#my dogs eyes do the same
mooninagust · 3 months
red flag but the sun hitting his eyes is a paid actor
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salamispots · 5 months
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hmmm probs won't go with this style but we'll see
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abirddogmoment · 3 months
Maybe an unpopular opinion but I don't think non-herding breeds should be allowed to take herding tests.
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sowearecleariamhere · 7 months
What annoys me is when allos are so caught up in their amatonormativity (or just allonormativity) that any statement akin to "romance is not or less important to some/you don't need a partner to complete you" comes across to them as downplaying their own relationships, present or past, and then take offence, raising their pitchforks crying out about how they love their partner and for good measure throw in something like "being by yourself is selfish", "falling in love is what makes us human", "everyone wants a relationship"...
They don't though. That's the thing. There are people that are perfectly content without a romantic relationship, whether at all or just for the season of life they are in at the moment.
So heres my message to those people:
Me maybe not ever wanting a relationship is my preference and has nothing to do with you. Me stating that there are people like me does not devalue your relationship. If you perceive it as such, then that is on you and you might want to learn to not take shit that isn't an affront personally. End of PSA.
*awkward curtsy*
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demonstars · 3 months
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Maybe I have a type
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sysig · 9 months
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A bit more Defeated, and thinking about this post (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#Max Vyer#Dexter Favin#But actually starting with chibi Maxes because cutes!! He's the cutest!!#I was looking through some old doodles of my own and my chibi style from 2019 was so flippin' cute ugh#That Zedaph in cold weather clothing? Honestly still a fave of mine Zed is So soft in all my doodles of him lol#Figured it'd be nice to float some cute loves Max's way :) And I was right! Though I am out of practice lol#Was still fun to do tho haha#And then since I'd reread Defeated poor ZEX got a chibi as well! I'm sure he appreciates it poor lad haha ouq#Didn't even use my white ink to put a shine in his eye for that one haha :'D#And then a bit more with Dex </3 I had these ideas on the first reading (or so - in the same time period anyhow) but only got to them later#Dex speaks so.....patronizingly about ''Max's'' attachment to Caleb :) It's interesting to me :)#For a lot of it he's very understanding and gentle with him but it really seems like Caleb is something of a sore spot for him huh#Still ♪ I wonder if he'd consciously acknowledge it - and what his reaction would be at himself if he did hmm#He's no help to Max if he's caught in his own feelings! That doesn't make them not meaningful or important tho#And then to a bit of silliness ♪ No subtlety with the guard dog comparisons pffft#I will not apologize - if ZEX gets to play with a collar and leash with the Captain then let Max have just a little! As a treat!#Besides we all know the Real Dynamics here lol#Max and Dex do stupid couple's costumes for Halloween - who doesn't love a callback lol - and Dex is Not Amused lol#Hey I mean if the shoe fits!#And then the last one is just silly lol I may be misinterpreting the intended message but I couldn't not give it to them lol#And also Max in a ponytail for funsies :D Cute lad ♥
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monty-glasses-roxy · 4 days
Been thinking about the several Zombie AUs I've had over time and listen. Roxy and Cassie both being canines and Chica having to deal with them both giving her puppy dog eyes for food. Both of them looking up at her from the couch with just the biggest, saddest eyes you've ever seen while she eats something she made before they got there.
Chica's wife came back from the zombie war with a little sister and now there's two soppy idiots begging her for food all the time.
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nettleparade · 10 months
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hi i made a tierlist of which one piece characters i think would go noodling for catfish
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marzely · 9 days
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This is a series I started years ago with my Shepherds of Haven MC Solie as a way to flesh out my MC’s throughout various IF’s. This deep dive is into my MC Valentina from @vendetta-if this is just to shown a peek at aspects and items Val holds dear to her.
Top drawing on the Left
Umbrakinesis is the power that Val has grown accustomed to the most. It’s the one that scares people the most but also helps her handle things more subtly.
Top drawing on the Right
Valentina uses tattoos as ways to honor people in her life. Mimicry was one of the first things she got tattooed on her once she was of age. Valentina loves getting her nails done as a way to accessorize but also a way to add to her rich girl persona she puts on to have those who don’t know her let their guard down. She also loves how the sound of long nails tapping a surface can make others intimidated.
Middle drawing on the Left
Valentina dresses as a classic rich girl for her persona but also because she has the money why would she not use it? If she’s going to be the heir of the Morozov might as well look the part. The tattoo on her inner right wrist was done in honor of her grandmother. She always called Valentina her sun because “just the sight of my granddaughter warms me up” is what she would tell Val.
