#my friend the bookworm
romancefairy · 1 year
my version of the roman empire
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literatureaesthetic · 10 months
thinking about elena ferrante and the neapolitan quartet and the line — 'if nothing could save us, not money, not a male body, and not even studying, we might as well destroy everything immediately.'
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toribookworm22 · 8 months
Does anyone else go feral over almost obsessively devoted platonic relationships?
No? Just me?
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gymncpdie · 1 year
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My Brilliant Friend in various places.
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fairyhaos · 1 year
a message to antis who're hating on shu for the dating rumours?
(go all out, be a bitch, get mad, speak for the real fandom <3)
fuck off.
you're not entitled to know everything about his life, and you are certainly not entitled to belittle and scold him for how he's living said life.
you're all acting like he owes you something. like you think that, just because you're his fan, he is obligated to make himself stay single just so you can live out your fantasies?
it's pathetic, really.
and it's particularly pathetic that you're now taking to harassing him online and getting angry for no fucking reason just because he might be dating someone that's not you.
joshua is a real person, and you're treating him like he's just a plaything, something from your imagination that you can bully and manipulate into doing what you want just because you cry and whine and yell at him for it.
it's like you don't really care for him at all, isn't it? you all talk about how he's your favourite person, your comfort, but when you get even the slightest inkling that he's trying to find comfort in another person, you're screaming in his comments and defaming him and treating him like he's- like he's fucking killed your family or something.
if you even cared about him, just a little bit, caring about him as a person, you'd be glad for him that he's pursuing his own happiness, really. don't you think?
you're all really immature, you know that? immature and spoiled. joshua isn't yours. he isn't anyone's. let the man fucking live his own life, will you? let him date who he wants and leave him the hell alone.
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"on vacation, you can be anyone you want." ☀️
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meowyjean · 1 year
to the girlie who stopped me to say "good omens? it's good" when i was walking around with a copy to buy in the bookstore, thanks for freaking out about season 2 with a total stranger. i needed that.
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blabbershere · 3 months
There are days when I crave silence, all I want is a quiet refuge from these loud thoughts.
— Silent Mind
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isekyaaa · 9 months
While Rozemyne is a dense doofus, I do get the concept of doing something you perceive to be very logical and reasonable with someone else and then having literally everyone assume it's romantic.
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kay9leo · 1 month
It's hard being the new kid...
Sort of "modern" HL AU
Meet Iñaki "MC" Martinez Cariaga! She's the new transfer student from the United States. She was late for the sorting ceremony so she's currently houseless right now, hence the gray tie. Unfortunately for MC, her ancient magic is a magnet for attracting trouble and getting her into situations she rather not be in, sort of like Percy Jackson.
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Fun Facts:
Normally her eyes are brown, but ever since she ended up in the UK, if she's around the presence of high Ancient Magic activity, her own ancient magic activates, turning her eyes a magical blue. They also turn that color when she's using it. At the advice of Prof. Fig, she tries to keep a small flow of it running consciously if she's not at a nearby ancient magical source.
She's also big runes fan! Since her family comes from both Central and South America, she has a big love of studying Mayan glyphs and Incans quipus (they use that instead of runes to conducting their magic). She also knows some indigenous words in Kaqchikel and Quechua; some for fun and some for spell casting. Seeing Norse runes in person was the one thing she was definitely looking forward when going to Hogwarts.
While she doesn't originally goes by MC back in the States, it became her deferred nickname/shorten version of her double surname Martinez Cariaga to use at Hogwarts. She's gotten tired of both professors and peers taking too much time to say it or have them accidently butcher her surnames (or first name even). Her nickname of MC is used so often that it gets to the point that barely anyone remembers that her name is Iñaki 🤣
Ancient Magic & Hogwarts Castle
I headcanon that the Hogwarts Founders were ancient magic users who build Hogwarts and never told anyone about their abilities. Since the place is humming with Ancient Magic, MC's eyes are always a constant magical blue. It's when she leaves Hogwarts grounds that she has to focus on maintaining that magical flow.
