#my overthinking *ss be like
yeesiine · 1 year
I don't have trust issues. I have " I've seen this before and I know how it ends" issues!
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yutadori · 17 days
i really hope i dont end up annoying the hell out of my professor... i raise my hand to answer questions somewhat often in class AND i want to go to his office hours every week to talk to him... it really doesnt help that my brother recently told me that it's annoying that i ask a lot of questions like okay ill just kill myself then
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muses-with-afp · 3 months
In terms of Bleachy things that I am never not thinking about given my particular sort of brainrot, it would have to be Chapter 179, Confession in the Twilight. Today, I want to overthink long and hard about assumptions fandom often makes about Hisana. Some of these assumptions are not well-supported by the canon. Other of these assumptions likely stem from material added by the anime and/or the movie Fade to Black.
Because I'm sort of "meh" on the supplementary material from the anime and pretty "blah" on the Bleach movies overall, I will stick to the manga. (I am also a simple creature with only two brain cells to rub together now-a-days so... there's that, too.) I am sure there are more assumptions one could pick apart and torture to death, but for the sake of brevity (I write cackling because when am I ever brief?) below are my top three.
1. Assumption One: Hisana had no spiritual power/pressure
This one is odd to me because we, the audience, do not have a whole lot of evidence to base this assumption off of. Byakuya never says anything of this sort to Rukia during the confession:
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Although, it is possible that Hisana was spiritually weak, and what made it difficult for her to survive was taking care of a baby with significant spiritual pressure/power. This explanation is entirely possible, but, based on the English translation, it is not the only interpretation one could draw.
Honing in on the"[b]ut it was hard for her to survive there while caring for you..." bit, this could suggest that Hisana, in fact, needed more than vibes and water to survive herself. We get a sense in Bleach that siblings often have similar capacities in terms of spiritual power and pressure, and we know Rukia is spiritually gifted. Accordingly, one could make the leap that Hisana, too, had some spiritual capacity. Now, I think the case for sibling similarities in spiritual talents is probably strongest for the souls born in SS since they presumably are most "genetically" related (or whatever concept passes for "genetic" relationships in SS), one assumes. This, of course, also assumes you buy the idea that Hisana and Rukia were just ordinary souls who passed from the WOTL to SS. KT, however, has thrown a wrench into this explanation by suggesting that Rukia is a secret... eighth thing/potential hybrid. (At least, I think we are up to eight soul "ecotypes" now .... Maybe it's nine if we add in the lore from Burn the Witch.) Perhaps this secret variation/hybrid is specific to Rukia, or maybe it applies to both sisters equally.
Other evidence that could support Hisana as having some spiritual capacity (beyond being a spiritual dandelion) includes:
According to Renji, the only way to escape Inuzuri was to attend the Academy/become a shinigami. It's possible that Renji was speaking only in terms of "legality" (i.e., the only legal way to leave your assigned district/town/placement is to gain admittance to the Academy) since we know Kenpachi and crew exist. Could Hisana have gotten out of Inuzuri using the Academy loophole? Sure! Why not? Was Hisana a bloody tank like Kenpachi and fought her way out of the city? Maybe but probably not, since she felt driven to abandon her sister, which doesn't seem very warlord-like of her. Maybe Hisana never actually left Inuzuri after the abandonment. The "[a]bandoned you and ran" (emphasis mine) part of the story makes it sound like she left the city, but maybe she just ran away from Rukia and went to another part of Inuzuri or the district.
Rukia somehow managed to survive (i.e., maybe it wasn't the demands (or just the demands) of a spiritually needy baby that drove Hisana to abandon her). We don't know much/anything about the period of Rukia's life between the abandonment and meeting Renji, so it's hard to say how needy she was as a soul baby.
Hisana hung out with/lived with Byakuya, who we know (a) has a metric ton of spiritual power and pressure, and (b) lives in a city full of similarly situated souls. Canonically, weaker souls seem greatly affected by the spiritual pressure of the more spiritually capable souls in Bleach, which could suggest that she had enough to withstand living in Seireitei and being married to someone with a lot of the stuff.
Depending on whether you think Rukia is anywhere near the ballpark in terms of her age vis-à-vis Ichigo (150 years, by the way), Hisana's life span would have been about 100 years in SS, which isn't particularly short. It seems that souls with some spiritual power/pressure tend to live longer than souls without it.
As Byakuya continues with his confession to Rukia, he says that Hisana "searched for [Rukia] almost every day for the next five years." If you take this literally, it sounds like Hisana went out into the slums regularly, which is pretty far away from Kuchiki manor. Without some sort of fast travel option (the Kuchiki are rich so maybe one exists...), it seems that she would have needed to learn a pretty good flash-step to make that trek anyway feasible. Although, it is possible that Byakuya meant Hisana searched for Rukia in a more abstract sense since, as a noble, she would finally have resources (beyond her physically trekking out there) to conduct a search. It could also be both.
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2. Assumption Two: Hisana was (or was not) doing XYZ before marriage
This assumption likely piggybacks off the one above. Since we are given no indication as to what Hisana was doing before marriage, if you assume she was a spiritually weak being, it makes sense for the years between abandonment and marriage to be full of scrounging and hiding from scary beings/thugs/monsters/take-your-pick. And, true, the reckless noble/prince taking an unwashed but kindly peasant girl as a wife is an oldie goldie in terms of romance tropes.
But, as noted above, Hisana could have been literally anything. Shinigami? Sure! Secret agent/informant? Why not!? In CFYOW, Yourichi gets pretty annoyed at Tokinada for speaking ill of Hisana. It's possible that she's irritated with him because he's trying to goad Byakuya into an altercation and is using Byakuya's dead wife as the ammo (which, yeah, is a pretty gross thing to do). Alternatively, there could be a personal connection between the two women (which may provide further color on Rukia being chosen as a vessel for the orb, don't mind me just out here speculating). We know the higher districts are rough, and, at least according to Renji, Inuzuri is full of criminals and bastards of all stripes. Hisana could've been a crime lord, a lackey to a crime lord, a thief, a prostitute, a hustling gambler, a bookie, basically anything. The vagueness is glorious!!!
3. Assumption Three: Hisana died of ghost consumption a respiratory illness
This assumption likely arises from the anime (although forgive me if I'm wrong about this since it has been a while since I've watched the anime) and Fade to Black, which has a scene where Hisana has a coughing fit. The manga, however, gives no indication:
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All Byakuya says is he "lost his wife." To what? Who knows?! Be more specific, Byakuya!
We also don't get a whole lot of evidence to indicate what killed her during the confession scene.
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Hisana isn't sweating, and her futon is white as is the bit of clothing we see, so it doesn't look like she's necessarily suffered a physical attack/assault. She's also, notably, not coughing....
For reference, below are Byakuya's bludgeoned panels because we have a lot of parallels between her deathbed request and Byakuya's confession to Rukia:
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To be fair, Byakuya's blanket and pad aren't bloody either, but his captain's coat sure is, and, goodness, is he sweaty! Although, perhaps Byakuya's memory of Hisana strips away the gory and gruesome bits (e.g., blood, sweat, coughing, gasping, gurgling death rattles, anguished groaning, etc.) since... well... no one actually dies pretty.
Based on the manga retelling of Hisana's expiration, the cause of death was... literally anything. Okay, I kid. I kid.
Sort of.
Maybe her COD wasn't literally anything. She was at least in a bed ready for death and had enough time to call upon her husband. (Although, so is Byakuya here, and he was stabbed like thirty minutes ago and is giving similar sorts of vibes to poor Rukia.) My guess is that whatever Hisana had, she succumbed to it over a period of time, which rules out causes of death that come fast, but a lot of deaths aren't immediate (unfortunately). Maybe she sustained internal injuries that took her, which would parallel nicely with Byakuya in these panels. Maybe she had "beautiful wife consumption," which is an oldie goldie trope for doomed lovers. Maybe she had whatever soul flu or illness afflicted Byakuya's dad. Maybe she had some sort of soul cancer. If you're doing the math (or a version of the math since time in Bleach is wobbly), Byakuya and Hisana married a year or so after WWII. It's not a pleasant thought, but cancer (leukemia and solid) rates went up five+ years later for obvious reasons, and perhaps this is an abstract/unconscious nod to that of sorts.
But, who can say??? Not me, that's for damn sure!
From a practical story-telling perspective, I imagine that KT leaves a lot of wiggle room around this period to avoid caging himself in for whatever reveal he had/has in store regarding Rukia's backstory/heritage/why Urahara picked her to put the orb into/etc.
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thejakeslayla · 1 year
hello, can you write jealous sunghoon when you have time?
╰─▸❝ sunghoon as your jealous boyfriend ❞
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pairing sunghoon x gn! reader ୨୧ genre angst, fluff ୨୧ warnings jealousy but i think thats obvs
as always, sunghoon cherished your presence at his concerts. knowing that his beloved is watching him perform so attentively motivated him to put in more effort, look his best, and give his all on stage. you would often wait in the dressing room as the guys prepared. your phone was always pointed at sunghoon, capturing countless pictures of him. after his makeup was done, you would consistently compliment his appearance. some days, you would pass the time playing games on your phone while chatting with him. your presence with sunghoon relaxed him and helped ease his anxiety and overthinking. he always appreciated your company.
however, this time he regretted inviting you. arms crossed, tongue pressed against the inside of his cheek, he observed you playfully interacting with jake. sunghoon would never in his life admit that he's jealous, but god, just the aura around him was telling otherwise. he gazed at you intensely, silently waiting for you to notice that he is watching.
it wasn't that he minded you talking to any of his bandmates, but he couldn't understand why you were so close to jake. almost in his arms, occasionally lightly hitting his shoulder when he cracked what seemed to be the funniest jokes ever.
sunghoon watched as jake finally glanced at him, his smile disappearing when he noticed sunghoon's irritation. he whispered something to you, and soon after, you made eye contact with sunghoon.
