#my mona lisa xD
evelyn-and-art · 1 year
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yes, i did the hot yaoi base trend thing
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louistonehill · 9 months
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fabuloustrash05 · 2 years
I love that moment in TMNT 2012 when Raph went on a whole ass speech about how he’s a lone wolf, he’s happy being alone and that he doesn’t need love and then literally later in the same episode he asks Mona Lisa to live on Earth to him.
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jojo-rolo · 2 years
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They irritating! From right to left : Mona Lisa ( @sharkonaut-draws​ and @hersheyotaku​ ) and Mona Lisa ( @miicycle​ and @chubs-deuce​) And also a close up too because I can
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tmnt-doomsday-au · 22 days
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This stupid green thing is my fursona, Skrill, ignore him-
Anyways I figured that since I have posted all the main characters refsheets that I might as well introduce myself and my au!
Hi my name is Rodrick, but feel free to call me Ronnie or Skrill. I'm the main creator of the TMNT Dooms Day au, my brother @xxandyleedoomsdayxx is my co-writer! He helped me with the character designs and ofc he is helping me with writing as well since I'm not the best at it
I'm a guy so refer to me with He/Him and I'm Aroace, I'm 19 and I've been a part of the TMNT12 fandom since I was about 11(I think) but obviously I have been watching the tmnt series since I was like 6
I also have a meet the artist up on my non-tmnt account here!
Here are just some things about my au and the links to all the refsheets!
The Dooms Day au was originally supposed to be another 2012 re-write, but I decided against that since I really just wanted to do my own thing with the au. So the designs and the story layout is now just really inspired by the 2012 series since that's unfortunately the one I'm most familiar with😅
The au will contain ocs and Oc X Canon stuff, along with a whole lot of other stuff.
Turtles extra info
Turtle tots
Human Raph & Donnie
Human Mikey & Leo
April O'Neil
Casey Jones
CJ & Raph (This is here because this drawing shows what CJ looks like wearing his mask XD)
Mona Lisa
Mondo Gecko
Venus De Milo
Irma & Vernon
My oc/Lucius
Lucius mutant design (not finished yet)
Brother's oc/Andy
Andy's main refsheets
The foot clan
I'll add more links later since I'm still adding more characters but that's it for refsheets right now.
Dni list, my boundaries, and commission info down below-
Proshippers/Toxic shippers, Zoophiles,
Homophobes, Transphobes, Ableists,
Fujoshis,Racists, Really any kind of bigotry,
Dreamsmp & Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss fans,
Fetish artists, 2012 Leo X Karai shippers and lastly Ai Supporters.
If I notice that you have any of this shit on your Tumblr I'll block you
Do not repost my art without my permission or without credit(reblogs are fine obviously)
Do not spam like my posts, seriously it's annoying and I'll probably block you
No random criticism please it's rude and if I want criticism I'll ask for it(this goes for my art and my writing)
Please don't randomly make sexual comments towards me or my art, just because I'm over 18 does not mean I'm comfortable with it. I'm aroace and it genuinely weirds me out especially if I don't know you
And don't randomly vent in my comments or on my posts
Art requests and questions are always open as long as they are related to my au(unless I specify otherwise) so go wild! Just don't be weird
Now the last thing I want to put here are my commission sheets!
I can only take payment through Cash App, since that's all I have right now.
My main art style!
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Simple/Comic style!
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I like to keep my prices pretty low since I don't do really detailed art, but all my other commission info is on my pinned posts on my Instagram !
But yeah that's it XD
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yellowhollyhock · 5 months
Any aspec headcanons for Mona and Raph? We need more aspec rep.
yesssss qpr ramona
Hmm I think. I think they're besties for a long time before it occurs to them that outside observers are interpreting their relationship as romantic. I really like your Battle Nexus headcanon about how 03 Raph meets Mona Lisa.
Oh! They bond fighting. Everything from formal spars to poke wars. Mona Lisa would start a poke war and Raph would be like 'what are we twelve' however. He cannot lose. It lasts for years. Various bets are made, and each time someone wins they end up finding out that it actually wasn't over (Raph and Mona keep making up rules in order to continue) and have to give the money back. At some point it stops being about winning and becomes a way for them to mess with everyone else.
I think in my head I am combining the Goofy Gal Improv Queen Mona Lisa 1987 with Hardcore Loyal Honorable Warrior Mona Lisa 2012. And it's a very fun mix. She will take you down with kicks and pun(che)s, the banter is part of her personal honor code, it's her way of demonstrating respect for her opponents. Which is an interesting contrast with Raph who saves his roasts for the guys he doesn't respect XD
She is also very deliberate and respectful about learning other people's cultures and boundaries, I imagine this version of her is something of an inter-dimensional traveler. She's very thoughtful about who she teases and when and for what, something Raph immediately notices and deeply respects.