Middle/Bottom drawing on the Right
It’s a photo of Valentina with her father it’s one she keeps on her night stand. She uses it to help ground herself after her nightmares. It’s also the only physical photo she has with her father since she still hasn’t built the courage to go through her father’s things.
Bottom drawing on the Left
It’s all her favorite items she received from her loved ones. The dual pistols her grandfather bought her for her birthday named Ares & Athena, the scarf her grandmother gifted her, her and her father’s matching rings, the rare necklace that matches with Rin’s mother, the Austin Martin uncle Luka bought her, and the leather jacket Ash gifted her.
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cinnamoncraft · 11 days
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radioactivepeasant · 1 year
Fic Snippets: Free Day Thursday
By way of poll, we're back to the Gremlinverse. Damas is now actively involving himself in The Haven Situation
Damas secured the cloth around his head, tightening it over his crown. Just because the Baron was dead, didn’t mean his supporters were. The council that ruled the day to day matters of the city still wanted their previous king dead, last Damas had heard. If they were to discover that not one but three members of the House of Mar lived, they'd be livid.
Securing the turban with a pin, Damas turned to pick up his scarf and froze.
The other Mar -- the one calling himself Jak -- stood in the doorway, watching him. Now that he'd been noticed, the little boy tensed up.
That was all Damas managed to get out before the child bolted.
"No wait-!"
By the time he'd rounded the corner, Jak was nowhere to be seen. With no one there to witness, Damas didn’t mind letting his shoulders fall. Mar remembered him, Mar was safe and happy and alive. That was more than he could have hoped for already. But the way this second child flinched away from touch and wouldn't trust more than three people-
It ate away at him. It burrowed into Damas’s heart like a thorn and jabbed deeper with every mistrustful look Jak cast at the world around him.
Sig said this boy had been older before. Something to do with a Precursor -- what a week it had been if that wasn't the most unbelievable part of the sentence -- trying to undo some horrible thing Praxis had done to him. Something about a perversion of time and space: doubling a child and forcing him to grow up unnaturally quickly to become a soldier. Or, that was the gist of what Sig had picked up. It did explain a lot of the boy’s reactions. But to know that someone had done this evil thing to Mar -- even if it was not the same Mar he had delivered and cradled from birth -- filled Damas with a rage that threatened to undo all his efforts to present a non-threatening front.
Praxis was dead, and that was as great an injustice as what had befallen his son. Or sons, rather.
Yet the elder boy, the one Sig was so fond of, he said that he and Jak had been there to watch to life flicker out of Praxis's eyes. They'd stood there dispassionately, listened to his death rattle, and then moved on to dismantle his ultimate weapon, irreverently tossing pieces of it onto his corpse. There was a kind of vindication in that. It still stung that Damas could not have avenged his children himself, but at least Jak had been able to see his enemy brought low.
The sound of a muffled argument down the stairs drew Damas’s attention. He crept down the stairs, deftly avoiding the spots the children had already demonstrated to be creaky. As he drew closer to the back of the bar, Damas identified one of the irate voices as Jak’s.
"-suddenly I've outlived my usefulness, is that it?"
"Stop putting words in my mouth, Jak!"
That one sounded familiar. And irritating.
"You know better than anyone that destiny comes for us whether we're ready or not. But in your...current state...it is better for you to prepare to face that destiny. Leave the ridiculous dangers for when you get some power back."
Damas peered around the edge of the doorway and glimpsed Jak baring his teeth and a short, mossy green man with a hefty piece of wood in his hair.
"There it is. It's always about power, isn't it? Gotta make me a super-soldier again so you don't have to do your own work. I knew you hadn't just spontaneously grown a conscience," Jak said bitterly.
"That's the dark eco talking," the tree stump man said condescendingly. "I told you, you need to learn control, and discipline! But no, no one ever listens to old Samos. He's only-"
Jak interrupted him, scurrying to cut off his approach. "You come near the kid and I'll show you just how "controlled" the eco is. The Precursors erased all the experiments -- too bad for you -- and most of my impulse control."
He balled up his fists and took a ready stance.
"Hand to the Oracles, I will channel a fireball straight into your unmentionables if you say a word to Mar or Daxter."
Damas had heard enough. He stepped down out of the wide stairwell with a noticeable thump and squared his shoulders. As expected, both the two arguers and the girl at the bar flinched or twitched at his sudden appearance.
