#my lord the idiocy on display
nana-71926 · 5 months
Gonna be putting these screenshots here as a basic lesson on how NOT to be an ASSHOLE READER/COMMENTER
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Tip #1: This author ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT engage with anyone who goes around giving "DON'T READ THIS FIC" recommendations to others. That kind of asshole behavior is VILE and CRUEL and this author does not take kindly to assholes
Tip #2: That Hit-to-Kudos ratio is a HIDEOUS example of a BADLY DESIGNED AND UNRELIABLE measuring tool to gauge the "success" or "popularity" of a fic and anyone fool enough to use it as the standard to read/recommend/evaluate fics is seriously missing out on a lot of good stuff out there
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Tip #3: If you gonna be thinking this author thinks "everything I do in a good story is awesome and even the tiny stuff that means nothing to the story... and turns people off accidentally must be kept!" simply means you DO NOT HAVE A CLUE as to why the author chose to use that crucial scenario as a catalyst to finally bring the two lead characters together. You failed to get the point when everyone else did? That's on you. If you don't get it, you don't get it, but don't foist your idiocy on to the writer
Tip #4: Thank you, but no. All those backhanded compliments are NOT compliments at all
Tip #5: As a commenter, you are judged by a set of standards as you would a writer, beginning with whether you have a valid point, which you clearly do not have. The second thing we look out for is, is the commenter an IDIOT? Yes, in this case.
Furthermore, there is an unspoken rule of etiquette observed by conscientious readers at AO3 that-- ignoramus that you are-- you've trampled all over: if you don't know the author, your best bet is you DO NOT leave unsolicited criticism that exposes you as the over-privileged, entitled idiot that you are. That obvious need for attention and validation behind the putdowns, the FIC GRADING (seriously??) just to make oneself look bigger and somehow relevant? Not a good look
Tip #6: Spare us the ESSAYS. They're just gonna be DELETED faster than you can write them and you will be BLOCKED
Tip #7: Oh, so you're a writer as well, with just one WIP to your name? It's omegaverse, too, with a very limited view of a/b/o dynamics yet you somehow think you're some sort of expert? Tsk tsk. Starting to get the full picture now. Remember, what goes around comes around.
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