#my mom is visiting and she’s been sleeping w my in my room
strawbabycowboy · 2 years
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bo0zey · 2 years
manic mixed depressive episode on my bday is so fun especially when ur going on 2 days no sleep n have a 12hr shift starting at the asscrack of dawn in 6hrs
#idk if i want to sleep like i do but i don’t i just keep walking in circles n staring off blankly#also bursted into tears for no reason bc i missed my mom and remembered how much i hate my fucking birthday#was in the middle of a borderline argument w my family then just zoned out n glanced at the time and tears welled#6:13???#then i pretended to go to the bathroom to hide my tears from my dad cuz he would’ve yelled at me if i went to my room w/o saying anything#so there i am crying like a pathetic loser on the toilet trying to suppress n swallow down ugly sobs#and there i am crying in my dumpster fire of a room on the floor#i literally go the entire year without crying abt her but every time december hits i always get into this weird funk#and idk why it’s still happening it’s been 7 years#i think my subconscious mind is influencing my body to release the trauma stored inside it bc i was never allowed to grieve her properly#so now in blips of time leading up to my birthday and the next day of her passing i’m 15 turning 16 again#i wish i didn’t have to work tomorrow so i could go visit her at her grave instead like i never go to the cemetery but i really want to#i guess i can go on her actual death day but i don’t want to go with my dad and brothers i just want to be alone#they don’t understand the feeling of losing your mom and best friend on your 16th bday#they don’t understand what it’s like carrying all this guilt and trauma and holding her hand and feeling her hand go limp at my words#i told her it was okay she could let go i would take care of my brothers and protect them from my father and i would be strong for everyone#meanwhile i’m listening to my dad n my aunt throwing all her clothes in trash bags upstairs#i didn’t even get to pick out what clothes i wanted to keep of hers im so angry my dad refused to let any of us miss her#“i miss mom-‘ ‘she’s dead get over it!’#i got over it alright but then this time of year rolls around and i’m under it all again#i miss her so much i wonder if she’d be proud of me i wonder what it would be like to feel her hand in mine again#ooos im crying again lol#im so pathetic i’m literally 23 in less than 30 minutes why am i behaving like a crybaby child#23:33 when i was typing that btw n 333 is my angel/life path number lol#i wanna saw my arm off but i won’t#i debated staring an iv on myself instead but i’m too drained i just want lay down n cry lol#pathetic loser crybaby girl can’t function can’t shut up making everyone uncomfortable with her sadnes n tears stupid stupid stupid#drown in them and die nobody here loves you anymore nobody cares you’re the problem always the problem#i can’t remember if my mom loved me or not everyone says she did but i forgot what it feels like#i wish i never told her it was okay to let go i lied to her i said i’d be okay but here i am manic depressive
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parasolids · 1 month
i am having a genuine core memory type of bad day today like serious SERIOUS things are going down and i missed a flight because genuine life changing events are happening and got put on standby for another which got delayed multiple times til i would’ve missed my connecting flight home and anyways it was overbooked so i didn’t make it on, and then now five hours after they left me at the airport im finally heading home and i was like “well at least i can eat the fries i bought that i didn’t get to eat yesterday” but my useless cousin who has not only been completely useless through this weeks long ordeal but has also been making things worse stepped in and ate the whole giant box of fries cause he “thought we were leaving” even though my mom clearly left half her stuff behind at the house and told him we did not make our flight so she was going to stay in town and try and get me home and also this whole situation (except for the fries) is straight up my fault cause i didn’t wanna get out of bed for 20 minutes when we woke up and like normally this would be fine especially since i went to bed at 2 am packing suitcases and then had to wake up at 7 and also slept super poorly anyways but i still have no self discipline and everything has gone wrong because of that
#i should be freshly showered and in bed right now having a good cry#i’m genuinely seething at my cousin btw we keep asking him to do the most basic things and he makes some excuse#and then it turns out to be a lie#like my cousin is stronger/bigger than i am so my mom wanted his help w the suitcases#and we went out for one last dinner last night but he kept telling my mom he wanted to go home and sleep bc his job starts early#and getting irritated at her when she tried to take two minutes to finish eating#anyways we went home early and he did not go to bed. we could hear him gaming and yelling at the computer til we went to bed at 2 am#and his job starts at 3 am so he can’t have actually been worried about sleeping#oh he also just didn’t go to work and this is like a repeated occurrence#and he didn’t bother seeing us off to the airport or wake up til like 11#when i called him saying we needed him to bring my passport and it was an emergency#idk this all seems like super trivial but my mom is straight up handling a tragedy alone#i won’t deny that i haven’t really been useful but i’ve been coming along everywhere on top of remote working from here#meanwhile he’s kinda just been at home gaming and not leaving his room#i can kind of excuse his brother who’s also been at home but he’s also like super obviously been prepping for a super rough final and idk#ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. can you at least have some decency and like#try not to pile more work on my mother who is dealing with one of the worst things that can happen to her#and try to use your parents not being around as an excuse to run around town with your friends#while lying to my mom and saying you need to sleep or work or yeah you’ll be straight home (you’re going for lunch with your buds)#i mentioned something about how i’ve spent time with him instead of my friends when he’s visiting us and he was like ‘you have friends?’#i don’t know man i can’t cry in bed i can’t sleep cause they keep the house cold#basic functioning is making me miserable with the brain issues i don’t know what to do#cause if i go home im going to be in the exact same situation just#with a better bathroom and a guitar and feeling useless and sad because i can’t help#anyways i need to text my boss to let her know no shot i can make it tomorrow#which feels awful cause i was supposed to get back A WEEK AGO i had to extend i hate it here i hate it here i hate it here
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kuiinncedes · 2 years
i k now i should sleep more but what if i simply do not want to
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a-lexia11 · 1 month
Healing vacation and World Cup (Meeting in Barcelona part 4)
Alexia Putellas x reader
Words count: Around 11k
Part 1,Part 2,Part 3 , part 5
Note: So I know that I said part 4 will be the last but I changed my mind, there will be another part.
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The night of the “breakup” with Alexia was one of the worst experiences of my life. I couldn't sleep a wink; my mind was consumed with thoughts of her—her radiant smile, her infectious laugh, and the scent of her perfume lingering in my memory.
In my desperation, I scrolled through my phone, endlessly watching the pictures and videos we had taken over the past weeks. It felt truly pathetic; we weren't even officially dating, yet here I was, heartbroken.
The worst part was going to bed without receiving one of her goodnight texts. I had grown so accustomed to her sweet messages that the silence felt unbearable.
I still can't wrap my head around the fact that I got my heart broken in Barcelona. It's supposed to be the city of love and romance, not a place for shattered hearts.
The next day was Sunday, and despite having a mountain of work to prepare for the final week of school, I couldn't muster the energy to leave my bed—except for the occasional trip to the freezer for more ice cream.
I lay there, feeling utterly defeated, listening to a playlist of sad songs. The ice cream, which was supposed to be a comfort, tasted salty because my tears kept falling into the tub. This only made me cry even more, creating a vicious cycle of sadness and melted, salty ice cream.
At one point, my mom called me, asking how I was, and I completely broke down. I told her everything that had happened, every detail of my heartbreak and the overwhelming sadness I was feeling.
She and my dad tried their best to comfort me. My mom's soothing words and my dad's attempt to lighten the mood with his comment about there being plenty of other fish in the sea.
While I understood his intention, it was hard to accept because I had already chosen my fish, and now, we couldn't be together anymore.
Their efforts, though subtle, did provide a small measure of comfort, but the pain was still very raw.
After we hung up, I found myself drifting back into a state of inactivity. I couldn't muster the energy to do anything but cry. The tears flowed until I was utterly exhausted, and eventually, I fell into a deep sleep, drained from the emotional turmoil of the day.
I woke up startled by knocks on my door. Groggily, I got out of bed and shuffled towards the front door, wondering who could be visiting so early. As I opened the door, there stood Alba, looking uncomfortable and biting her lips.
“Hola” she said quietly, her voice almost trembling.
“Hola” I responded, trying to sound more awake and opening the door wider to silently invite her in.
She stepped inside, and I closed the door behind her. We walked over to the kitchen table and sat down. Alba seemed hesitant, her eyes darting around the room as if searching for the right words.
“¿Cómo estás?” (How are you?) she asked, giving me a small, tentative smile.
I raised my eyebrows at her, feeling my exhaustion wash over me again.
Girl, I looked like a mess—my face was all red, my eyes were so puffy I could barely open them, and my hair looked like a bird's nest.
“La más feliz que he sido en mi vida“ (The happiest I've ever been) I replied sarcastically, unable to hide my frustration.
Alba just nodded and looked down at her hands, playing with her rings.
I realized that my behavior was unkind, but the events of yesterday are still very fresh in my mind, and I can't forget how she ignored me the entire afternoon and suddenly snapped at me.
It felt like a complete disregard for my presence and feelings, which is something that really gets under my skin.
While it might appear childish to react in such a manner, I genuinely don't care because the feeling of being ignored is incredibly painful and frustrating.
It made me feel insignificant and unimportant, which is one of the worst emotions to experience. I understand that everyone has their moments, but being treated like that was really hurtful and left a lasting impact on me.
After about a minute of silence, Alba decided to speak. “Um… Lo siento mucho por lo de ayer. Estaba tan emocionada de ver a Marina de nuevo que me olvidé por completo de ti” (Um… I’m really sorry about yesterday. I was just so excited to see Marina again that I completely forgot about you) she said, still looking down, her voice tinged with regret and her shoulders slumped.
Great, Alba, that does not make it any better. “Forgetting” about me just because your friend is also here… it made it worse. The sting of being overlooked, especially by someone I considered a close friend, cut deep.
I could feel the tension between us growing, the silence becoming heavier with unspoken words and unresolved feelings. Alba’s apology, though sincere, did little to mend the hurt.
The memory of being sidelined, of feeling invisible in the presence of someone she deemed more important, was still fresh and raw. Right now, she makes everything worse.
I’m feeling really let down and upset with the Putellas sisters. They are the last people I want to see or talk to at the moment. The incident is still very fresh, and I need some time to come to terms with it.
If I continue discussing this with her right now, I might say something I’ll later regret.
It’s such a stark contrast to just a few weeks ago. I used to look forward to seeing Alexia and hanging out with Alba.
We would go out with our friends, enjoy dinners, and have movie nights where I’d cuddle with Alexia.
Those moments felt so warm and comforting. Now, the thought of seeing them fills me with dread and frustration. It’s heartbreaking how quickly things have changed.
I rose from my chair, feeling the tension in the air. “No quiero hablar contigo en este momento” (I really don’t want to talk with you right now) I said, my voice strained with a mix of frustration and exhaustion. “Creo que es mejor que te vayas” (I think it’s best if you leave)
Without waiting for a response, I turned and walked towards the front door, my footsteps echoing in the quiet room.
The distance between us grew with each step, and I felt a heavy weight lift slightly from my shoulders as I reached for the doorknob.
Alba rose from her seat and slowly made her way towards the front door. As I opened it for her, she paused right in front of me, her eyes meeting mine with a glint of unshed tears.
“I’m so, so sorry” she whispered in English, her voice barely audible yet laden with emotion. With that, she stepped out of my apartment, leaving a lingering sense of sorrow in the air.
I closed the door behind her and let out a deep sigh, resting my forehead against the cool wood.
The silence of the apartment seemed to echo the turmoil in my heart. Friendships and love are so difficult, I thought, feeling the sting of her departure.
The complexities of human connections often left me feeling both enriched and exhausted, and this moment was no different.
Settling back onto my sofa, I reached under the coffee table to grab my labtop. With a few quick clicks, I booked a flight back to New York, feeling a mix of relief and anticipation.
I really need to be with my family and friends. Spending my summer vacation in New York wasn't part of the plan—I was supposed to go to Bali with my friends but given the circumstances, that's no longer an option.
The thought of being surrounded by the familiar sights and sounds of home brought a sense of comfort. I missed my parents and friends deeply, so NYC, here I come.
Just one more week of school, and I can finally escape Barcelona. The city had been beautiful and full of life, but right now, I needed the warmth and support of my loved ones more than anything.
Returning to work turned out to be easier than I had anticipated. Seeing all the children again brought a sense of joy and made me feel a little better, lifting my spirits.
I couldn't avoid Alba at all since we were working in the same class, but it was clear that something had definitely changed between us.
I wasn't talking to her, avoided making eye contact, and only spoke to her when it was absolutely necessary.
I maintained a professional demeanor throughout the entire week, focusing solely on my tasks and responsibilities.
It was challenging, but I knew it was the right thing to do for my own peace of mind.
I could see that she desperately wanted to talk to me; she always looked at me with eyes that seemed to say I had kicked her puppy or something equally heartbreaking.
I'm not going to lie, it hurt me more than I want to admit. Seeing her like that tugged at my heartstrings, making it difficult to stay firm in my decision.
But right now, the best thing for us, for me, is to focus on myself and my well-being. If that means I have to ignore Alba, then that's what I'm going to do.
It's not easy, but sometimes you have to make tough choices to protect your own mental and emotional health.
“Entonces, chicas, ¿algún plan para el verano?” (So, girls, any plans for the summer?) Valeria asked as Alba and I were in her office, having a little recap of everything that had happened at work.
Today is Friday, the last day of school, and finally summer vacation.
“Um…Sí, voy a Bali con mi hermana y amigos” (Um… yeah I’m going to Bali with my sister and friends) Alba said kinda quietly like she was ashamed of saying it.
Even though I’ve never told her directly, I think it’s safe to say that we silently agreed that I’m not part of this trip anymore.
“Eso es genial, Alba. Bali es hermoso, te vas a divertir mucho” (That’s great, Alba.Bali is beautiful you’re going to have so much fun) Valeria responded more exited that Alba. “¿Y tú, Y/N?” (What about you,Y/N) she asked turning her head,looking at me.
“Voy a regresar a Nueva York, voy a pasar un tiempo con mi familia” (I’m going back to New York, I’m going to spend some time with my family) I told her with a gentle smile.
Valeria smiled excitedly at me, nodded and said “¡Espero que se diviertan! Se lo merecen. Ambos fueron increíbles, y los niños no pueden esperar para verlos de nuevo en septiembre” (I hope you guys have some fun! You deserve it. You both were incredible, and the kids can't wait to see you both again in September) Valeria told us, smiling gently at us.
We thanked her.
After 30 more minutes of talking, Valeria finally let us go with a hug and a “see you in September” Alba and I made our way out of the school.
The sun was shining brightly, and the air was filled with the sounds of children laughing and playing, celebrating the start of their summer freedom.
In the parking lot, I turned to her and managed an awkward smile. “Diviértete en Bali” (Have fun in Bali) I said, my voice betraying a hint of the sadness I felt.
I was just about to turn around and walk to my car when I felt her hand gently stop me.
I turned around and looked at her, confusion etched across my face. She let go of my hand and took a deep breath, her eyes darting nervously.
“Um… quería contarte algo” (Um… I wanted to tell you something) she began, her voice trembling slightly.
“Te lo estoy diciendo para que no te enteres por las redes sociales ni nada... pero... um... Marina viene con nosotros a BalI” (I’m telling you so you don’t find out through social media or anything… but… um… Marina is coming with us to Bali) She paused between some words, her stress clearly evident as she gauged my reaction.
Her fingers fidgeted with the edge of her shirt, and I could see the worry in her eyes, reflecting the weight of the news she had just delivered.
I really don’t know what to say right now. It feels like they’ve replaced me with her. Y/N isn’t coming to Bali anymore, so let’s decide to invite Marina instead... just like that.
