#my mom then gave my dad a very relieved thank you
autism-swagger · 7 months
GODDDDD I wish people would stop perceiving me.
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corroded-hellfire · 2 years
My Girlfriend and Her Girlfriend
Summary: Based on a conversation with @this-was-bad-sorry and @munson-blurbs where Eddie introduces the reader and her best friend as “this is my girlfriend and this is her girlfriend.”
Note: I got a request for bi!reader so my friends gave me this line to work with!
Words: 3.1k
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Hawkin’s annual Fourth of July carnival was something you looked forward to every year. The only year you had missed was when you had chicken pox the first week of July when you were six. It started off with your parents taking you, then when you got older it became a tradition to go with your best friend Sara. This year though, your boyfriend Eddie had invited you to go with him. Though you had been dating for months at this point, he still took your hesitancy to answer as a bad sign. 
“No, no, I’d love to go with you,” you assure him, not able to take the sad look in those dark puppy dog eyes. “It’s just that I usually go with Sara. I don’t want her to think I’m dumping her now that I have a boyfriend.”
“Oh,” Eddie says, and his face relaxes in relief. “Well, I like Sara. Why don’t we all hang out together?”
“Yeah?” A smile turns up the corner of your lips and it makes Eddie smile in turn. 
“Of course.” Eddie picks your hands up and presses kisses along the back of them.
When you bring the idea up to Sara, she’s just as excited. She’d known about your crush on Eddie from day one and was relieved when you two finally got together. It was exhausting watching the two of you dance around one another. She liked to think forcing the both of you to come to basketball games under the guise of “watching her cheer” was the final straw before Eddie asked you out. 
You spend the night before the carnival at Sara’s house, so Eddie swings by there to pick up the pair of you. He hops out of the van to open the passenger door for you and the back door for Sara.
“Thank you,” you tell him and press a kiss to his cheek.
“Yeah, thanks.” Sara smiles playfully and gives Eddie a kiss on his other cheek.
“Hey,” you jokingly yell at your best friend as you climb into the seat. “Keep your pom poms off my man.”
“Ladies, ladies,” Eddie says with a smirk. He makes his way back around to retake the driver’s seat. “No need to fight over little old me.” 
“Oh boy,” you say as he pulls out of the driveway. “Now he’s going to get a big head and realize he can do better than me.”
“Hey!” Your best friend and your boyfriend shout at you at the same time.
“Don’t say that about yourself,” Sara says. She reaches forward and smacks you on the shoulder. 
“I will turn this van around right now if you don’t say three nice things about yourself. Now,” Eddie adds. 
“Jeez, mom and dad. Fine.” You tap your feet against the floor mat underneath your sandals as you think. “Um, I’m smart.”
“Very,” Eddie adds.
“I’m loyal,” you say.
“And we appreciate it.”
You wave your hand dismissively at the both of them as you think of the final item to add to the list. 
“I have great taste in people,” you say with a nod.
“I don’t know if that counts,” Sara says. She leans forward, brown hair draping in between you and your boyfriend. “What do we think?” she asks Eddie.
“I’ll allow it,” Eddie concedes. “But if I hear anything even mildly self-deprecating for the rest of the night, I will not be winning you any stuffed animals.”
“You promised me a stuffed frog,” you say with a pout. 
“Be a good girl and you’ll get one.”
“Kinky,” Sara says with a smirk.
With a huff, you pull your legs up to rest your feet against the dashboard. Suburban houses of Hawkins fly past as you look out the window, avoiding looking at either of them.
“Assholes, ganging up on me.”
Eddie laughs and you turn your face even more towards the window, so he doesn’t see the smile it gives you. 
“You know the window reflects your face,” Sara says.
“Oh my God, are we there yet?” You drop your head back against the seat. 
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The sun is just setting as you get to the carnival, the colorful lights blinking into existence across the once abandoned field. Tents are scattered throughout the fairgrounds, rides full of screaming children and ride workers who look bored out of their minds. There are shouts of laughter and squeals of excitement coming from all sides. It’s hard to be in anything less than a happy mood surrounded by all this merriment. 
“What should we do first?” you ask. 
“The tilt-a-whirl?” Eddie offers.
That becomes the first ride of the night, followed by the swinging ship, the scrambler, the high-flying swings, and the fun slide. You weren’t sure the last time you laughed harder or smiled wider. Being with your two favorite people in one of your favorite places puts you in a happier frame of mind. 
When you come to the Ferris wheel though, you’re presented with a problem you hadn’t faced yet tonight. All the other rides allowed for the three of you to sit together or individually on your own. But the Ferris wheel only allowed two people per seat. 
You want to be fair, so your eyes scan the rest of the carnival to see if there’s another two-seater ride that you can swap partners for after this one.
“Okay,” you say as your eyes land on the perfect ride. “How about I sit with Sara on this ride and Eddie, with you on the tunnel of love over there?”
“Alright.” He nods and presses a kiss to your cheek before you slip into the seat with Sara. 
Eddie knows he doesn’t have a reason to be jealous. He knows how much you love him because you never miss an opportunity to tell him so. But hearing you and Sara giggling as he sits in the seat below you two, all by himself, scratches at his insecurities. It wasn’t long after you two started spending time together that you told him that you’re bisexual. He hadn’t cared in the least, and still doesn’t, but sometimes the nagging voice in the back of his head gets the better of him. He isn’t blind; Sara is gorgeous. He’d even told you so, to which you agreed. And being friends for so long, you two obviously got along well with one another. What if you discovered you’d rather be with Sara than him? What made him think that he was good enough to be your boyfriend? Both you and Sara are straight A students while he’s about to repeat senior year for the third time. He’s known around town as a freak, while Sara is a cheerleader. 
Eddie rubs his hands over his face, trying to make the thoughts go away. He knows he’s being ridiculous. But his mind keeps going well, what if? 
“Eddie!” you call down to him.
He looks up and twists his neck the best he can so that he can see you.
“From here I can see the place where you can win stuffed frogs!”
“What do I have to do?” he calls up.
“Throw darts at balloons!”
Eddie groans under his breath but nods his head. 
“No problem!”
As soon as you all step off the Ferris wheel, you take Eddie’s hand in yours and gently swing them back and forth. 
“What next?” you ask.
“I’m hungry,” Eddie says.
“I could eat,” Sara agrees. 
Sara saves seats for the three of you at a picnic table while you and Eddie load up on the food. It all smells so good you’re tempted to buy one of everything, but your stomach and wallet would hate you. Eddie asks what you should get, and after a little back and forth, you end up bringing back fries, milkshakes, and a funnel cake dusted in enough powder sugar to be considered a blizzard.
“We’re going to get sugar shock,” Eddie says as he hands out the milkshakes. 
“We’re supposed to go on more rides after this?” Sara asks. 
“Yeah, we’re going to die,” Eddie says. He takes a huge bite out of the funnel cake, but it’s so hot he needs to immediately follow it up with a large gulp of his milkshake.
“The tunnel of love should be nice and relaxing,” you say, leaning into Eddie’s side and blinking up at him under your lashes. 
He wraps his arm around your shoulders and hugs you against his side. 
“You guys are adorable,” Sara says after finishing a fry. “Will you adopt me?”
“I don’t know,” you muse, looking at your best friend next to you. “You don’t listen very well.”
“I can’t handle a bratty daughter,” Eddie says.
Sara squeezes her eyes closed and clenches her hands into fists.
“I am holding back all the dirty jokes right now,” she says.
You gently push her, and she nudges you back in return.
“Children, behave,” Eddie says through a mouth full of funnel cake. 
“She started it,” Sara says. 
Powdered sugar has rained down on the table from the funnel cake, and you scoop some up with your finger. You go to put it on Eddie’s nose but his lips close around your finger before you can get it there. A laugh bubbles out of you and Eddie smirks around your finger before letting it go with a pop.
“Gross,” Sara mumbles, but there’s a smile on her face. 
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There’s barely a line for the Tunnel of Love and Sara slips into a boat in front of you so she doesn’t have to feel like a peeping Tom behind the two of you. Eddie takes advantage of the dark ride to wrap his arm around your waist and press kisses against the side of your neck. You giggle into your hand as Eddie’s kisses tickle you. The water beneath your boat ushers you along the path and Eddie trails his kisses even higher, going up behind your ear. 
“What’re you going to grope me in here?” you whisper.
“If you’ll let me,” he says in your ear.
You were originally joking, but Eddie’s whisper sends a shiver down your spine, and you melt against his body. He chuckles darkly and slips his fingers up the leg of your shorts. 
Trying to keep quiet is harder than you thought it would be. The way his fingers danced against the soft skin of your thigh, how his kisses became more open-mouthed as he went. You try to distract yourself by looking at the scenery around you in the red and pink tunnel. There are paintings of babies with magic arrows, little animatronic turtles that were cuddled close together and made kissy noises, and depictions of different types of birds on the walls. It seemed like whoever designed this ride had a fascination with birds. There are lovebirds, ducks, swans, geese, swallows, and even storks guiding you on your journey in the small wooden boat. Light peeks around the corner as the boat comes around the bend, and you groan.
“Ride’s ending,” you tell Eddie quietly.
“So?” he asks.
You’d laugh, but you know he’s not joking. 
He reluctantly pulls his hands out of your shorts and presses one last kiss to your neck before pulling back. 
“Later,” you promise him as your boat comes to a stop.
Gentlemanly as ever, Eddie helps you out of the boat and you follow Sara out into the rest of the fair. 
“Enjoy your romantic boat ride?” Sara asks. “I’d say you did by the sounds I heard behind me.”
Your cheeks flare red, and Sara throws an arm over your shoulders.
“Are you really embarrassed? It’s me,” she says. “Not like I haven’t heard you moan before.”
“What?” Eddie’s pretty sure his eyes bug out of his head. Both you and Sara laugh, and you shake your head.
“No! Not like that!”
“Well, maybe,” Sara says, smirking at Eddie.
“Don’t tease him!” You shove your friend off of you, but she comes back and loops her arm through yours. 
Eddie turns his head to speak to you, but he’s interrupted by his name being called up ahead. Steve smiles at your small group as he makes his way over to you. 
“Hey, Steve,” you say. 
“This is nice, I didn’t know you were coming,” Steve says. His eyes find Sara and he nods politely, obviously not knowing who she is. Eddie must notice this as well. 
“Steve, you know my girlfriend. And this is her girlfriend, Sara.”
Steve’s dumbfounded face is enough to make you and Sara burst into giggles and Eddie does his best to hold in his smile.
“Uh, hi,” Steve says.
Sara takes the perfect opportunity to mess with Steve by placing a loud kiss against your cheek before going over to shake his hand.
“Nice to meet you, Steve,” she says, and you break into another round of laughter. 
“Steve, don’t listen to them,” you say. You walk over and shoo Eddie and Sara away from him. “This is Sara, but she’s my best friend.”
“Oh,” Steve says, still looking a bit confused. 
“Eddie was just about to go win me a stuffed frog,” you say.
“I was?” your boyfriend asks from behind you, but you ignore him.
“Would you like to join us? And possibly tease him if he can’t do it?”
You placate your boyfriend by wrapping your arms around his waist and pressing a sweet kiss against his lips. Both of you know you’ll make up for any teasing later in a way Eddie will definitely enjoy.
“You should join us,” Sara says and Steve smiles at her.
“She’s just tired of being the third wheel,” you say, resting your head against Eddie’s shoulder.
“Her?” Eddie asks, looking down at you. “I feel like I’m chaperoning the two of you. Always got to keep an eye on you girls. Not in a fun way.”
“I’ll, uh, be right back, yeah?” Steve says. “I’ll just tell my friends I’ll catch up with them later.”
Steve jogs off and you round on your boyfriend, knowing where his mind was heading before Steve left. 
“Make a threesome joke and I hit you,” you say, pointing your finger at him. 
“Well,” Eddie says with a smirk, and you roll your eyes. “I wasn’t thinking about that, but now that you mention it…”
“Shut up,” you say.
Sara comes over and leans against Eddie’s other side, tilting her head to look up at him.
“Are you jealous, Eddie?” She’s only teasing, but the look on Eddie’s face makes your heart drop.
“Eddie,” you start, but Sara cuts you off.
“Eddie, there’s nothing to be jealous of,” she tells him. She puts her hand on his shoulder and looks him in the eye. “Do you have any idea of how much this girl talks about you? I mean, she goes on, and on, and on.”
“He gets it,” you say through gritted teeth. 
“And you took her to the zoo, right? Did she tell you that she’s afraid of monkeys?”
Eddie turns to you with a frown. “You are? Then why did we walk through that part of the zoo?”
“You wanted to,” you say with a shrug. 
“This girl wouldn’t walk past a hoard of monkeys for just anyone,” Sara says. “Thought she was going to throttle me the one time I jokingly suggest we watch Planet of the Apes.”
Eddie nods his head and lets out a sigh. A crowd of noisy children takes their time walking past you before he speaks. 
“I don’t mean to get jealous, I just have my moments. And you two have known each other for so long and get along so well.”
“Wait, you think…?” you ask, raising your eyebrows at him. “You think I want to date her? Eddie, we’d kill each other. I mean, I love her dearly, but I went on one vacation with her family for a week and by the end we practically hated each other.” 
“It’s true. We didn’t talk for two weeks,” Sara says. She crosses her arms over her chest and leans against the nearest lamppost. “Plus, there’s the fact that I’m not into girls that way.” 
That last fact is what brings Eddie’s eyes back to life the most, you notice. It’s like he wasn’t sure before, but when he knew that nothing could ever happen between the two of you, he was able to relax. His lack of self confidence hurts you but you make a silent promise to help him with it the best you can.
“And you know,” you say as you lace your fingers with his. “There’s the fact that I love you like crazy.”
“Ah, that fact,” Eddie says, smiling down at you. 
“Kind of an important one,” you say with a shrug. 
Eddie takes a deep breath and nods. He presses a kiss to the top of your head and wraps his free arm around Sara. 
“I mean, we only had that one kiss,” Sara says.
“Alright,” Steve says as he comes back up to you three. He claps his hands and rubs them together. “Ready to watch Eddie attempt to win a game?”
Eddie scoffs. “I’ve played far more games in my life than you have, Harrington.”
“Yeah, with dice,” Steve says.
“And you threw a ball into a laundry basket.”
“Boy, boys.” you say, stepping in between them, placing a hand on each guy’s chest. “One of you plays a board game type thing, the other a ball game type thing. But neither of you threw darts, so let’s stop the pissing contest, yes?”
You tug Eddie in the direction of the game before either of them can say something else stupid. 
Steve and Sara walk behind the two of you, and so what if you eavesdrop a little bit to see if they’re hitting it off? You’re just interested in your friends’ potential happiness is all. You overhear Steve being dumbstruck by the fact that Sara is a cheerleader at Hawkins High because he thought already knew all of them. Sara tells him she knows who he is because who doesn’t know about King Steve at Hawkins High?
