#my goal is to listen to good music live have a lot of pets and a nice apartment
joonas-curls · 22 hours
My one neighbor is a creep and I hope he falls down the stairs.
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bloodyinkandquill · 20 days
Boombox x Reader
ok setting a goal for myself right now, i am not touching this till i’ve done homework and showered. if i fail im going to throw much phone across the room i am a chronic procrastinator
good news my phone did not get thrown across a room so now i can enjoy writing self ship hcs yippee!!
- ‘What do you wanna listen to?’ If you had a nickel every time you heard that from your boyfriend, you’d be rich, it’s not like it’s unexpected, he’s a indie musician with a machine made to play music for his gear, so of course he has music playing basically 24/7, he knows what you like but he still asks just to see if there’s anything specific you wanna listen to at that moment
- Boombox is a super chill boyfriend, sure he enjoys partying and more energetic things but when not doing those he just likes to hang around almost like a cat, you two will just spend hours sitting on a couch together listening to music and working on stuff, maybe chatting every once in a while but honestly just hanging out is his go to
- That is not to say that’s all you do though, he definitely takes you to parties and raves, teaches you the proper culture and gives you water and earplugs, he’s super sweet about it since you’re doing the things he loves
- His favorite thing to do with you however is karaoke, even if you can’t sing he listens to you try with a dopey grin on his face as he falls even more in love with you, maybe you two have a few drinks and just loosen up before singing the wildest things, you have a video on your phone you don’t remember taking of him belting out ‘barbie girl’ you use it as a joking way of gaining leverage since he finds it embarrassing, it’s all fun and games though
- Boombox gives you some sort of music related pet names, I’m not versed in musical junk so I can’t give any examples but they’re definitely music themed! He prefers calling you the pet names as opposed to your name, he obviously still calls you it but he usually just uses the pet names, he has no preference as to what you call him but using his full name feels a bit too formal to him sometimes so he prefers a nickname at the very least like BB or just Boom
- Not the most touchy ever but he’s definitely not touch adverse, I imagine he prefers cuddling to holding hands or small touches, they just don’t feel as loving to him, so he prefers bigger things even if they’re not as common
- For dates it’s party’s, concerts, festivals, raves, if you two want something more energetic, however if you want something calmer and more intimate he enjoys coffee dates, probably Thieves Rest, where it’s just you two, warm drinks, and a sweet treat, it’s nice to just chill and chat, or sit on the edge of bridge together looking at the view of a sunset as you share a pair of earbuds and listen to a playlist he made for you guys specifically
- He never does anything super expensive or lavish, he isn’t broke but he doesn’t have a crap ton of bux, being an indie musician and occasionally participating in phights mean he has a fair amount of money but he prefers to save it up than spend it all willy nilly, but it doesn’t matter, what things he does buy you or do for you are all really thoughtful and personalized so you have no complaints
- You guys like taking naps together, in a bed, on a couch, hell you’ve slept on a rug in the living room before, you guys just curl around each other and drift off to sleep for a cat nap, he sleeps a lot and it infected you, so napping basically daily is now a common occurrence, he’s soft and snuggly though so you aren’t really complaining
- So much of you and Boombox’s relationship is built around music, you listen to it so much, you talk about it a lot, you help him create it sometimes, you go to listen to it live on occasion, you guys would probably die without it, not actually but you bond over music so much that it’s very important to the both of you, especially if he makes any songs for/about you, those always make you swoon
this was fun, tried to be as character accurate as possible, i mean i do for every single request but i wanted to make sure to not miss characterize him since he’s both chill and energetic so had to remember to include both of those things, anyways hope you enjoyed time to work on my other request!
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vickyvicarious · 1 year
"if the specimen I enjoyed of their hospitality be of the average kind, their lives must be pretty comfortable." good for the Bilders!
the polite, casually musing, "did I tell you to go to hell?" is so funny
Bilder hating Dracula on sight <3
ahhh it's good to hear Dracula's voice again. I mean I hate him, but, you know.
"I have made pets of several." Dracula making his little jokes again...
"he said, with a suspicious sort of modesty" hahaha, the delivery of this line was so funny
the Bilders laughing and literally going like "hohohohooo" is so funny. they're just 'gotcha!!!!!!' it's great
they are so playful. good for them
I love the long talk about how this wolf isn't clever or dangerous or anything... ending with "well, and I guess he could eat a baby" haha
Correspondent not liking that door being opened
it IS a shame that people are allowed to top their walls with broken bottles, I agree. I love how soft his voice gets on "come along, Berserker."
"the only exclusive information" hahaha yes, kudos to you, Correspondent
I like the doorbell noise quite a lot.
And the saw noise!
I never noticed them going round to the back of the house, but um. Probably a good choice before breaking in!
Ooh, the way Jack's voice falters on "but there was no sound... that we could hear"
I LOVE the music as they open the door and see Mrs. Westenra and Lucy
my immediate reaction was DO NOT BRING BRANDY
I do love that Jack tested it to make sure it wasn't poisoned though
"there was a gentleman who had come with a message from Mr. Holmwood." HERE HE ISSSS
god, that van Helsing doesn't have any hope for Lucy to survive this anymore. his only goal is to save her from vampirism
also the way Jack says "Quincey Morris" he is in love
oh god Art's voiiiiice
"Her struggle back into life was something frightful to see and hear." oh god
I love Jack's uncertainty upon reading Lucy's memorandum. The vulnerability in his voice as he asks van Helsing what it means, and if Lucy is mad.
Quincey's voice is so soft and sweet when he asks to have a talk with Jack.
Man, Jack really is running around all over the place isn't he.
"I don't want to shove myself in anywhere where I've no right to be;" this is why Quincey has been gone from the book for so long.
the music while Quincey describes the vampire bat
love the "royal lot of [manhood]" line, but also the whole bit before it, with Jack being so soft and full of sympathy for Quincey, more so than himself
"What took it out?" Quincey asking the real questions
Lucy's sobbing aches to listen to
"Some may not think it so sad for us," oof, she sounds kinda bitter. perhaps insinuations have already been made? not necessarily that they killed him but that this is mighty lucky for them isn't it/that they deliberately got close to him when he was dying in order to inherit
"my belief in him helps him to have a belief in himself." YES. YES.
Mina reaching out to Lucy for comfort and support... unaware that Lucy too is plunged into a nightmare
oh she sounds so agonized when she says the letter was unopened. oh ouch.
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alvin-draper · 23 days
Alien: Romulus
let's chat. and also preface with the fact I've only seen alien and Aliens before, both of which I adore and rewatch endlessly.
I've seen some reviewers talk about this, but Andy carried that movie character wise. Everyone else was good - props to the weird cousin guy. He was a dick but he added some much needed internal group conflict.
Andy and Rain - she was weirdly cookie cutter in a very video game protagonist kinda way. She had a goal: get off planet. She had a brother who she viewed both as person and as pet. Something to be loved and coddled. At no point was she ready for him to have more agency. From the minute you knew she'd decided to leave him behind, you could plot the course of her entire arc. Andy was better. I was worried they were doing a weirdly placed take on adults with strong autism to start with, and was kinda relieved to find out he was artificial with a buggy system, and then realised that actually no the comparison still 100% works, but I like how they played it. He gets agency with intelligence, but it's at the cost of losing his human connections. His little sister, and the friends he's an outlier to. He never feels integrated into the group, always slightly on the outside. When he gets his new chip and directive, I read it as equal parts programming and rebellion. It took away some of his desire to do anything for Rain, and replaced it with pragmatism. But you can see its still him in there, and that he's mad about them leaving him behind. He keeps making decisions to keep Rain alive, but he focuses in on her life rather than her emotional needs, and lets other people die. It still reads as love, to me. But instead of her sacrificing him for her better life, he sacrificed her emotional wellbeing for both of them to live. Definitely the character with the most intricacy.
As said, everyone else and everything else felt kind of cookie cutter. The characters don't make interesting decisions. Its still well written and well done: you understand the how'd and whys of every decision they make. But none of them shine enough to keep up with Andy.
Okay, enough character stuff. Let's talk everything else.
The score and sound mixing: incredible. Loved that it started on that deep space silence. The music is good and more than functional, will probably listen to the soundtrack as a background for a while. The best choice sound wise in the whole movie is when she floats out the bottom of the cargo bay in the final act and the sound cuts almost completely. You could've heard a pin drop.
