#my job is wfh today and tomorrow
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magic-number-3 · 2 months ago
can 2025 slow down a little
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rahabs · 11 months ago
The good news is the moment I burst out crying and held out my arms, my dog abandoned her food and came running and got all up in my face. Even my other, more anxious dog slowly crept her way across the couch and gave me a couple kisses.
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laurel-michaela-connor · 8 months ago
Everyone I know is annoyed with me right now 🙂
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xanadontit · 2 months ago
Yes, I am updating my resume. No, I am not quite sure what I want to do!
Insane Owner informed me today that as of tomorrow I have to be in the office every day unless I have scheduled time off. My current schedule is Monday-Tuesday in the office, with adjustments here and there as necessary.
I am livid.
Apparently she thinks it'll be good for me because I'm not as quick/proficient as she'd like by this point (and keeps comparing me to my predecessor SEVEN years in at this brokerage to my ONE year in this industry total) and making me sit in traffic is going to solve it.
I suspect it's a control thing; our controller will quit if she has to come in more than once a week, her DIL is special, and That Guy lives too far to be here every day. So she gets to mess with me under the guise of helping me get up to speed. No thanks.
Now that she's pulling this, I'm definitely not getting here before 9 and I'm leaving at 5. On my WFH days I'd usually log on a little earlier but nope. No more. I'm also going to take my doctor up on her offer to write me an official note saying I need to be given time to eat since one of her other power plays is scheduling meetings from 11-1. I'm fine bringing food but maybe I'll start microwaving leftover fish since we eat that at home a lot. Any personal appointments will be scheduled for whenever; no more minimizing disruption to the work day or my office schedule.
At least my stepmom is retired so I'm not being asked to work from their house to help with my dad. I'd feel terrible about bailing on him.
And yes I know tons of you and people the world over commute every day but the hybrid schedule was part of the appeal of this garbage job and with that gone I have no incentive to stay. The pay is crap, the benefits are just OK, and now the work-life balance is shot to hell (seriously, Bay Area traffic suuuuuuucks and public transit between my house and the office is a joke) with commuting.
So should I do my colonoscopy prep here tomorrow?
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rosewaterboard · 5 months ago
dreading talking on the phone tomorrow severely. People hate spelling their information for me. I'm trying a new approach to calming myself down which is to try not to catastrophize what happens if I can't adapt and don't make it, but I rlly rlly do want to keep a wfh job at least for now if I can help it. It'd be nice if I could do something less phone-oriented though, or just like. idk it's never as bad doing like zoom or a teams meeting with a coworkers/supervisors where you can resolve audio issues or miscommunication at least mostly efficiently with no hangups. I also just particularly dread our system bc it's Quirky Old Reliable Software, but it's a live system so like none of us had hands on experience until handling annoyed people who've already been transferred xyz many times and I gotta act composed n try to sell that I'm an experienced agent when I'm like.
Staring at parts of the script or navigating a part of the website that I've never made it to before bc there's no dummy version of [redacted] information to put in for training/practice. there's like floor managers to answer questions, but the ratio is like? Idk anywhere between 1 and maybe 4 floor managers to maybe 20-30+ ppl also scared, confused, stuck at various parts of the system, difficult customers, phoning in a lifeline question, tech issues, etcetera, so it's like. Wait times for help or clarification for anybody or anything is a hot minute for anyone. A lot of customers disconnect. I just find the transition to be rlly stressful already and I know it's only going to become extremely more busy for like the next month starting Tuesday. And also bc it's related to healthcare and not like idk food or merchandise customer service, it's like I really do give a shit about not wanting to make anything a hassle for callers so I genuinely do feel awful they have to manage with my learning curve for the system itself.. But also aside from being like apologetic I have to be authoritative and direct the call in some capacity. And they want me to build rapport, be friendly and chatty with some callers, but i can just barely put together what people are saying over the phone half the time and struggle to multitask since I'm still doing so many things for the first time. but I've just spent most of today dreading tomorrow.. if I'm going to have a comfort zone for this I hope it comes together quickly 😮‍💨
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rgr-pop · 1 year ago
meal plan text asmr
i normally have breakfast at work because of my proton pump inhibitor. tomorrow i wfh the morning to do a training so i’ll be having sesame toast with a boiled egg, feta, and whatever pickle and veg looks good. then for the rest of the week’s breakfasts i have one yogurt (lucas found me the icelandic coffee yogurt!!) and friday morning tbh, probably the last of my ezekiel toast with communal work peanut butter unless i pick up cottage cheese/yogurt. today i worked remotely at a coffee shop and i grabbed a bad scone, RIP. (adding to shopping list: ezekiel bread, greek yogurt, cottage cheese, bananas, the icelandic coffee yogurt but that’s only at whole foods.)
