#my little angry skrunkly
kratosnaturals · 16 days
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Hey now... that's a little homoerotic... aka. I am done with proof-reading chapter 2!
Now to proof-read it again just to make sure I'm happy with the changes, then fix the formating for the prologue and chapter 1, and this baby can go public. Will be available here!
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danganronpa96 · 5 months
I’ve heard mentions of a hypothetical 3rd killing game but I can’t actually find the original post so I guess this is a uh
Can you link back to it
And also share any new ideas you might have had
For posts about the 3rd hypothetical killing game, I did actually make a tag for that! I'll add it onto this post as well so you can look through all the other posts easily.
For talk about the most up to date list of potential cast members so far, you can find that in this post here!
And for those wondering, I have come up with a few more characters since then.
First, I'm thinking of scrapping Kokomi, and replacing her with Ena Shinonome (Project Sekai). Kanade gets a friend yippee! Also I know that gets rid of the potential "protag finally comes alone without a friend from their media" idea but this killing game will never actually happen so put down the complaint slab.
The thing is, however, Ena isn't just going to be a support, but actually a second protagonist! How does that work? Well, uh, I haven't really decided on all the specifics but I was thinking at certain points in the narrative, the POV would swap between Kanade and Ena. Whether this be in the same chapter, or one POV per chapter, I'm not sure. Does this make them exempt from either of them dying with this concept? Not really, but it depends how everything would play out.
Otherwise, some other characters I'd like to add next include: Rodrick Heffley (Diary of a Wimpy Kid) because I think his personality would be a funny clash with some others, and Filbo Fiddlepie (Bugsnax) as I recently re-watched that funny lil game and thought it would nice to add some rep from that. I mean, it doesn't have to be Filbo but he also has an interesting personality to add to the mix. And since we already have some puppet/la creatura characters like Duck, Pim and Charlie, it's not like he'd stick out like a sore thumb.
I was also thinking of maaaybe adding some rep from Lookism? Does anyone know what that is? It's this Korean webcomic about a guy with two bodies (where one is hyper conventionally attractive) and also there's a fight scene every other panel /hj
Character wise for that I was thinking either Vasco, Zoe, Jiho or Jay since they're my favourites heha
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cupid-whisprs · 1 year
my little meow meow <33
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teamfortresstwo · 8 months
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e-vay · 21 days
Do you like the live action movie version of Sonic and do you have any hopes/predictions for movie Sonamy?
I love the current character models for the Sonic movies. They are so freaking cute, especially when they're angry! I just want to kiss all of their skrunkly little snoots! As far as the depictions of the characters, I'm pretty happy with them overall. I think of the 'SCU' as a completely separate thing than the games or comics, of course. I think a lot of people get hung up on the details of "They did this 'wrong' in the movie(s)" and I have to be like "Guys, this is a completely separate adaptation."
It's like how I've seen some people getting pissed from the new trailer saying they're "doing SA2 dirty." Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but remember Sonic Movie 3 is NOT "SA2 The Movie." It's its own movie that is going to make use of elements from SA2. So with that, I'm going in very excited but without knowing what to expect!
Personally, I don't like to make theories or speculations for movies before they come out. I know some people find that fun, but I actually don't. I try to know as little about a movie as possible so I can be completely surprised when it's time to watch it. People have been sending me asks with all kinds of theories and respectfully that's just not my cup of tea hahaha
I still hope with all my heart that Amy will be in Sonic Movie 3, but I won't be making predictions as to if/how they'd do it and what that would mean for her and Sonic.
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wafflinglumos · 8 months
Current day Wolfstar(let me preface this by saying, you should take liberties when it comes to these character, JKR sucks, these are just my gripes with how the fandom currently perceives these two)
Aka I’m annoyed so I’m making it everyone else’s problem. The “stupid feminine Sirius who’s 5’4 and who’s oh so much uglier than Remus, and he’s basically just a charity case!” STOP IT, stop it stop it, stop it. I have zero problem with feminine Sirius, go wild, my problem is with relating femininity to weakness and stupidity.
Also, I am so, SO sick of “big alpha 6’5 hot Gryffindor Casanova Remus Lupin”, not only does it not make sense, it’s annoying, and it reinforces gender roles. Remus Lupin spent his whole life being told he was basically a big scary monster, who can’t be around other children, HOW do you think he would react to being perceived as this big angry asshole with no regard for the people around him?
ALSO, Remus Lupin was NOT drop dead gorgeous, I’m sorry to say, he was not the hottest guy around(that is still my darling man and I will not tolerate anything against my darling man), he was a scrawny werewolf with scars, and premature lines and shabby clothing, if anything, he looked like an anemic average British man in the seventies, if not below average.