"Is there a problem here?" Damas asked calmly.
He looked around the mostly empty pub and frowned.
"Where's the gangly boy?"
"He left me behind!" Jak snapped, then retreated into a shadowed booth. To sulk, apparently.
The girl cringed. "There's...Commander Torn sent Daxter out to the North Agriculture sector to deal with some metalheads trying to nest down there. Jak was all ready to go, but they kept giving him the run around."
She aimed a skeptical frown at the little green man. "Samos was pretty insistent that Jak stay and train his channeling, but I'm pretty sure Jak is already an expert. He got shorter, not less skilled."
Damas rubbed his chin. "And Jak and Daxter...they are not often apart, are they?"
Samos made a rude noise. "That little weasel's been riding Jak’s coattails since they were sprouts. He's the sidekick."
"He's my brother!" Jak snarled, coming partway out of the booth.
"And he's a better man than you'll ever be!"
The girl tensed and leaned clenched fists on the bartop. "Mr. Hagai, I've just about had enough of your attitude. What is your deal, dude? I swear, you're physically incapable of seeing Daxter without becoming verbally abusive."
Samos rolled his eyes. How airheaded did this girl have to be to have been taken in by Daxter's wild stories? It didn't bode well for the protection and guidance of Jak's younger self while they scrambled to put the Time Map back together.
"When you're older, and maybe wiser, you'll understand why I have to be tough on them. I don't expect a bunch of kids to know what's best for them."
"Wow." The girl curled her lip at the sage. "Yikes."
"Don't bother with him, Tess," Jak grumbled from the booth. "Getting Samos to say something nice is like talking to a rock."
Damas filed the name away in his head and realized he'd gotten her mixed up with the other blonde that hung around the bar.
Tess was the teenager with the creative weapons, Jinx was the grown man. Not the other way around.
Tess turned towards the corner where Jak had sequestered himself. "Has he ever apologized for any of that?"
"Uh, no. That would require convincing him that he's wrong."
"Mm. That's about what I figured." Tess shook her head and leveled a dirty look at Samos. "Jak, lemme tell you something my mama told me when I was little: never trust an adult who refuses to apologize to a child."
"Oh for taproots' sakes. Daxter isn't a child!" Samos argued.
"He's seventeen!" Tess answered sharply, "And you guys sent him out there without his backup!"
Damas held up his hands as if holding both of them back. "Alright. I've heard enough. Hagai: leave."
Samos turned to squint up at him. "And you are...who, exactly?"
Damas raised an eyebrow in silence and waited for the crabby little man to connect the dots. He turned a gratifying shade of gray when the realization hit him, but Damas wasn't in the mood to answer any questions. He stepped around the bar and crossed the room in two great strides. Taking hold of the sputtering sage's arm, he continued on to the door. As it opened, he swung back his arm and in one fluid motion he flung Samos out onto the street.
"Out," he said firmly.
"I-! You-! I've- why I've never been so insulted!" Samos gasped.
"How lucky for you to have a new experience, then," Damas answered dryly. Then his face hardened.
"I don't know who you think you are, but your meddling is not welcome in my family. And you can tell that Guard commander and the Praxis girl the same thing."
He didn't wait for an answer.
Damas stepped back and keyed the door shut with a smack against the palm pad. Rotting sage. Hagai's grandfather hadn't been nearly so insufferable! Samos seemed to have the idea that he was the main character of some epic tale, somehow.
"Ugh. Thanks for that," sighed Tess. "Usually the old stump's daughter keeps him in line, but she's been busy putting together the fundraiser Reconstruction Race in Main Town. Not easy when you're no longer tall enough to reach your tool bench."
The girl massaged her temples. "Hand to the Oracles, I'm this close to making a rule that Samos can't be in here without a chaperone."
Damas took a seat at the bar and, on a whim, passed a small metalbug gem to her. She took it, smiled softly at the way it reflected the light, and slipped it into a drawer.
"Right, back to business. What can I get ya?"
"Not for me," Damas waved a hand. "Compensation for having to deal with that sort of person. And..."
He looked away.
"And as thanks. For having their backs."
He didn't specify who "they" were, but he didn't have to.
Tess’s face fell a little, and she propped her chin up on her hands. "This whole situation is making everyone act like they've lost their minds," she confessed. "Jak and I have run three different Council Guards out of here at gunpoint already, and I'm pretty sure my apartment is under surveillance."
"Why is there a Council at all? Aren't those Praxis supporters?"