at work right now i’ve been having paramount (local brand) k cups that corey gifted me. i got him a gift card for the new downtown coffee shop so he can grab it between his bus job (he herds teenagers for the school public bus program. his real title is abussador :)) and he got me k cups for my work. i froth half and half to dress up the k cup, and my coworker brought in half and half she needs used up, so i don’t need to bring mine. (another week before i have to buy more.) i hate using the disposables and am considering literally committing to work french press like an absolute psycho—i just can’t get myself enough time before work to make and bring it from home and the refillable k cups will do but are gross. if you have to survive a keurig at work i recommend nasty refillables + steaming and frothing milk. i have half a bag of not great beans at home. I’ve been spending more on nicer beans for home and it has been worth it, but I am still not quite sure what I like. (on shopping list: coffee beans, decaf beans for winter evening treats.)
came home with a coffee shop noise pollution migraine and made myself cheese ramen with cilantro, sesame seeds, green onion, and a side of this week’s pickled carrot slaw. ramen made two servings for me. it was the last of my shin black and third to last slice of ramen cheese. my cilantro will last another weekend and i have at least week’s worth of parsley and green onions. (adding to the shopping list: shin black, cheese singles, frozen corn, and since i’m thinking about it, shredded mozz for buldak/corn cheese.)
for lunches wednesday-friday i will have dumplings from the freezer (the ones i made and some other ones i have), leftover ramen, and a carrot and cucumber salad (my last two fresh salad vegetables, but i will probably wait out purchasing more). to prep tonight: jar of dumpling sauce, salad. (dumplings are already on my shopping list when i see some that look good. adding dumpling wrappers���making and freezing them was so worth it, but i felt like making the dough wasn’t.)
complicating factor: i should make myself something sweet to keep me out of the vending machines at work. at home i’ve been having what i believe to be yaourti me meli (greek yogurt, walnuts, honey, cinnamon?) but i’m out. i’d like to make a second french yogurt cake to compare it to the other recipe, but again, out. i would also also like to make a coffee cake type food for someone coming over saturday afternoon. do i make a little loaf cake with what i have tonight to get me through the week and then a second thing then? do i have friday plans? if i bake a little quick bread or pound cake for myself tonight it will really cut down on my food ruminations. (adding to shopping list: greek yogurt, walnuts, honey, dried fruit, butter.. baking supplies need inventorying but i’m almost sure i have enough of the basics.)
what am i having for dinners? i need to minimize the chance that i spend any non-grocery money before next week—i will be having a crazy week and likely blowing money i don’t have. tonight i’m having leftover cannellini beans cacio e pepe (‼️ make this ‼️). i have enough beans (although running low) to continue having beans meals, but i really really really desire to put my beans meals on potatoes. (‼️ fusion jacket potatoes ‼️ make this ‼️). matias made these perfect black beans with pork and salsa verde and it’s all i can think about. can i pull this off with freezer bacon… i have enough of a serrano to get me through. (adding to shopping list: russet potatoes, garlic, sour cream, avocado, cheap canned black beans, decent looking dried black beans, slightly nice italian brand butter beans and cannellini beans, bell pepper, tomatillos, tomatoes, mexican oregano, sweet potato, pork?? i will put this on my list but never buy it.)
i would also like to make salmon rice bowls with avocado, pickled veg/carrot slaw, cucumbers, etc. to use up my freezer salmon. i would prefer to wait to do this til i’m keeping salad greens (leftover salmon for salads is key for a working woman…)
in two weeks i will make something for a certain someone’s birthday and batch up some granola. i’ve been wanting to try making coffee granola. i also have to make a lasagna before the end of winter this year or i must be executed.
what i’m bringing to work tomorrow for the rest of the week: salad, bags of dumplings, ramen, cilantro (packed separately), one boiled egg, one yogurt, dumpling sauce and any other condiments that look good, and a sweet if i can pull it off.
the question i can only answer for myself tomorrow at 4pm: am i going to the grocery store?