Sirius was literally “Hogwarts’ pretty boy”. I’m not saying this to make Remus seem like a charity case, because, wolfstar is pointless when you make one the “man” or “woman”, or “hot” and “ugly”, i’m saying this because Casanova Remus Lupin annoys me, if ANYONE was “Casanova of Gryffindor Tower” it was Sirius Black. (I also think people forget the negative connotation with the term “Casanova”, which is sometimes annoying to see when talking about Remus, or Sirius)
Also, I could talk about how canonically, Sirius was the tallest marauder, or how a huge part of his character was HOW hot he was, I could talk about how he was hotter than Regulus, i COULD talk about how Remus wasn’t the smartest marauder, I could talk about how Sirius is canonically an overly clever wizard, I could talk about how if anyone is aggressive between the two, it was Sirius, but, I don’t think I will, because that will seem like I’m trying to push Sirius being the “aggressive man” of the two, and Remus being the “ugly woman” of the two, and I don’t believe that,
Wolfstar has now become just a way to reinforce gender roles on two characters, and that’s gross, making Remus the smart aggressive “man” of the relationship, and Sirius the stupid small “woman” of the relationship, is just gross dude.
Wolfstar doesn’t HAVE to fall into gender norms, that’s not necessary, neither of them HAVE to be the “man” or “woman”, that’s NOT necessary.
Remus being a funky looking guy, while Sirius is a hot nepo baby, is so beautiful, and it makes their relationship so much more interesting than “man aggressive and hot” and “woman ugly but pretty and pathetic”.
Anyways, let Remus be a skrunkly little man, and let Sirius be hot, also STOP ASSIGNING GENDER ROLES TO THEM OH MY GOOOOOD DHFBFJDJCJ
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dreamingcloudie · 2 years
im sorry for immediately jumping into requests but i see dottore content and i immediately go gdusabjnkdsa
reader, feeling a bit bored and lonely, gathered a bunch of segments and asked if they could just cuddle with them OF COURSE they'd agree... prime comes back from a mission to see the tasks he'd assign them half done but before he could get too angry, sees you all snuggled up in a pile with the most relaxed expression on your face he'd seen in a while.......... he tells the segments to leave and hugs you himself instead (jealous perhaps? HHEHEHE)
❛❛ In My (Our) Arms You Go ❜❜
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✎ ❛❛ Dog pile!— Oof! ❜❜
Pairing(s): Dottore (& segments) x GN!Reader
Genre/Format: Fluff (oneshot)
wc: ~1.1k
Notes: Back to our regularly scheduled fluff :D This is so cute istg 😫✋️✋️Dottore and his skrunkly segments are just ANAKSHDIEJEFIS 💕💕💕 I'm sorry this is short! ^^;
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You sighed as you threw your head backwards and stared at the ceiling, the pencil that you were holding dropped onto the desk.
"I give up." You groaned into your hands.
It has only been fifteen minutes since you started to sketch random objects in the room. You thought having your mind run wild with imaginations by adding some twists to them would be the cure to your boredom. 
But it clearly backfired, it required too much thinking.
If anything, it made you feel even more bored than before, if that was even possible.
Heck, you even tried to watch the raindrops sliding down the window pane, pretending that they were racing against each other! 
No matter how much effort you put into distracting your bored out mind, you were too occupied with thoughts of your lover. 
A week ago, the Tsrista had sent out an order to Dottore, there was a mission that required his assistance in the far lands of Sumeru. And since this was an order from the Cryo Archon herself, there was no way he could decline even if he wanted to. 
So reluctantly, you had to let him go for you didn't even know how long. 
Without his goofy laughs and your daily dose of kisses, you felt lonely…
Especially with how your work schedule has been pretty hectic lately. Just as you thought you could have some peaceful moments with Dottore, he had to leave.
What kind of cruel joke was this?
What to do now… You thought as you closed your eyes.
Reading… Cooking... Beating Delta's ass up—
Wait, what?
Where did that come from? 
Reopening your eyes again, you focused on your hearing and could make out faint footsteps walking past your room along with a grumpy voice.
"I can't believe Delta messed all of this up! More work for me, ugh."
So it was a segment.
The segments…
You gasped a bit when a sudden idea came to mind. 
How fun would it be if you cuddled all of them at once?
You were getting a little giddy about your genius idea but then a realization made you doubt your plan.
They are probably busy though… You let out a huff.
Before Dottore left, he had given out a task for each of them to complete. He expected them to finish everything he asked of them by the time he returned.
But a fifteen minute break for them wouldn't hurt, right? You reasoned.
As you slammed the laboratory doors open, you slightly cringed at the loud noise it made when it hit the wall, startling some of the segments.
"(Y/n), my dear. You could've just knocked next time," Omega lightly scolded you.
Smiling at him sheepishly, you lightly scratched your neck.
"Haha, sorry."
He shook his head, chuckling at how adorable you were.
"Well, what brings you here?"
"So I was thinking… if we could all cuddle together?" You asked. 
Your voice wasn't loud enough to reach the other segments, but they could still make out the words "we" and "cuddle". All of them instantly dropped what they were doing and surrounded you.
Getting affection from their darling? And with no Prime around? Who would pass up such a great offer?
"Are we gonna cuddle?!"
"Can we really?"
"Cuddling? I wanna join!"
