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"Fuck you are going to feel so damn good on my cock." Bastien moaned as he continued to fuck the other with his fingers, pushing in another digit. Stretching him out. Then another. Four fingers in him almost a fist. He pulled back though not wanting to ruin him yet. He could do that after he had cum. "I am calling you what you are. You are a fucking pig. You oink like one. You aren't a person. Not to me. Just meat." Bastien licked his lips as he spread those cheeks and pushed his cock into Nathan fucking the other harshly and without care of how it felt to the other, he was sure it wasn't as pleasant for Nathan as it was for him. "Fuck so tight. Mmm you feel so good piggy."
Nathan shook his head, spitting the taste of cum out. He wasn’t surprised the man didn’t seem to care. “What are you doing? Stop fucking cutting my hair!” He cried out, but it was inevitable. Strands were flying everywhere as the man struggled, but he could feel his locks disappear. Leaving him, no doubt, with blotchy patches of short hair. “Why do you keep calling me a pig?” He angrily spat, trying to ignore the fact his hair had just been destroyed. “I told you, I’m not scared.” He lied, trying to look brave. The truth was he was scared shitless, and trying hard not to cry in desperation. “At least now you’ll have nothing to grab onto.” He added, before he felt the sharp scissors to his neck. “Please… I’m sorry…” His face was tight, begging the other for mercy.
He let out a sigh of relief when Bastien finally dropped the scissors. He tried pulling on his restraints as the chair was tilted forward. “What are you doing now?” He questioned, letting his fear show. “Jesus FUCK!” He whined when his hole was invaded. “Stop!” His virgin tight hole unable to take the intrusion. "Fuckk." He whined, moving his hips side to side.
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"Of course you are a bottom. I said you are." he said as he pulled his fingers from the other man's mouth with a laugh as he took a pair of scissors now and began to cut Nathan's hair all down to the same length as the stubble he had left with his knife. "Piggies don't need beautiful hair like this. It's so soft." he said rubbing it between his fingers before dropping it all into Nathan's lap. "You know I thought you'd cry more. You look like a crier." he said with a cruel laugh as he roughly pushed the other's head around to see if he missed any spots. "You're still so fucking hot." he whispered in Nathan's ear before letting the cold metal of the scissors press to the nape of his neck so the other could feel the blade. "You are going to love being fucked by me."
Dropping his scissors he began to pull a lever on the chair making it rise up and tilt forward, the open bottom of the chair showing Nathan's ass, so round and plump in the open hole. Pushing fingers in without ceremony. Probing him. "You're a bald bottom now piggy. My bald bottom."
Nathan frowned at the name, but didn’t say anything. He was not going to provoke the man with the knife. As the knife was pulled the bound pig flinched away, but not enough to prevent the man from slicing a chunk of hair off. As the luscious strands fell down onto his body, the pathetic boy whimpered. He was glad it was just hair, but what would the man cut next? He didn’t want to find out. As the man’s hand came to his head, he yanked it away. Turns out Bastien was playing games, but only the kind where he was the winner. He gagged as the taste of the other's salty pre cum was pushed into his mouth, afraid to cuss out the other. "I'm not a bottom." He mentioned desperately.
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"Good boy." Bastien laughed as the other begged and squealed for him like he asked, though not very enthusiastically. Without a second though he pulled the knife back through Nathan's hairline, the razor edge slicing off a large chunk of his blonde hair letting it fall forward into Nathan's lap. "Oops." he said sarcastically as he put the blade away his thumb rubbing the stubble patch. "Looks like I ruined your pretty hair." he said with a fake pout. Bastien wiped precum from his cock onto his fingers before shoving them in Nathan's mouth pushing back into his throat. "There you go piggy taste my cum. It's about to fill you up."
“Ahhhh!” His body shook in pain as the clamp twisted his delicate nip. Nathan was starting to see that the other man was not playing games. Especially when the knife came out. “What the fuck!?” His eyes went wide, trying to move away as best he could. “Man, please. Don’t fucking hurt me. I’ll squeal.. Just please put the knife away.” He begged, desperation in his eyes. His body trembled as he felt the knife against his pale skin. Instantly the man started squealing like a pig. He did it a few times for good measure, eager to get the man’s knife away. He didn’t see the cock until it was smacking him. “Please… Please give me your cum. Oink.”
