#my cr stuff
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sonicspocketwrench1 · 2 months ago
as much as I'm happy to have finally caught up to where i can watch live, i think in retrospect I'm quite glad i wasnt able to see any fandom discussion for a hot minute up to this point. While i missed being able to see others highlight little things I missed and make brilliant connections and observations, i think the last half of this campaign was a fortunate period to be locked into simply experiencing it and enjoying it on my own terms.
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artistic-cocoon · 7 months ago
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Saw someone on twt say they wanted to see Percy drawn like Yusuf Dikec and I couldn't help myself
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angelofdumpsterfires · 5 months ago
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how i feel about all the changes in s3
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triaelf9 · 10 months ago
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Just a little something for fun I whipped up b/c WHAT A SCENE and HE'S BAAAAACK AHHHH!!
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tiny-vermin · 11 months ago
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@runfreebirdrun THREATENED me at GUNPOINT to do this drawing of GAY PEOPLE (🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮) KISSING (??!?!!?!??!?)
his post of the same pose is here, and the image we both drew was sent to iwcat by @kurocyou
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clar-a-m · 26 days ago
Post Canon Imodna Headcanons
While they are in the lake town helping the Ruidians with their adaptation, sometimes Imogen spends so much time talking telepathically with the Reilorans that when she comes back home she doesn’t even realize that she’s been talking to Laudna in her head for a while until Laudna points it out
Imogen checks in with people through messages and sometimes the other person has so much to say that when they respond they just ask her to come visit them in their dreams that night so they can tell the full story. Sometimes Ashton responds to Imogen’s messages in such a vague way about insane scenarios that Imogen can’t help but go visit them in their dreams so Ashton can elaborate
Every morning after Imogen visits someone in their dreams, she tells Laudna about it over breakfast. One time Laudna mentions that she loves hearing Imogen telling her stories about their friends, but she wishes she could meet them too, so Imogen asks Allura if she could make a magical item that allows them to cast the share dream spell that FCG created.
Sometimes Imogen (and Laudna) check in on Zhudanna in her dreams, but she doesn’t understand that those are real, so when they come visit her in person she tells them about all these wonderful dreams she’s been having about them.
When Laudna has nightmares, Imogen offers to go into her dreams so she doesn’t have to be alone in them. Laudna doesn’t want to burden Imogen with her traumas but Imogen doesn’t mind and wants to help in the same way Laudna helped her with her own nightmares in the past. Laudna eventually agrees and Imogen does make her dreams better.
In the lake town, Laudna mostly helps with the Ruidian children’s adaptation. The Ruidians don’t think that Laudna is anymore creepy or weird than any other creature in Exandria, and Laudna loves working with them with Pâté as her little helper.
Bromodo and cytaa children think that Pâté is like Laudna’s bonded cytaa and don’t understand why other Exandrians don’t have their own Pâté
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utilitycaster · 19 days ago
For what it's worth, I think Campaign 3 suffers when compared to, to put it bluntly, pretty much anything else Critical Role has ever put out, as well as most actual play that I've watched/listened to. But I think it uniquely suffers when juxtaposed with a narrative that says "if you do not make rapid decisions you and others around you will die; if you spend too much time whining about how it's unfair that you are called to make these decisions, including ones that might challenge you, you and others around you will die; and if you do not above all prioritize community and deal with threats to that community - and expand your understanding of community to be a very broad one - you will be destroyed." It was jarring and hypocritical to watch Campaign 3's defenders who had been calling for the gods to be slaughtered for much of the campaign suddenly spin around and praise Bells Hells for finding [having handed to them] the nonviolent option because that's actually always the best one, don't you know; and I think EXU Divergence challenges not just that ideal but the concept that there's a universal solution. Sometimes the right thing is to hide; sometimes it's necessary to commit violence to prevent further violence. Sometimes the right thing is to secretly eat some of the cheese yourself to prevent you from dying; sometimes it's to be on the lookout for someone trying to take more of their share in a resource-limited community and to stop them. Sometimes the right thing is to carry others; sometimes it's to give them to someone stronger and more able. And above all, many of these choices will be extremely unfair and difficult and put you at risk, and you do still have to make them, and soon.