Well, that was a lot easier than you thought it'd be. 
Oh, how you loved their happy little faces as they trailed behind you, with you leading them to your room.
The moment you got into your room, you laid down onto your bed and sprawled your limbs out, inviting them to come join you.
One by one, each of them plopped themselves down onto the bed with you. 
Some of them held onto your arms while some intertwined their legs with yours, and a head was laid against your torso.
Though, even with this king-sized bed, it could barely fit all of them. 
Theta moved around a little to find a comfortable position when he accidentally kicked someone.
"Ow! Who kicked me?!" Delta yelped.
"Deserved, you gave me more work to do by spilling the serum everywhere!"
"Oh my— Whoever has their feet near my face, please move. It smells of rotten flesh." Omega covered his nose from… whoever feet that was.
Well, this was definitely a bit hard to get used to with how much weight was laying on top of you. 
You weren't complaining though, the weather was a bit colder than usual and they made such a great heat source.
Their bickerings died down and silence soon took over the room, only to be occasionally broken with some light snores and the soft sounds of rain hitting the window.
Ah, life was good.
After a week of being away from the comfort of the palace, he was finally back from the mission and he felt like he would pass out any moment.
The mission he came back from was hell even though it was a success in the end. Nonetheless, he was now back and he had missed you dearly.
Though before going to your room, he was looking forward to seeing how his personal project was coming along. He had calculated that by the time he came back, it would've been completed by his segments.
However, all he saw was an empty lab. What's even stranger was that the work was half-done.
Where did they go? They wouldn't abandon their work like this unless it was an emergency…
Dottore turned back and walked to your room, afraid that something might have happened.
The sight he was greeted with made his blood boil. His segments were slacking off, hugging you as they slept. But when he got closer and took a glance at you, he noticed how peaceful you looked, and it's been a long time since he had seen you this relaxed.
You were complaining about how your work was stressing you out and you weren't able to get some proper rest.
Well, he supposed he'd let his segments off the hook this time for helping you to relax.
Though, his chest tightened at the realization that he wasn't the one who was holding you.
It was his turn now.
He nudged one of the segments awake, and soon the others began to wake up as well at the movement. Miraculously, you were still sound asleep.
All of them stiffened at the sight of Prime glaring at them, oh boy, they could already hear the mouthful lecture they'd get later.
"All of you get back to work, now."
The segments scurried to get out of the room, a little down that they had to leave you so soon.
Changing out of his work clothes and taking off his mask, he slowly got into the spot beside you. Chuckling lightly when his thumb cleaned the drool that left your mouth.
His arm wrapped around you, sighing in content that he finally got to hold you again.
All to himself.
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kairiscorner · 1 year
Im obbesses w spider noir for some reason and idk why. But i wanna req a story and u pick whoever is the love interest (i want to be spider noir but HE DOESNT FIT THIS KIND OF GENRE 😭😭 but i hope yk spider noir or hobie YKKK~ HAHAHAHAHAH) 😏 HAHAHAH natatawa ako 😭
Anyways this is a req: so miguel is holding a meeting right w some spideys then miguel suddenly calls y/n in his watch (aka his non bio suddenly adopted daughter who was also a spidey) for her to help the upcoming mission.
Then suddenly, miguel counts to 3..2..1… and the there was a smoke bomb in the room! And miguel says “here she comes..” with his palm on his forehead. And when the smoke is clear u are posing like this : https://pin.it/6sHhLLK (search on google.) with a spiderman suit w a mask on under your short silky black dress with heels. Waving to them “Hey fellas!” With a jokingly seductive tone. Then the love interest stares at y/n, falling in love 😍
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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when the skrunkly <333
"so that wraps up today's meeting, does anyone--oh, you finally showed up." miguel said with a slight grunt and a hint of annoyance in his tone as the tall, lanky, dark complexioned boy walked in with a confident smirk and with his hands in his vest pockets. he raised his eyebrows, and the corners of his mouth curled into an even bigger grin, one of satisfaction for having defied miguel's expectations at even showing up just as the meeting was about to be wrapped up. "at least i'm here, aren't i?" he asked in a sly tone, one that acted as provocation for miguel's worsening temper.
"anyway..." miguel began again as hobie, quite loudly, pulled a chair--dragging it against the floor, creating as much friction as he could--and loudly plopped himself down on the chair. he leaned the chair back and placed his feet up on the table, to the distaste of the spider people adjacent to him. "go on." hobie said in a casual manner. "i'm not even here." he said as he leaned further back.
miguel let out a long sigh at hobie's defiant acts of annoying rebelliousness. "anyway, like i was saying, we have a new recruit that'll be joining us today." he said as everyone began buzzing, wondering who this new recruit would be. hobie laid back further in his chair, and though he appeared as if he couldn't care less about this new recruit, he did want to get to know them once they got there.
