#my magical pirate wives
I deserve to see more Tamar and Nadia content. Let them cuddle, hold hands, kiss, and fight side by side. They're my magical pirate wives and everyone needs to appreciate them.
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innerfare · 24 days
Random Shanks Headcanons 
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Summary: A random collection of Shanks headcanons
CW: None // SFW
Has a fake arm that he uses for gags. Only he and Yasopp find it funny. Beckman once tossed the arm overboard after Shanks ‘lost’ the arm in a pot of Lucky Roux’s stew, only for Shanks to enter the mess hall the next morning with another attached to his body. 
Can do magic tricks, especially good with coins and cards. A very skilled sleight of hand artist. Also not above using these tricks to cheat while playing cards. (Inspired by the coin game w/ Luffy flashback). Cheating is the only way he can beat Beckman, who’s by far the best player on the crew. But he doesn’t even cheat to win, he just likes the thrill of getting away with it; also enjoys the thrill of getting caught. There was a rabbit loose aboard the Red Force for a solid month after the captain tried to learn how to pull it out of a hat.
The best beer pong player in the New World, probably the entire world. Would challenge all of his enemies to a game of beer pong to settle their disputes if he thought they would respect the results of the game. Good at drinking games in general (has a little too much experience).
Is an infamous gossip. If a member of the crew wants word to get out about something, they just mention it to their captain. 
Enjoys playing matchmaker. Always acts as a wingman for his crew when there’s a pretty bar maid. The only one he never tried to fix up with one of his crew mates was his darling Makino. 
Are soap operas a thing in the One Piece universe? Because if so, he has a favorite that he never misses an episode of (fights hardest on Thursdays so he can be home in time to catch the latest episode of Search for One Piece, a pirate drama based loosely on Roger’s life. He particularly enjoys the harlequin character). 
Loves meddling in any drama that comes up aboard the ship. Sometimes even starts drama just for entertainment, like the time he told Lucky Roux that he saw Limejuice sneaking steaks from the freezer, or when he robbed Beckman blind and left traces of a turkey leg at the scene of the crime. 
Thinks childish pranks are the funniest thing in the world. Pranks prospective crew members to see how they respond; screens them based on whether they find his jokes funny. Beckman insists this is not the best way to do things but Shanks persists. But Shanks isn't just being childish. He's making sure everyone who joins his crew has a good nature as that is, in his opinion, the most important thing. If you can't trust your crew, you're dead in the water.
Was definitely posing when the government snapped the photo for his wanted poster but pretends it was completely candid. Has a habit of comparing his wanted poster to the posters of his enemies.
He also uses his wanted poster to fish for compliments, especially from his crew. “That’s a pretty good picture, isn’t it?” “I don’t look half bad in that, do I?” “The real reason the marines are hunting me- the sight of my wanted poster makes their wives swoon.”  
Refers to himself as, “that handsome devil.” 
Smells like body odor and weed, but in a Matthew McConaughey kind of way (that is to say, it works for him). 
Animals and babies always like him. He insists the trick is to act uninterested. 
He is genuinely good-natured, but he definitely uses his sense of humor to disguise how terrifying he truly is. Is a pro at lulling people into a false sense of security. Definitely slouches on purpose to seem less intimidating.
Secretly paid off Luffy's "treasure tab" at Makino's bar. Didn't do it just to be kind to the poor kid but actually because he believed Luffy when he said he'd pay it back in full and did it to annoy Luffy a decade or two down the line. (When Luffy finally goes back to pay Makino and she informs him Shanks already did, Luffy blows a gasket.)
Hope you enjoyed it! If you want more, you can check out my masterlist here!
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rorywritesjunk · 8 months
Multichapter Fics
Here's the Masterpost for my Multichapter Fics!
This will feature tags for Sunny, Cupcake, Birdie, The Wives, and any thing else that pops up that will be multple postings of the same characters.
This post is a work in progress as of 5/4/24!
Sunny & Buggy
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Cupcake & Buggy
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“Let’s be one another’s present tense” (R-ish) Buggy ‘rescues’ you from an abusive situation, and after a less than stellar introduction, he has you audition for his crew to keep you safe. You want safety, security, and joining a circus seems like the best idea.
Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4 + Chapter 5 + Chapter 6 + Chapter 7 + Chapter 8 + Chapter 9 (NC-17) + Chapter 10 + Chapter 11 + Chapter 12 + Chapter 13 + Chapter 14 + Chapter 15 (NC-17) + Chapter 16 (NC-17)
"Nobody can find us – they don’t know where to start" (PG) Playing hide and seek was always fun with his mama until he was separated from her.
Cupcake's Birthday + Buggy's Birthday + Geoduck + Thoughts on Kids
Birdie & Buggy
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"The stars in their courses will run and bring their hearts earthward to hear her." (PG-13ish) Buggy brings his son in to the bakery to get a treat for his birthday. You like decorating cakes. Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4 + Chapter 5 + Chapter 6 + Chapter 7
A Family Outing + Bath routine
Buggy & The Wives
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"When I’m broken and bent, would you take me on the mend" (PG) The Strawhats didn’t know the clown was married. For as much as he could talk, he never mentioned them.
"And I can see it each and every time you smile" (PG) The Wives have a Girls’ Night once a month and Buggy finally gets invited.
"but even bound as we are, we can do all sorts of things" (PG) The Wives somehow end up on the Oro Jackson when Buggy’s just a kid. To them, it’s a delight to see their husband as a kid, but to Buggy, they’re kelpies ready to take him away.
Tattoos + Thoughts on them + Bath + Intimacy
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“Oh, go to sleep, Little Skylark. Fly up past the stars” (PG-13ish) (Complete) After breaking your heart, Buggy is cursed to be a kid again. The last thing you want to do is be involved with this.
Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4 + Chapter 5 + Chapter 6 + Chapter 7 + Chapter 8
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"Be gentle with yourself as you uncover Your best kept secrets yet to be discovered" (PGish) (A Howl's Moving Castle AU)
Buggy meets an infamous pirate who dabbles in magic that everyone seems to be after, but they only have eyes for Buggy. Why is he so special?
Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 +Chapter 3 + Chapter 4
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"There is no sweeter innocence than out gentle sin" (R-NC17) Crocodile brings on a former assistant to manage Buggy and his workload. Buggy realizes he likes it when Taron praises him for the littlest things. Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4 + Chapter 5 + Chapter 6 + Chapter 7
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writeblrfantasy · 1 year
Meet the characters of The Red King's Mystical Suitors!
Depending on how many of you are still here from last year, you may or may not remember the characters from TRKMS. For the newcomers, have a (new and improved) character introduction!!
The Red King, a world renowned diplomat with a keen sense of humor and a shining crown. That humor is hiding a beastly secret, however, a lonely curse that has plagued his whole life.
The alchemist prinx who got themself thrown out of university when they rewrote the coursework. Eccentric, bold, and outgoing, they have been mocked for being an oddball their whole life. Only once they realized they should be living for themself, they were free. One of Randall's suitors.
The captain of King Randall's bodyguards. Steadfastly loyal to his work and Randall, many have accused him of being allergic to humor. Something within him dies when Randall announces he's going to marry.
Randall's sister, the general of his armies. Her gruff temper is famous, but so is her love for her wives. She wants her brother to experience that same love, so she orchestrated the goal to marry him off.
A duchess's son, a talented sorcerer who has been bullied and struggled with insecurity all his life. Though trauma lies in his past, it will take someone truly brilliant to show him how incredible he really is. Another of Randall's suitors.
VOK 🏴‍☠️
The tight lipped pirate who guards his identity fiercely. Charming, handsome, and kind, courtiers whisper about him from the moment he steps into Randall's court. The last of Randall's suitors.
@transmasc-wizard @synthesizer-dyke @magic-is-something-we-create @tc-doherty @softbroiled-doomdesire @somealienquill @sagasofazeria @super-writer-gal @ren-c-leyn @crazy-like-us @ashen-crest @shrunkupthejams @themundanemudperson @sarahlizziewrites @faithfire @hungryslothwrites
GENERAL TAGLIST: @worldbuildng @muddshadow @nikkywrites @47crayons @directionoftime @myhusbandsasemni @chayscribbles
let me know to be added or removed from any of my taglists!
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hetalia-club · 3 months
GOT Lore- House Greyjoy
Other Houses: Targaryen Stark Greyjoy Lannister Tyrell
GOT vocab for non watchers/readers-
The Drowned God Religion- The Religion of the Iron-born people and the Greyjoy family. He's the creator of the sea and the Iron-born are his children. So They serve the sea. For how violent and sadistic teh Iron-born people are they are also extremely religious. They believe you have to die at sea in order to 'walk his watery halls and feast with him for eternity' They are actually terrified of not dying at sea. They don't travel too far inland because of that fear of dying so far away from teh seat that their souls couldn't make it back there. People who follow this religion often say "What is dead may never die" Which goes so hard. The full prayer is. "What is dead may never die but, rises again harder and stronger" which is so sick honestly. Salt Wife- Iron-born people believe in polygamy. At different ports they may have a totally other family. They don't have to have one and how many Salt wives you have does not dictate how much of a man you are. It's purely by choice. However there are rules you NEVER mix your Salt Wives with your Rock Wife. Your Rock Wife is your wife that lives in the Iron-Islands. Your main squeeze. She and her children ALWAYS come first! That being said if you took a Salt wife and couldn't provide for them completely You would be made fun of and mocked. And someone else would most likely take your Salt Wife as a power play and provide for her instead. So they if they have more than one family they have to be able to provide for them. Asshai- A mysterious city at the far corner of the world filled with magic Shadowlands- what lies beyond Asshai. a land where it is always night. the grass grows as tall as a man and is white as a ghost. This land is full of strange monsters, magic, wild dragons and strange religions. But the people who live there are very wealthy due to seemingly never ending gems. Dothraki- The Dothraki are a people who live in the great grass lands across the sea. They are a feared nomadic people who have a way of life similar to the Iron-born, just on land. They are actually terrified of the sea. The Dothraki are called horse Lords. They live and die at horse back. They fear any water their horses can't drink. They don't even have a word for Ocean or boat in their language. They would just call it poison water and wooden horses if they were to call it anything at all. They have a religion that follows nature they pray to the Great Stallion who rides in the sky in the stars. Horses are their whole life. They eat them, sell them, befriend them. They follow hoards of wild horses to grass and water. there is a mutual respect between the Dothraki people and Horses. They travel in groups called a Khalasar. They have no problems slaughtering an entire village of people if you don't give them what they want. But if a Khalasar comes to your town and they say they want your sheep just give them the sheep and they will happily be on their way and will not bother you anymore. They’re going to end up with them either way so it’s best to just hand it over.