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toonerdyandiknowit · 6 months ago
Today I learned:
Having a preliminary autism diagnosis (waitlist is currently 3 years so they’re doing this triage thing where you get a mini assessment by a relevant professional who knows what they’re talking about but isn’t officially qualified to specifically diagnose, they then write a letter that is basically “oh we’re 99.9% certain this one has autism please treat her as such unless told otherwise later”) is WILD.
Wdym I’m allowed to explain to my work that yes, I CAN force myself to come into the office and yes I DO get as much done as anyone else, but the act of getting/being here is so overwhelming because “abc” that it’s directly contributing to my OTHER health issues and that’s why I keep having to go off sick, like ALL OF LAST MONTH???. And that actually, considering my particular role, it’s totally reasonable for me to work from home 3 or 4 out of 5 days a week.
And that’s enough! That’s without considering the chronic pain. The chronic fatigue. The possible heart condition. Just the possible autism is enough that they should accommodate me in this way so I can work! AND ITS HELPING?!
How dare my disabilities be disabling me all this time while me and everyone else pretended that ignoring it/pushing through would make me get used to things and I’d magically be able to do things able bodied people can. How dare.
(I have a meeting with work tomorrow to discuss wfh more than 1 day a week and I am excited)
(My OH consultant said getting my degree and having jobs with not even a prelim diagnosis was very well done of me and yes it’s entirely reasonable that I need a BREAK. It’s time for the systems to bend for me rather than me for them!)
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veilflame · 3 months ago
i am not here. i will be soon. i am still working and will be off tomorrow + next week. as I'm wfh today anyway, I will be on the dash, tho, so you can expect to see some memes in your inbox
mini rant under cut.
i am starting to get symptoms of a burnout again. which is. hardly surprising considering that the work I am doing for my biggest client is the job they have 8 people for on the client's side. not counting my other, smaller clients, that have at least 2 people working on the same. the thought that I alone am responsible for a portfolio worth... let's say, a lot, is absolutely insane considering my pay grade.
i think i'll spend a chunk of my vacation just looking for a different job. after all, this year alone, four people have quit due to stress.
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steamishot · 5 months ago
tired AF
today is our 3rd day at the new apartment and i woke up in a low, exhausted mood. i was loving the new space and familiarizing myself with the new environment, going at 110% trying to make it feel like home as soon as possible and i just crashed today. i made a list of all the packing and unpacking we have had to do in the last ~7 weeks, number indicates nights spent. we had to adjust to 13 different places and 12 different beds lol.
8/26 zurich - 1 lucerne - 1 vevey - 2 zermatt - 1 st moritz - 2 zurich - 1 nyc - 7 9/11 south pasadena - 17 9/28 mexico city - 4 oaxaca - 3 matt’s parents - 1 my parents - 2 10/9 new pasadena home - 2+
the movers came at about 9am on wednesday and i was juggling WFH by hotspotting, and matt was setting up the internet. they moved 53 boxes worth of stuff! i was tense because the movers' arrival window was for 9-11am and i had a meeting at 1pm. so i'm glad everything worked out fine and i got to attend the meeting.
matt has been very busy and nervous onboarding for his new job, and he officially starts on monday. this means that most of the unpacking/organizing (after the unpacking service) falls on me. i couldn't stand the messes, so i basically finished organizing the bathrooms, bedroom, and most of the office. i just need to work on the kitchen and balcony. i'm so dead tired from the physical work. i decided to leave the messes as they are and take my time sorting things out in the coming weeks. there's no rush.
we transitioned from using the app latch for opening all the doors of our last apartment, to having 3 physical keys and a garage remote. everything feels more slow paced here and people have the capacity/time to give you attention. on our first day, our neighbor held the door open for matt and introduced himself. in our 4 years living in brooklyn, no neighbor has said hi to us and vice versa.
i'm pretty happy with this location. it has some of the walkability like we had in nyc (walkable to grocery stores, boba, coffee, restaurants, and a yoga studio). so it makes it easier to share one car if needed. though i am considering just borrowing one of my parents car for about a year.