"hey, where are you?" he asked in a hushed voice as the new recruit appeared on the other end. faint giggling, explosions, and not so family friendly words were heard in the background. "oh, hi mig!" you called out from the other end. miguel lowered the volume on his watch as he scowled at you. "i gave you permission to go on that joyride but not doing--is that a duck?" he asked in angry manner as you tried to explain yourself.
hobie was enjoying the scene from afar, not sitting down a little more properly, grinning to himself as he indulges in miguel's frustrated figure as, who he assumed was the new recruit, was pissing him off immensely. the best part was that miguel let you do what you wanted. that must've meant you really mattered to him, to give you permission to do things he'd never let just anyone do.
miguel grunted in irritation as he ended the call. "right when i needed them to come on their first mission..." he murmured and pinched the bridge of his nose. before anyone could react, miguel was already counting down in his head.
the sound of something metal clinking on the floor reverberated throughout the room, causing for everyone to look that way.
the metal container soon released a flurry of gas, a cloud so thick that it enveloped the whole room, causing for everyone to wheeze and cough at the gas as they fanned the air away. hobie, meanwhile, tried to see the figure that came up from the smoke, the silhouette coming closer and closer as the cloud began to dissipate.
"hey fellas!" exclaimed and excited and playful voice that threw themselves on the table and slid over on it, lying sideways while leaning the side of your head on your fist so confidently on the table, winking at a few spider people. "hi dad!" you exclaimed as you waved at miguel all joyfully, with him clicking his tongue and muttering something repeatedly in spanish.
you had a short, silky black dress on with heels; presumably from an event you had to attend undercover. but underneath that was your spider suit and covering your very excited and enthusiastically chaotic face was your mask.
"everyone, this is--" miguel began, but you interrupted him. "his one and only spider student! nice to meet you lot!" you beamed all happily as you stood up on the table, earning stares and looks of confusion, concern, and awe from one soul from across the table. from hobie brown.
hobie watched as you teased miguel, with him trying to keep a straight, unaffected demeanor as you kept trying to butter him up and get him to let loose. hobie admired your boldness, nobody he's ever met was able to worm their way into miguel's heart as well as you have, and... you've caught his attention with such little effort already. just being your adorable, chaotic self already sold him to you.
as miguel adjourned the meeting once and for all, hobie called out to you. "man, what a killer suit you have, it's mad wicked." he complimented. you giggled. "why, thank you! who are you? oh, you have such a cool hairstyle! and are those piercings? miguel! let me get some! it'll be fun!" you exclaimed to the big man as he pinched his nose bridge again and told you both to get out.
hobie chuckled. "say, would you like to come with me and deface some property?" he offered with a smirk, which you reciprocated with a wide grin. "that's my favorite pastime, of course!" you beamed as you took hobie's arm, and with an assuring smile, you both swung out of there, much to miguel's disappointment because you were both assigned on a mission.
"i love how you can't do a thing about either of them." lyla quipped as she showed up, smirking at miguel as he sighed. "just make sure to keep the reminder to come back here before 7 on their watch." he said as he resigned to his chair in front of the monitors. lyla laughed. "uh, yeah, no can do. they disabled it the moment they came in here."
"why didn't you tell me?"
"because it's funnier to see you in angry dad mode. now, smile." lyla said as she took a picture of miguel scowling, and saved it in an album with your name on it and on the caption it said: 'his first freak out at you running away with a boy you probably like !!'
a/n: i was gonna make hobie say, "that your kid, miguel?" but i think that would've killed everybody in the room 😭😭😭
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @binibinileonara @ii01vq @luvstarrstruck @maxoloqy @pixqlsin @k4tsu3
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nerendus · 1 year
Went exploring Cainhurst because I'm insane. A little bit sad that this was all the neat stuff I could spot.
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Plate art depicts Castle Cainhurst. That's cute.
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Also in the dining area are these little steps to look out the window. They probably serve a boring practical purpose, but I just think it's cute to imagine little Vileblood kids running up these steps, waiting for dinner to be served, and killing time by watching the waves crash. I wish I lived here.
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This skrunkly little fella. I love him. I haven't thought about what he should be named, but I'm getting strong Xavier vibes.
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Knights leading up to the throne room are all missing one leg, the leg depending on which side of the hall they are on.
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Maybe something in the lore already explains this, but this little crack in between Logarious's boss arena and the throne room so, so, so helps answering my generic confusion of the layout of the castle. Simply put, the throne room probably wasn't intially in this spot and Logarious's silly little evil war wizard magic just...stuck the throne room in his bag of holding and it popped out where we were after he died. Something along those lines, at least. Someone more versed in...everything...probably could better articulate what this weird little thing going on with the castle is.
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Not necessarily a lore detail, but this fucking green shit gets on my nerves. Not because it's there, but because I don't know what it is. It has to be some sort of graphical error, right? Like, yeah, sure, but what the fuck causes it? I'm fine with this sort of stuff, I usually always find errors endearing in games, but when I can't even begin to make sense of what it is, it just makes me unnecessarily angry.