It’s incredibly frustrating and makes me feel really sad. Marina played a significant role in the fallout between Alexia and me, and now they’re still choosing to go on vacation with her.
Alba noticed my silence and quickly added, “Bianca es quien la invitó. Estábamos cenando juntos, hablando del viaje a Bali, y Bianca se sintió mal, así que la invitó” (Bianca is the one who invited her. We were having dinner together, discussing the Bali trip, and Bianca felt bad, so she invited her) she said, looking me directly in the eyes, as if to prove her sincerity.
Honestly, I don't have the energy to argue, so I just nodded and said, “Bueno, diviértete” (Okay, well, have fun) in a monotonous voice.
She bit her lip and replied, “Disfruta tu tiempo con tu familia” (Enjoy your time with your family.) I nodded again and turned towards my car.
I'm so over this. I really need to disconnect for a few weeks and stay away from them. It's the only way I can fully move on and heal from this.
On Sunday, I decided to go shopping since I’m leaving on Monday and wanted to get something special for my parents from Barcelona.
While I was browsing through necklaces for my mom, I suddenly heard someone calling my name from behind. I turned around and, to my surprise, it was Marcus.
I hadn't seen him since Bianca’s birthday, and seeing him there in the middle of the store brought back a flood of memories.
“Hey Marcus! How's it going?” I greeted him with a friendly hug, happy to see his familiar face.
“I'm good, and you?” he replied, his smile genuine and welcoming. “I'm good too, thanks” I answered, matching his friendly vibe.
“What are you up to here? Checking out the necklaces?” he asked, glancing at the jewelry selection.
“Yeah,I’m getting a gift for my mom. I’m heading back to New York tomorrow, so I wanted to grab something special for my parents” I explained, appreciating his interest.
“That's cool! I'm also heading back to New York soon. We should hang out” he suggested casually.
“For sure! That'd be awesome” I replied warmly, looking forward to catching up with a good friend.
Following our conversation and exploration together, Marcus's kindness and relaxed demeanor truly enhanced the entire experience.
We found a beautiful necklace for my mom, shared some laughs, and swapped phone numbers to plan a future meet-up in New York. Finally, we bid each other farewell.
I still needed to find something for my dad, and knowing his love for football and the Barça team, I decided to visit a Barça store.
The store was vibrant with the team's colors, and the energy was palpable, filled with fans and tourists alike.
While browsing through the aisle filled with various jerseys, I was meticulously going through each one, trying to find the perfect fit for my dad.
Suddenly, I looked up and there she was. Alexia.
In a promotional poster, wearing a Barça shirt, her blonde hair gleamed in the picture, and she had her arms crossed, looking intently into the camera.
Her presence, even in a photograph, was commanding and powerful.
Ugh, what did I expect? Not seeing her in a Barça store? When she's one of the best Barça players? It was almost inevitable.
I can't help but stare at her. The sight of her brought back a flood of memories, and I realized just how much I missed her.
Her intense gaze, even from a poster, seemed to reach out and touch a part of me that had been dormant for too long.
After a few minutes of just staring at that poster of Alexia, I finally pulled myself together and continued looking for a jersey. The store was bustling with fans, and the atmosphere was electric, filled with excitement and chatter about the latest matches and players.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I found the perfect jersey for my dad. It was a classic design with his favorite player's number on it. Feeling a sense of accomplishment, I headed to the cashier, paid for the jersey, and stepped out of the store and in the busy street of Barcelona.
Later that day, I found myself packing my suitcase. I put a lot in it since I’ll probably be spending the whole summer there and will come back only in September.
The thought of being away for so long made me feel a mix of excitement and nostalgia.
While rummaging through my stuff, I stumbled upon a little box with the butterfly necklace that Alexia had given me.
Memories of the day she gave it to me flooded back, and I felt a bittersweet pang in my chest. Despite the mixed emotions, I decided to take it with me.
There was something comforting about having it close, a tangible reminder of the good moments we shared, not just the bad.
Carefully, I placed the box in my suitcase, knowing that it would bring a sense of connection and warmth during my summer away.
The next day, I found myself at the bustling airport, ready to embark on my journey back to New York.
The excitement of returning home mixed with a tinge of sadness about leaving behind the vibrant streets of Barcelona, even if temporary.
As much as I love the city's rich culture, beautiful architecture, and warm, sunny days, I missed my hometown deeply.
The familiar skyline, the hustle and bustle of the streets,were calling me back. With a mix of emotions, I boarded the plane, looking forward to reuniting with everything and everyone I had missed so much.
Landing in New York, I felt a wave of relief wash over me as I finally escaped the confines of the long flight. The anticipation of seeing my family again made every step feel lighter as I navigated through the crowded airport.
I made my way to the baggage claim area, weaving through the throngs of travelers, each with their own stories and destinations.
After what felt like an eternity, my suitcase finally appeared on the carousel. With a sense of accomplishment, I retrieved it and checked my phone.
A message from my mom popped up, informing me that she and my dad were waiting for me near the airport entrance.
As I descended the escalator, my eyes scanned the crowd until they landed on my parents. My mom was holding a sign that read “Bienvenido a Nueva York,” written in bold, colorful letters, while my dad stood beside her with a bouquet of vibrant flowers.
Their dramatic gesture brought a smile to my face, reminding me just how much I love them.
The moment they spotted me, my mom called out my name, her voice filled with excitement.
She waved frantically, her enthusiasm infectious. I couldn’t help but laugh at their eagerness, feeling a warm sense of belonging as I made my way toward them.
Stepping off the escalator, I hurried towards my parents and enveloped them in a tight hug.
I had missed them so much; their familiar scents and warm embrace brought a sense of comfort that only family could provide.
As tears welled up in my mom's eyes, I could feel the depth of her emotions, her love for me shining through every tear.
On the other hand, my dad's beaming smile could have lit up the entire airport; his joy at seeing me again was palpable, filling the air with a contagious happiness that lifted my spirits.
After our emotional reunion, my parents extended an invitation to dine at a nearby restaurant. Amidst the cozy ambiance and delicious food, I poured my heart out, recounting every detail of my Barcelona adventures.
From Valeria's kindness to the lively banter with the school kids, the bond with my new friends, and the captivating tales of Alba and Alexia, I painted a vivid picture of my life in Spain.
My parents, ever the attentive listeners, hung onto my every word. When I revisited the story of Alexia and me, my dad's protective instincts flared up, his playful threat of converting to a Madridista eliciting laughter from all of us.
Meanwhile, my mom, with her gentle wisdom, offered comforting advice and reassurance, grounding me in her maternal warmth and understanding.
After spending a few hours at home, I finally decided it was time to unpack my suitcase, so I enlisted my mom to help me out.
We began carefully pulling out the clothes, one by one, chatting about the trip as we went. Suddenly, my mom's eyes caught something small and delicate—a little box tucked away in a corner of the suitcase.
She gently picked it up and opened it, revealing the butterfly that Alexia had given me.
“What’s this?” she asked, opening the box and seeing the butterfly. “Wow, that’s really pretty! Where did you get it?” she continued, inspecting the necklace.
“Oh, it was a gift from Alexia,” I trailed off. My mom looked at me sadly and gave me a sympathetic smile.
“Ooh, is that your initial imprinted on the wings?” she noticed, placing a hand on her heart, touched by it.
“Yeah, it is,” I answered, feeling a little sad as I looked down at my clothes and began folding them as a distraction.
“That girl seemed to really like you, dare I say maybe even in love with you,” she said, and that made me look up at her so fast I almost got whiplash.
“In love?! Don’t be ridiculous, Mom. She is not in love with me; we’ve only known each other for barely three months,” I told her, looking at her weirdly.
“And? The heart wants what it wants, right? Time doesn’t matter; it’s the connection that you have that does. Plus, I’m pretty sure that you’re in love with her,” she said, smirking at me.
That’s ridiculous. I’m not in love with Alexia, just because I think about her every day and every second, and that I love to admire pictures of her, and that I would do anything for her, and that—oh my God, I think I’m in love with her.
I looked at my mom with wide eyes. “I’m in love with Alexia… oh my God,” I told my mom. She just looked at me, nodding her head and smiling gently.
“I know you are,” she said, placing her hand on my shoulder before turning back to folding my clothes.
Now that I think about it, it all makes sense, but it's adding layers of complexity to my feelings. How am I supposed to fully move on from her when my heart feels so entangled?
And then there's the question of whether Alexia is really in love with me. A part of me desperately hopes for a definitive answer, either yes or no, because ambiguity just makes everything more complicated.
If she is, it brings a whole new set of challenges; if she isn't, it might make it easier to let go, but it still hurts.
I spent my first two week in NYC just soaking up the city and relaxing with my friends and family. It felt so good to reconnect with Madison and Carter; I had missed them more than I realized.
We laughed, reminisced, and created new memories together. To make the most of this precious time, I decided to disconnect from my phone completely. I deleted all my social media apps and any other distractions, focusing solely on being present with my loved ones.
One of the highlights was inviting Marcus to hang out with us. He had mentioned he was also in New York, and it seemed like the perfect opportunity to include him in our group.
Surprisingly, he fit right in, as if he had always been a part of our tight-knit circle. We explored the city, shared stories, and bonded over our shared experiences, making the week even more special.
He’s basically become part of our group now. We’re always hanging out together, even when we’re just doing nothing. I’ve gotten to know him better, and I’m not disappointed.
He really belongs with us. It’s been great to see how well he fits in with everyone. We’ve had some amazing times, whether it’s surfing in the Hamptons, grabbing a bite to eat, or just chilling at someone’s place.
He’s added a new dynamic to our group, and I can’t imagine it without him now.
This two weeks were truly amazing until I decided to go back on social media and saw Bianca’s new Instagram post.
She had posted an insta dump with pictures from Bali. There was one picture in particular that caught my eye: all of them sitting at a restaurant, smiling. Alexia and Marina were sitting next to each other, with Alexia’s arm around Marina’s shoulder.
I just stared at the both of them; they really do look like a couple. Alexia had confessed to me that at one point she felt something for Marina, and now that they are on vacation together, maybe they’ve rekindled that flame.
I made the mistake of going through the comments. Alexia’s fans were all over it, recognizing Marina as her ex and freaking out, shipping them, saying they look cute together. It was like a punch to the gut.
Huffing, I locked my phone and threw it across my bed. I fucking hate them! Well, not Alexia, but in that moment, I did hate her.
Seeing them together like that brought back so many memories and emotions. I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy and hurt. It's like everything we had talked about, all the feelings she had shared with me, were just thrown out the window.
I felt betrayed and confused, the comments only made it worse.
I needed to get away from it all, to clear my head and figure out what I was really feeling.
I decided to take a long walk, hoping the fresh air and solitude would help me sort through my emotions. But no matter how far I walked, the image of Alexia and Marina together kept replaying in my mind.
How can my mom even think that Alexia is in love with me when she's so openly affectionate with someone else? It's confusing and hurtful, and I don't know what to believe anymore.
Feeling jealous and angry, I decided to make an Instagram dump too. I posted several pictures of food, Madison, Carter, and most importantly, Marcus.
Alexia was jealous of Marcus; she told me herself, so I thought, why not post about him?
I included a particular picture of all of us in swimsuits after we went surfing in the Hamptons.
The picture was a selfie taken by Madison. In the background, you could see Carter sitting by himself, eating. Marcus and I were in the foreground, sitting on a surfboard.
I had my arms wrapped around his stomach, and his arms were comfortably resting around my shoulders.
The sun was setting, casting a beautiful glow over the scene, and you could see the waves gently crashing behind us. The picture perfectly captured the joy and relaxation of that moment.
And I captioned it : “ Mis favoritos momentos con Mis favoritas personas” (My favorite moments with my favorite persons)
As I was laying on my bed at night, I received an instagram notification.
alexiaputellas liked your post.
I really hope you liked my post, Alexia. I mean, I truly hope it brought you immense joy and satisfaction…
And then I received a message from Alexia. I quickly sat up, my mind racing as I debated whether or not to read it.
The curiosity was killing me, and I couldn't shake the feeling that it might be something important. After a moment of hesitation, I decided, “Oh, screw it, I should just read it.”
La Reina👸 : Hola,Y/N how are you? I hope I’m not bothering you.I just wanted to know how you are, I saw some of you pictures that you posted,I’m really happy that you’re enjoying yourself.You deserved it.
Ugh,suddenly you want to know how I am right after I posted those pictures...
I knew it, posting that picture with Marcus definitely got to her. I mean, it was bound to happen, right?
But should I respond? I can't deny I missed talking to her. She saw that I read the message, and if I don't reply, it’ll seem rude... Plus, it's not like I want to start any drama.
So frustrating. I'll just reply casually and normally, keeping things light and friendly.
To La Reina 👸: Hey Alexia, I'm good, thanks! How about you? How was Bali?
Is it too short? Should I add more? No, it's perfect. And I send her the message, hoping for the best.
After a few minutes, her call suddenly came through. I sat up even more, almost falling out of my bed, my mind racing with questions.
Why is she calling now? Isn't texting enough? Oh no, what do I do? She knows I'm awake; I just replied to her message.
Shit! I’m panicking, I’m panicking.
Okay, calm down. Deep breaths, in and out, in and out.
With a deep breath, I finally picked up the phone.
“Hello” I greeted Alexia, trying to sound as calm and casual as possible, even though I was on the edge of a panic attack.
“Hello, Y/N,” Alexia responded softly. Hearing her voice and that familiar accent made my heart skip a beat. “How are you?” she continued.
“I’m good. And you?” I asked her genuinely, eager to hear more.
“I’m good too, thank you,” she said gently, her voice as soothing as ever.
After a few seconds of awkward silence, I decided to break the ice. “Did you have fun in Bali? Are you back in Barcelona?”
“Yes, I had a lot of fun, and yes, I am back in Barcelona,” she answered casually.
I furrowed my eyebrows. She’s back in Barcelona, and it’s like 4 a.m. there right now. Why is she awake?
“Why aren’t you sleeping? It’s late in Barcelona right now,” I told her, my concern evident in my voice.
“I couldn’t sleep. I—” she stopped in her tracks. The silence stretched for a few seconds, and then she continued, “I can’t stop thinking about you.”
I closed my eyes, feeling a mix of emotions. God, why do you say those kinds of things? And at night, I’m so much more vulnerable at this time.
“Y/N? Are you still here?” she asked, worry lacing her voice, pulling me out of my thoughts.
“Um... yes... sorry, I’m still here,” I answered, totally dumbfounded, trying to process her words and the emotions they stirred within me.
I sighed deeply, "Alexia, you can’t say things like that," I said with a hint of sadness in my voice.
"But it’s the truth," she responded sincerely, her words cutting through the silence.
I sighed again, feeling the weight of her words. "How is Alba?" I quickly changed the subject, desperately trying to steer the conversation away from our feelings.
"She is very good. She misses you, you know…" she trailed off, her voice softening.
"I miss her too," I responded truthfully, feeling a pang of longing.
I can't lie, I miss Alba a lot—her presence, her humor, her teasing. Maybe I should try and reach out to her at some point. I can't stay angry at her forever.
The thought of reconnecting with Alba brought a small smile to my face, despite the emotional turmoil I was feeling.
After that, Alexia and I talked for a while, but only about our vacations—how they went, what we did, the places we visited, and the people we met. I completely avoided talking about Marina.
The pain of that situation still lingered, and I wasn’t ready to confront it just yet.
Alexia also mentioned that in less than a week, she will be flying to New Zealand for the World Cup.
