#my libra-ness is showing
edslacefront · 11 months
We know for a fact that Stede's a Leo historically (and I think it adds up w his character) but hottake: I think Ed's a Leo too, I was torn between that and Gemini, he's a dramatic know-it-all, but I think he def has Gemini goin on in his chart. I think Stede and Ed actually must have fairly similar charts, like they're actually so similar as people besides the way they grew up and that's why they get along so well ya know? Anyway as an astrology ho this is my shot at Ed and Stede's top 6 in their charts, shouting it into the void:
A lot of fire and air in this one that's just the vibe I get, he's passionate and longs for adventure, he's actually quite clever but can be a little insensitive sometimes, yet somehow also attentive to those he cares about.
Sun- Leo (as stated earlier) I feel like this one needs little explanation (I end up talking more about his sun sign when I compare him to Ed later when talking about Ed's sun, see below lol) Dramatic, theatrical, draws attention, flamboyant, just listing synonyms at this point
Moon- Libra, At first I thought he'd have a water moon bc he can be quite emotional, but I think thats just the outwardness of his Leo placements. he has this ability to set his feelings aside like an air sign, like when he saved the crew even after Ed died, and then went to mourn in private, although he seems dramatic emotionally he has an ability to detach himself, he forgives quite easily which is a trait ive seen a lot in Libra moons, he has a lot of faith in people. His relationships w others are very important to him, an air moon just makes sense w his whim-prone-ness
Rising- Leo (again ik), he's dramatic asf likes to make a theatrical entrance, draws a lot of attention to himself and cares a lot about his appearance, puts on a confident facade over his cripplingly insecure self in true Leo fashion, is a natural entertainer when he starts to get attention in man on fire
Mercury- Libra (again ik I swear I know about more than two signs) , had to be an air sign he can chat and chat and chat, Ed and him can talk for hours they gotta both have air mercurys, he can also be quite charming in his banter like when he charms Anne Bonnie and Hellcat Maggie like he's a little bit of a flirt even when he doesn't intent to be, he can also be so shady and cunty when he wants to tho, like this dude likes to stur the pot as a strategy kind of lives for the drama, he can be quite clever when he's in a pinch and can always talk himself out of a situation, his bullshitting ability is off the charts
Venus- Taurus, at first I thought he'd have like no earth, but I think he's a little bit more practical in love with the way he thought going to China was too fast, He's still a very attentive lover tho, with Taurus ruled by Venus, he offers Ed a lot of comfort, he's very calming to Ed with his presence and very patient with Ed, he's stubborn in love he never gives up on finding Ed/never loses faith in their love, a real romantic w his cheesy poetry in his letters, immediately shows Ed all of his fancy stuff and that's what initially kind of draws Ed to him, got that luxurious appeal that finer things in life swag
Mars- Libra (AGAIN IK, but a Libra stellium just makes sense to me, not trying to make him seem one dimensional I just get this vibe so strong I swear I'm not just going off stereotypes) This man's always solving conflict or being avoident of his problems, like it's always his tactic, like when he turns Neds crew against him by pointing out that they're being treated unfairly. He prefers for things to be harmonious
I think this dude is a chaotic concoction of distributed fire water and air, no practical earth in this mf
Sun- Leo. I just think they both have to be Leo's, Ed is just as dramatic and it's like the world seems to revolve around him at times (like the sun, Leo's ruled by the sun, haha) he just gives such strong Leo-ness w this mane he's got (him and Stede both have excellent hair as a defined feature now that I'm thinking about it) and his facade of confidence is just pure Leo. Him and Stede can both get jealous in a Leo way, like when the other gets all the attention. They both can be a little egotistical and can be kind yet also not take others feelings into account before thinking of their own, like being considerate is not always their first instinct.
Moon- Scorpio. MAN does this boy get HURT. He lashes out asf he is so sensitive. Izzy says "Stede" once and gets fucking shot don't u dare point out what this dude is upset about. He feels things so intensely, doing dramatic shit getting emo w it, gets absolutely consumed by his feelings, had to have a water moon he's a whole tsunami. He's not so secretive w how he feels like maybe the average Scorpio moon but I think the Leo brings it out. This is where Stede and Ed have to figure out how to communicate their feelings w this air and water combo but I think Stede's Libra moon takes the time to understand Ed and how he's caused hurt.
Rising- Gemini. Infamous. Regarded as highly skilled "He's histories greatest tactition", u never know his next move, never shuts up, either introducing himself like "hey everybody I'm blackbeard : )" or "I'm the fucking Devil", the talk of the town, been there done that knows everybody
Mercury- Also Gemini. Like I said he never shuts up, him and Stede talk each other's ears off w these air mercurys, always bouncing between topics, good story teller, him and Stede both, he's always fuckin yelling in my experience Geminis r loud talkers. Goes on rants talks like a nut job. And he's sooo so intelligent his brain is going a million miles a minute, good at memorizing information it makes him a good pirate. Geminis get so eclectic w what they know and they're so so clever and witty and snarky "that's blackbeard, I'm Stede remember."
Venus- Pisces. This dude longs for sweet and delicate affection, he's got these princess doe-eyes, fluttering his lashes and shit, he falls fast for Stede, romanticizes shit, he gets lost and infatuated and day dreamy w shit. He imagined Stede as a beautiful mermaid coming to save him for fucks sake. He's a *sighs* and looks out the window yearningly mf. He PINES like no other. Immediately wanted to watch Stede while he sleeps and switch clothes and go to China, an idealist. I think this matches w Stede so well bc Stede's also a romantic, writing letters and shit, Stede butters him up, but Stede had the ability to remind Ed to be a bit more grounded. They're both so tender ugh they both like to comfort each other ugh
Mars- Aries. He can be quite childish and gets set off by one thing, he has a quick temper, outbursts of yelling, like his rage builds up intense and fast and then burns out, like he literally throws tantrums like when Izzy was pestering him about the plan and then he's like "EVERYTHINGS SO FUCKING BORING". when he's angry he's all consumed and murderous. In my experience an Aries Mars is most likely to smash a chair against the wall and throw a Vase, but then forgive after one conversation bc of how fast burning they r like a bomb and then quiet, returning to that childlike play fullness an Aries has, does shit like play knife parade bc that's their sense of fun, spiteful and gets embarrassed, like when he leaves the fancy dinner table like "YOUR ALL PHONIES" and then is like I've gotta shoot all of them.
Anyways if u read all of this (I doubt anyone will) thanks for listening to my shout into the void, if u disagree pls be gentle lol.
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marsprincess889 · 9 months
Hello again, I'm sorry for making this second ask, I've realized I forgot to reblog a post (they're all amazing) and probably mistook one of my placements. If both of these are alright, you can ignore.
Now I'll write my placements - with houses, if that will be useful
Sun - Purva Bhadrapada (Aquarius) in 4th house
Moon - Ardra , in the 8th house
Rising - Vishakha (Libra)
Thank you for this opportunity!
It's fine!! Thanks for participating.
Ok, listen, do you get so angry/angsty sometimes that you become a little uncontrollable? (I'm not suggesting that that's a bad thing, you do you, you're valid 🤍). All of your big three nakshatras suggest that. I mean, wow. You're sensitive, but you keep that sensitivity under a layer of 'together-ness'. You care a lot about a lot of things, more than you wish to show. You like to call out anything you think is unfair, it might be hard for you to hold back in those situations. That anger may be accompanied by detaching yourself from almost everyone, or just everyone. There's a lot going on inside of you that you're not able to show. You might angry-cry. I'm just getting a lot of angsty energy from you, but all of that (or a lot of it) is contained. You find meaning in going your own way, rebelling. People might find you mysterious or hard to understand. You yourself like to explain yourself a lot, so that there won't be any misunderstandings. You might feel at your best when you can find meaning in anything, when you can explain the suffering. You're very warm when you're happy though, and very loyal, so it's a privilege to have you as a friend/to be close to you.
