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royal-descent · 3 days ago
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"Yeah and what are these magical steps of yours hm? Two hours worth of steps." he said with a chuckle as he brought Liam's hair to his face and breathed in the way it smelled, savoring the silky texture against his lips as he kissed it, moving his hips, powerful legs spreading Liam's as he positioned himself to fuck the blond. Why let the moment pass without getting what he really wanted. "Yeah I could see it. Maybe I'll think about it too much and tomorrow morning you'll wake up bald. Go from three steps to no steps huh?"
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"Three steps" Liam repeated as his mane was stroked lovingly by Henri. He yipped when his hair was yanked and then smirked against Henri's lips as they kissed suddenly. Liam's hips provided resistance for Henri as he locked his eyes on him, "Could you ever imagine me without my hair?" Liam scoffed art the idea as he imagined himself with just a single tail for Henri to pull him around by. "The shortest I've gone in a decade was when I got it cut to my chin for work" Liam confessed.
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royal-descent · 3 days ago
"As much as we are...vulnerable. We are, but any of us can leave whenever we like. We get to keep 90% of what we make and- well. This was an out for a lot of us. And really a lot of us do leave. Make things of ourselves. I guess I just get scared of what I'll actually do out there." he said gesturing to the door as if it represented the entire world. The world outside the brothel.
Griffin smiled at the other man before laying his head down on the table watching him with those curious blue eyes. What a man like that was doing in a place like this. So moral, and just it seemed. So righteous. "I'm sorry you got lied to. But it was nice to meet you. I think...well. You could always come back if you wanted. Later when you aren't working."
By the look he received once he posed the question such worry wasn’t something the other guy received and that made something inside his gut sink. Poor kid.
Now was his time to be surprised at the boy’s age: he looked younger. He could say that that’s what happen when one does not pass through hardships in life. But he doubted that was the case of this young bo- man if he judged the safest place to be was a brothel. So he assumed the youthful looks were genetic luck. Yet- the guy could be an adult now, but when he entered this “ branch of work” or when someone had convinced this place was safe and outside was “dangerous”, there is the possibility, that was true in most cases, that he wasn’t, a gullible child, without the capacity to judge people’s character. Which still made him someone in vulnerable situation as an adult, he comprehending it or not. But even if, yes, existed people outside the club that could do him harm…
“ Believe me… I know what you are talking about, my upbringing was less than ideal, as life were an infinite alert of danger for decades, but I can tell you, there are laws that can protect you, and I can assure you they will be followed, for I am really respected in my work. You are deserving of having a shot at normal life. For I truly doubt anyone that ever harbors dreams in their heart will choose willingly to live like this. Hiding, surviving…None should believe they deserve less. To hide can protect us of harm yes, but bereave us of the good parts too. Is it worth?”
Henry’s eyes glinted with strange wistfulness, as if he contemplated the ask himself.
Somewhere inside his mind Henry reminded himself that he wasn’t a social worker - although he put on its shoes more often than not. But now he could only blink contemplative and half dazed by the impact of a real smile.
“Yes, sure.” He said still quite adrift, a tad shocked by his own reactions. It must be the beer. He didn’t felt quite like himself tonight. He wasn’t being his charming confident, that had all answers self, nor his impeccable professional self. He didn’t know which self was this one, was quite despairing, but he had to swallow. He is a man. A soft heart wasn’t something he had the luxury to have. As well as it skipping any beat to someone that clearly needs help not any advance of any kind of some stranger. He felt disgusted with himself. And that fed his intention of helping the guy even more. To accept something to eat would give him time to gather information to save the guy. Part of him countered back that saving one man didn’t do shit if a thousand more would keep living in the same situation. It was hypocrisy.
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royal-descent · 3 days ago
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"Three steps huh? That's wild." he said with a little hum as he let his thumb stroke over the heavenly soft locks in his fingers, he gave a sharp tug before he kissed his lover again deeply, his tongue invaded Liam's mouth as he dominated the kissed with a heavy thrust of his hips against him. "Undercut? Sure whatever floats your boat darling. Seems like a fucking waste though. Spent all this money on growing your pretty hair just to hack half of it off. Why not just give you a mohawk art that point. Mmmm no all bald but one single tail on the back I can tug on."
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Liam shook his head as his boyfriend pointed out how long he had taken to condition his hair, "I bought a new three step kit, that's why" he explained with a laugh as his hair was tugged. Liam let out a low whine as he felt Henri's throbbing length rest in a familiar position nearly inside of him, "Half up half down it is" he obliged his man as he nuzzled his head into Henri's chest. Liam adored how Henri pampered his hair so this felt heavenly to him. "You know, Bobby suggested I get an undercut to help with the maintenance" he thought aloud, referencing Bobby his best friend and hair stylist.