The Big Move, Fourth Year & the Reserved New Girl
Unfortunately, Iñaki's dad lost his job during the first layoffs of the Great Recession in early 2008. Thankfully, he had a buddy who hooked him with a new temp job in London, causing the Martinez Cariaga family to move across the pond from New York to London during the end of summer. While she loved the idea of traveling and going to Europe (and maybe even learn more about the different ancient runes used there), she wasn't too pleased at the idea of moving abroad and leaving everything she knows and loves.
Instead of starting her freshman year with her close friend group at Excelsior (NYS magical school system, Ilvermorny is the New England private magical prep school - the most famous, oldest and only school most people know outside the US), Iñaki is starting 4th year at Hogwarts.
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Note: The words between "< >" is spoken in Spanish. MC comes from a Spanish-speaking Latino household. If the words are not in between "< >" assume she's speaking English.
6: At the end of MC's first week:
<¡Hola Mami!>
< I'm fine. ¿And you? >
< Nothing interesting happened this week. >
< ¡NO! ¡It wasn't like I fought a dragon or a troll this week. >
< ¡Just because I faced the Jersey Devil in 6th grade or the Headless Horseman in 7th OR befriended Champ at Lake Champion in 8th doesn't mean weird things always happens to me! >
<¡I'm fine Mami! Nothing happened...>
<¡I had to Mami! ¡He told me he wanted to give me a "proper Hogwarts welcome" before we started! I told him "That's how we say 'Hello' in New York." Made it too easy for me by saying his spells out loud. The prof said I was a great example of how magical duels are different in the New World with our non-verbals...>
<He was cool with losing. ¡Sebastián even gave me a tour of the magical village nearby and introduced me to the "dueling club" the school has! >
< We dueled together…¡It was fun! I almost forgot how much I miss home… >
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< I still want to go home. >
< No Mami. I don't mean visiting you guys back in London. Home as in New York. >
< ¿Why should I make friends if we're only going to be here for a year?>
< ¿It's only a year...right? >
< ¿Right? >
< I gotta go...I promised my classmates I'll study with them for our exam next week. >
< I love you too. >
*Flips phone closed*
*Ends call*
MC's trying...but she is rather homesick.
She's now stuck in Hogwarts and isn't too keen on making friends since she has no clue whether she'll be there for a year or not - it all depends whether if they extend her father's work contract and she's isn't keen on making friends if she's only there for a few months in her mind. It gets to the point where Sebastian trying to friend her is like an unstoppable force meeting an unmovable object. (He ends up winning though when she accidently slips up and calls him her friend later on in the year).
For now though, MC is a very angsty teen right now and had her world flipped upside down.
At least she can take out her angst in dueling club 😅
I want to thank @myokk for listening to my ideas about my MC and to my sibling who needed to borrow my laptop for work (leading me to doodle and actually make a digital drawing on my tablet -that I use as a second monitor for work- since I couldn't edit some papers on those days). Without them this drawing wouldn't have happened.
I'm never doing this ever again because I a bit too perfectionist for art and I hated the number of layers I needed. It was supposed to just be a SIMPLE digital doodle!!!! Instead I made this 😭. Never again. I'm sticking to my pen doodles. I was bored out of my mind and I was either reading or doodling while my sis was testing out her new laptop and I was on stand by in case she needed me.
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romancefairy · 1 year
My love for him felt so total and so annihilating that it was often impossible for me to see him clearly at all.
— Sally Rooney, Mr Salary.
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literatureaesthetic · 7 months
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obligatory neapolitan novels post — just started reading book three, and already i'm underlining like a madman. we all know i'm obsessed with this series, but i have to reiterate that elena ferrante truly is such a special author ✨️
➛ neapolitan playlist
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amateur-scribbler · 5 months
Hurting my own feelings by realising wanting to share my writing online means having to actually interact with people online. As an OG tumblr lurker this has been a jarring realisation; send thoughts and prayers.
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gymncpdie · 1 year
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ig: @bookinanook
First impressions of a highly acclaimed translated work of fiction.
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ming-sik · 2 months
Finished my proof of concept art for the Devouring grays! In my AU Devouring children are taken as grays at their baptism while in the temple children are tested for it at birth, so all four of them get to experience some circumstances and I thought it'd be neat to work out some symbols associated with them and the gods in the process!