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peony-pearl · 10 months
i keep thinking ab ur tags on my post of iroh being a thief and stealing those perfumes but God. iroh being a guy that likes nice things and material pleasures and zukos love language is gift giving. he finds mai shells he thinks are cute... he steals beautiful tea sets and sweets for his uncle... AUGHH (GRIPS HEAD). Hes like a mangy grumpy little cat that drops weird shit at their owners feet to show love and devotion
Zuko and Iroh on the run and Zuko knows how much his uncle misses all his nice things lost on the ship; that and Zuko is angry over their sudden displacement while on the run. Not only does taking these nice things give him a sense of power again, but it gives him an excuse to give something to his Uncle, who has stuck by his side this whole time.
And then Iroh questions where he got it from - he questions Zuko's love language. Like that was probably such an injury to Zuko, who just wanted a scrap of feeling some kind of control again ;; little skrunkly boy just trying to show/receive love while his whole life spirals.
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bougiebutchbinch · 9 months
Lucius making me weep like a baby in my own fic
TW: mention of suicidal ideation and past canonical abuse
Lucius mashes his cigarette out on the barrel against which he leans. “Listen to me, Edward Teach,” he spits, and – oh, Stede’s never heard him so livid. Not even when Izzy had stranded him on the barnacle-scraping swing for an entire day, and told him he could only return to deck once he’d filled a bucket with the little blighters; and no, Pete couldn’t come join him and see to what alternate uses the swing could be put. “That awful, angry, skrunkly little man is in love with you. Ardently. Desperately. Unhealthily.”
Ed glowers at his boots. “Yeah, well,” he mutters. “He shouldn’t be. Not after everything I did –“
“I couldn’t agree more! It’s frankly offensive when…” Lucius gestures down at himself with the cigarette’s ash-dripping tip. “All of this is right here, ready for action, free of memories of traumatic toe-mutilation. I would fuck that old man in a heartbeat, if he wasn’t so hung up on you.”
“Hot,” says Pete, approvingly running a hand down his husband’s back. Nods from the crew suggest they concur.
“But,” continues Lucius, glare never leaving Ed, “who he loves is not a decision you get to make for him. In fact, I’d say you’ve lost your decision-making privileges over Izzy for quite some time.” He steps closer to Ed than he’s dared come in six months, making him go cross-eyed as he jabs the cigarette at his nose. “Don’t you think that you owe him better than suicide? I mean – for fuck’s sake. Dying for each other is, like, so 1623. If you truly want to start repairing your relationship, maybe try living for him instead?”
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giantchasm · 10 months
So I've seen a lot of people posting their Kirby fankids recently...
And so I figured I should finally try and post some of mine! I've had them for a while now, but I've been too lazy to talk about them on Tumblr. Let's change that by making a post about my favorite out of all of them... my special little princess... my beautiful skrunkly.
Everyone, I'd like you to meet Peony!
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She is, of course, my Taransusie fankid. She came into existence because I was playing Tomodachi Life and I got attached Taranza offhandedly mentioned that it would be nice to have a family one day and Susie just kind of nodded along but her internal reaction was a strong 'ABSOLUTELY NOT.'
This reaction... unnerved her, to say the least. She didn't understand why she felt so strongly about this. It's not that she didn't like kids. She liked Kirby plenty! And so why...?
Oh stars, it had to do with her dad, didn't it?
Her own unfulfilled childhood. Her resentment for her father. A fear that inevitably she'd fail as a parent in the same exact ways he did.
Realizing this was what was holding her back, Susie proceeded to get extremely angry. Why the hell was her dad still influencing the decisions she was making? He was long gone! She wouldn't let him make her hesitant or boss her around. She wasn't afraid. She could do WAY better than him. In fact, she would make a great mom! She'd show him.
The next thing she knew she was holding a baby she'd grown in a test tube.
Susie pretty much immediately realized she fucked up the minute this thing started moving. She didn't have anything to take care of her. Not even a blanket to bundle her in. What was she THINKING? Did she seriously make a living being out of spite? Maybe that would have been acceptable during her ‘Yeah, sure. I’ll do whatever evil thing I want’ era. But now? It was pretty apparent she made a mistake that she couldn’t take back.
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Thankfully Taranza was… mostly understanding? I mean, he was surprised, of course, and he had to be like “SUSIE. Never do something like this again. ESPECIALLY without talking to me about it,” but when she explained he understood why she reacted the way that she did. Plus, as unexpected as this all was, he pretty much instantly fell in love with little Peony.
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Which is to say nowadays they’re a pretty happy family! Peony is 8ish and things are going great. That is… except for one teensy, weensy, SLIGHT problem.
There was an incident wherein Peony almost died, and following it, she’s started seeing ghosts. This would be alarming under ANY circumstances, but with her family especially?
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…Hoo boy.
Further explanation under the cut, since this is long enough as is
First of all, I figure I should probably explain the circumstances of Peony’s near-death experience. It was all sort of a freak accident. One day, Susie had to perform some inspections at the Works Company, and no-one else was available to watch Peony, so she was just like, “Well. She’s a well-behaved kid. I’ll bring her along. What’s the worst that can happen?”