"finally remembered you have a boyfriend?" he muttered in a low, monotone voice as you finally took a seat next to him.
you placed your hand on his forearm, causing him to uncross his arms.
"hoonie, don't be like that." you pouted, making him look away to avoid melting in front of you.
"sunghoonie, of course i remember i have a boyfriend. i was just talking to jake, no need to be jealous." you teased. 
"who said i was jealous? talk to him as much as you want; his jokes are better than mine, aren't they?"
you couldn't help but smile at your sulky boyfriend. swiftly, you raised one of his arms, slid underneath it, and hugged his side. as you drew closer, he glanced at you once more. you took advantage of him facing you as you planted a brief kiss on his lips.
"no one is funnier than you, no one is better than you, and no one else is my boyfriend. i love only you, hoonie, okay?" you whispered as a staff member urged the boys to get ready to go on stage.
he finally dropped his grumpy act and kissed you back, unable to hide his smile. ss you felt the corners of his mouth lifting, you smiled too, breaking the kiss at the same time.
"go ahead and rock the stage, okay?"
"just for you."
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requests: open © 2023 — all rights reserved to user thejakeslayla, please do not steal, plagiarise or translate any of my work !
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jinhua-shu · 1 year
OVERTHINKING, Scaramouche/Wanderer x GN!Reader
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It’ll all go down hill if the other party decides that he is not interested in pursuing something further with you. it will all lead to something sad. like you for example, aren’t you overthinking, assuming, being overly anxious of what has happened between the connection with the person whom you’re talking to? Let’s all calmly and sadly face the truth, that not everyone wants to be with us and etc. because, no one bothers to stay even when we’re at our lowest, there would always be that one person whom will just glance and look away at you.  there would always be that one person who will simply, just stop to see what’s happening and walk away. there would be someone who will not care less of what you’re feeling, and simply intentionally ignore you. Leading to whatever feeling you’re feeling.
*  *
It has all begun, when you had enough courage to talk to your crush to show him that you’re interested in him, only for it to backfire.
Scara isn’t really a person who you can keep conversations with, he’d simply brush you away or ignore you, but suddenly he started replying to your messages.
which gave you a bit of hope. but you had also hoped that you did not fall for that stupid shit. Being in the same Group Chats as him made you delusional, whenever he chats you’re there swooning at his cold replies towards your group of friends.
you’d hit the reply button the instant he texts something in the GC, only to be ignored completely, which made you even more determined to gather his attention.
you’ll always go and complain to your friends on why you’re such a cupioromantic or why you’re such a hopeless romantic, in which made them become fed up with your delusions.
“ He has only seen my message! is he that speechless? “ ‘ Yeah, girl he is. ‘ ‘ No doubt he’s trying to think of ways to confess ‘
‘ He’s ignoring you for being a nuisance. ‘ “ ... “ that’s how everyday conversations with your friends go. two are feeding you DELULU and one is fed up and wants you to focus on yourself.
* *
Scara is seen walking down the halls cellular phone on hand, he seems to not be paying attention to where he’s going, ending up him stumbling backwards because he just bumped onto you.
grumpily regaining his footing he glared at the person.
“ Watch where you’re going. “ he spat out continuing to scroll down through his phone, you stood still trying to comprehend the fact that he just talked to you.. before squealing. Scara looked back at you in confusion and waved it off, walking fast paced towards the exit, Scara hummed to himself continuing scrolling through his phone, before stopping at the message notification, he grumbled. it’s you again, that one annoying pest that doesn’t even know how to get the hint. he sighed as he started typing a response, he seems to have an idea in mind.
completely getting carried away, he found that talking to you is quite refreshing. he found solace in your company. he would never admit it but he seemed to have quite a huge interest on you. 
2 weeks has passed, and you’re feeling over the clouds, who would never know? that the SCARAMOUCHE has been talking to you for 2 WEEKS! amazing!
you giggled as you sat on your bed, hugging a penguin plush tightly before sending scara a screenshot of a lyric from a song.
[ Maghihintay ako Hanggang mapasayo ]
[ (translation) I will wait until I’m yours ]
scaramouche scoffs as he simply reacted at the ss you sent and typed a response
“ I need some time to think. “ and sent it to you. you smiled as you stare at his response for more than 2 minutes before sending another message. 
“ Take your time “ 
you smiled happily without knowing the confusion and discomfort that will settle down in your heart the next day.
( Y/N POV )
I woke up feeling giddy, I sat down on my couch as i opened messenger, to check whether he has replied nor seen it.. turns out he hasn’t read it so I spent all of my time, distracting myself by doing my homework and watching movies on Netflix.
bored. i opened my phone to see him online, i checked the conversation whether he has seen it, i shrugged as i find out he still hasn’t read my message.
couple of hours has passed. i am now staring at his icon with a green dot, below his profile. he’s online and he won’t reply? is he that busy?
i gnawed on my nails as i laid down on my bed. i shouldn’t worry too much, he must be doing something and left the tab open.
i sleepily closed my eyes as i fell into a deep slumber. It is the start. of my feelings downfall.
waking up completely out of void, feeling like something bad is happening or coming, i sighed as I checked once more, before becoming disappointed. Feeling empty and confused, i am left with my over bearing thoughts that is eating me alive. ‘ Why did he show that he’s interested in me? ‘, ‘ why did he show that he cares for me..? why? only to leave me in the dust. ‘ i shook those thoughts away as i calmed myself down. ‘It’s going to be fine, it has only been 2 days since then, it won’t impact you that much.’ oh how i was completely wrong.
i stayed in my room wondering what could’ve happened if I didn’t fully show him my feelings towards him, if i didn’t really let him know of what i was feeling. 
a bunch of “what if’s” a bunch of “Why’s” but never “ I shouldn’t have. “ 
i sobbed on my pillow feeling distressed, the gnawing pain that’s on my heart, the confusion that’s lingering on my brain. the exasperated breathing that i am doing to inhale oxygen. 
He must be talking to his friends. He must be having fun or playing.. but in all honesty, why should I care, why should i have to endure all of this emotions, all of these feelings, when he’s not even mine.
i shouldn’t have messaged him, i should’ve just admired him from afar and let time make me move on slowly.
why does it have to hurt this bad? you’re not even mine..
why do i have to overthink?.. when you’re not even mine.
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aggold15hi01 · 2 months
Paula's Tumblr Fan Fiction- The Australian Grand Prix 2024- A Lolex Fan fiction- Chapter 1
Author's note; I did this originally on my Blogspot and I am feeling truthfully infuriated with how does Blogspot has issues with me today obviously.
Anyway; enjoy this Lolex Fan Fiction I did wrote this 'toughest' fan fiction I ever done in my very own life.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the respective pictures and none of them are mine.
Credits goes to Alex Albon, Logan Sargeant; P*ntr*st and also the people whom they worked their magic behind the scenes both in person and online too as well.
Written's from Logan's P.O.V
Trigger Warning: Mentions of Alex Albon's intense accident from Australian GP 2024 and also mentions of D*pr*ss**n(?) [I'm not so sure]
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Logan's P.O.V
While I am truthfully minding my own business as usual by having to truly listen to V-Cha's 'Girls of the year' through my pair of Space Grey Airpod Max Headphones: I am also singing along to the song very quietly just as I am now watching the Free Practice session on the screen as well; then all of the sudden; when Alex had gotten into a very heavy crash, I did ended up turning my head away from seeing that crash from Alex ever since not only it does looks truthfully super intense for a crash but also at the same time by the when I take look up at the screen after I shield myself from looking at the screen: I did remembered there are commotions of how the first free practice session had to be cancelled with a red flag session while the commentators had mentioned that the car had been severely damaged plus this really makes me turn to the thought of Alex who is my current team mate as although he is five years older than me and yet he also had experience as well during his time in F1; my heart suddenly plummet out of nowhere just as I am now feeling worried about my current team mate whom he and I--we both are the opposite attracts personality wise.
While Alex is very outspoken with his wicked sense of humor; meanwhile I am more of the soft-spoken and reserved type of person: knowing that sometimes I'd think I did truthfully ended up overthinking too much about the little things that I shouldn't be worrying about as well; I felt as if sometimes I kept having the thoughts of the performance which I did truthfully have on me: myself and I plus yet, I didn't truthfully realize that there are certain times when I had placed too much high expectations on myself to the point where I had became a people pleaser thus  . . . this is where music does came into the picture and usually it does truthfully helps me to truthfully focus on whatever I can truthfully control in my very own life instead of focusing on what I couldn't even control in my very own life obviously.
As I am about to walk out of the garage; I did bumped into Gaetan Jego who is my race engineer and the first thing I did spoke to him are those words:
"Hey, is he okay? Is Alex okay?" I asked him breathlessly while I press the button on the right side of my Air pod Max to go from 'noise cancellation' mode to 'transparent' mode while I am asking him the question about Alex's status of his health condition.
"Yes, he seems to be okay; no serious injuries on him despite how he had survive a heavy crash; Logan." He replied to me he looks at me ominously just as I am feeling truthfully worried about my outspoken team mate.
I let out a gasp before I replied to my race engineer with a set of distressing words which I did truthfully said it all in one sentence just before I take off into a sprint: "No, I got to check up on him."  
"Wait, are you sure: Logan? Don't you think you should be preparing for the second practice session?" He ask me before I can response to Gaetan's question while running into a sprint where I went to Alex's garage where now his car does looks as if it does looks more like pieces of debris you could truthfully find it either under the sea with countless shipwrecks and also sometimes they could wash ashore on the edge of the beach.
As I frantically search for Alex; I did finally found him at one of the motorhomes where he is now sitting down on a couch with his pair of long sleeve blue fireproof shirts which create a contrast between the outer layer of the white racing suits which we are now sporting as part of our 2024 Livery as he had his head down with a dejected look on his face.