Raph cooks, Mona pays when they go out.
He knits her a little hat and she is delighted, she's never accessorized much before on the planet she's from and the concept of these little cloth crafts that you wear is just fascinating to her.
Oh and they sort of discover together the words that describe their relationship. I mean like comparing experiences is part of what helps them both realize they're aspec. I see Raph as aromantic asexual, Mona as demiromantic graysexual, but at the same time I feel like they both have complex fluctuating experiences and particularly Raph doesn't find labels particularly helpful, for him personally
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chubs-deuce · 2 years
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Muscles for hire, anyone?
Bit of @miicycle and mine's rise!Mona Lisa lore under the cut ⬇️
See, Mona wasn't always so strong. When she was first kicked out and disowned she found herself pretty much entirely on her own in the streets of the hidden city, and soon started struggling to have a consistent place to stay and food for the night.
She tried different jobs, but failed at most of them - too temperamental for retail and servicework, too clumsy for the artisans, too weak for anything else. Her rapidly worsening reputation thanks to her tendency to provoke unnecessary conflicts didn't help that either.
Eventually, an older yōkai who'd been taking note of her got sick of seeing that scrawny young girl get beaten to a pulp for the third time that week, yet ever refusing to give up on finishing the fights she started.
They pitied her, and offered to teach her in the art of kickboxing. Mona hated the idea of being offered such a thing out of pity - she hated feeling like a helpless little girl again - but short on money, underslept and hurting all over, who was she to decline?
Over the following couple of years she learned, trained and got stronger, more proficient, more controlled - she even picked up a bit of weightlifting along the way. She was strong enough to carry some really heavy things now, heavier than what most people would be reasonably willing to carry on their own - which is how she ended up a freelance worker offering her services for exactly such a thing. Need something heavy carried somewhere? Heavy load handled before and after transit? A cheap, helping hand building a new home? Give her a call.
We tbh have yet to decide what kind of yōkai actually does take her under their wing, since we had the idea for the role they fulfil before we had the character, but they're essential a begrudging "Who failed to prepare this child for the adult world? Everything I gotta do my damn self in here" type of mentor/pseudo-parental figure for her.
So - someone that isn't particularly affectionate, but nonetheless cares in their own ways. Ah well, it's a work in progress xD
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rainderthesomeone · 3 months
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new profile pic, is this to much XD
(yes I traced over the mona lisa lol, is it to disrespectful? I hope not.)
should this be my new profile pic?
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raphmona · 2 years
How did Ramona become your favorite ship and how did you become a hardcore Ramona shipper?
I guess it was just instinct. I knew I found something special when I came across RaMona and my love for it just grew as the years went on.
It all started when I was watching one of Black Nerd Comedy’s TMNT videos on YouTube. He was doing a ninja turtles Q&A and someone asked him if he would ever like to see Mona Lisa in the 2012 series. He agreed that Mona should return and called her “Raphael’s lady”.
Note: This was in March 2014, over a year before Mona Lisa was introduced in the 2012 show in November 2015
I was very new to TMNT at this time, with the 2012 series being my introduction, so I had very little knowledge of the franchise and other versions, but I was a sucker for romance side plots and my curiosity was peaked. So I did some digging on YouTube and found the 1987 episode “Raphael Meets His Match” and I watched it. This was my very first episode I ever watched of the 87 series and I fell in love with Mona Lisa and especially her relationship with Raph. I loved how well her personality clashed with Raph, snarky stubborn sass with even more snarky stubborn sass. I squealed when she called him a doll and kissed his cheek. Him assuring her that he thinks she’s beautiful warmed my heart and them reuniting by the end of the episode was so sweet. You can image my disappointment when I learned that was her ONLY episode and she never came back. So I relied on fanart and fan comics of her, hopefully waiting for the return of this ship.
For those who don’t know, back when the 2012 series was running there were A LOT of fans who would constantly email/DM the producers and writers of the show on social media, asking them to bring Mona Lisa into the 2012 series. I will admit I was one of those fans 😅 I never harassed them like other fans did, but I do remember commenting on their instagram post regarding the topic once or twice.
Also funny fact, apparently Sean Astin (2012 Raph’s voice actor) was also one of those people. He constantly kept on asking Branden and Ciro (the producers) when Raph was going to get a love interest, cause he saw every other turtle get a GF except Raph. Angry turtles need love too! XD
Fast forward to August 2015, San Diego Comic Con, at a TMNT 2012 panel, they announce that Mona Lisa will be coming to the series in the upcoming season 4 as a warrior from an alien planet. I fangirled so hard that night when I watched the panel on YouTube! I was squealing so loud and dancing around my bedroom! I was so happy I started to cry! My OTP was finally returning!