She was very excited about it and maybe also a little nervous. I mean, it’s the World Cup after all. She talked about how she’s been training hard and how much it means to her to represent her team on such a big stage.
She’s looking forward to the experience but also feels the pressure to perform well.
She also shared with me the various issues the team is currently facing with their coach.She mentioned that the disagreements are affecting their training sessions and overall team morale.
She seemed really upset about it.
“Will you come to see one of my matches?” she asked suddenly, catching me off guard.
“I don’t know, Alexia,” I replied hesitantly, unsure of how to navigate the situation.
“Lo cubriré todo: los billetes de avión, los hoteles, todo” (I’ll cover everything—plane tickets, hotels, everything) she quickly added, her desperation to convince me evident in her voice.
“Alexia, that’s not the issue,” I informed her, trying to convey the complexity of my hesitation.
“Entonces, ¿cuál es el problema?” (Then what is the problem?) she asked, her frustration starting to show.
“You know what the problem is,” I retorted knowingly, hinting at the unresolved issues between us.
“Sí, pero por favor, creo que es hora de que tengamos una conversación cara a cara, no por teléfono. No podemos seguir así. Te quiero en mi vida; significas mucho para mí” (Yes, but please, I think it’s time for us to have a conversation face to face, not over the phone. We can’t stay like this. I want you in my life; you mean so much to me) she said emotionally, her voice softening as she tried to reach me on a deeper level.
She was right; I can’t avoid this situation forever. I need to work things out with Alba and her. I work with Alba, and we need to make things comfortable with each other once we get back to work.
The tension can’t affect my professional life.
And Alexia is now also a part of my life. I need to work things out with her too. It’s the only solution to live in peace and move forward without this cloud hanging over us.
“Okay, I’ll come to see one of your matches,” I told her, finally giving in. I think I can squeeze New Zealand into my schedule, though it will be tight.
I’ll ask Marcus, Carter, and Madison if they want to come along. It might be good to have some company and support during this trip.
“Good!” she said excitedly. “I can pay for everything,” she started saying, but I cut her off.
“It’s okay, Alexia, you don’t have to pay for anything. I can cover it, really,” I informed her.
After a few minutes of back-and-forth arguing about whether she would or wouldn’t pay for my trip, she finally gave in.
“Now, I’ll need to go buy a Spain jersey” I told her jokingly, trying to keep the conversation light.
“You know I can give you one; you don’t have to buy it” she replied matter-of-factly, her tone amusing.
“Who said I wanted your jersey?” I retorted with a playful grin, letting out a little laugh at the end to show I was just teasing.
“Oh, so you don’t want to carry my name on your back?” she responded, her voice filled with mock indignation.
“No, thank you. I want a Bonmati jersey” I informed her.
“That’s a very good choice,” she said sweetly and honestly, her smile warm and genuine.
“I'm just teasing, I only want to wear your jersey, no one else's” I said softly, my tone becoming more tender as I gazed into her eyes.
Ugh, I'm starting to get emotional now... stop it, Y/N.
“Can you FaceTime me, please? I really want to see you” she asked hesitantly.
“Of course, you can FaceTime me” I replied after a brief pause.
I received the FaceTime call and accepted it right away.
She appeared on my screen, looking so relaxed. I could see she was lying on her bed with Nala in her arms.
“Hola” she greeted me with a gentle smile.
“Hola” I responded. “Can I see Nala, please?” I asked, and she chuckled softly. She moved her camera to show Nala, who was peacefully asleep.
“Oh, she's adorable” I whispered to Nala. I really missed that little dog.
Alexia brought the camera back to herself. “You got a tan; it looks great on you” I complimented her.
“Gracias” (thank you) she said “Sabes, me habría divertido más si hubieras estado aquí con nosotros” (You know, I would have had more fun if you were here with us) she added, sounding a bit sad.
I sighed deeply, feeling a bit lost on how to respond.
“Maybe one day, we'll be able to go there together again” I suggested, smiling warmly at her.
“I would love that” she replied, her smile mirroring mine.
“Um... I saw your pictures on Instagram. You and Marcus are friends now?” she asked hesitantly, trying to choose her words carefully to avoid sounding rude.
There it was. The unmistakable hint of jealousy I had been expecting.
“Yes, we ran into each other again in Barcelona. I told him I was heading back to NY, and he mentioned he was going too. So, yeah, we've been hanging out” I explained, trying to keep my tone casual.
I couldn't resist asking, “I saw Bianca's Instagram. You and Marina seem to be getting closer too” I pointed out gently, not wanting to sound accusatory.
“Sí, somos amigas” (Yes, we're friends) she said simply, and I nodded, though doubt lingered in my mind.
It's hard to fully believe her right now. Noticing my hesitation, she looked at me through the screen and said firmly, “I promise you, nothing happened with her. She's just my friend”
I nodded again, her earnestness making me think she might be telling the truth. I decided to trust her.
Alexia then yawned, clearly exhausted from our long conversation. We had been talking for at least an hour.
“Alexia, go to sleep. It's late, or rather early, for you” I gently urged her.
“Quiero seguir hablando contigo, no hemos hablado en tanto tiempo, te he extrañado más que a nada” (I want to keep talking with you, we haven’t talk in so long, I missed you more than anything) she whispered softly, her voice full of longing.
Oh, Alexia, I miss you so much too, more than anyone or anything but I decided to ignore the comment
“Let's talk tomorrow, okay? ” I told her, trying to convince her to go to sleep.
“Okay, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Good night, cariño” she said casually, her voice soft and drowsy.
I don't think she realized the pet name she used because she was half asleep. It caught me off guard but made me smile.
“Goodnight, Alexia” I said simply. She smiled gently at me through the phone, and then there was a soft click as she hung up.
Having this conversation with her was really good. I feel so much lighter now. All the anger that had been weighing me down just disappeared. It feels so good to talk, even though we didn't address the problem directly.
Just hearing her voice and knowing she's there for me made everything better.
Over the next few days, I reached out to Carter, Madison, and Marcus to see if they were interested in going to New Zealand for the World Cup. They all responded with enthusiasm.
We then went online to purchase Spain jerseys. I chose Alexia's jersey, while Marcus and Madison went for Aitana's jersey. Carter, like me, opted for Alexia's jersey.
I sent a message to Alexia, informing her that we would be traveling to New Zealand to watch her play. She was thrilled and thanked us for the support.
We all agreed to invite Alba to join us. I feel it's time to finally forgive her. The three weeks apart have allowed my anger to dissipate, and I've realized how much I miss her.
This trip seems like the perfect opportunity to mend our relationship and enjoy an unforgettable experience together.
So that’s why I’m calling her right now.
“Hola” she answered the phone, sounding really confused.
“Hola, Alba,” I replied warmly. “Cómo estás?” (How are you?) I continued sweetly.
“Hola, Y/N. Estoy bien, ¿y tú?” (I’m fine, and you?) she asked back, her voice carrying a hint of curiosity.
“Estoy genial, gracias” (I’m great, thank you) I answered, trying to sound as cheerful as possible. “Te estoy llamando porque quería preguntarte algo” (I’m just calling because I wanted to ask you something) I continued, feeling a bit nervous.
“Dime” (Tell me) she said, her tone encouraging.
“Quería saber si te gustaría, ya sabes, venir a Nueva Zelanda conmigo y mis amigos” (I wanted to know if you would like to, you know, come to New Zealand with me and my friends) I asked, my voice wavering slightly. “Tuve una conversación con Alexia hace poco, y vamos a ver algunos de sus partidos y también pasar un tiempo allí de vacaciones” (I had a conversation with Alexia not long ago, and we’re going to see some of her matches and spend some time there for vacation as well) I continued, rambling nervously.
There was a moment of silence that felt like an eternity before she finally answered, “¡Sí, me encantaría ir con ustedes!” (Yes, I would love to come with you guys) she said, and I could hear the genuine smile in her voice.
“¡Eso es fantástico! ¡No puedo esperar! Um, ya sabes, también nos dará la oportunidad de hablar sobre, ya sabes, lo que pasó” (That’s fantastic! I can’t wait for it! Um, you know, it will also give us the opportunity to talk about, you know, what happened) I added, my nerves showing through.
“Sí, me gustaría hablar de todo eso contigo también” (Yes, I’d like to discuss all that with you too) she said, sounding relieved and perhaps a bit emotional.
“De acuerdo, te enviaré toda la información.” (Okay, well, I will text you all the info) I informed her, feeling a sense of relief wash over me.
“Sin problema, estoy feliz de que hayas llamado“ (No problem, Y/N. I’m really happy you called) she said, her voice filled with emotion, and I returned her words before we said our goodbyes.
We’ve been in New Zealand for about two days now.
After an incredibly long flight, we have finally landed in New Zealand two days ago.Alba is supposed to join us today, and I’m sure her arrival will make the trip even more exciting.
I did not have the chance to see Alexia in those two days,since she does not have much days off.
The Spanish team has played three matches so far and has won two of them, which is amazing. The excitement of the matches is palpable, and I can’t wait to see more of them in action.
Besides the matches, I’m looking forward to exploring this beautiful country with you all and creating unforgettable memories.
“Where is she? We've been waiting for like 20 minutes! Send her a message” Carter complained for what seemed like the hundredth time. We are currently at the airport about to pick up Alba.
“Oh, look, there she is!” Madison pointed out Alba and greeted her excitedly, waving and calling her name with enthusiasm.
Alba turned her head and upon seeing us, her face lit up with a big smile. She quickened her pace and approached us swiftly.
When she finally arrived, she greeted us all with tight hugs and kisses on the cheeks, her joy palpable.
When she reached me, she put her hand on the back of my head and hugged me so tightly I could barely breathe, but I hugged her back just as tightly, feeling her warmth and affection.
“I've missed you so much” she said in English with a voice that was almost breaking into tears. I hugged her even tighter if that was possible and echoed her words, feeling the emotion of the reunion.
We parted with a kiss on each cheek and, with a mix of laughter and chatter, headed towards our rental car.
After returning to the hotel, Alba and I engaged in a deep and emotional conversation that lasted at least an hour , with a few tears shed here and there.
She confessed how terrible she felt about the hurtful comment she had made and how she had ignored me when Marina was around.
Her voice was filled with genuine remorse, and I could see the regret in her eyes.
Alba promised that she would never behave that way again and, in a light-hearted moment, even said I could slap her if she ever did. She went on to tell me how much she missed me and how everyone in Bali missed me too.
She mentioned that the trip would have been so much better if I had been there, and hearing that truly touched my heart. It made me realize how much I mean to them and how much they value my presence.
I forgave her wholeheartedly, understanding that time has allowed me to heal and that it’s now time to move forward. I feel that this experience has the potential to make our friendship stronger than ever.
Perhaps we needed this argument to reinforce our bond and understand each other better. With a tight hug and a playful slap on my ass, we left the hotel, ready to explore the vibrant city of Aucklan.
After a long day of sightseeing, we finally got back to the hotel to freshen up and prepare ourselves for the match tonight. Spain is playing against Switzerland, and the excitement was palpable. I headed to the bathroom for a quick shower, eager to get ready for the evening.
As I was getting dressed, my eyes fell upon that familiar small box with the butterfly necklace inside. I hesitated, debating whether or not to wear it. After a few minutes of contemplation, I decided to put it on, feeling a sense of comfort and connection as I clasped it around my neck.
While rummaging through my suitcase for my jersey, Alba emerged from the bathroom, her hair still damp and a playful smirk on her face. Her eyes immediately went to the necklace I was wearing.
“Lo sabía, se vería realmente hermoso en ti” (I knew it would look really beautiful on you) she said, her smile gentle. “Yo la ayudé a elegirlo, ¿sabes?” (I helped her choose it, you know.)
“¿De verdad?” (Really?) I asked, genuinely surprised.
“Sí, pero fue idea de ella añadir las iniciales. ¿Verdad que fue lindo?” (Yeah, but it was her idea to add the initials. That was cute, right?) she added smugly, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
I couldn't help but smile back at her. I had missed her teasing more than I would like to admit. It felt good to have this moment, a reminder of our deep bond and the shared memories that made our friendship so special.
I playfully rolled my eyes at her and was about to put on my jersey when Alba stopped me.
“Espera, no te lo pongas todavía, tengo algo más” (Wait, don’t put it on yet, I have something else) she said, rummaging through her suitcase with a determined look on her face.
I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, curious about what she could possibly have. She finally pulled out another jersey of Alexia’s and handed it to me.
“Alba, es la misma camiseta que compré” (Alba, it’s the same jersey that I bought) I told her, puzzled, as I was about to give it back.
“Dale la vuelta” (Turn it around) she said, rolling her eyes with a knowing smile.
I turned the jersey around, and there, on the number 11, it was written with a sharpie, “Una camiseta especial para alguien especial” (A special jersey for my special someone.) I immediately recognized Alexia’s handwriting, and my heart skipped a beat.
My cheeks blushed at that, feeling a warm rush of emotions.
“Alexia me dijo que te la diera” (Alexia told me to give it to you) Alba said, smiling gently at me before returning to the bathroom to continue getting ready.
I put the jersey on, and it smelled exactly like Alexia, bringing a sense of comfort and closeness. She is so sweet.
Take that, Marina—I bet Alexia didn’t give you her jersey with a cute message like this.
We arrived at the stadium, and the energy was palpable with a crowd already gathered. We found our seats near the field, eagerly anticipating the events to unfold.
The atmosphere shifted as the Spanish team players emerged from the tunnels, greeted by enthusiastic cheers. Alexia, with her slightly faded pink hair, immediately caught my eye. She looked impeccable in her suit, AirPods in, exuding confidence and focus.
As Alexia and her teammates inspected the field, their concentration was evident. They took in every detail, preparing themselves mentally for the match ahead.
Then, Alexia turned her head, and our eyes met. A wide smile spread across her face as she waved at me. I waved back, feeling a rush of excitement. Noticing she had her phone, I gestured for her to check it.
“Thank you so much for the jersey, I love it” I messaged her. I looked up to see her reaction. She read the message, then looked up and blew me a kiss with a wink, making my heart flutter.
Alexia then spotted Alba, Marcus, Carter, and Madison. Their faces lit up with big smiles and enthusiastic greetings. Alba blew her a kiss, which Alexia caught and placed on her heart, a gesture of the deep bond and affection among friends.
After a while the players all went back to the tunnels.
The whistle blew, signaling the end of the match. Spain had an easy victory, dominating Switzerland with a 5-1 scoreline.
The stadium erupted with cheers, singing, and dancing as fans celebrated Spain's qualification for the quarter-finals. Alexia and her teammates were visibly elated, their faces beaming with joy and pride.
After soaking in the jubilant atmosphere for a while, we decided to leave the stadium. It was quite late, and our stomachs were rumbling, so we headed to a nearby restaurant to grab a bite to eat.
The streets were alive with fans celebrating Spain's victory, adding to the festive mood.
While we were at the restaurant, I received a message from Alexia. She told me that she would have some time off the next morning and asked if I wanted to join her for breakfast. Without hesitation, I accepted her invitation, eager to spend some quality time with her.
Later that night, as I lay in bed, I continued texting Alexia. She seemed very angry and frustrated because there were ongoing issues with the coaching staff. I did my best to comfort her, offering words of support and encouragement, but it was tough as she was clearly very upset.
I hoped that our breakfast together in the morning would lift her spirits and bring some much-needed positivity.
I stood in front of the hotel, my heart racing as I waited for Alexia. She had texted me moments ago, saying she’d be here in just a few minutes, but each second felt like an eternity. The anticipation was almost overwhelming—I hadn’t seen her in what felt like forever, and the thought of being near her again made my chest tighten with longing.