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royal-descent · 3 days ago
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Val let out a soft vulnerable whimper as the other kissed him, his arms around the older man as he savored the sweet taste of his warm lips. The solid tree behind him pinning hum under the other. He whimpered softly as he was told the rules, an obedient nod as he soaked in the situation. He was thrilled, exhilarated and excited.
Also nervous. Hopefully he gave the other enough sport to not be bored of him so soon. As soon as he was told to run Val took off full sprint, jumping over tree limbs, the cold air rushing around him as he let loose in the nice night and raced into the forest.
Open to M/Masc NB Potential Relations: Spouse/Fiance/Partner, FWB, Friend, Incest/Stepcest, etc.
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Blake had brought the other out to the edge of the property the pack lived on, to the edge of the trees that surrounded it. He backed the other up slowly until their back was pressed against one of the trunks and he stole a brief, hungry kiss before he leaned to let his lips brush their ear.
"I'm giving you a small head start," he purred in their ear, "then I'm hunting you down. And the moment I catch you? I'm fucking you into the dirt." He nipped the edge of their ear before slowly pulled back, a dark, hungry smirk tugging at his lips. He gave the other a slow once over, his smirk turning a bit feral.
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royal-descent · 3 days ago
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"Two hours Li? Really? That seems a bit excessive even for you." Henri laughed as he gave the soft strands in his fingers a playful tug. He used the other's mane like reins manipulating his face so he could press kisses to his lips now. Soft sweet but hungry kisses as he rubbed his slowly growing cock against the other's ass slotting it right in the crack and letting it sit there. Henri did love combing Liam's hair for him, it was tantalizing. "Hmmm half up half down? I dunno. Don't really care it's going to end up in my fist as I tug on it anyway."
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Liam rolled his eyes playfully when he was called goldilocks. "I know you're a very busy man" he smirked as the kisses were peppered onto his bare neck when his hair was lifted up. Liam grinded his hips against his boyfriend as he felt those strong legs wrap around him, "I think I deserve to stay right here in your arms because I spent a solid two hours yesterday conditioning my hair" he confessed. Liam choked back a whine as Henri continued to praise his prized mane, "I know. You remind me quite often" he said, beaming with pride. "Do you want me to wear it up or down tonight?" he asked before pressing a kiss to Henri's exposed chest.
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royal-descent · 3 days ago
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"Come on then Goldilocks you have to convince me you deserve to stay here wrapped up in my arms like this. I'm a busy man." he said with a smile as he lifted up all that lovely long hair and began to kiss and nip at Liam's neck sensually, gently grinding against his lover, legs wrapping around him tightly. "You know you have the prettiest hair I have ever seen." he said with a little hum as he continues to stroke and play with the silken strands.
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Liam grinned as Henri called him lazy and began to thread his hands through Liam's golden blond locks. "I don't know..." he yawned yet again before looking up at his sleepy lover, "But the last thing I feel like doing is getting all dressed up and going out" Liam whined as he turned his head, his long strands of hair dancing on the man's chest.
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royal-descent · 3 days ago
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"Lazy bones." Henri drawled with a husky sleep filled voice his hand moved to sift through his lover's long golden hair, savoring the way the soft silky strands felt against his fingers, and the skin of his chest. He had a hard time not giving the other what he wanted when he asked so sweetly like that. "Why should I let you stay in bed and just be lazy hmm?"
Liam grinned as he woke up next to his boyfriend, arms wrapped lazily around him, “Morning babe” he smirked as he rested his head on the man's chest, his blonde locks sprawled out over Henri's chest. He yawned as he placed a single kiss to the man's bare chest, "Can't we just stay in bed today?" he asked, already knowing the answer.
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royal-descent · 3 days ago
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royal-descent · 10 days ago
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royal-descent · 11 days ago
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too hot! they're either fkkn on the show or irl either way im tuning in to see if it's both 😜
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royal-descent · 11 days ago
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Alain was silent as he gathered as many of the bags as he could into the corner of the room, the fireplace crackled as the heat radiated to fill the cabin they were holed up in. A bus accident as they climbed the mountain to the resort had left the two men stranded in the wilderness, luckily Alain had seen the path to the cabin on the way up. He had gotten out and only found one survivor, this other man.
The cabin seemed to have enough supplies for them to last till the blizzard was over and they could chop up the wooden furniture to last in the hearth for at least two weeks. The cabin- more like a wooden villa was two stories but he had thought it best to keep to the first level for heating.