Damas blinked, and suppressed a start upon realizing that Jak had crept out of the booth and was standing at the edge of the bar, scowling. He was only a few feet from Damas now, and Damas kept still. No point startling the boy back into the shadows again.
"Well, according to Torn, we can't just imprison the old regime and start over, or we're the same as Praxis," Tess answered. "Still, you'd think he'd do something to keep you and Mar out of the middle of the power struggles."
Jak scoffed. "You'd think. But this is the guy who sold Mar out when the Baron threatened Ashelin."
Tess went very still, just as Damas stiffened. A coldness flooded the girl's face, and she turned slowly to look at Jak.
"Torn did what?"
Jak gripped the counter edge tightly. "And Samos and Kor. Remember when Dax and me busted you guys out of prison? It was Torn’s fault."
For a long time, Tess didn't say anything. She kept an impressive rein on her facial expression, but Damas could see a wealth of pain in the girl's eyes. Anger, shock, horror and betrayal- all too familiar to the former king of Haven. Then she slumped and closed her eyes.
"After the kinds of things I've seen as a spy, I don't know why I'm still shocked," she said in a shaking voice. Wiping her eyes quickly, she cleared her throat. "Gods, maybe Sig was right, Jak. We should've just left when he offered us the out."
Jak slipped around the bar to lean against her in an awkward attempt at comfort. "We couldn't. We didn't have Mar back yet. Daxter says it's their fault, not ours."
"Yeah." Tess dropped an arm around Jak’s shoulder. "I guess."
"If Dax wasn't attached to this place, I'd say we should just go," Jak suggested. "Grab Mar, grab Chopper, and just go."
With a faint smile, Tess nudged him. "Maybe we can convince him to open a sister location somewhere that wasn't just overrun by metalheads. You know he only likes this building because we "inherited" all of Krew's booze and didn't have to actually buy the supplies."
Up to now, Jak had been giving Sig excuses for staying in the city -- some because he didn't trust Damas yet, others for Daxter's sake. This was the first indication he'd given in Damas’s presence that he wanted to leave Haven. If ever there was a chance to convince the boy to go to Spargus, this was it.
Damas stood and stretched his spine with a grunt.
"Alright then."
"Alright then?" Jak echoed, squinting at him warily.
The king shook out his arms. "Keep an eye on your little brother, will you? I shouldn't be gone more than two hours."
Jak wrinkled his nose and looked vaguely concerned. "Where are you going?"
"To retrieve Daxter," Damas replied. "If you truly wish to leave Haven, the middle of a regime change is a good time to do so. Especially if they're already trying to put you under surveillance."
Abruptly, the guarded look Jak had been wearing since his arrival faded. He looked unsure, suddenly.
"You're...gonna help him?"
Damas flashed a brief smile. "Considering he's been keeping up with you all these years, I'm sure he has the situation in hand. But another blade in the fight never hurts."
"Oh," said Jak quietly. He opened his mouth as if to say something else, then closed it again. He nodded sharply, and took a breath.
"Uh...watch your back out there."
"I will, son." Damas returned the nod. "I suggest locking up until I come back, if the place really is being watched. Don't let anyone in."
"Good plan." Tess let go of Jak and fished a keycard out from under the bar. "I'll lock up and we'll post watch in the stairwell. Jak, you go get Pow-Pow out of my gun safe."
"I don't need the smaller gun!" Jak protested.
"It's for me, doofus!" Tess retorted, "You think I'm letting you or Mar put your grubby hands on my custom baby?"
"Oh. Nevermind." Sheepishly, Jak took the keycard and darted up the stairs.
Tess looked back at Damas. "You're really going to get all of us out?" She folded her arms. "Or just the boys?"
"Sig might shoot me if I leave you behind," Damas joked dryly. "If he offered you a way out, it means he's sponsoring you for citizenship."
Growing serious again, he added, "Call me if anyone tries to get in."
"I'd worry more about Jak getting out."
"Well," Damas sighed, "at least that hasn't changed since he was little.