The look of the thing: impeccable. The minute they get onto those prowling H G Geiger ships I was sold on the whole thing. The wires and curves and me grin so hard. Less excellent alien hiding places than I would've liked, but they didn't use that trick too many times so it worked out. The red and orange lighting in the dark rooms gave the movie a very distinct aesthetic, separate from the other Alien movies that I've seen. And of course the shot composition was glorious. One of my favourite visuals was in the water filled cyro fuel room, when Andy freezes and reboots. Hi standing stock still as the camera pans up and we the audience understand: oh shit, that's a lot of facehuggers.
Things they set up and paid off: the pregnancy. Andy slipping a vial of the compound into his pocket. The X Ray scanner. The dropped key. The gravity timer. Just about the security cameras. Things they didn't quite pay off: the temperature sensing device. The facehuggers travelling through the vents. The sharp edges and quick mechanical closing of the vent covers they get into the ship through.
Shit that came out of nowhere: all the goddamn fully grown xenomorphs. That bit was pretty out of left field. I had anticipated there being more Aliens, but they fact they left it so late doesn't really make much internal sense. I guess because they were in the other half of the outpost?
Callbacks I loved: the Nostromo at the start and the vague references to Ripley. Rook being Ash. That was gooooood. Also shows that the companies whole thing in Aliens that synthetics aren't like that anymore is kind of bollocks.
That fucking thing: I'm calling it Romulus for obvious reasons. I thought the design was excellent. So fucking horrifying. I will be having nightmares. Its like they reached into my subconscious and designed it specifically to get to me. Incredible. Didn't like the fact it roared I think if it had made either an Alien hiss or a human noise it would've been way more compelling. Properly horrifying though. Really hit home that it's a horror movie more than anything else. Also. The death scenes in the movie? Incredible. It did those Well. My favourite was absolutely the acid blood literally burning a whole through that guys chest, because it was visceral and brutal and horrifying and so so hell done. You could really feel the panic and tension and still clock him scrabbling at his chest just to melt his fingers and feeling sick all over again. Just brilliant.
Overall: it was good! It sucks that I only really liked Andy, and he only really atarts coming into his own after Rain betrays him. Still fucked she took his autonomy away again at the end, even if their quipping was cute. Loved them raising the temperature of that room as a disguise that was inspired. Loved them turning off the Gravity to shoot the Aliens that also worked great. The elevator was also a good set piece. The biggest let down in this movie is the characters. Andy's great, Rain is alright, and sos the cousin who's only around for the firstish act. Bit the main side character guy, who's sisters pregnant? I don't even remember his name. They kept hinting at there being both backstories for him and for Rain that were more interesting than what he got. For him, some kind of genuine military past. For her: she'd been to Yvaga before. Maybe even grew up there as a little kid. It was an opportunity to add proper dimension to both characters that was squandered in favor of the crazier action scenes, which sucks. This movie was in dire need of clearer and deeper characters, particularly because in my eyes that'd what Alien does best, and Aliens takes a really good stab at considering the larger main cast.
Essentially. It's a good damn horror movie, but I'm not sure it's a great Alien movie, for all the incredible HR Giger and weird sexual violence undertones. I'm just not sure that plot wise it earned its Alien credentials. Like the last few lines. Rain leaves a log, as she's the last survivor of her ship. But there's no passenger log. It was never an authorised mission. Its a pointless message to leave. It gives the audience closure because it flashes us back to the end of Alien, but it makes no sense as closure for Rain. That's where I'm at.
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bellaaldamas · 2 days
Thinking about Baldur again. I feel like almost everyone forgot that he's also part Vanir. Ever thought about that maybe Freya taught baby!Baldur some Vanir magic before? I HC that she also taught him how to tame animals as his friends. Idk how he was able to tame Dagsetr (his pet dragon) but I feel like this is a case that he learnt it from his mother (in his own style of course. I feel like he likes the ones who are aggressive/brutal).
It's even more sad if Baldur stopped using his Vanir heritage altogether because it reminds him too much of his mother after he disowned her. 🥺
This is the most interesting, as well as the most tragic, aspect of Baldur's character. I'll even go as far as admitting I identify with said aspect because - not to delve into personal matters (which I am trying my absolute best to never do when analyzing media because it leads to projection and inevitable bias) - I had been alienated from my own Greek heritage for a long while because of the actions of my Greek father towards my mother's side of the family. Down to not being allowed to listen to Greek music in my apartment. I only gained that opportunity when I was left entirely alone in the world.
With Baldur, it is notable that he, in many respects, parallels as well as anti-parallels Thrud.
Both are the product of their environment and upbringing and both were subjected to stereotypes and misinformation about the other part of their heritage (Vanir in Baldur's case and Giant in Thrud's case). Both conformed to the distorted view of the situation and conflict between Aesir against Vanir and Giants and to Odin's narrative(s) in particular.
Except the difference is that while Baldur's actions cannot be excused he, unlike Thrud, actually had valid reasons to feel and react the way he did. The methods he chose to go about it are toxic and, ultimately, more immoral than Freya's one - however terrible - act of suppressing his feelings committed out of good reasons and in order to protect him. Which furthered a self fulfilling prophesy and Baldur's unhealthy determination to please and gain approval from his father, Odin - as noted by Freya herself in GowR (when she mentioned to Kratos that her son, much like Atreus, aspired to do everything and anything to make his dad proud; that's another reason why she wanted to do right by Atreus after failing her own son). By removing Baldur's agency Freya turned herself into the ultimate antagonist in Baldur's story and, in Baldur's view, validated all the propaganda Odin had been spreading about her.
On the other hand, Thrud had a similar experience with being a product of her environment and Odin's propaganda, except she was a pampered child living her best life. By the point she was a teenager (current GowR timeline) her mother Sif had already taken steps to ensure she won't become another victim of Odin's manipulation (the way Sif's step-sons Magni and Modi did - and it must have taken a lot of strength and wisdom for Sif to feel so strongly about their demise when she was not their biological mother but still considered them "her boys"; she could have easily dismissed their deaths the same way Thrud did - "we're better off without him [Modi], Loki" - but she took it personally and recognized Odin for the manipulator he was).
Sif did not want Thrud to be the Valkyrie for virtually the same reasons Freya removed Baldur's ability to feel. Except Sif still gave Thrud the degree of freedom Baldur never had and ultimately agreed that Thrud should pursue her own goals and make her own choices, without Odin. It was only when Thrud DID get what she wanted, when Sif literally, directly gave her a blessing to become a Valkyrie but without Odin in the equation, did Thrud show interest in learning up on her and her late father's Giant heritage.
Thrud, unlike Baldur, never had to fight for her agency - it was done for her, by Atreus, Kratos and, ultimately Sif herself.
Thrud never reconsidered Odin's toxic mindset when she got what she wanted - an approval from her mother - and never recognized why her statements about Freya being Odin's "treacherous ex wife" were completely misplaced. The only reason Lunda mentioned Thrud looking up to Freya was because of what Freya could have done for Thud - namely, help the latter with her Valkyrie training.
Thrud started out being self centered and, in GowR, remained self centered from start to finish. That's exactly why she should get more development in the upcoming installments and have her distorted view be challenged. Unlike Baldur, she adhered to those view not out of hopelessness (or because she literally had no other way) but because it was convenient - it was conformism, not desperation. The development is possible and can be executed well, provided that the writers acknowledge those issues.
Baldur, on the other hand, let despair consume him completely, to the point where there was nothing else left. That's precisely why, of all the characters who met their demise in the series, Baldur is the only one who would have a real potential if brought back.
He would get to rebuild his life completely on his own, now that Odin is gone and Freya has acknowledged her mistakes. There is no injustice he has to fight anymore - only the aftereffects of it. And this would prompt him to realize he is now completely by himself and has emotional freedom he has been deprived of entirely in his life. What he does with said freedom would determine his fate and direction of his life.
This is exactly why, if Gow(R) series goes a psychology centered route, Baldur is the one who should come back. It would not be so much about the conflict between him vs Freya, Kratos, Atreus and the rest of the characters as it would be about him learning - for the first time - to be his own person.
If Baldur chooses to get reacquainted with his Vanir heritage it should be his choice and his alone. It would make a way for an excellent development for both him and Freya.
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silly-sirenz · 7 months
Hi! I’d love to get a matchup for Hazbin Hotel! 💓💖💕
my pronouns are she/her and I’m asexual biromantic (so any gender is fine). I’m an ESFJ and a Gemini. I have green eyes and dyed cherry red hair. I dress with vintage/fairy grunge clothes. Long skirts and corsets are my fav type of outfit. I wear lots of rings and crystal/pearl necklaces and love to exchange them with others.