House Greyjoy lore for non GOT watchers- The Greyjoy's are the Lords of the Iron Islands their castle is called Pyke and sits on top a crashing waves and crumbling pillars. the castle has seen better days but they could care less about that The people of the Iron Islands are a sea people. They spend basically their entire lives on a ship being pirates and general nuisances to bay towns. The don't follow the rules of the eldest son rules no matter what. They follow who's strong. They put it to a vote and whoever wins gets to be in charge. The Greyjoy house is my FAVORITE house hands down. There is so much interesting lore and customs they have that I could talk about all day but I'll do my best to keep it brief. The iron-born people live life doing for themselves and only themselves. They don't believe in currency. How much gold you earn is nothing to the Iron-born people. They deal in paying the 'iron price'. The iron price is something that you stole. So it means nothing if you did not steal it. No one cares if you went out and bought your wife a diamond necklace. They would laugh at you. Now if you stole that necklace, they would be impressed by that (as impressed as these people get which is not at all). They would at least respect the hustle. They are pirates. They call themselves pirates. They fight other Pirates at sea, they go across the ocean to trade with the lands beyond, trading slaves and things they stole for food since their Island is mostly rocks and does not grow much of anything. They rely on taking it or trading for it. they would never buy it. They don't make deals for lands or trade (unless they go to a trade port for just that). They TAKE what they want. The Iron-born don't ask for things. If they see it, they like it, they want it, they got it. An Iron born wants to marry your daughter? Oh we'll he'll actually just go and kidnap her he's not going to ask you for her hand. An Iron-born notices you have a bunch of sheep this year. Will they try and trade you for- NO! They'll just go and take them. Granted this rule does get broken from time to time and is conditional. Like if winter is coming and they don’t have enough food stored up they would probaly trade some ships for gold and then go buy food. They wouldn’t like it but they would rather do that than starve to death. If war is coming and they needed an alliance they would try and barter something for an alliance. They are cocky but not completely stupid. Alright I got to stop or I'll never quit.
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^^ Concept Art for Castle Pyke Greyjoy Family Tree
Birth order- Berwald, Antonio, Abel, Tino & Arthur
Arthur Greyjoy- Arthur is the youngest son of the former Lord of Pyke. His father died at sea...Well he died IN the sea. There is a rumor that Arthur pushed his father over a bridge when he was starting to get old and frail. But even if he did, who cares. He was old and sick anyways and couldn’t even sail anymore. Arthur was quickly voted the next Lord of the Iron-Islands. He's know far and wide for his pillaging and pirating. He has a large crew and a whole fleet of ships under his command. He's cocky, and stubborn but he's also very crafty and has a soft-ish side for those who manage to see it (mostly just one Stark girl) . His father struck a deal with the Stark family long ago that if they didn't pillage in the North then Arthur would marry Lord Basch's youngest daughter Amelia. Securing the North as an ally against their war at the time against the Lannisters. Well When his father died, Arthur quickly went to pillaging the North so Lord Stark withdrew their engagement. Annoyed by having something taken from him that he actually kind of wanted he just went ahead and took her anyway. Now the North & West are on the verge of war because he refuses to give her back. Since Amelia was promised to Lovino Tyrell after her betrothal to Arthur was terminated. (also she doesn't want to go back and wasn't actually kidnapped it was like a planned mutual thing but was staged to look more like a kidnapping to save face.)((Sorry that his was long he is teh main character of my AU lol)) Berwald Greyjoy- The Oldest son of the former Lord and Oldest brother of Arthur. He's a very quiet and intimidating man. He does not say much of anything but when he feels obligated to speak it's normally very insightful. He helps his brother with strategy. He is the captain of his own ships but he has a silent rule meaning no one is allowed to talk unless there is a battle going on. He does not like the sound of people talking and will cut your tongue out if you violate his rule. He’s very serious about it. Tino Greyjoy- The second youngest son. On the opposite side of Berwald there is Tino, he’s a bit of a party animal. Rum, parties, whores you name it. He'll take his ships and be gone for months at a time and when he comes back he always has some colorful stories to tell from his time in Asshai & the shadow lands. He is fascinated by magic, dragons, witches and wizards.
Antonio Greyjoy- Antonio is the Salt son of the former Lord of Pyke. And is the Second oldest brother. His mother was a Dothraki woman who traveled with a Khalasar. He traveled with his Khalasar his entire life riding horses, shooting from horse back, raiding villages. That was until his father came back to port. His mother was taken by a neighboring Khalasar as a slave leaving him alone. The idea of his foreign fathers funny way of talking, metal clothes and 'wooden horses' that could travel across the poison water to a land with stone houses was too tantalizing to pass up and at 15 he went with his father across the sea back to Pyke. He was taught the common tongue and how to sail and he fit right in with his brothers. He never gave up his love of horse riding and still brings horses with him on his ship when he sails since he's most comfortable fighting from horseback. Antonio deals with all the trading with the Dothraki. The Dothraki also don’t believe in currency and only trade but they do get their hands on some quality supplies. Antonio knows them well, speaks the harsh complicated language fluently and knows where they go to trade and when. He has not lived in Westeros that long just a few years or so. He doesn't really know the language fully or understand the customs too well outside of the Iron Islands. So he doesn't have his own ships or crew nor does he really want one, he normally just goes with his little brother Arthur who he got pretty attached to right away. Since they both have their fathers green eyes accepting him as a brother came easier than the rest He is still a little afraid of the sea. He won’t touch it and still considers it poisonous. Though surprisingly his brothers do respect his fear and relate it to their fear of dying on dry land. Basically same sides of a different coin.
Abel Greyjoy- Abel is another Salt son of the Former Lord of Pyke. He's the third oldest son. His mother is a woman from Old Town. He has had a close relationship with his father and always got excited for his visits so he could tell him about all his pirating adventures and always wanted to look at all the gold and gems he found. His prized position is an emerald his father gave him as a birthday gift that he had imbedded into the handle of his sword. When he turned 7 he went to Pyke with his father to live saying goodbye to his mother for the time being. His mother now lives in the Iron Islands in a small cottage and he visits her often making sure she has everything she needs just as his father would have done.
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kadoore · 1 year
June 2023 Queer Adult SFF Books!
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TRANSLATION STATE by Ann Leckie 6/6/2023
nonbinary MCs
once human, Translators have been changed to serve as spokespeople for an alien race
but one Translator wants More, and sets off in search of their own life
adventures and mysteries ensue
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THE FIRST BRIGHT THING by J.R. Dawson 6/13/2023
wives who circus together,
travel the midwest in an alt post-WWI world together
magical circus vs magical circus, but make it dark
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THE SURVIVING SKY by Kritika H. Rao 6/13/2023
queer MCs in a m/f relationship
floating jungle city above a raging Earth
magical architects keep it afloat, until suddenly they can't
a struggling marriage, illegal magic, and misplaced reverence!
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SAVAGE CROWNS by Matt Wallace 6/13/2023
enby and bi MCs
an ostensibly utopian nation has been exposed as anything but
now the rebels who would remake their country meet on the battlefield to decide its future
3rd in SAVAGE REBELLION series
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THE GHOSTS OF TRAPPIST by K.B. Wagers 6/27/2023
queernorm world, queertastic cast
Coast Guard but make it spaaaace
ships are going missing and even the pirates are a bit scared
ghost ships and voices and mysterious songs - oh my
3rd in NeoG series
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THE INFINITE MILES by Hannah Fergesen 6/20/2023
pan MC
her best friend disappears for 3 years only to return and demand they find the hero of a fictional TV show, who happens to be real,
strands the MC in 1971,
and then things get weird
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i-am-baechu · 1 year
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Forever (M)
Genre: Space Pirate! Yoongi, Weapon Shifter! Reader, ancient magic, quest time lol, romance, fluff, smut, violence and angst
Summary: The nation of Qepriotan was a doormat nation because of the overruled space pirates and bandits. There was a time when it was thriving but it was all taken away when the Marigold saber went missing. Centuries later, Yoongi’s father thinks he's found the said saber and will use it to become king of Qepriotan. When he requested Yoongi to steal the saber, he was met with something he wasn’t expecting from touching it. A beautiful girl with dark orange eyes stared at him with a blank face.
Warnings: Bad parents, sex (lol), kind of a slow burn, and violence
Authors note: Hey guys! I got fucking sick from the sun. I went to visit my grandma and it was so hot that my body went lol. I would die in the medieval ages. Sorry for the wait!