The ‘worst that could happen’ was her child being fed to an industrial meat grinder. All it took was looking away for ooooneeee second. Peony leaned a little too close to one of the company’s machines, fell, and the next thing Susie knew, she heard screaming.
She. Was. Horrified. She scrambled to shut off the machine, but it was too late. Peony was already hurt. Really hurt. She pulled her broken body from the machine, but there wasn’t much else she could do. She pretty much just had to call Taranza, explain what horrifying thing happened, and then wait for him, a person with actual experience using Soul and healing magic to get there before it was too late.
I cannot explain enough how distressing this was. Susie is someone who isn’t used to feeling helpless. She’s in control in pretty much every situation. But sitting there, holding her actively dying daughter, she had none of that usual control. Despite herself, she couldn’t let her mind wander back to that person. The one that she was thinking about when she first made Peony. She said she’d do better than he did, but…
If Peony were to die now, they’d be the exact same.
Even once Taranza arrived, they weren’t exactly out of the woods. He completely panicked, presented with the idea of losing another loved one, and his attempts to stabilize her were sloppy and desperate. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t seem to find her spirit to tether back to her body with his magic. Was it… already too late?
That’s when it felt as if something was passed off to him. Her spirit practically shoved into the metaphorical hands of his mind’s eye. It didn’t make any sense— it felt as if someone had intervened, but he didn’t question it. He took the stroke of luck as it came, and just barely he was able to stabilize Peony.
…She was hurt, but alive.
When she came to, her family was relieved, but she revealed something strange. When she was on the brink between life and death, she swore she was helped by two mysterious strangers. They comforted her, helped her calm down, and helped her get back to her body.
She described them as a ‘pretty lady’ and a ‘funny old man.’
Taranza and Susie weren’t sure what to make of this. It… couldn’t be, could it? But from thereon out, Peony continued to see these strangers, as well as develop more spectral powers.
You see… Peony is half Neumann— the same species her mom is. Her mom doesn’t have any magic abilities thanks to her cybernetics, but archetypically the species is susceptible to being… overloaded with a certain type of magic, especially when in life or death situations. Look at the Mage Sisters, for example. When on the brink of death themselves, they ended up becoming one with the elements that nearly killed them.
It was the same for Peony. A perfect storm, really. The Arachnid’s predisposition for Soul magic combined with the Neumann’s ability to soak up magic made for a very unique set of circumstances. And so when her dad used Soul magic to heal her, and some spirits perhaps stepped in to save her life…
Peony was overwhelmed. She developed an unnatural connection to the dead.
That said, Peony’s ‘guardian angels’ weeereeennn’t exactly supposed to do what they did. The rules of life and death are very strict. Particularly powerful spirits are allowed to remain wandering if they have unfinished business, but they are NOT to mess with mortal lives.
The arbitrator of life and death was outraged. It said it should whisk the two of them to Hades for their audacity! But this, too, was something Peony overheard, and she rushed to intervene. She begged Morpho Knight not to punish the mysterious strangers who helped her. If if was her who was supposed to die, shouldn’t she have been punished instead? She said she’d take their place.
…She didn’t know they were her granddad and her father’s long lost friend at the time. She just knew they’d helped her out, even though they didn’t know her. She had to return the favor.
Morpho Knight tested her conviction. It made it seem as if it was really going to go through with reaping her, but when she didn’t back down, it relented. It… couldn’t whisk away an innocent child. Perhaps all the time spent watching over Kirby was making it go soft. It allowed Peony to have her way. Truthfully, with the abilities she developed, the boundary between life and death for her family was already going to thin anyways. It would watch and see where this went.
Nowadays, Peony and the ghosts are best friends. She’s learned of their origins, and given a bit of an ego boost from her unlikely survival, she’s promised one day she’ll bring them back to life. This is something that is NOT going to happen, but at the moment she’s convinced she’s invincible— that she has unique, unmatched power and can do anything she wants to.
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Her parents are… hardly sure what to make of all this. It’s difficult to believe, really. But the more Peony talks about her brand new friends, the harder it is to deny her uncanny knowledge. And that means old wounds are reopening as they grapple with the complicated implications of the very flawed people they lost not only entering their child’s life but, in a way, reentering theirs.
…But that’s a story for another day. I figure I’ve probably talked enough. All you need to know is god complex spirit medium spider girl. I hope everyone else likes her as much as I do.
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tickle-bugs · 2 years
Wait… ATLA… I need some zuko fics for suree!! ❤️
.. I know you’re not currently taking prompts at this time but maybe something to considerrrr when you arrree :3 hehe
zuko my beloved my skrunkly my sweet <3 headcanons for you as a treat <3
when Zuko snorts, a lil puff of smoke comes out his nose. I know it to be true. Iroh told me.
He has a rly sweet breathy laugh that sometimes goes silent prematurely. very giggle prone and he pretends to hate it, but if he actually did he would barbecue everybody so. checkmate.