slowly, we will get into our new routines and get acquainted with the things around us. so far, i think chapresso may be my new debutea. TJ will be my grocery store of choice as it is only an 8 min walk away. the yoga studio here is pretty nice too, but definitely more mild than the LA studios.
tomorrow, i will babysit for my brother and SIL because my parents are in asia for 3 weeks. on sunday, we will have lunch with matt's family and move out one of our couches. life feels like it has become a complete 180. although this is all good change, it's still exhausting experiencing the transition/changes all happening at once. i hope matt's new job is good - so far it seems solid and the culture focuses more on patient care than making $, which makes sense with NYC being the capitalist center.
we're also learning how to live in a bigger space with each other. out of habit, i think we're so used to always being around each other all the time, so it's a weird but good feeling that we now have personal space lol. i'm here chilling in the bedroom, while he's doing his training modules in the office room. we also have 1.5 bathrooms now so we can poop at the same time! and it is so great that i don't have to hear every little thing he is doing (i.e tik toking, typing, talking on the phone)!!! feels like a big luxury and upgrade, though it is into an older apartment.
to do list:
visit a nursery/start a garden on the balcony
move out the couch, figure out what other furniture and seating we need for more guests
start inviting friends over (starting with SZ, perhaps we can WFH together)
take a swim at the pool?
use the fitness center
explore the area and caltech
find a good place to run outdoors
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bekindtoyou4007 · 8 months ago
Back home after travelling and work. Got too drunk at the event which meant I didn't sleep well and then felt too hot most of today. I did a good job at work and came back as soon as I could. Mostly took time this afternoon having a bath and having a meal I actually prepared myself even if it was a simple one. I have the expected tummy trouble after alcohol plus travelling, I also wasn't making perfect food choices albeit it's very hard to control for that. I hate getting the train but don't have to do that tomorrow! I am double booked tomorrow in meeting but at least I can wfh. I was nearly falling asleep at 5pm today but feel okay now. It's good to be home with my stuff, nice change of clothes and lotion for my cracked arms.
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youcant-bemygirl · 1 year ago
I am so tired this week. I fell asleep yesterday afternoon and almost did today too. Today was a long day at work tho, as i had to go to the all staff meeting to do the minutes and it was all gobbledygook but i get to wfh tomorrow, which is a novelty as my job isnt hybrid but im allowed to to write up the minutes. Im just happy i get to have a lie in! The tables have turned with me and dan as its usually him asleep while i go off to work but tomorrow hes off into the office while i sleep in!
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mrs-allsunday · 1 year ago
I'm getting better at handling "this"
It has begun.
Yanah got sick again last Monday so I had to WFH last Tuesday.
WFH means to do work at night when she's sleeping.
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Weird thing is I didn't feel "stressed" about it the way I felt in my previous job. I mean it still threw me off my routine but I'm okay.
Of course, the past two days I'm not in the mood to work as I'm catching up on rest but I managed to put it back on track today, and I'm quite confident that I'll meet my target tomorrow.
Yesterday we sent Yanah to Ibu's house so she can continue to rest and spend time with ibu and her cousins.
I was a bit down yesterday though - not sure whether it was triggered by lack of sleep. But the uncertainty of my work kind of exacerbated it.
But I guess just continue doing my best.
Then today I find myself browsing through homes of where to move.
30 years of loan really scared me.
But it's been a normal thing for Singaporeans I guess?
Adi wouldn't bother to get stressed on this kind of thing, I mean I don't have my PR yet and it's all afar.
So it's okay, it's just me making peace with myself that I'm kind of doing something to prepare in the future.
And I've decided that we're moving near Ibu's to get proximity grant.
Just that the timing should be before Yanah goes to primary school.
She's doing really well in her current school and I don't know want to mess up that routine.
But yes no point stressing for now.
I'm gonna go grab something at cheers before heading home.
Alhamdulillah for today
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javaelemental · 1 year ago
NaNoWriMo, Day 9
Had a pretty good run today and finished up at 21,116 words. That puts me at around 6,000 ahead of where I "should" be for NaNo, which is a nice lead. Starting tomorrow I'll be working in office for a week instead of doing WFH. Being in the office, where I have to people as well as doing my actual job, usually wears me right out, so keeping up the energy and time to write will be a lot more difficult.