You let out a content hum and squeeze your boyfriend’s hand in your own. Lights flash around you and loud noises echo, but none of it registers but Eddie. He glances at you out of the corner of his eye, and you realize you’ve been staring at him. Eddie gives you a smirk and leans down to put his lips to your ear as you keep walking forward. 
“You’re going to tell me about that kiss, right?”
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anthurak · 5 months
WIP - True Child of Two Worlds
Thought I'd throw up a snippet from the in-progress chapter of my Titan Luz fic that I've had particular fun with.
As for context; remember that time Luz looked at Eda storing a ridiculous among of knickknacks and junk in her hair and said "I wish someday my hair can do that"?
“Alright, move aside! I’ll be the judge of this,” King declared before scurrying up Luz’s leg and back.
“You uh, need any help King…?” Luz started to ask but by that point the young titan had already vanished into her newly-voluminous hair.
A silence both pensive and awkward fell on the kitchen as nobody was quite sure what to expect. Then…
“HOT BELGIAN WAFFLES, it’s so CLEAN in here!” came King’s muffled yell from Luz’s hair.
Luz couldn’t help breaking out into giggles and chuckles while Amity let out a confused “…Clean?” with a similarly curious raised eyebrow.
Eda meanwhile, was looking a BIT offended.
“Luz,” King’s head poked out of Luz’s hair over her shoulder, “promise me you won’t be like Eda and actually try to keep this place tidy?”
“HEY!” Eda let out a now quite offended squawk, “What’s THAT supposed to mean?!”
“I can promise I won’t stash food in there,” Luz answered her little brother while seemingly ignoring Eda.
“Oh that’s a GREAT start!” replied a clearly relieved King before ducking back into Luz’s hair, “And it’s so ROOMY too!”
“…are you saying Luz’s hair is bigger than mine?” Eda was now sounding quite offended and indignant.
“No,” King’s head poked back out to glare at Eda, “I’m saying hers isn’t packed full of trash and useless junk!”
“That’s it! You are groun-”
“Eda,” Raine’s voice interrupted Eda, the bard having wandered in at some point and now standing at their girlfriend’s side with a rather cross look complete with crossed arms, “what’s this about your hair being ‘packed full of trash’?”
“Uhh…” Eda blinked very uneasily, all previous indignation instantly forgotten, “I mean… it’s not as bad as it used to-aak!” Eda let out another squawk as her lover’s hand darted into her hair and began feeling around… before pulling out a fairly worn pizza box.
“Oh hey, Papa ‘Pellizeri’s! That takes me back,” Luz’s face lit up with nostalgia, “man that place has been shut down for years…” 
“Uh huh,” Raine nodded at the telling indicator of time while Eda managed a VERY awkward and uneasy smile, “Eda, we’re cleaning out your hair pocket.”
For a brief moment, Eda looked like she wanted to object, but quickly thought better of it, “Yeah, okay.”
“Oooooh,” Luz let out an awed breath, “we’ve never gotten Eda to clean her hair out…”
“Yay!” King let out a triumphant squeak as he dropped out of Luz’s hair, “Thank you new mom! Or, dad?” King paused as he awkwardly tried to parse out what was the appropriate term for his mom’s partner, “…Dadmom?”
“You know…” Raine gave a thoughtful smile to who was clearly soon to be their new adopted son, “I think I’m partial to ‘Dad’, if that’s okay with you.”
“Yay! Thank you new-dad!”
I'm pretty sure the first three or so chapters of this fic can be summed up as 'various wacky shenanigans related to learning about Human-Titan Hybrid physiology' XD
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dollywheeler · 1 year
September 25th, 1996
Dear diary,
Things have been crazy busy as we've been training a lot to prepare for homecoming. Not only have we upped our cheer hours in preparation for the halftime show, but I've also been helping Whitney out with preparations for the dance on Saturday - mostly with crafting decorations. I'm probably the worst person she could have asked, because crafts are so not my thing. Pretty sure my lanterns would have been trashed if it hadn't been for Elena's help - she's one of the new Sophomores on the team this year.
The dance is setting up to look great, however, and I've been practicing the homecoming routine as much as possible before school. Sandy and Selena altered one of our routines from last year for this weekend. It's very flashy because we can be more creative with it, and not too difficult because people don't really care about technique or tumbling all that much. They just want a catchy song and a good show - which it definitely is in my opinion.
It also means I've been able to practice it better because there aren't too many parts I have to skip when practicing in the basement.
Because I've been getting home late each day, I've barely seen mom or dad. I can tell mom is still on cloud nine from last Friday though, as she's jumped into 'fall cleaning' with vigor. It's always a little terrifying when she comes around with a moving box and a 'donate first, regret later' attitude. I figured out years ago that the best strategy is to just get a few things to donate set aside beforehand so she'll leave your actual stuff alone. This year I just picked up some clutter from the dollar store and a teddy bear we got for free at the fair last spring. And Whitney was planning on throwing some stuff away so she gave it to me for this very reason. It wasn't much, but she hadn't given me much warning. She seemed more than happy with it though, so I guess I have Mike to thank for that.
I don't know if she told dad about the dinner next Friday. I sure as hell haven't. It feels weird keeping something from him, but I can hardly tell him we're going to dinner but he's not invited. I'm pretty sure he isn't, anyway. I know they've always had a weird relationship, but he's still his dad right? And like, it's not like he ever gave him a chance. Besides, even if your parents are cringe or annoying you can still sit through dinner with them for one night and bite your tongue! It's not that hard and just for one night!
For now I'm just going to focus on this weekend, though. I'm so excited for the dance - my dress is gorgeous and I can't wait to wear it. I'm nervous though; I've never had a date before.
OH, I haven't even gotten a chance to write that down yet!
Daniel asked me to the dance!!!!
I was waiting for the gym to clear out after basketball practice on Monday so we could get our extra hours in, and when the team was dismissed, Daniel gently grabbed my hand and pulled me behind the bleachers. Not behind-behind the bleachers, just hidden from view a bit so we could talk privately. My heart was pounding but he seemed relaxed as he asked me if I wanted to go to the dance with him. He just had that same dorky expression, clearly hesitant for my response even though he had to know what my answer would be. He looked so relieved when I said yes even when he hadn't looked all that nervous to begin with, so I know he'd just tried to be stoic.
Anyway, it was really, really sweet <3 He's taking me to dinner before the dance, so we can have a proper date with just the two of us but can also enjoy the dance with our friends. I'm so excited; I seriously cannot wait.
Love, Holly <3
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larz-barz · 1 year
Title: My Muse<3
Prompt: Tanjiro x artist! reader (modern au:))
Summary: Tanjiro realizes you spent your whole lunch drawing so he gets you a rice ball. He finds Inosuke being rude to you cause you accidentally ran into him. He asks you to hang out with him after school at his family’s bakery. After walking you home, he realizes that he wants to ask you to be his girlfriend.
Genre: fluff:)
Warning(s): Mentions of bullying
During lunch you were sitting in your usual spot. You had brought your sketchbook so you could draw. You looked up and saw your crush, Tanjiro Kamado, talking with Zenitsu. You could easily picture the scene in your head, Tanjiro smiling and laughing while talking with his friends and eating rice balls. You haven’t talked to the boy very much, you’re a very shy person so you’ve always been scared to talk to the kind-hearted boy. You smiled as you lightly sketched out Tanjiro’s features. By the end of lunch, you finished the drawing. ‘Oh, lunch is over? Did I even eat?’ You quickly wrote your signature then closed your sketchbook. Tanjiro noticed that you hadn’t eaten so he ran to grab you a rice ball. By the time he got the rice ball, you had already run out of the cafeteria. He knew that you would be in the next class with him so he ran after you so he could catch up to you.
You were running to the next class so you wouldn’t have to talk to anybody. You ended up running into Inosuke. He turned around and started yelling at you. You flinched at his loudness. He got in your face and spouted insults at you. Tanjiro saw and ran over, shoving Inosuke away from you. “Inosuke, leave her alone!! She didn’t mean to run into you!!” Inosuke grumbles. “This is none of your business Kentaro!!” He yells then walks off. Tanjiro turns around to face you. His gaze softens when he sees your scared expression. “Are you ok (Y/N)???” He asks worriedly. You nod and blush. “Th-thank you Tanjiro..” He smiled and nodded. “It’s no problem, also, I noticed that you didn’t eat anything at lunch so I got you a rice ball.” You gave him a thankful smile when he handed the rice ball to you. “Thank you so much!” You said and took a bite out of the snack. He smiled again. “You’re welcome! If you don’t mind me asking, what were you drawing during lunch that caused you to not eat?” He asked and your face went blood red. “Uhm- I’d rather not talk about it.” You said then speed walked into the classroom.
~After the final class~
Tanjiro got up and noticed that you accidentally left your sketchbook. He noticed that it was opened to a drawing that you had almost finished during class. It was him. He blushed and smiled at the thought of himself being your muse. He closed the sketchbook and brought it to you. You breathed a sigh of relief when you saw the boy coming up to you, your sketchbook in hand. He handed it to you and you smiled. “Hey, uh, do you wanna hang out later? Maybe at my family’s bakery?” Tanjiro asked and a faint blush creeped up his face. You blushed as well and nodded. “Sure!” He smiled, relieved you said yes. “When do you wanna go?” He asked and you thought for a moment. “Hmm.. we could go now, if that’s alright with you..” You said the last part nervously. Tanjiro grinned. “Ok! That’s fine with me! I’ll just text my mom that I’m bringing you!” He said excitedly while pulling out his phone. “I’ll tell my dad that I’m going with you!” You said, equally as excited and you pulled out your phone.
The 2 of you texted your mom and dad then went on y’all’s way. Y’all got to Tanjiro’s family bakery. When you and him walked in, you inhaled the scent of delicious baked goods. You sighed happily. You and Tanjiro sat at a table by the wall. You put your bookbag down by your chair and sat down. Tanjiro did the same thing. “Tanjiro.?” The boy hummed in response and looked at you with a small smile. “Did you understand the math lesson.?” Tanjiro nodded and pulled out his notes. You admired the neat looking notes that he had taken. You listened intently as the maroon haired boy tried his best to explain the math to you.
Tanjiro finished explaining what was confusing you. “Do you get it now or do I need to explain it more?” He asked and you thought about the information that had been relayed to you. “I think I understand, thank you so much for explaining, Tanjiro!” You said with a grateful smile and you hugged him. He smiled as well and hugged you back. “You know how you left your sketchbook accidentally?” He asked and you nodded. “It was still open to what you were working on during class, it was really good!” He said with a faint blush and large smile. Your face went redder than Tanjiro’s hair. “O-oh.. th-thank you…” You said, an embarrassed smile gracing your lips. “You’re welcome! I love the way you capture emotions and body language!” He continued speaking passionately about your drawing.
The truth is, Tanjiro wishes he could draw but he’s never had the time to really get into drawing. He continued rambling on and your face went redder with every word of praise that Tanjiro gave. You honestly felt that your art didn't really deserve it, but it was obvious that Tanjiro felt the complete opposite. “Tanjiro.?” He stopped talking when you said his name. “Oh, was I talking too much.?” He asked apologetically. You immediately shook your head. “N-no! That’s not it! I wanted to ask if you wanted to see some more completed drawings from my sketchbook!” He smiled widely and nodded enthusiastically. You nervously pulled your sketchbook out of your bag. You held it in a way only you could see the pages and turned until you found one that you were ok with showing to Tanjiro. It was the drawing you did that day at lunch.
You turned the sketchbook so he could see it. He grinned as he observed each detail. The way you drew his smile, the amount of detail and care you put into his eyes, all the way to how you drew his hands. It was truly amazing to Tanjiro just how much care you obviously had for your drawings. You clearly had put a lot of work into it. “This is truly amazing, (Y/N)..” He said, his voice filled with awe. He handed the sketchbook back you reluctantly, despite wanting to stare at the picture some more. You turned to another drawing of him. In this one, he’s talking to Inosuke. You handed the sketchbook to him once more and he took it. He smiled at the detail in his and Inosuke’s expressions. He loves how lifelike your drawings are. “(Y/N), these are absolutely amazing. How long have you been drawing for?” You smiled at the compliment then had a thoughtful expression on your face. “Uhm, about 10 years? Maybe? I don’t really know but that’s probably close.” He gave you an impressed smile.
You continued showing Tanjiro drawings and he was impressed with each one, praising you for the work and love you put into your art. “Do you make digital art as well or just traditional?” You smiled. “I do both!” “Can I see some of your digital art?” He asked and you pulled out your ipad. You opened up your drawing app and went to your favorite drawing. “This one is my personal favorite right now.” You with a large smile while showing him the picture. He looked astounded at how amazing the art was. “(Y/N).. this is so amazing and beautiful..” He said, still in shock. You showed him a few more then put your ipad up. “So uhm, enough about me and my little hobby.. Do you have any hobbies?” “I like baking, hanging out with my friends, and meeting new people!” You smiled and asked,“What’s your favorite food? Mine is spicy chicken udon!” Your mouth watered at the mention of your favorite food. “My favorite food is kelp rice balls!” Tanjiro said with a smile.
~a few hours later~
A few hours later, you and Tanjiro had really grown close in these few hours of hanging out at his family’s bakery. You and Tanjiro noticed that the sun was nearly down and frowned, disappointed that the 2 of you would have to end your date. “Well, it’s getting dark.. I’ll walk you home.” He said and stood up. You stood up as well. “Ok, can I give you my number real quick?” You asked and he gave you his phone. You typed in your name and number. You handed Tanjiro’s phone back to him. “Thank you, I’ll text you when I get home!” Tanjiro said while slinging his book bag onto his shoulder. You put on your own book bag.
Tanjiro walked you to your house. The 2 of you got to your door. “Tanjiro, I had an amazing time with you this evening.” You said and gave him a hug which he happily returned. “I’m glad you had a great time, I had a great time as well! I’ll see you tomorrow at school.” He said with a big smile and you smiled as well. “See you tomorrow! Bye Tanjiro.” You said then went into your house. Tanjiro smiled on his whole walk home. He thought about your blushing face each time he complimented you, he thought about how passionately you would talk about your favorite things, he thought about your beautiful smile, your beautiful (e/c) eyes, and your shining (h/c) hair. He realized that he really liked you and wanted to ask you to be his girlfriend.
~The end~
A/n: Should I write a part 2 of Tanjiro asking (Y/N) to be his girlfriend?? I hope y’all liked this one!!:3
If you have a request then go here!