I’m the mom friend of the group, always there for everyone and my friends say that I’m really good at comforting people. I’m also calm and responsible, I usually am the one that takes care of other people. I’m very optimistic, I always try to see the good in everything and I often put other’s needs before my own. I love making others laugh to lighten the situation. I’m not afraid to stand up for myself or for someone else but sometimes it’s hard for me to say no to things. I also dislike when someone is too serious and really can’t take a joke as I tend to use humor as my coping mechanism. I’m also very ambitious, I always try to achieve my goals.
My love languages are, receiving, physical touch and words of affirmation and giving, quality time and words of affirmation.
I absolutely love listening to music, it helps me relax and I really like reading. I especially love fantasy and I recently got into greek mythology. I also love watching horror movies even though it’s impossible to scare me. I also play Dungeons and Dragons with my friends anytime I can. also, I absolutely love musicals and I’m definitely a theatre kid.
Have a great day <3
I'd be happy to match you up 🖤
Your matchup is....
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● Velvette comes across one of your posts on PentaGram. It's an ootd with a few new items you've bought. It's not something she'd personally wear, but she thinks it looks really good on you.
● She decides to follow your account. Maybe you could inspire some new looks for her next fashion show.
●When you see the notification on your phone you almost faint.
●Not you being mutuals with an Overlord-
●I mean, you're flattered but how do you make the first move now? Suddenly you get an idea...
●In your next post, you wear some jewellery from her brand. It gets her attention and she comments,
nice necklace you've got there 🤫💟
●From there, you begin an online friendship and DM most days. Conversation at first is mainly centred about clothes. However, pretty soon, you begin talking about your personal lives.
●She uses lots of emojis. Her signature one is "💟".
●Also, pet names. Her go-to is "hun".
●You are both the "mom friends" of your respective friends groups, so Velvette feels pretty relaxed when ranting about the other Vees to you. And there's something about the way she talks, the cadence maybe, or perhaps the bluntness that makes her stories funny to you.
ugh he calls himself an overlord. "trust us with your entertainment". yeah right... i wouldn't trust him to cause a piss up in a brewery!
love him to bits tho ofc 💟
●Because you have a similar sense of humour, you find it easy to be yourself around Velvette. Aren't people meant to feel scared around overlords?
●You weren't expecting her to be so friendly, never mind asking to meet up in person!
●The first time you meet, she invites you to a concert for one of your favourite artists at the Vee tower and you are a little terrified.
●However, once you arrive, she comes over and gives you the biggest hug and all those nerves disappear.
●You hang out pretty regularly. Usually in the Vee tower due to her high profile. You often talk about your interests whilst watching movies.
●She doesn't quite get the appeal of Dungeons and Dragons, however she takes an odd amount of interest in your rants about mythology. You're not sure why, it didn't seem like her thing...
●The date of her next fashion show rolls along. She has kept the details very secret, however she has given you a front row seat.
●The designs are stunning, with some familiar features. Draped fabric, pearls, metallic plates, gold accents, winged shoes... it's all inspired by the mythology you told her about!
● At the end, she invites you onstage and thanks you for inspiring her day after day. Afterwards, she kisses you on the cheek.
"Honestly hun, you are amazing. Can you blame me for showing you off? Now... how about you explain this Dragon whats-it game again? I want to understand it more this time."
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piggyette · 4 months
if you don't know me, i treat ask games like surveys because ask games as we know 'em are pretty much dead. here's the og
what are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are?
guitar hero 2, deviantart x reader fanfics, not being allowed to watch horror movies as a child
show us a picture of your handwriting?
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3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
i'm not a big movie person, but probably zero day, the original child's play, and crash
what’s an inside joke you have with your family or friends?
kitty synth, "wentzian", bathroom updates, pig as a slur
what made you start your blog?
old one got too much anon hate
what’s the best and worst part of being online/a creator?
there are so many images of pretty men to be found. some of them are dead.
what scares you the most and why?
probably the prospect of instability. i imagine its bc i moved a lot as a child
any reacquiring dreams?
in the case u meant reoccuring, not particularly. i have a bad memory.
tell a story about your childhood
oh, you dont want that.
would you say you’re an emotional person?
i learned apparently im more emotional than i even knew, recently.
what do you consider to be romance?
sensuality and the human connection.
what’s some good advice you want to share?
goal setting without clear vision is like building a couch with no instructions, just a picture of the end result.
what are you doing right now?
listening to pretty hate machine by nin and filling out this questionaire
what’s something you’ve always wanted to do but maybe been to scared to do?
learn to drive
what do you think of when you hear the word “home”?
my partner
if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
my need to dig up the corpse to make sure it's really dead down there
name 3 things that make you happy
i. discovering new fetishes ii. my partner system iii. animals
do you believe in ghosts and/or aliens?
its a fool's errand to try and define our surroundings with our limited perception. radio exists. anything is possible.
favourite thing about the day?
the kids playing on the street loud enough to hear from inside.
favourite things about the night?
the quiet coolness.
are you a spiritual person?
that part of me ain't dead yet
say 3 things about someone you love
i. prevailing ii. patient iii. not appreciated enough
say 3 things about someone you hate
when will it ever be enough for you? nothing can learn you. nothing will.
what’s one thing you’re proud of yourself for?
trying again.
fave season and why?
autumn. bugs are going away, coats are coming out. halloween and thanksgiving. the bus is going by again.
fave colour and why?
pink, green, and black. they're just nice to look at.
any nicknames?
i get called lee more often than not.
do you collect anything?
records, tarot decks, stuffed animals.
what do you do when you’re sad?
attempt to logicize if i can help it.
what’s one thing that never fails to make you happy/happier?
a live set for my current favorite artist
are you messy or organised?
messily organized
how many tabs do you have open right now?
one pinned, three unpinned
any hobbies?
writing, art, producing music
any pet peeves?
sloppy eaters
do you trust easily?
i'm working on trying to. i can be paranoid, but i don't want to be
are you an open book or do you have walls up?
i think i have more walls up than i realize
share a secret
i'm currently organizing with a stranger to have her steal a dog being neglected by someone in my neighborhood
fave song at the moment?
the only time (nin)
youtuber you’ve been obsessed with and why?
dollar tree dinners. the sheer culinary efficiency and humble kindness...
any bad habits?
worthless martyrdom.
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veronika-tserber · 2 years
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Water signs value how a gift makes them FEEL. They are naturally prone to nostalgia, and their emotional memory is uh-mazing, which is why it's a good idea to gift them something that reminds them of happy childhood memories and/or things they used to love/do in the past.
Water signs are sensitive, and can't live without consuming or creating ART. Music reaches straight into their soul. They also enjoy handmade gifts, especially if you made them, for the same reason Earth signs do - those gifts are a physical embodiment of your love.💗
Also, try to go for PERSONALIZED gifts, whenever possible.
They are also quite thoughtful and take mental notes when people mention details about themselves and what they like. Likewise, when you do the same, their hearts ascend to the heavens. Listening and paying attention to the "small" details actually means the world to them. It's a love language in its own right.
♋ CANCERS may resonate with the description above, the most! They love to take walks down memory lane, so gifts such as hand-made albums with photos of you together, with some sweet messages and doodles sprinkled around, would probably make them cry (not that this is an anomaly, but still...)
They love to feel cozy, especially at home where they usually spend a lot of time. You can gift them a personalized funny mug to use all year long for their hot cocoa, tea, or whatever the f#ck these grown babies are drinking. 👶 If they have a pet, the mug can totally have their pet's face on it and some cheesy "proud dog mom" label or something similar. A Scorpio COULD potentially throw up all over you if you did that for them, but not the Cancer babies.
As we all know, their home is a sacred space for them, so you can help make it feel even more comfortable by getting them MORE scented candles, decorations, soft pillows, and/or art prints that suit their taste. You also won't go wrong if you buy them plush toys/animals, onesies, or even coloring books. My Cancer Moon asks you to TRUST me. 😂
A lot of them LOVE to cook and bake, so you could gift them a personalized apron with another cheesy label or just anything that can serve them well in the kitchen (yes, even appliances). If you are willing to take a bolder risk, you can give them a small animal! They are 10/10 an animal lover and aren't as picky as some folks (looking at you, Virgos...) As long as it's cute and friendly – they will most likely adore it right away. 