"Alex, are you okay?" I asked him while I enter the motorhome without even knocking on the door but because of what had happened earlier on how intense the crash is earlier that Alex had experienced it earlier and oh boy, it was so scary to the point where I did felt as if I wanted to truthfully check on him despite how I did have to truly go out later on the second free practice session.
"Huh? What? Logan?" He ask me while he is feeling truly dazed from what had happened earlier.
"Yeah; it's me, what on earth had happened to you?!" I ask; sounding both shock and surprised while I place my headphone around my neck after I paused the song.
"I am feeling okay but I truly don't know if I can probably race again; bud."
"What do you mean you don't know if you can truthfully race any more; bud?" I ask, now feeling truthfully confused.
"I really don't know, man: it is just way too much for me to handle especially how intense it was earlier despite how I am feeling thankful that it is a miracle I did managed to both survive and escape from that harmful crash unscathed."
"I know but you can't let that discourage you." I protest, now sounding equally both genuinely distressed and scared at the same time just as I am feeling stressed out all because of a crash must had given him a scare and yet; when I spoke to him in this way: I did felt as there is a waves of protection washes over me mentally and spiritually just if someone tries to hurt Alex in every step of the way just as the same as how Alex would do as an older brother if they did the same with me.
Although I may be younger than either Alex or my older brother Dalton but I am not letting anyone or anybody simply just speak about them especially in a very toxic way.
"I know but . . ."
"Listen to me, Alex: i know you may not have a car to drive and I knew you experience a scary accident but it doesn't mean you can truly let it deter you from having to continue on with Formula 1 career and you knew how far you had made it obviously and I'm serious; man." I said while placing both pair of my hands onto Alex's shoulder as I felt as if I did truly wanted to shake him so hard to give him a well-deserved wake up call from having to truly criticize himself just as when he did went into an unexpected downward spiral from both the self hate and self harm by having to simply destruct him as a form of self abuse.
"Logan; I don't think I truly can do this and all and  . . ."
"Just listen to me, would you; Alex?!" I protested; now sounding equally distressed; shocked, hurt: angered and scared about what exactly he is truthfully experiencing now in his very own life.
I know I maybe years younger than him however I am not going to let him became deterred by the waves of both the self destruction and the self abuse to simply destroy him out of nowhere.
"Logan?" He ask me after waking up from the hazy feeling of the numbness he had to truthfully experience in his very own life.
"Alex . . ." I moan while I had mentioned his name out of instant concern plus my pair of Pacific eyes sparkles with nothing but concern and sadness.
"Look man, I know it is too much to ask however . . . can you give the space? I mean . . . right now; i do need the space to truthfully take the time to think." He ask me tiredly while heaving a deep and an equally heavy sigh just as when he tries to wake up very early in the morning,
"Wait; what?" I ask him softly to match his current voice which my present team mate is talking towards me despite how he is now staring down on the floor; wishing the floor can open up a huge hole where it could swallow him out of nowhere then he would instantly disappear out of nowhere.
"I mean I would like to truly get the space and time I do truthfully needed, Logan." He replied to me very softly.
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und3ad-mutt · 4 months
something about hypnosis just lets me totally let go of that outer layer. the person suit, the anxiety. i feel so like... clear. like the blank bit of it all totally silences the overthinking and afterwards it totally lifts up. holy shit am i hypnotherapying myself rn. this rocks. i think it has genuinely been helping. like obviously its hot as fuck too bc of how long i've been practicing going into trance but it just. it really works. i'm hella conditioned. and that-ss so fucking hot tbh. all it would take is someone recognizing the slight dazed look i get or the total focus on someone's hand when they snap near me. how effectively it gets my attention when someone clicks a pen closed. fuck. fuuuuckkk. VAMPIRES. AARGRHGHGAHRBGHRHGARHBNAHEHRGHGRGH.
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smhtaehyung · 2 years
6 hours ➣ HOUR 4
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hour 1, hour 2, hour 3, hour 4
summary: Jungkook pulls you in the bathroom to have some fun. The party takes a turn for the worse. Jimin fights with heavy intoxication as chaos continues echoing through the house. Taehyung slips back into sobriety.
Masterlist - under construction
Pairings: fuckboy!tae x reader, crush!jk x reader,  jm x crush!reader , hoseok x random
Rating: 18+ minors DNI
wordcount: 4k words
Genre: smut, college au, nonidol!au, love cube sorta thing
warnings: alcohol use, drug use, slight existential angst, innapropriate sexual comments, graphic depictions of smut, fingering, oral (f. m. recieving), kinky dares, slut shaming, protected sex, overstimulation, thigh kink, dirty talk, spit kink, multiple orgasms, degrading,  face fucking >> reader is in love with jk, jimin is in love with a reader, taehyung is just there being hot and flirty.
Taglist: (at the bottom) If you want to be in the taglist, reply to this post or dm me to stay updated :)
Chapter 5 release:
9th of October > 11 pm (CET)
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Hour 4 "When all hell breaks loose" Time: [ 2:25 AM ]
It was all going south. Maybe it was your raging instinct which was telling you not to follow Jungkook so easily to the bathroom, but you were in no shape to fight with yourself anymore. The strong intoxication was ruining all of you, including already deteriorating friendships between guys like Jungkook and Jimin. Jungkook's soft hand was holding yours, making you feel at peace with possibly a terrible decision. Jungkook really seemed like a shitty friend to Jimin, so now you finally understood Taehyung's ramblings. From comforting him outside to sneaking a peek and a cheeky touch of you inside. Walking upstairs, you felt yourself breaking down a little bit, realizing this entire loud and chaotic night was taking its toll on you.
"I need to go to the bathroom." You whispered to Jungkook as you walked past the bathroom in the hallway upstairs. The hallway was completely empty as somebody just exited the bathroom. He stopped and opened the bathroom door for you.
"You can go do your thing first."
"It's okay. I don't need to actually use the bathroom." You slurred a little bit. Jungkook realized you might be just as drunk as him by this point. He had no idea you chugged an entire cup of strong gin and tonic before you found Taehyung in the kitchen.
"What?" He giggled, scrunching his nose.
"I just need to cry. No need for peeing."
"Oh." Jungkook let out a remorseful giggle, feeling sorry to see you like this. Still, you looked pretty adorable. He hugged you and pulled you inside the bathroom.
"Talk to me. You okay?"
"No. He hates me." You leaned against the wall, sighing.
"He doesn't hate you, he just needed to say something. It's not easy for him, you know? Don't stress about it. He'll be fine." Jungkook finished a drink he had in his hand, putting the empty cup on the bathroom sink. You found comfort in Jungkook's tone, making you believe you were panicking slightly too much. Still, you appreciated his caring gestures and gentle words.
"Sorry for calling you one of Jimin's "fuckboy friends"."
"You never said my name."
"Well, I was thinking it then."
"I know, it's just...I'm-You're such a bad friend." You scoffed.
"I know. I should stop drinking."
Jungkook's comment made you overthink ss it usually did. Was he really blaming alcohol for his attraction towards you?
"Is alcohol just a reason though?" You raised your head slightly, your hair uncovering your tired eyes.
"No, but I don't think you want to hear my answer." His tone was numb, almost too direct for your liking.
"Because I know you like me." Jungkook kept his eyes fixed on you.
"Uhm, hey-" You started speaking out of panic immediately, but gave up soon as you realized you didn't have absolutely anything on your mind to say.
"Listen. I can tell you one thing." He started speaking, making you feel at ease you didn't need to do that anymore.
"If you want to have fun, I'm still here." Jungkook's hand found a way to hold you by the cheek, bringing you closer.
Your whole drunk body was telling you to do this, to get more that you were craving for. You could finally have him, even if it was just physical. To you, it didn't seem so bad and soon enough, you were immersed into kissing him, making him breathe heavier.
Suddenly, another idea appeared in your mind. Pure and raw dominance you wanted to feel over him. You wanted him to groan and moan for you and you only.
Your body was reacting to his touch with such ease.
"I want to be in control this time." You pushed him against the wall, kissing down his neck. Jungkook's hands travelled down to grab your ass, firmly pulling you against himself. He moaned once you began kissing onto his earlobe. Jungkook's length was rapidly hardening, your firm grip making him live out all of his submissive fantasies usually girls weren't really effective at. Given Jungkook wasn't scared of you and devoured your pussy two hours prior, he felt the need to give into your games, wanting to provoke you in hopes you'd be even harsher with him. After seeing you become a moaning mess in that closet, Jungkook felt safe to let himself go too. You were arousing him quickly and effectively, which made all the blood rush to his crotch. He whined once you slapped his hand away from your breast, locking the door he was leaning against.
"Don't be impatient. It pisses me off." You slightly but down onto his ear, which only riled him up even more. You knelt down, keeping the eye contact with him. Jungkook thought you looked so hot when you were feeling confident, not looking away even as you were stroking him over his pants. You stuck your hand inside, causing him to gasp slightly. You felt his wet tip brush against your finger. You smeared the liquid over his tip, stroking him slowly.
"Are you going to be a good boy for me and listen to what I say?" You slid his pants and underwear down, his rock hard erection springing free.
"Y-yes." He nodded through a moan.
His big member made you drool as you slowly started to take him in your mouth. You wrapped your lips around his length, coating it with your saliva. You took him in deep inside of your mouth, causing him to shut his eyes and get killed off again. "F-fuck." Jungkook cursed, your mouth bringing the warm, sensitive and tight pleasure he needed to feel. His dick hit the back of your throat, making you slightly gag. He tried to move his hips, all desperate to fuck into your mouth. You gripped his thighs and moved your mouth away from him, making him groan out of frustration.