"Hey come get some dry clothes." he said unpacking the bags that were being transported on the bus. Luckily there were plenty of them. "You'll get sick if you stay in wet clothes...."
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royal-descent · 13 days ago
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Fernando Lindez and Nuno Gallego Elite 8.04 "No soy de nadie"
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royal-descent · 15 days ago
"Even if I were to leave. What would I do? it is not as if I have skills that would garner me a job that could support me. I live here, I eat here. I am paid." he said as the thought out loud when the other spoke about laws that would protect him. Could they really keep him safe from his maker's enemies? Griffin shook the thoughts from his head as he went to the kitchen to bring back something to eat for the agent. A sandwich laden with meat and a cheese, pressed between hot plates to grill it.
Setting the plate down in front of the other he smiled at him and sat down across from him, leaning on his hand he looked over the handsome agent and wondered why he had rebuffed his advances earlier. Morality? That didn't stop most cops. "You're a very pretty man. Most men who come here aren't. Did the man you were fighting with trick you into coming?"
By the look he received once he posed the question such worry wasn’t something the other guy received and that made something inside his gut sink. Poor kid.
Now was his time to be surprised at the boy’s age: he looked younger. He could say that that’s what happen when one does not pass through hardships in life. But he doubted that was the case of this young bo- man if he judged the safest place to be was a brothel. So he assumed the youthful looks were genetic luck. Yet- the guy could be an adult now, but when he entered this “ branch of work” or when someone had convinced this place was safe and outside was “dangerous”, there is the possibility, that was true in most cases, that he wasn’t, a gullible child, without the capacity to judge people’s character. Which still made him someone in vulnerable situation as an adult, he comprehending it or not. But even if, yes, existed people outside the club that could do him harm…
“ Believe me… I know what you are talking about, my upbringing was less than ideal, as life were an infinite alert of danger for decades, but I can tell you, there are laws that can protect you, and I can assure you they will be followed, for I am really respected in my work. You are deserving of having a shot at normal life. For I truly doubt anyone that ever harbors dreams in their heart will choose willingly to live like this. Hiding, surviving…None should believe they deserve less. To hide can protect us of harm yes, but bereave us of the good parts too. Is it worth?”
Henry’s eyes glinted with strange wistfulness, as if he contemplated the ask himself.
Somewhere inside his mind Henry reminded himself that he wasn’t a social worker - although he put on its shoes more often than not. But now he could only blink contemplative and half dazed by the impact of a real smile.
“Yes, sure.” He said still quite adrift, a tad shocked by his own reactions. It must be the beer. He didn’t felt quite like himself tonight. He wasn’t being his charming confident, that had all answers self, nor his impeccable professional self. He didn’t know which self was this one, was quite despairing, but he had to swallow. He is a man. A soft heart wasn’t something he had the luxury to have. As well as it skipping any beat to someone that clearly needs help not any advance of any kind of some stranger. He felt disgusted with himself. And that fed his intention of helping the guy even more. To accept something to eat would give him time to gather information to save the guy. Part of him countered back that saving one man didn’t do shit if a thousand more would keep living in the same situation. It was hypocrisy.
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royal-descent · 16 days ago
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Griffin looked up when the other asked him how old he was. He blinked a few times it seemed this man was able to catch him off guard in a number of ways. "Um I am...25." he was 22 when he had been turned so three years had passed since he had been hidden away in the brothel. He paused thinking about it for a moment. Straightening back up he offered a more sincere smile. "I know what you might be thinking but there are...people out there that would do me harm so being here is probably better for me. I just want to keep this place as nice as I can you know?"
Griffin shrugged and scratched his chin not sure what to do now. Was the other man going to start another fight? ad he changed his mind about taking part in the brothel's fun? "Can I offer you something to eat at least? Before you go." Griffin knew he was beautiful and it wasn't often he was turned down for fun or drinks so he thought the last he could do was offer up some sustenance.
As soon as Henry stood in front of the guy he noticed the sudden change of demeanor - the swallowing, the tight insincere smile, the tension in his shoulder and arms originating of balled fists - as it was expected of his trained eyes and level of analytic skills, but it was only just when the blue eyed youth spoke that it hit him: Fuck! He was scaring the Hell out of a kid! And one, giving his work in such a club, in a situation of social vulnerability!Damn, he should be helping people like him, not the opposite! Way to go Sva!
Just as sudden as that realization hit him his body moved subtly back, returning a minimum of personal space between them as the tension started to dissipate in the air as well as the harshness in the agent’s face.