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gregoftom · 1 year
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awful, just awful
#succession#tomgreg#biting my pillow like that dog meme#where do i even begin with this TOM IS LIKE A SCHOOLBOY WITH GREG ITS ACTUALLY INSANE#he reverts to like 20 years younger from his emotional swings to his obvious crush#and his EXPRESSIONS THROUGHOUT THIS SCENE BY TALOS MY STOMACH IS IN MY ASS. MATTHEW!!!!!#his hurt at the thought that greg might somehow be trying to blackmail him again to just sadness because of greg's fear of going to jail#his downcast eyes as he says ''yeah'' SHUT the up#like yeah maybe he's reflecting on his own hurt and pain at the fact that he's going to jail and shiv handed him another rejection#just before. or maybe. he doesn't like hearing greg suffer like this. i mean. from what i know about later#that tom is fully prepared to go to jail and ''throw it all out for love'' or whatever tf for greg's sake#it's just. it's plausible is all i'll say. it's very plausible when we think about that future scene.#idk i just think that people refuse to hear when anyone would say tom is absolutely GASPING to love somebody. like yeah he's got issues#but who tf is well adjusted in this economy LMAOOO even in these rich fucks' worlds nobody is#so i know. i'm not stupid i know he can be nasty. but so can all of them. GREG WAS PREPARED TO SUE GREENPEACE AJDLAKDAD#i mean idk if he will. but my point is if tom wasn't like that he wouldn't be such a good character imo. if he was just a straight up#asshole. who would care if something bad happened to him? i wouldn't. something that makes him so compelling to me#is that he can be SO WRATHFUL AND MANIACAL#but he can be so. so fucking soft and vulnerable at the same time. and matthew plays him so organically i just wanna fuckin WEEP#and then GREG here. he wasn't even thinking about using a connection of any way to get ahead he just wants to be saved. he's still early 20s#i believe anyway. and tom has taken care of him. looked after him#protected him. he always listens to him. he's learned that tom is there for him so ofc he's gonna plead for help but like. not directly#''just asking for advice'' = i'm fucking terrified how do i make it stop help me#hoe but keep it fashion#SORRY GOD I KEEP DOING NOVELS IN THE TAGS BUT GODDDDDD THIS IS SO MUCH evyerhting is sos oafujfdmwkqfd#ok i'm stopping now  but anyway. they're important to me. sorry. sorry bye
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adrift-in-thyme · 10 months
Good grief the first chapter of give the lion fangs is LONG
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doodlboy · 2 months
I'm in hell actually
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bearenjoyers · 3 months
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my outfit for if i go into ng+ with this guy.
#changing it up a bit i need the helmet for poise and it looks kind of nice but i might change it#i don’t want to just dress the exact same as the npc LOL even though all his armor boosts shit…#i liked my uh blood soaked thing but tbh it was showing both my eyes when he only has one.#sote spoilers#anyway official review of the dlc: IT WAS GREAT!!!!!!#i think the balance was fine tbh i didn’t even have max scadutree shit i had like 15 at the end and it was okay. i didn’t follow any guides#for obtaining them either.#i do this gaius specifically needs some work not because of difficulty but because pretty sure him taking 99% of my health was a bug#think*#probably similar to the old bleed dogs.#so hopefully they look at that. outside of that i know radahn was a bit much but once i started using the deflecting tear#the fight genuinely became fun to me i was having a blast and it was effective.#but it is a bit much… and it’s definitely not my favorite boss LOL he’s probably one of my least favorites out of the dlc#but still he wasn’t too absurdly difficult once i got that down but that’s such a specific set up that i do wish it was more fun for#literally any other build as well.#anyway i think a solid 8.5/10 for me! i had a lot of fun and in terms of the lore it’s don’t think it’s That bad#but that’s not really my department so#gray.txt#i’m excited to play it again and actually be able to follow npc quests as well since i kinda fucked it up this run😭
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HI HI MAC. I JUST WATCHED THE NEW GEMINI VIDEO (was going 2 watch it this morning but i forgor 💀) HOLYYYY SHIT i am so creeped out EAUGH it was so good. creepy faces fuck me up AUGHHH. many thoughts head full. also i apparently love drawing characters as teru vash plush bc i started drawing teru vash and then realized oh iam just. drawing patton. so then i drew el woowoo 2 keep him company!! holds out my hands and places these guys in ur palm <3
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OH FUCK LITTLE GUYS...... ohbtheyre so perfect. squeezing them like stress balls. <3333
UGH THE GEMINI HOME VIDEO. GOD. I KNOW. i rewatched it like 3 times this morning. that bit after it says the deal is broken with the body that gets progressively more shriveled up made me feel soooo fucking crawly. also the comeback of the jack dialogue. fuck yes. jack do you see me... i have become something else... im still in here dont leave me you bastards..... god that bit was so cool. the face jn the window at the end was what absolutely broke me last night tho like holy fuck thay shit gets me so bad
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