"Don't be such a brat." You slapped his cock, making him moan again. Soon after, you began kitten-licking his tip, making his dick slightly twitch from the sensitivity. "Please don't-tease me." He mumbled under his breath, biting his lip from the pleasure. His eyes glanced down at you for a brief second, loving the way you were so into sucking him off. The immersed look plastered onto your face made him only focus more on you, all pretty and needy for him. "Ahhh, Y/N." He let a moan escape his lips, one of his hands going down to stroke your hair. Once his other hand reached to hold you by your hair too, you slapped his hand away, knowing it was his final step before trying to fuck your mouth again. "I'll let you fuck my mouth soon, baby. Stay put for me a little longer." You whispered, quickly taking his whole length inside your mouth. "Fuck, why are you being like that?" He mumbled in a dirty voice, biting his lip as he was desperate to jerk his hips up. Jungkook never experienced such a dirty thing play out before him. He loved how you were making him feel, but the desperation to fuck your throat was growing stronger.
You started to move your head up and down him as your hands got involved too. One of your hands was stroking the base of his big member, and your other hand was cupping and massaging his balls.
Jungkook started to groan your name out, losing one of the last battles with himself to stay focused. He licked his lips and threw his head back, not able to handle it anymore. "Mmmm, Y/N." He spoke softly, making you start to bob on him. You continued your motions, quickening your pace as you sucked his tip harder. His hand guided your head faster, making you choke on him. Your mouth was full of his cock, causing you to grow wetter each second. You moaned once you have into him pushing himself further down your throat. He started to fuck into your mouth, feeling his climax approaching. Your hands sped up too, making him run his fingers through his hair. He threw his head back in pleasure. Your pussy was extremely wet by now, the liquid almost dripping through your panties. You stuck your hand in your panties, rubbing small circles around your sensitive nub. Jungkook moaned at sudden loss of contact.
"Don't stop, baby. I'm so close." He spoke in an accent, making the fire pit in your stomach even more needy.
"Beg me." You removed your head away, rubbing yourself faster. Jungkook swore he could come just by the sight alone.
"Please, please, kiss it, touch it, fuck it, whatever, just do something, please. I want to fuck your mouth so bad." Jungkook whined, stroking your soft cheeks.
"Good boy. I'm all yours-" As soon as you spoke, Jungkook sighed in relief, sliding his cock down your mouth. He was so frustrated it made him take control. And you loved it.
He went on a rampage, quickly jerking his hips up to hit the back of your throat, making you choke on him. "Ahhh." You moaned, furrowing your eyebrows at the sensation.
Jungkook's hips thrusted into your mouth, his groans filling up the bathroom.
"Who's my little slut after all?" Jungkook smirked down at you, still keeping eye contact. Your eyes were prickling up with tears, your mouth full of him.
You hummed, moaning under him as you rubbed yourself faster.
"Are you going to come for me?" Jungkook couldn't stop watching you touch yourself. You sped up the pace, finally reaching your orgasm. His words definitely tipped you over the edge. You began moaning onto his dick.
"Oh, fuck, yes." He continued groaning, seeing you come apart in front of him. Your orgasm washed over you, the strong sensation circulating through your entire body, your heat finally feeling some release. "Now I'm gonna come in your pretty little mouth-" Jungkook groaned, desperately chasing his orgasm. You felt his dick twitch in your mouth, knowing he was about to come. It was great, feeling so much control over him, enjoying how desperate he looked. You loved his need face as he was trying to come into your mouth, just to observe how pretty you looked with your mouth full of his load.His grip got tighter as he shut his eyes, letting out a few choked out moans as he came inside of your mouth. His cum slid down your throat, making you instantly gulp down. He threw his head back, staring at the ceiling as he tried to calm his quickened breaths. You licked off the remaining cum from his tip, wiping your mouth as he looked down on you from the above. "Come here." He softly spoke, pulling you up to him. He pulled his pants and underwear down, his breath still hot and breathing sounding heavy. He bit his lip once you got close to him, placing a kiss onto your lips.
"You're so hot." He giggled, continuing to kiss you. You both couldn't decide if the orgasm sobered you up or pushed you into another type of disorientation.
You found a few ways to giggle at the situation, not directly mentioning how dirty, impulsive and hot this evening has been between the two of you. But Jungkook definitely wanted to feel you or your mouth again. On him, by him, anywhere.
"Hope you're not disappointed that I don't want a relationship. I really find you attractive though." Jungkook spoke directly again, making you cut him off.
"Shh. Let's not ruin this." You winked at him and placed a kiss onto his lips. It was the last thing you said to him before you left the bathroom on your own, leaving him behind.
You felt power. Especially once leaving him like this. You set yourself out to have fun. Your decision, your dealing with the consequences. It was funny, because after this last séance with Jungkook, you didn't even check on your hair or dress. They looked perfectly fine, but you didn't care anymore, realizing people didn't give a damn anymore.
Debating whether to take a first step down. Why would you throw yourself into the wilderness like that? The mayhem that took place dowstairs was overwhelming once you got down, squeezing through the all the people who left the backyard to go dancing. Even the music you knew well and usually danced too was annoying you by this point.
It was true Sodom and Gomorrah you noticed but a modernized version.
People were making out heavily in the hallways and girls were sobbing in the kitchen. Probably because of the certain guys kissing other girls. The dining room looked like an aftermath of a wild party already, spilled beer all over the table from beer pong that took place. Some cups were on the floor, some people even, discussing existential life crisis you all knew well after attending college.
The music maybe didn't even change volume, but your ears were so irritated, the fading high pitched ringing noise in your ears driving you insane. You needed to sober up. And you needed it quick.
Finally, pure panic for Jimin managed to sober you up once seeing him stumble inside the bathroom.
"Jimin!" You yelled out for him. You started to breathe heavily, your gut telling you something bad was happening. Hell, you whole body felt it.
And there, shining in the most chaotic moments, you ran into Taehyung, who also looked visibly stressed. Not for the party, but because of Jimin.
He wasn't well.
"How is he?" You grabbed Taehyung by the shoulder. He flinched under your touch, his eyes dark heavy and red. So red.
"He's doing bad." Taehyung muttered out.
"Jimin!" You yelled out again, storming inside of the bathroom as you gently pushed Taehyung and a few other people out of the way.
The drama segment was settling in.
Jimin was kneeling in front of the toilet, throwing up whatever the liquor was that tipped him over the edge.
"Oh, baby." You sighed and kneeled down, next to him, stroking his back for comfort as he was regurgitating, his body really jolting him back into sobriety.
You hated to see him this way.
"What are you d-doing here?" He managed to stutter out, shaking from how cold he felt on the bathroom floor.
"I looked for you. Knew it was bad news."
"I'm fine, you can leave." He rushed his sentences out with a strong accent. He removed your hand from his back.
"I'm sorry I can't. Let me stay with you-" you were interrupted by him vomiting again, making you begin stroking his back again.
You looked to your right, watching Taehyung enter and close the door behind himself.
He gave you a smile with a worrying look on his face. You realized Taehyung had the ability to have a different smile for every situation or a setting. Only you had trouble figuring out which one was his real smile.
"Taehyung." Jimin called out for him.
"Yeah, bro?"
"Can you s-stay too?"
"Of course." Taehyung sighed.
Right in that moment Taehyung remembered the original reason of why he held back with you, if that could even be called "holding back".
He really felt bad for Jimin. Mainly because he followed the story of you being Jimin's crush since it began. It was impossible for him to just throw the bro code away that easily as Jungkook did, who knew the story but still felt the need to put his dick into you - which was at least what Taehyung guessed happened.
"You need anything?" Taehyung softly asked Jimin.
"No." Jimin sat down on the floor turning away from you. You decided to join Taehyung and sit on the floor, your back leaning against the cold bathtub.
And there you found it. At least some peace and quiet after such a wild night. Flashbacks of Jungkook, his hair, bare chest and wet lips kept haunting your mind. You sighed, disrupting the peace slightly.
Jimin started giggling out of nowhere, making you both confused.
"I can't take you seriously with this makeup." He continued laughing.
You smiled at Taehyung, nudging into his shoulder as he acted all proud of himself. He was always joking around.
You were scared he wasn't going to like you anymore, given the fact he always said that the girls who got with Jungkook were delusional-hopeless-romantic girls. And you knew well you couldn't explain to him the urge to be in control of him for just one night. Just to get it out of your system, fuck it over and out.
For some reason, Taehyung's presence has left you feeling nervous since the party began. Now it was for other reasons.
Even as he began talking to Jimin, you kept silent, still hating those bright bazhroom lights. Was he able to see your smudged makeup from teary eyes you got when Jungkook's cock was deep in your throat? Or did he notice a small bruised bite on your neck that was darkening every minute?
Could he smell Jungkook on you? Could he even sit next to you right now without feeling disgusted?
"-yeah, I remember that. But, I heard they're playing sometime next week. Want to go?" Jimin asked Taehyung about some band, making Taehyung agree, all smiles.
Your instinct was telling you he was putting on a fake smile again.
Listening to Taehyung's and Jimin's conversation, you felt at ease since it was so much more calmer than the muffled noise outside. You feared what was behind those doors. You feared yourself, because you didn't want to leave. Could some things still get back in control?
Taehyung noticed how worried you looked, so, mentally slapping himself, he brought you into the conversation and after a few minutes, he got Jimin to talk to you. You were paying attention on him to the best of your abilities, thanking the intoxication was fading away.
After some time of talking between each other, you decided it would still be best if you left Tae alone with Jimin. You didn't like yourself at all right now. It was funny that you felt easy so early into the night and had no idea that feeling would progressively get worse. Still, you exited the bathroom, catching a glimpse of Taehyung's worried look as you said your byes. To him, you were the personification of Sodom and Gomorrah because he was faced with having to decide between emotions and sex, forbidden but available, sin and respect.
"Why am I getting a feeling you like her?" Jimin's quiet question threw Taehyung off guard. He gulped hard, wishing you were here to avoid the mess. But this was mess he brought into himself so wanting you to be here was just selfish.