I find that a SPRINKLE of the opposite sign's energy can be a good move. To help Cancers find balance, you can gift them a slightly Capricornian gift. Help strengthen their self-discipline and sense of self/independence by giving them something to improve their organizational skills (planners, watches, calendars, etc) and commit to their personal ambitions and goals. Still, if you can, go for personalization. An elegant, but plain and soul-less calendar or planner might leave them feeling cold and indifferent.
♏ SCORPIOS are one of the most (if not THE most) introspective and intense signs. Meaningful gifts show them how well the other person knows and understands them. Personally, they LOVE to learn more about themselves and others, and their intelligence is cunning! This is why they will appreciate a good book on the topic of psychology, hypnosis, and even witchcraft/the occult - it really depends on how deep into the rabbit hole they are. If it's a fictional book, the thriller/mystery/horror genre is their cup of tea.
These folks definitely have a "Dark Academia" vibe going on, so gothic clothes and jewelry or leather-bound journals (please, save the animals & don't buy genuine leather) to help carry their most private thoughts and feelings, WILL suit their taste. They can be into crystals, oracle/Tarot cards, and all kinds of witchy or "woo-woo" stuff.
They love to observe things and people from behind the scenes. If you have the means, you can gift them an actual camera. It doesn't have to be expensive or even high-quality - Scorpios appreciate the rawness of anything vintage, second-hand, or even a little bit broken/flawed in some way. Halsey starts singing in my head right now: "You're ripped at every edge, but you're a masterpiece..." She's VERY Scorpionic/Plutonic, by the way. I should create a post about her soon. If you decide that a camera gift is off the table, you can buy them a binocle, and help fuel their stalking tendencies.
And of course, how can we write about this sign without mentioning sex, right? So, yeah, sexy lingerie, toys, underwear, etc, are perfect for the ladies. Men, on the other hand, will enjoy the presence/assistance of their lady wearing them. 😄 If it's not LIKE THAT, play a murder mystery game together or even this kinky, weird game called "Cards Against Humanity". They LOVE weird stuff, and their sense of humor is usually dark/sarcastic. No wonder Pluto, their ruler, feels so good in Aquarius. Another thing that comes to mind - go get a tattoo (or tattoos?!) together. It's a pretty intimate experience if you think about it.
I also find that a SPRINKLE of the opposite sign's energy can be a good move. Scorpios are emotionally intense and love to seek depth in everything, but this can get exhausting at some point. That's when they sink too deeply into their heads, isolate themselves from the world, and/or experience depression. To help balance their energy, gift them a slightly Taurean gift. What comes to mind, first? Good old food, my friends. Well, not actually old, unless your aim is to tickle their weird obsession with poisons.
I mean a home-cooked meal you can enjoy together while watching their favorite movie, followed by a massage by you... mmwah! *chef's kiss* Help them enjoy the simple pleasures in life. They secretly LONG for simplicity and the feeling of being safe and nurtured by someone. If the relationship is platonic, you can visit the spa or beauty salon together, go somewhere in nature and take cool photos (bonus points if you explore abandoned buildings & ruins), or go to the local cozy cafe and have a nice chat. I told you - simplicity.
♓️ PISCEANS straight up love "woo-woo" stuff, crystals, and candles, Even if they aren't into spirituality, per se, they are naturally psychic, sensitive, and deeply introverted. This is why their favorite activity is inactivity 😂 They love to hang out in their room, watch movies/read books, create art, meditate/masturbate, or both, and you could help make their personal space feel even more relaxed and mystical. Trippy tapestries to hang on their walls, incense/sage to cleanse the vibes and make the room smell amazing, a new speaker, or headphones for their music addiction. For some reason, I think of those boxes on Etsy full of such witchy/mystical objects & aromas.
Even if they aren’t an "artist" or they don't practice art consistently as a hobby, I encourage you to gift them tools to help explore their creativity. A few years ago, I gave my Pisces 5th house mom a coloring mandala book, which is soo out of her comfort zone (A LOT of Capricorn energy, barely any Pisces), but she greatly enjoyed it! Go dance, and have fun – Pisceans are introverted party animals that tend to absorb everyone's energy, soo... To avoid the "moody fish", you can host a party at home, and invite their closest circle of friends and family, or even reserve it for just the two of you.
Another thing you can do is take them to a psychic or gift them a Psychic/Astrology/Numerology reading.
I also find that a SPRINKLE of the opposite sign's energy can be a good move. Pisceans can be ungrounded, and thus - prone to melancholy, mood swings, and unhealthy addictions. You can help balance their energy with a Virgo gift. Assist them in structuring their days and taking better care of their physical and mental health. There are many ways you could do that, and some suggestions include: taking them to a yoga or DANCE class, buying them natural skin-care products, or giving them a living being to take care of.
Virgos can take such good physical care of themselves because they practice this skill on everyone else. 😀 So, Pisceans can benefit from consistently looking after a houseplant or a pet. Is it offensive and too literal to buy them pet fish? Yeah, probably. It can be a great experience to go to the animal shelter together and let THEM choose their next best friend. They absolutely love animals, and they will feel a great sense of responsibility to look after them in the best possible way.
- Foxbörn
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jmkho · 1 year
15 questions for 15 mutuals!
Thanks so much to @maud-gone @jake-whatthefisgoingon-kiszka @ignite-my-fire @ageofhearingloss @iheartjakekiszka @sunandthemoontwinflames @joopsworld @joshym @useremo @greedyvanfleet for tagging me!!
I’m a little late to the show so if I do tagg you and you’ve already done it! My bad!!!!!!
Were you named after anyone?
Yes! Apparently my first name is from a lady from the tv show The Champions and my middle name is from a grandmother I never got to meet.
When was the last time you cried?
Monday when I rushed off to the emergency room again ffs
Do you have kids?
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I use it all the time lmao
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
It really depends. It could be their humor, their attitude, if they come off as a chill person etc.
What’s your eye colour?
Blue/greyish they’re on the lighter side of blue so I get to give eye contact like that Miley pic lmfao!
Scary movies or happy endings?
I thrive off horror. I watch horror TO calm down. This is no lie but when I’m stressed I slap on The Exorcist.
Any special talents?
I do voices lmao I can do a random ass mix of voices like Gollum and Jar Jar Binks lmao
Where were you born?
I was born in B’ham United Kingdom :)
What are you hobbies?
drawing, reading, photography, writing, listening to music, journaling
Do you have any pets? (I forgot about this one lol)
Yes! In England! Lol I have a cat (despite being allergic???) Named Mitsuo. She'd named after the guitarist from the jrock band Nightmare lmao
What sports do you play/have you played?
I played football in school just as a fun after school type thing. Don’t play any now, god no I’m terrible, although now thinking of it when I do like archery I’m quite good so maybe I should take that up looooool
How tall are you?
5ft5.5 / 5ft6 in shoes lol
Favourite subject in school?
I loved English and Art. I also loved drama
Dream job?
I was a music/band photographer before moving to Korea and that was the goal in my life at the time, I’d like to get back into it because it’s just me doing my thing so when I move back to the UK I might do that again, but also a book shop owner lmao I’d love my own book shop where everyone can come in and chill, read, browse, just enjoy a nice atmosphere. A librarian because people won’t bother me lmao, or even doing art but I don’t think my skills are good or that I could make a living off the shit I draw so lol who knows anything where I’m happy is the goal
I legit think nearly everyone has been tagged and done this but here we go!
I’m tagging: @oliverreedmasterass @starcatcherkiszka @loser-user-noaccuser @losfacedevil @mrd-gvf @earthlysorrows @runwayblues @puzzle-gvf @rhythm-of-space @writingcold @allieisacrybaby @becinabubble @gold-mines-melting @gray-gvf11 @way-to-go-lad - or if you want to do it then you’re TAGGED if you want to do it PLEASE tag me I wonna learn more about ya’ll!!!!!
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lil-melody-moon · 2 years
Thank you @lovely-menza for tagging me <3 This is the first time I'm doing such a post, as in, answering for questions in the post, without it being an ask game, so let's roll with it!
Are you named after anyone? Nope, my mom just heard the name on a party one day and she loved it ever since. And that's why I am named how I am named
When was the last time you cried? In the last year, quite a few months ago. It was connected with being laughed at by a close person due to him being after one beer and him not being able to drink at his age. And let's leave it at that
Do you have kids? Nope, but I would like to, if I find a good guy. I mean, I don't want a random weirdo or a creep in my life. I'm either getting a good guy or I'm living alone, without a care - I mean I have music...