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"I said. Squeal." Bastien gritted through his teeth as he twisted one of the clamps harshly. He was enjoying having this hot stud at his disposal, the guy everyone wanted was now his plaything. "You better get better at begging me if you want anything." he said with a scoff as he grabbed a knife and flicked the blade out holding it to the other's hairline, "Now. Fucking squeal like the little bitch you are or I'm going to scalp you blondie. It's like you don't even want to save your pretty image from me." Bastien used his free hand to unzip his pants and let his hard cock flop free, it bounced in the air as he let it hit at Nathan. "Squeal and beg for my cum."
Nathan didn’t respond, jerking away as his nipples were tugged by the dominant pretty boy. Normally, the bound boy would’ve loved those compliments. Inflating his ego and cocky personality. But, all he did was groan through the ball gag. Luckily, the man unhooked it, and he was able to spit it out soon after. Stretching his jaw before the other grabbed him by the hair. “What the hell motherfucker? Let me go now! You better not fuck me or touch my hair” He growled, knowing he had no say here. The other man was in full control. “Fuck fuck fuck.” Nathan whined as the clamps were attached to his nips. “I don’t squeal.” He retorted angrily.
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You were in Top Gun? Yeah, I don't like to talk about it, guys. It's fine. [x]
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"Am I? I am just doing what I want. Uninhibited." Bastien said with a shrug as he gave the other's nipple a sharp tug. "You're so gorgeous. You make me want to just- fucking wreck you." Bastien was bricked up already just watching the other struggle and flex under the restraints. The gag was nice but he wanted to hear the other pant and scream. He unhooked the gag so that Nathan could spit it out. He tugged the other's soft blond hair again. "Sweet tits and your hair is so soft. You're even dreamier up close. I can't wait to fuck you senseless. Maybe I shave your head before I bend you over. But first." Bastien grabbed a pair of clamps and hooked them to Nathan's nipples. "I think I told you to squeal, bitch boy."
Nathan gasped at the way his hair was pulled back. "You're fucking crazy!" He mumbled, ignoring the fact that Bastien was slightly right. He'd love to have a cute guy like Bastian tide up, but he wouldn't drug or abduct anyone. On any other occasion, the dominant man wouldn't be against a little rough fondling. But right now, he didn't have any control of his limbs. He felt weak and pathetic. "Please, let me go!" His nips seemed to react to the touch, however. Hardening under that forceful touch.
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Bastien laughed when the other struggled like that. He looked so hot all tied up and angry over it. "Because you're hot. You're beautiful and I love to ruin beautiful things. I saw how you were looking at me before. Like you wouldn't want to do this to me in return." he said with a laugh as he moved to grab at Nathan's chest giving his pecs a hard squeeze, plucking at his nipples. "You look so pretty like this. All frustrated. I'm going to wreck you." He hummed as he forcefully fondled the other.
Nathan snarled through his nose as the man came out of the shadows. He did recognize him. He remembered spending some times with him, thinking the guy would look hot bent over for him. How had this twink managed to get Nathan like this? Suddenly, the bound guy was knocked out of his thoughts by the slap. "GahhhH!" He spat out, muffled by the gag. "Why are you doing this to me?" His words incoherent, but desperate. Pulling on his restraints violently.
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Tongue pressed to the inside of his cheek Bastien stepped closer, a frown on his handsome face as he looked over the blond in his chair. Pulling his hand back he let s mild back handed slap land across his face. "I said squeal for me pig." he said again his voice even and low. He took another drag from his cigarette with his other hand before blowing the smoke at Nathan. "What you don't like me anymore? You did when I gave you that drink blondie." he said reaching out to grab a handful of Nathan's hair and tug hard at it yanking his head back.
Nathan shook his drowsiness away. Brows furrowed at the man’s words. Who did he think he was? Pulling on his restraints, he realized he wasn’t going anywhere. Maybe he should be scared, but he couldn’t let this man see that. So, he shook his head as convincingly as he could. Who was this man? He glared, hoping to make out his face in the shadows.
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"Come now piggy. Squeal for me." Bastien said as he stepped out of the shadow of the corner of the room they were in, the whole apartment building was empty, his father had bought it awhile ago and it was due to be renovated soon but until then it was all his. He had seen Nathan on a night out and been infatuated with him. It was a small matter to get him all to himself. "Are you scared?"
The good ol' "character is kidnapped, bound, gagged and left in a room for your muse's entertainment" plot. Could be planned by your muse or a surprise.
Nathan Greene was still dazed as he woke in the unfamiliar room. Last thing he remembered, he was leaving work... or was he out for drinks? His mind was still very foggy, but one thing was clear, his limbs were tied up. "Hello?" He mumbled through the gag.