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piko-power · 2 years
Imagine that scene from Lilo and Stitch 2 where Stitch had a nightmare about being evil and attacking his home including Lilo but with Sonic being possessed by the Master Emerald and attacking his family and Green Hills and that being a nightmare too. (dark sonic potential maybe)
If something like that shows up in Sonic 3 I will gonna go NUTS because in the second film, Robotnik used the Emerald for his evil intentions (DUH) and after Super Sonic (Who was powered by the Chaos Emeralds) defeats Robotnik, Knuckles wouldn't let Tom, Maddie and Tails to go near him, believing that the power of the Emerald had taken over him for good, and that the Sonic they knew and love was gone. ...Until Sonic straight up summoned a chili dog and ate it. (I lost my mind when that happened at the theater that whole scene gave me Fleetway vibes)
The Master Emerald's power could be in use for either good or evil depending on who has their hands on it, but even so, the Emerald is super freaking powerful, almost God like. No one knew, not even Knuckles probably, if the Emerald is even safe to use at all, no matter who you are. The Chaos Emeralds, at least in the Movie Verse, fused together and became the Master Emerald. I think that the Chaos Emeralds' power is just a fraction of what the Master Emerald's power can do, since it was just scene of those things mixed into one. (Again, this is the Movie version of how the Emeralds work, at least in my theory)
Sonic went Super RIGHT before him and his parents were about to be crushed. Recalling Longclaw's words, she mentioned that the Master Emerald, and with that, including the Chaos Emeralds, has the ability to turn thoughts into reality. Sonic, in his mind, knew that he did his best to save himself, his family, and his home. It was gonna be all over, but he wasn't scared anymore. He wasn't alone. Tom and Maddie were there with him. They stuck together til the very end.
His thoughts only focused on how far him and his family came, it no longer focused on the fact that he was going to be defeated. None of that matters. His family matters the most. In his thoughts, he was thankful, emotional, relieved, loved. His last words would've been him loving Tom and Maddie. Those words is all he can think of. It was the only thing he can think of. He shut his eyes tight, reliving his favorite moments with them in his head one last time before his doom.
And then the Chaos Emeralds light up and fused into him.
And at that exact moment, Super Sonic stop the metallic foot from reaching the ground and saved not only himself, but his mom and dad, and pretty much the entire world.
Despite everything that happened, his thoughts remained positive because of his love for his family. The Emeralds were powered up by those positive thoughts. Thus, Sonic was able to take full control of their power and use it to save the world.
If it was the Master Emerald, he possibly would've been a lot more powerful. And if his thoughts remained unchanged, it could've gone so much worse.
Robotnik has a lot of bad thoughts, according to Sonic, and he was absolutely right. He wanted to dominate the world and enhance it with his machinery, and spending all that time in the Mushroom Planet he was more twisted in the head than he used to be. That obviously translate to negative energy for the Master/Chaos Emeralds.
He was still his good ol' self but with the Emerald's power, he was a lot more chaotic. And Super Sonic was still himself as well, obviously, but during the first few minutes of being Super, or powered by Chaos Emeralds, he was a little serious and more focused on knocking the lights out of Robotnik's Death Egg Robot, and Robotnik himself.
Sonic was pretty pissed, but remained cool enough to stay Super and stay as his cool and cute silly self.
Now with that in mind... What will happened if Sonic had negative thoughts and used the power of the Emeralds or the Master Emerald?
Let's say someone is seriously hurt (Let's say Tom), and while Sonic is holding the Emerald, or the Emerald is near him, his mind was stuck with the feeling of fear, worry, disbelief, anger, resentment.
Sonic would transform into a being containing those emotions, and threaten to hunt down anybody who dares to hurt his father. Meanwhile with Knuckles, who is trying to stop him for doing that, was in shock from Sonic breaking their promise to use the Emerald's power for the better.
Sonic did able to snap out of it when Tom, who was okay, called out to him, begging him to stop. And at that moment, he turn to see Tom standing back up on his feet, with help and support from Maddie, and he was beginning to power down, now feeling relieved, tired, and calm. But still with a hint of rage, but it left him the moment he burst into tears and ran up to Tom, hugging him tightly.
Then his Dark form will disappear, as the Master Emerald's power left his body, since he was no longer blinded by rage, but now scared and relieve to see his father alright.
But Knuckles was still upset from what had happened. He knew that Sonic never meant to use the negative powers from the Emerald, considering how worried and angry he was, but he still needed some time to adjust what happened and fully forgive Sonic for failing to keep it's powers safe. He should've known that not all promises were meant to be broken.
But maybe before all of that mess happens, Sonic may get strange and vivid dreams about him randomly attacking Green Hills and his family, probably almost twice a month or something, and when he wakes up he'll be too shaken up to go back to sleep.
The first few times he would sleep with his parents or with his brothers (PILLOW FORT) and after a while, Sonic would tried to go back to sleep on his own because he doesn't want to bother anyone because of his constant nightmares, but that'll result in restless nights.
IDK just wanted to share a scenario that might or might not happen in Sonic Movie 3. I like writing dream scenes for some reason, but this specific one is the best when it comes to foreshadowing events. (Get it? ForeSHADOWing?) I might make a small fic for this one if I feel like it, but for now this whole Master Emerald Power theory/headcanon will do.
I honestly didn't expect this to be long lol
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aperrywilliams · 1 year
Green Card - Ch4: Your Life, My Life, and Ours (Spencer Reid x Fem!OC)
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Author Masterlist / Series Masterlist
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!OC (Ana María González)
Series summary: What reason leads two complete strangers to marry? For Spencer, the chance of his mom being admitted into a new medical trial. For Ana María González is to get the elusive green card.
Chapter summary: Ana and Spencer think they will soon get what they were waiting for. Only one of them will. Or: this is getting more complicated than we thought.
Word Count:  5.3k
CW: Some strong words. Talking about deceased parents (Ana). Talking about dads leaving their families (Ana and Spencer). Entire Spanish sentences (you have been warned). If I forgot something, let me know.
A/N: Chapter 4 is here. I particularly enjoyed writing this one. Let me know what you think.
Spencer vented enough about his relationship with Maeve that afternoon. After two more cups of coffee, Ana already knew how Spencer had met Maeve and the dynamic they had been keeping for over a year.
"You're right. Things between you two are complicated, indeed," she concluded. Spencer sighed.
"I should end it, right?" 
Ana held her hands up in surrender.
"I'm not judging you, and I'm not giving any advice regarding this. I'm the worst when it comes to romantic relationships. Too messy for me, always," Ana confessed.
"It's bad to say I'm a little relieved I'm not the only one with messy relationships?" Spencer asked, making her chuckle.
"Yeah. Not very nice of you, but understandable," Ana conceded, checking her phone. It was late, and she didn't want to take advantage of her welcome at Spencer's place. He walked her to the door, thanking her for listening to him.
After she left, Spencer plopped again on the couch. Apparently, it was confirmed talking about things brings some relief to people. That didn't mean he had any resolution, but at least he felt less overwhelmed. Ana was indeed a good listener.
They didn't talk again for a couple of days. Spencer thought it could be a time before she would get her residence. Bureaucracy is always about time.
And thinking about that, Spencer didn't get any response from Fogarty yet. That kept him a bit nervous.
But he didn't give him much of an issue either. The cases at the BAU kept him busy enough to become overly anxious. In the same way, having case after case kept him away from DC and, therefore, from the coffee shop and Ana.
The night Spencer returned to his place after a long case in New Heaven, he was skimming a new book with a cup of coffee in hand. Suddenly three loud knocks made him jump from his seat.
Opening the door, he saw Ana crying and totally drenched from the rain pouring outside. With no further question, Spencer took hold of her hand to lead her into the apartment.
"Hey, hey. Ana. What's wrong?" he asked after closing the door and inspecting Ana's face. The poor girl only could sob a babbled incoherent words. Incoherent words until Spencer paid more attention.
"Me van a deportar. Ellos - ellos me van a deportar. Estoy jodida. La cagué, Spencer. Ellos lo saben todo y me van a echar del país." (They are going to deport me. They - they are going to deport me. I'm screwed. I fucked it up, Spencer. They know all of it and they are going to kick me out of the US).
Spencer's eyes widened at the realization.
"Wait, what? How? How do they know?"
Still sobbing, Ana produced an envelope from her purse and gave it to him. It was a letter from the Immigration Office.
'Ms. Reid,
Regarding the new information submitted and after the visit of USCIS agents to your home, we instruct you and Mr. Reid to attend an Examination Interview, according to the legal faculties of US law. We'll inform you date and place of this interview as soon as our office determines it.'
"Oh," Spencer muttered. He knew green card interviews existed but didn't know much about them. What he did know after reading the letter was Jones and Gorski's visit didn't go as well as they thought.
"It's over," Ana lamented, drying her tears with her thumbs. And then Spencer snapped from his stupor.
“Cómo que qué? Es obvio! Es imposible que vayamos a una entrevista así. No nos conocemos lo suficiente, y no podremos fingir como lo hicimos con los otros agentes, que por cierto poco funcionó. (What are you asking? It’s evident! There is no way we go to an interview like that. We don’t know each other that much, and we can’t fake the way we did with Jones and Gorski. And clearly it didn’t work either),” Ana complained, falling into crying again.
She had a point. Spencer heard that kind of interview could be very detailed. It wasn't surprising, though; the goal was to find the people lying about their marriage for the green card. Tragicomically, people like themselves.
"Ana, you need to calm down. Come on, sit here," Spencer helped her to the couch and sat by her side. "Now you need to breathe, please. Follow my lead."
As she tentatively did so, trying to subside the tears and the incipient hiccup, Spencer racked his brain, looking for a solution. It pained him to see Ana like this. He didn't even think about his own status yet.
"I'm sorry. It's my fault. I pulled you into this," Ana apologized when she found a steady breathing pattern.
"Don't say that. We're in this together, okay? I'm going to get you some water. Please, keep deep breathing," he said, patting Ana's hand before strolling to his kitchen.
While filling a glass with fresh water, Spencer's brain worked fast. The letter wasn't good news, but neither was an end road. They wanted to test them. And what do you do when you need to pass a test? Well, you study. That's what you do. Why should this be different?
Handing her the glass of water, Spencer sat again by Ana's side. The girl thanked him and downed the liquid relatively fast.
"I came here and didn't even call. I don't usually be like this. I mean, this kind of visceral and impulsive. I'm just- when I got the letter, I freaked out," Ana explained.
"I understand. And you did okay coming here. It's a lot and enough to be overwhelmed," Spencer said, taking the glass from her hands and leaving it on the coffee table.
"I guess. And I know this was a possibility, but I really thought we had pulled it off," Ana lamented, running a hand over her hair.
"We still can," Spencer pointed calmly, making Ana's head snap.
"What? You're considering we can go to the interview?"
"Yes. I do."
"But Spencer, they will ask everything about our life together. A life we don't have if you didn't notice."
"That's why we'll study."
"Study? Like for an exam?"
"I know you have a Ph.D. and stuff, but this isn't something you just can memorize. I mean- yeah, maybe I could remember your mother's and colleagues' names, but it doesn't mean I know you."
Ana had a point. Memorizing facts was only part of the deal. But Spencer was determined to make it work.
"That's why we'll get to know each other to prove them wrong."
"And how do you suggest doing that? Living like a real husband and wife?" Ana laughed. But it subsided quickly when she saw Spencer's serious demeanor. "Are you saying-?" She asked, now worried about the implications.
"No. Not like that. I mean, we can improve our knowledge of each other by sharing our routines. Not doing marital life, of course, but as friends or roommates? It could work."
Ana wondered what was worse: marrying a complete stranger to get the green card or living with your stranger husband to pass an exam to get the green card. Had she a choice? Sure, she had one: running from Spencer's apartment to make her suitcase and leave the US for good. But it wasn't what she wanted.
"So, you are suggesting we should live together?" Ana double-checked. Spencer nodded.
"Until the interview. I mean- we can be roommates. I have a spare room you can use. And we can study in our free time. Of course, we can do this only if you are okay with it. If not, we can think of another thing," Spencer clarified, knowing it was a lot. It was for him, at least, but he was willing to try it.
It was absurd, but at this point, what it wasn't?
There wasn't much thinking about what to do. After talking to Spencer that night, Ana was determined to give the best interview ever to get her residence. So she accepted Spencer's offer. 
Ana kept reassuring herself with her suitcase in hand as she was about to knock on Spencer's door that Sunday afternoon.
It would be a couple of weeks. They hoped so, but there wasn't any certain. The letter said they would be notified of the interview date, and Spencer did his research, and it could be at least a matter of weeks.
Spencer opened the door and invited her in.
"Well, you already know the living room, the bathroom, and the kitchen. Please, feel free to place your things where you prefer. I'll take you to your room," he told her, walking down the hall.
The bedroom was a more decent size, larger than the room she rented. It had a small window that faced the street, and one of the walls adjoined Spencer's room.
As she scanned the place, Spencer watched her intently.
"You don't have to do this if you don't want to. We can always find another alternative," Spencer told Ana, suspecting the doubts she might still have. That got Ana out of the inspection mode.
"Spencer, it's okay. You're right. It's the efficient way to go. And it will be only for a couple of weeks. It's me who would be asking if you're okay with this. This's your place. I'm the intruder here."
What Ana said was true. Spencer was used to living alone. He only shared a place when he was studying at Caltech, and it was only for a few months. After that, he got used to being alone. Even Maeve hadn't stayed more than one night when she visited.
"Don't say that. I suggested it and wouldn't if I'm not okay with it. I would tell you I am excellent company as a roommate, but I would be lying," Spencer declared, making Ana chuckle. "I assure you, though, you can feel free to be in this apartment as if it were yours. Now I'll leave you so you can settle in."
That was sweet of him, Ana thought. Sure, it was in both parties' interests this turn out well, but it still seemed to Ana that Spencer was doing more than expected.
She was left tidying her clothes and her other belongings. They agreed to start studying that night over dinner.
When Ana left the room a few hours later, Spencer had a pizza box on the table and was brewing coffee.
"It's probably not as good as the one you make, but I hope it works," he told her, pointing to the pot.
"I'm sure it will."
After eating a few slices of pizza, the conversation turned to Ana and her life since arriving in the US.
"I have been working at the coffee shop for six months now. This is my only income. I live in a small room I can rent, and I have nobody here," she recounted, sipping her coffee.
"What about your coworker? Is she your friend?" Spencer asked, biting another pizza slide.
"Who? Sarah? I guess. She is nice, but I wouldn't say she is my friend-friend," Ana acknowledged.
"And you left friends in your hometown?" 
Ana thought about that for a moment.
"Not really, if I'm honest. I'm not very friendly in general. Not here, not there. And don't you dare to judge me for that, okay?" Ana said defensively. Spencer shook his head.
"Hey. I'm not judging you. I wouldn't consider myself much friendly either, you know?" he said. Ana nodded in understanding.
"And I bet people nag you about it all the time," she filled. Spencer chuckled.
"Sort of. But now, I interpret it as a form of concern. It is not always welcomed, though."
"Oh boy, I feel you," Ana agreed, grabbing another pizza slide from the box. "My turn," she prefaced. "What about you? FBI, uh?" Spencer nodded.
"Yes. I got to the Academy when I was twenty. I started as a profiler in the Behavioral Analysis Unit at twenty-two." Ana's eyes widened.
"You fucking kidding me? How is it you were an FBI agent at twenty-two? Didn't you say you had a Ph.D.?" Ana tried to assemble the pieces.