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kendrilybee · 1 year
hello! how are you?
may i know if I'm going to be a good mom, in the future?
thank you :) - S (Libra)
Tumblr media
I asked how you can be a good mom, because innate mom-ness isn’t really a thing I don’t think, and I got a *beautiful* message in return.
The Lovers represent more than just spouses or romantic love. It’s about seeing the wholeness of another being and cherishing all of it. It’s active loving. The decision in each moment to love. In this though is also love for the self, love for your own wholeness and needs.
The Star shows me a beautiful dream, strong intuition and internal growth. It also is a warning not to cling to dreams too tightly and accept that they are soft and malleable and change every time you look at them. Just like kids.
And the 10 of Coins is a call to be diligent with your financial stability. Make sure that you’re not building a treehouse in a rotting oak.
I think there’s powerful messages here, which makes sense. Parenthood is an intense undertaking and you have to commit it ways I can’t even really wrap my brain around.
All the best 🧡
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simtric · 8 years
I was tagged by @tinymiblog
Rules: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in your own. when you are done tag up to 10 people….most importantly, have fun!
a / age: 17 b / biggest fear: Never really being myself. c / current time:  12:00PM d / drink you had last: Ginger Ale e / everyday starts with: Trying to go back to sleep f / favourite song: (I don’t have a single favorite song...) But as of right now Ed Sheeran’s Shape of you is stuck in my head. g / ghosts are real? I think so... h / hometown: Mobile, Alabama i / in love with: My ex (sadly...) j / jealous of: People whose parents let them be themselves and try to control them especially at my age... k / killed someone: Nope never. l / last time you cried: Like full on boohoo cried..... February 25- March 3... (Every night at least) n / number of siblings: 15 o / one wish: To be happy p / person you last called/texted: My bio Mom q / questions you’re always asked: “How do you know how to sew without a pattern?” s / song last sang: Halsey - Castle u / underwear colour: Black v / vacation destination: I want to go to Ghana w / worst habit: Procrastinating x / xrays you have had: On my lungs... y / your favourite food: Uhm wow this is hard.... I don’t have one... but I guess like I don’t know... uhmmm... Sorry I don’t have one I like all fruits and veggies... So yeah... z / zodiac sign: Libra
I tag: @qdogsims @thenooboocrew @blewis50 @lunvrsims
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venusvxen · 2 years
While trying to assign astro charts to stranger things characters I made a realization. Everyone always talks about how Saturn rules the father and the complex relationships capricorn placements may have w their parents (namely fathers) so i got to thinking🤔 Wouldn’t a cap rising = someone who heavily resembles their father either visually or personality wise.
I got to this conclusion bc in the show Mike is very very VERY emotionally constipated. Very much like pulling teeth trying to get him to admit his feelings for El to her face😭 so off that alone he has to have a shit ton of aquarius placements. I’m putting him as an aqua moon and aqua venus. Then i thought about the environment he grew up in. Namely the type of father he has. Mike v much like his dad just not a bum. But the point is he’s a product of his environment. His very neglectful environment so that’s why expressing his emotions is like pulling teeth for him cus when has he ever seen his parents be vulnerable with each other?
Anyway let’s go back to the Capricorn theory I had. Namely capricorn rising. If saturn rules the father and the ascendant is the self then naturally Capricorn risings would take after their father and be a lot like them either consciously or unconsciously. While both his parents play a part in his emotional…. not there ness💀 I think his dad suspect #1. Which is why i was like “me assigning him a cap rising wouldn’t be too off because he’s kinda like his dad a bit”. So there we have it. Aqua moon Aqua venus capricorn rising.
I haven’t figured out his sun merc or mars yet. But also him being a capricorn rising would mean he’s an aries 4h which tracks because him and his siblings are all extremely independent because they live in a neglectful ass environment😭 Been doing shit by himself since a young age which tracks for an aries 4th house.
The 4th house is what I was basing his ascendant off of tbh. Like if i could find a 4h sign that matched the dysfunctional mess that is the wheeler household then i’d be able to work my way backwards 3 signs up. Whatever it was there just HAS to be URANUS OR NEPTUNE influence in that 4th house. Hell the both of them are prob in there TANGOING. Idc they’re deff in there somewhere.
So w that being said if I don’t have mike as a capricorn rising then my second guess would be Gemini rising because then there would be a virgo 4h. The wheelers give off this impression of a calm docile stereotypical suburban family who all have their shit together w their nice little house nice cars and nice little nuclear family uno🤷🏾‍♀️ They have a nice put together image but in reality his parents suck but that’s besides the point. Gemini rising also tracks. Because w an aqua moon and aqua venus that would also explains why he SUCKS at vulnerability and anything that has to do w like….. emotions💀
I also was gonna put him as a libra 4h for that reason until i forgot to account for cancer when i was counting backwards n realized that Gemini rising would not give him a libra 4th. But that thought also opened up a new train of thought… VENUS IN THE 4TH. It obviously would be conjunct neptune or something. Venus conjunct neptune in the 4th gives the ILLUSION of this perfect nuclear family who all have their shit together when again.. in actuality.. THE WHEELER PARENTS R UNHINGEDJDJDJD. They’re so silly 😭 especially Ted bro.
that was like 5-6 paragraphs i wrote going on absolutely absolutely nothing… i just love to chat fr. But anyways lmk what we’re thinking.. Does he give Cap rising more or gemini rising more🤔.. so long as we all agree he has some aqua stellium of some sort + neptune/uranus activity in the 4th that’s all that matters
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which bg member, if any, behaves in such a way that makes you think "that's so [sign]"?
oh there are so many, let me do one for each sign, I think that's easier lmao
aries: renjun without a doubt. he's such an aries I love it
taurus: if I had to pick one, I'd go with sejun, from victon
gemini: can it be anyone but hoshi? absolutely not. all of his personal placements are gemini and it Shows
cancer: honestly I think san is the epitome of cancer, from the weird cancer behaviours like eating soap to All of the broodiness that man carries within him. christ. it's a mess. Honourable mention: taemin and taeyong
leo: there are a few idols who definitely embody leo but honestly No one does it like hueningkai. he's truly the Height of leo behaviour with everything he says and does. Never have I seen him say a single thing that wasn't the most leo thing I've ever heard.
virgo: it's gotta be jae, he has the picky orderly-ness that people often attribute to virgo but the dumb bitch energy is also Very much there. All virgos have it, and I say that with love I promise. But jae also thought milk was cow blood. I rest my case.
libra: yoon jeonghan. judgemental fancy bitch wine aunt energy. need I say more? another honourable mention: keeho. same energy.
scorpio: I love a lot of scorpios, and I tend to bias idols with strong scorpio energy most of the time, but I have to give this one to skz minho. he's Such a scorpio my God. I love it. *chef's kiss*.
sagittarius: bobby omg he has such excitable puppy energy but also if being woken up late by his manager having not packed at all because he completely forgot they were going to japan that day isn't Peak Sagittarius energy then I truly don't know what is.
capricorn: jb scares me a little ok
aquarius: kidney function is a privilege, not a right - chwe hansol
pisces: peniel my precious himbo son he's the true personification of pieces and I will accept no other suggestions.
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anakinskywalkerog · 2 years
Awe, Thank You 😭. Again Oli I'm sorry the post was so long. But when I deep dive I go all in. I definitely understand you, as you're a Scorpio sun with a Sagittarius venus, you are okay with a man who is a bit (and I mean just a small bit) clingy with you. But also knows how to respect that you want space and distance sometimes. If they get too clingy or trying to control you. That immediately turns you off from them.