This one might be a hot take but I feel like he might actually be great at pretending something doesn't tickle if it's one sensation in one place. I'm choosing this hill because I think it makes things so much funnier if the gaang is trying to catch him off-guard and can't. and he knows. and he's smug.
but, flipside to this coin, he's like a jumpy cat. if you do catch him off guard he will launch directly into the stratosphere and squeak. there's nothing he can do to recover.
if zuko knows you're going to tickle him he will giggle uncontrollably before you touch him, get mad that he's doing it, and then (rare phenomenon) angry giggle. very cute.
Zuko can't firebend if he's laughing because firebending needs air. When he throws his little tantrums or goes to do something reckless (and stupid), whoever is closest to him is quick to poke his sides and the air leaves him in this big woosh. If he tries to firebend (which he probably doesn't, he doesn't wanna hurt anyone), lil sparks come off his hands.
tickling Zuko is objectively funny because he curls up like a lil pillbug, but when you hit a bad spot he uncurls and every limb seeks violence. category six flailing event. Sokka comes back to camp with a black eye and Suki and Katara are ready for bloodshed, but he has to stumble through an explanation of why on earth he thought tickling Zuko was a good idea (worth it, no regrets. not pictured: toph smirking bc she could feel zuko's laughter reverberating through the ground)
mai does not know this about him until Ty Lee finds out. Mai takes full advantage and Zuko pretends to hate it with all his might.
i think if we're exiting the lil utopia bubble here for a sec zuko canonically probably hates being tickled. azula strikes me as the kind to torment him with it. but i'm choosing to remain within the bubble. i like the bubble.
zuko mirrors behaviors that he sees other gaang members doing to try and fit in. and i just. Zuko getting bold enough to poke someone and everyone is delighted because he's graduated to physical contact. and then he's like "why are you all looking at me like that"
i can one hundred percent see the gaang having like a 'days since zuko's last temper tantrum' counter or whatever. like as he mellows out it becomes harder to provoke him. Except one day Sokka goes too far and Zuko jumps him and everyone has a split-second fear that he's like genuinely snapped...until Sokka is shrieking and everything's fine actually. (the counter gets reset).
zuko and toph being touchy besties is everything to me actually and i like to think they are constantly irritating each other with lil pokes and stuff. toph likes to drape herself over Zuko at her own peril.
Aang sometimes won't take his training seriously because he's just not intimidated by Zuko anymore. Zuko's like. well. I can fix that. and aang Flees.
Zuko has so much respect for Suki and refuses to lay a hand on her and hurt her when they spar, but Suki's like. C'mon fireboy. Zuko remembers something about her that Sokka said in passing and he's like well! this will work! (i just have this visual of aang being like 'wow the kyoshi warriors are so cool zuko's so special getting to train with Suki'. meanwhile Zuko and Suki are in a tickle fight so intense that they've smashed and burnt furniture).
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acosmicblizzard · 2 years
Poly reader with Ada and Emil headcanons
They're my little skrunkly's Warnings: Mentions of asylums/mental hospitals, Mentions of hypnosis
Story type: Fluff
Characters/pairings: Ada - “Psychologist”, Emil - "Patient", Reader (Gender-Neutral), Victor - "Postman"
(possible ooc)
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Ohh boy, how did you even land yourself these two? You're in for one wild ride if you did. In order to be in a relationship with both of them you'd probably have to have know them both while in the asylum, however there is a possibility that they'd fall for you during their time in the manor. However it's more likely for one or both of them to catch feelings if you had been close while they were both at the asylum. During games as soon as you get chaired Emil will be dashing over there like a mad man with Ada behind him to help support or bodyblock if needed. Both of them absolutely hate leaving you behind in matches and will do anything they can to keep you alive even though they know you'll just be sent back to the manor. These two are willing to pull the riskiest moves ever just to make sure all three of you escape and three out of five times it usually works. Ada knows she can't always save you but Emil always beats himself up when he can't believing he could've done better. You and Ada always comfort him afterwards and reassure him after matches that he did great and did what he could. Cuddle piles, cuddle piles with these two are absolutely amazing. Ada is more of a big spoon but doesn't mind being the little spoon while Emil is more of a little spoon but every now and then will be the big spoon. You usually end up with Emil being sandwiched between Ada and you, him happily snuggling into either you or Ada while you and Ada just blissfully stare at eachother or chat away. Both of them can get jealous easily and are generally very protective over you, basically like guard dogs. Will be glaring at the killer before and after matches, and will throw hands with any of the survivors if they get you hurt. If you go through pains similar to Emils, Ada with perimission will use hypnosis to help you and it helps push her to research more and more both to help you and Emil. If there's one thing she despises it's seeing either of you in pain. Emil absolute loves messing with your hair, it was a thing he discovered while cuddling with you. You were very tired and were cuddling in Emils room when he suddenly started running his fingers through your hair. You were too tired to care at the moment and just let him continue while Emil had the biggest grin on his face. The length of your hair doesn't matter, he just finds messing with it fun!