"Uh - well. Three Ph.D., actually. I graduated from school at twelve," Spencer clarified.
"Wow. I thought Doogie Howser didn't exist!" Ana said, amazed. Spencer's brows furrowed.
"Who?" he asked. Was Ana talking about a scientist he didn't know?
"You know, the young medical doctor? The guy who performed surgeries at fourteen?" she clued, but Spencer's face showed no recognition.
"It was a famous TV show! Well, it was where I lived. With the Latin American translation, of course."
A TV show; that's why Spencer didn't hear any of it.
"Oh. I'm sorry. I don't know much about pop culture," he apologized. Of course, it wasn't the first time it happened to him. It was like a continuous remembrance of every Monday's first talk with Garcia when she rambles about her weekend.
"Don't blame you. I watched a lot of shit in my youth, to be honest," Ana dismissed, seeing the troubled expression on Spencer's face.
They talked for a few hours until the yawning came. Since they both had to get up early in the morning, they agreed to go to sleep and continue the next day.
Ana fell asleep with the idea that it had to work out no matter how strange all this was. Spencer drew the same conclusion before falling into a deep sleep.
The next morning, when Spencer came out of his room fully dressed, he noticed Ana had already left for work, leaving a pot of freshly brewed coffee on the counter and a note: 'Good morning. Here's a little treat for the hospitality.'
Spencer smiled, serving a cup and taking a sip of - in his opinion - the best coffee in DC.
When Ana returned from her shift in the middle of the afternoon, the apartment was expectably empty. Having more time than the day before, she took her time to look around. In addition to the shelves lined with books, she noted the few photographs Spencer had. In one of them, a young Spencer appeared with presumably his mother. The resemblance was undeniable. In others, with a group of people. Ana recognized some of them from the afternoon Spencer went to the coffee shop with his colleagues. But if Ana had to compare, more academic certificates were hanging on the walls than photographs. That contributed to Spencer's statement of being a man with little sociability.
She felt creepy peering into Spencer's apartment that way, but she had to learn more about him and prepare for the interview. That was the reason she gave herself, although the curiosity the pumpkin pie boy prompted in her was undeniable.
Late at night, Spencer still had yet to arrive. Ana suspected perhaps he had had to leave the city. Her suspicions were confirmed by a text message later. 'Sorry, I should have notified you sooner. I went to North Carolina on a case. I'll be back in a few days. SR.'
Spencer came back from North Carolina after four days. Exhausted, he was about to leave the BAU after the debriefing when his phone rang. Without looking at the caller-ID, he answered.
"Dr. Reid? I'm calling from Dr. Fogarty's office. We want to arrange a new meeting with you and your wife to agree on the conditions for your mother's admission to the medical trial. When do you think we can schedule this meeting?"
Spencer kept flabbergasted after the call. Did that mean they had already accepted his mom? They still wanted a meeting with him and his wife. Shit. They wanted to meet Ana. He would have to ask her to come with him—this time with a complete and convincing story about them. He hoped Ana wouldn't have issues about it.
"That's great, Spencer! They only want us to make it official," Ana reassured him. "And, of course, I will go with you." Any apprehension he had was no longer there. Ana was willing, and she seemed truly happy by the news.
"We need to study then," Spencer asserted. That made Ana's smile falter. It was late already, and she had had a hard shift that day.
"Now?" Ana narrowed her eyes.
"Yes. The meeting is in two days. We need to be prepared," Spencer told her, patting the free spot on the couch.
Ana huffed but sat on the couch by his side nonetheless.
"Fine. Okay. What do you want to know today?" she asked, crisscrossing her legs, facing Spencer.
"We should start with the basics. Tell me where you were born and about your family."
Ana bit her lower lip. She wasn't keen on talking about her family but knew Spencer should learn everything about her.
"Okay. Here we go. I was born in a small town named Campanario in 1982. My father's name was Alberto González, and my mother's was María Galvez. They are both deceased."
"I'm sorry," Spencer mumbled.
"It's okay. It's been a while already. My mom died when I was twelve. My dad four years ago. I don't have any siblings, or at least that I know of. I'm not sure if my dad had any more children after he left my mom," Ana shrugged.
"So your dad didn't stay with you for too long," Spencer pointed.
"No. But enough time to not want to see him again. He left when I was nine. I only went to his funeral because I knew my mom wouldn't forgive me if I didn't. So much so I'm sure she would come to haunt me in my sleep," Ana let out a sad chuckle. Spencer looked at her, seeing the longing in her eyes. That told him Ana and her mom's bond must have been strong.
"Okay. Your turn," Ana said, grabbing a notepad and a pen from the coffee table. Spencer frowned. "What? I need to take notes. I don't have a brain like yours."
Spencer told Ana about his family and a bit of his childhood. His mom's illness and his dad leaving. What he had to do with his mom when he turned eighteen.
Many of the things he said were recounted as facts- like he was telling a story it wasn't his life. But behind the calm and steady voice, Ana could sense how affected he was for most of them. She couldn't help the comment leaving her mouth.
"I guess we both have enough daddy issues to fill anyone's gap." Once the words left her mouth, she regretted it. She crossed a line, and it was wrong. But she got confused when she saw Spencer laughing.
"You know? When I have to tell this to anyone, the most common phrases I hear are, 'Oh, I'm sorry,' 'It's so sad,' 'Poor kid,' and so on. It's refreshing to see someone trading empathetic words with a tint of irony," Spencer explained.
"Wow. It's good you see it that way. I was thinking of getting my ass kicked because of this," Ana spoke after an exaggerated sigh, prompting Spencer to shake his head and keep laughing.
The meeting with Fogarty was arranged for a Thursday at 4 pm. Ana finished her shift after lunch that day, and Spencer asked Emily for the afternoon off. Spencer picked Ana up from the apartment and drove to the sanitarium. After putting their rings on in the car, they reviewed some details they had discussed in the previous days.
"Dr. Reid. It's good to see you again," Fogarty greeted, shaking Spencer's hand before shifting his gaze to Ana. "And you must be Mrs. Reid."
"Ana Reid. Nice to meet you," Ana extended her hand to Fogarty.
After the formal greetings, Fogarty guided them into the office and invited them to sit.
"Well, Dr. Reid. As my assistant told you by phone, I wanted to review with you and your wife some details regarding your mother's placement in the medical trial," Fogarty explained.
"That means my mom got the spot?" Spencer asked for clarification, and Fogarty nodded.
"Yes, she did. Due to your current marital status and with all the other requirements filled, there does no impede for Diana Reid to getting into the program."
"That's awesome, baby," Ana happily said, squeezing Spencer's hand and looking at him.
"Yes. It is," Spencer confirmed, kissing Ana's knuckles. Fogarty smiled at the couple.
"How long have you known each other? I'm asking since I can see you have only been married for a month," the doctor asked. It was a question Spencer and Ana had rehearsed before.
"A long time, you know?" Ana started. "We met in Vegas when we were young, but after Spencer left for college, we lost contact."
"Yeah. I really thought I would never see her again. Until we found each other here in DC four years ago," Spencer added.
"You must be asking why we didn't marry before," Ana anticipated. "It was kind of my fault. I love Spencer with all my heart, but I'm not a huge believer in institutional bonds, you know? Don't get me wrong; I've been married to him in heart and soul since we reunited years ago, but doing it on paper wasn't my priority until he told me about this opportunity for Diana. That's why I considered it. He didn't want to tell me so I wouldn't feel forced to do it, but it would have been selfish of me not to if I already know I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him," Ana confided Fogarty.
The couple also agreed upon that explanation, but Ana made it so natural that Spencer was impressed. It felt less plausible when they were rehearsing it.
"You must really love Dr. Reid, then. Considering this particular situation, you agreed on something you didn't contemplate before," Fogarty pointed. Ana's cheeks flushed. This time she was projecting her current situation and the fact she actually did something she didn't think of doing. Of course, she has a powerful reason to, but Spencer's motivations were somehow in the mix.
"After knowing, I didn't doubt it. I love Diana, but furthermore, it's for the love Spencer has for her. They always have been each other rock, and I know he would do anything for her and vice versa. Between Diana's illness and Spencer's job, things have not been easy for them," Ana paused before continuing. "You know, I lost my mom in my early youth, and still, there are some hard days for me. That's why I treasure being part of the Reid family. It's a privilege I pretend to honor in all my capacity."
Fogarty looked satisfied with the answer, and Spencer didn't expect it at all. That wasn't something they talked about or agreed to say, and it touched Spencer's heart. His eyes were fixed on her, and Ana could feel it. That's why she fought the urge to look at him back.
Fogarty continued the meeting with technical details about Diana's arrival and the first steps on her treatment. Then he dispatched the couple because he had another appointment.
Ana and Spencer didn't talk until they were in the car, taking their rings off.
"Thank you," Spencer said to Ana, who smiled at him.
"Don't mention it. I told you I would come with you," she reminded him.
"And for what you said there, too. I mean, the last part about being a Reid?" Ana's cheeks tinted a shade of pink.
"Oh. That. Sorry if it was too much," Ana apologized in advance. Spencer shook his head.
"Not at all. Is it something you think, though? I mean, leaving aside the part of us being actually- you know-" he trailed off.
"Leaving aside the part of us being actually in love? Yes." Ana conceded. Spencer nodded, not knowing what else to say. 
To salvage them of an awkward moment, Ana changed the subject. "Well, I guess this calls for a celebration, huh?"
"Yeah, sure," Spencer agreed.
"How about a homemade dinner? I can prepare it," she offered. Spencer shook his head.
"Ana, you don't have to. We can order something," he tried to persuade her.
"No. None of that. Your mom got a spot in a top medical trial. That's great news. You can't celebrate it with pizza or Chinese. But we need to go to the grocery store. With what you have in the fridge, we won't do anything, honestly," Ana complained. Spencer huffed. "Hey, am I lying? Can you name the last meal you cooked with ingredients from your fridge?" Spencer rolled his eyes.
"Fine. We're going to the grocery store, then."
Walking through the aisles, Ana carefully scanned the shelves to pick the needed products. Spencer followed her with the cart, half full of things he had never bought.
"Are you sure we need all of this?" Spencer asked, worried. After putting in the cart two bags of frozen corn, Ana replied.
"Of course. What I want to cook needs veggies, carbs, and meat. Not to mention we need to buy more things for your empty pantry."
"Hey. It's not empty!" Spencer protested.
"Sorry, you're right. It's not empty, just filled with boxes of cereal and coffee beans," Ana corrected mockingly.
"The essentials," Spencer pointed.
"I should have already suspected this after seeing the sugar you put in your coffee. I don't get it, though."
"I mean, you're a certificated genius. I bet you have read a lot of research about unhealthy habits and what they can do to you," she said and turned to scan what brand of peas she would choose.
"Sure, I had done it. It doesn't mean I do something about it," Spencer recognized, and Ana looked at him. "I'm not proud, okay? But it had been my life since I can remember," he shrugged. Ana's expression softened. Now connecting the dots, it made sense to her.
"Well, that's why I'm going to show you what you have been missing here, mister," Ana teased. Spencer arched a brow.
"It's doctor, remember?"
"Yeah, yeah. Husband-doctor. Why don't you go to get the bread, honey? I'll weigh these tomatoes, and I’ll join you there,” Ana winked. Spencer chuckled.
"Yes, ma'am."
Spencer did so, driving the cart two aisles down and submerging himself in diverse bread types. When he was choosing his brand, a voice it wasn’t Ana's called him.
"Boy wonder?"
"Oh. Hey, Garcia," Spencer chimed like someone caught doing something illicit. "What - what are you doing here?" He stuttered, looking around uncomfortably.
"You know, getting some new shoes," Penelope quipped, but Spencer didn't flinch. "What do you think, genius? The same as you, doing grocery!"
"Oh, yeah. Of course, you do."
Spencer kept standing as Penelope examined his nervous demeanor. Shifting her gaze to the cart, she knew something was off.
"Are you alone?"
"Me? Oh, yeah -" Spencer was about to assure when Ana's voice stopped him mid-sentence.
"I can believe how expensive this store is. These vegetables-" Ana stopped talking when she saw Spencer in front of a blonde she recognized from the coffee shop.
Spencer turned to see Ana standing behind him with a bag of tomatoes. "I mean, no. Not alone," Spencer corrected. Garcia arched a brow, an amused smile on her face.
"I know you," Garcia told Ana.
Double shit.
This wasn't expected. Not at all. What would they say now?
“You’re the girl from the coffee shop,” Penelope realized. Ana looked at Spencer for a sign about who would handle this. He nodded subtly.
“Yes. She is. Penelope, this is my friend Ana from Vegas; Ana, this is my friend Penelope from the BAU.”
“Hi! Nice to meet you. Although my curiosity strikes again. Friends from Vegas? It didn’t seem you knew each other when we were at the coffee shop,” Penelope pointed as she shook Ana’s hand.
“Yeah. About that,” Spencer prefaced. “I know you guys. If I had told you we knew each other, you wouldn’t have let her alone, and she was working.”
Penelope scoffed.
“We are not that bad! But okay, maybe we have made a little interrogation. Anyway, what’s the story? Why I haven't heard about you before?”
Ana saw how Spencer’s brain was about to combust, so she thought she could help.
“Well, we lost contact after Spencer left Vegas for college, and I moved with my family to South America. I only returned to the US a year ago and settled in DC the last September, starting at the coffee shop. One day I arrived at work, and Spencer was there. So, in short, you could say we are still reconnecting in our friendship,” Ana explained.
“Oh! Old friendship. I like that. And you sure you’re not dating? I mean, you are doing grocery together. If anyone sees you would say you look like a couple.”
“Penelope!” Spencer scolded. Ana chuckled at the straightforwardness.
“We’re not dating. We are just getting some things here because I promised Spencer to cook him a decent meal,” Ana explained. Garcia’s eyes widened.
“Oh! That's awesome! Gods know how badly this boy needs a homemade meal from time to time.”
“That's what I have been told him,” Ana seconded.
“Can you please at least acknowledge I’m right here?” Spencer complaint.
“We say these things because we love you, boy wonder,” Garcia said, patting Spencer’s shoulder. Ana smiled at Garcia’s display of affection and the cute pout Spencer sported. It seemed more than a relationship between colleagues. They looked like real friends. She made a mental note about it to ask Spencer later.
Her notification ring distracted Penelope from the interrogation she had Ana and Spencer in. Checking the phone, she huffed in frustration.
“What is it, Garcia?” Spencer asked, worried.
“Nah. It’s not a big deal. I just got canceled the dinner I had tonight. And silly me buying nice things,” she complained, peering at her cart.
“I’m sorry,” Spencer mumbled.
“Don’t be. Sergio will be better company tonight. Okay, you two, I’ll let you be. It was nice to meet you, nice girl,” Garcia prompted her goodbyes. Ana saw Spencer’s sad face. It was like he wanted to do something for his friend but didn’t know what.