Taehyung didn't know what to say to Jimin. He didn't know how to start a conversation in which he has to explain to Jimin he still doesn't know will his attraction for you fade with the alcohol or get even stronger.
So, while Taehyung was trying to bury a hole he dug himself into with his clown makeup and desperate glances, you were already in the kitchen, the bright lights not making you look fresh in the slightest. Your inner self was matching the exterior well, since you really felt fucked out, tired and confused all at the same time. You could feel the stares from some people you hung out, especially since they all gossiped about you bringing back your notorious partying persona you wanted to dig down. Your reputation was not bothersome anymore, given the fact you stopped feeling everything. You could not hold one thought down, the music not letting you remember anything. Still, your brain was filled with Jungkook's moans, his hot palms and your admiration to take control. Even if it was just over him.
The party was in turmoil, some people vomiting outside by the street. You scoffed in annoyance, you just wanted to go home, but still felt attached to this place. You still chased peace.
You tried to get a piece of it, but squeezing through so much people just made your forehead sweat and brain feel dizzy due to lack of oxygen. You really felt lost by this point. A familiar guy approached you with an offer you could not refuse.
"Hoseok! Hey!" You were really happy to see him, suddenly finding consolation in all Jimin's friends.
"Hey, how are you doing? Have you seen Jungkook, I've been looking everywhere for him." Hoseok sighed.
"I saw him by the bathroom upstairs last time. But I think he had been actually looking for you." You tried to speak as if you couldn't still taste him in your mouth, but even Hoseok realized it was bullshit.
Your drunk mind sending you graphic flashbacks of his cock in your mouth was enough of a thought to distract you from paying attention.
"What about Taehyung? Seen him?"
"He's in the bathroom with Jimin. Jimin's not well."
"Oh, he told you?"
"Seriously, did everyone know besides me?" You sighed, following him towards the large window in the living room. Hoseok just gave a simple apologetic nod and continued speaking.
"-And as for Taehyung, he'll probably find you easier before I find him so I'll stick with you for a while. You don't mind, right?" Hoseok smiled, resting his elbow on the window stool. It was the only open window in the living room, both of you enjoying fresh air which was the cure for all of your breathing problems.
"What do you mean he's going to find me first?"
"Oh, you really are blind, aren't you, Y/N? First Jimin, now Taehyung..." Hoseok sighed, making you even more confused.
"Hoseok, what are you saying exactly?"
"Did anyone ever put makeup on to make you laugh?"
"No." You raised your eyebrow.
"Did anyone ever smile his way through the night for you when you were doing all kinds of stuff in the closet with his other friend?"
"No." You looked down in shame.
"So, it might just be this one night, but something happened to him."
Hoseok continued speaking about Taehyung's attraction towards you so easily that it reminded you of one of those movie cliches where you cannot observe any other noise other than complete focus on one man's words. Everything else was muffled up, and Hoseok might have spoke too much but you had no idea of how present he was the entire night, witnessing everything.
Every time you ran away away from Taehyung, Hoseok was there to stop Taehyung from chasing after you, sort of giving him advice to win you over slowly. Hell, Taehyung even asked Hoseok's date to borrow lipstick from her while he was right next to her. At first, Taehyung had no intention to listen, but throughout the night, his desperation grew and Hoseok was there to help out. The whole scheme was unfolding. Hoseok left you speechless, making you overthink the entire night almost instantly.
You found Taehyung's attempts cute and soon realized the only reason you were running away from him was because of your possible attraction towards him. So, his plan really worked. He made you feel safe around him because he really cared. Or at least that's what he thought during the intoxicated hours.
In that cold bathroom, sitting alongside his best friend, Taehyung stared into the bathroom tiles, slipping back into sobriety. Structuring his thoughts was rapidly becoming more successful and his brain was jolting itself awake, suddenly slipping into the state of realization of where he was, who he is really and what he's been doing here.
Taehyung had no idea what was waiting for him in his sobriety. Was his fascination for you about to fade away?
Was yours about to fully realize itself?
taglist: @prettxyliies , @fairy-jaykay
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alarrytale · 8 days
About Harry at ss daley
I don’t know what to say, I get him wanting to blend for privacy on the street but even then the short shorts will get attention. the old tshirts no rings no pearls and the hair it’s so short on the sides it looks like a faux hawk if I don’t like it on a rando I’m not going to like it on him.
Just my opinion but it feels like something is going on with him, look at his eyes they seem kind of lifeless they is when he’s not scowling then they look angry, go back they’ve been like that for a while at least since he shaved his head, could he nothing though just me overthinking.
Between both of them one is dressing more “masculine” off stage while Louis is trying to act it off stage
It’s almost like they’re regressing instead of progressing
Hi, anon!
If i don't like it on a rando, i'm not going to like it on him.
Yes, anon! Keep your integrity and check your bias. If you don’t like dirty vans on the catwalk, then why would it suddenly be okay when H does it? If you don’t like a mowhawk, you shouldn't think it looks good on Harry.
And about the regressing instead of progressing. I think you hit the nail on the head of why i was so frustrated yesterday. Especially with H, it seems like all his former words are hollow, it seems like he's a muted version of his former self. He seems less confident and like he doesn’t want to make an effort, because people will love it anyway. It's concerning to me. I'm also worried about how much more masculine and how little diversity he's showing in his looks. He's totally missing the touch of flamboyance he's always got up his sleeve. Or the extra little touch that makes an outfit go from plain to fabulous. Even daily mail described him as "casual" which is saying something from a tabloid who always wax poetic about celebrities outfits.
This is by far the most masculine he's ever dressed and looked at events or off work since 2012. He used to wear white skinny Paige jeans while being papped arriving at the airport, he used to wear a flared Guc*i suit pants in flowery patterns, blouses and heeled shoes. Where did the confidence go? What happened to flamboyance? What happened to the element of surprise? I'm not into this at all.
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zzencat · 1 month
Hii, can I know which Kpop idol my future partner/husband most resembles and I don't even know if it's possible to know from tarot cards, but I would like to know what is the academic status of my future husband? Meaning how educated are they??
🍭🔮🤎, ♑, SS
Thank you 🐭
Sending you lots of blessings and love 💕
hi SS!! i love that kind of question it’s interesting af hahah thanks for sending it in!! it’s pretty long but count it as your morning newspaper or bedtime story:
kpop idols your future partner/husband resembles (personality):
has leadership qualities and spends a lot of time alone
might be gullible or spends a lot of time browsing shopping catalogs (most of the time for retail therapy), falls in the rabbit hole of “oh that looks interesting too…and this one…hmm, do i need that one? i might need it…maybe…oh but this one-“ you get my point hahaha
^ but they have an innocence to it. like naiveness to things like that. they’re incredibly open minded, which pulls me more toward the possibility that they could be a leader of something
this person should remind you of an old friend, a very home-y and comfortable vibe — a person that would do anything and everything for you
like the leaders that engage with fans on their lives and get shy-ish easily
action oriented!! bro is productive af and creative. workaholic too
daddy vibes
this person…works wayyyyyyy too hard. they’re very hard on themselves and never rests. it’s like they have this never ending ambition to chase their dreams and goals, pursue their creative desires—it really sucks bc everyone can see it, how they’re trapping themselves in a cage that only they can get out of. if you tell them to take a break, they’ll look at you with bloodshot eyes (after like what, 2 hours of sleep for 3 days?) and a bright smile and they’ll be like “nah, im not even tired! i still have more to finish!” but in an optimistic voice still. they never wanna see you worry for them, but inevitably, you do. anyone with or without a brain can see how much heart they put into their work. 😔
and there’s a lion on my strength card —> could have prominent leo placements? but also lions are often called “king of the jungle” -> leader/leadership skills. they’re very strong people and don’t give up in the face of adversity. they stay strong in order to protect the team as well
i think they also romanticize the idea of how love is supposed to be so they’re are naive to it. they’ll get their heart broken easily and might get confused or thrown off guard when a conflict arises, and then they’ll try to win back the other person (which, let’s just assume is the toxic one for example). they’ll fall into this abyss of overthinking and feeding themselves negative thoughts — but that also leads us to another thing: they’re very prone to taking criticism to heart.
^^ relating to this point of the ceaseless abyss of ideas, they’re very introspective people. they often reflect on their actions and see what they can improve on. people who criticize them can’t even compare to this person’s own demons, living in the mind rent free. even though these people are extremely thoughtful and considerate of literally EVERYTHING that they do, they are very very veryyyy perfectionistic and negatively affect their self esteem. it’s a terrible cycle, and they might not ever take in a single compliment that they receive seriously, because they’ve been put in a position of too much responsibility, knowing how to decide for everyone else, except for themselves. (leads to lack of knowing your own boundaries and limits)
chances are this person has a younger sibling(s) and they’re the oldest, so maybe they felt a need to protect the people they love (esp in an abusive household)
this person throws themselves in the middle of the crossfire bc they’re like a shield with the mindset “if you’re gonna attack anyone, attack me” 😮‍💨
DOES NOT accept help easily. believes that they can do it themselves and don’t want to burden other people. (this is super frustrating tho)
some examples (male): rapmon from bts (damn i feel so old calling him that…used to call him that back in like 2016 omg), but like rapmon from the old days, not recent years; bang chan (skz), he gave me the most vibes; mark lee (nct) kept appearing in my head randomly when i first started reading your ask but i can totally see it; taeyong (nct. but not all qualities listed above), scoups (svt); hyunjae (the boyz. he’s not the leader but he displays a lot of leadership skills. i’d say a big difference is that he has wayyy better self esteem and is good at setting boundaries for himself and others)
academic status:
pretty unclear. they make a lot of money, but they either have gone to school (small hunch: had a prestigious/wealthy or nonconventional schooling, maybe even homeschooling) for only as much as they needed before leaving to start some kind of business venture before returning to school way LATER on OR they did enough to take over a family business. either way, family is involved in their continuing or discontinuing of school, but they’re apparently wealthy so they have no big worries about your fs’s job. something huge happened and the family was blessed with a sudden influx of money. whatever their education is, they have a lot of money at the moment as backup.
thank you for waiting so patiently!! i hope this clarifies things for ya :)
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twilightmalachite · 1 year
Altered - Heaven and Hell 2
Author: Akira
Characters: Natsume, Tsumugi
Translator: Mika Enstars
"I feel you’re just so traumatized from the war, you can’t help but connect everything back to that, Natsume-kun."
