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🥀Hazbin Hotels FanBlog🥀 Fanfic requests open ☑️ Matchups closed❌️
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silly-sirenz · 1 year ago
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silly-sirenz · 1 year ago
I'm thinking of starting a (one-sided) radiostatic fic on ao3. Set in the 20s/30s when both Vox and Alastor are alive, a young Vox becomes an assistant to the mysterious radio presenter who's taking New Orleans by storm...
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silly-sirenz · 1 year ago
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silly-sirenz · 1 year ago
Having fun with the new voice feature on character ai.
Ignore the last part lolol
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silly-sirenz · 1 year ago
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silly-sirenz · 1 year ago
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silly-sirenz · 1 year ago
Alastor x reader (if that's okay) who's basically the somewhat opposite of him?? (Sounds ooc of him but let me be delusional okay)
Basically unlike how Alastor always smiles the reader has this constant frown on their face, enjoys the pain of others/would rather not see others in pain, likes to play around a little with his victims/straight to the point, etc etc
Hellooooo 🖤
I can give it a go.
Word Count: 418
Warnings: Violence, gore, implied cannibalism? (this is Alastor so are we really suprised lolol)
Alastor x Reader who has an opposing personality
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The smell of rotting iron hits your lungs with a force similar to an old motorcyle crashing into concrete. You almost gag, but luckily your time in Hell has somewhat hardened your stomach.
"I thought this might turn your frown upside down." He beams, proudly.
"No Alastor."
"No? My dear, whatever is the matter now?"
On the other side of the cellar there is a man, you think. It is hard to tell due to the way Alastor's tentacles have pinned him down. Any notable facial features have been mangled (perhaps chewed) beyond recognition.
But you can tell that the thing is alive. Barely. But alive. The choking, wet crackle of fluid stuck in the respiratory tract as it struggles to breathe tells you that. Death rattle, they call it; The steady beat of death's overture.
"It's too much."
Poor thing, you think, before shooting it in the head and putting it out of its misery.
There is a moment of tension as you hear Alastor's footsteps come closer behind you. The air fuzzes, like static. But it dissipates almost as soon as it arises.
His hand appears on your shoulder.
"Then let's head upstairs for supper."
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"I'll just never understand it, my dear. There are so many wonders in this world. But no matter what I share with you, you always seem so unhappy. Is it that you don't enjoy my company?"
You toy with your food. You've learnt to not question the meat that Alastor adds to the jambalaya.
"Not at all. I just don't think you should draw things out when you're taking someone down. It's best to cut to the chase, I think."
He puts down his fork. "This isn't just about earlier."
"Oh." You say, half confused, half concerned. He sounds unusually blunt.
"It's just... that frown you wear. You always look so upset, dear."
"Oh Alastor..." , you attempt to soothe him from across the table. "Remember what you told me about your smile?"
He flashes his golden fangs playfully. "That I'm never fully dressed without it?"
"No. You know, about how it's impossible to tell what's underneath. Well it's the same with my frown. Why should I let people read my mind so easily?"
He rises from the table, and you stare at his towering form as he approaches.
"My my, you are a dark horse!" He leans down to kiss your hand in an unusually forward display of affection from him. "Just when I thought you couldn't enchant me any more..."
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silly-sirenz · 1 year ago
Hi, if it's ok, I would like a Hazbin Hotel matchup, please?
I'm a nineteen years old bi-ace AFAB (She/they pronouns) with a preference for women, kinda short (5'2 I think, it's 158 cm anyway), I usually like to wear button up shirts with sweaters, generally really large ones, but my favourite piece of clothing is a very long jeans jacket full of patches and pins; I occasionally also wear T-shirts, but mostly if they're baggy enough.
I'm an INFP Pisces.
I also have kind of callous fingers, because I play violin, though I'm not sure whether this might be important.
Anyway, my friends describe me as an introvert that becomes pretty crazy when opens up, I also really like doing dad jokes.
I don't talk much, I prefer to listen (also because I worry about annoying people and being made fun of), and I struggle a lot with self worth, like, I often don't like myself much, and I always feel like I'm out of context with how I talk or interact.
I also have the physical strenght of a noodle, but I love giving and receiving hugs, or, well, simple physical contact is just so nice.
I really like writing, reading and drawing, or just chill and listen to someone else talking, I also really like books, TV series (especially cartoons) and musicals, and, lately, I've picked up baking.
I don't really like playing the violin, or doing physical activities, and being put at the centre of attention makes me feel very uncomfortable; I'm also not very confrontational, so I have a tendency not to discuss unless prompted to; another ick are loud noises and rough textures in clothing.
Yes :)
Helloooo 🖤
I think I will match you up with....
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You are introduced by Alastor, oddly enough, and the three of you have some lovely tea parties.
Over time, though, you and Rosie develop a special bond and hang out more one on one.
She is gentle and oddly affectionate for an overlord (always greeting you with a hug). And it's a relief for you as well as it's a nice change from Alastor's intensely mysterious persona.
Rosie loves your sense of humour. The two of you never fail to one up each other with corny jokes.
She is big on giving gifts and words of affirmation. She finds you sooo cute and will always show it.
Expect lots of pet names and compliments.
"It's so good to see you again, dearie! Is that a new patch I see? I think it suits you very well; it really brings out those gorgeous eyes."
As a talented seamstress, Rosie will even craft you new outfits for special occasions. With the most beautiful colours and cosiest fabrics. Anything to show off how adorable she thinks you are.