The nation of Qepriotan was once beautiful. Trees cover every inch with rivers as clear as diamonds flowing through. It was safe and the King, Lee Shin, made sure to keep it like this with the Marigold saber or L/N Y/N. It wasn’t until his son, Cho, started showing signs of anarchy. Shin accepted this because he blamed himself for his son’s attitude. Paying more attention to being a king than being a father and realizing it later when it meant nothing to Cho. In his eyes son, he will always be wrong and there was nothing he could do about it. Fearing the worst, he sent Y/N away to a secret location. Obviously, it wasn’t that secret because this is where our story starts when a space pirate's son touched this mystic weapon and his fate was changed, forever... 
“Yoongi! Stop daydreaming and look at the map!” Min Yoongi sighed to himself and looked away from the stars to look at one of the crewmates with a frown. Yoongi was the captain's son which means no one would hurt him but that just meant physically. The crew hated Yoongi and that was because he didn’t do much on the boat. He would always be in his room looking out his window or playing his piano. He barely talked to anyone that included his father, the crew put together that he thought he was better than them. 
This wasn’t the case. Yoongi hated his father and everything he did. He thought it was wrong of him to steal from nations or just stealing in general. He watched his father steal from the poor and the rich like he was riding a bike. His father loved Yoongi with all his heart and wanted to give him the life that he never had. The only way he was going to do this was by stealing what he wanted or what he thought Yoongi would like. Yoongi’s mother passed away when he was young so he didn’t really have an opinion on her. He heard from others that she was kind and was a well-educated woman (which was rare for pirate wives). Yoongi’s only real opinion of her was that she was beautiful and he was glad that he looked like her.   
Yoongi followed the crewmate to where his father was to look at the map. His father was too busy talking to someone to even notice Yoongi coming into the room and he felt better because of that. He sat at the table and looked at the screen with a bored look. He didn’t understand why he had to look at the map when everyone else could do the same. Looking at the map is boring until it beeps, which is what is happening now. 
“Captain! We're on the island!” 
Why did he even need me here? His dad turned around and looked at Yoongi with excitement, “Yoon, when did you come in?”
He didn’t answer him because his father walked away to the steering wheel. Yoongi shrugged his shoulders and left the area with annoyance. They were in Qerpiotan and he knew that it was going to be boring. No one lives here anymore and he didn’t really know the story behind it but he also didn’t want to know. He was about to go back to his room when he heard a soft voice. He raised his eyebrow and looked around with a confused look. The soft voice was singing but he couldn’t figure out any of the words. He walked away from his room and down the hall more to see if the answer was there but there was nothing, “What the hell?” 
“Yoongi! Your father needs you!” 
Yoongi sighed and put his hand up letting the crewmate know he heard him. He heard footsteps walking away but he still heard that soft voice. It was alluring but he thought he was going crazy. He entered the main room and crossed his arms over his chest as his father gave him a wide grin, “I have good news.” 
“I picked you to take the Marigold saber.” 
Yoongi heard the crew around grunt at this but he just raised his eyebrow at his dad, “Why me?” 
“I thought you would like this. Marigolds were your mother's favorite flower.”
Yoongi sighed and nodded his head, “Fine...I’ll do it.” He knew what his dad was doing. Whenever he wanted Yoongi to do something, he would throw his mother into it. It was annoying and yes, Yoongi could easily say no but his heart told him to do it. 
His father smiled at him and nodded his head, “I can’t wait for you to see the saber. I heard Lee Shin, the king, put magic into the sword.” 
Yoongi raised his eyebrow and looked outside at the ruins of Qepriotan, “Magic?” 
“It’s just a rumor...Now go son, go get the saber.”
Yoongi nodded his head and saw that everyone was glaring at him in the room. Annoyed that they were mad at him for this, they should be annoyed at his father; It wasn’t his decision. He walked down the hall towards the exit and that soft voice started to come back to his ear. It was beautiful and soft, it made him frozen. He just wanted to know where this voice was coming from. He shook his head and exited the ship onto the glider to go down to the ruins. He started to go down and the voice only got louder, he wondered if everyone could hear it or if was he just going crazy. 
He parked the glider next to the rundown castle and he tilted his head at the building. It was ruined but it looked like it was ruined on purpose. He looked back at the ship and then back at the castle, how did his father find this place? He took out his knife and started cutting off the vines that were blocking the door. He kicked the door open and looked around to see pure darkness. The moment he opened the door, the singing got louder. As if he was in the same room with the unknown person. He took out his flashlight and went inside the building.
Out of all the buildings that he was forced to explore, this was different. He couldn’t explain but the aura that this castle was giving made him feel safe. He had no idea how to explain it. He went deeper into the castle and the singing only got louder so he followed the voice. Forgetting the saber altogether, the singing was clouding his mind and he wanted to figure this out. 
He opened another door and some vines hit his head but he ignored it. He walked into another room and saw there was light coming through the cobblestone roof onto something on the floor. The singing stopped and he looked around to see if the singing would come back but alas it didn’t. He walked towards the light and saw the saber staring at him. He tilted his head at the saber and gently touched the gold metal but when he touched it, the singing came back and a bright light blinded him. He looked away from the light and when he looked back, his eyes widened. There was a girl with dark orange eyes staring back at him with a blank expression. She was dressed in a simple light blue dress that stopped at her thighs but the dress was clearly from a different century.   
She blinked her eyes and tilted her head at him as he did the same. She gently placed her hand on his cheek and a small smile appeared on his lips, “H-Hello...”
Yoongi sat there in shock and swallowed some spit, “Hey...are you the Marigold saber?” 
“Y-Yes.” He nodded his head and looked down at her hand on his cheek. He felt his body get hotter when she leaned forward with her blank face, “Are you okay?”
“Don’t worry about me. Are you okay?”
She put her hand down and looked around with a confused face, “What happened? Where's Shin?”
Yoongi's eyes widened at this and gave her a confused look, “King Shin? He’s been gone...it’s been centuries since he's been alive...” 
Her face turned into shock and she looked away from Yoongi to look at the plants around them, “H-He’s gone?” 
“I’m sorry....” 
“It was...it was only a matter of time. I wished he never hid me away, I just wanted to say goodbye.” 
Yoongi felt sad for the girl but he was awkward. He wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do, he never comforted anyone in his life. Especially a girl, “Do you have a name?” 
“Yes, I do. L/N Y/N. What’s your name?” 
“I’m Min Yoongi. Can you stand up?” 
She raised her eyebrow and nodded her head slowly, “I’m sure I can.” 
He stood up and rubbed the back of his neck in a nervous manner, “What the hell am I going to tell Dad?” 
Y/N slowly got up but her legs were shaking and she finally gave in. She fell back on her bottom and looked up at Yoongi with an embarrassed look, “I’m sorry for asking but can you help me?” 
Yoongi glanced down at her and nodded his head, “Yeah.” He put his hand out and she gently placed her hand into his larger one. Their eyes locked onto each other and Yoongi saw her eyes flash towards him. Her hand fit right in his hand but he thought nothing of it, he was just helping a girl up. He brought her up slowly and she fell into his chest. She looked up at him with big eyes and gave him a small smile, “I’m sorry...I guess it’s been a while since I used my legs.” 
“Centuries to be exact.” 
She rolled her eyes and let out a small laugh, “Don’t remind me. Did you hear my singing?” 
He looked down at her and nodded his head, “That’s how I found you, why?”
“That means you're my next wielder.” 
She moved away but intertwined their fingers together with a small smile, “Those who hear singing from weapons are the next wielder...do they not teach you this?” 
Yoongi glanced down at their hands and then back at her with a confused look, “There is no wielder or whatever...I have never heard of that before.” 
“Pity...Well, there is now.”
“How do you change into a sword?” 
She smiled at this and leaned towards his face as Yoongi watched her with wide eyes, “Each wielder is different. With Shin, he would use a mind link with me but with you it's different. It’s a physical touch.” 
“You’ve been holding my hand this whole time and nothing. I think you're just making this up.”
She closed her eyes and shook her head. She stood on her tippy toes and placed her forehead on his, “Close your eyes.”
He rolled his eyes but he did what she told him to do. As soon as he closed his eyes, the touch on his forehead disappeared and a new weight appeared in his hands. He opened his eyes and saw the saber staring right back at him, “What the hell?” 
“I told you it was different. Now to change me back, touch the orange crystal.” 
“What the fuck is going on today?” He gently touched the crystal and with flashing lights, Y/N was in front of him again. She gave him a small smirk as he looked at her with a blank expression (it was a lot to take in), “See I told you.”
He sighed and rubbed his forehead roughly. His watch started beeping and cursed under his breath. He pushed a button on the watch and brought it up to his mouth, “What?”
“Are you having trouble, son?” 
This isn’t what I need right now. “I’m fine. I’ll be up there in a few minutes.” 
“Okay, son.” 
He glanced at Y/N as she watched with her head tilted, “What’s that?” 
“A watch. I need you to turn back into the sword.” 
“Okay, where are we going?” 
Yoongi let out a fake laugh and shook his head, “Home, I guess.” 
The ship erupted in cheers when Yoongi entered the main room. He gave an awkward smile and nodded his head toward everyone, “Are they always this loud? I guess that's fun.”
Yoongi wanted to laugh but he kept it in. His father went up to him and put his hand on his shoulders with a proud smile, “How do you feel?”
“The same, I guess.”
“I’m going to let you keep it. You deserve it.”
Yoongi walked back to his room and locked the door. He touched the orange crystal and Y/N gave him a comforting smile, “You really don’t like your dad.”
“You can say that. Do you eat?” 
Y/N let out a small laugh and nodded her head, “Of course, I eat.”
“Well I didn’t know...I’ll make you some soup.”
“I can help you cook, I used to cook for the maids.” 
Yoongi nodded his head and walked towards his small kitchen with Y/N behind him. He took all the ingredients out and watched Y/N organize them in the corner of his eye. He was shocked at how well they got along. She was cheerful and well the opposite of Yoongi. He also noticed that her eyes would get brighter whenever she looked at him but he just assumed it was because she was different. 