“You know, I’ll make a typical dish I learned from my mom’s family. I don't mind ‘pelar otra papa y poner algo más de agua en la olla,’ really,” Ana said. Both Spencer and Garcia looked at her, puzzled. The girl laughed. “I just said I don’t mind having another guest at dinner. The more, the merrier,” she clarified, looking at Spencer for if she had gone too far. Spencer smiled.
“Oh, no. I don’t want to intrude on a dinner between old friends,” Penelope dismissed. Spencer scoffed.
“Come on, Garcia. I know you are dying to ask more about Ana, me, and our life,” Spencer affirmed. Penelope narrowed her eyes and opened her mouth, faking offense.
“I would never! But since you insist so kindly. Let’s taste Ana’s dish,” Garcia cheered.
Spencer and Ana shared a complicity look. This dinner and this night promise to be exciting, no doubt of it.
Previous chapter < > Next chapter
Spencer Reid's Taglist: @dreatine​ @nomajdetective @jayyeahthatsme @rosalinasam2 @averyhotchner @tvandfanfic​ @lovelyxtom @princessmiaelicia @pastelbabygirl19 @reidsbookclub @alexxavicry @gspenc @spencerreidisbae123 @calmspencer @pauline5525mgg @disaster-in-waiting @anamiad00msday @milivanili99 @laylasbunbunny @leahblackk @miaxx03 @missabsey
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bradshawsbaby · 1 year
You remember the consensus we all had about James calling Jake 'sir' whenever he speaks to him as Ellie's boyfriend/partner/fiancé/etc? Yeah, I've been thinking...
It's been a few months/a year since James and Ellie revealed their relationship to their families and James has been very consciously avoiding offending Jake, or calling him Uncle Jake, basically walking on egg-shells around him. And at first Jake found it hilarious and played it like expected him to do so, but by now he is internally just like "come on kid, enough", but doesn't say anything, waiting for James to give it up. He doesn't. Next time Jake hears "Sir, I was thinking-" he stops James and goes "last I heard, you called Nat aunt. I'm her husband. That makes me?"
"Exactly." And just left James, who felt the weight of this strange new dynamics fall off his shoulder, knowing Jake trusted him with Ellie despite taking the mickey out of him at times for the fun of it, glad for the indirect blessing Jake gave him.
He still calls Jake 'sir' when asking for Ellie's hand in marriage tho...
Sorry if this does not go with your canon, just forget I ever did if it doesn't! I hope it's okay that I shared tho, don't wanna impose anything, haha x
Oh my goodness, why is this just the cutest thing ever? 🥺
Jake definitely does find it hilarious at first, and he is super protective of Ellie, but he’s also a big softie on the inside and he’s literally known James for his entire existence. After a while, it makes him feel bad that this kid (because James will always be a kid to Jake) who has been a nephew to him his whole life is suddenly kind of terrified of him. Not to mention, he knows James Bradshaw is a completely upstanding guy and the best boyfriend Ellie could ever have.
James hates the awkwardness of the new dynamic, too, and is so relieved when Jake indirectly gives him the go ahead to drop the whole “sir” thing. He immediately runs to Ellie and tells her, “I think your dad finally gave me his blessing for our relationship!”
Ellie just laughs and kisses him. “James, my dad has always been okay with us dating! He was just being a dickhead, as my mom would say.”
And when Phoenix gets wind of it, she wraps her arms around her husband and beams up at him. “You did good, Bagman. You did good.”
This was so adorable! Thank you for sending it in! ♥️
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munsonsduchess · 2 years
Calling all Monsters
summary: steve needs a favour and eddie has just the car to pull it off w/c: 2,487 warnings: mentions of drugs, swearing, mentions of underage drinking a/n: there was no way i was forgetting these two when it came to halloween, i had initially planned something else out but then this wonderful fic got published and i couldn't not tie everything in, you should 110% read that fic it’s amazing and @pillow-titties is incredible
if you like this fic why not consider reblogging it so others can enjoy it too?
this is part seven of the god and goddess of hellfire, the rest can be found on my masterlist
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(moodboard by me)
You'd been having what could quite honestly be described as a morning from hell. Eddie had gone to work early that morning which was fine, he worked some Saturday's now they'd let him do more as a tattoo apprentice than clean up the other guys stations or go for coffee. 
No the morning from hell was all thanks to one Rosemary Munson who had apparently taken such offense to her breakfast that it had ended up on the walls, the floor, the counter tops, really anywhere oatmeal could land when thrown around by a cranky one and half year old,
"Rose you're killing me baby, please can you just try the oatmeal? I promise it isn't gonna bite you" you'd tried just about everything and were indeed very close to wondering how you were going to blackmail or bribe your daughter into eating her breakfast when the door rang.
Scooping up Rose so she didn't cause any more mayhem in your kitchen you answered the door and were incredibly relieved to find out that it wasn't someone who wanted to make another noise complaint about you and Eddie but instead Steve Harrington,
"Sorry, was this a bad time?" 
"No worse than any other, come in" you stood aside to let the younger man into the house, "just be careful, there's oatmeal everywhere" 
Steve gave you a sympathetic smile, there was probably oatmeal in your hair too come to think of it. 
"You guys are going through it huh?" Steve asked, 
"We've been in our feelings all morning and those feelings revolve explicitly around oatmeal, which I'd like to point out we had no problems with yesterday" you sighed, "but how can we help you Steve. I'm sure you're not here to listen to my woes"
You gestured Steve into the living room which was significantly cleaner than the kitchen, less chance of anything falling on him or getting stuck in that otherwise perfect hair,
"Uh yeah I was gonna ask Eddie a favour" Steve started, "is he here?" 
"Nope he's at work today. They're actually letting him tattoo some oranges these days" you laughed, "but I'm sure he'll say yes to whatever it is" 
"Yeah but if you guys have your hands full with Rose it's fine" 
"It'll be fine, either Eddie can do whatever it is by himself or i'll ask Joyce if she can babysit, I'd ask my mom but she and my dad are in … Palo Alto I think. My dad got one of those RVs when he retired and they've been touring the country loving life" 
"Well actually that kinda ties into what I was gonna ask. Apparently there's some Halloween party the kids got invited to and they need a ride. Joyce is working, Nancy's mom is taking Holly trick or treating and Hop's on duty. Joyce said she could pick them up and they're all gonna stay in that new place they got downtown but yeah"
"Don't they usually ask you for rides?" you asked, there was hardly an event that took place where the gaggle of teens didn't ask or rather just assume Steve would be their ride,
"Yeah but uh I've got plans with Nicole" Steve explained, his ears going pink as he rubbed the back of his neck,
"Aw Stevie, do you feel embarrassed about your Halloween plans?" you teased, "are you doing something naughty?" 
"It's not like that!" Steve jumped to explain himself, "we were just gonna watch a movie" 
"I'm pretty sure Eddie and I were 'just gonna watch a movie' and then nine months later - "you bounced Rose on your lap for good measure.
Steve was pink from head to toe as he stammered out a response but you finally took pity on the poor boy, "I'm joking Steve, of course we'll drive the rugrats around" 
"Really? You guys didn't have plans?" 
"Well if nobody can babysit then nah we don't have any plans. We'll take them to the party, but a couple of them are gonna have to squeeze in, the Impala isn't big enough for eight exactly so Wheeler can just sit in the trunk" 
It wasn't as though you had anything against Mike Wheeler exactly but there was something about the boy that just rubbed you the wrong way. He was a snarky little asshole but then so was Max and you adored her. 
"I'm sure he'll be fine" Steve and Mike had their own rift, mostly because Steve had dated Nancy back in the day when all this Upside Down Nonsense had first started, "do you need any help when I'm here? It's fall break so I've got time" 
"Are you offering because you feel guilty for coming by mid tantrum?" you grinned, "because as you can see Miss Rose has very much stopped once you arrived" 
"You're here alone and oatmeal is a bitch to get out of anything once it dries" Steve said, his ears going pink again at your teasing, 
"Well if that's the case, why don't you take Rose to the bath and I'll clean up the kitchen. If you do a good job I'll even let you have a brownie to take home. I made them yesterday" 
"Uh thanks? I didn't know you baked" Steve furrowed his brow, you'd never been the domestic type so this was surprising,
"They're fun brownies Steve. Who do you think you're talking to?" 
"Yeah that makes more sense. Thought I was in the twilight zone for a second"
"You're hilarious. Now go wash my daughter, she's gross and I need five minutes of alone time" 
»»————- ♔ ————-««
When Eddie came home that evening you recounted Steve's visit and how you'd agreed to take the kids to the halloween party,
"They can all just squash together in the backseat or I can shove Mike into the trunk" 
"What about Halloween in Indy? I thought we were gonna go?" 
"Unless you wanna bring Rose or try and find a babysitter in this town it's not happening babe" 
"But I thought you were asking Joyce?" 
"She's working, I mean we could ask Wayne but would he be able to get the night off at this short notice?" 
"Nah probably not" Eddie sighed, "oh well, it looks like we're the responsible people"
"God did you ever think it would be us?" you laughed, "married with a baby and being asked to be the responsible adults on Halloween?" 
"Never. I mean how responsible are we really?" Eddie laughed leaning in to blow a raspberry on Rose's cheek, "I mean we've got our happy little accident right here" 
"Eddie! You can't call her an accident!" you swatted his arm, "you'll give her a complex!" 
"Awh but she's my favourite little accident!" Eddie cooed, lifting a giggling Rose from your arms, "aren't cha sweetie?" 
"Edward Munson, what did I literally just say?" 
Eddie just laughed and bounced Rose around the kitchen singing something nonsensical to her. You sighed, what were you gonna do with this man?
»»————- ♔ ————-««
In preparation for being the designated responsible adults for the evening you'd gone by Melvad's to see Joyce about taking the kids home again and to get a little costume for Rose,
"If you can't get away Eddie and Me are more than happy to pick them back up" you'd said as she rang you through, and used her employee discount for your items no matter how many times you told her she shouldn't,
"Don't worry honey, I finish up here around nine so I'll be fine to pick them up. Will and El won't stop talking about the party, they're so excited" 
"That's so sweet. I mean I know they're sixteen and all but it's kind of adorable that they're this excited for a high school party" 
"I used to be so worried about Will, that he would have a hard time at school but I'm so glad he has such good friends you know?" 
You nodded. You knew Eddie had all but taken Will under his wing when the Hopper Byers family had returned to Hawkins after Vecna and the earthquake. The young boy had orchestrated an entire D&D game to keep Eddie occupied in the hospital while he was recovering and you knew for sure Eddie saw himself in the younger Byers.
You bid goodbye to Joyce and promised to call by the house with Rose another day so she could see how her granddaughter was growing. Joyce had unofficially adopted Eddie when she'd returned to town and met him for the first time and Wayne seemed more than happy with the arrangement. 
»»————- ♔ ————-««
The night of the party you had dressed Rose up in the little pumpkin costume you'd gotten for her, you'd been expecting another fit like the oatmeal but surprisingly she was more than excited to wear her costume. Probably helped by how much Eddie had hyped her up for wearing it the days prior. 
While you and Eddie weren't going to the Halloween event in the city you'd been planning you still wore your costumes albeit slightly modified. Eddie had still donned the puffy sleeved shirt and plastic fangs and you'd still worn yours but had decided to forego the wig that you'd bought and just wear your own hair down and your longest black dress. 
Max was first to be picked up since she and her Mom had moved out of the trailer park shortly after you and Eddie had and into another of the empty houses left abandoned by people who'd given up on Hawkins once and for all.
She slid into the front seat next to you and Rose and made a fuss over the baby in her pumpkin costume,
"You guys make really cool vampires" she'd said, "Sorry you're missing your grown up halloween or whatever because Steve wants to bang his girlfriend" 
"Well he does most of the running around after you little shits so he's allowed to want a night off to bang his girlfriend" you'd replied easily, "moms need time off too" 
The boys had decided on a group costume but El and Max weren't participating and were doing something of their own which you expected would make more sense when you picked El up. 
After Max you picked up Dustin who complained loudly about how Max got to sit in the front and next to Rose,
"It's because I'm the favourite Dusty Bun" Max shot back, "too bad, sucks to be you"
"Hey! That's not fair! I'm Eddie's favourite right?" Dustin looked at Eddie who opened his mouth but shut it again with an audible click, "betrayal! I can't believe this! I better still be Steve's favorite!"
"Oh that's a given" you laughed, "you're always gonna be his favourite child" 
Dustin seemed placated by this and settled back in his seat, for all of five minutes before he began to complain about the music and wanting to see his sister better. 
After picking up Dustin you swung by Lucas' and the group costume slowly came together. Of course these little nerds would choose Star Wars, you didn't even know why you were surprised. 
After Lucas it was Mike who was as snarky as ever and wouldn't stop complaining about Steve bailing on them which you shut down very quickly. Using the same argument you'd used with Max that Steve was entitled to one night off from being the personal chauffeur to a group of nerdy teenagers.
You finally swung by the Byers' place last. Jonathan waved from the front door as El and Will came running out, you figured he probably couldn't drive anywhere cause Joyce needed the car and envied his night alone just a little,
"Alright, Lucas, Mike you're gonna have to budge up to let the Wonder Twins in. Anyone complains they're sitting in the trunk!"
"Why are you giving orders? This isn't even your car!" Mike shot back,
"Careful Young Wheeler" Eddie chastised, "you might be in the throes of puberty and in thrall to your hormones but you will always address Lady Munson with respect" 
"Whatever" he pouted before making sure there was indeed enough room for El and WIll. When you turned around to get a good look at El you couldn't help but laugh, in her white blouse and blue jeans no one would know what she was supposed to be dressed as but the slash in the sleeve of her blouse and the fake blood pouring down her arm paired with the overalls Max was wearing and no doubt the infamous Michael Meyers mask she had stuffed somewhere would inform everyone what their costume was supposed to be.
You loved these kids. 
»»————- ♔ ————-««
When you and Eddie reached the house the party was held in it seemed as though the festivities were in full swing and the kids were clambering over each other to get out of the car,
"Hey!" Eddie yelled out the driver's side window, "Ground rules! If you drink do not lose sight of your cup, if you can't be sure if you set your drink down then forget it that's not your drink anymore, stick together, watch out for each other and if anyone offers you anything - " 
"Just say no" the kids chorused as one, probably having it shoved down their throats at school. Thanks Nancy Reagan,
"Yeah because it's probably substandard product and you don't know where they got it from since Rick doesn't sell to teeangers anymore and Eddie doesn't sell at all" you added, "now go on, get" 
The kids didn't need telling twice and they all ran for the house, the music blaring out of the sound system someone's parents probably paid a fortune for. As you and Eddie made the drive back home you couldn't help but wonder, 
"Do you miss it?" 
"Miss what?" 
"Going to parties, being the guy with the good supply, making more money in an hour than you do in eight at the studio?" 