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Extensive symbolism rambling under the cut
Ehrenfest is in Ewigeliebe's domain, a region in northern YS known for its harsh winters and natural salt deposits. Salt and snow are both considered Ewigeliebe's symbols, as is the specific magic circle serving as a halo for all four of our priests. Ewigeliebe is also the patron of our resident High Priest, so their halos signify their living under his jurisdiction.
The Devouring is caused by a spirit of winter, and a certain type of the Devouring leading to frostbite-like symptoms means that red lines on the nose are a symbol of those suffering from it since the nose is one of the first places it appears. It's Geduldh's blood red because mana is a blessing from her to Ewigeliebe's creations in the first place which has turned to a curse in her anger at being betrayed by him. These are an artistic flourish, but the red lines embroidered on their cuffs serve to mark Devouring priests apart from the manaless grays in-universe.
The Goddess of Order shares the golden star pattern on the gray priests' cuffs(that's a star pattern, we all knew it was a star pattern when we saw it). It symbolically represents schtappe-sealing bracelets, as those in the temple have no right to use noble magic. The golden sashes are more directly alluding to the Godess of Light, who is also the goddess of piety. This specific shade is from a plant that's abundant and easy to process native to Ehrenfest, which is also why it's the duchy's signature color.
Myne is turned away from the camera, looking back suspiciously over her shoulder. She has a lot to hide and isn't being fully honest with anyone, keeping her heart well away from view. Although she's nearer to books than ever, she's unable to fully express her desire and they're just out of her grasp. Her lantern is a symbol of Leidenschaft, as she's guided by the fire of her passion and her memories of her family, who are all in some way strong with Leidenschaft and summer.
Her headscarf is a hand-me-down from Tuuli who was handed it down from her mother. Spring's green is common in young children's clothing in the hopes that it will give them a happy youth and bless their new life. Schutzaria's symbols run along the border, with her blessing bringing the wearer good health and defending them from evil spirits. Leidenschaft's symbols are just above them, hopefully ushering the child from spring to summer and encouraging them to grow up well. As she's the only Devouring gray to come from the lower city, she's the only one with a family heirloom, so it's fitting that it's a blessing for a happy youth that the rest of them were denied.
As the High Priest's favored Devouring gray, Fran bears several extra symbols of Ewigeliebe. In his mind, Ferdinand saved him from his abuse under the orphanage director, patching over the damage to his heart, although now his heart is fully within Ewigeliebe's control. He offers Schlaftraum's blessings of comfort, and as Geduldh, offers support to Ewigeliebe. Geduldh's chalice is filled with a different god's symbol depending on which season she's in, as well as directly alluding to figures associated with certain gods as it is here with salt. He's blinded by his devotion, unable to see Greifenchan's tears of unluckiness.
Like Fran, Delia is strong with Geduldh in winter and holds both her chalice as an offering and has Schlaftraum's flowers visible. Unlike him, she holds her offerings close to her chest, without exposing her heart, viewing them as these only as necessary sacrifices for her to one day escape the temple. Despite this, she too is blinded, unable to see the truth of her exploitation by the High Bishop.
Gil is bound by his desperation for change and a new life, Flutrane's vines tying his hands, and Leidenschaft's spear trapped behind his back. He's unable to fulfill his role as a Devouring priest due to his bindings, hiding the embroidery showing his status from view. Unlike Fran and Delia, he's able to see clearly. Unlike Myne and Delia, his heart is exposed, although unlike Fran it belongs to nothing in particular, making him the odd one out all around.
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knightleysbookshelf · 3 months
hi i am new here! (kind of...)
I have been on tumblr for a long time BUT took a long hiatus. I am changing my theme for my blog to be all about books and I am looking for friends or other accounts with the same theme! i am just looking for a book community i guess!
my name is knightley (they/them), im 25 and love to read (mostly) fantasy books! my favorite books are six of crows, the little prince, the villians duology, the spirit bares its teeth, etc! would love to be mutuals with anyone who has similar interests :)))
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