They sat at the dinner table with empty bowls and Yoongi had some questions, “So...you change into a weapon.” 
“Yes, I am. I thought we made that clear.” 
He rolled his eyes as she let out a small laugh, “But how? Did you get picked by some higher being or what?” 
“My parents were weapons.” 
“You had parents?” 
She nodded her head and looked down at the bowel with a frown, “Technically they are my parents but I wouldn’t call them that. Shin was my only father figure...Weapons don’t normally have a happy family. Parents are always gone while you go away to specialty schools. I went for wind and sound waves, just like my parents...I didn’t even know their name, that’s how much I didn’t know about them.” 
“Did you ever talk to them?”
“After I turned five, I never saw them again. Never really looked for them either. Weapons get born just like humans but they're lonelier, I suppose.” 
At least we have that in common, “How old are you technically?” 
“Technically I’m around 300 I think...but in human age, I’m 28 ish.” 
“I’m older than you then in that department.” 
She tilted her head at him and looked him up and down, “How old are you then?” 
“I’m 30.”
“You don’t look thirty.”
“Thank you? We should change you back to the saber in case they come into my room in the morning.”
She nodded her head but before their foreheads could touch. She kissed his cheek and gave him a wide smile. This made Yoongi smile but he quickly wiped it off when she turned back into the saber. He sent the weapon next to him on the bed and he sighed to himself, “What a day...” 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
There’s nothing like waking up in the morning with the sirens going off and yelling. Yoongi got up and touched the orange crystal by accident making Y/N appear with a scared expression, “What’s going on?” 
“I’m not sure...but whatever it is, it’s not good. Go back into your weapon form, I don’t want you to get hurt.” 
She nodded her head and touched his forehead gently. He placed the saber in his belt loop and made it out of his room in a panic. Everyone was running around with panic on their faces, which can mean many things. One of the things that Yoongi was thinking about was that someone is attacking the ship. He went to the captain's headquarters and tried his best to avoid everyone running in the opposite direction. Yoongi opened the door and saw his father clicking buttons at his desk, “Dad what’s going on?”
“Someone is attacking us, you need to go with Namjoon and Jin.”
“What? Why?”
“They’re after the saber, you need to go now.”
Yoongi hated his dad but he didn’t want to leave his dad to die alone. Yoongi shook his head at his dad and stood his ground, “I’m not leaving you.” 
“Yoongi, there’s already a boat waiting for you. They will take care of you, I will call you when things are okay again. Okay?”
Yoongi sighed and knew that he couldn’t argue with his dad on this, “Fine. Good luck.”
He ran out of the room and towards the back of the ship to leave. With each step he took, the heavier his heart felt. This could be the last time he sees his dad again and that’s how he left him, he sounded so evil but he couldn’t help it. “Yoongi, It’s okay. Please don’t say those things about yourself.” 
“It’s hard Y/N, I feel like I am evil. My mother is probably looking down at him with disappointment and I can’t blame her.” 
“Enough. You don’t deserve this treatment, especially from yourself.”
“Fine, Y/N. I’ll stop.” 
He opened the door and saw Namjoon and Jin talking to each other not seeing that he entered. Namjoon and Jin were his father’s closest guards and he grew up with them. He didn’t talk to them at all but he was familiar with them, that’s better than nothing. He let out a small cough and they turned to look at him with a small smile. Jin was the first one to move forward toward him, “Yoongi, are you okay? This can be a lot.” 
“I’m okay...thank you, guys, for coming with me and protecting me.” 
Namjoon nodded his head with a tight smile, “Of course, we need to get going before things turn for the worse.” 
Yoongi nodded his head and followed them onto the boat. Namjoon spawned out of the glider while Jin turned on the engine. Jin pushed a button and the gate opened letting Yoongi see the blue sky with the clouds welcoming him to a new adventure. The boat started and they were off. Yoongi glanced down at the saber and sighed to himself, What the hell is going to happen?
Jin glanced down at the saber and smiled, “I heard so much about the marigold saber.”
“Like what?”
“I know that she transforms into a human, that kind of stuff.”
The silence on the boat made Yoongi feel uncomfortable but he quickly shook his head, “W-What do you mean?”
“Namjoon is my weapon. You don’t have to hide it from us.” 
Yoongi glanced at Namjoon and then back at Jin, “Did my father know this? About the saber?”
“If he did, he never told us. Namjoon knew because he felt a connection at the temple. He assumed you were the next wielder for the marigold saber.”
Yoongi took the saber out of his belt loop and stared down with a sigh escaping. He touched the crystal and Y/N appeared looking at them with a shocked look, “There are other weapons! Yoongi told me there was no more.” 
Namjoon let out a small laugh and kept his eyes on the sky, “There isn’t a lot left. So, of course, Yoongi wouldn’t know they existed.” 
She turned towards Yoongi with a frown, “You lied to me.” 
Yoongi rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest, “I didn’t lie. I just didn’t know, there’s a difference.” He glanced back at Jin with a serious look, “Where are we going?” 
“We need to go to Phiaserat. We have to have the council know that the Marigold is back in existence and has a new wielder.”
Yoongi glanced at Y/N and then back at Jin, “How long would that take?”
“At least a week because we have to stop in a town for gas. Hopefully-”
Before Jin could finish his sentence, something hard hit the boat and caused it to get damaged. The hit was so hard that Y/N fell backward into Yoongi’s arm and with a natural response, he wrapped his arms around her waist holding her tight. Protecting her from whatever will happen. Jin glanced over his shoulders and saw that they were the same pirates that were attacking the main ship. Jin glanced at Y/N with a serious expression, “We need to fight them.” 
Y/N’s face turned into a shock and glanced at Namjoon, “How are we going to fight them? I-I-”
“Namjoon transforms into a gun and you can use your special powers. We need to act fast before it turns bad. Let’s go.” 
Y/N nodded her head and turned towards Yoongi, “Are you ready?”
He nodded his head and as soon as their foreheads touched, he was ready to fight. Namjoon set the glider on autopilot and prayed that it could glide safely to the ground. Jin snapped his fingers and Namjoon transformed into a sniper rifle. He turned towards Yoongi and nodded his head, “Good luck.”
“Thanks?” Yoongi glanced down at the sword and sighed, “What are you doing Y/N?”
“Walk on air.”
“A fucking excuse me?” 
“Trust me okay. Just go on the edge and take a step, I’ll take care of the rest. Okay?”
Yoongi leaned forward and looked down, only now realizing how high they were. He swallowed his spit and nodded his head, “You won’t kill me?”
“Yoongi, no. I won’t kill you okay? Trust me.”
Jin looked through his small scope and aimed at the crew shooting cannons toward them, “Namjoon are you ready?” 
With that, Jin shot a bullet but it wasn’t a normal one. The bullet was covered in poison making sure whoever was hit was brought down. The bullet flew through the sky and hit the crew in the chest. The loud gasp echoed through the air and he held his chest in pain. The poison quickly went through his skin and he started coughing up blood. Jin smirked at this, “Good job, Joon.” 
Yoongi nodded his head and put his foot on the ledge. He closed his eyes and put his foot out, “Please don’t kill me.” He put his foot out and when put his weight down, he didn’t fall. He looked down and saw an air bubble holding him up, “Oh, thank god.”
“I told you to trust me.” 
Yoongi started walking slowly and then he started running towards the boat, “Y/N, what do I do?”
“We’ll use my soundwave, it will be powerful enough to send them backward and away from us. Just swing the sword forward and I'll take care of it.” 
“Okay, I trust you.” He did what he was told and watched the waves erupt from the metal. They were so powerful against his palm that he watched his skin vibrate. He held his ground and when the sound waves hit the boat, they were sent back with them screaming away. Yoongi watched them and put his saber down with a shocked face, “You're really strong...”
“It was because you trust me...we have a bond now you know.”
“Thanks...thanks for not letting me die?” 
“You're not good with words.”
“I’m sorry...”
“No, no...I like it.”
Before Yoongi could say anything, Jin yelled out to them, “Guys come back!!! We need to try and land this boat!” 
“Can we do that, Y/N?”
“Of course, we can. We can do anything together.”
Yoongi smiled to himself and felt his heart flutter a bit. He yelled back to Jin, “We’ll land this boat!”
“Okay! Once we land, we’ll fix the boat. We’ll camp for tonight!” 
Night time came and everyone was sitting by the fire. Jin made everyone soup and he was sitting next to Namjoon talking about something. Y/N looked at Yoongi and gave him a small smile, “I’m going to the river.”
He looked at her with a raised eyebrow, “For what?” 
“I just want to be by the water. It's peaceful, want to come?” 
Yoongi glanced at Jin and saw that he was immersed in the conversation with Namjoon, he probably wouldn’t notice. He looked back at Y/N and nodded his head, “Sure...”
She stood up and when he followed her, she intertwined their fingers together and whisked him off. They went through the tall trees and Yoongi couldn’t take his eyes off of her. She was so lively and had this gentleness to her that he couldn’t explain it. They made it towards the river and she turned towards him with excitement, “Are you ready?”
“What are we doing exactly?”
She tilted her head towards that, allowing the moonlight to highlight her eyes, “We’re going to walk on water together and sit. We can learn more about each other.” 
He nodded his head and held his hand out toward her. She glanced down at his hand and then back at him with a small laugh, “Do you want me to hold your hand?” 
“Isn’t that how-”
“I do want to hold your hand.”
She placed her hand on his and gently pulled him towards her. The two put their feet on the river and they started to head towards the center. Y/N glanced at Yoongi and stopped, “Is this okay?”