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Only when i'm joking. Other than that, I'm brutally honest
What's the first thing you notice about people? Their eyes or smile. It's usually the eyes though. You can fake a smile, be more kinder with it, if you intend to do so. But eyes? You can't hide anything behind them. If you have bad intentions, it is shown in the way you look at someone. I usually am looking in the eyes when speaking to someone and when they speak to me I do the same. Let me tell you one thing - you can get scared shitless when you hear kind words and the person's eyes shine in a very bad way and you know they have bad intentions. I like to know if I'm safe or not
What's your eye colour? They are hazel. Once blue, the other time green, some other time gray blue or gray entirely or kinda white if I feel ill. Mom says that I usually have gray eyes when I'm very sleepy
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings. I like to see the adventure presented in the media I'm watching have a good ending. Additional point if I like the characters! Then it's double the fun to see them happy at the very end
Any special talents? Maybe it's not a special talent, but I can hear wrong notes in a song very often, catch the rhythm of the song - oh boy, if it's changing during the song then I have so much fun with listening to it! - and memorize the entire melody if I hear the song a lot of times. I literally sometimes sit and play the entire song in my head if it's too quiet. I did that on the last test on statistics! Hehe, silence in class and I was listening to Scars on Broadway in my head while counting - got an A, that proves something XD
Where were you born? Poland! I'm still living there and I don't plan on moving somewhere else - maybe to another city, but then again I don't wanna leave my parents behind so yeah (a little bit of babbling :3)
What are your hobbies? Listening to music, playing on guitar - I started playing in July in 2022, I'm not very good at it yet, but I have a lot of fun! - and maybe writing from time to time some fanfiction. I like creating ocs ^u^
Have you any pets? Yes, a female canary. She's my lovely orb of feathers, who has almost the same music taste as mine - oh GOD, I played "Alabama Song (Whisky Bar)" by The Doors yesterday on my phone to quickly clean and come back to watching a tv series. The feathery orb sung so loudly along with Jim Morrison and the rest! I wasn't expecting her to give such a bright concert ;u;
What sports do you play/have played? None, I am the person who hated sports XD
How tall are you? 162/164 cm I believe? I am fairly short
Favourite subject in school? Polish lessons. They were fun, despite that some of the school readings were boring. But I could listen to so much stories about the society in the past ages. This was interesting!
Dream job? Working in a library - I'm working hard to get to that goal
Tag 15 people... Let's see if I have so much mutuals XD @furiousbirdballoon @juliearchery107 @jimmysdragonsuit13 @malakianwhvre @explodingegg123 @itsdareeeh @cantag-curtis @diedeadenovgh @circle-bircle @w0rldl0ngg0ne That's all I can think of at the moment. If anyone stumbles upon this post and wants to join, feel free <3 The rest of tagged people? Join the fun if you want :3
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i-me-mine · 2 years
15 questions
Thanks for tagging me, @eddiemunsonwillbethedeathofme ❤️
1. Are you named after anyone?
I was named after a local TV show character that my mom loved.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Last Wednesday... I got a positive covid test result, and in my head, I don't know, I thought that was the end of the world, and I cried my heart out... but it turns out that today I'm already feeling ok again.
3. Do you have kids?
No, and no plans of having kids
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
More than I should, but who's counting? 😂
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people
Their smile
6. What’s your eye colour?
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings, but if it's between Thriller movies or happy endings, Thriller movies all the way.
8. Any special talents?
I'm very good at analyzing data and trying to find patterns, predict results, or find inconsistencies, which is useful for my job. They also say that I'm creative and that I'm very good at presentations, but I am not sure if that counts.
9. Where were you born?
10. What are your hobbies?
I love playing video games, reading books, and listening to music. Sometimes I try to draw or paint, but I'm not good at that 😂
11. Do you have any pets?
I don't, but my roommate has 2 cats, and as they live with us, I consider them partially mine too
12. What sports do you play/have played
I don't have enough coordination between my brain, eyes, and hands to play sports, I'm bad at them 😂
13. How tall are you?
1.65 / 5’5
14. Favourite subject in school?
In middle/high school, Portuguese (that would be the equivalent of an English class in English-speaking countries), and during my bachelor, Data analytics and storytelling.
15. Dream job?
Game producer - I'm trying to make a career transition to the games industry, and I'll probably start in the game development area... but my goal is to work with game production.
No pressure, but if you want to play along, I would love to learn more about you, @jamdoughnutmagician @big-ope-vibes @elthreetimes @becca-alexa @ghosttownwherenoonegoes @missdecember1988 @aftermidnightwriting
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the-golden-ghost · 2 years
multiples of 5 for davy bc he’s my fav(y)
5. What is your OC’s first memory?
He's 5 years old and it's one of many hideouts. It's dark. Agatha is keeping watch nearby and Davy can smell the scent of her cigarettes. Usually his job would be to keep quiet and stay out of the way and be ready to run or hide when they tell him, but tonight Osric's in a good mood. He asks Davy if he wants to hear a story, and of course, Davy is more than happy.
It isn't often he gets to sit next to one of his guardians and be spoken to like a living being, but tonight he does. He has no idea that such a thing is normal for most children. To him, it's something rare, and awe-inspiring.
10. What deadly sin would best represent your OC?
Wrath, possibly? He's not violent but he can get intensely angry, he just tries to keep it under wraps.
His main flaw is that he holds grudges which I guess would fall under wrath? He's just a bad communicator who doesn't know how to let things go
15. If your OC could have any pet, what would they choose? Why?
He has a ferret! Her name is Smudge and she's 3 years old and trained (but doesn't always listen!) He carries her around in one of his coat pockets a lot. Never leaves home without her <3
Why did he choose her I'm not sure yet! I don't know how he ended up with her, only that he did. Actually my first thought is that she was given to him as payment for a favor and he was like "what is this and what do I do with it" and then ended up loving her more than life itself, as you do
20. If they came from their world to ours (if not already in our’s) how would they react? What would they do?
He would not enjoy:
Cars (I mean the amount we have now)
The Internet
Cellular Phones
Okay he'd like wikipedia but he wouldn't like social media AT ALL
Advertising that's in everything all the time
Modern music
Actually I don't think he'd like anything. He'd be very annoyed and immediately want to go back to the desolate magical hellscape from whence he came, cause it's a far cry better than this
25. What inspired you to create them / how did you create them? Were they originally a fancharacter? What was their personality / design like when you first made them?
He went through a few iterations.
Version 1: Faith's second in command. Dull. Basically just a shy unassuming yes-man with no personality other than doing whatever Faith says and having no will of his own. Pretty much created just so she'd have someone to back her up
Version 2: PIRATE this is probably his most known iteration to date. Cold. Abrasive. Not even very good at being a pirate. Very little in the way of Piratey Charisma and Swashbuckling Yo Ho Ho Energy. He could fight but didn't want to. He didn't even really like stealing things why did I make him like this
Version 2.5: Wizard Pirate. Funny, but I lost the plot. This was where he was when I dropped it and did the reboot. He was a bit more fun in this version and less of an ice-hearted dickbag (loved his crew) but it just didn't work. My skills at combining Wizard Piracy were simply not there, and simply didn't work for Davy. He wanted to kill a god though, that was hysterical but again, Didn't Work.
Version 3: Thief and conman. Early reboot version. Didn't really work either. You really think this unassuming nerd is going to con anybody? Give me a break. He still kind of works as a thief but
Version 4: EX-THIEF just trying to find a place in the world and not die. I like this one since instead of trying to pick a trope and force him into it I'm finally just letting him exist and just be what he is. Which isn't really anything specific; he's just a weird, shadowy guy with weird, shadowy goals
30. Do they want to get married? Why or why not? Would they ever want kids? Do they have kids? Why?
He doesn't want to get married; he is aroace and understands that marriage is usually a romantic endeavor. He wouldn't want to make his spouse sad by not being what they want or need him to be.
That being said I did have it that he and Faith briefly got married for plot reasons and then divorced later? I may take it out but I think it's funny. But as to a Real Romantic Marriage, no, he wouldn't do that.
I don't know if he wants kids. He'd be a good father, but he doesn't believe he'd be a good father so he considers it out of the question. Funnily enough he had a daughter named Lydia in one of the earlier installments, but she didn't make it past the update.