And then, suddenly, I saw her. She was across the street, her figure unmistakable even from a distance. Alexia was dressed in a Spain training kit, the familiar colors bringing a rush of memories flooding back.
Her pink hair was pulled back in a loose ponytail, some strands gently framing her face. In her hand, she held a bouquet of flowers,more specifically roses,my favorite.
The sight of her took my breath away, and for a moment, I could do nothing but stand there, captivated.
She hadn’t noticed me yet, and I felt a sudden, urgent need to be closer to her, to close the distance that had separated us for too long.
Without thinking, I stepped off the curb, my eyes locked on her. But I was so mesmerized by the sight of her that I didn’t see the car coming.
The blare of a horn jolted me back to reality, and I snapped my head to the right, just in time to see the car screech to a halt.
My heart pounded in my chest, but I quickly raised my hand in a gesture of apology to the driver, mouthing a hurried “sorry” before practically sprinting across the street.
As I drew nearer, Alexia’s eyes finally met mine. She must have seen everything—my near miss with the car, the way I had been so lost in thoughts of her that I hadn’t even looked before crossing.
But instead of the concern I expected, her face lit up with the brightest smile, one that made my heart swell with so much emotion I thought it might burst.
She opened her arms wide, and I didn’t hesitate for a second. I rushed into her embrace, wrapping my arms around her with all the pent-up longing I had been carrying for so long.
Being in her arms again was like coming home. The familiar scent of her skin, the warmth of her body pressed against mine, the way her strong arms enveloped me—it was everything I had missed, everything I had dreamed of in the quiet moments when the distance between us had felt unbearable.
I buried my face in the crook of her neck, inhaling deeply, trying to memorize every detail of this moment.
Alexia’s hug was firm and reassuring, and when she lifted me off the ground, spinning me around, a laugh bubbled up from deep inside me, full of pure, unfiltered joy. I could feel her laughter too, rumbling softly against my chest as she held me.
“¿No te dije que miraras a ambos lados antes de cruzar la calle?” (Didn’t I tell you to look both ways before crossing the street?) she whispered into my ear, her voice teasing but full of affection.
Her breath was warm against my skin, and the sound of her voice sent a shiver down my spine. I couldn’t help but laugh again, the tension and anxiety that had been building up inside me all day finally melting away.
“I missed you so much,” I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper, but I knew she heard me. I could feel her smile widen against my cheek, and she squeezed me even tighter, as if she never wanted to let me go.
After what felt like both an eternity and an instant, we finally pulled back, though neither of us seemed eager to break the contact entirely. She gently lowered me back to the ground, her hands lingering on my arms, as if grounding me, keeping me close. Then, with that same tender smile, she held out the flowers she had been carrying all along.
“For you,” she said softly, her eyes full of warmth and something else—something that made my heart skip a beat.
“Thank you, Alexia,” I replied, my voice thick with emotion as I took the flowers from her. I brought it to my nose, inhaling the sweet fragrance, but all I could really smell was her.
I looked up at her, unable to keep the smile from my face, and I knew in that moment that no matter how far apart we had been, we were here now, together.
"Let's go eat; I'm hungry," she said with a smile, extending her hand toward me. I reached out and took it, her touch warm and familiar, and together we started walking.
The time I spent with Alexia felt almost surreal, as if no time had passed since we were last together. It was like slipping back into a comfortable rhythm, where everything between us just flowed naturally.
We talked about everything and nothing, our conversation as easy and effortless as it had always been. Laughter filled the air, and for a while, it felt as though the weight of the past few months had lifted.
We just catched up on those few weeks that we spend apart.
But eventually, the conversation turned to the topic we had both been quietly avoiding—my decision to end things between us. We spoke a little bit more in details about it, all the things that I could not said that night that I “broke up” with her I told them now.
I could see the sadness in her eyes as we talked, a hint of melancholy that tugged at my heart.
Yet, despite the pain, she listened carefully, nodding in understanding. She didn’t try to argue; instead, she respected my decision, something that only deepened my admiration for her.
The maturity and grace with which she handled the situation reminded me of why I had fallen for her in the first place.
At one point, her gaze dropped to the necklace I was wearing—the one she had given me. Her eyes softened as she noticed it, and I saw a flicker of surprise mixed with something like relief. I realized then that I had never properly thanked her for the gift.
So, in that quiet moment, I finally expressed my gratitude, telling her how much it meant to me and how I had kept it close, even after everything.
She smiled, a genuine and heartfelt smile that made my chest tighten with emotion.
After about an hour,Alexia walked me back to my hotel, our hands brushing against each other occasionally as we walked side by side. When we reached the entrance, she turned to me, her expression gentle and full of warmth.
Leaning in, she placed a soft kiss on my cheek, the gesture simple yet filled with affection.
“I'll text you later,” she promised, her voice soft, almost a whisper. I nodded, smiling at her, knowing that even though things were different now, there was still something strong and unspoken between us.
As I watched her walk away, I felt a mixture of emotions—gratitude, sadness, and a lingering sense of connection. It was a bittersweet reminder that while things may have changed, some bonds are too strong to ever truly break.
I’ve been in New Zealand for just over a week now, and it’s been such a refreshing experience. The country is absolutely stunning, with its breathtaking landscapes and peaceful atmosphere.
I’ve spent most of my time simply enjoying the beauty of the surroundings and taking some much-needed time to relax and recharge.
Marcus, Madison, and Carter all left the day after the intense quarterfinal match between Spain and the Netherlands. It was an exhilarating game, with Spain emerging victorious once again, solidifying their place as one of the top teams in the tournament.
After they departed, it was just Alba and me for a few days, which gave us some time to bond and explore the area together.
Later, Eli and Alexia’s uncle and some friends joined us minus Marina,she had to word thanks God. That added a new dynamic to the group and made things more lively.
Spain then faced Sweden in the semifinals, and it was another thrilling match. Spain pulled off another impressive win, which meant they secured their spot in the final. The excitement among everyone was undeniable. The atmosphere was electric, with celebrations all around.
Alexia, in particular, was over the moon with joy, as were her teammates. You could really feel the pride and happiness radiating from them—it was such a special moment for all of them.
When it comes to Alexia, I haven’t been able to spend as much time with her as I would have liked. Her training schedule has been intense, so she’s been focused and busy preparing for the matches.
However, I did manage to carve out some quality time with her and her family, which I really cherished.
Even when we weren’t physically together, we stayed in close contact through phone calls, FaceTime, and constant messaging. It was nice to keep that connection strong, even with everything going on.
Today is the big day—the World Cup final. England versus Spain. The anticipation is overwhelming, and I can’t help but feel incredibly nervous yet excited for the outcome. I’m really hoping Spain takes home the win.
They’ve worked so hard and gone through so much to get here, and they truly deserve to lift that trophy after everything they’ve endured.
The atmosphere in the stadium was absolutely electric, with the tension and excitement hanging thick in the air. Both English and Spanish fans filled the stands, their voices blending into a roaring sea of cheers and chants for their respective teams.
The energy was contagious, and you could feel the passion radiating from every corner of the stadium.
Alba, Eli, Alexia’s uncle, and all of Alexia’s friends were completely caught up in the moment, cheering at the top of their lungs. The excitement was overwhelming, and we were all proudly sporting Alexia’s jersey, a united front of support for her. We were on the edge of our seats, anxiously waiting for that breakthrough moment.
Finally, after nearly 30 minutes of nail-biting tension, Spain scored. The stadium erupted into pure chaos. Everyone around us was euphoric, jumping up and down with pure joy, screaming and hugging each other.
It was a moment of collective celebration, with emotions running high and the feeling of victory inching closer.
As the clock ticked into the 90th minute, the anticipation grew even stronger. Then, finally, Alexia stepped onto the field. The crowd’s response was immediate—cheers and applause filled the air as she joined the game.
Her presence alone seemed to elevate the energy in the stadium even more.
With 15 more minutes added, the tension was almost unbearable. Then, at last, the final whistle blew. A wave of emotion washed over the field, and every player seemed to collapse—some from sheer happiness, others from the weight of disappointment.
From where I stood, I could see Alexia lying on the pitch, surrounded by her teammates who were leaping onto her in celebration. It was a moment of pure joy, a culmination of everything they had worked for, and it was incredible to witness it all unfold.
Eli pulled all of us into a heartfelt group hug as we celebrated the incredible victory. Our cheers were filled with uncontainable joy, and the tears streaming down our faces were a testament to our deep happiness.
It was an emotional and beautiful moment, seeing Spain triumphantly win the World Cup. The sense of accomplishment and elation was palpable, and the scene was truly unforgettable—one we will always cherish as a perfect culmination of their hard-fought journey.
Once we finally managed to steady our emotions, the scene on the field was nothing short of magical. The players were awarded their well-deserved medals, and the moment Spain lifted the World Cup trophy was met with a surge of cheers and applause.
The stadium buzzed with an electrifying atmosphere as fans celebrated the culmination of a remarkable journey.
The players took their time to engage with the crowd, posing for photos and signing autographs. Their joy was evident, and they seemed genuinely thrilled to share this victory with their supporters. It was a beautiful display of gratitude and connection between the team and the fans.
As the crowd began to thin out, a few of us made our way onto the field to find Alexia. The security staff, allowed us access. When Alexia spotted her family, she didn’t just walk; she sprinted towards them with such speed and emotion that it was as if she was propelled by sheer joy.
She embraced her mother and sister tightly, tears streaming down her face, her happiness radiating in every direction.
Her interactions with her friends were equally heartfelt. She greeted each one with the same infectious enthusiasm and warmth, her smile never fading.
I stood a little to the side, giving her the space she needed to enjoy these precious moments with her family and friends, while I chatted with the families of other players who were also basking in the afterglow of the victory.
Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Alexia scanning the crowd, her gaze searching for someone. She turned to her mother, who pointed in my direction.
When Alexia’s eyes finally locked onto mine, a look of recognition and excitement crossed her face. She made a beeline towards me, her expression filled with joy and relief.
As we met halfway, she enveloped me in a tight, heartfelt hug, lifting me off the ground with an energy that matched the day’s celebrations.
I whispered, “You did it,” into her ear, and as she buried her face in my neck, I felt a tender kiss graze my skin—a fleeting, sweet gesture that spoke volumes.
After a few moments of this intimate embrace, we slowly pulled away, but Alexia kept me close, wrapping her arm around my shoulders.
She led me back to where her friends and family were gathered, her presence and warmth a constant source of comfort and joy amidst the ongoing celebrations.
After a while of mingling, celebrating with friends and family, and capturing memories with photos, it was just Alexia and me left on the small stage situated in the center of the field.
The revelry had started to wind down, and the festive atmosphere was beginning to settle into a more intimate moment.
We sat close together on the stage, surrounded by a sea of confetti that glittered in the fading light. I found myself idly playing with the colorful pieces scattered around us, a tangible reminder of the day’s excitement.
“I still can’t believe you’re a world champion now,” I said, my voice full of excitement. I gently touched the medal draped around her neck, admiring it’s shine and significance.
Alexia looked at me with a mix of disbelief and joy. “I can’t believe it either,” she responded, then, with a smile, she carefully removed her medal and placed it around my neck.
The gesture was both symbolic and heartfelt, and I couldn’t help but grin as I felt the weight of her achievement resting on me.
She moved even closer, wrapping her arms around my shoulders in a tender embrace. I leaned into her, feeling a deep sense of contentment as she planted a soft, affectionate kiss on my cheek.
The warmth of her touch and the intimacy of the moment made it feel even more special.
In a hushed tone, she whispered, “Estoy lista” (I’m ready.)Her words were gentle but filled with a depth of emotion that caught me off guard. I looked at her, confusion and curiosity mingling in my expression.
“I’m ready to start a relationship…with you,” she continued, her voice steady but heartfelt. “I want us to be together officially.”
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luvyeni · 1 year
❛DONT GO INTO THE WOODS❜ ( l. felix )
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p. fairy!felix x human!reader w. 1.9k+
warnings? yandere themes, oral ( f. receiving ), unprotected sex, mind control
— 𖦹 ( your mom always told you never to go into the woods) !
freaktober masterlist
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the first time you were told to never go into the woods you were 5 – that was the first time you saw him. he was the same age as you , but you could tell he was different from you , you didn’t have pointy ears and iridescent wings.
he was playing around and you being the curious little kid you were , you approached him. “hi.” he stopped what he was doing standing up. “you can’t be in these woods.” you frowned. “you’re a human.” he said handing you a flower. “people get lost when they come in here.” now that should���ve scared you , but as a kid you had no fears.
he took you by the hand , guiding you out of the woods safely. “keep this flower , i’ll see you when we’re older , my name is felix.” you didn’t know what that mean , but before you could ask him , he just disappeared. you couldn’t even process what was going on because soon enough you had been pulled into a tight hug by your mother who was crying.
“listen to me , never go into those woods okay , don’t go into those woods.” she said through tears. “why are you crying mommy?” your little self was confused. “i’m just happy you’re home.” you didn’t know what that meant at the time , but when you got older your mother told something that shocked you. you weren’t in the woods for a few minutes like you thought – you had been missing in those woods for 3 days.
that was years ago , you’re now an adult , you moved away from your home , graduated school , got a good paying job , and a lovely boyfriend – life was good , but you for some reason you always felt tied back to your childhood home – to those woods , to felix.
“hi mom.” you walked into the house , your mom wrapped her arms around you , she never really got over those horrible 3 days , never really letting you out her sight , she was devastated when you moved away for college , so you tried to come and visit her whenever you could. “ah! my daughter , you’re home.” you smiled. “and you bought your wonderful boyfriend , come in and get settled , i’m gonna start cooking.”
“your mother loves you so much.” you nodded unpacking your bags. “she’s a little overprotective , but that’s just because of what happened when i was 5.” you said. “what happened?” your boyfriend asked. “see those woods outside my bedroom? i was lost for three days in those woods.” you said. “oh my god , how can you be so calm.” you shrugged. “because to me it only felt like a couple minutes.” your boyfriend look bewildered. “what?”
“yeah , people say that the woods are magic , as a kid i believed it , i even imagined a fairy boy around my age , he even gave me a flower , his name was felix.” you laughed. “you have a wild imagination.” he wrapped arms around your waist. ‘you will be mine’ you furrowed your eyebrows. “you okay baby?” you shook the thought away , smiling. “yup , i’m fine , let’s go help mom.”
the night went on , and soon it was nightfall and everyone said their good nights , going to their respective rooms. you one the other hand – you sat up in bed , you couldn’t sleep , your mind still on the woods , and that fairy boy from all those years ago. ‘come to me’
there was that voice again , you looked around and saw nothing. ‘come to me my love’ you got up , slipping on your slippers , covering yourself with your robe. “baby?” you heard your boyfriends sleepy voice. “just gonna get some water baby , go back to bed.” you smiled , he nodded muttering a i love you before opening up the bedroom door – something catching your attention on the floor , a flower , a bunch of flowers , the same one that imagined the fairy giving you. ‘follow the flowers my love.’ you picked up the flowers , that made their way all the way to the front door. ‘open the door my love.’
you don’t know why you were listening to this voice , it was like you couldn’t stop yourself – you kept walking and walking until you reached that forbidden place , the place where you first saw him. ‘let me lead you’ it was like you had no control over your body , like your feet were moving on its own , deeper into the woods – your house slowly getting smaller until you could no longer see it.