As I said in the ask getting him isn't the hard part. He will honestly talk to anyone so long as they give off a good vibe and can keep a conversation interesting. The hard part is keeping all that Aries energy interested once you have him. Cause his Scorpio moon and Taurus venus they will stay with someone but that Aries energy doesn't like to stay still for long. If it gets bored, he might just stay for the sake of it, but he emotionally and mentally probably checked out.
My first serious boyfriend (I mean first as in once I got into adulthood, since high school boyfriends count but they can only be somewhat serious but depending on the situation) was a Scorpio Sun, Mercury, and Venus with a Libra moon and Sagittarius mars. He was super sweet and a really compassionate boyfriend. He really showed me love in the purest form even though we were in our mid 20s. But then that Libra moon and his Gemini best friend (no shade to Geminis) just did me dirty. He basically could not put up a boundary between her and our relationship. She has relationship problems with her boyfriend. She would call mine up and ask him to help her. And because that was his "best friend" of course he just had to be there 🙄. Instead of you know telling her to fix it with her boyfriend. She was always in the middle of our relationship and he just couldn't possibly tell her to have respect and boundaries to our relationship 😒. He was trying to get me to move in with him, but I wouldn't. Cause I got a bad vibe about him and her (Thank God for my Scorpio rising 👏). I then confronted him about why he was always defending her when I would get upset. He told me that they had always wanted to date but they never wanted to because they didn't want to ruin their friendship 🙄😒🖕. I asked him if this was before or after they slept together 🤨. Because guess who found out they slept together. Yep me. It broke my heart, we were getting engaged soon (he had me pick out the ring and I would somewhat live with him 3 days out of the week). It hurt more because afterwards I realized if it was me or another woman. He would always have this girl on a high pedestal and I could not fight against that 😢.
Omg I did it again, I apologize for that 😂. But the point of my whole story was when looking at the birth chart. Look at their moon, mars, venus to tell you what that person may be like in a relationship. Also make sure they aren't still holding on to feelings for someone else. So for Hayden chart I could be wrong cause we don't have his time of birth or what houses his placements are in. But that was the best I could do 😂😂
lol go off i don’t mind 😂 also yes those are my signs and you are correct i like to be very attached in relationships and don’t really mind clingy-ness haha. except rn i’m in my literally not attracted to anyone i meet phase…so. i’ll keep you posted lol
that totally sucks about your ex!! also huge red flag if a guy refuses to listen to his girlfriend about his friends, regardless of what the problem is. my most recent ex was a Gemini and it did NOT work lolololol. so maybe there’s something to all this shit.
anyway, thank you for the Hayden insight, it has done nothing but convince me that he and i are perfect for each other. in some universe somewhere else maybe we’re together 😂
also, someone messaged me and was wondering if you could provide a chart reading for Ewan too? no pressure, but, if you have the time…
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inthestars011 · 4 years
what it’s like falling in love with her🦋🥺❤️
(Venus !!)❤️❤️ I did this fast so I apologize for grammar spelling mistakes xox
(I’m doing this by thinking of my friends and their methods or way of acting in romantic relationships however I will make another one doing in love with him and will touch on men with all the venuses that I’ve personally been in love with to add an even more personal touch xox)
Aries- Kisses that are short but kill you in the 5 seconds they last. Gives you forever in a minute. Always leaves you wanting more and that breaks you but fills you simultaneously. She knows that. She’s aware of her presence and that it feels like burning in all the right places. She seems naive and pure at soul, but shes well aware of the danger she holds in her hands and she uses it to her advantage. She loves the wanting, the chasing. She lives for the thrill, the game. She will run away before you can dispose of her heart and she might not let you see those broken parts but might just show a side that’s much funner, when it gets serious she may just become a runner. Sometimes, she is nothing but a machine running on fumes of lust expelling and leaving without a trace whenever she must. Some day she may realize that love might just be worth it, and that she really deserves it. But it still must consist of passion, fireworks, and all, if you plan on keeping her for the long haul.
Taurus Venus- she doesn’t want you to know she is soft, as she’s shown that side before, to many people she has lost. She’s not ready for change so her walls are built high, not even broken open by heavy ocean tides. Deep down she is melting, she is all love at the core. Filled with romance and god, so much more. She wants someone to truly share this with, but forever is all she ever asked for. If you cannot give her that she’ll retreat, become stubborn unable to make two ends meet. she might be slow at first to show her passion, she may show it through a touch that inhibits so much love. there’s nothing better than the comfort of her hug. She will heal all of you through a softness that you didnt think exists. She’s the definition of wife material, someone you’ll forever miss.
Gemini Venus- they describe her as flakey and that’s not always the case. There’s so many sides to her like differing tulips in a vase. I think she likes love but can find it in so many places, I think she can find love amongst so many faces. Maybe it’ll take a while for her to find her forever, but I do think deep down she does want forever. She won’t show all this meaning right off the jump. She’ll show something more innocent, naive and young. She is cute and pure, that, we are sure. She hides such greatness behind that coy smile, and the right person has to detect that, to truly find that. Maybe that’ll take a while. but that person will come that realizes shes more than just fun, she is the moon, just as much as she is the sun. She is eccentric and wildly funny. Her love feels like flying which is freeing but, a little terrifying, honey! It sometimes feels like, at any moment, she might let go, leaving one freezing in the December snow. Once it is true love, she is just as comforting as she is adventurous, she’ll give the whole world and expect nothing in return. Her love comes in teachings and there’s something we all can learn, from the glimmer in her eyes to her childlike hope. if she is truly in love, you will know.
Cancer Venus- her love feels just like home. The mom or dad you never had, and to play that role, she’s probably glad. every touch is enveloped with so much care. You can still smell the sea within her hair. She might be the mother or the baby or maybe even both, she always did help you unfold. When you think of her, you think of making out in your childhood bedroom, you think of the clinginess she exuded, maybe the eternal doom. The moods were never your favourite but you learned to savour it. You accepted every side of her maybe even the annoying parts too. She was your special seashell in the deep ocean blue, her love was nothing but true.
Leo Venus- Golden shimmers from above, a dramatic flair when it came to love. It was always, all show, all beauty, nothing below. Sometimes that was beautiful, sometimes you hated it. There was no in between, she served melodrama for breakfast lunch and dinner and you ate it up, there was no room for desert. Her love was like light shows and the strips of Las Vegas, entrancing but maybe too much at times. there was some innate programming she had that made her feel like she was never enough, but that she was, that she was. She was the big romantic gesture, love was extravagant and so was she. She wanted a love as she saw on the screens, the one that filled her childhood dreams. It was hard to live up to her firey passions, but it was worth it because she’d give you so much in return. She would love you till her flicker would burn out and she was all just heavy smoke and she’d continue loving you in the darkness. They called her the lion for a reason, her loyalty was fierce but her wrath was even fiercer. Her love was so lush, yet, the anger would defeat her.
Virgo Venus- Pure and awkward. The angel that was too good for you, the one that made you dream of laying and praying beside her feet. Not because her flirting skills were smooth and effortless, not because of lusty bedroom eyes, but because of the sweetness that filled her tired sighs. You could see that she wanted something real and that, pursuing maybe wasn’t her strong point, but you would do that for her. Once you got to know her, you unpeeled every layer and found more and more gold underneath, it scared her to show it, but her love grew fonder and she did it more confidently as time went on. Time is what grew our love and our passion, and it was as real as it could ever be. It was divination, it was serving a higher purpose. It was husband and wife, Adam and Eve, something so religious, something so prestiged. It may have seemed regular classic or boring. But to us it felt like our own little story. You got to know a bit more everyday and the excitement of that never did go away. I thank you for fixing all my brokenness even if it was slowly and surely, I thank you for helping me change. You are the only god to which I would pray to, the only holy ness that made the sadness go away.