35. How is your character’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of the time? Living in memories?
He's not very imaginative in the sense of creation or storytelling, he's a problem-solver. He figures out what needs to be done and how to get it done as easily as possible.
He does worry but it tends to be action-oriented, not just meaningless distress. Sometimes it can be too much, though. He will get an idea of something horrible that can happen, work to prevent it, get another idea, work to prevent that, and get stuck and exhaust himself trying to prevent anything from going awry rather than moving in a direction he actually needs to move.
Living in memories? God no. He forgets as much as possible. And he's good at it, too.
40. Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where are they going? What do they wear? Who will they be with?
He doesn't go out much and when he does he sticks close to Faith for the most part, or else hangs back as much as possible so as not to be observed by anyone.
He dresses well, but simply. Nothing flashy, nothing that would get him noticed. Usually he might slightly underdress just so people will think of him as not worth their time and ignore him. And, always, he is with Faith or Lilah. Very few other people have his trust.
45. If your character was given a slice of pineapple pizza and they HAD to eat it (or something bad would happen), how would they react? Do they even LIKE pineapple pizza?
He would uhhhh probably throw up. No he doesn't like pizza, pineapple or otherwise. I mean he'd eat it but he would not enjoy it
50. If your character was presented with imminent and unavoidable death/fatality, how would they react? Would they try to avoid death anyways? Would they try to make their last days count? 
He'd be... depressed? He's spent his whole life trying to avoid death and has gotten himself out of more scrapes then he can count and to him it would feel like all that fighting for survival was just... meaningless.
On some level he knows it'll happen eventually and he's kind of always been expecting it, but he's only in his 20s in the story proper so that's not an especially long life. He'd try to make his last days count, sure, and he'd absolutely do everything he could to dodge fate, but it would mostly just make him sad.
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Hi! Can I get a matchup for Honkai Star Rail & Genshin Impact please? ♡
Pronouns: She/Her Sexuality : Bi with a preference for men I would say ? Zodiac/MBTI : Gemini & INFJ Appearance : 5'4'', long brown hair, light brown eyes, some freckles on the face, average height, rather thin
Personality : I'm quiet/speak in a very calm voice when I don't know the people around, I smile a lot when I talk, I'm pretty shy but I'm making a lot of progress lately! I laugh/smile easily with others, I like to spend time alone but also connect with others, support them emotionally in their lives, I look for connections, I tend to overthink and question my personality/choices. I can be determined and hardworking to achieve my goals. I'm very sensitive to criticism. I’m thoughtful and like to know the consequences, I visualize the life I want to have and work to achieve it through my goals. With my close circle I like to laugh, sometimes I can even be loud and completely confident in my way of speaking
Likes: animanga, animated tv shows, books, video games, movie/anime/game soundtracks, baking, sports, fashion, astronomy and space (honkai <3), poetry, my favorite characters, animals, family and friends, nature (mountains, lakes, forests especially), graphic design, drawing, talking about topics, visiting places (in the city, in nature), daydreaming, connecting to others, finding inspiration, decorating, spring
Dislikes: lack of respect/empathy, meanness in general, hot weather, big parties, not having enough time to discover/read/watch everything I want haha, paperwork, people making fun of others, insincerity
Hobbies: watching/reading animanga, listening to soundtracks, doing artistic things, playing video games, walking outside, stargazing, relaxing, taking care of and playing with my pet, talking with my friends, watching videos to learn things
My love languages are quality time then words of affirmation and physical touch. Listening, mutual appreciation, gentle moments and sharing are what I look for most in a relationship, it's important to me!
I hope I gave enough information thanks in advance! <3
Hi Anon! Thank you for your request! I hope you like your matchups!
In Honkai Star Rail, I match you with...
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Gepard is someone who can appreciate your hatred of paperwork. There are upsides to his job, but paperwork is not one of them.
He'd enjoy going for walks with you, if only to get away from the stress of his responsibilities.
He might be busy a lot of the time but when he does have free time, he loves to relax with you listening to music, watching you play games, or stargaze.
I see Gepard as someone who enjoys stargazing. He finds it relaxing but also lets him learn about something you're interested in.
Gepard is also not the biggest fan of big parties either. He doesn't mind small parties with close friends but big parties make him anxious. He doesn't want to have to arrest someone and ruin the mood.
Gepard admires your hardworking nature. He'll always check in to see how you're doing though. He's hardworking as well and he knows firsthand the impact that can have on your mental and physical health.
Loves spending quality time with you. And his favourite version of that is laying on a couch with you wrapped up in his arms. He can feel your presence and knows that you're safe and sound.
In Genshin Impact, I match you with...
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Tighnari likes that you're a good balance of quiet and loud. He appreciates that you're not completely over the top but that you also have confidence in yourself.
Tries to help you not over think things too much. He knows it can be a hard habit to change but he'll give you all the support you need.
Tighnari can show a bit of lack of respect for people sometimes but only when they've done something to deserve it (like the academia scholars that keep pestering him to come to Sumeru City).
He's got plenty of experience with paperwork so if you do have to do any, he can help you out with it.
Taking walks with you is one of Tighnari's favourite pastimes. He gets to spend time with his favourite person, as well as be surrounded by nature.
Also enjoys doing artisitc things with you. Tighnari's more academically inclined but I think he's pretty good at drawing, especially when he's drawing plants.
Tighnari is also a fan of physical touch. He'd love to stand with you, arms wrapped around you in a tight hug and gently sway side to side. His tail will be swaying as well. He's never felt happier.
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Cast Reveal: Soca
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Alex, he/him, 30
I'm Alex, I'm a therapy director and the communication and flexibility my job demands of me are going to help guide me through the game. My goal with this game is to have a good time, be a friendly presence for the other players to want to work with or come to with information, and to then use that charm to hide my strategic side. My goal is to become Sole Survivor for both the bragging rights, and to justify how much I talk about the show to others.
OCCUPATION: Occupational Therapist
HOBBIES: Theater, Podcasts, Camping
PET PEEVES: Unnecessary rudeness and arrogance
SURVIVOR PLAYER YOU ARE MOST LIKE: I want to say I'm a Todd Herzog but really I'm an Adam Klein. I'm gonna have a lot of enthusiasm and probably have some missteps, but hopefully I'll still come out on top.
WHY YOU WILL BE SOLE SURVIVOR: I think I'll be the sole survivor because my goal will be to build as many relationships as possible. That'll make the game more fun and hopefully help me in the pre-merge, but I also hope that will help me float through the game with a bit of an "anyone but me" strategy while still building connections come jury management. The more information I get, the more I can use it to own advantage for the strategic and cut-throat side of the game that I'll need to channel to make it to the end.
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Champagne, she/her, I’m feeling 22!!
Hi! My name is Champagne or you can call me Champ! I’m 22 and I’m a college student pursuing my degree in elementary education! I nanny for a family of three and also waitress at a bar! I am a huge fan or survivor and reality tv in general!
OCCUPATION: Student/ Nanny/ Waitress
HOBBIES: Reality tv of course :)! I love traveling, hiking and going to concerts!
PET PEEVES: People with no manners! Like at minimum say please and thank you😭
SURVIVOR PLAYER YOU ARE MOST LIKE: This is gonna boost my ego but I would say Shonee from Survivor Aus! She is such a social player and often over looked/ underrated game play!
WHY YOU WILL BE SOLE SURVIVOR: I will (hopefully) be sole survivor because I love the game, and have never won any of these games so it’s time I redeem myself!
ANYTHING ELSE: Always feel free to reach out to me :) I love meeting people who have similar interests and would love to have more reality tv friends :)
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eman, she/they, 47
I'm eman. A bitter old fanbitch and nerd, but also someone who lives by their "I have done love" tattoo and is willing to put their life on the line for someone they love.
OCCUPATION: civil servant
HOBBIES: dogs, baseball, hiking, and being just a little bit obsessive about a lot
PET PEEVES: people who over-promise and under-deliver; pedants
SURVIVOR PLAYER YOU ARE MOST LIKE: I'm 100% Janet - older, and a natural protector of everyone else.
WHY YOU WILL BE SOLE SURVIVOR: because Mercury is finally out of retrograde and this is my turn
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Kaleigh, she/her, 33
My name is Kaleigh and I live in Eugene, OR. I love reading and video games and visiting the forest. I work in retail and love my DOG! I am currently learning to play piano and I want to get better at baking.