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silly-sirenz · 1 year ago
hi!! could i request a hazbin character matchup?
pronouns | she/they
sexuality | lesbian
zodiac | pisces
mbti | istp
appearance | 5’3, blue eyes, blue/purple hair but it changes very often, and average body nothing too special!
personality | i’m very chill but extremely shy, very much a listener and not much of a talker. it’s hard to get me to speak to a stranger unless they are open and can keep a conversation because i cannot for the life of me. but once i’m comfortable with a person i am quite mean (affectionately) and will rant about anything i’m interested in to them as long as they will listen lmao.
when i’m angry it is hard not to get emotional, there’s just a reflex to cry and i can’t control it. it’s the same when i’m upset any time, or when i need to say something that may hurt another’s feelings especially family or friends. if i truly hated someone then i would make it clear by just saying it.
i’m really sensitive when it comes to arguments, i can’t take it if someone starts yelling aggressively even if it’s not at me. it’s just a trigger for me to break down and curl up to avoid it.
i’m also sensitive to sound, if there’s any noises that are too loud and i can’t block them out with another i just have to sit there until it stops. restaurants are awful because there are so many voices and sometimes they can’t be drowned out by the people who are sitting at my table.
i have such bad social anxiety that it may come off as rude but it’s just me over thinking.
hobbies | making video edits, writing fanfics, drawing, water color painting, archery, music, somewhat baking
extras | i very much relate to furina from genshin impact because there is that feeling that you need to put up a facade in front of others and hide your true feelings
i also relate to fischl from genshin because of the way she distracts herself from the real world.
the song “ask” by the smiths describes me well by the lines “shyness is nice, but shyness can stop you from doing all the things in life you’d like to” because my shyness does get to me a lot.
i’ve never done one of these before so i hope this is enough! 💕
I'm so excited to write this one for you!!! 🖤
It might sound a bit out there at first but please hear me out lolol.
Your matchup is...
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It really is like a fated meeting when you first meet Cherri through a mutual friend (possibly Charlie).
You both seem to balance each other out. Her extraversion makes up for your shyness, but at the same time your tame nature keeps her very relaxed, so once she starts conversation with you, it flows easier than it would with most other people.
Cherri doesn't believe in complicating things. When she feels that there is something between you, she just comes out and says it as it is (which makes things A LOT easier for you).
Not going to lie, but your first date was a total disaster. She takes you out to a club and its just *too much* for you. The booming music, the lights, the yells of drunk strangers. The whole ordeal just makes you feel queasy.
However, once you tell her this, she comes up with an ideal date. It's still filled with excitement, but in an atmosphere where you have control... a rage room! You're even offered sound cancelling headphones.
She is really impressed by your precision. You tell her about the archery you've done before.
"Archery? Wow babe, you didn't tell me you were such a badass."
Looks like you both know what you'll be doing on your next date.
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silly-sirenz · 1 year ago
Alastor situation: vandalizing Lucifer's rubberduckies (tortured barbie dolls vibes)
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silly-sirenz · 1 year ago
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👿🌈😇 wip
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silly-sirenz · 1 year ago
For Hazbin matchups, do you want us or our OCs because some of the asks are confusing me.
I'm happy to do either, just make sure to clarify in your request 🖤
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silly-sirenz · 1 year ago
Hiii! I'd like to request a Hazbin Hotel matchup please! :)
My name is Bonnie, and I go by any pronouns, although I mostly use she/her!
I am Aromantic and Asexual, although I still experience SOME romantic attraction 👍
(I am bisexual, with a male preference)
For my personality, I'd describe myself as a pretty awkward and insecure person, although also very nice and supportive! I rarely make friends but when I do, and when I get comfortable enough, I'd say I'm pretty funny and chill :)
I REALLY love all things horror related, even though some of it keeps me up at night. I enjoy drawing and listening to music/podcasts on my freetime, and my favorite food is noodles :D
Uuuh I hope that's all the information you needed, if not then feel free to just ignore this! :)
It was lovely to read your request 🖤
In terms of a matchup, I think I would pair you with...
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● Both awkward but well meaning, the two of you share an understanding of eachother that other sinners might not comprehend.
● An unspoken and unclassified bond forms between you both. Not quite friends; not quite lovers.
● Although the two of you become oddly domestic. It's quite comforting amongst all the chaos of hell.
● You cook meals together. You'll make noodles, and gradually introduce him to a little something called ✨️seasoning✨️. And he'll (attempt to) make dessert.
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● It takes him a WHILE to get used to seasoning. He almost fainted the first time you mixed in a pinch of paprika to his soup. Lolol
● The Egg Bois are even more friendly than usual around you, constantly following you around and complimenting you, which makes Sir Pentious kind of jealous.
● He wishes he could compliment you away easily as they do, but he always gets tongue tied.
● You put on a podcast each evening whilst you relax, and he invents. You often debate the subject matter of said podcast strongly afterwards.
● Eventually, he agrees to watch a horror movie with you. He likes the idea of being the knight in shining armour when you get scared.
●Not that that happens though lolol
● In the end, he's the one clinging to you and desperately pleading with you to leave the lights on that night.
● It is a difficult adjustment when Sir Pentious "dies". However, for some reason, it boosts your faith in Charlie's idea, and you begin to strive further for redemption.
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silly-sirenz · 1 year ago
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2020s fashion Al
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silly-sirenz · 1 year ago
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i had to draw this (from @transvox on twt)
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silly-sirenz · 1 year ago
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silly-sirenz · 1 year ago
Here's a Vox WIP animation I had to animate him to this song!
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