Eddie thought about it for a minute. It was a dangerous way to earn a living and he'd been cautioned more times than he probably should have been by Hopper, probably because the older man knew Wayne and Eddie's old man and wanted Eddie to at least have a shot at a decent life, but at the same time he was the man of the hour and that was it. Come Monday morning back at school he was Eddie "the freak" again, shoved into lockers by the basketball team, berated by the football team, scorned by cheerleaders and well everyone else by proxy,
"Nah. Why would I miss that when I've got all I want right here?" he smiled broadly, his nose scrunching up and leaving a little crease in the middle,
"Sap" you laughed reaching over to kiss him briefly before he had to turn his eyes back to the road,
"You love me" 
"You're lucky I do" 
"Don't I know it?"
Taglist: @shenanigans-and-imagines @jobean12-blog @eddiesmutson @prettyboyeddiemunson @hellfireeddie6 @that-lame-ghoul9000 @xbreezymeadowsx @ches-86 @flashyourgreeneyesatme @anxiousstark @ruinedbythehobbit @winnifredburkleismyhero @boomhauer @eddiemvnsonss
If you’d like to be added/removed from the taglist please let me know!
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degrees-of-fuck · 8 months
(This one's long sorry)
Hi, I'm the anon of the Kylar de-stressing toy.
I was thinking since last year, and I realized that Kylar-stress-relieving-toy has both competence and dangers.
competition: 3 stuffed animals I sleep with. first stuffed animal: old stuffed Dalmatian that I have had since I was a kid, the most special since my dad gave it to me, and I took it everywhere, it's old and a bit broken thanks to my mom's cat but I still love it (Kylar couldn't replace it in a million years) it's called Dalmata (dalmatian in spanish) and nothing else. second stuffed animal: Soft stuffed tripzeratops that I bought with my best friend. another childhood stuffed animal even though it doesn't have a name yet. third stuffed animal: Round cat stuffed animal, almost like a pillow, I think it's a squish…mallow???? something like that, it's called Kitty, it's very soft, it's the newest one and my aunt gave it to me as a present.
Dangers: my mom's cat and the roaches, and me(unconscious)
I usually hug with my plushies when I sleep, but I may end up throwing the plushies while I sleep (with dalmata it has happened to me many times, I wake up and he is lying on the floor even though I fell asleept hugging him), and with Kylar de-stressing plushie I may crush him.
my mom's cat might carry him around the house, or play fight with him like she did with dalmata.
Kylar vs cockroaches in a fight, who would win. my mom's cat usually hunts down the roaches, plays with them(torture D:), eats them sometimes, but it is fun to imagine Kylar fighting with a big street roach Have a good day(or night) :)!
Omg......................... I don't have a whole lot to say here, but. Genuinely quite enthralled by the life and times of the Kylar Stress Toy..........
You too!!
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@ look at my angel tiny head L pretending she was asleep like her little sister. I cannot. She is so special and it is heartbreaking to see so many pictures of her as a little one, skiing at three, amazing soccer player - mental illness is cruel.
@@ I had to walk to the ATT store to close my mom’s cell phone account. Easy to close but I still have to pay the outstanding bill this week, they couldn’t do it there. Blah blah, it’s all such a hassle and makes me motivated to have all of this very well organized for my family when I go. The only thing left is my dads T-mobile account (because of course they had to use separate carriers instead of a family plan) and my mom’s Netflix.
@@@ On the way there, I got a little lost, looked up and saw this 111. Thank you. Ok. It’s all fine.
@@@@ We heard from the original buyer - they said “we are so close, but we don’t feel comfortable removing the finance contingency just yet, please give us time, we gave you the 25k of earnest money in good faith.” Good faith? It would go to us anyway and you refused to cover any of our carrying expenses! I am done. I aligned with my siblings that our realtor does not respond to any more of their emails or calls - sign the notice to perform by Wednesday 9:01 PM or we are done. I pray they don’t. we also decided to give all of their earnest money back, we don’t have to but it’s just cleaner that way and we don’t have to worry about them coming back to us for it in court.
@@@@@ I was able to sell some stuff on the terrace today that I don’t use, a white couch and ottoman that gets too dirty. She was so nice, her little girls waited in the car with her partner - when she saw I had cars she said “oh my girls will be so sad they missed the cats, I’m allergic so we can’t have them and they are obsessed.” she took a picture of Minnie and then asked if I’d send a few more, so I loaded them up! They sent the cutest little thank you video back. People are so nice sometimes. She had Lugg come and pick it all up, and I gave the movers seltzers and a giant cookie for the road.
@@@@@@ I spent the evening organizing files, old letters and photos. I want to text some of them to people in my mom’s life. Flipped GBBO on (some seasons I’m more invested in than others) and finished the obits. Now it’s just the utilities transfers, canceling their insurance on the house when it closes, publishing the obituaries and sending out a few things to my mom’s friends I think they’d appreciate.
@@@@@@@ Elizabeth, the design helper is coming with her friend this week to take an old bed I brought with me for the guest bedroom, the box spring and nightstand to donate. It’s all 20 years old and held up well but it’s time for a new bed in there. I also went through all of my books to donate what I don’t want anymore. She’s also taking the planters on the terrace, I’d rather have a proper table out there where I can have people for dinner, nothing grew this year anyway. I’ll use pots instead. I’m relieved someone is helping me with all of this, it’s a cool place and with my tendency to clutter, it’s not great. So this is good.
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danco110 · 11 months
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“Mom? Dad? How is it that I…?”
An armored angel and a demon with a fiery cage for a head flew close to Kaalia. They landed on either side of the human, and spoke to her with surprising softness.
“Well, er, you see, when an angel and demon love each other very much…”
“Their child gets wings!”
The angel gave the demon an exasperated exhale through her nose. She then gently tapped Kaalia’s two pairs of wings to regain her attention.
“But, please know, that even though we may not look similar, we both love you with all our hearts.”
“And that’s a promise,” nodded the demon, growing serious at last.
Kaalia bit back a laugh. “Thank you both. Still, that’s not really…I just want to know, how is it that I…”
“I can answer that, I think!”
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A dragon loomed into view overhead, closing the large book in its large claw before waving down to the humanoids beneath it. Kaalia was first to return the gesture, relieved at finally having been heard.
“Oh, would you please?”
“But of course!” chimed the dragon, as it reopened its book and began to read aloud. “Ahem, ‘The offspring of angels, demons, and other beings of pure mana tend to inherit strong magical power from them.’ And here on page ninety-two, ‘Close proximity to mana-rich beings such as dragons in one’s youth can result in enhanced reserves of mana later in life.’ I’d say being a parent is pretty ‘close proximity,’ wouldn’t you? Anyways, there you have it!”
“Thank you!” Kaalia laughed, leaning back as the angel and demon exchanged embarrassed expressions. “I just wanted to know: how is it that I…can summon you all on a whim!”
The demon gave his daughter a wry smirk. “Ah. I see. Sorry for joking around with my answer.”
“And I apologize for misunderstanding,” sighed the angel. “But, I’m glad one of us could help.”
Kaalia waved a hand. “Aw, you help me plenty. All of you! Why else would I call on you when I’m fighting?”
Kaalia and her parents all shared a bout of relieved laughter.
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[This game of Magic: the Gathering was played before a live studio audience.]
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terraxcloud · 2 years
Cyan’s WoR Story
Act 4, Chapter 2 - Part 2 of Opera Omnia is rather intense with the Clerra hints.
Terra says something peculiar, and since she says it with Vincent and Eiko in the scene I feel like I have to post the translation.
Terra: “But I want to believe in inevitability. My esper father and my human mother met beyond the boundaries of their world. Maybe I was born to connect the two races with this power I was struggling with...I'm ready to move forward.”  
This scene is all about finding someone to love (the whole chapter is about loving someone, tbh), so in essence, that’s what Terra’s talking about here. It’s not really clear with just this line alone, so I’ll put the line that she’s responding to below (which comes before a line by Vincent, who always portends Clerra-related storylines in DFFOO):
Chelinka: “Hmm, maybe it hasn't clicked for me yet, but someday I'll meet someone like my mom and dad, and just "know"!   But...isn't that an incredible miracle? My mom was a priestess, so she could see it, but for normal people, depending on the world's situation and position, there are times when you can't fall in love, right?”  
A few scenes later Cyan will recall his World of Ruin story...
Cyan: Yes...I once encouraged a girl who had lost the will to live after losing her lover. She looked so haggard...but when she talked about her memories of love, she looked lively and I felt relieved.
The FF6 Opera was more informative, so I just kinda ignored Cyan’s story, but it’s now time to mention it. Here’s Cyan’s letter:
Dear Lola,
I’m writing to beg for your forgiveness. I am guilty of perpetuating a terrible lie. I have only now realized the error of my ways, and taken up this quill in hopes of correcting a great wrong. Your boyfriend, who you believed to be in Mobliz, passed away some time ago. I have been writing to you in his stead. We humans have a tendency to become trapped in the past and refuse to move on. I implore you not to let this happen. Now is a time for you to look forward, and rediscover love and all of the other joys of life...
The hint that this is “secretly” about Terra and the cut main character are the flowers surrounding the letter, since it’s clear that the “filling the world with flowers” dream was a original story element from FF6 involving Terra and the cut main character. It’s very easy to see, and I’m sure a lot of stuff in FF6 has this "missing main character storyline” rhetoric. It’s interesting that Cyan mentions the guy as being in Mobliz, since that’s where Terra’s World of Ruin story takes place and where you get the Fenrir esper, which I know was always supposed to be for Cloud (thanks to the similarities with Squall’s Griever).
At this point when FF6 was released, I don’t think they had any plans to “reunite” the main character and Terra (Square was struggling when they made FF7)...Nomura decided on that during FF7′s production as they were almost going to give Cloud a different love interest (it was an early form of Aerith). Nomura’s decision to instead put the original FF6 main character in the game as Cloud gave birth to Zack. The FF6 Opera does hint of the possibility of a reunion at the end of its translations, but the FF7 Remake makes it apparent that Terra’s not the one going to wait (”Hollow” lyrics are a good example).
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This line Cyan says gives me “Loveless” vibes, and on that note, Crisis Core devs decided to specifically include the last line from Loveless’ ending (originally said by Cid at the end of OG FF7):
Went to see LOVELESS From: Kunsel
Genesis, K.I.A? Yeah, right. Who do they think they're trying to fool? Just got back from seeing the stage production of LOVELESS in Midgar. Genesis was a big fan, wasn't he? I usually don't care for classic drama, but it was pretty damned good. The guy is the hero in the original, but the play was more from the viewpoint of the girl who helps the guy. When I heard that last line: "Of course... I'll come back to you. Even if you don't promise to wait. I'll return knowing that you'll be here." Aw, man, that's when I lost it and just started bawling. Received: After being promoted to 1st.
It’s surprising how many Final Fantasy games have this rhetoric, but it is in essence about Cloud and Terra or a product of what happened to them. Yet, despite all their hinting in a bucket-load of games, no one seems to “get the hint”.
By the way, when I put the bold over “The guy is the hero in the original”, I realized that many people take these story elements too literally. Sure, you can assume that Square-Enix is creating “new intriguing stories”, but this isn’t what’s happening. Why would they say “The guy is the hero in the original”? The original line literally came from the end of FF7 and had nothing to do with Genesis’ gibberish. It’s about Cloud and Terra, no joking, period.
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fantasywriter19 · 1 year
1. Melody Riddle and the Sorcerer's Stone Ch.7 Friends and Family
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Despite the overwhelming anxiety I felt for the choice I realized she must have made, I was still relieved to see her. With a shout of, "Mom!" I bolted towards her and wrapped my arms around her in a tight hug. She squeezed me back hard enough for me to burst, but I decided against noting on it.
Wow, it’s a great comfort to see her after so long. Now I know the meaning of the saying that 'absence makes the heart grow fonder.' “You.. you had the baby. How did that work out? Where is he.. or she?"
"Oh, it went very well!" she said, pulling away from me with a forced smile. "I did what needed to be done..." her smile reduced to a frown, and she gave a small sigh. "You and I no longer exist. As far as Jim recalls, the baby boy appeared on his doorstep from a random fling he had. Your classmates don't remember you, and none of Jim's friends remember anything about us."
She left the baby boy with him with no memory…? "Wha – but... is there never going to be a time where we get to meet him? I mean, he's likely going to grow up magical, too, right? So why couldn’t —?"
"Eventually, I'm sure," she said evasively, immediately turning to Professor Snape. "Thank you… erm…  Snape."
"For what?" he asked her coldly, his black eyes icy. Icier than I’d ever seen them.
"For watching over my daughter while I took care of business," she said, ignoring his tone. "Give Dumbledore my thanks as well."
He inclined his head, and then Disapparated.
"Do you know him… personally?” I asked curiously as she led me away from the bank. Despite every fiber in my being wishing to demand she explain what her thought process was when she initiated everything, it seemed blatantly obvious from the way she’d avoided doing so that she wasn't going to talk about it, but... why not keep him? Why not tell Jim? Why couldn’t they both come? Why am I not being clued in on important details?
"Oh, yes," she said with a half-hearted shrug. “Bit of a small grudge there. Did you get into my Gringotts account all right?"
Small grudge? “You’re lucky I thought to bring this key,” I told her, fingering the chain around my neck. I vaguely wondered — since she knew Professor Snape — whether I should ask her about Professor Quirrell. He’d recognized her name without hesitation.
"Thank goodness for that. Now, let's get all your supplies! We’ll go to Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions first!" mom said, coaxing a big smile back on her face and pointing towards said shop.
When we walked inside, a squat witch dressed in mauve robes walked over to us and smiled kindly at me. "Hogwarts?" she asked.
My mom and I nodded.
She beckoned me alone to the back of the shop to two footstools, and had me stand on top of one. Then she brought some black robe fabric and draped it over my head, pinning it to just the right length for me.
A couple minutes later I saw another family walk in with a boy my age who had a pale, pointed face. He looked a lot like his dad, with pale blonde hair. Why couldn't I look like mom in that same way? Instead, I look.. like a stranger.
Another witch brought him to the back of the shop and set him on the stool next to me, doing the same measurements on him.
At first, I didn't pay much attention to him, because I noticed his parents started talking to my mom with shocked looks on their faces — her own expression being that of embarrassment. I studied their conversation, wishing I could read lips. Then they waved courteously to her before leaving.
"You starting at Hogwarts, too?" the boy asked me in a bored tone.
“Uh yeah... I’m starting this year." I said, still preoccupied with staring at my mom. She looked a little pale as she paced around.
"You have a strange accent!" he exclaimed in surprise, causing me to have to look at him in slight bewilderment. He had an extremely gleeful look on his face, and I couldn't help but think about how strange that felt for me. Someone who was actually interested in talking to me — including Fred and George Weasley but, they were oddballs anyway, so they didn't count.
"I'm from the United States, that's why,” I said. “I mean, it’s the same situation for me. Come here, and everyone else has an accent."
"Why are you here then? Isn't there that school in America — Ilvermorny?" he probed, his curiosity piqued.