Libra Venus- She’ll scare the hell out of you with her words. They’ll fall out of her mouth effortlessly, soft flower buds, blooming. She knows just what to say and she holds so much power in that. Her charm and her brilliance got you down on your knees, just a sentence, is all that it takes. Kisses sweet like strawberry shakes. But before you know it she doesn’t love you anymore, it was just a fantasy she had, merely a mirage. It wasn’t real but to you it was and it’s confusing and it’s making you insane. She didn’t mean to cause any pain, she is a fairy in the garden bouncing from tree to tree ever so lightly, taking what she can get and moving on to what’s meant for her. And maybe that wasn’t you. Maybe that’s ok. Because she’ll find someone who makes her heart beat from their touch and their words, someone that doesn’t make her want to create an imaginary world. Someone who just is pure beauty to her, someone who is nothing but real true love. Something more down to earth and better than the heavens up above. She will find it. And she will never let go.
Scorpio Venus- the tension that she holds. “Are we angry at eachother or are we so in love we can’t breathe?”She always made you feel both. Sometimes you thrived off of it, sometimes it made you seasick. She bit your lip and made it bleed as she pulled you in for your final kiss. She cried a little as she left. There was softness in her dark facade there was something light and airy. You only could touch it for a second before it slipped back underneath the oily meSs. The chaos was exciting and her loyalty was meaningful. Her jealously could kill and that you’ve seen. You smelled danger from a mile away on her shirt and you gravitated towards it for some reason. She’ll make her scar and the slice will hurt your skin, but you’ll forever want to bleed. She is what you need.
Sagittarius Venus- with her, love wasn’t hard. No, she made you think it was easy. It was giggles and being best friends. It was passionate make outs and spontaneous adventures. Love is all well and fun. Love is the horizon, a new dawn, abeautiful beginning. But sometimes it had to end. Sometimes she would run free and realize “this isn’t for me.” And sometimes she would come back as if nothing happened. It seemed like dissapearjng but to her it was just living out her honest truth. She wouldn’t wanna stay if what you felt for her wasn’t the same as what she felt for you. when it’s good it’s all passion, it’s perhaps not romantic but casual and fun. it’s two love birds on the run. Don’t know where they are going but they’re together and isn’t that what matters? They don’t know that eventually both their hearts might shatter. She loves the unpredictable and will revel in it with you, images of soaking your hands in waterfalls and late night rendezvous.
Capricorn- Her love is timid and perhaps bitter, but once she falls in love she’ll be unsure what hit her. She may laugh at romance till she is in the dream herself, she’ll then learn to fall in love with love itself. It takes a lot to serenade this girl, and she wants nothing less than what is perfect and no one can deny that she deserves it. She showed true commitment and loyalty and someone treated her like a joke and left her broken without a glint of hope. She is now careful in love and can you really blame her? But once you tear those walls down it’s impossible to tame her. She’ll want kisses in public and cuddles by the fire, she’ll believe that you are more than worthwhile. Yes it may take a while to break down the stones that she’s pilled in front of her heart, she will be more like concrete, but a soft touch and a smile that means well might just turn her into fragile glass, into running water. If you bash those walls down with steely swords and fight the dragons that protect her pretty soul than she might just believe in you, you might just help her believe in love again, and ultimately, she might believe in herself.
Aquarius- She will confuse you as she shape shifts into whatever he pleases. Sometimes, she is one full of romance and love and she gives you summer heat and sweet icecream. But sometimes the sunshine is fleeting, she is cold and detached and wants to be nothing more than friends. She is full of surprises and contradictions. She loves in a way that is strange but captivates you, you always want to know more. She is a good and loyal friend, funny and filled with adventures and a good wit. She is awkward and unsure of how to pursue true love though she does want it. deep inside she’ll never admit it, no, those feelings she hides. She’ll pull you in, and there you are falling in her wishing well, unable to climb back out and sometimes you can surround yourself in her water and drown in feelings but sometimes it’s empty and vacant, depressing, sometimes she is an endless drought. She’ll make you love her so much it terrifies you but she’s like electricity in your veins, absolutely addicting.
Pisces- She is the girl with eyes full of stars staring at you across the crowded room with a shy smile. She will not approach you but instead let herself escape to a dream in which you are the main role, she will be able to taste your lips, to smell your cologne even as she is not near you, even when she’s lying in bed at home. She will wish for you to come and save her from herself and she wishes you are as good as her heart makes you up to be, she wishes when you finally come and love her that you will never leave, because when she is abandoned, she is still left with those empty dreams. And the fantasies do haunt her, the memory of your soft kiss will taunt her. I hope for your sake you live up to what she dreamt you to be, otherwise she may be surprised, heartbroken, and she will not hesitate to leave. To chase some perfect crystallized image that dances in her head, she’ll cry and scream when people tell her Prince Charming simply does not exist, but she still believes all her past lovers were simply frogs she had to kiss and that she still awaits her soulmate. All this love and lust is only fictious for she is just the girl with eyes full of stars staring at you across the crowded room with a shy smile. Do approach her.
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star-consultant · 3 years
Bright are the stars
You need a Beatle song that perfectly encapsulates your sign? Of course you do. (Spotify playlist) 
Aries—“I Saw Her Standing There” 
One two three FOUR! An eager and intense song for an eager and intense sign. Aries falls hard and fast, with a tendency to rash vows that everyone doubts they mean—but Aries doesn’t doubt. Paul (who later styled himself as a "ram” at a key point in his creative development) makes good on the Cardinal Fire vibe with his exuberant vocals, and John of the Aries rising contributed the street-smart innuendo that utterly makes the song: And you know what I mean. Fittingly, this song kicked off the group’s first album, which itself has plenty of Aries “HELLO I AM HERE TO MAKE A MARK ON YOUR WORLD! (like me plz ok? this is my heart and i am Doing My Best??)” energy. 
Taurus—“All I’ve Got to Do"
A song that takes its sweet time but burrows deeper than the average ear-worm into your consciousness. It’s a patient song that is unassuming but knows exactly what the hell it’s doing. The intensity builds bit by bit, so that you’re unaware when the power of the bridge comes crashing down. Describes the Taurean romantic ideal: lazy, loyal, cozy, constant, tender, and ever-so-true. Also, “All I’ve Got to Do” is featured on the second album, With the Beatles, which has plenty of other Bullish touches, noticeable even with a casual glance at the tracklist: “Don’t Bother Me,” “Not a Second Time,” and “Money (That’s What I Want).” 
Gemini—“She Loves You”
Paul is a Gemini Sun, and throughout his catalogue it shows. But perhaps he never topped the Twinniness of this energetic, optimistic, breathless, gossipy classic. It was composed “eye-to-eye” with John, a truly dual-authored song, and one the rare Beatles numbers where the two lead vocalists double up on every single line, in true (Nerk) Twin fashion. Also the first but definitely not the last of their many “third-person narratives,” Paul’s novelistic instead of confessional slant being distinctly a Gemini thing. The speaker in this one couldn’t be more enthusiastic about this relationship if it were already repaired, and he couldn’t be more enthusiastic about it if it were his. Love is great! People reconciling is great! You should be glad, dumbass! But the real corker? What makes this so Gemini that it hurts? Yoko has confirmed that in the early 70s, during her separation with John, she actually had Paul play agony aunt. Then, during that meetup in L.A. where they were last photographed together, Paul urged John to “apologize to her” and get back together... which he did. That’s right. "She Loves You” is not merely a Gemini’s song: it’s a Gemini’s life. 