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I'm dog sitting my mom's absolute shit for brains beagle and he is so loud and annoying and even though he is drugged for anxiety he wont stop crying he is so annoying. Ugh.
I would never hurt an animal ever, but I do want to be several rooms away from him instead of sleeping in the same room.
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Val did his best to run, his lungs burned as cold air rushed into them as he ran and his muscles felt like they were on fire, he was pushing himself to his limits. He was pretty, not athletic, all his muscle and physical labor was for the show of it all. So he looked nice. Sure he could run but he was primarily not an endurance runner, built for bursts of speed and he was almost sped out.
"I'm trying!" He panted in a whine as he jumped up and grabbed a tree branch using the momentum to propel himself through the air and forward, a leaping launch to try and gain some headway.
That sweet little whimper was a delight, and the scent of the excitement and arousal already coming off the boy had Blake's mouth watering. He watched Val dart into the trees, the desire to immediately chase after him burning through him.
But he held true to his word. He gave Val his head start. He listened to the crunch of leaves and underbrush, kept note of his lover's scent on the air. He paced back and forth along the edge of the trees for a few minutes, fighting the need to chase until it felt like more of a fair hunt...
Then he was off. His ears were attuned to any noise that came his way, nose following Val's scent. When he spied a glimpse of him through the trees, that feral grin returned.
"Going to have to run faster than that, Love," he taunted playfully, darting toward him.
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Henri gripped the other's hair tightly as he yanked on it pushing himself up into his lover in the process, moving his hips to bounce the other's ass up and down on his cock, fucking him like he was just a plaything for him so early in the morning. "Mhm you know what I am like when I get shit in my head Liam. Plus it might help to knock you down a few pegs."
"I'm sworn into secrecy" Liam teased as he nuzzled his head against his boyfriend's chest again, giving him full access to his neck and hair. He grinded slowly against Henri's hips as he could feel the man's throbbing cock further inside of him. "Don't think about it too much then" Liam whined as Henri mentioned the idea of him being without his prized locks. The idea nearly made Liam cringe as he teased, "I'm going to have to lock up your clippers aren't I?"
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"Yeah and what are these magical steps of yours hm? Two hours worth of steps." he said with a chuckle as he brought Liam's hair to his face and breathed in the way it smelled, savoring the silky texture against his lips as he kissed it, moving his hips, powerful legs spreading Liam's as he positioned himself to fuck the blond. Why let the moment pass without getting what he really wanted. "Yeah I could see it. Maybe I'll think about it too much and tomorrow morning you'll wake up bald. Go from three steps to no steps huh?"
"Three steps" Liam repeated as his mane was stroked lovingly by Henri. He yipped when his hair was yanked and then smirked against Henri's lips as they kissed suddenly. Liam's hips provided resistance for Henri as he locked his eyes on him, "Could you ever imagine me without my hair?" Liam scoffed art the idea as he imagined himself with just a single tail for Henri to pull him around by. "The shortest I've gone in a decade was when I got it cut to my chin for work" Liam confessed.
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"As much as we are...vulnerable. We are, but any of us can leave whenever we like. We get to keep 90% of what we make and- well. This was an out for a lot of us. And really a lot of us do leave. Make things of ourselves. I guess I just get scared of what I'll actually do out there." he said gesturing to the door as if it represented the entire world. The world outside the brothel.
Griffin smiled at the other man before laying his head down on the table watching him with those curious blue eyes. What a man like that was doing in a place like this. So moral, and just it seemed. So righteous. "I'm sorry you got lied to. But it was nice to meet you. I think...well. You could always come back if you wanted. Later when you aren't working."
By the look he received once he posed the question such worry wasn’t something the other guy received and that made something inside his gut sink. Poor kid.
Now was his time to be surprised at the boy’s age: he looked younger. He could say that that’s what happen when one does not pass through hardships in life. But he doubted that was the case of this young bo- man if he judged the safest place to be was a brothel. So he assumed the youthful looks were genetic luck. Yet- the guy could be an adult now, but when he entered this “ branch of work” or when someone had convinced this place was safe and outside was “dangerous”, there is the possibility, that was true in most cases, that he wasn’t, a gullible child, without the capacity to judge people’s character. Which still made him someone in vulnerable situation as an adult, he comprehending it or not. But even if, yes, existed people outside the club that could do him harm…
“ Believe me… I know what you are talking about, my upbringing was less than ideal, as life were an infinite alert of danger for decades, but I can tell you, there are laws that can protect you, and I can assure you they will be followed, for I am really respected in my work. You are deserving of having a shot at normal life. For I truly doubt anyone that ever harbors dreams in their heart will choose willingly to live like this. Hiding, surviving…None should believe they deserve less. To hide can protect us of harm yes, but bereave us of the good parts too. Is it worth?”