“This is fine.” The two sat on the water and he glanced down at the water, “Is this your air power?” 
“Yeah, unless you want to take a swim.” 
He let out a small laugh and she looked at him with a surprised look, “Wow! You actually laughed and it didn’t sound sarcastic.”
“I can laugh, you just have to be funny.”
“I am funny, you're just boring.” 
He scoffed at this and gently flicked her forehead causing her to laugh. She rubbed her forehead and he glanced down at her with a soft smile on his face. When she opened her eyes she saw that he was looking at her and she suddenly felt shy, she’s never felt this way before. She bit her lip and glanced down at his hand. She placed her hand on top of his, making Yoongi glance down, “You really like my hands.” 
“I do...they make me feel safe.” 
“That’s good. I make you feel safe with me?”
She nodded her head and looked up at him with a sincere look, “I do...I want to protect you.”
Her eyes widened and she leaned forward with sparkles in her eyes, “You want to protect me?” 
He felt his face get hot at how close she was and he nodded his head, “Of course I want to protect you...”
“That makes me so happy.”
“Why? Shin protected you.”
“With you it's different.”
He glanced at her and then back at the moon with his red face, “Is that a good thing?”
“It is...I like different things. I like you.” 
“I-I like you too..”
She looked at him and smiled. She leaned her head against his arm and he was shocked at the action but he didn’t hate it. He brought his arm up to wrap around her shoulder and she couldn’t help herself from nuzzling her head into his arm. They stayed like that with the moonlight shining on them and the fireflies surrounding them. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
It took the group two weeks to fix the boat. It took them a week to find the supplies and then another week to fix the boat. During the two weeks, Y/N and Yoongi went to the river almost every night to spend time together. She learned about his childhood and he learned about her time with the king. Jin and Namjoon noticed the two getting closer and thought it was cute, which is why it took two weeks. They wanted the two to get closer. 
Within two weeks, Yoongi didn’t hear anything from his father. He was worried about his father but he knew that his father was hard to kill, he had to be alive, right? He asked Jin and Namjoon if they heard anything from the crew or even his father but nothing. They told him that the attack could’ve hit the communication line and that's why. He was hoping that was the reason.   
They went forward to Phiaserat and during this time, Yoongi missed those times he had with Y/N. It was peaceful, he didn’t have to keep an eye out for danger and drove the ship once in a while. He just wanted to be with Y/N and he didn’t know why exactly. They stopped at the town that was near Phiaserat and decided today was going to be a free day. Jin and Namjoon went off to look at swords while Y/N took Yoongi to a cafe.
Yoongi opened the door for Y/N and she ran into the building with excitement. She looked at the menu and pointed at it, making Yoongi smile softly, “They have white cake, we haven’t had that for a long time.” 
“We never had it together.”
“Oh? Really? Let’s change that now.” 
He let out a laugh and ordered the two cakes as Y/N found them a seat. The two sat together and she looked at the busy walkway with a smile, “It’s so fun here.”
“It’s loud but it’s not too bad.” 
“I like it. They're going to have a flower festival, I saw it on a flier. It’s going to be in the main square, can we go?” 
He saw her looking at him with that innocent look and he couldn’t help his face getting red, “Yeah we can go.” 
“Oh, that’s so exciting! I love flowers, they're so pretty.” 
Just like you. The two ate their cakes as Y/N continued to show her excitement about the flower festival but as she did it, there was some icing on the corner of her mouth. Yoongi leaned forward and gently brushed away the icing with his thumb which caused Y/N to freeze in her spot. His thumb felt so soft against her skin and it made her feel so shy. He saw her shy expression and a smirk appeared, “You okay?”
“I-I’m okay.” 
The sun went down and evening arrived. The sky was light purple with orange hues, it was beautiful. The two went to the town square holding hands as everyone in town was getting excited about the festival. All around there were flower booths and Yoongi took a marigold off. He tapped Y/N’s shoulder causing her to turn around with a confused face. Yoongi gave her a soft look and pushed some hair back, placing the flower into her hair. 
She let out a small giggle and kissed the side of his hand, “You need a matching one now.” 
She grabbed another marigold and placed it behind his ear with a shy smile. She placed a kiss on his cheek. When she pulled away, she grabbed his wrist and went towards the front to watch the different flower floats. She clapped her hands when each float went by but he couldn’t focus on the flowers, only on her. When the last float came by, she went toward them and started talking to them. Yoongi smiled to himself as he watched interact with everyone. It was nice to see her so excited to talk to anyone. He looked away for a second when he heard excited gasps, it was just a jester handing out flowers to the little kids. He let out a small chuckle but that chuckle quickly disappeared when he saw a man talking to Y/N. It was clear he was interested in her with the way he kept leaning towards her and this annoyed him. He glared at the scene and walked towards them with heavy footsteps. 
“I like these flowers because-AH!”
Yoongi grabbed her arm and dragged her away from the guy. Before he left, he sent one last glare to him, “Let’s go, Y/N.”
Yoongi continued to drag her and she looked at his back with a confused look, “Yo-Yoongi? What’s wrong?” Yoongi didn’t answer the question as they went down the long alleyway. He gently pushed her against the wall and slammed his hand near her head. She tilted her head at him as he leaned towards her, “Yoongi, are you okay?”
“I don’t like him near you...”
“Eh? He was just asking about flowers..”
“He was too close.”
Yoongi leaned down and gently placed his lips against hers. Her eyes widened at the softness but she slowly closed them when she melted in the kiss. He tilted his head and his tongue slowly entered into her mouth as she accepted it. He leaned away and looked down at her face to see her cheeks bright red and out of breath. He went down to his neck and she let out a small moan when she felt him kissing his neck, “Yoongi~! We're outside...”
He moved his hand up her thighs and brought her into another kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck and brought him in closer as his hand went up higher. He pulled away and brought his hand up to gently grab her boob. She grabbed his wrist and covered her mouth as she let out another moan, “Yoongi~..” 
“Fuck, Y/N, turned around.” 
She turned around and she looked over her shoulder to see Yoongi unbuckling his pants. She felt her face get hotter when she saw his length glistening in the light above him. He moved up his shirt and looked down to see a big wet spot. He let out a small groan at the sight, she looked back at him with her big eyes, “Y/N fuck...” 
He grabbed his cock and took a deep breath before putting it in, just the thought of him being in her was making him go crazy. She let out a loud moan when she felt him and couldn’t help getting louder, “Y/N...your voice...”
He put his hand over her mouth and she started to suck on his fingers. His eyes widened at this and he felt his body get hotter. He turned her head and looked at her with a shy face, “Do-Don’t let other guys talk to you like that...only I can.” 
She blinked her eyes at this and she let out a wide smile appear on her red face, “Yes!~” 
He leaned down and kissed her again as he thrust into her. He swore he could die at that moment. Her soft lips on his and the way she was tight around him was making him lose focus. This was the greatest feeling for the both of them. He didn’t want this to end. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
“Just go down the hall and the door on the left is the council.” Jin gave the guard a smile and went up to the group with a smile. They were finally in Phiaserat, this was a big moment for Yoong and Y/N, this was going to let her stay with him forever and no one could rip her away from him. They knew what could happen to their well-being if they did that. The relationship between Yoongi and Y/N became stronger, they weren’t together per se but they knew they had a strong bond. A bond that made both of their hearts flutter. 
“Are you guys ready?” 
Y/N glanced at Yoongi and nodded her head, “I’m ready. Yoon, are you ready?”
“I’m ready.” 
He grabbed her hand and gave her a small smile as she returned it. Namjoon glanced at Jin and gave him a thumbs up at the scene in front of them. They all walked towards the door and before they opened Y/N glanced at Yoongi with a nervous smile, “Are you sure you want this?”
He raised his eyebrow at her and nodded his head, “Of course I want this.”
“Are you sure? You're going to be with me forever.”   
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” 
Her eyes widened and she felt her face get hot, “Really?” 
Jin opened the door and They saw seven men sitting on a raised platform making sure they were looking down at whoever entered. Y/n’s grip got tighter and Yoongi rubbed her knuckles to relax her. One of the men at the platform leaned forward to look at her and then at Jin, “Registration?” 
“Correct sir.” 
“Will the weapon and wielder step forward so we can start the process?” 
Y/N and Yoongi did what they were asked to do. While Y/N felt scared under their eyes, Yoongi was standing strong, wanting nothing but to have Y/N to be with him forever. Another man spoke up and it caused Y/N to jump, “Names.” 
“Min Yoongi.” 
“L/N YN.”
The room got quiet and this made her feel even more uneasy. There was a loud gasp and the same man that asked them to step forward, got down his platform. He walked towards her and she wanted to disappear, “You're the Marigold saber...it’s been centuries since we’ve heard of you.” 
She glanced at Yoongi and then back at the man, “I am...”
“This is your wielder? We can't go with him.”
Yoongi glared at him and moved in front of her, “And why is that?” 
“She’s royal property.” 
“The fuck she is. I’m her wielder and you are not taking her away from me.”
The man glared at Yoongi and let out an unamused laugh, “You can’t be serious. She should be used for research.”
“You are not touching her.”
Yoongi's eyes widened and watched the doors open to see guards coming in with swords. Namjoon and Jin glared at the guards that were surrounding them. Yoongi pushed Y/N to be completely behind him as he glared at the guards all around them, “What do you think you're doing?” 
“I told you we need her for research, she should be a part of the museum.” 
“You're not going to take her away from me. It’s not happening.” 
“You’re doing a disservice to this country-”
Yoongi rolled his eyes, “I’m not even here from this country.” Before anyone could say anything, the roof above broke and people landed around them. Yoongi was shocked when the person turned around, “Dad?” 