HOBBIES: gardening, reading, writing, playing music, cooking, driving
PET PEEVES: capitalism & people who park so close to me that I can't open my car door
SURVIVOR PLAYER YOU ARE MOST LIKE: I guess Parvati because she is hot and iconic.
WHY YOU WILL BE SOLE SURVIVOR: Listen... I'm just here for a good time
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Kolby, he/him, 19
hi! i’m kolby, and i live in atlanta, georgia! i’m a server, and in my free time, i enjoy going on city walks, going to gay bars, and watching survivor. i’m really excited to get back into the org world and i hope i’m not too rusty haha
HOBBIES: going on city walks, bar hopping, watching tv/movies
SURVIVOR PLAYER YOU ARE MOST LIKE: i’ve been a survivor super fan my ENTIRE LIFE so from that aspect, i want to say an adam klein type but i want to play a super social game similar to ricard from 41 where he was just on good terms with everyone, super likable and never seemed to be playing too hard.
WHY YOU WILL BE SOLE SURVIVOR: i think i’m pretty likable and i’m super competitive so i think i have a shot!
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Lexi, she/her, 28
I’m Lexi and I live in Austin with my dog Francine. When I’m not playing with her I’m sewing my latest project, watching sports, or watching reality tv, which has somehow never included an episode of Survivor. 
OCCUPATION: Apparel Designer
HOBBIES: Sewing, playing tennis, watching movies
PET PEEVES: When people spell my name wrong in an email when the correct spelling is right there in the email address
SURVIVOR PLAYER YOU ARE MOST LIKE: Michele! I've never watched Survivor but I watched her compete on The Challenge - she was smart and nice and emotionally intelligent but her weakness was overthinking & paranoia, and I think I see those same traits in myself
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Nick, he/him, 28
I'm a grad student studying Social Work in Boston. I play guitar and read in my free time. I will probably try and make alliances asap.
OCCUPATION: Grad Student
HOBBIES: Reading, watching baseball, yoga, napping
PET PEEVES: Know it alls, stinginess, and condescending attitudes
SURVIVOR PLAYER YOU ARE MOST LIKE: Christian from David vs. Goliath
WHY YOU WILL BE SOLE SURVIVOR: My fire starting skills and non confrontational attitude.
ANYTHING ELSE: Sauerkraut is a food on its own.
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Steven, he/him, 25
Hey y’all! I love survivor and have a competitive spirit so I use orgs as a way to release it. I work as a line cook right now so if you can’t reach then that’s probably what I’m doing. I’m really into any reality competition show, Pokémon, horror movies, and watching way too many tiktoks.
HOBBIES: Pokémon, cooking, watching movies, and playing video games
PET PEEVES: When clothes just start getting random holes
SURVIVOR PLAYER YOU ARE MOST LIKE: Honestly not sure but I will go with Kane. We’re both nerdy guys and seem to fumble sometimes throughout the game. We was able to recover from his troubles to regain bonds with someone he already voted for. I have been able to do that in the past and have made close ally with people that I was previously working against in the early part of the game.
WHY YOU WILL BE SOLE SURVIVOR: I’m always willing to learn from my past mistakes and utilize that to help me understand how to navigate in the future
ANYTHING ELSE: I have a cat named Barry and would love to talk about each others pets
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Tony, he/him, 28
I’m from El Paso, Texas but have been living in Austin for a decade now. I’m a community mental health caseworker by day and cryptid enthusiast by night. My favorite cryptid is Mothman!
OCCUPATION: Community mental health caseworker
HOBBIES: Party Rockin’ and Pizza
PET PEEVES: People that don’t use their blinkers and don’t put their shopping carts back
WHY YOU WILL BE SOLE SURVIVOR: Im consistent and a team player.
ANYTHING ELSE: Love weiner dogs and chili cheese glizzies
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Zee, she/her, 19
Hey there! I'm Zee (like Ziti pasta, or like you're saying Bee, but with a Z instead), I'm 19 I use she/her pronouns and I'm kind of a nerd. I'm hella obsessed w/Paleography and Languages in general, I vibe heavily with that. I'm also a dancer, even though I have the physique of a 12 year old boy (what I lack in body I make up for in personality UwU), and I have been for just over a year. I'm also super interested in Survivor! I think it's a really cool show and game, and I'd definitely love to be a part of it irl if I wasn't busy with Uni and things like that. I think I'm a social butterfly, even if I can come off as shy at first, and I'm generally willing to be friends with anybody! Anyway yeah, this sounds hella dope and I'm down to see what happens if I get cast here.
HOBBIES: Making Friendship Bracelets (I'm fucking dope at it), Cooking, Talking to my Best Friend
PET PEEVES: Bad Communication
SURVIVOR PLAYER YOU ARE MOST LIKE: I'd say Maryanne, because she's also a very emotional and social player, and I feel like I definitely lead with my heart
WHY YOU WILL BE SOLE SURVIVOR: Because I'm a chill person and I feel like the vibes are there
ANYTHING ELSE: I may not be blonde, but I am a bimbo (insert peace sign emoji and sparkle emoji here, I'm on desktop so you guys are gonna have to use ur imagination here)
Soca, here are your buffs!
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
373 of 2022
GODS: Life Zeus: What’s your name or nickname? Joeri. Hera: Where are you from? West Flanders, Belgium. Athena: How old are you? I'm 32. Hephaestus: When is your birthday? Every year. Aphrodite: What’s your relationship status? Married. Poseidon: What are your pronouns? I'm male, so he/him by default. Dionysus: Are you and extrovert or an introvert? Ambivert for sure. Demeter: Do you have any pets? Two cats. Apollo: What kind of music are you into? Metal (particularly djent and sludge etc.) and hip hop. Artemis: What do you first notice about new people? Eyes. Hades: What’s a big fear of yours? Failure and losing. Ares: What’s a big pet peeve of yours? People who interrupt others. Hestia: Where do you consider home? My hometown. CREATURES: Lasts Pegasus: Last movie you watched? I don't watch movies. Mermaid: Last tv show you finished? Inside the World's Toughest Prisons. Centaur: Last book you read? The Legend of Ice People. Siren: Last song you listened to? Juli - Warum. Gorgon: Last thing you ate? Croque-monsieur. Too high in calories lol. Cyclops: Last time you cried? 30 years ago or something? I don't cry. Minotaur: Last time you were truly happy? 21 September. Meet up with my friends. Sphynx: Last text you sent? I don't remember. Chimera: Last call you made? Probably the disability service. Griffin: Last thing you did before going to sleep last night? Snuggled with my husband. Nymph: Last dream you remember? A nightmare I'd rather forget. Satyr: Last time you couldn’t stop laughing? Probably today. HEROES: Experiences Heracles: Have you ever had a dream come true? Yeah, more than one. Theseus: What is your worst regret? I don't have regrets. It's pointless. Perseus: Have you ever been arrested? No, never. Cadmus: Have you ever had your heart broken? Yeah, once. Achilles: Have you ever had to be hospitalized? Yes, I had a brain surgery. Actaeon: Tell about a memory you wish to forget. Health-related things and sexual abuse. Bellerophon: Have you ever passed out? More than once. Agamemnon: What is an achievement you’re proud of? I started walking again after being paralysed. Oedipus: Have you ever been in love? Twice. I loved, but was it being in love? I don't know. Jason: Have you ever travelled abroad? Where? Yes. Wallonia in Belgium (it's like a whole different country to me XD), France, the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark and Poland. Atlanta: Have you ever stood up for someone else? More than once. I'm quite known for it. Hippolytus: Tell an experience you will never forget. Summers at the beach where I was raised. MAGICAL ITEMS: Favorites Trident: Who are your favorite people? My husband, my friends, my parents, my sister. Lightning Bolt: What are your top three favorite movies? I don't like movies. Sun Chariot: What is your favorite mythological creature? Mermaid, I think. Lyre: What are your top three favorite songs? This question appears everywhere. Caduceus: What is your favorite color? Black and green. Aegis: What is your favorite book or series? I don't really have favourites, I just like books. Scythe: What is your favorite tv show? I don't have favourites. Bident: What is your favorite way to spend free time? Travelling. Harpe: What are your top 3 favorite places? Middelkerke, Bruges and Ghent. Cornucopia: What is your favorite place to eat? Bavet. Winged Sandals: What is your favorite thing to do when you hangout with your friends? Talking a lot and drinking beer. We depend on good communication. Golden Fleece: What is your favorite animal? Cat. PLACES: Goals and Wishes Olympus: Describe your dream job. The same job I've had for the last 9 years. Tartarus: What’s a short term goal you hope to achieve? To overcome my anxiety because it starts manifesting as PTSD symptoms. Underworld: Describe your dream vacation. Road trips, visiting the big cities, staying in hotels. Styx: How would you like your life to look like in 10 years? Happy and stable, with my husband next to me. Athuna: If you could live anywhere in the world for the rest of your life, where would it be? I'd like to stay where I live. Sparta: Do you have a bucket list? If so, what’s on it? I do, mostly about visiting various places in the world. Elysium: If you could have a superpower, what would it be? Teleportation. Ogygia: Describe your dream husband/wife/life partner? The one I'm married to already. Troja: What is the craziest thing you wanna do before you die? Travel around the world. The Labyrinth: Have you ever died and came back to life as a vampire? LMAO.