Season: Winter
Location: NewDi Office (Conference Area)
⚠️ This is an import from a unproofed Twitter Livetweet!
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Natsume: AnyhOW. In shoRT, the optimal approach to OO is to appear under an unofficial temp unIT, temporarily formed for woRK, so to speAK.
But while you can form a new temporary unit for OO, it was a sudden developmeNT, so there likely isn’t enough time to practice properLY.
It’d be difficult to win as newly-formed temporary unIT, wouldn’t iT?
Which would make it safer to perform under the name of a former temporary unIT, one you’ve already teamed up and produced results wiTH.
We already have our day jobs and our activities as our own uniTS. To dedicate time to practice as a new unit just for OO on top of all thAT—
It's just not feasible to participate in OO if it means having to waste precious time like thAT, rigHT?
Tsumugi: It’s just a festival project, and one held for the very first time at that. Even if you do end up winning the competition, it wouldn’t make much of a mark on your record as an idol.
With that considered, it’s different from SS.
As idols, it was an honor to compete and win the SS. But some imitation like OO just doesn’t hold that sort of prestige, you know?
Natsume: You’re rigHT… So as suCH, even the idols scheduled to perform are rather carefree about iT.
The atmosphere is familiAR. Nobody’s thinking seriously about the current situatiON, just lighthearted excitemeNT.
No one is thinking pessimistically about the futuRE, it’s all carefrEE. Hell forming before our eyES, yet not a single one of us is aware of iT.
It’s an atmosphere very similar to the one around the time of the wAR. Or am I overthinking iT?
Tsumugi: I think you might be overthinking~. I feel you’re just so traumatized from the war, you can’t help but connect everything back to that, Natsume-kun.
Natsume: MhM… WeLL, if I’m just overthinking iT, then that’s goOD.
The Emperor, that Viper, and Crazy:B have all been quiET, but maybe it’s because they’ve been preoccupied with SS lateLY.
Maybe nobody really is doing anything nefarioUS.
Tsumugi: I wouldn’t rule out the possibility of anything nefarious going on.
I just think that those you mentioned who like to conspire might have the same perception of OO as we do.
Maybe ES is starting to lose their focus again, or something.
Natsume: HmM… That’s what people first claimed about the Shuffle Unit project, where a temporary unit took the lead, too.
Representatives were elected across the four major agenciES, who then work together in a friendly mannER. That wAY, idols could interact with each other beyond the boundaries of their own agenciES.
Just a game of make-belieVE, thought up by someone with a mind of flowers and rosES, with no knowledge of our history and relationshiPS.
Like a kindergarten teacher telling all the children “Let’s all just get aloNG”.
Tsumugi: It’s possible that there really isn’t any more to the project than that, actually. Anzu-chan is leading the project, after all.
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Natsume: That girl’s a pacifiST. I honestly don’t think she’s a good fit for Trickstar at aLL, which is stormy by natuRE.
HmM. I might just be venting my frustrations out heRE, so that I can act like it doesn't bother me elsewheRE.
AnywaYS, OO is the second SS, while also being the culmination of the Shuffle Unit project at the same tiME.
Rather than the familiar official units those are used to seeiNG, it’ll be all temporary units that have appeared in the past befoRE—
It’ll be a way to treat the faNS, all while competing to see who's the strongest in SS fashiON.
That’s basically what OO iS.
Tsumugi: Mhm. The SS was a tad indigestible as a “idol crusade”, but in the end, we all held hands and crossed the finish line.
In that sense, I feel it’s also aiming to resolve the dissatisfaction for fans who wanted to see a fierce battle, and for the idols who wanted to face off against other idols.
Natsume: And since it’s not a battle between official ES uniTS, there won’t be any lingering resentment depending on who wins and who loses in the futuRE.
Maybe that’s what the little kitten had in miND—Although it’s to be expectED, maybe she felt the official units were a bit too prominent in SS, and wanted to showcase a different side of the idoLS.
In that aspeCT, it’d be a clever moVE.
Tsumugi: Mhm. I think it’s a natural approach and a nice project that fills in the unsatisfactory gaps that SS left.
I can’t help but praise Anzu-chan as always.
It also functions as a culmination of the Shuffle Unit project which has been left unfinished, or at least still has somewhat of a vague future.
And if OO becomes an annual project like SS, then the fans’ perceptions of shuffle units will change too, as it’ll continue into the future.
It’ll no longer be just a one-off project or a throwaway unit… The people in each group and the content they formed would become something fans can support for a long time.
Every year, a nostalgic reunion of their temporary unit at OO would be anticipated.
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Natsume: YeAH… HonestLY, I wonder what it is about this project that I don't liKE.
It’s still not quite like the little kitten to rekindle the spark of SS after it extinguished so peacefulLY.
Tsumugi: That’s probably because, as it typically tends to be, it wasn’t only Anzu-chan who thought of this project.
As it is, it’s difficult to push a project while completely ignoring ES’ wishes.
OO might just be a project that ES unreasonably requested, and they managed to establish something without bending on what they wanted to do.
Natsume: That’s trUE. Anzu-chan belongs to the P-Association, so they would’ve wanted to do something like a finale for the Shuffle Unit project they’ve been leadiNG.
ES would’ve wanted to hold a second SS to further boost the idol industRY. They would’ve wanted to make it an annual event and make it as profitable as possibLE.
And sO, they’re charging a participation fee as an attempt to recover the money given out to idoLS.
The little kitten might’ve just been the one to combine them as a project in order to accommodate the wishes of those filthy adults.
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BuT, something’s still tugging at my minD… Why am I having this anxious feeling fOR?
Maybe it’s just becauSE, like things were during the wAR, there are big things going on I have no idea aboUT—and I just don’t feel comfortable with thAT.
Sort of like a child who is sulking because they’ve been left out of the conversatiON. If sO, then it’s a little embarrassiNG.
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yutadori · 4 months
eeeee just got the utensils for my professor's cake tomorrow AND a card awawawawawa isnskssnsksjsjs
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wataeicentric · 1 year
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Been thinking very hard about how this quote perfectly mirrors what Eichi told Wataru in Element - "I can't stand to see you lose." He didn't want to follow through with Wataru's execution, because he loves him. It might sound like he's being a hypocrite, criticising Tori's sister for her human nature, but really, he's just admitting "I'm human too".
Less of a strong link is when he tells Wataru in !-era main story "You're necessary for my success" and then "Wataru's necessary in my life" in SS Sanctuary in !!-era. If love makes humans both strong and weak, then in !-era fine as a whole was made stronger by Wataru and Eichi's unspoken love for each other, but in !!-era, Eichi was made weak by losing his resolve over Wataru's absence, overthinking and assuming 'he doesn't love me anymore, he's trying to replace me' and lashed out at Tomoya, who didn't do anything wrong except be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
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sadistpet · 7 months
valentine's day alphabet !
K   :   KISS.   is your muse a good kisser? why / why not? 
he learns to be one, but i think initially he’s very passive and doesn’t kiss back at all ; if he does, it’s mostly just soft chaste kisses or opening his mouth to make out. he’s not used to being an active participant in that stuff ! over time he becomes better at it, though, but i think he does still prefer to be somewhat passive because he’s lazy and also a princess lmao. he’s likely just a lot more subtle. he’s definitely good at it though, ik sometimes he would come off utterly ravenous when he’s REALLY into a make out session
generally though, when he’s just giving normal kisses, he’s VERY good. he’s an expert at being able to give the softest, lightest little kisses, barely even touching the skin, and he knows he can drive people mad with it or make them melt under his touch. he Does have very soft and quite full lips, so he’s Very kissable
G   :   GIFT.   is your muse good at gift - giving or do they struggle to get it right?
ooooh i think he struggles. it’s not so much that he struggles, i think he just doesn’t try half the time because he overthinks it. luckily volgin is easily pleased with basically anything ivan does, so he doesn’t have to do much more than like… show up wearing pretty lingerie or something, and that’s the best gift he could give. in terms of physical gifts, though, yeah, he struggles a LOT. he never really knows what to give, and he seems the type to overthink it to the point where he just goes with some easy option instead or doesn’t try at all out of fear of getting it wrong and embarrassing himself.
ironically though, his gift choices are probably very heartfelt and thoughtful and tend to go over well. he just thinks about it too much ^-^
X   :   XOXO.   does your muse use / like pet names?
oh GOD yes. being russian, diminutives are something that come as easily as breathing to him, and he LOVES using them. sometimes - often with people he doesn’t like - he uses them in a more mocking way, but he loves using them genuinely with volgin. he loves being referred to with them too ! call him vanyushka and he will melt. he likes being doted on that way ; prince(ss), angel, pet… those are probably his favourites, but he loves being referred to with any.
in terms of actual pet names though, i can see him using them. he’s a little dramatic with it, he’s definitely the type to use pet names like “my love” or “beloved” or anything kinda over the top because he’s a bit silly like that. i like to imagine he often refers to volgin with molniya ( “lightning” ) in their private moments, because deep down he is a bit sheepish about having a personalised pet name for him that wasn’t just taken from some book.
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Immortal Fears (3/?)