"I don’t... I don't know," I said with a shrug. How much should I even tell him? I wondered. I guess mom did say I had to make friends, and if he's in my year then it counts toward something more… stable. I mean.. he seems extremely privileged, but I suppose beggars can't be choosers. "My mom just wanted me to go to Hogwarts. It's where she went before she moved to the United States."
“Oh, well, I suppose she would,” he said, still staring at me with interest. "What's your name?"
"Melody Riddle. And yours?" I asked. I guess he will be a friend?
“I’m Malfoy, Draco Malfoy.... I wonder, what do you think of.. Mudbloods at the school? D’you think it’d be any different from America’s school?” he asked.
I read that term ‘Mudblood’ somewhere. A sort of racial slur, basically, against Muggleborn witches and wizards. He's one of those people mom warned me about ... but hey, I really should avoid making enemies at school, least of all with someone as high up as he must be. But come on, I have no clue what American students are like about all this. "I could care less," I replied diplomatically. “So long as I have nothing to do with them.”
He was immediately.. strangely.. eager. “Brilliant. That must be your mother waiting for you over there, but where's your father?"
"I don't know," I said, the words leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. "I've never met my dad before."
He changed the subject, as if to spare me any more feelings of humiliation on the fact. “Do you know what House you're going to be in?"
"No, I don't." I said, pondering over it yet again. I really knew I should've done research into the Houses while I was at Hogwarts, but I only knew about the Gryffindor House because of the twins. And I’d thought with some hope that I would be in that House just because they were there. But Draco, however...
"Ah, well no one really knows, I suppose. But, I do know I'll be in Slytherin. My whole family was.”
Well, Draco just informed me of another new House. What is the whole point of these Houses? What makes them different from one another? I only hope that he won't ask anything else on the subject of a whole line of things I know nothing about. I'd probably be branded a Muggleborn and get bullied for it. Like I need that in a school I’m going to be stuck in for — what was it? — seven years?
Madam Malkin, thankfully, saved me the time as she handed me the set of robes. "All right dear, you're done."
I hopped off of the stool. “I’ll see you at Hogwarts!" I burst to Draco, running my new uniform over to my mom.
“See you on the train!” he said with considerable excitement.
I guess I made a real impression on him. He made an impression on me, too. Just how many more people in the wizarding world are like him? How many are like Fred and George who are fun and accepting?
"You made a new friend?" mom asked, still a little pale, as we walked out of the shop.
"Yes, I think so… You know his parents?" I asked.
“Oh, yes, I know them,” she said, very quietly. She'd said it in such a way that it felt smart to leave the subject alone. Something was off about it. Something always seemed to be off about her now.
Ugh, change the subject again. ”Um, mom.... What House were you in when you went to Hogwarts? And what are the different Houses for?"
"Argh! I should've told you a bit about Hogwarts before you left! All right then, there are four Houses. Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. I was in Ravenclaw. I'll find a way to explain more later, but in the meantime...." Mom steered me right into Flourish and Blotts where there were many, many large shelves of books. There was the smell of fresh pages and, interestingly enough, leather due to the strange majority of leather book bindings.
As mom showed the shop owner the list of books I needed, I couldn’t help but ask, “Then how do you know Draco's parents? They were in Slytherin.”
"How do you know that?" she asked, preferring to place her whole attention at pointing out the books on the list than to look at me.
"Well, Draco — their son — told me his whole family's been in Slytherin… I guess my choices in friends— because I met two Gryffindors back in May— place me in either Slytherin or Gryffindor."
"Don't ever tell that to Draco, or whoever you know in Gryffindor,” Mom deadpanned quickly.
“Well, why not?" I asked in surprise.
She finally turned to face me as the shop owner went to the shelves for my books and brought them back a stack at a time. "Gryffindors and Slytherins purely hate each other. So, that’s a warning to you not to vote one or the other with Draco Malfoy if he's so sure he'll be in Slytherin. Slytherins consider the Gryffindors to be— in a sense— wannabe Slytherins as Severus, Lucius and Narcissa told me when we were younger."
"Lucius and Narcissa?" I asked.
"Draco's parents."
"Oh... so you were friends with Professor Snape?"
"There you are!" the owner of the shop said, handing us the books. Mom took the chance to look over the books rather than answer the question.
“Mom,” I said. She slowly turned to look nervously over at me. A strong sense of guilt overtook me at the sight. Maybe I’ll ask everything else later, she looks immensely stressed out by my curiosity. “How are we going to carry all of this?”
“Oh, right,” she said, staring at the large pile of books before us. She took my supply list out of her pocket, "How about this? You stay here with the books. I'll go over to the Cauldron shop, buy you a pewter cauldron, and then come back. It will be able to hold all of your stuff."
“Okay,” I said. And with that, she hurried out of the store.
Shortly after, two young girls sped right in and slammed the door shut behind them. They breathed heavily with laughter as they leaned against the wall and peeked out the windows.
The one with long, dark blonde hair spoke between gasps. "Your brother... is going… to kill us!"
“Heh, he'll be fine!" the other girl said with a wave of her hand. Her short, curly brown hair bounced with her as she laughed. "Besides, I can't embarrass him in front of his friends if I'm not around. It's a win-win situation!"
"Unless he embarrasses himself by going after you," I couldn't help but quip.
"That's exactly what I'm going for!" she laughed, turning to look at me with an eager, "Hello!"
"Oh, hello!" the other girl looked over her shoulder at me with a wave, only to return to staring anxiously outside.
"Hi," I said, rubbing my arm with anticipation. Now to practice making friends with these two, “May I ask why you’re hiding from your brother?”
When she grinned, it spread so wide that it was cheshire-like, complimenting her round cheeks. “It’s my sisterly duty to be as annoying as possible! Our younger sister is a lot worse with it, so he’s lucky he’s only got me to drag around today.” She jumped up and down with excitement, “It’s going to be my first year at Hogwarts, so of course he’s going to have a hard time keeping me on a tight leash!”
“She literally means tight leash,” the other girl said, moving away from the window. “He actually attempted to put a leash on her.”
I couldn’t help my chuckle. They’d only talked to me a few minutes, but I could tell that putting a leash on her would be like trying to keep a jumping jelly bean in one spot. Making friends seemed to be easier than I originally thought.
“Oh my gosh, Addy!” the crazy girl exclaimed, turning to me to take my hand in both of hers and shake it excessively. “We’re so rude, we haven’t even introduced ourselves! I’m Becky, nice to meet you!”
Addy came over and gently pulled Becky’s hands away. ”As Becky has already said, I’m Addy. I know she’s a handful, but we’ve known each other all our lives so I can keep her… er, somewhat civil.”
Becky gave a loud chortle, “Civil? Addy, I am civil!”
“Right,” Addy replied dubiously, shaking her head slightly before turning to me with bright green eyes. “Is this your first time in the wizarding world?”
I smiled, “Yeah, how’d you know?”
“Everything looks like a new experience to you. You don’t have to worry about us, we’re not so prejudiced against Muggleborns.”
“I’m not a Muggleborn… my mom is a witch, but she raised me in the muggle world.”
“Why Hogwarts instead of Ilvermorny?” Becky asked. “I know an American when I hear one.”
“Wow,” I laughed. “You’re both very observant… my mom’s actually British. She went to Hogwarts, so she wanted me to as well.”
“Amazing… have you gotten everything you need yet?" Addy asked.
“My mom’s getting the cauldron now so I can carry all these books in it. After that, I hope I go get my wand before anything else. I’m looking forward to that,” I admitted.
"Us too!" Becky exclaimed. “The one thing I can use when I finally get in Hogwarts to prank Joey whenever I want — that’s my brother’s name, by the way.”
“I deduced as much,” I grinned.
Mom walked back into the shop with the cauldron in her arms… though she had more than just that. Inside were already the ingredients on the list and some other equipment. “Sorry I took so long, but I also went into the Apothecary for your potions ingredients and…” she put the cauldron on the counter, pointing items out as she spoke, “Wiseacre’s Wizarding Equipment for the glass phials, the brass scales and the brass telescope.”
“Hi Melody’s mother!” Becky said. “Would you mind if we steal Melody away to Ollivander’s Wand Shop?”
Mom looked up at her in surprise, “Oh, I didn’t even notice you two.” I watched as her shoulders relaxed and she smiled, “You know what? That sounds like a wonderful idea. You go ahead with your new friends, and I’ll be there shortly.”
It was all the ‘go ahead’ the girls needed to grab my hands and race out of the shop. I struggled to keep up as they continued to speed down the alley.
“I think I just saw Joey!” Addy yelled.
“Hurry up!” Becky giggled. “I can’t let my brother drag me home yet! This way!”
Within moments she led us toward a narrow, shabby shop and swiftly yanked the door open. Walking in, a bell rang somewhere within the shop and we paused to catch our breaths. I sat down on a lone, spindly chair to wait for the shop owner.
"Hello," a quiet voice said, making us all jump in surprise. The person chuckled, "Don't mean to scare."
Turning I saw an old man standing right there behind the desk, looking at me — and I do mean me…. Not Becky nor Addy — with curiously unblinking silvery-like gray eyes, much like my own. A little too much like my own. Mine and mom’s.
“Hi, Mr. Ollivander,” Addy and Becky chorused.
The owner of the shop… does he have any employees? It seems.. empty.
“Nice to see you’re both finally starting Hogwarts,” he told them politely. Looking at me, he said, “But I’m sure I’ve never met you before…”
“No, I’m from the United States. I’m Melody Riddle.”
A look of immediate recognition crossed his features as he stared at me, “Would your mother’s name happen to be Orele?”
My eyes widened, “How did you —?”
He turned to Addy before I could finish my sentence. “I will start with you, Miss Gentz.” Mr. Ollivander gestured her over, talked quietly, and then started searching through the shelves upon shelves of wand boxes while a measuring tape measured her arm in midair by itself. When he spoke at any point after that, it was out loud as he pulled out wand after wand only to swiftly snatch them from Addy’s hand when nothing happened.
“Is his memory always that good, or does he just know you two that well?” I asked Becky.
“Oh no, his memory is absolutely amazing,” Becky gushed. “He remembers my parents, Addy’s parents, my brother and Addy’s siblings. He remembers every wand he’s ever sold to every person who ever bought a wand from him.”
My mouth dropped open, “That’s impossible, isn’t it?”
"Aha!" Mr. Ollivander shouted out.
I turned back to where Addy now held a nice, goldish-looking wand with a skinny handle. It looked only slightly longer than my mom's wand.
"Applewood with dragon heartstring, twelve and a half inches, and slightly springy!" he said, putting Addy's new wand into its box and wrapping it in brown paper. He looked very excited to me, like it was the best part of his day just to do this. Every. Single. Day.
"Now, Miss Figsund," he said, beckoning her over to him as Addy went to stand next to me, holding her wand box tenderly in her hands. Again, hespoke to Becky softly before going through the same process of trying out wands with her. The only difference between Becky and Addy were the reactions of the wands that were wrong for them. Where Addy’s did nothing, for Becky’s something would explode somewhere in the room — his inkpot, a flower vase, and a wheel from his ladder.
Addy and I could only watch, glancing at each other uncertainly every time something else exploded. There were so many different wands that I wondered how on earth it was possible for him to choose what wand goes with who. And how this man was so patient to work at it until he found the perfect fit.
“How are we supposed to know which wand is the right one?” I asked Addy in a whisper.
“In Ollivander’s perspective, the wand is what chooses us. It’s really a fascinating process to watch, I’ve seen it done so many times before with my brothers and sister. I have to say though, it’s a lot more fun to do it yourself. You’ll see.”
He made an exclamation again when he found Becky's wand, it was shorter than Addy’s. Is that an indication of size, future and present? I wondered. Or… something else?
“Red Oak with unicorn hair, ten inches, and reasonably supple."
Becky bounded over to us with her wand in hand, refusing to let him box it up.
“And you," Mr. Ollivander said ominously, looking at me. I looked nervously at him and walked slowly towards him, feeling slightly awkward. “Miss Riddle, do you know which wands your parents received?" he asked.
I shook my head, admitting, “I’m surprised you know I’m not Muggleborn.”
“I have a clear idea of who your parents are based on your eyes and your face. Your name merely confirmed to me who your father was.”
My eyes widened, I look like my father?.. What does he mean by was?
“Let's see,” he said, looking up as if into his thoughts. “I remember your mother getting her wand in here as if it was just yesterday. When she got accepted to Hogwarts, she caught the interest of a fairly unique wand. It has unicorn hair, measures twelve inches, and is very reasonably supple.”
Wait, why say 'when she got accepted' when that is quite obvious due to her coming to get the wand? “Can I ask how the wand chooses?" I asked him curiously.
He looked at me with a source of interest and confusion. "The wands have personalities, too, young lady.” Then he changed the subject… to my biological dad. “Your father on the other hand earned a Yew wand, with phoenix feather, thirteen and a half inches, supple.”
He obviously knows exactly who he was. "Who was my dad?"
"I believe that's for your mother to divulge when she decides to,” Mr. Ollivander said, waving the subject away and walking into the different aisles to find me a wand.
I was slightly annoyed with him, and not only because he wouldn’t tell me about the man, but because I also realized that he hadn’t told me about the wood of mom’s wand. He told me my dad’s, but not hers… what is it with everything today?
"Which is your wand arm?" he asked, taking out the tape measure.
"My right, I suppose,” I said, holding it out.
He walked away to pull out some more wands while the tape measure did its job, even checking my height.
Each wand I tried, he snatched away as soon as I started to raise it. I was relieved that I wasn’t exploding anything, but it was still jarring for each wand to get pulled from my grasp with such force.
I didn't understand the idea that the wand chooses the wizard until he finally gave me a wand that let me know just from touching it — the comfort and feeling of protection that came with holding it. I felt warmth between my fingers, and I raised it, almost surprised Mr. Ollivander had not snatched this one away yet. Red sparks came out of the end of the wand and I felt a surge of pride and power.
"Ah," he said softly, "Spruce with dragon heartstring, twelve and a half inches, supple."
I handed my wand to him, and he began wrapping it slowly. I wondered if there was something wrong due to his pace, and the serious expression he wore as he worked on it.
Becky and Addy paid for their wands first, and mom walked in the door as I was paying for mine
“We must get going. Joey will throw a fit if we’re gone for much longer,” Becky said, her eyes glittering mischievously.
“We’ll see you on the train, Melody,” Addy said, rolling her eyes at Becky.
"I'll see you then,” I said. As they walked out the door I took my new wand over to mom, placing it gently in the cauldron. “Should we get going then?” I asked. Looking up at her though, her face was deathly pale as she stared down at her feet. “Mom, what's wrong?”
“Orele,” Mr. Ollivander said softly, causing my mom to slowly look up at him. "I would like to speak to you in private, if you please. Melody can wait in here, if you'll just come to the back of the shop with me."
Mom put down the cauldron and pointed at the spindly chair to tell me to sit down— which I did, for fear that she might lose her composure even further— and followed Mr. Ollivander while I stayed put in my seat. What does he want? Why does he want to talk to her in private? What’s going on? Mom seems to know everyone, and they all have something to say to her…
About five minutes later, mom stormed out and grabbed the cauldron. "Let's go —!”