“Go to the third floor and complete the registration. Once you do that, they can’t take her away from you.”
“Go now.” 
Yoongi nodded his head and turned towards Y/N, “Are you ready?”
“Always, with you.”
They touched their foreheads and Yoongi was ready to fight. Yoongi drew an “X” in the air and blasted away the guards that were blocking their way. He glanced at Jin and Namjoon, “You ready.” 
“Let’s go!” 
Namjoon transformed into two pistols and Jin followed Yoongi up the stairs. There was screaming and groans that echoed through the building. Jin with his skilled shooting was making things easier for Yoongi and with Y/N’s power, the soundwaves echoed through the stoned stairwell. Jin shot someone in the head and looked at Yoongi, “Go into the room! It’s on the left!” 
Yoongi ran and opened the door wide. He closed the door and locked the door as there was banging on the wooden door. He touched the orange crystal and watched Y/N look at him with a determined look, “Are you ready?” 
He cupped her face and brought her in a quick kiss,“Forever.”
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gardenergulfie · 2 years
And a lore tree ooooo
“Out of all the gifts I’ve been given lately, I love this one the most” NATURE WIVES FANS WE STAY WINNING
Awwww she’s singing her own magical girl transformation!
One thing that stays consistent with Katherine is that she loves collecting mob heads
….nvm she’s advertising for her Roblox channel. Never change Katherine
Oooooo cool battle montage music
“Death be with you” Katherine’s so excited to KILL. She kinda thinks raid farms are “too easy” and “cheating” but she’s having fun!
…Katherine really wants a witches head. I’m sure there’s no ominous statement that could be taken from that, not at all!
Wait she needs a trident to get her next set of heads… oh no…. (oh yes the drama!!)
At least now he appreciates her strength. Finally. Late to the Buff Katherine party dude
Interesting that he’s now calling her a princess and not a pirate hmmmm
I think Joey and Katherine actually have a funny dynamic, they’d be killer best friends (Joetherine fans don’t come for me I’m sorry I don’t like your ship)
….he took off his sleeves for this
I can’t wait for joeys pov of this it’s gonna be hilarious I can tell
KATHERINE EXPLODED HERSELF LOL. At least she got that zombie head.
Shelby 🤝 Katherine
Ignoring their problems
But hey the Monster Museum is cute! And spooky!
Ok ep over! But one last thing…
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I see you Katherine. I see you
64 notes · View notes
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A Clash of Kings - 10 DAVOS I (pages 132-148)
Davos watches gods burn on the beach, then has an ale and gets a lore drop from Salladhor Saan before Stannis calls Davos to show off his attempt at a (100% true) smear campaign.
"Lord of Light, we offer you these false gods, these seven who are one, and him the enemy. Take them and cast your light upon us, for the night is dark and full of terrors." ... "For the night is dark and full of terrors,"Selyse and her queen's men replied. Should I speak the words as well? Davos wondered. Do I owe Stannis that much? Is this fiery god truly his own?
TNiDaFoT = 🥛🥛
... There's a heat wave here okay? I need all the hydration I can get. Water is just so quenchy. The quenchiest.
The burning gods cast a pretty light, wreathed in their robes of shifting flames, red and orange and yellow. Septon Barre had once told Davos how they'd been carved from the masts of the ships that had carried the first Targaryens from Valyria. Over the centuries they'd been painted and repainted, gilded, silvered, jeweled.
Why does this feel like some kind of ominous hint towards Dany and the followers of R'hllor? (And not in a "you like fire, I like fire, did we just become best friends?" kind of way. Even though there's the theory she's Azor Ahai, "beloved of R'hllor")
The Maiden lay athwart the Warrior, her arms widespread as if to embrace him. The Mother seemed almost to shudder as the flames came licking up her face. A longsword had been thrust through her heart, and its leather grip was alive with flame. The Father was on the bottom, the first to fall. Davos watched the hand of the Stranger writhe and curl as the fingers blackened and fell away one by one, reduced to so much glowing charcoal.
*Knowing Ned died first, Catelyn's fate, and that Jon's hand was burned pretty badly, combined with remembering once seeing a video essay on the Stark fam representing the Seven in some capacity:* I'm sure it's fiiiine. Not at all foreshadowing. *laughs nervously*
"Under the sea, smoke rises in bubbles, and flames burn green and blue and black," Patchface sang somewhere.
Still kinda sounds like an underwater volcanic region...
"As to that father," Dale said, "I mislike these water casks they've given me for Wraith. Green pine. The water will spoil on a voyage of any length." "I got the same for Lady Marya," said Allard. "The queen's men have laid claim to all the seasoned wood."
You'd think folks living on an island, would take better care of their sailors, but no. Classist snobs everywhere.
"Pirate," said Davos. "You have no wives, only concubines, and you have been well paid for every day and every ship." "Only in promises," said Salladhor Saan mournfully. "Good ser, it is gold I crave, not words on papers." He popped a grape into his mouth. "You'll have your gold when we take the treasury in King's Landing. No man in the Seven Kingdom's is more honorable than Stannis Baratheon. He will keep his word."
... so who wants to tell them about the 6 million gold debt the Crown (Littlefinger and Bobby B) accrued?
Also: it's not quite how i pronounce the name, but as I was reading, I just called Salladhor Saan 'Salad Whore' by accident.
... all this talk of Azor Ahai has given me the crackspiracies. At first I was like Burning blade + sword of light > Obi-wan Kenobi's lightsaber > Obi is Azor Ah... waaaait. AA killed his wife for power OH MY GOSH > Anakin Skywalker is Azor Ahai Confirmed!
🔍I've solved it, everyone else go home. (Joking)
When he thought of Nissa Nissa, it was his own Marya he pictured, a good-natured plump woman with sagging breasts and a kindly smile, the best woman in the world. He tried to picture himself driving a sword through her, and shuddered. I am not made of the stuff of heroes, he decided. If that was the price of a magic sword, it was more than he cared to pay.
Davos is just, such a good bloke. Good Husband, good father, good friend. At this point, I think he's got the best chance for Westeros' Best Father Ever award.
"- It seemed to me as I watched the fire this morning that I was looking at a dozen beautiful dancers, maidens garbed in yellow silk spinning and swirling before a great king. -"
*thinking of the tv show* Gasp! The Sandsnakes? That'd be a fun twist, it was a real vision, but an assassination and not a homage, or just not Stannis.
"When I was a lad I found an injured goshawk an nursed her back to health. Proudwing, I named her. (...) Time and again I would take her hawking, but she never flew higher than the treetops. -"
Awww, Proudwing has separation anxiety and a trauma induced fear of heights. Look at Stannis having a humanising moment... and then ruining it with his plotting.
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hidingoutbackstage · 1 year
Been thinkin’ about them lately. If you’d like would you talk some more about you’re lovely pirates? :)
Okay sorry I meant to answer this sooner but first of all thank you! I’ma be real I haven’t been thinking about my pirates that much lately but I’ll always love an excuse to talk about them lol
There’s like. A million things I could talk about here but since I haven’t gone too much into it, I’ll go over the basic plot and some details of it I really like
If Clashing Swords were a thing, it’d be an animated tv series. I know animation for adults is becoming more rare as a medium for things that aren’t cheap “wow look at these animated characters saying fuck” or Family Guy clones, but I just think it’d be the simplest medium especially considering some of the gore and brutality that happens. Pirate stories are very visual after all
In terms of the story’s length, I see about four major arcs unfolding, and thus there’s be about four seasons, one for each arc culminating in that season’s finale. The season one arc shows what Cassiopeia and Lorelei’s rivalry looks like without their fathers, and some of their struggles as the new captains of their crews in their fathers’ absences. It culminates in a season one finale where another pirate, Reaper, (dw I’ll talk about villains later in this post) cements himself as a threat to both of them, and Lorelei realizes that Cassiopeia takes their rivalry more seriously than she does. Cassiopeia doesn’t want to continue butting heads because it’s tradition, she’s actively trying to murder Lorelei for the death of her father. Season one’s arc is Lorelei basically trying to come up with ways to convince Cassiopeia of her perspective, as well as both women dealing with other various pirate threats. Season two’s finale is a battle between the two women’s crews and a new threat, Dead Bones, who ends up destroying Cassiopeia’s ship, forcing her to make a quick begrudging alliance with Lorelei to allow their crews to merge so they don’t, y’know, die. Season three is the crews trying to get along in this shaky new alliance, everyone learning to get along with some (Cassiopeia) more begrudging than others, and other pirates including this season’s prominent villain, Goldfang. Season three it has more of a softer finale of Cassiopeia deciding to officially pledge herself to Lorelei’s crew, cementing them as permanent allies (there’s something metaphorical here I’ll talk about later). Season four is the two crews, now one, working together while Cassiopeia and Lorelei kinda fall in love because come on gay pirates are awesome. The series finale ends with a huge fight against Dead Bones that they ofc win, Lorelei and Cassiopeia are officially in love, and the very ending is a denouement years later of where the prominent pirates from the crew are now, Lorelei and Cassiopeia ofc being legendary pirate wives because I love them
Okay themes next: this is a very jewish story, at least it’s meant to be. Clashing Swords takes place in a fantasy world but still has some elements from our real world like certain countries and religions and all that. So like, Judaism exists, as do nations such as the Philippines and Hawaii (because I like islands in pirate fantasies) but this is very much not our Earth since there’s magic and mermaids and undead pirates and all of that. Anyway, like I said, it’s jewish. Cassiopeia’s arc in season three of her deciding to join Lorelei’s crew is kind of a convert story. Lorelei and her first mate, Skull Sword, as well as a few other crew members such as Yitzhak and Braveheart are jewish. It’s not super prominent, but Cassiopeia’s announcement of her decision to join Lorelei’s crew comes the day after witnessing a small service for Shabbat on board, something she observes that clearly softens her to them. She also at first asks permission to join from Skull Sword, saying “Where you sail, I will sail; where you dock, I will dock; your crew shall be my crew, and your captain my captain” which is an homage to the story of Ruth, the first (and only) jewish conversion in the Torah. The story itself also has themes of overcoming adversity and the struggle between the modern and tradition, as well as being outsiders picked upon by a larger society, which are all kinda jewish themes in my jewish opinion. I like having jews in my stories what can I say
Okay villains. There’s 3 big/main ones that I’ve come up with so far that I already mentioned, and some smaller ones who simply pose threats for that episode and not too much more. Reaper is a pirate who had a feud with Crooked and Jagged (Cassiopeia and Lorelei’s fathers respectively) and attempted to assassinate both of their wives, so when they’re dead he decides to go after their daughters. Reaper has a crew that’s large and loyal, but most of the time he comes after the women solo, since y’know, personal beef has to be taken care of personally and all that. Reaper is eventually killed by Cassiopeia, when Reaper is trying to kill Lorelei, saving her life because, at this point, she thinks she’s the person who deserves to kill Lorelei. Reaper is the first “major” threat the women deal with, although plenty ghosts of their shitty fathers’ shitty pasts as shitty pirates decide to try their hand at getting revenge on two men who are already dead by murdering their daughters. Goldfang is the second big antagonist, although he doesn’t appear so at first. He just appears to be stalking them, and the women find out he’s a former member of the crew Jagged and Crooked were ok in their younger years because of course the two men’s rivalry is one of those “we were former friends before we were torn apart and became sworn enemies” origins. Lorelei confronts him, and he reveals that the incident that tore Crooked and Jagged apart decades ago wasn’t what it seemed, and he was responsible for it, meaning all the death and pain and destruction that came from the rivalry was because of Goldfang. He has no remorse and blames Crooked’s and Jagged’s actions, and tl;dr Lorelei and Cassiopeia execute him out of anger, swearing not to tell anyone about the revelation. The final villain is Dead Bones, a pirate who’s slowly rising to notoriety and power. His shtick is that he’s dead, he killed himself to gain immortality and power from a “witch” he kidnapped, and thus essentially cannot be killed (well he can cuz magic always has one weakness but y’know) and he seeks to take down Lorelei and Cassiopeia to increase his notoriety as a pirate. He’s a despicable person, he threatens that everyone he kills becomes part of his undead crew, so y’know, lots of legend and fear around that guy, obviously a big threat. There are other small villains throughout who pose threats for specific episodes, and also the whole Crooked and Jagged are villainous in of themselves in how they were as people, how they treated their daughters, and the legacies they left behind for their daughters to deal with in their deaths, but those three are the main ones.