Henry’s eyes glinted with strange wistfulness, as if he contemplated the ask himself.
Somewhere inside his mind Henry reminded himself that he wasn’t a social worker - although he put on its shoes more often than not. But now he could only blink contemplative and half dazed by the impact of a real smile.
“Yes, sure.” He said still quite adrift, a tad shocked by his own reactions. It must be the beer. He didn’t felt quite like himself tonight. He wasn’t being his charming confident, that had all answers self, nor his impeccable professional self. He didn’t know which self was this one, was quite despairing, but he had to swallow. He is a man. A soft heart wasn’t something he had the luxury to have. As well as it skipping any beat to someone that clearly needs help not any advance of any kind of some stranger. He felt disgusted with himself. And that fed his intention of helping the guy even more. To accept something to eat would give him time to gather information to save the guy. Part of him countered back that saving one man didn’t do shit if a thousand more would keep living in the same situation. It was hypocrisy.
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"Three steps huh? That's wild." he said with a little hum as he let his thumb stroke over the heavenly soft locks in his fingers, he gave a sharp tug before he kissed his lover again deeply, his tongue invaded Liam's mouth as he dominated the kissed with a heavy thrust of his hips against him. "Undercut? Sure whatever floats your boat darling. Seems like a fucking waste though. Spent all this money on growing your pretty hair just to hack half of it off. Why not just give you a mohawk art that point. Mmmm no all bald but one single tail on the back I can tug on."
Liam shook his head as his boyfriend pointed out how long he had taken to condition his hair, "I bought a new three step kit, that's why" he explained with a laugh as his hair was tugged. Liam let out a low whine as he felt Henri's throbbing length rest in a familiar position nearly inside of him, "Half up half down it is" he obliged his man as he nuzzled his head into Henri's chest. Liam adored how Henri pampered his hair so this felt heavenly to him. "You know, Bobby suggested I get an undercut to help with the maintenance" he thought aloud, referencing Bobby his best friend and hair stylist.
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Val let out a soft vulnerable whimper as the other kissed him, his arms around the older man as he savored the sweet taste of his warm lips. The solid tree behind him pinning hum under the other. He whimpered softly as he was told the rules, an obedient nod as he soaked in the situation. He was thrilled, exhilarated and excited.
Also nervous. Hopefully he gave the other enough sport to not be bored of him so soon. As soon as he was told to run Val took off full sprint, jumping over tree limbs, the cold air rushing around him as he let loose in the nice night and raced into the forest.
Open to M/Masc NB Potential Relations: Spouse/Fiance/Partner, FWB, Friend, Incest/Stepcest, etc.
Blake had brought the other out to the edge of the property the pack lived on, to the edge of the trees that surrounded it. He backed the other up slowly until their back was pressed against one of the trunks and he stole a brief, hungry kiss before he leaned to let his lips brush their ear.
"I'm giving you a small head start," he purred in their ear, "then I'm hunting you down. And the moment I catch you? I'm fucking you into the dirt." He nipped the edge of their ear before slowly pulled back, a dark, hungry smirk tugging at his lips. He gave the other a slow once over, his smirk turning a bit feral.
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"Two hours Li? Really? That seems a bit excessive even for you." Henri laughed as he gave the soft strands in his fingers a playful tug. He used the other's mane like reins manipulating his face so he could press kisses to his lips now. Soft sweet but hungry kisses as he rubbed his slowly growing cock against the other's ass slotting it right in the crack and letting it sit there. Henri did love combing Liam's hair for him, it was tantalizing. "Hmmm half up half down? I dunno. Don't really care it's going to end up in my fist as I tug on it anyway."
Liam rolled his eyes playfully when he was called goldilocks. "I know you're a very busy man" he smirked as the kisses were peppered onto his bare neck when his hair was lifted up. Liam grinded his hips against his boyfriend as he felt those strong legs wrap around him, "I think I deserve to stay right here in your arms because I spent a solid two hours yesterday conditioning my hair" he confessed. Liam choked back a whine as Henri continued to praise his prized mane, "I know. You remind me quite often" he said, beaming with pride. "Do you want me to wear it up or down tonight?" he asked before pressing a kiss to Henri's exposed chest.
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