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girltomboy · 1 year ago
My week
was pretty nice. I worked from the office but my work friend made it bearable. Wednesday's quiz night had to be held elsewhere because of a concert, but my work friend and I didn't know and entered the pub without even acknowledging the bouncer at the entrance, but he also ignored us lol. We had a nice evening. Thursday was the last office day, because we were so tired, and another coworker had like a nervous breakdown on the clock. Mainly she said she felt burnt out, I feel for her because she's such a positive and friendly person, but you can only give so much for a crappy job. But there were probably other personal reasons as well. Anyway, we agreed to wfh on Friday, and it was a really good idea. Because yesterday my work friend and I went to this party held by 2 of her friends (who were at her bday party and apparently liked my vibes a lot because they kept asking her about me and telling her to invite me to their place for a ~party. Which was soooo cute bc I loved hanging out with them and we had such a good time yesterday! The fatigue after a full day of commuting & working in an office would have prevented us from having any fun lmao.
Anyway, something odd happened at the party: my cw and I somehow ended up on the balcony looking at the moon and talking. And she once again tried confessing her feelings for me, telling me she likes me and subtly asking about my boyfriend. Lol I don't even get her when she does stuff like this! Like, what do you really expect from me? I don't get mad at her or anything, she was drunk and she has done stuff like this before while drunk. I know it's true, but she's better at hiding it while sober. It doesn't bother me because she's not disrespectful or crossing any boundaries or anything, they're just her feelings and as long as they're not interfering with our friendship I'm okay with knowing them. But when it happens, when she starts dancing around this topic again, it confuses me because I don't understand where she's going with it, what her intentions are, what the goal is. I don't get uncomfortable and it's not awkward, I just don't know what is expected of me.
The conversation floated in the air and vanished, and then she invited me to sleep over at her place because we were both kind of drunk and her flatmate went to a wedding. So we left the party not long afterwards, and stumbled to her apartment lol (she doesn't live far from the girls' house, whereas I would have had to make it to the other side of the city, and given that I got touched inappropriately on the street not long ago, she was reluctant to let me walk by myself at night, which I appreciate). Anyway, we sat on her balcony for a while, then went to bed. We woke up early and a bit hungover but not badly, then watched some Youtube vids in bed, and fell asleep again. Got up, ate, and then I went home. It was really beautiful outside today, but I didn't really go anywhere because I kind of wanted to be at home lol.
I'm excited to go home this week. I'm pretty sure the moon is going to be in Cancer, so that makes the reunion with my parents and the fact that I get to see and cozy up in their new house makes it even cuter. My bf might come to the city on Monday morning for a quick errand, so we'll get to see each other for a few hours, which is exciting and lovely, but I feel bad that he has to make so many trips for college and he can't even spend more time with me :( </3 But it's okay because he'll be here after his birthday too.
Speaking of, I was wondering what else to get him for his birthday, but I've also been thinking about getting my work friend something else to go with the hamster mug I got her a while ago. I'll probably go out tomorrow, I also have to look for some pants for myself, and perhaps a new journal.
This week I've been watching a Youtube girl who used to post videos about her mundane routine and stuff like that, and she was saying that she had started writing in her journal more often. She mentioned that she had a few year long gap in which she never wrote in her journal, and that period is now a blurry mess in her mind, and the exact same thing happened to me! Well, I can't say I don't remember anything from the years in which I *did* write but threw out my journals, but being able to reread past entries just helps me understand myself on a higher level. Like, the first 2ish pandemic years are like a black stain in my mind not just because of how abysmally depressing they were, but also because I barely ever wrote consistently in my journal. Sometimes I feel silly for having been such a pessimist and so paralyzed with fear and grief, but I'm sure it felt different to be then & there, in those times. Again, maybe having a written record of those years would have helped me understand my past self better. I do keep a journal now, but it's more of a "5 entries per year" type of situation rather than a consistent practice. Maybe I'm too stingy about notebooks lol.
