, spotify) 20. thirsty - girls day (spotify) 21. love again - girls day (spotify)  22. steal your heart - unit black (youtube, spotify) 23. blue moon - hyorin, changmo (youtube, spotify)  24. sleepwalker - illenium, joni fatora (unofficial: youtube, spotify) 25. night rather than day - exid (youtube, spotify)
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nekopri · 8 years
slbp introduction
@shige-haru and @amigoingbananas tagged me, but tumblr is being a poot and not notifying me ??? Thank youuuu (‘∀’●)♡ Okiii, here we go then..
All are welcome to fill this out!!! You don’t need to be tagged to do it!!!!! @ing your friends helps get it going, but regardless please tag it #helloslbp so it’s easy to find.
Twas a blazing hot day in August 2k16 and I was thirsty for some new otome games to successfully ignore my academic duties. So, I just got on some site and they were recommending the game and I was like, yeah sure why not?? (*also me while selling my soul to the Devil* Yeah, sure, why not??) I knew Voltage before from some gree games, and the art seemed nice, so… I actually got fully addicted about a month later, in September haha
Haven’t actually spent any money, because my mama would smack me across the head if she found out I was spending my money on games. And u know, I am broke.
 I am in love with Date Masamune??????? Don’t ask me how it happened it just did and here I am???? Actually, I am a liar™, I know how it happened. I was playing the dumb secret tryst and the picture from his MS popped out and I was like “???? I want to kiss him????” basically I’m a shallow bitch lmao, but then I got over myself there but also I got curious, and apparently that’s how I fall for ppl/fictional characters bc the same thing happened with Okita from Destined to love??? I logged into tumblr and started browsing and went to posts +five months ago and somewhere between 1 am and blushing while looking at yet another post I fell in love?? The ES did the job before the MS though.
He’s so sweet??? and kind and gentle??? And he notices the small things and really cares about MC and her well-being?? He made her a lucky charm ffs can u imagine this really powerful person making u a good luck charm bc he doesn’t want you to feel lonely and worried??? I mean, sure, things were kinda awkward at the beginning, but they do get better. The whole romance thing is slow-burn, but that’s why I love it; it feels more natural. The character development!! You can actually feel the difference between the start of the route and the end. I think their relationship is a nice example of just how much can one person make you grow regardless of your relationship with them being platonic or romantic. And he values MC’s opinions!! Even on the things like war/clan despite her coming from a totally different place.
And and and those small intimacies like holding hands and cute kisses and touching foreheads? I am made of soft&cute this is my breathing substrate. And that blush is adorable and his eyes are beautiful and the story broke my heart he didn’t deserve all of that just let him be happy pls. I just, I love him so so much
*whispers* Voltage, would you like my organs??? I’ve been playing since the moment I’ve joined and I’ve been sinking deeper and deeper. I wanted to be a casual player, but I have no chill and I’m already too attached to characters? Oops 
Idk about others, bc I’m active only in the slbp department, but I like how active and open ppl here are. I haven’t seen a otome fandom this active in a long while? Everyone adds something, whether it’s a fic/hc or a drawing, a summary, a discussion or bunch of screenshots god bless u all
I want MC to learn how to fight!! With actual weapons!! And brain!! Diplomacy!! Let her grow and adapt to her surroundings!! Let her fight and defend!! I get the whole pacifist thing, but self-defense is like basics  when ur bf owns a province??? I’m getting tired of seeing her being left behind when her lover goes to war. I want to fite!! Or she could be a field medic, that’s a+++ too.
And like, if we could have some Masamune’s sprites where we can see both of his eyes… Or like… repeat the events so I can play everything I missed…. I can’t give u my money, but I have a pair of functioning kidneys…
Hello, my name is Jovana I just really like cats. I usually use Ana, bc my name is generic. Currently studying veterinary medicine in the University of Belgrade and crying over fictional characters. I’m super awkward with these, but I swear I’m a friendly young cat lady who likes baking and platonic relationships. Tbh, lately I’ve been only active here and in Haikyuu fandom? and I really need to read the latest chapter bc I saw some cats there thank you Furudate. U should befriend me bc u get good benefits I just have to think of some trust me
tagging: guys, I have no idea who to tag, everyone had already done this?? if u haven’t then do it pls
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