Cancer—“Octopus’s Garden”
Ringo the Crab’s musically-complex fantasy about an underwater sanctuary where children are “happy and safe,” he and his lover can be together, and there’s “no one there to tell us what to do.” George (a triple Water sign himself, probably not-so-incidentally) always insisted that his best mate’s song Had Depths, and he himself supplied a lot of them: check out his lead guitar lines. They function as emotional counterpoint. When Ringo’s vocal line is especially wistful, the guitar is bright; when Ringo ends on a confident note, the guitar is quirky, ironic, even stiff-upper-lip pessimistic. Result: a shifting kaleidoscope of FEELS. The Moon approves. 
Leo—“Good Day Sunshine” 
Paul perfectly expresses his own Leo moon with a sublime, vibrant ode to laughter, love, and pride on a cloudless summer day. The bit in the lyrics about she knows she’s looking fine and I’m so proud to know that she is mine? That’s not marring the high tone of the song: that is part of the tone. Hear us roar! And by “roar” I mean "laugh and canoodle, coz Leo is about living the good life, bitches.” 
Virgo—“Please Please Me” 
What’s fair is forkin’ fair, mate! A exemplary blend of Virgo’s Mutable passive-aggressive sensitivity with its Elemental directness... half-critical, half-begging... plus the very sign-typical humblebragging. About their sexual prowess. Damn, Virgo. People forget how Earthy you really are sometimes. But here we are. In very Virgo fashion, instead of ditching the girl he’s decided to harangue her. On a more meta note, the Beatles were still studio virgins when they first began crafting this song, and it took several passes and incorporation of George Martin’s feedback before it became the bursting pop hit as we know it now. There’s that Virgo work ethic paying off.
Libra—“Strawberry Fields Forever”
The imagery of the title suggests an eternal harvest. But the star sign resemblance goes deeper than that: Always, no, sometimes think it’s me, but, you know, I know when it’s a dream. I think, er, no, I mean, er, yes, but it’s all wrong... that is, I think I disagree. Did you just hear your Libra roommate rambling after a joint, or did you listen to verse three of “Strawberry Fields”? Same difference. The song is absolutely lovely, as anything associated with the child of Venus should be, and innovative, as befits a Cardinal sign. Most of all, even in all of Libra Sun John’s weighing and weed-wandering, he knows one thing: he’s got to take someone else along with him. A companion, stat! 
Scorpio—“While My Guitar Gently Weeps”
George of the Scorpio moon and Scorpio ascendant had to really lean into this side of his nature to even get this damn track properly recorded. He resorted to the social power play of inviting Eric frickin’ Clapton into the tense post-India studio just to get Lennon, McCartney, and Martin to give his song proper Beatle recording magic. Which it deserved. The dark drama of the hard-won arrangement is the perfect Scorpio accompaniment to the moody, reflective lyrics about “all the love there that’s sleeping” in this weary world. There’s tender, horrified pity here for those who are stifled into inauthenticity: I don’t know how nobody told you how to unfold your love. I don’t know how someone controlled you; they bought and sold you... Bonus points for the Watery ‘just can’t even’-ness of not being able to so much as pick up a damn broom. 
You’re asking me, will my love grow? I don’t know, I don’t know! A deeply instinctual lover knows that Cupid has done hit a bullseye. He remains emphatically ambivalent about the future, but he knows what he feels in this moment, and in that moment is romance and wonder that is as deep as the earth is from the heavens. Sags are intense, but of all the Fire signs they are most far-seeing and detached (due to their Mutable quality, which makes them see the world a bit more like an Air sign does). “Something” keeps trying to capture that je-ne-sais-quoi, and despite the speaker’s happiness he can’t help but circle back again and again to take another shot at that the mental target. A philosopher even when in love. Ultimately, however, he doesn’t want to leave her now... which for a restless Sag is already saying a ton.
John let his unfashionable midheaven Capricorn off the leash with this blunt, pointed savaging of radical and violent revolutions. (Given the tanks on Tiananmen Square and the millions dead on the killing fields of Cambodia, I can’t say that his cautionary note about “destruction” and “minds that hate” was unnecessary.) Few things are more Capricorn than ‘Oh, you want my money? Yeah, first show me that you’ve done your fucking homework, mate.’ Bonus Earth points for the fact that he somehow worked sex—a lot of sex—into this political track. 
Aquarius—“Come Together”
John of the Aquarius moon’s decidedly loony attempt to write a political campaign song in order to stop Reagan. (The result was too weird for Timothy Leary, whose reaction was pretty much ‘wtf? I don’t think even I have enough residual acid in my system for this one... ’) John invokes the ideal of collaboration, but his call to solidarity is built around fantastical lyrics that no one can comprehend: He wear no shoeshine, he got/Toejam football, he got/Monkey finger, he shoot/Coca-Cola, he say/I know you, you know me... Oh, right. The lyrics contain exactly one discernible message: One thing I can tell you is you got to be free. How Aqua. Also in true collaborative Water-Bearer fashion, the arrangement really makes the song (special mention to the tight, tight work of the rhythm section). Bizarre genius that attracts a true team effort—it doesn’t get much more Aquarius than that.
Pisces— “I Want to Tell You”
The wall of sound builds up thickly enough that soon the words seem to be traveling through the sea to reach you: I want to tell you my head is filled with things to say... But when you’re here, all those words, they seem to slip away. A gorgeously, emotionally tongue-tied song... about being tongue-tied. Written by George, a Pisces Sun, this absolute mystery of a lyric is all emotion and no logic. If he seems to act unkind, it’s only him, it’s not his mind. Okay, Fishboy. Good thing the track is compellingly lovely and utterly relatable. Which suits the Pisces life exactly: ‘I don’t know what I mean, but it’s exceedingly beautiful and I want you to share it with you very, very much.’ 
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bakuwhoabro · 3 years
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The Owl House Introspective | Zodiac Signs
hello hello. so it seems there aren’t any canon birthdays for the characters (yet). and me being me, i love to know character’s astrology signs because it’s a passion of mine! and i’ve more than enough time on my hands, so let’s take a deep dive into what the character’s signs could be!
*this is just my opinion based on my knowledge of astrology and how i interpret the signs. i’d love to hear what you think, if you agree or disagree!
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Luz Noceda
Luz Luz Luz. Okay. So I’m not great at doing summaries for characters, BUT it’s easy to see that she can be very short tempered and act before thinking. She comes off as very social and easily gets along with everyone she meets. She’s high energy and seemingly is always on the go. But that’s just on the surface. At her core, she is very family oriented. She can be very emotional and I feel that family really drives her to make the decisions she does. She would do anything for anyone she cares for. She is most definitely creative and imaginative. And at her worst, she’s pessimistic and moody. And with that being said, Luz is a
Cancer Sun, Aries Rising.
(Possibly Libra Moon but I was too lazy to think that deep into it right now.)
I saw both of these results when trying to find her sign, and I think this works out so well. When we first meet her, she resembles an Aries. Loud and outspoken. A little firecracker ready to stand up for what she believes in. And I think her core (her sun sign) really powers this. As we get to know her, we see a more emotional side to her. As for the Libra moon thing, I took a quiz to get an idea of what signs she may be and Libra was in the top three. And it would make sense. But I’m not entirely sure.