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troidatoi · 1 year ago
Day 6 - 9/10/2023
Guess who keeps on crying? Me! This week had fucking hands like literally tossed me around and threw me on the floor stomped on me. lmao. I'm trying not to let it get to me but I mean it's me so I am going through the motions right now until I feel better. I was driving to a friend's house last Friday when my car stopped and nothing was working so I had to pull over. Thankfully my friend and his dad came to help me and they had triple A. Got my car towed back to my house and I felt so bad because they stayed with me for two hours but I'm so grateful for them. My dad was being annoying about it and I'm like please just be quiet. I hate how my parents are so cheap with things that will benefit us in the future. My parents didn't want to get triple A because they're like we don't need it! And lo and behold! We needed it! With me being misdiagnosed the day before and then this happening to my car, I wanted to run out into the street so someone can run me over. lmao. I'm trying to eat more but my body's still in pain and I wish I wasn't in so much pain. I so badly want to enjoy food again without being scared. I know for a fact I have all the fucking above, eating disorders, body dysmorphia, etc. I'm trying to love myself while trying to fix my digestive system so that my body isn't in pain but it really is so hard. lol. The supplements help temporarily but I need a permanent fix and I know it's coming! It's hard to not hate myself while looking in the mirror but I'm trying my best. I can't thank my body enough for still trying to fight for me and for it to be as strong as it is while I abused it so much with food but I'm trying to have a healthier relationship with my body and food. I know I'll get there. Health is wealth!!
Job hunting is depressing the fuck out of me. lmao. I keep crying about it. I know someone is going to hire me this month. I just feel stuck with no way out and I have bills I need to pay. My mom's been helping me pay for somethings which of course I'm very appreciative of. Once I get a new job, I'm definitely going to treat her out to a nice meal or buy her a nice bag. I have to remind myself that this is all temporary. I do have a job with MGM Resorts tomorrow so I hope that goes well. I'm glad it's a WFH job because they're in Vegas. lol. I'll take anything at this point (as long as it's within my field). I'm surprised they got back to me so quickly because they called me the day after I applied and one of the hiring managers was already asking me questions. LOL. I was like what and then she's like okay let's set up an interview. I was wondering how they haven't hired someone yet because that job listing's been up for a month or so. Either no one is applying for that position, they didn't like anyone they interviewed for it so far or they're doing that thing companies do where they need to post something but they'll just hire within. I am hoping that's not the case. It'd be cool to work for them. I'd be down. Like if they hired me on the spot, I'd take it. LMAOOO.
I did a free Pilates class this morning and it was nice. I miss doing Pilates so bad. I struggled today. lmao. But the instructor was super nice and I thanked her for all the help and she said I did a good job today. <3 Once I get a new job and pay off a lot of my credit card debt, I'll probably take Pilates classes again and go to personal training again!! I just can't wait to feel better about my mind and body in general. I know that amazing thing is coming for me and that all the headaches, inflammation, bloating, pain, and the breakouts will all go away. The gastro doctor already seems 10x better than the holistic doctor that I was seeing.
Yeah, I mentioned I'm like crying a lot huh? LOL. I was finishing up Riverdale cause they put up the last season on Netflix and the last episode made me cry so fawking bad like I cried throughout the whole episode. It was basically about life and death and honestly it was a nice episode because if you've been watching Riverdale a lot of the shit didn't make sense. lmfao. But I think the last season was one of the better seasons because it felt cohesive opposed to their other seasons. Death has always hit me so hard and that episode wrecked me because they talk about how they lived their lives before they passed way and I obviously want to enjoy my life as much as I can which is why I'm always going to games and concerts and doing what I want because I don't want to wait until I'm old to do the things I want to do, you know? My mom gives me shit for it but I'm like okay? I want to have fun. Sometimes it's hard for me though since I think about my health a lot but I'm also trying to find the happiness and joy in things. Despite all the crying I'm doing and have been doing, it's not like I'm purposely trying to be sad or anything. I don't know if it's normal for someone to just feel so intensely about everything because I cry over everything!! And of course I don't want to wait for things to get better. I always try to actively seek out help and try and solve things because I know that there's always a solution for me and that everything always works out for me. It doesn't feel like it right now like my gawd, it doesn't feel like it right now but I know I will.