Gazing at wide blue eyes, Svarog commenced to try to gather the maximum of information he could of from that face. And some frustration rooted in him when those eyes abandoned him. He disarmed them, the strength of the hiper empathy that he loathed yet made him so singular on his branch of work found it's way to slip into the cracks of his mind to took over at full force as his eyes observed the light play against silken-looking hair, so instead of some command like answer when the agent’s lips opened he could only ask:
“ What’s your age?”
And that came so soft, that impressed even himself. The honied huskiness of hazardness of moments before now felt both protective warmful and paradoxically vulnerable.
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royal-descent · 16 days ago
Val nodded as he moved to pick up the pot this time from the right place, his hand cradling the handle, aware of how hot the tea inside was nice. HIs steps were poised and calculated as he moved next to his new owner and poured him a cup of tea from the pot. Only managing to spill a little bit on the table in the process. "Did I do good? Are you proud of me?"
Zeus smirked, watching and feeling Val at his pec and nipple. "Now take some deep breaths for me and try bringing the tea over again. Grab the tea pot by the handle this time," Zeus softly commanded, standing them both up and fully drying Valentine's tears before walking back over to the coffee table and couch.
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royal-descent · 16 days ago
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Griffin didn't want to show that he was intimidated by the other man but he was. It wasn't like he was all that old especially for a vampire, he often times coasted off his maker's reputation and protection. Swallowing hard he stared back at the handsome green eyed man. Calming his voice so it would not waver. "I don't appreciate that language and nobody impugned your character I was just offering you some privacy is all. Since you don't want to partake in anything this house has to offer you." he said softly still blue eyes wide. Soft pouty lips set firmly in a polite smile. HIs own nails dug into his palms as he stood there before the other.
"This need not be uncivil. I want to make sure all of this is resolved in the best way possible is all." he said breaking eye contact he looked down his soft dark hair falling from behind it's tuck behind his ear to cover his face, glossy and soft in the dim light of the room. "I'm sorry if I offended you."
Svarog heard the guy speak with a light and short agreement of his head. Indeed, he didn’t had to. The path he chose wasn’t driven by any type of passion besides the one for Justice. Reality was too bloody hard and didn’t allow such luxuries as respite, not when finding refuge in pleasure meant another dead body, another family dismantled and destroyed., another weight on his shoulders.
The ghost touch of the young’s man hand made the agent linger a second more than he should for some reason he decided to not debate with. So his emerald gaze moved up to meet vast oceans directly, analyzing and lingering it once more another second he shouldn’t before a smirk cracked in his lips and green eyes once lost in the seas in front of him acquired a focused glint of amusement, one eyebrow arched up before he dismissed all thoughts entirely .
Henry knew he was a handsome man, he knew how that, added to his charismatic personality, affected people. How useful that was too most times than not. And yet, he knew, in a business like the one he was standing the employees would obviously try to find ways to get new clientele. And as a specialist in body language analysis and technical expert in facial micro expressions he was no greener to the games of seduction. That did not mean, by any way, it was less entertaining.
And was with that amusement that Henry walked past the dark haired boy just to the next second halt completely on his way.
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Slowly and with a movement so sharp and clean that it could cut flesh, Henry’s curly head turned, he looked over his shoulder before his lean torso followed. Everything in him was too quiet. No smile graced reddish lips. Under the red light of the club every inch of him screamed “ predator”. Jaw clenched, green piecing eyes narrowed ever so subtle concomitantly to an even more subtle tilt of head to the right, emphasizing his exposed neck and sharp collarbones to the provocative lights of the club and marking defined tensed muscles under his well adjusted shirt.
“ What did you say?”
His tenor voice echoed slowly and controlled with a sub tone of honied huskiness, while his steps where almost leisurely lascivious as he walked towards the guy again to face him directly.
“ Someone like me don’t get out or in through back doors, pretty boy. Neither I am some pussy that needs “to calm down in another room.” Are. we. Clear?”
Henry’s eyes now burned into blue ones, analyzing them with fierce yet quiet affront as he felt his temper hit up. His pride would not allow such implications. He do not have a feeble emotional nor lack of emotional self control, he was a man, and a tough one.
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royal-descent · 16 days ago
Val quieted himself from his tears and kissed over Zeus's chest gently, playfully pressing his lips over his left nipple, licking it gently. "I can do it I promise I can do it better." he said before looking up and enjoying as Zeus wiped away his tears, the other was so much kinder and handsome than any man who had ever been around him before. He wondered what the catch would be but for now he was content to just enjoy the other.
"I'm trying to turn over a new leaf and not be so vengeful and mean," Zeus commented, rubbing Valentin's back to try and calm him down. "Now how about we try that again but grab the handle of the tea pot, yea?" Zeus asked, drying Valentin's tears with his big thumbs.
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