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shorthaltsjester · 7 months ago
i truly am baffled by some of the cr fandom when it comes to the topic of the gods and c1 and death in general because. the raven queen didn’t kill vax. in fact she gave him more time. she Does get the blame from keyleth and some from vex but even those two by the end were more so just holding grudges wrapped up in their own issues that were exacerbated by vax’s choices. but it was always vax’s choice. which, y’know, i’m aware of a portion of the cr fandom’s propensity for dismantling every interesting choice a character makes into something forced upon them, but the role of fate in exandria has never been like bad faith you must adhere to the path chosen for you, it’s much more like what brennan has spoken about wrt specificity: as one makes more choices they become more particular to a given outcome. but that’s not some curse by the gods that dooms characters that’s literally just. what living is.
and of course death is a complicated thing that everyone approaches differently but. god the amount of people who view vax’s dynamic with the raven queen as an injustice or his death as some unforgivable thing the raven queen caused some how? in the words of laura bailey, Were We Watching The Same Orb? it isn’t an injustice that vax, completely willing to pay whatever it cost him to save his sister, was bound to the Deal He Agreed To. his role as the champion was one he found meaning and purpose in. further, it was the raven queen that allowed him to be resurrected later in the campaign. like, it isn’t fair that vax had so little time but it is time he chose and time he was given, but vox machina tends to fall on the reaping the benefits side of unfairness of power in exandria. if what makes the gods — particularly the matron of ravens — irredeemable is that they have the power to make choices that mortals can’t like denying someone’s resurrection, how irredeemable must the group of heroes called vox machina (whose members drop like flies to be revived moments later) be to the everyday person who just has to watch the people they love die and make peace with it?
of course it sucks that vax could not have a happy ending or epilogue like the rest of vm, except of course, vex has a family and is happy and loved, and keyleth is strong and alive and protected, and i think that looks a lot like what vax wanted most.
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beedreamscape · 10 months ago
I know I've mentioned Bolo being cake in Portuguese (and the mispronounced Bola being Ball) but Idk if people know Porco, from Patia's surname, means Pig in Portuguese (and other romantic languages that use it as an alternative word for it) and I wish Marisha had talked more about it, if it was intentional or not.
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essektheylyss · 2 months ago
It is still deeply unclear to me what the outcome of this whole plan is, but it's going to be so funny to me if the gods all just become consecuted mortals who otherwise do regain their memories every lifetime. They're still probably as clever and charismatic and in some cases conniving as they were, just with less firepower. They're reliant on being near beacons if they want to be reborn. Half of them are fundamentally terrified of the concept of permanent death and they've got millennia of experience avoiding it. I give it forty years before there are like seven warring Luxon cults a la the Dynasty just wreaking havoc on Exandria in their obsessive quest for beacons. The Bright Queen suddenly goes from being a fringe theocrat with an overzealous missionary agenda to a paragon of restraint.
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thefinalfronturl · 4 months ago
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“People are looking for a path- they’re looking for a path and I’ll tell you- and this is true- I did my best in every town I left, no matter how they treated me. And a lot of them treated me with deep disrespect. I left every town better than I found it.” ✨
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lavendergalactic · 1 year ago
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☆  licorice cookie rentry graphics!
self indulgent f2u w/ credit, reblog appreciated!
god i love licorice cookie, also i haven't properly played cookie run kingdom in a good 2-3 years i just felt like making licorice cookie graphics
stills under cut
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ludinusdaleth · 1 month ago
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"We'll meet again
Don't know where, don't know when
But I know we'll meet again some sunny day
Keep smiling through
Just like you always do" -We'll Meet Again by the Ink Spots
Critical Role Campaign 3, Episode 9, "Thicker Grows the Meal and Plot" // Critical Role Campaign 3, Episode 121, "A New Age Begins"
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triaelf9 · 7 months ago
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Sorry that took so long after the show ended, but I had to draw Moms being cute ☺️💕
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tiny-vermin · 11 months ago
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i was waiting for you
HII. here's another fanart of a fanfic, this time by @kmackatie, its sleep with benefits!
my plan was to do a BUNCH* of these little fake movie screencaps, but being very honest i don't think i can do all of that now, considering i want other projects to take priority. and that ive done maybe 5 complete images from the story, but now i dont like my choices of colour and style, so i might redo them in the future.
*since i don't plan on continuing this for the time being (or at least taking a really long time to do it), ive put the thumbnails and notes ive made for the story under the cut!!
i did up till.. chapter 7?? bathroom scene, which isnt in my collection of scanned pictures. by god i have such cool compositions for the whole thing in my mind, but it's really tiring to do this! i really really enjoy taking an author's scene and trying to put a visual to it, its like a.. puzzle.. a mental challenge...
genuinely this process taught me a lot and helped me better understand composition and using setting to tell a story. it also made me realise the importance of PLANNING.. which is something i did little of, i was like hm i draw caleb and essek a lot (not really) so i dont need character sheets or planned outfits or whatever (i really did).
anyways, enjoy these stick men and my insane scribbles trying to decipher katie's use of colour in the story.
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ariadne-mouse · 10 months ago
Fearne's delivery of "It's Calloway" was so great. Her father is seeking her out for the first time in her whole life, projecting all his workplace insecurities on her, trying to simultaneously insult her (you're a disappointment) while still drawing a connection between them and dangling hope to try and make her care (you're MY daughter and could be part of our bloodline's/my glory). Everything he says is a familial neg. Your attempted fatherly speedrun sucks dude! You reek of desperation and it's pathetic. It's Calloway, bitch.
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