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Eda Clawthorne
The wonderful, amazing, perfect, beautiful, awesome, (okay, we get it you love Eda) Eda. She’s hard to figure out. Which is a part of her character so cool deal. She is outgoing and passionate. She adapts very easily to change and maybe even prefers it. She loves adventure and definitely doesn’t like to be forced into a single box. She wants to learn any and everything. She thrives on being able to do her own thing and figure out the world through experience rather than learning by the book. She is humorous and fun to be around. But she can also be impulsive and not really think before she acts. She also doesn’t really consider others when doing so. But despite all of that, she is also very secretive. She hides a lot of herself and rarely opens up emotionally, even though she has a lot of feelings. She hides her emotions often. This is a conflict between her sun sign and rising sign, though her rising tends to hide emotions despite having a surplus of them. With all that being said, Eda is a
Sagittarius Sun, Scorpio Rising.
(Aries moon maybe, I dunno. Aries is somewhere in her chart. Maybe she’s an Aries Mars but I’m not going that deep 😂)
As a fellow Sagittarius, I relate to her a lot in terms of her description I wrote. Sagittarians tend to hide their emotions and insecurities under a facade of optimism and outgoing-ness. They don’t like to dwell on the negative and just want to have fun. They bounce around place to place in search of what fills them with life. Motivation. Knowledge. And with her rising, she can present herself as mysterious. There is a conflict in the show where she doesn’t really open up (aka. Raine.). And since rising signs symbolize the ‘you’ you show to others, this checks out.
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King!!!! I fucking love this guy. He’s funny. Deadpan kinda humor. So first impressions, he’s very extravagant and loves being the center of attention. He loves control and likes to feel as if he is a leader in all situations. He can be very egotistical. And he definitely has tendencies of pushing people under the bus in order to gain for himself. He has a dark sense of humor and can be violent. There’s a lot under that “me me me” surface though. He can be very dedicated and passionate. He hides his emotions, much like Eda. He doesn’t like the fact that a lot of his past is unknown. He doesn’t like not being in the know. A lot of his character is secretive, not necessarily by choice. That being said, the lovely King is a:
Scorpio Sun, Leo Rising.
(Apparently Sagittarius and Virgo were high up in the rankings for him, so that can be taken into consideration for his moon. Virgo moon maybe. Sagittarius doesn’t really fit his vibe??)
I know a lot of people might see him as a Leo sun, but I think Leo Rising fits him more since that’s what he portrays to others. Think of rising signs as your “outer” self and your sun sign as your “inner” self. That’s very vague and it all depends on your chart as a whole but that makes it a little easier to understand, at least for me. As we get to know King, there is a deep vast of emotions under the surface of his confident and cocky exterior. I think these placements fit him well.
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Okay. Hm. Love to hate him. Hate to love him. Just as you’re starting to like him, he just- pulls a Hooty. He’s good natured at heart. All he wants is everyone in his life to get along and love each other. And he will stop at nothing to help solve any conflict. It’s almost as if he wants to feel wanted. He’s got a maternal vibe to him too. He is also very emotional, and it annoys me when he goes all “woe is me”. But that’s Hooty. He craves to be accepted just as he accepts everyone else. He cares deeply for his family. So Hooty is a:
Libra Sun, Cancer Rising.
(Virgo moon maybe. Virgo was high up there. Virgo something.)
These placements just make sense with who he is. I personally don’t like cancers for the sole reason that they act like hooty at their worst (and I’ve only met Cancers who were at their worst sadly.) But he’s also so warm hearted and loves to care for others. Libra’s want everything to be equal and for everything to be harmonious. And that’s exactly what Hooty strives for.
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Amity Blight
One of the best character development I’ve seen with this one, so far at least I don’t watch a lot of new media. But no, I love her. I’m sure we all do. She’s very cool. At first glance, she is very passionate about her status and goals. She works very hard to keep up the appearance of power and control. She wants to come off as put together. Everything has to go perfectly for her. And it seemingly is, but that’s only a mask. Under all of that is a girl who is overwhelmed with the pressure to be perfect. The pressure of fitting her parent’s expectations, as well as her own. Expectations that are wildly unachievable at the rate she wants. She’s meticulous with her ways. But also shy and reserved. She is picky when it comes to people she opens up to. But when she deems a person worthy of her time, she is more than caring. She pushes herself too hard and she is way to hard on herself. She strives to be the best even if it takes away from her sanity. And with that being said, Amity is a:
Virgo Sun, Capricorn Rising.
(Potential Aquarius Moon because yes.)
If any of you have known a Capricorn, you can’t deny Amity acts like one. She can be rude at first. She is intimidating. She is THE best. She works hard and never stops. But she also is very pessimistic and judges herself hard. I don’t know how to describe it, you’d have to be close with a Capricorn to understand what I mean when I explain them. As for her sun, this is perfect. I don’t understand earth signs very much so I can’t truly describe them to you, but she’s a Virgo. For sure. It’s the vibe they give off.
And that’s that for the main-ish cast! If you’d like me to cover the supporting characters, such as Willow, Gus, Lilith, Raine, Hunter etc- let me know. I probably will. What did you think of my interpretations? I think I got pretty close! Of course, I might be off when their birthdays are ever released, but I like what I decided on. I love love love astrology and diving deep into their potential charts in accordance to how they are etc. I do this in my free time (aka. at 3am when I’m bored.) so I decided to share. I might do more for other shows! What are your sign(s)? Do you relate to any of these characters?
Anyways, I’m off. Thanks for reading. Ignore any typos I’ve missed. It’s 2am and I’m tired.
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atzastrology · 4 years
ATEEZ Ideal Types
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disclaimer: this is meant for entertainment purposes. this may or may not be accurate, only because we all go through different life experiences that can mess with the chart. believe me, im a twin and are both different in some ways. especially in relationships. i based this on their venus signs and some aspects like their 7h but the 7h can also mean who they attract. [7h is all ruled by venus]. 
i honestly MIGHT do a part 2. i felt like i could have added more information but that's probably just coming from my gem moon and cap merc *sigh*. its pretty hard for me to summarize omg. but please do leave some feedback or if you would like more info on a certain member just send an ask. i can try my best to answer.
Seonghwa Aqua Venus
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precious, innocent, doesn’t want to hurt anybody
someone who needs to be protected
fun, optimistic
someone whos helpful but not in a pushy way
can get bored from those he considers normal
loves quirky types
attracted to foreigners [aquarius venus 11h]
not confirmed! 7th house in taurus OR leo can either be attracted to earth energies or fire rising is aquarius? scorpio?
7h taurus, provides money, someone he can benefit from OR 7h leo, someone who enjoys the same hobbies as him, creative, fun, loves kids
Hongjoong Scorpio Venus
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who is magnetic. 
someone deep, and wise. 
who knows things no one else knows. 
unique, eccentric
Someone quirky and weird.
looking at his 7th house in aquarius hed want an s/o that can stimulate him mentally
would need to be friends first before being anything more/serious
mysterious types
since his venus is in his 3rd house, he could get easily bored
so imo must be exciting!!
someone who can reassure him they love him ;((
he fears his partner will cheat on him
INTELLIGENCE [gem moon, aquarius desc, scorpio venus 3h]
attracted to foreigners camila cabello [aqua desc]
7th house in aquarius, can be attracted to other air sign energies
7h aqua, best friends, fit in with his friends, will be with someone who respects his independence, and supports his ideas
Yunho Taurus Venus
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he doesn’t like to make the first move
extremely physically attractive.
with his 7th house in taurus, hed like someone that has a sensual appearance, sexy
attracted to curves 
exudes calmness
prefers sweet than in-your-face personas
someone whos attentive
just like hongjoong, someone intelligent [gem moon, taurus venus 6h]
7th house is in taurus, can be attracted to other earth signs energy
7h taurus, able to provide money, someone who he can benefit from
Yeosang/ San Leo Venus
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since yeosang and san share the same venus and house its under. i put them together but i will point out some differences they could have :)
someone laughs at all their jokes
someone who gives them compliments lol
someone who is very sociable
exudes confidence
bold confident look
attracted to foreigners [venus 11h]
YS not confirmed! 7th house in capricorn, he could be attracted to more earthy energies rising in cancer?