Your feet carried you further and further until you reached a house , but not just any house , a tree house , the door was slightly open , you pushed it open , walking in. “hello?” you finally felt like you had control over your body and your voice. “is anybody there?” you heard something coming from a room , following the noise , you found yourself outside a bedroom. “come in my love.” you heard a deep voice. “i’ve been waiting for you.”
“who are you?” he turned around , and you were stunned. his angel like face , freckles scattered all over his face , his blue hair adding on to his magical look. but what tied his magical look together was the iridescent wings – you remember those wings from anywhere , those wings had never left your mind. “you’re him , you’re the little fairy boy , felix!”
he smiled , making his was over to you. “i knew you’d remember me , i knew my angel would find me.” he said , his hand coming up to caress your face , you should’ve stopped him , but you couldn’t , his touch just felt normal. “did you like your gift?” you held the flowers. “they’re really beautiful , i kept the one you gave me when were kids until it died , i was so sad when it died.” you said. “i know i saw and felt how sad you were.” he said. “y-you felt it.” you stuttered , he nodded taking the flowers from you , sitting them in a empty vase , like he’s been waiting. “i’ve been tied to you since that day , no matter how far you went , i could always feel everything you were feeling , see everything you were doing.”
“e-everything?” he slowly turned to you. “yes angel , everything – i could feel when you were sad , i saw when you cried.” he slowly walked over to you , backing you into a wall. “i felt when you were angry.” his hand coming up to your robe tie , pulling at it. “i could feel when you were horny , and when you would fuck your little fingers into your dripping hole.” his deep voice soaking your panties. “i could see it all.”
your breathing was so heaving , his fingers tracing your body. “m-my boyfriend.” his eyes turned dark. “he doesn’t matter anymore , none of them do , you’ll never see them again.” he pushed the robe off your shoulders , letting it hit the floor , leaving you in your short night gown. “you even dressed so pretty for me.”
he pushed you down on his bed , hovering over your body. “the day you came into my woods i knew i had to make you mine.” he kissed the inside of your thighs. “y-your woods?” you were so confused , you couldn’t understand a thing he was saying. “these woods baby , they’re mine.” he pulled your panties down your legs. “the creatures and other beings in these woods , they’re under me , and soon you too.” he kissed your pussy. “my queen.”
“felix!” you shrieked feeling his tongue dragging up and down your folds. “taste so fucking sweet baby.” he groaned against your cunt , the vibrations making you moan. “such a tasty pussy.” the fairy ate you like a starved man , his wings flapping behind him , grinding against the bed as he shoved his tongue deeper into your hole. “fuck , fuck felix i’m gonna cum.” you screamed.
he pulled away , shoving two of his fingers into your hole. “wanna stretch you out before you take my cock.” he thrusted his fingers in and out of your hole. “gonna take it like a good girl right , let me fuck your pussy open?” you nodded , moaning. “then cum for me.” he kissed your clit , taking in your all your juices as you came. “shit!”
he lifted your night gown over your body , taking his pants off , he looked ethereal his naked body hovering over yours. “gonna fuck you now.” He rubbed his cock on your folds. “you feel so warm.” you moaned , as he grabbed the base of his cock , sliding into your dripping hole. “fuck you feel like heaven angel.” he groaned , his cock stretching you out as he seethed himself inside you. “just perfect.”
he moved his hips , grabbing your jaw. “look at me princess , keep your eyes on me.” he moaned , his eyes pulling you deeper into his trance. “as of tonight , you’re mine.” he grunted. “forget about your old life , spend the rest of your days as my queen right? you nodded , basically signing your life away , but you could care less with the way he was fucking you. “y-yes.”
upon hearing the small yes they fell from your lips , he sped his movements up , rutting into much faster. “f-felix.” you felt your orgasm bubbling up. “gonna cum angel , let me feel you cum all over my cock.” he rubbed your clit , you , your cunt squeezing tightly as you came.
“fu-fuck , i wanted to wait until we were wed to fuck you full of my kids , but you’re squeezing me so tight.” he cursed. “gonna cum inside you -fuck- tonight.” he groaned. “give me a heir to the throne.” he thrust faltering , thrusting one , two , three times before cumming inside your cunt. “fuck!”
you laid in his bed while he heated up the bath , getting inside with you , washing your skin. “so pretty.” he whispered , kissing your delicate skin , he finally got you , after years of waiting for your return , he finally got you. “you can’t escape me baby , these woods they’re different , they listen to me.” he kissed your temple.
“you’re all mines and all mines , forever.”
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httpsdana · 22 days
prompts #7 and #14 w gavi please!!
Busy Schedules~Pablo Gavi
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*Pictures are from Pinterest*
I hope you enjoy this one <3
request from here
master list
players/drivers I write for
7-"my favorite new pillow" "I can't breathe" "I don't care"
14-"I missed you"
Due to university, and Gavi's recovery, y/n had barely any time to visit Pablo or see him. They would facetime at night before sleeping,and send good morning texts in the morning. Other than that, they haven't seen each other for about two weeks.
y/n had texted Gavi, telling him that she finished her classes early due to one of her teachers being absent, and that she'll be waiting for him in his apartment when he arrives from training.
Gavi texted her back telling her that he can't wait to see her. y/n arrived to his apartment, using the spare key he had given her.
She went to Gavi's room and dropped her bag on his bed. She decided to take a small shower, so she can freshen up before her boyfriend arrives.
She changed into one of his jersey after the shower and decided to watch a movie in the living room.
y/n was too engulfed in the movie, that she didn't hear Pablo enter through the front door.
Pablo entered his house with a wide smile, excited to see his girlfriend that he hasn't seen in a while. He took of his shoes and dropped his bag on the ground, before skipping to the living room.
He smiled when he saw his girlfriend cuddled up with a blanket, wearing his jersey.
"hey you" he said, making her look up at him quickly. She jumped from her seat with a smile, running towards him and jumping in his arms.
He buried his face deep into her neck, taking in the scent of her shampoo which he loves oh so much.
"I missed you" he murmured, his arms tightening around her waist.
"I missed you more. it's been a while" she mumbled, pressing a small kiss on his neck, before lifting her head to look at his face.
She smiled at his grin, leaning down and pecking his lips. Before she could say anything, Gavi dropped her on the couch, jumping over her and laying on top of her.
"my new favorite pillow" he said into her neck.
"I can't breathe" she choked out, feeling Pablo's heavy weight all over her
"I don't care" he hummed, breathing out deeply
"you've missed me that much huh?" she teased, looking down at his closed eyes and peaceful face.
"you have no idea. i hate that I can't have you by my side each morning" he mumbled, looking up at her with a pout.
She laughed, leaning down and kissing his pout away. She ran her fingers through his hair, placing her face in his face. She breathed in his scent, before kissing the top of his head.
"let's get up and make some food together. i missed cooking with you" she said, making him look at her with an excited grin
"yes! oh we should make that pasta recipe Pedri's mom gave us. it was so good" he said enthusiastically, getting up from the couch.
He pulled y/n up with him, throwing her over his shoulder as she laughed loudly, while he carried her to the kitchen so they can make themselves some food and enjoyed each other's company as much as possible.
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kenananamin · 11 months
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Family, meet family
Summary: After leaving the jujutsu world behind and moving away to start his family, Nanami Kento wonders if his kids will ever meet the people he considers his family back in Tokyo. fluff, time skip, everyone is happy and everything is ideal (just let me pretend and be delusional w me pls), nanami x fem!reader, the very end implies a big spoiler (a/n: for easier reading I will be giving the kids names but feel free to imagine another name if you'd like. and going along with the fact that nanami is a girl dad, he's got his girls in this story. the eldest is june and the youngest is kai. this will be what happened after the ending of my other story "All I ask, all I want". thank you anon for this idea, i hope you enjoy 🖤)
It was a busy day at the bakery and Nanami had taken the girls upstairs to get them ready for bed. It has been four years since Nanami left the jujutsu world and although he wanted to go as far as as he could to escape everything and everyone that could harm his family, your family settled in Iwakuni, Japan. It was a small city and not the secluded town Nanami thought he'd end up in once he had a family, but it was comfortable enough for Nanami to live in and a perfect sized community for his kids to grow up in.
Nanami had bought a newer built house for the family and surprised you when he said he wanted to add space to the house... for a bakery. You were a few months pregnant at the time he brought up this idea and as scary as it was to start a business during such a changing time, the sparkle in his eyes when he brought up the idea convinced you. He had the addition finished when your eldest was 3 months old and Ami Bakery was opened for business by the time she was 7 months old. Your house always smelled like bread from Nanami's trial and error baking and neighbors quickly flocked to the new bakery. You were both more than thankful for the business, but it did leave the whole family tired at the end of the day.
You finish wiping down the counter, turn off the lights, and lock the door from the bakery leading into the rest of the house. You hear very soft giggling from the girls upstairs and you smile while ascending the stairs and heading into their room, "It's time to sleep, close your eyes and stop giggling." Your three and two year old giggle a bit more before snuggling into their blankets and giving a soft ok. You lean down to kiss them goodnight before leaving their room to find your husband.
Nanami was sitting at his desk in your joint office with only a small desk light on and a small opened box in front of him. You close the gap and hug him from behind to look at what he's so focused on. Your head is next to his and you wait for him to speak after seeing the picture he's holding.
Nanami turns his head to kiss your cheek and begins, "June is learning about family trees at daycare. Mom, dad, aunts, uncles, grandparents... she asked if they had any aunts and uncles from me." Nanami tilts the photo in your direction, a beach outing that Gojo had insisted on. The first and second years were present and everyone was smiling or at least looking at the camera. Nanami is in the corner, but you could tell he stepped closer for the photo. "This is all I could think of. I have my family here, you and them... but they were my family too. This is their family, their aunts, uncles, cousins even if they'd like that instead."
He puts the photo down and grabs the Jujutsu pin from the box with a few more photos. You rub his shoulders and rub your face in his neck while you say, "Yuji hasn't called in a while, why don't you call and ask if he'd like to visit for a few days? He can tell the others and we'll set up the rooms for them. And we'll even put them to work in the bakery, they might bring in some more customers wanting to see their pretty faces."
Nanami laughs at the suggestion but shakes his head, "They're too busy. None of them can leave Tokyo for a few days right now." He sighs and puts the pin and photo back in the box.
You snuggle your face into the crook of his neck and ask, "What if we went to Tokyo instead? Besides Yuji coming down to visit and a couple calls with Megumi and Gojo, nobody else has had the chance to meet the girls."
Nanami looks at you, somewhat surprised by the suggestion of visiting Tokyo with the girls. He looks at the opened box and after a moment of contemplating, Nanami smiles and kisses your cheek again.
Nanami stops just outside the steps of the school and kneels down to eye level with the girls, "You need to tell me if you see something weird or if something scares you. Please, tell me if you feel uncomfortable and want to go, we'll leave immediately." The girls nod and impatiently jump to start ascending the steps.
Nanami had always wondered if the girls inherited anything. He didn't want them to see any curses and would exorcise any he would see before the girls even noticed. He never wanted the girls to know fear at such a young age and he'd protect them from it as much as he could.
He stands back up and faces you, "You need to tell me if you feel anything too. Even if you don't see it, I don't want you to be uncomfortable." He knew you were a non-sorcerer but he'd always check in with you for any bad feelings. You nod and smile to try to ease his worry and nerves from being back in Tokyo.
"Nanamin!" You both hear fast steps heading towards your family and you turn to see an excited Yuji running at full-speed.
Nanami steps away from the girls sensing that Yuji would jump on him as soon as he got close… and he did. Yuji was not small by any means and Nanami stumbled but he held him tightly as the young man wrapped his legs around his old mentor.
On the way to Tokyo, Nanami told you everything he knew about what the students were doing. Gojo would occasionally send him updates but Yuji was the one who would blow up his phone at least once a month with updates from everyone.
Yuji had graduated from Jujutsu High and was working as a full-time sorcerer with a few of his classmates. Megumi joined Yuji as a full-time sorcerer and both would go on missions while doing special field classes with the current students. Nobara was designing her own clothes and working as a photographer while in fashion design school, but would get called in if she was needed. 
The students who were in their second year when Nanami left were in similar situations. Maki was still based in Tokyo but was planning to make her return to the Zen’in Clan soon, Yuta had returned to Tokyo and would often get sent to special overseas missions wherever needed like Gojo, Inumaki and Panda were working alongside Yaga and were very important factors to the current student’s education and training. 
Gojo was still as Nanami described, “just Gojo.” Only this time, he would say it with a smile on his face instead of the annoyance previously there. Gojo had tried visiting before but those plans were always interrupted by some other thing. Nanami would smile and say it would happen next time, but you could clearly see his disappointment. He would spend those early mornings before the cancellations getting the girls in their best outfits and would make more of his special bread that was usually just reserved for you and the girls.
But now, even with the young man dangling on his body and putting more strain than usual on his back, Nanami was happy. He held onto his student - no, his friend, and would not let him go until Yuji himself got off.
“Itadori, get off of Nanami-sensei,” Megumi calmly walked to the group and slightly bowed to you and the girls.
Yuji puts his legs down and stands before leaving Nanami’s arms and going straight to you. You open your arms for him and he gladly accepts with a tight hug that’s followed by him picking you up and slightly wiggling you, “I’m so excited you’re all here! I have so many places lined up but you can choose where we go! And I have so much to tell you!”
You laugh and nod, the tight hug not really letting you speak. Yuji lets you go and you finally see his wide smile again. It’s the same smile he had when he first visited you guys in Iwakuni, healthy and happy. Yuji turns to the girls and kneels to open his arms. Megumi follows suit next to Yuji and extends his hand to give them a handshake. Kai turns to Megumi after her hug with Yuji and lifts her arms for him.
Yuji is carrying a giggling June on his shoulders while skipping. Megumi is carefully holding a quiet Kai who is just quietly staring at him like her life depended on it. “Like calls to like,” Nanami says while holding your hand and laughing at the scene of his kids all together.
You hear a few quick clicks as soon as everyone is entering one of the buildings on the grounds. You turn and see a young woman holding a camera. She stands straight and starts bickering with Yuji about them taking too long. She ignores Yuji’s last remark and goes to greet you both with a warm smile. She introduces herself as Nobara, and she is even prettier than the photos you last saw of her.
She shows you the photos she took of the girls with the 'idiots' and a photo of you and Nanami smiling at the kids, then hands you her card “for any future photographer needs.” She turns back around towards the girls and starts complimenting June on her beautiful hair and Kai on her beautiful light brown eyes. She tells the guys to let them down and points her camera at the girls. Nobara moves around while getting different angles before asking if they could go out to the yard for the natural lighting.  
Down by the trees Nobara wanted to take photos at, a female voice called out for Nanami. You both turn and you immediately recognize the woman who once helped you as Shoko and the man who would always talk very highly of your husband as Ino. Nanami waved to Shoko as she returned a warm smile while Ino dismissed a few current students that were with them both.
"I'm sorry if you were in a class, I didn’t mean to interrupt anything," Nanami stepped towards his old friends and Ino reached for a hug. It wasn't the same clinging hug as Yuji but Ino had his eyes closed and was completely focused on the hug. After a hug that might've been too long for most people, Ino stepped away from the hug but was still laser focused on his old teacher. You could see his eyes drifting all over Nanami's face while he spoke. He was looking at his friend while he spoke, but noted the crows feet and smile lines that were finally being marked after decades of a stoic face, and his overall aging face. You knew that Nanami had noticed Ino's stare as well, his observation skills from being a sorcerer never departed and he noticed everything, but he knew better than to point out certain things. This was one of them, he did not mind Ino looking at every detail of his face... because he was doing the same.
