#my grandparents war
keiraonfilm · 1 year
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Keira Knightley behind the scenes of My Grandparents' War. (2023)
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kitharingtonedit · 2 years
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Kit Harington in Channel 4′s documentary “My Grandparents’ War”.
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akaanonymouth · 2 years
What is it about fics then, where characters always, ALWAYS, have a spare toothbrush conveniently just hanging about in bathroom cupboards for that time someone is, usually unexpectedly, staying the night?
I have lived a few decades now, and I have never known anyone who keeps spare toothbrushes. Is it really common??
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yourgirlalyssa17 · 2 years
Oh jfc I’m so dead. My mom was making me talk to my grands parents and my great grandma came on. In my sleep deprived state, I accidentally said “HOLY, YOURE STILL ALIVE??”
…14 of my cousins called me today just to laugh at me. Someone help.
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pja-party · 28 days
Will the character of Utena's father appear in the future plot? Or is it that there was no design for this person at all?
Utena's dad was gone when she and Faith were babies.
I don't have any plans for him to be part of the upcoming plot.( Unless I suddenly decide to give flashback of them)
But, I do have some concepts for him. It took me a very long time to figure out his design.
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Ocha, the Teacup Sisters' father, and Athena's lover,
He was a foreigner from the East with a red color theme. He quit his old job to open a flower shop with Athena. After their daughters were born, they were supposed to live this peaceful life forever, but unfortunately, Ocha suffered from an illness and passed away.
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A Wandering Swordsman & A Guarding Knight ( Concept of their first encounter)
Anyway, for now, I don't plan to put him in the main plot.
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here-comes-the-moose · 4 months
Okay I’m a lil buzzed after brunch, but can you imagine Phee and Tech picking up little things for each other while they’re out that they know the other would LOVE? Like Tech is out and about and he sees idk some antique vase and immediately goes into the store and buys it since it’s from an era Phee is studying and in a color she loves and/or has not found yet. And Phee browsing a bookstore and she sees a book on flora and fauna from a specific planet that Tech had been wanting to learn more about, so she adds it to her cart full of books and surprises him when he gets back home. Like CAN YOU IMAGINE???😭😭😭
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makorragal-312 · 21 days
In my honest opinion...
I truly don't see Chris staying in Texas past the summer, let alone start the new school year there. This isn't even me being a Buclkey-Dia family truther or me being on my anti-Diaz parents vendetta, but just because...
...it's Texas.
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redgitanako · 10 months
Sanji and Nami both have stomach problems because of their childhood.
They've taken different things from it: for Nami, malnutrition was always connected to being poor. Should her family have money, she wouldn't have been eating tangerines for breakfast, lunch and dinner. For Sanji, all the riches in the world didn't matter because he did have gold and jewelry back on the lone rock in the sea where he'd been deserted for days, but one cannot eat gold.
(DISCLAIMER: please note that I only did a personal superficial research of some articles and studies and have no medical education whatsoever, so correct if wrong. also I'm not talking about his childhood before meeting zeff bc I'm not caught up with the manga)
Obviously his digestive system is fucked up, but when one is starved for days (especially a child!) it can cause waaay more trouble. Specifically, while having little/no food a person becomes very irritable (check) probably due to hunger and low blood sugar (unverified), when their body doesn't receive the required fuel it starts to consume its own resources, hence the reduction of the body mass (he looks pretty slim in the beginning), anemia can develop and cause hair loss and nails breaking. Poor blood circulation due to low energy, some organs like lungs and heart can be decreased in size (add his smoking habits in the future to the list), and body temperature falls. Not even mentioning drowsiness, bad skin condition due to harsh weather and overall anxiety! And this guy is working in CATERING after all this shit (which is extremely exhausting and nerve-wracking, ask your waiter or cook friend).
Dang, he probably got some bad habits after this too, like never throwing away food even if it's moldy and eating it, getting even worse stomach problems from that!! Hopefully Zeff stops him from it.
No fucking wonder Sanji's love language is food. He's always ready to feed the hungry. He's going to learn all his crew members' allergies and preferences and cater to their needs. He creates a dietary plan for everyone to keep their bodies healthy and kicking and happy.
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bestworstcase · 6 months
looks up. i regret to inform you all that i’ve seen another post today. the faunus woman who led vacuo during the great war was not a queen and almost certainly not of royal descent as the asturias family claims to be: it is stated repeatedly in the CFVY novels that the last time vacuo had any kings or queens was centuries ago and that very little of the historical record has been preserved (with 9.11 reiterating the novels’ point that this is a consequence of colonial occupation in the intervening centuries).
and from the world of remnant episodes pertaining to vacuo and the great war, we know that modern-day vacuo did not have a formal government until after the great war; it was not a state, it was an occupied territory under mistrali control. the faunus woman who led vacuo’s forces was the leader of the vacuan movement for independent statehood and likely became a member of the ruling council established after the war—which is now defunct and has been de facto replaced by shade academy.
please. BLEASE. the great war began about ninety years ago it has not even been a century. the vacuan monarchy is “ancient history.” finn talks about his mother—who would have been a contemporary of nicholas schnee, who was born right after the great war—and her mother, who would have lived through the great war, and his grandmother’s father, and his grandmother’s grandfather, and his grandmother’s grandfather’s mother. rumpole—who is an actual historian—flat out states that it was so long ago, and war and colonization so thoroughly degraded the historical record, that all that remains is legends and uncertain guesswork.
the asturiases having no blood relation to the faunus woman who led vacuo in the great war doesn’t prove or disprove anything because even if she did style herself a queen and claim royal descent the vacuan monarchy ended so long ago that her claim would have been unverifiable mythmaking too.