"What happened?" I asked, aghast.
"Nothing, nothing," she lied, holding out her hand to me, "Let's just —”
“Orele,” Mr. Ollivander said sternly, coming from the back of the shop. “You have nowhere else to go. You might as well come home.”
“I’ll figure it out. I always do,” she retorted almost childishly, refusing to look at him.
I looked back and forth between them in confusion. It was one thing for mom to yell at me when I’d done something wrong, but she was arguing with him the way I might argue with her.
“You always have a home with us. Why do you think Dumbledore told you to talk to me? Your mother and I haven’t heard from you in fourteen years, and now you show up with a granddaughter we didn’t know we had.”
“… What?” I snapped.
“You think I’m going to come crawling back just for a place to live, you can think again!” mom said, pulling me to my feet.
“I believe you don’t have much of a choice, Orele,” he said, looking pointedly at me.
She looked down at me with heavy reluctance.
“Mom,” I said with realization, “you never told me about your family. Every time I asked, you changed the subject altogether…. It made me think they were all dead or something.”
“Well,” she replied, tears welling up in her eyes as she stroked my hair, “as you can see, I didn’t tell you a lot of things.” She took a deep breath and looked back at Mr. Ollivander… her father… my grandfather…. “I have a condition that you not treat me like a child while we live with you.”
He gave a broad smile as he walked to the back, “I make no promises.”
Mom grumbled but she began to follow him, cauldron of items in hand. I looked out the window at Diagon Alley to get one last look at all the magic I had missed out on in my life. How much magic will I get to see now, and in a household of a wand seller no less?
I caught a glimpse of a large, oversized man walking towards the shop with a boy about as young as me. He was much smaller than the man and had untidy black hair with broken glasses held together with tape. I looked at them curiously, a thought cropping up at the back of my head that I should try to make one more friend until mom got a key to our new home.
However, my arm was grabbed a moment later and I was dragged past cases upon cases of wands to the back of the shop. She pushed me into a chimney of all places, picking up the cauldron she’d left in there and handing it to me. Mr. Ollivander — my grandpa now, I guess — stood next to the chimney with a bowl of glittery, grayish powder.
“Take a handful,” she told me. So I did. “Keep your arms tucked in while you’re on your way to the house. Apparently, you’ll know your room when you find it, so start unpacking when you get there. I’ll be there soon, I just have to get you a few late birthday gifts…. Now, when you throw the Floo powder on the ground, you have to clearly yell ‘Ollivander Home.’ It’ll take you straight there.” She gave me a kiss on the forehead, “Go on.”
“Oh… okay,” I said uncertainly. When will you have time to answer my questions, though? That would be a great gift… I sighed, throwing the powder down in the fireplace, calling out, “Ollivander Home!”
It was like being sucked through a tube. I kept my elbows close to me as mom suggested, wondering how scraped up I would get if I spread them too much further from my body. I was tossed out, rolling into a large living room with fancy-ish furniture and crystal-like windows.
I officially hate wizard travel.
After brushing myself off and making sure everything in the cauldron was intact, I walked around the house, thinking of it as more of a small mansion. There were many different rooms, I found mine with my trunk already in it, my mother’s… with her special blue trunk in it already… some other room filled to the brim with junk, an extra large master bedroom, a plain guest room, a shockingly small kitchen, and then found another large room that looked much like a study. Peeking inside the study, I was amazed by the long, nicely polished mahogany desk and the rolls of parchment were fresh. This was so far my favorite room in the whole house.
When I started to hear a light mewling, I slowly went back downstairs to investigate what was making the noise.
Mom had appeared in the living room holding many rolls of parchment and a cage. Looking at the tag, it said "never-ending amount of parchment, always have extra." There was also never-ending ink to go with it, and the real prize for me was that the cage held a medium-sized black cat.
I giddily gasped, and mom was visibly pleased with herself.
"Happy birthday, Melody!" she said brightly.
"Oh wow," I said. "Thank you…. Jeez, how much money did the never-ending parchment and ink cost?"
"A lot, but you deserve it after I had to miss your birthday.”
“Please don't spend that much on me again,” I insisted. “Just a hug and a kiss — oh, and some answers — would be appreciated."
“But do you like your presents?” She purposely avoided my gaze.
I sighed, "Are you kidding? I appreciate my presents… I’m also glad that you were with me today to buy my things — rather than Professor Snape. Today was the best.”
She smiled widely, looking extremely grateful. "Thank you, honey."
"No, thank you." I said, making my way upstairs to begin unpacking. All I could run through my mind was one question…. When will I get to ask my questions?
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anamoon63 · 2 years
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Judith burst out laughing again.
"Don't worry, Jul, they're not going to make a scene in the middle of a wedding, getting into a fistfight or something, they're both very civilized, these are guys from the future, remember? Over there no one gets into violent fights, much less over this kind of stuff."
Juliette sighed. "Yes, I know how 'civilized' they are in the future with 'this kind of stuff'... Anyway, forgive my abruptness, it'll take me a few days to digest this news."
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"Okay, but don't take too long, cause Gilon is staying at the headquarters, and you might run into him one of these days."
"At the headquarters? Why, aren't there any hotels in Aurora Skies?"
"Don't worry, he'll only be there until my family arrives, then he'll be staying with them in a rental house."
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"Although I must say he looks very comfy in the quarters. Dustin put him up in your old bedroom, he was delighted, I'm sure everything in there reminds him of you."
"Judith, stop it okay?
"Alright, I'm sorry, I won't mention anything about it again, I promise."
"Good, but before we drop the subject, I have one more question."
"Go ahead and ask."
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"Gilon's sudden visit has nothing to do with Robin's situation, does it? He didn't come here to arrest Rob or something".
"Uh? Oh, no, Robin's situation is a matter for the Council, and the municipal police anyway. The Interstellar Police only deals with matters like aliens and that kind of thing. Unless…"
"Unless what?"
"Nothing, forget it. And don't worry, Gilon's not here to arrest anyone, he's here only on a social visit."
"O-kay," Juliette said only half relieved. "Well thank you for the information, even though it wasn't very favorable for me, I appreciate your concern.
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"I know I didn't react in the best way to the news you brought but believe me it was very nice to see you and know that we are friends again."
"It was nice for me too to see you and to meet little Rowan. I wish with all my heart that everything works out for both of you."
"Thank you, Jud. Now if you'll excuse me, I must leave Row with Dad and run to the hospital; Mom and my work are waiting for me."
"Go ahead, I'm not stopping you anymore. Good luck and take care of yourself, my friend."
"You too." Juliette said, she gave Judith a hug and then each went their way.
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jjungkookislife · 8 months
Hey 😁 I just finished reading HFTH 2, it took a while cause I had to read it in batches to really savor it 😂 And I want to apologize in advance cause I know this is all over the place with me just fangirling and reacting to what’s happening 😅
I already love Jk’s mom the moment she gave MC the chocolate that Seojun made. She can “force” feed me delicious food, especially desserts, any day 😌
I was like 😬 when Aera was suspecting something was fishy with them cause they weren’t “affectionate enough” 👀 but then I was like 🥴 cause it just means they’re gonna amp up the PDA and I’m so ready for it 😉
They’re so freakin adorable when she asked for a goodnight kiss and then he heard her squeal after going inside, I just can’t 🥺
I agree with her “You’re lucky you’re cute,” when he wakes her. They have to have that face to force me to wake up early 😤 lol
O M G the scene from the teaser !!!!! Seojun and Saraí were the intruders 🫣 And I love how MC bonded almost instantly with Saraí 🥰
And Jimin already planning his room on Jk’s future apartment 😂
Grandma Jeon is something else and I LOVE HER! She’s both intimidating and endearing. All your female characters are so awesome, their personalities are all completely different yet interesting and lovable 😌
It’s so hilarious how MC is bewildered at how Luna is treated, that’s one pampered dog 😂
Luna Patrice Jeon — Jk’s dog-aunt Jk’s dad’s little sister 🤣
And this scene when Jin flirts with MC:
— “Hey!” Jungkook stomps his foot. His cute bunny nose scrunching. “You’re my girlfriend!” How adorable is he? 🥺
And the stroll with their dogs? SO CUTE 🥹
Jk’s reaction when Yoongs exposed his breeding kink 🤣 but also MC’s reply 🫢 They are a riot 😂
The make-out scene in front of the giant Christmas tree at the mall 🫣
They said they liked each other afterwards!?!?! 🥳
The scene with the sledding and Koo’s giant snowball 🥺
But also Jimin asking MC “Are you free next Christmas?” 👀 I don’t think so Min 🥴
Their “pillow talks” in bed 🥺
But they’re getting loud and as hot as it is, I’m sweating cause there’s now way no one is hearing them right? 😅 and i think Grandma Jeon is next door 😱
I felt so relieved when everything was normal the next day 😮‍💨
And when Gramdma Jeon started to talk about her love story with Grandpa Jeon, it was 🥰🥹🥺😭🤧
And I would’ve been so guilty too 😔 I’m glad they came clean about it
But I also wasn’t surprised that Grams knew all about the scheme 😏 but 🤦‍♀️ when it was because of Jimin 😂
But I’m so happy that there wasn’t anymore necessary drama and that they all talked it out and fixed it ☺️
Minji is the coolest Grandma ever, who else would gift their grandson his future home with his newly introduced gf 💅 Where’s can I find someone like her in my life? 😭😂
And when they ratted out Min to the others cause he’s the reason that Con Jungkook’s Grandma mission was a fail 🤣
The snowball fight scene 😌
That was such a beautiful ending to a beautiful story 🥹 this was written so well, you’re amazing! I loved every bit of it, each character was so unique with interesting personalities. This MC and Koo is officially part of my fav couple in all of your stories. The list is growing so much and I love it 🥰 This was really good, thank you for sharing it with us. All your hard work paid off cause this was 🤌
As always, I’m so excited to read what you have in store for us in the future but I hope you are taking your much needed rest after writing this masterpiece 😉 Take care always 💜
Hello! I'm glad you got to read it and savor it lol 🥰
I adore Aera lol she loves to host and feed anyone who comes over! She reminds me of my grandmother lol
Aera is definitely suspicious but one of her character "flaws" is that she expects Jungkook and the MC to be like Seojun and Saraí and while his brother and Saraí are very lovey-dovey wherever they are, Aera expects the same from JK and Dae is like uh no? they don't have to be all over each other lol
fun fact: I added her squeal and him hearing it in one of my read-throughs so it wasn't a thing until this week lol but I think it fits them well lol and it's a nice little comical relief 🥰
I do not like being woken up lmao when I was a teen, my family knew better than to wake me because I was grouchy so I would miss out on takeout and whatnot because they knew I'd be upset lol I think I have a lot of grouchy reader inserts so I'm just realizing I do that a lot. whoops!
Yes! It was Seojun and Saraí! JK and MC were too busy kissing to hear them coming into the home and up both sets of stairs 😂 Jungkook was definitely a little miffed they interrupted lmao but at least Seojun was more likely to fall for it now. It's unusual for Jungkook to keep stuff this big from him, so he was a bit suspicious. Saraí is very friendly, she mostly spent the holidays with her family because they always did big events and Seojun would normally go to his parents for a bit and then to her family's home. So Jungkook didn't know her all that well, but she's good at reading people so she was suspicious from the get-go.
Jimin planning his room in the apartment was also added later on lol it seemed to fit his character well and I imagine he will have his own room there until JK and MC need it for their kids, then he'll have an attic game room because he's Jimin and it's hard to say no to him lmao
I LOVE Grandmother Jeon! I wasn't sure how I was going to make her personality at first but it kinda just manifested into what she is now lol Kinda like dog-mom meets lovable grandmother meets Golden Girl lol thank you! that's such a huge compliment about their personalities because it's hard sometimes to make everyone different at times 💜💜💜
Grandmother Jeon loves Luna so much lol she takes her everywhere including her cruise and to the slot machines in her purse. Kinda reminds me of Suga Mama and Puff from The Proud Family lmao Luna is spoiled to bits and leaving her with Jungkook and MC to go on a walk was a major sign of trust on her part
One thing Jimin is going to do is flirt! Seokjin as well lmao he's mostly joking but also maybe not? lmao who knows
Namjoon loves to start chaos and watch it unfold lmao and Yoongi's loves to ruffle feathers. Jungkook's giant snowball was in my head for ages lmao I had to include it
The bed scene! I love a one-bed trope lol I almost let them share a bed in part 1 but then I rethought it and JK went to the couch and that's how Grandmother Jeon ended up mixing up her hotel reservation all leading to the bed trope and them admitting they like each other
I'm so glad you mentioned Jimin asking if MC was free next year lmao he didn't know about them admitting to liking each other and JK was definitely happy he nailed him that GIANT snowball at the park 😂😂😂
Their pillow talk in bed 🥺 they're falling for each other! like it's wild they started all this out just being acquaintances and each other's crush to sharing a bed and falling in love
JK definitely wishes their first time was in his apartment just so he could hear her moans without them being muffled and Grandmother Jeon's room was across the hall from theirs but her and Luna are deep sleepers. Jungkook's parents are further down the hall but they sleep with earbuds in (which isn't 100% safe so I assume their fire alarm also has a phone alert and maybe some lights or vibrations to wake them) but nobody heard them 👀👀👀
Grandmother Jeon loved her husband so much! But she continues to live her life to the fullest for herself and for him. She loves spending time with her friends, Luna, and the slot machines. She doesn't take herself too seriously, and she may be a flirt but she has no real interest in pursuing a relationship at the moment. She loves having the freedom to go where she wants, when she wants at the drop of a dime
Ah, Jimin and his mouth lmao it came later to me that Grandmother Jeon would already know about the scheme but I didn't know how she would find out, and then boom! Jimin is a talked, he's home for the holidays, and so is Grandmother Park and she DOTES on her baby and Jimin gets a loose tongue when he's being spoiled with affection and homemade pie. He genuinely thought she'd forget, but Grandmother Park loves a good gossip session with her bestie Grandmother Jeon when she's in town 😂
I love a good happy ending :) and they definitely tattled on Jimin the moment they could lmao they were fucked from the start and didn't even knot it. However, Grandmother Jeon adores her grandkids and their partners so she's happy to gift them a home to get them started. I think she would have done so regardless but JK's relationship was definitely a push to get things going.
I think the snowball scene was good to wrap things up and bring in the boys one more time before the end since they were such a huge part of the scheme lol
JK was elated to make it official 😍😍😍 that boy is in LOVE!
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I'm so glad you enjoyed it and I'm glad I actually got to work on it after 3 years. Now all my boys have a Christmas fic and I'm so happy with them <3 Though it's been years since Seokjin and Yoongi's, so I may eventually write new ones that are more on par with my writing now but who knows, I want to focus on fics I haven't updated in a while :) I have some drabbles planned for this couple, so there will be a lot more of them in the future! Thank you! I always love it when you stop by! It makes my day! Take care as well 💜💜💜
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