In June, I had back to back interviews and I was crying and stressed out about it and I was listening to Bulletproof by La Roux and I was like oh, let's see what music she has now and I wish I knew about her recent stuff sooner because it's so goddamn fucking good. Especially her second album. I instantly fell in love. So I dm'ed her on Instagram and I was like she's not going to read it! She's a celebrity! She actually got back to me the next day and I cried because she wrote a long message and I felt like she took the time to write back to me and it was like she didn't have to?! And I wrote her back and she said whatever it is, I got this and idk but it kind of helped me to still keep going. My friends were telling me the same thing but idk why it took an artist for me to be like you know what? Yeah, I am going through all this fucking shit right now but things are going to get better because I want and need it to get better. It still does to this day and after that, I became an even bigger fan of hers. I listened to her in high school and her first album was amazing. I went down a rabbit hole of her interviews and watching her live performances. You can tell she loves what she does. I bought like all this merch and hung up her vinyls and albums on my wall. I sent her a picture of it and a message and if she sees it, then great but if she doesn't then that's okay too! I just wanted to show my appreciation towards her and her music. I know she has a lot of fans that tell her the same thing. Her music does something to my soul and words can't express how much joy it brings me. She sounds like such a lovely person. I would love to see her live and even meet her one day. I hope I get to. I think like a sit down conversation and a hug from her would heal me in ways I wouldn't even know. I know she's dealt a lot with anxiety and everything I read about her, I felt like I could relate. I remember her saying something like she can't really accept things for what they are and I always thought the same for me. I like that she puts out music for her enjoyment and she didn't want to be a huge pop star. She's very humble. I think everything she does is so effortlessly cool like I want to be her when I grow up. lmao. I'm definitely manifesting meeting her one day. I'm always going to remember that she messaged me and I am always going to love her for it.
I'm sure I'm still going to be crying a lot this week but let's just hope for the best case scenario, that my digestive system is healing, that I can eat without being scared, that I'm going to get a new job this month, that I'm going to pay off my debt, that I'll lose the weight and be healthy. To always have hope that everything is always working out for me.
"I can't die until things get better and that's a threat."
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kfanopinions · 3 years ago
[NCT 127] how would they react to a stressed out s/o
my first request! thank you so much doieknow! you're amazing! i hope you don't mind but i did this in a "you" format ♥
*Scenario: how the 127 boys would react to suddenly visiting their s/o's place (they can freely-go-in-whenever type of thing) while on short vacay, thinking they could hang out/cuddle for the day, but instead finding their s/o busy working (wfh) & looking stressed af? like, wdy think would be the things they would do while their s/o's like that or maybe things they'd do to kinda help make their s/o feel even a little bit better?*
getting stressed under Johnny's watch is not going to happen
as someone who balances a lot on his plate and having to come up with interesting and entertaining content for JCC he knows personally how stressful work can be
without you asking he would check to see how much liquid you have left in your mug
if you need more coffee - he's already brewing up a pot
if you've had too much coffee you're getting some tea or water
he'd even ask how long you've been hunched over your desk because movement will help to stimulate the brain
so, a nice short stroll around the block is his #1 idea to get you away and relieve some stress
if you need time to be alone to get as much work done as possible, he's perfectly capable and willing to give you space
he'd most likely be in another room on his phone or watching tv quietly as to not disturb you
however, if it had been a couple of hours and you were still working he would pull you away despite your protests and plop down on the couch with you in his arms to take a break
he did come all the way to your place to see you, he NEEDS to have a little cuddle time
even if it's just an hour
he can work with that ♥
the KING of being a mama bear ♥♥♥♥♥
mama bear taeyong is here to serve!