YS attracted to someone whos older [7th house cap]
YS 7h cap, someone who he can benefit from, who can take charge, supports his goals
SAN not confirmed! 7th house in pisces, could be more attracted to water sign energies rising in virgo?
SAN 7h pisces, someone who can escape reality and daydream with him ;(
Mingi Virgo Venus
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someone who has game, flirty
dominant, kinky and sexual
someone who makes them go “oh damn”
not necessarily physically attractive
those who brag is a turn off for him
i can see him with someone who he can joke around with
not confirmed! 7th house in libra, can be attracted to more air energies rising in aries?
someone older [desc libra]
Wooyoung Libra Venus
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Someone charming, funny, physically attractive
fun and outgoing
thoughtful, and generous.
who cares about him and doesnt fail to show it
someone intelligent [jupiter 7h]
attracted to foreigners [aries 7h]
7th house in aries, can be attracted to other fire sign energies
based on his 7th house in aries, confident, stands their ground, who compliments his appearance, dependent on his image by how his s/o views him 
also another member whos attracted to foreigners [venus libra]
Jongho Scorpio Venus
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similar to hongjoong, someone wise, who vibes with him
someone unique, quirky and weird.
best friend type
who lets him take control
who can share their experiences with him
dont rant tho
who lets him do the chasing, hard to get
intelligent & passionate
he fears his partner cheating on him, so please reassure him
attracted to foreigners [venus in 11h mars 9h]
not confirmed! 7th house in scorpio, he could be drawn more to water sign energies. assuming his rising is in taurus
7h scorpio, open minded with exploring mysteries and the darker aspects of life 
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hakurasakura · 4 years
tagged by one of my lovely wives @voidreid love you loch ness 💕
get to know me tag!
nickname: i don’t really have any. i usually let my friends pick
gender: a female 
star sign: virgo sun, sagittarius moon, libra rising 
height: 5’6.5″
time: 10:13 PM EST
birthday: september 6 
favourite artists: eminem, taylor swift, harry styles, niall horan, the weeknd
last song i listened to: christmas song by phoebe bridgers 
last movie i watched: ingrid goes west 
last show i watched: currently watching the crown!
when did i create this blog : funny story. i created a blog back in 2012 with the same url. then one day i decided to deactivate. this current blog is from december 2018 
what do i post: shit :)
last thing i googled: anointing the kings words 
do i get asks: sometimes by friends. once in a lifetime ask by an anon. other than that, my inbox is dry like the sahara desert 
why i choose my url: because i love nordic mythology and culture. and i still listen to punk music 
lucky numbers: i don’t have any
average hours of sleep: around 6 
instruments: guitar!
what im wearing: a grey hoodie and a pair of athletic shorts 
dream job: funny. anything with traveling 
dream trip: road trip across the nordic countries 
nationality: i’m indian but i do has a US passport 
favourite song: currently ‘tis the damn season by taylor swift 
last book i read: do college textbooks count?
top 3 fictional universes to live in: pokemon, avatar the last airbender, pjo
tagging some moots (no pressure) (and anyone else interested is welcome to do this) @heavenlydevil @foreverxgolden @trashleyseaver @blkantigone @fuckshitupm8-deactivated3728 @gaymemeaesthetic @haleymalaffey @royalpenelope @greenaway-lewis @ellegreenaway
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robin-the-enby · 3 years
Hi! :) I would like a diabolik lovers matchup. Would it be okay to get a matchup for both the Sakamakis and Mukamis if that's fine? If not, either is good.
I'm a 16 year old baby bat goth (not quite goth yet) genderfluid (fem most of the time) and I use any pronouns. I'm pansexual but I lean more towards guys. I'm quite small, around 159 cm with a hourglass figure. I'm not skinny but neither chubby? I have dark brown hair that is bra strap length and eyes. My hair is very layered and most of the time fluffy because of the layers. I also have bangs and longer side bangs. Most of the time I have make up on, eyeliner being a favorite of mine. I am a fan of piercings and I have quite a few. I have a smiley piercing, a nostril one, a septum, a belly button one and a fair number of ear piercings.
As for my personality, I am an ENTP/ENFP 8w6 ambivert. My Harry Potter house is Slytherin. My big three are Capricorn Sun, Libra Moon and Gemini Rising. People describe me as flirty, witty and philosophical. I really enjoy deep conversations and analyzing different topics. I'm also a good debater. Overall, how I act on a typical day depends on my mood. Due to adhd, sometimes I can be very hyper, a bit too talkative or anxious though but people don't seem to mind?? To me it seems like people really enjoy opening up to me even if they don't know me that well. I tend to make others feel understood and safe with me. I definitely take pride in this! It simply makes me happy. I'm very conscious of my every move in my daily life but people can't seem to tell since I tend to hide my awkward-ness very well. Half of the time, I don't even know what I'm doing, haha. I get jealous easily but I tend to hide that as well. I can be possessive but very lowkey since I prefer and LOVE being fair to my s/o.
I really enjoy gothic themes so that explains why my favorite director is Tim Burton and my favorite manga is Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler. I aspire to be an actor when I grow up and I really enjoy playing music, learning new languages, travelling and long discussions. Sorry if this all was too long!! Ty:) p.s. I really enjoy your writing!
I'm so glad you enjoy my writing! I also looooove Tim Burton and Black butler! My favourite piece from T. Burton is definitely Vincent, even though it's short XD That said, I match you with:
Ayato Sakamaki
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Okay, I did this before, I stand by it now. ENTP goes really well with Ayato, because he is attracted to your confidence.
Oh so you're a good debater? Well, he's definitely gonna put that to the test. Ayato needs to be the best in everything so he will try to start up an argument with you on anything, until he beats you. And then he will continue just to rub it in your face that he won one argument.
He doesn't strike me as very philosophical, but I feel like he's a philosophical kind of drunk, so try that. Also if you start a deep conversation when he's half asleep, really on the brink of consciousness, then he'll happily murmur about the intricacies of life, but it won't make much sense.
I feel like no matter what mood you are in, Ayato can really vibe with it. You feel so energetic that your whole being feels like it's buzzing with electricity? You bet that he's on the same level, even hyping you both up.
It's also great that it's easy for people to take refuge in you, because no matter how cocky and confident Ayato may seem, he's very insecure and his need to be the best is borderline obsessive.
That's why he is kinda glad for your anxiety, as bad as that sounds, because that is a thing that slows you down sometimes. It doesn't really show and it's definitely not like he'd go out of his way to make your anxiety worse, it's more of a subconscious relief for him, because you can't be #1
He's so relieved when he sees that you care about him, just him, no need for great accomplishements or anything, you're there because you genuinely like him for who he is and that makes him feel very soft and warm, but he'd die before he'd admit that.
Since you make him feel these strange emotions that he never knew he desired his whole life, he becomes protective of you. He can't risk anyone taking you away from him when he finally found someone who was really interested in him.
Definitly wouldn't mind you being protective/a bit posessive over him as well, if anything, it would spur him on.
In conclusion: Ayato would be a protective, but loving partner once you get through to him (but that can be said literally about any of the Sakamakis)
Yuma Mukami
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Again yet another one who would love your confidence!
Yuma, much like Ayato, would love to debate with you, but not as frequently and seriously as Ayato. Yuma sees it only as fun after all.
He would definitely tease you to try and get a reaction out of you, because he loves your witty responses or even flirtatious comebacks.