The International title has the power to make you question so many things; yourself, your relationships, everything. It makes you believe the only thing worthy of it is you, and vice versa. It is believed that holding it will have… Maddening consequences. Is any of it true? Is this just mind games played by your opponents instead, to get under your skin, to make you think losing the title to them is worth it? But is the current champion Orange Cassidy willing to take such a risk…?
Tags: Kip Sabian/Orange Cassidy (future). Hurt/comfort (eventually). Title Belt Corruption Arc. Enemies to lovers. Slow burn.
Best Friends/Chuck & Trent and Penelope make frequent cameos. More to be added.
On AO3 here
I really wanted to get this done much sooner, but life is a thing lol. Also for some reason just in general writing this one was really hard, I started it over like three times before settling for this one so... Yeah. It is a bit of filler I guess, but we touch up on some stuff that is gonna become a thing later, so it's still important. Also I just really enjoyed writing Chuck and how this chapter ends, so we are all good here!!
Credits for the babe @ss-trashboat for the beta and my beloved @midnightpretenders0 for brainstorming this whole arc with me, it means so much to me <33
Laying on the hotel room bed, Cassidy wasn’t paying attention to the television, despite surfing through the channels on it, lazily barely pointing the remote towards it. The sunglasses and jean jacket had been discarded to the other, empty bed in the room, him fully knowing it wasn’t going to be used tonight. He had been specifically booked into a hotel room all by himself, a rather odd change from the usual as normally Cassidy would room with either Chuck and/or Trent or even Danhausen, but due to the events of the past two weeks now things had been slowly changing, especially with Danhausen. 
Cassidy wasn’t sure why though. He had trusted Danhausen since the beginning, despite what people had been saying about the demon laying underneath the layers of makeup. He was just another misfit in their weird group of friends as far as Cassidy was concerned. He had proven his worth for the longest time, really not giving any of them the need to doubt him or think he was nefarious and up to no good. Up until very recently, that was. 
So why Danhausen had suddenly started to act like this, like winning the matches was all that mattered to him, pushing that agenda by any means necessary and at the same time shoving the friends he had to the side, closer to the edge, none of them had any idea. The past couple of weeks had been the same; Danhausen cheating in attempts to win them the matches, getting into verbal altercations with alternating members of the Best Friends squad afterwards trying to get some kind of an explanation out of him. Though honestly, Cassidy hadn’t been pushing for it that hard, it was mostly Chuck and Trent's doing, but he had to admit to definitely having some questions himself.
Maybe Danhausen was afraid of being the outsider. He had gotten in the group way later than the rest of them, just kind of initiating himself in there without asking anyone else. Trent especially had originally been very much against it, but ultimately he had also just kind of accepted that this was their new weird friend now. At first it worked out just fine; nobody had any objections to how they did things and what role each of them played. The team dynamic worked itself together on its own, they didn’t have to do anything about it.
But maybe that’s why there were cracks forming between them. Since nobody seemingly had put in the work to make sure it all worked. They had just hoped what started as pretty good would continue as so, without actually making sure it would. Best Friends had left everything basically hanging by a thread, without giving it much more of a notice.
Before his mind had a chance to continue to overthink the situation, there was a sudden knock on the hotel room door. Cassidy perked up slightly, clearly not expecting a guest tonight; it was very late already and nobody had reached out to ask if he was available. He waited for a moment as silence fell back into the room, thinking it might have just been someone in the hallway messing with him, only as there was another knock on the door he slowly got up to his feet, making his way to the door.
Cassidy stood by it silently for a moment, staring at the door handle as he saw it jiggle slightly, almost as if someone was trying to get inside forcefully. Almost on instinct Cassidy looked back deeper inside the room, eyes landing on the backpack sitting at the end of the bed he had claimed for himself.
What if they were after it?
There was another knock on the door, much louder this time, followed by a familiar voice calling him out by name from the other side. Almost immediately Cassidy’s features softened ever so slightly, him turning back towards the door and landing a hand on the door handle, pressing it down without any hesitation. 
“Took you long enough, the food is almost cold,” Chuck muttered as the door opened in front of him, but still offered the blond a smile while waving two paper bags in his hands. Cassidy shrugged, just watching as Chuck ducked inside the room past him, closing the door after him.
“I thought you might be hungry, so I grabbed you some food too.”
Slowly turning away from the door, Cassidy observed the other man as Chuck climbed on the empty bed with ease, popping two brown food bags on it in front of him, kicking his shoes off before he sat in the middle of the queen bed with his legs crossed. Rubbing his hands together excitedly, he motioned Cassidy closer, clearly getting ready to devour whatever he had brought in with him. Without much else than a small shake of his head, hands stuffing into his pockets, Cassidy sluggishly made his way to him, stopping at the foot of the bed.
“You haven’t eaten tonight, right?”
Cassidy absentmindedly nodded, not really being sure which answer he meant either. He didn’t really remember much of tonight, if he was being honest. Everything with Danhausen had been such a hassle, making him have to worry about extra things than just himself and his title, that after the tag match he had honestly just been very much out of it. Finding yourself between your closest friends having an argument wasn’t really something that got your appetite going, on top of all the other things he had to stress about, so Cassidy was fairly sure he had skipped catering tonight.
And Chuck seemed to be very much corroborating his blanking memory, seeing that he brought in food and all.
“I was worried when nobody reported seeing you in catering before you left the arena. Have to make sure you keep yourself together.”
Cassidy nodded again, this time seeming a bit more sure about the gesture. Chuck returned a nod of his own back to him before reaching for one bag, handing it over towards him. Cassidy accepted it, walking up to his bed before taking a seat on it again, peeking inside the bag as Chuck was already pulling a burger out of his.
“So, what are you watching?” Chuck broke the brief silence again, nodding his head towards the television before biting into his burger as he peeled it out of the paper wrapper. Cassidy glanced towards the television, honestly not having a single clue what was playing on it. He had just been scrolling the channels until he was distracted with the knocking on the door, and apparently he had left on some sort of a lifestyle channel. He wasn’t interested in it at all, and he was pretty sure it wasn’t Chuck’s cup of tea either, but he chose to leave it on for now, as background noise. Better that than a potential awkward silence.
As Cassidy didn’t ultimately reply to Chuck’s question while observing the television screen, Chuck just dropped it. He had seen Cassidy go through a lot tonight, honestly kind of surprised to see that the man was still somehow in one piece. Not just because of all the fighting with Danhausen, but in general. Chuck had been observing him recently, not just tonight, clearly seeing that he was more distressed than he let on. He didn’t want to push the issue though, unless Cassidy came to him wanting to talk first, but Chuck was very well aware of its existence under the blond's cool exterior.
At first he had chalked it up to a busy schedule and the stress of being a champion, but Chuck also knew that wasn’t the usual type of reaction Cassidy would give to such a thing. Sure, he got stressed just as anyone else would, be in his position or not, but as long as he had known Cassidy, he took his stress very gracefully, and not in this kind of silent and almost brooding way. Forgetting to eat and generally seeming to forget to take care of himself, a clear lack of sleep, physical exhaustion… Most of that he tried to hide behind the sunglasses and uncaring attitude, but Chuck could tell from his demeanor alone that something wasn’t very right with him.
But, he also didn’t want to step over any boundaries. Cassidy was a grown man; if he wanted to talk about things, Chuck was sure that he would, eventually. And if he didn’t, well… Chuck, alongside everyone else, would find out about things the hard way then.
Chuck watched as Cassidy finally pulled part of his food out of the bag, kind of absentmindedly starting to eat the fries, very much to his relief. It wasn’t a lot, but to Chuck seeing him eat at least something tonight was enough for him to be sure that he was still somewhat taking care of himself.
“You’re not with Trent tonight?”
Chuck snapped out of his content trance, staring at Cassidy as he popped another fry into his mouth, but didn’t make eye contact, just stared deep into the bottom of the little fry bag. Chuck just quickly shook his head.
“Nah. He went to hang out with some of the guys.”
“And you didn’t want to go with them?”
Biting his lip carefully, Chuck looked away from him before Cassidy stole a quick glance towards him from under his brows, shoving another fry into his mouth. He didn’t want to make it so clear how worried he was about Cassidy, knowing his worry wasn’t going to be met with as much enthusiasm as he would have wanted, and who knew what sort of results that would yield if he somehow ended up making Cassidy wound up about all of that. Chuck had already been seeing some signs at times recently about how Cassidy dealt with being questioned a lot or shown too much concern towards him, and right now wasn’t the kind of a time when Chuck wanted to cross that line again.
This was supposed to be the down time, the moment he could help his friend to rest and relax, keep him happy and healthy. Or, well, at least keep him fed. Obviously in-and-out burgers weren’t the best overall choice for a healthy lifestyle, but it was the one thing Chuck was able to easily find around without having to wait for hours this late at night for a delivery. But, either way, it was supposed to be a time for them to just hang around, have something to eat, and spend time together, and nothing more. It was supposed to be anything but stressful, mainly for Cassidy, but also for both of them, really. Especially after tonight. 
“Thought you could use the company more, honestly.”
Cassidy looked at him, pondering through his words as he kept chewing the sole fry in his mouth, but eventually he just quietly nodded. He knew it was useless arguing with Chuck when he set his mind on something like this when it came to his friends. And despite how things had been in his head recently, Cassidy had to admit that yes, they were indeed still friends. Even if it at times didn’t feel like it, with all the Best Friends infighting and all, and how he was seemingly constantly questioned about his loyalty now that he was the sole champion of the group…
But they were still friends though, right?
His eyes drifted to the television screen, absentmindedly stopping to look at it as his brain didn’t register any of the images flashing on it as Cassidy kept shoving more fries into his mouth one by one. Chuck had been right, he needed something to eat tonight, and while it wasn’t a lot, it was still better than not eating at all. He had to admit that at moments like this he was thankful for the existence of Chuck in his life, despite the occasional hardships.