It was 2012 RaMona that sealed the deal for me. After watching their first episode “The Moons of Thalos 3”, I fell in love with them. Raph falling for her because she punched him in the face is both hilarious and adorable, and also (strangely) very in character for him. His “what a woman” line made me squeal in excitement. Their first kiss, I couldn’t help but cheer. I didn’t care about any other ship except for them. To actually see a happy healthy couple with little to no problems in this series was a breath of fresh air. I never cared for Apritello, Leor*i I was questioning (that’s a whole different can of worms I’m not getting into now), I didn’t care for Capril, and though I liked Renetangelo I wasn’t crazy for them. The more Mona appeared in the show the more my love for the ship grew. Them constantly flirting or making out in the middle of battle, how trusting they are of each other, how supportive they are of each other in combat, and even their biggest road bump with Lord Dregg they were able to over come, with the cherry of that episode being Mona confessing her love to Raph. Even when back on Earth, Raph still thinks about her, loves her and stays loyal to her. In truth, Mona made Raph a better man. Them reuniting in season 5 kinda leaves us with an open book because now we get to decide what happens with them now that they are on Earth together. I just know from the look they gave each other at the end of the episode as they held each other in their arms that they will be living happily ever after 🥰
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We only ever see this ship in a hand full of episodes in the 2012 series, but it was enough to show me and the audience how happy and healthy this couple is compare to the other ships. I love them. I adore them. I want a relationship like theirs one day. I wanna find my Raph to my Mona. I want to continue to see this ship in other versions of TMNT in the future!
I will stand proud and say that I am the captain of the Raph x Mona Lisa ship! 🫡💞
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tmnt-tychou · 2 years
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I don’t know why, but this cracks me up. I see this and all I think is
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All my Mona Lisa Blurple is just going to look like this from now on. XD
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thenocturnenarrator · 10 months
🐸 Christmas or funeral
🍪 those ones that have vanilla feeling in them
🦋 nice or evil
🐰 the way they treat others, so their actions basically
🌸 I dunno… my dentist told me I look like the Mona Lisa, I think that’s good ??
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✨ in here? So freaking Many xDDDD
Irl? Uuuuuuuuuuuuh not really, my name has always been short so there was never a need for a nickname. Although my sister used to call me Mimini for some reason XD oh right! My cousin calls me Mort -_-
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lieutenantbiscute · 1 year
i really really like your shell shocked au! i have my own au where raphmona adopts the rise boys but i’ve never really published anything about it… it’s kind of funny though, they get the kids before they progress in their relationship so raph’s like “should i propose to mona? what if she said no?” his brothers are literally like “you two already have kids ffs”
Dude that’s hilarious, I’d love to read a fic where the two are together but aren’t married yet but they have the kids so it’s just
‘Do I propose to Raph/Mona?’
‘You guys already have a pet and kids just do it already!’
I imagine it’s a headache for the brothers cause Raph is just going back and forth over whether to propose or not. Meanwhile Mona Lisa already has a wedding scheme drawn up she knows damn well there no way Raph isn’t gonna propose; he’s gotta and she can feel it in her scales XD
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fabuloustrash05 · 1 year
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I drew RaMona during a meeting at work.
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madanimalscientist · 4 months
Love your hh/hb musical ask idea and now I've got to know
Fizz/Ozzie (romantic)
Angel Dust/Lucifer (any dynamic/ relationship type you prefer)
Oooooh for Fizz and Ozzie, I have two:
La Cage Aux Folles does have some fun Fizz/Ozzie energy and also "With You On My Arm" is just so sweet and cute and romantic it has their vibes SO MUCH but also the banter is adorable in such a fun way.
Life is a celebration with you on my arm/ It's worth the aggravation with you on my arm/ Each time I face a morning that's boring and bland/With you it looks good!/ With you it looks great!/With you it looks grand!
But I will give you a second one - "Accident Waiting to Happen" from The Drowsy Chaperone. It captures the sweetness and zaniness of these two, and is a very cute duet, and captures the 'I didn't intend this but I'm glad it did' vibes they have especially.