Everyone was older. It was amazing to see the students get older, but seeing the people he grew up with get older even by a bit was a happy but grim reminder of the time that passed without each other. He was truly thankful that he could spend another moment with his family and friends after years of not being in the same space as them. It had only been a few years, but it was far too long for everyone.
Panda, Inumaki and Maki start coming down to the yard from the same direction that Shoko and Ino had come from. Panda starts a light jog towards the group and you hear an audible gasp from the girls after seeing a panda act like a human. Kai went to hide behind Megumi, or Goomi as she started calling him, and June went to Nanami's side while staring at the approaching Panda.
"Nanami-sensei, it's been a while," Maki smiled at you and her old teacher while swinging the staff she was carrying behind her arm.
"Salmon," Inumaki waved to the group followed by quiet giggles from beside Nanami.
"Salmon?" June giggled but still hid behind Nanami and kept an eye out for the panda.
After June's giggles as the trio all got closer, Gojo just... appeared. Despite Nanami telling you what Gojo could do, it was surprising to see anyone appear anywhere in a split second. "Well, looks like I'm the last one to the party." Gojo takes off his blindfold and puts on his glasses.
"Don't worry, we expected that," Maki waves him off and lightly grazes Kai's hand that's tightly holding onto Megumi. She might not be as playful or expressive with the girls as the other kids but she was trying to get close in her own way.
With Gojo's arrival, Nanami leans down to pick June up and motions for Megumi to pick up Kai and bring her to him, "I want you guys to meet someone," Nanami takes Kai from Megumi's arms. Holding both girls in his arms, he tells you to step closer before pointing his head to the adults and his old students that have now gathered as a small group, "Family... meet family."
June and Kai look at the group and start with small smiles. They both had opposite personalities but the girls were very warm with any new people they met. But June broke into a wide smile first, "Family?" Nanami nodded with a big smile and June turns back to the group, "Family!"
June reaches for Shoko's hand and she steps forward to playfully shake your daughter's hand while Kai lays her head on Nanami's shoulder. Gojo got close to Kai and stroked her back to get her to look at him. "I'm Uncle Gojo," he smiled at the little girl, "you can call me if you're in trouble but don't want to tell your parents."
"Gojo, she's two. And please don't tell my daughter that," Nanami sternly told Gojo but the small grin on his face made Gojo double down on the girls calling him for help.
Nanami puts the girls down so they can say hello to everyone and June takes Kai by her hand and goes to introduce herself and her sister to each person... and Panda. She left Panda for last but you could tell she was intrigued by him and would most likely keep going back to him.
Gojo pulls out his wallet, then a card, and gathers June and Kai to his side to explain how to use the card. Nanami stops him with a hand on his shoulder and shakes his head. Gojo shrugs, puts his card back but pulls out six 10,000 yen notes and tells the girls, "Uncle Gojo will give you more when he comes to visit. There's more where that comes from."
Nanami face palms and the girls look over the money and thank Gojo but give it to Nanami to hold. Shoko laughs behind Gojo telling him he needs to practice being around kids and Ino agrees saying that he'd have to most likely bribe Nanami's kids with bread instead. Gojo is promising that he'll keep trying to win the girls over and be their favorite uncle when Yuji runs in and tags Kai to play with him. Kai tags Megumi who then tags Yuji again and the three start to run towards the open space in the yard. June returns to Panda and Inumaki's side where Inumaki kneels down to compliment her dress... maybe. Without Nanami translating, it was hard to figure out what he was trying to say.
You step away from the group to start setting up the picnic you prepared underneath a large tree. Nanami had packed a variety of breads he wanted his family to try and some special treats the elderly neighbors had dropped off after they found out you were going to Tokyo to visit family. You're opening the basket and pulling out the bags of bread when you look back up at your husband.
Nanami's smile appeared much easier than before. His shoulders were slouched in relaxation compared to his stiff shoulders from his time as a sorcerer. And the soft and light stubble on his face was the perfect sign of a busy baking father who perhaps didn't have the time to shave, but had the time to do his daughter's hair and painstakingly choose every part of their outfits down to the socks.
Now it’s your turn behind the lens. You grab your phone and point the camera to the older group first. Nanami, Gojo, Shoko, and Ino are watching the kids and talking about something that was probably long overdue. You make a mental note to invite Gojo, Shoko and Ino to your house for a special dinner and adult night out with Nanami. They have been through enough together and individually, they deserved a fun and carefree night at the minimum. After a short video and many photos of the older group, you turn the camera to the younger group. Panda is throwing June up in the air before catching her and doing it again and again. Inumaki is his second pair of hands and has his arms stretched out to catch June at any given moment. Kai is running after Megumi while being chased by Yuji pretending to be a zombie. Nobara and Maki are watching from the side underneath another tree, laughing about whatever Nobara is showing her from her phone.
What a scene. What a beautiful, nonthreatening, completely content scene. Nanami was more than happy in Iwakuni, there was nothing more he would ever wish for, but he was happy to finally see his group again. You knew he regretted the last view everyone had of him as a limping man. He had wanted to walk out with his head held high, proud and an accomplished sorcerer, not the defeated and heavily scarred man who barely escaped death.
Today, Nanami would leave Jujutsu Tech as a happy, healthy, and completely fulfilled man while holding your hand as you both carried your girls back home. All with a promise to see his jujutsu family again in Iwakuni.
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sukunasdirtylaugh · 6 months
tags: yakuza!kento x f!reader, money problems with family on the reader's side, reader's employer is a major w here, she works as a nanny, mentions of arranged marriage, mentions jokingly of 'losing a few pounds' by walking, and a hopeful ending
arranged marriage au with yakuza!boss kento. your former employer, a contact of kento's had referred you to him as a sweet, kind, and fitting candidate for the yakuza boss to marry. working as a nanny for the associate, you were already someone your employer knew his colleague could benefit from.
but you didn't want anything to do with this lifestyle.
"it's your uncle again," the worry and embarrassment of your mother's tone sank to the bottom of your stomach, followed by a heaviness. "I... I feel terrible for asking you, you know this, but you're the one-"
"-with a high paying job," you bite the inside of your cheek and sigh, "I know. what does he want now?"
"he..." your mother sighs, "he needs $1,200 within three days." you bite the inside of your cheek again. it always worked this way. it started with him and worked its way up towards your mother and now you, but what could you do? leave your mother to stress?
"okay," you exhale, looking at the fresh check your boss had given you this week: $1,250. you could definitely survive off of $50, right? it was just another week. you had some savings, but then you thought about rent, thought about other factors that let you consider your words for a minute. it was just a week, so you could do this, right?
"I'll send the money tomorrow. don't worry mom."
$50. you needed to survive your week with $50. perhaps, you thought, maybe you could sell that old coffee table in your apartment? if you tidy it up, you might get $60 for it, maybe $80. you also made some accommodations such as not using the bus. it was only an hour and twenty seven minutes to your employer's mansion, what could go wrong?
a sprained ankle.
luckily, you don't really feel pain until after your shift. your right ankle throbs, and you're forced to clutch onto it, keeping any noise from escaping your lips as you're leaving the children's rooms after putting them to sleep. "what... happened to your ankle?" your boss asks.
"I just hurt a ligament," you nerviusly chuckle, "I'll be fine-"
"-do you normally take the bus?" he asks, making you shake your head. "I..." embarrased, you say, "I thought I'd take up walking instead. loose a few pounds, heh-"
"let me take you in my car. I can't have the nanny to my children struggle like that." and who were you to protest? as you're being helped inside his black mercedes, your employer drives you to your home. taking note of several things he's seen throughout the week.
"so..." he says, "I might have a question that you may find alarming but... do I pay you well?" he asks, worry laced towards the end of his tone. "if so-"
"-yes," you answer, flushed and embarrassed, "I-I'm okay, the p-pay is okay sir, I just... I had some surprise payments to take care of." as he drives, he raises a brow.
"would you care to share that with me?"
"i-it's my family," you say, fidgeting with your hands as if you're a child. truth was, you didn't know why you were saying so much. whether it was the stress from these past few days, or the accumulation of stress solely from today had your eyes teary eyed as you looked away, wiping your tears hoping he wouldn't notice.
but he did.
that night, your boss drops you off your apartment. "take the week off," he suggests, voice softer. "there's been a sudden change to my plans so... my kids, I need to have them visit some family members for a bit. and..." he trails, voice careful, "I wouldn't want to throw away the food we already have, so... can I have it dropped off to you tomorrow morning?" he asks.
"I know this is very sudden, but I plan to compensate you for the last minute changes," he says, pulling out a checkbook, "will $3,000 be okay?"
"s-sir," you say, flushed and embarrsed. it's as if you've been granted another opportunity by an angel, "that's... more than enough-"
"-then please accept it," he says, handing you the check before you can even register what just happened. "I'll send the remaining food tomorrow, and in the meantime, you can rest for the week. maybe two. I need you to be in your best health beccause in 16 days, I need you to come with me and the children to visit an old friend, okay?"
you nod your head gratefully, "yes sir."
he smiles.
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f10werfae · 2 years
Act like a Mother
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pairing: Dad!Husb!Chris Evans x Wife!Mom!Reader
Summary: Chris is stressed and reader has been taking care of the kids then one day she's maybe cooking, just far away from the kids and one of them maybe falls and hurts themselves and Chris criticizes readers mothering skills (warning: argument but reconciliation) (Requested by anon)
requests are open/likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated♥️
Chris Evans Masterlist, full masterlist, taglist form
Y/n breathed out in exhaustion, clearly needing time to herself while cooking her family of four dinner, her husband Chris had just gotten back from filming Ghosted and was intent on catching up on lost sleep. The bags under her eyes were not missable, hell even Chris’ own ma had stepped in a few times just to remind the poor woman to eat.
Having two children under the age of five surely wasn’t easy, and everyone seemed to see that but Chris. Of course don’t get me wrong he’s such a hands on, amazing doting father; yet he always seems to miss the hardest parts of parenting while filming. The teaching of boundaries, basic safety and precious memories.
Mindlessly stirring the stew Y/n huffed out before a loud high pitched squeal filled her ears, that of her son’s, Liam. Within seconds her mother instincts kicked in and she rushed to the living room, her now awakened husband shushing the poor thing with his head hidden into his father’s neck. His loud sobs slowly stifling down to smaller hiccups, his younger sister Laura luckily still asleep in her bassinet.
“W-what happened?” Y/n asked wiping her hands onto her apron before reaching for her baby, only for her heart to break when Chris stepped back shaking his head, his eyes filled with fatigue and anger.
“I’ll talk to you in the kitchen, go wait for me there” He said coldly, walking away to put baby Liam back into his bassinet, lulling him back to sleep by padding around the room.
Feeling the tension, Y/n walked into the kitchen grabbing her hair out of frustration, her husband’s footsteps following behind her.
“What the hell was that Y/n?” Chris said closing the kitchen, his voice now raising, his voice accusatory.
“What do you mean?” Y/n was now confused, she’d done nothing wrong?
“Our baby hurts himself and you’re not even there to protect him? What if something serious had happened and I wasn’t there? He hit his head off the wall, luckily not too hard. Is this what’s been going on when i’m gone? God do you even care about our kids, because your attention is clearly elsewhere”
He shouted pointing at the stew which was now definitely overcooked,
“B-but you were on the couch so I thought maybe-“
“What? Does that suddenly relieve you of all responsibility? Come on Y/n, you’re a mother, act like one”
Now that sentence did it
You’re a mother, act like one
A loud ringing noise filled Chris’ ears and his cheek hot, his wife had thrown her hand so fast it was a surprise, he noticed her eyes were now watering, before he could even try to reach for her she had thrown off her apron and stormed off.
‘fuck sake’ Chris groaned leaning onto the countertop, his his hands rubbing his gruff beard in frustration,
(Y/n’s P.O.V)
“Oh no” I whispered feeling tears and sobs make their way out of my mouth, I hated crying or being upset, walking towards the living room I saw my two babies awake and sitting in their respective bassinets which were in the living room during the day.
“Mama’s sorry, didn’t mean it” I sobbed picking up Liam and holding him against me, his tiny hands going around my neck,
“Mama cry?”
“I’m okay honey” I whispered smiling at my son’s caring nature, leaning down to also pick up Laura, I headed up the steps and into their shared bedroom.
For the past few months, I had basically acted as a single mother. Chris visited as much as he could, sending us things we needed, but I can’t deny the feeling of being alone in this. Having to change every single diaper on my own, feeding time, bath time, every single tear was on me. Of course Scott and Lisa helped out as much as they could, but I couldn’t let them parent my kids, that would be too much.
So to hear my own husband accuse me of not caring for our kids and insinuate that i’m not acting like a mother? That was fucking disrespectful and out of line, as if he’s been here the whole fucking time, what a prick.
Placing them onto their shared double bed, the two of them instantly cuddled into one another, tucking in with their favourite stuffies. Liam was genuinely protective over his little sister, never denied her cuddles or offers to play, something I was glad about.
“Momma 'tay please” Laura whined moving over on the bed to be in the middle, patting the mattress beside her, feeling another set of tears choke me up I moved in beside them. My arm reaching over to hug both of them, Laura’s tiny body flushed against my chest, as if she was still a newborn. With her hand gripping onto my shirt cutely, her big brother cuddled in behind her, both of them falling asleep almost instantly. Just like their father.
Soon enough just like them, I found my eyes slowly closing, the stinging from the tears making them seem more and more heavy.
(Chris' P.O.V)
“Chris I did not raise you to talk to women like that, especially your own wife. Have you not seen my poor daughter-in-law? She’s 24/7 caring for your kids, she’s even missed out on enough meals to feed a country. Did ya know that? Scott and I had to make more than a few runs just to make sure she had remembered to eat. Two kids under five isn’t exactly a trip Christopher, it’s hard enough with two parents, now imagine doing it as one”
“I know ma, I know. I messed up real bad, what do I do?”
“You’re her husband, figure it out son”
Breathing out I listened as the beep rang telling me my ma just hung up on me, looking around at the kitchen around me, my heart broke hearing her apologise to our babies like that. I did that. Y/n did nothing wrong to deserve that.
Walking up to our bedroom I saw our bed was still made, she hadn’t come to bed yet. Had she left with the kids? Had it really been that bad? Rushing towards the kids’ room I opened it to see my whole life right in front of me, my amazing wife and the lives we created.
(No one’s P.O.V)
Leaning over Chris watched Y/n sleep peacefully, her eyes still puffy from earlier making his heart break that much more. With on hand under her back and another under her knees, he picked her up effortlessly and carried her back into their shared room. A small smile on his face when he felt her cuddle into his chest, his eyes catching their wedding photo pinned above their bed.
Putting her down onto her side, Chris slipped in beside her and just stared at her, taking in all of her beauty. She looked so soft and calm in her sleep, showing Chris just how stressed she was. Angry at himself he brushed a bit of her hair back, her doe eyes fluttering open, a bittersweet smile making its way onto his face.
“W-what am I doing here?” She asked confused, her eyes trailing around the room tiredly, grabbing onto the comforters more tightly.
“Honey- I-“ Chris started but before he could even say anything, Y/n had cuddled into his chest, sobs wrecking through her entire body making her shake. Her hands tightly held onto the bottom of his shirt, Chris could feel his shirt slowly dampening, his hand coming up to rest onto the back of her head.
“H-how could y-you say that to me? I thought w-we were a team Chrissy? That hurts” She cried, hiccups interrupting her every so often, Chris hated himself at that moment. Never in his life did he want to retreat his woman to tears, never.