Cassidy was just worried that with the way things were going right now, those hardships might get plentiful going forward, and he wasn’t sure how any of them were going to handle them if they became problematic in numbers. Not only him, not only Chuck, but the Best Friends as a whole, as they were already cracking at the seams as it was.
As the silence was trying to fall into the room again, Cassidy shifted slightly on his spot on the bed, reaching for the remote to keep himself occupied with something. With Chuck in the same space as him right now he didn’t really want to go through his thoughts again, potentially giving Chuck something more to worry about if he noticed Cassidy’s mind wandering. It was enough that he was thinking about the potential future breakup with his friends; he didn’t need to give that kind of stress to the one member effectively holding them all still together somehow.
Chuck’s eyes traveled from his friend to the television briefly as Cassidy started to flick through the channels, though it didn’t take long for him to pull his phone out of his pocket. Chuck was always the one to try to keep up with social media and what the people were saying, and with him having to do this whole food run for Cassidy and all, he hadn’t really had time to sit down and go through anything yet. And while they were having this comfortable quiet moment now, it was as good time as any to do it.
Unfortunately that comfortable silence didn’t last for long, as soon enough Chuck let out an annoyed groan, gathering a quick look shot towards him by Cassidy who seemed almost startled by the sudden noise. Seeing his friend glaring at his phone, a wave of worry washed over Cassidy’s stoic being, his eyes squinting as he was trying to read more than irritation from Chuck’s face.
“What? Did you forget how to read again?”
Chuck’s brows furrowed as he looked up from his phone, sending a questioning glance towards Cassidy as a response to his supposedly lighthearted quip, before finally shaking his head.
“What, no. Kip is just being an ass on Twitter.”
Cassidy nodded, the worry vanishing from him quickly. If it was just about Kip, it was fine. That’s just how the Brit was, he was trying to be an annoying menace and get under their skin, nothing more or nothing less. To be honest, Cassidy was slowly starting to grow used to it, especially since Kip was far more talk and much less action, either just trying to speak his way into his opponents minds or using social media to throw insults at them. He was mostly harmless, almost cute in a way, especially with how he used that “mocking” nickname towards Cassidy. 
“‘Too bad about the Zest Friends and their cat-eyed ghoul friend tonight. Who would have thought keeping your enemies closer than your “best” friends would have been more profitable?’ Like what in the hell is his problem?” Chuck shook his head as he read from his phone screen, being visibly irritated about the situation. Cassidy honestly didn’t mind, frankly he just didn’t care that much, but seeing this working Chuck up was slowly starting to get to him too, even if it normally wouldn’t. It really was just Kip being Kip once again, but this time it wasn’t only directed at him and Cassidy was also seeing the effect of his words on others, which really did grind his gears. And he knew that Chuck wasn’t a sensitive one that would get taken aback by just anything, and yet he was getting worked up over this, slowly but steadily.
“Oh, even better, apparently he was in the audience for the match. Great, awesome, amazing.”
As Chuck turned the phone towards him, Cassidy could see the tweet he had been reading out loud, and the photo of Kip sitting in the front row with the box on his head, presumably during the match. He nodded a little, the motion barely noticeable.
“Yeah, I think I saw him.”
“And you didn’t do anything about it?”
Thinking back to it now, maybe he should have done or at least said something, but Cassidy also didn’t want to take his eye off the ball in the middle of the match to confront the man in the audience. Besides, being confrontational wasn’t really his thing anyways; he would much rather leave that to someone else that could better take care of such a situation. And just sitting in the crowd behind the barricade, Kip was mostly harmless, his only asset really being the mind games he was attempting to play with the current champion and his friends.
“He was just there. He’s harmless.”
“You remember what happened last time? And what happened with Pac before that?”
Cassidy just shrugged, not really wanting to go through with this conversation. Of course he remembered. Both times Chuck mentioned, Kip had gone through the crowd to attack his target, after appearing there as innocently as possible for so long that people thought he wasn’t going to take the leap and actually do anything. One of these times being directed at him and almost costing him the match. It was a really hard thing to forget, especially with everything that had eventually followed that interference.
“’I know Clementine can do better than this. You just have to #EmbraceTheChange finally, my friend.’ Kissy emoji. What is his problem?”
Hearing how worked up Chuck was getting about this, Cassidy just sighed, catching his attention as Chuck looked up from his phone.
“Look. He’s just trying to be annoying to get under your skin. You know how he is.”
Chuck just pouted back at him, barely nodding his head.
“Just let him be. Kip’ll get tired eventually if you don’t engage.”
They both knew that wasn’t true in the slightest, if anything getting ignored was just going to make Kip try even harder to be annoying and get the attention on him. But Chuck also understood what Cassidy was trying to say and where he was going with this, so with a sigh he just turned the blue bird app off, dropping the phone from his hand onto the bed, getting maybe the first actual smile from Cassidy since he had stepped inside the hotel room.
“Let’s just… Try to enjoy the evening, yeah? You wanted to hang out so we can just. I don’t know, hang out then. And not worry ourselves with whatever’s happening online or with Kip or… Anything.”
Chuck sighed. He knew Cassidy was right, and after all Chuck had ditched the rest of the guys to make sure Cassidy was looking after himself. And him sitting there, reading more or less negative tweets about their current friendship situation wasn’t exactly helping the case, even if he thought that Kip could do no harm currently. It was still stressful stuff, and the last thing Chuck wanted was to make Cassidy more stressed out than he already seemed to be, whether he admitted that or not.
“You’re right, you’re right. Sorry, he just…” Chuck trailed off, shaking his head, this time it being his turn to offer a smile to Cassidy. “Never mind. Just make sure you eat all your food.”
Cassidy glanced down into his small bag of fries still in his hand, finding it to be almost empty apart from a few small fries that had been spared from their fate so far. Almost on cue Chuck was ruffling through the paper bag in his lap, like he was signaling Cassidy to do the same with his as he pulled out more food from it. Emptying the fry bag into his mouth, Cassidy proceeded to check through the rest of the offerings in his bag as well.
Maybe things weren’t as bad as he was imagining them being. Maybe all of this was just a minor setback, they had gone through worse, especially with Trent’s injuries and stuff before; a little rogue demon friend wasn’t something they couldn’t handle. Sure the constant title defenses and Kip keeping on throwing fuel to the fire didn’t help, but again, just minor setbacks, nothing they couldn’t handle as the team they were.
Not even a team, really. As the friends they were. That should be a power enough to work this whole thing out and come through as not only better people, but also as better and closer friends. Right?
Kip hummed to himself happily, watching the notifications on his phone frequently ping in as the night progressed forward. This had been happening since he had gotten his phone back from Penelope after leaving the show, and it had started while he was still sitting in the audience earlier the night observing the tag team match situation as people watching were spotting him, letting him know that. Even more so after he had shared a piece of his mind about what had transpired inside the ring with the Best Friends and Orange Cassidy.
While he was not surprised how things had turned out tonight, at the same time Kip had to admit that he was kind of taken aback that it was Danhausen that had snapped at the friends first. He would have bet good money that he could have gotten under Cassidy’s skin before that and made him do some dastardly things, but honestly? Kip didn’t mind this either. At least he didn’t have to force his hand to make one of the “friends” act out towards the others, oh no, Danhausen was definitely doing this out of his own free will, which honestly pleased Kip to no end, and made his job so, oh so much easier. 
He felt a hand on his shoulder, then another on the other, slowly sliding down his dress shirt covered chest as Penelope gently pulled him closer from behind, pressing a little kiss on his neck.
“Babe, come on, it’s late.”
Kip lowered the phone from his hand, turning his head enough to see the woman smiling at him, leaning closer to give her a kiss. “You can ruin more lives tomorrow.”
Kip chuckled, but nodded his head. She was right, the Best Friends would probably unfortunately still be there for another day. He had plenty of time to figure out ways to make them even more miserable before it was once again tv time next week. And if he didn’t, Kip was sure now that his words were out on the internet about tonight’s disaster, others would be poking at them in his place, giving them something to think about.
“We sure can,” he smiled at her, allowing Penelope to pull him down against the hotel room bed with her.
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nightwalker6200 · 1 year
Something that bothers me that I want to point out because my ADHD won’t let me think about anything else...
In Spy Family, (I haven’t gotten very fair in the manga so idk if the manga focuses on it more but I know they focus more than the anime) the anime doesn’t prioritize just how important/ dangerous it is for Loid to either sleep next to someone or when he passes out. As a spy, if he passes out (he gets exhausted easily it seems like and passes out in the anime/ in the manga several times), or if he even sleeps (like actually sleeps) next to someone- he could be considered a compromised spy. These two things (ie. even a real, honest-to-God relationship) is/ would be extremely dangerous for him. If he passes out, and WISE were to find out that he falls unconscious next to or near someone who isn’t within their organization, they could consider him a compromised agent and thusly, kill him or put a hit on him, no matter who he is. Due to the fact that if he were to lose consciousness and blurt out (mumble, or whatever- people talk in their sleep or tend to “reveal” information without them knowing), he would be compromised. The agency would consider him compromised if they got wind of him being unconscious near anyone, whether intentional or not, and could come after him... I mean this, his exhaustion pushing him to pass out (Anya “sleeping” next to him, or even the possibility of Yor sleeping next to him) is a big deal for security reasons- it puts him in danger and those around him in danger... Idk if the manga touches on this as I’m not extremely far into it yet, but the anime doesn’t touch too much on it. Like, I know part of me is overthinking it, but also, being familiar with the DDR and SS, and that time-period, like this just keeps playing over and over in my mind; it’s dangerous for Loid to lose consciousness around people, no matter who they are unless they are with the agency, and if WISE were to catch wind of this, I mean... I think Loid would then have a hit on him as he’d be a compromised agent... these are just my thoughts though.... I hope that wasn’t hard to follow.
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