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kitharingtonedit · 2 years
Kit Harington meeting with former nurse Lorna Hawkins who was friends and worked with his grandmother. 
Cr: BestofKitH on Twitter
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linilunilumi · 5 months
Liebste Margarete,
[…] möchte ich [...] Gefühle und meine aufrichtige [...] Ausdruck bringen. Ich bitte dich mit [...] Herzen um Vergebung für meine [...] und mein Verhalten. Ich erkenne nun, dass es nicht darum geht, wer von uns recht hat oder unrecht. Es geht darum, dass wir uns als Partner gegenseitig unterstützen und unsere Unterschiede akzeptieren.
Ich erinnere mich oft zurück an die Zeit, als du noch auf der Bühne standest. Ich habe deine Stimme vom ersten Augenblick an geliebt. Wie du Menschen zum Lachen und Tanzen gebracht hast werde ich nie vergessen.
Ich weiß, dass ich manchmal stur sein kann, und dafür möchte ich mich entschuldigen. Du bedeutest mir alles und ich möchte dich nicht verlieren.
Darum bitte ich dich, mir zu verzeihen. Gemeinsam sollten wir einen Kompromiss suchen liebste Margarete.
Dein dich liebender Heiner
PS: Dennoch sollten wir nicht unterschlagen, dass ich größtenteils recht hatte.
Heiner Zech, jetzt reißen Sie sich zusammen (mal wieder) und gewinnen Sie ihre "crazy Frau" zurück!!
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bendrownedbodypillow · 5 months
I'd kill for a movie with Jewish people that doesn't make them evil or uses Nazis as a major plot point, we have Eight Crazy Nights and Hebrew Hammer, that's IT
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freebooter4ever · 1 year
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omg yes hi i love him (thats a serious accomplishment those cube fuckers are tricky!!)
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lesspopped · 20 days
really weird how I have seen almost no mention on here, and none whatsoever from non-jews, of the fact that there were massive protests in israel this weekend, in defiance of major government crackdowns on protest and horrific police brutality, and the largest union in the country called for a general strike to pressure the government for a ceasefire. I’m sure it’s not because of so many people on this website (many if not most themselves sitting on stolen land or in the countries that stole it) have decided there’s some mysterious quality about israelis that makes them uniquely evil and monstrous and means there are absolutely no innocents or decent people among them. it could not possibly be because the narrative that has come to prevail on the western left is that there’s something unique to israelis that makes them all uniformly bloodthirsty monsters who mindlessly cheer on and enable their government’s atrocities, with no internal dissent whatsoever. heavens, no. why who could even imagine what such a (((quality))) might even be?
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Some Things My Parents Do That Are Very TechPhee
While my dad watches his documentaries my mom reads her medical journals right next to him on the sofa. Sometimes they snuggle but usually not because they’re both locked in.
My dad is COMPLETELY oblivious to when people flirt with him and when my mom (jokingly) points it out after, he’s completely scandalized and is like “I’m married! Do they not see my wedding ring?!”
My mom will go over to my dad while he’s quietly working on his iPad and just snuggle up to him and ask him about what he’s doing.
Also on the iPad note, several times my mom has gone over and seen him planning something for them to do together. Usually in the form of a very detailed Excel spreadsheet.
My dad will make the most intense itinerary for a trip and book everything, whereas my mom just shows up for the ride and ready for an adventure. She’s not worried at all because he knows exactly what she likes so it will always be a good experience.
They will tell each other about their completely different fields and interests and even if the other doesn’t fully understand, they’re listening and hyping the other up.
My mom was the one who called first after their first date.
Speaking of their first date, she thought he was a nerd but in her words there was “just something about him”.
My dad is not a very chatty or overly affectionate person, but for every anniversary or her birthday he’s posting these long ass essays for my mom and showing why he’s in a field that requires you to be a good writer. He’s using words to describe her straight out of a novel. He’s also writing her beautiful cards and always knows just what to get her, even if she doesn’t know what she wants.
They will both be casual about their own jobs when describing them or asked, but the other will be hyping them up so much.
My dad will be on his iPad and my mom will just come up to him and be like “pay attention to me”; sometimes he’ll put his iPad aside to give her attention but other times he’s researching something random (usually one of his interests) and will be like “wait a second I’m reading some declassified CIA files” and my mom is like “what do you MEAN you’re reading declassified CIA files???”
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heich0e · 2 months
“nazi killing grandfather” liv ur lore is so cool. if we were friends irl i would literally just let u tell me stories abt ur life like a bedtime story
brother if ur grandfather was alive in an allied country and over the age of 18 during the war. fighting nazis was sort of the only option. it was like Call of Duty for that generation. except. well
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