“I-i’m so sorry honey, to be honest, I think I just didn’t wanna blame myself for what happened. Instead I did the selfish thing and took it out on you baby, something that is not excusable whatsoever. You’re right, we are a team and I know I completely ambushed you back there. Like we said 6 years ago, I love you with my mind, body and soul; please forgive me Y/n” He whispered cupping her wet face with his hands, his lips brushing over her pink pouting ones ever so slightly.
“You hurt me Chris, you hurt me bad i’m not gonna lie. I do everything I can in my power to be there for our babies, I just wish you could see that.”
“I do see it, trust me I do. It was so so stupid of me to even accuse you of something like that, I shoulda been taking care of you as soon as I got back. I-I heard from ma-“
“It’s okay Chrissy, I’m fine now, now that you’re back. Just please don’t hurt me like this again, I gave you my heart, don’t stomp on it.”
“I won’t butterfly, i’d rather meet death himself before letting that happen again. Now let’s get to sleep, because I have something planned for you tomorrow yeah?”
“You do?”
“Mhm so shut those pretty eyes of yours and let me cuddle on ya”
“Okay okay mr bossy pants” Y/n laughed turning around into a spooning position, the tension from their heated argument slowly dissolving thankfully. They both knew this fight wouldn’t even be remembered in a weeks time, that’s how well they worked together, sure they had their bumps but so does everyone. It all just depends on how you overcome it, together.
“Oi, just sleep will ya?” Chris laughed pressing kisses to her neck, her lemon scented shampoo filling his nostrils. Her hands placed over his on her stomach, their legs all tangled up under the sheets, frankly to keep her icy ones warmed up. This was what he missed most, just this.
Taglist Tags (Form is up there^^): @vrittivsanghavi @dumb-fawkin-bitch @patzammit @pandaxnienke @thereisa8ella @mirikusashes @taramaria @mysticfalls01 @emvebee @annajustwrites @mischiefsemimanaged @madebylilly @marvelgurl @cevansgurl @chrisevansangel @chrisevansdaughter @evanstanwhore @caps-shield1918 @seren-a-ity@mrspeacem1nusone @itsaylayay1213 @kimhtoo17 @tojisbabymomma @bxdbxtxh15 @tinyelfperson @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @royalwriteroftheuniverse @fdl305 @mdpplgtz03 @xoxokiaraaxoxo @uwiuwi @stormcloudss @adoreyouusugar @imboredat2am @meetmeatyourworst @mansaaay @girl-of-multi-fandoms @misshale21 @hallecarey1 @nikkitc0703 @oliviah-25 @s-void @aerangi @roofwitty779 @alina02 @bookfrog242 @alexxavicry @bluebellsn @feltonswifesworld87 @ravenhood2792 @lastwandastan @angelmather1 @diyabhanushali1 @bval-1
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loggiepj · 1 year
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Part 14 | Part 15
Wanda looks at you as you sleep peacefully on her bed. Tommy and Billy are already sleeping in the other bedroom.
Wanda: (whispers as she strokes your hair) I love you.
You smile with your eyes still closed and murmurs it back to her. Then you ask what time it is.
W: You don't have to go back.
You: (sighs before opening your eyes then kissing her lips) I have to. They're going to be mad at me.
Wanda knows who you are referring to. And she knows why you can't stay. So she kisses you madly and you kiss her back.
You make love with her for a couple more hours before you hear noises downstairs signalling the boys are awake.
Wanda hugs you tight, afraid to let you go but she knows she has to.
W: I'm so sorry, Y/n. I'm so sorry.
She cries.
Y: Hey, it's okay.
W: When will you come back?
You don't answer her.
You can only smile sadly as if you have accepted your fate.
Then you leave the house before the twins find you.
But the boys always notice.
Billy: When's mom coming back?
And Wanda can't answer, tears slipping from her eyes as she can only hug the twins before her and not answer back.
For she doesn't know if your next variant will stay longer than a week, a day or even an hour.
And she knows once your variant leaves, they can never go back to her.
Later that month, when the boys are finally asleep, Wanda stays in the living room, as always, every night, waiting for the clock to strike at midnight.
And when it does, she closes her eyes and wishes she'll get a knock on the door. If she's lucky, she'll get her knock.
But she has been unlucky these past days. Waiting for a knock that doesn't come.
Until a minute later when Wanda has almost lost her hope.
She must have leaped unto her feet as she heads to the door, opening it with haste.
You: Hey.
Wanda only stares at you, mesmerized by how beautiful you are. In every universe.
Y: Sorry. I know this is strange. And you might not know me, but we-"
W: Please come in. It's cold outside.
You hesitate yet you step inside.
W: From what universe are you?
You stop stuttering.
Y: You knew?
Wanda only smiles as she gets you a cup of water.
Then you look around until your eyes land on top of the fireplace where a picture of the twins are present.
Y: Cute kids.
Wanda almost drops the glass before putting it on the counter.
Y: How many times do my other variants visit this place?
W: You would be the fifty seventh Y/n that has visited me.
You swallow a lump nervously.
Wanda smiles as she looks at the picture frame.
W: The twentieth you gave me two beautiful boys.
You follow her gaze and connect the dots.
Y: I'm sorry. I. . . I didn't expect this to be-. . . I didn't mean to break any rules, Wanda. I only meant to. . .
Wanda steps towards you.
W: You only want me to see you.
You look at her frightened, expecting her to throw you out of the house. Except, she caresses your face, brushing a strand of your hair over your ear delicately.
W: (cups your face) You want a version of me who loves you.
Y: (speaks in a small voice) My. . . Your variant in my universe despises me.
Wanda chuckles sadly with small tears in her eyes.
W: She will regret it someday. She will be sorry for taking you for granted. And one day, for each and every night, she will wait for you to come back knocking on her door.
Then Wanda leans in before kissing you. And when you kiss her back, she wishes you will stay and never leave.
Even when she knows all of your variants do leave. Because that is always yours and Wanda's fate in every universe. In all universe.
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reashot · 1 year
Day 8 of 9 days of Lancaster. Meeting the family/ How Jaune almost lost his Life.
PSA: Hey sorry for the really late post but I been really busy with life. But not to worry the last one will be posted soon enough.
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Two people can be seen sitting together in a couch. A boy and a girl. The boy for some reason can't seem to shop shaking from his seat. While the girl sitting next to him are trying to calm him down as best as she can.
Ruby: Jaune please stop shaking.
Jaune: I-I can't Ruby I'm too worried about what will going to happen. What if they don't like me.
Ruby: You worry too much. They will like you.
Jaune: Oh, here they come. I hope you're right Ruby...
The door opens to reveals two adults entering the room. The two then quietly walks towards them and sit across from Ruby and Jaune.
Summer: So is this the famous Jaune Arc I keep hearing about?
Ruby: Oh yeah, so anyway mom I want to introduce you to Jaune.
Jaune: H-hello mrs. Ruby's mom. I-I mean mrs. Rose. My Name is Jaune Arc, a pleasure to meet you.
Summer: Oh such a charming young man. And it's a pleasure to meet you too Jaune. Hey dear, why don't you go and say Hi to Jaune too?
Tai: *grumble, grumble*
Summer: Oh Tai my love, please be nice to the handsome young man. Or else you'll be sleeping on this here couch for the night.
Tai: Hrmmm.... Fine, okay I'll do it! Hi Jaune...
Jaune: It's nice to meet you too Mr. Xiao Long, sir...
Tai: Growl!
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Jaune: Eeep! I'm-I'm sorry for being born, sir!
Ruby: Dad you're scaring him!
Summer: Really, dear. Is this how you're going to act everytime he comes to visit?
Tai: That remains to be seen...
Jaune: I assure you, sir. That I have every intention to continue my "meeting" with Ruby for a long time.
Ruby: Jaune... *blush*
Summer: Oh my.... What a daring man you are.
Tai: Why you!!!
Summer: Now, now. My dear please try not to kill every boy that try to get close to our daughter. We don't want a repeat of last time. Here have something to drink.
Tai: Fine... *drink*
Jaune: *gulp* Last time?...
Ruby: There used to be a boy that i'm a close friend with but he and his entire family suddenly have to leave after I invite him back home.
Jaune: W-what happened. To make him suddenly leave like that?
Summer: Trust me Jaune. It's not something you want to know.... Anyway let's talk about the most important stuffs. How many times you done "it" With Ruby?
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Jaune: Oh, how many times I did "it" with Ruby? A lot I guess.
Summer: Oh my, such a healthy young boy you are. And Ruby did you enjoy doing "it" with him?
Ruby: Y-yes mom. He's so great in fact that we ended up doing "it" all Night.
Tai: (internally screaming)
Summer: Ahh. Young love... So Jaune what do you think about our little Ruby does she satisfy you in everyway possible?
Jaune: Yes in fact she does thing that I didn't know was possible.
Tai: *going into shock*
Summer: He, he, he. I see. So Ruby did he do the same thing to you?
Ruby: Of course he did. I didn't know that Jaune was so open-minded in trying new things. He's even cool with me in letting me bring other people in.
Summer&Tai: Wait, what?
Jaune: I told you Ruby, just because I let others join in with us doesn't mean that I like doing it. I mean Pyhrra, Weiss and even Blake. At the same time even.
Ruby: Oh. But I thought it's every boy's dream to be doing it with a bunch of girls?
Jaune: Well not this boy that's for sure. I prefer to be doing it with a single person. And I would like that person to be you Ruby.... That is of course, if you want it?
Ruby: Oh... Jaune~ Of course I want it. I want to that person.
Summer: Oh my, I guess it's true that you shouldn't judge a person by their appearance. Say honey, you been unusually quiet for some time now...
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My little girl.... He not only defiled my beautiful baby girl. But he treats her like a side chick in his own harem.
Summer: Uh Tai. We can hear what you're thinking.
Ruby: Please dad you're freaking us out.
Jaune: I think you should calm down Ruby's dad...
Tai: Dad? Dad? Dad!!!!! I'll fucking kill you if you use that word on me. Listen here fuccboy! I will never approve of your relationship with my daughter. Let alone giving you my blessing to marry Ruby.
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Ruby&Jaune: Wait, what!!!
Tai: You heard me I will never let you have Ruby's hand in marriage!
Jaune: W-wait please stop. Ow! L-let me explain. Please stop shaking me before I can explain!
Ruby: Me Marrying Jaune? What are you talking about dad!
Summer: Ruby please stop with this innocent act. I admit that it's cute for a while but it's way over played. We know you want to introduce us to your boyfriend.
Ruby: B-bo-boyfriend!!! Mom, Jaune is not my boyfriend!
Tai: Really?!
Jaune: That's what I been trying to tell you...
Tai: Shut up. I'm not talking to you!
Summer: Then why did you tell us that you want us to meet Jaune & give us our blessing?
Ruby: Oh that's because we want your blessing for us to join a gaming competition.
Summer: A gaming competition?
Jaune: Yeah there's a huge prize if we win the game... Holy shi!!!
Summer: You... Brought us all here together saying you have something important to tell us about your relationship with Jaune. And you have all of us thinking that the two of you are finally getting together for real. Do you have any idea how much I wanted the two of you to be together?
Ruby: Mom please stop it. you're hurting Jaune.
Jaune: Please I can't breathe....
Tai: Sum-Sum I might not like the boy but I think you're going too far here.
Summer: Okay Jaune you want to live another day, right? Then you and Ruby need to give me grandchildren right now!
Ruby: Mom what are you saying!?
Summer: It's the only way for me to have grandchildren! Now let me start by taking off your pants.
Tai: Summer what are you doing!?
Jaune: I do not consent, I do not consent! Please stop it. I need an adult!!!
Summer: I'm an adult.
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Summer: Now stay still... Wow. You can split a person in half with what you're packing. Do you think Ruby mind if I borrow you sometimes?
Tai: Summer No!!!
Ruby: Stay away from Jaune!!!
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lazyollie · 3 months
Lloyd & Captured reader // Part 2
Summary: Lloyd's civilian partner got captured.
Warning: kidnapping, violation, experiments, cringe
The man walked to you grabbing your face agressively, forcing you to look at him. "Hey!! Don't touch me!" you yelled into his face. He grinned maniacly, piercing his eyes on yours. "What do you want from me?" You asked trying to break from his grip. "Oh, so you have no idea?" he finally backed away pushing your face back. He went to a counter taking something off it but you couldn't see what.
"I thought you knew you have elemental powers...How sad" he scoffed stepping back into your field of vision, finally recognising the object in his hands. It was a injection needle?! It was filled with some glowing liquid. Your eyes widened. "I don't believe you" you spit it out. That made him chuckle which was more like a dark chuckle. "Let me prove you then.." then he aggresively injected the glowing liquid into you, causing you to scream.
You felt how the liquid was flowing in your veins. Your skin glowing in purple as the pain became unbrealable. You couldn't help but scream. The man just laughed at your pain sadisticly. Soon the furnitures and objects flew in the room like there was no gravitation. "Welcome in my labour, Master of telekinesis. Your my personal experiment from now on." he smiled backing away from you. Tears streamed down your cheeks as the pain was unbearable.
The night was dark and cold. Lloyd was waiting for a call, either from you or your mom. It was already 11:00pm and he couldn't sleep, rolling each of his side on his bed. The fact that you're missing was not a thing he's used to.
And then he finally stood up making his way towards his gardrobe. He grabbed his gi out and put it on. He silently sneeked out of his room leaving the Monestry.
It didn't take long for him to show up at the store you work. He promised your mother that he's going to find you so it was time to start searching. He walked through the streets and pavements that you usually go on on your way home. It was oddly empty and quiet. He was extra attentive just looking for any sign what would be able to tell where are you.
He was about to turn right at the corner when he stepped on something. A phone. He picked it up and immediately recognised the phone case. The screen was broken like someone on purpose wanted to destroy it. He turned on the phone what actually still worked. His eyes stopped at your lockscreen wallpaper. It was you and him petting cats in a cat café. It was your idea to go there, knowing he's a cat person and it turned out really fun. He smiled softly admiring the picture before he unlocked the phone.
When he unlocked your phone he froze. It was his phone number and a picture of him what he didn't know it exists of him. It meant you tried to reach out to him but it was too late.
He wished he could have been there when you needed him. He could've protected you. It wasn't right to blame his self but he couldn't help it. He had a lot of questions. It didn't make sense. If someone took you to get something from them or just to hurt him they would've already act up. He could just asks from his self:
'Who took her? What do they need her for? Where is she? Is she okay? Is she hurt?'
The next day Lloyd made a visit at your mother. He knocked on the door, waiting patiently for the door to be opened. He was wearing a green hoodie with jean, just regular civilian clothes. The eyebags refered to a long night, trying to find clues where are you. All for nothing.
The door slowly opened and M/n looked out carefully from the small gap. When he recognised Lloyd she immediately opened the door wide. "Oh Lloyd, I'm glad you're here.." she smiled weakly gesturing him to come in. "It's okay.." he said softly stepping in, closing the door behind him. "I'm making a tea, sit down to the table.." then she went into the kitchen, pouring the hot water into a mug. Lloyd sat down looking around the room spotting family picures on the wall. Mostly it was you and your mother on them, but there was one what was different. There was a man on it giving your piggybacks, your smile as bright as now in these days. He smiled without noticing it. "That's Y/n's father, they had a strong bound. She loved her father very much.." M/n smiled herself admiring the picture while remembering back to those days. He turned to face her with a sad expression. "If you don't mind me asking..what happened?" M/n sat down in front of Lloyd and slides mug of tea to him. "He passed away in a car accident.." she teared up a bit as she thought back at that tragedic day. "I'm sorry.." he immediately apologised. "It's alright..tell me what you got.." she said taking a sip of her tea.