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survivor-north-sea · 2 years
Cast Reveal #2 - Hidra
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INTRO: I'm AJ, I'm interested in survivor and I think it's neat! I dabble in lots of things, and am usually mediocre at best. I like to run RPGs for my friends, and I also participate in them - usually local to Discord Servers. This sounds like a lot of fun and I can't wait to see what happens!
OCCUPTION: Student and Aspiring Author
HOBBIES: Writing, Art, and Dance
BIGGEST PET PEEVES: People using your/you're or their/they're/there wrong
PAST SURVIVOR PLAYER YOU ARE LIKE: I'd say I'm a lot like Eric, a bit too trusting for my own good but all around a fun person. More recent seasons I'd say I'm probably most like Lindsay (42) where I'm a mom-friend and competitive.
WHY YOU WILL BE SOLE SURVIVOR: Because you can do anything you put your mind to, and I'm putting my mind to this!
ANYTHING ELSE: If I can't win I hope to at least make it to the jury. I've always thought I'd be a riot as a jury member.
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INTRO: I'm a Californian implant living in Austin, TX with my fiancée and a pair each of dogs and cats. I recently left a career in social work where I worked with folks transitioning out of homelessness and am now working as a literary agent's assistant. I love strategy games, cooking, reading fantasy novels, and writing.
OCCUPTION: Assistant Literary Agent
HOBBIES: Reading, writing, cooking Trinidadian food, video and board games
BIGGEST PET PEEVES: Being interrupted/not listened to
PAST SURVIVOR PLAYER YOU ARE LIKE: A quiz told me Cochran, but I think I'm more Cirie. I value emotional connections and vulnerability!
WHY YOU WILL BE SOLE SURVIVOR: With my history in social work, I'm familiar with how people think and I'm good at working with people to achieve their goals- and also good at getting people to think they've come up with their own goals even who was really me who planted the seed. And as a literature major/someone working in publishing, I'm great at analysis, comparison, and strategy.
ANYTHING ELSE: I started watching survivor when I was 6 years old (when it first premiered) and then took a break after middle school...until the pandemic, when I marathoned all 40+ seasons.
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INTRO: I am Adventurer and love to meet new people. Love traveling, photography, books and movies.
HOBBIES: Watching movies and series, reading books, sleeping!
BIGGEST PET PEEVES: Too Loud and noisy
PAST SURVIVOR PLAYER YOU ARE LIKE: Let me say erika casupanan. Besides that we are both Filipino, i am like her always being regard as weak and less threatening yet is capable of doing great things and winning 😉
WHY YOU WILL BE SOLE SURVIVOR: Because i can, i will and i should be the next sole survivor.
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INTRO: the only song i ever listen to is potential breakup song by aly & aj. i never listen to anything else. if i feel like listening to music that’s what i listen to. it’s been on repeat since 2007. my itunes consists of 1 song, potential breakup song by aly & aj, and the play count is somewhere around 50,000 plays. if you ever see me listening to music, don’t even ask what song i’m listening to, because you know it’s potential breakup song by aly & aj, so why would you even ask
OCCUPTION: budtender & writer
HOBBIES: binge watching tv shows, playing switch, reading tarot
BIGGEST PET PEEVES: chewing with your mouth open. not having a sense of humor.
PAST SURVIVOR PLAYER YOU ARE LIKE: Tony Vlachos as I’m a cis straight white man 🫶🏽
WHY YOU WILL BE SOLE SURVIVOR: Because of my dumptruck ass & my ability to lipsync for my life
ANYTHING ELSE: *john boyega vc* IM READY! friggin large popcorn! Hot dog! Damn slurpy dammit! Don’t talk to me when I sit down to watch this! Don’t touch me ! Don’t breathe in my direction ! This is it!
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INTRO: Hi everyone my name is Tyler, I'm 19 years old and I'm a sophomore at Western Michigan University. I'm a secondary education major and I hope to be a high school english/history teacher one day. I've never played a Skype org before and I'm really excited to meet everyone and play!
HOBBIES: Theater, video games, watching movies, and going on hot girl walks
BIGGEST PET PEEVES: Mouth breathers. Like why are you breathing so extra?
PAST SURVIVOR PLAYER YOU ARE LIKE: Michele Fitzgerald. I think we both know how to stay calm when faced with adversity and are pretty self aware
WHY YOU WILL BE SOLE SURVIVOR: I think I will be the sole survivor because I slay really hard but not in a way that screams "overconfident flop" or "threat!" so people shouldn't be inclined to vote me out
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INTRO: Investment Banker by day filmmaker by night/weekends. I’m a little quirky and never really fit into boxes exactly right. That’s my charm.
OCCUPTION: Investment Banking
HOBBIES: Watching movies, shows, anime and reading webtoons!
BIGGEST PET PEEVES: Being late to something 🥲
PAST SURVIVOR PLAYER YOU ARE LIKE: Ben Driebergen, he always played with his heart and you could always feel his genuine nature.
WHY YOU WILL BE SOLE SURVIVOR: I play with my heart and I truly believe that people with genuine hearts win in the end.
ANYTHING ELSE: I’m a great team player and also a good leader who always leads with empathy. Empathy to me is not just emotional but can also be logical. In it’s best form I believe it’s the correct balance of both.
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INTRO: Hi, my name is Bethany, I'm 23 years old and I live in Alabama. My favorite things are reality tv, cats (specifically my angel baby Cleo), and sushi! I'm a legal assistant and I am extremely passionate about prison abolition and criminal justice reform.
OCCUPTION: Legal Assistant
HOBBIES: Reading, hanging out with my cat, watching random video essays
BIGGEST PET PEEVES: People calling me Beth
PAST SURVIVOR PLAYER YOU ARE LIKE: I think the Survivor player I am most like is Evvie Jargoda because they were mainly seen as a social player during their season but they were also very smart and strategic behind the scenes.
WHY YOU WILL BE SOLE SURVIVOR: I believe I will be the Sole Survivor because I am never one to back down from a challenge and do everything I can to accomplish something once I put my mind to it.
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INTRO: One of few Malaysian guy who still a fan of Survivor who will not get the opportunity to be part of this awesome game in real life due to demographic and different culture.
OCCUPTION: Digital Marketer
HOBBIES: Gym, karaoke, watching movies
PAST SURVIVOR PLAYER YOU ARE LIKE: Sandra because she won twice and a such a queen
WHY YOU WILL BE SOLE SURVIVOR: Because I think I have the luck and the thought. Now I need to go for it
ANYTHING ELSE: Umm I'm from Malaysia. Hi!
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INTRO: Good day! I'm Clefford Rimandiman Millos, 20, from the the country with 7,640 islands, the Philippines!
HOBBIES: Watching films, TV series, and reality shows.
BIGGEST PET PEEVES: Someone spoiling a show.
PAST SURVIVOR PLAYER YOU ARE LIKE: Todd Herzog for being social and strategic.
WHY YOU WILL BE SOLE SURVIVOR: Because I am competitive and will do anything to further my game.
ANYTHING ELSE: Everyday is a new day.
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INTRO: Im kind shy usually and playing a game like this really put me out of my comfort zone I love challenges and I hate to loose. I'm willing to do EVERYTHING it takes to go to the end.
OCCUPTION: Agent reservations
HOBBIES: Shopping
PAST SURVIVOR PLAYER YOU ARE LIKE: I'd say im a mix Abi Maria Gomes & Michaela Bradshaw even tho their are not my fav players I do see myself in them.
WHY YOU WILL BE SOLE SURVIVOR: Because I fear no competition and I dont do things halfdone.
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