He would have no problem getting philosophical with you as well, you could be spending time in his garden, just looking at the clouds when he'd bring up some topic that you'd then spend at least an hour talking about. But it's only during quiet and comfy moments like these.
Yuma, along with Ruki, are the ones taking care of the Mukami houshold and its residents. He is kind of like the mom friend (though not as much as Ruki), so he doesn't mind your very energetic days. He may not get on your level like Ayato can, but you definitely don't have to worry about overwhelming him.
He is perfect for when you feel anxious. If you tell him what he can do to help you, he's gonna follow it to a T and do an amazing job in helping you calm down/relax.
His first instinct may or may not be to put a sugar cube in your mouth-
Just because he is so responsible and always handles everything with ease doesn't mean that he doesn't like to get spoiled by you or doesn't need to vent sometimes. If you can be there for him in these times, he'd be eternally grateful.
I think all of the vamp boys are pretty jealous, some more than the others, it's just something that comes with being a vampire. It's a animalistic instinct hidden deep inside of them, so Yuma woul be protective of you, but not like Ayato.
Whereas Ayato would try to scare anyone away, Yuma let's you be most of the time, he just keeps an eye on the person you're talking to. Just to make sure they're not sketchy.
Again, because it's in their nature to be at least a bit posessive, he wouldn't mind if you were posessive of him. If it's in a healthy amount of course. But that's totally up to you!
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v1ol1nf1n1ty · 3 years
hey kids
so i should introduce myself. i’m ashlynn. hello, hope you’re having a nice day! i just joined tumblr (yes in 2021) so idk what i’m doing.
basic information: my pronouns are she/her. i’m fifteen. i am a libra sun, cancer moon, and sagittarius rising. i’ve lived in los angeles county, california my entire life. as a personality test nerd i am obligated to tell you i’m a intp and a 5w4 (954 tritype to be specific). as a very gay person i am obligated to tell you i’m a lesbian (in the broader definition. if you don’t include trans & nb people i don’t like you).
my hobbies: reading, writing, music (primarily violin), personality typing, listening to music, watching youtube video essays on shows i’ve never seen.
my fave subcultures & aesthetic moments: academia (specifically romantic academia), kinderwhore (the ideas behind it are so cool), suburban gothic, angelcore, but everything messy because we are human, and we can’t fit neatly into these subcultures.
things i love: visiting bookstores, concept art, earl grey tea, my friends’ writing, outer space, overalls, cats, milkshakes, taking ugly selfies, converse high tops, and geography.
things y’all should tell me about: writing, representation in media, “female gaze,” intersectional feminism, music, astrology, spanish language (i’m learning in school), aesthetics, mbti, enneagram, human geography, religion, writeblrs, and the sapphic-ness.
things i will be posting about: my friends’ books (i will tag them), personality typing, writing, subcultures, school, nonsensical hot takes, lots of sapphic yearning, and the occasional politics.
@thellamapope & @xzen are the faves ok they have intros somewhere where they say their wips
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xhakaka · 3 years
I was tagged by @theizzyryder!! Tyyyy bubs <33
What colour are your eyes? green
What instantly tells you if a person is good? Just how they generally carry themselves and their tone of voice
Do you have a recurring dream? occasionally I have that one that feels like ur legit falling and then u wake up
What is the most interesting class you have taken? criminology I think
How often do you find yourself day dreaming? too often :/
Name/Nickname: Issy, scizzy is the most recent nickname
Zodiac: it's libra season bby!
Height: if I remember right like 170cm?? Close enough anyway
Nationality: british/english
Favourite colour: yellow
Favourite season: autumn
Favourite animals: foxes omggg they are the cutest just look at @juniperfoxx
Favourite fictional characters: Ianto Jones <3
Tea, coffee or hot chocolate?: im obligated to say tea
Average hours of sleep?: about 7?? On a good day
Cat or dog person: cats duh
Number of blankets slept with: just a duvet most of them time
Places ancestors are from: I'm so sorry for what my ancestors have done lol
Dream trip: somewhere with lots of history and archaeological sites
Random fact about yourself: I have a chunk of my finger missing bcos I burned it on a cup of tea 🤠
Blog established: ive been on and off tumblr for a few but regularly since Aug 2020
Three ships: I don't like exposing myself lmaooo
Last song: good wife - mika
Last movie: chaos walking (I hated it sm 🔪)
Currently reading: burn by patrick ness
Currently watching: I don't really watch TV, just put on a panel show when I'm sad so taskmaster ig
Currently craving: pork scratchings oml
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d0llygard3n · 3 years
I would like to request a matchup! :))
I'm a goth genderfluid (fem most of the time) and I use any pronouns. I'm pansexual but I lean more towards guys. I'm quite small, around 159 cm with a hourglass figure. I'm not skinny but neither chubby? I have dark brown hair that is bra strap length and eyes of the same color. My hair is very layered and most of the time fluffy because of the layers. I also have bangs and longer side bangs. Most of the time I have make up on, eyeliner being a favorite of mine. I am a fan of piercings and I have quite a few. I have a smiley piercing, a nostril one, a septum, a belly button one and a fair number of ear piercings.
As for my personality, I am an ENTP 8w7 ambivert. My Harry Potter house is Ravenclaw. My big three are Capricorn Sun, Libra Moon and Gemini Rising. People describe me as flirty, witty and philosophical. I really enjoy deep conversations and analyzing different topics. I'm also a good debater. Overall, how I act on a typical day depends on my mood. Due to adhd, sometimes I can be very hyper, a bit too talkative or anxious though but people don't seem to mind?? To me it seems like people really enjoy opening up to me even if they don't know me that well. I tend to make others feel understood and safe with me. I definitely take pride in this! It simply makes me happy. I'm very conscious of my every move in my daily life but people can't seem to tell since I tend to hide my awkward-ness very well. Half of the time, I don't even know what I'm doing, haha.
In a partner, I look for someone who would give me space whenever I would need it and would understand me without having to try too much. I would also like someone who accepts me as I am. I don't have a type but I really like people who have a secret side to them such as Tsunderes who seem cold but are actually very sweet. Another type of people I like are goofy , loud and kind people. Overall, kindness melts my heart. Especially when shown in unique ways!
As for my interests, I like acting, playing music, working out, sleeping (lmao), cooking, learning new languages, reading/watching movies, doing spiritual work and doing crafts. I really do whatever I'm in the mood to do.
My love language would depend on my partner, I believe. My positive traits when being in a relationship are that I'm patient, I try to be as understanding as I can, I am creative with dates and that I'm as honest as I can be. I really like having long conversations so I really would enjoy being in a relationship with someone who enjoys talking for hours and asking me for advice. I would like someone who's as flexible when it comes to how they live life as I am. I don't like routines or rules, they make me feel overwhelmed so I would like someone who dislikes living by following a daily routine as much as I do. My negative traits when being in a relationship are that sometimes I may anger someone on purpose just because I enjoy a little bit of fighting even though I know it is toxic, I get jealous easily but I never show it and that I may be too harsh or cold and not forgive my partner easily if they offend me without a reason.
Sorry if this all was too long!! Ty:) p.s. I hope your day is going well!
you seem like a really cool person anon :D
anyways, i pair you with...
denki kaminari!!
you two met in elementry school
he was running around talking to random people, and ended up becoming friends with you :D
he ended up growing an intense crush on you, and now you two are together
he thinks you're really pretty :D
i feel like he'd be good at cheering you up, and he would give you space if needed
he tries out some of your hobbies/likes, and it goes kinda well actually :)
he's surprisingly sweet and loves you v much <3
current request status: open
current matchup status: !! closed for right now !!
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