Oh and here’s a little thing, if you’re wondering why literally everyone in this universe has a cool pirate name except for Lorelei and Cassiopeia who just have like regular ass names, it’s because pirates are typically given their pirate names by their captain, and Crooked and Jagged both held it over their daughters’ heads that they would get a pirate name if they “earned” it aka proved themselves to them. And ofc they died before either woman got to do that, so thus they still have the names they were born with
Also if you’re wondering why the two women become captain after their fathers pass, it’s because their fathers made them their first mates, and if the captain dies, the first mate takes over. And if you’re wondering why two dudes who suck and are kinda misogynistic (one more than the other) made their daughters the first mates, it’s simple: Jagged’s wife was his first mate, but when she died, he gave his daughter that role to fill her place. When Crooked learned that his enemy made his daughter his first mate, he did the same, instilling Cassiopeia in that role, since the two captain’s rivalry extends to their children being rivals. This hierarchy stayed in place until it was interrupted by Crooked’s and Jagged’s deaths, upon which the two women realize they were taught in detail how to be a first mate, but never how to be captain.
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🌊Ruby Gillman, The Teenage Kraken 🌊
Shelly-Ann D. {Darleene} Ezmeralda Armourel-Meranda Barracudon
"My mother's soul showed me and enlightened me that's mermaids are the guardians, the protectors and the guides of the titanic ocean as they're becoming intellectual women and good creatures without a black heart in them in one of my dreams. Those who're associated with floods, storms, shipwrecks, and drownings in their age-old histories, and includes one of my long-lived ancestors... Crown Empress Oshearne Mermanda.... the daughter and the youth of Atargatis, their gifted and great goddess."
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"Shelly-Ann otherwise known as "Shelly"/"Ann"/or "Esmeralda"/or "Esme", her middle name, is a 16 y/o college girl & adolescent of "Coral Seacoast University", and a old friend & best friend from childhood of Ruby Gillman."
"A confident teenager who is determined to discover of her family's aforementioned secrets which she's happen to be a not only mermaid but a crowned head of the mermaids' decent tribe."
"Adopted by "Gal Barracudon", the devoted and good father who is full-blooded kraken along with his decent family members those who're dwelled in "The Ocean City Shore" and includes "Shar Barracudon" alternatively known as Shelly-Ann's likely adopted-grandfather."
"See her adopted kraken father as uncle figure and second father to her as she's calls him "Treasure Papa"/"Anchor"."
"She's Demigirl/Bisexual, and pronouns She/Her & They/Them/Their."
"They're and her gigantic family dwelled at The Ocean City Shore & "The Enchanted Coastline" next to her biological father's lighthouse, golden pond and harbor from his childhood, "New Wave Harbor" and "High Tide Harbor Light"."
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"Shelly is a smoothie and real charmer with alike personalities of Princess Ariel & Esmeralda. She's a bright and kindhearted teenager with strong passions for adventure and exploration. Curious, spunky & adventurous spirit, and strong-willed, independent, headstrong, and plucky young girl with a good heart of gold like Ariel but also, they shown to be verbally powerful, streetwise, cunning, positive, moral, and intelligent like Esmeralda and Shelly's is also have ultimately a kind, loving selfless soul underneath with benevolent and caring personality as well."
"Quarter of Greece/Celtic from both of the side of her ancestry from both of their big folks but however, from her mother's side of her enormous family and her ancestors were French, Hawaiian, Mauritian-Creole & Haitian-Creole, and as for her father's, his side of his overgrown family and his ancestry were Australian, Caribbean, and Spanish & Portuguese."
"Her auburn ombre hair have pastel light blue and pastel teal highlights/ombre."
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"Also have same personalities and characters of Anne Boonchuy & Rikki Chadwick."
"She's treated Ruby Gillman like a great sister to her as both of them were very dear best friends since childhood before she's move away to another town."
"A crown princess and young blue-blooded heiress of her noble grandparents' immeasurable empire of the enormous depths and titanic ocean, "Domian of The Ethereal Waves", the important colony and the considerable & greater community of full of the merfolks, water spirits and mermaids who've depart from their previous clan for moral reasons and lead by adventurers, pirates & all-powerful and full witches of the great sea, "The Moon Siren Wives", "The Merpeople Buccaneers", "The Daughters of the Sea", "The Raiders of the Promised Treasure", "The Moon Temple Sisters", "The Rovers of the Hidden Monster", "The Corsairs of the Cursed Doubloon", "The South Sea Sailors" & "The Rovers of the North Sea", "The Buccaneers of the Lost Kraken", "The Pirates of the Seven Shores" and "The Magic Water Warriors"."
"Got a part-time employment at "Underwater Park" & "Splashventures!"."
"Wears her deceased mother's blessed and good charms, "The Mermaid's Ocean Memorial", and "The Serene Tear Necklace". The Serene Tear Necklace glowing in the dark of the deeps when she's in the bottom of the sea."
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"She's the captain of the group of seaside female furies, "The Siren's Song"."
"She's have gifted and imperial powers, and important forces from her mother's pure ancestors and her grandparents' as it's have same ability from Percy Jackson, H2O: Just Add Water, Mako: Island of Secrets and H2O: Mermaid Adventures."
"One of her great aunts, "Aunt Margo Meranda" & "Aunt Amber Meranda" owns a jewelry dealer's store, "The Treasure Trove". Shelly always collects goods, and outdated charms & fine and antiquated jewelries for her twin aunts when she's in bottom of the sea or treasure hunting in one of the beaches and includes low-priced ones before she's gone meet them and get to know them."
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"When she's in the bottom of the sea, mermaid form and hairstyle of hers is inspired by Bloom's Mermaidix Form but however her crop-top and her appearing looks fused together and few of the accessories of hers were changed and also fused with these."
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"Her adopted decent family's cares about and loves her dearly as her adopted mother, "Rilletta Barracudon", was strongly supported to her family and her adopted daughter as she was great support and glad about her husband adopting Shelly-Ann since she was a little girl."
"The roller-skating rink queen & the ringleader of "The Sadistic Seaside Sirens"."
Ruby Gillman belongs to Dreamworks Ruby Gillman the Teenage Kraken
Shelly-Ann Armourel-Meranda Barracudon belongs to @gloomycherub-mysterious/@sullenwriter-log/@glazedwriter-mystery0014
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It's time to bring these photos back because you all need to look at them and appreciate them again
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writeastorywhere · 2 years
Writing Playlists!
I have a big folder just for writing playlists, and while most of them are project specific I’m going to link some of the more general ones for anyone who wants inspiration!