He reaches into his pocket, taking your phone out of it. He put it down onto the table with an empathic look. M/n eyes opened wide recognising the phone. She took it into her hands gently taking a look on it.
"Me and Zane went through her whole phone, every unreachable information what what might be important" Lloyd made eyecontact with her. "We made access to the phone secret microphone what always making records. Based on this record we found out that she was followed then chased by 3 men." She put her hand on her mouth by her shock. "She bumped into someone dropping her phone accidently. For a few seconds just steps then a strong hit and someone is falling onto the ground." M/n just listening quietly, few tears dropped down onto the phone. She wiped away some of her tears, putting down the phone on the table.
"More steps and someone speaks up" he pauses looking into deep in her eyes as she took another sip. "Experiment-08 has been caught" her eyes widened putting down the mug from her hands. "Oh God-" she stands up what caught Lloyd off guard. Her expression panicing as she was walking around the kitchen. "You should go now.." Lloyd was surprised by her reaction. M/n has never acted like this before. Maybe it was too much for her, but he needed to ask a lot of things. He stood up from the table defeated. "I'm sorry, ma'am.." he apologised. The news got her overwhelmed. He needed to leave. "Good bye, miss" he said, leaving the kitchen, opening the front door and closing it behind him.
"I wish you were here, Y/n... It's a living nighmare without you.."
He got back to the base going straight to the hangar's computer. He needed to find anything related to experiments in Ninjago city. He was going through the prison breaks and wanted people list when the team appeard behind him. All of them with a worried look. He didn't take care of his self, he spendt all his time to find you.
"Lloyd, I think you should take a break. Your working for hours now.." Cole said taking a step closer. Lloyd didn't even looked away from the screen. "I can't..I think I'm close to find out who's the person behind all of this.." he said typing different kind of keywords to make the list much shorter. The ninjas looked at each other concerned. "Oh God, the same person again.." Lloyd whines and hit the keyboard in frustration. He cup his head into his hands, he was too tired to figure it out all alone. "Let us help you.." Zane said stepping closer to the computer analizing all the work what Lloyd has already done. "Saburo Hisoni, escaped prison..Did illegal experiments on people who were blood-related to a person with elemental power.. The polices has found 23 different DNS in his labour from people he had made experience on, but only 12 people were found." Zane read it out loud. "It's doesn't make sense. If he's the person who kidnapped Y/n, then what is he needs her for?" Nya asked confused.
That's when Lloyd put the puzzle together. Why Y/n's mother reacted strange when she heard that she's an experiment. "Y/n's mom didn't tell everything she knows..."
I actually enjoy writing. It's a super weird way to practise it too.
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chris-hartley · 4 months
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Happy Pride! I'm back after a short hiatus from writing (I kinda broke up with my boyfriend so I'm fighting #depression).
ANYWAY! This one was suggested to me by @horatios-mom. A little fanfic about this rumor surrounding one of my OCs, Leaf. In canon it's just a rumor that he harvests organs. In this fic? It's real 😈 Once again if you're interested in the canon (and it's derivatives like this), do go follow our blog, @teadocs :D
(if you want to miss out on these, be sure to blacklist #kenziewritespride)
Leaf had to admit. The thrill of the hunt was almost, almost as much of a rush as he got from the act itself. He had been hiding in plain sight. Shadows and crowds were one thing, but it was moments like this, standing outside of her bedroom window watching her sleep, knowing at any moment she could wake up and see him standing there. It made his heart race with anticipation. Tonight would be the night.
He’d gotten into her house easily, through the screen door which had one of the easiest locks to pick. His footsteps were light, skillfully dodging the squeaky floorboards in the hall he’d discovered while visiting the house a few months prior. He wondered if they knew his well-intentioned visit had sinister plans behind it.
A quiet meow came from the bathroom as he walked past. He gave a gentle nod to the cat as he made his way to the bedroom. 
Who sleeps with their bedroom door open?
They were making it too easy for him. 
He gently opened the door to the bedroom, pulling his hood over his head. One… two… three steps up to the bed. Quickly pull the chloroform rag from his ziplock bag and press it to her face. Her eyes shot open, terrified. Another rush of adrenaline pumped through his system. Slowly the eyes faded back shut and the body went limp.
He had time now. Rag back into the bag, don’t want to alarm her roommate with the smell. Hood off. To the window, gently open it. Pry her body from the bed, carefully maneuvering it to keep the body intact as it hit the ground below. Broken bones were for the inexperienced.
Shut the window. Pick her up, quickly walk to the golf cart he’d rode over in, laying her across the backseat as he pulled away and sulked back into the woods.
Leaf turned around to spot her coming out of her coma, strapped to his makeshift operating table. The movies always got this part wrong. It was never sudden, it was gradual, like waking up from a deep sleep.
“Mmm,” she made another noise, tossing her head back and forth.
He walked over, a syringe of ketamine in hand. Just as she blinked her eyes open. He stood beside the table as she searched the room, unable to move from her being strapped down. 
Suddenly, her face turned toward him, eyes searching his face, a sense of fear crossing them as it dawned on her what was happening. That’s exactly what he wanted. He wanted her to be scared of him. After all, he was a monster and he knew it.
He just smirked, plunging the syringe into her vein, releasing the dosage. Strong enough to numb out all the pain, but not enough to knock her unconscious again. He wanted her to be aware of it all.
She shivered as a cold breeze came through the air, her skin bare from the waist up. Wasn’t planned this way. The last thing he wanted was to feel like a pervert while dissecting her, but this was how it had to be.
Leaf picked up the scalpel, tracing the blade through her flesh. Organ harvesting was never for the weak. You had to know what you were looking for, how to stop the bleeding effectively, there was a level of research that had to go into it.
He could see her watching him, clearly feeling this must’ve all been just a dream she could pinch herself awake from.
“W-why?” She cried pathetically.
Leaf stayed silent, not giving her any explanation for why he was scavenging her abdomen for her kidney. Once found, he quickly removed it and placed it in the cooler before stitching her back up. Just as his phone began to ring.
He glanced at the screen, the name CHLOE lighting up. Perfect timing.
Leaf unstrapped his co-star from the table, carrying her out to Chloe’s car.
“Like, duh,” Chloe nodded.
He nodded, helping prepare the body to back up the story Chloe would tell the hospital, and ultimately the police.
Leaf left the vicinity, going to hide at Camp Wawanakwa for the next 6 months while the manhunt for the person who stole Lola’s kidney went on. With an alibi and Lola’s K-hole delusions not lining up with anything that Chloe had told the police about the night she supposedly went missing, there were no leads and eventually the case went cold.
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wonusite · 2 years
like we all know daddy!gyu is insatiable, and fucking knowing the two of you can get caught is one of his favorite things to do.
DUDE YOUR REPLY WAS SO GOOD... what if we pumped up the risk factor 😇 sneaking into your mom's room to see if gyu's there and finding them both passed out on the bed but still on their respective sides. he promised to come see you tonight after driving your mom home, who drank way more than her tolerance allowed and passed out before he even arrived. but he seemed already tired, and the extra task most likely wore him out he immediately fell asleep.
then you notice how your mom is facing away from gyu and remember how when she's passed out drunk, she's literally OUT. so you quietly make your way to gyu's side and gently shake him awake. he can immediately recognize you even in the dark bc the first thing he utters is "baby?" you quickly pull out your best pleading voice and tell him "you promised to see me tonight..." and he can hear the pout in your voice so he tugs on your arm and quietly moves you so you can straddle him and he can cuddle you before apologizing "i'm sorry princess, i accidentally fell asleep"
he tucks your head under his chin and smooths his hand down your back, trying to lull you to sleep so he can carry you back to bed but you have other thoughts in mind 😈 you move your hips just the slightest amount so your clothed pussy grinds against his covered cock. you hear him grunt above you, so you do it again. and again. and again. until he grabs your hips to stop you, "baby, your mom is right beside us." you respond with a giggle and he knows what's coming, "but daddy... that never stopped us before <3"
um whoever keeps sending these in is fucking w my sanity bc they have me going FERAL
so you can hear them come home and u get excited bc you love when daddy!gyu visits you. but you get confused when it’s been an hour and he still hasn’t come to see u. ofc you go into your mom’s room in your crop top and panties to see what’s going on. it gives you a sick satisfaction to see your mom still fully dressed and passed out on the edge of her bed. after years of her excessive drinking u know she’s out for the night.
you quietly walk over to where gyu is laying and gently wake him up. u know he’s tired, and if he hadn’t turned u into a spoiled princess you would’ve just let him lull u to sleep. but your hips move on their own, dragging ur clothed cunt over his large bulge. u repeat the actions until his large hands grab you and halt ur movements.
“angel, stop. your mom—”
“you know she’s not waking up.” you whine, before you giggle into his neck. “and her presence hasn’t stopped us before.”
his cock keeps growing under you, esp when your start to kiss and suck on his neck. u smirk deviously when his grip on ur hips loosens bc u know he’s given in like he always does. gyu can’t think straight when you sit up and start to undo his pants. once you get his cock free you pump him a few times before you start to slide ur wet pussy over his throbbing cock.
you don’t try to keep ur moans quiet when gyu grips your hips and helps u glide ur dripping pussy over his dick. finally, you can’t take any more teasing and grip his cock and sit down on it.
“oh, fuck.”
mingyu’s cock throbs inside you when you let out that filthy gasp. it doesn’t matter how many times he’s fucked you bc u always have the same reaction when he slides inside you. u place your hands on his chest and start bouncing on his cock, moaning as his thick dick drags against ur velvety walls.
“fuck, baby girl.” gyu moans as his hands slide up ur body and grip your tits. “do you want your mom to wake up and see you bouncing on daddy’s cock?”
“i don’t care.” you moan, moving your hips so your cunt is dragging up and down his big cock. “not even she can make you feel this good.”
mingyu moans bc he knows it’s true. he grips your ass and starts meeting ur thrusts until the room is filled with your filthy moans and the lewd sound of sex.
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fox-bright · 1 year
Right after Easter, twenty years ago this month, my mentor sent me a one-way ticket to Pittsburgh, PA, and saved my life.
I'd been more or less disowned a year and a half before--my mother threw me out on the ninth of September, 2001--and I was drowning in sand. I am not a creature of the desert, even if I was raised there, and my hometown was not a loving place for almost anyone to be. And while multiple friends and coworkers had by that point felt it necessary to stop me when I was idly talking about my week and say you know, you don't have to accept this treatment. You know, I believe she loves you, or thinks she does, but that's not GOOD ENOUGH when she treats you like she does, I hadn't yet really come to accept that my mother is who she is. I was miserable, and lonely, and not even allowed to visit  my siblings unless Mom was there, because "I don't know what you'd talk to them about, and I don't think you're righteous."
(I might, it's true, have talked to them about how I was queer. I was more likely to have talked to them about Final Fantasy or something, but I guess we'll never know.)
Mom threw me out when I was nearly nineteen. At twenty, Diane sent me a plane ticket. Her voice down the phone--I'd never heard it before, in the years that I'd been part of the young writer's forum she moderated, the internet back then was mostly text--was warm and gentle and peaceable. I found a room for you, she said. I have friends who can help you get a job. She sent me a Greyhound ticket to Phoenix (along with thirteen dollars in cash, because you could pay extra and give the recipient up to half the value of the ticket) and a plane ticket from Sky Harbor to PIT. I was scared and unsure, but I was so, so tired of being hungry. So tired of not knowing for sure where I was going to sleep next week. And sick at heart from my mother's behavior ("Did you sleep with him?" she asked me, about my fiance; when I quietly but unashamedly said I had, she pulled me forty feet by my braid, her acrylic fingernails digging bleeding grooves into my scalp that ached for months, scars I probably still have). I'd been so comprehensively heartbroken already that I didn't know how I'd survive it, and the trick to surviving suicidality is, do anything else. Even if it means you leave your whole life behind.
And I knew I'd miss my siblings, but fuck, I missed them already, so what the hell.
I got on the bus. I got on the plane. I touched down in the aftermath of a late snowstorm, and I didn't have a coat, and the air felt sharp and tasted like clouds. And Diane was there, smiling, and she started talking and didn't stop until she'd deposited me in my new home.
And then, having gotten me to Pittsburgh, she gave me everything. Took me to this meetup and that interesting park, introduced me to everyone she knew, constantly finagled and jostled and gently prodded me through anxiety and discomfort and into growth and learning and maturity. She took me to doctors and the dentist, which my mother had neglected or denied me when I begged (I was twenty the first time I ever went to a dentist; that's four or five solid years after I started telling my mother that I really needed to see one). She took me shopping for work clothes, and made suggestions about styling and my hair that would help child-sized, baby-faced me look a little more formidable. She didn't, ever, overstep; she always seemed magically to know when it was time to let go and watch me baby-stumble for a while until my feet were steady under me. I was such a very young twenty, half-feral, poorly-socialized and just about absolutely ignorant of how people should behave, and she never once made me feel ashamed of myself.
I've been thinking about this a lot this week. Twenty years. Half my life, just about precisely. All the things I've gotten to do since then--travel; take up a martial art and train and train until I competed on the national level; become an artist's model in paintings all over the world; perform lion dance for a ballet with the love of my life literally supporting me, throwing me into the air; learn to garden and to preserve my own food and to quilt and crochet and put up drywall and take down ancient varnish and unfreeze a pipe and make sourdough bread from starter and so, so many other things--I've gotten to do because of her. Because if she hadn't gotten me out of Cottonwood, within six months I would have been dead.
I love my life. I've had a lot of grief, in twenty years; lost a baby, lost friends to illness or just bad luck, lived with a boyfriend who was the very definition of psychotic and who burned my life down around my ears, chose other partners who weren't what I deserved, until I learned to require the right things. But I worked in my garden today under an unseasonably hot sun, moving wood-chip mulch with a wagon--
--okay, so the garden, right, and the mulch. I wanted this house because of its garden; I spend a lot of time in it, through much of the year. I grow a lot of food and a lot of flowers, and the air is full of birds all day and fireflies all night. Last year the next-door-neighbor on our left had tree people in to take down a couple of trees, and I looked at the deep dumptruckful of fresh tree chips and I wanted it. I knew that a lot of the time tree services have to pay to dump their wood chips somewhere else, and that they find it tedious. And I thought, Diane would just walk on over there, and say hi-ii  the way that she does, and ask for it. Diane would just smile, and--
I raised my chin, and I walked over, and I gave my winningest smile, and I said Hi-ii, I'm Gen, I live right there in the house with the blue roof, and I was wondering, do you guys want a place to dump all that? and fifteen minutes later I had a couple of tons of premium hardwood chip mulch behind my house. I've been transporting it to various places in the garden since, scoop by scoop with a shovel and my little black wagon, and have thickly covered a couple of hundred feet worth of beds so far. I put twenty wagon-loads up front of the house today, making twenty or thirty feet of new garden bed for native pollinator plants to go into in three weeks, and the whole time I was literally singing with how good my life is, how lucky I am, to have my husband, to have my home, to have a place that has kept me safe, to have learned so many things, to live somewhere that I get to experiment and watch things grow and produce baskets and baskets of food from a handful of seeds. Because of work and lessons and effort and continuing to put one foot ahead of the other, yes, I've worked hard to get here. But ultimately--because of Diane.
I don't really know what good parents are like. Dad is a word that means "hurts you and hurts you and hurts you and then disappears," and Mom is a word that means "will eat your heart from the inside and complain the whole time about the taste." But because of Diane...because of her, I do understand, a little.
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