the moment he sees you stressed out of your mind is the moment he will spring into action
first and foremost finding out what the problem is
then, ensuring you that everything will be fine and that you don't need to worry
his first instinct will be to take you away from your work for a little rest and relaxation
it's imperative to give your mind a break every now and then
plus, staring at a blank page on your computer isn't going to help you get your work done
he'll fix you something to eat
draw you a nice warm bath
and even putting out some comfy clothes for you
when you're nice and relaxed and have given yourself a break
it's straight to work you both go
he will stay up all night with you if that means that you're less stressed
the main prerogative of him coming to visit you was to spend time with you
if this is the way that you two will spend time together than that is alright with him ♥
there is no way in [pardon my language] hell, that Yuta is going to let you get stressed out over some job
you are his baby
the most precious person to him
even if he has to force you away from your work, as you claw to stay put, he WILL do it
knowing first hand how stressful jobs can get he'll make sure that you are as stress free as can be
so, that means an instant cuddle session
he's missed you more than anyone or anything in the world [sorry Mark and his family 😅]
he'll keep you in his arms until your body relaxes against him
then, he'll ask what you need to get done today and when everything is due
he's incredibly rational so he would already have a time table/pie chart 😉 of how you can spend your time in his head already
once he figures everything out it’s straight to work
at least for that allotted time
as soon as you’re finished for today he’ll bring you to the couch
grab a blanket
some snacks
and the two of you will spend the rest of the evening snuggled together
the rest of work can wait for another day
...well...tomorrow that is 😊
a worried mama bear
seriously, if doyoung ever stops by randomly and sees you stressed out of your mind he will quickly spring into mother mode
that does include a bit of a lecture 😞 as to why you should never wait till the last minute to get your work done
[whether that was the case or not]
after the lecture, if there is something that you need he'll be eager to help you
even if that means helping you get your work done
he'd listen carefully at what you need done and will work extremely hard to ensure that he doesn’t mess up and cause you more stress
there is no way that he would let you suffer alone
afterwards it’s straight to the bedroom for a relaxed cuddle session
plus, he made an amazing playlist of songs that he wanted to share with you
what better way to do this then in bed with you ☺️
honestly, if jaehyun sees you stressed out he’d worry a lot
it might not show on his face but internally he would start wondering exactly what is wrong and how he could help
in fact, you may get a little miffed at how calm, cool, and collective he is while you’re two seconds from ripping out your hair
please don’t let this confuse you or make you mad
he’s just as worried as you but doesn’t show it
anyway, jaehyun will try his best to make you comfortable
if you need a back massage while you're typing away, he's right behind you easing your tension
when he feels you relaxing into his touch
he’d ask if he can get you something to eat or drink
if you ask for both he'll leave right away
giving you a bit of time for yourself to get some work done
he’d head out to grab a couple of coffees for your late evening work session as well as some food from a local restaurant
heck, he may even pick up a glass of wine for later when you can finally relax
a celebratory drink for a hard days work
he would truly understand that you need to get your work done
he wouldn't bother you unless he saw that you needed to take a short break
and even then he would never keep you from your work too long
if he saw that you were really freaking out and you had an assistant…
…well...he’s already on the phone dumping some of the load on them to do
i mean...they are your assistant after all 😉
the moment jungwoo sees you stressed out is the moment he turns into "mama jungwoo"
literally will doing anything and everything you need him to do
if you need a back rub, he'll do that
need something to eat? he'll fix you something pronto
a shoulder to cry on? he's already dusting it off
even though he wanted to spend time with you "stress free" he will do anything because that's what a relationship is all about
to help each other when the going gets tough ♥
if you seriously need to focus, he’ll be on the couch watching you from afar like a puppy
all he wants is a little attention but he knows that right now isn’t the time
so he’ll wait until you can give him said attention
which means playing games on his phone
quietly of course 😇
he truly 100% understands how much stress work can be
as someone who is always going from project/opportunity to the next he gets it
seeing you hunched over, your hand in your hair — gripping at the ends he knows that this vacation won’t go as planned
he'd ask if you needed anything and when you said a drink
he’s walking out to get you one
if there is anything that he can do to make things easier for you he is the happiest he could ever be — given the situation
he’d even help you if you would allow him to
just a little instruction of what needs to get done and he’s right next to you
he’d probably start stealing glances every now and then with a small smile on his face
first and foremost the moment haechan tells you he is coming home from a busy schedule for a vacation (no matter how long or short) you better be just as a happy as he is (according to him ofc) 🤩
however, work has you gloomy
seeing you like this will instantly have him in a less than happy mood
he’d grumble and walk away knowing that he needs to give you space
he wouldn’t know what to do with himself
he may straighten up, a little...like throwing a used tissue in the trash
[the one he used] and groan loudly
he expected hugs, kisses and cuddles
for you to say how much you missed him
it’s haechan for crying out loud
it’s a necessity to say how much you’ve missed him
now, he feels like he’s just intruding despite having a key
so, he’ll do the next best thing…
send you a text message saying how much he misses you and asking when you’ll be done
if you say soon he’s getting the couch ready for cuddle and movie time
if you say you won’t be available for a while he may take a nap or just go out for a bit and bother Taeil 🤣
giving you peace and quiet, but also giving himself something to do so he won’t drive you crazy 😌
*here you go! i hope that you enjoyed this ♥ thank you so much for requesting ♥♥♥♥*
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