SOME FIFTEEN YEAR OLDS KILL GODS | what it says on the tin! YA adventure stories, especially with the power of friendship type vibes. Artists: Madeon, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance
LONELY + TENDER LESBIANS | actually the playlist I wrote my book Shrine Maiden to. For the yearning stories... technically only lesbian-specific because my stories are mostly about lesbians (lol) Artists: In Love With a Ghost, The Crane Wives, Mitski
LESBIAN MAGICAL GIRLS | the counter to the lonely + tender playlist. Much more upbeat, with a lot of pop stuff for the magical girl feel. Artists: Florence + The Machine, Shawn Wasabi, Lauren Estes
DARK TRAGIC HORROR GAYS | my general horror writing playlist. Again, technically not gay people specific, it’s just that I basically only write about gay people. Creepy atmospheric stuff with the occasional more intense song. Artists: Austin Wintory, Coeur de Pirate, Franz Ferdinand
VAMPIRE/HUNTER/WOLF | shitty toxic romance writing playlist, very straightforward. Definitely geared towards vampires/spooky gothic vibes also. Artists: Will Wood, I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME, Adam Jensen
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12 and 20 for the book ask meme?
long answers ahead because books
12. any books that disappointed you?
yeah, but that's okay! i'm sure some people loved each of these, and others hate my faves. here are a few i read during my bookseller era, fall 2021-spring 2022, from my storygraph log:
the death of mrs. westaway by ruth ware (1.5 stars) - i love ruth ware's mysteries and thrillers so much, but this one just didn't go anywhere interesting or surprising. disappointing because it's ruth ware, and her debut in a dark, dark wood is a 5-star novel for me
my sister, the serial killer by oyinkan braithwaite (2 stars) - literally just my storygraph review: "I opened this book expecting a domestic thriller and got literary fiction. That's on me!" it's not a bad book by any means, just not what i was looking for. many many people appreciate this book for what it is, a darkly humorous lit fic about sibling relationships, and i'm genuinely glad it exists. my low star rating is not reflective of the book's quality, but my misinformed and therefore disappointing experience with it
nine perfect strangers by liane moriarty (3 stars) - the premise was so up my alley, because i love "things go terribly wrong in vacation or retreat-adjacent situations" stories, but hm. too many things bothered me here. the stakes were confused and the tone couldn't figure out out where it wanted to be, and a subplot involving teenage suicide (something i am admittedly very sensitive about) felt underdeveloped. this was my first liane moriarty and it didn't leave me itching to read more
i kissed a girl by jennet alexander (1 star) - this was my first attempt at reading a contemporary romance, because my coworkers at former bookstore job were/are avid fans of the genre and i wanted to understand their enthusiasm. and man... this is just not the genre for me. yeah i had some problems with this book specifically, but tbh i don't think it ever had a fair chance just being what it is. and being what it is, i'm sure many others absolutely adore it. i don't dislike the entire romance genre, though--biiiig fan of small-press lesbian pirate adventure-romance novels from the 2000s
i could list like a dozen generic domestic thrillers that just didn't pick up any speed, but i don't want to hurt any authors' feelings if they're looking for reviews that mention their names. point is, books are hit or miss, and i think it's interesting to analyze why something is disappointing with the same thoroughness i'd use for a book i love
20. What was your most anticipated release? Did it meet your expectations?
still counting my bookseller era as the "past year," as i took a break from reading novels after leaving the job and have only gotten back into it in the past few months.
insomnia by sarah pinborough - i already LOVED this author's work (especially fond of her trophy wives murdering rich men and being gay thriller dead to her) and i got an advanced copy of her latest release because bookseller. so it was special and anticipated both because i adore her writing, and i got it early!! the book actually surpassed my expectations by taking a lot of the themes of her previous works and, like, really nailing them. here's a snippet of my review, written right after reading it:
"I'm definitely sensing a pattern in [Pinborough's] thrillers: a very strong foundation in the real world, dealing with tangible traumatic events, but with the slightest hint of the mystical and spiritual. There's always a little bit of the unknown at the end of each book, but it's not unsatisfying in the way other twist endings tend to be. Her novels, at the end of the day, feel like they all take place in the same twisted world, where magic is just a little more possible than it is in ours."
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lillianrs · 10 months
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Hello Tumblr! ➶
I thought I'd make a proper introductory post since I want to start actively using my blogs more, rather than just being a lurker. Despite being on this site for YEARS I've never really interacted with other users. I wanna change that!
So, hi! My professional name is Lillian RS, but you can call me Max or Lian. I'm a queer writer who likes to write queer stories (of course). At the time of writing this, I'm currently 21. I identify as genderqueer and genderfluid, and use they/he/she pronouns. I'm a bi grayromantic graysexual, but LOVE fictional romance and sex (when it's done well). Just don't touch me IRL for the love of the gods.
My art blog @lillianrs-art
My photography blog: @lillianrs-pics
My book series / writing blog: @multimagical
My whump blog: @whumping-valentine
This blog is my main blog, so I'll have a bunch of miscellaneous stuff on here. If you wanna hear about writing and my book series specifically, check out my Multimagical blog! If you wanna see some personal photography and all of my character art, you know which ones to follow. Below the cut are some facts about me (which may be edited in the future) 👇🏻
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Name: Lillian (Lian) // Pronouns: They/He/She
Age: 21 // Birthday: November 7th
Height: 4'11 
INFP-T // Scorpio 
Genderqueer / Genderfluid
Bi Greyromantic Greysexual
Mildly disabled though still very much disabled
My favorite colors are navy blue and sea green! :D
Writing, Musicals, The Ocean, Pirates, Clowns and Jesters, Circus Vibes, Theater Vibes, Rain and wild weather, Language learning, Daydreaming, Music, Collecting sea shells, Traveling, Digital art, Watercolor, Cloudy days, Autumn and Halloween, Cats, Butterflies and Moths, The moon, Enemies to Lovers, Lovers TO Enemies! W H U M P !!
Tortured characters (see above), Short, frail characters with scars, glasses, freckles, red hair, dark circles, and buck teeth >>>> All of those are technically considered imperfections but God damn it I fucking LOVE imperfections then!! I'm a slut for anyone who has all of those features. Or any of them.
Writing, Direct sunlight, Hot sunny days (though actually I'm coming to appreciate them recently!), My damn anxiety, My height (shortness is only good on OTHER people!!), Stink bugs, Cynical people, Cynical discourse, Drama, Cringe culture, Man I hate stink bugs.
Favorite Media
Shows: My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic, Gravity Falls, Star vs. The Forces of Evil, Invader Zim, Helluva boss, Hazbin Hotel, The Amazing Digital Circus, Tangled the Series, The Owl House, Amphibia, She-ra Netflix reboot, Bojack Horseman, Avatar the Last Airbender, Legend of Korra
Movies: Coraline, Nimona, Wolfwalkers, Song of the Sea, How to Train your Dragon
Games: The Sims 4, Minecraft, Little Nightmares, Fran Bow, Little Misfortune
Youtubers: Dan and Phil, Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, Drew Gooden, Brandon Rogers, Nick Crowley, James Turner
Bands: Twenty one pilots, My Chemical Romance, Get Scared, Of Monsters and Men, The Crane Wives, Mother Mother
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endmysuffer1ng · 1 year
Most of us were born from the generation that worshipped the likes of Dolphy, Joey De Leon, Babalu, etc., even without considering their personal beliefs and life outside the screen, their movies presented such a cartoonish portrayal of love to the point that it painted a bad picture of relationships and attraction resonating up to our modern lives.
The typical dynamic between the two main characters in any of these movies involve an exaggeratedly airheaded, plain, and perfect female character, who just playfully refuses the goofy advances of the male protagonist, focusing on his unattractiveness, or unconventional looks to be blunt, as a point of humor. This whole tirade continues until our damsel slowly strikes out subtle smiles until they just somehow magically accept these advances, through the slow and steady clown show, or an incredibly unrealistic scenario where the female protag just gets affected by the titular male in a very significant way.
This kind of entertainment is very well enjoyed by my father and his. And this applies to more than my household, as a matter of fact, this still applies today. In areas where their medium of entertainment are vintage and/or pirated DVD's with hundreds of these films watched and are still being watched. The standards they created reverbate filipino masculinity, affecting the ways kids are raised, wives are loved, and selves are seen. The novelty of these films exist through some sort of main character syndrome going on painfully obvious in every iteration.
Complemented by a timed Damsel in Distress trope, it rots the head. It monopolizes every hope of not only meaningful portrayal of more colorful characters, but also the values of being a man in the Philippines. Instead of better characters suited with more flaws that can reach lesser known spaces in a man's psyche, you're only getting the dimwit making one of five funny faces, hitting his head on a pole, while the lady he woos laughs at him, taking him in out of pity, not by charm or anything else. I'm not discrediting this dynamic that may occur in real life, but with it being 60% of classic Filipino cinema marketted towards men and their families, the best case scenario is for profit, the worst case is the corruption of a generation, who then would be responsible for another generation, bringing about this modern hellscape that we live in.
With these values and tropes instilled to our mothers and fathers, as easy it is to generalize, I much prefer to shift the blame to those with influence, perhaps above the actors and the personalities who portrayed and became the progenitors of this trend, or even the directors who are probably just inspired by something. The question lies: what could've caused this cultural sinkhole, and what will fix it? I can make this easier and blame every fucking failed election, every corrupt polititian being elected, to Vic Sotto movies, but I think we're way past that, surely after 40 years there must've been a point where change should've happened, but where is it? These old movies have been and are still in circulation, not only in households where they are deemed as treasures, but also on air as they continuously and endlessly rerun and show these movies with their out of date portrayals of values still on full display, eerily corrupting current generations with terrible values.
Seems like I'm just taking out frustration being reminded of all my terrible days in with this cinematic filth being a part of this. Who knows? If it were up to me, I'd have a full force brigade into sparing anyone to having seen any of these films ever again, but that's just full-on fascism sitting on top of anger towards the painful sensation that I feel every time I witness a second of any of these films. At this point, the most rational thing I can do is wait for people to realize the poison in these movies. I'll just pray that it'll come eventually.
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