One time during a match you had gotten paired up with Victor and your partners. This would've been perfectly fine if Victor didn't have Wick with him. Emil is absolutely terrified of dogs and sadly Victor didn't know that so when Victor sent Wick to go deliver a letter Emil let out a scream, causing you to fail the calibration on the cipher you were on. You were going to run to Emil to check on him and were vaulting a window but because you weren't paying attention to your surroundings now you didn't realize jack was literally right behind you and invisible. Next second, you got terror shocked. You guys somehow beat that match but it ended up with a terrified Emil, a angry Ada, and a confused Victor and you.
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frenchiefitzhere · 1 year
The Skrunkle Simp Song
Music and Lyrics by Frenchie
(This is a little rougher than I usually like to have for published music, but I was so happy to finish and record a song for the first time in 5 months that I kinda don't care that it's imperfect.) Lyrics below the cut :)
Verse 1
Don’t ask me why I like him    
I’ll never find the words
But my skrunkly little meow meow  
Makes me simp until it hurts
He’s an awful, evil bastard
And they say that he’s no good
But I promise I can fix him 
He’s just misunderstood
Refrain 1:
Oh my Skrunkles you’re so mean
And even sometimes quite obscene
But I love you just the same
You’re the monster I will tame
(Oh you’re so lucky I picked you!)
Verse 2
He’s a heinous, hateful villain
And he stands for all that’s bad
But Skrunkles, it’s not my fault
You’re so cute when you get mad
Your funny angry eyebrows
Tell me all I need to know
Who’s a stinky, grumpy skrunkle?
Who’s the lowest of the low?
Refrain 2:
Oh, Skrunkly-Man you’re horrible
Corrupt and vain and vile
So I push my hair behind my ears and say:
“Do you just…like…wanna hang out for a while?”
Like…I have a car… We could just…get out of here…”
Verse 3:
Don’t ask me why I like him
I know he’s problematic
Babygirl is complicated
But I like that he’s dramatic
He gets his kicks from doing things
I’d never do myself
So honestly he’s safer
Sitting here up on my shelf
My no good, nasty skrunkle-doll
Is my new favorite toy
Hey, handsome. Just one question:
"Who’s been a bad, bad boy?”
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doofus-and-dragons · 1 year
Ok ok sorry for spam posting my account but these are thoughts I must get down before I forget them. I'll put them under the cut so you don't have to read my ramblings lol
But, if you want to see my interpretation of a scene that lasts maybe ten seconds at most, I'm your fella!
I love the scene right after Hiccup, Toothless, and Astrid get back from the nest. Astrid is ecstatic and ready to tell the Chief the minute they land. But Hoccup doesn't want to. Astrid of course gets upset by this (understandably so. This information could put an end to the war they've fought for generations and Hiccup wants to keep it a secret?) and starts getting a tad agressive as Astrid is want to do.
And what does Hiccup do?
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He responds in the most serious manner we've seen from him for the whole movie. His face is completely cold, lacking any of the sympathy or warmth we've come to know from Hiccup. In fact, he looks angry that Astrid would even suggest he put Toothless' life on the line for this. And that alone tells a story. In the span of a few seconds, his face and tone set the building blocks for the rest of the franchise.
His heart is with the dragons.
And think about it, he has good reason to place his heart in those talons. His whole life, humans have done nothing but hurt him. He grew up being tormented by Dagur. He was bullied endlessly by his peers. The adults of his tribe pushed him aside because he was different, because he was small. His own father had a hard time understanding him because he wasn't an average viking.
Toothless was the first creature to look at him and not see a failure.
Once he trusted him, Toothless gave him endless love. He placed enough trust in Hiccup to let him fly with him, to help him. He accepted Hiccup helping him through one of his inventions. He accepted Hiccup.
Toothless was more than his first friend. He was the first one to see Hiccup as more than useless.
This tone is carried out through the franchise. Through the shows and into the sequel (excluding 3. Again, haven't seen it, probably not going to) we see Hiccup's desire to be useful shine through. He stutters around his friends, trying to defend the idea of his flight suit. He overworks himself to try and one up Viggo. He gets tense and awkward and explaining to Valka how he shot Toothless down, quickly rushing to defend himself because he doesn't know how she'll react. He's grown used to negative reactions. It's like second nature to rush out an explanation or a defense for his thoughts and actions.
But with Toothless? He's visibly at ease. When the flight suit doesn't quite work how it's suppose to (in both rtte and httyd2), he just laughs it off and shrugs, already thinking up ways to make the solo flying better. He understands the tone and body language of Toothless-so much so that he can pretty much tell what Toothless is saying and pary his own response to it.
Dont get me wrong, he loves his friends, and he loves his people! But you can't just erase years of trauma. Especially when you a)don't have access to therapy and b)push all your feelings to the way side (which, let's be honest, he does both. There are times in rtte where Astrid has to pry the answers out of him).
So yeah this was my thoughts on this scene. Am I projecting a little bit? Mayhaps. But what is a skrunkly for if not an outlet and tool to healing your own trauma/inner child?
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