When men say I'm sweet and they fall at my feet/My heart doesn't beat any faster/ But when you lose control it touches my soul/So I'm bracing myself for disaster/ You're an accident waiting to happen/A catastrophe destined to be/ I'm the rags in the cellar/A broken umbreller/A branch hanging loose from a tree/ I can see myself jumpin' and clappin'/ For a man who lives dangerously/ You're an accident waiting to happen/So hurry and happen to me
For Angel Dust and Lucifer....that is an interesting dynamic! I like them as having a sort of friendship makes sense, or at least, Angel views Lucifer more of the time as "Charlie's dad, great short king energy, but his mental health could maybe use a bit of a boost" which means he's more approachable than Angel realized. Meanwhile I could see Lucifer seeing Angel as a pretty decent sort, chaotic in a fun way mostly, definitely brings some fun to the place, knows a lot about relationships. So I could see one coming to the other for advice about something maybe but also I had the mental image of both of them trying to talk the other up if one was feeling a bit down/insecure and it turns into a mutual admiration fest like "you're great", "no, you're great" (and possibly a bit drunk when this happens) so I picked "You're the Top" from Anything Goes because it's a cute funny song but also the innuendo potential of the lyrics XD (also face it, Luicifer has switch energy but Angel def ain't a top ;p)
I can just hear Angel going
You're the Nile/You're the Tower of Pisa/ You're the smile/On the Mona Lisa/ I'm a worthless check/A total wreck, a flop/ But if, baby, I'm the bottom/You're the top
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good-beans · 2 months
Good-beans, one of my dearest mutuals on this site ever! Hello hello!!! It has been...way too long...!!! Ahhh, I sincerely hope you've been doing well. ;.; I don't know if you even remember me at this point since it's been SO LONG since I've really been on here much but I've been thinking of you so much lately and I needed to crash into your inbox to tell you why: I finally watched Mob Psycho 100.
And I see, so, so much, why you love and adore it and seem to continue to love and adore it based on your header (which I saw and excitedly snapped my fingers and said "THERE'S THE GOOD-BEANS I STILL REMEMBER!" XD ♥ I kept thinking of you the entire time I was watching the series because you are the one I associate so much with MP100 because of how often you talked about it and posted media from it and whatnot and I just cannot thank you enough for cementing the show in my brain as a potential thing to watch because it has become one of my hall of fame series now that, many years later, I finally sat and watched it. I am still crying over what happened in season three and I just. WOW!!! Anyway, I just had to come pay homage to the one who all those years ago got the series in my brain and who I kept thinking of as I watched it. ♥ Plus it's just been long overdue that I stopped by, said hi and reminded you of how awesome you are!!! ♥ (And if you don't remember me then well, consider this just a reminder in general that you're awesome and cool and to let nobody tell you otherwise!!! ♥) Sending you all my best wishes and I hope you're taking care! ♥ Yours sincerely, Moon
Moon!!! Moon my beloved, omg hello!!!
Of course I remember :D I try not to get too sad when mutuals disappear for a while because most of the time it just means they're touching grass unlike me asdfsdfd -- but still, I've thought of you and wondered if you were doing well. You have such a memorable energy and positivity, I definitely could never forget! Your messages always brought a smile to my face, they really inspired me! I hope life has been, and currently is treating you kindly <3
And WAAUUGGHHH excuse me while I go and sob and rocket into the sun??? I'm so excited that you watched it! It really is such a beautiful and fun story -- even if I'm into other media, it has permanently altered my brain chemistry and I'll never get over how much I love it. Though I don't expect everyone to be as insane about it LOL, it's so great to hear you enjoyed it!!!!
And also??? I'm thinking of that line in Glass Onion about knowing you've made it in life when you're "remembered in the same sentence as the Mona Lisa" or something, and YOU KNOW this is the same to me 😭 I couldn't ask for a higher honor than being That Mob Psycho Guy you thought of while watching 😭😭😭 I warn you this knowledge will go straight to my ego...
This message made like my whole year asdfvgh thank you 🥺❤️ Whether you're just popping in or tumblr has dragged you back in, it was really nice to hear from you!! You have a wonderful rest of your day/night ✨️
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nightwatcherraph · 2 months
you reblogged the ask game!! yayay!
18 and 29?
My favorite villain
I did technically already answer this but I will answer again I already said bishop and shredder now I will pick bonesteel from TNM yeah I know he’s corny but come on him and Raph are hilarious they remind me of hun and Raph they walked so Raph could run and say yo mama to hun.
My headcanon?
12 Raph has autism/adhd and he’s attracted to women who kick his ass lol 03 Raph secretly knows medical stuff because his meeting new people every time he goes out and I think 03 Raph is autistic and he’s trans masc and gay but he attracted to people like Mona Lisa who kick his ass lol he’s attracted to masculinity regardless of gender. 07 Raph owns a leather jacket because angsty bad boy XD
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